SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort

Page created by Ben Fletcher
SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort
SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort
Kiawah Kids Triathlon
       Ages 3-14
  March 31, 2018 and       September 16, 2018
  September 15, 2018

   December 7, 2018         December 8, 2018

SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort

                                                                                      4th of July Special Events page 2
                                                                           Weekly Special Events & Activities page 6
                                                                                                              Dining page 13
                                                                                                           Shopping page 20
                                                                                                                   Spa page 25
                                                                                                                Pools page 26
                                                                                                        Bike Rentals page 28
                                                                                                    Beach Services page 29
                                                                                                              Fitness page 30
                                                                                                               Tennis page 32
                                                                                                                 Golf page 35
                                                                                          Kids Camps on Kiawah page 40
                                                                                        Youth & Teen Activities page 46
                                                                                       Turtles’ Nest Art Studio page 50
                                                                                                       Family Crafts page 52
                                                                                                  Birthday Parties page 53
                                                                                    Heron Park Nature Center page 54
                                                                             Lessons & Instructional Clinics page 56
                                                                                     Land-Based Nature Tours page 58
                                                                                     Motorboat ECO Charters page 62
                                                                                 Motorboat Fishing Charters page 64
                                                                                          K ayak Tours & Rentals page 66
                                                                              Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP) page 68
                                                                                                       Private Tours page 69
                                                                                                        Tide Charts page 70
                                                                                                Exclusive Benefits page 72

     The Sanctuary at                                                   Kiawah Island Golf Resort
                                                                             Platinum Award - Golf Magazine
 Kiawah Island Golf Resort                                        No. 1 Best Children’s Programs - Tennis Resorts Online
 Platinum Circle - Conde Nast Traveler                           No. 3 Mainland Resort in the U.S. - Conde Nast Traveler
Restaurant of the Year (The Ocean Room)                          No. 1 Island on the U.S. Mainland - Conde Nast Traveler
       Charleston Post & Courier                                  No. 1 Ranked Family Resort in the East and Southeast -
                                                                                  Travel & Leisure Family

                                           Wireless Internet Services
The following locations will have wireless internet access:
Villa Guest Registration, Town Center Market and the Market Patio,                Look for Wireless
Turtle Point Clubhouse, Tomasso, East Beach Conference Center,                     Internet Services
                                                                                       wherever you
Night Heron Pool Deck and Night Heron Grill, The Atlantic Room,                     see this symbol.
Loggerhead Bar & Grill

SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort

                           The Kiawah Recreation staff are taking plenty
                           of photos during the busier holidays. Be sure
                           to like us at our Kiawah Recreation Facebook
                           page and tag all photos you and your family
                           may be in!
                           Share your July Fourth memories with us on
                           Instagram or Twitter with #kiawahfourth or post on
                           our Facebook page to be featured on our live social
                           media wall.

SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort
4th of July Special Events
                                                                                       Sunday, July 1 - Thursday, July 5

    The following activities are in addition to our                 Kamp Kiawah Kid’s Night Out:
          regularly scheduled weekly events,                             Party in the USA!
      which can be found starting on page 8.                        6pm - 9pm, Night Heron Park, 3-11 yr olds
           SUNDAY, JULY 1                                     Show off your American Pride! Enjoy water
                                                              balloon launching, potato sack racing and other
        Family Talent Showdown*                               patriotic games and snacks! For more information
           5:30pm - 7pm, Night Heron Park                     about Kamp Kiawah, see page 43. Additional
Bring your family and show off what makes you                 Kid’s Night Out events for July 4th week are
unique! Check in beginning at 5:15pm for our                  available on July 5 and July 6.
Talent show. Prizes for Best Child Talent (under
8), Best Youth Talent (8-14), Best Teen/ Adult
                                                                        Fireworks Twilight Paddle
                                                                             Mingo Point, 8pm - 10pm
(15+), Best Family, and Most Unique Talent. Bring
your blankets and lawn chairs to take in the show,            Relax, unwind, and see the sunset as you have
admission and participation is complimentary.                 never seen it before! After the sunset, enjoy
Microphone, iPod hookup, and bluetooth speaker                a brilliant fireworks show over the marsh.
available for use.                                            Participants must be at least 16 and those
                                                              under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
 Sunday Sundaes with Rick Hubbard*                            This trip has a 24-hr cancellation policy. $55/
          7pm - 8:30pm, Night Heron Park                      person; Resort Guests and KICA members $50.
Our fan favorite Rick Hubbard and his famous                  Reservations required 843.768.6001.
kazoo band will present a special patriotic
performance on the Night Heron Park Stage.                                      Dive in Movie*
Build your own ice cream sundaes for $5 each!                           9pm, Night Heron Family Pool
Please bring your blankets and chairs for seating.            Float around the pool and watch “Spiderman
                                                              Homecoming”. Admission is complimentary,
        TUESDAY - JULY 3                                      concessions and glow gear are available for
  Cornhole Tournament in the Park*
       2pm - 3:30pm, Night Heron Park Stage                            WEDNESDAY - JULY 4
Show your cornhole skills with a little
competition in the park! Teams can register                           A Day Celebrating America*
starting at 1:45pm at the stage; tournament play                Loggerhead Bar & Grill at The Sanctuary, All Day
begins at 2pm. The top 3 teams will be awarded.               Loggerhead Grill will be hosting an all-day Fourth
Admission is complimentary.                                   of July Party. Fun in the sun with numerous
                                                              activities including hair braiding, clowns and
                                                              live music. End the evening by viewing our
                                                              spectacular fireworks show. Loggerhead Grill will
                                                              feature a festive Fourth of July Buffet or enjoy
                                                              grilled favorites for lunch off of our extensive
                                                              poolside menu. Pool and Beach Services are for
                                                              Sanctuary guests only & dining is available for all.

        *Event promoted by State Accommodations Tax (SATAX) Funds, Town of Kiawah and Kiawah Island Golf Resort.
              For a complete listing of our daily events, visit

SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort

      Tye Dye and Party on the Pool Deck                      Celebrate The Red, White & Blue*
            1pm - 3pm, Night Heron Park Pavilion             July 4, 5:30pm - 9pm, The Sanctuary Terrace Lawn
    Join us for a Patriotic Party and some Tye Dye!                    Adults, $56++; Children, $29++
    Make your very own unique Tye-Dye design with                    *non-alcoholic beverages are included.
    a Patriotic flair and then dance to some of the             Fireworks held on the beach promptly at 10pm
    summer’s hottest tunes with our Recreation Staff        Bring your family and friends to celebrate
    on the pool deck! Join in on a hula hoop contest        America’s Independence on the scenic oceanfront
    and MORE! Admission is complimentary, Tye-              Terrace Lawn at The Sanctuary. Indulge in
    Dye shirts are $18 plus tax each. Pool use is for       fantastic food and classic cold festive drinks while
    Kiawah Island Golf Resort guests only.                  enjoying our All American Band. Children will
                                                            be able to participate in our fun filled activities
              Sand Sculpting Contest*                       and games that will be provided leading up to the
      1:30pm - 3pm, Just West of the Sanctuary Hotel        fireworks held on the beach promptly at 10pm.
    Create a “Sandtastic” Sand Sculpture at this            All are invited to join in the evening events.
    annual event! Themes will be “Most Patriotic” and       Reservations required; community style seating.
    “Most Creative.” Judging will begin promptly at         Contact Leisure Services 843.768.6253.
    3pm. Complimentary.
                                                               Independence Festival in the Park*
      The Annual Patriotic Bike Parade!*                               6pm - 9:30pm, Night Heron Park
                Bike decorating begins at 5pm                     Fireworks in the park promptly at 9:15pm
    Parade starts promptly at 5:45pm, Sea Forest Drive at   Let the fun begin! This festival will kick off
                      East Beach Village                    following the Annual Bike Parade at Night Heron
    Patriots of all ages are encouraged to join in the      Park with many attractions for family and friends
    parade on bikes, skates, roller blades, or by foot.     to enjoy! Festivities include: live music, face
    Parade decorations will be available at 5pm on          painting, jump castles, carnival games, and much
    Sea Forest Drive near the East Beach Village.           more! Food and beverage tickets will be on sale at
    The Kiawah Island Fire Department will lead             the park starting at 4pm and at the event. Food
    the parade, followed by Uncle Sam and the Lady          will be served until 9:15pm, featuring a cookout
    Liberty. The route leads participants down Sea          menu inspired by traditional holiday favorites.
    Forest Drive, from the East Beach Village, and          Food prices range from $5 - $15. Night Heron
    finishes at Night Heron Park, where everyone is         Grill will close for food service at 4pm, bar will be
    invited to join us for our Independence Festival.       open until 10pm.
                                                                          Beaches & Cream
    Bike Parade Road Closures: On July 4, Sea Forest
    Drive will be closed to thru traffic at the Sea
                                                                       Ice Cream Sundae Bar!
                                                                      The Sanctuary, Happy 4th of July!
    Forest Drive/East Beach Village intersection from
                                                                    Friday & Wednesday, 7pm - 10pm, $12
    5:30pm until 6:30pm. In addition, residents and
    guests in Mariners Watch and Windswept villas           Come celebrate with us as you build your ultimate
    will experience temporary road delays between           ice cream sundae with all the festive toppings!
    5:45pm - 6:15pm. For additional information,            Beaches & Cream is always featuring Wholly
    please contact the Heron Park Nature Center at          Cow’s Red, White and Beaches Ice Cream;
    843.768.6001.                                           Vanilla Ice Cream with fresh berries.

