Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025

Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025

       Sligo Arts Plan
          2020 - 2025
Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025
    Foreword							3

    Chapter 1
    Introduction							17

    Chapter 2
    Vision, Mission and Objectives				   21

    Chapter 3
    The Role of Sligo Arts Service				   25

    Chapter 4
    Future Direction						29

    Chapter 5
    The Legislative Framework					33

    Chapter 7
    Profile County Sligo						39

    Chapter 8
    Strategic Priorities						49

    Chapter 9
    Conclusion							55

    Appendix 1 & 2						58

                                              Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
2                                               3
Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025
                  County Sligo is a vibrant, artistic county that supports a dynamic, diverse
                  and engaging range of artist livelihoods and arts experiences. The arts
                  make a positive contribution to the lives of individuals and communities.
                  The value of arts and culture to society is best understood when we try to
                  imagine a society without the humanizing influence of the arts. The arts

                  represent much of what is pleasurable in everyday life, as well as much
                  that is educationally critical and socially essential. Without personal
                  expression through the arts, the world would be static and sterile – no
                  creative arguments about the past, no diverse and stimulating present
                  and no dreams of the future.

                  County Sligo Arts Service for the past 20 years has been to the forefront of cultural development
                  in the county across a range of services and facilities. The challenging economic and social
                  environment within which the local authority has operated has curtailed ambitious plans and
                  limited development over the past number of years but it has not quelled artistic vision and
                  ambition on the part of the arts community in Sligo.

                  County Sligo Arts Plan 2020 –2025 presents Sligo County Council with an opportunity to restate
                  the value it places on art and artists. The Plan aims to renew Sligo County Council’s role as
                  a leading development agency and strategic partner in arts development. Through a range of
                  responsive and new programmes, the local authority will invigorate the artistic and creative life of
                  Sligo with additional resources including new funding streams, connection and co-ordination and
                  deepened relationships among artists and communities.

                  An agreement between the Arts Council and the County and City Management Association, entitled
                  A Framework for Collaboration, in its ‘Statement of Common Purpose’, says of the arts:

                  The arts have had demonstrable impact across the three
                  key pillars of local development; culture; community
                  and economy... We share a conviction about the
                  intrinsic value of the arts and culture in people’s lives
                  and we acknowledge the distinctive and important
                  contribution that artists and the arts make to society.
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Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025
Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
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    Music Generation, Tuned In!
Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025

Three Bridges

                    Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025

     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025

Goofy Groom

                   Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
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Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
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        Kiera OToole_Day 3 ‘Drawing Wonder’ III,
     chalk, algae and sea water on concrete structure,
                           Dunmoran Strand, Sligo.
Sustain Renew Collaborate - Sligo Arts Plan 2020 2025


     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
      artists in Sligo
                             Brian Leyden, writer and broadcaster, frequently draws
                             on the landscape of County Sligo to feed his imagination
                             and ours. Borrowing from Sligo’s own poet, WB Yeats,
                             he recently evoked the richness of the cultural life of

      continually explore
                             the county, which resembles ‘Heavens embroidered
                             cloths’. He goes on to say: ‘Contemporary artists in Sligo
                             continually explore and express the mythic richness of
                             the Sligo landscape, and the imaginative breadth and
                             depth of its cultural community. Each makes his or her

      and express the
                             own mark, mines Yeats’s extraordinary life’s work for
                             contemporary resonance and, between beaches and hills,
                             stage and create new work in the magnificent theatre
                             without walls, the Sligo landscape’.

      mythic richness of     It is no surprise that Sligo is home to many thriving and connected
                             communities of artists, creative people and organizations, working in a
                             diverse range of forms and genres. They are visible and recognized for the
                             quality of their thinking, work and contribution to society. The social and

      the Sligo landscape,
                             economic benefits they bring to the county are understood and valued.
                             People of all ages and from different types of communities from all parts
                             of the county can have deep and meaningful engagement with arts and

      and the imaginative
                             Now and in the future, this Plan will underpin the work of artists and creative
                             people through both financial and empathetic support, so that they have
                             time and space to develop their practice and produce thoughtful, inspiring,
                             high-quality work. Closer collaboration with national agencies including
                             heritage, language, artists, arts organizations, cultural venues and creative

      breadth and depth
                             enterprises will lead to the best use of resources across urban and rural
                             communities. Arts, creativity and culture will continue to be recognized and
                             celebrated by communities and policy makers alike. Locally distinctive work

                                                                                                               Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
                             will be valued and encouraged.

      of its cultural
18                                                                                                             19
     Mission &
      of County
     Sligo Arts

                   Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025

             2     21
Vision                                                         Mission
     To create an environment where the intrinsic value             County Sligo Arts Service works in partnership with
     of the arts is widely recognized across all sectors            key stakeholders to deliver a high-quality arts service
     of society and to support an ecosystem where the               for the people of Sligo and to promote greater public
     arts thrive to the benefit of artists, communities and         involvement in the arts in a wide range of social and
     visitors to the county. We aim to make Sligo a place           community settings. The Arts Service also works with
     where everyone actively values and celebrates arts and         the arts community to promote culture and creativity
     creativity as central to all of our lives; which continually   as an expression of contemporary Sligo at national and
     extends its imagination and ways of doing things; and          international level.
     where the arts and culture are confident, connected
     and thriving.                                                  Sligo Arts Service will work to consolidate artistic
                                                                    activity and to strengthen and promote its position in
                                                                    the broader national and international context. This
                                                                    will be progressed by integrating the arts into Sligo
                                                                    County Council’s cultural, social, economic and tourism
                                                                    development policies and by working in partnership
                                                                    with the broader social and economic framework and
                                                                    key stakeholders in Sligo and the region, to ensure the
                                                                    arts are central to civic life in Sligo.

