Page created by Yvonne Paul
Tom McCall Elementary School
                  The Mustang Motto:
                         Be Respectful
                        Be Responsible
                           Be Safe

  Student Handbook
                        Drew Frank, Principal

               1200 NW Upas Ave, Redmond, OR 97756
541.526.6400   fax 541.526.6401
Tom McCall Elementary
                                 Operating Principles
                              “Giving our students both roots and wings.”

      Through a focus on teamwork we foster a clear sense of purpose that is shared by teachers, parents and
      We value partnerships and encourage the involvement of volunteers and the community.
      We support and nurture a culture of shared leadership and collegiality.

We Prioritize Student Success
      We model the belief that all children are capable and work to build upon their individual strengths.
      We motivate and challenge all students to succeed.
      We create an environment where students are empowered, have ownership and a voice.

A Strong Instructional Program
      All staff share responsibility for student outcomes.
      Curriculum is tied to standards and is delivered in both traditional and innovative ways to motivate and
       accommodate the individual needs and interest of our students.
      We use student achievement data to improve our instruction.

We Are Learners
      Staff and students are engaged and excited about learning.
      We respect and support each others’ passions.
      We practice reflective thinking with a purposeful intent toward growth and improvement.

Diversity / Individuality is Valued
      We strive to create an inclusive environment.
      We welcome diversity and differences and view them as strengths.
      We respect one another as individuals and work with students, staff and families from a capacity

A Safe and Happy School Climate
      We create an environment that is welcoming, nurturing and safe where mind work and heart work occur
      Positive citizenship skills are modeled, taught and reinforced throughout the school; expectations are
      Relationships are built on good communication, trust and mutual respect among staff, students, parents
       and community members.
      We value a beautiful school environment where student art and work adorns the walls and a connection
       with our natural environment is evident.

We Enjoy Our Work
      We are cohesive, energetic and positive; we laugh and create a joyous environment.
                                Respectful, Responsible, Safe

As staff and parents of Tom McCall Elementary students, our primary goal must be to provide a safe
and happy school environment where students feel secure, comfortable and can do their best learning.
In order to achieve this goal, we must provide the guidance and support necessary for students to make
respectful, responsible, and safe choices.

This begins with an understanding of school and district expectations regarding safe and positive
behavior at school. When students understand the expectations and possible results of poor decision
making, they are capable of taking ownership over their daily decisions and contributing to a safe and
happy school environment. We also believe that teaching about and rewarding good behavior is an
important component to student success.

The guidelines and expectations listed in the following pages, are designed to insure student safety and
to create an environment where all students’ learning can be maximized. The support and
encouragement of parents and staff is crucial to this goal.


    Behave in a manner consistent with our Citizenship skills.

    Solve problems in a positive way and consider the safety of themselves and others in their

     Respect the learning environment and behave in a way that enables other students to learn
      and interact without disruption.

     Take responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences that result from the
      choices they make.
                         Things You Should Know
1.   Clothing Guidelines: Students should come to school dressed appropriately with consideration
     of modesty, the weather and activities they will be doing:
         Half shirts: (showing the stomach), halter, or see-through tops are not allowed.
            Sleeveless tops can be worn if they are modest (in other words no undergarments or
            private anatomy parts can be seen).
         Shorts, skirts or dresses that are shorter than the student’s fingertips when arms hang
            naturally at their sides are not allowed. As students go about the normal activities of the
            day (sitting, bending, playing, etc.) their modesty should not be compromised.
         Clothing that refers to alcohol, drug or tobacco use is not allowed. Inappropriate,
            disrespectful or suggestive sayings are also not allowed on clothing worn at school.
         For Safety reasons, wallet chains and dog collars are not allowed at school.
         Shoes: Open-toed shoes can be a safety hazard when students are playing actively at
            recess or in P.E. Tennis shoes are required for P.E. activities. Students who wear open-
            toed shoes will need to exercise caution while choosing play activities at recess. Heely’s
            (i.e. shoes w/wheels) are prohibited. Wheels must be removed while at school.
         Flip Flops: We encourage students NOT to wear them to school. If they do please make
            sure they have extra shoes for PE and outside recess. If they break while at school,
            parents will be asked to bring other shoes.

