SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College

Page created by Herbert Dominguez
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
                  Official Opening and Blessing

              n   THE GREATEST STORY IS THE
                  ONE WE WRITE TOGETHER
                  Farewell to the Class of 2018

                  Keep updated about reunions and
                  alumni achievements
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Principal’s Message
      2018 has been an exciting and challenging year. The Official          owned by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan and housing
      Opening of the Hildegard Centre in February was a wonderful           the Mount St Benedict Centre. The property will become
      celebration of the efforts of so many people in bringing the          part of the College and will open up many opportunities. The
      building to completion. From the thinking of students and             buildings on the site have significant value for their historical
      staff (particularly the Creative and Performing Arts staff), to       place in the local community as well as being part of the
      the architects and builders, the College Board, especially            lives of most Sisters during their training and in more recent
      the Finance Committee and most notably the Facilities                 years. There is a magnificent chapel which will be able to be
      Committee, the College Leadership Team, the P&F, and many             used by the College and preserved for the use of the Sisters.
      others, all the efforts came together to give us a state-of-the-
                                                                            As part of the process of expanding the College site, from the
      art facility. The theatre space, teaching spaces, foyer area and
                                                                            beginning of 2019 there will be an additional stream enrolled
      the general outlook are magnificent. Throughout the year it
                                                                            into Year 7. To accommodate the proposed growth the College
      has been wonderful to see our students and staff enjoying the
                                                                            Board has commenced a Master Planning process to ensure
      new facilities and producing outstanding work.
                                                                            the College campus develops in a planned and purposeful
      At the beginning of the year the new role of Deputy Principal         way. The next few years promise to be full of wonderful
      Dean of Staff was filled by Ms Maura Manning. Maura has               opportunities and more exciting challenges!
      brought a great deal of experience in improving pedagogy, staff
                                                                            As I write this article we have just farewelled the Class of
      development and professional learning, and her ideas have
                                                                            2018. I want to congratulate the girls on their outstanding
      been a welcome addition to the deliberation of the Leadership
                                                                            legacy of leadership, service and learning. We look forward to
      Team and staff more broadly. Unfortunately due to illness, I was
                                                                            our ongoing connections with them as members of MSBESA.
      absent for a fair portion of Term One, and Maura was thrown
      into the role of Acting Principal. I want to publicly thank her for
      stepping in at very short notice, having just arrived into a new
      role in a new school. The College will always be grateful for
      Maura’s skill and generosity in managing such a difficult time.
      In the latter half of 2019 the College will begin a process to        Maria Pearson
      assume responsibility for the adjoining property, currently           Principal

2 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
The Class of 2017 returned
                                                                                                     earlier this year to celebrate
                                                                                                          their HSC achievements

From the
MSBESA President
Mount St Benedict Ex-Students                                                                  practical assistance with
Association (MSBESA), our ex-student                                                           running MSBESA.
network, continues to be an active and
                                                                                               Thank you also to the current
integral part of College life, strengthening
the ties between our ex-students and the
                                                              Mel Drayton                      MSBESA Committee members:
                                                                                              Jessykah Flower (Vice
current College community.
                                                                                              President), Nicole Wheeler
This year MSBESA has supported traditions                                                     (Secretary), Ellie Wilbraham
for present and future students by engaging in many aspects        (Treasurer), Annaleen Chacon, Debbie Eddington, Angela Tan
of College life, from providing catering at College events         and Michelle Nolan.
such as the academic morning tea for the Class of 2017 and
                                                                   To safeguard MSBESA’s longevity and success, the
sponsoring a photo booth for students to enjoy at MSB Day.
                                                                   Committee has been reviewing the MSBESA organisational
As in past years MSBESA gladly participated in the College         structure to ensure it is equipped to meet its goals. The
Open Day and the annual Beyond Bennies event. We awarded           Committee has decided to incorporate the association and
the Sister Mary Hyacinth Roche Scholarship, the MSBESA             will be overseeing this process during the coming months.
supported scholarship given to the daughter of an ex-
                                                                   I encourage you to join our online communities at
student who displays a sense of community, discipline and
                                                                   www.benniesconnect.com and Facebook @MSBbenniesconnect.
commitment in her endeavors. We also granted the MSBESA
Ex-Students Experience Grant to Krystle Keller, to support
her research into fish biology. For further information,
including eligibility and application details on the Scholarship
and Experience grants, please visit the College website.
                                                                   Mel Drayton
Thank you to Mrs Pearson and Mrs Manning for their                 Class of 1993
continued support of MSBESA. In addition many, many                President
thanks to Michelle Blackman, Archives & Development
Assistant and Kylie Gray, Marketing Manager for all their

                                                                                                                 Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 3
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Mount St Benedict College
      opens new centre for the

      Creative and
      Performing Arts
      Mount St Benedict College celebrated the beginning of a
      new school year with the official opening and blessing of
      a dedicated state-of-the-art creative and performing arts
      building. It was a joyous occasion as the College welcomed
      new students and staff and marked the start of a new year in
      community together.
      The College welcomed Most Rev Peter Comensoli, Bishop of
      Broken Bay to celebrate Eucharist and bless the new facilities
      and Ms Moira Najdecki, Chair of Good Samaritan Education
      to officially open the building. Fr David Orr OSB and Fr Shinto
      Francis concelebrated Mass with the Bishop.
      With a modern design aesthetic, students have access to
      high-quality learning and performing spaces with industry
      standard technology featuring a performing arts space with
      full stage production facilities and retractable seating, music
      classrooms, music tuition rooms, a drama studio, a dance
      studio and art studios.
      The environmentally sustainable building design allows for
      ample natural light, with large banks of windows and outdoor
      courtyards facing out onto the College’s blue gum forest.
      “It has been a joy to see our staff and students able to take
      full advantage of the wonderful new Hildegard Centre for
      Creative and Performing Arts. We are grateful to parents
      and the Board for their support in enabling this long-
      awaited and much-needed facility to come to fruition. We all           Ready for the MSB
      look forward to enjoying this new addition and the wonderful           community to enjoy
      learning environment it provides,” said College Principal,
      Maria Pearson.

                                                                                                  During construct
                                                 Soil turning prior to

               Before construction

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SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Opening Eucharist

Blessing of the Hildegard Centre

                  Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 5
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
The new facilities are the result of the combined efforts
      of members of the MSB community over the past few
      years. The College Board has led the process, with the
      input of the College Leadership Team and Creative and
      Performing Arts staff; architects and builders, Paynter
      Dixon; contributions from the Parents and Friends
      Association and the advice of the College ICT team. Special
      acknowledgement goes to the Chair of the Board, Mrs
      Jacqui van de Velde Gilbert, Mr Matthew Zschech, Chair of
      the Facilities Committee, and Mr Darren Day, Chair of the
      Finance Committee, each of whom has been instrumental in
      steering the project to completion.
      The Hildegard Centre is named in recognition of the
      Benedictine Abbess Hildegard of Bingen, a prominent writer,
      musician, artist, composer, and philosopher of the 12th
      century. The rich blending of Hildegard’s creative expressions,
      her theological insights and her deep connection to the natural
      world will serve to inspire our young artists, musicians,
      dancers and actors as they work together in this new space.

