Page created by Kirk Haynes
                   IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA


                             Discussion Paper: Strengthening
                             Animal Welfare in Western Australia
                             An overview of current issues in animal welfare, explaining
                             why these issues are of increasing importance to Western
                             Australians and suggesting what can be done by WA
 Page 1    2012   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
                             Labor to improve animal welfare in this State.
Table of Contents

   1.    Executive summary                                    3    7.   Live Export                                 28
         1.1   WA Labor’s Commitment to Animal Welfare        3                 Recommendations                     29

   2.    Key Recommendations                                  4    8.   Parliamentary Response                      30
                                                                                Findings                            31
   3.    Introduction                                         6                 Recommendations                     31
         3.1   Scope of this paper                            7
         3.2   Animal welfare in Western Australia            8    Appendix 1
         3.3   Legal Framework                                9                 WA Labor Platform 2011              32
         3.4   Definitions                                    10
         3.5   Public Opinion                                 11

   4.    Companion Animals                                    13
               Findings                                       13
               Recommendations                                13
         4.1   Dogs                                           13
               Findings                                       15
               Recommendations                                15
         4.2   Cats                                           15
               Findings                                       16
               Recommendations                                16
         4.3   Horses                                         17
               Findings                                       17
               Recommendations                                17

   5.    The Cruelty Connection                               18
               Findings                                       19
               Recommendations                                19

   6.    Stock Animals                                        20
         6.1   Intensive food production versus humane food   20
               Findings                                       21
               Recommendations                                21
         6.2   Layer Hens                                     22
               Findings                                       23
               Recommendations                                23
         6.3   Labelling                                      24
               Co-op Case Study                               26
               Findings                                       27
               Recommendations                                27

                                                                                           Photos courtesy Houndstooth Studio

Page 2                          Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
1. Executive Summary

  WA Labor presents this discussion paper              WA Labor will work in consultation with the
  as a catalyst for community consideration,           community and stakeholders to develop a
  discussions and debate on how we can build           Western Australian Animal Welfare Strategy.
  on our strong track record on animal welfare in      A Western Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
  Western Australia. This is not a policy paper;       would dovetail with the Australian Animal
  it is a paper calling for public comment as WA       Welfare strategy but would seek to go further
  Labor considers policies for the next Western        in the protection that it offers our animals.
  Australian State election (March 2013).              This strategy would include a review of the
                                                       performance of the Animal Welfare Act 2002
  The paper presents an overview of some               (AWA 2002) and its regulations. One issue
  challenges that are currently the focus of those     requiring investigation is the benefits of giving
  concerned with improving the wellbeing, health       RSPCA General Inspectors the power to issue
  and welfare of companion and stock animals in        infringement notices.
  Western Australia.
                                                       WA Labor invites comments on the contents
  WA Labor recognises that there are more              of this paper. We welcome the opportunity to
  challenges to be met in animal welfare than          present the contents to interested members of
  are covered by this paper and will continue          the public. Contact details on where to send
  to identify and address these based on               submissions are included on page 31.
  consultation, feedback and research.
                                                       1.1 WA Labor’s Commitment to Animal
  This paper outlines WA Labor’s track record          Welfare
  while reaffirming our commitment to animal
  welfare. It also describes the current situation     WA Labor has been instrumental in introducing
  for animal welfare in Western Australia, including   laws and regulations to protect animals. Under
  descriptions of prevention, punishment, and          the leadership of Premier Dr Geoff Gallop,
  definitions for cruelty and neglect and how          the State Government proclaimed the Animal
  current public opinion is responding to these        Welfare Act in 2002, replacing the previous
  issues.                                              Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1920.
                                                       The AWA 2002 contains some of the harshest
  It presents a number of animal welfare issues        penalties for animal cruelty in Australia. It
  that WA Labor could address in government.           contains a maximum fine of $50,000 and
  The paper includes a discussion of an overall        a maximum of five years’ imprisonment for
  framework through which each of these issues         serious crimes against animals.
  may be strategically approached.

  Animal welfare is a matter of great concern for
  the Western Australian community. It is related
  to aspects of healthy child development,
  individual health and community well-being.

  There are well-established links between cruelty
  towards animals and domestic/family violence.
  Children exposed to cruelty and the torture
  of animals are more likely to show violent,
  aggressive behaviours themselves. This link,
  known as the ‘cruelty connection’, is described
  in more detail later in the paper.

Page 3                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Executive Summary (cont)                           2. Key Recommendations

  On 25 June 2011 the WA Labor State                 WA Labor in Government to consider
  Conference unanimously agreed to a new             progressing the following recommendations:
  policy platform on animal welfare to direct the
  work of future WA Labor governments. Details       1. Establish     an    Animal    Welfare
  of the platform are attached to this discussion       Administration Board to have oversight
  paper.                                                and inquire into matters of animal
  Since the promulgation of the AWA 2002 the
  social ethics around animal welfare and animal     2. Create a Western Australian Animal
  cruelty have continued to develop. There has          Welfare Strategy. The strategy will
  been an escalation in community awareness             dovetail with the Australian Animal
  about animal cruelty and despite the strengths        Welfare strategy but must go further and
  of the current Act, a commensurate increase in        be stronger in the protection that it offers
  the demand for animals to be better protected.        our animals.
  Consumers are demanding more information
                                                        The Western Australian Animal Welfare
  about how animals destined for the dinner
                                                        Strategy would be developed to address
  table are treated during their lives and when
                                                        the urgent animal welfare issues raised in
  they are slaughtered. There is now a demand
                                                        this discussion paper and identify the best
  for further improvements to strengthen and
                                                        ways to proceed in relation to improving the
  expand the scope of animal welfare protection.
                                                        welfare of our animals.
  This growing expectation and call for change is
  not unique to Western Australia. It is echoed by      The following ideas are worthy of further
  people in other States in Australia and around        research for inclusion in a Western Australian
  the world.                                            Animal Welfare Strategy:

                                                         Work with industry associations (eg
                                                          Pet Industry Association, the Australian
                                                          Veterinary Association and animal
                                                          welfare groups etc) to develop a code of
                                                          practice for pet shops that sell animals.

