School Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - NOLA Public Schools - Robert Russa Moton Charter ...

School Improvement Plan

               NOLA Public Schools

This schoolwide plan meets the requirements as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The mission of Robert Russa Moton Charter School, in partnership with families and the community, is to create a learning
environment that fosters kindness, curiosity, and encourages our students to be lifelong learners.

Motto: “Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge are the Keys to Success.”
List the names and titles/occupations of those persons who participated in developing this plan.
            School Improvement Planning Committee                                       Parent/Family Engagement Committee
 Responsible for the Design, Monitoring, Revision, and Evaluation of the      Responsible for the Implementation of the PFE Activities in the SIP

 Deidra Bradley/Interim Principal                                          Deidra Bradley/Interim Principal

 Brian Richburg/Parent Liaison                                             Brian Richburg/Parent Liaison

 Terracenia Rodney/Student Support Coordinator                             Terracenia Rodney/Student Support Coordinator

 Austin Sonnier/4th-8th Grade Instructional Coach (Math)                   Marrius Berry/Parent

 L’Tanya Randolph Bruno/ Business Manager                                  Dana Williams/Enrichment Coordinator

 Marrius Berry/Parent                                                      Brittany Bolds/Physical Education Teacher

 Dana Williams/Enrichment Coordinator                                      Tina Matthews/Pre-K Teacher

 Brittany Bolds/Physical Education Teacher

 Tina Matthews/Pre-K Teacher

 Shelby Evans/7th & 8th Grade ELA Teacher

 Gabriela Voorhies/7th and 8th Grade Math Teacher

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2020-2021

●   Provide outcomes of the school’s comprehensive needs assessment, as well as a description of the data sources
                used in the process. Findings should include detailed analysis of all student subcategories; an examination of
                student, teacher, school, and community strengths and needs; and a summary of priorities that will be addressed in
                the schoolwide plan.
            ●   The Comprehensive Needs Assessment will be used to develop a comprehensive plan for the entire school that
                takes into account information on the academic achievement of children in relation to the challenging State
                academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or are at-risk of failing, to meet the
                challenging State academic standards and any other factors as determined by the school and District.

                           STRENGTHS                                                                WEAKNESSES

Our current Eighth graders had the highest Achievement Level            Our overall Achievement Level percentage of students scoring at Basic
percentage of students scoring at Basic or above in ELA with 75% on     or above in ELA was 64% on the Spring 2019 LEAP 2025 Statewide
the Spring 2019 LEAP 2025 Statewide Assessment.                         Assessment.

Our current Fifth graders had the highest Achievement Level             Our overall Achievement Level percentage of students scoring at Basic
percentage of students scoring at Basic or above in Math with 61% on    or above in Math was 44% on the Spring 2019 LEAP 2021 Statewide
the Spring 2019 LEAP 2025 Statewide Assessment.                         Assessment.

A robust intervention program has been implemented including the        Ensuring that data is consistently monitored and that individualized
use of i-Ready which is a comprehensive assessment and instruction      learning plans are put in place to address specific areas of deficiencies
program that connects the quarterly diagnostics to personalized         for all students who are Reading and/or performing Math below grade
instruction while monitoring the progress of the individual students.   level.
This makes accessing the potential stretch growth obtainable in every
class when used with fidelity.

Instances of positive behavior have increased each month according      Consistent use of the PBIS Rewards platform by teachers/adults was
to the data from our PBIS Reward Platform.                              not evident.

Parent Communication has improved drastically over the past two         According to our most recent parent survey, 25% of parents report that
years. Weekly parent newsletters, the implementation of social media    activities are not scheduled at a time that is convenient for them.
platforms, and the use of a school wide call-out system have been put
into place.

DATA SOURCES: School Demographic Information, School Performance Score (SPS), Spring 2019 LEAP 2025 ELA and Math Category/Subcategory Data, iReady Diagnostic
Data and PBIS Data.

    ● Goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound.
    ● Must Include at Least 3 Academic Goals Aligned to the Most Current School Data Analysis
    ● Must Include at Least 1 Subcategory Goal

    1. From Spring 2019 to Spring 2021, 3-8 students achieving mastery or above will increase 10% from 32% of students
       achieving mastery or above to 42% of students achieving mastery or above in ELA on LEAP 2025.

    2. From Spring 2019 to Spring 2021, 3-8 students achieving mastery or above will increase 10% from 17% of students
       achieving mastery or above to 27% of students achieving mastery or above in Math on LEAP 2025.

    3. By the Spring of 2021, 70% of students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade will perform at or above grade level, or
       increase at least one grade band in reading and math as indicated by the i-Ready diagnostic and instruction program.

    4. By the Spring of 2021, 70% of special education students will either read and perform Math on grade level or increase their
       reading and mathematical grade level by a minimum of one grade band as indicated by i-Ready.

    5. By the Spring of 2021, Moton Charter School students will have attained a monthly average of 85% participation in PBIS
       celebration activities.

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2020-2021
    ● The SIP must be developed with the involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served,
      as well as individuals who will carry out the plan, including teachers, principals, other school leaders,
      paraprofessionals, and, if appropriate, specialized instructional support personnel, and school staff. If the plan
      relates to a secondary school, students may be included and other individuals determined by the school.
    ● The SIP shall be available to the District, parents, and the public, and information contained in the plan shall be in

an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can
    ● Each school must meet ESSA requirements, including the development and implementation of a parent and
      family engagement policy that includes a school-parent compact outlining shared responsibility for high student
      academic achievement.

