Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303

Page created by Gladys Klein
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
Fayetteville Academy
Summer Odyssey

       3200 Cliffdale Road
      Fayetteville, NC 28303
  Director: Christine Sappington
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
General Information:

Summer 2018
REGISTRATION: Students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Many programs have lim-
ited enrollment; therefore, we recommend that you register no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of
the program in which you are interested. Instructors reserve the right to cancel any program due to insuffi-
cient enrollment. If this happens, you will be contacted at least one week before that program, and your en-
tire tuition will be refunded. All programs meet Monday through Friday unless otherwise indicated. Pay-
ment is due that the time of registration unless previous arrangements have been made with the director.
The child will not be added to the camp until payment has been made.
Costs and Fees: All camps cost $160 (supply fee included) with the exception of the camps scheduled
for June 7th—10th ($110). Before Care is $20 per family per week. This fee is non-refundable. After Care
is $100 per child per week or $25 per day. This fee includes a supply fee and afternoon snack.
Dress: Students should dress appropriately for the program in which they are enrolled. Bare feet are not
permitted in the buildings. Dress should always be in good taste. Water bottles and sunscreen are suggested
supplies for outdoor camps. Closed toe shoes are required.
Insurance: Fayetteville Academy carries a comprehensive general liability policy, but parents are re-
sponsible for their child's accident and health policies.
Admissions Policy: The Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic
origin, or religion in the administration of admissions, educational policies, financial aid, athletic programs,
or other activities. Applications for Summer Odyssey are accepted from all students, regardless of where
they are enrolled during the regular academic year. Preference will be given to currently enrolled Fayette-
ville Academy students.
Withdrawals: Refunds will be made to those who withdraw from a program up to one week prior to the
beginning of that program. If a student withdraws less than one week before the program begins, no refund
is possible (regardless of the reason). The Academy reserves the right to ask any student to withdraw if the
school feels that the student's continued presence is a negative one. If a student is required to withdraw, that
tuition cannot be refunded.
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
General Information continued:
Summer 2018

      All half-day camps 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
      Before Care        7:30 - 8:30 am
      After Care         12:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Drop-off and pick-up for all camps will be located in the gym lobby.
After Care will be on the playground or in the technology building.
A late fee of $1 per minute will be due immediately after 5:30 pm.
Signs will be posted weekly as to the specific location of all camps.

Half day camps will only be conducted when 6 or more campers are registered.

Please look out for special instructions from the teacher the week before your child’s

FA’s Summer Office Hours:
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday-Thursday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Friday

Contact Us:
Christine Sappington—Summer Odyssey Director
910-868-5131 (ext. 3241)
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
Before Care
June 6th - August 3rd
This service is for parents who need to drop off their child(ren) before camps begin. If you
drop them off before 8:15 am, you will be charged the $20.00 fee. This fee is paid weekly.
We can not accept daily payments. If you are not using the before care service, drop-off for
camps begins at 8:15 am.

After Care
June 6th - August 3rd
12:00 pm– 1:00 pm lunch / free play on playground (weather permitting)
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm activities organized for specified day of the week
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm snack / free play on the playground or gym

                                Monday – sports / game day
                                 Tuesday – science/ art day
                        Wednesday – water day (weather permitting)
                                    Thursday – iPad day
                               Friday – reading and math day

Campers will spend the afternoon enjoying time with their peers. Each week will include
new and fun activities for the specified day. There will be some flexibility
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
To register, complete this form (please print) and return it with your check payable to FA SUMMER ODYSSEY to:

                                                   Fayetteville Academy
                                                  Summer Odyssey 2018
                                                    3200 Cliffdale Road
                                             Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303
Student's Name: ____________________________ Age: ______ Birth Date: ___________ 2018-2019
Grade: ________
Address: ___________________________________________ 2017-2018 School Attended: _________________
Parents or Guardian: _________________________________ Parent ‘s Daytime Phone:______________________
Parent Email Address: _______________________________________________
Program and Date: __________________________________________________                                            Cost: ____________
Program and Date: __________________________________________________                                            Cost: ____________
Program and Date: __________________________________________________                                            Cost: ____________
                                                                                                           Total Enclosed: _______
                              (Please photocopy this form for additional children or programs)

