RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...

Page created by Diane Maxwell
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...
                                                       SPRING GROVE
                                                         CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

                                                SPRING GROVE
                                                 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...

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RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...
YOUR INDOOR AIR QUALITY                                                           RICHMOND-
                                                                                   SPRING GROVE
                                                                                     CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

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CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                3
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...
                                                                                                                                                         SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                                           CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

WHAT'S INSIDE                                                                                              This guide is the official publication of the Richmond-Spring
                                                                                                           Grove Chamber of Commerce, located at 10910 N. Main
                                                                                                           St., Ste. B, Richmond, IL 60071. For additional information
Welcome............................................................................................... 6   on membership, contact the Chamber of Commerce, (815)
Chamber Leadership............................................................................. 7          403-5155, Every effort is made to make
Legacy Members................................................................................... 8        this guide as accurate as possible as of press time. Informa-
Benefits of Membership........................................................................ 9           tion is subject to change without notice.
Calendar of Events.............................................................................. 10
Village of Richmond............................................................................ 12         The Richmond-Spring Grove Chamber of Commerce guide
Village of Spring Grove....................................................................... 13          is published by Nei-Turner Media Group, Inc., 400 Broad
Did You Know?................................................................................... 14        St., Unit D, Lake Geneva, WI, 53147. ©2018. No part of
Townships & Library........................................................................... 17          this guide may be reproduced without written permission
Conservation District.......................................................................... 18         from the publisher. The Richmond/Spring Grove Chamber
Community Parks............................................................................... 20          of Commerce and Nei-Turner Media Group, Inc., are not
Education............................................................................................ 22   responsible for claims, representations, materials or services
Dining Guide....................................................................................... 24     represented or provided by advertisers. Advertising or edito-
Business to Business.......................................................................... 28          rial inquiries: (262) 729-4471.
Important Numbers............................................................................. 29
Emergency Services............................................................................ 30
Chamber Members Alphabetically....................................................... 32
Chamber Members by Category.......................................................... 34                                          RICHMOND-
Advertising Index................................................................................ 46                             SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                      CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
Cover photo by Holly Leitner

4                                                                                                                                                 WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...

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RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...

                                      WHY DO I LIVE HERE,      home to one of the most breathtaking 4th
                                      in this wonderful        of July community parades and fireworks
                                      community?               displays in the area. Richmond has the
                                                               charming Downtown Fall Wine Walk
                                       For me, it’s called     in September, and tourists come from
                                       hometown pride.         all over to enjoy the fall festivals at local
                                       I was raised here,      farms and apple orchards.
                                       my family lives here
                                       and my friends are      Our villages are also wonderful gathering
              here—I still socialize with my high school       and connecting places for us. I like that
              friends. I love that I am close to a few         we have small-town living just a train ride
              airports, walking paths, great food. I love      away from the big city. The food here is
              the change of seasons we see throughout          outstanding. We can find everything from
              the year. And, most of all, I love my career     a burger and a beer in a dive bar to the
              highlighting business in the area.               most spectacular fine-dining experience.
                                                               Music is all around us, from outdoor
              But why do you live here, and where do you       concerts to little clubs. Fishing and swim-
              bring friends and family when they visit?        ming, golfing, shopping and family pic-
              There are many reasons and places, to be sure.   nics are regular activities. We restore our
                                                               health by visiting the Chain of Lakes and
              Richmond and Spring Grove are perfect            many smaller lakes and streams, great for
              meeting spots between Chicago (68 miles),        fishing, boating and skiing. Close by we
              Milwaukee, Wisconsin (64 miles), and             have mountains for downhill skiing and
              Madison, Wisconsin (82 miles).                   terrain for cross-country skiing. We have
                                                               every convenience—big box stores, as well
              Like to take friends horseback riding?           as indoor and outdoor malls nearby—and
              We have that!                                    we have the charms of local farmers sell-
                                                               ing their garden bounty direct to us at
              Want to brag you walked to Wisconsin?            their farm stands, and shop owners who
              You can! Park in downtown Richmond               know our names and call us to say,
              and walk to Wisconsin on the Prairie Trail       “I got something in today, you may
              path—just to say you did it.                     want to stop in.”

              Perhaps you love nature. It is a thing of        Venture away from of all this, and you will
              beauty to see the Sandhill Cranes migrat-        think, “I can’t wait to come back home.”
              ing through our area to Mexico from
              Canada in November and in March
              when they return.

              Our villages are also the perfect stopping       Sally South
              points to welcome travelers, ready to            Executive Director
              stretch their legs and buy coffee or candy
              before getting to the large resort town of       Richmond - Spring Grove
              Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Spring Grove is          Chamber of Commerce

6                                                                                    WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...
                                                                                                                                  SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                     CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


         Buzz Schert                           Phil Pace                           Rick Graves                       Eric Mason
           President                          Vice President                         Secretary                         Treasurer
     Alpha Laser Engraving         Pace Insurance and Financial Services    Stateline Comets Football           Mobile Accounting, Inc.

      Namon D. Johnson                     Joan Gatza                          Jonathan Kaman                         Donna Kruzan
            Director                         Director                              Director                             Director
      NJ Elite Performance              McHenry Savings Bank                The Kaman Law Firm PC                        Watlow

               Brenda Payne                                      Paul Suk                                    Dorothy Vetrovec
                  Director                                       Director                                        Director
          Biglow & Company Inc.                   S & R Heating & Cooling/Building Services                    Nature’s Feed

                          Bob Martins                                                             Patrick Massanti
                         Director Emeritus                                                        Director Emeritus

                  Jill Payne                                 Maureen Forgette                              Giuseppe Veneziano
            Chamber Ambassador                              Chamber Ambassador                             Chamber Ambassador
       LifeSpring Community Church                      Century 21 Roberts & Andrews                        First Midwest Bank

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                7
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...

OUR DEEPEST GRATITUDE to our Charter Members for their vision in incorporating the Richmond-Spring Grove Chamber of Commerce in 1993.

Thank you for your commitment to making the lives of those who live and work here better.

