Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier

Page created by Bonnie Jennings
Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
progress report
Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
a message from garnier’s global brand president
                                                                                             We live in a rapidly evolving world, facing unpre-        ducts through an ambitious new product envi-
                                                                                             cedented challenges in conserving natural re-             ronmental impact labelling to help consumers
                                                                                             sources and protecting the climate for future             make more sustainable consumption choices.
                                                                                             generations. As a world’s leading mass-market
                                                                                             natural beauty brand, we have the opportunity             Importantly, we will strive to make a positive
                                                                                             to help create a positive future by leading the           impact beyond the beauty industry, actively
                                                                                             way towards sustainable beauty, creating pro-             participating in fighting plastic pollution. We
                                                                                             ducts that respect our environment and natural            have forged a partnership with Ocean Conser-
                                                                                             resources. We are determined to play our part             vancy, an NGO working to turn the tide on
                                                                                             by taking ambitious commitments and cataly-               ocean plastic for more than 30 years. Together,
                                                                                             sing change in our industry.                              we will raise awareness of the importance of
                                                                                                                                                       cleaning oceans and beaches, and encourage
                                                                                             Garnier has already taken some important steps            our employees and consumers to participate in

                                                                                             in improving our sustainability performance               the Ocean Conservancy’s annual International
                                                                                             over the past few years. We have intensified              Coastal Cleanup, the world’s largest single-day
                                                                                             our efforts, reaching crucial milestones. In par-         volunteer effort to help fight ocean plastic.
                                                                                             ticular, we have partnered with NGOs to help
                                                                                             empower communities through socially res-          Every Garnier team and all our partners share
                                                                                             ponsible or “solidarity” sourcing programmes       a passion for beauty and a collective commit-
                                                                                             worldwide. In addition, we have developed new      ment to create a sustainable future for beauty.
                                                                                             98% natural origin formulas and Ecocert-certi-     Through this report, we share our progress on
                                                                                             fied organic skincare, and continuously reduced    sustainability in 2019, and discuss our achieve-
                                                                                                                                                ments, opportunities and challenges transpa-
                                 By committing to Green Beauty,                              our products’ environmental footprints. At our
                                                                                             industrial sites, we have significantly lowered
                                                                                             our CO2 emissions and water consumption.
                                                                                                                                                rently. We know there is still much to do, but we
                                                                                                                                                remain ambitious and determined, as we conti-
                                 we will transform our business                                                                                 nue our journey. By committing to Green Beauty,
                                                                                             Now, with our Green Beauty strategy, we are ta- we will transform our business and strive to si-
                                 and strive to significantly                                 king our sustainability commitment to the next gnificantly improve our impact throughout our
                                                                                             level, pursuing our efforts in an even more am- value chain, and beyond.
                                 improve our impact throughout                               bitious way. We are transforming every stage of
                                                                                             our value chain. Firstly, we are striving for 100% I welcome you to our report and warmly invite
                                 our value chain and beyond.                                 of our renewable ingredients to be sourced sus- you to discover our end to end journey towards
                                                                                             tainably by 2022. We are fully committed to Green Beauty.
                                                                                             protecting biodiversity and the planet by leve-
                                                                                             raging green sciences to offer our consumers
                                                                                             the same high performance while ensuring that
                                                                                             every Garnier product is more sustainable.

                                                                                             To address the global risk of plastic pollution, we
                                                                                             have directed significant effort to reducing plas-
                                                                                             tic in our packaging. We aim to use 100% recy-
                                                                                             cled plastic in our plastic packaging by 2025 and
                                                                                             make all our packaging recyclable. And we are
                                                                                             fully engaged in helping to drive our industry’s
                                                                                             journey towards a holistic, circular economy of
                                                                                             packaging. As part of our ongoing efforts to re-
                                                                                             duce our products’ environmental impact, we
                                                                                             will support the industrial site where our pro-
                                                                                             ducts are manufactured in going carbon neutral
                                                                                             and by adopting 100% renewable energy in the               Adrien KOSKAS
                                                                                             next five years. Transparency is also central to           Garnier Global Brand
                                                                                             the Garnier origin. We were pioneers in disclo-            President
                                                                                             sing the provenance of our product ingredients.
                                                                                             In 2020, we will break new ground by sharing
                                                                                             the environmental and social impact of our pro-

Employee collecting waste during the International Coastal Cleanup on September 21st, 2019
(organized with our partner Ocean Conservancy)

Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier


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Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
our key 2019 achievements and our commitments                                                 our key 2019 achievements and our commitments

       p.   10                       IN 2019
                             Thanks to
                                                                            by 2025                  p.   28           in 2019
                                                                                                                 WE DECREASED
                                                                                                                                                     in 2019
                                                                                                                                                WE REDUCED
                                                                                                                                                                               by 2025
                            THE USE OF
                                                                  ALL OUR PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                  WATER                       THE CO2                       100%
                         RECYCLED PLASTIC,                        WILL BE MADE WITH                                                                                       OF OUR
                             we saved                               ZERO VIRGIN                                CONSUMPTION                   EMISSIONS                  INDUSTRIAL
                     3,670 TONNES                                     PLASTIC
                                                                                                                AT OUR INDUSTRIAL
                                                                                                                     SITES BY
                                                                                                                                              OF OUR INDUSTRIAL
                                                                                                                                                   SITES BY
                                                                                                                                                                       SITES WILL BE
                          OF VIRGIN PLASTIC                              helping to save
                                                                                                                   45%                           72%                    CARBON
                          9.8% of our annual
                         plastic consumption
                                                                  MORE THAN 37,000 TONNES*
                                                                  OF VIRGIN PLASTIC PER YEAR
                                                                                                                compared to 2005              compared to 2005          NEUTRAL
                                                                                                                                                                          AND WILL
                                                                                                                      0.38 litres            38,596 tonnes eq. CO2