  PARENT/FAMILY                      GOAL(S)        BUDGET(S) USED             ITEMS TO BE                  EFFECTIVENESS
   ENGAGEMENT                       ADDRESSED        TO SUPPORT               PURCHASED TO
    ACTIVITIES                                         ACTIVITY              SUPPORT ACTIVITY
Describe how all parents       Goal(s):            Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                Effectiveness Measure:
will be involved in the        1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
design and evaluation of                           X Title I                 School website               Title I Surveys
the SIP (include the month                         ☐DSS                      Parent & Family Engagement
that activity will take                            ☐Title II                 Meeting Agendas/ZOOM
place):                                            ☐LA4                      recordings
                                                   ☐IDEA B                   Survey                       Effectiveness Results:
Design:                                            ☐IDEA PRESCHL
    ● Parent Engagement                            ☐Title IV                                              Family Feedback Survey
        meeting occurs to                          ☐EEF                                                   Results
        review the School                          ☐Bond Money                                            SIP Family Survey Summary
        Improvement Plan                           X Other
        and provide
        feedback to Parent
        Liaison, May 2020.
    ● The School
        Improvement Plan is
        posted on the
        school’s website to
        obtain parent
        September, 2020.
    ● One Parent
        representative and a
        community member
        are members of the
        SIP committee
        (meetings are at

least 3 x per year).
    ●   Parent & Family
        meetings held to
        plan activities.

    ● Substantial parent
        approval as
        measured by survey

Describe how parents and        Goal(s)             Budgets used to support   Items Needed:               Effectiveness Measure:
community stakeholders          1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
are included as decision                            X Title I                 School website              Title I Surveys
makers in a broad                                   ☐DSS                      News from the Nest
spectrum of school                                  ☐Title II
decisions:                                          ☐LA4
     ● Parents and                                  ☐ IDEA B                                              Effectiveness Results:
         community                                  ☐IDEA PRESCHL
         stakeholders are                           ☐Title IV                                             Family Feedback Survey
         invited to engage in                       ☐EEF                                                  Results
         Parent meetings,                           ☐Bond Money
         provide feedback on                        X Other
         surveys, provide
         input and support
         with PBIS events,
         and make
         for resources and
         supports that would
         be helpful for their
         students when
         talking with

Describe how the school         Goal(s)             Budgets used to support   Items Needed:               Effectiveness Measure:
communicates information        1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
to parents regarding the                            X Title I                 PowerSchool                 Title I Surveys
strategies and activities in                        ☐DSS                      Cardstock
the SIP, curriculum,                                ☐Title II                 Colored paper and ink for
assessments, student                                ☐LA4                      newsletters and handouts

progress, etc.                 ☐ IDEA B        School website                  Effectiveness Results:
    ● News from the Nest       ☐IDEA PRESCHL   Printers & Computers
       (School Newsletter)     ☐Title IV       Copies (Paper and/or Virtual)   Family Feedback Survey
       -school events,         ☐EEF            Legal paper                     Results
       reminders,              ☐Bond Money     SAT Agendas
       important dates, and    X Other         Report Cards
       ways to support                         Title I Compacts
       home learning.                          Parent/Family meeting
    ● Handouts at Parent                       agendas including bilingual
       and Family                              resources
       Engagement events                       Parent Conference Logs
       (Parent Orientation,                    SAT and IEP Documents
       Report Card                             CD/DVD players
       Conferences,                            Microphones
       Family Literacy                         Laptops
       Night)                                  Index Cards
    ● School handbook.                         Chart Paper
    ● Robo Calls to                            Poster Boards
       remind families of                      Markers
       special events.
    ● Google Classroom,
       Classroom Dojo and
       Positive Behavioral
       Support (PBIS)
       Rewards systems.
    ● Student Assistance
       Team (SAT)
       meetings to
       conference with
       parents and provide
       support for
       academic and
       behavioral needs
    ● OWL
    ● School Facebook
       Page-used to inform
       parents of activities
       for students being
       supported by

teachers and
    ●    Title I School
    ●    English Learners
         (EL) families are
         offered translation
         services during
         parent meetings to
         help them
         understand agenda
         items (academic
         goals, instructional
         expectations, etc.)

Translation Services:             Goal(s)             Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                   Effectiveness Measure:
    ● School must ensure          1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
         that all staff                               X Title I                 Translation services for:       Title I Surveys
         communicate with                             ☐DSS                      Permission Slips
         Limited English                              ☐Title II                 Testing Information
         Proficiency (LEP)                            ☐LA4                      Home Language Survey, etc.
         families in a                                ☐ IDEA B                  Interpreter for registration,   Effectiveness Results:
         language they can                            ☐IDEA PRESCHL             SAT, IEP’s and Parent &
         understand and                               ☐Title IV                 Family Engagement Activities    Family Feedback Survey
         notify LEP families                          ☐EEF                      Two way communication           Results
         of any program,                              ☐Bond Money               provided via FASTalk
         service, or activity                         X Other
         communicated to
         families, to the
         extent practicable.
         (Title VI of the Civil
         Rights Act of 1964).
    ● Parents in need of
         translation services
         to discuss student
         assessment results,
         student concerns,
         etc. will contact the
         school and a

conference will be
       arranged with a
   ●   Items that may need
       to be written &
       translated include:
       Parent Permission
       forms, Testing
       Information, Home
       Language Survey,
   ●   Items that may need
       to be verbally
       interpreted include:
       Registration and
       Enrollment process,
       Orientation, Parent
       Calls, etc.