Student's Last Name: __________________________________ First Name: ___________________________________                  MI__________
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________Home Phone:_____________________________
Mother's Business Phone: _________________________________               Cell Phone/Pager #: ____________________________________
Father's Business Phone: __________________________________              Cell Phone/Pager #: ____________________________________
In case of emergency and parent is NOT available, contact: _________________________________________________________
                                                                                                    (Name) (Phone) (Cell Phone)
Local hospital preference (if parent or guardian cannot be reached): __________________________________________________
Student's Social Security #: __________________________________       Date of Birth: ____________________________________

                    Allergies and other medical conditions: (Please explain checked items on separate sheet of paper):
     ALLERGIES ________ ASTHMA _________ DIABETES_________ EPILEPSY_________ HEART PROBLEMS___________
  DRUG ALLERGIES__________ RECURRING ILLNESS_________                        OTHER _________________________________________
    Insurance Company: ________________________________________ Policy #: ________________________________________

                                            Camps fill quickly, so register early!
      In case of an emergency, I hereby give permission for my child to be taken to a physician or hospital by either a parent in charge or
     by school personnel. I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to contact me. If I cannot be reached, however, I here-
     by give permission to the physician selected by the teacher in charge, adult chaperone(s), or athletic coach to hospitalize and secure
     proper emergency treatment (including surgery) for my son/daughter. I am the responsible party for hospitalization and medical
Parent Signature _________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________________
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
June 6th—8th                                      Shark Week
                                                  Instructors: Ryan Sappington
                                                  Ages: 7 - 12
American Girl                                  Come and explore the life and interactions of
Instructors: Amanda Young                      sharks. We will spend the week learning
Grades: PK - 5                                 about all types of sharks and discuss structure
                                               and function. Each camper will have the op-
Celebrate what it means to be an American      portunity to explore the external and internal
Girl! We will create crafts and treats, learn  structure of a Dogfish shark!! Make sure
about historical figures of American Girl, and your camper brings a large t-shirt to wear
finish the week with an American Girl tea      over clothes for dissection.

                                                  Fizz, Bang, Boom
Earth Layers
                                                  Teacher: Kara Strauch
Teacher: Latoria Fulmer
                                                  Grades: K - 2nd
Grades: 3rd - 5th
                                                  Come join this camp to complete hands-on
Does an imaginary trip to the center of the       science experiments that will excite curiosity
Earth sound interesting? If so, get ready to      in the world around us. We will stay busy
dig deep, gang, and join us on a fascinating      with a jam-packed day that will include re-
journey to the center of the Earth? The se-       sults that will FIZZ, BANG, BOOM, and
crets buried inside our planet will be revealed   more!
as we slowly dissect each layer of the
Earth. As part of the gang, you will be able
to identify the different layers of the earth,    Baseball Pitching/Hitting
outline the characteristics of each of Earth’s    Teacher: Alan Campbell
layers, and create a model to display Earth’s     Grades: 2nd - 5th
                                                  Spend time in the mini camp to learn proper
                                                  pitching techniques and batting skills. We
                                                  will focus on different pitches, bunting, and
                                                  hitting to specific areas on the field.
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
June 6th - 8th
Everything Sand Art
Teacher: Marsha Smith
Grades: K - 2nd

In this camp, we will be using different colors
of sand to make and create pretty pictures,
photo frames, necklaces, and many other fun
and exciting crafts!

                                                  Cardiovascular Camp
                                                  Instructors: Rachael Sappington
                                                  Grades: 3rd - 5th
                                                  Enjoy learning about the heart in this mini-
                                                  camp. Students will learn how the heart
                                                  works, the parts of the heart, and even dissect
                                                  a pig’s heart on Friday. Students will observe
                                                  heart tissue under the microscope and com-
                                                  plete heart rate labs.
Garden Party Reunion
Teacher: Melissa Bruns
Grades: Previous Garden Campers
Come out and enjoy a week long reunion of
past campers! We will have our daily mint
tea, garden snacks, and prepare the garden for
summer harvest. Let’s all enjoy getting our
hands dirty!
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
June 11th - 15th                                Fintastic Fun
                                                Teacher: Georganna English &
It’s not easy being GREEN!                      Gabby Ostendorf
Teacher: Risa Pino                              Grades: Pre-K - 2nd
Grades: 3rd - 5th
                                                Get ready to explore all things under the sea.
Campers will learn about the important role     We will learn about living things under the
plants play in the world around us. Discover    sea, go on a sand adventure, and end the
how organisms obtain energy by exploring        week with a splash day! Make sure your
the basics of photosynthesis. This explora-     campers wear clothes that can get wet and
tion will allow campers to learn the differ-    messy!
ences in how energy and nutrients flow
through an ecosystem with a simulation of
the nitrogen cycle. Campers will build a
model of a food chain to present to fellow
campers and parents on the final day.