Page 4                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Key Recommendations (cont)

          Introduction of a dog breeder                      unambiguously identifies foods which
           identification system in Western Australia         have been humanely produced.
           to prevent unscrupulous breeders from
           selling sick puppies. The harmonisation      3. Review the Animal Welfare Act 2002 with
           of laws across the country addressing           terms of reference to include:
           this issue should be encouraged. In
                                                            Determining how successful the AWA
           reviewing the AWA 2002, consideration
                                                             2002 has been in protecting our animals;
           be given to the impact of the Act on
           protecting puppies/dogs and other                Identifying gaps in and         ways    of
           companion animals, and, if necessary,             strengthening the Act;
           ways to strengthen the Act on this issue.
                                                            Fully funding the Animal Welfare Unit
          Investigate the best way of ensuring              and separate it from the Department of
           the expansion of the work of non-                 Agriculture and Food; and
           government agencies to improve the
           welfare of cats in Western Australia             Reviewing the regulations that sit
           under the new Cat Control Legislation.            under the AWA 2002, including the
                                                             identification of gaps in the regulations.
          Provide appropriate interventions for
           juveniles who are caught being cruel to      4. Build local jobs and local industry by
           animals.                                        assisting the live export industry to
                                                           diversify its base. This includes:
          Bring key agencies together to establish
           links that will benefit the welfare of           Working with overseas trade offices
           children and animals (see section 5: The          to promote new markets for Western
           Cruelty Connection).                              Australian chilled and frozen meat;
          Commence            discussions      with        Working with the Commonwealth
           stakeholders to plan for improvements             Government to promote chilled meat
           in the welfare of horses, ponies, donkeys         from animals humanely transported and
           and mules.                                        slaughtered in Australia; and
          Remove horse meat from the                       Pursuing, as part of trade negotiations,
           Department of Health’s list of food               the elimination of policies of foreign
           allowed for human consumption.                    governments, such as tariffs and
                                                             subsidies, that distort competitive
          Work with stakeholders to reduce                  neutrality between meat processing and
           intensive farming in favour of humane             the live export industry.
           food production.

          Work with stakeholders to move the egg
           industry to the use of enriched cages or
           away from the use of cage systems for
           laying hens across Western Australia.

          Introduce a properly standardised
           and regulated “truth in labelling” food
           labelling system which clearly and

Page 5                      Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
“One can measure the
     greatness and the moral
     progress of a nation by
     looking at how it treats
     its animals...” Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Introduction
  WA Labor presents this discussion paper           This paper highlights that while much has
  as a catalyst for community and industry          already been done and is being done in Western
  discussions on how we can build on our            Australia to protect animals, those efforts remain
  strong track record in animal welfare in          underfunded and fragmented due in part to a
  Western Australia. This is not a policy paper;    lack of attention this issue has received from
  it is a paper calling for public comment as WA    decision makers in our State. There has been a
  Labor considers policies for the next Western     serious lack of commitment shown to the issue
  Australian State election (March 2013).           by the Barnett Government.

  The paper highlights developments in              It was the WA Labor Gallop Government that
  community attitudes and social ethics             introduced the current Animal Welfare Act
  concerning the protection of animals in our       2002, which is one of the strongest pieces
  society. It also identifies some of the gaps in   of legislation of this type in Australia when it
  animal protection laws and suggests which of      comes to protecting animals.
  these most urgently require our attention. Most
  importantly, the paper identifies the issues,     However, instances of cruelty and neglect of
  priorities and strategies that WA Labor will      animals in Western Australia continue to occur.
  consider in preparation for the 2013 State        We simply must do more. WA Labor must
  election.                                         build on our already strong track record to
                                                    help create an environment where animals are

Page 6                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Introduction (cont)

  protected from cruelty through increased public      3.1    Scope of This Paper
  education, better detection of instances of
  cruelty or neglect, stronger prevention methods      Animals are part of our everyday lives, whether
  and prosecution of offenders.                        we live in the city or in rural areas.

  This paper shows that public opinion supports        We have animals as pets. Some people bet
  measures to prevent animal cruelty in all settings   on horse or dog races. We drink milk from
  where animals play a role in our lives. We know      farm animals such as cows and goats and eat
  from studies that the public does not condone        eggs from chickens and meat from animals.
  cruelty towards companion animals and is             We carry leather bags and wear leather shoes
  now increasingly less inclined to accept cruel       and woollen garments. It is rarely possible to
  treatment towards animals farmed for human           live our daily lives without coming into contact
  consumption (see Section 3.6: Public Opinion).       with animals or animal products. In that sense,
                                                       we would argue that everyone should be
  This paper notes that an increasing number of        concerned about animal welfare and have an
  consumers care how the animals that produce          interest in prevention of cruelty and punishment
  their eggs, milk and meat are treated on the         of those who are cruel to animals.
  farm and when they are slaughtered. It is no
  longer a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’.        There are at least six main settings in which
                                                       cruelty towards or neglect of animals is an
  There is increased public awareness of what is       issue:
  called ‘The Cruelty Connection’, where juveniles         Animals in social settings/companion
  and adults who are cruel and neglectful of                animals;
  animals are more likely than those who are
  more respectful of animals to be involved in             Stock animals bred and reared for food
  violence towards others. It is one more reason            or other products eg skin and wool;
  to be concerned about cruelty towards animals            Animals used for legalised sport such as
  and to introduce preventative measures.                   horse and dog racing, equestrian events
                                                            and pigeon racing;
  This paper does not seek to provide definitive
  solutions. It seeks to encourage discussion by           Animals used for scientific experiments;
  industry and community on the above issues to            Wild animals,       whether    native   or
  help develop a platform for action leading up to          introduced; and
  the March 2013 election.
                                                           Aquatic animals and fish.

Page 7                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Introduction (cont)