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2020-2021
Describe specific strategies/activities to assist parents and families in understanding such topics as the challenging
State academic standards, State and local assessments, and how to monitor a child’s progress. Also, describe activities
that provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve academic achievement. Include
the month that the activity will take place if applicable.

In compliance with LA Act 436, at least three meetings will be held during the school year to provide parents with
information on how to access the curriculum. This information will be provided during school Open House events, PTA
meetings, and other parent orientation meetings.

Parent Family Engagement        Goal(s)             Budgets used to support   Items Needed:            Effectiveness Measure:
Activity 1:                     1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
Virtual Open House                                  X Title I                 ZOOM platform, Virtual   Title I Surveys
(August 2020)                                       ☐DSS                      Teacher Meet & Greets,
     ● Sessions held at the                         ☐Title II                 Computers and Internet
         beginning of the                           ☐LA4                      Connectivity
         school year to allow                       ☐ IDEA B                                           Effectiveness Results:
         family members to                          ☐IDEA PRESCHL
         meet their child’s                         ☐Title IV                                          Sign-in sheets (Attendance
         teacher and for the                        ☐EEF                                               taken via Chat feature)
         teacher to share                           ☐Bond Money
         school information                         X Other
         to help make the
         start of the school
         year successful.
     ● Administration
         welcomes parents
         and students with
         overviews of the
         school’s policies,
         expectations, and
         goals (academic
         and behavioral).
     ● Information on
         grade level scope &
         sequence, state
         standards, and
         formative vs.
         assessments is

Parent Family Engagement        Goal(s)             Budgets used to support   Items Needed:            Effectiveness Measure:
Activity 2:                     1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
PTO Election (October                               X Title I                 ZOOM platform            Title I Surveys
2020)                                               ☐DSS                      Flyers
    ● Elect                                         ☐Title II                 Agendas
         representatives to                         ☐LA4                      Sign-in sheets
         share in decision                          ☐IDEA B                   Poster Boards
         making by giving                           ☐IDEA PRESCHL             Pens                     Effectiveness Results:
         voice to parental                          ☐Title IV                 Refreshments

concerns.                                    ☐EEF                                                        Sign-in sheets (Attendance
                                                      ☐Bond Money                                                 taken via Chat feature)
                                                      X Other

Parent Family Engagement          Goal(s)             Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                     Effectiveness Measure:
Activity 3:                       1, 2, 3, 4, and 5   this activity:
Family Math and Literacy                              X Title I                 ZOOM platform with breakout       Title I Surveys
Night (February 2021)                                 ☐DSS                      rooms for content specific
    ● Learn about                                     ☐Title II                 activities, and/or Literacy and
         different literature                         ☐LA4                      Math station materials such       Effectiveness Results:
         genres                                       ☐ IDEA B                  as colored paper, index
    ● Learn how to build                              ☐IDEA PRESCHL             cards, manila folders,            Sign-in sheets (Attendance
         vocabulary                                   ☐Title IV                 construction paper, pencils,      taken via Chat feature)
    ● Hands-on activities                             ☐EEF                      glue, crayons, markers, art
         with parents and                             ☐Bond Money               materials, sign-in sheets,
         students to                                  X Other                   agendas
         demonstrate higher
         order thinking skills,
         application and
         evaluation as they
         relate to math
    ● Understand priority
         standards by grade
    ● Serve as a resource
         for EL families

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2020-2021
The schoolwide plan shall include a description of the strategies that the school will be implementing to
address school needs, including a description of how such strategies will:
    ● Provide opportunities for all children, including each of the subcategories of students, to meet the challenging
      State academic standards

● Use methods and evidence-based instructional strategies that strengthen the core academic program in the
      school, increase the quantity and quality of learning time, and help provide an enriched and rigorous curriculum,
      which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education;
    ● Address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the
      challenging State academic standards; and
    ● Use evidence-based strategies to improve the achievement of the lowest-achieving students. (Include a
      description of how and when the strategies will be implemented. Be sure strategies are aligned to areas identified
      in the comprehensive needs assessment.)

Core Instruction
SCHOOLWIDE PLAN                      GOAL(S)      BUDGET(S) USED             ITEMS TO BE                  EFFECTIVENESS
   STRATEGY                         ADDRESSED      TO SUPPORT               PURCHASED TO
                                                     ACTIVITY              SUPPORT ACTIVITY
Rigorous,                      Goal(s):          Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                Effectiveness Measure:
Standards-Based                1, 2, 3, and 4    this activity:
Curriculum:                                      X Title I                 Great Minds Wit &            Data reports, teacher
    ●   Wit & Wisdom is                          ☐DSS                      Wisdom workbooks (set        observation, selection test
        used as the core                         ☐Title II                 for each class), In Sync     assessment and
        ELA curriculum for                       ☐LA4
                                                                           supplementary                performance based
                                                 ☐IDEA B
        all grades (K-8). It                                               component, Class,            assessments, progress
                                                 ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        aligns with and                          ☐Title IV                 Novels, Great Minds Wit &    monitoring.
        allows students to                       ☐EEF                      Wisdom Teacher
        master the                               ☐Bond Money               Edition/Online Access, dry
        required Louisiana                       X Other                   erase board and markers,     Effectiveness Results:
        Student                                                            Promethean board,
                                                                                                        Spring 2021 LEAP test
        Standards by                                                       projector, poster board,     scores
        using a great                                                      organizers and graphs,
        number of                                                          Chromebooks, webcams,
        strategies, tools,                                                 document cams, teacher
        novels, and                                                        training, and headphones.
        methods that
        address varied