                                                            *Event promoted by State Accommodations Tax (SATAX)
      *No coolers permitted at any 4th of July events.      Funds, Town of Kiawah and Kiawah Island Golf Resort.

SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort
4th of July Special Events
                                                     Sunday, July 1 - Thursday, July 5

      Independence Day Fireworks
             9:15pm Night Heron Park*
           10pm on the Sanctuary Beach*
No coolers permitted. Please leave pets at home
during fireworks for their comfort and safety. The
flying of drones in fireworks areas is prohibited.
     Teen Night: Slides After Dark*
          9:30pm - 11pm, Night Heron Park
We’re bringing the Teen Night Party to the Pool
deck! Try 9 Square in the Air in the water, rock
out to the latest hits, and slide into our glowing
pool for this unique Independence Day party.
Admission is complimentary, open to all teens
ages 13-18.

           THURSDAY - JULY 5
             Birds of Prey*
            7pm - 8pm, Night Heron Park
Sponsored in conjunction with the Kiawah
Conservancy, the Center for Birds of Prey
offers information on birds and exciting flight
demonstrations. Admission is complimentary,
blankets or chairs are recommended.

  For a complete listing of our daily events,

SUMMER GUIDE | 2018 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort

Weekly Special Events & Activities

   Summer Special Events                                              Swim Across America*
 Father’s Day Brunch at Jasmine Porch                                       Sunday, August 5
            Sunday, June 17, 12pm - 3pm                  SAA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that
      Adults, $75++; Children, $23++ (4-12yrs)           is dedicated to raising money and awareness for
Celebrate Dad and all that he does at the Jasmine        cancer research, prevention and treatment by
Porch Father’s Day Brunch. Jasmine Porch will be         hosting open water and pool swim events across
serving up their classic Sunday Brunch favorites         the US. SAA, whose events include Olympians,
with an extra special grilling station and craft         has raised over $75 million since its inception.
beers on the patio.                                      Money raised by SAA supports cancer research
                                                         and clinical trials at world-renowned research
      Moonlight Yoga on the Beach                        institutes. Kiawah’s event will feature both
    Wednesday, June 27, 8:30pm; Friday, July 27,
                                                         ½-mile and 1.5 ocean swim options, a kids splash
      8:30pm, and Sunday, August 26,8:15pm,
                                                         and lunch with an Olympian. This community
               Sanctuary Front Beach
                                                         oriented event is designed to attract swimmers
End your day under the full moon on the beach            from across the country of all ages and skill levels.
with a slow vinyasa yoga class focusing on breath        Register online at
and body and saluting the moon. No yoga                  Kiawah.
experience needed. $20/person. Reservations
required, 843.768.6001.                                        Save the Date: Labor Day
                                                            Mingo Point Oyster Roast & BBQ
             Full Moon Paddles                                       Saturday, September 1, 6pm - 9pm
 June 28, 7:30pm - 9:30pm July 27, 7:30pm --9:30pm         The Cup
               August 26, 7pm - 9pm
Experience the salt marsh like never before; in
the shadow of the moon! Participants must be at
least 16 and those under 18 must be accompanied
by an adult. $55/person; Resort Guests and
KICA members $50. Reservations required.
   Summer Solstice Yoga on the Beach
  June 21 only, 6am - 7:15am Sanctuary Front Beach
Celebrate the rising of the sun on the longest day
of the year with Sun Salutations, breath, strength,
and meditation. Advanced reservations are
required, no yoga experience necessary.                   Follow us for Post with...
$20/person.                                               all the latest   @kiawahresort
                                                          news during
                                                           your stay.      @kiawahresort
                                                         Have memories     Kiawah Island Golf Resort/
                                                           to share?       Kiawah Recreation

  *Event promoted by State Accommodations Tax (SATAX) Funds, Town of Kiawah and Kiawah Island Golf Resort.
             For a complete listing of our daily events, visit


                 Weekly Activities                                                  Cornhole Tournament*
                                                                                   June 10 - August 19, not on July 1
                        SATURDAYS                                                  5pm - 6:30pm, Night Heron Park
              Arrival Party at Night Heron Grill                        Come with your partner and show your cornhole
    The Cup           at Night Heron Park                               skills with a little competition in the park! Teams
         June 9 - August 11, Live music from 4pm - 7pm                  can register beginning at 4:45pm, tournament play
                    Grill Open, 11am - 8pm                              begins at 5pm. The top 3 teams will be awarded,
     From Beach and Top 40’s music to Reggae and                        admission is complimentary.
     Tropical, we will be jamming out to a variety of                     Sunday Sundaes with Rick Hubbard*
     island favorites that will put you in vacation mode.                        June 10 - August 19, 7pm - 8:30pm
     Cheers to some R&R for the week! *Present the                                     Night Heron Park Stage
     amenity card you receive at check-in to get 10%
                                                                        Admission is Complimentary. Our fan favorite
     off! (dates on card must be valid)
                                                                        Rick Hubbard and his famous kazoo band will
                  Summer Concert Series*                                perform on the Night Heron Park Stage. Build
      Most Saturdays, June 9 - Aug. 25, 5:30pm - 8:30pm                 your own ice cream sundaes for $5 each! Please
     The Summer Concert Series is a family friendly                     bring your blankets and beach chairs for seating.
     evening of music held Saturday Evenings on The
     Grand Lawn of The Sanctuary. Each concert                                         MONDAYS
     will host a different regional band for this                            Pool Party at Night Heron Park!
     complimentary event sponsored by the Town of                                June 4 - August 20, 3:30pm - 5:30pm
     Kiawah Island. Bands include The Coastal Breeze
                                                                        Come check out the pool at Night Heron Park,
     Band on June 16, The Chris Crosby Band on July
                                                                        listen to live Steel Drum Music and join our
     21, and Travis Allison Band on August 18. Guests
                                                                        Recreation staff in an afternoon of pool games,
     are welcome to bring beach chairs or blankets
                                                                        contests, and FUN! Admission is complimentary.
     (please, no outside alcoholic beverages). Weather
                                                                        Pool use is for KIGR Resort Guests only.
     Dependent. For more information, please call
     843.768.6296.                                                                     Mermaid Academy
                                                                                     June 4 - Aug. 13, 6pm - 7pm
                       SUNDAYS                                                       Night Heron Children’s Pool
                                                                        Learn to be a mermaid- or a shark! Swim with a
                  Brunch at Jasmine Porch                               mermaid tail , learn some tricks, and maneuver
                       11:45am - 2pm                                    through an underwater obstacle course. The
                   Reservations Required.                               program ends with a mermaid photo shoot and
     Sip on bottomless mimosas, listen to live jazz,                    a prize from the treasure chest. Shark tail option
     and enjoy a memorable Lowcountry brunch                            available upon request. Advanced reservations
     with spectacular ocean views amidst the relaxing                   required, $35/person. Ages 8+
     atmosphere of the Jasmine Porch restaurant.

