Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture

Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
Reinventing the Internet for Trust
Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
04   BUILDING ON TRUST                     18		STEPPING UP TO MAKE A STAND    35 	
                                                                                    PAVING THE WAY FOR A
                                                                                    TRUSTWORTHY DIGITAL
                                              ABOVE GROUND:                         ECONOMY
		12		    The Internet Just Can’t Keep Up   		21 	
                                                  Join Forces with Other        43		   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
		13		The IoT Effect                              Companies and Govern
                                                  Globally                      45		   SOURCES
		14 	Identities in Crisis
                                                  Business Architecture         47		   ABOUT THE AUTHORS
		15		   No Flow Versus Free Flow                Connect and Protect with a
                                                  Business Model That Runs on
		16		    The Cost of Insecurity
                                                  Digital Trust
		17		Keeping Tabs on Cybersecurity
                                              BELOW GROUND:
                                              THE INTERNET’S INFRASTRUCTURE

                                            		31      echnology
                                                     Advance Businesses and
                                                     Enhance Safety Through
Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture

Omar Abbosh                                          Kelly Bissell
Group Chief Executive, Accenture                     Senior Managing Director,
Communications, Media & Technology                   Accenture Security

Omar is responsible for the company’s US$8 billion   Kelly leads the company’s US$2 billion security business
business serving the digital platforms, media,       across all industries. As a recognized cybersecurity expert,
telecommunications, semiconductor and                Kelly specializes in incident response, identity management,
consumer electronics industries. Omar brings three   privacy and data protection, secure software development,
decades of experience to his role, and his           and cyber risk management.
experience and deep connections in Silicon Valley    Kelly’s vision is to help businesses embed security in
enable him to stay ahead of key shifts across
                                                     everything they do.
multiple technologies.

Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
Building on Trust
When a person creates an online             Why? The once open, global           escalating cyberthreats.
                                            Internet has outgrown its original   Companies have handled many
account, makes a purchase from a
                                            purpose as a communication and       threats with markedly successful
website or downloads an app, it’s not       information-sharing tool. As the     results, but their efforts have not
just the exchange of data, goods or         Internet has become more             solved the larger problem of
services taking place.                      complex, digitally fueled            Internet fragility.
                                            innovation has outpaced the
                                                                                 Attackers need only a single lucky
It’s a transaction in the ultimate          ability to introduce adequate
                                                                                 strike, while defenders must be
currency: trust.                            safeguards against
                                                                                 constantly vigilant against any
                                                                                 potential type of incursion.
Today, there is a real risk that trust in
                                            Unless business leaders take
the digital economy is eroding.             effective action, there is a real
                                                                                 The fragile nature of the Internet
                                                                                 is putting the value of the digital
                                            risk that this lack of safeguards
                                                                                 economy at risk, which is why
                                            could reduce the growth of the
                                                                                 CEOs need to end their
                                            entire digital economy, hurting
                                                                                 piecemeal approach and put trust
                                            both individual companies and
                                                                                 and security at the forefront of
                                            the economy as a whole.
                                                                                 business strategy.
                                            CEOs are aware of the problem
                                            and have increased spending on
                                            cybersecurity in response to

Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
In an analysis we conducted with 30 leading technologists, and additional fieldwork with 1,700 C-level executives, we
uncovered concrete actions CEOs can take to begin the crucial work of securing the digital economy.

For a practical framework that can help             Similarly, securing the digital       Another above-ground action
safeguard the Internet’s future, leaders            economy will take more than           CEOs can take is steering what
                                                    fixing Internet technology and        we call business architecture—a
should look to an analogy from the oil and
                                                    network issues below ground.          company’s own business model
gas industry. Oil and gas executives spend          There are also clear opportunities    and value chain—in a direction
much of their time determining how to               for CEOs to step up on the above-     that makes their own enterprise
maximize production—which often means               ground business initiatives.          secure. Examples of actions that
focusing on the engineering and                     So, what can business leaders do
                                                                                          can be taken include committing
technology solutions that largely operate                                                 to giving data access only to
                                                    above ground? CEOs can own
                                                                                          people who need it and who have
“below ground.”                                     and drive a secure Internet as a
                                                                                          the right credentials. Importantly,
                                                    critical component of their
                                                                                          they should extend their
                                                    business strategies. One key
However, innovative extractive technologies                                               commitment to making their own
                                                    above-ground action would be
                                                                                          enterprise secure to their
are only part of the equation. Executives           improving governance.
                                                                                          partners, applying the same
also have to address the many challenges            CEOs need to join forces with         standards to their entire business
related to business and operating models,           other top executives, government      ecosystem.
strategy, politics and economics that exist         leaders and regulators to develop
                                                                                          And they should ensure that the
“above ground.”                                     principle-based standards and
                                                                                          very idea of a trusted digital
                                                    policies to safeguard the Internet.
                                                                                          economy is embedded in all
                                                                                          future business models.

Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
To some CEOs, above-ground          embrace new technologies that
decision-making opportunities       can advance their businesses and
may seem more accessible than       enhance digital safety. Meanwhile,
below-ground choices, but           they should elevate their
leadership is needed in both,       understanding of how the same
even from CEOs outside the          technologies can introduce             Building a trustworthy digital economy
technology sector. All CEOs also    unintended vulnerabilities.            will take decisive—and, at times,
have the opportunity to influence                                          unconventional—leadership from the
                                    But the CEOs whose businesses
and inspire technology
                                    focus on the Internet itself have an   C-suite. Where should they start? By
infrastructure investments below
ground. By making decisions to
                                    even greater responsibility: They      working collaboratively with each other.
                                    can concentrate explicitly on          If they follow the roadmap detailed on
update everything from devices
                                    promoting innovation in the
to cables and networks, CEOs                                               page 7, leaders could bring back the
                                    Internet’s infrastructure. Their
can support the complexity and
                                    actions resolve inherent               confidence needed in the Internet for
connectivity of today’s Internet                                           individuals, organizations and societies
                                    vulnerabilities, enable growth and
while also promoting security.
                                    prepare for the advent of quantum      to innovate and grow.
These technology decisions          computing, which will present new
present the third concrete way      opportunities and threats.
CEOs can proactively secure the
digital economy. CEOs should

Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
Governance:                                                                                                                       ABOVE
    Join Forces with Other Companies and                                                                                              GROUND
    Govern Globally                                                                            BA
                                                                                                  NK                                  Standards and
    74 percent of business leaders say                                                                                                Best Practices
    solving the cybersecurity challenges of
    the Internet economy will require an
    organized group effort.

