SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference

Page created by Grace Stevenson
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference


Yes, Lord!

 Constituency Report
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference
SEPT 2021
                              MAGAZINE                                                   CONSTITUENCY REPORT

                                                                                    Mid-America Union Presidents’ Council is comprised of the union’s officers,
                                                                                    conference presidents and the president of Union College (photo taken in 2018).

WHAT IS A CONSTITUENCY SESSION?                                                                finances, church membership, audits and other statistics
                                                                                               are also received and voted. Additionally, the delegates will
All members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are                                            vote on proposed changes to the union Constitution and
part of a constituency, which is defined as a group of                                         Bylaws.
voters in a specified region who elect representatives
to a legislatorial body. Church members of the Mid-                                            WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?
America Union Conference have designated 394
delegates who will gather at the College View Church
                                                                                               It’s about accountability. The union president, vice
in Lincoln, Nebraska, to represent them during the
                                                                                               presidents and department directors will present
ninth quinquennial constituency session occurring
                                                                                               reports and be available for questions. The president
Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021.
                                                                                               of Union College will also give a report, since Union
                                                                                               College’s Constituency Session is joined with the Mid-
WHAT HAPPENS AT SESSION?                                                                       America Union’s.

As required by our Bylaws, every five years                                                    But there’s more than business reports and votes! It’s
delegates elect union leadership, receive reports                                              also a celebration highlighting mission, evangelism and
from union leaders and entities, and vote on                                                   the blessings of the Lord in the past five years. It’s an
general decisions and church business. Reports on                                              opportunity to analyze the state of the Mid-America Union
                                                                                               Conference—organizationally, financially and statistically—
                                                                                               and to cast a vision for how best to advance God’s work in
                                                                                               the heartland of America.

OUTLOOK (ISSN 0887-977X) September 2021, Volume 42, Number 9. OUTLOOK
                                                                                               WHO IS REPRESENTING ME?
is published monthly (10 months per year) by the Mid-America Union Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, 8307 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516. Printed at Pacific
Press Publishing Association, Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE and additional            Please contact your local conference for a list of the
offices. USPS number 006-245. Postmaster: Send all undeliverables to CFF. Free for             delegates from your area.
Mid-America church members and $10 per year for subscribers. ©2017 Mid-America
Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Unless otherwise credited, all images are
iStock. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
CONTACT us by email: or phone: 402.484.3000.

2   OUTLOOKMAG.ORG                 SEPT 2021
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference
                                                                                                            UNION CONFERENCE

                                                                                                            Gary Thurber
                                                                                                            Hubert J. Morel Jr.
                                                                                                            Troy Peoples
                                                                                                            Church Ministries
                                                                                                            Brenda Dickerson
CAN I GET LIVE UPDATES ON WHAT’S                  The Mid-America Union Conference would                    LouAnn Howard
                                                                                                            Hispanic Ministries
                                                  like to thank each member of the Executive
HAPPENING?                                        Committee and the Constitution and Bylaws
                                                                                                            Roberto Correa
                                                                                                            Human Resources
                                                                                                            Raylene Jones
                                                  Committee for their term of service (Sept.                Ministerial
Yes! Follow the Constituency Session on Sept.     2016-Sept. 2021):                                         ——
12 through OUTLOOK’s Facebook or Twitter.                                                                   Religious Liberty
                                                                                                            Darrel Huenergardt
                                                  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                       Women’s Ministries                                                                                     Nancy Buxton                          CENTRAL STATES                ROCKY MOUNTAIN    
                                                  CONFERENCE                    CONFERENCE
                                                                                                            OUTLOOK STAFF
                                                  Roger Bernard                 Ed Barnett                  Editor:
WHY DO UNIONS EXIST?                              Gary Collins                  Sam Miller
                                                                                                            Brenda Dickerson
                                                                                                            Digital Media Manager:
                                                  Joann Herrington              Wayne Morrison              Hugh Davis
All levels of Adventist organization exist to     Dwayne Williams               Carol Turk

support local churches and schools—from
                                                  DAKOTA CONFERENCE             MID-AMERICA UNION           DESIGN
the General Conference with its world                                                                       Hallock Writing & Design
divisions, to the union conferences and the       Daniel Hanson                                   
local conferences, to which the churches          Darren Purdy                  Nancy Buxton
belong. No other level connects the parts of      Mark Weir                     Darrel Huenergardt
                                                                                                            NEWS EDITORS
the church as directly as does the union. Nor                                   Hubert J. Morel, Jr.
                                                                                                            Central States
does any other part have time to do what the      IOWA-MISSOURI                 Troy Peoples                Cryston Josiah
union does.                                                                     Gary Thurber      
                                                  Lou Alfalah                                     
The union conference serves by providing          Steve Bascom                  UNION COLLEGE
assessment tools, facilitating collaboration,     Matt Cook                     Vinita Sauder               Jodi Dossenko
offering mentoring and training, and              Dean Coridan                                              701.751.6177
providing a layer of communication and                                          ADVENTHEALTH      
accountability between local conferences          KANSAS-NEBRASKA
                                                                                Ken Bacon                   Iowa-Missouri
and the global church structure.                                                Sam Huenergardt
                                                                                                            Christina Coston
                                                  Ron Carlson                                     
Union conferences are also shared service         Josh Huenergardt              OTHER INSTITUTIONS
centers for teacher training and certification    Michael Halfhill              IN OUR TERRITORY            Stephanie Gottfried
and school accreditation, regional Pathfinder                                   Brad Forbes                 785.478.4726
camporees, ministerial conventions, religious                                   (AdventSource)    
liberty services, low-cost loans to build                                                                   Minnesota
or renovate churches and schools, and             Marilyn Carlson               Diane Thurber               Savannah Carlson
                                                  Justin Lyons                                    
coordination of humanitarian aid through                                        (Christian Record)          763.424.8923
Adventist Community Services.                     Eric Mokua                                      
                                                                                                            Rocky Mountain
In addition, union leaders provide counsel        CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE
                                                                                                            Rajmund Dabrowski
and support for the Board of Trustees of                                                                    303.733.3771
higher educational institutions, maintain lines   Hubert J. Morel Jr. (chair)   Don Krassin       

of accountability with Adventist healthcare       Darrel Huenergardt            Barbara Parrott
                                                                                                            UNION COLLEGE
institutions, and publish the union paper that    (secretary)                   Robert Wagley               Ryan Teller
helps members be aware of and celebrate           Steve Trana                   Kyoshin Ahn (NAD invitee)
what God is doing in each territory.              Joseph T. Ikner                                 
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference

   of Seventh-day Adventists in Mid-America
                                                        Northern Union established with headquarters in
                                                        Minneapolis. The territory included Minnesota, North
                                                        Dakota, South Dakota, and Alberta, Manitoba, and
                                                        Saskatchewan, Canada. In 1907 the Canadian provinces
                                                        were restructured into the Western Canadian Union
                                                        Conference, and Iowa was added to the Northern Union.
                                                        The Northern Union Reaper was the official magazine.

