St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend

Page created by Katie Mcdonald
St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend
St. Patrick
     Brady’s Bend, Pennsylvania

                                                                 A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg
                                                                    A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

                                                      PARISH OFFICE HOURS
                                                               Monday and Friday
915 State Route 68                                                9:00 am—2:00 pm
East Brady, Pennsylvania 16028                            Closed Tuesdays, Wednesday,
Parish Office: 724-526-5079                                      and Thursdays
Fax: 724-526-3028
Parish Hall: 724-526-5180                             SCHEDULE OF MASSES
Website:                  Saturday Vigil.........................6:00 pm
                                                      Sunday.....................................9:30 am
Email:              Weekdays..............................see schedule

                                                      Appointment only for Saturdays from 10 am to 12 pm
The deadline for items to be placed in the bulletin
is Monday at 12 Noon.                                 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM
                                                      Normally celebrated on Sunday and are encouraged at a
PASTORAL STAFF                                        Sunday Eucharist. Baptism preparation is required.

The Reverend Victor S. Baguna, Pastor                 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE
Email:                Arrangements must be made one year in advance.
Barbara Boltz, Financial Secretary                    Marriage preparation is required.
                                                      SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK
Mary Anne Seybert, Director of Faith Formation        A family member must notify the parish office if a
Email:               parishioner is hospitalized or confined to home.
                                                      Eucharist is brought to the homebound on the third
Dorinda Aigner, Accompanist                           Sunday of each month.
Silvio Andreassi, Maintenance

Fourth Sunday of Easter                                                                 April 25, 2021
St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend

                                                             the difference between being under the care of a shep-
               Masses For The Week                           herd and being under the care of a hired man. It is the
                                                             difference between living in confidence and living in
Saturday, April 24: Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter           fear, between peace and anxiety.
6:00 pm—Louise Crawford—Bernie McCloskey                     Jesus says, “I know mine and mine know me.” There
Sunday, April 25: Fourth Sunday of Easter                    are two different actions here: Jesus knowing his
9:30 am—For All Living & Deceased Parishioners               sheep, and secondly, his sheep knowing him. The first
                                                             action is quite clear. He knows us because he is God.
Monday, April 26: Easter Weekday                             The second action depends on us. Do we know the
-Jennie Stimac—Jim & Irene Gaiser                            Shepherd? Do we know the Lord? Knowing the Lord
                                                             involves both recognizing his voice and following him.
Tuesday, April 27: Easter Weekday                            It is essential that we learn to recognize the voice of
9:00 am—Larry Crawford—Bill & Jeanne Painter                 the Lord so that we can learn from him what he wants
Wednesday, April 28: St. Peter Chanel, St. Louis             of us. Every one of us has a vocation, a unique person-
            Grignion de Montfort                             al call from God. He reveals it to us as we listen to
9:00 am—Victor DeBacco—Evankovich Family                     him. To recognize his voice and follow him, we need
                                                             to develop a habit of talking and listening to God – that
Thursday, April 29: St. Catherine of Siena                   is, of prayer. We listen to God as he speaks to us
-Salvatore Tascarella—Jack & Elaine Grazioli                 through the Scriptures, through the Liturgy, and
                                                             through the Church. He also speaks to us through the
Friday, April 30: St. Pius                                   people around us and the events in our life. If we are
9:00 am—Madeline Stitt—Family                                listening, we can interpret relationships and events
                                                             through the lens of God’s providence. What is our
Saturday, May 1: Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Easter               Shepherd saying in this situation or through this per-
6:00 pm—For All Living & Deceased Parishioners               son? He has not abandoned us; he is guiding us right
Sunday, May 2: Fifth Sunday of Easter                        now. When we hear his voice, we must follow him! To
9:30 am—Mary Anne Shay—Ted & Kitty Miller                    follow the Good Shepherd is the way of salvation, for
                                                             he is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Peter’s words in
                                                             today’s first reading echo this truth: “There is no salva-
          The Good Shepherd knows us;                        tion through anyone else, nor is there any other name
           We are called to know Him                         under heaven given to the human race by which we are
                                                             to be saved.”
The beautiful title given to this day is “Good Shepherd
Sunday.” Pope Francis, in his Spiritual Reflection,          Is my relationship with the Lord a personal one of mu-
gives us a profound message about who the Good               tual tenderness? In this pandemic-burdened world, do
Shepherd is: he is the One who loves us unconditional-       I take to heart the words of Jesus, “Do not be afraid, it
ly, who says to us, “Your life is worth so much to me,       is I?” In my prayer, am I able to recognize the voice
that to save it I give all of myself.”                       of the Lord as he guides my every step?
Today’s Liturgy reminds us that we are never aban-           Pondering the Word, The Anawim Way
doned. This is a continuation of the Easter message of
great joy: Jesus is alive and he is with us! He has al-
ready overcome the very things we are afraid of. We                            Stewardship of Treasure
are not alone and unprotected in a hostile world; the
Lord is with us. He says to us again and again, “Do not                                April 10-11    Year To Date
be afraid, it is I. Peace be with you.” It is a message we
need to hear, a message of hope, especially now in our       Adult Offertory             $3,279.75    $125,972.18
pandemic-burdened world.                                     Children Offertory              $0.00          $0.00
                                                             Loose                          $16.00      $3,067.90
Jesus the Good Shepherd tells us that he has power to
lay down his life and power to take it up again. He is       Total                       $3,295.75    $129,040.08
speaking about his Death and Resurrection. The Lord          Budget                      $3,600.00    $151,200.00
is free and powerful, more powerful than death. He is        Difference                   -$304.25    -$22,159.92
not helpless. He is not irrelevant. He oversees every-
thing, even life and death. When we know this truth          Accent .................. $3.25
and when we believe it, it makes all the difference –
St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend
Fourth Sunday of Easter                                                                            April 25, 2021

