Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018

Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
Snakes and League
Table Ladders
The Value of Campus Facilities In
The Student Experience
September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018

                                                          Hassell                                            Contact
                                                          61 Little Collins Street                           Michaela Sheahan
                                                          Melbourne VIC Australia 3000                       Senior Researcher
                                                          T +61 3 8102 3000                        
                                                                                  +61 03 8102 3132

1.                                                        Headline Findings                                                                          4
2.                                                        Who's Measuring What?                                                                      6
3.                                                        National Surveys Analysis                                                                  8
4.                                                        What Role Do Facilities Play?                                                             15
5.                                                        Case Studies                                                                              18
6.                                                        Conclusion                                                                                32
7.                                                        References                                                                                33

Hassell believes that good                                Acknowledgements                                   University of Leeds, United Kingdom

design can positively                                     We would like to thank the university
                                                          representatives for their time and insights:
                                                                                                             –– Stewart Ross, Director, Commercial and
                                                                                                                Campus Services; Michele Troughton, Head

influence the student                                     UCL (University College London), United
                                                                                                                of Estate Planning; Michael Fake, Head of
                                                                                                                Learning and Customer Services (Library;

                                                          Kingdom                                               Joanna Hynes, Deputy Director, Campus
                                                          –– Ben Meunier, Director of Operations, Library       Support Services

This research explores
                                                             Services,; Jay Woodhouse, Facilities and
                                                             Project Manager, Library Services; June         University of Newcastle, Australia

how the student
                                                             Hedges, Head of Liaison and Support             Mark Kirby, Manager, Planning and Quality
                                                             Services, Library Services; Katherine

experience is measured,                                      Fletcher, Senior Academic Planning              –– Greg Anderson, University Librarian; Meri
                                                             Coordinator, UCL East                              Butler, Campus Strategy Manager; Professor

and the importance that
                                                                                                                Liz Burd, Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and
                                                          University of New South Wales, Australia              Teaching)

universities and student                                  –– Professor Geoff Crisp, Pro Vice Chancellor
                                                                                                             University of Surrey, United Kingdom

place, amongst all the                                                                                       –– Michele Facer, Head of Strategic Space
                                                                                                                Management; Craig Lowe, Head of Student
indicators, on the campus
                                                          University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
                                                                                                                Support Services; Dr. Rick Woods, Associate
                                                          –– Alison Little, Associate Director, Learning        Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Physical
environment.                                                 Strategy and Student Engagement; Anne
                                                             Horn, Director, Library Services and
                                                                                                                Sciences; Caroline Thomas, Director,
                                                                                                                Library and Learning Support Services;
                                                             University Librarian; Keith Lilley, Director,      James Newby, Director, Traded Services and
                                                             Estates and Facilities Management; Heather         Business Support; Harri ap Rees, Director,
                                                             Crookes, Digital and Stakeholder Liaison           Student Services and Administration and
                                                             Coordinator                                        Deputy Registrar

Electrical Engineering Building, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Photography by Brett Boardman

                                                          Hassell ©
Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
Section 1

Universities are striving to demonstrate their unique                                               their students’ educational journeys,
                                                                                                    and the importance of the campus
qualities, strengths and, more pragmatically, their ability                                         environment in those responses.

to improve in league tables in order to attract the best,                                           From analysis of different student

and more, students.
                                                                                                    surveys, and interviews with key
                                                                                                    university representatives, two critical
                                                                                                    insights emerge:

Experience counts                                  attraction and retention of students,
                                                   satisfaction, engagement, graduate
                                                                                                    ÆÆ Governments, universities
                                                                                                       and students view the student
As competition for students                        outcomes, league table rankings etc..               experience differently, but all
intensifies, the term Student                                                                          have value for money as a core
                                                   For this project, the student
Experience is seemingly everywhere                                                                     concern
                                                   experience is defined as the
in university strategic documents the                                                               ÆÆ High quality facilities play a
                                                   sum of three distinct but related
world over.                                                                                            direct role in student attraction,
This competition is a consequence                                                                      and an indirect role in student
                                                   ÆÆ University brand                                 satisfaction
of the commodification of higher
                                                   ÆÆ Social, learning and support
education, and has profound
                                                      activities undertaken by students
implications for how, when, and                                                                     These insights provide food for
                                                   ÆÆ Spaces in which these take place
why education is delivered. It is also                                                              thought for decision makers who
affecting how universities design                                                                   strive to improve their university
their buildings and campuses.                      Within this framework we explore                 in the league tables of student
                                                   the growing trend of measuring                   experience.
There are many angles from which
                                                   student experience, the responses of
to view the student experience, and
                                                   universities to maintain or improve
many indicators to measure it -

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

4                                                  The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                                   September, 2018
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Snakes and League Table Ladders

The combined evidence suggest that campus facilities                                  Universities that do well in student
                                                                                      experience rankings give their
play a direct role in student attraction, and an indirect                             students:

role in satisfaction.                                                                 1. Capacity
                                                                                      For many universities the most
Surveys: What student                     While the extent of questions relating
                                          to facilities is limited and very
                                                                                      pressing issue in facilities
                                                                                      management is providing sufficient
experience means on paper                 general, many universities conduct          capacity for students to remain on
                                          further surveys to obtain more detail       campus between and beyond lectures
Universities have measured student
                                          on facility related information, which      - put simply, somewhere to sit. Study
satisfaction as a matter of course for
                                          can be used to formulate funding            space, whether in discipline specific
decades through short surveys at the
                                          applications and strategic plans            buildings, or more general areas such
completion of each unit of study.
                                          for campus and student services             as the library, is a priority in estate
More recently, overall satisfaction       development.                                development.
with the university experience has
                                          Teaching quality is particularly under
been measured by governments in
                                          the spotlight as a major point of           2. Choice
questionnaires such as the National
                                          difference, but it is not the only factor
Student Survey in the UK, and the                                                     Once universities have sufficient
                                          in students’ perceptions of whether
Student Engagement Survey in                                                          study space capacity (as measured
                                          their time and fees at university have
Australia.                                                                            against their peer institutions),
                                          been well spent.
Student surveys are also gaining                                                      providing choice in how, when, what
                                          A university must now explicitly            and where their students study
popularity for privately funded
                                          demonstrate value for money                 is a critical factor in satisfying a
publications such as the Good
                                          through its graduate outcomes (one          diverse student population with high
Universities Guide in Australia, the
                                          tangible measure of teaching quality)       expectations of value for money.
Princeton Review in the US, and the
                                          but also its brand, institutional
Times Higher Education league tables
                                          rankings, student retention, and
in the UK.
                                          campus environment, amongst other           3. Co-operation
These combine national survey data        indicators.
                                                                                      Those universities with a highly
with other measures to produce
                                                                                      rated student experience seek to
overall comparisons of institutions for
prospective students.                     Interviews: What student                    understand, and act upon the needs
                                                                                      of different cohorts, as identified by
These surveys are important for           experience means in                         the students themselves.
universities in two ways – they
provide an opportunity to understand      practice                                    They provide services and facilities
                                                                                      that support transitions (for first
the opinions of current and               Three themes relating to an optimal         year, first-in-family or international
finishing students to enable quality      student experience consistently             students), affordable and high quality
improvements, and they act as a           arose in interviews with university         residential accommodation, pastoral
comparative tool to help prospective      representatives. Each of the themes         care, industry placement, and out of
students choose where they will           has a direct link to the campus             hours access to library services.
study.                                    environment, and is explored in
                                          case studies of the participating           The three most effective mechanisms
                                          universities.                               to identify needs are student
                                                                                      surveys, focus groups, and a strong
                                                                                      relationship between the university
                                                                                      and the student union.