                 *Event promoted by State Accommodations Tax (SATAX) Funds, Town of Kiawah and Kiawah Island Golf Resort.

                      For a complete listing of our daily events, visit

Weekly Special Events & Activities

     Mingo Point Oyster Roast & BBQ                                        Improv Night*
The Cup
        Reservations: 843.768.2790, 6pm - 9pm                           June 5 - Aug. 21, 7pm - 8pm
            Every Monday, June 4 - Aug. 27                 Come and be a part of a show that is never the
   Adults, $49.95; Children, $25.95 (5-12 years old)       same, made by suggestions from YOU! Veteran
Mingo Point is the perfect kickoff to your                 performers from Theatre 99 will present their
family’s vacation! Enjoy an authentic Lowcountry           hilarious show, great for all ages! Admission is
experience at Kiawah’s most popular family                 complimentary.
outing. A riverside oyster roast, an all-you-can-
eat buffet featuring Southern BBQ specialties,                 Night Heron Pool Dive in Movie*
live entertainment from The Island Trio, a                                    June 5 - Aug. 21
Kid’s Zone- featuring hair braiding and a special                  9pm - June & July; 8:30pm - August
craft keepsake, Kiawah’s Naturalists presenting                            Night Heron Park Pool
live island inhabitants and a local artisan craft          All families are welcome to float around the
market... this isn’t your typical backyard oyster          Night Heron Park family pool while watching a
roast, this is an event you don’t want to miss! See        movie on our giant movie screen. Admission is
page 18 for more details.
  *Purchase tickets in advance for a discounted price!     complimentary.
  Selling will take place on Saturday’s during check-in.   6/5: Jumanij                7/17: Elf
                                                           6/12: Surf’s Up             7/24: Toy Story
  Instagram Contest: #MingoPoint2018                       6/19: Coco                  7/31: Wizard of Oz
          1. Follow @kiawahresort                          6/26: Despicable Me3        8/7: Wonder Woman
          2. Upload a photo taken at Mingo Point           7/3: Spiderman 		 8/14: Hook
          3. H
              ashtag #MingoPoint2018 and tag                     Homecoming           8/21: Lego Ninjago
             @kiawahresort                                 7/10: The Incredibles               Movie
**Winning photos will be featured on Mingo
Point’s Facebook Page and winner will receive a
special gift from the resort!                                           WEDNESDAYS
          3v3 Basketball Tournament:                                    Sand Castle Wars:
            Youth, Teen, and Adult*                                Battle of the Kiawah Beach
  June 4 - August 20, Night Heron Basketball Court            June 6 - Aug. 22(not on 6/27 or 7/4), 2pm - 3pm
               7pm - 8pm Youth (8 - 12)                                    Sanctuary Beach Access
        8pm - 9:30pm Open (Teen and Adult)
                                                           Fort building begins at 2pm, the battle will
Join us at the Basketball Courts for a 3v3                 commence at 2:50pm. Each team will be given
Tournament! Come alone or with a team to play              all fort building supplies, water balloons, and a
the Island’s best basketball. Referees will call the       designated space. Team with the least damaged
games and run the tournament. Prizes awarded               fort at the end of the battle will be the ultimate
to the winning teams in each category. $2/ player,         winner. $12/fort; Maximum of 5 people per fort.
registration begins 15 minutes before game time.           Reservations Required. 843.768.6001.

                 TUESDAYS                                          Kiawah Sundown Festival*
                                                                            June 13 - August 22
               Family Olympics*                              June & July: 6:30pm - 9pm; August: 6pm - 8:30pm
          June 5 - August 21, 5pm - 6:45pm
               Night Heron Park Stage                      Enjoy the summer evening in Night Heron Park
                                                           as the sun sets on the day. Live band, southern
Come with your family and test your skills in our          lawn games, inflatables, photo booth, games, and
Family Olympics. Try your hand at live games,              crafts are available throughout the evening. Night
Giant Games, and everything in between! Collect            Heron Grill will be open until 8pm. Admission is
points to see how you rank in the end. Prizes
                                                           complimentary, crafts available for purchase.
awarded to the top 3 family finishers. Admission
is complimentary, no reservations required.

                      Archery Tag*                               Night Heron Park Magic Show*
       June 13 - August 22 (not on 7/4), 6:30pm - 8:30pm                 June 7 - August 23, 6pm - 7pm
                    Night Heron Park Fields                                Night Heron Park Pavilion
     Join the global sensation of Archery Tag! This         This magic show is interactive, fun and magical
     is a fast paced game that involves aim, accuracy,      for all ages! Concessions will be available for
     teamwork, strategy, and FUN! Reservations are          purchase. Admission is complimentary.
     not required, however time slot sign-up may be
     necessary based on the number of players. $5/game                     Discovery Series*
     or $20 unlimited wristband available. Ages 8+                     June 14 - August 23, 7pm - 8pm
                                                                              Night Heron Park
                     THURSDAYS                              This rotating cast of educational presentations
                                                            will reveal several native and exotic species
                      Magic Class                           including majestic birds, and underwater
                 June 7 - August 23, 4pm - 5pm              creatures. Through this series, you will discover
                    Night Heron Park Stage                  how our decisions today will make a difference in
     Participants will learn the basics of magical          protecting our natural world for tomorrow. Bring
     entertainment and will take home their own             blankets and chairs for seating. Complimentary.
     bag of tricks. Magic class $12/person, Ages 8+.        6/14: SC Aquarium           7/19: Birds of Prey
     Reservations required.
                                                            6/21: Sea Turtle Patrol 7/26: SC Aquarium
     Bar-B-Q + Brews at Cherrywood BBQ                      6/28: Native American 8/2: Birds of Prey
                                                                    Dancers             8/9: SC Aquarium
     Osprey Point’s Cherrywood BBQ & Ale House
                                                            7/5: Birds of Prey          8/16: Birds of Prey
     is offering local, seasonal beer samples and
     appetizer specials every Thursday evening. Sit on      7/12: Birds of Prey         8/23: SC Aquarium
     the veranda and watch the gators or relax and cool
     off inside.
                                                                    Bonfire and Board Games*
                                                                             Thursdays, 8pm - 9pm
                 Painting in the Park                                         June 7 - August 23
              June 7 - August 23, 5:30pm - 7:30pm                              Night Heron Park
                Night Heron Park Pond Overlook              Bring the whole family for a fun night playing
     Enjoy a beverage from the bar at Night Heron           board games, listening to music, and roasting
     Grill, or bring your own, while you create a           marshmallows. Meet new friends and test your
     masterpiece. The unique setting overlooking the        skills against each other in this laid back family
     pond in Night Heron Park and the setting sun           night of fun! Admission is complimentary.
     will provide inspiration while our artist guides you
     through an acrylic painting project you’ll treasure.
     $60/person, ages 14+. Beverage is not included
     in price.