                                                                    The Plan is dynamic and will be reviewed midway
                                                                    through the five-year timescale to allow for its
                                                                    reorientation where necessary. Evaluation of newly-
                                                                    introduced or reinstated funding schemes and
                                                                    programmes will allow for the Plan to be reflective and

                                                                                                                              Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025

22                                                                                                                            23
Role of
     Sligo Arts

                  Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025

            3     25
Sligo Arts Service sits in the Directorate of Planning, Community and Economic                       Sligo Arts Service also works with the arts community to promote culture and
     Development, Arts and Culture. The Head of Arts is the County Librarian who reports                  creativity as an expression of contemporary Sligo at national and international level.
     to the Director of Services.
                                                                                                          The core values underpinning the work of Sligo Arts Service include:
                                          Director of Services
                                                                                                                 »»   to promote the value of the arts as an essential component in building balanced, inclusive
                                                                                                                      communities with a sense of their own identity
                                                                                                                 »»   to promote inclusiveness and wider access for all citizens who wish to be involved in the arts
                                            County Librarian
                                                                                                                 »»   to develop and deliver an arts service in a fair, open and transparent manner
                                                                                                                 »»   to develop sustainable policies in consultation with the various departments of Sligo County
                                                                                                                      Council, relevant organizations and community groups in the context of local, national and
                                         Sligo Arts Service:                                                          international arts policies and trends.
                                Public Art Officer + Specialist Officer
                                                                                                          Since 2014, the staffing levels of Sligo Arts Service have been much depleted with the loss
                                                                                                          of the Arts Officer position and two staff members taking a secondment and a career break,
     The role of Sligo Arts Service is to encourage, foster and support cultural activity in Sligo        thereby reducing the staffing to one person until the secondment ceased at the end of 2018.
     through a policy-based approach. Sligo local authority has played a crucial role in supporting
     the vibrant arts and cultural sector ‘making available high-quality experiences across the arts      In view of this changed environment, Sligo Arts Service has been functioning but not reaching
     to the benefit of Sligo’s citizens, visitors and artists’ (Sligo Arts Service, Space for Art 2007–   its full potential. Arts officers are a crucial resource at local level, working strategically,
     2012). In 2007, Sligo Arts Service aimed ‘to ensure that Sligo’s long-standing reputation as         representing the arts in the county at local and national level and leading out on partnerships
     a “cultural county” is secured and built upon’ (ibid.). Between 2007 and 2013, Sligo County          and imaginative approaches to ensuring that both artists and communities are best served.
     Council embarked on an ambitious journey that saw the arts play a role in regeneration and
     renewal, creatively responding and breaking new ground with artists, arts organizations and          Sligo Arts Service has continued to deliver but has been restricted in finding innovative solutions
     communities throughout the city and county.                                                          that would secure and consolidate achievements in local arts provision due to dramatically-
                                                                                                          reduced financial and human resources. At present, Sligo Arts Service promotes projects and
     Sligo Arts Service for the duration of the 2007–2013 Arts Plan and subsequently, despite             practices that place quality arts experiences in a range of contexts according to the framework
     much-depleted resources and challenging economic times, ensured that the arts contributed            established in the previous arts plan, Space for Art 2007–2012. Sligo County Council supports
     to and supported the social and economic fabric of the county, contributing to the wellbeing         a broad range of arts groups, organizations and activities through direct investment and grant
     and quality of life of citizens.                                                                     aid. The new Sligo Arts Plan 2020–2025 will aim to find new approaches to investing in and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
                                                                                                          developing the arts in the years ahead. This will be underpinned by a new structure within Sligo
     Sligo Arts Service works in partnership with key stakeholders to deliver a high-quality arts         Arts Service that will have the capacity to adopt and deliver on these new approaches. This may
     service for the people of Sligo and to promote greater public involvement in the arts in a wide      include procurement of specific services to deliver the objectives of this Plan with temporary
     range of social and community settings.                                                              contracts of up to five years’ duration.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                     27


     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
Sligo Arts Plan 2020–2025 is the fifth framework document for arts           The Plan makes provision for a mid-term review so as to    for Sligo’s diverse cultural footprint, with a widespread
     development by Sligo County Council. Rather than replace the previous        ensure that the recommendations that we adopt now          desire to see more links created between and among
                                                                                  will be dynamic, responsive and open to change as we       performing companies, museums, galleries and
     plan, it will augment, complement, reinforce and build on the successes
                                                                                  move through the next phase of development.                libraries, heritage and the range of cultural activities
     and profile of arts development in Sligo. It will do this through policy                                                                delivered locally.
     development, innovative programming, best practice and critical              Sligo Arts Service will continue to collect quantitative
     thinking and evaluation. The actions set out in the Plan will be regularly   data and implement the Arts Council’s guidelines on        Sligo County Council will always seek to work
     reviewed, tracked for progress and monitored by Sligo County Council         quality measurements, for example, to capture the          collaboratively and in partnership wherever possible,
                                                                                  social impacts of its programmes.                          particularly with the individuals and organizations
     Strategic Policy Committee for Culture.                                                                                                 supported by its various programmes.
                                                                                  Reflecting the substantial economic changes that
                                                                                  have occurred in the past ten years, both locally and The challenge now will be to increase the resources
                                                                                  nationally, this Plan will bring fresh perspectives and available for artists and culture broadly, through
                                                                                  new approaches based on the insights of a great partnerships with a host of national and international
                                                                                  many practitioners.                                       bodies in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
                                                                                                                                            This new Plan will pay attention to the holistic case for
                                                                                  Much has been achieved already to the benefit of arts and culture – the argument that arts and culture
                                                                                  the arts and cultural community and, importantly, have an impact on our lives in complex, subtle and
                                                                                  to the people of Sligo. Indeed, Sligo has achieved interrelated ways, and that each benefit relates to a
                                                                                  considerable success in increasing cultural provision cluster of other benefits. The aim of Sligo Arts Plan
                                                                                  and engagement throughout all parts of Sligo. Sligo 2020 –2025 is to restore Sligo Arts Service to its role
                                                                                  County Council has always been ambitious in the quality of strategic leadership and to build on over 20 years of
                                                                                  and delivery of its services. This is a critical juncture support to the arts by Sligo local authority.

     “This new Plan will pay attention to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
      holistic case for arts and culture – the
      argument that arts and culture have an
      impact on our lives in complex, subtle and                                                                                                                                                         31

      interrelated ways...”