                 St. Paddy’s Ladies Group
                                                                Faith Formation News
          Sunday, May 16, 2021, at 7 pm                   Preschool—Grade 6: Please continue to read and do
                                                          the activities in the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies with your
Two tiers of raffles:                                     children each week. May 9th will be the last work-
    Clutch Purse Ticket ............. $15 donation        sheet until CCD resumes in September.
    Drawing includes entry in the 12 Designer Purses      Second Grade (First Communion):             Classes are
    Raffle and Door Prize                                 completed for this session.
    Carry-All Satchel Ticket ..... $30 donation           Confirmation Prep: The Confirmation Class will
    Drawing includes entry in the 12 Designer Purses      meet in the hall today, Sunday, April 25, from
    Raffle, Entry in the 12 Small Purse/Wristlet/Gift     10:15 am to 11:45 am. The class will also meet on
    Car d Raffle, Special Mystery Purse Give-Away         Sunday, May 2 at 10:15 am to 11:45.
    (value $300), Chinese Auction Baskets and Door
    Prize.                                                                    ‘Be the Light’ with 2021
                                                                              Diocesan Lenten Appeal
    Watch virtual drawing on St. Paddy’s Ladies
     Virtual Purses & More Party event’s page.                                Diocesan Goal:      $21,780
                                                                                Parish Goal:       $5,000
    Tickets available from any Ladies Group member                              Total Goal:      $26,780
     or contact the parish office.                                            Pledges to Date:    $19,360

    For additional information, please see the flyer                      As of the printing of the bulletin, our
     hanging in the Narthex or contact the office.        parish remains $2,420 short of our diocesan goal.
                                                          Please check the DLA chart located on the front door
    All proceeds will support our “Works of Mercy         of the church for an up-to-date total.
    Program”, which assists families in need within
                   our community.                         Each must do as already determined, without
                                                          or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
                                                          2 Corinthians 9:7
           Karns City Backpack Programs
The members of the Karns City National Honor Socie-
ty are striving to collect needed items to benefit the
Karns City Backpack Program. This program was de-                             The flowers this weekend are in
veloped in response to ongoing student need to those                           memory of Margretta Forster
with no weekend access to school breakfast and/or                                       by Eleanor
lunch programs. This program creates bags full of
easy-to-prepare meals and snacks, which are distribut-
ed to students in need. At this time the items that are
most needed are listed below. If you would like to
participate, please bring your items to the narthex of
the church between now and Friday, April 30th.              Mass Time            Saturday           Sunday

                      Pop Tarts
                     Cereal Bars                              Lectors            Monica A.         Jennifer M.
                    Pudding Cups
                  Microwave Chef Boyardee                  Mass Helper            Cari H.           Karen T.
                      Fruit Cups
                  Microwave Oatmeal                          Projector           Cheryl P.          Terry M.
                     Cereal Cups
If you have any questions, please contact Lauren                                Sanctuary Candle
Zanella (NJS Advisor) at or
724-756-2030 or Matthew Griffiths (NHS Student                         The Sanctuary Candle will burn from
President) at                               April 23 to May 6 for the health of
                                                                           Pat Sanich by Loving Friends
St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend St. Patrick Parish - St. Patrick Parish, Brady's Bend
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