All Sports Camp
Teacher: Karin Levesque
Grades: 2nd - 5th
Tired of playing the same games? Why not
try a variety of sports, skills, and games?
Each day, a different sport will be presented
such as volleyball, floor hockey, basketball,
tennis, and other team games. Contests will
be included everyday. Come join us and have
some fun!
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
June 11th - 15th                                 Cooking Camp
                                                 Teacher: Amanda Young
                                                 Grades: Pre-K- 5th
Coloring Book Camp
Teacher: Deborah Reavis                       Are you ready for a sizzling , baking, cook-
                                              ing good time? Move over Bobby Flay, you
Grades: K - 5th
                                              have nothing on us. Join cooking camp and
Come join the coloring book craze with Ms. learn about how to measure ingredients, how
Reavis! Students will learn different drawing to tackle the drawer of cooking utensils, and
(mark making) techniques to create their      how to COOK!! Come see what everybody
own personalized coloring book that they      is talking about!! Become a budding CHEF
can share with family and friends.            today!

Yummy Edible Art!!
Teacher: Liz Prince
Grades: 2nd - 5th

Students will create beautiful foods and
snacks. Activities will include baking, frost-
ing, and building creative things to
eat. Students will leave camp with recipes
for everything we make together.

Printmaking Camp                                 H2O and you
Teacher: Laura Reeves                            Teacher: Georgeanna English
Grades: 2nd - 5th                                Grades: Pre-K - 2nd

Calling all printmakers! In this unique camp     Each day we will learn the importance of
you will get to use all sorts of printmaking     water for all living things. We will enjoy
techniques to make amazing art. Projects         splashing around using water in different sci-
will include styrofoam prints, linocut, and      ence experiments and end the week with Wa-
collage prints. You will even make your          ter Day festivities (weather permitting).
own large stamp! (Projects are kid-friendly,
and Mrs. Reeves will do cutting of non-paper
materials for safety purposes.)
Summer Odyssey Fayetteville Academy 2018 - 3200 Cliffdale Road Fayetteville, NC 28303
June 11th—15th                                   Ka Boom Volcanos
                                                 Teacher: Marsha Smith
                                                 Grades: 3rd—5th
Computer Graphics & Games 1
Teacher: Cath Rathbone
Grades: 3rd -5th                              Campers will learn all about Volcanos - how
                                              they form, how they erupt, places where
Learn about editing and creating graphics (at
least one project per day) including original volcanos are, etc. We will also be creating
drawings and photography. Also, play your our very own volcanos!
favorite computer games to see who's the top
scorer. Small prizes and bragging rights go
to the top scorers each week. Lots of fun and

Fractured Fairy Tales
Instructor: Kara Strauch
Grades: Pre-K - 1st
Join this summer camp to broaden your
child’s exposure to a variety of fractured
fairy tales and twists on childrens’ favor-
ites. Examples include: the story of Little
Red Riding Hood from the wolf’s perspec-
tive, Cinderella’s neighbor telling the story
through her eyes, The Boy who Cried Ninja,
The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas,
The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark,
and much more. Activities will in-
clude: using crafts to create props to support
retelling the story and working in teams to
create versions of their own.
June 18th - 22nd                               Harry Potter's Hogwarts
                                               Teacher: Michelle Berrisford
                                               Grades: 3rd - 5th
Exploring the Scientific Method
                                               Join us as we journey to the magical world
Teacher: Risa Pino
                                               of Hogwarts. Campers will make fantastic
Grades: 3rd - 5th
                                               crafts, potions, and spells based on the books
Come and spend the week as a Junior Scien- and movies. We will be sorted into our hous-
tist. Discover the wonder of science by        es and even learn a few magic tricks! Come
learning and applying the steps and process- and join us for a riddikulus time!
es of the Scientific Method. Junior Scientists
will learn how to identify the variables of an
experiment, understand the difference be-
tween qualitative and quantitative state-
ments, create proper hypotheses, all while
having fun and exploring. Each camper will
design and conduct their own science experi-