                                          Hassell ©                                                                            5
Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
Section 2

"There will be twenty Vice Chancellors in the UK who                                              Data
say their university is in the top ten. And they will all                                         The research includes analysis of the
be right, because they will be looking at different                                               following data:

league tables."
                                                                                                  ÆÆ Interviews of 23 Executive,
                                                                                                     Estates and Library staff from six
Keith Lilley, Director Estates and                                                                   universities
Facilities Management, University of Sheffield                                                    ÆÆ National student experience
                                                                                                  ÆÆ Canadian University Survey
Method                                           Participating institutions                          Consortium, Canada
                                                                                                  ÆÆ National Survey of Student
This study compares seven national               ÆÆ University College London, UK                    Engagement, US/Canada/Ireland
student experience surveys in the UK,            ÆÆ University of New South Wales,                ÆÆ National Student Survey, UK
Australia and North America, and                    Australia                                     ÆÆ QILT Student Experience Survey,
how universities in Australia and the            ÆÆ University of Sheffield, UK                      Australia
UK respond to them                               ÆÆ University of Leeds, UK                       ÆÆ The Princeton Review, US
                                                 ÆÆ University of Surrey, UK                      ÆÆ Times Higher Education Student
Research questions
                                                 ÆÆ University of Newcastle, Australia               Experience Survey, UK
ÆÆ How do universities and peak                                                                   ÆÆ The Good Universities Guide,
   bodies measure student                                                                            Australia
ÆÆ Which aspects of the campus
                                                                                                  Student barbecue,
   environment are most critical to                                                               University of New South Wales,
   the student experience?                                                                        Sydney, Australia

6                                                The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                                 September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

                                         STUDENT EXPERIENCE

                          BRAND              +        ACTIVITIES                  + SPACE

                        REPUTATION                     LEARNING                      CAMPUS

                                              SUPPORT              SOCIAL

Figure 1.
The Student Experience

What is the student                       This project began with a theoretical
                                          framework of three connected
                                                                                    All of this available information
                                                                                    means that the experience of
experience?                               components perceived to be central        being at university can no longer
                                          to the student experience - Learning,     be considered in isolation from the
Are we investigating engagement,
                                          Support and Social activities. That       potential of enrolling at university
satisfaction or something else
                                          model proved to be inadequate             in the future, because the opinions
entirely? The complexity of student
                                          after interviews with university          of current students are very openly
needs and the universities’ desire to
                                          representatives, and evolved into a       informing the expectations and
understand them are reflected in the
                                          wider interpretation of the journey       decisions of prospective students.
terminology used in various surveys:
                                          from potential student to graduate
ÆÆ Student attraction                     that also includes institutional
   (Do you want to study there?)
ÆÆ Student retention
                                          reputation and the campus
                                          environment (see Figure 1).
                                                                                    Why is it so important?
   (Did you complete the course?)                                                   The student experience is important
                                          The student experience begins
ÆÆ Student experience                                                               to universities for two primary
                                          well before enrolment. Ideas about
   (What happened while you were                                                    reasons: because a fundamental
                                          specific institutions, and university
   there?)                                                                          tenet of the academic mission is
                                          life in general, come from friends,
ÆÆ Student engagement                                                               to provide robust and engaging
                                          family, schools, and media. Each
   (Were you actively involved in your                                              education for the student, and
                                          contribute a different perspective
   learning?)                                                                       because it is financially prudent
                                          about what a student might
ÆÆ Student satisfaction                                                             to enhance the reputation (and
                                          experience when they take on a
   (Did you enjoy it and get what you                                               therefore enrolments) of the
                                          university qualification.
   needed?)                                                                         institution.
                                          The commodification of higher
                                                                                    It is relevant across time, for the
Student experience is the sum of          education has created a
                                                                                    attraction, retention and satisfaction
these separate considerations. Our        sophisticated, discerning market of
                                                                                    of students.
interest lies in understanding how        prospective students who use a range
and at which point in the student         of sources, including league tables,
journey the questions relate to the       student experience surveys and
campus environment.                       university open days, to determine
                                          where to study.

                                          Hassell ©                                                                          7
Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
Section 3