2.   GUM is not allowed at school except by special permission from the teacher.
3.   Toys may be brought for sharing in the classroom, but do not belong on the playground or in the
     bus lines. Sports equipment is allowed but must be used inclusively and the school will not
     accept responsibility for loss or damage of personal toys and sports equipment at school.
4.   We strongly discourage tattoos or any writing on the skin. Tattoos or writing which are
     inappropriate must be removed by the student.
5.   For health reasons, spitting is not allowed anywhere on the school grounds.
6.   Students can demonstrate respect for their school by helping to keep it clean and reporting any
     vandalism they witness.
7.   Cell Phones: Student cell phone use is prohibited during school hours. If parents authorize their
     child to carry a cell phone, it must be turned off and kept in a backpack while at school.
8.   Hand-held Electronics: The same policy as #7 applies to other hand-held electronics (games,
     MP3 players; etc). The school accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged electronics.
Citizenship Expectations for
  Tom McCall Elementary
          By Area in School

    The Mustang Motto:

         Be Respectful
        Be Responsible
            Be Safe
Be                       Be                        Be
                Respectful              Responsible                  Safe

Playground   - Line up quietly        - Line Up quickly       -Stay within
             - Hands to yourself      - Proper use of         boundaries
                                      Equipment               - Follow game rules
                                      - Return Equipment
                                      - Use Restroom Pass
Office       - Quiet voices           - Use front office      Bring an office pass
             - Wait to be helped      doors
Bathroom     - Quiet voices           - Paper towels in       - Wash hands with
             - Respect privacy        garbage                 soap
                                      - Keep water in sink
                                      - No writing
Hallways     - Quiet voices           - Walk on right-hand    - Don’t cut corners
             - Hands off the walls    side                    - Walk in the halls
                                      - Stay with your line
Library/     - Listen to directions   - Return on time        - Push chairs in
             - No food policy         - Take care of books    - Move & work
             - Use quiet voices       & equipment             carefully
*no poster                            - Sign Internet user    - Follow proper
                                      policy                  procedures
                                      - Clean up after        - No tipping chairs
                                      - Use shelf markers
                                      - Follow lab rules
Bus Lines    - Hands to yourself      - Manage your           - Walk to & from line
             - Appropriate voices     belongings              - Walk your wheels
                                      - Walk next to wall     - Don’t walk between
                                                              - Wait for adult to
Front        - Don’t stand on/in      - Manage your           - Don’t walk between
             planters                 belongings              cars
                                      - Walkers leave for     - Walk your wheels
                                      home                    - Wait for adult to
                                                              - Wait on sidewalk
Gym          - Take care of           - Enter & exit          - Follow directions
             equipment                carefully (walking)     - Use equipment
*no poster
             - Respect others’        - Come prepared to      appropriately
             space                    participate             - Move carefully
Breakfast    - Quiet voices           - Manage your food      - Clean up your spills
             - Good Manners           - Clean up your area    - Walk, don’t run
             - Appropriate            - Stay seated until
             Conversation             finished
Cafeteria    - Quiet voices           - ABC Order             - Eyes forward
             - Say                    - State first & last    - Both hands on tray
             “Please”/”Thank You”     name                    - Walk in the hall
             - Wait your turn         - Take what you can
Be                       Be                         Be
                Respectful              Responsible                   Safe

Assemblies   - Hands & feet to        - Stay in your place     - Manage your space
             self                     - Sit criss-cross
             - Be a good listener
             - Appropriate
Safety       - Listen to adult        - Follow directions      - Walk/move quickly
             - Take drill seriously   - Listen for             & carefully
             - Stay with your         directions               - Be quiet
*no poster   adult supervisor         - Learn from the drill   - Stay in your
                                      and honor the            assigned area

Community    - Appreciate others’     - Clean up after         - Move & work
             work with your eyes      yourself                 carefully
             - Use appropriate        - Communicate use of     - Use furniture as it
(in wings)   voice/volume             community area           is intended to be
*no poster   -Respect the             - Know the rules and     used
             activities of other      boundaries around        - Keep common
             classes                  the equipment and        walkways clear
             - Don’t interrupt        respect them
             working groups           - Do your assigned
Classroom    To be determined by
             classroom teacher
             and students
Tom McCall School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
                                 and Discipline Policy
Our goal is to provide a safe and pleasant school environment for students. School personnel will provide the
necessary support and guidance that will encourage students to practice our three citizenship skills of RESPECT,
RESPONSIBILITY and SAFETY. Students will be taught school expectations, positive problem-solving skills and
disciplinary consequences at the beginning of the year with follow-up trainings throughout the year. With this
knowledge, students are expected to assume increasing responsibility for their own behaviors and to take
ownership of their daily decisions.

Irresponsible student behavior can be defined as either minor or major behavior problems.

                                                     BULLY PREVENTION

Redmond School District adopted the program, EXPECT RESPECT as our main Bully Prevention curricula in the 2014-2015
school year. EXPECT RESPECT is a program created by the professionals with the Positive Behavior Interventions and
Supports out of Eugene, Oregon. There are five main student objectives of the EXPECT RESPECT program. They are:
1. Students will discriminate respectful from nonrespectful behavior.
2. Students will use a 'stop' phrase if someone is not respectful to them.
3. Students will use a 'stop ' phrase and remove a recipient if they are a bystander (physically or virtually).
4. Students will use a 'stop strategy' (stop what you are doing, take a breath, move on, or decide the problem is not worth
making bigger) when they are asked by another student.
5. Get help from an adult safely, if someone ignores their stop phrase and continues the disrespectful behavior.