    Business Architecture:
    Connect and Protect with a Model
    Run on Digital Trust
    80 percent of business leaders say
    protecting companies from
    weaknesses in third parties is            BELOW
    increasingly difficult given the
    complexity of today’s sprawling
    Internet ecosystems.                      Technology

    Advance Business and Enhance Safety
    79 percent of business leaders say the
    rate of technology adoption and
    innovation has outpaced the security                        How Leaders Can Address Internet Security:
    features needed to ensure a resilient                     Above ground, the strategic initiatives of CEOs can lead to standards and best
    digital economy.                                        practices. Below ground, through innovative technology improvements, CEOs can
                                                                             invest in improving the Internet’s infrastructure.
Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
Reinventing the Internet for Trust - Accenture
Without trust, the future of our     dependent on the Internet. At          Handling these connections requires more lines of
digital economy and its nearly       the same time, while businesses,       code, more data and more capacity. Without a
limitless potential is in peril.     individuals and societies are          more resilient and trustworthy Internet, a single
Piecemeal efforts to address         increasingly connected, those          breach can have serious, cascading effects. For
cybersecurity issues—including       connections are also becoming          example, the 2017 NotPetya cyberattack cost
the Internet’s inherent flaws,       more complex.                          Maersk more than US$300 million, and the
vulnerabilities from the Internet                                           damages to all other companies affected totaled
of Things (IoT), identity and data                                          more than US$10 billion.4
veracity and increasing digital      In 2007, there were 1.2 billion
                                                                            Against this backdrop, with computers and networks
fragmentation—have fallen            Internet users. In 2017, there were
                                                                            so deeply embedded in critical infrastructure such
short. Through their decisions       4.2 billion—more than half of the
                                                                            as water supply and public health systems, the risks
above ground on industry-wide        global population.1
                                                                            to both the economy and public safety are high.
governance and their business
architecture and technology                                                 Consider the impact of the 2017 WannaCry
infrastructure below ground,         The number of IoT-connected            cyberattack on the United Kingdom National Health
however, CEOs can have the           devices will likely reach 25 billion   Service (NHS). It led to the cancellation of 19,000
influence necessary to               by 2021.2                              appointments and the diversion of ambulances, and
collaboratively address these                                               ultimately cost almost £100 million.5
overarching issues.
                                                                            Yet 79 percent of our respondents reported that
                                     By 2024, Long-Term Evolution
Many of the issues affecting                                                their organization is adopting new and emerging
                                     (LTE) networks (also called 4G)
today’s Internet are due in part                                            technologies faster than they can address related
                                     will cover an estimated
to its rapid growth in both users                                           security issues.
                                     90 percent of the population,
and applications. The entire
                                     with 5G networks covering about
digital economy is now
                                     40 percent.3

Even as 68 percent of CEOs report that their
                                                                      100%                 100%
                                                                                                   businesses’ dependence on the Internet is
                                                                                                   increasing, they acknowledge that their confidence
                                                                                                   in Internet security, already low at 30 percent, will
                                                                                                   drop even lower if nothing changes to improve it. In
 70%                                                                                               the next five years, the confidence level in the
60%                                                                                100%            Internet is forecast to drop to 25 percent, while
 50%                                                                                               dependence on it is assumed to remain at
                                                                                                   100 percent. (See Exhibit 1).
30%                                                                                                Nearly 80 percent of the S&P 500 companies in our
                  23%                                                                     25%      analysis have also mentioned cybersecurity

 10%                                            19%                                                initiatives during recent earnings calls.6
     0%                                                                                            Five years ago, that figure was just slightly more
           2008                              2013                      2018                 2023
                                                                                                   than 50 percent.
                                 Confidence in Internet   Dependence on Internet                   As the Internet’s fault lines are becoming more
                                                                                                   apparent, companies are trying to build trust equity
                                                                                                   and are publicly discussing ways to do so.
   Exhibit 1: Dependence on the Internet is Growing While Confidence in
                                                                                                   However, only a relatively small percentage of
 Internet Security is Low and Forecast to Drop to 25 percent Over the Next
                                                                                                   companies are willing to openly discuss breaches—
                                Five Years.
                                                                                                   an above-ground issue that CEOs need to address.
                                                                                                   (See Exhibit 2).

Source: Accenture Research

Exhibit 2: S&P 500 CEO Sentiment Toward Cybersecurity
    (Based on Transcripts from 11,418 Earnings Calls)


                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sentiment Change (2013 = 100)
                       440                                                   103
Number of companies

                                                 100                                                 101                                                                                                 105

                                                                                                                                                        378                      383
                                                                                                     358                      368                                                                        95
                                                                                                                                                         25                        26
                                                                            345                       25
                                                                                                                               24                                                                        85
                                                 294                                                                                                    353                      357

                       290                           18                                              333                      344
                                                                            317                                                                                                                          65
                       240                                                                                                                                                                               55

                                               2013                       2014                      2015                     2016                      2017                     2018

                                           Company mentions of cybersecurity                         Company mentions of security breaches                     Positive sentiment toward cybersecurity

                                                     Note: Each year is computed as trailing 12 months from September of the previous year to August of the current year. For example, 2018 includes
                                                                                                        data from September 2017 to August 2018.
                                                                                                              Source: Accenture Research

   11                 SECURING THE DIGITAL ECONOMY
The Internet Just Can’t Keep Up
How did today’s problems of Internet security               As the Internet evolved from a      connections among services
originate? The Internet was not initially designed to       military asset to an open           providers, countries and
address issues like perpetually increasing levels of        infrastructure, security            continents. But BGP traffic is
complexity and connectivity. It was developed to            considerations, such as they        vulnerable in transit. In 2017,
enable high levels of data sharing, which requires trust.   were, focused on preventing         traffic to and from 80 Internet
                                                            physical failures.                  service providers (ISPs) was
Researchers during the Cold War aimed to build a
                                                                                                briefly routed to an unknown
trusted communications network underground that             Today, many of the base Internet
                                                                                                Russian operator, showing how
could withstand a nuclear attack. Their concerns            protocols—the set of rules
                                                                                                easy it is to reroute information,
did not include preventing cyberattacks, largely            embedded in code so all
                                                                                                whether intentionally or
because modern forms of cyberattack did not exist           machines on a network or series
at the time.                                                of interconnected networks
                                                            “speak” the same language—are       Other systems widely utilized on
                                                            unfit for current demands and are   the Internet, such as the Domain
                                                            insecure. This has led to           Name System (DNS) and the
                                                            increasing challenges below         Public Key Infrastructure (PKI),
                                                            ground that CEOs should             which underpins much of the
                                                            address.                            encryption utilized on the Internet
                                                                                                today, are similarly vulnerable to
                                                            Consider the Border Gateway
                                                                                                potential attacks.
                                                            Protocol (BGP), a protocol that
                                                            has been in use since 1994. BGP
                                                            routes traffic through cables and