• Adams, Uselton & Busch                       • Mike Meyer and Son Fence                       • Nippersink Middle School District 2
• Associated Bank                              • Neil J Anderson, P.C.                          • Richmond-Burton Community
• Caravelle Lighting                           • Richmond Motor Sales                             High School
• Countryside Insurance                        • Spring Grove State Bank                        • Village of Spring Grove
• Gary Lang Auto Group                         • Super 8                                        • Village of Richmond
• McHenry Savings Bank                         • Wancket Studios


HOW DID THE CHAMBER of Commerce come to be?                           In just two weeks the membership was 21! By October 5, membership in-
                                                                      creased to 66. Non-for-profits and community groups started to join also.
The name Nippersink Area Chamber of Commerce was a con-
sideration at the first meeting held Aug. 6, 1993, at Andres Steak    The business owners in the area were hungry for a voice, and they
House in Richmond, Illinois. The Nippersink flows through both        found it in the Chamber. The larger corporations in the zip codes
communities, but according to the minutes, the votes unanimously      joined to help make a difference; the smaller stores and restaurants
determined the name to be The Greater Richmond-Spring Grove           joined to meet other business owners. Everyone was proud to be a
Area Chamber of Commerce.                                             part of something bigger. Businesses proudly displayed their plaques
                                                                      and window decals, as they do today.
David Kiepinski and 12 others had a vision to support companies
and educate business owners and most importantly change the           At one time, the Chamber rented space inside Memorial Hall from
economic development of the area for businesses and residents. With   the City of Richmond. Today we rent an office from Associated
the guidance and mentoring from the newest chamber and the oldest     Bank. We support just over 200 members and last year we hosted
chambers in the area, Huntley and Harvard, they put together plans    seven signature events. We offer monthly networking events as well
to create a mission statement and hosted events like the Expo, Golf   as opportunities to be on a committee.
Outing, Wander Walk and networking. Supporting our future by
funding scholarships began in the early days and continues to be a    Twenty-five years later and the Richmond-Spring Grove Chamber
priority for the Board of Directors today.                            of Commerce is going strong!

8                                                                                                                        WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...
                                                                                                                                  SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                    CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


THE RICHMOND-SPRING GROVE Chamber of Com-        Support
merce is dedicated to providing a favorable      To promote the interests and causes
business climate by acting as a vehicle to       The Chamber has a new website that can              BECOMING A MEMBER IS
promote the area’s economic progress. The        offer better SEO. This annual publication           SIMPLE & AFFORDABLE!
Chamber works to support the development         also will serve to help families choose a new
of the business community and to promote         activity this weekend, find a business to           To learn more about who we are,
the quality of life for those who live and       patronize or explore one of many natural            what we do, what we offer—and
work in the area.                                resources the area has to offer.                    to start enjoying the benefits of
                                                                                                     membership now—please visit us
The Chamber strives to get people together,      Connect                                             at or call us at
have fun and create opportunities to form        To have or establish a rapport                      (815) 403-5155.
business relationships that encourage, facili-   The Chamber offers a variety of networking
tate and promote business growth.                opportunities on a monthly basis. These are
                                                 for established business owners, new business
MISSION PILLARS:                                 entrepreneurs and those investigating what the   Business After Hours: Enjoy once a month
                                                 Chamber can do for them. Together we can do      on Thursdays 5-7 p.m.
Grow                                             anything. The newly established ambassadors
To have an increasing influence                  group will assist members to connect and grow.   Ribbon Cuttings: Please contact the
The purpose of the Chamber is to help influ-                                                      Chamber to schedule.
ence and strengthen the community. Helping       THE BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP:
businesses grow and become more success-                                                          Lunch and Learns: Scheduled once per
ful, in turn, helps other businesses grow and    Make new business contacts at our Lun-           month; locations and days vary.
makes the community more desirable.              cheons and Business After Hours Mixers,
                                                                     gatherings that can          Thank your employees by bringing them to
                                                                     open doors to lifelong       Chamber functions and events.
                                                                     friendships and beneficial
                                                                     business relationships.      Contribute through involvement by join-
                                                                                                  ing one of the dynamic Chamber commit-
                                                                     Valuable networking          tees—there’s a place for everyone! If you
                                                                     opportunities include:       are a current member of RSG Chamber
                                                                                                  consider joining one of these groups:
                                                                     Business Buzz: Meets         • Charity Auto Show
                                                                     on the second and            • Expo
                                                                     fourth Wednesdays at         • Golf Outing
                                                                     8:15 a.m.                    • Trunk or Treat
                                                                                                  • Twilight Golf (Night of the Living Dead)
                                                                     Entrepreneurial              • Wine Walk
                                                                     Engagement: Meets on         • Women of Success speaker series
                                                                     the second and fourth        • Ambassadors
                                                                     Fridays at 12:30 p.m.        • Board of Directors

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                               9
RICHMOND SPRING GROVE - Fox Lake Richmond Spring Grove Area ...
                                                                                                                                   SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                     CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

MARCH                                                                   AUGUST
Expo: Residents have a tremendous opportunity to connect with           Golf outing: Enjoy terrific networking with the Twin Lakes
many businesses in one location at Richmond-Burton High                 Chamber of Commerce. Get together a foursome, or we can pair
School. Businesses can showcase their products and services for a       you up. This is a great day of networking and golfing. There will be
very low cost, while meeting hundreds of prospective customers.         a ball drop by the local fire department, as well as prizes for longest
                                                                        drive, closest to the pin, longest putt from the green and mega
JUNE                                                                    putt. Cocktails, dinner, raffles and awards follow golf.
Night of the Living Divots Golf: You will be wearing glow-in-the-
dark gear and hitting glow-in-the-dark balls at Twin Lakes Country      SEPTEMBER
Club after a wonderful fish fry dinner and a few drinks. This is a      Richmond Wine Walk: Taste wine and enjoy samples of local food
fun night golf experience for those who just want to relax and have     in Downtown Richmond. This makes for a great date day, girls’ day
a good time. Cocktails and live music to follow.                        or family fun day (21 years and older). More than 10 local busi-
                                                                        nesses will invite you into their shops to sample up to three wines.
JULY                                                                    You can walk, drive or take the free trolley to all the locations. For
Charity Auto Show: The stage is set at Intermatic Parking lot on        tickets:
the corner of Route 12 and Winn Road. The first 200 show cars
will receive a dash plaque. There will be people’s choice judging for   OCTOBER
the top 20 cars as well as Best of Show Trophy. Free admittance for     Trunk or Treat: Horse Fair Park in Spring Grove is the perfect location to
spectators, donations accepted, 2018 charity is local Veterans! This    bring the kids to trick or treat with business owners. No cost—just join
is a family friendly event. Food venders on site.                       the fun! Some neighbors line their driveways to give away treats, too!