Adults will:
1. Discriminate respectful from nonrespectful behavior.
2. Label and interrupt nonrespectful student behavior when encountered.
3. Teach the five core student skills.
4. Mediate conflict if presented with a problem situation:
         a. Did the reporting student deliver the stop signal?
         b. Did the perpetrating student 'stop' when signaled?
         c. Protect the safety of all.
5. Collect and use information to continually improve the social climate of the school.

                                               MINOR BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS

These are small discipline problems which will be handled by the staff member on duty at the time of the
problem (e.g. not following game rules at recess, or running in the hallway). Classroom teachers will have a plan
to handle all minor problems that occur in their classrooms. Mustang Mishaps (see next page) will be used to
track and communicate about minor behavior problems. At the discretion of a supervising staff member,
students who are involved in repeated minor problems could receive a Discipline Referral (see next page).

                                                     MUSTANG MISHAPS

Mustang Mishaps are given for most minor problems; it is the way we keep track of student behavior choices.
Students who make poor choices could earn a Mustang Mishap but they will usually be given a warning about
what behavior they need to change before receiving one. Classroom teachers and the Principal keep Mustang
Mishaps and use them to track and communicate about student behavior. We understand that it is perfectly
normal for students to make poor choices occasionally. Parents will be contacted by the teacher if their child
receives a Mustang Mishap. Although Mishaps are usually for minor problems, we believe that parents play an
important role in helping to support positive citizenship at school. Communicating with you about even minor
problems, helps you to partner with us in supporting your child’s positive citizenship at school. Major Behavior
problems are dealt with through Discipline Referrals which are sent home (see next two pages).

We give lots of verbal positive reinforcement for students who demonstrate good Citizenship Skills. In addition,
every six weeks students without any Mustang Mishaps receive a Citizenship Certificate. Mustang Mishaps are
erased every 6 weeks so students can begin with a fresh start. Mustang Memos are given to students who are
observed practicing one of our Citizenship Skills. Mr. Frank and Mrs. Von Seggern will be giving out Mustang
Marshal Awards to kids who are being upstanders. An upstander is someone who stands up for themselves
and others! These go into a weekly drawing for a prize. They will also be used to draw for larger prizes
throughout the year. Individual classrooms will have their own systems for supporting positive behavior.

                                 MAJOR (SERIOUS) BEHAVIOR RULES
                                           “The Big 9"
  The following serious behaviors are unacceptable at Tom McCall School and have been explicitly defined
  and discussed to every class by Mr. Frank and Mrs. Andrews. They compromise student safety and

         Fighting/Violence
         Profanity/Obscenity/Name Calling
         Vandalism
         Stealing
         Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco
         Disrespect/Harassment/Relationship Issues/Threats
         Insubordination (refusing to follow adult directions)
         Weapons (including look alikes)
         Repeated Minor Problems
         We do not allow ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ talk and related behaviors

  We do not attempt to list every behavior because we expect common sense and conscience to be a
  student’s major guide. If a student destroys school property, writes on walls, leaves the playground, or
  some other obvious violation of trust or safety, it WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE to say, it was not listed in this
  book, therefore, I did not know it was a rule.

  * See also, Redmond School District Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook on the district website


  All severe behavior problems will be sent to the Principal. Some examples of consequences for these
  behaviors are:

         Phone Call to Parents
         Discipline Referral Form to Parents
         Parent Conference
         Recess Time Out
         In-School Suspension
         Out-of-School Suspension
         Expulsion
Any work that a student misses due to In-School or Out-of-School suspension must be made up
         at home.

  The principal will call the parents and fill out a Discipline Referral form and send it home with the student
  to be signed by the parent.

  The signed form must be returned the following day before the student will be allowed back into class.
                                             SAMPLES OF:
                                                                          Mustang Mishap
                                                              Student Name: _____________________
                                                              Incident Date: __________Time:_______
                                                              Referrer Staff:______________________
                                                              Homeroom Teacher: ________________
                                                              After School AM Bus AM Class AM Recess
                                                              Assembly Before School Extra-curricular
                                                              ActivityLunch Passing PM Bus PM Class PM