Have your Cake and Eat it Too!!
Teacher: Georgeanna English
Grades: K - 2nd
Come in and color pictures centered around
the cake theme of the day. We will then dis-
cuss how to make different type of cakes,
decorations, and enjoy a dessert party every
day. ( Peanut and nut products will be used
in this camp).
June 18th - 22nd                              YouTube
                                              Drawing Camp
                                              Teacher: Laura Reeves
A-B-C ART Camp                                Grades: 2nd - 5th
Teacher: Deborah Reavis
Grades: K - 5th                               Do you enjoy drawing cartoon characters or
                                              realistic animals? We will draw both and
Come join Ms. Reavis and learn how to use more in YouTube Drawing Camp. Each
the A-B-C's (lettering) to create magnificent camper will fill a sketchbook (provided by
pieces of ART! We will be using a variety of Mrs. Reeves) with drawings, by following
media and will be experimenting with a ton along with YouTubers as a group. Campers
of techniques; so wear "get dirty" friendly   will get to make daily requests of what they
clothes. Students will take all of their work would like to draw that day.
home at the end of the week.
                                              "It's a BUGS LIFE"... All about
Night Owls                                    Bugs Camp
Teacher: Liz Prince                           Teacher: Lauren Jenkins
Grades: 3rd -5th                              Grades: Pre-K - 2nd
Students will learn amazing facts about       We will have a fun filled week learning
owls. They will complete arts and crafts      about caterpillars, ladybugs, butterflies,
projects based on owls. We will finish the    bee's, and ants! We will have story time fun
camp by exploring owl pellets. This will be   to learn about each bug, fun bug crafts, BUG
a week full of fun facts, art, and science.   BINGO and Ladybug Ping Pong, and even a
                                              few yummy bug snacks to finish off the day!
June 18th - 22nd                                STEM Challenge with LEGO®
                                                Materials, Summer
                                  Instructor: Play-well Tectonics
                                  Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sandhills Ecology & Environmental
                                  Age: 8-12
Teacher: Chrisha Dolan                        Description: Gear up your engineering skills
Grades: 3rd - 5th                             with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of
                                              thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply real-
What do fire, beavers and butterflies have in world concepts in physics, engineering, and
common? Why is this area known as the         architecture through engineer-designed pro-
Sandhills and what does sand have to with     jects such as: forklifts, houseboats, mini golf
carnivorous plants? Spend the week learn- courses, and the London Tower Bridge de-
ing about Sandhills ecology and environ-      sign. Build as never before and explore your
mental biology through interpretation, inter- craziest ideas in a supportive environment.
action and experimentation.

Intro to              STEM with
Materials, Summer
Teacher: Play-Well Tectonics
Age: 5 - 7
Description: Give your imagination a boost
with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts!
Build engineer-designed projects such as:
cities, garbage trucks, catamarans, and dino-
saurs. Design and build as never before and
explore your craziest ideas in a supportive
June 25th - 29th                               Basketball Skills
                                               Teacher: Josh Hurley
                                               Grades: 3rd - 6th
Fort Box Camp                                  Spend the week working on basic skills for
Teacher: Deborah Reavis                        basketball, dribbling, free throw shooting,
Grades: 1st - 5th                              proper defense blocking, and mini games
                                               throughout the week. This camp is great for
Come join Ms. Reavis for a FUN, FUN, FUN
                                               any camper interested in playing on a school
week of building forts using cardboard boxes,
sheets, and whatever else we can find. Come
ready to play all day and rev-up your creative
juices by solving "building" issues and chal- Baseball Batter Up!
                                               Teacher: Alan Campbell
                                               Grades: 2nd- 5th
Red, white, blue and YOU                       Come spend a week sliding into base, hitting
Teacher: Georganna English &                   a pop fly, catching the impossible ball, and
Gabby Ostendorf                                hitting that home run! We will work on basic
Grades: K - 2nd                                skills of the sport.

