Page created by Jesus Myers

       Farmor’s School
          AN ACADEMY


The Sixth Form
                                               Leadership Team:
Welcome to Famor’s School                  3
Study programme                           4
Trips & visits                             5
Choosing your courses                      6
Application Process                        7
Art & Design: Fine art                     8
Art & Design: Digital photography          9   Laura Hubbard-Miles
                                               Head of Y12
Biology                                   10   lhubbard-miles@farmors.
Business studies                          11
Chemistry                                 12
Computer science                          13
Design & Technology: 3D Design            14
Design & Technology: Fashion & Textiles   15
Drama & theatre                           16
Economics                                 17
English Language & Literature             18   Claire Andrews-Alsaigh
                                               Head of Y13
English Literature                        19   candrews-alsaigh@farmors.
Extended Project Qualification            20
Food science & Nutrition                  21
French                                    22
Geography                                 23
History                                   24
Core Mathematics                          25
Mathematics                               26
Further Mathematics                       27   Clare Orgill
                                               Sixth Form Pastoral Administrator
Media                                     28

Music                                     29
Physical Education                        30
Physics                                   31
Psychology                                32
Sociology                                 33
Spanish                                   34
Next steps                                35
                                               Liz Lloyd
                                               Careers Coordinator

Welcome to Famor’s School
                                     EXCELLENCE “Their concept is            We have a unique balance of
                                     so unique and brilliant, I feel like    freedom and academic rigour,
As Head of                           the school really puts the students
                                     first” Student 2019.
                                                                             of independence and support, of
                                                                             routine and choice. This, coupled
Farmor’s Sixth                       OUTSTANDING purpose-built
                                                                             with the breadth of our offer of
                                                                             both A levels and Enrichment
Form, I’d like                       facilities complement the quality       Programmes, attracts students
                                     of A level teaching that you will
to offer you a                       enjoy. Our staff regularly ‘go
                                                                             from many different schools. New
                                                                             entrants make up over 20% of the
warm welcome                         the extra mile’ with one-to-one
                                     tutorials and mentoring to ensure
                                                                             cohort each year.

and give you                         students reach their potential.         But don’t just take my word for it.
                                                                             Come and see what we have to
a brief insight                      PERSONALISED advice, guidance
                                     and pastoral support is available

into why I                           to all students. This unrivalled
                                     support includes the Aspire
believe it is                        Programme for Oxbridge and

such a fantastic                     Medicine students and we are
                                     successful in supporting students
place to study.                      onto these paths every year.

                                     INDEPENDENCE is vitally
                                     important as you prepare for
                                     the next steps of your life after
                                     A levels. Therefore, we will treat
                                     you as an adult from day one,
                                     responsible for your choices from
                                     how you dress to the targets you
                                     set yourself.
                                                                             Emma White
                                                                             Head of Sixth Form

For further information please visit: or call 01285 712302                          3
Study Programme
As well as your academic courses, you will get the
opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities                      Why choose Farmor’s
that will give you the skills to stand out from the crowd.                    Sixth Form?
How many courses can I choose?          Aspire Programme                      • Personalised teaching with
                                                                                 an average class size of
• Four A levels                         If you are aspiring to apply to
                                                                                 eleven, leading to great
• Three A levels + EPQ                  Oxford, Cambridge or for a
                                        Medicine course you are welcome
• Three A levels + Core Maths
                                        to join our Aspire Programme.         • Excellent facilities including
• Three A levels                        There is a range of trips and            study areas, social spaces
                                        speakers as well as support with         and café.
                                        the preparation of the application
You will have a range of                                                      • Diverse enrichment
                                        including reading seminars and
enrichment programmes to choose                                                  opportunities including
                                        tutorials. You will be offered an
from including:                                                                  model United Nations,
                                        interview which is filmed for you
                                                                                 DofE Gold and far moors
• Duke of Edinburgh Gold,               to keep and review later. This is
                                                                                  mountain walkers.
• Sign Language                         a highly successful and valued
                                        programme tailored to the needs       • Flexible and individual
• Sports Coaching
                                        of each individual.                      support for progression to a
• Three Peaks Challenge                                                          wide range of destinations
• Criminology                           Additional opportunities                 from Oxbridge to
• Social Committee                      • First aid                              apprenticeships.
• Charity Committee                     • Sports teams
• Model United Nations                  • Student Shadow Leadership Team
                                        • Work experience
Speakers Programme
There is a fortnightly speakers’
programme of events from all
branches of industry and public life.
These include:
• Alan Rusbridger
• Living and working in war zones
• Mental health awareness
• Canine Partners

4 For further information please visit: or call 01285 712302
Trips & visits
Sixth Form students
have wide-ranging
opportunities for
experiences beyond

Recent destinations have
included Iceland, Russia,Vietnam,
Cambodia, Ethiopia, Chile,
Bolivia, India, France, Spain,
New York and Kenya across
a range of departments and
subject interests.Together with
the foreign destinations, visits
closer to home include London,
Wales,Bristol and Birmingham.
We are also linked with an
exciting educational project in

                                        New York

                                        Three Peaks

For further information please visit: or call 01285 712302   5
Choosing your courses
Your study programme will have three A levels at its core. We offer an
extensive range of subjects and ask you to choose three of these as the basis of
your curriculum.
You may choose these based on        Academic enrichment                 If you are studying Maths A level
career ambitions at university       To your core three A levels, you    and have achieved a GCSE grade 8
or the workplace. For example,       can then add a further academic     or 9, you might like to add Further
if you want to study Medicine,       course if you wish. These are:      Maths, especially if you are thinking
Chemistry must be one of your                                            of studying Maths at university.
                                     • The Extended Project
choices. If you want to study                                            It is important to recognise that no
Law, History or English will be                                          universities require four A levels
important. If you don’t have an      • Core Maths
                                                                         as a minimum. High achievement
ambition at the moment, that         • An additional A level.            at GCSE would indicate suitability
is fine. You should choose on        For example, if you choose to       for four A levels; however, we
the basis of what you enjoy, are     study Geography, Psychology,        believe a more balanced curriculum
good at, or are interested in. You   Chemistry, Economics or             to be more beneficial for those
will have many opportunities to      Business, Core Maths would          intending to continue their studies
discuss your choices and options     be a really useful addition that    at University level. Oxford and
with experienced sixth form staff    would complement the maths          Cambridge universities explicitly
during the application process.      requirements in those A levels.     prefer students to have three A
                                                                         levels and the EPQ, for example.

   Financial support
   We have a bursary programme to support students who might
   have financial barriers to their learning.This includes payments
   to help with transport costs, with materials and resources,
   with books. You will all be given the application form and
   information but please ask if you need help.

