School Business Plan 2019-2021 - Singleton Primary School

Page created by Jean Andrews
School Business Plan 2019-2021 - Singleton Primary School
School Business Plan 2019-2021
The Singleton Story
As the African proverb states: “It takes a village to raise a child”. Singleton Primary School brings this ethos to life.
Established in 1996 to serve the southern metropolitan coastal communities of Madora Bay, Singleton, Golden Bay and
semi-rural Karnup, it is now an independent public school recognised for its commitment to equity and inclusivity. As the
area has grown and other schools built, its catchment has lost Madora and most of Golden Bay, but it remains a “village
school” in every sense, with the school’s ethos of “equity, enterprise and endeavour” central to the notion of collective
community responsibility for child development. The Singleton village serves as an extended family where children are
schooled in an environment of mutual respect and community mindedness.

Singleton is highly regarded for its dynamic and innovative learning environment, created through the efforts of an
experienced, stable and skilled staff, supported by dedicated parents. The collaborative culture has evolved to provide a
range of high quality learning opportunities to stimulate and challenge the individual needs and talents of every student.
Every single staff member at Singleton recognises the importance of their role as an educator in the development of the
whole child. In this endeavour they lead the process of learning which embraces all things academic, creative, physical,
social and emotional.

At Singleton our performance targets for the next three years embrace a commitment to every student making progress,
not only against the national and state assessment criteria, but also as measured against the non-academic activities in
which the school is involved. In this school community a successful learner is a student who makes the most of their
talents, adopts a strong work ethic and lives by the principles and values of the community. We are confident our focus on
the student as a “whole being “underpins our commitment to the Singleton village and the ethos and values that drive it.

                                                                                   Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021   1
Our Vision
Our school is a motivating, dynamic learning community preparing students for the future by engaging them today.

Our Purpose
At Singleton we develop in our students:
     A desire to learn and to maximise their opportunities
     A social and environmental conscience associated with being a good citizen
     The capacity to achieve their full potential in all ways academic, social, physical, emotional and creative.

We believe children learn best when:
      They are provided with a safe, secure and happy learning environment
      Their mentors are highly motivated, skilled and enthusiastic
      Learning is valued by the school community
      They are confident communicating in all of its forms
      Individual differences are recognised, respected and supported
      The environment is rich in the range and variety of resources on offer

We are committed to:
      Classrooms being safe, secure and happy places
      Engaging all students in dynamic, meaningful learning
      Keeping parents informed and engaged
      Presenting students with opportunities to develop their full range of communication skills
      Knowing each student as an individual
      Using a rich variety of appropriate resources to support student learning

                                                                                                    Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021   2
Safe, Supportive Environment
                   Targets                                          Strategies                                                   Milestones
   Transition from “Kids Matter” School to a       Staff registered with BeYou.                              All staff have completed Be You professional
    “Be You” School.                                Staff use PL on BeYou (13 modules) over 3 years.           learning modules
                                                    Encouraged through school’s communication                 Collaborative teams ensure ‘Be You is embedded
                                                     channels by promoting BeYou in Community.                  across the school
                                                    BeYou survey completed biannually with a view to          Language of Highway Hero’s used throughout the
                                                     implementing ideas which come from the surveys             community to communicate social and emotional
                                                     (WWW/EBI).                                                 issues
                                                    Kindy Pre-primary teachers to use Seesaw app for           Annual survey of school climate is accepted and
                                                     parent communication.                                      understood by the community each year
                                                    Embed Highway Heroes as a tool across the school          Whole school planning results from whole staff
                                                     alongside You Can Do It.                                   commitment to collaborative culture
                                                    Hot Spots for displaying newsletters around the           Display cabinets are operational
                                                     school (Display cabinets) Library, Admin, Rainbow,        Established strategies are maintained and valued
                                                     Blue Block playground.
                                                    Staff to highlight and emphasise communication
                                                    Build and maintain established strategies
                                                     including: chaplaincy, meditation, quiet time,
                                                     breakfast club, Mooditj Garden, Sensory Room

   Leadership team actively supports and           Health and Wellbeing key leader to be prioritised.        Policy for the Health and Wellbeing of staff is
    promotes the positive health and wellbeing      Ten minutes each week of personal access to                established
    of all staff and students.                       admin to be made available for each teacher               ‘Ten minutes’ is accessed by staff on a regular basis
                                                     (weekly review – Cultural thermometer within              Outcomes from ‘Ten minutes’ strategy is beginning
                                                     teacher domain on a need basis).                           to prove its worth
                                                    Build and maintain upon established strategies:
                                                     chaplaincy, meditation, quiet time, breakfast club        Established strategies are maintained and valued