Let’s celebrate the USA and YOU before the
4th of July holiday! We will be creating red, Coby the Science Guy!
white, and blue crafts and snacks. We will al- Teacher: Coby Dorsey
so be learning a little history about the 4th of Grades: 2nd—5th
July and how YOU make this country unique
and wonderful!
                                                 Come spend the week with the coolest scien-
                                                 tist! Each day you will learn how to use dif-
                                                 ferent lab skills to make amazing things oc-
                                                 cur: form foaming lava, homemade ice cream,
                                                 and many, many more. You will get messy,
                                                 so please bring a big shirt to put over your
                                                 campers during the labs!!
June 25th - 29th                              Fayetteville Academy Cheer Camp
FLL Lego: Building the Fields                 Teacher: Heather Handy
Teacher: Cath Rathbone                        Grades: 1st- 5th
Grades: 3rd - 5th
                                                Spend the week learning how to cheer on the
If you like building Lego structures using di- Eagles. This camp will teach chants, jumps, a
rections, join us this week as we build past    dance, and some stunting. On Friday we will
FLL Robotics Fields for next week's Robot- perform a mini pep rally for the campers and
ics Camp. Campers will build Lego struc-        parents.
tures using detailed directions for use in next
week's camp. You don't have to come next
week, but it'll be fun to run through the com-
petition mat you build this week!

         July 2nd - July 6th
         Happy 4th of July!
         Enjoy your holiday!
July 9th - 13th                                  Slime Time
                                                 Teacher: Michelle Berrisford
Bio Basics                                       Grades: 3rd - 5th
Teacher: Risa Pino                             In this camp we will make all kinds of slime!
Grades: 3rd - 5th                              Learn and experiment with different slime
                                               recipes such as: fluffy slime, gak, glitter
Campers will discover that all living things
                                               slime and so much more! We will try a new
are made of cells and are classified as either
                                               recipe each day and by the end we are sure
prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. Campers will
                                               to be masters of slime!
also learn about the function of organelles
and apply that knowledge by creating a mod-
el. We will dig deeper by conducting hands-
on experiments to explore how solutions        Disney Week
move in and out of cells and what strawberry Teacher: Rachael Sappington
DNA looks like.                                Grades: Pre-K - 2nd

                                                 Spend the week learning all about Disney.
                                                 We will make plenty of memories during this
                                                 Disney themed week, from Mickey and Min-
                                                 nie outfits to exploring all the original char-
                                                 acters that makes Disney so special.

Nerf’s Up
Teacher: Georgeanna English
Grades: 2nd - 4th

Enjoy this fun filled week playing all kinds
of Nerf games. We will have friendly com-
petitions with a grand winner on Fri-
day. Each day the children will participate in
Nerf Olympic games. On Friday we will an-
nounce our winner and have a Nerf themed
movie and party.
July 9th - 13th                                  "It's a BUGS LIFE"... All About
                                                 BUGS Camp
                                                 Teacher: Lauren Jenkins
                                                 Grades: Pre-K- 2nd
                                                 We will have a fun filled week learning
                                                 about caterpillars, ladybugs, butterflies, bees,
                                                 and ants! We will have story time fun to
                                                 learn about each bug, fun bug crafts, BUG
                                                 BINGO and Ladybug Ping Pong, and even a
                                                 few yummy bug snacks to finish off the day!

Yard Summer Craft Camp                           SAT Prep: (Verbal Section)
Teacher: Laura Reeves                            Teacher: Mary Vanderzell
Grades: 1st - 5th                                Grades: Rising Sophomores/Juniors