   Getting to Sixth Form
   There are lots of buses and many of our students drive in once
   they have passed their test.There is no charge for this and there
   is a carpark at the front of the school. Some parents also set up
   lift-shares. If your household income is below £30,000 you can
   apply for financial support with bus fares.

6 For further information please visit: or call 01285 712302
Application Process
New entrants regularly join us from many different schools and make up over
20% of our students each year.

Entry criteria
  grade 4 in English and Maths plus at least 3 more GCSEs at grade 4            Deadlines
 or above. Short courses do not count.
  grades or above in the subjects you are wishing to study at A level                 October 2020
 though a 5 grade would be desirable.                                                  Applications Open

  lease note that some subjects have specific entry requirements, see                 Friday 22nd
 the Subject Information pages.                                                        January 2021
                                                                                       Application deadline

                                                                                       February/March 2021
                                                                                       Formal interview

                                                                                       July 2021
                                                                                       information and

                                                                                       Thursday 19th
                                                                                       August 2021
                                                                                       results day

                                                                                       Friday 20th
                                                                                       August 2021
                                                                                       Enrolment deadline

For further information please visit: or call 01285 712302                          7
                                                                              A*-B 80% | A*-C 100%
Art & Design
                                                                              Entry Requirements:

Fine art                                                                      Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                              Minimum GCSE grade 5 in
                                                                              Graphics, Art or Photography

You will develop skills and techniques in painting,
drawing, printing, sculpture and explore the work of
artists, designers and crafts people.
You will also participate in peer     The exam board moderator
and teacher critiques, learning to    praised the department for
talk about work and Fine Art and      promoting a high level of
related Ideas. You will also set      experimentation and pushing
up your own blog/Instagram to         students in the development of
understand how to present work        their ideas. He also praised the
to an audience.                       high level of rigour in this course.

Exams:                                Trips, industry links and work
• 1 5-hour exam in Y13 which makes   experience:
  up 40% of the final grade.          • Artist and sculptor at Ernest
  13 students follow their own          Cook Trust                                 Student Profile:
 personal artistic investigation,     • Visiting artists                           Gabe Fryer-Eccles
 supported by their teachers.         • Links with Stroud College
 This includes a 3000-word
                                      • Annual trip to such places as
 essay alongside sketchbook
                                         Barcelona, Paris, London and St
 development work leading to                                                           Previous School
                                         Ives. A different place is visited
 substantial final pieces. This                                                        Sir Thomas Rich
                                         each year so you will have the
 makesup 60% of the final grade.
                                         chance of at least two trips.
• Exam board: AQA

Career opportunities:                                                                  Studied Fine Art,
• Art Foundation Course                                                                Maths, Geography
  egree courses in Architecture                                                            & EPQ
 (this course is a requirement for
 studying Architecture)
• Fashion Design
                                                                                       Achieved AAAA*
  et Design and for Theatre
                                                                                      and is now studying
 and TV
                                                                                      Architecture at UCL
  ll art and design careers such
 as Animation.

8 For further information please contact: Mrs Tara Parker-Woolway:
                                                                             A*-B 83% | A*-C 100%
Art & Design
                                                                             Entry Requirements:

Digital Photography                                                          Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                             Minimum grade 4 at GCSE in a
                                                                             creative subject*

You will learn how to take good quality, well
composed photographs, looking beyond the
lens to use the digital camera as a tool to
capture moments in time.

You will work on portraiture and      Trips, industry links and work
landscape projects, completing        experience:
sketchbooks and boards for a          • Wimbledon Arts Studio: camera
display at the end of Y12. In Y13,       skills and portraiture shoot
you will choose your own genre
                                      • Landscape trips to the local area
of photography to research and
develop.                              • Arts trip to London or Europe

  he course is assessed in Y13
                                      My son has enjoyed the                       Student Profile:
 through a personal investigation
 including a 3000-word essay          mature relationship he                       Stella Dalgleish
 which makes up 60% of the grade      has developed with Staff
 and a final exam.                    in 6th form. Here has
• 1 5-hour exam, the wide range of   been a great atmosphere                         Previous School
  topics for which are released in
                                      to foster Independent                              Farmor’s
  March. Students are supported in
  preparing for this practical exam   learning. Thank you.
  from March until May. This makes    Parental Exit Survey
  up 40% of the final grade.
                                                                                   Studied Photography,
• Exam board: AQA
                                                                                   English Language and
Career opportunities:                                                              Literature and French.
• Sports’ Photographer
• Fashion Photographer
• Advertising                                                                      Achieved A*BC and is
• Journalism                                                                      studying Photography at
• Teaching                                                                       the Glasgow School of Art
• TV Work

*You will need your own Digital SLR camera and a basic knowledge of editing software would be an advantage

For further information please contact: Mrs Jo Dawson:                          9
                                                                       A*-B 32% | A*-C 76% | A*-E 96%
                                                                       Entry Requirements:
                                                                       Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                       Grades 56 in double science or 556

Biology                                                                in triple (6 in Biology) and grade 6 in
                                                                       maths. If grade 5 achieved in maths you
                                                                       should also take the core maths option

Areas of study include human biology such as
the nervous and endocrine systems as well as
genetics. Further study includes cell structure,
biological molecules, nucleic acids, enzymes, cell
division and organisation.

Also covered are means of            • Environmental Science
transport in plants and animals as   • Food Industry
well as diseases, immune systems,
                                     • Biochemistry
biodiversity, classification and
evolution. You will also develop     • Pharmaceutical Industry
practical skills through a range     • Psychology
of activities.                       • Sports Science

Exams:                               • Biotechnology
                                                                              Student Profile:
  exams at the end of Y13 plus      • Veterinary Science
                                                                              Henry Newman
 a practical assessment course
                                     Trips, industry links and work
 which leads to an endorsement
                                     • Lecture days at Warwick
• Exam board: OCR                                                               Previous School
Career opportunities:                • Field trips
• Medicine                           • Science Support in
• Dentistry                             Primary School
                                                                                Studied Biology,
                                                                               Physics, Maths and

                                                                             Achieved AAAA and is
                                                                           studying Civil Engineering
                                                                              at Bristol University

10 For further information please contact: Mr Andrew Rowan:
                                                                               A*-B: 54% | A*-C 92% | A*-E 100%
                                                                               Entry Requirements:

Business Studies                                                               Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                               Minimum GCSE grade 4 in
                                                                               Business if studied

Business Studies will be of interest to anyone
who wants a career in business, is thinking of
starting their own business or is curious about
how businesses are run.