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SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 7
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Fa r e w e l l
                                             Class of 2018
      In the final week of Term Three, the College farewelled the Class
      of 2018 celebrating friendship, family and academic achievement.
      2018 College Captain, Jaime Dunn               We are the product of years of care,
      reflected on their journey at the Year         attention and nurturing, from pre-school
      12 Academic Assembly.                          until today, and able to celebrate this                     Jaime Dunn, College Capta
                                                     milestone because of the time and love                                                        in
      Have you ever separated yourself from
                                                     that has been poured into us by family,
      school routine, and actually considered
                                                     peers, and teachers every step of the way.       opportunities to champion those with no
      why we do school? Wondered, what is it
      really, that my learning can do for me?        If you take a closer look at the Class of        voice, flex our muscles for the powerless
      After six years at Bennies and I’m finally     2018, you see this power so clearly. Look        and imagine a more magical existence
      able to offer an answer to this important      at our Design and Technology class,              for others.
      question, and it is this: if we are asking     who empathised with members of our               Let’s not learn so that we can just pass
      what our education can do for us, we’re        community, using their many skills to            a test. Applying what we have learned
      asking the wrong question and completely       create major works designed to aid and           in action is the real test. Let’s learn so
      missing the point. The real question is        enhance life for those less privileged. Look     that we might be able to empathise with
      what can our education do for others?          at the girls who travelled to the Philippines,   others, to better serve them, to speak for
                                                     who shared their time and love of learning       them. Learn so that we might be able to
      We have status and influence within
                                                     with the Good Samaritan Kinder School            love others.
      our society. We are young women of
                                                     in Bacolod. Look at our Communications
      the Western world, able to speak and                                                            You’ve heard me say many times that
                                                     Team, who have used their IT skills behind
      act freely, influencing our family, peers,                                                      the greatest story is the one we write
                                                     the scenes to serve this College at every
      friends, and community. And we are                                                              together. In truth the greatest story is
                                                     assembly and event over the past year.
      privileged. The Class of 2018 have been                                                         the one we are about to write as we head
                                                     Look at…look at a myriad of acts, mostly
      blessed with loving families, and we are                                                        in many different directions, but united
                                                     small, sometimes unacknowledged, never
      grateful to them for their constant support,                                                    by the place which we depart from,
                                                     insignificant that make a big difference in
      not only this year, but pretty much since                                                       Bennies. And bound by the foundation of
                                                     the lives of others.
      the day we were born. We are privileged to                                                      character, opportunity and purpose that
      have always had the support of this school,    And this is only what we have already            all in this room have laid for us.
      and as we graduate today, we give thanks       done…what is truly exciting is that we
      for the opportunities and guidance that        are on the cusp of a new stage, another          On behalf of Year 12 2018, to all who
      have always been available to us.              beginning, countless possibilities and           have brought us to this moment, I say
                                                                                                      thank you.

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SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Alexandra Maher                    Jaime Dunn
                                                                      Judith-Grace Vella and              Sophia Cle
                                                                           Anne Younis
Academic Assembly
Parents and family members joined            • All Round Excellence:                           Kathleen Notohamiprodjo,
Year 12 and the College community for the      Amelia Farrell, Alexandra Maher,                Nicole Sandow, Alana Sylvester,
Year 12 Academic Assembly. As well as          Emily McKnight, Grace Nicholson,                Claire Ward, Julia Zubak
a range of academic prizes for individual      Kathleen Notohamiprodjo,
                                                                                          • Sportswoman of the Year:
subjects, the major award winners were:        Cassandra Obeid, Emma Slee,
                                                                                            Sophia Cleveringa
                                               Alana Sylvester, Daniela Taylor,
• The Mount St Benedict Award -
                                               Tameela Vijay, Claire Ward, Julia Zubak    • House Awards:
  Academic Excellence:
                                                                                            Arcadia – Hanieh Ebrahimi
  Alexandra Maher                            • Principal’s Award Winners:
                                                                                            Maredous – Saba Karimi
                                               Sophia Cleveringa, Georgia Dean,
• Best All Rounder: Jaime Dunn                                                              Monte Cassino – Jemma Gallagher
                                               Hanieh Ebrahimi, Jemma Gallagher,
                                                                                            Montserrat – Claudia McKenzie
• Christian Leadership:                        Kassidy Grant, Isabella Graczyk Van
                                                                                            New Norcia – Gabrielle George
  Judith-Grace Vella, Anne Younis              Herk, Abbey Harris, Saba Karimi,
                                                                                            Stanbrook – Elise Bond
                                               Lucy Koelmeyer, Jessica Kotzander,
• Pierre de Coubertin Sports Award:                                                         Subiaco: Lucy Koelmeyer
                                               Alicia Marcer, Naomi Massa,
  Sophia Cleveringa                                                                         Terracina – Anne Younis
                                               Emily McKnight, Lauren McKnight,

                                                                                               House and Homeroom
Connect Night

Graduation Eucharist

Graduation Dinner

                                                                                                                    Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 9
SPRING 2018 n HILDEGARD CENTRE FOR THE - Mount St Benedict College
Bennies leading the way in
      International Future Problem Solving
      Future Problem Solving (FPS) is a          Solving Program since 2006, delighting        with our generous and supportive
      global program designed for gifted         in watching gifted and talented               FPS families.”
      and talented students to encourage         Bennies girls thrive at a local, national
                                                                                               MSB was represented in three
      creative higher order thinking,            and international level in each
                                                                                               categories at the 2018 Future Problem
      reasoning and problem solving.             category offered.
                                                                                               Solving World Championships
      Mount St Benedict College has
                                                 “FPS teaches our students to learn            held at the University of Winconsin
      consistently achieved in the top 10%,
                                                 how to think flexibly across disciplines,     La-Crosse. The categories were:
      to be invited to participate at each
                                                 how to apply research imaginatively           Scenario Performance (fourth
      national competition, five international
                                                 and is a proven program in developing         place and finalist), Scenario Writing
      competitions and has secured four
                                                 the attributes of leadership, social          (finalist) and Community Problem
      world championship titles.
                                                 responsibility and connection within          Solving (third place).
      The College’s Coordinator of Teaching      young people.
                                                                                               Twenty one students and their dedicated
      and Learning, Mrs Liz Dirckze has
                                                 It has been a pleasure to coach               coaches are currently preparing for the
      dedicated herself to the development
                                                 and mentor our talented coaches and           national competition that will be held in
      of the College’s Future Problem
                                                 students alike and to work                    Melbourne in late 2018.

      Scenario Writing
      Scenario Writing is an individual          “The story I wrote,                                                 to modify him as
      competition in which students develop      ‘Perfect Genes’ is                                                  an embryo. When
      short stories related to one of five FPS   a scenario set in                                                   her parents decide
      topics for the year. The story (1500       the 24th century,                                                   to experiment with
      words or less) is set at least 20 years    a time where                                                        technology to re-
      in the future and is an imagined, but      both genetically                                                    engineer his genes
      logical, outcome of actions or events      modified humans                                                     she is strongly
      taking place in the world.                 and genetically              Madeleine Sylvester (left) pictured   against this.
                                                 engineered youth                    with Tara Le Large
      Madeleine Sylvester (Year 9)                                                                                  Attending the
                                                 co-inhabit the globe.
      5th place at International FPS                                                                                international
                                                 However, for the protagonist’s
      Championships 2017                                                                          championships was a truly amazing
                                                 family, things are very different. Her
                                                                                                  experience. As part of my category I
      Finalist at International FPS              brother Jacob suffers from Trisomy
                                                                                                  was challenged to write a new story
      Championships 2018                         21, a disease that would have been
                                                                                                  in a team with three students from
                                                 avoided if only her parents had chosen
                                                                                                  different countries including America
                                                                                                  and Turkey. This was definitely
                                                                                                  challenging due to language barriers,
                                                                                                  but was also really rewarding.“

10 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Community Problem Solving
Community Problem Solving
bridges the gap between school
and the real world. Students
involved in Community Problem
Solving (CmPS) learn powerful
lessons about creating change,
about dealing with local authorities
and organisations, and about
making a positive impact.