                                                                                               SUSTAINABLE      per finished product

                                                                                                                                                                          USE ONLY
   PACKAGING                   100%
                                     in 2019,                               by 2025
                                                                    ALL OUR PLASTIC              FACTORIES
                                                                                                                                                         OF OUR
                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL SITES ARE
                                                                                                                                           CARBON NEUTRAL
                       of cardboard boxes and                      PACKAGING WILL BE
                    paper product use instructions
                      HAVE A SUSTAINABLY                            REUSABLE,                                                              66% OF OUR ENERGY IS
                       MANAGED FOREST                             RECYCLABLE OR                                                               RENEWABLE
                              such as FSC¤
                                                                                                     p.   32                     in 2019                                 by 2025
                                                                                                                      WE EMPOWERED
       p.   22             In 2019                      in 2019                 by 2022                        670 COMMUNITIES
                                                                                                                                                                    WE WILL EMPOWER
                                                                                                                                                               800 COMMUNITIES
                   our new and renovated
                   Haircare formulas were            90%                      ALL OUR                           WORLDWIDE as part of our                        WORLDWIDE as part of our
                     with an average of          of new or renovated        RENEWABLE                            SOLIDARITY SOURCING                             SOLIDARITY SOURCING
                                                   products had an                                                    PROGRAMME
                         91%                        IMPROVED
                                                                              WILL BE                           applied to our ingredients
                 BIODEGRADABILITY***             ENVIRONMENTAL
                       (at least 67%            OR SOCIAL PROFILE
                      and up to 99%)

ECO-DESIGNED                                                                                      SOURCING
                                                                                                    p.    40            in 2019
                                                                                                                                                                         in 2019
                                                                                                                                                                  GARNIER MOBILIZED
                                                                                                                JOINED FORCES WITH                              373 EMPLOYEES
                                                                                                                OCEAN CONSERVANCY                                     TO COLLECT
                                                                                                                         TO FIGHT                                6.8 TONNES OF WASTE
                                                                                                                       OCEAN PLASTIC                                 TO HELP FIGHT
                                                                                                                                                                     OCEAN PLASTIC

                 *based on Garnier plastic consumption in 2019

                 **compared to two 250ml shampoo bottles
                 ***as per OECD 301 or equivalent tests

                    information audited, see details p.45

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Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
interview with aurélie weinling

                                                         This builds on the advances we have already
                                                         made and our Green Beauty strategy will en-          WHAT ARE THE MAIN CHALLENGES?
                                                         able us to make further progress. This involves      Changing the way we operate is a long-term
                                                         commitments to improve our products’ impacts         journey and we are facing many challenges.
                                                         throughout their lifecycle, helping to preserve      It is crucial to achieve sustainable products
       As a leading beauty brand,                        natural resources, harness clean energy and          without compromising on product quality,
                                                         prevent waste.                                       safety and performance. It is also key to main-
       we have the opportunity                                                                                tain affordable prices because we believe that
                                                                                                                                                                      Aurélie WEINLING
                                                         GARNIER IS COMMITTING TO GREEN BEAUTY:
       to make a real impact, helping                    WHAT IS GREEN BEAUTY?
                                                                                                              sustainable beauty should be accessible for all.
                                                                                                              Innovation and passion are what help us to take
                                                                                                                                                                      Garnier International
                                                                                                                                                                      Scientific & Sustainability

       to create access to sustainable                   Green Beauty is a holistic, end-to-end sustaina-
                                                         bility strategy that will enable us to address our
                                                                                                              major steps: new packaging with no plastic,
                                                                                                              breakthrough formula with natural ingredients

       beauty for all.                                   impacts throughout our value chain.                  powered by green sciences, new equipment to
                                                         Our Green Beauty strategy is based on 5 pro-         save water in our factories etc... and more to
                                                         gress areas: eco-designed packaging, eco-de-         come year after year.
                                                         signed formulas, sustainable factories, sus-
                                                         tainable sourcing, greener planet. It’s a highly     WHY THIS PROGRESS REPORT?
                                                         rigorous and ambitious approach, and will see        Transparency continues to be part of our sustai-
                                                         us continuously improving our performance            nability journey. We are committed to commu-
                                                         and sharing our progress openly and transpa-         nicating our progress openly, being clear about
                                                         rently.                                              our performance, the challenges we face, and
                                                                                                              the journey ahead. This builds on our pionee-
                                                         HOW WILL GARNIER ACHIEVE ITS AMBI-                   ring efforts to communicate the provenance
                                                         TIOUS COMMITMENTS?                                   of our ingredients in 2017. We will highlight