The course provides you with the             A-level Business provides the
opportunity to study how businesses          opportunity for a range of
in the real world operate and how            options for further study and
they make decisions. By studying             careers including:
examples of real businesses, you will        • Business management
learn about a diverse range of areas
                                             • Accountancy
such as marketing, human resources,
international business, accounts and         • Human Resources
business strategy.                           • Apprenticeships such as at
                                                St James’s Place
Exams:                                                                                Student Profile:
                                             • Sponsored degrees such as
  exams at the end of Y13                                                             Pippa Wildern
                                                PWC Nottingham University
• Exam board: Edexcel
                                             Trips, industry links and work
Career opportunities:                        experience:                                Previous School
Business provides a range of                 • Study a wide range of local,               Farmor’s
knowledge and skills which will be              national and international
useful in almost any career. These              businesses.
include the ability: to critically analyse   • Business competitions
business situations and data, to write                                             Studied Business Studies,
                                             • Guest speakers                    Geography, English Literature
clearly about business issues, to work
effectively as part of a team and to         • Young Enterprise enrichment                and EPQ
give business presentations.

                                                                                        Achieved AAAA
                                                                                   and is studying Rural Land
The subject and teaching is exceptional.                                             Management at Royal
Student Exit Survey                                                                  Agricultural University

For further information please contact: Mr Peter Imeson:                            11
                                                                           A*-B 38% | A*-C 63% | A*-E 100%
                                                                           Entry Requirements:
                                                                           Sixth Form entry criteria plus Grades
                                                                           56 in double science or 556 in triple (6

Chemistry                                                                  in Chemistry) and grade 6 in maths. If
                                                                           grade 5 achieved in maths you should
                                                                           also take the core maths option

This course offers a solid foundation in all aspects
of Chemistry. You will explore areas of study that
include Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and
Physical Chemistry.

In addition, you will develop a          Exams:
variety of practical skills, including   • 3 exams at the end of Y13
use of scientific equipment, report         plus a practical assessment
writing, communication, logical             course which leads to an
thinking and reasoning as well as           endorsement qualification.
researching and managing risk
                                         • Exam board: AQA
through a range of activities.
                                         Career opportunities:
                                         Chemistry is a valuable subject
                                         in the world of work and can             Student Profile:
                                         open the door to a variety of             Will Spurway
                                         desirable career paths.
                                         • Medicine
                                         • Bio Chemistry
                                         • Chemical Engineering                     Previous School
                                         • Pharmacy

                                         Trips, industry links and work
                                         • Medical Society links and              Studied Chemistry,
                                            work experience in a range             Physics and Maths
                                            of hospitals
                                         • Range of speakers including
                                            Maxillofacial surgeon
                                         • Science Live in Birmingham           Achieved AAA and is
                                                                                 studying Medicine at
                                                                                 Manchester University

12 For further information please contact: Dr Nicola Crook:
                                                                          Entry Requirements:
                                                                          Sixth Form entry criteria plus

Computer Science
                                                                          A keen interest in IT and how to use
                                                                          applications more effectively
                                                                          Grade 6 Computer Science
                                                                          Grade 6 Mathematics

This course is designed to develop your knowledge and
understanding a range of computing topics which will
prepare you to solve complex and challenging tasks.

Computer Science is a methodical      • Cyber Security Specialist
subject that requires you to          • Information Systems Manager
be logically minded, inquisitive
                                      • Network Engineer
and with a keen interest in how
computers work. This course does      • Software Developer
not only cover the academic and       • Systems Analyst
technical aspects of computing, but   • Degree in Computer Science
it also allows you to use creative
                                      • Application Analyst
skills with software development.
                                      • Applications Developer
Exams/Assessments:                    • Cyber Security Analyst
Assessments will take place in the
                                                                                 Student Profile:
                                      • Data Analyst
form of:                                                                          Peter Hebden
                                      • Database Administrator
  n on-screen practical coding -
                                      • Forensic Computer Analyst
                                      • Games Developer
• A written examination - 40%
                                      • Information Systems Manager                Previous School
  non-examination assessment -
 20%                                  Trips, industry links and work
• Exam board: AQA                     experience:
                                      • Workshops on Cyber security
Career opportunities:
                                      • Workshops on programming                Studying Computer
In recent years, Computer Science                                               Science, Maths, Further
has become one of the fastest         • Trips to Oxford University
                                                                                    Maths and EPQ
growing subjects at both GCSE         • University of Gloucestershire
and A Level. It is a sought-after     • GCHQ
qualification for both universities
and employers. Specialist roles                                                    Ambition to study
could include:                                                                   Maths and Computing
                                                                                  at Oxford University

For further information please contact: Mr Martin Alsaigh:                  13
                                                                         A*-B 50% | A*-C 100%
                                                                         Entry Requirements:
                                                                         Sixth Form entry criteria plus Minimum
Design & Technology
                                                                         GCSE grade 5 in a design related

3D Design                                                                subject such as Resistant Materials,
                                                                         Graphic Design, Product Design, Fine
                                                                         Art, Textiles or Photography

This course is a creative and thought provoking
qualification. Three-Dimensional Design is
distinguishable by the emphasis placed upon functional
and utilitarian considerations. It covers a particularly
wide range of activities ranging in scale from jewellery
and body adornment to architectural and product or
furniture design, which may also include single items
of furniture that are concerned with functionality and
manual skills as well as aesthetic qualities.
You will investigate historical,       Trips, industry links and work
cultural and economic influences       experience:
of design as well as how               • Cardiff University Fab Lab
technology has influenced
                                       • Warwick University Workshops         Student Profile:
products we use every day. You
will also explore the design and       • Design Museum                        Tabitha Roberts
creation of products for the future.   • Jaguar
                                       • Gloucestershire University
                                       • Cardiff University                      Previous School
• 40% Externally set assignment                                                       Kingshill
                                       • Design trips are regularly
  0% Design and Make personal
• Exam board: Eduqas                                                          Studied Product Design,
                                                                               Psychology, Business
Career opportunities:
                                                                                     and EPQ
• Business management degree
• Product Design
• Engineering
                                                                              Achieved ABCC and is
  egrees in design related                                                    studying Advertising
 courses                                                                      Design at the University
• Apprenticeships                                                                 of South Wales
• Manufacturing

14 For further information please contact: Ms Mindy Smith:
                                                                             A*-B 50% | A*-C 75% | A*-E 100%
                                                                             Entry Requirements:
                                                                             Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                             Minimum GCSE grade 4 in a design
Design & Technology
                                                                             related subject such as Resistant

Fashion & Textiles                                                           Materials, Graphic Design, Product
                                                                             Design, Fine Art, Textiles, Photography,
                                                                             or Technical Award is ideal*

This creative and thought-provoking A level gives
you the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to
succeed in the fashion and creative industries.
This course is suited to you if       Trips, industry links and work
you are interested in fashion and     experience:
its influence on society. You will    • Fashion and Textile Museum
experiment with a wide range
                                      • V&A Museum
of fabrics and techniques before
refining your ideas for the final     • Design Museum
assessed pieces in the second year.   • Students are encouraged to
                                         build links with live clients &
Exams:                                   businesses
  0% externally set
  0% through a project with the
 brief chosen by students                                                            Student Profile:
• Exam board: Eduqas                                                                     Li Yang

Career opportunities:
• Art Foundation Course
                                                                                       Previous School
• Costume Design for TV and Film                                                          Farmor’s
• Fashion Buying and marketing
• Set design and the film industry
• Fashion Journalism                                                                   Studied Textiles,
  pprenticeships in Retail and                                                       Biology, Chemistry
 fashion                                                                                   and EPQ
• Merchandising
• Fashion design
• Engineering                                                                       Achieved BBCC and is
• Illustration and publishing                                                   studying Biomedical Sciences
                                                                                  at Southampton University
  tore management and fashion

*However, if you are enthusiastic about the creative aspects of this course and have not studied Art or D&T
subjects we would still be keen to hear from you.