student learning

Rigorous,                   Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:               Effectiveness Measure:
Standards-Based             1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:                                        Data reports, teacher
Curriculum:                                  X Title I                 Great Minds Eureka Math     observation, selection test
   ●   Eureka Math is                        ☐DSS                                                  assessment and
                                                                       modules (set for each
       used as the core                      ☐Title II
                                                                       class), In Sync             performance based
       curriculum in math                    ☐LA4
                                             ☐IDEA B                   supplementary               assessments, progress
       classes for all                                                 component,Teacher           monitoring.
                                             ☐IDEA PRESCHL
       grades (K-8). It                      ☐Title IV                 Edition/Online Access to
       aligns with and                       ☐EEF                      Eureka Math, Student
       allows students to                    ☐Bond Money               modules (set for each
       master the                            XOther                                                Effectiveness Results:
                                                                       class), calculators,
       required Louisiana                                              pencils, and paper,         Spring 2021 LEAP test
       Student                                                         Chromebooks, webcams,       scores
       Standards by                                                    document cams, teacher
       using a great                                                   training, and headphones.
       number of
       strategies, tools,
       and methods that
       address varied
       student learning

Rigorous,                   Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:               Effectiveness Measure:
Standards-Based             1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:                                        Data reports, teacher
Curriculum:                                  X Title I                 Amplify Science teacher     observation, selection test
   ●   Amplify Science                       ☐DSS                                                  assessment and
                                                                       online teacher resources
       is used as the                        ☐Title II
                                                                       and student kits (set for   performance based
       core curriculum in                    ☐LA4
                                             ☐IDEA B                   each class),                assessments, progress
       Science classes                                                 manipulatives, pencils,     monitoring
                                             ☐IDEA PRESCHL
       for all grades                        ☐Title IV                 and paper, Chromebooks,
       (K-5). It aligns                      ☐EEF                      webcams, document
       with and allows                       ☐Bond Money               cams, teacher training,
       students to master                    XOther                                                Effectiveness Results:
                                                                       and headphones.
       the required

Louisiana Student                                                                            Spring 2021 LEAP test
       Standards/Next                                                                               scores
       Standards by
       using a great
       number of
       strategies, tools,
       and methods that
       address varied
       student learning

Use of Academic              Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:               Effectiveness Measure:
Assessments to Improve       1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:
Instruction:                                  ☐Title I                  Computers, ipads/tablets,   iReady Diagnostic
   ●   iReady is a                            ☐DSS                      DIBELS benchmark            Assessment and Progress
                                              ☐Title II                 assessment books, paper,    Monitoring assessments,
       universal screener
                                              ☐LA4                                                  LEAP 2025, and DIBELS
       given to students                                                pencils, headphones
                                              ☐IDEA B
       in grades K-8 to                       ☐IDEA PRESCHL
       progress monitor                       ☐Title IV
       achievement in                         ☐EEF                                                  Effectiveness Results:
       core instruction                       ☐Bond Money
       and individual                         XOther                                                iReady Diagnostic
                                                                                                    Assessment and Progress
       reading and math
                                                                                                    Monitoring results, Spring
       proficiency levels.                                                                          2021 LEAP results, DIBELS
       iReady’s                                                                                     EOY Assessment results,
       individual lessons                                                                           and SLT results
       are used as part
       of our Tier I
       intervention for 30
       min a day. Tier II
       and Tier III
       interventions are
       combined with
       face to face small
       group instruction,

in addition to the
        computer based
        instruction on
        i-Ready with
        various times
        assigned based
        on student needs.

    ●   Dibels is a
        assessment, and
        monitoring tool
        that is
        administered to all
        students in grades
        K-3. It measures
        achievement and
        is used to identify
        students who are
        at risk for reading

    ●   LEAP 2025 is our
        state’s annual
        CRT administered
        to all students in
        grades 3-8.

Strategies, Curriculum, and   Goal(s):   Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                 Effectiveness Measure:
Assessments Specific to       4          this activity:            Chromebooks, ipad/tablets,
Students with Disabilities:              X Title I                 paper, pencil, content area   iReady Diagnostic
    ●   In grades PreK-8,                ☐DSS                      related materials,            Assessment and Progress
        Students with                    ☐Title II                 manipulatives, headphones