                                                                                                              Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021       3
Facilities and Resources
                   Targets                                          Strategies                                                  Milestones
   Ensure ICT infrastructure supports             Engage external ISP to increase the school’s              SMI connection is established and functioning.
    increased participation and engagement of       internet capacity to 100MB SMI connection.                Computer reserves are rebuilt and switches and
    staff and students.                            Maintain reserves to replace network                       WAPS are replaced as necessary to keep the
                                                    infrastructure as necessary.                               infrastructure functioning.
                                                   Further investigate the ICT network infrastructure        Develop a fully functioning network to allow for
                                                    throughout the school to ensure all areas of the           maximum coverage and usage by staff and students.
                                                    school are adequately covered.                            Regulated maintenance plan is implemented and
                                                   Introduce panel integrator suggested/supported             device maintenance is fully functional.
                                                    maintenance plan to ensure devices are
                                                    connecting to the network and receiving regular
                                                   Introduce additional ICT support as needed to
                                                    improve capacity for connectivity.
                                                   365 Class notebook utilised in Science and where
                                                    appropriate across whole staff/admin documents

   Develop a Buildings, Facilities and            Conduct a survey of staff and other stakeholders          Survey conducted
    Maintenance Management Plan.                    to identify key facilities for upgrading.                 Priority list established
                                                   Prioritise identified upgrades and prepare a three        Costs identified for priorities
                                                    year plan.                                                Role of Facilities Manager introduced
                                                   Research costings of identified priorities and add        Development of facilities is on track
                                                    to long term budget planning.                             OSH Committee is established and meets regularly
                                                   Review, evaluate and report to stakeholders each
                                                   Investigate the creation of a Facilities Manager
                                                   OSH Committee to be established

                                                                                                             Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021   4
                   Targets                                            Strategies                                                  Milestones
   The moral purpose of the “Singleton              Investigate possibilities to encourage engagement        Man Shed opened and operational
    Village” is promoted, maintained and              of male role models within the community.                Increased male involvement with P&C
    sustained.                                       Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden                       Aquaponics’ set up established
                                                     School Volunteers
                                                     Develop student leadership through Student
                                                      Council, Peer Leaders and Faction Captain

   Community recognises Singleton as a              Sustain and maintain Community Story Time and            Web site/Face Book account fully active and
    valuable socio- educational resource.             Mini Minors.                                              maintained
                                                     Develop a parenting programme with library               Student leadership opportunities result in high
                                                      resources – use within the Pop up café after the          participation rate
                                                      early morning sessions.                                  Positive results of surveys and satisfaction ratings
                                                     Update the parenting section of the website.

   Establish a new Professional Learning            Liaise with Coastal Lakes College. Oakwood PS,           New Professional Community is established
    Community involving the Coastal Lakes Cell.       Meadow Springs PS, Lakelands PS to propose a             Collegial support through collaborative structure
                                                      new learning community across teaching and
                                                      support staff.

                                                                                                              Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021       5
Teaching and Learning - Non Academic
                   Targets                                        Strategies                                                      Milestones
   Maintain attendance statistics at or better      START Team maintain a focus on attendance as a            Attendance regulation becomes a part of SEN plans
    than the state average.                           key factor in student achievement.                         as they are developed.
                                                     Continue award systems to recognise attendance.           Recognition given for 100% attendance achievers at
                                                     All staff follow the SPS attendance flowchart to           end of both Semester 1 and 2.
                                                      manage tracking of attendance.                            Flow chart is followed by all staff and regular letters
                                                                                                                 are sent home to chronic non-attendees followed by
                                                                                                                 home visits as necessary in order to increase

   Reduce percentage of students at                 Positive affirmation of students with regular             Messages are included within all media streams.
    “indicated risk”.                                 attendance on the FB page/website/newsletter.             Flow chart is followed by all staff and regular letters
                                                     More strategic follow ups regarding percentage             are sent home to chronic non-attendees followed by
                                                      attendance.                                                home visits as necessary in order to increase

   75% or more of each cohort of students to        Introduce and implement the moderation of ABE             Staff members understand and use the moderation
    demonstrate positive Attitude Behaviour           to all staff.                                              process for ABE in their reporting.
    and Effort.                                      Planning, teaching, assessment and reporting              Teachers provide access to appropriate programmes
                                                     cycle recognises the need for differentiated               of work based on improving student progress and
                                                      learning programmes.                                       achievement.
                                                     The BeYou umbrella drives pastoral care                   Staff members incorporate the BeYou strategies
                                                      programmes across the school.                              across the school in their daily work.
                                                     Learning through Play (K-2) and engagement                Programmes of work include aspects of play for K-2
                                                      through STEM (K-6) are included in all appropriate         students.
                                                      programmes across the whole school.                       Programmes of work include the use of the STEM
                                                                                                                 process and incorporate integration of curriculum

                                                                                                               Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021       6
Teaching and Learning - Academic
                  Targets                                        Strategies                                                       Milestones
   Increase the exposure of the year 3 and 4      DOTT timetable structured to enable maximum                 Teachers work together in learning teams to provide
    students to extension and challenge             collaboration in learning teams.                             programmes at appropriate levels for varied
    programmes.                                    Continue to review the NAPLAN Literacy and                   capabilities with the year level.
   Decrease % number of students in bottom         Numeracy Data through CNAP and First Cut in                 CNAP Data is investigated and appropriate
    end and increase % number of students in        order to plan for appropriate programmes within              programmes are put in place to allow for
    top end of NAPLAN results                       the school.                                                  improvement in identified areas.
                                                   Specifically develop timetabled Literacy and                Year 3-4 teachers collaborate on developing learning
                                                    Numeracy blocks across the year 3-4 phase to                 programmes and use timetabled sessions to provide
                                                    enable cross setting for differentiated learning             for differentiated groups of students.
                                                    groups.                                                     Key Curriculum leaders support planning of
                                                   Admin curriculum leaders support year level                  extension programmes as requested by staff
                                                    teams in planning to cater for extension within              members.
                                                    their year levels.

