Saint Albert the Great Parish - St Albert the Great Catholic Church

Page created by Norman Wheeler
Saint Albert the Great Parish - St Albert the Great Catholic Church
Saint Albert the Great                     Parish
 8000 south Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459
Saint Albert the Great Parish - St Albert the Great Catholic Church
                                                                  THE GOOD NEWS
Sunday, February 7, 2021                                          Today’s readings begin with a few verses from the book of
 6:15 am + Jan Stopka                                        Job. First, Job complains that his nights drag on endlessly.
  7:30 am + Czeslawa Rusznica                                Then, worse yet, “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle;
  9:00 am + Rosemary Warren, + Rosalva Tagle                 they come to an end without hope” (Job 7:6). Not exactly
10:30 am + Emilia Mastela, + Stanislaw Brozny
          - Blessing for Daughter expecting Child            encouraging, these lamentations, not when taken alone.
          + Wladyslaw Truty                                       Most of us have been there, though, and the antidote is the
          + Jan Stopka 30 Days after Death                   “good news” that Paul found so compelling that “an obligation
           - Chris & Peter - Birthday Blessing & Health      has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach
12:00 pm + Robert Skrobutt, + Trevor Till                    it!” (1 Corinthians 9:16). Paul felt driven to announce the
 1:30 pm + Leon Siedlarczyk, + Michal Wytrwal
  5:00 pm -                                                  gospel to as many people as possible, “to save at least
  6:30 pm -                                                  some” (9:22).
Monday, February 8, 2021                                          This good news is the mystery of the life, death, and
  6:30 am + Marilyn Jareczek                                 resurrection of Jesus Christ, who lifted Simon Peter’s mother-in
 7:30 am + Jan Stopka, + Michal Wytrwal, + Jozef Styrczula   -law from her sickbed with a mere touch of his hand. “The
  8:30 am + Jonathan Kenny
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
                                                             whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who
  6:30 am -                                                  were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many
  7:30 am + Stanislaw Smalec, + Jan Stopka                   demons” (Mark 1:33–34)). Our woes and demons are as real as
           + Michal Wytrwal, - Jackie Blessing & Health      Job’s, and Jesus is our savior. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
           - Krystyna, Adam, Robert, Tomek - Blessing
             and Thanksgiving for received Graces
           + Jozef Orawiec 4th Death Anniversary                                     Wedding Banns
  8:30 am -
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
  6:30 am -                                                                 III - Zachary Thurston & Haylee Kosch
  7:30 am + Jan Stopka                                                   II - Mateusz Gorecki & Elizabeth Kasencak
  8:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino
          + Salvatore & Rosaria Sturino
  6:00 pm + Michal Wytrwal                                                 Thank You for the Tabernacle Flowers
Thursday, February 11, 2021
  6:30 am -                                                                     Janina Fasiczka & Family
  7:30 am + Jan Stopka, + Andrzej Nawalaniec
           + Michal Wytrwal                                                  Let Us Pray for the Sick
           - Bernadette Plewa - Birthday Blessing
  8:30 am + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino, + Martin King        Adamow Kathy            Hernandez Frank          Onsagher M & C
Friday, February 12, 2021                                    Alvarez Lupe            Hernandez J & J          Pahl Don
  6:30 am -                                                  Amato Frances           Hock, Karen              Pawlak Elaine M.
  7:30 am + Jan Stopka, + Michal Wytrwal                     Arp K & J               Jandura R & D & Muffy    Pawlak Michael A.
  8:30 am + Irma Cantu - Birthday Remembrance
                                                             Bandusky Chuck          Juris, D & R             Piete Sr. Paulette
Saturday, February 13, 2021
  7:30 am + Jan Stopka, Julian Kalicki                       Bella Vincent           Kandich John             Pineda Family
           + Jozef Turwon & son Grzegorz                     Benanti Rose            Kemp Belinda             Porfirio John
  8:30 am -                                                  Bojczuk, Fr. Ted        Klus Gabrysia            Pruett Lefteri
 12:00 pm - Wedding: Zachary Thurston & Haylee Kosch         Bottari Salvatore       Janecek Jr. Jerry        Riccio Mary Ann
  2:00 pm - Quinceanera: Natalia Ortiz                       Brennan Linda           Lawlor Donna             Roach Patricia
  5:00 pm + Cecelia Jankowski                                Bryce Joan                                       Robles Dulce
                                                                                     Leffers Will
  6:30 pm + Michal Wytrwal
                                                             Buchalski Marilyn       Ling Ginger              Ruffolo Lou
Sunday, February 14, 2021
  6:15 am - Joanna Szot - Blessing & Health                  Chiavetta James         Lonski Theresa           Sabacan Family
  7:30 am + Guy J. & Grace Cesario                           Dabrowski Stan & John   Lubawski Ken             Shehane Mary Jane
           + Ercole & Innocenza Sturino                      Domian, Helena          Lubawski Monique         Silverman Alex
  9:00 am + Antonina Wolski, + Eugene & Jeanette Kenny       Dulce Alice             Mavraganes Mike          Slavik Ed
10:30 am + Stanislaw Marek, + Jan Stopka                     Echauz Family           Mazgaj Linda             Storts Robert
12:00 pm + Gerald Jankowski, + Leonard M. Zielinski          Fischer R. Larry        Mercurio Robert J.       Stuchly Bonnie
  1:30 pm + Michal Wytrwal - 1st Death Anniversary           Formica Phyllis         Merino Jan               Szymanek Joshua
  5:00 pm + Michal Wytrwal
  6:30 pm + Guadalupe De Los Santos                          Gancarski Jozefa        Miller Bernadette        Villafan Mary
                                                             Grabelzki Marlyn        Molek Gabrysia           Wilhelm Frances
SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES                               Grogan Tom              Mortell Flora            Zahradnicek M.
Monday:    St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine                Hedderman Family        Munoz Francesca          Ziobro Elaine
           Bakhita; International Day of Prayer and          Hermann Debra           O'Hara Debbie
           Awareness Against Human Trafficking
Wednesday: St. Scholastica                                                     Let Us Pray For the Deceased:
Thursday:  Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick             Parishioners of St. Albert the Great, Alfred Adamczyk,
Friday:    Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday;                                                  Consuelo Rico.
Saturday:  Blessed Virgin Mary                                 Eternal rest grant unto them, o Lord, and let the perpetual light
    Page 2                                                                shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
Saint Albert the Great Parish - St Albert the Great Catholic Church
From the Pastor’s Desk
            My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

