Seckman Ice Hockey Club Member Handbook - 2021/2022 Season - - Ngin

Page created by Timothy Mills
Seckman Ice Hockey Club Member Handbook - 2021/2022 Season - - Ngin
Seckman Ice Hockey Club
   Member Handbook
      2021/2022 Season
Section 1
   Current Board of Directors and Contact Information
   Appointed Position Description

Section 2
   Coaching Staff & Contact Information

Section 3
   Important 2021/22 Season Dates

Section 4
   Fees, Deposits and Registration
   Practice Schedule
   Fundraising and Parent Volunteer Requirements
   Code of Conduct
Section 1
                                Board Members
Roberta Erson         Phone 314.974.3857   Email

Brock Woods           Phone 314.221.8837   Email

Alicia Montgomery     Phone 314.313.2226   Email

Angie Baldwin         Phone 314.898.2337   Email

                        Board Appointed Positions

Mike Gryglewski       Phone 314.960.6295   Email

Sandy Salger          Phone 314.280.5080   Email

Rob Westervelt     Phone 636.208.9174      Email



Appointed Position Descriptions
Varsity Coordinator/Dir. Coordinator - coordinate all schedules and activities for the Varsity team with
the coaches and the board, prepare score sheets, assist the JV/B team coordinator when needed.

B Team Coordinator - coordinate all schedules and activities for the B team with the coaches and the
board, prepare score sheets.

Member at Large - attend monthly board meetings and help board in any way

Coaching Director - the ONLY liaison between parents and the coaches, any comments or complaints
from parents MUST be sent though the coaching director who will then present them to the board for a
decision on how to handle.

Registrar - register all players with the club and Mid-States, develop rosters

Ice Coordinator - liaison between ice rinks and the club, verify ice schedules

Uniform Coordinator - distribute and care for jerseys and socks, hold deposits for jerseys until collected
in good condition at end of year

Publicity Coordinator - advise Seckman High School of game schedules and any special events, and
request them to be in announcements; contact Leader and Journal for any special events

Fundraising Coordinator- lead all fundraising activities (car wash, trivia night and any others

Mid-States Representative - attend quarterly Mid-States meetings and send reports to the Secretary to
present at the following board meeting (liaison)

Senior Night Coordinator - check with board to decide date of game, get pictures of seniors for posters,
make posters, decorate, order flowers for senior moms. Have ice coordinator ensure there is a microphone
for the event, have publicity coordinator publicize the event, notify opposing team

Banquet Coordinator - handles the coordinating of the year end banquet and order awards (get
committee together to plan date and location, make invitations and decorations).
Section 2

                             Coaching Staff
Zak Tobey                 Phone 636.346.2667   Email

Zak Tobey - Head Coach    Phone 636.346.2667   Email
Kory Haywood
Tim Acup
Brian Sandrowski
Rob Tweddle
Logan Brown
Greg Erson-Goalie Coach

Zak Tobey - Head Coach    Phone 636.346.2667   Email
Tim Acup
Rob Tweddle
Logan Brown
John Mazar
Greg Erson-Goalie Coach

Cory Brown – Head Coach   Phone 314.359.6115   Email
Zak Tobey
Greg Erson
Rob Tweddle
John Mazar
Coaching Complaint Resolution Policy

Should a player/parent have a concern/complaint about ice. (i.e. playing time,
line choices, coaching, etc.), the PLAYER must discuss these issues with the
coaching staff directly. If they feel the issue is still unresolved, the player or
parent should then contact the coaching coordinator. If issue is still unresolved,
issue may be brought to the board. Under NO circumstances should a parent
confront a coach. Parents and players are encouraged to utilize a 24-hour
cooling off period before addressing issues.
Section 3

               Important 2021/2022 Season Dates

     August – 27,28,29

Car Wash
     August 14

Team Photos
     September TBD

Varsity Marquette Tournament
     September 17-28

Varsity Trip
     October 1, 2, 3

JV/V Season Start Date
     November 1

Senior Night

End of Season Banquet-All Teams
Section 4
                       Fees, Deposits and Registration
For the 2021-2022 season, Seckman Hockey is planning to field 3 teams. Due to limitations on ice this
season because of the ice shortage within the St. Louis Metro area, the practice times are at the coaching
staff’s discretion. We will try to keep the ice times as fair as possible between the 3 teams.