 interview with aurélie weinling
                                                         Working closely with our partners is key to
                                                         moving the needle on sustainability. We col-
                                                                                                              how we’re performing on each commitment –
                                                                                                              from ingredient sourcing and efficient natural
                                                                                                                                                                               The Science Based Targets
                                                         laborate with many partners throughout our           formulas to production and packaging – with             Founded by CDP, the United Nations Global Com-
                                                         company, across teams including marketing,           concrete information on our progress, results           pact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the
                                                                                                                                                                      NGO WWF, the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative
                                                         research, manufacturing, purchasing, packaging       and sustainable beauty initiatives. Additionally,       seeks to encourage businesses to commit to a volun-
                                                         innovation and more. Every day I’m inspired          we will launch our first ever initiative to raise       tary transition towards a low carbon economy, in line
GARNIER IS TAKING ITS SUSTAINABILITY                     by the passion and enthusiasm of all Garnier         awareness of our sustainable beauty commit-             with the Paris Agreement. The SBT initiative has esta-
EFFORTS TO THE NEXT LEVEL. WHY?                          employees to promote sustainability. Beyond          ments publically, highlighting how we take              blished a framework requiring companies to engage
                                                                                                                                                                      their entire value chain over the long term, and eva-
Today, our world faces distinct challenges and           our internal collaborations, we are also enga-       action to protect the environment throughout
                                                                                                                                                                      luates businesses’ climate action plans.
consumers are increasingly changing their be-            ging with partners such as packaging and raw         our value chain.                                        In 2018, L’Oréal began to put its new SBT-approved
haviour, becoming more conscious of the need             materials suppliers, and NGOs. We are all com-       This progress report provides an overall sum-           2030 commitments into practice. These were appro-
to protect the environment and save natural              mitted to moving in the same direction.              mary of Garnier’s progress within its five major        ved at the end of 2017 and therefore conform to the
resources for future generations. We have the                                                                 focus areas of Green Beauty. The data identified        trajectory that will enable global warming to remain
                                                                                                                                                                      below 1.5°C, as required by the experts of the Inter-
opportunity to make a real impact, helping to                                                                 by this tickmark     has been audited by an ex-         governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the
create access to sustainable beauty for all. We                                                               ternal auditor (see details p.45).                      United Nations body for assessing the science related
are committed to undertaking every step of                                                                                                                            to climate change.
this journey, and meeting consumer expecta-                                                                                                                           In this way, L’Oréal has committed to reduce its en-
                                                                                                                                                                      tire greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) by
tions for positive change. In particular, we be-
                                                                                                                                                                      25% in absolute terms, compared to 2016. This encom-
lieve in the pressing need to shift from a linear                                                                                                                     passes both those that are produced directly by the
approach, whereby companies "take, make and                                                                                                                           Group and those produced indirectly, such as through
dispose" of natural resources, to a more circular,                                                                                                                    its suppliers’ activities or consumers’ use of its pro-
regenerative economy.                                                                                                                                                 ducts. As part of the L'Oréal Group, Garnier strongly
                                                                                                                                                                      committed to contribute to these commitments.

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Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
eco-designed packaging

                                       by 2025                                                    by 2025
                            ALL OUR PRODUCTS                                     ALL OUR PLASTIC PACKAGING
                            WILL BE MADE WITH                                      WILL BE REUSABLE,
                      ZERO VIRGIN PLASTIC                                             RECYCLABLE
                   helping to save MORE THAN 37,000 TONNES*
                          OF VIRGIN PLASTIC PER YEAR                                OR COMPOSTABLE

                                      TOWARDS A CIRCULAR
                                       PACKAGING MODEL

ECO-DESIGNED   Garnier commits to an innovative policy

               of packaging optimisation to promote
               the circular economy.

               We have an ambitious goal to help transform the            vironmental footprint of its packaging. In 2007,
               way packaging is designed and produced, achie-             Garnier established high standards for packa-
               ving better economic and environmental outco-              ging to respect the health and safety of the
               mes while continuing to harness the many be-               consumer. For example, 100% of the packaging
               nefits of plastic packaging. This vision builds on         materials that come into direct contact with the
               and aligns with the principles of the circular eco-        formula are food-grade certified. Now, Garnier
               nomy, an economic model that is restorative and            is going one step further by commiting to move
               regenerative by design. Garnier is determined              to a circular economy of packaging.
               to move the plastics value chain into a positive
               spiral of value capture, stronger economics and
               better environmental outcomes.

               Garnier plastic consumption represented
               37,441 tonnes of plastic in 2019. While this is
                                                                           As part of the L'Oréal Group, our packaging teams
               low compared to the 359 million tonnes pro-                 have been working with the Ellen Mac Arthur Foun-
               duced globally, for more than 10 years, Garnier             dation for years and became Core Member close to 2
               has pursued an ambitious sustainability poli-               years ago.
               cy, including an in-depth work on the usage of              They are members of the Advisory Board for the “New
               plastics. Garnier has analyzed the life cycle of            Plastics Economy” group, actively involved in work on
                                                                           plastic use and have signed the ELLEN MACARTHUR
               its products for several years to measure their             GLOBAL COMMITMENT.
               impact on the environment and to lower the en-