          Today, all parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago begin the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021. During each
 Mass we will listen to the message of Cardinal Blasé J. Cupich. The theme of this year’s Appeal are words of Our
 Lord Jesus: “Come, follow me …and bring hope to the world.” Our contemporary world, during the Covid-19
 pandemic, needs hope like never before. Every one of us needs hope. We are asked not only to be the witnesses of
 faith, but be witnesses of hope and love expressed by deeds. We can always pray for the gift of hope and realize it by
 sharing our material gifts with others. This year’s financial goal designated by the Archdiocese of Chicago for our
 parish is $53,369.00. I understand that many of you may be affected financially during these difficult times; some
 may be out of work. I believe that with God’s grace, prayers and your generous hearts we will realize our common
 goal. I am convinced that we will be able to give “Hope” for a better tomorrow to our needy brothers and sisters in
          Many of you already received the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021 commitment mailing from Cardinal Cupich.
 In the back of the church we have commitment envelopes (in English, Spanish and Polish) for all who would like to
 join this campaign. Completed forms and envelopes may be returned to the parish office or dropped in any of our
 Sunday Collection baskets. I would like to remind you that any amount exceeding the designated goal will be returned
 to our parish. May Our Lord Jesus strengthen and bless us during the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021.

                                              ”Jesus, I Trust in You”!
                                                   Fr. Mariusz

                                            FEAST OF FAITH The Gloria (1)
     The Gloria, or Glory to God, follows the penitential rite. Both are acts of praise. In the penitential rite, we sing of
the mercy of Christ. In the Gloria we praise God’s saving action in the universe. The Gloria is a relatively late addition
to the Mass. It first appeared in the Roman liturgy in the sixth century, and then it was sung only by the pope—and
only on Christmas! With time, the hymn came to be sung by bishops on major feasts, and then by priests; finally, it
became the song of the entire assembly. With the advent of more elaborate musical settings, the people gradually
stopped singing the Gloria, until this song of the people became the exclusive domain of the priest and the choir. But
the liturgical reforms have restored it to its place as primarily the song of the assembly. The language of the Gloria
echoes the New Testament canticles. It may be begun by the priest, the cantor, and the entire assembly in varied
combinations. The Gloria is sometimes called the “greater doxology,” and in some ways it is like an extended, ecstatic
version of the familiar doxology (“Glory be to the Father”) prayed in the Divine Office and the rosary. —J. S. Paluch Co.