                           GC Session held
                           at College View              Christian Record, the denomination’s
                          Church in Lincoln,            publishing ministry for the blind,
             Union        during which Ellen            moved from Battle Creek, Michigan,
           College         White spoke to               to Lincoln, Nebraska. The Central
          established       delegates and               Union gave Austin Wilson missionary
         on 50 acres           students                 credentials and $15 for preparing and
         near Lincoln,            1897                  distributing the Christian Record. By
           Nebraska                                     the 1950s the ministry was flourishing.
            1891                                 1902

1888-89                  1895                    1902                                1932            1947
   U.S. and                                                                     Due to financial   Central States
   Canadian                                                                         challenges    Mission formed
 mission work                                                                   during the Great to lead the work
separated into                                                                      Depression,   among African
 districts (now                                                                  the Central and Americans. First
called unions)                           Central Union established              Northern Unions superintendent
by the General         Boulder              with headquarters in                merged into one (president) was
 Conference           Sanitarium            Lincoln. The territory              union named the Thomas Milton
                         founded by          covered Colorado                     Central Union     Rowe. The
                        John Harvey          (including San Juan                   Conference.    mission  began
                           Kellogg.        County, NM), Kansas,                  Five years later operations with
                                          Missouri, Nebraska and                  the unmerged    798 members.
                                           Wyoming. The official                   and swapped
                                              church paper was                  magazine names.
                                          called the Central Union
                                         Advance (changed by 1911
                                         to Central Union Outlook).
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference
Central Union
                    headquarters moved
                      from 4547 Calvert
                        Street to 8550
                     Pioneers Boulevard
                    and included Home
                       Health Education                                                   NAD Ministries
                     Service established                                                Distribution Center
                     in the 1950s. When                                                  started in 1982 in
                      the union decided                                                 Lincoln, Nebraska,
                                               Church              Union College
                          in 1993 to no                                                   was rebranded
                                               membership total     became the
                     longer manage the                                                   as AdventSource,
                                               was 53,303 in 510     first private
                        HHES program,                                                   today an internet-
                                               congregations        institution  in
                         the billing and                                                based organization
                                               spread within         America    to
                     distribution portion                                                 that offers over
                                               one million        install computer
                       moved to Pacific                                                   5,000 ministry
                                               square miles of       terminals in
                        Press Publishing                                                    resources to
                                               territory. In 2020    every  dorm
                           Association.                                                 Adventist churches
                                               membership was            room.
                                                                                            and schools
                            1977               64,787 in 525                                 worldwide.
       Shawnee Mission
   established in Kansas                1980
 City as a one-story, 65-
bed community hospital
                1962                                                     1983

     1952                               1980 1981                                                      1998
   Central States                        Central    Mid-America                                  Mid-America
 Mission received                            and    Union held                                      Union
 conference status                      Northern    its first official                           headquarters
 with 17 churches,                        Unions    constituency                                   moved to
    2 companies                       re-merged,    session at the                                8307 Pine
  and 20 full time again for financial reasons.     Sheraton-                                     Lake Road.
  employees. The             Headquarters were      Royal Hotel in
 territory covered        located in Lincoln and    Kansas City,
six states: Missouri, the magazine was named        Missouri.
Kansas, Nebraska,        Mid-America Adventist
  Iowa, Colorado               Outlook. The first
   and Wyoming.         president was E.S. Reile.

                                                                                      OUTLOOKMAG.ORG   SEPT 2021   5
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference

Headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Mid-America Union Conference facilitates the work
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church throughout a nine-state region in the Midwestern United
States. Organized into six local conferences, the territory spans Colorado, Iowa, Kansas,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and San Juan County in
New Mexico.

The Mid-America Union is part of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Protestant denomination
with over 20 million members in more than 200 countries. There are 13 world divisions and nine
unions in the North American Division.

The Adventist Church structure prioritizes local congregations, with the remaining
organizations in place to offer support. The union level provides representation to the General
Conference, along with administrative leadership and support to conferences, schools,
healthcare networks and other ministries. Each year, MAUC organizations sponsor dozens of
programs and projects that address human needs, improve quality of life and introduce people
to Jesus.

Mission                                                                 Values
Strengthening local
conferences and

Providing a steady flow of
leadership, communication,
                                                            DIVERSITY       RESPONSIBILITY
mentoring, and training

*Learn more at

SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference
              MAUC AT A GLANCE*
MEMBERS                                                     ELEMENTARY
                               CONFERENCES           SCHOOLS/ACADEMIES



                                  HOSPITALS                                        1
                                                           HIGHER EDUCATION
                                                          UNION COLLEGE

8   ADVENTIST COMMUNITY                 ND




                             CO                                MO

 *As of Dec. 31, 2020                                     OUTLOOKMAG.ORG   SEPT 2021   7
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference

Steve Nazario, June 2021

The Mid-America Union Conference staff are committed to serving Jesus Christ and building up His
kingdom in the heartland by providing a steady flow of leadership, communication, mentoring and training.

  know it is a cliché to say this,   been. As a result, relationships   for many weeks!                   these past five years. It has
  but I am amazed at how fast        have been bruised or broken,         While thinking of these         been nothing short of a mir-
  five years can go by. Here we      families quarreled and, unfor-     challenges we faced, a Bible      acle to watch how our church
are preparing for another con-       tunately, some of our churches     text comes to my mind imme-       families rallied around their
stituency meeting for the Mid-       were also damaged.                 diately. Romans 8:35-37 reads,    pastors and teachers. Every
America Union Conference,              Who can forget the George        “Can anything ever separate       week, my wife and I attended
and I just don’t know where          Floyd moment when time             us from Christ’s love? Does it    a number of worship services
the time has gone.                   seemed to stand still on that      mean he no longer loves us if     with churches who made sure
   As I reflect on the past five     awful day? I don’t believe we      we have trouble or calamity,      worshiping together still took
years, much has taken place          will ever be the same individ-     or are persecuted, or hungry,     place, even if it was online.
which has brought changes to         ually or as a country again—       or destitute, or in danger, or    Faithful members went out
our world … some good and            which is not a bad thing. I        threatened with death? (As the    of their way to return their
some not so good. In the past        hope that through this tragedy     Scriptures say, ‘For your sake    tithes and offerings to keep
five years, our country seems        we learned, grew and became        we are killed every day; we are   our schools, churches and
to be more divided than ever,        more Christlike, accepting         being slaughtered like sheep.’)   ministries functioning, even
especially around politics. We       everyone as loved, cherished       No, despite all these things,     if remotely. There is no doubt
went through several conten-         sons and daughters of God.         overwhelming victory is ours      the Lord had His hands upon
tious elections together and,          Then who knew five years         through Christ, who loved us.”    us, sustaining us and giving
unfortunately, we weren’t            ago we would suffer through a        What a promise! And             hope and peace, even during
as gracious and kind to one          pandemic, which closed down        honestly, we saw this promise     the darkest hours. Like Paul,
another as we should have            church and in-person school        fulfilled right before our eyes   I am convinced that nothing

SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference
can separate us from the love
of God.
                                 with numbers and has done a
                                 superb job helping to keep the
                                                                      PLANNING AND                       opportunities to encourage
                                                                                                         one another and bless those
                                 union fiscally sound.
                                    In addition, I would like to
                                                                      PREPARING                          in our communities with the
                                                                                                         good news of what Jesus has
STRONG TEAMS                     acknowledge Pastor Gil Webb,                                            done for each of us.
                                 who served as executive secre-          As I look ahead to the             The General Conference has
   In this president’s report,   tary during the first four years     next five years, I see so much     a new slogan they are using
I want to focus on the           of the quinquennium. Pastor          promise for our church here        throughout the world for the
people who really make           Webb served in this union            in the heartland of America.       next several years: “I Will Go!”
ministry happen here in          his entire 45 years in minis-        First, did you know the            The North American Division
Mid-America. My work as          try. What a gift he was in our       International Pathfinder           has adopted that theme along
president is more about sup- office and field, and we wish            Camporee, which has been           with the phrase “Together in
porting the leaders around       him and his wife, Pat, the           held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,        Mission—I Will Go!” In Mid-
me than anything else. And       happiest of retirement days in       since 1999, will be relocated to   America, we wholeheartedly
let me tell you, I am blessed, the years to come!                     Gillette, Wyoming? Yes, nearly     embrace both of these rallying
and I know it because I am          Our departmental directors        60,000 people will gather from     cries, along with our own sim-
surrounded by some of the        also give their all to their vari-   around the globe to be a part      ple banner of “Yes, Lord!”
best leaders in the North        ous roles. Each has committed        of this amazing youth event. I        This is really just a prayer
American Division.               to serve this constituency by        can’t wait for all those young     we invite each one to pray. It
   Let me start with thanking being attentive and responsive          people to experience our part      is a prayer of willingness to
our conference presidents.       to the needs of each of their        of the world! Secondly, the        work together in mission and
Our six presidents are effec-    counterparts in our confer-          world church is coming to our      to go wherever the Lord calls
tive, spirit-filled workers for  ences. I urge you to pay close       territory not once but twice       us to serve. Whether it is to a
the Lord. They lead their        attention to their reports on        in the next quinquennium—          mission field on the other side
team of pastors, teachers,       the following pages of the           to St. Louis for the General       of the globe, or in a children’s
departmental directors and       outstanding ministry that            Conference Session in 2022         Sabbath school room in
office staff where the rubber has taken place here in Mid-            and again in 2025.                 Neligh, Nebraska, each of us is
meets the road in ministry.      America as our Savior has               As exciting as these events     a needed member of the body
They are a joy to work with      worked through them.                 are, still the most profound       of Christ—called into service
and are always advocating           I also want to say a word         ministry will be happening         for Him and for others.
and doing all they can for       about Union College. Without         in Mid-America at our local           What would the next five
their frontline workers. They a doubt, Union College is one           churches and schools spread        years look like if each one in
love their ministry teams,       of the greatest assets we have       throughout our territory.          Mid-America simply said,
and you can tell it by the way in Mid-America. The training           The truth is our pastors and       “Yes, Lord! I am yours. Love
they talk about them and         and education going on there         teachers are there day in and      me, guide me, fill my soul, Yes,
pray for them.                   truly blesses every corner of        day out, working alongside         Lord, take full control.” Just
   Next, I want to say a few     our union. Dr. Vinita Sauder         our members to provide             imagine …
words about the people I am      and her team do an outstand-
blessed to work with here        ing job guiding the higher
in our Mid-America Union         education ministry taking
office. I am grateful that       place there.
my fellow officers hold me          In addition, MAUC sup-
accountable to the mission of    ports the medical ministry of
our church each and every day. AdventHealth which operates a
Dr. Hubert Morel is new to our number of hospitals and clinics
union, and he hit the ground     across our territory. The leaders
running as executive secretary. of AH are deeply committed
His experience and love for      to the Adventist Church and
people and the church make       to blessing our communities
him a joy to work with. Troy     through extending the healing
Peoples, Mid-America Union       ministry of Christ.
treasurer, has skills most of us                                      GARY THURBER                       RAYLENE JONES
just don’t have. He is excellent                                      is president of the Mid-America    is executive assistant to the
                                                                      Union.                             president.

                                                                                                         OUTLOOKMAG.ORG        SEPT 2021   9
SEPT2021 - MID-AMERICA UNION Constituency Report - Mid-America Union Conference

  t is with great delight and      has a unique and distinctive       our praises to God. He has        ministries, these individuals
  pleasure that I present to       responsibility to gather and       been good to Mid-America.         took to heart the mission of
  you the Ninth Regular            chronicle with accuracy            During this quinquennium          Jesus Christ, went out and
Quinquennium Session               the figures and data that          16,265 persons were added         did battle with the enemy of
report of the Mid-America          emphasize the successes and        to the union and 5,981 were       God and grew the kingdom
Union Conference of                gains, as well as the failings     baptized, while 1,719 joined      of God in the process. They
Seventh-day Adventists. This       and inadequacies, of the           by profession of faith and        have courageously made an
report reflects the stellar        conferences during this past       8,565 transferred in by letter.   impact upon their church,
work of the immediate past         quinquennium, thereby mak-         However, member transfers         community, conference
MAUC executive secretary,          ing this office a vital compo-     out by letter, deaths, dropped,   and certainly Mid-America
Elder Gil Webb. Since assum-       nent to the effectiveness and      and missing totaled 14,939.       Union Conference.
ing this position as your new      growth of the union.               That reflects a 92% loss of the
union executive secretary            In this report, I will attempt   gain; hence an increase of
in January, I have had the         to give you a snapshot of          1,326 members.                    WORDS OF
unique privilege of seeing         the progression of the union          These facts and figures
the indelible mark and solid       based on the reports received      reflect the commitment and        APPRECIATION
foundation that Elder Webb         from the conferences. The          dedication of our pastors,
laid in this office.               account will show both             teachers, Bible instructors,         To my fellow Mid-America
   Today I stand on Elder          gains and losses. You will         church officers and members       Union Conference officers,
Webb’s shoulders, as I take up     notice that in spite of the        filled with the Spirit of God.    Elder Gary Thurber, presi-
the mantle of leadership to        challenges, pitfalls of the        Through various mechanisms        dent, and Elder Troy Peoples,
serve you in humility of spirit.   economy and the COVID-19           such as evangelism, reclaim-      treasurer, I express my deep
These past five years have not     pandemic, we can still offer       ing strategies and other          and sincere appreciation
been without their challenges.
However, I am grateful to
God for the blessings and
achievements we have experi-
enced together as a union.           MEMBERSHIP TOTALS 2016-2020
   The COVID-19 pandemic
brought the country—yea the
world—to a standstill. For
a moment, it appeared that           70K