This research explores the national
student surveys in Australia, the UK
                                          Learning is the priority                         Different surveys for
and North America by categorising         As might be expected, questions                  different audiences
the questions put to students into five   about learning dominate the
                                                                                           North American surveys are much
different themes – Learning, Support,     surveys, representing 43 per cent
                                                                                           longer and more detailed (149,
Social, Facilities and Other (which       of all questions.(Figure 2, page 11)
                                                                                           79 and 109 questions) than the
captures brand and demographic            Learning is the major consideration
                                                                                           Australian (67 and 21) and UK
information).                             of all of the surveys except for the
                                                                                           surveys (27 and 22).
                                          Princeton Review, which emphasises
The analysed surveys fall into two
                                          support services, and the Times                  This extra detail is largely focused on
broad types – those undertaken
                                          Higher Education survey, which                   socio-demographic information about
by or for university or government
                                          focuses on facilities. (Figure 3)                gender, race, income, employment,
agencies to provide benchmark data
                                                                                           housing, career intentions etc., which
with which quality improvements           Support services, social activities and
                                                                                           may reflect a more diverse student
and funding decisions can be made,        facilities are evenly represented at
                                                                                           population and greater wealth
and those undertaken by private           between nine and thirteen per cent
                                                                                           disparity in North America.
companies to generate league tables.      across the surveys. Other questions
Some government backed surveys            about demographics, university                   Alternatively, as noted by some
are conducted by private companies.       reputation and miscellaneous factors             research participants, students in
                                          constitute approximately 25 per cent             Australia and the UK are frequently
Government/university backed
                                          of all other information.                        surveyed, so minimising the number
ÆÆ Canadian University Survey                                                              of questions may encourage higher
                                          These averages mask some
   Consortium (CUSC), Canada                                                               survey participation rates.
                                          important differences between
ÆÆ National Survey of Student
                                          regions, and also between                        The surveys supported by government
   Engagement (NSSE),US/Canada/
                                          government-backed and privately                  bodies were more focused on the
                                          commissioned surveys.                            teaching and learning experiences
ÆÆ National Student Survey (NSS), UK
                                                                                           than support services, social
ÆÆ QILT Student Experience Survey
                                                                                           activities or facilities, which feature
   (SES), Australia
                                                                                           more prominently in the private
                                                                                           surveys often used by media outlets.
Privately backed
ÆÆ The Princeton Review (PR), US
ÆÆ Times Higher Education Student
   Experience Survey (THE), UK                                                             Electrical Engineering Building,
ÆÆ The Good Universities Guide                                                             University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
                                                                                           Photography by Brett Boardman

8                                         The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                          September, 2018
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Snakes and League Table Ladders

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Snakes and League Table Ladders - The Value of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience September, 2018
Section 3

Questions about facilities                         For example, the Australian Student
                                                   Experience Survey asks “How would
The Times Higher Education survey                  you rate the library resources and
has as many questions relating                     facilities?” The response may relate
to facilities as learning, which is                to a building, a service, equipment
significant because of the reach                   or a book, and without a follow up
the publication has, and the likely                question, this distinction is lost.
                                                   This ambiguity leads to institutions
These publications are specifically                undertaking their own more detailed
designed to inform prospective                     surveys, particularly in library
students. One research participant                 services.
                                                   Strategically timed in-house surveys
                                                   provide faster feedback, allowing
“If you are looking                                prompt action to address student
                                                   concerns. The University of Surrey
for publicity about a                              has devised an internal survey that

university you end up on
                                                   is an early predictor of the National
                                                   Student Survey results.
Times Higher Ed or The                             This initiative gives the university
Guardian... That’s just the                        time to rectify problems before the
                                                   students graduate, and before the
information that you                               issues can be acknowledged in

find first.”                                       publicly available data.

Facilities questions across the board
are often general and include IT
infrastructure and library resources.
This muddies the water somewhat, a
problem raised in the interviews with
university facilities representatives
looking for specific data to solve
specific problems.

      Learning                    Support                           Social                      Facilities                           Other
  Have tutors and lecturers        How much does your             How often have you           Library resources (books,         I would recommend my
    set assessment tasks          institution emphasise        attended campus cultural         online services, learning      university to a friend. (THE)
 that challenge you to learn?      providing support for            events? (NSSE)             space) have supported my
            (SES)                your overall wellbeing?                                          learning well. (SES)            Have you acquired
                                          (NSSE)               Based on your experience,                                       repayable debt to finance
     Has your course provided                                  how strongly do you agree        How would you rate the          your education? (CUSC)
     you with opportunities to    Do you feel part of a       that your university offers a   science lab facilities at your
         explore concepts          community of staff            good social life? (THE)          school? (Princeton)
          in depth? (NSS)         and students? (NSS)

10                                                 The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                                   September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

                                                                       Criteria as a percentage of all questions from 7 surveys
                                                       Learning                 Support               Social         Facilities          Other

                                                                          43%                                  10%            13%            9%                        25%

                                                 0%         10%           20%             30%          40%      50%           60%         70%             80%           90%          100%

                                                 Figure 2.
                                                 Questions By Themes:
                                                 All Surveys

         Private company surveys
                                                       Learning                      Support                   Social                   Facilities                     Other

                        Princeton Review (US)         11%         4%                              44%                                   18%                        23%

          THE Student Satisfaction Survey (UK)                      32%                               14%            14%                              36%                           4%

                  Good University Guide (Aust)                24%                  5%      5%                                          66%

                                                 0%         10%           20%             30%          40%      50%           60%         70%             80%           90%          100%

                                                 Figure 3.
                                                 Questions By Themes:
                                                 Private Company Surveys

Government backed surveys

                                                       Learning                     Support                    Social                  Facilities                      Other

  Canadian University Survey Consortium (Can)                          36%                               13%          9%          7%                        35%

National Survey Student Engagement (US/Can)                                          59%                                          7%    6%                       28%

                 National Student Survey (UK)                                                    74%                                                 4%     7%          11%         4%

        QILT Student Experience Survey (Aust)                                                   70%                                                       21%                  6%   3%

                                                 0%         10%           20%           30%           40%       50%          60%         70%              80%          90%          100%

                                                 Figure 4.
                                                 Questions By Themes:
                                                 Government Funded Surveys

                                                            Hassell ©                                                                                                                    11
Section 3

Student experience                                         Two recent publications from the
                                                           UK sector are telling in this regard:
                                                                                                            The UK Students’ Union last year
                                                                                                            implemented a widespread boycott
gets political                                             Universities UK released “Education,             of the national student satisfaction
                                                           Consumer Rights, and Maintaining                 survey in protest at the links to
Student satisfaction measurement
                                                           Trust”1 in 2017, which was followed              funding, the ramifications of which
has also become a political weapon
                                                           in 2018 by a report from the newly               are now reflected in the Times Higher
for governments in the escalating
                                                           formed UK Office for Students                    Education league tables.
battle for higher education funding.
                                                           entitled “Value for Money: The                   The University of Sheffield and UCL
As full fee paying enrolments
                                                           Student Perspective”.2                           are not represented in the 2017
soar, the value of university (living,
learning, researching, personal                                                                             National Student Survey data after
growth) has been conflated with the
cost ($).
                                                           At the same time as                              the boycott lowered participation
                                                                                                            rates below the inclusion threshold of
Recent developments in higher                              the student focus is                             50 per cent.3
education policy in the UK and                             intensifying, the UK and                         However the politics play out,
                                                                                                            student satisfaction surveys provide
Australia demonstrate the increasing
politicisation and reliance on student                     Australian governments                           a snapshot of what universities,
satisfaction surveys.                                      have linked student                              governments and students value,
                                                                                                            and for that reason they are worth
In both countries, funding of
universities has hit a critical point,
                                                           satisfaction data to                             understanding.
with shrinking public money available                      funding decisions through
to cater for burgeoning demand for
university places.                                         the national teaching
Coupled with enviably strong national                      quality frameworks.3,4
higher education reputations, the
temptation to increase fee paying
(particularly international) student                       This is contributing to an increasingly
numbers brings pressure on the                             febrile higher education environment.
university to provide, and to prove,
value for money.