     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
National Context
     The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht provides the resource, policy                              Sligo Arts Service makes an annual funding application to The Arts Council to support the
     and legislative framework to support the stimulation and development of the arts                                 County Arts Development Programme. In 2016, the Arts Council and the City and County
     in Ireland. The goal of the Department’s Arts Division is to promote and develop                                 Managers Association (CCMA) published A Framework for Collaboration agreement. The
                                                                                                                      purpose of the agreement is to highlight the value and clarify the current position of the 30-
     Ireland’s artistic and creative strengths at home and abroad and to maximize their
                                                                                                                      year strategic partnership between the Arts Council and local authorities nationwide and to
     societal, economic and reputational value for the country. The department works
                                                                                                                      set out a vision and broad goals for what is to be achieved by the partners over the next ten
     to enhance access to the arts by promoting and encouraging artistic expression,
     cultural awareness and participation.
                                                                                                                      Under A Framework for Collaboration, Sligo County Council and the Arts Council will enter into
     The Department funds and works closely with the Arts Council and Screen Ireland to secure
                                                                                                                      an eight-year Framework Agreement setting out our shared strategic priorities, which will align
     the implementation of appropriate and effective strategies for the arts in partnership with the
                                                                                                                      closely with the priorities of the Arts Plan. Our shared strategic action headings are:
     artistic community and film industry. The Department’s Culture Ireland Unit promotes Irish arts
     and artists abroad. Government funding for the arts is generally channeled through The Arts
                                                                                                                      1.      Supporting Artists
     Council, which, although funded by the Department, is completely independent in its funding
                                                                                                                      2.      Young People and the Arts
     allocations and the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has no role to play in its
                                                                                                                      3.      Music Development
     funding or executive decisions. The Arts Act 2003 underpins the Council’s independence in
     this context. The Department has recently published Culture 2025 – A National Cultural Policy                    4.      Arts Participation.
     Framework, which clearly articulates the important role of culture in Ireland and which will set
     out a road map for what the cultural sector wants to achieve leading up to 2025.                                 In 2019, the Arts Council presented its second three-year plan, for the years 2020 to 2022,
                                                                                                                      under its strategy, Making Great Art Work 2016–2025. The continuing strategic partnership
     The Arts Council is the national agency for funding, developing and promoting the arts in Ireland.               with local authorities will be central to its work, having renewed and developed the relationship
     The Council recognizes that the arts have a central and distinctive contribution to make to our                  over the past three years.
     evolving society. Established in 1951 to stimulate public interest in and promote the knowledge,
     appreciation and practice of the arts, the Arts Council advises the Minister and other public                    The Arts Council also prioritises opportunities for the arts in creative and community place-
     bodies on the arts. It provides financial assistance, mainly but not exclusively, to artists and                 making as part of Project Ireland 2040, the Irish government’s national framework for strategic
     arts organizations; it supports others who develop and promote the arts; it publishes research                   planning. In order to harness such opportunities in Sligo, the reinstatement of the post of
     and information as an advocate for the arts and artists and it undertakes a range of projects to                 Arts Officer is essential to ensure that the arts are present and central to all aspects of policy
     promote and develop the arts, often in partnership with others.                                                  formulation and decision making.

     The Arts Council’s own ten-year strategy, Making Great Art Work 2016–2025, identifies the
     following priorities:
                                                                                                                      Arts Council/Sligo County Council shared strategic actions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
            »»   The Artist: Artists are supported to make excellent work that is enjoyed and valued

                                                                                                                      1.                                                 3.
                 Public Engagement: More people will enjoy high-quality arts experiences
            »»   Investment Strategy: Public monies are invested effectively to realize priorities
            »»   Spatial and Demographic Planning: Well-planned arts provision to benefit people across the country
            »»   Developing Capacity: Building knowledge, skills and inventiveness to realize this strategy.          Supporting Artists                                 Music Development

                                                                                                                      2.                                                 4.                                                35
                                                                                                                      Young People & the Arts                            Arts Participation
The Creative Ireland Programme                                                                            The Local Framework
     Creative Ireland is a government programme to connect people, creativity and wellbeing,                   Section 6 of the Arts Act 2003 requires local authorities to prepare and implement plans for the
     inspired by the multitude of cultural events that were held to mark the hundredth anniversary             development of the arts within their functional areas. In so doing, local authorities may provide
     of the 1916 Easter Rising. It is a five-year, all-of-government initiative, extending from 2017 to        financial or other assistance in respect of activities, projects or undertakings for the purposes
     2022, which aims to improve access to cultural and creative activity in every county across the           of stimulating public interest in the arts, promoting knowledge, appreciation and practice of the
     country.                                                                                                  arts or improving standards in the arts within their functional area.

     ‘Creative Ireland places culture and creativity at the centre of public policy and at the centre of       The arts as defined in the Arts Act 2003 incorporate ‘any creative or interpretative expression
      our lives, for the betterment of our people and for the strengthening of our society . . . ‘. Creative   (whether traditional or contemporary) in whatever form and including in particular visual arts,
      Ireland is built around five pillars:                                                                    theatre, literature, music, dance, opera, film, circus and architecture and includes any medium
                                                                                                               when used for those purposes.’
     1:      Enabling the Creative Potential of Every Child
     2.      Enabling Creativity in Every Community                                                            In preparing Sligo Arts Plan 2020–2025, Sligo Arts Service is informed by a range of Sligo County
     3.      Investing in our Creative and Cultural Infrastructure                                             Council plans and policies including the council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2024, the purpose of
     4.      Ireland as a Centre of Excellence in Media Production                                             which is to describe the main priorities for Sligo County Council in a five-year timeframe.
     5.      Unifying our Global Reputation.
                                                                                                               Sligo Arts Plan 2020–2025 will seek to support the achievement of the aims of the Corporate
     Local authorities are responsible for delivering Pillar 2, Establishing Creativity in Every               Plan. The Corporate Plan has three broad aims:
     Community. At its heart is collaboration – within local government, between central and local
                                                                                                                      »»   develop a strong economy
     government, between culture and industry, between artists and policy makers – to facilitate an
                                                                                                                      »»   enhance quality of life
     ecosystem of creativity. Each local authority delivers Pillar 2 through a Culture and Creativity
                                                                                                                      »»   safeguard the quality of the environment, through supporting our communities and working
     Plan for its county.
                                                                                                                           toward a shared purpose to deliver prosperity across the county.

     The work of Sligo Arts Service informs the Sligo Culture and Creativity Plan. It is a mechanism
                                                                                                               Sligo Arts Plan is aligned to Sligo County Council’s policy statement on climate change and
     for co-operative development of the cultural services of the local authority led by the Creative
                                                                                                               sustainability, set out in Sligo County Development Plan 2017–2023, which is: ‘To plan for the
     Ireland co-ordinator, the County Librarian and chaired by the Director of Service. Changes in
                                                                                                               impacts of climate change, increasing resilience through appropriate adaptation and embracing
     government policy and wider shifts in the arts and cultural landscape at national level may have
                                                                                                               opportunities for sustainable development’.
     an impact on the environment within which the arts operate at county level over the course of
     this plan.
                                                                                                               Sligo Arts Plan will adhere also to policy positions set out in Sligo County Development Plan
                                                                                                               and Sligo Local Economic and Community Plan 2016–2021 (LECP), which aim to promote
                                                                                                               a more integrated and targeted approach to addressing the strategic social, community and
                                                                                                               economic issues facing the county in a way that meets the priority needs of the community.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
                                                                                                               What constitutes the ‘needs of the community’ is heavily influenced by the views sought from
                                                                                                               the communities themselves through the LECP process of consultation and collaboration but
                                                                                                               within the context of government policies and priorities.