Disabilities are     ☐LA4            Monitoring assessments and
    taught in GenED      ☐IDEA B         LEAP 2025
    classrooms with      ☐IDEA PRESCHL
                         ☐Title IV
    the support of
    SPED teachers as     ☐Bond Money     Effectiveness Results:
    well as in           X Other
    resource                             iReady Diagnostic
    classrooms, or by                    Assessment and Progress
    pushing into the                     Monitoring results, Spring
    GenED classroom                      2021 LEAP results, and SLT
    using Tier 1
    curriculum (Wit &
    Wisdom and
    Eureka Math),
    along with
    modified materials
    and assignments
    based on the
    individual needs.
●   Universal Design
    for Learning
    (UDL) Direct
    Homework &
    Practice, and
    Student Goal
    strategies are
●   Writing Across the
    Curriculum is the

Strategies, Curriculum, and   Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                 Effectiveness Measure:
Assessments Specific to       1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:            Chromebooks, ipads/tablets,
English Learners:                              X Title I                 ELPS, ELPT, LexiaCore5,       ELPS, ELPT
    ●   ELL students work                      ☐DSS                      paper, pencil, and
        with the ELL                           ☐Title II                 headphones
        teacher daily. In
                                               ☐IDEA B                                                 Effectiveness Results:
        grades PreK-8                          ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        students are                           ☐Title IV                                               ELPS results and ELPT
        pulled for small                       ☐EEF                                                    results
        group instruction                      ☐Bond Money
        using our Tier 1                       XOther
        curricula (Wit &
        Wisdom and
        Eureka Math) for
        core instruction.
        Students are
        serviced daily.
        The ELL teacher
        assists them with
        in class
        assignments as
        well as Math and
        ELA strategy
    ●   Lexia Core5 is
        used to
        supplement the
        core program
        specifically for
        oral, reading,
        spelling, and
        writing language
    ●   Direct Instruction,
        Homework &
        Practice, and
        Student Goal

       strategies are

Interventions for At-Risk Students

Process for Determining       Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                   Effectiveness Measure:
Student Participation in      1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:            Chromebook, ipads/tablets,
School and Classroom                           ☐Title I                  paper, pencil, DIBELS           iReady Diagnostic
Interventions:                                 ☐DSS                      assessment materials,           Assessment and Progress
    ●   Screening and                          ☐Title II                 individualized reading and      Monitoring assessments,
        progress                               ☐LA4                      math materials (iReady          LEAP 2025, and DIBELS
        monitoring                             ☐IDEA B                   toolbox), manipulatives,
                                               ☐IDEA PRESCHL             various online resources, and
                                               ☐Title IV                 headphones
        (DIBELS and                            ☐EEF                                                      Effectiveness Results:
        iReady) are                            ☐Bond Money
        administered                           X Other                                                   iReady Diagnostic
        throughout the                                                                                   Assessment and Progress
        school year.                                                                                     Monitoring results, Spring
        Students who                                                                                     2021 LEAP results, DIBELS
        score below or                                                                                   EOY Assessment results,
                                                                                                         and SLT results
        well below
        benchmark on
        DIBELS and
        iReady are placed
        into intervention
        groups. Teachers
        regularly during
        PLC meetings to
        review data and
        grouping, and
        work with students
        in small groups to
        provide instruction

targeted to their
        identified needs.

Opportunities and             Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                   Effectiveness Measure:
Interventions for Students    1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:            Chromebooks, ipads/tablets,,
in Need:                                       ☐ Title I                 paper, pencil, consumable       iReady Diagnostic
    ●   Small group                            X DSS                     reading, writing, and math      Assessment and Progress
        instruction                            ☐Title II                 materials, manipulatives,       Monitoring assessments,
    ●   After-school                           ☐LA4                      various online resources        LEAP 2025, and DIBELS
                                               ☐IDEA B                   including iReady Toolbox
        tutoring (LEAP
                                               ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        Remediation                            ☐Title IV
        Program)                               X EEF                                                     Effectiveness Results:
                                               ☐Bond Money
                                               X Other                                                   iReady Diagnostic
                                                                                                         Assessment and Progress
                                                                                                         Monitoring results, Spring
                                                                                                         2021 LEAP results, DIBELS
                                                                                                         EOY Assessment results,
                                                                                                         and SLT results

Process to Identify           Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                   Effectiveness Measure:
Students Who Are              1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:            300R, individualized
Continuing to Experience                       ☐ Title I                 assistance plan, student work   iReady, LEAP 360, student
Difficulty After Receiving                     ☐DSS                      samples, parent                 grades, teacher records
the School and Classroom                       ☐Title II                 communication form
Interventions:                                 ☐LA4
    ●   Students identified                    X IDEA B
        through                                ☐ IDEA PRESCHL                                            Effectiveness Results:
        standardized test                      ☐Title IV
                                               ☐EEF                                                      iReady Diagnostic
                                               ☐Bond Money                                               Assessment and Progress
        screener, and/or                       X Other                                                   Monitoring results, Spring
        teacher                                                                                          2021 LEAP results, DIBELS
        recommendations                                                                                  EOY Assessment results
        monitoring) as
        difficulty are

referred to the
        school’s Student
        Assistance Team.
    ●   SAT – meets with
        the teacher,
        parent(s), and
        administration to
        develop more
        interventions as
        part of an
        individualized plan
        of action.

Interventions Specific to     Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                   Effectiveness Measure:
Students with Disabilities:   4                this activity:            Chromebook, ipads/tablets,
    ●   Intervention                           ☐ Title I                 pencil, paper, manipulatives,   iReady
        Blocks – focusing                      ☐DSS                      and headphones
        on re-teaching,                        ☐Title II
        remediation and
                                               ☐IDEA B                                                   Effectiveness Results:
        practice on a daily                    ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        basis that                             ☐Title IV                                                 iReady Diagnostic
        increases the                          ☐EEF                                                      Assessment and Progress
        quality and                            ☐Bond Money                                               Monitoring results
        quantity of                            X Other
        learning time.