ministry also experienced a
shortfall. However, ministry,        60K



though slow, still made an
impact in the Mid-America
Union territory. Our theme
“Yes, Lord!” gives us the
undergirding to continue in          40K
spite of the challenges. The
mission given to us by Jesus         30K
Christ over 2,000 years ago
speaks to that theme and is          20K
still relevant to these times
amid the various challenges
we face.                              10K
   The office of secretariat
                                                  2016                2017           2018               2019           2020
for having afforded me the         of appreciation to Pennie          eternally grateful to you.            is that when He does return,
privilege of working with you      Yesilcimen who served as the          Finally, to you, the constit-      He will say to each one of
these past few months.             executive assistant to Elder Gil   uents of the Mid-America              us, “Well done thou good
   The efficiency of the day-to-   Webb and who also assisted         Union Conference, I thank             and faithful servant ... enter
day operation of my office is      me with information for the        you from the depth of                 thou into the joy of thy Lord”
largely due to the coordinated     preparation of this report.        my heart for the privilege            (Matt. 25:21).
services of my executive assis-       To my wife, Raquel, I           and opportunity you have                 May we say “Yes, Lord!” as
tant Raylene Jones. I thank her    express heartfelt appreciation     afforded me to serve you in           we continue to grow in the
for her commitment and ded-        for the support, encourage-        this capacity. Again, I say           grace of God and keep our
ication to making the office of    ment, patience, understand-        thank you.                            minds and hearts focused
secretariat run with top-notch     ing and honesty you have              In Luke 19:13 we are               on Jesus Christ and His soon
performance. And I would be        shared with me regarding           reminded to occupy till He            return. Maranatha!
remiss if I did not say a word     my work in this office. I am       returns. My prayer and hope
                                                                                                            Hubert J. Morel, Jr.


      he Human Resources director reports directly to the vice president for administration, and as HR
      director I work closely with administration to maintain healthy employee relations and help keep
      the day-to-day operations running smoothly throughout all departments. I am also responsible for
ensuring understanding and implementation between employee and employer of the resources, policies
and procedures that generally and legally govern the workplace environment. In addition, I serve as a
resource to our conferences within our union territory as requested, providing legal best practices and
offering emotional support through difficult situations.

Specific Human Resources Responsibilities Include:
• Protecting interests of employees and the organization in
  accordance with NAD and MAUC policies and governmen-
  tal laws and regulations
• Helping foster a wholesome work environment
• Coordinating the use of insurance carriers, health and
  wellness consultants, employee benefit providers and other
  outside resources
• Maintaining the system of employee service records
• Processing retirement applications (five over the past
• Reviewing applications and orienting new employees, assist-
  ing in maintaining the employee handbook, and conducting
  exit interviews (10 exit interviews and nine onboarding new
  employees over the past quinquennium)

People are the heart of every organization and I am most
grateful for the privilege to serve in this role. My daily prayer
is “Yes, Lord! May we follow wherever You lead as we go for-          HUBERT J. MOREL JR.                   RAYLENE JONES
ward together in mission.”                                            is vice president of administration   is director of Human Resources
                                                                      for the Mid-America Union.            and executive assistant to the
Raylene Jones                                                                                               vice president for administration.

                                                                                                            OUTLOOKMAG.ORG         SEPT 2021   11

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
1 Chron. 16:34

G                                                                                                        STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS
         od has blessed the        Gillette, Wyoming, which was
         Mid-America Union         formerly held in Oshkosh,
         Conference in so          Wisconsin. In 2023 we will                                                                     2016-2020
many ways over the last five       help our local conferences

                                                                          $500K $1M
years that it’s impossible to      be able to send their teachers                                                                               $654,599
count. Every day brings new        to the next national teacher
opportunities to give God the      convention. In 2024, the
praise for how He works out        Ministerial Department will
what seems to be insurmount-       be holding the next union-
able challenges, which many        wide pastors convention. One
times are blessings in disguise.   of the most exciting projects          ($2M) ($1.5M) ($1M) ($500K)
   The last five years have seen   focuses on Union College’s
their share of ups and downs.      plans for a new wellness
Including our fund balances.       center. MAUC has committed
In 2016 MAUC was able to           to help fund that with at least
pay off half of the debt that      half a million dollars in 2022.
was owed on the Krueger               As we look over the audited
Center at Union College of         financial statements from the
$2.275 million. That was a         last five years, in the operating
planned spend-down of our          fund we had a net income
reserves to save interest cost.    gain every year except for
MAUC working capital went          2016 when our Executive                                               2016          2017      2018           2019           2020
down to 115% that year and,        Committee voted to help
with God’s blessings, we have      reduce the college’s debt. Some
slowly built the reserves back     years that gain wasn’t much,        associate treasurer from                                 Conference Auditing Services,
to where in 2020 MAUC              but it was a gain. Some of the      November 2015 to December                                and has been a great fit for
recommended working capital        extraordinary things the union      2019 when she took a call to                             our office. Our accountant
was 151%.                          was able to help our confer-        become the treasurer of the                              Evelyn Cornforth retired in
   One third of our 2020           ences with financially in the       Gulf States Conference in the
recommended working capital        past five years were a return       Southern Union. The search
is allocated funds set aside for   from union reserves of a little     for her replacement was a bit
some exciting projects that        over a million dollars in 2018      of a challenge since she left
are coming up in the 2021-         in unrestricted money, and in       right at year-end.
2026 term. We are going to         2020 a little over $584,000 in         Then COVID-19 hit
have the privilege to be the       COVID-19 relief money.              in March of 2020. The
host union for the General                                             “unknown” became the
Conference of Seventh-day                                              norm for most people, as we
Adventists session in both         GOD DOES ANSWER                     had not lived through such
2022 as well as 2025 in St.                                            before. However, the Lord
Louis. Along with those large        As we look back, we can           knew what we needed, and in
meetings, we are also going        see the Lord blessing in other      July of 2020 Garrett Holmes
to host in the MAUC terri-         ways—not just financially—          accepted the call to become
tory the next International        these past five years. Gwen         the MAUC associate treasurer.                            TROY PEOPLES
Pathfinder Camporee in             Speak served as the MAUC            Garrett came from General                                is vice president for finance of
                                                                                                                                the Mid-America Union.