Advertising for the National Student Survey, Surrey University, UK

12                                                         The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                                           September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

Higher fees, higher                                      While raising fees eases pressure on
                                                         governments, it increases pressure
                                                                                                          As a further complication, students
                                                                                                          in the UK tend to believe their fees
expectations                                             on universities because, predictably,            should in part be spent on the
                                                         student expectations of the quality              maintenance of facilities, but not on
The growth of, and increasing
                                                         of teaching, facilities, class sizes and         new buildings, which they believe
dependence on, full fee paying
                                                         available study spaces rise in line              should be funded through other
courses has major implications for
                                                         with fees.                                       university mechanisms.2
the delivery of a positive student
experience because fees and                              In the UK, average NSS scores are                At the University of Newcastle in
expectations are inextricably linked.                    higher in Scottish universities, where           Australia, the student union takes a
                                                         home students are not charged a                  harder line, objecting to the use of
In recent years the annual cost of
                                                         tuition fee. This supports the view              the Student Amenity Fee to pay for
a university degree has increased
                                                         that students’ expectation of teaching           even small building improvements
significantly to £9,000 pounds in the
                                                         quality are higher where they are                because it believes these should
UK (with further rises expected), and
                                                         aware of paying fees.5                           be covered by capital expenditure
up to $AU25,000 for full fee paying
students in Australia. 5,6

               Percentage of students that mostly or definitely agree their fees should fund the following
                         Teaching other courses                        27%

   Academic research unrelated to your subject                             31%

                             Management costs                                           47%

                           Administration costs                                               52%

                     Leisure and sport facilities                                                   57%

             Capital investment (new buildings)                                                     58%

Student acommodation, catering & conferences                                                              62%

                  Funding for student activities                                                          63%

                Scholarships/ access initiatives                                                           64%

            Student representation & advocacy                                                                66%

     Academic research related to your subject                                                                   70%

               Campus state (current buildings)                                                                  70%

                        IT resources & facilities                                                                      77%

                       Student health & welfare                                                                        78%

                               Library resources                                                                             85%

                                                    0%               20%             40%                   60%               80%          100%

                                                    Figure 5.
                                                    Where Students Agree Their Fees
                                                    Should Be Spent:

Adapted from "Value For Money: The Student
Perspective., TrendenceUK, 2018 2

                                                         Hassell ©                                                                            13
We are hamstrung by our 1960s
       brutalist master plan, including
      one lecture block with 25 lecture
        theatres. It's amazing, but has
     little informal learning space in it.
      The rest of the campus has to be
            rich with opportunities.
                      Stewart Ross, Director,
               Commercial Services, University of Leeds

14               The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                 September, 2018
Section 4

Facilities are important at particular times. Interviewees                          Individuals are motivated by, and
                                                                                    gain satisfaction from, higher order
clearly articulated that facilities are important in the                            needs such as personal growth,
early phase of student attraction, but are unlikely to                              responsibility and achievement (for
                                                                                    example institutional reputation,
affect student retention, because once students have                                teacher quality, course content, and

commenced thier studies, learning goals and support                                 employment prospects), but are
                                                                                    dissatisfied by lower order needs
services become more important.                                                     such as fringe benefits and work
                                                                                    In the education setting these
Facilities indirectly affect student       Whether it is the quality of the         hygiene factors equate to campus
satisfaction during and at the             residential accommodation, the           social activities, catering quality,
completion of a student’s studies          specialist teaching facilities, or the   accommodation, and facilities.
because inappropriate or insufficient      availability of informal study space,    These lower order needs must be
campus facilities limit the ability of     students consider the state and          maintained to ensure students
university staff to deliver content in     suitability of the facilities once the   are not disgruntled, but ultimately
a suitable format or setting, which in     primary factors have narrowed their      are unlikely to affect their overall
turn inhibits the quality of learning.     choices.                                 satisfaction.
New and refurbished facilities must
now accommodate pedagogical                Herzberg’s two-factor
changes that favour smaller                theory                                   ‘The things that you are
group learning and collaborative
assessment tasks over didactic             The perception of students that their    able to decide upon as a
teaching methods.                          fees should fund maintenance of
                                           facilities but not new buildings
                                                                                    prospective student are
From short list to                         (Figure 5) calls to mind Herzberg’s      not the things that then
                                           Two-Factor Theory,9 which was
                                           developed in workplace research,         influence the student
Facilities can play a critical role in     but is perhaps as applicable in the
                                           education setting.
                                                                                    satisfaction result.’
‘sealing the deal’, when a student
                                                                                    Keith Lilley, Director, Estates and Facilities
is deciding at which university, of a      The widely accepted theory proposes      Management, University of Sheffield
short list, they will choose to enrol.     that one set of job characteristics
                                           leads to worker satisfaction while
This list is initially drawn on the
                                           another separate set leads to
suitability of the course, institutional
reputation and location (which
country, state, region or city), factors
that have been shown to be primary
considerations in university selection.
                                                                                    University of Leeds, UK

                                           Hassell ©                                                                                 15
                                                                                                       Cost to full fee paying
                                                                                                          student in the
                                                                                                         United Kingdom 5

     $25K                                              "Students don't
                                                     choose a university
                                                    based on the range of
     Cost to full fee paying
     student in Australia 6

                                                     but it is a powerful
                                                     tool in converting a
                                                                             Joanna Hynes, Deputy Director,
                                                                               Campus Support Services,
                                                                                  University of Leeds

 "Buildings help
  people get to
know each other."
              Liz Burd,Pro Vice Chancellor,
            University of Newcastle, Australia