       For a complete listing of our daily events,

Weekly Special Events & Activities

  Dive-In Movie at Loggerhead Grill*                               FRIDAYS
                   May 17 - Sept. 1
               8:30pm, Sanctuary Pool                           Agents of SHIELD
                                                        June 8- August 10 (not on 8/3), 5pm -6pm
All families are invited to float around The                  Night Heron Park Archery Field
Sanctuary Pool while watching a family favorite
movie. The Loggerhead Bar will extend their        Attention all heroes ages 7+..SHIELD is now
hours through the end of the event. Admission is   recruiting new agents! Join our instructors for a
complimentary. Everyone Welcome!                   workout for the body, eye, and brain that turn
                                                   recruits into agents ready to save the world! You’ll
        May 17: The Princess and The Frog
                                                   work on target practice, agility, balance, and find
          Memorial Day Weekend                     your hidden superpower. Advanced reservations
            Saturday, May 26: Coco                 required, ages 8+. $30/person.
                May 31: Atlantis
                                                         Superhero Training Academy
              June 7: Lilo & Stitch                         June 8 - August 10, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
               June 14: Yogi Bear                                  Night Heron Park Stage
           June 21: Secret Life of Pets            Calling Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Superman,
                  June 28: Brave                   and friends! Our littlest heroes will make their
                  July 5: Moana                    own cape and mask, and then put their super
                                                   skills to the test in this training academy for
              July 12: Open Season                 earth’s mightiest heroes. Ages 3-7, $25/child.
                   July 19: Deep                   Advanced reservations are required.
                July 26: Zootopia
                                                               Family Seaside Buffet
            August 2: The Lion King                          Loggerhead Grill at The Sanctuary
               August 9: Surfs Up                                      6pm - 8:30pm
         August 16: Monsters University               Adults, $45++; Children, $16++ (ages 4 - 12yrs)
          August 23: Despicable Me 3               Loggerhead is pleased to present a true family
                                                   favorite. Enjoy a wonderful array of fresh, local
             Labor Day Weekend
            Saturday, Sept. 1: Frozen              seafood, salads, meats and delicious desserts as
                                                   the sun sets over the Atlantic. Reservations for
                                                   the buffet can be made through Leisure Services
                                                   843.768.6253 or online. Loggerhead’s Seaside
                                                   Buffet is weather permitting and runs from
                                                   May 18 through Labor Day weekend.
                                                              Ice Cream Sundae Bar!
                                                            Beaches & Cream at The Sanctuary
                                                                       7pm - 10pm
                                                            Memorial Day - Labor Day Weekend
                                                   Come and build your ultimate ice cream sundae
                                                   with all the toppings for $12. Featuring Wholly
                                                   Cow Ice Cream, a locally produced favorite.

Weekly Special Events & Activities

                                                Theme Weeks
     Our theme weeks will be filled with special activities, the park will be transformed, and each week will
     have special activities not offered any other time. Join our recreation staff and see what is in store!
                   Island Oasis Week                                    Holiday Ornament Workshop
                          June 10-15                                     Thursday, July 19, 5:30pm - 7pm
                                                                              Turtles Nest Art Studio
                       Hula Dancing
       Monday 3:30pm - 4pm, Night Heron Family Pool           Join us in the art studio for a cup of hot cocoa and
                                                              learn to make ornaments that are uniquely yours!
     Learn to hula by the pool! Take a break from the
                                                              Advanced reservations are required. $30/person,
     pool and have the whole family learn to hula.
                                                              ages 5- adult. Includes 4 ornaments, additional
     Learn the basics of this traditional dance and have
                                                              ornaments can be added to purchase.
     some fun testing your skills with our instructors.
     No reservations required.                                               Wizarding Week
            Fresh Flower Lei-Making Workshop                                    July 29- August 3
       Wednesday, June 13 4pm - 6pm, Night Heron Park                              Quidditch
     Join our instructor and learn to make your own                         Monday 5:30pm - 6:30pm
     fresh flower lei. Pick from a beautiful assortment                   Night Heron Park Soccer Field
     of fresh flowers and make a stunning lei that            Come with your family and friends for this
     reflects your personality. $25/person.                   game of Muggle Quidditch! Play the game of
                                                              bludgers, snitches, hoops, and brooms and see
                   Hawaiian Shirt Contest*
                    Wednesday, June 13, 7pm                   who takes the victory! This is a physical activity
                                                              recommended for ages 7+. Complimentary.
     Show off your favorite Hawaiian shirt in our
     family-friendly contest during the Sundown                             Tri Wizard Tournament
     Festival. Prizes go to the Best Hawaiian Shirt, Most            Tuesday, 5pm - 6:45pm, Night Heron Park
     Unique Hawaiian Shirt, and Best Dressed Family.          Bring your family of witches, wizards, and muggles
                                                              to compete in the Triwizard Tournament- Kiawah
                   Christmas in July                          style! This event is complimentary, all ages are
                          July 15-20                          welcome. Families should check in at the stage at
                    Cookie Decorating*                        4:45 to participate.
                 Tuesday, July 17, 2pm - 3pm
                                                                               Wizard Academy
                    Night Heron Park Stage
                                                                Friday, 5:30pm - 6:30pm, Night Heron Park Stage
     Unleash your inner artist in the yummiest kind
                                                              Calling all potential wizards and witches,
     of way! Channel your inner baker and decorate
                                                              Kiawah’s Wizard academy is open! Students will
     Christmas cookies for a mid-day treat! Advanced
                                                              make their own wands, have a potions class,
     reservations are required, $5/cookie. Additional
                                                              learn and practice some spells, and participate in
     cookies can be purchased during class.
                                                              wand dueling. They’ll leave with their Wizarding
             Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest*                  certificate and may just have to defend the
                    Wednesday, July 18, 7pm                   academy from a villain! Recommended for ages
     Calling all ugly sweaters (or shirts)! Break out your    6+, advanced reservations are required.
     holiday attire for our family friendly contest to see    $25/person.
     who is in the Christmas Spirit! Best Ugly Sweater,
     Most Unique Ugly Sweater, and Best Dressed
     Family awarded.                                             For a complete listing of our daily events,


                       The Kiawah Dining Collection
           One Resort - More Than A Dozen Restaurants, Cafés & Lounges.
The flavors of Kiawah are chef driven and locally     With understanding the importance in today’s
inspired. Whenever you dine, you’ll find creative     rise in healthy eating, Kiawah’s culinary team is
menus showcasing seasonal ingredients from the        prepared to cater to all palates by providing vegan,
Lowcountry’s farmers and fishermen. Indulge in a      vegetarian and gluten-free options. Our qualified
variety of fare, from prime beef and fresh caught     chefs will accommodate special dietary restrictions
seafood to favorite Italian dishes and authentic      and provide a list of menu options or alternatives
Southern cooking. For dining reservations or          available to you.
additional information please call Leisure Services   *We highly encourage those with extreme dietary
at 843.768.6253 or visit our website for online       restrictions to contact us prior to your dining reservations
reservations:                    so we may ensure true satisfaction while visiting Kiawah.