Interventions Specific to     Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                   Effectiveness Measure:
English Learners:             1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:
    ●   English Language                       ☐ Title I                 Chromebooks, ipads/tablets,
        Proficiency                            ☐DSS                      Lexia Core 5, pencils, paper,   ELPT
        Screener (ELPS)                        ☐Title II                 headphones, ELPS, and
                                               ☐LA4                      ELPT
        is administered to
                                               ☐IDEA B                                                   Effectiveness Results:
        new ELL students                       ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        at the beginning of                    ☐Title IV                                                 ELPT results
        the school year for                    X EEF
        placement.                             ☐Bond Money

English Language      X Other
    Proficiency Test
    (ELPT) is
    administered in
    the spring to
    measure the
    student’s level of
    proficiency in
●   LexiaCore 5
    online platform is
    used to develop
    oral, reading,
    spelling, and
    writing proficiency
    in ELL students.
●   Time/block with
    ELL Teacher -
    ELL students work
    with ELL teacher
    daily to increase
    the quality and
    extend the
    quantity of
    learning time.
●   Collaboration
    classroom teacher
    and ELL teacher -
    ELL teacher and
    collaborate with
    each other on
    student work,
    progress, and
    services provided.

Support and Extended Learning
Support Structures and         Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                 Effectiveness Measure:
Programs that Provide          1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:            Content specific material,
Collaborative Support for                       X Title I                 speech materials/contracted   SEL Survey and PBIS Data
Student Learning (e.g.                          ☐DSS                      services, SEL program, art
Speech, Enrichment                              ☐Title II                 supplies, PE/Health
Classes, Accelerated                            ☐LA4                      equipment and materials,
Classes, Kids-In-Transition,                    X IDEA B                  musical materials and         Effectiveness Results:
P.E., Art, Music):                              X IDEA PRESCHL            supplies, dance materials
    ●   Reading, Math,                          XTitle IV                 and supplies, chromebooks,    SEL Survey results and PBIS
        Science and                             ☐EEF                      ipads/tablets, headphones &   data results
        Social Studies is                       ☐Bond Money               WiFi devices
                                                X Other
        integrated in all
        classes to
        strengthen and
        enrich the core
    ●   School-wide
        health and mental
        health services
        that promote
        lifestyles are
    ●   Speech services,
        Adapted Physical
        Therapy, Gifted
        and Talented
        Services are
        provided by a
        contracted vendor
        for students in

●    Enrichment
         Classes are
         provided to all
         students to
         provide a

Extended Learning                Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:              Effectiveness Measure:
Opportunities within and         1, 2, 3, and 4   this activity:
beyond the School Day and                         ☐Title I                  iReady teacher toolbox,    iReady Diagnostic
the School Year (e.g. 21st                        X DSS                     pencils, paper,            Assessment and Progress
Century, before or after                          ☐Title II                 Promethean board, dry      Monitoring assessments and
school tutoring, field trips):                    ☐LA4                                                 LEAP 2025
                                                                            erase board and markers,
    ●    LEAP                                     ☐IDEA B
                                                  ☐IDEA PRESCHL             binder, American Book
         Remediation                                                        Company workbooks/web
                                                  ☐Title IV
         Program -                                                          extension, LEAP 2025
                                                  X EEF                                                Effectiveness Results:
         (February-April)                         ☐Bond Money               released questions, bus
         Students remain                          X Other                   transportation, lunch,     iReady Diagnostic
         after school or                                                    Chromebooks, ipads/        Assessment and Progress
         online via ZOOM                                                    tablets, headphones, and
                                                                                                       Monitoring results and Spring
         from                                                                                          2021 LEAP results
                                                                            WiFi devices
         Students are
         grouped by grade
         level. Teachers
         guide instruction
         by using LEAP
         2025 aligned
         (Released Test
         Items from
         www.louisianabeli, ABC
         content specific

extension, and
    iReady’s Teacher
    Toolbox). The
    after school
    program’s goal is
    to further reinforce
    the opportunity of
    all students to
    master grade level
    thereby scoring
    Mastery or above
    on the LEAP 2025
●   Summer
    Program -
    Students will
    attend a
    summer intensive
    program to review
    standards taught
    during the school
    year. The goal is
    to ensure student
    success by
    narrowing the
    achievement gap
    by addressing any
●   Adaptive Staffing
    - Faculty will
    follow an Adaptive
    Staffing Plan
    during periods of

facility closure or
    operations in
    order to ensure
    instruction is
    consistently being
    provided to
●   Instructional
    Strategies -
    Direct Instruction,
    Homework &
    Practice, and
    Student Goal
    strategies are
●   Schoolwide
    Initiative - Writing
    Across the
    Curriculum is the
    initiative with Data
    Driven Instruction
    being the driving
    force behind
●   Field Trips-
    field trips are
    scheduled to
    extend classroom
    learning into real
    world locales.