Summertime + crafting = FUN! Summer's            Spend the week prepping for the SAT with
finally here and what better time to make        reading comprehension, vocabulary games,
crafts to enjoy in the backyard! In this         and practice timed-tests. At the end of the
camp, we will make bug catchers, tea light       week you will feel more comfortable and
lanterns, mosaic stepping stones, and more.      confident for the test. Additionally, we will
                                                 be learning strategies for completing the op-
FLL Lego Robotics                                tional writing portion of the SAT exam.
Teacher: Cath Rathbone
Grades: 3rd - 5th
Lego Robotics camp is for you if you enjoy
solving problems and figuring out how to
maneuver through a "maze". The tables (or
fields) from past competitions were built last
week for this week's camps! Learn to build
and program the EV3 robot to do past com-
petition Robot Runs! Lots of fun with Ro-
botics! Great for anyone interested in Robot-
July 9th - 13th
                                                   Basketball Skills
                                                   Teacher: Josh Hurley
All Kinds of Painting Camp                         Grades: 1st - 3rd
Teacher: Deborah Reavis
Grades: K - 5th                               Spend the week working on basic skills for
                                              basketball, dribbling, free throw shooting,
Come join Ms. Reavis for an entire week       proper defense blocking, and mini games
dedicated to PAINTING! We will be using       throughout the week. This camp is great for
Watercolor Paint, Tempera Paint, and Acryl- any camper interested in playing on a school
ic Paint to create wonderful masterpieces!    team.
Each painting will be lead step-by-step by
Ms. Reavis. Wear "get-dirty" friendly clothes
and get ready to have a blast! Campers will
take all of their work home at the end of the
                                             Teacher: Natalie Saunders
                                             Grades : 1st-3rd

                                             Come out and learn basic skills in gymnas-
                                             tics. We will work on tumbling, flexibility,
                                             stretching techniques, and work on some
                                             gymnastics related crafts! At the end of the
                                             week the campers will perform a routine
                                             they have learned.
July 16th - 20th                                 SAT Prep (Math Section)
                                                 Teacher: Kendra Bryd
                                                 Grades: Rising Sophmores/Juniors
It’s all about the Genes!                        We will spend the week reviewing math
Teacher: Risa Pino                               concepts and practice problems that will be
Grades: 3rd - 5th                                on the SAT. We will have practice timed-
                                                 tests and fun with Math games.
Campers will learn why some people have
brown hair while others have blonde by ex-
ploring the genetic components that make up
who we are and why each individual is            Dectective Camp
unique. Campers will create their own crea-      Teacher: Michelle Berrisford
ture by applying their understanding of in-      Grades: 3rd - 5th
heritance. We will further discuss how muta-
tions have led to the molecular evolution of     In this camp we will be solving mysteries!
many species                                     Campers will embark on scavenger hunts
                                                 with riddles and use forensics to solve crime
Volleyball Skills Camp
Teacher: Mary Vanderzell
Grades: 4th - 7th

Come spend the week learning basic skills
for volleyball. We will work on hitting, serv-
                                                 Fun in the
ing, proper falling and enjoy mini games
throughout the week. This camp is great for      Sand
anyone interested in playing on a school         Teacher: Rachael Sappington
team.                                            Grades: Pre-k - 2nd