     ‘Creative Ireland places culture and creativity at                                                        Creative industries are highlighted in the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016–2021
                                                                                                               as ‘a key micro enterprise growth sector and Sligo has the second highest number of creative
      the centre of public policy and at the centre of our                                                     businesses in the western region’ (LECP, p.65). There are opportunities for the creative sector
                                                                                                               to contribute to and benefit from the Sligo County Council initiative, Smart City. The LECP also
      lives, for the betterment of our people and for the                                                      recognizes tourism as a priority, with large potential for economic and employment growth and,         37
                                                                                                               within this, cultural tourism such as festivals and for international tourism segments the cultural
      strengthening of our society . . .’                                                                      and literary heritage associated with the site of the Spanish Armada shipwrecks in north Sligo
                                                                                                               and the poet WB Yeats and his brother, the painter Jack Yeats.


     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
Sligo, the
     beating heart of   About County Sligo                                 Sligo’s unique archaeological and historical remains
                                                                           comprise more than 5,000 recorded archaeological
                                                                           sites dating back over 6,000 years, including the

     the north- west
                        County Sligo, located in the northwest of
                                                                           Neolithic sites of Carrowmore, Carrowkeel and
                        Ireland, encompasses a total land surface of       Creevykeel. The beautiful landscape and rich cultural
                        approximately 1,837.11 sq. km, bordered by         heritage has inspired many musicians, artists and poets,
                        Counties Leitrim, Roscommon and Mayo, and          including Lilly and Lolly Yeats, WB Yeats and Jack B
                        flanked to the west by almost 200 km of Atlantic   Yeats, Michael Coleman and even a saint, St. Colmcille.
                        coastline. The county has a varied natural         This has given Sligo strong international recognition on
                        landscape with limestone mountains, such as        which to base a thriving tourism industry. (Sligo County
                        Benbulben and Benwiskin, other interesting         Development Plan 2017–2023, Consolidated Draft).
                        upland terrain including the Ox and Bricklieve
                        Mountains, numerous picturesque lakes              Sligo has one local authority, Sligo County Council, with
                        (Loughs Gill, Arrow, Glencar, Easky, Gara and      three municipal districts, namely Ballymote-Tubbercurry,
                        Talt), enclosed farmland and a diverse coastline   the Borough District of Sligo and Sligo-Drumcliffe. Sligo
                                                                           city is the administrative capital and largest town in the
                        comprising low-lying cliffs, indented shoreline
                        and sandy beaches.

                                                                                                                                        Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
40                                                                                                                                      41
Demographic                                                                             Economic

     The population of County Sligo is 65,535
                                                                   65,535                    The largest centre of population in the Northwest,        The public sector remains the most important employer
     according to the 2016 census (Central Statistics                                        Sligo city has grown to be a regionally important         in County Sligo, with a high concentration in Sligo city.
     Office), a slight increase on 2011, making it the                                       urban centre, serving as the administrative,              Tubbercurry is the county’s second largest employment
     third most populated county in Connaught.
                                                                   County Sligo population   commercial, service, health and educational               centre. Outside the urban areas, agriculture remains
                                                                                             focus for a large hinterland. Sligo city is a             an important part of the local economy, while tourism
     Over 29,000 people live in urban areas, making up                                                                                                 and other small-scale, rural-based economic activities
                                                                                             designated regional centre in the government’s
     39.8% of the population, which reflects the national
     trend (37.3% in rural areas). Sligo city’s population         19,199                    Project Ireland 2040 and is one of two Gateway
                                                                                             cities designated by the National Spatial Strategy
                                                                                                                                                       continue to support a substantial population living
                                                                                                                                                       in villages and in the countryside (Sligo County
                                                                                                                                                       Development Plan 2017-2023).
     of 19,199 makes it the county’s largest urban area
                                                                   Sligo city’s population   in the Border region of Ireland. Project Ireland
     by some distance, although Tubbercurry experienced
                                                                                             2040 states that, due to Sligo’s pharmaceutical           Institute of Technology Sligo has been delivering
     a 13.7% population growth between 2011 and 2016.
                                                                                             industry, engineering capabilities and higher             courses in the arts since 1972. Under the previous arts
     There was a decline in the rural population in Sligo of
     1,621, which was offset by an urban increase of 1,763,
     which largely can be attributed to the re-classification
                                                                   39.8% urban               education institutions, such as Institute of
                                                                                             Technology Sligo and St. Angela’s College, a
                                                                                             constituent college of the NUI Galway, the
                                                                                                                                                       plan, Space for Art 2007–2012, the John O’Leary Fine
                                                                                                                                                       Art Graduate Award was established in partnership
                                                                                                                                                       with Sligo Arts Service, Institute of Technology Sligo
     of Collooney from rural to urban designation.
                                                                                             county has a significant ‘capacity to enhance             and Sligo Art Gallery. Developments at IT Sligo over the
     In Sligo the number of people in the older age
     categories is significantly higher than the national          39.2yrs                   its regional role’ (Sligo County Development
                                                                                             Plan 2017–2023 Consolidated Draft + Adopted
                                                                                                                                                       past five years have seen it grow at both undergraduate
                                                                                                                                                       and postgraduate levels. Institute of Technology
                                                                                                                                                       Sligo’s Yeats Academy of Arts, Design and Architecture
     average. The average age in Sligo rose from 37.9 years        Average age in Sligo      Amendments, August 2017).
     in 2011 to 39.2 in 2016. It is predicted that, by 2025,                                                                                           (YAADA) offers six distinctive programmes across the
     26% of the population of County Sligo will be over 65                                   Institute of Technology Sligo offers a diverse range      disciplines of fine art, design, architecture, literature,
                                                                                             of courses in business, engineering, humanities and       music and theatre.