Sanctuary Dining
        The Ocean Room at The Sanctuary                                   Jasmine Porch at The Sanctuary
           843.768.6260, “Kiawah’s Premier Steakhouse”                       “Taste of The Lowcountry”, Open Daily
              Dinner only, Tues.- Sat., 5:30pm - 10pm                               Breakfast, 6:30am - 11am
               Reservations Required, 843.768.6253                            Sunday Breakfast, 6:30am - 10:15am
     Evening Resort Attire, No denim, shorts or flip flops, please.                  Lunch, 11:30am - 2pm
     The Ocean Room, Kiawah Island Golf Resort’s                                     Dinner, 5:30pm - Close
     premier restaurant, offers an unparalleled                        Reservations required for dinner & Sunday Brunch,
     steak house experience featuring a variety of                             Resort Casual Dress, 843.768.6253
     signature dishes from Chef Kyle Bowling. Locally                 Chef Jeremy Holst and his culinary team truly
     sourced beef, seafood, poultry, and produce are                  exhibit the southern charm at The Sanctuary
     prominently featured on the seasonally changing                  during breakfast and lunch each day. Nightly
     menu. Complementing the Chef Bowling’s cuisine                   dinner showcases classic interpretations of
     is Wine Spectator’s Best Of Award- Winning                       Charleston Shrimp & Grits and She Crab Bisque.
     Wine Program. Certified Sommelier Erika                                         Jasmine Porch Brunch
     Selheim of The Ocean Room strives to showcase                                Sunday Brunch, 11:45am - 2pm
     the characteristics of the world’s finest varietals.
                                                                                      Reservations Required.
     With over 1000 selections, the wine program at
     The Ocean Room is sure to please every palate.                   Each Sunday, islanders gather for Jasmine’s
                                                                      Signature Brunch highlighted by sumptuous
             Special Offering: Dining at Dusk                         offerings and sweeping views of the Atlantic
        3-Course Menu $55, Tues. - Sat., 5:30pm - 6pm                 Ocean. This long standing Kiawah Island
                    Reservations Required.                            tradition features a collection of seafood
     The Sanctuary invites you to enjoy Dining at                     specialties, house-made charcuterie and other
     Dusk in The Ocean Room’s main dining room.                       unique Chef crafted items. Chilled champagne
     Dining at Dusk is an opportunity to enjoy Chef                   mimosas and soft lively music perfectly complete
     Kyle Bowling’s seasonal 3-course menu while                      your remarkable weekend experience.
     enjoying an exquisite Ocean View. While The
     Ocean Room is most known for its locally sourced                   Beaches & Cream at The Sanctuary
     beef, Chef Bowling’s Dining at Dusk menu offers                         ext. 86276, “The Gourmet Express Stop”,
     something for everyone. This special offering is                                Mon. - Wed., 7am - 9pm
     limited to parties of 6 or less.                                                Thurs. - Sat., 7am - 10pm
                                                                                        Sunday, 7am - 7pm
          The Sushi Lounge at The Ocean Room                                     CLOSED Daily, 11:30am - 12pm
                  Tues. - Sat., 5:30pm - 10pm
                                                                      Express Breakfast- is served each morning at
     Traditional sushi dishes, featuring locally-sourced              7am. It includes- freshly prepared breakfast
     produce and seafood. In addition to sushi, our                   sandwiches, quiche, cereals, oatmeal, pastries,
     menu includes a variety of contemporary small                    yogurt parfaits, bagels, fresh fruits, house made
     plates and classic cocktails. The lounge is also                 smoothies, fresh pressed juices, coffees, teas and
     equipped with a full wine menu as well as a                      espresso beverages. Express Lunch and Ice Cream
     diverse selection of craft beers and Japanese Sake’.             Service begins at 12pm, and includes made-to-
                                                                      order seasonal sandwiches, made-to-order paninis,
             Lobby Bar at The Sanctuary                               protein shakes, and more!
                 ext. 86301, 2pm - 12am daily
                                                                      Whether you stop in for your early morning coffee
     Enjoy stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean while
                                                                      or finish your day with a decadent sweet treat, be
     you imbibe on the Island’s finest selection of beer,
                                                                      sure to visit Beaches & Cream. Stop by and create
     wine & liquor. The exceptional personal service and
                                                                      a custom Holiday Gift Bag for any occasion.
     elegant atmosphere are reminiscent of a forgotten
     time. Live entertainment on Friday and Saturdays.


            Loggerhead Bar & Grill                                            Family Seaside Buffet
               at The Sanctuary                                   ext. 86253, Loggerhead Grill at The Sanctuary
      ext. 86287, “A Tropical Oceanfront Café”,                            Friday evenings, 6pm - 8:30pm
            Lunch service daily, 11am - 5pm                                 (Memorial Day- Labor Day)
                    Dinner service:                                  Adults, $45++; Children, $16++ (4-12 yrs)
     Sunday, Thursday & Saturday, 5pm - 8:30pm                        Children 3 and under are complimentary.
Relax in a tropical ambience and enjoy gourmet                 Loggerhead is pleased to present a true family
Jamaican-style sandwiches, grilled burgers, salads             favorite. Enjoy a wonderful array of fresh local
and wraps and daily specials. Loggerhead is                    seafood, salads, meats and delicious desserts as
paradise with a great selection of frozen drinks and           the sun sets over the Atlantic. Reservations for the
cocktails while overlooking The Sanctuary’s pools.             buffet can be made through Leisure Services at
                                                               ext. 86253 or 843.768.6253. Weather permitting.
Use of the pools are limited to Sanctuary guests
only, dining is available for all. Pool Cabanas-
Reservations required. Catering exclusively to
Sanctuary guests, call ahead to reserve your
private poolside beach cabana today! Seasonal
rates apply.

               Night Heron Park & Town Center Dining
  Night Heron Poolside Grill and Bar                                        Town Center Market
ext. 82012, “Dine Poolside In The Heart of The Park”            “Kiawah’s Market and Café” in East Beach Village
                  at Night Heron Park                                     ext. 82775 for daily offerings
     The Cup
                   11am - 8pm, Daily                                Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner available for
                *Mondays, 11am - 6pm                                     dine-in or take away 7am - 9pm
           Open Seasonally, Weather Permitting                 Enjoy gourmet sandwiches, salads, and pizza, plus
Sit back and unwind at this poolside bar and grill.            many breakfast, lunch and dinner specials. Casual
Night Heron Grill is the perfect lunch spot for you            self-service dining and takeout are perfect for golf
and your family. Enjoy a refreshing drink poolside,            groups and families. Grocery items, ice cream, beer
while sampling one of our many menu offerings.                 and wine, cigars, newspapers, Kiawah resort logo
With delicious wraps, burgers, salads and sandwiches           apparel and gifts are also offered. Pizza Delivery and
The Night Heron Grill is sure to satisfy your appetite,        more available exclusively to guests of Kiawah Island
while you relax the day away in the sun. While you’re          Golf Resort.
there, make sure to ask your server about “The Cup”.
*Every Saturday, enjoy live entertainment on the deck          Town Center Market Grocery Delivery Program
from 4pm - 7pm all summer long! On Saturdays, present          Enjoy the convenience of having groceries ready upon
the amenity card you receive at check-in to receive 10% off!   your arrival! Deliveries are made by 6pm on the date
(dates on card must be valid)                                  of check-in or as otherwise specified. Please allow a
                                                               4-day notice. Delivery fee applies. Call our grocery
                                                               line at 843.768.2775 for more information.
                                                               Picnic Baskets:
                                                               A fresh and flavorful alternative to your everyday
                                                               meal. Let our talented chefs prepare a basket for any
                                                               outing whether it is a family day at the beach, a trip
           In support of the resort’s green initiative         into Historic Charleston, or a quiet, relaxing escape
           Town Center Market is transitioning plates          for two. Please call ext. 82775 to place your order.
           and flatware to compostable materials!              Please allow 24-hour notice. Picnic baskets will be
                                                               available for pick up at Town Center Market.

West Beach Village
                  West Beach Cantina
       ext. 82848, “An Island Twist on Mexican Cuisine”
                  Open for the Season, May 23
      The Cup
              May 23 - August 11, 11am - 6pm, Daily
              August 12 - Sept. 2, 11am - 5pm, Daily
                       Weather Permitting
              Closed for the season beginning Sept. 4
     A full service poolside bar and grill offering a
     fresh spin on Mexican cuisine with an island
     vibe! Come to the best cantina under the sun for
     an ultra-relaxed paradise. Our menu highlights
     flavorful dishes and a variety of refreshing
     beverages. This pool is open to Kiawah Island
     Golf Resort guests and Governor’s Club members
     only. Take-out available to all via tennis court side.