   WA Labor acknowledges each of the settings             compliance enforcement responsibilities. It is a
   described above and recognises that there              confusing system.
   will be a need to develop specific strategies
   to address each category where neglect and             While the majority of animal welfare issues
   cruelty towards animals is likely to occur.            are regulated at a State level with some input
                                                          required at local government levels, international
   This paper focuses on the welfare of animals           factors such as quarantine and trade fall within
   in the first two settings. We also consider that       the Commonwealth Government’s regulatory
   industry and the community should contribute           responsibility.
   to planning for policy into the next state election.
                                                          For example, Commonwealth Government
                                                          agencies have control over the treatment of
                                                                     animals involved in the live export
   3.2  Animal     welfare           in                              trade once they are loaded onto
   Western Australia                                                 ships for export. This means
                                                                     that any incidents of cruelty to
   In Western Australia the majority
                                                                     sheep and other livestock that
   of    animal     welfare    issues,
   particularly those affecting pet        “Each year, the           are shipped from Fremantle
                                                                     on a regular basis may only be
   and companion animals, are
   regulated under the Animal
                                            RSPCA in WA              dealt with by Commonwealth
                                                                     Government         agencies.      But
   Welfare Act 2002. Since 2002,             investigates            even this demarcation may be
   nothing has been done to
   update or strengthen the animal            on average             questioned. For example, some
                                                                     commentators have argued that in
   welfare legislation despite cruelty
   continuing to occur and public
                                           between 3,000             past determinations (for instance,
                                                                     the ‘Al Kuwait’ case where
   opinion indicating increasing              and 4,000              thousands of sheep died in transit)
   support for tougher action.
                                              complaints             there is a strong counter argument
                                                                     that State law applies at least to
   Each year, the Royal Society
   for the Prevention of Cruelty to        about cruelty.”           the limit of State jurisdiction which
   Animals (RSPCA) in Western                                        is at 12 nautical miles.
   Australia     investigates,    on
                                                                        Monitoring the welfare of these
   average, between 3,000 and
                                                                        animals during their transportation
   4,000 complaints about cruelty.
                                                                        from the farm gate to the harbour,
   The vast majority involve cruelty
                                                                        port or feed-lot, and while they are
   to dogs, followed by cats, horses,
                                                          being loaded on ships, is the responsibility of
   livestock and others, including wild animals.
                                                          the Animal Welfare Unit (AW Unit). The Barnett
   One of the significant factors leading to poor         Government recently moved the AW Unit from
   outcomes in many animal welfare issues                 the Department of Local Government into the
   in Western Australia is the different legal            Department of Agriculture and Food (June
   jurisdictions under which animal welfare               2011). It is not clear how animal welfare will be
   is controlled in Western Australia and                 monitored or the AWA 2002 enforced through
   throughout Australia. These differences involve        that department. The efforts of volunteer groups
   jurisdictional issues across federal, State and        and charities such as Animals Angels and the
   local government spheres and also imbalances           RSPCA WA are therefore critical in identifying
   with the levels of government responsibility and       and reporting incidents of cruelty.

Page 8                     Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Introduction (cont)

  The specific welfare of companion animals          policy framework.
  – dogs, cats and other domestic pets –
  tends to be covered by State animal welfare        3.3    Legal Framework
  legislation and is regulated through ‘animal
                                                     The legal framework that is currently in place in
  management’ requirements often enforced by
                                                     Western Australia to protect animals relies on
  local government authorities. Generally, local
                                                     remedies that may be pursued ‘after the fact’.
  laws covering ‘animal management’ focus
                                                     That is, the act of cruelty cannot be prevented
  on maintaining neighbourhood amenity and
                                                     – it can only be punished. Some argue that
  preventing neighbourhood nuisances, such as
                                                     this is an inherent failure of having a regulatory
  dust, smell and noise and do not directly focus
                                                     system for animal welfare reliant on criminal
  on the welfare of the animals involved.
                                                     prosecution. For a comprehensive discussion
  This complexity and lack of clarity and            on this issue, Geoffrey Bloom has produced a
  transparency in the protection of animals          paper entitled “Regulating animal welfare to
  concerns stakeholder groups. The community         promote and protect improved animal welfare
  has responded by trying to identify gaps in        outcomes under the Australia Animal Welfare
  protection and created hundreds of volunteer       Strategy (AAWS)”, delivered at the AAWS
  groups to fill these gaps. Examples include        International Animal Welfare Conference on the
  highly reputable groups such as the Cat Haven,     Gold Coast on 1 September 2008.
  Dogs Refuge Home and Second Chance Horse
                                                     Charities and non-government organisations
                                                     concerned with animal welfare often incorporate
  Volunteer groups are forced to play an             preventative, educative and early intervention
  increasing role in monitoring animal welfare due   strategies into their missions. Community
  to lack of government support and funding.         expectations about the need to better protect
  The situation has worsened under the Barnett       animals increases as consumer awareness
  Liberal National Government.                       increases.    These organisations find their
                                                     resources being stretched to the limit as they
  For these reasons, the animal welfare system       attempt to do more to prevent animal cruelty
  across Australia and within Western Australia      and neglect, rather than just punish it after it
  is more of a patchwork quilt than a strategic      happens.

         “...the animal welfare system
          across Australia and within
           Western Australia is more
          of a patchwork quilt than a
         strategic policy framework.”

Page 9                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Introduction (cont)

  3.4     Definitions                                reconstituted as the United Kingdom’s Farm
                                                     Animal Welfare Committee (1 April 2011), states
  The following definition of animal welfare comes   in its report to the United Kingdom Government
  from the World Organisation for Animal Health      in March 2011 that the minimum standard of
  (OIE):                                             farm animal welfare should be set at the test
                                                     of whether an animal has a ‘life worth living’.
        ‘Animal welfare’ means how an animal is
                                                     It argues that it would be a sad reflection on
        coping with the conditions in which it lives.
                                                     government policy and commercial practice if
        An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as
                                                     the intention was not to give each and every
        indicated by scientific evidence) it is healthy,
                                                     farm animal a ‘life worth living’.
        comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to
        express innate behaviour and
        is not suffering from unpleasant
        states such as pain, fear and                 “Volunteer groups are forced to play
        distress. Good animal welfare
        requires disease prevention and
                                                    an increasing role in monitoring animal
        veterinary treatment, appropriate              welfare due to lack of government
        shelter, management, nutrition,                      support and funding.”
        humane handling and humane
        slaughter/killing. Animal welfare
        refers to the state of the animal;
        the treatment that an animal
        received is covered by other
        terms such as animal care,
        animal husbandry, and humane

  Under this definition, if an animal is
  not treated in the manner described
  by the OIE, then it may be said that
  the animal has been treated with
  cruelty or neglect.

  There is increasing public criticism
  of this definition and the international
  standards to which it is linked. For
  example, the OIE standards fail to
  demand the use of ‘stunning’ when
  an animal is slaughtered. The new
  WA Labor platform policy states that
  livestock be transported, unloaded,
  held and slaughtered in accordance
  with OIE guidelines and stunned
  using appropriate humane restraints
  immediately before slaughter.

  The United Kingdom’s Farm Animal
  Welfare Council (FAWC), now

Page 10                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Introduction (cont)

  The words ‘neglect’ and
  ‘cruelty’ are often confused
  when applied to animals.
  However, the result of a
  person being either neglectful
  of the needs of animals in
  their care or cruel to animals
  in their care may have similar
  outcomes for the animals
  concerned and for the
  legal outcomes that can be
  expected under Western
  Australian laws.