                                                                   1 in 5
     (LECP, 2016–2021, p.36). The age group 5–18 years
     had very small increases while the 0–4 age group saw                                    science while St. Angela’s College provides courses
     a fall. Sligo is in the top five Irish towns with an ageing                             in nursing, health studies, home economics and             The recently commissioned Festivals Strategy for County
     population.                                                   Born outside Ireland      education.                                                 Sligo (draft) makes specific reference to the resources
                                                                                                                                                        and expertise within Institute of Technology Sligo that
     The percentage of non-Irish born people in County Sligo                                 With the benefit of improvements in telecommunications,    could  be drawn upon for marketing and PR, digital
     stood at 9.3 per cent, while just over one resident in five                             utilities, infrastructure and the availability of well- resourcing, tourism advice, financial management
                                                                                             serviced sites, Sligo Gateway has been able to establish support, general business and day-to-day operational

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
     (21%) in Sligo city was born outside Ireland, with 25% of
     those from Poland and Lithuania (www.citypopulation.                                    itself as a high-quality location for business, with supports to festivals, including arts festivals, which
     de). According to the government’s Social Inclusion                                     several international companies choosing to locate in feature strongly in the draft plan. Institute of Technology
     Analysis, Sligo has the highest proportion of asylum-                                   Sligo (County Sligo Local Economic and Community Sligo is a holistic resource for festivals, which represent
     seekers and refugees in Ireland – the average in each                                   Plan 2016–2021). In 2016 there were 19 multinational such a significant focal point for the arts in Sligo.
     county is 0.1% and in Sligo it is 0.3% (Social Inclusion                                companies located in IDA business parks in County
     and Community Activation Programme 2019, Pobal/                                         Sligo (Finisklin and Ballytivnan in Sligo city, Collooney,
     Department of Rural and Community Development).                                         Tubbercurry and Ballymote). Sligo is also home to a
42                                                                                           vibrant cluster of Irish companies.                                                                                    43
Cultural Profile and Arts                                                                                            Publicly Funded
     Programme Achievements                                                                                               Arts Venues

     Sligo is noted for its long-standing vibrant            of 188 film-makers in the three counties consisting          Sligo County Council is also known for its support The Michael Coleman Heritage Centre Ltd (Coleman
     voluntary arts scene in which music and drama           of emerging and established individual film-makers           of venues such as The Model, home of the Niland Irish Music Centre), situated in Gurteen, County Sligo,
     groups are numerous. Since the establishment            and 16 production, post-production and interrelated          Collection of twentieth century Irish art, The is dedicated to the memory of the legendary fiddle
     of Sligo Arts Service, the county has seen many         companies.                                                   Hawk’s Well Theatre, Blue Raincoat Theatre player Michael Coleman (1891–1945). The Centre
     positive changes in its cultural profile and the                                                                     Company (The Factory), The Coleman Traditional draws together the many strands of south Sligo’s rich
                                                             SLR Film project developed a joint film strategy that
     delivery of arts services. Sligo Arts Service                                                                        Irish Music Centre and the Hyde Bridge Gallery. traditional music heritage, fostering its preservation
                                                             aims to encourage the development of the film sector                                                                  through teaching programmes and performances.
     created the first public art role and the first
                                                             in the region, to better facilitate film-makers, large
     public art plan, which challenged traditional                                                                        The Model is a multi-purpose arts venue, whose primary
                                                             and small, from here and elsewhere to make films in                                                                  The Hyde Bridge Gallery is an independent, not-for-
     sculptural approaches to art projects under the                                                                      focus is visual arts and whose Niland collection of
                                                             the region and to undertake actions that support the                                                                 profit gallery situated in the Yeats Memorial Building,
     Per Cent for Art Scheme. Other firsts include                                                                        paintings by Irish artists is world renowned. The Model
                                                             viability of film-making as a profession in the region.                                                              home of the Yeats Society Sligo. The Gallery exhibits
     structured intergenerational work and the                                                                            has been a vital part of the expanding and diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                  work from local artists as well as artists from around
                                                                                                                          cultural life of the Northwest.
     emergence of a Music Generation programme,              Links have been developed with Screen Ireland/Screen                                                                 Ireland. The Yeats Society produces many poetry and
     which provided the opportunity to consolidate           Training Ireland and the Western Region Audiovisual                                                                  cultural events, hosted in its period Arts and Crafts-
                                                                                                                          The Hawk’s Well Theatre continues to undergo
     and expand existing work in music education             Producers Fund (WRAP). This relatively new area                                                                      style building.
                                                                                                                          significant redevelopment with the assistance of
     in partnership with Sligo VEC, now Mayo Sligo           of activity for Sligo Arts Service is already showing
                                                                                                                          capital funding from the Department of Culture,
     Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB),          impressive results, generating more screenplays and
                                                                                                                          Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Sligo County Council and
                                                                                                                                                                                  Each of these venues has established itself over
     and other partners. Following a successful              film-making. SLR Film project is a partner in the Creative                                                           time as central to the quality of life of the people and
                                                                                                                          its fundraising campaign. The Factory Performance
     application co-ordinated by Sligo Arts Service          Heartlands initiative supported by the Government’s                                                                  communities who access them. Ongoing investment
                                                                                                                          Space is home to the Blue Raincoat Theatre Company
     in 2011, Music Generation Sligo was one of              regional economic development fund.                                                                                  by Sligo local authority in these venues continues
                                                                                                                          and is used primarily as their theatre performance and
     the first three counties established under this                                                                                                                              to sustain and allow for their ongoing development.
                                                                                                                          development space. It also hosts performances and
     programme. It is now managed locally by the            In addition to financial assistance, Sligo Arts Service                                                               Much of the focus in Space for Art 2007–2012
                                                                                                                          events produced by others in the culture sector.
                                                            offered bursaries and allied support to professional                                                                  was on developing partnerships with these venues
     lead partner MSLETB.
                                                            artists and groups until the recession of 2009–2010                                                                   and channeling arts activities and opportunities for
                                                            when these supports came to an end. In an effort                                                                      engagement through their programmes with local
     Sligo Arts Service over time has developed an
                                                            to continue to support artists in other ways, Sligo                                                                   authority financial support. The approach was one of
     extensive youth and education programme including
                                                            Arts Service has built a Continuous Professional                                                                      mutually beneficial partnership, with each organization
     youth theatre and new approaches to arts practice in
                                                            Development and training programme, which is offered                                                                  bringing its own expertise and creativity into the mix,
     the classroom. These new approaches have brought
                                                            to artists free or at subsidized rates. The CPD and                                                                   supported and facilitated by Sligo County Council.
     the teacher to the centre in the design and delivery
                                                            training programme covers a wide range of skills and                                                                  The arts and cultural infrastructure of County Sligo is
     of classroom projects ensuring integration and
                                                            competencies such as working with special educational                                                                 augmented by commercially-run spaces with a strong
     engagement among education stakeholders with the
                                                            needs, financial management and tax advice and                                                                        cultural vision.
     Primary Colours programme to enrich the primary level
                                                            practical upskilling. The programme most recently
     arts curriculum, delivered by artists and supported by
                                                            introduced mentoring for artists. Sligo Arts Service