10                                                                                                                          WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                on these Chamber events, please
                                                visit our website:
                                                and click on the events calendar.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                       11

                                                                                                    VILLAGE HALL
                                                                                                    5600 Hunter Drive, Richmond IL 60071
                                                                                                    (815) 678-4040
                                                                                                    (815) 678-2403 fax
                                                                                                    Hours : 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
                                                                                                    Village President: Craig Kunz

                                                                                                    Village of Richmond population: 1,874

RICHMOND, A COMMUNITY that blends old and       thanks to a few entrepreneurs that noticed       habit seem frozen in time as well as the im-
new, was first settled in 1837 by Wil-          the unwavering charm of downtown that            maculately restored and conserved Victorian
liam McConnell, who spent his first night       seems to be disappearing across America.         homes that sprawl throughout Richmond; it
under an oak tree that still stands today.                                                       surely is an architectural sight to see.
Incorporated on September 2, 1872, with         Richmond has been put on the map as an
Dr. Fillmore Bennett, a poet and the first      up-and-coming restaurant district that hosts     Stepping back from man-made marvels,
principal of Richmond grade school, elected     a variety of unique, family-owned and local      Richmond is surrounded by scenic farm
first village president, Richmond has seen      eateries. From sandwiches to fine dining,        lands, rolling prairies and is adjacent to
many changes but has never lost its Old         there is something for everyone. Perfectly       Glacial Park, which is the most treasured
World charm.                                    polished boutiques have sprung up alongside      open space holding of the McHenry County
                                                the lively nightlife scene and this small vil-   Conservation District. Being the most
Standing tall today, Memorial Hall was con-     lage is embracing its new identity.              popular site, the park attracts more than
structed in 1906 by the grandson of William                                                      64,000 guests annually. Prairie Trail, which
McConnell and hosts a colorful history of       Richmond is proud to have many commu-            runs through Glacial Park, is a 26.5 mile
serving as a library, auditorium, and school    nity-centric events and is always planning       nature trail that connects Wisconsin and
gymnasium, as well as Village Hall and po-      on the next one: From the Fire Depart-           Illinois. Here and throughout Richmond,
lice department until 1993. The Memorial        ment’s Cruise Nights to the village-hosted       there are many enjoyable outdoor activities
Hall holds true as the center of the commu-     Richmond Retro Night, Bike the Richmond          to participate in like biking, inline skating,
nity and a gathering place for a plethora of    Trail and Christmas of Yesteryear; the           fishing, horseback riding, mountain biking,
people and purposes for over 112 years.         American Legion Post 253’s Veteran’s Day         snowmobiling, cross-country skiing or just a
                                                and Memorial Day celebrations and Police         nice relaxing walk on a Sunday morning.
With the construction of Route 12 in the        Department’s participation in the National
1950s, Richmond was transformed from            Night Out community outreach event; not          Richmond is a unique border town tucked
a sleepy, one-horse village to a boomtown.      to forget the ambitious block parties, side-     between two great states. Residents and
Dawning the slogan “The Village of Yes-         walk sales and live music events our local       visitors enjoy the village’s small town vibe
teryear,” Richmond embraced its concen-         businesses host.                                 and the unique offerings that have been
trated population of antique stores for a few                                                    cultivated over time. There is so much to
decades and made a name for itself. Now,        While the businesses that inhabit downtown       see and so much more to look forward to
however, the village is seeing a new horizon    Richmond are new, the buildings they in-         in little Richmond.

12                                                                                                                       WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                                                                                        SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                           CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

SPRING GROVE IS A VIBRANT small-town com-          visit their Christmas Tree Farm to make            of town, and cheer on the local sports
munity with lots of family-fun and unique          new family memories with wagon rides, hot          teams as they compete on several baseball
activities for every age and interest!             chocolate and fresh-cut trees. Visit them at       and football fields.
Spring Grove’s hidden gem is Hatchery Park.                                                           When you’re done with all the outdoor
Built as the first state fish hatchery in 1914,    For the canoe or kayak enthusiast, Lyle Thom-      activities, be sure to stop by one of
it is now a beautiful, quiet park for anglers      as Park is one of four canoe launches/landings     the many restaurant venues offering a
and nature lovers alike. The lake and ponds        along the Nippersink Creek. The Nippersink         variety of cuisine, along with comedy
are stocked with a great variety of biting fish,   Creek Canoe Trail is one of the most beautiful     shows, gaming and live music! From
including largemouth bass, walleye, bluegill,      meandering canoe trails in Northern Illinois.      juicy burgers, brick-oven pizza and
crappie, muskie, perch, northern and more!         Lyle Thomas Park is also home to a replica         authentic Mexican fare, to sandwiches,
Bring a picnic lunch to eat under the new          of the first vertical silo ever built, which was   soups and salads, you can find some-
lakeside cedar pavilion and enjoy the mile-        invented in Spring Grove in 1873.                  thing for every appetite within an easy
long walking path around the lake. Hatchery                                                           half-mile corridor in Spring Grove!
Park is also a great place to catch a view of a    People come from miles around to experi-
variety of wildlife, including sandhill cranes,    ence Spring Grove’s traditional small-town
painted and snapping turtles, red fox, musk-       events, including the annual 4th of July
rat and, yes, even snakes!                         festivities with a parade, games, food and             MUNICIPAL CENTER
                                                   fun at Horse Fair Park and evening fireworks           7401 Meyer Road, Spring Grove IL 60081
Spring Grove is also home to the world’s           display. Speaking of Horse Fair Park, if you           (815) 675-2121
largest corn maze, located on the Richard-         love horses, the Spring Grove Horse Show               (815) 675-6053 fax
son Adventure Farm, with miles of trails           holds horse shows there every summer, where  
cut from a unique design each year. The            you can watch riders compete in the English/           Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
many other activities there include a zip          Western Pleasure Show, Hunter Show, Speed              Village President: Mark R. Eisenberg
line, train rides, carousel, pig races, petting    Show and Fun & Action Show. Visit their
zoo, gem stone mining, paintball shoot-            website at                   Spring Grove population: 5,778
ing gallery and much more! Private picnic/
campfire sites and hayrides are also avail-        For ball fans, stop by Thelen Family Park
able. Come back after Thanksgiving and             or Spring Grove Park, both in the center

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                     13
                                                                                                                                 SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                   CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