  Neglect may be described as
  where a person, or persons,
  overlooks the basic needs
  of the animal. It is commonly
  seen in companion pet
  ownership and husbandry.
  Historically, this is usually
  associated with a failure to                            Tortures, mutilates, maliciously beats or
  provide food, water or shelter.                          wounds, abuses, torments or otherwise ill-
                                                           treats the animal;
  There may be many motives to explain why
  a person neglects an animal. Sometimes                  Transports the animal in a way that causes,
  the motive may come from ignorance of the                or is likely to cause, the animal unnecessary
  animal’s needs and what is required in terms             harm;
  of good animal husbandry or veterinary care.            Confines, restrains or catches the animal in
  In other cases, the reasons may be related to            a manner that is prescribed in regulations,
  a person finding that they do not have, or no            or causes, or is likely to cause, the animal
  longer have, the financial means to look after           unnecessary harm;
  an animal. In some cases, the person neglects           Works, drives, rides or otherwise uses the
  the animal in their care to save money. When             animal when it is not fit to be used in a
  this is deemed to be the case, neglect may be            manner that causes, or is likely to cause the
  interpreted as cruelty.                                  animal unnecessary harm;
                                                          Fails to provide proper and sufficient food or
  In law, intent is a key component in defining
                                                           water for the animal;
  what is cruel. In the past the definition of cruelty
  has been constrained to the circumstances               Fails to provide shelter and shade;
  in which an animal is kept and applied to               Abandons an animal;
  people who knowingly cause the animal pain              Uses a prescribed inhumane device on the
  or suffering. Currently, scientific research is          animal;
  aligning with consumer demand to expand this            Intentionally or recklessly poisons the
  definition of cruelty.                                   animal; or
  The AWA 2002 defines cruelty as when a                  Allows captive animals to fight with each
  person:                                                  other.

Page 11                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Introduction (cont)

  3.5     Public opinion                            The results of a recent study by Coles
                                                    Supermarket can be seen in the graph below.
  People are becoming much more sophisticated       They clearly indicate that regardless of whether
  in their understanding of issues of cruelty,      a consumer is metropolitan or regionally based,
  neglect and the humane treatment of animals.      they support food production which is more
                                                    humane for animals.
  Studies have demonstrated that the welfare
  of farm animals is no longer ‘out of sight, out   As a result, this paper will focus on the consumer
  of mind’ as far as the public is concerned.       demand for information on the processes of
  An increasing number of consumers are             food production.
  demanding more information at point of sale
  about how animals are treated in the production
  of meat and other animal products.

   3.7    Graph – Support for Humane Food provided by Coles Group Market Research,
          February 2011

           I support food production which is more humane for animals

Page 12                 Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
4. Companion Animals

  WA Labor recognises that companion pets                 2008. This pet shop code was developed
  play a central role in the family life of many          in consultation with the pet shop industry,
  Australians. Dogs and cats are hugely popular           dog and cat interest groups, animal welfare
  companions to many of us. There is also a               organisations, the Queensland Government
  growing body of research demonstrating                  and the Australian Veterinary Association, with
  the health benefits of owning a pet or having           community input through a public consultation
  access to a companion animal, for instance,             process.
  in retirement homes and aged care facilities.
                                                           Finding: The health and welfare of
  Currently Western Australia has no code of
                                                           companion animals being sold in Western
  practice to cover the retailing of pets, particularly
                                                           Australia through pet shops is currently not
  dogs and cats, thereby reducing the risk of
                                                           protected by a code of practice.
  pets becoming unwanted or the breeding of
  unwanted litters.

  A pet shop code would provide guidelines for
  the care and management of cats, dogs and                Recommendation:           WA        Labor   in
  other animals sold through pet shops.                    Government to work with industry
                                                           associations (eg Pet Industry Association,
  A code would also encourage retailers to ensure          the Australian Veterinary Association and
  that purchasers take home a pet that is healthy          animal welfare groups) to develop a code of
  and suitable to their current and anticipated            practice for pet shops that retail animals.
  lifestyle and not contribute to overpopulation.
  Retailers can best assure the health and welfare
  of pets by sourcing animals from breeders that
  operate to acceptable standards.                        4.1    Dogs

  Pet retailers can also reduce the risks of pets         Despite the provisions of the AWA 2002,
  or their offspring becoming unwanted by                 cruelty to dogs remains the highest reported
  ensuring that all cats and dogs are desexed             type of cruelty in Western Australia. While
  and microchipped.                                       the RSPCA does its best to investigate and
                                                          prosecute instances of cruelty, there remains a
  Retailers should fully inform purchasers of their       largely underground and unrestricted trade in
  pets’ needs, their community obligations and            dogs through unscrupulous and unregistered
  the requirements of pet ownership.                      breeding.
  Ideally, a pet shop code would contain                  We acknowledge that most reputable dog
  guidelines on providing new owners with                 breeders, especially those who affiliate with
  advice about breeding control, appropriate              formal industry associations, strive to ensure the
  management of pet behaviour, registration and           health of the dogs they breed and the integrity
  identification. Compliance with the pet shop            of the pedigree. Their businesses depend
  code would demonstrate to the community that            on the quality of their reputations, which are
  the pet shop industry is meeting community              enhanced through setting and maintaining the
  expectations for pet welfare.                           highest standards for the animals they sell.
  The ‘Queensland code of practice for pet shops’         Recently, the community has been made aware
  (the pet shop code) was released in December            of some problems in the pet industry that have

Page 13                    Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Companion Animals (cont)

  very negative consequences
  for the welfare of these
                                      “...unscrupulous              was infected at the time the
                                                                    puppy was sold. The Channel
  companions. These include              breeders are               9 story highlighted what has
  the existence of ‘puppy farms’                                    proven a significant challenge
  where mass-bred puppies are            running their              for the RSPCA, which has
  produced from dogs kept in
  cruel conditions; pet shops
                                     businesses at the              been unable to prosecute such
  and backyard dealers buying          expense of the               Puppy farms, sometimes called
  puppies from eastern states
  puppy farms and transporting       health and welfare             puppy factories or puppy mills,
                                                                    are defined by the RSPCA as:
  them to Western Australia
  in poor conditions and
                                      of the dogs they
  without proper health checks;       breed for profit.”            “An intensive dog breeding
                                                                    facility that is operated under
  poor ‘backyard’ breeding
                                                                    inadequate conditions that fail
  practices that cause genetic
                                                        to meet the dogs’ behavioural, social and/
  weaknesses, mutation and/or disease; and
                                                        or physiological needs.”
  the export of dogs and puppies internationally
  to countries where they are kept in dreadful       Puppy farms tend to be large-scale commercial
  conditions and killed for human consumption.       operations, however, inadequate conditions
                                                     may also exist in small-volume dog-breeding
  In 2009, Channel 9, A Current Affair highlighted
  some of the problems associated with
  unscrupulous, unaffiliated dog breeders based      It is yet to be established how many of these
  in Western Australia by revealing how some         puppy farms are operating in Western Australia.
  breeders were selling puppies infected with the    The RSPCA indicates they have no doubt that
  parvo virus.                                       they exist here and that unscrupulous breeders
                                                     are running their businesses at the expense of
  Western Australia’s current animal welfare laws
                                                     the health and welfare of the dogs they breed
  do not include an offence to cover the act of a
                                                     for profit. The only recourse for consumers who
  sick puppy being sold to a consumer, unless
                                                     unknowingly purchase a sick animal is to take
  it is proven that the breeder knew the puppy