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
     Sligo Arts Service.
                                                            works with Sligo County Council’s Local Enterprise
                                                            Office to ensure that artists also can benefit from
     As well as maintaining long-standing successful
                                                            their services. A visual artists network is supported
     programmes in Arts in Health, Music, Children and
                                                            by Sligo County Council through the Creative Ireland
     Young People, Sligo Arts Service has introduced
                                                            Programme. The network is a valuable resource to Sligo
     new areas for development such as film. SLR Film
                                                            County Council and to venues, both of which may draw
     project was established in 2015 by Sligo, Leitrim and
                                                            on the artistic and creative services of its membership
     Roscommon Arts Services, along with film-makers,
44                                                          when shaping the creative content of an event.                                                                                                                                   45
     with a view to enabling the film sector to grow and
     develop. SLR Film ( has a membership
Festivals                                                                                                     Festivals

     Sligo Arts Service continues to programme            Other important festivals unique to Sligo that benefit   In 2019, Sligo County Council commissioned                  A number of arts festivals are singled out for
     performances and events in Sligo on an annual        from varying levels of Sligo County Council support      a festivals strategy with the express intention             prioritization within the new strategy.
     basis. Sligo International Chamber Music             include Sligo Jazz Festival and Summer School, Sligo     of identifying and developing festivals that will
     Festival is an annual chamber music festival         Baroque Festival, The Yeats International Summer         realize the ambition set out in Sligo County                The Festivals Strategy recommends the appointment of
     that features resident virtuosi the Vogler           School, Tread Softly festival that celebrates the        Council’s Tourism Strategy. Describing itself as            a festivals co-ordinator whose work would be funded
                                                          landscape that inspired the Yeats family, Cairde Sligo                                                               and resourced to develop the festivals in the county,
     String Quartet. The festival is based mainly                                                                  a ‘tactical approach towards the growth and
                                                          Arts Festival, South Sligo Summer School and Sligo                                                                   maximizing their potential for development and earning
     at St. Columba’s church, Drumcliffe, and The                                                                  development of festivals,’ it aims ultimately to
                                                          Live, including a number of new festivals emerging in                                                                power.
     Model. In consultation with Sligo Arts Service                                                                deliver up to seven festivals with visitor capability
                                                          2019 and 2020. Each is a unique offering targeting
     and the Vogler Quartet, potential spaces and                                                                  of 20,000 each to be supported and developed.
                                                          local, national and international audiences; all have                                                                It also recommends that funding from Sligo County
     venues will be considered throughout the             developed strong national and local press profiles       The strategy aligns with Fáilte Ireland’s critical          Council (including the Fáilte Ireland regional festivals
     county to broaden the reach of the festival and      and each has grown over the past five years despite      success factors for festivals:                              funding) and Sligo LEADER programme should be
     to increase its accessibility to audiences. The      financial and fundraising constraints.                                                                               prioritized for the above. All festivals should have access
     Vogler Quartet would like to commission work,                                                                     1.   each must have a clear USP with a unique,
                                                                                                                                                                               to a range of supports such as the services of the
                                                                                                                            differentiated and focused proposition that is
     bring in more prestigious international artists,                                                                                                                          festivals and events co-ordinator, training programmes
                                                                                                                            firmly embedded in people and place, and is
     expand its offering and create opportunities                                                                                                                              and marketing and sales supports. Specific mention
                                                                                                                            hard to replicate in any other location
     for other ensembles to move into the festival                                                                     2.   each must also be able to clearly identify the
                                                                                                                                                                               is made of strategic partnerships with Institute of
     sphere in a more meaningful way. All of these                                                                          target interest group or a ‘fan base’ who will
                                                                                                                                                                               Technology Sligo and Fáilte Ireland to deliver training
     developments require additional resources and                                                                          travel in order to fulfil a passion and interest   and mentoring, while Sligo Tourism could also play a
     a broadening of the current support base for the                                                                       offered by the festival proposition                key role in terms of promoting Sligo, and its festivals
     festival. At present, it is produced by Sligo Arts                                                                3.   each festival must connect with and reach          and events, as a destination for year-round quality
                                                                                                                            these fans through sales and marketing             festivals and experiences.
     Service and an event management company
     and is an efficient operation that works well.
                                                                                                                       4.   each festival must provide opportunities for       Sligo Arts Service brings professional assessment skills
     There is a sense that it has the potential to be                                                                       its ‘fan base’ to share quality, immersive and     and experience to contribute to the objectives of the
     much stronger and more prominent, as there is                                                                          participative experiences with like-minded         Festivals Strategy. The role of Sligo Arts Service in the
     nothing similar in the Northwest and nothing                                                                           people.
                                                                                                                                                                               development of independently-run festivals offering
     that can boast an association with the Vogler                                                                                                                             arts content is to ensure quality standards are met
     String Quartet. There is a long-term aspiration to                                                                                                                        and to support their ongoing programme development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
     work with the Vogler Quartet towards creating a                                                                                                                           and their ability to innovate. This developmental role
     new ensemble in residence.                                                                                                                                                is complementary to the actions delivered through the
                                                                                                                                                                               Festivals Strategy where synergies and mutual benefits
                                                                                                                                                                               are made possible.

46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           47


     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
A number of strategic priorities have emerged through review of
     the legislative framework, the public consultation, and one-to-
     one discussion with members of the arts and wider community.
     The following strategic priorities are the recommended actions
     associated with this plan.                                                                                    2020–2025
      Arts Officer Post                              1      Arts Infrastructure, 4                                   Arts Officer Post                                                                                      1
      The reinstatement of the post of Arts Officer in      Ecosystem & Economy                                      1.   The fully staffed and resourced arts office will take a dynamic approach
      Sligo is essential to ensure that the arts are
                                                            Sustain direct support to the established                     to this arts plan, ensuring ongoing review and research, continuous
      present and central to all aspects of policy
                                                            cultural venues and maximize opportunities for                assessment of the needs of professional artists, groups and organizations
      formulation and decision making within the local
                                                            collaboration to strengthen their cultural capacity.          to ensure that this plan will remain relevant and meaningful.
      authority and with external agencies.

                                                            Strengthen the arts economy through inter-agency
      Arts Practitioners                             2      collaboration to support creatives and their
                                                                                                                     Arts Practitioners                                                                                     2
      Provide for the wellbeing and sustainability of
      artists to develop their careers through supportive   Identify and develop new partnership
                                                                                                                     1.   Sustain and renew work opportunities for artists in Sligo through Arts
      arts services with accompanying resources and         opportunities for added value and integration of
                                                                                                                          Office arts participation and public art programmes.
      funding.                                              the arts across sectors such as Tourism, Creative
                                                            Industries and Enterprise development.
                                                                                                                     2.   Explore new work and support opportunities for arts practitioners
      Monitor rates of pay to artists and comply with
                                                                                                                          across broader cultural and creative partnerships regionally, nationally
      the rates recommended by artists’ membership
                                                                                                                          and internationally.
      bodies and the Arts Council’s policy on artist
                                                                                                                     3.   Work with Sligo County Council services and external agencies to identify
                                                                                                                          spaces in Sligo city and county that would meet the needs for creating,

      Public                                         3      Art in the                                      5
                                                                                                                          exhibiting and performing artistic work to the public.