The IoT Effect
More recently, the rise of the IoT has expanded      The casino had an Internet-        While the IoT has increased
the surface area of attack for enterprise networks   connected fish tank that fed the   digital capabilities, improved
from thousands of end points—including remote        fish automatically and             efficiencies and unleashed
devices, such as mobile phones and laptops—to        monitored their environment.       growth opportunities for a wide
several million for the largest companies.                                              variety of industries, it has also
                                                     Hackers managed to use the
                                                                                        suddenly created complexity for
At the same time, the IoT compels all companies      fish tank’s connection to break
                                                                                        all businesses, leaving them
to suddenly manage what are often unfamiliar         into the fish tank monitor and
                                                                                        more vulnerable.
technology processes, where every connected          then use this as an entry point
device is a potential vulnerability.                 into the company’s systems.
Take the case of an attack suffered by a North       The data was then sent to
American casino.                                     hackers in Finland.8

Identities in Crisis
The “most fundamental challenge”        might want to provide, or risk         have not invested in the capabilities needed to
facing business and society is          providing services to someone          verify that data.
around identity, according to Amit      who has stolen another’s identity.”
Mital, founder of Kernel Labs and
                                        Most individuals who use the
former chief technology officer
                                        Internet have multiple online
(CTO) at Symantec. But the
                                        identities; the average Internet
challenge of authenticating
                                        user today manages 27
identities and confirming the
                                        passwords, up from six in 2006.9
integrity of data on the Internet                                              None of us really know what’s happening
also presents a key opportunity for     In this environment of content
                                                                               out there. We have no idea how our data is
the C-suite to renew trust in the       over context, Internet users have
digital economy.                        less ability to ascertain the origin   being used. I think that’s the key issue and
                                        of material they access and            we’re [only] seeing the tip of the iceberg
Mital comments: “No individual
                                        whether it is valid. Facebook, for     with recent data breaches being
has a single identity that they use
                                        example, closed nearly 300             announced.”
in the digital world. This
                                        million accounts, or 14 percent of
fragmentation requires too much                                                Norman Frankel, chairman of the UK-based
                                        all accounts, in 2018 after
effort for the individual to ensure                                            iCyber-Security Group
                                        determining that they were fake.10
consistency, reliability and
security. As a service provider, if I   And although 79 percent of the
cannot trust in the digital identity    executives we surveyed believe
of a person, then that precludes        companies are basing their most
me from providing services that I       critical strategies on data, many

No Flow Versus Free Flow
The Problem of Digital Fragmentation

Another key challenge that demands the
attention of CEOs is the increasing
fragmentation of the Internet.
This trend, fueled in part by security
concerns, could by itself stunt future global                           80
economic growth. Walled gardens—
isolated, secured information systems—are                               70                                                                                                                                         64
proliferating as countries and regions limit
the free flow of data across borders                                    60
through regulations.                                                                                                                                                                                48
Already 13 countries, accounting for                                                                                                                                    37
                                                Article counts (’000)
58 percent of the global GDP, have some
version of these regulations.11 Heightened
concerns about borderless cyberattacks,                                 30

coupled with geopolitical tensions,
                                                                        20                                     13             13
threaten to result in even greater
                                                                                      6           9
restrictions. (See Exhibit 3).                                          10
Business leaders are already dealing with                               0
this reality as they tailor global operating                                 2008   2009        2010          2011          2012          2013           2014          2015          2016           2017          2018

models to countries with more
restrictions.                                                                                       Exhibit 3: Digital Fragmentation Media Coverage
                                                     Source: Factiva and Accenture Research Analysis. Factiva search based only on “digital fragmentation”, “splInternet”, “balkanization”, “Internet balkanization”, “cyber war”, “cyber
                                                     attack”, “data breach”, “data leak”, “cyber threat”, “cyberthreat” as keywords among major global business publications.

The Cost of Insecurity
For CEOs, one of the most glaring    Exhibit 4: Value at Risk* by Industry—Direct and Indirect Attacks
challenges of an insecure Internet   (Cumulative 2019 to 2023, US$ Billion)
is the economic cost.
In the private sector, over the
next five years companies risk
                                                                              23%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Data in
losing an estimated US$5.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          US$B
                                                                              Indirect attacks
trillion in value creation                                                                                      642

opportunities from the digital
economy—almost the size of the                                                                                                 505
economies of France, Italy and
Spain combined—to                                     $5.2Tr                                                                                385
                                                                                                                                                              347 347
cybersecurity attacks. (See                                                                                                                                                               305
Exhibit 4).                                                                                                                                                                                                                       257 223
This translates to 2.8 percent in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            206

lost revenue growth for the next     77%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                147
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     110              70
                                     Direct attacks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 47
five years for a large global
company. High-tech industries
face the highest risk, with more

                                                                                                 High Tech

                                                                                                             Life Sciences

                                                                                                                                          Consumer Goods
                                                                                                                                              and Services





                                                                                                                                                                                                     Industrial Equipment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  & Media

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Natural Resources






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Capital Markets
                                     * Expected foregone revenue cumulative over the next
than US$753 billion hanging in       five years. Calculations over a sample of 4,700 global
the balance.                         public companies.