                                                              Assembly Bathroom/Restroom Bus/loading zone
                                                              Cafeteria Classroom Commons Computer Lab
                                                              Field Trip    Gym       Hallway    Library
                                                              Off-Campus        Office      Playground
                                                              School Parking Lot Time out Room
  Marvelous Mustang Memo
                                                                          Minor Problem Behavior
                                                              Defiance/Non-compliance Disrespect Disruption
 _______________________                 demonstrated
                                                              Inappr. Language Physical Contact Property Misuse
              Respect
                                                                          Major Problem Behavior
           Responsibility                                    Abusive Language       Defiance/Non-compliance
                                                              Disrespect    Disruption Fighting Forgery
               Safety                                        Harassment: Bullying Inappr. display of affection
                                                              Lying/Cheating     Physical Aggression    Theft
in the following way:________________                         Threat/Intimidation Vandalism Weapon
__________________________________                                                 Motivation
__________________________________                            Obtain Adult Attention     Obtain Peer Attention
                                                              Obtain Item or Activity Gain Control Avoid Adult
__________________________________                            Avoid Peers Avoid Task/Activity Avoid Situation
__________________________________                            Seek Revenge Self Expression Unknown Motivation

Reporting Staff:                                                                 Consequences
                                                              Conference w/student Individualized instruction In-
 ----------------------                                       School Suspension        Loss of Privileges
                                                              Out of school suspension  Parent Contact
 Student: ________________________                            Safe School Assessment     Suspension from BUS
                                                              Time in office   Time out/detention

Teacher: __________________ _______
Facts Parents Should Know
If your child is absent from school, for any reason, please call the office and let us know why ahead of time.
If we do not hear from you, a district wide computerized call system will generate a phone call. Upon returning
to school, a note explaining the absence is requested if we have not already talked to you about the absence.
Excessive absences interfere with your child’s success in school. Unless children are ill or in a contagious
state, attendance on a regular basis is most beneficial to a student’s learning. To develop responsible
habits, students should arrive at school on time (no later than 9:00am).

After 2 days of consecutive absences you may call the office or your child’s teacher and request any work
being missed. This work can be picked up in the office after school, between 3:35 and 4:30 or the following
day, whichever is most convenient.

In accordance with OAR 581-22-317, Redmond School District offers alternative education to students
enrolled in the district who may benefit educationally in an alternative program. The district shall grant credit
for work satisfactorily completed in an alternative education program as defined in ORS 339.605 and 339.615,
and as set forth in school board policy.

We ask that students arrive at school no earlier than 8:40 a.m. There is no supervision prior to this time.
Our first bell rings at 8:55 and students should be in the seats and ready to start their day at 9:00 a.m.
Children who arrive before 8:55 will wait on the primary (north) playground until the first bell rings. Supervision
and breakfast service begin at 8:40 a.m. School dismisses at 3:35 p.m. except on School Improvement
Wednesday, dismissal is at 2:35 p.m.

If your child must leave before the usual dismissal time, we ask you to send a note to the office. Your child
must be picked up and signed out at the office. Children are expected to go directly home after school
unless they are attending meetings or are detained by school personnel. There is no playground
supervision after 3:35 p.m. Students should return to school premises only if they are participating in a
scheduled after school activity or by parent permission. Parents are responsible for transportation and
reminders to their child of after school activities located on school grounds, but not sponsored by the school.

Consistent attendance is an important factor to a child’s success in school. Consequently, we keep track of
attendance. We will notify you with a reminder if we have concerns about your child’s attendance pattern. If
the inconsistent attendance continues, you will receive a more detailed letter requesting a meeting to set up
a plan to improve the attendance. Below is information regarding the state compulsory attendance
regulations. If your child is attending Tom McCall on a transfer request, poor attendance can result in the
termination of agreement.

All students between the ages of 7 and 18, who have not completed grade 12 (the requirements for a
Certificate of Initial Mastery and/or Certificate of Advanced Mastery), are required to attend school unless
otherwise exempted by law. School staff will monitor and report violations of the state compulsory attendance
law. Any parent who fails to send a student to school within three (3) days of notification by the district that
their student is not complying with compulsory attendance requirements may be issued a citation by the
district for the student’s failure to attend school.
Riding a bicycle, a skateboard, scooter or ROLLER BLADES to school is both a privilege and a responsibility.
Students are required to wear helmets and must walk onto and off of school property. Bicycles must be kept
in the bicycle rack and it is the student’s responsibility to lock his/her bicycle. The school does not assume
responsibility for damaged or stolen property. Skateboards and scooters should be carried in and out of the
school building and gated areas. Skate-shoes (“Heelies”) must be converted to regular tennis shoes while
at school (i.e. wheels must be removed when the student arrives at school and kept in their backpack).

Students are allowed to ride the bus to and from home only. Bus passes will not be issued to accommodate
daycare situations, sleepovers or playdates. Parents are responsible for arranging appropriate
transportation. Your student is expected to follow the rules distributed by transportations services. If your
child has difficulty following the rules, bus-riding privileges can be lost.

