Start-ups Medium-sized companies Investors - MedTech Radar Live 2018 #1/2018 - Medtech Zwo

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Start-ups Medium-sized companies Investors - MedTech Radar Live 2018 #1/2018 - Medtech Zwo

                       MedTech Radar Live 2018

                   Medium-sized companies

                                             Healthcare 4.0
                                             Wanted: smart
                                             and digital

                                             Industry perspective
                                             Why start-ups
                                             are needed

A cooperation of
Start-ups Medium-sized companies Investors - MedTech Radar Live 2018 #1/2018 - Medtech Zwo
¤   Focus on: MedTech Radar Live 2018

    Healthcare 4.0

    Wanted: Smart and digital
    Ten entrepreneurs have the opportunity to present new business models in the
    fields of digital health, services, rehabilitation, care and big data to
    investors and industry representatives at MedTech Radar Live 2018.

               n expert jury of med-tech industry repre-      is the investor NRW.Bank. “The initiative and event
               sentatives, health insurance providers, and    allow us to bring young med-tech entrepreneurs to-
               financial and marketing professionals will     gether with established medical product companies
    evaluate and assess business plans to be submitted        and investors”, says BVMed Managing Director and
    by the end of March. The conference offers ten entre-     Board Member Joachim M. Schmitt. The initiative
    preneurs the opportunity to sell their idea to the pub-   is directed specifically at start-ups or smaller medi-
    lic, receive direct feedback from an expert panel, and    cal technology businesses aiming to transform the
    make valuable contacts with the investors and indus-      healthcare industry and patient care through an in-
    try representatives in attendance.                        novative business idea.

    The initiative is backed by the German Medical            Start-ups: no limits to the imagination
    Technology Association (BVMed); Earlybird, a ven-         The programme focuses on digital health, services,
    ture capital investment firm; BARMER; High-Tech           rehabilitation, care and big data involving medical
    Gründerfonds (HTGF); and medtech zwo, a magazine          technology. “The development and application of dig-
                                                                                                                       Abb.: sdecoret/

    specialising in medical technology. The event’s pa-       ital solutions are still in their infancy in Germany.
    tron is the Minister for Economics, Innovation, Digi-     Yet many start-ups in particular offer entirely new
    tisation and Energy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Dr.        approaches thanks to their open outlook: in many
    Andreas Pinkwart. Another local partner on board          cases they consistently put the user at the heart of

    2 MEDTECH RADAR – 1/2018
Start-ups Medium-sized companies Investors - MedTech Radar Live 2018 #1/2018 - Medtech Zwo
Focus on: MedTech Radar Live 2018    ¤

what they do. There are no limits to their imagina-
tion. That’s how we learn to look beyond the beaten             MedTech Radar Live 2018
track,” emphasises Benjamin Westerhoff, Manager
of the Care Programme at BARMER. It is against that             16th May 2018, Cologne
backdrop that the health insurance provider is seek-
ing to support entrepreneurs in the development of
new ideas. “It’s absolutely clear to us that at the end of      Target audience: established medtech com-
the day all the participants have to understand how             panies, investors & medtech entrepreneurs
the health system operates. That might not always be
fun, but the alternative is that we don’t know where            Participation conditions: free entry after
we stand. We can only work together if we’re singing            registration until 2nd May at BVMed:
from the same hymn sheet.”                            

Huge demand for chronic illnesses                               Advice: number of places limited to one per-
There is great demand for innovations in the treat-             son per company/institution/organisation
ment of patients with chronic illnesses in particular,
as well as for specific health services for the elder-          More information:
ly. “One example is the ‘MemoreBox’, a preventative
project in retirement and nursing homes whereby eld-
                                                             sises Rasche. “An exciting time that promises new
                                                             opportunities for the industry and start-ups alike.”
  „Start-ups consistently put the user at                    In the long term, it is important that Germany does
   the heart of what they do. There are                      not lose sight of new approaches to healthcare and
   no limits to their imagination. That’s                    that good ideas can find their way to patients de-
   how we learn to look beyond the                           spite complex regulatory frameworks. “We aim to
                                                             bolster Germany’s capacity to innovate. That’s why,
   beaten track.“                                            as co-founders of MedTech Radar Live 2018, we’re
                                                             on the look-out for innovative start-ups whom we
erly patients play on a console to train cognition and       can support through partnerships,” says Michael
motor skills. An indirect benefit of the programme           Brandkamp, Managing Director at the High-Tech
is that it also makes for a livelier atmosphere in the       Gründerfonds (HTGF).
homes. Such concepts go to show that it isn’t written
in stone that digital solutions can only be effective        Challenging environment for entrepreneurs
when it comes to young people,” explains Westerhoff.          Such support will become increasingly important
At the same time, companies must also remember                in view of the latest legal requirements. Brandkamp
to focus on an existing problem that specifically ad-         continues, “The environment for new start-ups in
dresses insufficient care provision and fulfils a medi-       the med-tech industry is clearly becoming more
cal need. Westerhoff: “We don’t require solutions for         challenging as a result of a range of factors, includ-
problems yet to be found.”                                    ing the new Medical Device Regulation”. On top of
                                                              that, there is the new EU General Data Protection
Thom Rasche, partner at Earlybird, sees the slow              Regulation, and at the same time technological de-
but sure improvements in the environment when                 velopments in areas such as blockchain and cyber
it comes to implementing digital solutions in Ger-            security are opening up new digital possibilities.
many as a positive sign: “The ban on remote treat-           “We want to use the Start-up Pitch Day to support
ment is being discussed in Germany and may be                 business ideas that can increase the quality and
loosened in May. For the first time, digital business         transparency of healthcare”, says Joachim Schmitt,
models could also be implemented here”, empha-                BVMed Managing Director.                           ¤