Community Problem Solving
(Senior Division) Community
Environment Concerns
3rd place at International FPS
Championships with their project –
Wise Decisions                              parents, we engaged in a multitude of       to not only raise awareness but
                                            programs in order to address this need      provide legal information to parents
Team members: Jessica Curran,               within our community:                       organising parties
Dusana Barker, Natalia Bennett, Claire
Dean, Lily O’Brien, Tenee Arthur, Lara      • When targeting the parents of the       • While engaging with students we
Bryant, Jessica Tan                           local community we engaged in an          were able to speak at local schools,
                                              awareness campaign, we created            assist the MSB PDHPE Faculty in
Written by Lily O’Brien (Year 11)             ‘safe party’ kits that were delivered     setting an assessment that tested
Over the course of eighteen months, the       to local libraries and throughout         the ability of Year 10 students to
‘Wise Decisions’ team diligently worked       the College community and we also         recognise the dangers of drinking
to address the rising social issue of         presented to a College P&F Forum          and parties and we engaged with
underage drinking in relation to parties.                                               the ICT Department to assist Year
                                            • We spoke on local radio to illustrate
                                                                                        7 students in understanding the
“Knowing that alcohol is primarily            the importance of reducing teen
                                                                                        dangers of party peer pressure from
consumed at parties and supplied by           alcohol consumption and engaged in
                                                                                        social media.
                                              a number of social media platforms

In Scenario Performance, individual
students choose the FPS annual
topic that interests them as they
project twenty years into the future
and create a futuristic story, and then
then perform it to a live audience and
judging panel.
Kishaya Lye (Year 10)
4th place at International FPS
                                                           Kishaya Lye
Championships                                                                                  Tara Le Large
“I’ve always loved problem solving          prove whether you’re innocent or
and public speaking, so when the FPS        guilty. I have definitely improved my
Program was promoted at Assembly,           problem solving, writing and speaking     at Bennies, I’m so glad I joined the
and I was informed about the Scenario       skills, as well as getting to know        FPS Program as I have improved my
Performance division, I was drawn           people from all over the world and        writing, performance and teamwork
to it immediately. Our given topic          experiencing new cultures and places.”    skills. My performance was about a
was criminal justice, so I wrote my                                                   person who finds out their boss is
                                            Tara Le Large (Year 9)
piece about a futuristic courtroom in                                                 corrupting judges in the courts. They
                                            Finalist at International FPS
which a girl is being tried for leaking                                               feel they need to expose their boss, but
government papers. She is tried using                                                 they face many challenges because
a new invention called a wireread,          “I wanted to explore the different        their boss knows they are trying to
which scans your brain information to       opportunities and programs on offer       expose them.”

                                                                                                              Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 11
Design partnership with
      Hornsby Shire Council
      Mount St Benedict College is
      committed to innovative projects that
      promote authentic learning.
      With this in mind, The College’s Head
      of Technology Faculty, Dr Mary Southall
      approached Hornsby Shire Council with a
      proposal for students to engage in design
      projects with ‘real life’ context. The
      Council were receptive to the concept and
      for the first time worked directly with a
                                                                                                  Mayor Philip Ruddock presents Year 11
      school on design briefs for their projects.
                                                                                                  student, Eliza Hayman with a first place
      As a result, Mount St Benedict College                                                      award for her Hornsby Shire entry design
      Year 10 and 11 Design and Technology
      students were challenged with two
                                                    The top four designs for Hornsby Shire
      design industry standard briefs from          Council suburb entry signs
      Hornsby Shire Council, to redesign
      the Shire entry signs, and to create a        parameters were not as strict as they
      new look for the Council’s waste truck        would be for a school project. Knowing
      graphics to encourage recycling.              that our designs could be seen by the
      Dr Mary Southall and Mr Kevin Jones,          local community and Council staff
      Design and Technology teachers at             motivated us to make our designs as
      the College, were extremely proud to          articulate as possible.”
      be able to showcase the work of their         Emma Georgeson, a graphic designer            Mayor Philip Ruddock presents Year 10
      students to an external audience.             with Hornsby Shire Council commented          student, Lillie Ward with a first place
                                                    on the high quality of design thinking        award for her Hornsby Shire waste truck
      Year 11 student, Eliza Hayman chose
                                                    and design concepts, noting “the girls        graphics design
      to work on the Shire entry sign design
      concept, commenting that it opened            managed to design outcomes that
                                                                                                  the Mayor of Hornsby Shire Council, Mr
      her eyes to what design work is like          were bang ‘on trend’ within the design
                                                                                                  Philip Ruddock to present awards to the
      outside of school.                            industry currently.”
                                                                                                  students. The girls were excited to hear
                                                    In recognition of the girls’ outstanding      that the Council is considering some of
      “The Hornsby Council briefs drove us to
                                                    work, the College recently welcomed           the designs for production and use.
      be more flexible with our designs as the

                                                                                      College Leader of Innovation, Kevin Jones; Mayor Philip
                                                                                     Ruddock; College Principal, Maria Pearson, pictured with
                                                                                          the top four award winners for each design concept

12 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Bennies’ Boomerang Bags a big hit
Shoppers at Pennant Hills in Sydney’s north are being offered free reusable bags,
designed and sewn by Year 8 students from Mount St Benedict College, in an
initiative which aims to give the students practical skills as well as fulfil the College’s
commitment to caring for the environment.
The Boomerang Bags project was the
major goal of the Year 8 Technology
class at Mount St Benedict College and
has proved a big hit with shoppers, who
were delighted to receive the free bags,
which were handed out by the students
at the Pennant Hills Market Place.
The project grew from the students’
education on the harmful effects of
plastic on the environment, especially
on sea life.
“I was determined to take up this
project through the information we
had learnt about the impact of plastic
bags on the environment,” said student
Olivia Xiao.
“One of Mount St Benedict
College’s values is
stewardship, so our school
is all about caring for the
environment. This project
                                                                                                Above: Year 8 students pictured
is much about encouraging
                                                                                                with Mayor Philip Ruddock
people to stop using plastic
bags, to help save sea life and                                                                 work that will encourage and
the natural world around us.”                                                                   help a good cause.”
Student Seren Harries                                                                           And Seren said the shoppers
said the students try to live                                                                   receiving the bags were
out their College value of                                                                      pleased to be a part of the
stewardship and make sure                                                                       project too.
they do what they can to
                                                                                               “The public have loved being
make a positive impact on
                                                                                               able to receive a bag and
the environment.
                                           to hand them out and interact with                  know that they are helping the
“The project was about stopping plastic                                                environment,” she said.
                                           shoppers, we learnt just how big the
bag use and with Woolworths and Coles
                                           project could be.”                          The girls said they hoped the
banning single use plastic bags, we
                                           Olivia agreed, saying that seeing people    Boomerang Bags might continue on
think Boomerang Bags will encourage
                                           put the bags to practical use gave the      with a new group of Year 8 students
others to use reusable bags and help
                                           project extra purpose.                      next year.
save the environment around us.”
                                           “It’s so rewarding to see people            “We hope to see more projects similar
The students said the project has been
                                           using the bags we put so much work          to this continue on throughout the
rewarding on a range of fronts.
                                           and effort into, and to know that the       years,” said Sophie.
“It has been a truly amazing
                                           determination we put into this project is   The students have now begun other
experience,” said Sophie Thompson.
                                           being used for good in the community,”      projects that help the environment,
“Seeing people’s faces light up upon       she said.                                   such as making sustainable lamps.
receiving a bag was truly inspiring. The
                                           “It’s one thing to just do a project and    Reprinted with permission. Originally
whole process of making the bags was
                                           get a mark for it to go to your final       published in The Good Oil, September 2018.
fun in itself, but when we were invited
                                           grade, but a great thing to have