   Develop and implement a cohesive K-6           Extend the ‘Talk for Writing’ Programme across              Year 1-2 teachers attend professional learning for
    Literacy plan.                                  the school through phased implementation and                 the ‘Talk for Writing’ programme and begin trialling
                                                    professional learning for staff members.                     the resource in collaboration with K-P teachers.
                                                   Audit current Literacy practices across the phases          Literacy practices are audited and a school plan is
                                                    of learning with a view to developing K-6 Literacy           developed which incorporates all required whole
                                                    plans for Reading, Spelling, Grammar and                     school literacy activities.
                                                    Punctuation and Writing.                                    Kindy students are tested and teachers create
                                                   Maintain a focus on initial screening for Kindy              appropriate programmes to support learning.
                                                    students in Language for development of targeted            On Entry skills are identified and improved after
                                                    programmes in Literacy.                                      appropriate programmes are put in place.
                                                   Continue to use On Entry testing as a basis for             On Entry modules are used in Years 1 and 2 as
                                                    development of Pre-Primary Literacy and                      needed for tracking progress of students below D
                                                    Numeracy targeted programmes.                                level
                                                   If appropriate, use On Entry testing for students in
                                                    Years 1 & 2 who are presenting below a ‘D’ level
                                                   Continue and maintain current strategies for
                                                    engagement – Bard, Maths Wizard, Spelling
                                                    BEBRAS etc.

                                                                                                               Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021      7
Teaching and Learning – Academic (Continued)
                  Targets                                  Strategies                                                          Milestones
   Engage students through authentic STEM      Form a cross year level STEM Committee to drive             STEM Committee is formed.
    opportunities to further develop their       the implementation of the SPS STEM Strategy                 Whole School approach to STEM process is
    general capabilities                         across the school                                            developed after STEM Learning Project workshop.
                                                Review the STEM Learning Project modules with a             Year level teams and Specialist teachers across the
                                                 workshop for staff at the beginning of 2019 with a           school develop two appropriate integrated STEM
                                                 view to developing a whole school STEM inquiry               Modules using the STEM Learning Project content
                                                 process which enables students to experience                 and MoneySmart modules – incorporating Digital
                                                 authentic contexts in which to increase their                and Design Technologies wherever possible.
                                                 capability to form views, plan and act and make
                                                 shared decisions with others.
                                                In phased year level teams further develop STEM
                                                 modules which include cross-curriculum
                                                 integration of all learning areas at each year level
                                                 utilising current resources e.g. MoneySmart,
                                                 SciTech Maths Enrichment Units, STEM modules
                                                 Art and Technology programmes.

   Implement Aboriginal Cultural Studies       Unpack the Aboriginal Cultural Standards                    Teachers use the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning in
    Framework across the school K-6.             Framework.                                                   conjunction with the development of STEM
                                                Provide professional learning for staff on the               modules.
                                                 Aboriginal Cultural Framework and its
                                                 implementation. Invite Aboriginal families to
                                                 attend a meeting with a local Aboriginal elder in
                                                 order to encourage Singleton’s Aboriginal families
                                                 to discuss aspirations for their children.
                                                Maintain current practices where appropriate.
                                                Incorporate the 8 Aboriginal Ways of learning into
                                                 the whole school approach to STEM teaching and
                                                 learning processes.

                                                                                                            Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021      8
Leadership and Staff Development
                   Targets                                           Strategies                                                      Milestones
   Performance Management/ Development                Survey staff re knowledge and understanding of             Teams moderate each other’s professional
    Plan that aligns itself to the DOE Leadership       leadership roles within the school and across the           behaviour and performance
    Strategy.                                           system and their leadership aspirations.

   Identify and develop key leaders in the            Use collated data to identify potential leaders and        High staff participation in leadership development
    school emphasising qualitative domains.             frame a development plan for these leaders.

   Develop a new Workforce Plan that is               Gather data on the school context.                         New workforce plan established and operational
    responsive to DOE directions, requirements         Analyse the data identifying workforce gaps to
    and pressures.                                      ensure the school is effectively staffed within
                                                        budget limits.
                                                       Research any new government initiatives and
                                                        relevant requirements from industrial agreements
                                                        for consideration e.g. Current review of fixed term
                                                        staff for permanency and how this affects staffing
                                                       Develop and implement a three year plan
                                                        encompassing succession planning for leadership
                                                        roles and align to Department’s Strategic Plan and
                                                       Develop strategies for improving average
                                                        sick/carers leave per teaching staff FTE and
                                                        Support Staff FTE within the plan.
                                                       Implement, monitor and review each semester.

                                                                                                                  Singleton Primary School Plan 2019-2021      9
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