                                     Source: Accenture Research

Keeping Tabs on Cybersecurity Investments
CEOs are stepping up their               59 percent of organizations say         Exhibit 5: Venture Capital Investments in Cybersecurity
spending on cybersecurity to             the Internet is becoming                (Cumulative Data)
protect their businesses. In its         increasingly unstable from a
latest security forecast, Gartner        cybersecurity standpoint and they       70                                                                                                             5,000
projects that such spending was          are not sure how to react. While
more than US$123 billion for             some companies aren’t spending          60                                                                                               4,123
2018 and will grow by                    enough, others may be spending          50

10.8 percent per year to nearly          excessively in response to their                                                                                     2,731                             3,000
US$170.5 billion by 2022.12              low tolerance for cybersecurity         40
                                         risk. Others spend in the wrong                                                                                                 27.2
The rising Internet security market                                              30                                                        1,641
                                         areas, including projects that do
is also a hot area for venture capital                                                                                          1,155
                                         not deliver effective risk reduction.   20
                                                                                                                      800                            14.8
investors, attracting almost US$33                                                                         499                             10.5                                                 1,000
                                                                                                  287                            7.1
billion to 2,479 security startups       Increasing a company’s                  10    109
                                                                                                             3.2        5.0
since 2009, exceeding                    cybersecurity budget may not be         0

investments in blockchain, which         the answer, according to                       2009     2010       2011       2012     2013       2014     2015      2016      2017      2018*

have surged with the interest in         61 percent of CEOs who believe
business applications and                that the security issues of the                                           Number of deals          Investment amount (US$B)

cryptocurrencies. (See Exhibit 5).13     digital economy are far too big for
                                         their organization to handle alone.
Will spending more on                                                            * As of November 2018
                                         And 86 percent believe that taking
cybersecurity lead to a secure                                                   Note: CB Insights defines cybersecurity as tech-enabled companies that offer products and services for which the
                                         business resiliency to the next         primary use case is the protection of digital and physical assets from unauthorized access and malicious use by
digital economy? In our survey,                                                  cybercriminals.
                                         level requires an ambitious new
                                                                                 Source: Accenture Research Analysis on CB Insights Data
                                         vision for the Internet.

                                    TO MAKE A
                                    How CEOs Can Help Create Digitally
                                    Secure Business Models

The oil and gas industry analogy helps reveal
the types of actions CEOs can take to           ABOVE GROUND
address security issues. In the same way that   Leaders can do their part to build a secure Internet through industry-
oil executives divide their focus between       wide standards and best practices. CEOs can step up their governance
engineering and technological innovations       efforts, forging collaborative relationships with peers, government
                                                representatives, regulators and industry association leads. Leaders can
below ground to advance oil and gas drilling,   also embed the idea of a trustworthy digital economy in the vision for
and above ground to develop appropriate         their company’s business architecture, ensuring that security is
business strategies, CEOs need a two-           prioritized within the boundaries of their company and throughout its
pronged view of the Internet security issue.    ecosystem of partners, suppliers and end users.

To secure a trustworthy digital economy,
above ground is where CEOs can own and          BELOW GROUND
drive the issue through business initiatives,   Technology investments—in everything from devices to cables and
including decisions affecting business          networks—present decision-makers both inside and outside companies
models and ecosystems.                          that control Internet functionality with the opportunity to build a more
                                                trustworthy digital economy. CEOs can influence and inspire
                                                technology investments that improve Internet infrastructure, but CEOs
                                                of some technology companies are in the position to apply specific
                                                technological solutions. CEOs that pay to use the Internet as a utility can
                                                understand the vulnerabilities from new technologies and influence
                                                how the Internet service is delivered securely to them. For example,
                                                they can influence investments to update the Internet’s basic protocols
                                                and networks. Meanwhile, CEOs leading companies that build and own
                                                the infrastructure and equipment can ensure their products and
                                                services are equipped to handle digital business growth and can
                                                address the vulnerabilities that new technologies introduce.

Join Forces with Other Companies and Govern Globally

First, CEOs can take the lead above ground in      One venue already dedicated to       likely to join or lead efforts to
Internet governance. Of our C-level respondents,   this goal is the World Economic      ensure the trustworthiness of the
90 percent agree that more secure transactions     Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity.    Internet economy. (See Exhibit 6).
will not only benefit businesses, but also         Launched in 2018, the Centre
                                                                                        But no organization should need
consumers, government and other stakeholders.      seeks to bring partners from
                                                                                        a “wake-up call” to join an effort
                                                   “business, government,
It’s in the enlightened self-interest of large                                          that results in effective guidelines
                                                   international organizations,
businesses to extend themselves to help build a                                         and standards and influences the
                                                   academia and civil society to
secure Internet.                                                                        development of smart
                                                   enhance and consolidate
                                                                                        regulations. When leaders realize
To do so, CEOs should collaborate with other top   international security.”14
                                                                                        that prioritizing a trustworthy
executives and also, where possible, with
                                                   Many companies are discovering       digital economy is a win-win
governments and regulators.
                                                   firsthand that they can’t address    situation, businesses, consumers
                                                   Internet security alone. Our         and governments will all benefit
                                                   survey found companies that          through collaboration.
                                                   have experienced 50 percent or
                                                   more of their breaches from
                                                   indirect attacks—targeted at their
                                                   organization but initiated through
                                                   partner organizations—are more

Exhibit 6: Likelihood to Join or Lead an
Organized Effort to Govern a                                                             Create an Internet Security Code of
Trustworthy Internet Economy                                                             Ethical Conduct for Each Industry
                                                                                         A vulnerability in a pacemaker or     As a first step to that end above
                                                                                         in an avionic system can have         ground, CEOs should promote
                                                X2                                       serious consequences. Yet the         the need for ethical codes of
                                                                                         software professionals who            conduct for software
                                                                                         develop them are not required to      professionals for their industry.
                                                                                         attain professionally recognized
                                                                                         accreditations similar, for

                                                                                         example, to those required of
                                                                            48%          surgeons or pilots. Code safety,
                                                                                         ethics standards and
                                27%         29%                                          certifications are overdue.
 21%         24%
                                                                                         The creation and maintenance of       of our respondents believe that in
                                                                                         a trustworthy Internet will require   the next three years
Less than 24% breaches           24%-49% breaches               More than 49% breaches   a formal educational system,          organizations in the same
                                                                                         through which software
 from indirect attacks          from indirect attacks            from indirect attacks
                                                                                                                               industry will work together more
                                                                                         designers, solution architects,       to improve resilience for their
                                                                                         computer engineers and code           sector.
                         Definitely            Extremely
                                                                                         developers can stay abreast of
                         would join            likely to lead                            their evolving responsibilities.