Fees for the 2021-2022 season are below: (The fees are subject to an increase due to ice prices/team

    Varsity      Club Fees                 $1,400* PLUS $200* AD BOOK PAGE (MANDATORY
                                           FUNDRAISER)-NOT INCLUDED IN SPORTS ENGINE INVOICE

                 Jersey Fee                $250* (New players purchase a set of jerseys their first year) INVOIC SENT
                                           AFTER TRYOUTS

                                           (This is a competitive team and game ice is NOT

    JV Team      Club Fees                 $1,200* PLUS $200* AD BOOK PAGE (MANDATORY
                                           NOT INCLUDED IN SPORTS ENGINE INVOICE

                 Jersey Fee                $250* (New players purchase a set of jerseys their first year) INVOICE SENT
                                           AFTER TRYOUTS

                                           (This is a competitive team and game ice is NOT

    B Team       Club Fees                 $1,000* WHICH INCLUDES REVERSIBLE JERSEY AND SOCKS
                 Jersey Deposit
                                           FUNDRAISER TBD UPON NEED

                                           (These are Developmental Teams.)

*Seckman Ice Hockey has a No Refund Policy once you are placed on a team.

Swing players will pay the fee for the higher team in which they are rostered. Swing players are not
guaranteed game time for the higher team, but will have practice ice with both teams.

Mandatory Fundraisers – There are currently two mandatory fundraisers. Club Car Wash and Ad
booklet. Further details TBD
Schedule of Payments

August 21                $20               Try-out Fee
September 30             $300              First Payment
October 30               1/4thBalance      2nd Payment
November 30              1/4thBalance      3rd Payment
December 30              1/4thBalance      4th Payment
January 30               Remaining         Final Payment

Refund Policy
1) If a player does not make any team, no refund will be given as we only collected $20 for the tryout fee.
2) If a player should voluntarily quit ANY team for ANY reason, there will be NO refund of ANY amount due
3) If a player does not comply with ALL rules of SIHC and a Coach and/or the Board of SIHC should decide to
release a player, there will be NO refund due
4) In the case of a player suspension from a Coach and/or SIHC Board, there will be NO refund
5) If a player is injured during a SIHC game, any refund will be at the SIHC Board discretion. There is NO
guarantee of any refund.
6) If a player is unhappy with ice time (or parents) NO refund due
7) If a player registers and intends to play, the player and parents are responsible for having the grades to play a
sport (Mid States Hockey requires earning 3.0 credits from previous semester to play hockey). This is your
responsibility when registering.

You MUST register online at before summer ice/tryouts start

Fundraising and Parent/Player Participation

There are currently two mandatory fundraisers. The car wash August14th and Ad Booklet.
Further details pertaining to the Ad Booklet will be forthcoming.
Code of Conduct:
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.): This is a public forum and players are representing their
team publicly. Players/parents are expected to refrain from posting negative comments about other
clubs and players. Players/parents are expected to refrain from comments about their own team
and coaches in this public forum. Any issues a player may have should follow the complaint
resolution policy outlined previously in this document. Players are subject to disciplinary actions
from coaching and/or Seckman Ice Hockey Club. (This could include release from the club and
forfeiture of fees.)

Email: Any club wide emails should be sent by board members and/or coordinators. If you have any
information you would like emailed to your team(s), or the entire club, contact your coordinator or any
board member.

Seckman Ice Hockey Club adheres to Mid-States Code of Conduct
for Players and Parents:
A. Play for the "fun of it", not just to please your parents.
B. Play by the rules.
C. Never argue with the officials' decisions.
D. Control your temper.
E. Work equally hard for yourself and your team.
F. Be a good sport. Cheer all good plays, whether your team's, or your opponent's team.
G. Treat all players, as you would like to be treated.
H. Remember that the goals of the game are to have fun, improve your skills and feel good.
I. Cooperate with your coach, teammates, opponents and officials, for without them, you do not have a game.
J. An unsportsmanlike act while participating in an event may cause you to become ineligible.

1. Do not force an unwilling child to participate in sports.
2. Remember that children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.
3. Encourage your child to always play by the rules.
4. Teach your child that honest effort is as important as victory.
5. Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship.
Never ridicule or yell at your child for making a mistake.
6. Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good plays by your team and the opponents.
7. Do not publicly question the officials' judgment and never their honesty.
8. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children's sporting activities.
9. Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give of their time and resources to provide
recreational activities for your child.
10. The unsportsmanlike conduct of any spectator (parent) could cause that individual to be barred from
attending any future Midstates games. Help the referees do their job.
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