For further information please contact: Mrs Claire Andrews-Alsaigh:     15
                                                                      A*-B 19% | A*-C 63% | A*-E 100%
                                                                      Entry Requirements:

Drama & Theatre                                                       Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                      A minimum of a 4 grade in GCSE
                                                                      Drama if studied or grade 4 in English

On this course, you will see many live drama productions in a wide variety
of theatrical styles. This will help inform your own practical creativity in the
productions your devise and perform.

You will also research the            • Politics                      Trips, industry links and work
relationship between theory and       • Media Studies                 experience:
practice and gain many invaluable                                     • Drama schools and courses.
                                      • Directing
skills in understanding how
                                      • Acting                        • Drama workshops
meaning is communicated to an
audience through choices of form,     • Set Design                    • National Theatre summer schools
style and convention.                 • Costume & Fashion Design      • National Theatre
                                      • Puppet-Making                 • RSC
                                      • Playwriting                   •R
                                                                        egional theatres from Oxford to
  0% exam at the end of Y13
                                                                       Cardiff and Bristol to Birmingham.
  ractical exams in performing an    • Community Theatre &
                                         Education                    • Frantic Assembly
 and also in devising theatre make
 up 60% and are supported by          • Outreach                      • Kneehigh
 written notebooks and reflective     • Lighting & Sound Design or   • Headlong
 reports.                                installation                 • Les Enfants Terribles.
• Exam board: AQA                     • Theatre-making                • NT Live

Career opportunities:                 • Dance                         • Digital Theatre

Students of Drama and Theatre
develop skills that are not just
essential for drama but applicable
to a wide range of higher education                                        Student Profile:
subjects and in the workplace.                                               Alfie Brown
Whatever the future holds,
students of A-level Drama and
Theatre emerge with a toolkit                                                 Studied Drama,
of transferable skills preparing                                             English Literature,
them for their next steps. Careers                                          Geography and EPQ
• Teaching                                                            Achieved BCCC and is studying
• Law                                                                 Journalism at Cardiff University
• Business Leadership & Management

16 For further information please contact: Mr Thomas Newman:
                                                                          A*-B 55% | A*-C 100%
                                                                          Entry Requirements:

Economics                                                                 Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                          Minimum GCSE grade 5 in English
                                                                          and Mathematics

The skills and knowledge developed when studying
A-level Economics will be useful in a variety of careers
and degree courses.

Students are taught to think             Trips, industry links and work
critically about a variety of economic   experience:
issues, to develop the ability to        • Business competitions
write analytically, to use economic
                                         • Guest speakers
data to support arguments and to
communicate clearly.                     • Young Enterprise enrichment

  here are 3 exams at the end
 of Y13
• Exam board: Edexcel
                                                                                Student Profile:
Career opportunities:                                                           Alex Eaglestone
• Banking
• Accounting
• Management
                                                                                  Previous School
• Economics Degree
• Business & Finance Degree
  pprenticeships such as St
 James’ Place
• Sponsored degrees such as KPMG                                                 Studied Economics,
                                                                                Geography, Maths and
                                                                                  Further Maths AS

I would like to thank the school and sixth form for the
education experience they have given my daughter
and for the business and economics teachers who have                           Achieved AA*AB and is
given extra support and encouragement.                                         studying Geography at
Student Exit Survey                                                                Loughborough

For further information please contact: Mr Peter Imeson:                  17
                                                                         A*-B 52% | A*-C 91% | A*-E 100%
                                                                         Entry Requirements:

Language & Literature                                                    Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                         Minimum GCSE grade 5 in English
                                                                         Literature and Language

You will study an anthology of fiction and non-fiction
texts as well as a modern play, poetry and two novels.
There will be a focus on the spoken as well as the
written word, and creative writing opportunities.

The NEA – a language                  rips, industry links and work
investigation of your own             experience:
choosing - makes up 20% of            • Creative writing opportunities
the final grade. You will work
                                      • Theatre trips.
independently on this with tutorial
support from your teachers.           • Swindon Poetry festival
                                      • Cheltenham Literature Festival
                                      • Lectures
• 2 exams at the end of Y13 making
   up 80% of the final grade.
                                                                               Student Profile:
• Exam board: AQA
                                                                               Hanna Doherty
Career opportunities:
English Language & Literature is
regarded as a facilitating subject                                               Previous School
and is welcomed by universities                                                     Farmor’s
for almost any degree course.
• Law Degree
• English degree                                                             Studied English language
• Linguistics degree                                                          and Literature, History,
• Journalism                                                                     French and EPQ
• Education degree
• Publishing
• Creative writing                                                            Achieved A*A*AA* and
                                                                              is studying Modern and
  pprenticeships in journalism,
                                                                              Medieval Languages at
 marketing, publishing

18 For further information please contact: Ms Sue Simmonds:
                                                                           A*-B 56% | A*-C 78% | A*-E 100%
                                                                           Entry Requirements:

Literature                                                                 Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                           Minimum GCSE grade 5 in English
                                                                           Literature and Language

You will study two novels linked by a theme, one
Shakespeare play and one modern play, a selection of
modern poetry and poetry from a specific period.