Wendy Von Seggern ( is our Child Development Specialist. Mrs.
Von Seggern works as a counselor with students in small groups, individually and in the classroom setting.
She is available for parent consultations. Our emphasis is always to support the home environment and
provide a strong connection between home and school.

Your child’s teacher will provide you with the classroom expectations. These rules are designed to allow the
teacher and students to work without disruption toward accomplishing our most important goal, educating all
children. Students and teachers alike have a right to work in a climate of respect, order, structure and safety.

In an effort to protect instructional time and focus in the classroom, we ask parents to deliver information
and/or materials and/or lunches to the office and we will make sure they get to the classroom in a timely
manner. The same is true for phone calls…unless there is an extreme emergency, we will pass along
information to students and teachers during natural break times.

The earliest drop off time for school in the morning is 8:40 a.m. Our dismissal bell rings at 3:35 p.m. We ask
that all parents dropping off and/or picking up students do so at the front of the school off of Upas Ave.
Students can be dropped off anywhere along the passenger curb. This area can get very crowded to we ask
for your patience to ensure student safety. The front curb is for drop off and pickup only…please do not
leave your car unattended at the red curb (this is a fire lane, unattended cars may be ticketed). Students
arriving late need to use the front entrance of the building, check in and pick up a tardy slip. For
safety/security reasons all other doors aside from the front entrance to the building will be locked and not
opened after this time.

If school is to be closed because of bad weather or some other emergency situation, the school district will
notify the local radio and T.V. stations. The school district will also call all families using the autodialer system.
If you have a question about closure, please check the District’s website (, call the
District Office (923-5437), the Transportation Department (923-4891) or your school office (526-6400) before
sending your child to school.

In the event of a school evacuation, Redmond School District policy states that students will be transported
to the Deschutes County Fairgrounds. Parents can contact the District Office to confirm the evacuations and
children can be picked up at that location.
In accordance with OAR 581-22-415, Redmond School District may excuse students from a state required
program or learning activity, where necessary, to accommodate students’ handicaps or religious beliefs. If
you chose to exempt your child from any learning activity, you will need to complete the appropriate forms,
which can be obtained from the school office.

F.A.N. (Family Access Network)
If it is difficult for you to supply your child with needed apparel or school supplies, please contact our school
F.A.N. Advocate, Jennifer Summerton. We have these items available in our School Clothing and Supply
Deschutes County offers the following services at free or low cost:

        ° Health/Dental Services            ° Parenting Classes/Books           ° Respite Care
        ° Counseling Services               ° Drug/Alcohol Prevention           ° Child Development
        ° Job Skills Programs               ° Volunteer Opportunities           ° Child Care
        ° Self-help                         ° Recreation

Please contact your school office for information and direction.

Current Oregon law allows the release of “Directory Information” (see definition below) of a student through
publication in a newspaper, parent newsletters, school handbook, or other recognized media forms without
prior permission from the student’s parent/guardian (or, if the student is 18 years of age or older). If the
parent/guardian (or student is 18 years of age or older) wish to keep the information confidential, he/she
must contact the school the student attends, either by phone or in writing, and direct the school to keep
directory information confidential.

Directory information is defined as the student’s name; address; telephone number; name of parent/guardian;
picture; date and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports;
weight, height, and year in school of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; degrees and awards
received; and, the most recent previous school attended by the student. The school district does not
distribute a student directory information to the general public.

Food products for classroom functions must be prepared by a licensed production kitchen or bakery and
should be brought to school in sealed containers.

An age-appropriate plan of instruction for grades K-5 has been included as part of the district’s health
curriculum. Any parent may request that his/her student be excused from any portion of the instructional
program required by Oregon law by notifying the child’s teacher in writing.

The School Nurse, Kim Kirk, is scheduled to be at Tom McCall approximately five half days each week. She
will be at Tom McCall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons and Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
You may contact her by calling the school office, 526-6400, ext. 4718.

It is always best if medication can be given at home. District policy states that we may dispense prescription
medication at school only with a physician’s order and signed parental authorization. Over-the-counter
medications (such as cough drops and Tylenol) may be dispensed only with a properly completed note
outlining specific instructions from the parent. ALL medications (prescription and OTC) must be in the original
container and accurately labeled. These medications must be maintained and dispensed in the office.
Medications containing alcohol will not be dispensed. If your child is prescribed an antibiotic to be taken
3x per day, give it in the morning, after school and before bed. If it is 4x per day, we can give the noon dose
at school.

If your child receives a minor injury at school, we will care for her/him here at school. If the injury is more
serious, we will notify you, the parents. It is very important that we have up-to-date information on your
child’s emergency card. If we cannot reach parents, we will call the other numbers you list in case of
emergency. If we can’t reach anyone, an ambulance will be called if deemed necessary.