16                                          The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                            September, 2018
27%                                                                                                     85%
                                                                                                                    Students agree that
         Increase in applications for                                                                                    bespent
           the Engineering Faculty                                                                                   library resources 2
                 in the year
            The Diamond Building
                  opened at
             Sheffield University

          "When we  we put
                        put in
                             in aa new
                                   new pool
                                       pool and
         fitness    facilitywewemoved
         rankings.     Investing£10 £10million
        facilities   us to jump
                             us to into
                                           makea a
              difference toto the
                              the rankings."
                                   rankings."    Stewart Ross, Director, Commercial Services, University of Leeds

1. Electrical Engineering Building, University of New
   South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Photography by Brett
   Boardman                                               4. Auchmuty Library, University of Newcastle, Australia
2. Cruciform Library, University College London, UK       5. Student Union, University of Leeds, UK
3. Western Bank Library, University of Sheffield, UK      6. The Diamond Building, University of Sheffield, UK

                                                           Hassell ©                                                                     17
Section 5


University of Leeds, UK (Source © University of Leeds)

The following six case studies explore how the student experience is perceived
and acted on in the current climate of competition and funding pressures.
The research reveals three things a university striving for exceptional student
experience should give their students: Capacity, Choice and Co-operation.

18                                                       The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                                         September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

Capacity                                   Choice                                     Co-operation
ÆÆ University College London               ÆÆ University of Sheffield                 ÆÆ University of Surrey
ÆÆ University of New South Wales           ÆÆ University of Leeds                     ÆÆ University of Newcastle

Sometimes it’s the simple things that      Once universities have sufficient          The great value of student survey
can provide a well needed boost. For       study space capacity (as measured          data is that universities have never
many universities the most pressing        against their peer institutions),          before been so well informed of their
facilities issue is providing sufficient   providing choices in when, where           students’ needs and preferences.
capacity for students to remain on         and how to study is a critical factor      Those universities with great student
campus between and beyond lectures         in satisfying a diverse student            experiences emphasise and act on
- put simply, somewhere to sit and         population with high expectations of       the importance of understanding the
study. Informal study space, whether       value for money.                           needs of different cohorts.
in discipline specific buildings, or       As student populations grow                The University of Surrey has identified
more general areas such as the             larger, often as a result of higher        through both survey data and a strong
library, is currently a high priority in   post graduate and international            relationship with their student union
facilities development.                    enrolments, student needs and              that affordable accommodation is
The participating UK universities          preferences become more diverse.           the most significant challenge for
all expressed a desire to equal or                                                    their students, on top of the universal
                                           This diversity adds richness to
exceed the Russell Group average                                                      issue of study space.
                                           the educational experience, but
ratio of students to study spaces          complexity in delivering facilities that   At Newcastle, it is the services and
(approximately 6:1), as measured by        accommodate everyone’s specific            facilities that support transitions
the Association of University Directors    needs - 24 hour access, quiet and          (for first year, first in family or
of Estates (AUDE).                         collaborative study, didactic and          international students), residential
They each could identify specific          active learning, social and sporting       accommodation, and out of hours
numbers of seats (beyond teaching          activity, campus and private               access to library services that are
spaces) that are suitable to study         accommodation, industry presence...        critical in student retention, and
at in particular locations and where       The list is endless, but the funds         ultimately student satisfaction.
increases were planned.                    are not.                                   And at Leeds, understanding their
For Australian universities, informal      Choice in when, where and how to           international students’ previous
study space was also highly desired,       study is crucial in perceptions of         experiences (for example in highly
but less urgent, and in the absence        value. This is particularly evident in     pedestrianised campuses, compared
of a simple measure, were striving for     the desire at all of the participating     to the city integrated model of Leeds)
more general targets (i.e. more study      universities for specific spaces for       is an unexpected element of risk
spaces).                                   post graduate students, and for            mitigation on campus.
                                           support services for vulnerable and
The Australian tertiary education
                                           international students.
space guidelines (TEFMA)10 specify
an area of up to 0.8 square metres         The University of Sheffield prides         "Those universities who
per full time student, but lack a clear
definition of study space.
                                           itself on choice in places to study
                                           within a library ecosystem. At the         have adjusted their student
At UCL and UNSW, two institutions          University of Leeds, students are          population too quickly, in
                                                                                      scale or cohort mix, have
hoping to significantly improve their      able to choose any subject from
standings in student experience            any course across the spectrum of
league tables, providing students with     faculties, and are provided with a
                                           variety of spaces within which to
                                                                                      not been able to get the
a place to study is a major priority,
and each has a significant program of      pursue them.                               infrastructure to move
informal learning space development                                                   as quickly, and have seen
                                                                                      their ranking in some
                                                                                      league tables affected."
                                                                                      Stewart Ross, Director, Campus and Commercial
                                                                                      Services, University of Leeds

                                           Hassell ©                                                                                  19
Section 5

University of New                     As a highly regarded university
                                      with strong student attraction and
                                                                                       Campus wide improvement
South Wales                           retention figures and excellent                  As part of a major program of
                                      graduate outcomes, UNSW scores                   campus renewal, the university is
                                      surprisingly poorly on the national              increasing the number and quality
Sydney, Australia
                                      Student Experience Survey.                       of informal learning spaces, both
Campus:                                                                                inside and out, and undertaking
140 hectares                                                                           improvements to increase activity
Students:                             ‘I am not expecting                              and engagement around the campus
53,000                                dramatic change, but I                           grounds.

Student Experience Ranking:           hope that over 3-5 years
––Student Experience Survey 39th/40
––Good University Guide 36th/40
                                      we see UNSW improving                            ‘We do upgrade tired old
                                      because we are making a                          buildings even though they
                                      lot more effort now.’                            might be demolished in
                                      Geoff Crisp, Pro Vice Chancellor (Education)
                                                                                       five years, because that’s
                                      The university is striving for                   a whole group of students
                                      significant improvement in its SES
                                      results. Its efforts are underpinned             who have got their degree
                                      by the creation of a heat map to                 in that time. Do we leave it
                                      identify correlations between overall
                                      satisfaction and the five domains                as a dumpy old space and
                                      of the survey, which are Teaching
                                      Quality, Learner Engagement,
                                                                                       say to the student sorry,
                                      Learning Resources, Student Support,             bad luck for you?’
                                      and Skills Development.                          Geoff Crisp, Pro Vice Chancellor (Education)

                                      The heat map shows that Teaching
                                      Quality has the largest single
                                      influence, although student services             External factors can also affect the
                                      and the campus environment also                  student experience. The University is
                                      affect scores.                                   currently experiencing disruption on
                                                                                       the perimeter of the campus due to
                                                                                       the construction of a light rail service
                                                                                       from the city.
                                                                                       On completion, this is anticipated
                                                                                       to positively affect the student
                                                                                       experience results because it will
                                                                                       relieve long term public transport
                                                                                       inconvenience and short term
                                                                                       disruption for current students.