A 3000-word coursework essay           Trips, industry links and work
makes up 20% of the final grade.       experience:
This is a comparative essay and        • Creative Writing Club (A level
you can choose any two texts              students work with lower
of your choice. You will work             school students on their
independently on this with tutorial       creative writing)
support from staff.
                                       • Theatre trips to see plays.
Exams:                                 • Swindon Poetry festival
  exams at the end of Y13 making      • Cheltenham Literature Festival
 up 80% of the final grade.            • Lectures
• Exam board: Edexcel
                                                                                 Student Profile:
                                                                                Charlotte Gleeson
Career opportunities:
English Literature is regarded as a    One of the strongest
facilitating subject and is welcomed
                                       departments and even                         Previous School
by universities for almost any
                                       the most difficult essays                       Farmor’s
degree course.
• Law Degree                           are broken down and
• English degree                       explained. They have
                                                                               Studied English Literature,
• Linguistics degree                   allowed my confidence
                                                                                  French, Psychology
• Journalism                           in essay writing to grow                        and EPQ
• Education degree                     and both teachers are
• Publishing                           always approachable
• Creative writing                     and no task is ever too                    Achieved A*A*A*A*
  pprenticeships in journalism,       much for them.                            and is studying Modern
 marketing, publishing                                                          and Medieval Languages
                                       Student Exit Survey
                                                                                      at Cambridge

For further information please contact: Ms Sue Simmonds:                     19
Extended Project                                                            RESULTS 2019

Qualification                                                               A*-A: 55% | A*-B 84% | A*-E 100%
                                                                            Entry Requirements:
                                                                            Sixth Form entry criteria

This is an independent research project in an area
of your own interest. You are taught skills including
academic research and referencing, presentation,
decision-making and project management.

A supervisor supports you with          Trips, industry links and work
individual tutorials to progress your   experience:
project. You will produce an artefact   • There are strong links with
and report or a research essay of          Southampton University which
approximately 5000 words. Your             delivers lectures.
production log records each stage
                                        • You are strongly encouraged
of your journey.
                                           supported in any extra-
Exams:                                     activities which contribute to
                                           the project.
• 1 00% assessed through
                                        • You are encouraged to pursue            Student Profile:
  production log and essay / report
  and artefact. There is no exam.          your field of interest beyond              Toby Jack
                                           the school.
• Exam board: AQA

Career opportunities:
                                                                                     Previous School
EPQ is highly regarded by                                                               Farmor’s
universities and employers
because of the skills needed
to be successful.
                                                                                      Studied EPQ,
Many universities lower their                                                       Physics, Maths and
entry requirements if students                                                        Further Maths
have an A in their EPQ.

EPQ is an opportunity to
demonstrate an interest in a
                                                                                 Achieved A*A*A*A* and
potential career path for which
                                                                                  is studying Mechanical
there is no A level, such as
                                                                                   Engineering at Bristol
nursing, midwifery, law, politics,
archaeology. This sets students

20 For further information please contact: Dr R Dolton:
Level 3 Applied
Certificate In Food                                                       RESULTS 2019

Science & Nutrition                                                       NEW COURSE FOR 2019
                                                                          Entry Requirements:
                                                                          Sixth Form entry criteria

You will study how to meet the nutritional needs
of specific groups. This will include exploring the
properties of nutrients and how food production
impacts on ingredients.
It is also a strongly practical course   • Degree in Health and
including designing menus, meals            Social Care
and dishes as well as dietary plans      • Degree in Nutrition
for specific groups and preparing
                                         • Degree in Public Health
them. Complex cooking skills are
also part of the course.
                                         • Degree in Food Science
Exams:                                      and Technology
• 50% Internal Assessment                • Social Services
• 50% External Exam                      • Catering Industry
                                                                                 Student Profile:
  raded at Pass, Merit or               • Hospitality Industry
                                                                                  Lucy Blacker
                                         Trips, industry links and work
• Exam board: WJEC
Career opportunities:                    • Links with restaurants in
                                                                                   Previous School
This course supports progression            Cheltenham for visits and
into the fields of Health and               visitors
Social care, Sport, understanding        • Works experience at various
nutrition, government agencies              restaurants is available
and the public service sector. It        • Links with Swindon College            Studying Food and
is recognised by UCAS and so                                                    Nutrition, Psychology,
progression onto university courses                                            Business and Core Maths
is also open to you:

The staff are very supportive and give many opportunities.                        Ambition to study
                                                                                   Criminology at
There are many spaces to either study or relax.                                      university
Student Exit Survey

For further information please contact: Mrs Tharshini Jayakanthan:    21
Languages                                                                     A*-B 67% | A%-C 100%

French                                                                        Entry Requirements:
                                                                              Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                              Minimum GCSE grade 6 in French

You will study current issues and trends in society
as well as the cultural topics of religion, history,
literature, art and film. You will also have half an hour
per week of one-to-one speaking sessions to develop
spoken French.

This is a wonderful opportunity        Japanese and languages not yet
for you to immerse yourself in the     studied.
language and culture of France         • Linguistics degrees
and therefore gain a skill for life.
                                       • TEFL courses
Exams:                                 • Studying abroad
  istening, Reading & Writing 50%     • Degrees in any subject with a
  riting on film and literature 20%      year abroad option.
  peaking on current trends in        • Legal secretary                            Student Profile:
 society 30%                           • Translation services                         Molly Davis
• Exam board: AQA
                                       Trips, industry links and work
Career opportunities:                  experience:
French is regarded as a facilitating   • Exchange trips                              Previous School
subject and is welcomed by             • French newspaper available                     Farmor’s
universities for almost any               in the LRC
degree course. Degree courses          • Exchange trips and cultural trips
in languages, including Italian,
                                                                                     Studied Biology,
                                                                                     French, Chemistry
                                                                                         and EPQ
The small sixth form class sizes that you have been
able to offer really do make a difference to the
students’ enthusiasm and outlook and we would
                                                                                    Achieved A*ABA and
recommend the school wholeheartedly. Thank you.                                    is studying Medicine at
Parental Exit Survey                                                                   Cardiff University

22 For further information please contact: Mme Andreline Gudefin:
                                                                              A*-B 56% | A*-C 81% | A*-E 100%
                                                                              Entry Requirements:

Geography                                                                     Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                              Minimum grade 4 in GCSE
                                                                              Geography if taken

Geography will inspire you to learn more about the
world around you. The course is topical and will develop
your perceptions and stimulate your investigative and
analytical skills.

Course content includes both Physical     Trips, industry links and work
and Human Geography. Physical             experience:
Geography covers water and carbon         A residential trip to South Wales
cycles as well as coastal landscapes.     to investigate coastal landforms
Human Geography covers global             and urban developments. A trip
systems and governance as well as         to Bristol to study urbanisation
populations and the environment.          first hand. Local trips including
                                          primary data collection of the
                                          hydrology of the River Coln.
  here are two equally weighted          An international field trip is            Student Profile:
 exams at the end of Y13 as well as       often offered to enhance your
 a piece of coursework that makes
                                                                                   Eleanor Middleton
                                          geographical understanding on
 up 20% of the final grade. This          a number of topics.
 coursework is a 3000 to 4000
 word individual investigation.
                                                                                       Previous School
• Exam board: AQA                                                                         Farmor’s
Career opportunities:
Geography is regarded as a facilitating
subject and is welcomed by universities                                                 Studied ADG,
for almost any degree course.                                                         Geography, Maths
• Degrees in Geography                                                                    and EPQ
  egrees in Planning and Urban
• Degrees in Anthropology
                                                                                     Achieved A*BA*A*
• Degrees in Oceanography
                                                                                       and is studying
• Degrees in Environment Studies                                                     Architecture at UCL
  egrees in Teaching Estate

For further information please contact: Mrs Caroline McLarty:                   23
                                                                         A*-B: 37% | A*-C 89% | A*-E 100%
                                                                         Entry Requirements:
                                                                         Sixth Form entry criteria plus

History                                                                  Minimum GCSE grade 4 in History
                                                                         if taken. Minimum GCSE Grade 5 in
                                                                         English Language

You will study the Soviet Experiment and look at the
controversies about why it collapsed. You will also
study the division of Germany after WWII through to
reunification from an East German perspective.

