Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools

Page created by Marion Navarro
Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Newtown Continuing Education

                         Spring 2020

                              Newtown Continuing Education
      10% Early              Located In Newtown High School        25% Senior Discount
 Registration Discount
  Available Through
                         12 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook, CT 06482     Available At All
        2/21/20                        (203) 426-1787                    Times
Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Hello Friends Old and New,
                                                                           Table of Contents
                                                                             Spring 2020
I don’t know about you but I always look at spring with an
eye to doing something new. It feels like a new world after a    COURSES                             PAGE #
long winter’s nap. I can look forward to planning a road trip,
starting a new project, planting a new garden. What’s in your
                                                                 Animal Husbandry                      6
plan book? Need some help with that new project? Maybe a
class?                                                           Arts                                  4-6
                                                                  Glass Art                            4
We have 44 new classes as well as many of your old favor-         Fiber Art                            4-5
                                                                  Visual Art                           5-6
                                                                 Bus Trips                             15
Our new classes include: Qigong and Tai Chi Easy, Karate,        Career Development                    1
One Dance, Advanced Cognitive Training For Added Mind-
fulness, Jazz, Reading Tarot Cards, Mosaic Garden Art,           Classes For Age 16 And Up             20
Sandblasted Garden Party Lights, Classic Mending and Alter-      Computers                             8-9
ation Techniques, Basics of Drawing, Studio Fashion Photog-
raphy Workshop, Raising Goats, Beginners Guide To Seeds,         Gardening                             7
Gardening Indoors For Happy Houseplants, The World of            History                               7
Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, World of James Fenimore
Cooper, Lon Chaney, The American Revolution, Smartphone          How To Register                       18
Photography for Beginners, Smartphone Photographic Art           Instructor Application                21
For Everyone, Using Gmail and Google Calendar, Power-
Point, Windows 10, Backup Strategies, Google Docs and            Language                              12
Google Sheets, Long-Term Care Planning, Short Story or           Online                                14
Memoir Writer, Medicare, Medicaid, Family Life Planning,
Yoga With Eliza Ann, Safe Boating/Personal Watercraft, Bus       Personal Development                  1-3
Trips: Culinary Institute of America, Metropolitan Museum
                                                                 Planning For The Future: A Series
of Art, Great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze, Highline and Hudson          For Boomers, Seniors and Family 10-11
Yards and more!
                                                                 Recreation                            12-13
If you have any questions or we can be of assistance in any      Registration Form                     19
way, please call our office at (203) 426-1787 or visit our
website www.newtowncontinuinged.org.                             SAT/ACT Prep                          20
                                                                 Teenage Driver Education              20

Elissa Gellis                                                    Well Being                            7
Newtown Continuing Education                                     WERACE Adult Education                14

                                                                 What’s Happening In Newtown           16

                                                                   If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run
                                                                    then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl,
                                                                     but whatever you do, you have to keep
                                                                                moving forward.

                                                                           ~Martin Luther King Jr.~

Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Prepare for your Connecticut Security Officer SHOW! DON’T TELL!                                            HEART
Guard License with LJB Security Training.          Learn how to write dynamite college admis-       One of the top New Year’s Resolutions aside
               Upon successful completion of       sion essays. This one-night class offers the     from losing weight is
               this course, you will be issued a   powerful, attention-getting Show! Don’t Tell!    getting organized! It’s
               training certificate, required to   Techniques for writing narratives that LEAP      Spring Cleaning time!
               accompany your licensure appli-                      off the page. Examples and      Are you overwhelmed
               cation to the Connecticut Depart-                    appropriate handouts guide      by clutter but unsure
ment of Emergency Services and Public Pro-                          students to write effective     how to organize it? Have you made past at-
tection. This dynamic course covers infor-                          compositions. Copies of the     tempts to declutter and get organized only to
mation about the Security Industry, how to be                       book Show! Don’t Tell! How      be disappointed? This class shows you step-
a Security Officer, and job exploration. Con-      to Personalize College Applications with 75      by-step how to clear the clutter. More than
necticut laws will be reviewed, pertaining to:     actual student writing samples will be availa-   just information, you will put into action the
the security industry, self-defense and the use    ble for perusal and purchase. Students and       best organizing solution. Organizing is a skill
of force, and citizen’s arrest. In addition, you   parents are encouraged to attend together.       that can be learned and this class is the first
will learn about: the use of force continuum,      Private editing sessions may be arranged for a   step. Please bring a purse/handbag/backpack
fire safety, the history of security, work place   fee when students complete their essays.         to class (do NOT pre-organize.) You can also
violence, terrorism, communication skills and                                                       email questions you would like to discuss
more. No discounts apply.                          Course #2321 Wednesday      Trumbull HS          ahead of time through her website—
                                                   7:00-9:15 PM Starts 4/22/20 Room C-3             InnerSpacesbyKaren.com.
Course # 6244     Tues/Wed           NHS           Susan Berescik               Fee $29
5:30-9:30 PM      3/10, 3/11         2 Classes                                                      Course # 5320     Wednesday         NHS
Louis Bonito                         Fee $125
                                                     NEW    STARTING AN IN-HOME                     8:00-9:30 PM      Starts 3/25/20    1 Class
                                                         BUSINESS ON ETSY                           Karen Pierce                        $39
  NEW                                            Are you a crafter, jewelry maker, wood work-
     AUTHOR, SHORT STORY OR                      er or other type of artist and                     Course # 5245   Wednesday           NHS
                                                                                                    8:00-9:30 PM    Starts 5/6/20       1 Class
MEMOIR WRITER                                    want to start to sell your
                                                                                                    Karen Pierce                        Fee $39
Now that you have retired or have some free work on-line? Etsy is one                               InnerSpaces by Karen
time, have you been thinking about a new         of the top selling online
career as a writer or putting together a family stores for artists. You will learn to to get your
                 memoir? It can be very re-      store up and running, create your brand and
                 warding and create a legacy     style to set you apart, design merchandise that
                 for your family to comple-      will sell, take eye catching photos, what not to
                 ment your Ancestry Genealo- do and much more….!!! If you already have
gy work. Remember, don’t procrastinate—          a site, bring your laptop. Choose either night.
you cannot do it later. This class will be a     No discounts apply.
hands-on, how-to approach by someone cur-
rently writing three books and involved in       Course # 6343       Wednesday         NHS
creative writing, editing, printing and publish- 7:00-9:00   PM      Starts 3/18/20    1 Class
ing.                                             Kelly Rother-Morris                   Fee $ 44

Course # 5321     Wednesday          NHS           Course # 6344   Wednesday           NHS
6:30-8:30 PM      Starts 4/22/20     1 Class       7:00-9:00 PM    Starts 5/13/20      1 Class
Curt Symes                           Fee $29       Kelly Rother-Morris                 Fee $ 44

Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Page 2                                    PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
           THE HEALING PROMISE OF                    NEW
                                                             ADVANCED COGNITIVE                     BEGINNER MEDITATION AND
        QIGONG AND TAI CHI EASY™                           TRAINING FOR ADDED                              MINDFULNESS I
Ready for the new and improved you? Learn                  MINDFULNESS                               This beginner class will explore what medita-
                 to “Stay in the Best Shape of     This program is based on recent research in       tion is and what it is not; provide guided in-
                 Your Life”. Activate “the                       the neurosciences that identifies a                      struction into meditation
                 healer within” using tradition-                 very powerful info-processing                            and mindfulness practices;
                 al Chinese reflexology,                         brain mechanism that decides                             provide methods for inte-
                 breathing, gentle movement,                     how we elevate our understand-                           grating mindfulness into
                 and meditation. Become bal-                     ing of what and when we process daily life and finding a still quiet place within
anced, flexible, and graceful while relieving      information. It involves making a deliberate that will ultimately reduce stress and empow-
pain, reducing stress, and healing disease,        effort to identify/recognize new patterns that er you to choose love over fear. NOTE: see
enjoying mental clarity, peace, and relaxation.    were not previously obvious. Some of our          yogaaccessories.com or amazon.com to order
There is a materials fee of $17 payable to the     great scientists and innovators were able to:     a meditation pillow (zafu) and meditation mat
instructor at the first class.                     challenge the existing thinking, seek out and (zabuton). A yoga mat may be used in place
                                                   recognize new insights and ideas that could       of the meditation mat or you may use a chair.
Course # 6431     Thursday           NHS           change their perceptions, develop new per-        Limited to 15 students.
6:00-7:00 PM      Starts 3/12/20     8 Classes     spectives and discoveries. Through this semi-
Audra Mace                           Fee $119      nar you will gain: useful information that will Course # 6112 Monday                        NHS
                                                   help: improve understanding, challenge what       6:00-7:45  PM     Starts  3/16/20     5 Classes
                                                   is presented, become productive learners and Shyria Barker                              Fee $129
           JAZZ—AMERICA’S MUSIC                    improve the quality of thinking.
 NEW                                                                                                ADVANCED MEDITATION AND
         Music in all of it’s forms is a funda-
    mental part of our                             Course # 6440  Thursday              NHS               MINDFULNESS
lives. Jazz is the only true                       7:00-9:00 PM   Starts 4/29/20        4 Classes   This course is designed to offer guidance and
form that was created by                           Dr. Rudy Magnan                      Fee $99     support to individuals with foundational
musicians in our country.                                                                           mindfulness/meditation
If you have ever been curious, know a little,      MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS                       training to maintain, refine
or would like to know more, join me as we
explore this amazing music. Learn about the
                                                   WORKSHOP—AN INTRODUCTION                         and enhance their medita-
                                                   This one-evening workshop is designed to         tion practice and bring it
lives, music, and influence of pioneers like                                                        more uniquely into their lives. Meditation
Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck, John Coltrane,          reach the basics of medita-
                                                   tion and mindfulness. The                        practice will begin at 20 minutes per session.
Chet Baker, and others. It’s all in the listen-                                                     The class will review and discuss various
ing. Discover what to listen to and how to         presentation will increase
                                                   awareness of the proven                          classic sacred texts and videos applicable to
listen to this most inventive and creative form                                                     practice. Supplies: Please bring meditation
of music called JAZZ!                              benefits of meditation and
                                                   mindfulness and provide tools to build a         pillows (Zaful and zabuton) and/or yoga mat
                                                   strong foundation to meditation practice.        and a journal book.
Course # 6247  Tuesday               NHS
6:00-8:00 PM   Starts 3/17/20        6 Classes                                                      Course # 6114      Monday             NHS
Bob Chiappetta                       Fee $99       Course # 6142     Monday             NHS
                                                   6:30-7:30 PM      Starts 3/9/20      1 Class     6:00-7:30 PM      Starts 4/27/20      5 Classes
                                                   Shyria Barker                        Fee $29     Shyria Barker                         Fee $119

                                                       Class Registration
                                                confirmations are not mailed.
                                         If you signed up for a class, assume you are
                                          registered and plan to attend. You will be
                                            notified if a class is cancelled or filled.

Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT                                                                             Page 3
RESEARCHING OUR ROOTS—AN                                       READING TAROT CARDS                     REIKI I CERTIFICATION
   INTRODUCTION TO GENEALOGY                              This class is an introduction to read-       Reiki is a Japanese work which translates to
Are you interested in beginning to build your   ing  tarot cards. In the classic 78-card tarot         “universal life-force energy”. The traditional
family tree? Join instructor Sarah Miller as    deck,   there are 22 cards known as the Major          system of working with
                    she presents strategies for Arcana.    They   tell the story of The Fool, a        this energy is known as
                    getting started with your   spirit  without  name,    gender, or identity of any   Usui Reiki Ryoho. The
                    ancestral research using a                          kind. The Fool goes on a       teachings are holistic, in-
                    variety of online sources.                          journey to discover life,      tegrating the physical, mental, emotional, and
We will focus on the types of American rec-                             and ultimately, their own      spiritual aspects of wellness. Each of the five
ords available and how to locate them. The                              nature. It is our story, the   Reiki precepts address our emotional health.
presentation is followed by guided research                             greatest story ever told.      The daily meditation technique promotes a
time with access to several paid genealogical   The   other 56  cards   of the Minor Arcana de-        calm and clear mind. Reiki energy work al-
subscriptions. Please bring family documents    pict  scenes  and  personalities   from our daily      lows for a deep physical relaxation and spir-
and information, as well as a tablet or laptop. lives  to provide   clarity in complex   situations.   itual well-being. Finally, students learn the
No discounts apply.                             You will learn two simple tarot spreads, and           hand positions to give Reiki treatments for
                                                techniques for working with cryptic imagery            themselves and others. Reiki is a spiritual
Course # 6262      Tuesday            NHS       or symbolism. You will have a solid under-             practice but it is not a religion, and does not
6:00-8:30 PM       Starts 4/7/20      1 Class   standing of how to read the Major and Minor            interfere with nor require any religious be-
Sarah Miller                          Fee $49   Arcana cards for yourself and others. Please           liefs. Reiki can have physical benefits, but it
                                                bring a tarot deck, preferably the Rider-Waite         is not a replacement for conventional medi-
                                                (also called Smith-Waite). It will also help to        cine. No discounts apply.
RESEARCHING OUR ROOTS: DIGGING bring a notebook and pen to take notes. Fee
DEEPER                                          includes a manual. No discounts apply.                 Course # 6648 Saturday                 NHS
Genealogical research is quite rewarding, but                                                          9:00-11:00 AM Starts 3/14/20           2 Classes
can also be challenging. Have you hit a road- Course # 6651           Saturday            NHS          Taran Darcy                            Fee $149
block in your ancestral research? Are you not 11:30-1:00 PM Starts 3/14/20                3 Classes
sure how to find more generations of your       Taran Darcy                               Fee $89      REIKI 2 CERTIFICATION
family? Join instructor Sarah                                                                          Students must present their Reiki 1 certificate
Miller as she shares tips and                                                                          on the first day of class to receive a Reiki 2
tools to help you dig deeper                                                                           attunement. If the student has studied Reiki 1
into your family’s past. Sara                                                                                          outside of the Usui Reiki Ry-
will present a case study of                                                                                           oho tradition, or they are un-
how she solved a difficult                                                                                             sure, please contact the teacher
family mystery, and will introduce interna-                                                                            for eligibility. Reiki 2 is practi-
tional research. She will also discuss strate-                                                                         tioner level. We learn the sym-
gies to feel confident in sourcing your re-                                                            bols for distance treatments, mental and emo-
search. Please bring any family documents                                                              tional balance, and the power school. This
and information you have, as well as a tablet                                                          class is a deeper exploration of how we inte-
or laptop for guided research time . No dis-                                                           grate Reiki into our daily lives. Students will
counts apply.                                                                                          be encouraged to take a fresh look at their
                                                                                                       meditation practice, how they live the Reiki
Course # 6264      Tuesday            NHS                                                              precepts, and their approach to Reiki treat-
6:00-8:30 PM       Starts 4/21/20     1 Class                                                          ments. Students will leave this course with
Sarah Miller                          Fee $49                                                          tools and ongoing support for integrating Rei-
                                                                                                       ki into their daily life. No discounts apply.

                                                                                                       Course # 6650 Saturday                 NHS
                                                                                                       9:00-11:00 AM Starts 3/28/20           2 Classes
                                                                                                       Taran Darcy                            Fee $149

                                              It is our policy to include something for
                                              everyone. Since some people like to find
                                              errors, we include a few in our publica-
                                              tions to meet this need.

Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Page 4                                       GLASS ART/FIBER ARTS
  NEW         MOSAIC GARDEN ART                     NEW    FUSED GLASS—GARDEN                         BEGINNER KNITTING CIRCLE—
      As the weather warms, I am sure you              MUSHROOMS                                      AGES 18 & UP
are thinking of ways to decorate your garden!                                                         Make time for yourself and learn to knit! If
                                                   Using frit and bits of glass added to a pre-cut
                Well, in the warmth of my                                                                               you’ve always wanted to
                                                               clear base, you will create a six-
                home-based studio, we will do                  inch mushroom cap of your own                            knit, but didn’t know where
                just that! In this 3-session                                                                            to start, or need to brush up
                                                               design. These adorable adorn-
                class you will create a lovely                                                                          the basics, this course is for
                                                               ments are great for adding a little
                mosaic piece that can either be                                                                         you! Learn to cast on, knit,
                                                               whimsy to your garden! They will
                used as a stepping stone or                                                           purl and more, creating a fashionable project
                                                               be ready to install onto a wine bot-
house marker. This would make a lovely                                                                to start! Knitting is a great hobby that can be
                                                               tle. Some optional ways to mount
Mother’s Day gift! There is a $13.00 materi-                   your cap will be discussed. Please     transported with you. Knit at sports events,
als fee payable to the instructor at the class.                                                       waiting rooms, etc. using snippets of time!
                                                   wear closed heeled and toed shoes along with
All materials and tools provided. Limited to                                                          Learn about different fibers, try out different
                                                   long pants. Limited to 8 students. Studio is
8 students. Studio is NOT handicap accessi-                                                           types and sizes of needles, and more! Cro-
                                                   NOT handicap accessible (stairs).
ble (stairs).                                                                                         chet basics will also be taught. Students
                                                   Course # 1759     Sunday             Studio        need to bring in a skein of SUPER bulky-
Course # 1131     Monday             Studio        10:30-1:30 PM     Starts 5/31/20     1 Class       weight yarn (recommended: Lion brand
6:30-9:30 PM      Starts 4/6/20      3 Classes     Kelly Makuch                         Fee $59       Wool-Ease “Thick N Quick” available at
Kelly Makuch                         Fee $69                                                          Joann's, Michaels, or Amazon) of their
                                                   All classes held at Kelly Makuch Studio            choice, and US size 13 or 15 knitting nee-
All classes held at Kelly Makuch Studio            222 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown, CT                  dles to start.
222 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown, CT
                                                                                                      Course #1370 Wednesday                NMS
                                                                SEW QUICK AND EASY                    6:45-7:45 PM     Starts 3/25/20       8 Classes
          SANDBLASTED GARDEN                          NEW
  NEW                                                             DECORATIVE PILLOWS                  Nicole Christensen                    Fee $129
        PARTY LIGHTS                               Learn to make quick pillows in almost any
Learn sandblasting glass while creating a gar-     fabric! Gorgeous pillows spruce up any             Course # 1371    Wednesday            Teen Ctr
den party light out of a recycled wine bottle.     room, but are expensive to purchase. Learn to      11:00-12:00PM Starts 3/25/20          8 Classes
This project will surely add a                     make your own in very little time, and match       Nicole Christensen                    Fee $129
delightful twinkle to any gar-                     your décor. These pillows feature a simple
den table! Samples will be                         lapped-back construction—no zipper or but-         INTERMEDIATE KNITTING CIRCLE—
available for inspiration!                         tons required. Learn the formula to plan a         AGES 18 & UP
Please bring clean, empty and                      cover to fit any rectangular or square pillow  For those who can cast on and knit garter
dry, label-free wine bottle from                   form. Bring your working sewing machine        stitch, and are ready to build
home if you have a special col-                    with thread, needles, bobbins and manual.      more skills (or have completed
or in mind or choose from available bottle         Instructor will provide supplies for one 16”   the beginner course). Several
choices at the studio. A great Mother’s Day        by 16” practice cover (pillow form not includ- projects will be created starting
Gift idea! There is a $9.00 materials fee pay-     ed).                                           with an “oh so cute” hat that can
able to the instructor at the class. All materi-
                                                                                                  be made in sizes from children to
als and tools provided. Limited to 8 stu-          Course # 1474      Thursday          NHS       adults, as well as a seamless project “knitting
dents. Studio is NOT handicap accessible           6:00-8:00 PM       Starts 5/21/20    1 Class   in the round” on circular needles. In this
(stairs).                                          Sarah McFarland                      Fee $49   comprehensive, step-by-step, fun class, you
                                                                                                  will learn to read patterns, check gauge, mas-
Course # 1633     Saturday           Studio
1:30-4:30 PM      Starts 5/9/20      1 Class
                                                   SEWING MACHINE BASICS                          ter more difficult stitches (including cables)
                                                   Do you have a sewing machine collecting        and more! Students need to bring in size 10
Kelly Makuch                         Fee $59
                                                   dust in a closet? Learn how to use it! We      (longer length preferable) straight needles
All classes held at Kelly Makuch Studio            will cover what each part does and how to set and one skein (150 yards) of worsted
                                                   up your sewing machine and start sewing.       weight yarn of their choice to start. Other
222 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown, CT
                                                   Learn how to thread it, how to wind a bobbin, materials needed will be discussed in class.
                                                   and how to adjust the settings. You will be-   Students can also bring independent pro-
                                                   come comfortable with your sewing machine jects for help as well.
                                                   and discover how to use its best features and
                                                   attachments. Students should bring their sew- Course #1492        Thursday           NMS
                                                   ing machine with manual, accessories, nee-     6:45-7:45 PM       Starts 3/26/20     8 Classes
                                                   dles, and bobbins to class. Instructor will    Nicole Christensen                    Fee $129
                                                   provide general sewing supplies (thread, pins,
                                                   scrap fabric) for practice. Limited to 6 stu-  Course #1393       Wednesday          Teen Ctr
                                                   dents.                                         12:15-1:15   PM    Starts 3/25/20     8 Classes
                                                                                                  Nicole Christensen                    Fee $129
                                                   Course # 1473      Thursday          NHS
                                                   6:00-8:00 PM       Starts 5/7/20     1 Class
www.newtowncontinuinged.org                        Sarah McFarland                      Fee $49
Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
FIBER ARTS/VISUAL ARTS                                                                       Page 5
       ALTERATION TECHNIQUES                       Do you want to paint? Are you afraid to try? ACTING AND CREATIVE
                                                   This may be just the opportunity you are
Make your clothes fit better and last longer.
                                                   looking for. Come and
                         Our grandmothers (and                                                         This fun and dynamic class goes far beyond
                         grandfathers!) knew       learn a few simple tech-
                                                   niques used in acrylic                              the “normal” acting class, offering simple,
                         how to save money and                                                         empowering tools which can be applied to
                         resources with mend-      pour painting. This fun
                                                   and exciting way to create unique abstract art      any type of perform-
                         ing. Learn the tools                                                          ing, as well as public
you need for a mending kit; the right way to       will give you a sense of joy. It truly is amaz-
                                                   ing how each piece evolves. There is a mate-        speaking. Students
sew on buttons; how to hem jeans, and how to                                                           will experience first-
“darn” or fill in holes in socks and sweaters.     rials fee of $20 payable to the instructor at the
                                                   first class.                                        hand what it means to
Learn valuable skills to extend the life of your                                                       be truly “present,” relaxed, engaged and fully
favorite garments. Instructor will provide                                                             self-expressed in an environment that is in-
sample sewing supplies (thread, buttons, pins,     Session I
                                                   Course # 1352      Wednesday          NHS           spiring and supportive. Students will also
scrap fabric) for techniques practice. Stu-                                                            leave with a clearer sense of their own crea-
dents should bring one mending project to          6:30-9:00 PM       Starts 3/18/20     3 Classes
                                                   Lisa Dawson                           Fee $69       tivity and creative goals, and the confidence
class for assessment and solutions.                                                                    to manifest them. Actors and performers of
                                                   Session II                                          all levels of experience are welcome, as well
Course # 1475   Thursday             NHS                                                               as anyone wishing to feel more comfortable
6:00-8:00 PM    Starts 4/23/20       1 Class       Course # 1353      Wednesday          NHS
                                                   6:30-9:00 PM       Starts 4/22/20     3 Classes     speaking in front of others. Please bring a 1-3
Sarah McFarland                      Fee $49                                                           minute monologue, poem, story, song (can be
                                                   Lisa Dawson                           Fee $69
                                                                                                       self-written), preferably committed to
LIFE DRAWING                                                    BASICS OF DRAWING
                                                                                                       memory—and come discover the magic and
Working from a costumed model, our life              NEW                                               fun of acting and creative self-expression!
                                                            Learn the fundamental steps and
drawing sessions are structured traditionally      techniques needed to understand and create a
                  with a series of gestural                                                            Course # 1331     Wednesday           NHS
                                                   drawing. No prior skill nec-                        6:30-8:30 PM      Starts 4/1/20       8 Classes
                  warm-ups, followed by 20         essary. Learn through a guid-
                  min poses, and concluding                                                            Sheri Bresson                         Fee $149
                                                   ed exploration in the use of                        Actor, Singer, Writer & Teacher
                  with one long pose. Begin-       shapes, lines, shading, texture
                  ners are encouraged to attend    and perspective as the ele-
and instruction will be provided; advanced         ments and building blocks                               NEW       STUDIO FASHION
artists may work in any media they chose.          that make a drawing come to life. Those who                       PHOTOGRAPHY
Basic drawing materials (pencils, paper, char-
coal) will be provided. Life Drawing is ideal
                                                   wish to review basics or improve skills are                       WORKSHOP
                                                   welcome. More advanced techniques covered           Learn the basics of studio fashion photog-
for beginners, art students developing portfo-     for experienced students. Students are re-
lios, and advanced artists looking to stay                                                             raphy from start to finish in this fun and
                                                   quired to purchase supplies. A list will be                               hands-on class. The work-
sharp. A $25.00 models fee is payable to the       provided.
instructor at the first class.                                                                                               shop covers studio strobe
                                                                                                                             lighting, posing and photo-
                                                   Course # 1462      Thursday           NHS                                 graphing live models, and
Course # 1350     Wednesday          NHS           6:30-9:00 PM       Starts 3/12/20     6 Classes
6:00-7:30 PM      Starts 3/25/20     6 Classes                                                                               post-editing in Photoshop,
                                                   Lisa Dawson                           Fee $139      all in one session. All materials are provide
Michael Obre                         Fee $99
                                                                                                       for this workshop, including live models with
                                                                                                       different themed wardrobes, Mac laptops with
BASIC WATERCOLOR TECHNIQUES                                                                            Photoshop for retouching, studio strobe lights,
Come and explore the art of watercolor paint-                                                          professional level cameras/lenses, and back-
ing. This course will include the basic tech-                                                          drops. This course is ideal for beginners and
niques for using watercolor                                                                            veteran photographers alike. The instructor
as an expressive and versa-                                                                            will individualize your instruction based on
tile way to paint. Basic                                                                               level of experience, if any. No experience
drawing/illustration tech-                                                                             with photography or fashion is necessary.
niques for artists will be covered. The class                                                          There is a $15 model fee due to the instructor
will include more advanced techniques for                                                              at the start of the session. Note: This class
students who already know some of the ba-                                                              will meet at Danbury High School.
sics. Students will be required to purchase
supplies. A list will be provided.                                                                     Course # 1644      Saturday           DHS
                                                                                                       9:30-12:30 PM      Starts 4/4/20      1 Class
Course # 1220     Tuesday            NHS                                                               Michael Obre                          Fee $59
6:30-9:00 PM      Starts 3/10/20     6 Classes
Lisa Dawson                          Fee $139
Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Page 6                               VISUAL ARTS/ANIMAL HUSBANDRY
   NEW     SMARTPHONE                             RAISING BACKYARD CHICKENS FOR                      NEW       RAISING GOATS
        PHOTOGRAPHY FOR                           BEGINNERS                                                Goats are useful, incredibly entertain-
        BEGINNERS                              Move over cats and dogs! Backyard chickens ing, and rewarding as
                                                                    are the new “IT” pet!         pets and producers—
Learn how to use your smartphone (iPhone or                                                       NO KIDDING!!! Find
Android) to create beautiful photographs.                           Learn  what it takes to
                                                                    raise your own   flock (i.e., out all you need to
          This class will take you from the                                                       know about raising
          fundamentals of how to use your                           money, time, supplies
                                                                    involved) and how to          goats! Topics will include getting started,
          smartphone camera to take good                                                          breeds and their use, supplies and shelter,
          photographs through how to do        keep them happy and healthy. Topics cov-
          basic editing on your phone using    ered will be breeds of chickens, starting your keeping goats healthy, goat milk and other
                                               flock, coop and flock management, chicken          products, and much more! No discounts ap-
          Snapseed, an app for iPhone and                                                         ply.
Android phones. Please download the            behavior, and more. No discounts apply.
Snapseed app to your phone prior to the class.                                                    Course # 5441      Thursday           NHS
For this class, you need an iPhone or Android Course # 5462      Thursday            NHS
                                                                                                  6:30-8:30  PM      Starts 3/26/20     1 Class
phone. Have a photo or two to work on if you 6:30-8:30 PM        Starts 3/12/20      1 Class
                                                                                                  Michelle  Nardozzi                    Fee $54
wish but it is not necessary for this class.   Michelle Nardozzi                     Fee $54

