Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?

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Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
Running Barefoot or in
Minimalist Shoes:
Evidence or Conjecture?
Carey Rothschild, PT, DPT, CSCS
Program in Physical Therapy, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida

SUMMARY                                      moccasins (42). Advances in footwear          RUNNING GAIT CYCLE
                                             offered improved traction and perfor-         Running gait is comprised of 2 basic
 RUNNING BAREFOOT OR IN MINI-                                                              periods: stance and swing (8). Stance
                                             mance and eventually provided support
 MALIST FOOTWEAR HAS BECOME A                                                              begins when the foot is in contact with
                                             and cushioning for the foot. Changes in
 POPULAR TREND. WHETHER THIS                                                               the ground, whereas the swing phase
                                             construction methods and the availabil-
 TREND IS SUPPORTED BY EVI-                                                                begins as the foot moves into toe-off
                                             ity of new materials allowed for
 DENCE OR CONJECTURE HAS YET                                                               and prepares to leave the ground.
                                             improved breathability, comfort, and
 TO BE DETERMINED. THIS ARTICLE                                                            Stance makes up approximately 40%
                                             durability (42). The current selection of
 WILL REVIEW THE BIOMECHANICAL                                                             of the cycle and swing comprises the
                                             running shoes offers a vast array of
 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RUNNING                 stability and cushioning features from        other 60% (7). Running gait is charac-
 BAREFOOT AND IN SHOES THAT                  numerous shoe brands.                         terized by single-leg support and dou-
 HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED IN THE LIT-                                                          ble-leg float periods. During walking,
 ERATURE. IT WILL ALSO PROVIDE AN            Despite the advances in shoe technol-         however, one foot is always in contact
                                             ogy providing for increased cushioning        with the ground. The impact landing of
                                             and motion control, there has been            one foot from an unsupported position
                                             a recent movement promoting running           during running results in transmission of
                                             barefoot or in light ‘‘minimalist’’ shoes.    forces as much as 5 times the body
                                             Advocates of barefoot running believe         weight throughout the lower limb (3).
                                             that returning to the way our primal          The lower extremity must control and
INTRODUCTION                                 ancestors ran may result in fewer             absorb these impact forces efficiently to
        unning has become an increas-        running-related injuries. The Barefoot        avoid potential injury.

R       ingly popular and efficient way
        to achieve fitness and promote
long-term exercise. Running and jog-
                                             Runners Society, founded in the
                                             United States, has nearly 2000 mem-
                                             bers internationally and is growing
                                                                                           The stance period of running gait can
                                                                                           further be divided into initial contact,
                                                                                           midstance, and toe-off. From initial
ging participation in the United States      annually. Barefoot running has been
                                                                                           contact to midstance, the lower ex-
has increased 10.3% in the past 2 years,     the topic of numerous books, journal          tremity actively decelerates the for-
totaling 35.5 million, according to the      and magazine articles, as well as news        ward-swinging leg and passively
National Sporting Goods Associa-             reports. The purpose of this article is to    absorbs the shock of ground reaction
tion (        discuss the biomechanical differences         forces. In midstance, the foot makes full
Participation_Alphabetically_4Web_           between barefoot and shod (wearing            contact with the ground and body
100521.pdf ). Participation varies from      shoes) running and to present a pre-          weight begins shifting from the rear-
recreational to competitive, with race       paratory exercise program for the             foot to the forefoot. From midstance to
distances ranging from the 5K to the         runner interested in transitioning from       toe-off, there is a relative lengthening
marathon. Other people may partici-          a traditional running shoe to the             of the lower extremity with concentric
pate in running for fun or as a functional   barefoot style. Focus will be placed          muscle contraction of the hip and knee
part of their lives or occupations (43).     on preparing the lower extremity for          extensors to prepare the foot for the
Footwear has evolved considerably over       the demands required by the biome-
the years humans have been running.          chanics of barefoot running. The pro-
                                                                                            KEY WORDS:
Early humans either went barefoot or         posed benefits and risks to barefoot
                                                                                            barefoot running; shod running; running
wore protective and insulating foot          running will briefly be discussed as will
                                                                                            training; minimalist shoe
coverings in the form of sandals or          an appraisal of the available evidence.