In Y13 you will study the British        Career opportunities:
empire 1763-1914 including the           History is regarded as a
American Revolution, early Australian    facilitating subject and is
history, the abolition of slavery, the   welcomed by universities for
Indian Rebellion and much more.          almost any degree course.
You will also have the opportunity
                                         • Law degree
to do an historical enquiry which is
a 4000 word essay on an historical       • Politics degree
controversy of your choice.              • PPE degree

                                         • Journalism                          Student Profile:
  Exams at the end of Y13 which
                                         • International studies               Edward Conlan
 make up 80% of the final grade.         •M
                                           any politicians have
                                          History degrees
  he Historical Enquiry makes up
 20% of the final grade.                 Trips, industry links and               Previous School
• Exam board: Edexcel                    work experience:                           Farmor’s
                                         • Russia and East Berlin

                                                                                 Studied History,
                                                                                English Literature,
                                                                               Psychology and EPQ

                                                                              Achieved AABA and is
                                                                              studying Law at Bristol

24 For further information please contact: Mr Jim Speake:
Mathematics                                                                A*-B: 83% | A*-C 100%

Core Mathematics                                                           Entry Requirements:
                                                                           Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                           A grade 4 at GCSE Mathematics*

Core Maths is a new course designed for post-16
students who want to continue studying maths. It will
help you retain, deepen and extend your maths to be
better prepared for higher education and employment.

You will apply clear, mathematical    Trips, industry links and work
reasoning to real-life problems,      experience:
analyse and interpret data in         • The Meteorological Office
various contexts and confidently         showing how maths is used
deal with everyday financial maths.      in weather forecasting.
Core Maths is very different to
                                      • Escape room team building trip
GCSE maths.

  here are 2 exam papers at the                                                  Student Profile:
 end of the 2 year course. This
 leads to a level 3 qualification,
                                                                                 Charlotte Blakeley
 which carries the same UCAS
 points as an AS Level.
• Exam board: OCR

Career opportunities:                                                              Studied Psychology,
                                                                                     Fine Art, English
This course will improve your
                                                                                 Language and Literature,
career prospects in many ways
                                                                                   Core Maths and EPQ.
as taking maths after GCSE is
highly desirable and this course
                                      We are very pleased
will set you apart. These practical
mathematical skills will help         that our son has settled
you in particular with sciences,      so well in sixth form and
                                                                                   Achieved CBCDB and
geography, business studies,          that we have you to help                    is studying Advertising
psychology, and economics.
                                      support him.                                  and Marketing at the
                                                                                    University of Lincoln
                                      Parent email

*50% of our students take a maths course post 16

For further information please contact: Mrs Alison Lines:                      25
                                                                                    A*-B 70% | A*-C 91% | A*-E 100%

Mathematics                                                                         Entry Requirements:
                                                                                    Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                                    Minimum grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics

You will study pure maths including extensive use of
algebra, calculus and trigonometry as well as applied
maths including statistics and mechanics focusing
on how maths can be used to model the real world in
order to solve problems.
Mechanics overlaps strongly with          • Mathematics
Physics A-level whereas Statistics        • Statistics
deals with probability, sampling
                                          • Engineering
data and statistical hypotheses
which overlap with Geography,             • Physics
Psychology and Biology.                   It is desirable for:
                                          • Other physical sciences
                                          • Computing
• The final examinations consist of
                                          • Architecture                                  Student Profile:
   3 two hour papers.
                                          • Computer animation                            Charlotte Pearce
• Paper 1 – Pure Maths marked out
   of 100.                                • Psychology and other social sciences
• Paper 2 – Pure Maths marked            • Actuary
   out of 100.                            • Meteorology                                     Previous School
• Paper 3 – Applied Maths                • Economics                                          Farmor’s
   including Mechanics and
                                          • Accounting
   Statistics also marked out of 100.
                                          • And numerous other careers rely on
• Exam board: Edexcel
                                             a good understanding of number.
                                                                                            Studied Maths,
Career opportunities:
                                          Trips, industry links and work                 Chemistry, Geography
In an increasingly numerical world        experience:                                          and EPQ
A-level maths is useful in a large
                                          Previous students have completed
number of degree courses and
                                          work experience with a number of
careers. It is a subject that is
                                          financial and engineering firms. The
highly valued both by universities,
                                          department is developing links with            Achieved A*A*A*A and
as a facilitating subject, and
                                          the local STEM (Science, Technology,           is studying Pharmacy at
employers for the problem solving
                                          Engineering and Mathematics)                       Cardiff University
skills it develops. It is essential for
                                          network which can arrange gap year
further study of:
                                          placements with STEM firms.

26 For further information please contact: Mr Graeme Spurr:
                                                                             A*-B 67% | A*-C 100%
                                                                             Entry Requirements:

Further Mathematics                                                          Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                             Minimum GCSE grade 8 in

You will choose Further Maths because of a real
enthusiasm for maths, and an aspiration to further
study in maths, engineering, the sciences and

You will explore complex numbers       on to study Mathematics, Physics
and matrices, as well as building      or Engineering at one of the
your understanding and knowledge       Russell Group universities. Careers
of sophisticated mathematical          where Further Maths is highly
ideas and techniques. You can          desirable are those involved with
choose options to specialise in        mathematics at a high level.
areas that are particularly relevant   These include:
to your interests and aspirations.
                                       • Statisticians
Exams:                                 • Engineers
                                                                                    Student Profile:
  he final examinations consist of    • Computer scientists
 4 one and half hour papers. The                                                     Lydia Nuttall
                                       • Physicists
 first two papers are compulsory
                                       • Economists
 while paper 3 and 4 allow for a
 number                                • Actuary                                      Previous School
 of options.                                                                             Farmor’s
                                       Trips, industry links and work
  aper 1 – Pure Maths marked out      experience:
 of 100.                                                                             Studied Further
                                       Previous students have completed
  aper 2 – Pure Maths marked out      work experience with a number             Mathematics, Mathematics,
 of 100.                               of financial and engineering firms.             and Physics
  aper 3 & 4 – More pure and          The department is developing
 applied maths options including       links with the local STEM (Science,
 Decision, Mechanics and Statistics    Technology, Engineering and                Achieved ABC and is
 also marked out of 100.               Mathematics) network which can             studying Architecture,
• Exam board: Edexcel                  arrange gap year placements with           Urbanism and Building
                                       STEM firms.                                Sciences at Eindhoven
Career opportunities:                                                            University of Technology,
                                       There will also be the opportunity
The students who choose to study                                                       Netherlands
                                       to compete in a number of
Further Mathematics are more
                                       mathematical competitions.
commonly the students who go