                                        JIM MAY                            complete, with help from friends all over the U.S. Auto col-
                                        Storyteller & Author               lector and aficionado, and late-night TV host Jay Leno, has
                                        Jim May grew up listening          been said to call it a masterpiece.
                                        to stories about family and
                                        personal heritage. Now he gets
                                        to retell stories to educate and
                                        entertain listeners. May is a
                                        published author whose book
                                        “Farm on Nippersink Creek,”
                                        about his life growing up in
                                        60071 and 60081, won a
                                        National Public Library “Best
                                        Book” Award. May has spo-
                                        ken and performed his stories
                                        across the United States and
                                        Europe. Jim’s recent collection
                                                                                                                                © JOHNNY KNIGHT
                                        of stories “Trail Guide For A
                                        Crooked Heart” (Parkhurst          KELSIE HUFF
                                        Brothers, 2016) won the New        Stand-up Comedian & Storyteller
York “Anne Izard” book award. He has appeared on Chicago’s WGN             Kelsie Huff is one funny lady. A stand-up comedian and sto-
Roy Leonard Show and WFMT-FM Studs Terkel radio show. In 1989              ryteller, she performs at clubs across the Midwest, as well as at
his talent was recognized with a Chicago Emmy award for his original       comedy and fringe festivals around the U.S. You’ll hear her as
story, “A Bell For Shorty,” produced by Channel 11.                        a regular guest on WCIU’s The Jam, ABC’s Windy City LIVE,
                                                                           and WGN radio. Huff is a short film and web series producer,
BROOKE (BARRETTSMITH) ADAMS                                                screenwriter and voice-over actor; she also has penned four
American Idol Contestant                                                   solo shows. For five years she taught Feminine Comique and
Brooke (Barrettsmith) Adams was a Season 5 contestant on American          has recently launched kates U, a storytelling and comedy
Idol (2005-2006). For a short time, Adams performed as a duo with          program aiming to strengthen female voices.
her sister Leanne. In 2008, Adams sang Christian music with Essential
Records. She was endorsed by Fender Guitars and Taylor Guitars. In                                             TOM AMANDES
August 2009 she married band mate Billy Adams. In the summer of                                                Stage & TV Actor
2010 she headlined a national tour and then went on to become lead                                             Growing up with 11 sib-
singer for the rock band Vialyne from 2011 to 2012, before retiring                                            lings, one needs a way to
from music.                                                                                                    stand out. Tom Amandes
                                                                                                               stood up on stage, acting
ROBERT SHAW                                                                                                    in school plays and at
Designer of The Excalibur RS automobile                                                                        home with his siblings
Cars have always been a passion for Robert Shaw, who as a                                                      while growing up. He
young man took interest in vintage cars and began racing at                                                    pursued formal dramatic
nearby Wilmot Speedway.                                                                                        training at DePaul Uni-
                                                                                                               versity’s Goodman School
Eventually, he achieved his dream of crafting an automobile;                                                   of Drama. Amandes
The Excalibur RS (Robert Shaw) model took eight years to                                                       CONT. ON PAGE 16

14                                                                                                                        WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
McHenry Financial
                                             Helping people with Financial Planning &
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                                                                     2900 Route 12, Unit C
                                                                     Spring Grove, IL 60081
                                                                     Ph. 815-385-1331
  Jefferson Batt, CFP®                                     
  President & Financial Planner

  Investment adviser representative and registered representative of, and securities & investment advisory services     (888) 39-MERCY
  offered through Voya Financial Advisors, Inc (member SIPC). McHenry Financial is not a subsidiary of nor controlled
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      Sales • Leasing
         Service                                                                 104 Route 173 •

                                                                                                                        SPRING GROVE’S COMMUNITY BANK
                                                                                                                           1906 Holian Dr. | Spring Grove, IL 60081
                                                                                                                               815-675-3700 |

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                                         15
                                                                                                    CONT. FROM PAGE 14
                                                                                                    started on stage, then moved his career to TV. His roles
                                                                                                    include Eliot Ness in “The Untouchables,” and in other
                                                                                                    well-known TV shows and movies such as “NYPD Blue,”
                                                                                                    “Murphy Brown,” “Everwood” and “Saving Lincoln.”

                                                                                                    JIM SIKORA

       There’s a Better Way to                                                                      Film Director & Producer
                                                                                                    The talented cinematographer Jim Sikora spent his early childhood
      Figure Out Your Future…                                                                       in Logan Square, then his family moved to a farm in Richmond.
                                                                                                    While attending Richmond-Burton High School he began making
                                                                                                    Super-8 films. Jim attended a local community college to cultivate
       Start Smart at MCC!                                                                          his talent, but left to join the Army and was stationed in Germany.
                                                                                                    He has directed eight well known films, but is most well-known for
       •   Quality instruction
                                                                                                    “Walls in the City,” “Bullet on the Wire” and “The Earl.” Jim is also
       •   Relevant course offerings
       •   Small classes                                                                            credited with writing, producing and editing several other films.
       •   Big value
       •   Endless possibilities

       Learn how to start your future today.

                                                                                                                                                  © PENN STATE ATHLETICS

                                                                                                    ALI FRANTTI
                                                                                                    When Ali Frantti was in high school, she wrote a letter to head
                                                                                                    coach Russ Rose to tell him she wanted to be on the Penn State
                                                                                                    women’s volleyball team. Six months later, she made the team’s start-
                                                                                                    ing lineup. Ali first discovered—and fell in love with—volleyball in
                                                                                                    5th grade.

                                                                                                    DR. S. F. BENNETT
                                               Stateline Comets                                     Songwriter

                                                Youth       Football
                                                 Flag Football - Ages 4 thru 6
                                                                                                    Dr. S. F. Bennett settled in Richmond in 1859. From age 23 to
                                                                                                    25, he served as public-school principal. He moved to Elkhorn,
                                                 Tackle Football Teams by Grades:                   Wisconsin, but returned to the area in 1871, taking charge of the
                                                  • 1st and 2nd Grade (combined)
                                                  • 3rd and 4th Grade (combined)                    school for another year. While living in Richmond he became
                                                       • 5th Grade • 6th Grade                      connected with musical composer J. P. Webster. As the story
       Illinois Youth Football                         • 7th Grade • 8th Grade
                                                                                                    goes, someone was in “a mood;” when asked what was the matter,
        Super Bowl Champs                        All Players Play. All positions and teams safely
                                                 regulated by Grade, Weight, Age, Skill Level.
     1990, 1994, 1995(x2), 1996, 1997, 1998                Some Camps in June/July                  the response was, “I will be alright ‘In the Sweet By and By’.”
     2001, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2014 (x2)               Practices begin in August
                                                                                                    Bennett, moved at that moment, collaborated with Webster to
                                                          Season: August thru October
   South East Youth Football                          All Coaches USA Football Certified.           write the lyrics and music to the hymn “Sweet By and By”—in
 Assoc. Super Bowl Champions                           Monitored by Player Safety Coach.
                                                 Member of USA Football, Heads UP Football          less than 30 minutes, working on it at a corner shop in Richmond.
               2017 – 1st/2nd Grade
                                                                and NFL FLAG
     815-675-2620 • P.O. Box 58 • Spring Grove, IL 60081 •          The hymn has been translated into many languages.

16                                                                                                                                               WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                                                                                    SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                     CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

RICHMOND TOWNSHIP                       BURTON TOWNSHIP                 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP                    GRANT TOWNSHIP
7812 S. Route 31                        1917 Main St.                   3703 N. Richmond Road               26725 W. Molidor Road
Richmond, IL 60071                      P.O. Box 353                    McHenry, IL 60050                   Ingleside, IL 60041
(815) 678-0077                          Spring Grove, IL 60081          (815) 385-5605                      (847) 587-2233               (815) 675-9139           

Nippersink Public Library District on
Hill Road opened October 22, 1990,
moving from Memorial Hall in Rich-
mond, which had been its home for 18
years. This 9,000-square-foot Prairie-
style building grew to 18,000 square feet
when the second-floor addition was built
in 1996. The Library is tax-supported
and serves approximately 11,188 people
in Richmond and Burton townships. It is
a member of the Reaching Across Illinois
Library System (RAILS).