                                                 Spend the week getting messy! We will
                                                 learn how to paint with sand, make sand cas-
                                                 tles, and many other fun activities. We will
                                                 end the week with our toes in the sand and a
                                                 fruity beverage in our hands.
July 16th - 20th                                 Fidgety for Summer
                                                 Teacher: Marsha Smith
                                                 Grades: 3rd - 5th
Chess Camp for Younger Kids                      We will be using fidget spinners in this camp
Teacher: Danny Reeves                            to learn and do fun, educational activities.
Grades: 1st -3rd                                 We will use the spinner to do math learning,
                                                 balancing skills, reading and vocabulary
CHECKMATE! Do you like to play chess
                                                 learning, yoga, games, and more!
or do you want to learn how to play? Learn
strategies, make chess friends, and have
                                                 Rocket League
fun! At the end of the week you will get to
take home your own chess set. This camp is       Teacher: Ryan Sappington/ Coby
taught by Mr. Danny Reeves, an art teacher       Dorsey
in Cumberland County Schools and husband         Grades: 3rd - 6th
of Mrs. Laura Reeves. Beginners are
welcome!                                         This camp is all about remote control cars.
                                                 The week will be filled with fun activities
                                                 such as: customizing their car, racing, a dem-
                                                 olition derby, and of course rocket league.
                                                 The instructors of this camp, Coby and
                                                 Ryan, are Summer Odyssey veterans. This
                                                 camp will be capped at eight kids. Be sure to
                                                 sign up early.
Lets Go Camping!
Teacher: Debi Smith                              Gymnastics
Grades: 3rd - 5th                                Teacher: Natalie Saunders
                                                 Grades : 1st - 3rd
Learn all about camping: putting up a tent,
building a fire, how and what to pack, wild-     Come out and learn basic skills in gymnas-
life to avoid, and even a bit of first aid! If   tics. We will work on tumbling, flexibility,
you'd like to know more about camping, this      and stretching techniques, and work on gym-
camp's for you! We'll do camp-related crafts,    nastics related crafts! At the end of the week
including Tye-dye, so plan to bring a white      the campers will perform a routine they have
garment for dying!                               learned.
July 23rd - 27th
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Teacher: Risa Pino
Grades: 3rd - 5th
                                                Mad Scientists
Campers will learn the important relation-
ship we have with microbes by introducing
                                                Teacher: Michelle Berrisford
them to the impact that various microbes        Grades: 3rd - 5th
have in our lives, both positive and nega-
tive. Campers will observe the different        Campers will perform various fun experi-
shapes and arrangements by viewing bacte-       ments covering a variety of scientific con-
ria through a microscope. Further exploring     cepts designed to peak their curiosity. We
the characteristics of various pathogens will   will learn and apply the scientific method in
allow campers to explain how diseases           a fun way while exploring exciting things
spread.                                         such as bouncy balls made of glue! Join this
                                                camp for challenging projects designed for
                                                inquisitive minds! If you participated last
                                                year, don’t worry, we are doing new pro-
Jumpstart to Chemistry
                                                jects as well!
Teacher: Nancy Goodrum
Grades: Rising Sophomores
Get a head start to success in chemistry!       Garden Party
Learn basic vocabulary terms, the periodic      Teacher: Melissa Bruns
table, and the unique elements that make up     Grades: K - 2nd
all matter. Practice working in our chemis-
try lab each day. Learn how to work safely,     Let’s get our hands dirty in the garden! To-
how to read directions, and how to collect      gether we will learn about growing flowers
and record data. Practice writing and bal-      and food. We will share healthy snacks,
ancing simple chemical equations. Have fun      make crafts, and even have a garden party!
and get ready for chemistry class at the
same time!
July 23rd - 27th                                Chess Camp for Older Kids
                                                Teacher: Danny Reeves
                                                Grades; 4th - 7th
Making Movies!
Teacher: Cath Rathbone                       CHECKMATE! Do you like to play chess
Grades: 3rd - 5th                            or do you want to learn how to play? Learn
                                             strategies, make chess friends, and have
                                             fun! At the end of the week you will get to
Do you love digital photography? How         take home your own chess set. This camp is
about Claymation and stop animation? We'll taught by Mr. Danny Reeves, an art teacher
learn about how to make and edit movies in in Cumberland County Schools and husband
this camp using iPads as our camera and edi- of Mrs. Laura Reeves. Beginners are wel-
tor, as well as Movie Maker by Microsoft.    come!
Friday is Film-Festival day, so bring your
imagination, and grab a friend for lots of
Movie Making!                                Space is the Place!
                                                Teacher: Rachael Sappington
                                                Grades: Pre-k-2nd

                                                Spend the week from Infinity and Beyond!
                                                We will learn about space travel, make a
                                                spaceship, design our own alien costumes,
                                                star gaze, and end the week with a party out-

Rocket League
Teacher: Ryan Sappington
Grades: 4th - 6th

This camp is all about remote control cars.
The week will be filled with fun activities
such as: customizing their car, racing, a dem
-olition derby, and of course rocket league.
The instructors of this camp, Coby and
Ryan, are Summer Odyssey veterans. This
camp will be capped at eight kids. Be sure to
sign up early.
July 23rd - 27th                                Dance Camp!!
                                                Teacher: Maria Marquez
                                                Grades: 3rd - 5th

Emoji Camp                                     Come out and learn a variety of dances! We
Teacher: Marsha Smith                          will dance the Macarena, Despacito, Cotton-
Grades: K - 2nd                                Eyed Joe, Modern Dance, and Folk Dances
                                               from around the world. We will have a per-
This camp is all about creativity and expres- formance on Friday. Come dance the week
sions. We will be making fun crafts with a va- away!
riety of emoji faces. Campers will make and
take projects home.

Fun With Fractions
Teacher: Kendra Byrd
Grades: 4th - 5th

In this camp, students will strengthen their
knowledge of fractions. We will be using food
and even a nature walk to better understand
how to use fractions.