                                              ASSETS                     LIABILITIES                        NET ASSETS                                                                     adjustments to stay within
                                                                                                                                                                                           the budget. Sometimes I don’t
$1M $2M $3M $4M $5M $6M $7M $8M

                                                                                                                                                                                           make everyone happy when I

                                                                                                                                                                                           say “No.” However, we try to

                                                                                                                                                                                           say “Yes” to as many projects as
                                                                                                                                                                                           we can financially, with a few

                                                                                                                                                                                           that stretch our comfort levels.

                                                                                                                                                                                              As MAUC’s treasurer,
                                                                                                                                                                                           I simply say that God has
                                                                                                                                                                                           proven over and over when it
                                                                                                                                                                                           comes to His church, and His
                                                                                                                                                                                           faithful followers giving to it,

                                                                                                                                                                                           that He sometimes chooses to
                                                                                                                                                                                           answer our prayers only when



                                                                                                                                                                                           we step out in faith. If Peter


                                                                                                                                                                                           had not chosen to respond to
                                                                                                                                                                                           the Lord’s request positively
                                                                                                                                                                                           as found in Luke 5:5, he never
                                                                                                                                                                                           would have been blessed
                                                                                                                                                                                           the way the Lord intended.
                                                                                                                                                                                           God’s way of growing us is to

                                                                                                                                                                                           ask us to do things we’re not
                                        2016                             2017                             2018                          2019                      2020                     completely comfortable with
                                                                                                                                                                                           and that test our faith. I have
                                                                                                                                                                                           learned to say “Yes, Lord!”
                              2019, but graciously agreed                            maintains the office building                 making all kinds of mission                             more than I once did.
                              to come back to help fill the                          and grounds, rounds out the                   projects become reality by                                 It’s been a pleasure serving
                              vacancy when Gwen left                                 team. I am very grateful for                  budgeting conservatively and                            you over the past five years,
                              till Garrett could make the                            the team we have at MAUC,                     staying within budget. I am                             and I look forward to what
                              transition. Pennie Yesilcimen                          and what you see presented is                 very thankful for our depart-                           new and exciting things the
                              and Abisai Arreguin help keep                          because of all the hard work                  ment heads and officers, who                            Lord has planned going for-
                              the Treasury Department                                these people do every day to                  understand having to live                               ward. May God help us to be
                              working smoothly on a daily                            make it happen.                               within the funds available to                           faithful till He comes back to
                              basis, and Roy Schaecher, who                            Our goal is to help assist in               us and are willing to make                              take us home.

                              PENNIE YESILCIMEN                                      GARRETT HOLMES                                ABISAI ARREGUIN                                         ROY SCHAECHER
                              is executive assistant to the vice                     is associate treasurer for the Mid-           is information technology and                           is maintenance engineer for the
                              president for finance.                                 America Union.                                accounting assistant for the Mid-                       Mid-America Union.
                                                                                                                                   America Union.

                                                                                                                                                                                          OUTLOOKMAG.ORG      SEPT 2021   13

      he MAUC director of Church Ministries coordinates a wide variety of initiatives, events and resources
      for local conferences and constituents. The areas of focus include Children’s Ministries, Pathfinders and
      Adventurers, Youth and Young Adults and Adventist Community Services.

   In early 2020 the Mid-America Union Conference hosted                  Summer camp is a top priority for local conference youth
a Children’s Ministries Expo in Omaha, Nebraska, where 113             departments, which have outstanding facilities and some of the
attendees participated in a new training format.                       most beautiful locations in the country. Hundreds of children
   Adventurer clubs for children Pre K-4 are well established in       and youth make important decisions for Christ and choose
all six conferences in the Mid-America Union and are a primary         baptism every summer while discovering life-changing lessons
feeder for Pathfinder clubs.                                           in God’s second book of nature.
   Pathfinders is the Adventist camping/educational ministry              Despite the challenges of the pandemic, our camps are on
primarily for grades 5-12. Fun and educational activities, along       strong footing and continue to offer meaningful activities for
with the comprehensive training structure of the organization,         our children and youth.
make Pathfinders the single strongest ministry in the Seventh-
day Adventist Church worldwide.                                        Our nine camps in Mid-America are:
   The annual Pathfinder Bible Experience competition challenges
Pathfinders to learn Scripture, with teams memorizing entire           • Camp High Point
books of the Bible in order to earn a first place award. Each year     • Flag Mountain Camp
the MAUC hosts the union level competition of PBE, with the
                                                                       • Northern Lights Camp
most recent event being held virtually due to the pandemic.
   In July 2017 nearly 1,500 Pathfinders gathered in the Black Hills   • Camp Heritage
of South Dakota for the union-wide Pathfinder camporee with
                                                                       • Camp Arrowhead
dedication services held in the amphitheater at Mt. Rushmore.
   In August 2019, over 2,600 Pathfinders and staff from Mid-          • Broken Arrow Ranch
America joined approximately 50,000 from around the world              • Glacier View Ranch
for the International Camporee held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
We eagerly look forward to the next International Camporee             • Mills Springs Ranch
scheduled to be held in Gillette, Wyoming, in 2024.                    • North Star Camp

Hubert Cisneros retired
from serving as Church
Ministries director in
2018 and returned to
part-time pastoring with
his wife and ministry
partner Lucy.

Roger Wade, MAUC Church Ministries director
from April 2019-April 2021, coordinated multiple
ACS efforts among conferences in metro areas.

   MAUC Academy Leadership and Bible conferences are
conducted yearly at various locations where academy students
learn skills for leadership and outreach. A union-wide Bible
conference for public high school students was hosted in the
fall of 2016.
   During the pandemic, Mid-America young adults participated
in the virtual NAD Momentum Youth Sabbath School where they
preached, led discussions and provided special music.