Library Director Cynthia Cole leads a staff
of two full-time and 12 part-time employ-
ees who manage the library’s collection
of books, newspaper and magazine titles,
DVDs, music CDs and books on CD. The
library offers internet access, and access to
a variety of resources including the library’s
online catalog, downloadable e-books and
e-audio titles, and several databases.

Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services are available all hours the    service and civic groups and is available to all community groups.
library is open. The library is part of the Northern Illinois Consor-   Smaller meeting rooms are also available.
tium (NIC), an online consortium of seven public libraries. Materi-
als not owned by the library can be obtained through NIC and other      Nippersink Public Library
Interlibrary Loan services.                                             5418 Hill Road, Richmond IL 60081
                                                                        Phone: (815) 678-4014
Programming is conducted throughout the year including story            Fax: (815) 678-4484
hour for preschoolers and the annual Summer Reading program. A          E-mail:
99-person capacity meeting room, with kitchen facilities, is used by

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                17

18410 U.S. HIGHWAY 14, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098         Glacial Park has long been considered one         Hebron Trail on the north end and Kane
(815) 338-6223                                     of the jewels of the county’s open space          County’s trail system on the south.                                    holdings, characterized by its rolling prairie,
                                                   wetlands, delta kames, oak savanna and            The Lyle C. Thomas Park and Nippersink
The Conservation District is a county-wide         the tranquil presence of Nippersink Creek.        Canoe Base are popular takeout points for
public agency created in 1971 through a            Encompassing 3,412 acres, Glacial Park sup-       canoeists using Nippersink Creek, as well as
voter referendum.                                  ports 9 miles of snowmobile trails, 5 miles       quiet fishing spots.
                                                   of hiking trails, and 4-plus miles of horse
Promoting Conservation, Education and              trails; it also contains a 5-mile segment of      At 345 acres, the Elizabeth Lake Nature
Recreation, the McHenry County Conserva-           the regional Prairie Trail and offers canoeing    Preserve Varga Archaeological Site com-
tion District manages over 25,500 acres of         and fishing in Nippersink Creek. The park         bines cultural preservation with recreational
open space graced with woodlands, prairies,        contains over 400 acres of dedicated nature       opportunities. The site offers 1.7 miles of
wetlands and savannas. In addition, within         preserve, harbors 18 state listed endangered      hiking trails and a boardwalk lookout for
the district’s sites there are 17 dedicated        and threatened species, and is listed as          birdwatching and nature viewing.
State Nature Preserves. Thirty-four sites are      one of the top five areas to view migratory
open to the public to enjoy hiking, bik-           wetland birds in the region. The park is also     Within the the 521-acre North Branch
ing, fishing, canoeing, picnicking, nature         home to the Lost Valley Visitor Center and        nature preserve is a 1.5-mile multipurpose
viewing, camping, cross-country skiing and         sits within the boundaries of Hackmatack          trail that winds through prairie and savanna,
        snowmobiling. Environmental educa-         National Wildlife Refuge.                         over Nippersink Creek, and links the Prairie
            tion programs for all ages are                                                           Trail to the Hebron Trail. Hiking, biking,
                    offered throughout the year.   The Prairie Trail, a former railroad bed,         horseback riding and snowmobiling oppor-
                                                   runs 26.6 miles from the Kane County              tunities exist as well as access to picnicking,
                                                   line in Algonquin to the Wisconsin state          wildlife observation, and overnight camping
                                                   line. The trail links eight McHenry County        for cyclists (permit required).
                                                   communities and connects to the 6.3-mile

18                                                                                                                            WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                         SPRING GROVE
                                                                          CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

8916 Wilmot Road, Spring Grove, IL 60081
(847) 587-5512

LOCATED IN THE HEART of Illinois’ largest concentration of natural
lakes, Chain O’Lakes State Park is a water-oriented recreation
area with outstanding opportunities for boaters, anglers and ski-
ers. The park borders three natural lakes—Grass, Marie and Nip-
persink—and the Fox River that connects the other seven lakes
(Bluff, Fox, Pistakee, Channel, Petite, Catherine and Redhead)
that make up the chain. In addition, the park contains a 44-acre
lake within its boundaries.

The 2,793-acre state park with adjoining 3,230-acre conservation
area and nearly 6,500 acres of water offers activities which include
picnicking, nature walks on trails, horse rental, camping, boating,
fishing and winter sports. Facilities for disabled or elderly visitors
are available, including a quarter-mile hiking trail.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                   19
                                                                     SPRING GROVE
                                                                       CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

• Bennett Park, Milwaukee Avenue and William Street
• Cotting Park, Partridge Trail
• Nippersink Park, Nippersink Drive
• Stevens Park, Route 12 and Broadway

• Breezy Lawn, 11003 W. Riviera Drive
• Hatchery Park, 2314 Hatchery Road
• Horse Fair Park, 8105 Blivin St.
• Lyle Thomas Park and Nippersink Canoe Base, 7816 Blivin St.
• Oak Valley Park, 3006 Monterra Drive
• Orchard Bluff, 1505 Beech St.
• Pauline Pierce Park, 7302 Pierceshire Drive
• Spring Grove Park, 2102 Main St.
• Springdale Trails, 9600 Bonner Lane
• Thelen Park, 8400 Winn Road
• Wilmot Farms Park, 1119 Dolder Lane

20                                                              WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
Debbie J. Thompson

     T  hompson Spring Grove Funeral Home
        is committed to providing compassion,
     respect and quality service at an
     affordable price.

     A full service funeral home, Thompson
     offers cremation, traditional funerals,
     cemetery and monument services.
     Established in Spring Grove, serving
     McHenry and Lake Counties, and
     beyond. ~ No distance is too great.

         Thompson Spring Grove Funeral Home
     8103 Wilmot Road, Spring Grove | 815-675-0550

    11215 Commercial St. Unit 1A, Richmond, IL             L AKES
                                                           DISPOSAL SERVICES

                                                     Residential, Commercial
                                                       & Roll-Off Services

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                  21

PRESCHOOLS                                      Spring Grove Elementary School                  for students with learning disabilities, occu-
                                                2018 Main St., Spring Grove, IL 60081           pational therapy, physical therapy, speech/
Lutheran Church of All Saints Preschool         (815) 678-6750                                  language therapy, social work services and
5800 State Park Road, Fox Lake, IL 60020        (815) 625-2700 fax                              single and group counseling sessions with
(847) 587-7727                                                 our guidance counselors.