                                                All Sports Camp
                                                Teacher: Karin Levesque
                                                Grades: 3rd - 5th

                                                Tired of playing the same games? Why not try
                                                a variety of sports, skills, and games? Each
                                                day, a different sport will be presented such as
                                                volleyball, floor hockey, basketball, tennis,
                                                and other team games. Contests will be in-
                                                cluded everyday. Come join us and have
                                                some fun!
July 30th - Aug 3rd

Flipbook - Post-it Animation Camp
Teacher: Deborah Reavis
Grades: 2nd - 5th

Come learn how to use Post-It pads to create
an ANIMATION flipbook! Campers will
learn how to make a drawn image "move"
from page to page and create a series of
book "movies" to take home at the end of the Computer Graphics & Games 2
week! If you would like to work for Disney Teacher: Cath Rathbone
Animation or Pixar, this is the camp for you! Grades: 3rd - 5th

                                             Learn about editing and creating graphics (at
Book-making Camp                             least one project per day) including original
Teacher: Laura Reeves                        drawings and photography, and play your fa-
Grades: K - 5th                              vorite computer games to see who's the top
                                             scorer. Small prizes and bragging rights go to
If you enjoy making up stories and drawing   the top scorers each week. Lots of fun and
pictures to go with them, you will enjoy     graphics!
Book-making Camp! Come make your own
books with Mrs. Reeves. We will explore
different book-binding techniques and some
lessons on illustration. (Mrs. Reeves is a
published illustrator of the Tristan Trapp
book series.) This hands-on camp will be
fun and creative. All lessons will be age-
July 30th - Aug. 3rd                           Contraption Camp
                                               Teacher: Marsha Smith
                                               Grades: 3rd - 5th

Rocket League                                  In this camp, campers will create intricate
                                               tunnels, towers, ramps, and chutes. As they
Teacher: Ryan Sappington/ Coby
                                               build, they will learn the principals of
Dorsey                                         SLOPE, VELOCITY, FORCE, MOMEN-
Grades: 3rd - 6th                              TUM and BALANCE. This camp is geared
                                               toward future engineers, architects, and de-
This camp is all about remote control cars.
The week will be filled with fun activities
such as: customizing their car, racing, a dem-
olition derby, and of course rocket league.
The instructors of this camp, Coby and Ryan, Exploring Equations
are Summer Odyssey veterans. This camp          Teacher: Kendra Byrd
will be capped at eight kids. Be sure to sign Grades: 6th - 7th
up early.
                                                Students will go through a review of how to
                                                solve equations, starting with basic equations
                                                and working all the way up to multi-step
All About That Stitch! Sewing Camp equations. By the end of the week, students
Teacher: Maria Marquez                          will have their own reference book on how to
Grades: 3rd -5th                                solve different types of equations that they
                                                can use in their future math classes.
Come learn the basics of sewing! Design and
make a pillow, bag, and stuffed animal. You
will learn to design, create patterns, and sew.
                                                Jump Start to Middle School
Become an expert in the art of sewing!
                                               Teacher: Mrs Standbridge & Ashley
                                               Grades: Incoming 6th graders

                                               Come spend a week learning about the ex-
                                               pectations in middle school. We will review
                                               the summer reading, practice math skills,
                                               learn study skills, and how to use a planner.
July 30th - Aug 3rd
Minecraft Engineering with LEGO®
Instructor: Play - Well Tectonics
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Age:5 –7
Description: Bring Minecraft to life using tens
of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineer
-designed projects such as a motorized Creep-
er, a portal to the Nether, and a moving Mine-
cart! Create your favorite Minecraft objects
with the guidance of an experienced Play-
Well instructor. Whether you are new to
Minecraft and LEGO® materials or a sea-
soned veteran, you'll be hooked on the endless
creative possibilities.

Minecraft Master Engineering with
LEGO® Materials
Instructor: Play - WellTectonics
Age 8-12
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Description: Bring Minecraft to life using
LEGO® parts! Build a motorized walking
Creeper, a terrifying Ghast, and a motorized
Minecart! This project-based camp, designed
by Play-Well instructors, combines the basic
format of our core engineering-themed pro-
grams based on the world of Minecraft. Stu-
dents will explore real-world concepts in
physics, engineering, and architecture while
building their favorite Minecraft objects. Stu-
dents will have a blast, even without any prior
experience with Minecraft or LEGO® materi-
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