8       VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012                                   Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
propulsive push-off, in which the
weight is shifted to the toes and the
foot leaves the ground (3). The swing
period of gait can be further divided
into initial swing, midswing, and ter-
minal swing. During initial swing
and midswing, the foot advances for-
ward in the air and in terminal swing        Figure 1. Types of foot strikes.
positions itself for heel strike and
weight acceptance.
Running gait has been described as           frequency (cadence) in barefoot run-           foot sole (7). It should be noted, how-
a spring-mass system of the leg in           ners. These stride differences may             ever, that calcaneal and tibial move-
which the joints of the lower extremity      possibly reduce initial impact forces          ment patterns do not differ substantially
lower the center of mass and absorb          by allowing higher preactivation of            between barefoot and shod running
energy much like a spring compresses.        plantar flexors before braking at im-          despite the increased range of motion
This occurs during the stance phase of       pact (9). The higher preactivation of          seen at the ankle (37).
running. The energy absorption is            the gastrocnemius and soleus de-               Another key difference found when
quickly followed by energy generation        creases impact forces by anticipating          running barefoot versus in shoes
as the limb moves into extension,            the shock with landing. The foot               involves the proprioceptive ability of
similar to the recoil of a spring, allow-    switches to a forefoot strike and              the foot. Barefoot running allows for
ing for propulsion during the toe-off        allows for the ankle plantar flexors           direct contact with the ground and for
phase (10,11). The longitudinal arch of      to eccentrically lower the body in             increased proprioceptive feedback.
the foot has been described as an            a more controlled manner (9). Lower            The glabrous epithelium of the plantar
‘‘impact dampening structure’’ during        peak torques at the hip, knee, and             surface of the foot is equipped to
the loading (stance) phase of the gait       ankle have also been reported in               withstand potential abrasive injuries
cycle (32). With each foot strike, the       barefoot versus shod running, most             when barefoot because of its higher
lower limb endures significant impact        prominently at the hip and knee (2).           pain threshold and ability for sensory
force to the musculoskeletal structures.     Ultimately, barefoot runners demon-            feedback (31). It has been demon-
The impact at landing is created             strate decreased ground contact time,          strated that approximately 600%
through collision of the shoe, foot,         flight time, and stride duration               greater abrading loads are required
and lower leg mass. Ground contact           because of the higher cadence                  to reach pain threshold in the plantar
style and cadence also affect the impact     (2,7,21,36). This increased cadence            skin of the foot when compared with
imposed on the lower extremity at            reduces step length, produces less             hairy skin of the thigh (26). The
landing. The way in which a runner           vertical excursion of the center of            sensory feedback from the sole of
absorbs and generates energy at each         mass, and reduces braking impulse              the foot activates a series of muscle
foot strike differs in barefoot and shod     and impact transient forces. In addi-          contractions in the intrinsic foot
running because of variations in bio-        tion, an increased step rate of less than      musculature that allows for shock
mechanics. Knowledge of these key            10% does not alter metabolic costs             absorption and diminishes impact
differences will aid the strength and        and reduces impact load on the body            transmission (32). A well-trained foot
conditioning professional in preparing       because of the reduced vertical center         disperses pressure to a wider area,
runners interested in transitioning to       of mass velocity at landing (16).              functionally avoiding injury. Barefoot
barefoot running.                                                                           running removes the external passive
                                             The flatter foot placement of the
                                             barefoot style at contact results from         support of a shoe and replaces it with
                                             a larger plantar flexion range of motion       internal active support by the foot
RUNNING                                      at the ankle. This causes a more vertical      musculature. However, untrained foot
One primary difference between run-          position of the lower leg and results in       muscles rely heavily on the support
ning barefoot and in shoes is noted at       a larger amount of knee flexion to             provided by a shoe.
the foot during the initial contact          soften the impact load (7). An overall         Running in shoes, however, offers
phase. The barefoot running tech-            greater joint excursion at the ankle has       several advantages that barefoot run-
nique uses a midfoot to forefoot             also been identified when barefoot,            ning does not. The shoe functions to
striking pattern when compared with          suggesting that the ankle absorbs              protect the plantar surface of the foot
a rearfoot heel strike pattern of the        impact as well (36). The flatter foot          from harmful terrain, extreme weather
shod runner (Figure 1) (7,21,36). This       position also limits pressure at the heel,     conditions, and infectious agents.
foot striking position results in a short-   where sensation of mechanical inputs           Additional functions of the shoe
er stride length and a higher step           and pain is well established in the            include providing for motion control,

