SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

Page created by David Gordon
SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020
 2nd Sunday in Lent
    There Is Grace
In The Old Testament
  Genesis 9:8-17
BE Dr Wee Boon Hup
SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

 We welcome all friends and visitors to
 our worship services. If you are here for
 the first time, we would love to connect
 with you. Do take some time to complete
 the response slip inside the welcome pack
 and hand it to a greeter. Please join us at
 our Visitor’s Corner next to the Contact
 Point for a time of fellowship and light
 refreshments after the service.

 7.30am Peranakan Service
 Speaker: Rev Jimmy Wong
 Sermon Title: Dalam Waktu Saperti Ini         NO Youth Service TODAY. The youths
 Scripture Lesson: 2 Tawarikh 20:5-17
                                               are joining the main services.
 Worship Leader: Sdr David Tan
 9am Sanctuary Service &                       SAT, 14 MAR
 11.15am Celebration Service                   2.30pm - Adult/Youth BMC
 Speaker: BE Dr Wee Boon Hup                   		(Conference Room)
 Sermon Title: There Is Grace In The Old       2.30pm - Mandarin Service BMC Class
 Testament                                     		 (Ephesus Room)
 Scripture Lesson: Genesis 9:8-17              4.00pm - Peranakan Fellowship
 SS & CS Worship Leaders:                               (Jerusalem Room)
 (9am) Mr Chan Choon Seng
 (11.15am) Dr Yvonne Loh
 9am & 11.15am                                           Wedding
                                                         Our congratulations to
 Mandarin Services
                                                         Mr Jerome Lim & Ms Eileen
 Speaker: Pastor Don Wong
                                                         Liu who were united in Holy
 Sermon Title: Consequences of Sin,
                                                         Matrimony on 29 Feb 2020.
 Blessings from Obedience
 Scripture Lesson: Genesis 7
 Worship Leader: Mr Ezekiel Ang                          Bereavement
 1.30pm Filipino Service                                 Our condolences to the
 Speaker: BE Dr Wee Boon Hup                             family of the late:
 Sermon Title: There Is Grace In The Old                 • Mdm Ang Poh Jiok aka
 Testament                                               Mrs Goh Choo Woon
 Scripture Lesson: Genesis 9:8-17
 Worship Leader: Mrs Raquel Cardano

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

PLMC Inner Healing                        Ways To Pray
                                          Please fill in the prayer cards available at
Ministry                                  the Sanctuary entrance and place it in the
For appointments or enquiries, email
                                          Prayer Box. You may forward confidential
                                          concerns to the Pastors directly.
                                          The prayer room at Level 3 Sanctuary
Cell Groups                               block is temporary closed until further
For more information, email               notice.
                                          Please use the 24/7 prayer room in the
                                          Fellowship Hall from Monday to Saturday
Use of Photos or                          from 6.00 am to 7.00 pm instead.
Video Recordings                          You may use the altar area after ministry
Please be informed that by entering time if you would like to pray quietly on
these premises and participating in the your own.
worship services and other activities,
you are deemed to have given consent      The Manger (Cry Room)
for the use of your image captured in any The Manger is located at Level 3 of the
photo or video recording by PLMC for all Sanctuary and is strictly reserved for
communication purposes. Thank you.        families with children below the age of
                                          3 years. Children 3 to 12 years old are
Tithes & Offerings                        strongly encouraged to attend Silver
Worshippers who wish to give tithes and   Boxes*, our children’s programme at
offerings may do so using the platforms   Level 1 of the Sanctuary. We also have
below:                                    Shiny Tots ministry* at 9.30am and at
1. PayNow - QR code                       12pm if your child is between the ages of
to UEN S87CC0520L                         12 months to 30 months. If you or your
Please specify the service                child is unwell, please refrain from using
you are attending in the                  The Manger as the germs can spread
Reference No. (9am Main - S9; 11.15am     easily. *Sessions not available on first
Main - S11; 9am Mandarin - MS9 ;          Sunday of each month.
11.15am Mandarin - MS11) when giving
your offering via PayNow.                 Shuttle Bus & Parking
2. Internet bankings - Account Name:
Paya Lebar Methodist Church • Bank        at PLMGSS
Name: DBS BANK LTD • Account Number:      The shuttle bus service will resume on
023-905121-9                              22 Mar 20 with the same schedule.
3. Offering Boxes – in the Sanctuary,     However, parking at the school will no
Chapel and Jordan Hall                    longer be available.

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

                                               that if you are in the first pew/row, there
                                               is no number. This is for the purpose of
                                               being able to quickly ascertain where you
                                               have sat on any particular Sunday should
                                               there be a need to know.