      Participation                                         public realm                                             4.   Provide professional development supports and mentoring through

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
                                                                                                                          partnerships with:
      Sustain, renew and initiate creative programmes       Develop and enhance the cultural identity of Sligo              »»   national organizations such as Visual Arts Ireland, CREATE (national development
                                                            regionally, nationally and internationally, through                  agency for collaborative arts), Irish Theatre Institute, Irish Music Rights Organization
      at community level that are inclusive and
                                                            a new round of commissioning, funded by the Per                      (IMRO) and others
                                                                                                                            »»   and Sligo’s established venue infrastructure of The Model, The Hawks Well, The
                                                            Cent for Art scheme.
                                                                                                                                 Factory, Yeats Memorial Building and others.
      Encourage people from all backgrounds to engage
      meaningfully with the arts on an ongoing basis.
                                                                                                                     5.   Provide longer-term artist residencies in a variety of local settings
50                                                                                                                                                                                                                              51
                                                                                                                          including healthcare, education and recreation.
Public Participation                                                       3       7.     Contribute to the Actions of Sligo County Council’s Festivals Strategy to
                                                                                               maximize the impact of Sligo’s impressive arts and, in particular, music
     1.   Review and renew the Primary Colours primary school arts programme in
          the context of Creative Schools and Teacher-Artist partnership initiatives.
                                                                                        8.     Explore international partnerships and funding opportunities, for
                                                                                               example EU programmes designed to encourage collaboration, mobility,
     2.   Sustain the Council’s partnership with Music Generation Sligo and
                                                                                               cultural exchange and partnership to expand arts and cultural activity
          explore ways for further collaboration.
                                                                                               in Sligo.
     3.   Develop the Sligo Youth Theatre offering, to meet the high demand for
                                                                                        9.     Explore partnership opportunities for creative sector/creative
          participation. Explore potential partnerships with schools, MSLETB or
                                                                                               industries through Sligo Local Enterprise Office, Institute of Technology
          Creative Ireland to expand opportunities for engagement.
                                                                                               Sligo Innovation Centre and other hubs, the Western Development
                                                                                               Commission and North West Regional Assembly.
     4.   Work with the HSE, Healthy Ireland and other programmes to design and
          develop arts interventions that improve social inclusion, mental health
                                                                                        10.    Evaluate the impact of the SLR (Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon) Film
          and wellbeing through engagement with older people and people with
                                                                                               Project and allocate resources based on the evaluation findings.
                                                                                        11.    Resource Sligo Arts Service adequately to support inward productions
     5.   Research and develop ways of enabling people from culturally diverse
                                                                                               (film industry) as an important growth area bringing significant benefits
          and marginalized backgrounds to engage meaningfully with the arts on
                                                                                               to the local economy.
          a long-term basis.
                                                                                        12.    Redesign the brand of Sligo Arts Service.

     Arts Infrastructure,                                                       4
                                                                                        13.    Upgrade Sligo Arts Service website,, to integrate
                                                                                               social media platforms.
     Ecosystem and Economy
     1.   Through programme partnerships identify opportunities for collaboration
          with the network of professional venues and festivals in County Sligo.
                                                                                        Art in the Public Realm                                                        5
     2.   Provide for and facilitate arts programming in smaller population centres
          throughout the county so that the arts can continue to grow at a local         1.   Facilitate new opportunities for engagement between artists and the
          level.                                                                              public.

     3.   Broaden the reach of the Sligo International Chamber Music Festival by         2.   Continue to commission a variety of projects across all of the art
          considering new performance spaces and venues throughout the county.                forms and to offer artists opportunities to create art in different public

                                                                                                                                                                           Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
     4.   Looking to the future of the Festival and a new generation of audiences,
          plan with the Vogler Quartet for creating a new ensemble in residence.         3.   Re-establish the Public Art Steering Group to
                                                                                               »»   Develop a commissions plan
                                                                                               »»   Oversee the delivery of the commissions plan
     5.   Sustain the practice of commissioning composers to create new work for
                                                                                               »»   Identify opportunities for public engagement with communities.
          the Festival.

52   6.   Review and renew the Bealtaine Festival.                                                                                                                         53


     Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
The new Sligo Arts Plan has encapsulated its work over
     the next five years in three words: it will sustain, renew
     and collaborate to achieve its aims.
     Firstly, Sligo Arts Service will renew itself and further enhance its ability to make
     the arts accessible and inclusive to all through the re-establishment of the post of
     Arts Officer, aiming also to staff and resource the post adequately, thereby ensuring
     that s/he is poised to deliver on the ambitions of the new Sligo Arts Plan.

     The work of Sligo Arts Service has always been firmly rooted in principles of quality,
     access, inclusion and long-term value. Sligo Arts Plan sets out a course of action
     that will ensure that Sligo Arts Service is well supported by elected members and the
     executive of Sligo County Council, the Arts Council and other key strategic partners,
     local and national. Investment in the arts over the 20 years of Sligo Arts Service
     has been significant and the next five years will see Sligo Arts Service work with
     stakeholders to focus investment where it is most needed. Priorities for investment
     will include enhanced bursaries and financial supports to artists, professional
     development programmes for artists and supporting creative networks to ensure
     they are sustainable.

     Sligo Arts Service will consider and evaluate all of its work with an overall mid-term
     review planned for Sligo Arts Plan. This will inform relevant changes in the work, as
     does essential knowledge of the changing arts context nationally and internationally.

     Whilst programming exceptional arts initiatives and showcasing new directions
     in the arts nationally and internationally is still a key role for Sligo Arts Service,
     there exists a high standard of professional arts knowledge and delivery throughout
     County Sligo, demonstrated through the excellent programmes of the venues and
     festivals. The role of Sligo Arts Service in the context of the new Sligo Arts Plan will
     be a supporting one, adding value to these programmes, supporting new approaches,

                                                                                                Sligo Arts Plan 2020 - 2025
     facilitating collaborations and taking a strategic approach to the development of
     the arts. The professional expertise and experience of the staff of Sligo Arts Service
     is a considerable cultural resource for the county. The continued development of
     Sligo Arts Service is predicated on these expert staff resources.