20                                    The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                      September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

‘The thing that wasn't on
the agenda was informal
space. Now it's built into
everything we do. Students
told us they want tables,
wifi, a comfortable chair
and a kitchen.?’
Geoff Crisp, Pro Vice Chancellor (Education),
University of New South Wales

Electrical Engineering Building, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia. Photography by Brett Boardman

                                                          Hassell ©   21
Section 5

University College                   The reputation of many universities
                                     is anchored by the age of the
                                                                                             Getting Creative
London                               institution; a mix of academic                          A broad program incorporating pop-
                                     tradition, a legacy of research                         up spaces, new buildings and flexible
                                     excellence, and historic architecture.                  use is underway to address the issues
London, UK
                                     Gothic halls, sandstone quadrangles                     raised by students in surveys.
Campus:                              and classical edifices are valuable
                                                                                             The new Student Centre will take the
20 hectares                          marketing tools.
                                                                                             study space ratio above the Russell
Students:                            The anchor of tradition will keep                       Group average, and the recently
40,000                               you steady in a strong current, but                     completed Wilkins Refectory is a 24
                                     can also hold you back when the                         hour food and study haven. Pop-
Student Experience Ranking:
                                     current changes. For UCL, exceptional                   up libraries allow students to use
––National Student Survey 101st/48   research power coupled with brand                       teaching rooms during exam periods,
––Times Higher Education 96th/122    recognition through longevity attracts                  boosting capacity by around 300.
                                     students, staff and funding, but does                   The new space availability system
                                     not necessarily translate to strong                     provides real-time information on
                                     student experience survey results.                      where to find a seat, increasing space
                                     One of the differences between UK                       utilisation across campus.
                                     and Australian institutions is the                      UCL is also developing UCL East,
                                     greater difficulty UK universities                      in Stratford, approximately ten
                                     have developing heritage buildings                      kilometres from Bloomsbury. The
                                     and expanding densely populated                         new campus, which will open in
                                     campuses.                                               2021, is intended to accommodate
                                                                                             sixty new courses, but is not expected
                                     Working With The Old                                    to ease space pressures at the
                                                                                             Bloomsbury campus.
                                     In a similar vein to UNSW, UCL
                                     regularly performs strongly in                          The new facilities at Stratford will
                                     reputational league tables, yet                         undoubtedly deliver world class
                                     struggles in student experience                         education for a new cohort, with
                                     rankings. And, as with UNSW,                            an entirely different flavour, but
                                     UCL is focusing on a fundamental                        the intention is to ‘take the spirit
                                     requirement - somewhere to study.                       of Bloomsbury’ with them as UCL
                                                                                             expands to Stratford. This presents
                                                                                             logistical and resource challenges,
                                     "We've done a lot of work                               and raises an interesting question:
                                     over the last few years                                 How much of UCL’s reputation is
                                                                                             anchored in its incomparable location
                                     on ratios of students                                   and sense of place in one of the

                                     to workspaces because                                   world’s great global cities?

                                     we were well behind the                                 "It's difficult to divorce
                                     Russell Group average.                                  the choice to study at UCL
                                     Ben Meunier, Director of Operations, Library Services
                                                                                             from the location."
                                                                                             June Hedges, Head of Liaison and Support Services
                                     UCL library and facilities staff
                                     believe that building constraints at
                                     the Bloomsbury campus in inner
                                     London are negatively affecting the
                                     experience rankings.
                                     Heritage building limitations preclude
                                     reconfiguration to suit new ways
                                     of learning, and a lack of space for
                                     large scale lecture theatres and study
                                     areas is an ongoing challenge.

22                                   The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                     September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

‘The student feedback
divides evenly between
the physical experience
on campus, which is
not always positive, and
their experience with
programmes, which is
very positive. Our facilities
are a significant barrier
to improving the student
Geoff Crisp, Pro Vice Chancellor (Education),
University of New South Wales

                                                            1. Flaxman Gallery, University College London, UK
                                                            2. Wilkins Building, University College London, UK

                                                Hassell ©                                                        23
Section 5

University of Sheffield              Heavy Hitter                                       Choosing where to study
Location:                            The University of Sheffield is highly              on campus
Sheffield, UK                        regarded by students, at fourth in
                                                                                        The high regard in which the student
                                     the Times Higher Education student
Campus:                                                                                 union and the libraries are held
                                     experience rankings. As a medium
40 hectares                                                                             demonstrates their centrality to
                                     sized Russell Group institution, it has
Students:                                                                               the student experience. The union
                                     the quality and breadth of offerings
25,000                                                                                  has been voted best in the UK for
                                     to allow choice in courses, spaces,
                                                                                        ten years running, and the library
Student Experience Ranking:          social activities and support services.
                                                                                        regularly rates well in national
––National Student Survey 35th/148
––Times Higher Education 4th/122
                                     Moving up the ladder                               surveys. The library is, in many
                                                                                        respects, at the heart of the Sheffield
                                     The University has recently addressed              student experience. Each of the
                                     shortfalls in space quality and                    three main libraries has a different
                                     quantity. As one of the beneficiaries              personality, attracting different types
                                     of £600 million of investment over                 of students.
                                     the last seven years, the Faculty of
                                                                                        The 1950s Western Bank Library is
                                     Engineering has moved from fourth
                                                                                        a modernist jewel for quiet study,
                                     in the UK for engineering research
                                                                                        favoured by post-graduates. The
                                     income to second, behind the world
                                                                                        Information Commons, the first
                                     leading UCL. Estate development in
                                                                                        space of its kind built in the UK , has
                                     the form of The Diamond, the Pam
                                                                                        recently been refurbished after being
                                     Liversidge Building and the soon to
                                                                                        the collaborative learning workhorse
                                     be completed Heart of the Campus
                                                                                        for ten years. The Diamond, favoured
                                     have contributed significantly to this
                                                                                        by undergraduates and international
                                                                                        students for its busier atmosphere,
                                     Architecturally spectacular, popular               has now taken on that mantle.
                                     with students, and highly publicised
                                     globally, The Diamond has been
                                                                  ‘When the National
                                     instrumental in raising the quality of