  All Mid-America ACS/DR leaders were instrumental in
mobilizing collection of items needed in impacted communities
during the past five years. When the NAD COVID-19 Food
Grant funds were disbursed, ACS leaders stepped up to assist
those who have been most impacted by the pandemic across
Mid-America. Many food pantries have collaborated with other
community organizations to distribute additional food items
during this time of crisis.

In August 2019, over
2,600 Pathfinders and
staff from Mid-America
joined approximately
50,000 from around
the world for the
International Camporee
held in Oshkosh,
Wisconsin. We eagerly
look forward to the next
International Camporee
scheduled to be held in
Gillette, Wyoming, in

                                                                OUTLOOKMAG.ORG   SEPT 2021   15

          hen Ellen White was told “You must begin to print a little paper and send it out to the people,”
          the blueprint for communication in the Adventist Church was born. From that small beginning,
          the vision has flourished and today the vibrant tools of communication are many for sharing the
good news of Jesus Christ and inspiring and informing His followers.
The Mid-America Union Communication Department exists to enhance awareness of Adventist
mission, messages and activities throughout our nine-state region. We serve the dedicated and skilled
communicators in our six conferences in helping local churches meet their goals for nurture and outreach
by offering a steady stream of resources, mentoring and training.
Our goals are to inspire deeper relationships with Christ, build trust through transparency and increase
member engagement here in the heartland of America.

WAYS WE SERVE                                                     KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS
1. We gather and share news and stories to keep members           During the past five years we have:
   informed and engaged with sharing the hope of Jesus            • Created an onboarding manual for new conference com-
   Christ with our communities.
                                                                    munication directors
2. We manage the communication aspects of a variety of proj-
   ects through conducting research, developing strategies,       • Created a private Facebook group for Mid-America
   drafting content and engaging audiences.                         communicators
3. We seek to use our influence in raising awareness of the       • Created a private Facebook group for OUTLOOK
   union’s mission, values and priorities through all our com-      bloggers
   munication platforms.                                          • Began hosting an annual lay communication advisory
4. We promote and protect the reputation of the Mid-America
                                                                  • Started recognizing outstanding communicators in
   Union and all our entities by focusing on strategic planning
   and pre-emptive crisis communication efforts.                    our territory with an annual Award of Communication
5. We create and share resources that inspire best communica-       Excellence
   tion practices and provide training to equip communicators     • Celebrated 25 years of collaboration between OUTLOOK
   to become more effective in telling our Adventist story.         magazine and Union College student writers
                                                                  • Conducted interviews and published Mid-America’s
TOOLS WE USE                                                        40-year anniversary story
                                                                  • Researched and wrote articles for the new online
•    OUTLOOK magazine (print edition)                               Adventist Encyclopedia
• (digital news and inspiration)                • Produced a digital discipleship video series
                                                                  • Produced the 300th issue of myOUTLOOK weekly
• (organizational website)
•    myOUTLOOK (weekly email news)
                                                                  • Launched The Advance podcast
•    Facebook
                                                                  • Gathered and shared data from our territory through
•    Twitter                                                        Facebook polls, digital newsletter and print surveys
•    Instagram                                                    • Provided crisis communication training during the
•    The Advance Podcast                                            Adventist Student Personnel Association Convention
                                   Sign up here:
•    YouTube                            • Hosted multiple communication training seminars
•    Vimeo                                                          during the Minnesota Conference Leadership Summit

With the faithful assistance of other communication                        Our volunteer blogging team continues to
professionals and the great team we work with at Pacific                   produce unique daily content for,
Press Publishing Association, we produce 10 issues per                     the online edition of OUTLOOK magazine that is
year of the print edition of OUTLOOK magazine that are                     read by over 29,000 people per month.
mailed to approximately 24,000 households.

Hear Their Voices: Representatives from the Adventist Church collaborated with other organizations to host a community
expo called Hear Their Voices in September 2017 in Kansas City. This two-day event raised awareness and provided education
for the prevention of human sex trafficking and offered support for survivors.
Miles to Minneapolis: In June 2020 we collaborated with several of our conferences to host the live stream of the final
leg of a seven-night virtual freedom ride starting in Washington, DC, and ending in Minneapolis focusing on prayer and
community collaboration.
10 Days of Prayer: Last January we collaborated with the MAUC Church Ministries Department and our local conferences to offer a
virtual in-depth time of prayer across our territory.
What’s Your Story? Video Series: In May 2020 our MAUC president presented a statement on racism in response to the mur-
der of George Floyd in Minneapolis. As a followup, Gary Thurber interviewed several Mid-America church members to learn
more about their diverse experiences and their hopes for the future.
Pathfinder Camporees: It has been our privilege to provide communication support for both the Mid-America Union
Pathfinder Camporee and the International Pathfinder Camporee.

As the communication
team daily commits
to saying “Yes, Lord!”
we are thankful for
the opportunities to
serve the needs of our
constituents and build
up God’s kingdom
through sharing the
distinctive Adventist
message of hope and
wholeness.                      BRENDA DICKERSON HUGH DAVIS                                      BARB ENGQUIST
                                is director of communication       is associate director of      is administrative assistant for the
                                for the Mid-America Union,         communication and digital     Communication Department.
                                OUTLOOK editor and general         media manager for the Mid-
                                vice president of the Society of   America Union.
                                Adventist Communicators.

                                                                                                OUTLOOKMAG.ORG        SEPT 2021    17

        omething better is the watchword of education, the law of all true living. Whatever Christ asks
        us to renounce, He offers in its stead something better. . . . Bring them (the youth) in contact with
        truer beauty, with loftier principles, and with nobler lives. Lead them to behold the One ‘altogether
 lovely.’ When once the gaze is fixed upon Him, the life finds its center . . . to honor Christ, to become like
 Him, to work for Him” (Education, p. 296).