                                                                                                                Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 13
Innovation                                                             STEM Unit:
                                                                             A place to call home
      @ MSB                                                                  Imagine a life lived on an island such as those of
                                                                             our House Partners in Kiribati. Idyllic? Now imagine
                                                                             the natural resources they have available and the
                                                                             different resources the islanders might need to live a

      Year 7 MYBennies
                                                                             happy, healthy and safe life.
                                                                             Year 7 girls were asked to place themselves in the
                                                                             shoes of a Pacific island dweller and then imagine
      MYBennies is a subject                                                 the challenges faced by people living in such
      uniquely-designed                                                      locations in times of a flooding disaster - a real
      for the students of                                                    possibility for the inhabitants of the Kiribati Islands.
      Mount St Benedict                                                      Through a series of guided MYBennies lessons, student
      College that integrates                                                teams used the design process and the application of a
      learning from across a                                                 range of scientific and mathematical skills to create a
      range of subject areas                                                 series of scaled design sketches of a home suitable to
      (KLAs). Students study                                                 survive in such a location. Then on a STEM Challenge
      a range of interesting                                                 Day, all Year 7 gathered to construct and test their
      topics with a teacher as a mentor that links outcomes                  final design. In a day that asked the girls to apply and
      across subjects while also developing expertise in six key 21st        enhance their 21st century skills within a real-world
      century learning skills. With a combination of inquiry and             context, the girls shone. We have a plethora of budding
      problem-based learning experiences as well as a focus on               engineers that might well consider studying STEM as
      creative and collaborative team work, students work within             an elective in Years 9/10 and then perhaps Engineering
      and beyond their MYBennies class groups in spaces that allow           Studies in Year 11 and 12 with a view to becoming
      integrated learning amongst classes and expert teachers.               engineers that can and will change the future.

      Student Led Conference
                              The Student Led Conference (SLC)
                              is a unique opportunity for each
                              Year 7 student to lead a discussion
                              with their parents and MYBennies
                              teacher in which they share aspects
                              of the learning process they have
                              experienced this year. The reason for
      an SLC is simple: who better to talk about their learning than
      the students themselves!
      • A SLC has the student as the leader of the discussion
      • The girls design how and what they present to their
        specific audience
                                                                         Engineers without Borders
      • Each girl chooses a range of work samples to showcase            The College was privileged to have volunteers from Engineers
        and then reflect upon including:                                 Without Borders (EWB) deliver a two lesson unit on designing,
                                                                         building and testing the structure of a “floating house”.
          ›› Strengths developed in their learning
                                                                         Working in parallel with the other STEM unit in MYBennies,
          ›› Challenges faced and approaches they used to                Year 7 students could apply learnings from across lessons to
             overcome them                                                                                   different situations.
                                                                                                              The EWB volunteers
          ›› Support structures and networks they may have
                                                                                                              also came to the STEM
             employed and their value to learning
                                                                                                               Challenge Day and were
          ›› The range of 21st century learning skills developed                                               complimentary of the
             through the process involved in each experience                                                   students’ commitment
                                                                                                                to their studies. It was
          ›› Specific goals for future learning into Year 8 and beyond
                                                                                                                particularly rewarding
                                                                                                                 to have ex-MSB
                                                                                                                 student, Nivedita
                                                                                                                  volunteer to be a part
                                                                                                                  of the program.

14 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018

Year 9 Inspire
Inspire Week is an original, integrated education program           The themes for Inspire Week 2018 are:
designed and implemented by the staff and students of
                                                                    Theme 1: Empowering Australian Women
Mount St Benedict College to foster independence and
learning in real-world contexts. Parents, staff and students        Theme 2: Australia - Past, Present and Future
co-designed the program for delivery in late 2018 in a week-
                                                                    Theme 3: A Sustainable Australia and its place in the world
long off site residential experience. Students have chosen
one theme and then individual itineraries within each theme.        Theme 4: A unique and multicultural Australia

Year 10 REAL
A new initiative for Year 10 students called the
R.E.A.L Program (Reflective. Engaged. Authentic.
Lifelong) was launched in 2018. In response to
consultation with students, parents and staff,
there was an identified need for Bennies girls to
engage in learning that went beyond the traditional
confinements of the classroom. Girls expressed
interest in exploring content that would assist them in making      environment to learn in a more practical, hands-on way.
informed choices after and outside of school including further      From changing a car tyre, to writing a resume, we have
education options, careers etc.                                     developed different skills which will help us throughout our life.
                                                                    Zoe Fajemisin
Some activities that students have been participating in
throughout the year include completing learning profile             REAL is different to our normal lessons and classes as it
assessments, financial literacy workshops, offsite further          provides us with practical and relevant information that
education visits (TAFE, University, Private Colleges), exploring    is guaranteed to be used in our life beyond Bennies. The
current affairs and DIY workshops.                                  program is relaxed and engaging using our own opinions and
                                                                    interests to influence the program.
This new initiative demonstrates the College’s ongoing
commitment to prepare the girls for life beyond Bennies,            At the beginning of the R.E.A.L Program, all students
continuing to build on their understanding and application          participated in an excursion to either Macquarie University
of 21st century skills that were first introduced to them in        or Hornsby TAFE. This allowed us to think about tertiary
MYBennies when they were in Year 7.                                 education options for when we graduate from Bennies.
                                                                    I went to visit Macquarie University, where we toured the
Student perspectives:                                               campus and our guide answered any questions we had on the
R.E.A.L has helped us to learn a variety of skills to tackle real   facilities, courses and opportunities available for students at
life situations that affect us now and when we leave school.        Macquarie University.
Unlike normal subjects, we are able to step out of the classroom    Sarah O’Sullivan

                                                                                                                     Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 15
Current Student News
      ‘One kind word can change someone’s day, so in
      a world where you can be anything, be kind.’