Source: Accenture Research

Be Proactive with Principle-based Standards

CEOs should not wait for another source to
produce an ethical guide or related, principle-        Devices to ensure product             Networks to help ensure secure
based standards. Choosing to proactively propose       transparency, the ability to make     connection to consumers, help
their own business-relevant, principle-based           software updates and successful       them in device configuration and
standards is a more expeditious path.                  pre-release testing and basic         inform them about infrastructure
CEO guidance can, in fact, influence regulators to     offline functionalities.              infections.
put in place standards that can apply to existing
and future technologies instead of myriad detailed
rules specific to each new technology                  Data to limit unnecessary data        Protocols to provide authentic
development. For example, two-factor                   collection or usage,15 anonymize      routing information and reduce
authentication to access banking services was          data, enable users to control their   domain name hijacking.
already the industry standard in several markets       data and make it clear to
before European regulators required it.                customers that their data is being
                                                       stored and used responsibly.16
CEOs—especially those of device manufacturers,
digital platforms and software and
telecommunication providers—are uniquely               Algorithms to ensure
positioned for this more business-friendly approach    transparency, auditability and
and have a responsibility to discuss design security   fairness.17
standards for the following:

Promote Consumer Control of Digital Identities

Advocating for individual control of data is more        centralized system, a single         challenging unless clear rules are
than a good public relations move. Of our C-level        organization establishes and         in place and identity can be
respondents, 86 percent say that their                   manages the identity system. For     ascertained—for example, by
organization’s access to digital identities is           example, with Estonia’s e-identity   using blockchain technology.
important to its ability to offer innovative customer    system, citizens are able to
                                                                                              As the World Economic Forum
solutions. And 87 percent of C-level respondents         provide digital signatures and
                                                                                              noted in a September 2018
recognize that customers should have the right to        access a range of services using
                                                                                              study,18 whatever model prevails,
decide how to help secure their digital identities.      their ID cards (which have
                                                                                              digital identities are deeply
Maintaining the trust of customers and protecting        encrypted chips), Mobile-IDs (in
                                                                                              embedded in daily activities,
their digital identities is paramount to the growth of   which people use a phone) or
                                                                                              leading to greater complexity and
the digital economy.                                     Smart-IDs (which require only an
                                                                                              responsibility. One thing is clear:
                                                         Internet connection, no SIM
CEOs can’t afford to stay out of above-ground                                                 There will be mounting pressure
                                                         card). As the Estonia example
debates that are already starting to take place.                                              for control over personal identity
                                                         demonstrates, centralized
Regulators are discussing how countries and                                                   data to gravitate toward individual
                                                         systems can be built with specific
regions must protect people’s digital identities and                                          users. Educating customers and
                                                         purposes in mind to give
users themselves are becoming increasingly                                                    the general public about how to
                                                         controlling organizations such as
concerned about their online privacy. In the United                                           protect and use personal
                                                         governments the ability to vet
States and Europe, lawmakers have already                                                     information shouldn’t be
                                                         identity data.
proposed or enacted regulations over consumer                                                 overlooked. Being a champion of
data privacy and Internet security.                      The alternative model is             privacy and responsible
                                                         decentralized and requires the       management of digital identity
There are two models of digital identity that CEOs
                                                         contribution of multiple entities.   combines sound business and
should consider as influential in the discussion. In a
                                                         Its governance is more               corporate citizenship practices.

Commit to Sharing Information About Cyberattacks;
Help Reduce the Stigma

With the heightened scrutiny on       When a company is willing to
the response to cyberattacks—         acknowledge an attack, it paves
whether they are far-reaching or      the way for more transparent
not—in the long run, transparency     work with other organizations       Of our survey respondents,
will build trust with everyone from   and experts, improving their

suppliers to customers.               ability to resist new attacks and
                                      boosting data reliability.
Otherwise, businesses run the
risk of encountering “trust           Consider this:
incidents,” which the Accenture       In 2018, UK-based BT created an     already keep a careful eye on the latest security
Strategy Competitive Agility Index    online portal, the Malware          issues emerging in the Internet economy.
shows can have a negative effect      Information Sharing Platform        Increased transparency will make those efforts
on the bottom line.19                 (MISP), to share information        more valuable.
To reduce the stigma from             about malicious websites and
encountering these trust              software with other Internet
incidents, leaders can commit to      service providers—a pioneering
sharing information about             move for a telecommunications
successful attacks and breaches.      major. It went on to sign a deal
                                      with Europol to share knowledge
                                      about cyberthreats and attacks.20

Business Architecture
Connect and Protect with a Business Model That Runs on Digital Trust

To decrease the likelihood that security measures        As Michael Hermus, founder and         They should be considered
can be compromised, CEOs can make the concept            CEO of Revolution Four Group and       essential, as internal staff—either
of a trusted digital economy an explicit part of their   former CTO of the United States        by mistake or with malicious
organization’s business model. That commitment to        Department of Homeland Security,       intent—account for a sizable
make security a foundational requirement should          told us regarding the vigilance that   share of breaches. But they’re
also reach through the company’s entire value            CEOs should embed throughout a         also insufficient on their own.
chain—to every partner, supplier and customer. It        company, “You don’t necessarily        Alone, they are not nearly an
takes just one click to court disaster, and that click   trust something because it looks       adequate defense in the age of
can occur inside or outside the company’s walls.         friendly, but you really need to       mobility and cloud technologies.
That’s why companies need multiple layers of control     know exactly what it is, who it is     That’s why it is also important to
to create a system that runs on digital trust, where     and where it’s coming from.”           take additional measures,
access is given only to people who need it, wherever                                            including articulating a security
                                                         The first steps toward a model that
they are.                                                                                       by design vision, holding line of
                                                         ensures this trust occur within the
                                                                                                business leaders accountable for
To ensure a trustworthy digital economy, CEOs can        boundaries of the organization.
                                                                                                security, bringing CISOs to the
embed security into their business architecture—their    These steps cover the basics—
                                                                                                board and closing off areas of
company’s business model and value chain, including      security’s low-hanging fruit (as
                                                                                                exposure throughout the
their leadership structure.                              detailed in the appendix, Become
                                                                                                company’s value chain.
                                                         Brilliant at the Basics).

Prioritize                                                                 Make Line of Business
Security By Design                                                         Leaders Accountable for
Security can’t be an “add-on”          Although it may seem like a         Adjusting a company’s remuneration system can
feature for products and services.     drastic step, CEOs who take this    underscore the urgency of cybersecurity concerns to
Instead, CEOs should articulate a      path probably won’t be alone.       leaders who are frequently rewarded for short-term
vision of “security by design”                                             financial results.
                                       In fact, 83 percent of our survey
from the earliest stages of
                                       respondents agreed that             Companies can align the individual, short-term
development, even in the face of
                                       organizations must recognize the    incentives of business line managers to the longer-
pressure for short-term
                                       trade-off between time to market    term cybersecurity interests of the company.
                                       and ensuring secure, sustainable
                                                                           One major multinational bank has strengthened
This requires additional               growth through technology—and
                                                                           cybersecurity by including the company’s long-term
investment at each stage of            always choose secure growth.
                                                                           cybersecurity interest as a factor for calculating the
development, but these costs
                                                                           bonuses of the leaders of all lines of business.
often pale in comparison next to
the cost of fines, recalls, lawsuits
and loss of consumer confidence
that companies will eventually
face if they don’t embrace
security by design.