Children who are ill with a contagious disease should be kept at home. This includes severe colds or flu. If
your child’s temperature is 100 degrees F or above, or is vomiting, your child must stay at home or
will be sent home. In some cases, such as impetigo or scabies, your child needs to be treated by a physician
before they can return to school. If a child contracts head lice, they may return after their hair has been
treated and they are free of live lice.

When your child returns to school after being ill, please send a note or call the school explaining his/her
absence and any activity limitations. Indoor recess may be permitted, if weather is inclement, until your child
is recovered. In general, however, outdoor recess is important to your child’s health as it provides physical
exercise and fresh air; children should come adequately dressed for the weather.

➔    Classroom teachers will communicate homework expectations to parents and students at the
     beginning of the school year.
➔    While all students will receive a modest amount of homework, individual classroom homework
     practices may vary. Some classrooms may give nightly homework while others may assign a weekly
     homework packet.
➔    The amount and type of homework will depend on the students’ developmental level and special
➔    Homework at all grade levels will include a focus on reading.
➔    Intermediate grades may require a parent signature for completed homework as a preparation for
     Middle School.
➔    Students will be accountable for completing and returning their homework and will receive a mark
     for homework on their report cards.

Our District offers students both a breakfast and lunch meal service. All students will have computerized
meal accounts and will be charged according to their household meal benefit qualification. Deposits of any
amount will be accepted and deposited to the student’s individual account. Deposits may be made before
school or properly marked and dropped off in the office or online via the District website The students account will be charged $1.75 for each breakfast purchased and
$2.85 for each lunch purchased. When the account runs low a reminder note will be sent home with the
child. If the account remains delinquent, a letter will be mailed home from our district office Nutrition Services
Department. The meal programs are regulated by state and federal guidelines. Students may be eligible to
receive school lunch and/or breakfast for free or at a reduced price. If you would like to apply for either the
Free or Reduced meal benefits, please complete and return an application to the Nutrition Services
department or drop one off with the school secretary. Applications for meal benefits are available through
the school office or at the District Office located at 145 SE Salmon DR. Redmond, OR 97756 or online at

Milk/juice is included with both the breakfast and lunch meal. Milk/juice is also available for purchase during
meal service times at $.50 a carton (soy milk $1.25).
Charges- Board policy states that one meal charge is allowed as a courtesy to all students with
insufficient fund. Upon charging, students may be given a charge notice to take home as a reminder
the account requires reimbursement.

Monthly Newsletter
On the first day of each month the school newsletter will be posted to the Tom McCall web page and sent
to families via email as a PDF attachment. These communications are a great source of information
regarding upcoming events, days off, what’s going on and when, and general information. If you cannot
receive the newsletter via email please let your student’s teacher know so a paper copy can be printed for

This group, comprised primarily of parents and school staff meets once a month to coordinate activities that
support our school (e.g. Fundraisers, Family Activity Events, Spirit Wear Sales, etc.). Anyone is welcome
and there are no membership dues. We strongly encourage you to get involved…it is a great way to offer
support to our developing school community.

For updates and information about our PTC meetings and activities see: Our Facebook page, school
newsletters, our school website, the bulletin board in our front entryway or special fliers that come home.

We welcome and encourage parent volunteers! We strongly encourage volunteering as part of our team
effort in the education of our students. All volunteers must have a completed Volunteer Application form
and have background clearance on file in the office prior to volunteering in a classroom. Each volunteer
needs to sign in and out in the office and wear a Volunteer Button while in the building.

To avoid hurt feelings, parents are encouraged to distribute party invitations outside of school or invite all
class members.

Your child will be participating in Physical Education each week under the direction of Christa Deckrow, our
P. E. Specialist. Students need to wear clothing that is appropriate for physical activity and a sturdy athletic
shoe on those days. Shoes should tie securely and not leave marks when scuffed. These shoes may be
worn to school or a pair may be kept in their classroom cubby. Physical activity is important to the well being
of all children. Students will be expected participate in Physical Education unless there are extenuation
circumstances which have been approved ahead of time.

Personal items brought from home for sharing are the sole responsibility of the student and their parents.
Students should not bring toys from home for play purposes. Please discuss this with your children and be
sure that items brought are somehow marked with their name.

Redmond School District has revised its Pets-In-School Policy. To prevent injury to students or staff, all
visiting pets (e.g. for classroom sharing) must have proof of current vaccinations and must be transported to
and from the classroom in a secure container. All visits must be pre-arranged and approved. Your child’s
teacher will give you more specific information regarding pets at school. Please also be aware of safety
issues related to pets around students during before/after school drop off.
School pictures are taken once a year in the fall. Our practice is for all students to have their photo taken for
classroom composite and for our student information system, even if parents are not purchasing a picture

Students will be expected to participate in all recesses. Exceptions to this expectation will be made only
upon receipt of a written note from the parent requesting otherwise and detailing the illness or injury.
Therefore, students need to arrive at school with appropriate attire (e.g. coats, hats, scarves, mittens,
boots, etc.).