      New leaders, College Captain, Antonia Saul; Vice-Captain
      Portfolios, Emma Bourne and Vice-Captain Spirit, Naomi
      Sheather are looking forward to inspiring MSB students to live
      boldly and with passion, to be the very best version of themselves.
      The girls have been busy starting their leadership journey on
      a positive note, placing a sticky note affirmation on the locker
      of every Bennies girl.
      The purpose of the initiative was to spread kindness throughout
      the school and to uplift the spirits and perspectives of the girls
      as they approached a new school week. Through demonstrating
      how one small act of kindness such as a simple message on a
      sticky note can make such an impact in the lives of others, the
      Mount St Benedict College Captains hope to inspire and call
      upon students to demonstrate acts of kindness toward others in
      their everyday lives and through this spread kindness.

                                                                            Principal for a Day
                                                                            Year 9 student, Lucy Pratt was voted by her peers to fill
                                                                            the role as ‘Principal for a Day’. Lucy spent the day with
                                                                            College Principal, Mrs Maria Pearson, accompanying her to
                                                                            meetings and classes, as well as writing a newsletter piece
                                                                            and presenting to and the College Assembly. Here are Lucy’s
                                                                            insights on what it means to be a leader in a school in the
                                                                            Catholic, Benedictine tradition:
                                                                            I received the amazing opportunity to observe what it took to run a
                                                                            school and ultimately be a successful leader.
                                                                            In each event that I was able to attend in the day, I noticed each one
                                                                            of Mrs Pearson’s leadership qualities. I witnessed her confidence
                                                                            and hospitality during the Father Daughter breakfast. I saw her
                                                                            being a visionary, influential, punctual, innovative and open-minded
                                                                            leader when I sat in on each of her meetings.

16 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Year 7 ‘Archibennies’
Year 7 Visual Art portraiture studies culminated in an
excursion to see the Archibald Prize at the Art Gallery of NSW.
After examining the range of styles and technique, students
chose a teacher to depict for Bennies’ own ‘Archibennies’
exhibition. Students chose a teacher that they felt an affinity
with; either through their relationship as a Homeroom mentor
or as their classroom teacher. Some students chose to depict
a teacher that they may not necessarily have been taught by
but the teacher’s appearance was compelling to them.
Similar to the Archibald Prize, there was a Teacher’s and
Student’s Choice. The standard of the student’s portraits was
high and the voting was close. Congratulations to Student’s
Choice winner, Abigail Kafkis with her depiction of Mrs
Vukovic; and to Teacher’s Choice winner, Georgia Hogan with
her interpretation of Mrs Gracie.

Year 9 and 10 production in the
new Hildegard Centre for the
Creative and Performing Arts
The MSB Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10) Elective Drama Students
presented their production of Alice in Wonderland based on
the classic by Lewis Carroll, adapted by William Glennon
in the new Hildegard Centre for the Creative Arts. A group
of performers seek out an ‘Alice’ in order to present a
production of Wonderland. An adventure unfolds, and they
play the many characters recognisable from the traditional
play and film. Congratulations to the girls on their fine
performances and to their teachers.

                                                                  Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 17
Current Student News
      MSB students chosen for prestigious STEM Program
      Two Year 10 MSB students were                                                          Now in the fifth year, GoIT Girls focuses
      recently chosen to be part of                                                          on challenging gender stereotypes,
      the global award winning work                                                          showcasing women in STEM as
      experience program GoIT Girls                                                          role models, broadening student
      developed by TATA Consultancy                                                          perspectives of IT, building technical
      Services. Designed to inspire                                                          skills through coding and enhancing
      young women into Science,                                                              confidence and employability skills.
      Technology, Engineering and
                                                                                             During the program the girls worked
      Mathematics, MSB students                                       Georgina Chan
                                                                                             in small groups to find a solution to
      - Taylor Kueh and Georgina                   Taylor Kueh
                                                                                             a technology problem and pitch it to
      Chan had the opportunity to
                                                                                             senior IT professionals. Georgina was
      meet and be mentored by senior
                                                                       part of the winning team at GoIT Girls, as part of the prize
      executives from the company and their clients who provided
                                                                       she was invited by the Woolworths Group to shadow their
      insight into the various STEM roles across the businesses.
                                                                       Information Technology team for a day.

      Augmented Reality Sand Pit Project
      All it took was an email from a member of the
      Information Technology Team who had seen online
      a clever way to re-use the Kinetic Camera from her
      old Xbox, and an innovative project was started.
      During Term Break, the Information Technology
      Team at Mount St Benedict College undertook to
      build an Augmented Reality (AR) sand pit. Starting
      with an old PC, projector and kinetic camera
      from an old Xbox, the team carefully followed the
      instructions published online by the University of
      California to build our very own.                                onto the landscape created. Students can then create rainfall
                                                                       by hovering their fingers above the desired location.
      The sand pit is available for student use in the Information
      Resource Centre (IRC). By moulding the sand to create the        The system teaches geographic, geologic, and hydrologic
      desired landscape, the kinetic camera then measures the          concepts such as how to read a topography map, the meaning
      height and depth of the sand to project a topographical map      of contour lines, watersheds, catchment areas, levees, etc.

      Vinnies Busking
      Mount St Benedict College was pleased to support St Vincent
      de Paul in their annual “Busking for Vinnies” event. Members
      of MSB College music ensembles entertained the lunchtime
      crowds in Centenary Square at Parramatta while collecting
      donations for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. This
      occasion was particularly significant as it marked the 10th
      consecutive year of the College’s involvement in this event.
      We are very grateful to have this opportunity of service in
      partnership with Vinnies and we look forward to it continuing
      and growing in the years to come.

18 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Share - Listen - Act
Each year, Mount St Benedict College celebrates the Feast       a response with empathy and compassion in the College’s
Day of St Benedict at the conclusion of Term Two. The           Year of Hospitality.
community day is eagerly anticipated each year by both
                                                                “I always look forward to MSB Day, and I am really grateful
students and staff at the College.
                                                                to be able to celebrate as a community with all of you.
The 2018 theme, Share – Listen – Act sought to draw attention   There will be many opportunities to share in meaningful
to our strength as a College community and was reflected        conversations and listen to one another, so make sure
in the day’s activities, beginning with Eucharist, followed     you are seizing those opportunities to practise hospitality.
by a hospitality picnic with food trucks and fun student-       Listen to one another, and approach all activities with a
led activities before finishing with a student talent quest.    positive attitude. If you do, I can guarantee an incredible and
There was an emphasis from the student leaders on the           memorable day.”
importance of engaging with the story of others and ensuring    Jaime Dunn, 2018 College Captain

                                                                                                               Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 19
Bennies’ star party helps
      break world record
      It’s official: the world record for the most people stargazing across multiple venues at
      the same time has been broken and Mount St Benedict College was a part of it.

      The ABC’s Stargazing Live broadcast, in partnership with the   The event was a wonderful leadership opportunity for the
      Australian National University (ANU), claimed the Guinness     Mount St Benedict College students, who showcased their
      World Records title for an event that saw thousands of         passion for astronomy. MC for the evening, Year 12 Physics
      telescopes pointed at once at the night sky.                   student, Kaecee Evio enjoyed sharing her love of science.
      More than 46,345 people simultaneously observed the moon       “Everyone enjoyed the science aspect of the night with
      through telescopes for 10 minutes, and the 74 girls who        friends, family and other guests. The students really
      participated at Mount St Benedict College were part of this    enjoyed a more informal learning opportunity that was
      record-breaking endeavour.                                     separate to the classroom.”
      Thanks to the interest and enthusiasm by Mr Edward Baker,      Fellow Year 12 Physics classmate, Sarah Assaf led sky
      a teacher in the College’s Science Department, the College     talks with Mr Baker, calling on her years of experience as a
      hosted one of the 285 stargazing parties registered across     member of astronomy club, SPOT (Space Odyssey Team).
      Australia on the clear crisp May evening.
                                                                     “As well as viewing the moon for our world record attempt,
                                                                     Jupiter was visible for the majority of the night and
                                                                     constellations such as Orion and Scorpius were also visible.
                                                                     The Southern Cross and some of the brightest stars in the
                                                                     night sky were also out. The night was extremely clear so we
                                                                     were blessed to be able to see all of this!”