Page 14                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Companion Animals (cont)

  civil legal action. This can be costly as well as
  time consuming.

  The Queensland Government, with the support of
  dog breeders and animal welfare organisations,
  including the RSPCA, has recently proposed a
  new dog breeder identification system. Under
  this system, each breeder is to be provided
  with an identification number which must be
  displayed at the point of sale or in advertising
  for sale or supply. The new system will also
  make it compulsory for breeding bitches to be
  micro-chipped. This means that that all dogs
  and puppies sold can be traced to an owner
  who must be registered and recognised by the
  Queensland Kennel Club.

  Western Australian animals and consumers
  would benefit greatly from the adoption of
  Queensland’s system. This would lead to a
  significant strengthening of regulations around
  the breeding of puppies and provide a proper
  system for consumers to refer to before buying
  a puppy.

  In reviewing the AWA 2002, consideration
  should be given to the impact of the Act on         4.2    Cats
  protecting puppies, dogs and other companion
                                                      As companion animals, cats are central to
  animals, and, if necessary, ways to strengthen
                                                      many families. They are especially valued by
  the Act on this issue.
                                                      older people and also by people who have
                                                      restricted mobility as they are small and don’t
                                                      require the level of exercise that a dog requires.
    Finding:      Queensland’s dog breeder            The problems associated with stray and feral
    identification scheme is supported by the         cats and with unrestricted breeding of cats are
    industry and the Queensland Government            now well documented.
    and addresses the welfare of puppies and
    dogs by requiring those breeding and              In late 2011 the WA Parliament passed the
    keeping them to meet well-defined standards       Cat Control Act which introduces state-wide
    of welfare.                                       domestic cat control legislation that aims to
                                                      reduce the number of stray cats by:

    Recommendation:           WA     Labor     in      Encouraging responsible pet ownership
    Government to introduce a dog breeder               behaviour by members of the community
    identification system in Western Australia to       who own cats or look after a cat in some
    prevent unscrupulous breeders from selling          way (semi-own); and
    puppies which are sick.                            Implementing cat control legislation across
                                                        the whole State.

Page 15                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Companion Animals (cont)

  The new legislation will be enforced by local      the new legislation. Experience from other
  government and has the following mandatory         states of Australia where this type of law has
  features:                                          been introduced, shows that the number of
   Identification/microchipping and/or collars      unwanted cats and kittens will initially increase
    and tags;                                        and funding to manage this unpleasant work is
   Registration; and
   Sterilization.
                                                      Finding: Non-government organisations
  The economic cost to an animal shelter of           do essential work re-homing thousands
  euthanizing one cat is estimated to be about        of abandoned cats and kittens in Western
  $80. It is estimated that each year there are       Australia every year. They also help to control
  5,000 unwanted cats and kittens euthanized          cat numbers by undertaking the unpleasant
  which adds up to $400,000. In addition to the       but necessary task of euthanizing thousands
  economic cost there is the psychological impact     of cats and kittens every year.
  on the staff and volunteers of animal welfare
  organisation who are required to conduct
  these processes. Currently, the dollar cost of
  euthanizing many of these unwanted cats             Recommendation:          WA     Labor    in
  falls to cat welfare organisations, the majority    Government to investigate the best way to
  of which are not-for-profit, non-government         ensure the expansion of the work of non-
  associations and/or charities.                      government agencies to improve the welfare
                                                      of cats in Western Australia under the new
  State Government funding will be required by        Cat Control Act.
  these non-government agencies to implement

          “It is estimated
           that each year
          there are 5,000
          unwanted cats
             and kittens
          which adds up
           to $400,000.”

Page 16                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Companion Animals (cont)

  4.3      Horses

  Horses in Australia are an introduced species
  and have held a unique and greatly respected
  role, initially in our European settlements, then
  continuing through the development of our
  regions and primary industries.

  Horses, ponies, donkeys and mules may be
  companion animals, sporting animals, stock
  and in regional remote areas of this state,
  feral animals. Each of these roles require
  different research and have different welfare
  requirements. According to the RSPCA, horses
  and ponies experience the third highest rate of
  cruelty and neglect after dogs and cats.

  In their roles as companion and sport animals,
  horses and ponies have complex and costly
  care needs. Horses can live well into their
  thirties if properly cared for. Caring for this
  type of animal involves significant responsibility   has revealed that 80 per cent of the horses it
  and a long-term commitment, hard work and            rescues are ex-race horses.
                                                       In 2011 the Liberal National Government,
  Neglect can occur when people are not                without consultation, made changes to the
  correctly educated about their duty of care for      WA Health Act allowing for the slaughter of this
  these very large and challenging animals.            companion animal for human consumption.

  Racing and Wagering Western Australia and the        Improving the welfare of horses, ponies,
  thoroughbred and harness-racing industries           donkeys and mules will require investigation
  have clear guidelines pertaining to the welfare      into their diverse roles in our community.
  of horses, including:

        “Racehorses should receive proper               Finding: The aim of improving the welfare
        attention after they have raced and be          of horses, ponies, donkeys and mules
        treated humanely when their racing careers      requires significant consultation with many
        are over.                                       stakeholders.