               *based on Garnier plastic consumption in 2019

Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
eco-designed packaging                                                                                                               eco-designed packaging
Garnier has developed a strategy              4. RECYCLING
to achieve eco-designed packaging             By 2025, Garnier commits to 100% reusable,
based on 4 pillars:                           recyclable or compostable plastic packaging.
                                              To give used packaging a new life, Garnier will also                                                  GARNIER COMMITS TO AN INNOVATIVE POLICY
                                              develop programmes to encourage consumers to
                                                                                                                                                     OF PACKAGING OPTIMISATION TO PROMOTE
1. USING RECYCLED MATERIALS: ZERO VIR- recycle, helping to promote a circular economy.
GIN PLASTIC                                   By taking action to achieve these goals, we will gra-
                                                                                                                                                             THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY
By 2025, Garnier commits to fully remove vir- dually reduce our use of fossil fuels and help accele-
gin plastic from all its products worldwide.  rate the shift to a circular economy.
Garnier will use 100% post-consumer recycled
(PCR) plastics or bio-sourced plastics.       To achieve this, Garnier is working with an ecosystem
                                                                        of partners to benefit from the best technologies.
                                                                                                                                                     USING RECYCLED                                              RECYCLING
Garnier commits to reduce the weight and size
                                                                                                                                              1      MATERIALS                                           4       Encouraging consumers to recycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in order to significantly reduce
of packaging and to innovate towards new,                                                                                                            ZERO VIRGIN PLASTIC                                         the leakage of plastic into
                                                                                                                                                     Using 100% post-consumption
plastic-free packaging.
We are also seeking new alternatives to replace                                               "3r" strategy                                          recycled (PCR) materials
                                                                                                                                                     or bio-based materials.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the environment and prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 negative impacts, and develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 high-quality recycling streams
single-use formats.                                                       The Garnier packaging strategy follows the L’Oréal                                                                                     to offer the same performance
                                                                          Group's 3R policy (RESPECT consumers, environment                                                                                      as virgin plastic
3. REUSING                                                                and biodiversity, REDUCE packaging in volume and
Garnier commits to promote reusable or refil-                             weight and REPLACE existing materials with materials

                                                                          with lower environmental impact).
lable systems.
We are piloting new partnerships and models.                                                                                                                                          RECYCLING
For instance, Garnier signed a partnership with
LOOPTM in January 2020 in order to test a new
deposit system for sustainable packaging.

                                                         did you know?                                                                                                                                         REUSE

                                                    WORLD PLASTIC PRODUCTION
                                                    359 MILLION TONNES
                                                    (2018 - all sectors)                                                                            SAFE MATERIALS            DESIGN        PRODUCTION              USE          COLLECT

Plastic pollution has become a pressing                                 At a global scale:
challenge in the past few decades.                                      •    Plastic production accounts for 4% of total oil and gas de-
Today, more than 350 million tonnes of all                                   mand annually.
                                                                        •    Plastic pollution harms wildlife and natural ecosystems and                                    REDESIGNING                           REUSING
plastic produced annually, and only 20% of
plastic waste is recycled worldwide.                                    •
                                                                             contributes to climate change.
                                                                             Approximately 8 millions tonnes of plastic flow into the
                                                                                                                                                                       2    & INNOVATING                     3    Promoting reusable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or refillable systems.
The rest becomes waste, polluting our                                        ocean each year. By 2050, scientists predict that plastic will                                 Reducing the weight
environment.                                                                 outweigh fish in the ocean.                                                                    and size of packaging,
                                                                                                                                                                            innovating to identify
As a cheap, versatile and reliable material, plastic is now pre-
                                                                        The majority of plastic pollution is currently due to business mo-                                  new, plastic-free
sent throughout our everyday lives. This has prompted ra-
                                                                        dels supporting single-use packaging; waste mismanagement                                           packaging and reusable
pid increases in global plastic production, and particularly of
                                                                        leaking plastic into the environment; and a supply chain currently                                  options to replace
single-use plastic. Today, over 75% of all plastic produced in
                                                                        producing five times more virgin plastic than recycled plastic.                                     single-use formats.
the world becomes waste.

Sources: and WWF 2019 plastic

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Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
eco-designed packaging                                                                                                           eco-designed packaging
                              USING RECYCLED MATERIALS
                        1 ZERO VIRGIN PLASTIC
           Toward using 100% post-consumption recycled (PCR) materials                                                                                                                               interview with gregory arnal
                 and only sustainably sourced or bio-based plastics

                                                                                                                                 the future of recycled materials,                             HOW WILL YOU ACHIEVE ZERO VIRGIN PLAS-
                                                                                                                                     powered by biotechnology                                  TIC BY 2025?
                                                                                                                                                                                               To create our roadmap for zero virgin plastic, we
              IN 2019                           by the end of 2020                             by 2025                                                                                         screened the entire Garnier portfolio, including all
                                                                                                                                                                                               existing products and upcoming innovations, to see
            Thanks to                     ALL FRUCTIS BOTTLES                                ALL OUR                                                                                           how we could improve every product.
           THE USE                       WILL BE MADE OF 100%
                                                                                            PRODUCTS                                                                                           Working in close partnership with our packaging
         OF RECYCLED                     RECYCLED PLASTIC
           PLASTIC,                          IN EUROPE & THE US                              WILL BE                           CARBIOS has developed an enzymatic bio-recycling
                                                                                                                                                                                               suppliers and plastic manufacturers, we are deve-
                                                                                                                                                                                               loping robust sources of supply for PCR, aiming to
       we have already saved               Thanks to THE
                                                     USE OF                                 MADE WITH                          process for plastics that breaks polymers down to
                                                                                                                               the basic components (monomers) originally used to
                                                                                                                                                                                               reach 100% by 2025.