During the past quinquen-          students to be the disciples
nium students, teachers,           referenced in Jesus’ Great
school boards and school           Commission. This grades
constituencies have said “Yes,     1-12 curriculum has been
Lord!” to Adventist education      enthusiastically adopted across
even in the midst of a world-      Mid-America.
wide pandemic. We are excited         Pathways 2.0: Journey to
to share what is happening         Excellence through Literacy
in Adventist education in          is the English Language Arts
Mid-America.                       curriculum for grades 1-8.
   Adventist education is          This is an integrated curric-
learner-focused. It enables        ulum that includes reading,
learners to develop a life         writing, word study, grammar,
of faith in God, and to use        spelling, handwriting, speak-
their knowledge, skills and        ing and listening. It builds on   strategy, and Scripture con-     to growing healthy, vibrant
understandings to serve God        the Adventist worldview and       nections are made.               school communities.
and others. We believe in          incorporates appropriately                                            Our teachers and admin-
an integrated educational          complex nonfiction texts that                                      istrators are well prepared:
experience where students          will engage scholars while        THE NUMBERS                      37% of our teachers hold a
encounter God throughout           incorporating research-                                            postgraduate degree, 68%
the day in all subjects.           based skills and strategies          During the past five years,   hold either a Professional
                                   that enable them to become        five schools have opened in      or Standard NAD Teaching
                                   lifelong learners. Spiritual      Mid-America and 10 have          Certificate, and 71% of our
CURRICULUM                         applications are intentionally    closed. Many school con-         administrators hold an NAD
                                   included in the instruction.      stituencies struggle with the    Administrator Certificate.
DEVELOPMENT                           In addition, a new biol-       decision to close as they have      Our teachers continue
                                   ogy textbook was developed        seen enrollment decline. Most to look for opportunities
   In the past quinquennium,       in partnership with Kendall       plan to reopen in a year or two. to grow professionally. The
three exciting curriculums         Hunt Publishing Company           We are aware of at least two     Mid-America Union is
have been developed and            for high school students.         schools planning to reopen       grateful for the support that
implemented in Adventist           This textbook includes            this year.                       allowed us to take all of our
schools across North America.      a biblical perspective in            Enrollment in all our Mid-    teachers, administrators and
First, the Bible curriculum,       examining a variety of            America schools declined         many support staff to the
Adventist Encounter, is            understandings of nature.         10%. Some of the decline is      NAD Teachers’ Convention
intentional about using the        It aligns with the North          due to the COVID-19 pan-         in Chicago. We look forward
classroom to help build a          American Division biology         demic. Some is due to aging      to the 2023 convention in
meaningful lifelong relation-      standards and is grounded         communities that do not have Phoenix. Mid-America also
ship with Jesus, using the Bible   in the faith-based beliefs of     many school-age children. It     supports elementary and sec-
as a source of truth with the      the Seventh-day Adventist         is difficult to pinpoint exact   ondary teachers going to other
goal of making a difference        Church. Inquiry learning          reasons for the spikes or        national conventions. Our
for eternity. It seeks to invite   is a central instruction          declines, but we are committed secondary associate, Gerard

Ban, continues the plan of        is able to interview teacher       showed great resilience. God might try in class. Learning
hosting our teachers at two       candidates before superin-         has demonstrated His love andis the indicator of success.
subject-specific national con-    tendents from other confer-        leading and we know He will  Mid-America has included
ferences annually. We are also    ences do.                          continue to in the future.   our superintendents in the
very thankful for our partner-                                                                    NAD training. We have begun
ship with La Sierra University                                                                    training with our Curriculum
that allows teachers to get a     PANDEMIC IMPACTS                   LOOKING FORWARD              Committee who will assist us
master’s degree in administra-                                                                    as we walk down this path.
tion or curriculum tuition-free      When COVID-19 struck,           Educational planning         Each conference is also plan-
(to them).                        teachers quickly retooled into has not been put on hold         ning training for teachers. This
   During the past quinquen-      a different delivery mode. Our throughout this pandemic.        will not be a quick implemen-
nium, we have seen a decline      teachers said, “Yes, Lord” even We anticipate exciting          tation; we will take the time to
in the pool of available          though they had no idea how     educational practices being     ensure our teachers, students
teachers. Baby boomers are        they would continue to minis- implemented over the next         and schools are ready.
reaching retirement age and       ter to their students. Teachers five years. Our conferences,        Mental health is another
nationwide we see a definite      learned to use Zoom, ensured Mid-America Union, and the         challenge. Learners come with
decline in the number of          that each student had access    North American Division have varying backgrounds and
college-age students who          to technology, and generally    collaborated in introducing     experiences. Anxiety is one
are choosing education as         within a two-week time frame standards-based learning.          of the leading mental health
a career. Teachers are also       were ready to meet with their   The NAD developed stan-         conditions facing our children.
choosing not to move, but         students virtually. Additional  dards in each subject area that We need to provide strategies
to continue working in their      resources were sought and       are based on the Adventist      and assistance where feasible
school community. This has        provided by the division,       worldview. Standards identify to help meet these challenges.
put added pressure on our         union and conferences.          what learners should know           We are thankful for God’s
schools and conferences              When classes resumed in      and be able to do, and serve as innumerable blessings and
when the need for teach-          the fall of 2020, classrooms    the framework for curriculum, the way He is daily leading in
ers arises. However, we           were sanitized, partitions were instruction and assessment.     the education of His kids in
are appreciative of Union         created and social distance,       In an effort to fulfill our  Mid-America. We are blessed
College whose Education           mask, temperature checks and charge as Adventist educators, to know that there are Spirit-
Department trains sought-af-      personal hygiene practices were we are revising our grading     filled men and women who
ter teacher candidates who        implemented so that face-to-    practices to be aligned to the  have dedicated their lives to
understand multi-grade            face instruction could begin.   standards students must meet. bringing lifelong learners to
classrooms and are well           The emotional impact was        That way, grades will be a      the feet of Jesus. It is the goal
versed in the Adventist cur-      great, but a quality education  clearer indication of what stu- of this department to see every
riculum and best practices        was still provided. Students,   dents have learned, not simply student excel in faith, learning
in education. Moreover, they      teachers, school boards and     a measure of how much work and service to honor God and
ensure that Mid-America           conference personnel all        they turn in or how hard they bless others.

LOUANN HOWARD                     GERARD BAN                         KRISTI GRIFFITH                     BARB ENGQUIST
is director of the Office of      is associate director of the       is registrar for the Mid-America    is administrative assistant for the
Education for the Mid-America     Office of Education for the Mid-   Union.                              Office of Education.
Union.                            America Union.