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Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes

cushioning, stabilization, shock distri-    effects of barefoot running on compet-       be implemented when transitioning
bution and traction between foot and        itive performance.                           a runner to the barefoot technique.
the ground (5,26). These shoe design        A shod runner may first opt to run in
factors aid in decreasing the high                                                       PREPARATORY PROGRAM
                                            a ‘‘minimalist’’ shoe before making the      BASICS
impact forces of a rearfoot heel strike     full transition to barefoot running. A
at initial contact (5,26). The wearing                                                   Various sources have presented transi-
                                            popular minimalist shoe that has been        tion to barefoot running programs.
of shoes and shoe inserts while             studied in the literature is the Vibram
running has also been associated with                                                    Certainly, the transition should be
                                            FiveFinger (Vibram SpA, Albizzate,           gradual and over a period of no less
reduced impact loading rate and             Italy). Research reports that the min-
reduced latency between the maxi-                                                        than 4–8 weeks because muscular
                                            imalist shoe may offer similar bio-          adaptation to training accounting for
mum external force and internal forces      mechanics as running barefoot,
of the lumbar musculature (27). Thus,                                                    strength gains requires this period
                                            including a forefoot striking pattern,       (23,33). In addition to strengthening
going barefoot may result in both an        lower ground contact time, higher step
increase in puncture wounds to the                                                       exercises for core and hip musculature,
                                            rate, and lower peak impact forces           an evidence-based preparation program
foot as well as overuse of muscles,
                                            compared with the traditional running        should consist of activities and exercises
tendons, and ligaments throughout
                                            shoe (36). The minimalist shoe effec-        that target the key biomechanical differ-
the lower extremity and low back.
                                            tively mimics barefoot conditions            ences the barefoot runner will experi-
The additional cumulative loading
                                            while providing small amount of pro-         ence when compared with being shod
that results from the increased step
                                            tection, yet still sits between foot and     (Table 1). These key differences include:
rate and forefoot striking pattern
                                            the ground and may desensitize and           plantar sensitivity adaptation, foot
when barefoot could also be consid-
                                            weaken the foot intrinsics (36). The use     strike pattern and related changes in
ered as a potential source for injury,
                                            of minimalist shoes, however, has been       stride rate and length, lower extremity
such as metatarsal strains and stress
                                            considered a possible causative factor       proprioceptive ability, ankle joint flexi-
fractures (22). Although case reports
                                            for stress injury to the metatarsals. This   bility, intrinsic foot strength, and ecc-
cannot be generalized, 2 cases of
                                            may be because of the need for gait          entric strength of the lower limb to
metatarsal stress fracture have been
                                            alterations from a heel strike pattern to    control impact forces. Learning the
documented in runners who have
                                            a midfoot striking pattern when run-         barefoot style, namely, a reduced heel
adopted training in footwear simulat-
                                            ning in the minimalist shoes (14).           strike, is fundamental in the transition to
ing the barefoot condition (14).
                                            Nevertheless, use of the minimalist          barefoot running.
                                            shoe may prove to be useful in the
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS                                                                PLANTAR SENSITIVITY
                                            overall transition to barefoot running.
Running performance may be impa-                                                         ADAPTATION
cted by the wearing of shoes versus         It should be noted that not all runners      Because of the high concentration of
running barefoot. Heart rate and relative   may be candidates for the barefoot           sensory receptors on the plantar sur-
perceived exertion have been found to       running technique. Numerous anatom-          face of the foot, sensitivity adaptation
be significantly lower in the barefoot      ical factors have been associated with       in the form of increased barefoot
condition (15). When running barefoot       running injury, including cavus (high-       activity should be the first component
over ground or on a treadmill, the          arch) foot, leg length discrepancy, and      of the transition to a barefoot running
associated oxygen cost has been found       muscle weakness (4,20,25,38). Specifi-       program. Suggested mechanisms to
to be 5.7% lower than while running         cally, weakness of the hip abductors         facilitate the foot’s adaptation include
shod (15). It has been found that at 70%    and hip flexors has been associated          increasing total barefoot activity, walk-
of V_ O2max pace barefoot running is        with running-related injury, including       ing both indoors and outdoors with
more economical than running shod,          iliotibial band syndrome (12,25). Struc-     bare feet, running indoors with bare
both overground and on a treadmill          tural abnormalities in the lower             feet, and eventually running barefoot
(15). Additional studies have found         extremity may lead to biomechanical          outdoors on soft surfaces followed by
maximum oxygen uptake values to be          problems during the running gait cycle.      harder surfaces (32). Adaptations to
1.3% lower when running barefoot than       Additionally, runners with diminished        the plantar skin will take 3–4 weeks of
when running in shoes (36). More than       sensation in the foot as seen in peri-       barefoot running at 30 minutes daily
a 10% increase in step rate has been        pheral neuropathy are not good can-          before an increased velocity in running
associated with an increased relative       didates for barefoot activity because of     speed will be tolerated (31).
perceived exertion; however, no signif-     the loss of protective sensation. A
icant increase in oxygen consumption        thorough evaluation of lower extremity       RUNNING FORM DRILLS
or heart rate ensued (16). These findings   strength and gait biomechanics should        Because the foot strike pattern of the
suggest that running barefoot is more       be conducted before transitioning to         barefoot technique is located more at
efficient than shod running. Future         the barefoot style of running. Careful       the forefoot to midfoot, drills should be
research is needed to determine the         preparation and a gradual pace should        incorporated to enhance and learn the