         3,670                             RECYCLED PLASTIC,
                                                we aim to save
                                                                                       ZERO VIRGIN                             create them. Once separated and purified, the mo-
                                                                                                                               nomers can be used again to create plastic with a si-           WHAT ARE THE MAIN CHALLENGES?

       TONNES                                   7,000                                    PLASTIC                               milar performance to virgin plastic, without losing any
                                                                                                                               value through the recycling process. This biological
                                                                                                                                                                                               One of the biggest challenges is to develop local
                                                                                                                                                                                               sources of sustainable materials. We want to be able
                                                                                              helping to save

       OF VIRGIN PLASTIC                                                               MORE THAN 37,000 TONNES
                                                                                                                               process is free of the constraints facing conventional          to buy these materials near our markets, in order to
                                                                                                                               recycling techniques and is the first step to developing        reduce our carbon footprint, and ensure sufficient
                                                                                       OF VIRGIN PLASTIC PER YEAR
         9.8% of our annual                   OF VIRGIN PLASTIC                                                                a new way of managing the plastic life cycle in line
        plastic consumption                                                                                                                                                                    availability of recycled material. For example, it is a
                                                                                                                               with the circular economy.
                                                                                                                               The L'Oréal Group created a consortium to develop
                                                                                                                                                                                               real challenge to source PCR PP - the material we
                                                                                                                               this innovation and Garnier will be among the firsts            need for all our plastic caps - in Europe.

          2015                         2016                               2019                           2019                  to receive the recycled plastics made with this break-
                                                                                                                               through. This technology will be leveraged when de-
                                                                                                                                                                                               There is an economic challenge too. Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                               materials cost far more than conventional materials,
                                                                                                                               signing new packaging, helping to promote circular              with PE costing 60% more than virgin plastic and
                                                                                                                               economy.                                                        PET costing 20% more.
                                                                                                                                                                                               At the same time, we must also respect brand qua-
First Whole Blends          First Fructis bottles with          First bottles                 Garnier Bio & Ambre
                                                                                                                                                                                               lity standards. Our goal is to use 100% PCR without
bottles with                50% RECYCLED                        produced with                 Solaire oil bottles
                                                                                                                                                                                               compromising on food grade requirements. Beyond
30% RECYCLED                PLASTIC*                            100% RECYCLED                 are made of
                                                                                                                                                                                               quality, we are working to improve the appearance
PLASTIC*                    (US)                                PLASTIC*      100% RECYCLED                                                                                                    of PCR, which can have an impact on the colour and
(US)                                                            (EU & US)     PLASTIC*                                                                                                         transparency of packaging.

                                                                                                                                                                                               HOW WILL YOU REACH 100% PCR SACHETS
                                                                                                                                                                                               IN EMERGING MARKETS?
                                                                                                                                                                                               Sachets are highly popular in developing countries, as
                                                                                                                                                                                               they offer the perfect quantity while ensuring the qua-
                                                                                                                                                                                               lity and safety of the product at an affordable price.
*Except cap and pump
                                                                                                                                                                                               However, sachets are made of multiple layers of mate-
                                                                                                                                                                                               rials, making them harder to recycle.
                                                                                                                              Grégory ARNAL                                                    We are working on a 100% recyclable sachet made of
                                                                                                                                                                                               just one material, in order to reach our 2025 target.
                                                  did you know?                                                               Head of Operations
                                                                                                                              Product Development

Today, most of the plastics we use for packaging are PET        PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled) plastics are recycled from
(Polyethylene Terephtalate), PP (Polypropylene) and PE          plastic waste derived from consumer products. The mate-
(Polyethylene), and each one has different physico-che-         rials are recycled into other new packaging through collec-
micals properties. These materials can be recycled and          tion, sorting and recycling programmes.
reused several times, and are the most commonly recycled
plastic materials in the world.

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Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
eco-designed packaging                                                                                eco-designed packaging

      2 REDESIGNING AND INNOVATING                                                                                the 1st generation of tube
  Reducing the weight and size of packaging, innovating to identify plastic-free
                                                                                                                  integrating cardboard
    packaging and proposing reusable options to replace single-use formats.
                                                                                                                                                                   interview with philippe bonningue
                                                                                                             In 2020, the brand will launch the first
                                                                                                             generation of tube integrating cardboard
                                                                                                                                                                HOW DID THE PROJECT EVOLVE?
                                                                                                             on Garnier Bio as part of a new partnership
                                                                                                                                                                We have continuously improved the environmental
                                                                                                             between the L’Oréal Group and Albea.
         in 2019                                                     in 2020                                 The two companies have developed
                                                                                                                                                                footprint of our packaging since 2007. Today, we are