                                    How do we keep our students safe?

       Redmond School District has adopted unified protocols to practice and follow in case of
        emergency. The “i love u guys” program provides a Standard Response Protocol (SRP) that is
        used across the district.

       All Redmond Schools practice emergency responses or drills on a monthly basis.

       Teachers have are led through a review of the protocols during our back-to-school inservice and
        during our first Staff Meeting.

       During school hours all doors are locked except for the one, main door in the front of the school.

       All visitors must proceed through the office to be checked in and issued a Visitor’s Badge.

       We have cameras stationed at nine different angles throughout the school and they are monitored
        by our secretary. Our secretary has panic buttons that when pushed will alert our local responders.

       All interior, classroom doors are “roped” for a quick-drop response.

       Our WatchDOGS Program adds an additional layer of perimeter patrol.

       Our School Resource Officer frequents the school to provide a law enforcement presence.


We believe it is important to promote student leadership, creativity and responsibility…especially for our
intermediate students.
      Service Club (for 5th grade) provides opportunities for 5th graders to help out in their school
        through a service job (e.g. helping tutor younger students, helping with special projects, helping set
        up equipment and keep it organized and maintained, etc.)
      Mustang Media (5th grade): Each week our 5th grade students produce a Media Broadcast on
        television (Mustang Media). Each classroom gets the opportunity to be involved in this exciting
      Leadership (4th-5th grade): We have started a Leadership Club for students interested in
        leadership and contributing great ideas to improve their school. More information to come.
The Educational Resource Center (ERC) offers assistance to students tested and identified as eligible to
receive services in language arts and/or math. This may be on an individual or small group basis. The child’s
teacher, ERC specialists, Laura Miller or Jessica Jern and other specialists (if applicable) and the parent will
work together to determine eligibility and develop a plan for each student. Please do not hesitate to stop by
our classroom to join in on the fun, we are located in the Forest Wing, RM B1.

The Life Skills Classroom (ILS) supports students with special needs using multi-sensory teaching
techniques, curriculums and individualized teaching programs. The Life skills students spend about half of
their day in the Life Skills classroom and the other half in the general education classrooms sometimes with
extra adult support and sometimes on their own. The goal of the life skills classroom is to teach students life
skills that enable them to be independent as adults. We strive to provide a program in which every student
is an active part of the whole school community and successful in their learning. Abby Graves, ILS teacher
oversees this program.

Our Speech Pathologist, Amanda Graybill, works with individual students who have specific speech and
language needs. She also conducts hearing testing for our students. Referrals are made on the basis of
teacher and/or parent concerns.

When withdrawing a student, school personnel, their teacher and office secretary should be notified in
advance so that transfer documents can be prepared. In accordance with the State of Oregon and the
Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 you have the right to review the educational
records, request an amendment of specified contents of the education records pursuant to Oregon
Administrative Rule (OAR)581-21-300 if you believe that the contents are inaccurate, misleading or in
violation of the privacy or other rights of the student; and request a hearing pursuant to OAR 581-21-310 if
you request an amendment to the education records and the amendment is not made by your former school.
The hearing will be conducted pursuant to OAR 581-21-320.

The safety of your child at school is our top priority. Listed below are a few rules and procedures that will
help keep students safe at Tom McCall Elementary School:
✰       Parent drop off and pick up takes place in the front of the school, located off of Upas Ave. Students
        should be dropped off at a curb only (you can use the entire curb ... even the area in front of the
        middle school).

✰       Please DO NOT double park. This causes traffic jams and requires students to walk through the
        parking lot to get to the curb. You may park in the parking lot area and walk students to the curb or
        into the building using the cross walk. Students are not to walk through the parking lot unattended.

✰       All adults coming into the building or onto schools grounds need to use the front entrance
        and check in at the school office. Once you have clearance to be in the building, you will be issued
        Visitor or Volunteer passes or children will be called to the office.

✰       Please drive slowly on 10th and Upas Streets and in our parking lots. Watch for students who are
        walking or riding bikes/skateboards or scooters to and from school.

✰       A crossing guard is stationed on 10th Street at the rear, staff parking lot exit (the south opening)
        before and after school. Please encourage your children to use this cross walk, taking advantage of
the crossing guard if they need to cross 10th Street. Sometimes this results in a slightly longer walk,
        but the added safety far outweighs any inconvenience.

✰       All external doors are locked at 8:55 a.m. and will remain locked with the exception of the main
        entrance located at the front of the school off of Upas Ave.