Field trip
        objectives are
        related to the
        standards and
        may be either
        virtual or
    ●   Community
        Partners -
        Organizations that
        volunteer their
        time to provide
        students with
        opportunities to
        skills are the
        Silver Back
        Guardians of the
        Flame, and

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2020-2021
        Other Strategies and Activities to Improve Students’ Skills Outside of the Academic Subject Areas

Mental Health Provider       Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                  Effectiveness Measure:
Services:                                     this activity:            Pencil paper, table, chairs,
    ●   School               1, 2, 3, and 4   ☐Title I                  highlighters/markers,          Student Interviews and
        Counselor-                            ☐DSS                      Chromebooks, ipads/tablets,    Evaluations
        Counselor will                        ☐Title II                 headphones, WiFi devices

hold group and                   ☐IDEA B
       individual                       ☐IDEA PRESCHL
       sessions with                    ☐Title IV                                                Effectiveness Results:
       students to
                                        ☐Bond Money                                              Evaluation results and PBIS
       encourage the                    X Other                                                  data results
       development of
       coping strategies
       for handling
       conflict and stress
       they may be

Counseling Services:         Goal(s):   Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                  Effectiveness Measure:
   ● School                             this activity:            Pencil paper, table, chairs,   Student Interviews and
      counselor-             5          ☐Title I                  highlighters/markers,          Evaluations and PBIS data
                                        ☐DSS                      Chromebooks,ipads/tablets,
      All students are
                                        ☐Title II                 headphones, WiFi devices
      allowed to visit                  ☐LA4
      school counselors                 ☐IDEA B
      upon their request                ☐IDEA PRESCHL                                            Effectiveness Results:
      anytime during the                ☐Title IV
      school day.                       ☐EEF                                                     Evaluation results and PBIS
   ● Counselor                          ☐Bond Money                                              data results
                                        X Other
      provides students
      with in-class and
      emotional support.
   ● Group sessions
      are held with
      students to
      discuss topics
      such as emotion
      regulation, study
      skills and
   ● For families, the
      provides resource
      referrals and

suggestions for
        strategies at
    ●   Counselor
        partners with the
        RTI team to
        address student
        needs and
        facilitate planning.

Implementation of a Schoolwide Tiered Model to Prevent and Address Problem Behavior
Strategies Used to Prevent     Goal(s):    Budgets used to support   Items Needed:         Effectiveness Measure:
and Address Problem            5           this activity:
Behavior:                                  ☐Title I                  PBIS and Class Dojo   PBIS data and Behavior
    ●   PBIS - The entire                  ☐DSS                                            Intervention Plans
        student body                       ☐Title II
        participates in our                ☐LA4
                                           ☐IDEA B
        Positive Behavior
                                           ☐IDEA PRESCHL                                   Effectiveness Results:
        Interventions and                  X Title IV
        Supports                           ☐EEF                                            PBIS data results and BIP
        program. Students                  ☐Bond Money
        are rewarded with                  X Other
        points when
        positive behavior
        showing respect,
        responsibility and
        safety. Monthly
        celebrations are
        held to recognize
        students who
        display positive

    ●   Class Dojo- Two
        communication for
        students in grades
    ●   Routines, Rules,
        and rewards are
        posted in every

Strategies for Assisting Students in theTransition from One School to the Next
Transition Activities for       Goal(s):     Budgets used to support   Items Needed:              Effectiveness Measure:
Incoming and Outgoing                        this activity:            Parent surveys, activity
Students:                       1,2,3,4,5    X Title I                 related materials          Parent, staff, and community
                                             ☐DSS                                                 surveys
Virtual Open House -                         ☐Title II
Students and parents visit                   ☐IDEA B
the school prior to the first                ☐IDEA PRESCHL                                        Effectiveness Results:
day of the school year to                    ☐Title IV
meet teachers and staff,                     ☐EEF                                                 Family Feedback Survey
receive student schedules,                   ☐Bond Money                                          results
learn about school and                       X Other
classroom expectations,
and receive school supply
lists. Teachers also review
contact options, the TS
Gold Assessment System,
and translation services.

High School Day - 8th
grade students participate
in “High School Night,”an
event that exposes them

to different high schools in
the greater N. O. area.
The goal is to provide
students with an
opportunity to make
well-informed decisions
about where they would
like to attend H.S.

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2020-2021
                                           Professional Development
High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development for Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Other School Personnel to
Improve Instruction, Use Data from Academic Assessments, and to Recruit and Retain Effective Teachers, Particularly
in High-Needs Schools/Subjects:

Professional Learning          Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:                Effectiveness Measure:
Communities (PLCs):                             this activity:
    ●   Weekly PLCs -          1, 2, 3, and 4   X Title I                 Student data trackers,       PLC Feedback Surveys
        Teachers,                               ☐DSS                      computers, headphones, web
        Instructional                           X Title II                cameras, document
                                                ☐LA4                      cameras, ZOOM platform,
        Coaches, and
                                                ☐IDEA B                   pencil, paper,etc.           Effectiveness Results:
        Administration                          ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        meet once per                           ☐Title IV                                              Spring 2021 LEAP results
        week to share                           ☐EEF
        expertise, use                          ☐Bond Money
        student data to                         X Other
        make instructional
        decisions, and
        collaboratively to
        improve teaching

skills and the
    performance of
●   Prof. Dev.
    sessions are
    designed to shift
    from a focus on
    teaching to a
    focus on student
    learning with
    particular attention
    given to
    core standards,
    foundational skills
    in early literacy,
    understandings in
    Math, and
    strategies for
    Writing and
●   Instructional
    and curriculum
    pacing are also
●   Particular
    attention is given
    to the instructional
    strategies (1)
    Direct Instruction,
    (2) Homework and
    Practice, and (3)

Student Goal
    ●   Writing Across the
        Curriculum is the
        initiative with Data
        Driven Instruction
        as a focus.
    ●   Online platform
        trainings are held
        at the beginning of
        the school year
        and intermittently
        thereafter to
        ensure faculty
        capacity building
        and proficiency.