                           ASH WEDNESDAY February 17, 2021                     ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY
                                        Mass Schedule:
                          6:15 AM, 8:30 AM, 5:00 PM Masses in English        The Parishioners of St. Albert are Greatest!
                              3:30 PM Bilingual Mass English/Polish
                                   7:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 7:00 PM            Generous monetary donations were received
                                        Masses in Polish                 from OPLATKI WAFERS, CHRISTMAS
                                   8:30 PM - Mass in Spanish             SHARING TREE, THANKSGIVING, and
                                                                         from many individuals during the Christmas
                                                                         period. We shared your donations with
  ON LOVE If you would be                                                needy families in our area according to their
  loved, love and be lovable.          CELEBRANT        SCHEDULE         situations. FOOD DONATIONS were over
          —Benjamin Franklin           Saturday, February 13, 2021       the top! One parishioner donated multiple
                                        5:00 pm - Fr. Bernardo Lozano    jars (40) of spaghetti sauce and asked “what
                                       Sunday, February 14, 2021         else do you need”. Many, many other food
      Our Weekly Offering                6:15 am - Fr. Sergiusz Angur    donations were received. We were well
            1/31/2021                   7:30 am - Fr. Joseph Mol         stocked and distributed a lot of food boxes to
First Collection_______ $13,369.00      9:00 am - Fr. Joseph Mol         the poor.
Second Collection_____        5,668.00 10:30 am - Fr. Sergiusz Angur
                                                                               Every food donation is appreciated!
                                       12:00 pm - Fr. Mariusz Nawalaniec    We   can only thank you with words of
  God Bless All Who Supported Our                                         appreciation.  The LORD will reward you
    Parish during the last Sunday’s      1:30 pm - Fr. Sergiusz Angur
                                         5:00 pm - Fr. Sergiusz Angur                   in His own way.
            Snow Storm!!!
                                         6:30 pm - Fr. Bernardo Lozano
                                                                                   GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
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Saint Albert the Great Parish - St Albert the Great Catholic Church
St. Albert the Great School
               Just Keep Swimming

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Saint Albert the Great Parish - St Albert the Great Catholic Church
Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza
          Moi Drodzy Para ianie i Goście !

            Dzisiaj we wszystkich parafiach Archidiecezji Chicago rozpoczyna się Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka
   2021. Za chwilę w czasie Mszy Świętej wysłuchamy przesłania naszego Pasterza księdza Kardynała Blase
   J. Cupich. Hasłem tegorocznej Kwesty są słowa: „Przyjdź, naśladuj Mnie i daj światu nadzieję”. Współczesny
   świat jak nigdy wcześniej potrzebuje nadziei w związku z trwającą pandemią Covid-19. Tej nadziei potrzebuje
   także każdy z nas. Mamy być świadkami nie tylko wiary, ale również świadkami nadziei i miłości, która wyraża
   się w konkretnym czynie. O dar nadziei możemy jak zawsze modlić się. Nadzieję na lepsze jutro możemy
   zrealizować dzieląc się darami materialnymi z innymi. W tym roku Archidieczja Chicago wyznaczyła nam
   zebranie 53,369.00 $. Wiem, że obecna sytuacja materialna wielu z was nie jest łatwa. Wielu z was boryka się z
   brakiem pracy. Wielu z was wiąże z trudem koniec z końcem. Wierzę jednak, że z Bożą łaską i z waszym hojnym
   sercem oraz hojną donacją ten cel wspólnie zrealizujemy. Jestem przekonany, że możemy dać innym „Nadzieję”
   na lepsze jutro. Większość z was otrzymała już przez pocztę specjalne materiały wraz z zobowiązaniem
   finansowym z Diecezji. Jeśli ktoś z was jeszcze się nie zaangażował w tę Kwestę Katolicką, a chciałby to
   uczynić, to w tyle naszego kościoła na stoliku znajdzie specjalne kopertki z zobowiązaniem finansowym w trzech
   językach. Proszę je zabrać do domu, następnie wypełnić i za tydzień można je przynieść do kościoła oraz wrzucić
   na składkę. Raz jeszcze przypominam, że nadwyżka naszego finansowego zobowiązania zostanie zwrócona
   parafii. Diecezja Chicago będzie z wami w ciągłym kontakcie. Niech na czas trwania Kwesty Katolickiej 2021
   umacnia nas jak zawsze Jezusowe Błogosławieństwo.