Course #1140      Monday             NHS
6:30-8:00 PM      Starts 3/16/20     2 Classes    ADVANCED CHICKEN KEEPING                            Michelle Nardozzi is the owner/operator and
Uma Bode                             Fee $59      You’ve got your flock...and more questions!         #FLOCKBOSS of Newbury Farms LLC, a
                                                  This course is designed to address that next        small farm/homestead in Newtown, CT. The
                                                  level of chicken-keeping                            farm was established in 2015 by Michelle and
               SMARTPHONE                         such as: hatching eggs                              her husband, Rob, after their children's’ diag-
           PHOTOGRAPHIC ART FOR                   (machine incubation vs.                             noses with food allergies and other health
           EVERYONE                               broody hen), techniques                             issues. By taking control of the food they
All levels welcome to this class where we will for candling eggs (which                               lovingly raise (organically-produced, non-
go beyond the basics to help you take and         is a way to shine a light into the fertile egg to   GMO farm fresh eggs, raw goat milk, garden
make gorgeous photographs                         see if there's any embryonic activity), healthy     fresh vegetables), they experienced the power
with your smartphone                              flock management, identifying common poul-          of clean-eating through significant improve-
(iPhone or Android). Wheth-                       try illnesses and treatments for them, what to      ments in their family’s overall health.
er you want to simply im-                         keep in your chicken “first-aid kit”, and trou-     Michelle, Rob and their two children, also
prove your family photos or learn how to          bleshooting. No discounts apply.                    “benefit” from daily snuggles with their be-
make gorgeous printable art for your walls or                                                         loved chickens, silly goats, adorable pet pigs,
to sell, this class will get you started and help Course # 5463       Thursday           NHS          and fluffy beast of a livestock guardian dog.
you progress. Please download the Snapseed 6:30-8:30 PM               Starts 3/19/20     1 Class
app to your phone prior to the class. For this Michelle Nardozzi                         Fee $54
class, you need an iPhone or Android phone.
Have a photo or two to work on if you wish
but it is not necessary for this class.

Course # 1141     Monday             NHS
6:30-8:00 PM      Starts 4/20/20     2 Classes
Uma Bode                             Fee $59

                                                                                            Register Early!
                                                                                Nothing cancels a good class quicker
                                                                                 than everyone waiting until the last
                                                                                  minute to register. If there are not
                                                                              enough registrations by the week before
                                                                               the class, the course may be cancelled.
                                                                              Calling on the day of the course will not
                                                                                resurrect it, so please register early!

Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
GARDEN/HISTORY/WELL BEING                                                                          Page 7
  NEW     A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO                               LON CHANEY: THE MAN OF FIRST AID
      SEEDS: FROM START TO                                A THOUSAND FACES          Want to learn what to do during emergencies?
                                                                                                 Do you know that you have
       FINISH                                    Learn the story of how the gifted
                                                                                                 the power to save someone's
Have you ever wanted to plant your garden        man of the silent film era left his
                                                 mark on film history not just as                life in medical situations?
using seeds but didn’t know                                                                      Positively Shocking LLC can
where to start? Or are you                       an actor but as a make-up artist in
                                                 his creation of character roles in              teach you skills and provide
interested in saving seeds                                                                       you with a 2-year American
for next year, but not sure                      movies of the Silent Film Era.
                                                                                                 Red Cross Certification in First Aid in an easy
what is the best way or                                                                          and fun environment. This course is designed
which seeds to save? In this class, we will do   Course # 6274  Tuesday                NHS
                                                 6:30-8:30 PM   Starts 5/12/20         1 Class   so that lay persons will react with confidence
an overview, from flowers to vegetables, on                                                      in an emergency situation. In addition, you
using seeds from start to finish. Learn about    Leon DiMartino                        Fee $39
                                                                                                 can also register for a one-night class in CPR.
the various seed types available, how to
“read” seed packets, different methods and
                                                  NEW     THE AMERICAN                           Course # 6484      Thursday         NHS
containers available, starting seeds indoors,
and how to save various seeds for the next
                                                       REVOLUTION: THE LOYALIST                  6:00-9:00 PM       Starts 3/19/20   1 Class
                                                                                                 Mary Sireci                         Fee $89
year. It’s “Seed 101”! Taught by a Master               CAUSE
                                                                                                 Certified Instructor
Gardener and Organic Lifestyle columnist,        Learn the story of how America breaks apart
this class will help take the guesswork out of                      during the War of Independ-
seed starting.                                                      ence and where the Ameri-
                                                                    cans were that supported    ADULT & PEDIATRIC CPR/AED
Course # 5173    Monday             NHS                             Great Britain and what hap- Want to learn what to do during emergencies?
6:30-8:30 PM     Starts 3/9/20      1 Class      pened to them at the end of the war.           Do you know that you have the power to save
Nicole Christensen                  Fee $39                                                     someone's life in cardiac,
Advanced Master Gardener                         Course # 6275      Tuesday           NHS       breathing and medical situa-
                                                 6:30-8:30 PM       Starts 5/19/20    2 Classes tions? Positively Shocking
                                                 Leon DiMartino                       Fee $44   LLC can teach you skills and
  NEW                                                                                           provide you with a 2-year
Many gardeners have great green thumbs                EW     THE WORLD OF JULES VERNE American Red Cross Certifi-
                                                    N                                           cation in CPR in an easy and fun environ-
when it comes to outdoor plants, but then                 AND H.G. WELLS                        ment. The course is designed so that lay per-
                         have a difficult time   Learn how these two amaz-                      sons will react with confidence in an emer-
                         with indoor plants.     ing writers helped to create                   gency situation. In addition to the one-night
                         Do you struggle keep-   Science Fiction as a form of                   CPR/AED Class you can also register for a
                         ing your indoor plants  literature and their impact                    one-night First Aid Class
                         healthy? Already a      on modern technology and movies.
houseplant enthusiast? Expand your                                                              Course # 6483      Thursday          NHS
knowledge and know how. We will cover all        Course # 6272      Tuesday           NHS       6:00-8:30 PM       Starts 3/12/20    1 Class
sorts of houseplant situations and offer advice  6:00-8:00 PM       Starts 4/21/20    1 Class   Mary Sireci                          Fee $89
on how to keep your houseplants happy, what      Leon DiMartino                       Fee $39   Certified Instructor
plants to choose (and what to avoid), where to
place them, and how to maintain and over-
                                                           THE WORLD OF JAMES
winter indoor potted plants (and when and        NEW
what to put outside in warmer weather).                      FENIMORE COOPER
From common varieties of houseplants to         Learn the story of this gifted American writer
orchids, African violets, and more, we’ll tack-                 of the American Frontier and
le the different challenges of indoor gardening                 Revolutionary War novels
and learn how to make your houseplants                          and his impact on literature
work for you!                                                   and movies.

Course # 5171    Monday             NHS          Course # 6273  Tuesday                NHS
6:30-8:30 PM     Starts 4/27/20     1 Class      6:00-8:00 PM   Starts 4/28/20         1 Class
Nicole Christensen                  Fee $39      Leon DiMartino                        Fee $39
Advanced Master Gardener
Spring 2020 Brochure - Newtown Continuing Education - Newtown Public Schools
Page 8                                                COMPUTERS
          USING GMAIL AND GOOGLE                 THE ANSWERS TO COMPUTER QUES-                              POWERPOINT
  NEW                                                                                                 NEW PowerPoint is the most commonly
        CALENDAR                                 TIONS YOU’RE EMBARRASSED TO
                                                                                                        used presentation program available, both
Gmail has become one of the most popular         ASK!                                                               in school and for business.
email and online calendar providers. In this      There are so many basic questions about com-
class, we will cover all of the basics of using                                                                     Your children are probably
                                                                  puters that many people do                        using PowerPoint for their
Gmail (Sending, Receiving, Replying, For-                         not know the answers to, but
               warding, Printing, Attach-                                                                           school reports! Where in the
                                                                  think that everyone else does                     past you may have used hand
               ments, etc.) as well as many of                    (but they really don’t)! If any
               the really interesting features of                                                   drawn charts or pictures, PowerPoint allows
                                                                  of the following questions are    you to create dynamic presentations that can
               Gmail (Labels, Categories,                         in that category for you, this
               Themes, Signatures, and more). may be just the right one-session class!              include text, bullet lists, tables, charts,
               And we will also cover many                                                          graphics, transitions, and animations. This
                                                      When do I right click with my mouse?          hands-on workshop shows you how to get the
of the important aspects of using Google Cal-         What is a Browser?
endar. So, join us for this class and begin to                                                      most out of PowerPoint using all of the fea-
                                                      What is the difference between RAM and        tures just mentioned. If your children are
really enjoy using these Google services!                  a Hard Drive?                            using it, shouldn’t you be?
                                                      What is the Escape Key on the keyboard
Course # 3152      Monday             NHS                  used for?
6:30-9:00 PM       Starts 6/1/20      1 Class                                                       Course # 3150   Monday              NHS
                                                      What is The Cloud?                            6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 3/16/20      2 Classes
Michael Ingber                        Fee $44         What are Megabytes vs. Gigabytes vs.
Upward Business Systems                                                                             Michael Ingber                      Fee $59
                                                           Terabytes?                               Upward Business Systems
                                                      What is a Chromebook?
WHAT IS THE CLOUD AND AM I USING                      What are the signs of a fraudulent email?
                                                                                                      NEW     WINDOWS 10—AN OVER-
IT?                                               Many others … and bring some of your
So what is “The Cloud” anyway? The Cloud own!                                                             VIEW
refers to the sharing of data and programs                                                          Microsoft Windows has been around for dec-
over the Internet. Here are                      Course # 3140   Monday               NHS           ades, and Windows 10 has been
some common examples of                          6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 3/9/20        1 Class       available for a quite a while
using the Cloud: sharing                         Michael Ingber                       Fee $44       now. This class will highlight
files or photos, backing up                      Upward Business Systems                            some of the new features in-
important data using Car-                                                                           cluded in Windows 10 (such as
bonite, keeping track of your schedule using                                                        Cortana, Notifications, the Start Screen, Edge
Google Calendar, using online versions of                                                           Browser, etc.) as well as discussing some of
Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, using Google                                                            the ongoing important elements of Windows
Docs to create and collaborate on documents,                                                        (such as the Desktop, the Taskbar, and the
using online versions of popular programs                                                           System Tray). So, if you are looking for some
such as QuickBooks, using Amazon to access                                                          insights and guidance to help you understand
your music library from anywhere, and so on.                                                        more about Windows, come and join us for
What are the advantages of using the                                                                this one night class.
Cloud? Is the Cloud safe? Concepts and
usage of the Cloud will be demonstrated and                                                         Course # 3452   Thursday            NHS
discussed. Come to this one-night demon-                                                            6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 3/12/20      1 Class
stration and discussion and finally understand                                                      Michael Ingber                      Fee $44
what is meant by “The Cloud”!                                                                       Upward Business Systems

Course # 3362   Wednesday            NHS
6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 3/18/20       1 Class                      For a 10%
Michael Ingber                       $44                    discount, register by
Upward Business Systems
                                                        February 21st. This cannot
                                                        be combined with the Senior
                                                          Discount applies to most
                                                            classes unless noted.