For further information please contact: Mr Graeme Spurr:                         27
                                                                       A*-B 61% | A*-C 72% | A*-E 100%
                                                                       Entry Requirements:
                                                                       Sixth Form entry criteria plus

Media                                                                  GCSE grade 5 in Media if taken
                                                                       GCSE grade 4 or above in
                                                                       English Language

You will study media in all its forms including
TV programmes, music videos, video games,
advertising, marketing, film making, newspapers,
radio, magazines, the film industry and online
media including blogs.
You will also study the theory of    Trips, industry links and work
media that will allow you to both    experience:
analyse these forms of media and     • Pamela Armstrong
develop the skills to produce your
                                     • Speakers’ Programme
own pieces.
                                     • BBC
  here are two exams at the
 end of Y13 as well as a piece
                                                                              Student Profile:
 of coursework for which you
 produce your own piece of                                                     Harry Palmer
 media. This is worth 30% of
 the final grade.
• Exam board: WJEC                                                              Previous School
Career opportunities:
• Advertising
• Journalism
• Television / Film producing                                             Studied Media, Psychology,
                                                                          Business Studies, Economics
                                                                                 (AS) and EPQ

Media at this school is very well taught and i feel
confident in it, the feedback is detailed and you are
                                                                            Achieved ABCBA and is
clearly told how to improve. The coursework is very                        studying Communication,
strong in how it is taught, it’s clear and precise.                          Media and Culture at
                                                                           Oxford Brookes University
Student Exit Survey

28 For further information please contact: Mrs Emma Palmer:
                                                                                 100% A*-C
                                                                                 Entry Requirements:

Music                                                                            Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                                 The ability to play an instrument
                                                                                 is a significant advantage

The Eduqas Music A Level is a relevant and
contemporary qualification that offers you the chance
to study a wide range of musical genres. It brings
listening, performance and composition to life in new
and engaging ways, and links to the world around us.

We know that every student               range of skills including project
has different learning styles and        management, appraising and
musical tastes, which is why our         analysis, creativity and imagination.
course values all music styles, skills   Students will be able to progress
and instruments. You will be able to     to undergraduate study in Music
broaden your mind and foster your        Performance, Popular Music
love of all music with a qualification   Composition, Film and TV Sound
that you will enjoy no matter what       and Production, Sound Engineering
your ability or background is.           and many other courses requiring             Student Profile:
                                         a similar skill set.                        Charlotte Staynings
• 1 . Appraising music 40%              The subject can enhance a lifetime
                                         hobby as well as lead to a career
  . Performance 35%
                                         in recording, sound engineering,
 (Maximum of 12 minutes                                                                   Previous School
                                         composing for film and media,
 recorded performance)                                                                        Kingshill
                                         performing, teaching, radio or
  . Composition 25%                     television work and studio work.
 (Maximum of 6 minutes)
• Exam board: Eduqas                     Trips, industry links and work
                                                                                          Studied Music,
Career opportunities:                                                                 Psychology and English
                                         • Trip to a West End Musical.                Language and Literature
There are a huge variety of              • Opportunity to perform in Sixth
potential careers available from            form concerts and take part in
studying this course. The Music             extra curricular groups such
industry is one of the biggest              as Staff and Sixth Form choir,             Achieved BBB and is
contributors to the UK economy.             Orchestra and Jazz band.                 studying Psychology and
Music is constantly evolving,                                                        Child Development at the
                                         • Also the chance to learn a
inspiring creativity and expression                                                  University of Winchester
                                            musical instrument and have
in a way that no other subject can
                                            lessons in school.
and is designed to develop a broad

For further information please contact: Jon Driver:                                    29
                                                                              A*-B 25% | A*-C 75% | A*-E 100%
                                                                              (No entrants 2019)
                                                                              Entry Requirements:
                                                                              Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                              Minimum Grade 4 at GCSE PE if
                                                                              studied. Participation in a sport

Physical Education                                                            at club level with regular training
                                                                              outside school Grade 4 in a GCSE
                                                                              science is essential

The course covers factors that affect performance in
sport and activity as well as considering factors that
affect optimal performance.

Exams:                                  PE students are fit and healthy,
  exam papers in Y13 plus a            good communicators and leaders,
 practical assessment making up         team players with good social
 30% final grade.                       skills. They have the ability to
                                        analyse, evaluate and self-reflect.
  he practical assessment film
                                        These are qualities sought after by
 evidence of performing at a
                                        future employers.
 competitive level and a written
 analysis linking to theory topics.     A level PE/ Btec Sports and
 This requires a current and            Exercise Science could lead you
 serious commitment to one sport.       towards numerous university
• Exam board: AQA                       courses including:                           Student Profile:
                                        • Sports studies                               Sasha Gibbs
Career opportunities:
                                        • Sports science
Sport and fitness is a huge industry.
From pushing the boundaries             • Teacher training
of performance in elite sport           • Leisure studies
through to amateur teams and                                                           Previous School
                                        • Sports management
individuals who need activity to                                                          Farmor’s
                                        • Events management
maintain health, sport and fitness
is a fast growing business. Physical    • Strength and conditioning
Education has never played such         • Exercise and health
an important part in society. It        • Nutrition
                                                                                      Studied PE, Maths
takes a multi-disciplinary approach,
                                        • Sports rehabilitation                          and Biology
including social, physiological,
biomechanical and psychological         • Physiotherapy
insights into understanding human       Trips, industry links and work
performances and as such requires       experience:
a broad range of academic skills. A                                                  Achieved AAB and is
                                        • Competitive sports competitions
level PE is regarded as an A level                                                studying Sports Science at
Science subject when applying to        • Sports tours have included
                                                                                       Bath University
courses in different fields of study.      Barcelona, Ireland, Italy,
                                           Barbados and various UK venues.

30 For further information please contact: Mrs Dawn Johnson:
                                                                          A*-B: 45% | A*-C 73% | A*-E 100%
                                                                          Entry Requirements:
                                                                          Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                          Grades 56 in double science
                                                                          or 556 in triple (6 in Physics)

Physics                                                                   and grade 6 in maths. It is
                                                                          preferable to also study Maths at
                                                                          AS or A Level for this course.