         Restaurant Online Reservations!
       Visit to place your
     online reservations for the following restaurants:

             The Ocean Room at The Sanctuary

                     The Atlantic Room
               at The Ocean Course Clubhouse

               Jasmine Porch at The Sanctuary

                  at Turtle Point Clubhouse

               Cherrywood BBQ & Ale House
                 at Osprey Point Clubhouse

                   Loggerhead Bar & Grill
                 (Friday Seaside Buffet, only)


                                       Clubhouse Dining
             The Atlantic Room*                                               Tomasso*
      843.266.4085, “Kiawah’s Premier Seafood                     ext. 64070, “An Italian Gathering Place”
    Restaurant” at The Ocean Course Clubhouse                             at Turtle Point Clubhouse
             Dinner Only, 5:30pm - 9pm                                       Dinner, 5pm - 9pm
Diners will find a menu comprised of fresh                 Enjoy Panoramic views of Jack Nicklaus’ Turtle
seasonal ingredients and delicious, uncomplicated          Point Golf Course from the comfort of Tomasso
preparations with an emphasis on the freshest,             Restaurant. Choose from Chef Derick Wade’s
local seafood, procured through partnerships               Italian inspired menu, influenced by locally
with local fishermen and handpicked by Chef                sourced ingredients, featuring homemade pastas,
Nick Torno directly at the docks on Wadmalaw
                                                           local seafood, and traditionally inspired Italian
Island. Chef Torno’s creations are perfectly
complemented by a Wine Spectator Award of                  recipes. Indulge from our extensive list of Italian
Excellence Wine list. Resort Casual. Reservations          and New World wines, thoughtfully crafted
Recommended.                                               cocktails, and complete your visit with our house-
                                                           made Limoncello. Buon Appetito! Reservations
              The Ryder Cup Bar                            Accepted. Resort Casual.
       843.266.4085, “A Modern Clubhouse Bar”
            at The Ocean Course Clubhouse                            “Tomasso To Go” - Carry Out
Breakfast: Daily, 7am - 10am; Lunch & Dinner: 11am - 9pm        Direct to order: 843.266.4102, ext. 64102
                                                                               11:30am - 9pm
“Sunrise at The Ocean Course” - Early risers will
                                                           Serving selections from the Tomasso and Turtle Point
enjoy course-side, a la carte breakfast offerings with
                                                                            Bar & Grille menus.
a sunrise view. For golfers and non-golfers alike,
Chef Nick Torno has created a menu with a wide                 Cherrywood BBQ & Ale House*
selection of breakfast favorites. After 11am, stop              ext. 64636, “Southern Bar-B-Que at its Best”
by for a casual lunch with family or a post round                         at Osprey Point Clubhouse
sunset celebration on the veranda at the Resort’s                  Lunch & Dinner, 11:30am - 9pm, Daily
stunning Oceanside bar. While dining check                     Reservations accepted for parties of 8 or more.
out the course’s notorious ocean breezes on the
                                                           Genuine Southern BBQ, house smoked over
compass rose located on the bar’s ceiling which
                                                           local hardwoods and complimented by Chef
is attached to a rooftop weathervane. A variety of
                                                           Keith Richardson’s signature sauces. Hearty BBQ
unique bar menu favorites, including, our Bagger
                                                           platters, signature sides, unique salads and our
Burger, signature Crispy Fried Shrimp and the
                                                           thoughtfully prepared Alehouse specialties are
freshest oysters are offered daily.
                                                           sure to delight your appetite. Let our staff pair
         Turtle Point Bar & Grille                         your meal with a special brew from our extensive
                    843.266.4071                           beer list featuring over 60 local, imported,
           Lunch & Dinner, 11:30am - 9pm                   draft and craft beers. Join us on the veranda
                                                           overlooking Osprey’s famous alligators or enjoy
Visit Turtle Point Bar & Grille for a casual lunch         a meal and drinks at the bar. Large parties are
or dinner, a quick bite before or after a round            encouraged to call ahead. Walk-ins welcome.
of golf, or cocktails anytime! Featuring artisan
sandwiches, handcrafted pizzas, and fresh salads.
Enjoy the views from our expanded covered patio
overlooking the 1st, 10th, and 18th hole. Resort
                                                            *Limited To-Go Menus are available during holiday
                                                           weekends. See for options.

• F resh roasted oysters, Southern BBQ specialties; ribs, pulled
       pork, smoked chicken, with a bounty of sides, salads, and

       id’s Zone- featuring hair braiding, special craft keepsake

       rtisan Craft Market offering Lowcountry Basket Weavers,
      local woodwork, oyster knives, pottery, jewelry, and much

       iawah’s Naturalists presenting live island inhabitants

     • Oyster Roast River Cruise, $20/person at 5:30pm,
        6:15pm, 7pm & 7:45pm (advanced reservations recommended)

           The Cup                   June 4 - September 1
                                      Mondays 6-9pm
                                  Reservations: 843.768.2790
                                    Adults $49.95 
                                Children (5-12yrs.) $25.95
                                      (tax and gratuity included)
                                                                     Instagram Contest: #MingoPoint2018
                                      Cash Bar Available                    See page 9 for the rules.


“The Cup”
          Go Green while
          SAVING Green
          at the Night Heron Grill,
    West Beach Cantina and Mingo Point
           (Available March-September)

    Purchase a keepsake cup and use it
    all week long while enjoying deep
    discounts on select specialty beverages.
    Available only at Night Heron Grill,
    West Beach Cantina and Mingo Point.

    • The Cup, which includes your first
       specialty cocktail, is $35. Refill
      your cup throughout your entire
      stay and enjoy $3 off mixed drinks.
      Look for this symbol:

    • The Kids Cup, which includes your
      first smoothie or soda, is $20. Enjoy
      unlimited refills on soda or tea,
      and half priced smoothies through-
      out your entire stay.

Elizabeth East


                        The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island
                Summer Hours, 9am - 7pm daily except Sunday 9am - 5pm. Hours subject to change.

    The Kiawah Golf Shop ext. 86312                                 The Spa Boutique ext. 86299
            9am - 7pm, Monday - Saturday                                  8am - 8pm, Monday - Saturday
                    9am - 5pm, Sunday                                            9am - 7pm, Sunday
The Kiawah Golf Shop showcases men’s Peter                   Located directly above the Retail Wing, The Spa
Millar attire. It is crafted and worn with a classic, yet    at The Sanctuary is the perfect place to find that
                                                             exclusive gift for the most discriminating of shoppers.
modern flair, unquestionably exquisite and uniquely
                                                             Uplift your mind, body and spirit with our premier
proper. You will be pleased to find golf apparel,            products that are featured in many of our spa
headwear and accessories featuring one of the                services. Experience Luxury skincare with our Natura
Kiawah Island Golf Resort’s official logos. For your             _
                                                             Bisse products, Forbes Travel Guide’s exclusive
time off the course The Kiawah Golf Shop offers the          official skincare brand, known for their revolutionary
Peter Millar Lifestyle collection consisting of sport        formulas and innovative textures. If you prefer a
coats, dress shirts, sweaters, slacks, ties, shorts and      holistic facial line, Naturopathica offers solutions
footwear. Open daily; The Kiawah Golf Shop is the            for natural facial rejuvenation. Before you enjoy the
island’s central location for making inquiries and/          summer sun, defend your skin from the elements
or tee times for the resort’s five world-renowned golf       with natural luxury using MD Solar Sciences and
courses. For a full selection of women’s golf apparel        Soleil Toujours. The Spa Boutique offers many other
visit any one of our five resort golf shops or Elizabeth     items from soy based candles, Velvety soft robes,
East at The Sanctuary.                                       mineral make-up from Jane Iredale, nail polishes
                                                             from Debra Lippmann, unique jewelry made locally,
         Sanctuary Home ext. 86327                           and insightful books for the beach.
                   9am - 7pm, Daily
                                                              Kiawah Island Real Estate 843.768.3400
Located off the Grand Hallway, you will enjoy                             9am - 5pm, Monday - Saturday
shopping in Sanctuary Home. This shop features                                 11am - 5pm, Sunday
the luxurious line of bed and bath linens found
                                                             Kiawah Island Real Estate is the only firm that
in our guest’s rooms. You will also be delighted to
                                                             exclusively services buyers and sellers for Kiawah
find a variety of home accessories, tabletop and             properties. With the collective experience of 25 real
jewelry which are either made in the Low-country or          estate sales executives along with easy access that no
indigenous to the area such as hand painted ceramics         one else offers, including three on-island offices and
and glassware, scented candles , body care products,         one office in historic downtown Charleston, we have
cookbooks and local beers. This is also where you            brought more than 12,000 Kiawah property buyers
can pick up a bottle of wine or a Kiawah Island              to the closing table during our 42-year history. We
Golf Resort customized gift item. A selection of             encourage you to stop by our office in the Sanctuary
personal care items such as greeting cards, postcards,       to learn about the Island’s rich natural habitat, its
newspapers, magazines, cold drinks and snacks are            colorful history, and the private Kiawah Island Club.
also offered for your convenience.                           Six seasoned sales executives are available to answer
                                                             questions, provide up-to-date information about real
                                                             estate offerings and are happy to take you on a tour
                                                             of the Island or to view real estate properties.