COMPUTERS                                                                  Page 9
STAYING SAFE ONLINE                               EXCEL   PART 1                                      WORD
This class will help you avoid many of the        Learn to use Excel, the spreadsheet most used       Learn the basics to successfully use Microsoft
risks that are lurking online. These risks can    by businesses, students and home-users                            Word, the best-selling word
infect your computer, can steal your personal                         Spreadsheets are the best                     processing software. Learn how
                    information, and can cost                         tool for working with                         to create and edit documents,
                    you money. Among the                              rows and columns of in-                       how to format your document,
                    various topics that we will                       formation. We will cover                      how to use spell-check and the-
                    discuss: security software,   working with text, numbers, and dates. And          saurus, how to cut/copy/paste, how to create
                    passwords, social engineer-   we will learn how to use formulas and func-         multiple column layouts and custom tabs,
ing, phishing, popular scams, recognizing         tions, as well as many additional features.         how to use bullet and number lists and many
fraudulent emails, popups, malware, ransom-       You will be surprised at how versatile Excel        other features.. No prior word processing
ware, shopping safely, and the importance of      can be, but how easy it is to learn.                knowledge is necessary, but a basic
backups. Join us for this 1 for this one-night                                                        knowledge of computers is helpful.
class to learn more about staying safe online!    Course # 3365   Wednesday               NHS
                                                  6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 4/22/20          3 Classes   Course # 3450   Thursday            NHS
Course # 3130   Monday               NHS          Michael Ingber                          Fee $99     6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 4/23/20      4 Classes
6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 4/27/20       1 Class      Upward Business Systems                 Limit 12    Michael Ingber                      Fee $129
Michael Ingber                       Fee $44                                                          Upward Business Systems             Limit 12
Upward Business Systems                           EXCEL   PART 2
                                              Continue to learn more about the most popu-                NEW     GOOGLE DOCS AND
  NEW      BACKUP STRATEGIES                  lar spreadsheet product on the            mar-                  GOOGLE SHEETS
      Do you backup your irreplaceable com-   ket.  In this second part you                           Do you know a little about word processing
puter data? Are you risking losing your pre- will work with multiple sheet                            and about spreadsheets? If so, you have likely
cious information? What causes data loss?     workbooks, charts, advanced                             been using Word and Ex-
What can you do to prevent data loss? What formatting capabilities, filter-                           cel for these capabilities.
should you be backing up? What choices do ing, validating, scenarios, and much more.                  Google offers free ver-
you have for doing backups? What is an ef-    Excel Part 1 or equivalent is a prerequisite.           sions of word processing
fective backup strategy? Don’t wait until you                                                         and spreadsheet capability
lose precious information. Come to this class Course # 3366      Wednesday         NHS                called GOOGLE DOCS and GOOGLE
for answers to these questions and more!      6:30-9:00   PM     Starts 5/13/20    3 Classes          SHEETS. These products are becoming quite
                                              Michael Ingber                       Fee $99            popular. Come to this one-night class to ex-
Course # 3130     Monday            NHS       Upward    Business  Systems          Limit 12           pand your knowledge of these free cloud-
6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 5/4/20        1 Class                                                          based services.
Michael Ingber                       Fee $44
Upward Business Systems                                                                               Course # 3460   Thursday            NHS
                                                                                                      6:30-9:00 PM    Starts 6/4//20      1 Class
                                                                                                      Michael Ingber                      Fee $44
                                                                                                      Upward Business Systems

                                                         SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS
                                                               Dr. Lorrie Rodrique

                                                          ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT
                                                                  Anne Uberti

                                                       NEWTOWN BOARD OF EDUCATION
                                                          CHAIRPERSON—Dr. Michelle Ku
                                                          VICE CHAIRPERSON—Dan Delia
                                                             SECRETARY—Dan Cruson

                                                       Rebecca Harriman-Stites ~ Debbie Leidlein
                                                           John Vouros ~ Deborra Zukowski

Page 10                                     PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE:
FINANCIAL STRATEGIES FOR                             NEW
                                                               LONG-TERM CARE PLANNING PLAN YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY WITH
     SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT                                  The very mention of long-term care CONFIDENCE
With financial independence, retirement can         makes many of us want to run the other way,          This ninety-minute presentation covers Social
be the most fulfilling time of your life. This                                    but with roughly       Security basics and reveals strategies for max-
                 class covers important money                                     10,000 baby boom-      imizing benefits. We will discuss minimizing
                 management concepts and                                          ers turning 65 every   taxes on Social Security benefits and coordi-
                 issues that are valuable to peo-                                 day from now until                         nation of your Social Se-
                 ple near or at retirement. Top-    2030, the future costs of long-term care, and                            curity benefit with your
                 ics include how to reduce          health care in general, are a top concern of                             other sources of retire-
                 pressures on your retirement       current and soon-to-be-retirees. It is also one                          ment income. We wel-
income and which assets are appropriate for         of the toughest decisions to make but given                              come your questions
retirement income. A “hear it, see it, read it,     the rising costs of care, it is a critical consid-   about Social Security benefits as you explore
write it” teaching method makes it easy for         eration for long-term retirement planning.           your personal options.
you to understand and remember the practical        Whether you decide to buy long-term care
information. No products or investments will        insurance of self-fund, it is important to be        Course # 6220   Tuesday              NHS
be promoted or offered. By condensing up-to         well-informed and pro-active in your ultimate        6:30-8:00 PM    Starts 3/24/20       1 Class
-date financial information into three class-       decision. At least 70% of people over 65 will        Albert D’Agosto and                  Fee $29
room sessions, this seminar gives you the           need long-term care services and support at          Charles Yannich
answers you need. A $30 material fee is pay-        some point in their lives. About 68% of nurs-        Retirement & Money Strategies
able to the instructor at the first class.          ing home residents and 72% of assisted living
                                                    residents are women. The national median
                                                                                                                HELP FOR YOUR FAMILY
Course # 4456   Thursday              NHS           daily rate in 2015 for a private room in a            NEW
6:30-8:30 PM    Starts 3/19/20        2 Classes     nursing home was $250, an increase of                     WITH ESTATE PLANNING AND
Steve Jacques                         Fee $39       4.35% from 2014.                                     UNDERSTANDING THE TERMINOLOGY
Voya Financial Advisers Inc.                                                                             AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS
                                                    Course # 4275   Tuesday          NHS
                                                                                                         An Estate Plan is both critical and essential to
                                                    6:30-8:00 PM    Starts 3/24/20   1 Class
TAX FREE IN RETIREMENT                              Michael Alimo                    Fee $29
                                                                                                         your family in today’s society and the
Many Americans assume that their taxes in                                                                “Greatest Gift” that you can leave family
                                                    USA Financial & Tax Services, LLC
retirement will stay the same or go down.                                                                                       members and loved
Unfortunately for most this may not be the                                                                                      ones. Everyone from
case. Historically, federal tax rates have been                                                                                 Seniors through Millen-
as high as 91% in the 50’s, 70% in the 70’s                                                                                     nials, needs to under-
                      and 50% in the 80’s.                                                                                      stand the basics of Es-
                      Upon retirement, social                                                            tate Planning and the necessary related legal,
                      security may be taxable                                                            medical, financial, family and personal infor-
                      as high as 85% to the                                                              mation. Consider the confusion having an
recipient and required minimum distributions                                                             organized and documented Estate Plan will
from retirement accounts also can create sub-                                                            eliminate for your family members and loved
stantial taxable income. Include pensions,                                                               ones. This course will take you through a
rental property income, capital gains, divi-                                                             comprehensive plan and the steps that need to
dend and interest income and you can see the                                                             be taken in developing the Plan with related
picture is somewhat unclear on future taxes.                                                             documents.
Join us to learn about strategies that can help
you get closer to a tax free retirement.                                                                 Course # 6354     Wednesday          NHS
                                                                                                         6:30-8:30 PM      Starts 3/11/20     1 Class
Course # 4215   Tuesday          NHS                                                                     Curt Symes                           Fee $29
6:30-8:00 PM    Starts 3/17/20   1 Class
Michael Alimo                    Fee $29
USA Financial & Tax Services, LLC