20 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Stewardship on our doorstep
Mount St Benedict College is fortunate to have a remnant           comprehensive picture of the hollow resources available for
Blue Gum High Forest on its grounds of great heritage value.       native wildlife.
Listed under Australian legislation as a critically endangered
                                                                   “Together with our students, we are getting to know this
ecological community, there is now less than 5% of Blue Gum
                                                                   wonderful space. Through monitoring the many tree hollows
High Forest remaining in Australia.
                                                                   we have onsite, we have already identified abundant wildlife
In addition, the College recently took on the lease of the         including a colony of native bees and even a resident
neighbouring Ludovic Blackwood Memorial Sanctuary from             echidna,” says College Social Ecologist, Natalie Edmonds.
The National Trust.
                                                                   Bennies Bushcare Year 11 member, Olivia Staal is
Reflecting the College’s growing ecological responsibilities and   embracing her role as an environmental ambassador for the
with the College value of Stewardship firmly in mind, it became    College and the wider community, “Before my involvement,
apparent that professional expertise was needed to support         I would look out the Blue Gum Forest each day and know
and protect the biodiversity of such a large area of forest.       little about it. Now I have learnt about the native plants and
                                                                   wildlife and understand the threats that this area faces. I
The College has employed social ecologist, Natalie Edmonds
                                                                   am enjoying being part of the Hollows as Homes project
to development and implement a comprehensive plan to care
                                                                   and now know how to record tree height and width without
for and learn about the bushland.
                                                                   measuring instruments.”
The plan includes the Bennies Bushcare volunteer team
of eight students in Years 10 and 11, as well as a weekend
bushcare group with ex-students and external members of
the community meeting on a Saturday once a month. The aim             Bennies Bushcare meets on the 4th Saturday of the
is to restore and maintain ecosystem health by helping the            month, 9.00am - midday in the Ludovic Blackwood
natural regeneration of indigenous plants.                            Memorial Sanctuary. MSB students, parents and ex-
                                                                      students are invited to become involved in caring for
The bushcare teams have recently become involved with                 an important piece of Bennies and national heritage.
an Australia-wide citizen science project run by The Royal            No experience necessary.
Botanic Garden Sydney. The Hollows as Homes project aims
to conduct the first landscape-scale assessment of tree/              If you are interested contact Natalie Edmonds
nest box/cut-in hollow distribution, type and wildlife use.           nedmonds@msb.nsw.edu.au who will provide
Using the College’s protected Blue Gum High Forest, Bennies           more details.
Bushcare is monitoring selected tree hollows to help build a

                                                                                                                 Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 21
Sporting News

      MSB Sporting Culture and Netball
      Tour to the USA and Canada
      The MSB Sporting Culture and Netball tour travelled to two
      countries and three cities in twelve days in late 2017.
      The three netball teams played twenty seven games of
      netball against Canadian opposition - winning twenty two,
      losing three and drawing two games. The top team was
      undefeated throughout the tour and won the Saturday
      tournament in Vancouver, and the remaining two teams
      finished in equal third position.
                                                                     attending lessons in a Canadian High School) and even for
      The girls also experienced North American professional         Sunday Mass in the USA.
      sporting culture at an Oakland A’s baseball game in San
                                                                     While on the Sports Tour each girl was responsible for her
      Francisco, a Vancouver Canucks ice hockey game in Canada
                                                                     own hydration, recovery, nutrition, uniform laundry, injury
      and an LA Lakers basketball game in Los Angeles.
                                                                     prevention and treatment prior to and following every game.
      In addition to sightseeing (highlights included riding cable   This is in addition to the regular sleep, time management,
      cars in San Francisco, riding bikes across the Golden          budgeting, document and responsibility for personal items
      Gate bridge, zip lining on Grouse Mountain and a trip to       required for any College tour. At such a young age this is
      Disneyland) the girls were welcomed enthusiastically by        indeed a challenge and it was great to see the growth in
      friendly Canadian school opponents (another highlight was      experience and these challenges being met on a daily basis.
                                                                     The girls came away with many great memories as well as
                                                                     becoming more confident and aware of the self-responsibility
                                                                     that comes with international travel.

22 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
                                     Montanna Ritchie
                                     (Year 8) won both the
                                     Under 14 Springboard
                                     and Platform diving
                                     events at the NSWCCC                                          Cricket
                                     Diving Championships.
                                     Montana was named                                             This is the fourth
                                     in the NSW All Schools                                        consecutive year that
                                     team to compete at the                                        Kate Barry (Year 12) has
                                     School Sport Australia                                        gained selection into the
                                     Championships in Perth                                        OPEN NSWCCC OPEN
                                     in late 2018.                                                 Girls Cricket team.

Swimming                                                        Isabella Johnson             Christina Kwon
Our MSB swimming team were named as BBSSSA
Champions for the second consecutive year.
Team highlights:
• Breaking two individual records - Grace Michell in the
  200IM and Georgia Platts in the 200 Freestyle
• Grace Michell named as the Under 15 BBSSSA Champion
• Winning five out of the seven relays contested
                                                                                                 Stephanie Boxwell
                                                                         Grace Michell
• New record in the 6 x 50 Freestyle relay. Freestyle relay
  members: Isabella Johnson, Harper Adams, Anneke Van
  Zoggel, Grace Michell, Christina Kwon and Georgia Garment
                                                              The College had nine students compete at the NSW All
• MSB was represented for the first time in the multiclass    Schools Championships with Isabella Johnson finishing as the
  event by Stephanie Boxwell from Year 11                     fastest female Under 12 Breaststroke swimmer in the state
                                                              and Christina Kwon being named in the NSW All Schools team.
At the NSWCCC Championships MSB students established
two new CCC individual records (Isabella Johnson Under 12     Christina then travelled to Tasmania for the School Sport
50m Breaststroke and Georgia Platts 400m Freestyle), whilst   Australia Championships, winning an individual and
the Junior and Intermediate Medley relays won gold.           relay bronze.