   The Sanctuary              The Sanctuary Seasonal Gift Basket Collection exclusively from Beaches & Cream.
                                                        Thoughtful. Memorable. Unique.
   Seasonal Gift               Order in shop, online (, click on “shop” in the upper right
      Basket                           corner), or call the Hotline 843.768.6276 to expedite your order.

Elizabeth East ext. 86323                                     Wells Gallery ext. 86321
                 9am - 7pm, Monday - Saturday                     Through its ever-changing collections of fine art,
                        9am - 5pm, Sunday
                                                                  the Wells Gallery successfully represents an eclectic
     Elizabeth East presents the most fashionable women’s         grouping of contemporary artists from the surrounding
     active and designer clothing and accessories for the         region and abroad. This innovative and unique
     modern day woman. We want you to look and feel               gallery features collections of original oil paintings,
     your best on the golf course, tennis courts, bike trails,    watercolors, sculpture and glass produced by some of
     in yoga class as well as while you are relaxing, dining      the nation’s most sought-after artists. The Wells Gallery
     and socializing. We feature collections by the most
                                                                  is the region’s only gallery specializing in works of art
     distinctive designers in the industry such as Tory
                                                                  that celebrate Kiawah Island.
     Burch, Trina Turk and Milly along with Sanctuary
     Clothing, Our accessories include Tory Burch
     sandals, handbags and sunglasses, Quay Sunglasses,
     Spartina bags, Eberjay sleepwear and several jewelry
     lines to name a few. We welcome you to browse our
     warm, friendly and relaxed boutique, Elizabeth East
     to find the style that is right for you.
                Signature Oak ext 86316
                 9am - 7pm, Monday - Saturday
                      9am - 5pm, Sunday
     Signature Oak is our popular beach boutique for
     men, women and children. It is location in the Retail
     Wing and features a creative and fun selection of
     Kiawah Island Golf Resort official logo’d resortwear.
     We also offer the latest designer swimwear for men,
     women and children by Milly, Helen Jon, Melissa
     Obagash, Tory Burch, Tory Praver, Letarte, The
     Beaufort Bonnet Company, Snapper Rock and Peter
     Millar, Before heading to the beach you can pick
     up sunscreen, beach bags, beach towels, sun hats,
     sandals, beach toys and sunglasses. Visit Signature
     Oak and take a reminder of Kiawah Island Golf
     Resort home with you.

                                                                                                                   Kiawah Golf

                       Golf Shopping                                             Tennis Shopping
     Be sure to visit one of our fully stocked Golf              Tennis enthusiasts will find an array of the hottest
     Shops at each of our five championship courses.             tennis merchandise from Nike, Prince, Wilson,
     You will find the latest in men’s, women’s, and             and Adidas at the resort tennis club. Each club also
     children’s golf apparel including collections from          offers a fun collection of tennis themed tee shirts
     Adidas, Bobby Jones, Peter Millar, Greg Norman              and warm up gear suitable for all ages.
     and Polo. You will be pleased to know The Ocean
     Course Golf Shop and Kiawah Golf Shop at                                  To continue your
     The Sanctuary were both selected by Golf World                     Kiawah Shopping experience go to
     Magazine as a top 25 Golf Shop.                              


                                      Heron Park Nature Center
                                                                 Island Outpost
                                                   Open Daily at 8:30am
                                                843.768.6001 or ext. 86001
Located inside the Heron Park Nature Center, the Island Outpost is your place to go for original gifts and
adventure friendly apparel. Our shop features vintage-inspired logoed t-shirts, tank tops, and sweatshirts from
Legacy Athletic, as well as the island’s largest variety of custom designed ball caps and sun hats for adults,
youth, and toddlers!
• S ilicone Kiawah logoed cups - ready to be squeezed, shaken, stirred, and served! They’re indestructible with a lifetime
•C  oastal inspired housewares, candles, prints, local pottery, and navigational chart gifts
• Kiawah logoed Turkish towels in a wide variety of colors
• Souvenir magnets, stickers, and post cards
• Polarized sunglasses from Pepper’s Eyewear for youth and adults
• Bug sprays and after-bite lotions
• Educational folding guides, field guides, and nature-inspired children’s titles
• Waterproof cases for cell phones and electronic devices

                        Join the Movement
                   Bring Your Own Bag
                When shopping at the Heron Park Nature Center and
           The Turtles’ Nest, we encourage you to shop with a reusable bag.

                         It’s the new way to shop!

                                                                                Heron Park
                                                                              Nature Center
Look for our Tagged Gators!

     The Town of Kiawah, in partnership with the Kiawah Island Community Association,
     is conducting an alligator study focusing on alligator behavior and movements.
     Captured alligators are fitted with visible, numbered tags so that they can be easily
     identified in the field by biologists and visitors. Two visual tags (blue for males, yellow
     for females) will be placed on each alligator, one behind the head and one on the tail.

     Reporting Tagged Gators: If you observe a tagged alligator, please report (date,
     time, location, behavior, tag number, and color) to Biologists at

     Learn more: Learn more by joining our Naturalists on an Alligator Adventure,
     Kiawah Creatures, or Reptile Round-up and watch the Kiawah Conservancy’s mini
     documentary on our alligators, found at

         Protect our Alligators: Do not Harass | Do not Feed


The Spa and Salon at The Sanctuary
                      A T K I AWA H I S L A N D G O L F R E S O R T
                                            Ext. 86299

                                HOU R S OF OPER AT ION:

E njoy year-round access to Kiawah’s only non-private, world-class spa facility,
             8am to 8pm, Monday - Saturday, 9am to 7pm Sundays (subject to change)

rated Five Star by Forbes Travel Guide. Located in the Sanctuary at Kiawah
Island Golf Resort, Kiawah’s vast coastline and lush greenery were the inspiration
behind several signature treatments. Lowcountry features such as trickling
water, gracious light, natural wood and rich slate impart the sense of a grand
                                    Southern home and garden, traditionally a
                                    comfortable retreat for relaxing and reviving.
                                    Both the men and women’s lounges feature
                                    our aqua retreat, complete with spacious
                                    vitality mineral whirlpool, steam room and
                                    sauna. After your treatment, we invite you to
                                    relax in our garden inspired solariums, where
                                    chaise lounges and light refreshments await
                                    you. Whether you enjoy our Sea Essence
                                    Fusion that combines an invigorating sea salt
                                    scrub with a therapeutic full-body massage
                                    using warm, polished seashells, or you
                                    indulge in a Natura Bisse’ Diamond Luxury
                                    Facial your experience will be unforgettable.

Spa services are available to guests age 18 and older. Young adults ages 5-17 may engage in specific
salon treatments when accompanied by an adult. Use of spa facilities (includes sauna, steam room,
vitality mineral whirlpool, locker room amenities and relaxation lounges) is complimentary for all
spa guests on the day of scheduled spa services. Spa facility use without a treatment is available to
guests age 18 and over (subject to availability). We require notification by 4pm the day prior to the
scheduled appointment to cancel or reschedule to avoid fees.