✰       Students are held accountable for safe choices at school. There will be disciplinary consequences
        for students who deliberately compromise the safety of other students and/or the learning

✰       Parents - please update the office and your child’s teacher about any changes in how your child gets
        home, contact information and any custody agreements or legal issues that could impact your child’s
        welfare here at school.

        If the regular routine for how a child gets home (e.g. rides the bus or get picked up) changes, we
        need to know as soon as possible. Parents can do this by sending a note with their child or by
        calling school before 3:00. If no note is received and/or we are unable to reach anyone, the normal
        routine will be followed.

✰       Parents who intend to pick their child up early must come into the office and sign their child out. We
        will not release students to parents waiting in the car.

TAG - Identification of Talented and Gifted Students
In order to serve academically talented and gifted students in grades K-12, including talented and gifted
students from such special populations as cultural and ethnic minorities, the disadvantaged, the
underachieving gifted and disabled learners, the district will identify students based on:

1.      Behavioral, learning and/or performance information;
2.      A nationally standardized mental ability test for assistance in identifying intellectually gifted students;
3.      A nationally standardized academic achievement test for assistance in identifying academically
        talented student.

Once identified, an Individual Learning Plan will be developed in cooperation with the classroom teacher, the
parents and the student. This plan will detail any modifications to the students’ learning that will help support
and enhance areas of giftedness.

The Redmond School District will provide students with access to the district’s electronic communications
network. This network includes communications between all the district’s local area networks and internet

Students have the right to use the district’s network for educational purposes including classroom activities
and professional or career development. Internet use is supervised and a filter is in place. Inappropriate
conduct on the internet will result in the student losing their internet privileges. If a parent/guardian does
not want their child to use the internet, they must notify the school in writing.

We welcome parent volunteers and visitors. All volunteers and visitors must check in at the office before
going into the school (this includes parents who are walking kids to classrooms). A visitor button will be
issued and returned at the time of your departure. In accordance with District policy, except for lunch and
volunteering, visits from siblings, friends or other relatives are not allowed as this can be disruptive to the
educational process.

Phone numbers you need to know:

     Tom McCall School Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-6400
     Tom McCall School FAX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-6401
     Redmond School District Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923-5437 (KIDS)
     RSD Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923-4891
     RSD Nutrition Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923-8238

Principal: Drew Frank          
Counselor: Wendy Von Seggern   

School District website:
Tom McCall Website:

                                DISTRICT OFFICE STAFF

     Superintendent         .      .      .     .      Mike McIntosh
     Executive Assistant to Superintendent      .      Gina Blanchette
     Executive Director of Student Services     .      Martha Hinman
     Director of Student Services .       .     .      Kira Fee
     Director of Human Resources .        .     .      Lynn Evans
     ELL Coordinator        .      .      .     .      Brittaney Cocciolo

                                BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                      Travis Bennett
                                        Rick Bailey
                                      Johnny Corbin
                                      Tim Carpenter
                                      Sean Hartfield
Tom McCall Elementary School
                           2018 - 2019 Staff Assignments

                                 Principal – Drew Frank
                        Secretaries – Crystal Downing and Toni Selk

1st GRADE                      Computer/Technology
Kim Bain                       Lynnette Konop                    Physical Education
Catherine Cron                                                   Christa Deckrow
Suzanne Stampke                Custodial
Ka’anoi Zuttermeister          Yesi Meraz                        Psychologist
                               Corey Ryder                       Sarah Stalberg
Aaron Alldredge                ELL
Nikki Ellerman
                                                                 Special Education-ERC
                               Tim Trijillo                      Laura Miller
Terri Osborne
                                                                 Jessica Jern
Anne Perkins
                               F.A.N Advocate                    Jill Chase, Instr. Assist.
                               Jennifer Summerton                Dana Porch, Instr. Assist.
MacKenzie Durham
Allison McGranaghan
                               Educational Assistants            Special Education-ILS
                                                                 Abby Corliss
Michelle Moran
                                                                 Connie Landry
Chanie Skinner
                               Literacy Support
4   th
         GRADE                                                   Speech Pathologist
                               Specialists                       Amanda Graybill
Shelly Bornfleth               Deborah Moucheboeuf
Alan Vellutini                 Keri Reiss
Gianna Zappittini                                                Title I
                                                                 Amber McLoud
                               Library                           Heidi Ewert
5th GRADE                      Amy Skeen
                                                                 Beth Pengra, Ed. Assist.
Dawn Alexander
Margaret Cobb                  Nurse
Chris Goede                    Kim Kirk
Alex Spreier

Counselor                      Nutrition Services
                               Brooke Coker
Wendy Von Seggern
                               Melissa Pepperling
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