                                                                                       MEDTECH RADAR – 1/2018     3
Start-ups Medium-sized companies Investors - MedTech Radar Live 2018 #1/2018 - Medtech Zwo
¤   Focus on: MedTech Radar Live 2018

    Industry perspective

    Why start-ups are needed
    Strategic co-operation between medical technology firms and start-ups could
    foster more innovation within the industry and be a decisive factor in the
    success of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) – particularly in light of
    the increasingly complex regulatory market environment.

                 hile a co-operation model for start-ups     companies find themselves at present. Whereas one
                 in other sectors is already well-estab-     side can offer plentiful inventions, enthusiasm and
                 lished, the medical technology industry     creativity, established companies can contribute
    in Germany has seen only a modest degree of con-         market knowledge, regulatory expertise and sales
    tact between established companies and young en-         structures (see interview).
    trepreneurs so far. That is about to change with the
    arrival of ‘MedTech Radar Live 2018’. “The industry      Establishing contact with market players
    is currently facing a wealth of challenges. Individ-     From the perspective of Benjamin Westerhoff,
    ual companies, in particular small to medium-sized       BARMER, it is exactly this combination that is of criti-
    enterprises, do not have the resources to manage         cal importance: “Knowledge of how to actually get into
    these alone,” Marc Michel speaks from experience.        the market is a trouble area for every start-up. Events
    The managing director of PETER BREHM GmbH, an            such as MedTech Radar Live offer entrepreneurs the
    endoprosthesis specialist based in Weisendorf, Er-       opportunity to generate valuable contacts with those
    langen, knows what he is talking about: “At the mo-      who have already established in the market.”
    ment, almost all of our resources for development are
    spent on handling regulatory requirements that have
    arisen from the new EU Medical Device Regulation.”          MedTech Radar Live 2018
    Nonetheless, he will join the jury panel on the Pitch
    Day ‘MedTech Radar Live 2018’. He is certain that col-      – Who will be there?
    laborations with start-ups make strategic sense in
    the ongoing complex market environment in which
                                                                Organisers: BARMER, Earlybird Venture Capi-
                                                                tal, BVMed, NRW.Bank, HTGF, medtech zwo

                                                                Participants list (extract): Paul Hartmann AG,
                                                                Deutsche Telekom, smartHELIOS, Creathor
                                                                Venture, Philips Healthcare, Inspire Medical
                                                                Systems Inc., Zimmer Biomet, Rhön Klinikum
                                                                AG, auric Hörsysteme, Deutsche Bank AG, HSH
                                                                Nordbank AG, Janssen Cilag GmbH, Boehring-
                                                                er Ingelheim Venture Fund, pfm medical AG,
                                                                                                                        Abb.: sdecoret/

                                                                Gerromed Pflege und Medizintechnik GmbH

                                                                More information:

    4   MEDTECH RADAR – 1/2018
Focus on: MedTech Radar Live 2018    ¤

                         MEDTECH RADAR | Mr. Michel, why should the
                         medtech industry work with start-ups?                        Dipl-Kfm. Univ.
                                                                                         Marc Michel
                         Marc Michel | We in the industry are all potential                      CEO
                         patients and also rely on new innovative medical             PETER BREHM
                         products being brought to the marketplace in future.                 GmbH
                         Start-ups, with their rich capacity for inventions,
                         can help us achieve that goal. Just think of the po-
                         tential of digitisation! Small to medium-sized busi-
                         nesses in turn offer solid industry knowledge, inter-
                         national relations and established business models.
                         This line-up could see strategic partnerships acting
                         as an important key factor in the success of SMEs.
                         MEDTECH RADAR |      What are the biggest chal-
                         lenges facing innovation in medical technology
                         today?                                                       PETER BREHM GmbH is a global company
                                                                                      with 180 employees headquartered in Weisen-
                         Marc Michel | As a company with 180 employees,               dorf. It has specialised in hip and knee re-
                         we represent many other medtech companies that               placements as well as spinal surgery since
                         develop new products for the market. We have been            the 1980s. Marc Michel has been with the
                         faced with the new EU Medical Device Regulation              company since 1997 and has acted as Manag-
                         (MDR) since 2017 which involves a great deal of per-         ing Director since 2005.
                         sonal and financial resources, even for established
                         companies. That is particularly true when it comes
                         to the wealth of existing products that have already      work with new companies. The potential for such
                         been on the market for many years. At the same time,      companies to go bankrupt is an issue too, of course.
                         we have to ensure that we continue with our inno-         In all honesty, though, there can sometimes be
                         vation activities and organise them as efficiently as     problems as well where we have direct partnerships
                         possible. Start-ups could make considerable contri-       with clinics or universities, such as staff turnover if
                         butions in that regard: by offering digital processes     important partners switch to another clinic. That’s
                         that could simplify the collection and management         why I don’t consider such problems to be a serious
                         of clinical data or sensors that allow us to gather pa-   obstacle.
                         tient data in real-time, to name but a few examples.
                         I am certain that anything that helps us to deal with     MEDTECH RADAR | What are your hopes as a
                         the increased demands of the MDR or leads to other        member of the start-up jury panel at MedTech Ra-
                         product improvements will be most welcome.                dar Live in Cologne?

                         MEDTECH RADAR | Have you already experienced              Marc Michel | Representatives from the medtech in-
                         collaborating with start-ups at PETER BREHM?              dustry rarely have the opportunity to network with
                                                                                   start-ups and get a condensed overview of relevant
                         Marc Michel | A couple of years ago we had a close        innovations. Events such as this get us talking. I’m

                         collaboration with a start-up in the field of compu-      looking forward to it!	                           ¤
                         ter-assisted surgery which was very promising. But
                         before the innovation could really get off the ground,
                         the company was bought by a large corporation for
                         its technology. That risk is always there when SMEs

                                                                                                             MEDTECH RADAR – 1/2018     5
¤   Focus on: MedTech Radar Live 2018

      The MedTech Radar is a joint information serv-         The High-Tech Gründerfonds, an initiative of the
      ice of HTGF, Earlybird, BVMed and medtech zwo.         Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and En-
      It offers insights into current trends of medical      ergy, the KfW and 29 companies, supports young
      technology sector. The publication is published        technology companies with seed financing to ad-
      twice a year in spring and autumn.                     vance research projects at least until a prototype
                                                             status or until market entry.
      The MedTech Radar is available as PDF down-
      load in German and English at the websites of
      the partners. The German issue is an additional        Contakt: High-Tech Gründerfonds Management
      part of the medtech business journal „medtech          GmbH | Stefanie Zillikens | Tel.: +49 228 823 00 107
      zwo“ published by BIOCOM AG twice a year in   | www.high-tech-gruender-
      spring and autumn.                           

      Following a seed financing round, venture capi-
      talists such as Earlybird Venture Capital helps        As an information specialist, BIOCOM AG has
      companies to grow ready for the market and             supported the life sciences with journals, web-
      above as well as to scale up on an international       sites, books and videos for more than 30 years.
      level.                                                 The magazine medtech zwo reports on recent
                                                             developments relating to the medtech sectors of
      Contakt: Earlybird Venture Capital                     Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
      Catrin Schmidt | Tel.: +49 30 467 247 00 |
                                                             Contakt: medtech-zwo | BIOCOM AG
                                                             Sandra Wirsching | Tel.: +49 30 264 921 63

      The German Medical Technology Association
      (BVMed) is an industry association that represents   ImprINT
      over 230 industrial and commercial companies in
      the medical technology sector. Among its members     Responsible for the content according to i. S. d. P.
      are 20 of the largest medical device manufacturers –BIOCOM AG, Lützowstr. 33–36, 10785 Berlin
      worldwide in the field of consumer goods.            BVMed – German Medical Technology Association,
                                                           Reinhardtstr. 29 b, 10117 Berlin
      Contakt: BVMed | Manfred Beeres                      Earlybird Venture Capital – Münzstr. 21, 10178 Berlin
      Tel.: +49 30 246 255 20 |            High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH –                                         Schlegelstr. 2, 53113 Bonn
                                                           Title photo: sdecoret /

    6 MEDTECH RADAR – 1/2018
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