        Retirement – Owners should attempt to
        ensure that their horses are sympathetically    Recommendation:
        and humanely treated when they leave            WA Labor in Government to commence
        racing. Racehorses should be permanently        discussions with stakeholders to plan for
        identified and registered, so that instances    improvements in the welfare of horses,
        of mistreatment during retirement can be        ponies, donkeys and mules; and remove
        pursued.”                                       horse meat from the Department of Health
                                                        list of food allowed for human consumption.
  Despite these guidelines Second Chance Horse
  Rescue and Rehabilitation in Western Australia

Page 17                    Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
5. The Cruelty Connection

  There is a strong link between human                  to those who want to read more on this issue,
  wellbeing and positive relationships with             for example;
  animals. Conversely, the connection between
  cruelty to animals and violence to humans                •   Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and
  is well documented and is often called ‘the                  Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles
  cruelty connection’.                                         of Compassion for Prevention and
                                                               Intervention, by Frank R. Ascione and
  Juveniles who exhibit a pattern of cruelty                   Phil Arkow, Purdue University Press,
  to animals have a significantly higher risk of               1999.
  becoming adults who are violent and more                 •   Clinical Assessment of Juvenile Animal
  likely to spend time in prison for violent crimes            Cruelty, by Shari Lewchanin and
  and arson. US studies found that 75 per cent                 Ellen Zimmerman, Biddle Publishing
  of violent criminals had a history of violence               Company, 2000.
  against animals in their youth.                          •   “Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal
  In addition, children are more likely to be                  Violence: Readings in Research
  in danger in families where animal abuse is                  and Application”, edited by Randall
  occurring.                                                   Lockwood and Frank R. Ascione,
                                                               Purdue Research Foundation, 1998.
  The American Humane Association website                  •   “Violence Prevention and Intervention: A
  contains many references concerning this                     Directory of Animal-Related Programs”,
  issue. For example, of 57 families being treated             by Debra K. Duel, The Humane Society
  for incidents of child abuse, 88 per cent also               of the United States, 2000.
  abused animals. In two-thirds of the
  cases, it was the abusive parent
  who had killed or injured the animals
  to control a child. In one-third, the           “One of
  children had abused the animals,
  using them as scapegoats for their
                                                 the most
  anger. It also notes:                        dangerous
      •   There is a growing public            things that
          awareness of links between
          domestic        violence and        can happen
          animal abuse. US states               to a child
          are considering bills that
          would include companion              is to kill or
          animals in domestic violence
          protective orders and several         torture an
          states have enacted such            animal and
          bills into law.
                                                get away
      •   Some family members often
          feel they have no choice                with it.”
          but to remain in violent
                                                Margaret Meade,
          households to avoid harm to
          their pets.

  There are many references available

Page 18                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
The Cruelty Connection (cont)

  Since 2000, RSPCA officers in England have            and in Florida, orders are used for acts of
  assisted the National Society for the Prevention      intentional torture or torment.
  of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) by looking for
  signs of potential child abuse when investigating     There is no requirement under Western
  routine cases of animal cruelty. According to         Australian laws for anyone convicted of an
  one study by the RSPCA in England, 82 per             animal cruelty offence to have counselling.
  cent of 23 families recorded as being involved
                                                        Worthy of further investigation, given Western
  in animal cruelty were also known to social
                                                        Australia’s problem with bushfires, is the
  services because of children being at risk of
                                                        possibility that juveniles who commit acts
  abuse or neglect.
                                                        of violence against animals may also have
  This multi-agency approach, established in the        a propensity to commit arson. Monash
  United Kingdom for more than a decade now,            University’s Associate Professor Dr Eleanora
  has spawned the formation of the Links Group          Gullone, an internationally acclaimed researcher
  (RSPCA and NSPCC) which aims to encourage             and publisher on this link between arson and
  organisations to work together to prevent and         children, firmly believes that juveniles who
  detect abuse of vulnerable children, animals          are cruel to animals should be assessed by
  and adults.                                           appropriate professionals.

  In Western Australia no formal arrangements
  between the RSPCA and child protection                 Finding: Juveniles who are cruel to animals
  agencies exist.                                        are at risk of maturing into adults who lack an
                                                         ability to empathise and are capable of using
  In contrast, the Queensland Government set             aggression or violence.
  up such an arrangement in 2009. RSPCA
  officers in Queensland who investigate animal          Children tend to model the behaviour that
  welfare complaints are directed to alert               they witness while growing up, including
  colleagues working in the area of child safety         violence and aggression. Early efforts to deal
  if they witness or discover anything suspicious        with children who are identified as having
  that relates to a child’s welfare. Similarly, if       been cruel to animals have the potential to
  child safety officers become concerned about           pay significant dividends to society in the
  animal abuse, they are directed to contact the         long term.
  RSPCA. This may serve as a useful model to
  inform this discussion.
                                                         Recommendation:              WA     Labor      in
  Similarly, in the United States relationships exist    Government to bring key agencies together
  between the American Humane Association and            to establish information sharing ‘links’
  various police and child protection agencies.          between animal welfare, child protection and
  These were set up in the mid-1990s and are             police that will benefit the welfare of children
  now a routine means of sharing information on          and animals.
  both child protection issues and animal welfare.
                                                         It will also provide appropriate interventions
  In the United States, 28 states now have               for juveniles who are caught being cruel to
  mandatory counselling included in their animal         animals.
  cruelty laws. California, Indiana, Iowa, and
  Tennessee require counselling for anyone
  convicted of animal cruelty. In Colorado the
  orders require counselling for second offences

Page 19                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
6. Stock Animals

  There is increasing public interest about how             or ignorance.”
  animals destined for human consumption or
  kept for the products they produce, such as           Recently, public awareness has been raised
  eggs and milk, are treated.                           through increased exposure to practices which
                                                        have become acceptable to industry in the
  There remains a separation between the health         intensive farming of animals, but are abhorrent
  and wellbeing of pet, companion and domestic          to the consumer and the wider community. All
  animals from that of stock animals. The health        forms of media, including social networking
  of stock animals is considered by agriculture         media, have revealed the life experienced by
  and trade agencies and law in the context of          animals farmed intensively. The evidence of how
  their role as sources of food or other products.      these animals live is readily available to anyone
  These animals are regulated as commodities in         in our community who wishes to investigate.
  a supply chain.
                                                        Today, there is an an increasing number of
  This separation has led to different definitions of   people who are aware that animal welfare is
  welfare being applied to stock animals. When          far broader than cruelty against pet, domestic
  a definition is created in response to scientific     and companion animals. Animal welfare also
  and agricultural practices, it has been limited       demands consideration of the conditions in
  to what we know scientifically about animals.         which animals, including those bred to be
  When it comes to regulating for animal welfare,       slaughtered for food, are kept throughout their
  Geoffrey Bloom states:                                life and whether or not their welfare has been
                                                        adequately met during this time. Whether they
      “...we must accept that we are at times           have a ‘life worth living’.
      obliged to make decisions in a state of
      imperfect knowledge. We should therefore          6.1  Intensive food production versus
      be taking a risk management approach.             humane food
      Requiring codes of practice to be based
      only on scientific evidence, rather than          The community is becoming increasingly
      taking that risk management approach,             mindful of the many welfare issues which
      runs the risk of making animals the default       surround food production from animals. High
      victims of the current state of our knowledge     profile animal welfare advocates, such as
                                                        chef and television personality Jamie Oliver,