                                               4. Prayer & Testimonies
                                               •   We encourage you to send your
                                                   prayer requests and thanksgiving to
 1. Being Socially Responsible                 •   If you have any testimonies of how
 If you are even mildly unwell, please             wonderful God has been, please send
 wear a mask, go and see a doctor and              them to so
 join us online for the live streaming of          that we can encourage the rest of the
 our services. This is not only for your           PLMC Family.
 own good, but more importantly, it is         •   If you have been served a Home
 for the protection of your brothers- and          Quarantine Order (HQO), Leave
 sisters-in-Christ. There are certain things       Of Absence (LOA) or Stay-Home
 we should not share, and germs are the            Notice (SHN), please write to us at
 first among them.                             (accessible
                                                   only to the Pastors) so that we can
 2. Collecting Your Personal Data                  support you and pray for you.
 We will be collecting your personal data
 to facilitate speedy contact tracing, if      5. Youth Service Resumes on
 required by the authorities. If you gave      22 Mar 20
 your personal data last Sunday, we will       At PLMGSS Agape Hall at 9.00am. The
 only need to scan your NRIC to speed          shuttle bus service will also resume
 up the process. If you prefer not to have     on that day with the same schedule.
 your NRIC scanned, you will have to           However, parking at the school will no
 complete the data collection form for         longer be available.
 each service you are attending.
                                                   As a church, we should
 3. Recording Your Seating Location
 We have numbered the pews in the
                                                   also pray for God’s hand of
 Sanctuary and the rows of chairs in               healing over the nations,
 the Chapel and Haven. The pew/row                 that this epidemic will
 numbers can be found on the back of               be quickly contained
 the pews/chairs. Please take a photo of
                                                   and short-lived.
 the pew/row number IN FRONT OF YOU
 after you have sat down. This means

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

A Retreat in Daily Life -                       PLMC Marriage
21 Mar to 4 Apr 2020                            Preparation Course 2020
“Draw near to God and He will draw near         If you are planning to get married, please
to you.” (James 4:8)                            attend this course at least one year before
Over Lent and Holy Week, we invite you          the wedding date. This course is only
to draw near to the Lord by making a            held once a year. Register with payment
Retreat in Daily Life. This is an opportunity   at the Contact Point by 15 Mar 2020.
for you to renew your relationship with         Cost is $100 per couple. Email Andy at
the Lord. This is a retreat you can do in for any enquiries.
the comfort of your own home and as             Dates/Time: Wed 1, 15, 22, 29 Apr, 6, 13
you carry on with your daily life.              & 20 May 2020 /7:30pm-9:30pm
Opening Session:                                Venue: Chapel
Saturday, 21 Mar, 9am-1pm
Closing Session:                                PLMC Covenant
Saturday, 4 Apr, 9am-1pm
Venue: Haven, in Fellowship Hall                Kindergarten
Closing Date: TODAY                             Registration 2021
Cost: $20 per person                            The Kindergarten registration for places
For more information please contact             in 2021 starts on 3 March 2020 for
Soo Hoong at 62851234 ext 115 or                children born in 2015 (Kindergarten 2),                              2016 (Kindergarten 1), 2017 (Nursery)
                                                and 2018 (PreNursery). All registration
                                                will be conducted at the Kindergarten
                                                Admin Office, Covenant Centre level
                                                2. For enquiries, please call 6285 3730
                                                between 9am to 3pm.

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

 Discipleship & Nurture                       2. SkillsFuture Advice
 1. Grasping the Word                         (Course code: DN04) - Limited to
                                              the first 40 registrants
 of God (Course Code: DN03) -                 In our ever-changing society, one crucial
 Limited to the first 40 registrants          challenge is to equip ourselves with new
 Find it challenging to understand God’s      skills for the new future and embark on
 Word? Want to find a simple way to           a journey of lifelong learning. But how
 study God’s Word? This 4-week course         do we plan for our skills upgrading and
 shows you a simple way to get a grip on      lifelong learning?
 Scripture. Join us to learn how to read,     Join us at SkillsFuture Advice to:
 how to interpret, and how to apply the       • Learn about skills upgrading and lifelong
 word of God. The course incorporates         learning resources available;
 both theory and practice. Participants       • Learn the latest global and local trends
 will learn through actual practice of the    in skills;
 different steps. The course will bring you   • Discover personal interests in work by
 through the process in three sections:       doing the RIASEC profiling test; and
 • How to read the Book – Basic Tools         • Take steps towards skills upgrading,
 • Context: Then and Now                      embracing technology and lifelong
 • Meaning and Application                    learning.
 Dates: Wednesdays; 1, 8, 15 & 22 Apr 20      Date: Saturday, 4 Apr 20
 Time: 7.30pm-9.45pm                          Time: 10.00am-11.30am (packet lunch
 Venue: Haven (Level 1, Sanctuary Block)      will be provided after the session)
 Cost: $10 per person                         Facilitators: Central Singapore CDC Team
 Trainer: Mr Low Kwang Meng                   Venue: Jordan Hall (L1, Covenant Block)
 Closing Date: 29 Mar 20                      Cost: FOC
 Register at Contact Point or online at       Closing Date: 29 Mar 20                        Register at Contact Point or online at