You will study core content including: measurements
and their errors, particles and radiation, waves,
mechanics and materials, electricity, thermal physics,
fields and their consequences, nuclear physics and
medical physics.

Exams:                              Trips, industry links and work
  exams at the end of Y13 plus     experience:
 a practical assesment course       • Honda Car Plant
 which leads to an endorement       • Intel Microchip processor plant
                                    •Annual trip to CERN in Geneva to
• Exam board: AQA                      explore the Hadron Collider and
                                       associated scientific museums
Career opportunities:
                                       and research facilities.                  Student Profile:
Potential careers available from
this course:                                                                     Christina Elliott
• Architecture degree
   ngineering degree or
                                                                                   Previous School
  edical degree (most medical                                                        Farmor’s
 courses require Chemistry and
 another science)
• Mechanical Engineering
• Astro-physics degree                                                            Studied Physics,
                                                                                 Maths, Further Maths
                                                                                      and EPQ

Farmor’s is not just as academy, it is a family that
inspires, supports, enables and provides not just
                                                                              Achieved A*A*AA and is
learning but cultures the life skills that these children                    studying Actuarial Science
will take with them and use for the rest of their life.                         and Mathematics at
Parent email                                                                   Manchester University

For further information please contact: Mr Dave Tatlow:                         31
                                                                          A*-B 57% | A*-C 86% | A*-E 96%
                                                                          Entry Requirements:
                                                                          Sixth Form entry criteria plus

Psychology                                                                If Maths GCSE grade is below 6
                                                                          then Core Maths must be taken
                                                                          as well

Psychology is a fascinating and incredibly popular
area of study. It will help you understand human
behaviour and mental processes and allow you to
better understand how we think, act and feel.

Why do people act the way they      Career opportunities:
do? What shapes our personality?    • Professional Psychology e.g.
How do we learn and change             Clinical, Forensic, Occupational
throughout our life? Psychology
                                    • Advertising & Marketing
develops valuable skills such as
analysis of evidence, reasoning     • Social Work
and evaluation.                     • Teaching
                                    • Nursing
                                    • Counselling
  exams all of 2 hour duration
                                                                                Student Profile:
 at the end of Y13.                 Trips, industry links and work
                                                                                  Ellie Barnes
• Exam board: AQA
                                    • Exam Preparation courses
                                    • Phillip Zimbardo Conference
                                    • Social Sciences Conference                   Previous School

                                                                                 Studied Psychology,
                                                                                Biology and Chemistry

                                                                                Achieved A*A*A and
                                                                               is studying Medicine at
                                                                               the University of Bristol

32 For further information please contact: Mr Jeremy Johnson:
                                                                              A*-B 11% | A*-C 44% | A*-E 100%
                                                                              Entry Requirements:

Sociology                                                                     Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                              Minimum grade 4 in GCSE
                                                                              Sociology if studied

You will study many different aspects of society and
acquire critical understanding of the sociological
research methods to evaluate them.

Areas of study include poverty        Exams:
and wealth amongst different          • 3 exams at the end of Y13
social groups, welfare provision
                                      • Exam board: AQA
and the importance of work,
unemployment and education,           Career opportunities:
global developments like
                                      The most obvious career directions
inequality, globalisation and
                                      are Nursing, Social Work and
population growth as well as
                                      Teaching. However, students
crime and deviance, considering
                                      also go on to become lawyers,
the different social, psychological
                                      managers, journalists and police
and cultural influences.
                                      officers. It is a very useful course           Student Profile:
                                      for developing your understanding
                                                                                     David Chimbaza
                                      of society and facilitates entry onto
                                      many university courses.

                                      Trips, industry links and work
                                      experience:                                      Previous School
                                      • A range of speakers in the                  Highworth Warneford
                                         speakers’ programme.
                                      • Social Sciences Conference

                                                                                    Studying Sociology,
                                                                                      English Literature,
                                                                                  Business Studies and EPQ
Sixth form has been fantastic for my daughter.
She has been encouraged to mature and be a far
more independent learner and we can’t believe
                                                                                    Ambition to study
the improvement she has made.                                                     Business Management at
Parental Exit Survey                                                                  UCFB University

For further information please contact: Mr Andrew Wright:                        33
                                                                                A*-B 75% | A*-D 100%
                                                                                Entry Requirements:

Spanish                                                                         Sixth Form entry criteria plus
                                                                                Minimum GCSE grade 6 in

You will study current issues and trends in society
as well as the cultural topics of religion, history,
literature, art and film.
You also have half an hour per           Degree courses in languages,
week of one-to-one speaking              including Italian, Japanese and
sessions to develop spoken Spanish.      languages not yet studied.
This is a wonderful opportunity          • Linguistics degrees
for you to immerse yourself in the
                                         • TEFL courses
language and culture of Spain and
therefore gain a skill for life.         • Studying abroad
                                         • Degrees in any subject with
Exams:                                      a year abroad option
  t the end of Y13                      • Legal secretary
• Listening, Reading & Writing 50%,      • Translation services
                                                                                       Student Profile:
• Writing on film and literature 20%
  peaking on current trends in
                                         Trips, industry links and work                Annabelle Foley
 society 30%
                                         • European exchange trips
• Exam board: AQA
                                         • Exchange trips and cultural trips
                                                                                         Previous School
Career opportunities:
 panish is regarded as a facilitating
subject and is welcomed by
universities for almost any degree
course.                                                                                 Studied Spanish,
                                                                                     Psychology and Biology

I am very happy with the 6th form, and both
                                                                                     Achieved BBC and after
my children have benefited hugely from the                                            enjoying a gap year is
encouragement, support and ethos.                                                    studying Psychology at
Parental Exit Survey                                                                Oxford Brookes University

34 For further information please contact: Mr Simon Pike:
Next steps
Our UCAS system is
second to none: 90%
of our students gain a
place at their first choice
university, including
Oxford, Cambridge, and
medical courses.
Other popular destinations include
gap years, apprenticeships,
drama schools, art colleges and
employment. Whatever your
ambition, there is individual
support, advice and guidance to
help you on your way.

In addition, you will be emailed
a weekly careers bulletin with
a round-up of all the new                                                                                              Sheffield

opportunities available locally,
nationally and globally.
In addition to locations around
the UK, we have also had                                                                      Derby
students move on to destinations                                               Manchester
                                                                                               Birmingham Coventry
in California, Florida, Finland,
Holland, Zurich, Spain, Thailand                                                                  Gloucestershire
and even Australia.                                                                                   Bath       Cambridge
                                                           Aberystwyth                                                         London

                                                                                    Bristol                   Portsmouth
                                                                         Cardiff                 Winchester

                                                                         Exeter                               Sussex



For further information please visit: or call 01285 712302                                                    35
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