Bring a CISO to the Board

About two decades ago, as the IT      Their area of responsibility has     Recruiting a CISO or former CISO to
department left the back office to    become too important to be           the board provides the opportunity
establish itself as the nervous       confined to a single department      to educate fellow board members,
system of a business, chief           or buried deep in the CIO            helping them become more cyber-
information officers (CIOs) started   organization.                        savvy and better risk managers.
to appear on corporate boards.
                                      One United States bank has           The CISO would gain a deeper
Likewise, chief information           already elevated a retired CISO to   perspective on the organization. As a
security officers (CISOs) today can   the board, forging a path for        result, the CISO could increasingly
follow a similar evolutionary path.   others to follow.                    articulate how cyber risks intertwine
                                                                           with other risks and inform leaders’
                                      Managing cybersecurity doesn’t
                                                                           strategic decisions.
                                      mean simply avoiding software
                                      problems. It means ensuring the
                                      resilience of the entire business.

Protect the Entire Value Chain

Based on our analysis, we estimate that if all             Of the corporate leaders surveyed,
companies collaborate to impose high standards
on partner organizations, businesses can expect to
save up to US$2.6 trillion.
This means that CEOs should ensure that their
vision is taken into account in each interaction their
company has with suppliers, clients and all other
parties in their value chain. In practice, this should
                                                           82%                                   62%
                                                                                                 note that it is difficult to control
                                                           agree that it is the responsibility
translate into a constant vigilance with the                                                     indirect cyberattacks that are
                                                           of large organizations to foster a
trustworthiness of each of the company’s                                                         targeted at their organization but
                                                           digital ecosystem that includes
connections.                                                                                     initiated through partner
                                                           small and medium businesses to
John Clark, professor of computer and information          help them operate in a                organizations.
systems at the University of York, explained the           trustworthy digital environment
domino effect of a lack of trust in one sector on          in the interests of all.
another. “It just contributes to the denigration of
trust overall rather than just in a specific application
or location,” Clark said.
Just as CEOs can take tangible measures to limit
the far-reaching effects of cyberattacks in their
ecosystem, they have other key opportunities to
protect trust for the digital economy as a whole.

Advance Businesses and Enhance Safety Through Technology

Inside and outside the technology sector, all CEOs
have a role to play when it comes to the technology
for a secure Internet.
The CEOs who oversee technologies powering
                                                      As tech leaders, we have to step up and get
and protecting the Internet can deliver solutions
securely below ground—for the Internet’s basic        in the middle of these issues. We cannot
protocols, devices, advanced networking and           wait for governments to solve them.
computing.                                            Companies who compete with each other
But all CEOs can ensure the growth of the digital     need to put that aside to bring our
economy by demanding a safer, more crime-             experience together to help us get at this
resistant Internet for their business.                problem.”
Chuck Robbins, CEO of Cisco, addressed this           Chuck Robbins, CEO, Cisco21
opportunity in his remarks at a recent World
Economic Forum event.

Resolve Vulnerabilities in Basic Internet Protocols

Realizing long ago that the main line of defense     Because this is a highly technical     Investments in new protocols
against cybersecurity doesn’t take place at the      issue, the biggest impact of the       produce benefits only if enough
end points (personal computers, mobile phones        majority of CEOs will be to            networks choose to invest.
and IoT devices), the technology community has       influence Internet service
                                                                                            CEOs are in a position to
proposed solutions to add security to the base       providers—and others who
                                                                                            influence Internet service
Internet protocols.                                  manage hardware—to upgrade
                                                                                            providers as a first action to make
                                                     systems against vulnerabilities.
For example, to solve the vulnerabilities of the                                            the Internet more secure and to
Domain Name System (DNS), a technology called        As the IoT age continues to            invest in implementing better
DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) digitally “signs”   proliferate end points, the            base Internet protocols. The
data so a user knows it’s valid.                     Internet will require an alternative   leverage of a CEO to influence
                                                     to Transmission Control Protocol       below-ground activities should
                                                     (TCP)—a system that sends data         not be underestimated.
                                                     packets over networks on the
                                                     Internet—to support offline
                                                     sessions and provide a secure
                                                     alternative for multiple devices
                                                     that were previously sharing an
                                                     IP address.

Heighten Security at the Edge

The edge computing universe—including servers,        Software development life cycles,     As the example of Tesla
mobile phones, IoT devices—represents a               including those developed by the      demonstrates, technology CEOs
revolutionary stage of the Internet to analyze data   National Institute of Standards       can make greater use of network
in real time.                                         and Technology (NIST), are being      architectures to more quickly
                                                      modified to ensure that software      detect and mitigate edge-
Instead of sending data across long routes and
                                                      security and update functions are     related threats.
processing it in a centralized data center or the
                                                      embedded from the beginning.
Cloud, it’s processed near the edge of a computer                                           Through collaborative work with
network where data is generated.                      Following a 2016 vulnerability in     cross-industry coalitions, they
                                                      Tesla’s WiFi and onboard              can develop standards for edge
But the variety of devices computing at the edge
                                                      entertainment system, Tesla not       devices, establish certification
means security practices are inconsistent across
                                                      only patched the bug via over-the-    frameworks similar to
technologies. Indeed, 86 percent of our
                                                      air updates but also implemented      international mobile phone
respondents agree that security needs to be
                                                      a code-signing policy under which     standards and incentivize the
embedded into technology, particularly with regard
                                                      all firmware in cars needs to be      ongoing adoption and evolution
to the IoT and Industrial IoT (IIoT).
                                                      validated and verified.               of security innovation.
                                                      Today, Tesla implements dozens
                                                      of safety and security measures
                                                      annually; its cars do not carry
                                                      model years, reflecting the idea
                                                      that cars are evolving into devices
                                                      that can be improved regularly.22