56                                                                                              57
Appendix 1

     Needs and
                     A series of public consultations and interviews
                     with key stakeholders and stakeholder groups
                     was carried out between May and July 2019 and
                                                                                                                     baseline of agreed
                     these have informed this plan. The consultation                                                 guiding principles
     Opportunities   process engaged with artists and cultural

                     practitioners, directors of arts organizations,
                     interested members of the public and county
                     council staff.

                     In addition, a questionnaire was circulated, to which
                     individuals and organizations responded.
                                                                                 actions prioritised to
                                                                                                                                               guiding principles inform
                                                                                                                                                  strategic priorities
                                                                                 reflect principles and
                     The questionnaire looked at respondents’ profiles, their
                     current level of engagement with the arts, barriers to
                     participation and needs and priorities for the future.
                                                                                  strategic priorities
                     Out of these consultations, internal and external,
                     guiding principles were identified followed by priorities
                     underpinning policy areas leading to recommended
                     actions as follows:

                                                                                                    4                                              3
                                                                                                                                             strategic priorities
                                                                                                                                          underpin key policy areas
                                                                                              actions identified
                                                                                            under each policy area

58                                                                                                                                                                         59
Appendix 2

     Advocate                                                                   Arts venues                                                                  Ireland 2016                                                                  Sligo Local Community and Economic Plan
     Publicly supporting or recommending a particular course of action or       Spaces in which art is presented including galleries, arts centres,          The 1916 state programme to mark the hundredth anniversary of the             2016–2021
     policy.                                                                    theatres, concert halls.                                                     1916 Easter Rising through a large series of public cultural events           Sligo County Council’s six-year plan for the promotion of economic
                                                                                                                                                             that explored issues of community, identity, culture, heritage and            development and local and community development within the local
     Amateur arts                                                               Broker                                                                                                                                                     authority area, through strategic planning and targeting of resources.
     Engaging or engaged in the arts without payment; non-professional.         Arranging or negotiating an agreement between stakeholders.                                                                                                The plan is drawn up by Sligo Local Economic Development Committee
                                                                                                                                                             Making Great Art Work 2016–2025                                               (LCDC). Each local authority is required to draw up its local plan.
                                                                                                                                                             The ten-year strategy of the Arts Council.
     Arts Council                                                               Commissioning
     The Arts Council of Ireland is the Irish government agency for             The act of procuring the creation of a piece of art, composition, writing                                                                                  SLR Film
     developing the arts. The Arts Council works in partnership with artists, – an original work, often on behalf of government or business, for             Participatory arts                                                            Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon Film Project
     arts organizations, public policy makers and others to build a central     example classical music ensembles often commission pieces from               Participatory art is a term that describes a form of art that directly
     place for the arts in Irish life.                                          composers, where the ensemble secures the composer’s payment from            engages the audience in the creative process so that they become              Smart City
                                                                                private or public organizations or donors.                                   participants in the event.                                                    A Smart City is an urban area that uses different types of electronic
     Arts festivals                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to collect data and then use insights
     Arts festivals may feature a mixed programme that include music,           Creative Ireland                                                             Per Cent for Art Scheme                                                       gained from that data to manage assets, resources and services
     literature, comedy, children’s entertainment, science or street theatre,   Creative Ireland is a five-year, all of government culture, creativity       A government initiative dating from 1978 whereby one per cent                 efficiently.
     and are typically presented in venues or public spaces over a period       and wellbeing programme committed to the vision that every person            of the cost of publicly-funded capital, infrastructural and building
     of time ranging from as short as a day or a weekend to a month.            in Ireland should have the opportunity to realize their full creative        development is reserved for the commissioning of artworks.                    Socially engaged practice
                                                                                potential. Within the programme, every local authority develops a                                                                                          Socially engaged practice describes art that is collaborative, often
                                                                                Culture Plan for its county to deliver the second strand of ‘enabling
     Arts in education                                                                                                                                       Primary Colours Programme                                                     participatory and involves people as the medium or material of the
                                                                                creativity in every community’.                                                                                                                            work.
     Engagement of artists in the design, development and delivery of                                                                                        Primary Colours is a children’s arts programme to enrich the primary
     education programmes in formal education settings such as primary                                                                                       school arts curriculum delivered in Sligo by practising artists.
     and secondary schools.                                                     Creative/community Place-making                                                                                                                            Visual arts
                                                                                Creative or community place-making is an evolving field of practice
                                                                                                                                                             Professional Artists                                                          The visual arts are art forms that create works that are primarily visual
                                                                                that intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture and creativity
     Arts Officer                                                                                                                                            Full-time, working exclusively as a creative, usually with a formal           in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking,
                                                                                to serve a community’s interests while driving a broader agenda for                                                                                        design, crafts, photography, video, film-making, animation and
     Professional arts manager employed by local authorities to advise,                                                                                      qualification, more accurately referred to in terms of career stage –
                                                                                change, growth and transformation in a way that builds the quality                                                                                         architecture.
     advocate, broker, design and deliver arts policy through working with                                                                                   emerging, mid-career or established artists.
                                                                                of place.                                                                                                                                                  These definitions should not be taken too strictly as many artistic
     stakeholders, national and local.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve
                                                                                                                                                             Project Ireland 2040
     Arts Plan                                                                  Culture 2025                                                                 The Irish government’s long-term, overarching planning strategy that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included
                                                                                This is the National Culture Policy Framework of the Department of                                                                                         within the visual arts are the applied arts such as industrial design,
     A sequence of steps to be taken for a strategy to succeed. It may also                                                                                  aims to make Ireland a better country for all of its people.
                                                                                Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht.                                                                                                                        graphic design, fashion design, interior design and decorative art.
     be called an action programme.
     An arts plan has three elements:
                                                                                                                                                             Public art
     1.    Specific actions                                                     Curator                                                                                                                                                    YAADA
                                                                                                                                                             Public art are works of art in any media created for and in the context
     2.    Timing: when it will be done                                         A curator selects and interprets artworks (from among the entire range                                                                                     Yeats Academy of Arts, Design and Architecture, Institute of
                                                                                                                                                             of the civic realm, be it the built or natural environment.
                                                                                of arts practice). In addition to selecting works, the curator is often                                                                                    Technology Sligo
     3.    Resource allocation: what specific funds are
           available for specific activities.                                   responsible for documenting, cataloguing and sourcing other content
                                                                                to support art exhibitions and performances.                                 Sligo County Council Corporate Plan
     Arts Strategy                                                                                                                                           Sligo County Council’s plan setting out its priorities during the five-year
60   A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as           Grant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  61
                                                                                                                                                             timeframe of the plan.
                                                                                Support offered in a competitive environment to specific projects and
     achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Drawing on all of the
                                                                                plans with conditions attached.
     resources available to achieve high-level, overarching aims.
You can also read