                                                     Pool Rules
     Pools are exclusively for Kiawah Island Golf Resort    • S lides are for single riders only. Guests must ride
     Guests, Governor’s Club Members, and escorted            feet first on their back.
     Governor’s Club Guests.                                • Maximum weight for slides is 250 pounds.
     •A  ll children under the age of 13 must be           • S wim wear with rivets or zippers on the back are
       accompanied by an adult.                               not permitted on the slides.
     • S wim Diapers are required for children not potty   •A  ll Kiawah Island Golf Resort pool complexes are
       trained.                                               nonsmoking.
     •C  hildren must be 44” to ride the slides. If        •D  uring the event of inclement weather, the pool
       your child is under 50”, please have your child        may be closed for safety. Please adhere to all
       measured at the pool shop. Children between            lifeguard instructions.
       44” and 50” will receive a wristband for access to   • Towels are to remain in the pool area.
       the slides.                                          •C  oolers and outside food or drinks are not
     • L ife jackets and arm floats are not permitted on     permitted at any of the pools.
       the slides.


  Reserved exclusively for Kiawah Island Golf Resort Guests, Governor’s Club Members, and escorted Governor’s
   Club Guests. For more information, please call the Night Heron Park Nature Center at 843.768.6001. For
       information on swimming lessons & clinics, please refer to the Lessons & Clinics section on page 56.

                    Pools                                             Pool Side Fun
         Night Heron Family Pool                           Pool Games and Activities: Pool Party
              Pool Hours: Open Daily,                      Mondays at the Night Heron Pool, 3:30pm - 5:30pm
         May 10 - November 24, 8am - 11pm                                    June 4 - August 27
Jr. Olympic size pool with an Aqua sundeck,               Come check out the pool at Night Heron Park,
lounging area and space for lap swimming.                 listen to live Steel Drum Music and join our
    8am - 9:30am is the best time for lap swimming.       Recreation staff in an afternoon of pool games,
                                                          contests, and FUN! Admission is complimentary.
       Night Heron Children’s Pool
              Pool Hours: Open Daily                                         Pool Games
         May 20 - September 2, 10am - 6pm                     Admission is complimentary for all pool games.
Features an expansive beach entry, a large toddler         Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Night Heron Pool,
splash zone, exciting interactive spray features,                   3:30pm - 4:30pm, June 5 - Aug. 23
and two amazing open flume slides!                        Tuesdays: Join us for pool side TRIVIA!
               West Beach Pool                            Thursdays: The game is never the same but the rule
                 Pool Hours: Open Daily                   is always FUN! Join our recreation staff for pool
              May 21-Aug. 11, 10am - 6pm                  games and prizes!
              Aug. 12-Sept. 2, 11am - 5pm
                 (Aug. 12-31, Sept. 1 & 2
         Slides: Sun., Wed., & Fri., 12pm - 3pm)
Located at the West Beach Pool Complex, this
pool is great for relaxing. This pool includes a
5 foot swimming area, aqua playground with
kiddie slides and interactive spray features, and
a thrilling closed flume slide! The West Beach
Cantina, a full service poolside bar and grill, is
open daily at 11am, weather permitting.                       Night Heron Family Pool Open Daily
                                                                   May 10 - November 24, 8am - 11pm
                                                           Best times for lap swim: 8am - 9:30am, Sun. - Wed.
                                                                       7:30am - 8:30am, Thursdays
                                                                         8:15am - 9:30am, Fridays
                                                            Night Heron Children’s Pool Open Daily
                                                                   May 20 - September 2, 10am - 6pm
                                                                    West Beach Pool Open Daily
                                                                      May 21 - Aug. 11, 10am - 6pm
                                                                      Aug. 12 - Sept. 2, 11am - 5pm
                                                                        (Slides: Sun., Wed., & Fri.
                                                                      Aug. 12-Aug. 31 and Sept. 1&2
                                                                                12pm - 3pm)

                                                                                                                27                                                      Bike Rentals

                                        Advanced Reservations Highly Recommended
                              Explore Kiawah Island By Bike!
     Kiawah Island Golf Resort offers the only Bike Rental Service located on Kiawah Island. Complimentary
     delivery is available for rentals of 2 or more days. For more information and to make reservations call
     843.768.6001 or ext. 86001, or visit our 2 locations offering convenient walk-up service.
     Kiawah Island is renowned for its natural beauty and abundant wildlife. Endless experiences that will
     allow you the opportunity to view all of this are waiting for you and your family across Kiawah Island.
     There is no better way to reach them than on a bicycle. Ride along 30 miles of paved leisure trails and 10
     miles of hard packed beach. Discover numerous secret spots for solitude and wildlife viewing accessible
     only by bike!
     In order to make the most of your time spent on Kiawah Island, visit our conveniently located on-island
     facilities for friendly walk-up service. Half day, full day, two day, three day, weekly and multi-week rentals
     are available. Complimentary delivery and pick-up service is available for rentals of two or more days. We
     offer beach cruisers for family members of all ages. Child seats, training wheels, add-a-bikes and helmets
     are available at all locations. Tow-carts, adult tricycles and jogging strollers are available on a limited basis.
     Please call for availability.
                                            Heron Park Nature Center
                                              Open Daily at 8:30am
     Located at Night Heron Park. Contact the Resort’s Recreation Department at 843.768.6001 or ext. 86001
     for hours of operation.
                      The Sanctuary Bike Pavilion at Kiawah Island Golf Resort
                                               Open Daily at 8:30am
     Located at the green canopy in The Sanctuary Hotel guest parking lot, which is adjacent to the “Retail
     Wing” of the hotel. Contact the Resort’s Recreation Department at 843.768.6001 or ext. 86001 for hours
     of operation.

Beach Services

                      Open June 1 - Aug 31, 10am - 6pm; Weather and tide permitting.
                  Accessible via Boardwalks 22 east, 27, and at the Sanctuary Beach Access
                                       843.768.6001 or ext. 86001.
Beach chairs, umbrellas, toys and games available for rent to enhance your Kiawah Island beach
experience. Under the green umbrellas, you will find great rates and friendly beach attendants.

                                            $/hour          $/day                          Additional Information
                                                                         (4-7 days)
             Beach Set 2 chairs, 1                                                    Additional chairs and umbrellas -
             umbrella and towel service       N/A            $30               $100   $10/day. Additional towels - $3/day.
             (1 per chair)
  Beach      Lounge Chair Set 2                                                       Only available at the Sanctuary
  Chairs     cushioned lounge chairs, 1                                               Beach Access. Additional chairs
   and                                        N/A            $40               $140
             umbrella and towel service                                               - $15/day. Additional umbrellas -
 Umbrellas   (1 per chair).                                                           $10/day. Additional towels - $3/day.
             Back Pack Chairs                 N/A            $15               $50
             Beach Caddy                      N/A            $15               $50
             Boogie Boards                     $5            $15               $50
             Skimboards                        $5            $15               $50

   Boards    Stand-up Paddleboards                                                    For SUP lessons, rental and tours
                                              $25            $75               $240
                                                                                      in the salt marsh see page 68.
             Surfboards                                                               Surf lessons and camps are
                                              $20            $60           $200
                                                                                      available, see page 57.
             Assorted Sand Toys               N/A            $5                $20
             Beach Games: Bocce Ball,
   Toys &
             KanJam, Ladder Golf or           N/A            $10               $40
             Spike Ball
             Cornhole                         N/A            $30               $100
                                            Deliveries are available for $15
                                     Complimentary delivery for rentals of 3+ days

      Advantages of Renting Beach Chairs through Kiawah Island Golf Resort:
• L onger hours to relax on the beach. Feel free to enjoy the beach chairs until 6pm daily.
• Towel Service - Each of our chairs comes with a complimentary towel so you don’t have to bring your own!
• Beach Game Rentals - At each of our locations we have beach games and boards available for rent.
• Friendly Beach Staff - We staff each location and will be glad to assist with any of your needs.
• Best prices on the Island!

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