                                                                             Note: You should consult your own
                                                                             financial advisor or attorney before
                                                                               making any investment decisions
                                                                             based on specific examples used by
                                                                                        our instructors.

PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE                                                                     Page 11

  NEW   HELP FOR YOUR FAMILY                     WOMEN IN RETIREMENT                                MEDICARE BASICS
    LIFE PLAN—WILLS, POWERS OF                   Join us for this FREE event to learn: the          Designed for those approaching 65 and/or
                                                 most common mistakes regarding Social;             new to Medicare, this educational workshop
ATTORNEY, TRUSTS, ADVANCED                       Security—how to avoid them, and how to             will cover many aspects
HEALTHCARE DIRECTIVE, LIVING WILL                                        maximize this benefit,     of this somewhat daunt-
AND NEW CT MOLST                                                         the need-to-know strat-    ing and complex subject.
Do you have a Will, Living Will, Durable                                 egies to prevent outliv-   A few of the topics in-
Power of Attorney (POA), Trust, Advanced                                 ing your hard-earned       cluded are Medicare Part A, B, & D, benefits,
Healthcare Directive, MOLST form and so          money in retirement, how to create a legacy        costs, and various related Medicare solu-
                  on? Do you know what           that protects you, your spouse or your heirs       tions—”Medigap” plans (Medicare Supple-
                  they mean, how they are        from the IRS and probate courts, protecting        ments) Medicare Health Plans, Medicare Sav-
                  created and the implications your money from market volatility and the            ings Plans, Extra Help, discount drug cards,
                  of not having them? Do you dozens of options available to you and in-             and how Medicare works with other health
                  know how to select an Exec- crease your knowledge and confidence which            insurance. The goal of this class is to learn
utor, POA, Proxy, Trustee, etc? If your an-      will assist you in making the best decisions       about Medicare, and to reduce the cost of
swer is no, then this class is essential for you for a stress-free retirement.                      health care!
and your spouse or significant other. This is
a hands-on, “How-to-Class” with references, Course # 4159            Monday            NHS          Course # 6457  Thursday            NHS
samples, examples and real-life experiences. 6:30-8:00 PM            Starts 3/23/20    1 Class      6:30-8:00 PM   Starts 5/7/20       1 Class
.                                                Michael   Alimo                       FREE         Suzanne Candee                     FREE
Course # 6372 Wednesday                NHS
6:30-8:30 PM       Starts 4/8/20       1 Class
Curt Symes                             Fee $29

Need help sorting out your upcoming govern-
ment benefits? Confused over the hype sur-
rounding Medicare and the
various health insurance
programs? It is not easily
understood, however, with
some education you can master these critical
life planning programs that are essential to
your success in life after retirement. This
class will provide answers to your questions,
estimates of costs and samples and examples.

Course #6362      Wednesday          NHS
6:30-8:30 PM      Starts 5/13/20     1 Class
Curt Symes                           Fee $29

Page 12                                        LANGUAGE AND RECREATION
BEGINNER FRENCH I                                  BEGINNER SIGN LANGUAGE                               COUNTRY WESTERN LINE DANCING
Unlock the mysteries of La Langue Francaise!       Learn a new language in 6 weeks! This class          Great cardio exercise. Once you get moving
In this fun and engaging beginning level class                  is for the person who has always        you will not be able to
                   (little to no previous expe-                 wanted to learn sign language.          stop!!! If you took this
                   rience), we will learn prop-                 A great class to take with a            series last time and
                   er pronunciation and basic,                  friend or family member so you          missed a few classes, we
                   building block concepts of      can practice. No discounts apply.                    will repeat a few dances
French grammar as well as everyday vocabu-                                                              but will have additional new dances to learn.
lary, expressions and phrases via spoken           Course # 2353  Wednesday               NHS           We will also talk about Country Dance tech-
games, drills and exercises. Bring a note-         7:00-8:00 PM   Starts 3/4/20           6 Classes     nique and dance floor etiquette. Comfortable
book/writing instrument or laptop. Limited         Maggie Cortese                         Fee $125      clothing and flat dance shoes recommended.
to 8 students. No discounts apply.
                                                   BALLROOM DANCING                                     Course # 8352      Wednesday          NHS
Course #2122       Monday             NHS     Learn the Fox Trot, Waltz, Cha-Cha and                    6:45-7:45 PM       Starts 4/1/20      6 Classes
6:00-7:00 PM       Starts 3/23/20     6 Classes
                                              more! Joe Williams and Noni Low have been                 Cheryl Carpio                         Fee $89
Rachel Borne                          Fee $125                 dancing together for over 21
                                                               years and teaching ballroom              BELLY DANCE FITNESS
BEGINNIER FRENCH II                                            dance for beginners to ad-               Calling all shapes and sizes! Strengthen your
This is a continuation of Beginner French I.                   vanced for over 15 years.                core and sculpt your trunk, arms, and legs
We begin with a review of building blocks of                   Their basic concept of ball-                              while learning the basics of
French language: core auxil-                                   room dancing consists of hav-                             Middle-Eastern belly dance!
iary verbs, gender, subject/                  ing fun with easy to learn instructions. Cou-                              Basic choreography along
verb/adjective agreement,                     ples and singles welcome.                                                  with Pop music and tradi-
“er” verbs. Then we further                                                                                              tional Middle Eastern music
develop vocabulary with an emphasis on eve- Thursday                               NHS                                   will have you dancing away
ryday, practical language, drills, games and  7:00-8:00  PM                        4 Classes            the calories. Beautiful hip scarves and silk
role playing. The focus will be on spoken     Joe Williams  and  Nonni  Low                             veils provided. Workout clothes recommend-
language and practice of everyday situations. Fee $99/couple or $51/single                              ed.
Bring a notebook/writing instrument or lap-
top. Limited to 8 students. No discounts      Session 1    Course #8441 Starts 4/2/20                   Course #8263   Tuesday                NHS
apply.                                        Session 2    Course #8442 Starts 5/7/20                   6:30-7:30 PM   Starts 3/10/20         8 Classes
                                                                                                        Suzanne Candee                        Fee $99
Course # 2123      Monday             NHS                      KARATÉ—JUST FOR KICKS
7:15-8:15 PM       Starts 3/23/20     6 Classes           The karaté class you always wanted
                                                                                                                     ONE DANCE
Rachel Borne                          Fee $125                       to take but...yada, yada! For                 Bored of what you are doing on the
                                                                     tough guys, small fries, and       dance floor or just outright ter-
BEGINNER GERMAN                                                      humble warrior princesses—         rified? Your days of rocking
The instructor, a native speaker, will offer                         at last, a traditional karaté      back and forth while turning
language skills for those people who have                            workout building physical          clockwise slowly are over!
                   little or no prior exposure to and  mental balance,    strength, and endurance       Learn a few basic steps that are
                   the German language. Stu-      for those who  want   to  sweat, glisten, or just     natural and fun to look and feel
                   dents will learn how to com-   glow.  Plus, all that  confidence   and discipline    super confident or that One Dance that is im-
                   municate with simple ques-     stuff! (For mature   youths,   and  adults; no con-   portant to you or important to someone else.
tions an sentences. Everyday German life          tact).                                                Party, proposal, wedding, prom, anniversary,
will also be discussed in this class. Students                                                          charity event, club, living room, community
will be required to purchase the book             Course # 6445       Thursday             NHS          concert, beach—bring it! This practice is so
“German In 10 Minutes A Day”. No dis-             7:15-8:15  PM       Starts  3/12/20      8 Classes    versatile, you can do it to practically any gen-
counts apply.                                     Audra  Mace                              Fee $119     re; pop, metal, country, alternative, Latin, etc.
                                                                                                        —couples or freestyle. Bring your preferred
Course # 2152    Monday               NHS                                                               music to sync to blue tooth speaker.
6:30-8:00 PM     Starts 3/9/20        8 Classes
Ursula Michaelis                      Fee $125                                                          Course # 6429      Thursday           NHS
                                                                                                        6:00-8:00 PM       Starts 6/4/20      1 Class
                                                                                                        Audra Mace                            Fee $39