10      VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
Table 1
                                             Preparatory activities for barefoot running

 Barefoot activity                           Barefoot walking indoors
                                             Barefoot walking outdoors
                                             Barefoot running indoors
                                             Barefoot running outdoors—progress from grass to asphalt
 Running form drills (Figure 2)              Forefoot striking
                                             Increased cadence
                                             Shorter step length
 Proprioceptive exercises (Figures 3, 4) Single-leg stance
                                             Single-leg stance on ankle disc/wobble board
                                             Single-leg stance with resistive band
 Flexibility exercises (Figure 5)            Calf stretching against wall
                                             Calf stretching off the edge of a step
                                             PNF calf stretching
 Strengthening exercises (Figures 6, 7) Foot intrinsics
 Plyometric activities (Figures 8–10)        Hops (single-leg forward hops, single-leg hurdle hops)
                                             Jumps (squat jumps, split scissor jumps, depth jumps, double/single-leg hurdle jumps)
                                             Bounding in horizontal and vertical planes (double-leg bounds, alternate leg bounds)

proper landing techniques and to                improve lower limb proprioception                for 30 seconds and repeated 3–5 times
reinforce the resulting increase in stride      include: ankle range of motion exer-             for each leg. Additionally, propri-
frequency with subsequent shorter step          cises on fixed surfaces followed by              oceptive neuromuscular facilitation
length (36). Barefoot running drills done       wobble board with eyes opened and                techniques, including contract–relax
in the grass using a metronome at a 5–          closed; single-leg stance activities using       and agonist-contract stretching, have
10% faster cadence could be beneficial          an ankle disc (Figure 3) (34), balance           been found to be a useful training
in training a runner for the demand of          board (41), or mini-trampoline (19);             modality for increasing ankle joint
increased stride rate when barefoot (16).       and static kicks using resistive bands           range of motion (29).
Drills should focus on the increased step       (1) (Figure 4). Performance of these
frequency combined with a shorter step          activities with increased weight-
length while maintaining a forefoot             bearing through the forefoot should
landing (Figure 2). The author recom-           train the foot more specifically for the
mends aiming for a cadence close to             forefoot loading used in barefoot
180 steps per minute in accordance with         running.
the high step rate found in the barefoot
technique.                                      ANKLE FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES
                                                As an increased ankle joint excursion
LOWER EXTREMITY                                 is required by the barefoot runner,
PROPRIOCEPTIVE EXERCISES                        flexibility exercises to improve ankle
Because of the increased neuromus-              range of motion should be performed.
cular control required by the lower             Traditional calf stretching against
limb in controlling impact forces,              a wall or off the edge of a step may
proprioceptive exercises should be              be performed (Figure 5). Focus should
incorporated into the preparatory               be placed on maintaining a neutral               Figure 2. Running form drill. Skipping
transition program. Exercises that              arch throughout the duration of the                         with a focus on forefoot
have been cited in the literature to            stretch. The stretch is typically held                      landing.