                                                                                                            Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 23
                                                 Corke in
      Basketball                                 action

      The MSB Junior Representative
      Basketball team were BBSSSA
      undefeated champions. MSB
      Intermediate and Senior teams
      were runners up. Bronte Corke
      was selected as a member of the
      NSWCCC Open Basketball team.
                                                                                                            MSB Junior champions

                                                                                          • MSB Junior and Intermediate
                                                                                            teams were silver medallists at the
                                                                                            BBSSSA Championships
                                                                                          • Mia Jamer (Year 8) was selected into
                                                                                            the BBSSSA Under 15 touch team
                                                                                          • Jade Pond (Year 10), Alice Woodrow
                                                                                            (Year11), Julia Zubak and Georgia
                                                                  Year 9 / 10 champions     Dean (both from Year 12) were
                                                                                            selected into the Open team
                                                                                          • Jade Pond and Julia Zubak then
                                                                                            went onto gain selection into the
                                                                                            NSWCCC Open Touch team that
                                                                                            competed on the Sunshine Coast in
                                                                                            Term Three. MSB Year 7 and 8 girls
                                                                                            also competed at this tournament as
                                                                                            part of the Australian Schools Cup
                                                                                          • The MSB Year 9 and 10 team were
                                                                                            NSW All Schools Parramatta
                                                                                            regional champions.
                                                            Jade Pond
                                Julia Zubak

      Amy Tilley (Year 10), Natalie Tong
      (Year 11), Tiffani Bassett (Year 11) and
      Hannah Breytenbach (Year 12) were
      members of the BBSSSA Softball
      team that competed at the NSWCCC
      Championships. Ex MSB student
      Natalie Tong was also involved with the
      BBSSSA team.

24 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Cross Country
                                                                                  Alicia John (Year 10) was the 2018
                                                                                  BBSSSA Under 16 girls champion and
                                                                                  MSB won the Under 16 girl team event
                                                                                  (team members: Alicia John, Grace
                                                                                  Michie, Jasmine Rheinberger and
                                                                                  Bronte Corke).

Under 16 team
                                                               Alicia John

    Golf                                                    Congratulations to Clara Nourdine (Year 8), who broke the
                                                            NSW All Schools Under 13 Triple Jump and Long Jump
    Olivia Kerr
                                                            records! Amie Bowrey (Year 12) was named as the BBSSSA
    (Year 11) won
                                                            17+ Age Champion. MSB students contested 25 events at the
    the BBSSSA Golf
                                                            NSW All Schools Athletics Championships.
    and was selected
    into the NSWCCC
    Golf Team.

                                                                             Amie Bowrey                   Clara Nourdine

                       MSB Junior Team – NSWCCC Champions                             (From left) Jasmine Rheinberger,
                                                                                             Kate Barry and Jade Pond

Netball                                                         Soccer
All four MSB representative teams progressed to the grand
                                                                The MSB Open team were BBSSSA silver medallists.
finals at the BBSSSA Championships with the Year 7 and
                                                                Jasmine Rheinberger and Jade Pond (both from Year
Junior teams finishing the day as undefeated champions.
                                                                10) and Kate Barry (Year 12) were named in the Open
The MSB Junior team then went on to win the NSWCCC
                                                                BBSSSA team.
Championships establishing themselves as the best junior
Catholic team in the state!

                                                                                                          Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 25
Staff News                                                     Babies
                                                                                          Angela Junkiewicz (Class of 1998
      Congratulations to:                                                                 and staff member) and Gavin are
                                                                                          the proud parents of Geneva Lily
                                                                                          Drayton born 28 November 2017,
                                                                                          weighing 2.5kg and 46.5cm long.
            Weddings                                                                      Todd Gardner and Tegan proudly
            Brendan Hyam                                                                  announce the arrival of their little
            and Alessandra                                                                boy, Jasper John Gardner. Jasper
            Murdica (Class of                                                             was born on 31 March 2018,
            2011) were married                                                            weighing 3.71kg and 50cm long.
            on 17 December
                                                                                          Christina He and Joe He are
            2017 at St Patrick’s
                                                                                          proud parents of Lily Teresa He.
            Catholic Church,
                                                                                          Born on 19 April 2018, weighing
            followed by a
                                                                                          nearly 3.6kg and 52cm long.
            reception at Oatlands House.
            Alessandra is an ex-student of Mount St Benedict
            College as well as her two bridesmaids Lauren
                                                                                          Amy Scott-Bell and her husband
            Camilleri (Class of 2011) and Jennifer Calacoci
                                                                                          welcomed Lachlan William Olsen
            (Class of 2009). Brendan is a teacher at Mount St
                                                                                          into the world, born 7 August
            Benedict College and Alessandra now works as a
                                                                                          2018 weighing 3.47kg and 50cm
            Clinical Nurse Specialist for the Northern Sydney
                                                                                          long. Mum and bub are doing
            Local Health District.
                                                                                          well and Lily loves her new role
                                                                                          as a big sister.
                                            Brooke Lovarini
                                            and Daniel were                               Rebecca Enright and Brian
                                            married on 12                                 welcomed a baby boy, Zayne
                                            January 2018 in a                             Christopher Gabriel Gibson on 24
                                            lovely ceremony                               August 2018. He weighed 3.35kg
                                            held at Bendooley                             and 49cm long.
                                            Estate in Berrima.

                                                                 Staff Immersion
                                                                 In 2018 the ICT Team have been actively seeking opportunities
                                                                 to support MSB College causes. In support of College staff
                                                                 members, David Weinberger (ICT Team) and Judell Johnston
                                                                 (Science Faculty) who were selected to be a part of the
                                                                 Good Samaritan Staff Kiribati Immersion trip, the ICT Team
                                                                 organised fundraising activities to contribute to the Good
                                                                 Samaritan Sisters’ important work in Kiribati.
                                                                 The ICT Team held a silent auction, selling off a range of ICT
                                                                 equipment that was no longer used. The Team raised $3,400
                                                                 which David and Judell presented to the Good Samaritan
                                                                 Sisters in Kiribati.
                                                                 In Kiribati, the Sisters are involved in numerous ministries of
                                                                 outreach and compassion – teacher education and pastoral
                                                                 work among people with mental illness, or a disability or
                                                                 in prison. The Sisters live close to the people and respond
                                                                 simply as neighbour, as friend and as colleague.
                                                                 These funds, along with David and Judell’s hard work whilst
                                                                 they were there, will support this good work.

26 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Ex Student News

    Beyond Bennies
    Bennies ex-students are keen to share their skills and     psychologist and a sporting events manager. It was terrific
    talents with our current students. In June, we welcomed    to hear about the diverse pathways these impressive young
    three ex-students back to share their career stories and   women took after Bennies. Thank you to Laurie Keller
    adventures along the way at our Beyond Bennies Assembly.   (Class of 2007), Ashley Campbell (Class of 2005) and Emma
    This year our guests included a penguin trainer, a         Pratt (Class of 2004) for sharing their wisdom.

                                                                   Maria Cigolini - Class of 1978
                                                                   I had always wanted to study
                                                                   medicine, but with a late
                                                                   introduction to English, I thought
                                                                   it was beyond reach. I am now
                                                                   fortunate to be the Clinical Head
                                                                   of Palliative Medicine at Royal
                                                                   Prince Alfred Hospital, the RPA
                                                                   Community Sector and the regional outreach
                                                                   service for the Western NSW Health District around Dubbo.
                                                                   I am also a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Sydney.

                                                                   Nicole Charles - Class of 2001
                                                                   Nicole moved to
                                                                   Hong Kong for work
                                                                   reasons and is busy
                                                                   raising her one
                                                                   year old daughter.
                                                                   She is enjoying
Stephanie Armstrong -                                              motherhood and

Class of 1971                                                      teaching piano for
                                                                   flexibility, while
                                                                   finishing her
I’m happy to be able to announce the birth of my first
                                                                   Finance Masters.
grandchild - Harriet Armstrong. She was born on 3 February
2018 and is Canadian by birth. Her parents moved to Canada
from Brisbane in 2014 and have made a home in Canmore,
a village in the Rockies. I have a great excuse to make many
trips to a stunningly beautiful place!