                                            „Jezu, ufam Tobie”!
                                                Fr. Mariusz

                         ŚRODA POPIELCOWA: W środę 17-go lutego przeżywać będziemy Środę
                         Popielcową. Porządek nabożeństw jest następujący: - w języku polskim
                         godz. 7:30 i 11:00 rano, godz. 3:30 popołudniu (po polsku i angielsku)
                         i godz. 7:00 wieczorem;
                         - w języku angielskim godz. 6:15 i 8:30 rano, godz. 3:30 popołudniu (angielsku i
polsku), godz. 5:00 popołudniu; - w języku hiszpańskim godz. 8:30 wieczorem.
NABOŻEŃSTWA PASYJNE w okresie Wielkiego Postu:
- Droga Krzyżowa dla dzieci w środy o godz. 6:00 popołudniu
- Droga Krzyżowa ze Mszą Świętą dla starszych w piątki godz. 6:00 wieczorem
- Gorzkie Żale w niedzielę o godz. 4:30 popołudniu.
OBIADY RYBNE NA WYNOS (na parkingu przy domu sióstr) we wszystkie piątki okresu Wielkiego
Postu od 4:00 popołudniu do 7:00 wieczorem.
DROGA KRZYŻOWA ULICAMI BURBANK: Już dziś wszystkich was oraz wasze rodziny,
przyjaciół, znajomych i sąsiadów zapraszamy do udziału w Drodze Krzyżowej ulicami Burbank
27-go marca (sobota) o godz. 7:00 wieczorem. Droga Krzyżowa rozpocznie się przy szkole Tobin
Elementary School, a zakończy uroczystą Eucharystią w naszym kościele.

   Kto nie chce być zdrowy? Kto nie potrzebuje uzdrowienia? Kto potrafi sam siebie uleczyć? A co z tymi, którzy są
     nieuleczalnie chorzy? Dokąd iść po uzdrowienie? Nie ma co się dziwić, że Piotr i towarzyszący mu uczniowie
powiedzieli któregoś pięknego wieczoru: Wszyscy Cię szukają! No tak, Jezus uzdrowił teściową Piotra, uzdrowił wielu
 dotkniętych rozmaitymi chorobami i wiele złych duchów wyrzucił. Nic dziwnego, że całe miasto przyszło! Właściwie
  to ja też przychodzę ze swoimi chorobami! Panie Jezu, jesteś tak blisko! Proszę Cię, powiedz tylko słowo, a będę
              zdrowy! Ty jesteś lekarzem duszy i ciała! Uzdrów mnie i uzdrów tych, którzy są obok mnie!
                              Rozważanie zaczerpnięte z terminarzyka Dzień po dniu 2018
                                     Wydawanego przez Edycję Świętego Pawła