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Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes

                                                                                        Figure 5. Standing calf stretch.
                                            Figure 4. Single-leg stance propriocep-
                                                       tive exercise with opposite
                                                       lower extremity kicks using
                                                       resistive band.
                                                                                        eccentric lower extremity training,
                                                                                        however, the runner should have
                                            be superior to the traditional toe curl     sufficient strength in the core and
                                            exercise in activating the abductor         hip musculature to provide proximal
                                            hallucis, the largest foot intrinsic mus-   stability for the distal extremity.
                                            cle found most medial within the first      Although the recommended plyo-
                                            layer of the foot intrinsic muscles         metric exercises have been studied
                                            (Figure 6) (18). This muscle contributes    in shoes, the authors recommend that
                                            to increased arch height and helps to       the activities be done barefoot to
                                            control pronation when activated. The       better prepare for barefoot running.
Figure 3. Single-leg stance propriocep-                                                 Beginning these exercises on a mini-
                                            muscle had been found to be more
           tive exercise while standing                                                 trampoline allows for the stretch-
           on an ankle disc.
                                            activated while performing the short-
                                            foot exercise in the 1-legged standing      shortening cycle mechanism to pro-
                                            position versus seated (18). To effec-      duce greater maximum leg power and
                                            tively perform this exercise, the patient   acts to reduce the impact forces on
INTRINSIC FOOT                              attempts to draw the heads of the           the body during jump training, thus
STRENGTHENING EXERCISES                     metatarsals toward the calcaneus while      reducing the potential for injury (6).
Because of the apparent weakening of        avoiding extraneous motion. Tactile         Plyometric training exercises include
the foot intrinsics that occurs in the      input can be provided by the clinician      hops, jumps, bounding in horizontal
habitually shod runner, strengthening       and verbal reinforcement to avoid toe       and vertical planes, squat jumps
of these muscles is a critical component    curling (Figure 7).                         (Figures 8, 9), split scissor jumps,
of a transitional training program.                                                     double-leg bounds, alternate leg
Traditional exercises, such as towel        ECCENTRIC STRENGTHENING OF                  bounds (Figure 10), single-leg for-
curls, picking up objects, single-limb      THE LOWER LIMB WITH                         ward hops, depth jumps, double-leg
balance activities, and the short-foot      PLYOMETRICS                                 hurdle jumps, and single-leg hurdle
exercise, have been used to strengthen      As the knee and ankle become more           hops. These specific plyometric ac-
the intrinsic foot musculature (18,24).     responsible for controlling the impact      tivities have been found to improve
The towel curl exercise is used to          loading during barefoot striking,           distance      running     performance
strengthen the flexor digitorum longus      lower extremity plyometric exercises        (28,35). The athlete may progress to
and brevis, lumbricales, and flexor         should be incorporated into the             performing these activities on field
hallucis longus (18). The short-foot        training program to prepare the lower       grass and progressively harder surfa-
exercise, however, has been found to        limb for this activity. Before beginning    ces. General progression guidelines