Peppermint Preschool                            Spring Grove Elementary School’s cur-           Through extracurricular programs, students
2850 Route 12, Spring Grove, IL 60081           riculum is built on a foundation of proven      can participate in band, athletic programs
(815) 675-2515                                  educational methods combined with cur-          and intramural programs.
                                                rent educational philosophies of hands-on
Spring Grove Montessori School                  learning, engaged learning and real-life        Parents are a key component to the success
2014 Main St., Spring Grove, IL 60081           problem solving.                                of the school, by their involvement in the
(815) 675-3338                                                                                  PTO, volunteering and supporting the fine
                                                The Language Arts Program provides a            arts and athletic programs.
Saint Peters Preschool                          mixture of literature, whole language and
2118 Main St., Spring Grove, IL 60081           phonics that also involves daily writing.       St. John the Baptist Catholic School
(815) 675-2430                                  The Science Curriculum emphasizes dis-          2304 W. Church, Johnsburg, IL 60051
                                                covery, experimentation and the scientific      (815) 385-3959
ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS                              method. The Mathematics Curriculum is 
                                                strongly focused on problem solving. Social
Richmond Grade School                           Studies, a rich Art and Music program,          This preschool-grade 8 Catholic elementary
5815 Broadway, Richmond, IL 60071               Computer Training and Physical Educa-           school is located just north of McHenry. St.
(815) 678-4717                                  tion also fill each child’s day. Spring Grove   John’s School is officially recognized by the
(815) 678-2279 fax                              School enjoys active parental support as is     Diocese of Rockford and the State of Illinois.                         evident by the volunteers and the Parent        “We are called to develop lifelong attitudes
                                                Teacher Organization (PTO). Spring Grove        and beliefs that will enable students to be ac-
Richmond Grade School offers comprehen-         School is a past recipient of the Bright Star   tive Christians and practicing Catholics while
sive programs for children in kindergarten      Award, given by The Taxpayer’s Federation       assisting them to acquire the knowledge and
through fifth grade in the core subject areas   of Illinois.                                    skills necessary to be successful individuals.
of reading, language arts, mathematics, sci-
ence and social studies.                        MIDDLE SCHOOLS                                  HIGH SCHOOLS

Our curriculum further expands beyond           Nippersink Middle School                        Richmond-Burton Community High School
these core areas into physical educa-           10006 Main St., Richmond, IL 60071              8311 Route 31, Richmond, IL 60071
tion, art, computers and music. We offer        (815) 678-7129                                  (815) 678-4525
enrichment opportunities, a program for         (815) 678-7120 fax                              (815) 678-4324 fax
students with learning disabilities, occupa-               
tional therapy, physical therapy, Read-
ing Recovery, Title I Reading, Reading          Nippersink Middle School offers compre-         Richmond-Burton Community High
Improvement, speech/language therapy,           hensive programs for students in grades six     School offers college preparatory, voca-
social work services and a special needs        through eight. The core subjects include:       tional and resource programs. The college
Early Childhood program.                        reading, language arts, mathematics, sci-       preparatory curriculum is highlighted by
                                                ence, social studies and physical education.    grade-weighted honors courses which can
Parents are central to the success of Rich-     The students also rotate through trimester      lead into advanced placement tests for
mond Grade School. The Taxpayers’ Federa-       courses that include computers, art and         college credit. College bound students
tion of Illinois presented Richmond Grade       health. The school offers enrichment op-        have four-year programs in math, sci-
School the Bright Star Award in 2000.           portunities for all grade levels, a program     ence, English, business, social studies and

22                                                                                                                       WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                                                                                      SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                        CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

foreign languages. Vocational students           The College of Lake County (CLC) is a         Celebrating 40 years of service to the commu-
may participate in 22 two-year vocational        two-year public community college in Lake     nity, McHenry County College is the county’s
programs offered at the Lake County              County offering associate in arts, science,   center for higher education and lifelong learning.
Technology Campus.                               engineering science, fine arts and applied    MCC offers six associate degree programs, which
                                                 science degrees. The college also offers      provide the first two years of a baccalaureate
Extracurricular and co-curricular activi-        certificate programs with more than 100       college curriculum; 17 Applied Science Associate
ties are offered: football, golf, volleyball,    options in fields from accounting to Web      Degrees designed for career training; and 44
soccer, cross country, cheerleading, dance,      design. In addition, CLC offers continuing    certificate programs. Agreements with other area
basketball, wrestling, baseball, softball and    education courses for personal enrichment     community colleges allow students to take voca-
track. Fine Arts activities are highlighted by   or professional needs and adult education     tional programs that are not offered at MCC.
a school musical, concerts, jazz band, pep       courses in the areas of basic skills, Eng-
band and show choir.                             lish as a Second Language and General         Students can also earn a four-year Bachelor
                                                 Education Development. CLC’s Business         of Arts or Science degree through our affili-
Marian Central Catholic High School              and Industry Services department provides     ation with numerous four-year schools; visit
1001 McHenry Ave., Woodstock IL 60098            customized programs and training to meet for more infor-
(815) 338-4220                                   the needs of business.                        mation and a current listing of affiliations.
                                                 McHenry County College                        Students can tailor their class schedule to fit
Marian Central Catholic High School was          8900 U.S. Highway 14                          their lifestyles with online classes and pro-
established in 1959. It is a co-educational,     Crystal Lake, IL 60012                        grams. Visit
college preparatory school that serves fam-      (815) 455-3700                                to learn more about combining classes at
ilies throughout McHenry County. Mar-                                 MCC with online courses to earn a degree.
ian is supported by tuition and fees paid
by families as well as assessments from the
17 Catholic parishes in the county.

The school is accredited by the North
Central Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools, and is recognized
by the Illinois State Board of Education
and the National Catholic Educational
Association. The school’s primary aim is
to provide youth with a faith-centered
academic education that will prepare them
for participation in the Church and in the
world. The academic program includes
regular, honors and advanced placement
courses. The school also offers a wide
range of co-curricular activities.


College of Lake County
19351 W. Washington St.
Grayslake, IL 60030
(847) 543-2000

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                 23

LUCKY BERNIE’S - SPRING GROVE                   specials and outdoor seating make this an       MAIN STREET COFFEE CO.
2450 N. US Route 12, Spring Grove, IL           easy lunch or dinner choice.                    10321 N. Main St., Richmond, IL
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-1 a.m.                                                                   Monday-Saturday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m.-2 a.m.       BRICKS & IVY SPORTS TAVERN                      Sunday 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
                                                2508 US-12, Spring Grove, IL
Have a signature sandwich or build your         Monday-Tuesday 3 p.m.-1 a.m.                    Specialty coffee drinks, soups, sandwiches,
own; soups and salads are also staples on       Wednesday-Sunday 11 a.m.- 1 a.m.                muffins, healthy smoothies, ice cream,
the menu. Enjoy the full bar, comedy                                                            popcorn, lemonade, scones, mochas and so
shows, paint-and-sip parties or just relax.     So much more than a sports bar. Brick           much more! Stop in for a signature charcoal
Stop in to buy Boars Head deli meat to          oven pizza as well as fresh-made wraps,         lemonade you will not regret. Bring your
go—just like at the grocery store, but no       sandwiches, salads and appetizers. Bottled      laptop to meet a client. Great place for
lines! Enjoy gaming in a luxury setting.        and draught beers, full bar, daily food and     small groups.
                                                drink specials, special events, outdoor seat-
ROSATI’S PIZZA SPORTS PUB                       ing and slots.
10004 N. Main St., Richmond, IL
Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.–11 p.m.