Other Professional             Goal(s):         Budgets used to support   Items Needed:          Effectiveness Measure:
Development:                                    this activity:
    ●   Faculty members        1, 2, 3, and 4   X Title I                 PD related materials   Certificates of Completion
        participate in P.D.                     ☐DSS
        on versatile                            X Title II
                                                X IDEA B                                         Effectiveness Results:
        delivery strategies                     ☐IDEA PRESCHL
        and remote                              ☐Title IV                                        Spring 2021 LEAP results
        service delivery.                       ☐EEF
    ●   Google                                  ☐Bond Money
        Classroom                               X Other
        certification is
    ●   3 Mentor
        Teachers are
        trained to provide
        faculty support

through effective
        use of the
        Coaching Cycle.
    ●   3 Content Leaders
        trained to provide
        faculty with
        expertise in ELA,
        Math, and
    ●   In-house P.D. on
        Student Support
        Services delivered
        to faculty by the
    ●   Peer-Led
        presented on Test
    ●   Mandatory
        Reporting training
        conducted by the
    ●   Certification/
        Licensure tuition
        available to
        increase the
        number of
        certified faculty

Recruit Effective Teachers, Particularly in High Needs Subjects/Schools:
   ● School Administrators attend and interview teachers at the Greater New Orleans Collaborative of Charter Schools Job Fair to fill openings.
   ● Teacher openings are advertised through the Greater New Orleans Collaborative of Charter Schools website.
   ● Administrators attend local university teacher recruitment fairs in the spring.

Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and Local Resources, Services, and Programs
McKinney Vento:
   ● Homeless students receive all services for which they are eligible for through Title I, Food Services, and LA4.

Food Services:
   ● All students whose income qualifies them for free/reduced meals participate in the federal food service program.

Special Education:
   ● Child Find requires the school to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with suspected disabilities who are in need of early intervention or special
        education services.
   ● Identified students with disabilities, gifted, and talented students receive all services specified on their IEP through a combination of IDEA, Title I, and
        the General Fund. Services are but not limited to Counseling, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Adapted Physical Education.

English as a Second Language (ESL):
   ● Identified LEP students receive services from a certified ESL teacher on-site. These services are paid for through the General Fund.

21st Century Programs:
    ● N/A

Head Start Preschool Programs:
   ● Moton provides transition activities and services for children and parents. Preschool programs are funded through LA4 and Title I.

Robert Russa Moton Charter School 2019-2020
4. Regular Monitoring and SIP Revision
    ● The SIP remains in effect for the duration of the school year, except the plan and its implementation shall be
      regularly monitored and revised as necessary based on student needs to ensure that all students are provided
      opportunities to meet the challenging State academic standards.
    ● The school will annually evaluate the implementation of, and results achieved by, the schoolwide program using
      data from the State’s annual assessments and other indicators of academic achievement to determine whether
      the plan has been effective in increasing achievement of students in meeting the State’s academic standards,
      particularly for those students who had been furthest from achieving the standards. The school will revise the
      plan, as necessary, based on the results of the evaluation, to ensure continuous improvement of students in the
      schoolwide program.

Describe how and when the SIP is monitored during the school year using multiple types of data including diagnostic, interim, and summative
assessment, in order to evaluate instructional practices, determine patterns of student achievement, and make necessary adjustments to increase
student learning across grade levels, content areas, claims/subclaims, and subcategories:
    ● Once beginning-of-year assessments are compiled and analyzed, the SIP committee reviews budgets along with school programs to make
        adjustments so that core instruction and interventions meet the current needs of the student population. Intervention services are adjusted throughout
        the year based on student progress (i-Ready and DIBELS data). Data is analyzed during Professional Learning Community meetings to evaluate
        instructional practices and to review grade level strengths/weaknesses in order to target specific skills. The SPED team specifically reviews SPED
        student data to monitor targeted skill growth. EL data is also reviewed by the SPED team in order to adjust instruction.

Describe how and when the SIP Committee will meet and discuss school programs implemented, as outlined in the SIP, to determine effectiveness
and to assist in planning for the upcoming school year:
    ● The SIP Committee meets April-June to review the previous year’s SIP evaluation and data prior to planning programs for the next school year. Once
        beginning-of-year diagnostic data is compiled, along with previous school year CRT and index data, the SIP committee meets again to review
        instructional plans and make any necessary adjustments.

Describe how and when the evaluation results of the SIP are reported to the school’s stakeholders (faculty, staff, parents/families, and community
   ● Results of assessments are reported to stakeholders through the School Report Card published on Louisiana Believes State Website as well as the
        local newspaper. In addition, results are shared at Orientation, PTO meetings, and Parent & Family Engagement events. Results are also posted on
        the school’s marquee.

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