12      VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
running no more than a quarter mile
                                                                                          to 1 mile every other day during the
                                                                                          first week of barefoot running. This
                                                                                          may be performed independently or
                                                                                          added onto a regular training run. For
                                                                                          example, a runner may do 3 miles of
                                                                                          shod running on the road and then
                                                                                          a quarter mile barefoot on a grassy
                                                                                          field. When increasing the training
                                                                                          distance, it is recommended to in-
                                                                                          crease barefoot running by no more
                                                                                          than 10% per week (Table 2). Should
                                                                                          muscles remain sore, mileage should
                                                                                          not be increased but rather main-
                                                                                          tained instead for an additional week.
Figure 6. Short-foot exercise. Drawing the heads of the metatarsals toward the            In our experience, sore and tired
           calcaneus without curling the toes.                                            muscles are to be expected; however,
                                                                                          careful attention should be paid to
                                                                                          bone, joint, or soft tissue injury
for plyometric activities should be          and continue to run in shoes for             because this may signal the presence
followed while monitoring for muscle         training runs. Ultimately, the runner        of injury. A grassy field or a rubber-
soreness and skin integrity of the bare      will need to decide what his or her          ized track may be the preferred
foot.                                        goals are for implementing barefoot          surfaces to begin running barefoot
                                             training.                                    or in minimalist shoes. This could
BAREFOOT RUNNING PROGRAM                     No studies to date have demonstrated         then be followed by smooth paved
PROGRESSION                                  the safest or most effective method          trails and roads while paying careful
Once a runner has prepared the lower         for implementing a barefoot running          attention to debris when going bare-
extremity for the demands of barefoot        program (17). General recommenda-            foot. Patience will be required be-
running through preparatory exercises,       tions advise for a very gradual in-          cause it may take months to make the
the runner should be ready to increase       crease in barefoot running activity for      transition to a full-time barefoot
mileage while barefoot or in minimalist      successful implementation to allow           runner.
shoes. Some runners may exclusively          for musculoskeletal and cutaneous
run barefoot or in minimalist shoes,         adaptation (17). The barefoot running        DISCUSSION
whereas others may opt to train              transition program begins with bare-         Several key biomechanical differences
barefoot only for certain types of runs      foot activity including daily walking        between barefoot and shod running
and shod for others. Some may choose         and the aforementioned preparatory           have been identified in the literature
only to perform running drills barefoot      exercises. The author recommends             (Table 3). These differences are pri-
                                                                                          marily found during the stance phase
                                                                                          of gait and directly impact the step
                                                                                          length and step frequency of the
                                                                                          running cycle. Running barefoot uses
                                                                                          a forefoot to midfoot landing and,
                                                                                          thus, creates a shortened step length
                                                                                          with resulting increase in step fre-
                                                                                          quency. In contrast, initial contact
                                                                                          while shod is at the heel and results
                                                                                          in a longer step length and reduced
                                                                                          step frequency. Additionally, the pro-
                                                                                          prioceptive ability of the foot is greater
                                                                                          when barefoot because the foot makes
                                                                                          direct contact with the ground. This
                                                                                          may allow the foot musculature to
                                                                                          react to the ground impact forces and
                                                                                          to control shock absorption. How-
                                                                                          ever, the shoe allows for the pro-
Figure 7. Tactile cueing for the short-foot exercise.                                     tection, cushioning, stabilization, and

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Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes

                                           Figure 9. Squat jump, end position.