                                                                                                        OUTLOOKMAG.ORG        SEPT 2021   19


           uch of the work of the    spirit has been among the         support our pastors. For exam-      One of the most memorable
           Mid-America Union         highest priorities, since high-   ple, I speak frequently to our   and moving times in our con-
           ministerial director is   trust relationships foster an     pastors for training or devo-    vention was during our open-
done out of the public eye, yet      easy flow of resources, ideas     tionals, and I provide leader-   ing meeting when I invited
this person is highly visible to     and support, all of which bet-    ship coaching for pastors who    all the pastors and spouses to
the ministerial directors of the     ter enable conference ministe-    request it.                      come to the platform to affix
six conferences. Much energy,        rial directors to support and        We plan and host our          their family’s picture to the
support and encouragement            care for local pastors.           union-wide pastors con-          cross. Bringing our families to
pours directly into the team of         For most of the past quin-     vention, like the one held       the cross right from the start
six conference ministerial direc-    quennium, Mic Thurber filled      in Omaha in July of 2017.        set a tone that lasted through-
tors in Mid- America: Merlin         this role. In August 2021, he     Focusing especially on           out our time together.
Knowles, Dakota; Joseph Ikner,       accepted the invitation of the    strengthening the home              Our bi-annual union-
Central States; Lee Rochholz,        Rocky Mountain Conference         and family of the pastor, we     wide pastoral intern retreats
Iowa-Missouri; Virgil Covel,         Executive Committee to serve      brought in Mark Gungor, who      bring together new-in-min-
Kansas-Nebraska; Karen Lewis,        as RMC’s president. Following     is famous for his “Laugh Your    istry workers from around
Minnesota, (who is one of only       is a report he prepared before    Way to a Better Marriage”        our territory to become
two women in a ministerial           accepting his new position.       seminars. Laughter often         acquainted with their peers,
director position in North                                             unlocks our defenses so that     learn about the wider
America); and Mickey Mallory,          Though most of my work          important things can be          church, and gain insights
Rocky Mountain.                      supports ministerial directors,   learned, which is especially     and support as they navigate
   Building a cohesive team          there is much I do to directly    Mark’s gift.                     ministry that often turns out

to be quite different from        the new manual, I have served
what they expected. We have       as both a formal and informal
held three such retreats now.     coach for ministerial directors
   The MAUC Ministerial           in various parts of the NAD.
Department helps coordinate
the annual theology student
interviews with the Religion      YES, LORD!
Department of Union College.
Before COVID, we hosted a            My last words are about the
nice dinner for the students,     group of people for whom
faculty and conference leaders    my heart beats most—pas-
to enable them to become per-     tors. I love my work because
sonally acquainted with each      I love our pastors, and I love
other before the more formal      the work of pastoral min-         we are able. I know the pastors    serve in the Rocky Mountain
interviews took place.            istry. Though rarely easy, it     have missed you! Just as my        Conference (see p. 43). It has
                                  is truly rewarding. Because       heart beats for pastors, I know    been pure joy and an honor for
                                  humanity’s needs are vast and     their hearts beat for you.         me to have been Ministerial
SERVING THE WIDER                 growing wider every day, the         And if you haven’t done         director in this great union
                                  work of ministry is constantly    so lately, please speak a word     for the last 8.5 years. We have
CHURCH                            changing, and that requires       of love and support to your        a wonderful ministerial team
                                  an unbroken connection with       pastor. I know that will mean      in our conferences, and I wish
   Of course, some work does      the Source of power.              a lot to them as they continue     them and the MAUC office
come into public view, such          And that was before the        to do their best to serve you      team every blessing as they
as preaching in local churches    pandemic hit.                     and the risen Christ.              continue to serve God and you
throughout our union when            When COVID started, our           A final note: Since prepar-     in our union.
invited—as well as for camp       pastors could well have just      ing this report I have received
meetings, special weekends        given up, but instead they        and accepted an invitation to
and training sessions for local   said “Yes, Lord!” and worked
church leaders and members.       even harder in the face of
   And duties occasionally        significant difficulty. I’ve
reach outside our union’s         been amazed at how adeptly
territory. During this last       pastors adapted to ministry
quinquennium I was asked          under a whole new reality
by the NAD Ministerial            that no one saw coming. So
Department to take the lead       I want to thank and affirm
in creating a new manual for      them for the extra hours
ministerial directors across      they have worked to stay
North America. I chaired          connected with you, pro-
its development committee         vide online services, and for
and served as its editor and      remaining faithful in their
principal writer. The project     service for Jesus.
was completed as an online           Finally, I hope each of
resource that can be easily       us will say “Yes, Lord!” and      MIC THURBER                        PAULA CORREA
updated as new practices          commit to faithfully gather as    is outgoing director of the        is incoming administrative
emerge. In addition to writing    the body of Christ whenever       Ministerial Department for the     assistant for the Ministerial
                                                                    Mid-America Union.                 Department.

                                                                                                      OUTLOOKMAG.ORG        SEPT 2021   21


         od has blessed us           We are currently focusing     churches and the conferences      CHALLENGES AND
         richly during these      on the GPS for LIFE program      and the union and to respond
         past five years. We      that we hope will mobilize       to the concerns of the field.     GIFTS
thank our Hispanic congre-        approximately 350 small             Financially, the Lord has
gations, members, leaders         groups in evangelism. Not        blessed us abundantly. The           Many Hispanic youth do
and pastors for what they’ve      even the coronavirus could       economic crises of recent         not have the opportunity to
contributed to our conference     stop the small group minis-      years have not held back the      attend Adventist academies
during that time.                 try since many of them kept      generosity of our members.        and relate to other Adventists
   Our growth has been            meeting via Zoom, not losing     We recognize that, even in        their age. To help them
consistent for the past few       their purpose.                   difficult circumstances and       connect with other Adventist
years and we’re happy to             We continue to train our      insecurity, our members have      youth, our department orga-
report that by the grace of God   members in evangelism, min-      shown fidelity to God and         nizes and promotes an annual
our Hispanic membership           ister to elders and spouses      His work.                         Hispanic Youth Congress. It
in the Mid-America Union          and strengthen lay leadership.      Hispanic members have          has been very popular among
Conference now exceeds 8,500.     Almost every conference in       a passion for evangelism.         attendees, and as leaders we
    Our department now            Mid-America, in collabora-       Every Hispanic church hosted      are learning to minister to the
oversees 100 churches, com-       tion with Andrews University,    an average of two reaping         second and third generations
panies and groups. All these      offered a training school for    series per year. For Hispanic     of Hispanic youth.
congregations are led by a        lay members who desire to        churches, evangelism is not          We continue to focus stra-
fervent team of 37 pastors who    go deeper in Bible knowledge     an event; it’s a lifestyle. For   tegically on the areas where
work untiringly and faithfully    and become better equipped       the next five years we are        our presence is lacking, espe-
where God has placed them         to do God’s mission in their     putting together a program to     cially in large cities. We hope
to enlarge His kingdom and        territory. These initiatives     train newly baptized mem-         we can have more Adventist
to make a difference in their     have allowed us to have a        bers to share the gospel with     presence in large cities where
communities.                      better interrelation between     their relatives and friends.      the immigrant population is

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