Page 20                   Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Stock Animals (cont)

  have brought the problems                                         awareness initiatives’.
  associated with intensive         “People are now                 The European Union recognises
  farming into our living rooms
  and opened the debate                much better                  that animals are “sentient
  on how animals should
  be treated before they are
                                      informed and
                                                                    “The general aim is to ensure
  slaughtered for consumption.     want to know how                 that animals do not endure
  People are now much better
  informed and want to know        animals produced                 avoidable pain or suffering,
                                                                    and obliges the owner/keeper
  how animals produced for
  consumption are treated
                                    for consumption                 of animals to respect minimum
                                                                    welfare requirements.” EU Treaty
  while they are alive and how      are treated while               on the Functioning of the European
  they are slaughtered.
                                      they are alive                Union (Article 13)

  Social ethics about the
  production of food using         and how they are                 The European Union has
                                                                    banned veal crates and its ban
  intensive farming practices
  have changed dramatically,
                                      slaughtered.”                 on sow stalls comes into effect
                                                                    in 2013.
  particularly over the past 20
  years. Media reports on the                                       The Australian Pork Industry
  inherent cruelty of certain                                       will not abandon sow stalls until
  farming      practices   have                                     2017.
  received much attention and
  in their wake spawned myriad animal rights/        Industry resistance to change is based on the
  welfare organisations committed to educating       costs said to be involved. These costs may
  the public on the reality of factory farming       ultimately be borne by consumers and possible
  practices.                                         impacts on the cost of living need to be carefully
  The publicity being generated around the issue
  of ‘humane food’ has had a profound effect on
  the community’s views about, for example, live      Finding: Public opinion is changing in
  animal exports, and layer and meat hens. No-        relation to the treatment of animals farmed
  one should be surprised at community reaction       for consumption purposes. People are
  as studies have shown that interest in animal       increasingly voicing their concerns and calling
  welfare is high in Australia, and the community     for ‘humane food’ to be clearly labelled at
  is keen to have input into such important public    point of sale. More and more people want
  policy. (See section 3.5: Public Opinion)           to know that animals are treated humanely
                                                      before they become food.
  The report ‘Attitudes Towards Animal Welfare’
  (TNS Social Research Consultants, 2006)
  found that while participants possessed ‘a          Recommendation: WA Labor in
  keen interest in the topic’ they nevertheless       Government to work with the food industry
  exhibited ‘a shallow understanding of the           to promote humane farming practices and to
  issues’, particularly in relation to farming        clearly label food produced humanely.
  practices. This deficiency in knowledge was
  largely attributed to ‘an absence of balanced
  information in relation to animal welfare’ and
  ‘demonstrated the need for increased public

Page 21                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Stock Animals (cont)

  6.2      Layer hens and meat chickens               Union and are to be replaced by ‘enriched’
                                                      cages or barn or free-range systems.
  Consumer demand for inexpensive eggs
  from laying hens and cheap meat from broiler        Enriched cages are defined by the European
  chickens has created a difficult situation for      Council as:
  those interested in improving the welfare of
  these birds because while improvements in           “Cages where laying hens have at least 750
  animal welfare are desirable, these may initially   cm² of cage area per hen; The hens kept in
  cost consumers more.                                the enriched cage systems and the non-cage
                                                      systems must also have a nest, perching space
  Consumer demand is changing and, as                 of 15cm per hen, litter to allow pecking and
  demand and competition increases, the price         scratching and unrestricted access to a feed
  of eggs must come down. The sale of free-           trough measuring at least 12cm per hen in the
  range eggs has jumped from around 15 per            cage”
  cent to 28 per cent in just a couple of years,
  demonstrating a huge consumer swing
  towards the free-range sector. People
  are now demanding to know that farmed
  animals are treated humanely.

  While the treatment of cattle and
  pigs ranks highly among consumers
  concerned about where their food comes
  from, it is the treatment of chickens that
  ranks the highest in their minds.

        “Physically, chickens suffer for three
        main reasons: rough handling by
        workers, bad industry practices,
        and poor genetics.”
        Prof T. Grandin, 2010

  Keeping a hen in a small cage for its
  entire life is widely rejected by Australian
  consumers (see section 3.5: Public

  The European Union has led change in
  this field by requiring egg packs to be
  clearly labelled with the farming method.
  Packs have to be labelled as ‘free-range
  eggs’, ‘barn eggs’ or ‘eggs from caged
  hens’ enabling consumers to know
  exactly what they are buying.

  From 2012, in accordance with new
  European Union legislation (Council
  Directive 1999/74/EC3), conventional
  cages will become illegal in the European

Page 22                    Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Stock Animals (cont)

  This compares to conventional cages which
  allow 550 cm² for each hen and provide no
  nest, perch or litter.

  The European Union’s move to ban conventional
  cages for hen production set a world’s best-
  practice standard. Animal welfare organisations
  like the World Society for the Protection of
  Animals (WSPA) and the RSPCA continue to
  push for all cages to be banned completely, in
  favour of free-range or barn-laid systems.