                                                                                                                                                                launching a new technology based on certified pa-
                                                               WE WILL LAUNCH                                the first cosmetic tube replacing part             per. By working closely with packaging company Al-
 of our cardboard boxes
                               THE      1ST
                                                          ZERO                                 ECOPACK:      of the plastic with paper-based,
                                                                                                             certified material.
                                                                                                                                                                bea to co-develop this innovation, we aim to create a

 and paper product use                                                                                                                                          new tube packaging for our cosmetic products whe-
    instructions have
                               GENERATION OF
                              TUBE INTEGRATING          PLASTIC-                                                                                                reby plastic has been partly replaced by cardboard.
                                                                                                                                                                This partnership reflects both our corporate res-
                                                                                             LESS PLASTIC*
                                CARDBOARD                                                                                                                       ponsibility ambition and the importance of cross-in-
                                                                                                                                                                dustry collaboration in developing breakthrough
       such as FSC                                       SOLID SHAMPOO
                                                                                                                                                                innovations. This new packaging solution will be
                                                                                                                                                                produced for the first time in 2020, and will be used
                                                                                                                                                                in our upcoming GARNIER BIO Hemp moisturiser.
       solid shampoo                                                    ecopack                                                                                 WHAT ARE THE KEY ADVANTAGES OF THE
                                                                                                                                                                CARDBOARD-BASED TUBE?
                                                                                                                                                                The new tube has been designed as an alternative
In 2020, Garnier will introduce                              In 2020, Garnier will launch its first 500ml                                                       solution to certain types of cosmetic packaging, and
its first solid shampoo.                                     Ultra-Doux Ecopack.                                                                                has a better environmental profile in comparison to
This innovation is the ultimate "zero plastic"               This innovation reduce the quantity                                                                our current tubes, evaluated through a multi-criteria
solution, and provides a new path to sustainable,            of plastic by 80%*, promoting a new way                                                            life cycle analysis. Garnier also takes the opportunity
waterless cosmetics. Its packaging is made                   of consuming shampoo with a lower impact                                                           to reduce the size of the cap and thus reduce addi-
of 100% FSC-certified cardboard.                             on the environment.                                                                                tionnal plastic use. Thank to this, Garnier will reduce
                                                                                                                                                                the amount of plastic by 49% per tube, while promo-
                                                                                                                                                                ting the use of renewable materials.
                                                                                                                                                                We are now working on the next generation of this
                                                                                                                                                                innovation, making the product recyclable, and
                                                                                                                                                                adding PCR plastic.

                                                                                                                                                                WHAT ARE YOUR AMBITIONS?
                                                                                                                                                                Our ambition today is to accelerate the development
                                                                                                                                                                of innovative, responsible packaging solutions. It is
                                                                                                                                                                only through cooperation with our customers and
                                                                                                                                                                partners that we can invent safe, circular, lower-
                                                                                                                                                                impact packaging and meet consumer expectations.

                                                                                                                                                                HOW DOES INNOVATION PLAY A KEY ROLE
                                                                                                             Philippe BONNINGUE                                 IN GARNIER’S COMMITMENTS?
                                                 did you know?                                               Global Director
                                                                                                             of Sustainable Packaging
                                                                                                                                                                To be completely transparent, the solutions we need
                                                                                                                                                                to reach our commitments on 100% recyclability and
      WHAT IS FSC?                                                                                                                                              recycled plastic don’t exist yet for products such as
      The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit, multi-stakehol-
                                                                                                                                                                sachets, samples, pumps and gloves included in hair
      der organisation established in 1993. FSC's stated mission is to promote environ-
      mentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the
                                                                                                                                                                colour kits, for example. We’ll need to innovate in
      world's forests.                                                                                                                                          these categories, working closely with our partners.
                                                                                                                                                                And that’s really exciting.
       *compared to two 250ml shampoo bottles

                                                        16                                                                                                 17
Sustainability progress report 2019 - Garnier
eco-designed packaging                                                                                                                              eco-designed packaging
                                                                                                                                                                LIGHTER PACKAGING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 REUSING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Promoting reusable or refillable systems.
                                                                                                                                                         in 2019                                                                         by the end of 2020
BY LIGHTWEIGHTING OUR PACKAGING,                                                                                                                                                                                                         We will continue to
                                                                                    we saved more than                                                                                                                  LIGHTEN OUR PACKAGING,
                                                         592   TONNES                                                                                                                                                       858 TONNES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In 2020, Garnier will launch its participation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in Loop™ – an innovative circular shopping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Products are shipped directly to consumers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and are then returned and refilled. The system
                                                           OF VIRGIN PLASTIC                                                                                                                                              OF PLASTIC SAVED IN 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             platform that replaces single-use,                       brings together major brands and retailers with
                                  1.6% of our annual plastic consumption
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             disposable packaging with long-term,                     the idea of shifting from disposable to circular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             reusable packaging. A pilot will be done                 packaging. Any packaging involved in the sche-
                       worldwide                                                                                                                                                                           europe                                                                            with Carrefour in France (Île-de-France,                 me will be reused, while any residual product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      is either recycled or reused. We believe Loop™
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             starting with Haircare products).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      will complement our existing efforts to create
 We have reduced the size of our tissue mask sachet,                                                                                                                                    With a strong collaboration between packaging, design and marketing
 and in 2020, we will remove the inner liner without                                                                                                                                    teams, we have designed lighter packaging while retaining ergonomic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a packaging system that is truly circular by de-
 compromising the performance of the product.                                                                                                                                           and iconic formats.                                                                                                                                           sign. We cannot create a circular economy for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In 2020, Garnier will launch its participation in        consumer goods in isolation. No business can.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -99 TONNES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -22 TONNES
                                                                                                                                                                                                        -45 TONNES
                                                                                                                                                          -108 TONNES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Loop™ – an innovative circular shopping plat-            That’s why partnerships like Loop™ are impor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             form that replaces single-use, disposable pac-           tant, enabling us to learn from pilot projects
                                                                                                                HYDRA BOMB
         Masque Tissu                                                                                           Tissue Mask
        HYDRA BOMB                                                                                               SUPER HYDRATING
                                                                                                                 + REPLUMPING
          MASQUE SUPER HYDRATANT                                                                                 POMEGRANATE
                                                                                                                 + HYALURONIC ACID
                                                                                                                 DEHYDRATED SKIN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             kaging with long-term, reusable packaging.               and implement optimised solutions.
          Réhydrate intensément, réduit les ridules(1)
          et booste l’éclat de la peau
                                                                                                                              Infused with
          + SÉRUM HYDRATANT                     15min                                                                         the quantity of
                                                                                                                              1 BOTTLE
          PEAUX DÉSHYDRATÉES                                                                                                  OF SERUM*