                                           muscles.        Frequently         reported   The recent resurgence of barefoot
                                           running injuries include ankle sprain,        running may be a result of the growing
                                           plantar fasciitis, tibial stress syndrome/    belief that barefoot running is better
Figure 8. Squat jump, start position.      shin splints, iliotibial band tendinitis,     for the body than using supportive
                                           Achilles tendinitis, and peripatellar pain    footwear. The expectation is that injury
                                           (13,39). Runners are particularly inter-      rates will decrease as runners encoun-
                                           ested in learning ways to reduce the          ter lower impact-related forces when
shock absorption that barefoot run-
                                           possibility of injury. Barefoot activity      barefoot. To date, most supportive
ning does not. The forefoot contact,
                                           has been found to spare the plantar           reports for barefoot running have been
reduced step length, increased step
                                           fascia from impact forces as the foot         anecdotal. Future research is indicated
frequency, and increased propriocep-
                                           intrinsic muscles activate to control         to examine the effects of barefoot
tion while running barefoot may
                                           impact loads (32). In addition, where         running on both injury reduction and
contribute to reduced impact forces
                                           shod and unshod populations coexist,          performance.
and decreased injury rates in the lower
                                           the injury rate is higher in the shod
                                           population (32). Unshod lifestyles are        CONCLUSION
Despite the lack of research studies       also associated with a lower frequency        Numerous studies demonstrate the
comparing injury rates in barefoot         of lower extremity osteological pathol-       profound biomechanical gait differ-
versus shod populations in devel-          ogy, such as bony lesion, osteophyte          ences seen in those running bare-
oped countries, it is proposed that        formation, and fracture (44).                 foot compared with shod individuals.
runners using the barefoot running
style will encounter less impact-re-
lated injuries. Yearly incidence of
long-distance running injuries in
recreational and competitive runners
is high with variability ranging from
19.4 to 79.3% (39). Two of the most
recent studies found incidence rates
of 54.85 and 59%, more than half of
runners (30,40). Injury rates are as
high as 90% in runners training for
a marathon (13). Higher training
mileage per week in male runners
and a history of previous running
injury have been identified as risk
factors for injury (39). Running
injuries typically manifest in the
lower extremity and can affect the
bone, ligaments, tendons, and              Figure 10. Alternate leg bounding.

14     VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2012
Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
Table 2
                                           Sample barefoot running progression program

 Weeks 1–4                                Lower extremity preparatory exercises: 2–3 times per week
                                          Barefoot activity including walking: 30 minutes daily
 Weeks 5–6                                Barefoot running ¼ mile–1 mile: 2–3 times per week
                                          On a surface such as a grassy field or rubberized track
 Weeks 7–8                                Barefoot running increase by 10% to 1/3 mile–1¼ miles: 2–3 times per week*
                                          On a surface such as a grassy field or rubberized track
 Weeks 9 and beyond                       Barefoot running increase by an additional 10% to ½ mile–1½ miles: 2–3 times per week
                                          Progress to smooth paved surfaces if desired
  *Do not progress mileage if soreness persists.

These differences should be accounted              rates and performance. Although an               prepare the runner for the new
for in preparing a runner for the                  absence of evidence does not imply an            demands placed on the barefoot
barefoot style of running. Several                 evidence of absence, those individuals           lower extremity and should minimize
studies support the use of barefoot                involved in exercise prescription must           adverse effects during the transitional
running for the proposed advantages                recognize the difference between                 period. Sufficient patience and time
of improved sensory feedback and                   evidence-based information and that              may be required to adapt to the new
proprioception and reduced impact                  which is based on an ad novitatum                style because pain or discomfort may
forces; however, no evidence exists                premise.                                         be present due to running in a com-
that these factors result in reduced               Nevertheless, runners may be curious             pletely different way. New barefoot
injuries or improved performance.                  to experiment with the barefoot style            runners should be prepared to ini-
Some evidence exists for improved                  of running for the purported benefits            tially run slower while barefoot
foot intrinsic strength in the foot                of injury reduction and performance              because of the change in running
musculature and improved physiolog-                enhancement. Making the transition               form and increased need for atten-
ical economy when running barefoot,                from shod to barefoot running                    tion to the ground. Continued super-
but no evidence is linked to injury                should be gradual and ideally super-             vision and guidance from the
reduction or improved performance.                 vised by a knowledgeable strength                strength and conditioning pro-
Clearly, much more research is                     and conditioning professional. Carefully         fessional may aid the runner in
needed on barefoot running, espe-                  selected training exercises, such as             a successful transition to the bare-
cially in the areas relating to injury             those outlined in this article, may              foot style.

                                                                  Table 3
                                         Key differences between barefoot and shod running

                                              Barefoot running                                                Shod running
 Initial contact                    Midfoot to forefoot strike                                Rearfoot (heel) strike
 Step length                        Shorter                                                   Longer
 Step frequency                     Higher                                                    Lower
 Proprioception                     Increased due to direct foot contact                      Decreased due to barrier of the shoe
 Foot protection                    No                                                        Yes
 Foot control                       Intrinsic via musculature                                 Extrinsic via shoe features for stabilization

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Running Barefoot or in Minimalist Shoes: Evidence or Conjecture?
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