Embrace the Advantages                                 Tackle the Question
of Software-Defined                                    of Quantum
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a maturing        No longer science fiction, quantum     These points generate much
architecture that creates dynamic network              computing exploits the laws of         uncertainty about the future of
environments that exist for the limited time           quantum mechanics to process           cybersecurity. The most productive
required to complete specific tasks.                   information with quantum bits, or      course for CEOs is to move ahead
                                                       qubits, instead of manipulating long   with current security activities and
Its short-lived nature makes network end points
                                                       strings of bits encoded as a zero or   stay informed of the evolution of
difficult to identify and the network pathways
                                                       one. Opportunity areas for quantum     quantum computing. In practice,
harder to find and attack than those of traditional
                                                       computing could be in fraud            leaders can position themselves for
fixed network solutions.
                                                       detection for financial services,      quantum-resistant encryption by
SDN improves network control by enabling Internet      supply chain and purchasing,           appointing a working team of
service providers and other businesses to respond      advertising scheduling and             “quantum monitors” to identify
quickly and cost-effectively to high-bandwidth         advertising revenue maximization       where the technology is most likely
demands. It also automatically enables “ring-          for the media industry.23              to impact their business security.
fenced” data centers if it detects malicious                                                  Accessing emerging application
                                                       There is no agreement about when
activities, limiting the chance of contagion.                                                 programming interfaces (APIs) will
                                                       a quantum computer that surpasses
                                                                                              enable businesses to develop pilots
While some CEOs may be deterred by the cost of         the capacity of a traditional
                                                                                              for quantum-based optimization,
deploying SDN, those of large companies could          computer will be available, but two
                                                                                              sampling and machine learning.
have the resources to contribute to this technology.   things are clear. First, quantum
                                                                                              Through such pilots companies can
Others can “inspire and influence” its development     computers will provide a significant
                                                                                              test, learn, iterate and stand ready.
for the benefit of all.                                boost to the world’s computing
                                                       power. Second, they will be able to
                                                       more easily break most current
                                                       encryption methods.

Today’s security strategies are, in large part,   The actions of CEOs—           By embracing and
still responding to yesterday’s challenges.       driving above ground and       developing technologies that
From reports of exposed personal                  influencing below ground—      can advance their businesses
information to data misuse, trust incidents       matter.                        and enhance digital safety,
are becoming increasingly visible to the                                         CEO engagement can drive a
                                                  By joining forces with other
public. Regaining lost trust is an uphill                                        trust turnaround for the
                                                  CEOs, public sector leaders
battle. And many CEOs aren’t aware of its                                        Internet and secure the
                                                  and regulators, they can
value until it’s too late.                                                       future of the digital economy.
                                                  develop much-needed
Our research shows businesses can                 guidelines and oversight
quantify the impact of a trusted digital          mechanisms.
economy on the bottom line, and
                                                  By protecting their own
90 percent of our respondents say a
                                                  organization and extending
trustworthy digital economy is very or
                                                  protection through its value
extremely critical to their organization’s
                                                  chain, they will safeguard
future growth.
                                                  the business ecosystem.

Become Brilliant at the Basics
Adopting Best-in-Practice “Cyber Hygiene” Techniques Means
Becoming Brilliant at the Basics, Including:
Training people                                         Protecting against phishing              Patching
When a company starts using technology that             Hackers often use social                 Unfortunately, when a company
many or even most of its relevant employees don’t       engineering tactics, such as             detects a vulnerability, the fix is
understand, the firm is bound to suffer from lost       phishing, to attack companies, so        often put off until security
opportunities or higher cyber vulnerabilities—or        training to avoid falling in this trap   managers and staff “have time.”
both. Security will be determined by the company’s      is especially important.                 Now is the time to prioritize fixing
weakest link; often that is an employee who                                                      any detected weaknesses.
inadvertently presents the opportunity for a
breach. Yet systematic training is, in general, still   Passwords
not accepted as a basic practice, even with attacks
increasing in frequency, size and scope. Incentives     Though it sounds obvious, many
are also important: Some companies are linking          companies still struggle with the
executives’ remunerations to security.                  implementation of cybersecurity
                                                        basics, such as sound password
                                                        policy. Multifactor authentication
                                                        should be the default option for
                                                        every business.

The Value of                         The Expected Cost of Cybercrime
for Businesses
and Society                          We began by estimating the expected cost of
                                     cybercrime in terms of revenue for a company of a           The industry average number of days it takes to fix
                                     given size in a range of industries. We measured the        damage caused by an attack and the average number
Many have talked about the costs     value exposed, considering the risk of small (less          of attacks in a year, sourced from the survey report
of cyberattacks, but what about      than 90,000 records impacted) and big (more than            “Gaining ground on the cyberattacker: 2018 State of
the other side of the coin? How      90,000 records impacted) attacks and the                    Cyber Resilience.”24
might better cybersecurity           probability of their occurrence. Revenues by
practices create value for           company size and industry were sourced from                 We drew the estimated cost of a big attack from our
businesses and society?              Capital IQ. Calculating the cost of small attacks           event study, described below in the section entitled
                                     required the following elements:                            “The impact on revenue of a big, public event.” We
Driven by understanding both
                                                                                                 sourced the probability of a big event from Ponemon
the cost of crime and the
                                                                                                 Institute data for the Accenture 2018 Cost of
potential of a trustworthy digital
                                     Annual costs of cybercrime by company size and              Cybercrime study. The findings of our survey
economy, we conducted our
                                     industry, sourced from Ponemon Institute data for the       (conducted for this study) provided the portion of
analysis in three steps.
                                     Accenture 2018 Cost of Cybercrime study.                    attacks coming through third parties.

                                                           Probability of                        Probability of
                                     Expected cost                          x    Cost of
                                                                                             +                    x   Cost of big
                                     of cybercrime   =      facing small
                                                                                  small            facing big

                                                                   Expected cost of                       Expected cost
                                                                    small attacks                         of big attacks