                         en concentration(2)

                          sans paraben                                      Vegetal origin tissue
                                                             MASQUE TISSU
                                                                                                    DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED                     15 min

                                                                                                                                                                                         100/125ml bottles

                              latin countries                                                                                                                                middle east africa                                                                 south asia
      By redesigning the cap                                                                                                                                            We have reduced the amount                                                 In 2019, we significantly
 and bottle of our deodorant,                                                                                                                                                 of plastic in the cap of                                             reduced the size of
we have reduced the quantity                                                                                                                                                  our Ultra Doux Range.                                                our skincare sachet.
               of plastic used.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -137 TONNES
                                                                                                                                                                                            -2 TONNES
                                                                                                        -39 TONNES

                                                                                                                                                                                        equivalent to
                                                                                                                                                                             16 MILLION
                                                                                                                                                                             FEWER PLASTIC BOTTLES*
                                                                                                                                                                                   *35g plastic bottle
                                                                                                                                                                                                  18                                                                                                                                             19
eco-designed packaging                                                                           eco-designed packaging
                                                                                                                                                                  HOW WOULD YOU INFORM THEM?
                                       4 RECYCLING                                                                                                                First, by adding recycling instructions to all our pac-
                                                                                                                                                                  kaging by the end of 2021 to help improve recycling
                     Encouraging consumers to recycle plastic waste                                                                                               habits. And on every product web page of our Gar-
                                                                                                                                                                  nier websites as well. And we will also provide local
                to help avoid plastic pollution and other negative impacts                                                                                        information regarding recycling when it is relevant.

                                                                                                                                                                  Then, we will provide videos and tutorials on diverse
                                                                                                                                                                  recycling streams, different types of plastic and the
                                                                                                                                                                  difference between recycled or recyclable on our
                                                                                                                                                                  Garnier social networks (Facebook, Instagram) star-
                                     by 2025                                                                                                                      ting in May 2020. In order to transform everyone
                      ALL OUR PLASTIC PACKAGING WILL BE                                                                                                           into a recycling champion, and close the loop on
                                                                                                                                                                  packaging waste. As an example, we will explain
      REUSABLE, RECYCLABLE, OR COMPOSTABLE                                                                                                                        how to remove the label on our superstar Micellar
                                                                                                                              In 2020, to promote                 water, placing it in the regular bin while disposing of
                                                                                                                                                                  the bottle in the recycling bin.
                                                                                                                              behaviour change among
       The circular economy will only become a reality if we can close the loop on waste.                                     consumers on recycling
Education is the key to driving transformation and promoting sustainable habits on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                              bathroom products,
                                                                                                    Garnier will go beyond on-pack communications                            LEARN MORE ON RECYCLING ON
Terracycle's national recycling
                                                                                                    to raise awareness on good recycling practices                               GARNIER.COM
programmes in 4 countries:
Australia (since 2016) • France (starts
2020) • UK (since 2017) • US (since 2011)
                                                                                                         interview with gregory benoit
For instance, in the US, Garnier has collected over 13.3
million beauty empties and donated $249,200 since
the launch of the programme in 2011.                                                                WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO TACKLE THE
                                                                                                    RECYCLING ISSUE?
In 2019, we partnered with UK retailer Tesco to create                                              Today, only 20% of plastic waste is recycled world-
the world's largest school recycling programme. To-                                                 wide, and approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic
gether, we launched a national competition to raise                                                 flow into the ocean each year. By 2050, scientists               Grégory BENOIT
                                                                                                                                                                     Deputy General Manager
awareness of recycling among 300,000 children                                                       predict that plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean.*
(and their parents) on how to recycle their bathroom                                                In our case, people don't tend to recycle much in
products.                                                                                           their bathrooms as they don't have a recycling bin or
                                                                                                    don't know what is recyclable and what isn't.
                                                                                                    That’s why we believe that it's our responsibility to
                                                                                                    raise awareness of recycling by providing useful in-
                                                                                                    formation about recycling and sorting instruction.

 These jars and boxes have a future, please recycle them!