                                                                                                              Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 27
Class of 1988 - 30 year reunion
      On Saturday 1 September, about 20 ladies from Year 12
      of 1988 and Year 10 of 1986 got together for a wonderful
      afternoon of shared memories and catching up on what we
      had all been doing in the 30 years since we left Bennies.
      After some of our antics, we were surprised at the number
      of teachers in our midst! From bushfire consultants to
      Border Force officers, our occupations and experiences since
      Bennies have been wide and varied.
      We caught up at the old Bull and Bush Hotel in Baulkham
      Hills, which surprisingly hasn’t changed a great deal over
      the years and danced the night away to some fabulous 80s
      tunes, thanks to one of our classmates whose fabulous band,
      Soundproofed, was playing a gig there.
      It was wonderful to reconnect with some of the school crew
      and we are going to try not to leave it 10 years between drinks
      before we next catch up.

                                                                        Gemma Veling - Class of 2005
                                                                        Gemma Veling married the love of her life, JP Hutchison, on
                                                                        13 October 2017. The couple had a magical Scottish wedding,
                                                                        and Gemma shared her special day with best friends from
                                                                        Bennies, Lauren Moran (‘05) and Elise Psaltis (‘05), and sister
            Therese Creed                                               Karina Veling (‘08).
            [nee Hanna] -
            Class of 1994                                               Rachel Huxley - Class of 2006
            We are battling drought                                     Rachel married Scott Okell
            on our Queensland cattle                                    on 7 April 2017 at The
            property where we live, and                                 Little Church of the West,
            so far we are managing.                                     Las Vegas, Nevada. They
            My third Novel ‘Brumby                                      were surrounded by close
            Country’ has just gone to                                   friends at the ceremony and
            Allen and Unwin, it should                                  celebrated afterwards at ‘The
            be released in 2019 in time                                 Stratosphere’ - the best view
            for Mother’s Day.                                           in Las Vegas. They celebrated
                                                                        with a “Happily Ever After
                                                                        Party” with family and friends
                                                                        on their return to Australia.

28 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
Natalie Trajcevski (nee van
Huissteden) - Class of 1989
Natalie represented Australia in Dragon Boating for the
second time in October 2017. The 13th World Nations Dragon
Boat Championships were held in Kunming China and Natalie
was a member of the Senior A division (paddlers between
the ages of 40-49). On her debut in the 2015 Australian team
for the 12th World Nations Dragon Boat Championships in
Welland Canada, she came home with four silver medals.
A dragon boat has 20 paddlers, a sweep and a drummer when
racing, and normal distances raced are 200m, 500m, 1km and
2km. If you are interested in trying dragon boating as a sport,
go to www.accadbr.com                                                                            Natalie Trajcevski, far right.

Emma Pratt - Class of 2004
Emma currently works as a Child and                                        sector, and was a tutor in the Psychology
Adolescent Clinical Psychologist. Emma                                     Department at Sydney University. She recently
grew up surrounded by family members who                                   finished working at Cerebral Palsy Alliance
worked in education and mental health and                                  where she volunteered while completing her
knew from the age of ten that she wanted                                   Masters. She currently works on the Northern
to be a psychologist. Emma volunteered her                                 Beaches of Sydney as a part-time school
services in Rural NSW where she provided                                   psychologist and in private practice. Her
psychometric assessments to indigenous                                     special interest is somatic psychology and
children in order to promote inclusivity                                   trauma-informed practice and she hopes to
and increase funding. She has also worked                                  one day own her own psychology clinic that
in a training role, providing professional                                 provides holistic treatment for youth.
development to senior leaders in the university

    Amanda Isley - Class of 2007
    Amanda married Joshua Montoya on 19 May 2018 at
    St Mary of The Presentation Church in Mudgee NSW.

                                                                  Homeroom Monte Cassino 2
                                                                  Homeroom MC2 recently gathered for a reunion.
                                                                  There were girls from the graduating year of 2011 up
                                                                  to the graduating year of 2017. It was great to catch
                                                                  up and see what everyone has been up to!

                                                                                                             Spring 2018 Bennies Buzz | 29
Soila Maasai Girls Rescue Centre in Suswa

      Hannah Ryan - Class of 2010 MSBESA grant recipient
      I’m thrilled to let Bennies know about the work I am doing in     and most importantly, many hours of laughter with the kids
      Nairobi, Kenya. I am currently working for a children’s charity   and babies of KCH! This is an independent home which, at
      called Kenya Children’s Home (KCH). I would not be in this        any one time, houses up to 150 orphaned, abandoned and/
      position without the generous donation Bennies made in 2016       or destitute babies and children. KCH have seven different
      for my volunteer programme in Zambia, which propelled me          houses or family units which act as their familiar place, a
      into my current career in aid work.                               place they call ‘home.’ A house mum is delegated to care for
                                                                        the children and assist with homework, chores and games
      Here is my update:                                                and to offer emotional and social support when needed.
      Back in January 2016 I embarked upon a journey that would
      change my life forever. I volunteered to take a three-month       Working for this charity has opened my eyes to the
      programme to rural Zambia where I was to teach financial          inner resilience of children in these situations, but most
      literacy and sexual health. Before taking the trip I had to       importantly, from a personal perspective it has helped
      raise funds through a fundraising project and this was partly     me to discover my own inner abilities and strengths that I
      sponsored by Bennies. I will be forever grateful to the College   now use to help them on their journey. We are always on
      for their support and encouragement. Fast forward and             the lookout for volunteers to become part of our family, so
      one year later, I am living in Nairobi, Kenya, working as the     please contact me for more information if you are interested.
      programme manager for a company called Kenya Children’s           Volunteer opportunities, how to sponsor a child and any other
      Home (KCH). My job includes volunteer co-ordination,              information can be found at http://kenyachildrenshome.org.uk
      managing education activity, house and camp organisation          or by contacting me directly at hannah.ryan@kch.co.ke

            Emily Crisafulli - Class of 2012 MSBESA grant recipient
            PhD candidate in the Department of Biochemistry and         My research focuses on drug resistance in malaria,
            Molecular Biology at The University of Melbourne.           more specifically on the mechanisms of resistance to
                                                                        doxycycline (a prophylactic) and artemisinin (the first
            I received the MSBESA experience grant last year, which
                                                                        line therapy).
            allowed me to present my PhD work at the scientific
            meeting for the Australian Society for Biochemistry and     This conference brought together many great scientists
            Molecular Biology, held in Adelaide in October 2017.        from across Australia, in addition to some notable
                                                                        international speakers. The scientists who attended
                                                                        the meeting work on a wide variety of topics, so I was
                                                                        afforded the chance to engage with and develop new
                                                                        networks. Interacting with researchers with differing
                                                                        areas of expertise brought a breadth of different ideas on
                                                                        my PhD project. There were many great suggestions, a
                                                                        number of which I have already followed up on in the lab.
                                                                        Presenting my PhD work at this conference was an
                                                                        invaluable opportunity afforded to me by MSBESA, and
                                                                        I’m incredibly grateful.

30 | Bennies Buzz Spring 2018
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