 Page 5
PARISH OFFICE…………………..…..(708)423-0321                       MASSES:
     BIURO PARAFIALNE po polsku.…..(708)423-0321                  SATURDAY 5:00 PM Sunday Obligation (English);
     Please call for Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation         6:30 PM Sunday Obligation (Polish)
     Marriage ceremony, parish registration,                      SUNDAY 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM (English)
     convert instruction, prolonged illness at home.              6:15 AM, 10:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 5:00 PM (Polish), 6:30 PM (Spanish)
     PARISH WEBSITE                         WEEKDAYS (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM (English-September 1 to June 30)
     E-MAIL                              (Monday-Saturday) 7:30 AM ( Polish) 8:30 AM (English)
     PARISH BOUNDARIES                                            WEDNESDAYS 6:00 PM Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Polish)
     North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett                SACRED HEART ADORATION CHAPEL
     South-87th St. (Cicero to Austin)                            Open Monday - Friday 8:30AM to 8:30 PM
     83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett)                            Fridays 3:00 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet (Polish)
     MINISTRY OF CARE……………….…(708)423-0321                        Open Saturday 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
     Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr.                                    FIRST FRIDAY Bilingual Confessions
     PRAYER NETWORK………………....(708)966-4068                        7:00-7:30 AM, 4:30-6:00 PM; 6:00 PM Mass (Polish)
     Mrs. Marlene Rybicki                                         HOLY DAYS Please refer to schedule printed in the bulletin prior
     ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL.(708)424-7757                    to the Holiday.
     5535 West State Road                                         SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM
     Mrs. Jodi McLawhorn, Principal                               SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (English) 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sunday 3:15 PM                               (Polish) All Sundays (Except for Special Holidays)
     ST. ALBERT THE GREAT POLISH LANGUAGE                         (Spanish) 4th Sunday of each month
     PROGRAM FR. IGNACY POSADZY …….(708)423-5714                  Baptism Preparation Class Last Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM                                     Parish registration and attendance at the Baptism Preparation Class
     E-MAIL                           are required prior to Baptism
     CCD OFFICE…………………………...(708)636-0406                         SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE
     5535 West State Road, Burbank, Il.                           All marriage arrangements must be made with
     SPRED PROGRAM ..…………………(708)728-9526                         the parish priest at least 6 months prior to the scheduled date
                                                                  Marriage ceremonies; Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM ( No Sundays)

                                                           PERMANENT DEACONS:                      PARISH OFFICE
             PARISH STAFF:
                                                           MR. IRVIN A. BRYCE, JR.                 708-423-0321
                                                           MR. RAYMUNDO DIAZ DE LEON               OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY
                                                           MR. RAUL C. DUQUE                       10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
             REV. SERGIUSZ ANGUR SCh.
                                                                                                   AND 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
                                                           MISSIONARY SISTERS                      SATURDAY
                                                           OF CHRIST THE KING:                     10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
             REV. JOSEPH MOL                               SR. WERONIKA ILNICKA
             SACRAMENTAL HELP                              SR. BEATA KOLTUN
                                                           SR. WIOLETTA KOLTUN

St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, a sacramental people of God.
We embrace all age groups, interests and backgrounds, and are drawn around the table of the Lord, we pray together, laugh and
cry together, and work together for the purpose of drawing strength to make gospel message and its values alive in our people, we
are a community steeped in tradition with many ministries to offer. We welcome all to share in our education and spiritual life.

PLANNED GIVING TO YOUR PARISH Remembering your parish in your is an excellent way to demonstrate love and
appreciation for the people and things you care about most. When the parish receives gifts through wills, we know, respect and
appreciate the thought and care that went into the decision to make us a beneficiary. If you would like to remember the St. Albert
the Great Parish in your will, please contact the parish office. Our parish will remember you by engraving your name on a special
appreciation plaque.


Mondays                                           Pro Life Group meets every 2nd Tuesday of      Thursdays
                                                  each month in the Administration Building at
St. Albert the Great Seniors (60 or over)         10:00 a.m. Please Join them!                   Holy Hour Adoration of the Blessed
meet 1st and 3rd Monday of each month                                                            Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel 7:30 p.m.
from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Rogers Hall.       Wednesdays                                    to 8:30 p.m.
Please come, meet your neighbors, make new                                                       Boy Scouts Troop 481 meet every Thursday
friends, play Bingo.                                                                             at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Albert Room.
                                                  Bible Study in the Administration Building
St. Albert the Great Holy Name Society            St. Joseph Room 10:00 a.m.
members meet 2nd Monday after 2nd                                                                Fridays
Sunday of the Month in Rogers Hall at
7:30 p.m.                                                                                        Cub Scouts Pack 3481 meets on Fridays at
                                            HappySt. Vincent de Paul Society meets second
                                                   57th  Wedding
                                                 Wednesday  of every Anniversary
                                                                     month at 5:45 p.m.          6:00 p.m. in the St. Albert Room (off for summer)
Tuesdays                                    in the and
                                Matt & Ann Kopp    Administration
                                                       Ron & Mary Building
                                                  Room.                                          Saturdays
Play Bingo every Tuesday Night.
Door open at 4:00 p.m. Books only $11.00.                                                        St. Albert the Great Prayer Group meets
Come Hungry! Full kitchen                                                                        every Saturday in the Administration
                                                                                                 Building St. Joseph Room at 1:30 p.m.
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