The Value at Risk for Businesses                                                   The Economic Picture for a
                                                                                   Trustworthy Internet
Next, we estimated the expected              Company revenues were sourced         Finally, we analyzed how an increase in companies’ cyber resilience and
value at risk by industry. We                from Capital IQ. Revenue              the trustworthiness of the Internet could translate into less value at risk
calculated the total industry                forecasts for the 2018 to 2023        for business and society. We modeled econometrically how companies’
revenues and multiplied those                period were obtained by               lower vulnerability, measured by the number of attacks suffered and the
figures by the expected cost of              extrapolating current revenues        number of days it takes to solve an incident, reduces the cost of
cybercrime.                                  forward, according to the 2011 to     cybercrime after the introduction of better cybersecurity practices. We
                                             2017 CAGR from Capital IQ data.       then estimated how this gain translates into value for society.
The sample consisted of 4,700
companies. These were publicly                                                     We estimated an econometric model to calculate the probability for a
listed companies with more than                                                    company of (a) receiving a certain amount of attacks and (b) solving a
250 employees, operating in the                                                    data breach within a certain period of time.
industries under scope and
                                                                                   The data set comprised 4,500 companies in the Accenture 2018 State
headquartered in the countries
                                                                                   of Cyber Resilience survey.25 The explanatory variables included: 1) the
under scope.
                                                                                   percentage of spend in cybersecurity over total IT spend; 2) whether
                                                                                   companies impose high standards on business partners, and; 3)
                                                                                   whether companies had made significant cybersecurity investments in
                                            Company               Number of        the prior six months.
Value at risk
                                             average       x    companies in our
                                                                                   We used the estimated coefficients to recalibrate the Value at Risk
                            Expected        revenue                sample
for                =         cost of    x                                          Model and formulate an alternative scenario in which every company:
businesses                 cybercrime                                              1) regularly (every six months) makes significant investments in
                                                       Total industry
                                                       revenue pool                cybersecurity; 2) invests as much as the top 20 percent of performers
                                                                                   in cybersecurity; and 3) imposes high standards on business partners.

The Impact on Revenue of a Big, Public Event

We identified unique cyberattacks     In the event of negative                Exhibit 7: Big and Public Cyberattack Impact on Revenue
that were publicly announced by       cybersecurity events, revenues
the companies attacked using          experienced a decline. To identify by Gemalto.      a causal effect, we created a                                                  120 collects         control group composed of the
information of all public attacks     top 10 peers (as defined by S&P                                                115

since 2013. Each attack is assigned   Capital IQ) of each breached
a risk level from 1 to 10, where      company. Under the assumption                                                  110

                                                                           Revenues (Event quarter Revenues = 100)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Companies not suffering an attack
events above a risk score of 5 are    that the control group was not
classified as critical to severe.     breached, we used an event study                                               105

                                      methodology (diff-in-diff
We collected all the events that
                                      estimation) to compare the two

had a risk score above 5, then we
                                      sets of companies and calculate
excluded events related to                                                                                           95
                                      the percentage change in
government agencies and
                                      revenues, comparing eight                                                                                                                                       Companies suffering an attack
universities. Our final sample                                                                                       90

                                      quarters before and after the
included 460 unique events and
436 unique companies. Among                                                                                          85

them, approximately 80 are
publicly traded. For these

                                                                                                                           -8Q-   7Q   -6Q-   5Q   -4Q-   3Q   -2Q   -1Q   Event    1Q    2Q    3Q    4Q     5Q    6Q   7Q    8Q
companies, we collected revenues
information from S&P Capital IQ.                                                                                                                               Source: Accenture Research

Transcript Analysis

                                              We identified cybersecurity         Our model uses a long short-term memory
        Our transcript analysis was based     mentions by checking for certain    neural network (a deep learning NLP model that
                                              keywords (and possible              accounts for word order and context) to identify
        on transcripts of earnings calls of
                                              combinations of those keywords)     a company’s strategic orientation and long-term
        companies present in the S&P 500      in each sentence in the             focus, and the clarity of its strategic vision.
        as of October 1, 2018.                transcripts. When we found a
                                                                                  To develop our AI, 900,000 sentences were
                                              match, we marked the sentence
        We collected 11,418 unique                                                randomly selected. This set was further split
                                              as being cybersecurity related.
        transcripts from S&P global,          We used the following keywords:
                                                                                  into three subsets:
        covering a time frame from            cybersecurity, cyberattack,
        September 1, 2012, to                 cyberthreat, cybercrime, cyber
                                                                                  a training dataset (80 percent),
        August 31, 2018.                      incidents, cyber intrusions,
                                              cyber theft, cyber fraud,
        Text data was analyzed using two      malicious cyber activity, adverse
                                                                                  a testing dataset (15 percent) and
        different algorithms: one to          cyber event, data leak, data
        identify mentions and discussion      breach, malware, ransomware,
        about cybersecurity; and another      spyware, IP theft, DDoS attack.
                                                                                  a cross-validation dataset (5 percent).
        to calculate the intended strategy    Using a proprietary neural
                                                                                  Subsequently we applied the estimated model
        toward cybersecurity.                 network algorithm that captures
                                                                                  to all the sentences from our transcript dataset.
                                              a company’s attitude toward
                                              cybersecurity, we then
                                              calculated an intended strategy.

Authors                             Project Team         We would like to thank the following business leaders, experts and
                                                         practitioners for their valuable insights during our interviews and
Omar Abbosh                         Edward Blomquist
Kelly Bissell                       Tomas Castagnino
                                                         Jay Best                                      Per Gustavson
                                    Francis Hintermann                                                 Information Security Expert,
                                                         Crypto Strategy Advisor, Itsa Ltd.
                                    Lynn LaFiandra                                                     GDPR, Göteborgs Stad
Research Lead                                             laine Bucknor
                                    Ryan LaSalle                                                       J eff Hancock
Luca Gagliardi                                           CISO, Sky TV
                                                                                                        Co-Founder and Chief
                                    Regina Maruca
                                                         J ohn Clark                                   Operations Officer, getFIFO
                                    Vincenzo Palermo      Professor, Computer and Information
                                                                                                        uhittin Hasancioglu
                                    Tom Parker            Systems University of York
                                                                                                       Former VP and CISO, Royal Dutch
                                    Eduardo Plastino      fonso Ferreira
                                                         A                                             Shell plc
                                                         Professor, Director of Research, CNRS -
                                    Virginia Ziegler                                                    ichael Hermus
                                                         Toulouse Institute of Computer Science
                                                                                                       CEO & Managing Partner,
                                                                                                       Revolution Four Group, LLC
                                                         Norman Frankel                                Naoki Kamimaeda
                                                         Chairman, iCyber-Security                     Investor, Mad Street Den

Arthur Keleti                                 Adam Segal
IT Securities Strategist, T-Systems           Director of the Digital and Cyberspace
                                              Policy Program; Council on Foreign
JJ Markee                                     Relations
CISO, KraftKeinz
                                              PW Singer
Amit Mital                                    Senior Strategist; New America
CEO at Kernel Labs Holding Llc, Former
CTO Symantec Corporation                      George Smirnoff
                                              CISO, Synchrony
Peter Morgan
Founder and CEO at Deep Learning              John Valente
Partnership                                   CISO, The 3M Company
Tony Sager                                    Uwe Wirtz
Senior Vice President and Chief Evangelist,   CISO, Henkel
CIS (Center for Internet Security)

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