  In Western Australia, where an estimated 1.02
  million eggs are consumed every day (Australian
  Egg Corporation, January 2011), egg production
  is big business. More than 31.05 million dozen     poultry-farming companies and the Australian
  eggs are produced every year. This represents      Chicken Meat Federation Inc, alleging
  9 per cent of Australia’s total egg production     misleading or deceptive conduct in relation to
  in 2009-10, generating approximately $138.5        the promotion and supply of chicken products.
  million in sales every year. Most of these eggs    The ACCC alleges that the federation had
  are produced in cage systems. Free-range           engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct
  systems in Western Australia are becoming          and made misleading representations that meat
  more prevalent. Western Australia has not          chickens are raised in barns in which meat
  mandated that free-range producers comply          chickens have substantial space available,
  with the Australian standards for the stocking     allowing them to roam freely. The ACCC alleged
  density so consumers have no way of knowing        that the population density of meat chickens
  that eggs labelled as free range are actually      raised in barns precluded such movement.
  laid by chickens that truly live in free-range
  environments. (The importance of labelling will    On 10 January 2012 the ABC reported that the
  be discussed in the next section of this paper.)   Federal Court of Australia fined chicken meat
                                                     company La Ionica $100,000 for engaging in
  The Australian Model Code of Practice for          misleading and deceptive conduct for using
  the Welfare of Animals – Domestic Poultry          the term ‘free to roam’ in advertising its chicken
  stipulates a maximum stocking density rate         meat.
  of 1,500 birds per hectare. In an article in The
  Land (December 2010), the Australian Egg            Finding: Consumers are driving a move
  Corporation’s managing director revealed that       away from intensive egg and poultry meat
  some egg producers claiming to be ‘free range’      production and are seeking industry support
  producers have a stocking rate of 50,000            for a more humane and affordable production
  birds per hectare. Currently the Australian Egg     system for these products.
  Corporation is consulting with its members to
  bring in a new stocking rate of 20,000 birds per
                                                      Recommendation: WA Labor in
                                                      Government to work with stakeholders on
  In a statement issued on 7 September 2011,          commercial proposals to move the egg
  the Australian Competition and Consumer             industry to use of enriched cages or away
  Commission (ACCC) announced that it had             from the use of cage systems for laying hens
  commenced proceedings against several               across Western Australia.

Page 23                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Stock Animals (cont)

  6.3     Labelling                                                    “Promotional         activities

  There     is   substantial
                                 “The Australian Egg                   that convey an impression
                                                                       of farming practices are
  evidence that consumer           Corporation has                     powerful      representations
  demand for ‘humane                                                   which     influence     many
  food’ is growing. The           acknowledged that                    consumer purchases and
  American Farm Bureau
  (AFB) released a report
                                some of its ‘free range’               food choices. This is an
                                                                       area where the ACCC will
  (December 2010) which          farms have stocking                   be vigilant in promoting
  found 89 per cent of                                                 consumer interests and
  consumers         believe    densities of up to 50,000               ensuring companies adhere
  companies which require
  farmers to improve animal
                                  birds per hectare.”                  to the law.”

  care “are doing the right                                              Currently, eggs labelled as
  thing”.                                           ‘free range’ make up approximately 28 per
                                                    cent of Australian egg sales. There has been
  Food labelling has proved to be the ‘weak link’   a significant increase in free-range egg sales in
  as regulators are reticent about introducing      the past couple of years, but unfortunately most
  regulations that govern what a manufacturer       of those eggs are not produced in ways which
  must reveal about the food they produce.          consumers would regard as free range. They are
  Inadequately regulated food labelling has         laid on intensive farms by birds who have been
  created confusion among consumers.                beak trimmed. The Australian Egg Corporation
                                                    has acknowledged that some of its ‘free range’
  The ACCC has recently taken action against
                                                    farms have stocking densities of up to 50,000
  the meat chicken industry over ‘free to roam’
                                                    birds per hectare - and claims its proposed
  chickens claims. In describing this action the
                                                    20,000 bird cap will be an improvement.
  ACCC states;

Page 24                 Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
Stock Animals (cont)

  Labelling of egg and poultry meat products in        demonstrated in Europe, the United States
  Western Australia could be improved if Western       and in Australia. Without the clear, consistent,
  Australia introduced a regulation to enforce         trustworthy and regulated labelling of humanely
  the Australian Model Code of Practice for the        produced foods, consumers are unable to
  Welfare of Animals - Domestic Poultry. When          make informed choices.
  complaints are lodged with the ACCC about
  consumer deception regarding the mislabelling        Since 2004, all European eggs have been
  of eggs, the ACCC is often unable to take            required to be stamped with a code to show
  action because there is no clear Australia-wide      where they were produced and by what means.
  definition of the term ‘free                                             Moreover, egg boxes have
  range’.                            “...consumers are                     to be labelled ‘free range
                                                                           eggs’, ‘barn eggs’ or ‘eggs
  Queensland is currently          confused about which                    from caged hens’. The
  the only State which has                                                 same legislation regulates
  introduced a regulation          labels are trustworthy                  the terminology allowed
  that the maximum outdoor
  stocking density for free-
                                   and which ones meet                     for marketing the sale of
                                                                           eggs. For example, eggs
  range hens is 1,500 birds         the best standards.”                   which are labelled as ‘free
  per hectare (following                                                   range’ must have been
  the model code). So the                                                  produced by hens which
  ACCC could take action against a business in         were allowed a specified amount of space to
  Queensland which claimed to be ‘free range’          range. In addition, the hens must have been
  even though it had a stocking density well above     accommodated in a hen house which met
  the prescribed limit but it can’t take similar       the minimum standards and complies with
  action against businesses in other States.           European Union standards.

  On 19 October 2011 the NSW State Parliament’s        This European system is far from perfect, with
  Legislative Council passed a Bill seeking a          consumer confusion caused by such terms as
  standard definition for free-range eggs. The Bill,   ‘farm fresh’ and ‘hen friendly’. The research
  which had the support of NSW Labor, would            from the American Food Standards Agency
  mean eggs in NSW could be labeled as free-           suggests that the sales of free-range and barn-
  range only if they have come from a farm that        laid could be higher if labels were clearer.
  has no more than 1,500 hens a hectare. It is
  not known whether this Bill will pass the lower      Consumer distrust of food labels that flooded
  house in the NSW Parliament and become law.          European and US markets in the 1990s were
                                                       borne out in the European Union’s ‘Consumer
  It would be preferable for a national approach       Concerns about Animal Welfare and the Impact
  to be taken on labelling and welfare issues.         on Food Choice’ report. Consumers expressed
  Western Australia should lobby the Federal           doubt over the validity and credibility of labels
  Government to make decisions on these issues.        on products, especially in the United Kingdom
  Meanwhile, if Western Australia enshrined the        and France. Some consumers in Ireland and
  Model Code as a legally enforceable document,        the United Kingdom expressed a desire for the
  that would achieve the objective and give the        establishment of an independent body which
  ACCC a basis on which it could act to ensure         would be qualified to accredit food production
  consumer expectations are met.                       methods as being ‘animal-friendly’.          They
                                                       also expressed a desire for standardised food
  Consumer confusion emanating from incorrect,         labelling, with eggs ranking high as a label they
  misleading or unclear labelling has been             either couldn’t understand, or didn’t trust.

Page 25                  Strengthening Animal Welfare in Western Australia
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