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

3. Miracles of Jesus
(Course Code: DN02)
Is there more to the miracles of Jesus than               Women’s
just deeds of power? This 6-week study
give you an in-depth look at the miracles                 Society of
of Jesus that will open your eyes to their
impact on the lives Jesus touched, what                   Christian
they reveal about the heart of God, and
their significance for you today. Every                   Service
session opens with a DVD teaching
followed by group discussions helping
you to apply what you learn to your life.
Join us in this study and learn to grow in    Women’s Society of
knowing God’s heart for your community.
Dates: Mondays; 23, 30 Mar; 6, 13, 20,        Christian Service (WSCS)
27 Apr; 4 May 2020                            Calendar of Events:
Time: 9.30am-11.30am                          1. World Day Of Prayer - Kindly
Cost: $10 (inclusive of course materials)     take note that this event has been
Closing Date: 15 Mar 20
Register at Contact Point or online at
                                              2. The End Times Today As The
Mode of Payment for the courses:              Days Of Noah*
1. Payment at Contact Point on Sunday         Date: Saturday, 21 Mar 2020
after services.                               Time: 2.00pm to 5.00pm
2. PayNow (Company                            Speaker: Dr Aw Swee Eng
UEN: S87CC0520L), please                      Venue: Sophia Blackmore Hall
specify the Course Code                       Fee: $5.00
 in the Reference No. when                    Registration:
you make payment:                   
a. Miracles of Jesus: DN02
b. Grasping the Word of God: DN03             3. VUCA Conference 4
c. SkillsFuture Advice: DN04   Date: Saturday, 25 Apr 2020
Note: Your place will only be Theme: “Power In This VUCA World”
secured after payment has been *Register online or call Wendy Lau at
made.                          9772 7974. Please visit our WSCS Notice
                               Board for more details to come.

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

 MWS CFSC Requests                             OUTREACH
 for Support                                   Praise And Give Thanks To The Lord
                                               Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the
 Some of the beneficiaries of MWS
                                               Lord is good; His love and mercy endures
 Covenant Family Service Centre (CFSC)
                                               forever. We thank our Almighty and All-
 have requested for the following
                                               Powerful God for He is our help, the
 items. If you would like to donate the
                                               Maker of heaven and earth. We exalt our
 items, please contact Rebekah or Gaylin
                                               Lord Jesus for He watches over us day
 of CFSC at 6282 8558. MWS Covenant
                                               and night. We praise and thank our Lord
 Family Service Centre would like to thank
                                               Jesus, our Saviour, for He watches over
 the PLMC member who responded to
                                               our lives; He watches over our going and
 our requests for a washing machine.
                                               coming now and forevermore. Glory be
 Thank you for your generous donations
                                               to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
 to meet our beneficiaries needs! God
 • Fridge                                      Prayer for PLMC family and
 • Microwave                                   Beneficiaries during this season:
 • Laminating machine                          1. Pray for God’s protection to be over
    (to make cue cards for child               all our beneficiaries. We thank Him for
    with special needs)                        watching over the elderly at St Luke’s
 • Wardrobe                                    Eldercare and Econ Home, the children
 • 2-seater Sofa                               at Hope Student Care Centre and also at
 • Single Mattresses                           the women’s shelter.
 • Dining table                                2. Pray for the Friends of Jesus, our
 • Children table/chairs                       homeless friends who are living out in the
 • Baby walker                                 streets. Pray for our Lord to continually
 • Breast pump (new condition)                 shield and protect each one of them.
                                               3. Pray for our migrant friends who stay
 *Please note that registration for courses,   in close proximity with many others at
 talks, workshops, events & activities,        the workers’ dormitory. Pray for safety
 Missions trips and any other activities       and protection over each individual.
 mentioned in this bulletin is strictly on     4. Pray for the PLMC family, our volunteers,
 a first-come-first-served basis. Once         for God to put a hedge of protection and
 the maximum number of participants            covering upon each person as they serve
 has been reached, the event or activity       in the various ministries.
 will be deemed to be full regardless of
 the closing date originally stated. All
 information in this bulletin is deemed to
 be correct as at the date of publication.

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SUNDAY 8 Mar 2020 2nd Sunday in Lent - SERMON TITLE: There Is Grace SCRIPTURE LESSON

PLMC Family (Volunteers)
1. “The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers              ROAD
into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38.
Ask the Lord of the Harvest to raise up
more volunteers from the PLMC family to             GENESIS
serve in the various outreach arms. Pray
that the Holy Spirit will stir our hearts,   READINGS FOR THIS WEEK
move us to step up in serving the poor,      Day         Date                  Text
needy, helpless and weak in our midst
and in the community where God has           Mon        9 Mar             Gen 13-14
placed us.                                   Tue       10 Mar             Gen 15-16
2. Pray for the favour of God and man to     Wed       11 Mar                Gen 17
be upon the PLMC family as we serve in
the various outreach arms.                   Thu       12 Mar                Gen 18
3. Ask our Lord Jesus to pour His wisdom,    Fri       13 Mar                Gen 19
knowledge and love into each of us as        Sat       14 Mar                Gen 20
we befriend/share/minister to all the
people in need.
4. Pray for the Holy Spirit to surround
our families and loved ones with God’s
love and protection and good health
as we juggle between family, work and

Thank you for your partnership in prayer!

We welcome testimonies of God’s work
in your life as an encouragement to
others! Please email your testimony to, along with your
name and contact details.

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