                                                                  Student Survey started we
                                     undergraduate learning, the rankings
                                     in student experience, and increasing
                                                                  were quite poorly ranked.
                                     enrolments within the Faculty of
                                                                  The Information Commons
                                     ‘We had a 27 per cent        made a massive difference
                                     increase in applications for to the students and the
                                     the year The Diamond was library.’
                                     opening. Why did we get
                                                                                        Alison Little, Associate Director Learning Strategy and
                                                                                        Student Engagement

                                     that increase? I think it    Operating on a one-in, one-out policy
                                     was because people knew during peak times, these buildings
                                     they were going to be in a are   delivering valuable choices for
                                                                  students with an insatiable appetite
                                     fantastic building.’         for study space.
                                     Keith Lilley, Director of Estates and Facilities
                                     Management                                         1. The Diamond, University of Sheffield, UK
                                                                                        2. Western Bank Library, University of Sheffield, UK

24                                   The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                     September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

                                              ‘Students choose where they
                                              want to study. The library has
                                              five sites. It's about choice,
                                              and at different times of the year
                                              you'll see different choices."
                                              Anne Horn, Director of library Services
                                              and University Librarian, University of Sheffield

                                  Hassell ©                                                       25
Section 5

University Of Leeds                 Big and broad                                    The recently refurbished Edward
                                                                                     Boyle Library is quieter and more
Location:                           The University of Leeds is a large and           focused on the upper levels, and the
Leeds, UK                           comprehensive all rounder. It scores             new Laidlaw Library, built to keep up
                                    well across the board in student                 with the Russell Group study space
                                    experience categories.                           ratio target, is preferred by first years
37 hectares
                                    Working with the legacy of an                    for it’s busy atmosphere and cafe.
                                    imposing brutalist master plan,
Student Experience Ranking:
                                    Leeds has invested around £2
                                    million annually for several years in            ‘Libraries are a bit like
––National Student Survey 19th/48   upgrading their 250 flat floored and             road building - build them
––Times Higher Education 6th/122    tiered teaching spaces. In the past
                                    five years it has delivered around               and you just get more
                                    twenty capital investment projects
                                    to increase space and space quality,
                                                                                     traffic. Over the last three
                                    and this has had a measurable                    or four years traffic to the
                                    effect on student attraction and
                                                                                     libraries has gone up by
                                                                                     about 33 per cent.’
                                    ‘A few years ago Earth and                       Michael Fake, Head of Learning and Customer

                                    Environment got a new
                                    building and applications                        But it is not only these micro
                                                                                     choices that give the University of
                                    went through the roof.                           Leeds strong student experience
                                                                                     results. It is located in a large city,
                                    Facilities obviously plays                       close to international airports, and
                                    a big part in attracting                         another major student destination
                                                                                     in Manchester, with high quality
                                    students. ’                                      and affordable accommodation on
                                    Michele Troughton, Head of Estate Planning       and close to campus. The site is
                                                                                     integrated into the city fabric, but
                                                                                     maintains a consolidated campus
                                    Attention has now turned to informal             atmosphere, surrounded by student
                                    learning space within the libraries              focused activity and another
                                    and other smaller spaces. School-                university, Leeds Beckett.
                                    based areas are important in
                                    providing faculties with a ‘home’ for
                                    their students, and choice in where
                                    to study. But decentralisation of
                                                                                     ‘We are in the city, but
                                    informal learning spaces creates                 we are also a campus
                                    security concerns. And with the
                                    diverse range of subject options for
                                                                                     for those students that
                                    students to choose from, timetabling             that’s important to. We’ve
                                    and maintaining proximity to lecture
                                    spaces becomes more complex.                     got an experience on
                                    Choices, choices!                                campus, there’s a reason
                                    The approach to libraries at Leeds
                                                                                     to stay, there’s a lot to do
                                    is similar to that of Sheffield - the            culturally, and there’s a
                                    variety of architecture and resources
                                    within them encourages very
                                                                                     sense of place.’
                                                                                     Stewart Ross, Director, Campus and Commercial
                                    different behaviours, and allows the             Services
                                    students to choose the right study
                                    environment at the right time. At the
                                    1930s Beaux Arts Brotherton Library,             It has invested heavily in the student
                                    post-graduates sit undisturbed in                experience, and is reaping the
                                    deep concentration.                              benefits across the spectrum of
                                                                                     learning, social and support services.

26                                  The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                    September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

Part of Leeds' unique selling
point is that we are a big research
intensive university that manages
to be also very student focussed.
We have the full range of
disciplines. That's good for student
Stewart Ross,
Director Commercial and Campus Services,
University of Leeds

                                                       Edward Boyle Library, University of Leeds, UK

                                           Hassell ©                                                   27
Section 5


University of Surrey                 Know your students well                          Address your weakness
Location:                            As the smallest institution in this              The biggest challenge for students
Guildford, UK                        study, the University of Surrey                  at Surrey is finding reasonably
                                     perhaps has a natural advantage                  priced accommodation in well-
                                     in addressing student needs most                 heeled Guildford. Students have
140 hectares
                                     attentively. In addition to the usual            high expectations of campus
Students:                            array of surveys, the university has             accommodation, which has gradually
15,000                               developed an internal tool based                 shifted over time from basic youth
Student Experience Ranking:          on the i-graduate survey’s four                  hostel to hotel style.
                                     domains of Arrival, Living, Learning
––National Student Survey 37th/148                                                    On-site campus housing only serves
                                     Environments and Support.
––Times Higher Education 6th/122                                                      a third of the students. The rest must
                                     The Surrey version adds questions                negotiate the difficult private rental
                                     related to wellbeing, careers and                market. To assist, the university has
                                     employability, and is strategically              an in-house student letting agency,
                                     timed to address student concerns                which received the 2018 Guardian
                                     well before students participate in the          Award for Student Experience.
                                     National Students Survey.                        A recent audit of the Surrey estate
                                     It is this extra knowledge about the             indicated that while available
                                     welfare and aspirations of students              space was sufficient for growth,
                                     that informs the development of                  a major programme of teaching
                                     pastoral care programmes and other               space refurbishment is required to
                                     services that directly support the               lift the standard of quality, and to
                                     students in their learning as well as            accommodate smaller group learning
                                     their personal circumstances.                    and collaborative assessment tasks.
                                                                                      But the conservative student
                                     ‘There are lots of non-                          population is resistant to change.
                                                                                      Exam-based assessment is still the
                                     academic reasons for                             norm, and drives an appetite for more

                                     students leaving - mental                        individual quiet study space. Even as
                                                                                      a star performer in experience league
                                     health, isolation, being                         tables (and not a Russell Group
                                                                                      member), Surrey is not immune to
                                     away from home. That’s                           the pressure to aspire to the Russell
                                     why we invest in support                         Group study space ratio.