Chicago-based pizzeria featuring Chicago-
style deep dish and thin crust pizzas. You
will also find other Italian specialties like
salads, pastas and sandwiches. Dine-in,
carry out or delivery. Happy hour, drink

24                                                                                                                    WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                              SPRING GROVE
                                                                               CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

                                     YOUR REALTOR® FOR LIFE
                                     Maureen Forgette, ABR, e-PRO, REALTOR®
                                     815.354.4236 |
                                     3717 W. Elm St. McHenry, IL 60050

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                         25

                                                        THE GENEVA INN
                                                        N2009 S. Lake Shore Drive, Lake Geneva, WI
                                                        Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner

                                                        Famous views, stunning wine cellar and lounge, and an outdoor patio
                                                        make The Geneva Inn the top spot for bringing friends and family to
                                                        Lake Geneva year-round. The seasonal menu will have you coming
                                                        back every few months to enjoy the creativity of the chef. Dock and
                                                        dine or travel by car—either way don’t miss relaxed elegance.

                                                        INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF WINE
                                                        AND CHEESE AND AMERICAN CAFÉ
                                                        11302 U.S. Highway 12, Richmond, IL
                                                        Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
                  2449 Pierce Drive, Suite 1,
                                                        Friday 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
                   Spring Grove, IL 60081
                                                        Saturday 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
         Gymnastics, Cheer, Tumbling, Ninja, Stealth,   Sunday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
           Parties & Events to include Nerf Wars
                                                        There are two sides to this gem. Since 1976, The American Café | 815-675-3005          has been serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. All the food is
                                                        simple but unique. Hand-pressed angus burgers, made-from-
                                                        scratch pancakes and baked omelets and of course cheese curds
                                                        are some of the signature menu items.

                                                        The wine and cheese truly is international here. You will find
                                                        everything from every day, affordable drinking wine to a rare,
                                                        hard-to-find, impress-your-friends wine, as well as a full retail
                                                        liquor store.

                                                        5600 Kenosha St. (Route 173), Richmond, IL
                                                        Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
     2508 US-12, SPRING GROVE, IL 60081
                                                        Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
         BRICKSANDIVYSPORTSTAVERN.COM | 815.581.3889    Sunday 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.

                                                        Sandwiches made the way you like them. Hot soup, chips, soft
                                                        drink and a cookie complete the meal. Also try Subway for catering.

                                                        RICHMOND HUNT CLUB, INC.
                                                        5016 IL Route 173, Richmond, IL
                                                        Open to the public Saturday-Sunday 7 a.m.-2 p.m.

                                                        This is a place you have passed by too many times. Stop in on
                                                        the weekend for a meal you will not soon forget. The family-
                                                        friendly atmosphere, venison burgers, pulled pork sandwich,
                                                        biscuits and gravy, smoked pheasant omelet and a full bar and
                                                        great prices will make you wonder why it took you so long.

26                                                                                                   WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                                            (between Angelo’s and Raymond Bowling)

                                                     SPRING GROVE
                                                       CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

4000 Johnsburg Road, Johnsburg, IL
Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-11 p.m.
Friday-Saturday 7:30 a.m.–2 a.m.
Sunday 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.

Meals like mom’s, if your mom was a good scratch cook.
Live music on the weekends, daily food specials and outdoor
                                                                              FAMILY RESTAURANT | MADE FROM SCRATCH MENU
seating. Stucky’s can accommodate groups of up to 50. Gam-                                 HOMEMADE SOUPS
ers get complimentary coffee and donuts Monday to Friday
                                                                                  Kitchen open daily 7:30am to 9:00pm Sunday-Wednesday
7:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
                                                                             7:30am-10:00pm Thursday-Saturday open for breakfast, lunch and dinner

RED BARN AT TWIN LAKES COUNTRY CLUB                                                               MONDAY $1.00 tacos
1230 Legion Drive, Twin Lakes, WI                                                       TUESDAY Buy one burger and get one free
Open daily, hours change seasonally                                                WEDNESDAY NIGHT Kids eat free off the kids menu
                                                                                    with Mark Presley the Magician appearing 6:00-7:30
                                                                                        THURSDAY Open mic and open jam 6:30
The Friday night fish fry special and the Saturday night prime                                FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY
rib special are just two of the reasons to visit Red Barn. Golf,                   SUNDAY Breakfast buffet $10.99 includes coffee & juice
full bar, live entertainment on the weekends, lunch and high-
end dinner menu, as well as catering and events, will entice you
                                                                                    815-331-8050 | STUCKYBARANDGRILLE.COM
to come during the week also.


10301 N. Main St. Richmond, IL
Open daily, hours change seasonally

Almost 100 years in the candy making business and they do
it right! Best-sellers include buttercream, English toffee, salted
caramel and dipped ginger. You will find great one-of-a-kind
gifts, baby shower favors and boxed chocolates. Also available:
sugar- and gluten-free candies.
                                                                             6817 STATE PARK RD. | SPRING GROVE, IL 60081

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                        27

ADVERTISING                                                                                Country Insurance & Financial................................ (815) 678-2941
Branded Apparel                                                                            Pace Insurance and Financial Services....................... (815) 675-0990
A+ Apparel............................................................... (815) 675-2117   State Farm Insurance................................................ (815) 675-6470
                                                                                           Woellert Insurance Agency, Inc................................ (815) 675-1007
Custom Laser Engraving
Alpha Laser Engraving ............................................. (815) 245-7005         MANUFACTURING
                                                                                           CALco..................................................................... (815) 725-5387
Graphic Design                                                                             EMS Industrial & Service Company........................ (815) 678-2700
BWB Graphics & More........................................... (815) 814-4240              Guardian Material Handling, Inc............................. (815) 581-3180
Farm It Out! Design, Inc.......................................... (847) 961-4336          Jan-Air, Inc............................................................... (815) 678-4516
MyDesignSpace, Inc................................................. (773) 412-7249         Leica Biosystems Richmond, Inc.............................. (815) 678-2000
Vindictive Vinyl....................................................... (262) 358-2626     MacLean Fogg Component Solutions...................... (815) 678-6887
                                                                                           National Cap & Set Screw Co.................................. (815) 675-2363
Print Advertisements                                                                       Scot Forge................................................................ (847) 587-1000
Money Mailer Chain-O-Lakes................................. (847) 721-4372                 Watlow..................................................................... (815) 678-1989