RECREATION                                                             Page 13
YOGA WITH KAREN PIERCE                            INTERVAL TRAINING                                 NEW
                                                                                                              LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE
Unwind from a stress-filled day with a relax-Are you short on time and need to get the                    Even if you have never played before,
               ing evening of yoga. Trans-   most bang for your buck with working                 Learn to Play Bridge will
               form from tense and tight to  out? Come join us for                                have you playing real
               mellow and limber. This yoga  this fun, quick, efficient                           bridgte hands the first
               practice is designed to lengthen
                                             and effective                                        week. Classes emphasize
               and stretch body, breath and  workout! We will warm                                fun and learning from playing. Each starts
               brain! Karen is a master yoga -up and then alternate cardiovascular exercis-       with a brief lesson followed by play of 6-12
               teacher, yoga therapist, and  es with toning exercises for arms, legs and          hands. By the end of the course, players will
yoga teacher trainer; she will teach you how abs and then finish with stretching. This type       be ready to join bridge games with friends.
to create an authentic personal practice. Wear
                                             of workout has been shown to burn the most           Textbook (optional): $15. Tuition $12 per
sweatpants and bring an exercise/yoga mat.   fat, as the body readjusts to the varying exer-      class. To register, email:
A yoga strap and yoga blocks are options.    cises. All levels are welcome as you can go at       director@newtownbridge.org or phone
                                             your own pace. High intensity and low inten-         (203) 733-8525.
Wednesday                           NHS      sity options will be demonstrated. Please wear       Classes Start: Thursday, April 2, 2020
6:30-7:30 PM             5 or 10 Classes     comfortable clothing and sneakers and bring          # of Classes: 10
Karen Pierce                                 hand held weights (3-5 pounds), a yoga or            Time:             9:30-11:30 AM
                                             exercise mat, and water. No discounts
Course #8348   10 Classes Starts 3/11 $100 apply.                                                             BRIDGE STUDIO
Course #8349    5 Classes Starts 3/11    $55                                                        NEW
                                                                                                             Bridge Studio is for bridge players
Course #8350    5 Classes Starts 4/29    $55 Tuesday                               RIS                who want to continue learning, playing and
                                             4:30-5:30 PM                          6 Classes      meeting new people in a relaxed game. Each
                                             Jill Patterson                        Fee $69                           week starts with a 20-minute
   NEW        YOGA WITH ELIZA ANN                                                                                    bridge lesson followed by a
      This Hatha Yoga class will typically      Session 1       Course #8239 Starts 3/17/20                          social bridge game where
involve a set of physical postures and breath- Session 2        Course #8240 Starts 5/5/20                           your foursome plays privately
ing techniques, practiced                                                                                            and at your own pace. If your
more slowly and with more                          N E W      SAFE   BOATING/PERSONAL             group   is just learning, you can ask our direc-
static posture holds. This                                WATERCRAFT                              tor if you want help with bidding or have
safe and thorough practice                      This 8-hour course over four nights provides questions. Tuition: $5 for members and new
has lots of gentle stretches                    the student with satisfactory requirements to     players for the first 3 studios: $7 for the pub-
for the whole body. It’s relaxing and at times obtain the Certification of Personal Water-        lic. To register, email:
challenging. You will feel grounded and re- craft Operation, which allows the operation of director@newtownbridge.org or phone
freshed at the end of the hour. It’s yoga for   motorized recreational ves-                       (203) 733-8525.
all people! Expect a few minutes of silence at sels up to 65’, personal wa-                       Classes Start: On-going every Tuesday
the start of the practice and savasana (a long  tercraft and sailboats 19-1/2’                    # of Classes: n/a
restorative rest) at the end. Bring any yoga    in length and longer. Upon                        Time:               6:00-8:00 PM
props you use at home: blocks, straps, blan- successful completion of this
kets, bolsters and of course your yoga mat.     course, which includes an                           NEW         CHAT BRIDGE
                                                exam taken at the end of class, the student               Chat Bridge players is for bridge play-
Course # 8130 Monday                   NHS      will be eligible to purchase their boating cer- ers who like a competitive
6:30-7:30 PM Starts 3/23/20           8 Classes tificate for $50.00 online. This certificate is a game yet want to be able to
Eliza Hoffman                         Fee $89   one-time lifetime certification. If possible,     refer to notes and ask for ad-
                                                bring your DEEP Conservation I.D. with you vice on any hand. Each week
                                                to the first class. Go to website:                starts with a 20-minute bridge
                                                www.ct.wildlifelicense.com to obtain your         lesson followed by a duplicate bridge game.
                                                I.D. Proof of identity is required the first      Come alone or with a partner. Tuition: $10
                                                night of class and children under 16 must be      per class.
                                                accompanied by an adult with acceptable I.D. Classes Start: On-going every Wednesday
                                                                                                  # of Classes: n/a
                                                Course # 8232       Tues/Thurs         NHS        Time:               2:10-4:30 PM
                                                7:00-9:00 PM        Starts 4/21, 4/23 4 Classes
                                                                           4/28, 4/30
                                                Chris Keebler                         Fee $25     Note: All bridge classes are held at Ed-
                                                                                                  mond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, New-
                                                                                                  town, CT 06470 in the Alexandria Room.


If you have no time for a formal class but have an interest in learning something new or updating your current information, try an online
course! All of our courses include expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. The courses are affordable, fun, fast,
convenient and geared just for you. All courses require internet access, e-mail and an Internet Explorer browser.

 For a complete listing of courses and fees and to register, please visit: www.ed2go.com/newtown. No discounts

WERACE—Western Connecticut Regional Adult Education

   Credit Diploma Program (CDP)
   General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
   Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Returning Students: 1/13/20
New Students: 1/14 and 1/15/20

All students must attend one orientation session on either January 22 or 23.
Day Students: 10:30-1:30 PM, Werace, 10 Crosby Street, Danbury, CT
Night Students: 5:30-8:30 PM, Danbury High School, 43 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury, CT
Day Classes: 9:00-2:00 PM at 10 Crosby Street, Danbury, CT
Night Classes: 5:00-8:30 PM at Danbury High School,43 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury, CT

Classes start Monday, January 27, 2020

   ESL English Second Language

Returning Students: 1/6/20
New Students: 1/7/20

Day Classes: 9:30-1:30 AM, Congregational Church, Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, CT
Night Classes: 5:00-7:30 PM, Danbury High School, 43 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury, CT

For more information or information on ESL or Citizenship Programs or registration and class dates and times, please contact:
Danbury Continuing Education, WERACE, 10 Crosby Street, Danbury, CT 06810,
www.danbury.k12.ct.us, click on Schools and then Adult Education/WERACE.

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