                                     Craig Lowe, Head Student Support Services,
                                     University of Surreyw

28                                   The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                     September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

‘Study space is a real
concern on this campus.
Ninety five per cent
of our students are
undergraduate, which
means huge numbers of
students on campus in
full time courses.’
Michele Facer, Head of
Strategic Space Management,
University of Surrey

Play to your strengths
One of Guildford’s strengths is
its proximity to London, and the
picturesque campus situated on a
hill overlooking the town. It is also   "Other student union presidents wouldn't necessarily
considered the safest campus in the
                                        have the access to the Vice Chancellor that they do
With an excellent employability
                                        here at Surrey. Two big issues we are working with the
record built on professional training   Student Union to address are accommodation and study
and employment links, and a
strong relationship with the student    space pressures."
union, the university plays to its
                                        Craig Lowe, Head of Student Support Services,
strengths and is working hard on its    University of Surrey
few weaknesses to stay in the top
echelons of the student experience      Surrey University, Guildford, UK

league tables.

                                        Hassell ©                                            29
Section 5

University of Newcastle               Valuing the student                              For indigenous students, this
                                                                                       translates into a standalone building
Location:                             The University of Newcastle                      to support those who need their own
Newcastle, Australia                  significantly improved its standing              space. For others it is the provision
                                      in the league tables of student                  of prayer rooms on campus. From a
                                      experience after a concerted effort              service perspective, some students
140 hectares
                                      to listen to, act on and communicate             benefit from face-to-face meetings
Students:                             its focus on students’ needs and                 or regular phone contact to ensure
37,000                                particular circumstances.                        they are not disengaging from their
Student Experience Ranking:                                                            studies.

––Student Experience Survey 30th/40
––Good University Guide 11th/40       ‘From 2012 to 2015                               ‘Last year we employed a
                                      UON’s ranking of graduate                        consultant to meet with
                                      satisfaction lifted from                         staff and students to map
                                      the lowest to the highest                        the entire student journey,
                                      quartile, partly because                         from initial promotion right
                                      of a ‘you said, we did’                          through to being alumni.’
                                      campaign. We built a                             Greg Anderson, University Librarian

                                      relationship with the
                                      students. One of the
                                      things that became clear                         Study space, again
                                      was that the university                          As with all other universities in the
                                      valued it’s students.’                           study, Newcastle students value
                                                                                       the opportunity to stay on campus
                                      Mark Kirby, Manager, Planning and Quality
                                                                                       to study and socialise beyond
                                                                                       lectures. Informal spaces are a
                                      The university prides itself on                  critical factor for vulnerable groups
                                      working hard to accommodate its                  of students because they allow them
                                      many vulnerable cohorts. First in                to congregate to socialise, build
                                      family, indigenous, mature age and               peer networks, and feel a part of a
                                      international students make up a                 community.
                                      significant proportion of the student
                                                                                       Over recent years the university has
                                      population. These groups benefit
                                                                                       invested in many informal learning
                                      from specific programmes to ensure
                                                                                       spaces across the libraries, as well
                                      a positive experience.
                                                                                       as external social spaces for eating,
                                                                                       drinking, sports and recreation in
                                                                                       an effort to build a cohesive and
                                                                                       supported community of learners.

30                                    The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                                      September, 2018
Snakes and League Table Ladders

"Social and support services are more
important than learning components
because many students feel ill-
prepared for university study and so
are vulnerable to leaving if they are not
Professor Liz Burd,
Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
University of Newcastle

                                                          1. University of Newcastle, Australia
                                                          2. Auchmuty Library, University of Newcastle, Australia

                                              Hassell ©                                                             31
Section 6


Student Experience Surveys are an increasingly important
tool for universities to understand their current students’
needs, and prospective students’ priorities. While learning
quality is the primary consideration in the student
experience, facilities are an important contributing
factor, directly affecting student attraction, and indirectly
enabling quality learning outcomes for students.

In order to compete for, and meet the expectations of fee
paying students, universities should, and will, continue
to invest in facilities that provide an optimal learning and
living environment on campus.

Those universities that invest most effectively will place
themselves in a strong position to maintain and improve
their performance in the league table ladders of
student experience.
32                  The Value Of Campus Facilities In The Student Experience
                    September, 2018
Section 7


1. Universities UK, 2017. Education, Consumer Rights and Maintaining Trust: What students want from their
   university. Website at
2. TrendenceUK and Office For Students, 2018. Value for Money: The Student Perspective, UK Trendence
   Research Group GTI. Website at
3. Times Higher Education, 2017. National Student Survey: Campuses omitted after NUS boycott. Website at
4. Gardner, M. 2017. Why Birmingham’s performance funding plan won’t improve Australian universities, The
   Conversation. Website at
5. Lenton, P. 2015. Determining student satisfaction: An economic analysis of the National Student Survey.
   Economics of Education Review. Website at
6. Pash, C. 2014. The Cost Of Getting A University Degree In Australia Is About To Change: Business Insider
   Australia. Website at
7. Matzdorf, F. and Greenwood, J. 2015. Student choice, league tables and university facilities. In Alexander, K
   and Price, I. (eds). EuroFM Research Papers – Advancing Knowledge in FM. Schipol, Netherlands, EuroFM
8. International Student Survey, 2014. Department of Education and Training, Australian Government. Website
9. Herzberg, F., 1964. The Motivation-Hygiene Concept and Problems of Manpower. Personnel Administrator
   (27): 3–7. (January–February 1964).
10. Tertiary Education Facilities Management, 2009. Space Planning Guidelines, Edition 3. Website at www.
11. Hall, R. 2018. The Guardian University Awards: The Winners. The Guardian, 25 April, 2018. Website at www.

                                                          Hassell ©                                                33
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