Promotional Products                                                                       MEDIA
Brand-Tastik............................................................ (815) 354-0102    Hi-Liter Newspaper.................................................. (262) 725-7701
                                                                                           Shaw Media-NW Herald.......................................... (815) 459-4040
BUSINESS CONSULTING                                                                        Nei-Turner Media Group, Inc.................................. (262) 729-4471
247 Funding............................................................ (815) 669-5901     PRINTING
                                                                                           Biller Press Mfg., Inc................................................ (847) 395-4111
Social Media                                                                               BWB Graphics & More........................................... (815) 814-4240
Romani Digital........................................................ (262) 492-5297
Professional Writing                                                                       Design
Rod Gerlach, LLC.................................................... (847) 302-9412        MyDesignSpace, Inc................................................. (773) 412-7249
                                                                                           Farm It Out! Design, Inc.......................................... (847) 961-4336
DIG Processing Solutions......................................... (773) 575-3780           Optimization
                                                                                           Prime Media Consulting, LLC................................. (847) 907-0165
Trotter and Associates, Inc........................................ (630) 587-0470         Content Writing
HR Green, Inc......................................................... (815) 385-1778      Rod Gerlach LLC..................................................... (847) 302-9412

Highway Traffic Management                                                                 TRUCKING AND HAULING
International Road Dynamics................................... (815) 675-1430              Thelen Sand & Gravel.............................................. (847) 838-8819
                                                                                           X in Laws................................................................. (847) 652-5046
Biglow & Company, Inc.......................................... (262) 960-2202             WHOLESALE BEER
CLM Insurance Agency............................................ (815) 385-9455            Chas. Herdrich & Sons, Inc..................................... (815) 385-0016

28                                                                                                                                                        WWW.RSGCHAMBER.COM
                                                                                                                                                                           SPRING GROVE
                                                                                                                                                                              CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

EMERGENCY                                                                                      McHenry County Conservation District.................. (815) 338-6223
Richmond Fire-Police-Ambulance-Rescue................................... 911                   McHenry County Department of Health................. (815) 334-4510
Spring Grove Fire-Police Ambulance-Rescue............................... 911                   McHenry County Government Center.................... (815) 334-4000
Illinois State Police................................................... (847) 742-3553        McHenry County Housing Authority...................... (815) 338-7752
Lake County Sheriff................................................. (847) 377-4000            Richmond Township Assessor.................................. (815) 678-2014
McHenry County Sheriff......................................... (815) 338-2144                 Visit Lake County.................................................... (847) 662-2700
Poison Control Information Center......................... (800) 942-5969                      Visit McHenry County............................................ (815) 893-6280

NON-EMERGENCY                                                                                  SCHOOLS
Richmond                                                                                       Richmond Grade School.......................................... (815) 678-4717
Police....................................................................... (815) 678-2351   Spring Grove Elementary School.............................. (815) 678-6750
Fire Department....................................................... (815) 678-3672          Nippersink Middle School....................................... (815) 678-7129
Village Hall.............................................................. (815) 678-4040      Richmond-Burton Community High School........... (815) 678-4525
                                                                                               College of Lake County............................................ (847) 543-2000
Spring Grove                                                                                   McHenry County College........................................ (815) 455-3700
Police....................................................................... (815) 675-2596
Fire Department....................................................... (815) 675-2450          UTILITIES
Village Hall.............................................................. (815) 675-2121      AT&T...................................................................... (800) 244-4444
                                                                                               Verizon Wireless....................................................... (800) 837-4966
Richmond Township                                                                              ComEd.................................................................... (800) 334-7661
Richmond Township Fire District (non-emergency).(815) 678-3672                                 Nicor Gas................................................................. (888) 642-6748
Richmond Township Office..................................... (815) 678-0077                   Comcast................................................................... (866) 594-1234
Richmond Township Tax Assessor............................ (815) 678-2014                      Mediacom Cable Communications.......................... (800) 874-2991
McHenry County Sheriff......................................... (815) 338-2144                 Spectrum.................................................................. (888) 438-2427
                                                                                               DirecTV................................................................... (877) 348-6023
HOSPITALS/MEDICAL CENTERS                                                                      Rise Broadband........................................................ (815) 675-3278
Advocate Condell Medical Center............................ (847) 362-2900                     Environmental Defenders of McHenry County....... (815) 338-0393
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital........................... (847) 381-9600
Centegra Memorial Medical Center......................... (815) 338-2500                       OTHER RESOURCES
Centegra Hospital McHenry.................................... (815) 344-5000                   Alcoholics Anonymous............................................. (800) 452-7990
Mercy Harvard Hospital........................................... (815) 943-5431               Better Business Bureau............................................. (312) 832-0500
Mercy Health McHenry........................................... (815) 578-2020                 Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline............................... (800) 252-2873
Mercy Health Richmond...........................................(815) 678 4528                 Consumer Fraud Hotline......................................... (800) 386-5438
Mercy Health Woodstock......................................... (815) 337-7100                 Crisis Hotline........................................................... (800) 892-8900
                                                                                               Domestic Violence Hotline...................................... (800) 799-7233
POST OFFICES                                                                                   Elderly Abuse & Neglect Hotline............................. (800) 252-8966
Richmond................................................................ (815) 678-3951        Federal Bureau of Investigation................................ (202) 324-3000
Spring Grove............................................................ (815) 675-2161        Illinois Department of Human Services.................... (815) 338-0234
                                                                                               Internal Revenue Service.......................................... (800) 829-1040
PUBLIC SERVICES                                                                                JULIE (Call 2 days before digging)........................... (800) 892-0123
Department of Transportation Vehicle Safety........... (800) 424-9393                          McHenry County Economic Development Corp..... (815) 893-0895
Illinois Secretary of State.......................................... (312) 793-1010           McHenry County Extension, University of IL.......... (815) 338-4747
Lake County Department of Health......................... (847) 377-8000                       McHenry Senior Services......................................... (815) 344-3555
Lake County Government Center............................ (847) 377-2000                       Nippersink Public Library........................................ (815) 678-4014
Lake County Housing Authority.............................. (847) 223-1170                     Richmond Food Pantry............................................ (815) 678-4351
Lake County State’s Attorney Office......................... (847) 377-3000                    Richmond-Spring Grove Chamber of Commerce..... (815) 403-5155
Lake County Treasurer............................................. (847) 377-2323              Social Security Hotline............................................. (800) 772-1213
McHenry County Animal Control........................... (815) 459-6222

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY GUIDE 2018-2019                                                                                                                                        29
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