 GARNIER AIMS TO PROVIDE RECYCLING INFORMA-                                                                                                           did you know?
                                                                                                                   Consumer engagement is key to achieving an even greater impact on plastic pollution:
 Ahead of regulation, our products display step-by-
                                                                                                           In Brazil, 46% of people are concerned about ocean plastic pollution, but only 32% recycle packaging
 step information to sort and recycle our products ef-
                                                                                                                     from beauty products that can be recycled. In the US, it is 36% and 55% in France.**

                                                                                                         *Source: WWF Plastic Report 2019
                                                                                                         **L'Oréal and IFOP study - 2019 - “Consumer perception of the Sustainable Cosmetics”

                                                            20                                                                                               21
eco-designed formulas
                                 In 2019                                      in 2019                                 by 2025
                       our new or renovated
                         Haircare formulas
                      were with an average of
                                                               of new or renovated products
                                                                                                                    ALL OUR
                               91%                                  had an IMPROVED
                                                                                                                     WILL BE
                 BIODEGRADABILITY*                                 OR SOCIAL PROFILE
                   (at least 67% and up to 99%)                                                              SUSTAINABLY
                 *as per OECD 301 or equivalent tests

                                  TOWARDS GREEN SCIENCES

                           Garnier is deeply rooted in nature and strongly believes in Green Sciences:
                                    the highest performance from nature powered by science
                                                while respecting the environment.

               We commit to prioritise the use

               of green formulas, green transformation
               and sustainable raw materials from
               sustainable sources and responsible
               farming. We will use more natural origin
               and renewable plant-based ingredients
               from sustainable sources,
               and continuously improve the impact
               of our formulas on the environment,
               without compromising on product
               quality, safety or performance.

               EXTRACTING THE HIGHEST PERFORMANCE                                        using science is the best way to take care of
               FROM NATURE, POWERED BY SCIENCE                                           skin and hair.
               At Garnier we believe in nature. Nature creates                           In 2017, Garnier launched its first skincare pro-
               effective solutions from limited resources. Na-                           ducts formulated with 96% natural ingredients,
               ture knows no waste. Nature uses science.                                 followed in 2018 by the Fructis Hair Food range
               We believe that extracting the best from nature                           with 98% natural ingredients and Herbalia, our
               in a sustainable way and maximising its efficiency                        100% plant-based hair colour.

                                                                          did you know?
               WHAT IS A RENEWABLE INGREDIENT?                                           WHAT DOES SUSTAINABLY SOURCED MEAN?
               Renewable raw materials come from plant, animal or microbial              A renewable raw material is considered as sustainably
               materials which are generally produced by agriculture, forestry           sourced when traceable from known origin(s) and
               and fishing. They regenerate constantly in relatively short cycles        when it addresses the most critical sustainability issues
               (from a few days to a few decades), the duration of which is              along the supply chain (including respect for human rights
               similar to their duration of use.                                         as defined by the International Labour Organization, biodi-
                                                                                         versity conservation and social development).

eco-designed formulas                                                                                                eco-designed formulas

                           GREEN SCIENCES                                                                               interview with cyril lemoine
                                                                                                                  HOW DOES SKINCARE LAB TAKE ADVAN-
                                                                                                                  TAGE OF THE GREEN SCIENCES?
                                                                                                                  Green sciences are the best match between science
                                                         GREEN FORMULATION                                        and nature. It means extracting the best from nature
                                                                                                                  in a sustainable way and maximising its effective-
                                                         Formulation is the science of mixing, that seeks
                                                                                                                  ness using science.
                                                         to combine ingredients in order to produce for-
                                                                                                                  At Garnier, we are deeply rooted in nature and
                                                         mulas that our consumers can see as delivering a         we strongly believe in green sciences as a way to
Green sciences cover all scientific knowledge,           unique sensory and technical performance. The            achieve the lowest environmental impact possible at                                                  Cyril LEMOINE
from innovative biomass production techniques            use of natural ingredients, derived from sustai-         every level of the ingredient journey, from growing                                                     Head of Garnier
to ‘green formulas’, and include the transforma-         nable farming and the green transformation sits          raw materials to formulating the product.                                                                  skincare lab
tion of biomass into high-performing ingredients         at the heart of our eco-designed formulas.
of natural origin through processes such as ex-                                                                   CAN YOU GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF GREEN
traction or fermentation, in a way that respects                                                                  SCIENCES IN A PRODUCT?
the environment. By investing in the potential of                                                                 Hemp is a great example of an innovation powered
green sciences, Garnier is harnessing the latest                                                                  by green sciences. Our hemp oil is certified organic
life sciences knowledge to unleash the power of                                                                   and respects the balance of natural ecosystems, with
nature in its high-performing, sustainable pro-                                                                   the seeds harvested in autumn, respecting their na-

                                                            a world without animal testing
                                                                                                                  tural cycle. Organic farming also excludes the use of
ducts, which are also recognised for their safety
                                                                                                                  synthetic chemicals and GMOs, and restricts the use
                                                                                                                  of substances that don’t exist naturally in the soil.

This starts with farming practices that promote
                                                                                                                  Green sciences are the best match between science
                                                                                                                  and nature. No heat is used during the process to                more organic certified products
                                                                                                                  save energy and CO2 consumption, and the process
the production of natural raw materials (bio-                                                                     is optimised to increase productivity, with some
mass) in a way that preserves ecosystems and              Since 1989, Garnier has been committed to a world wi-   3.5kg of seeds yielding 1kg of oil.
reduces the impact on the environment, using              thout animal testing. We stopped conducting tests on    At the formulation level, our Hemp Gel-Cream is 97%
less water, producing fewer carbon emissions              animals in our laboratories 14 years before it became   biodegradable* and contains over 95% natural origin
and reducing waste, for example. Many of these            law. As a brand of the L’Oréal Group, we have been at   ingredients, obtained using green chemistry.
                                                          the forefront of alternative methods for more than 30
practices involve different types of crops and            years.
take advantage of the complementary nature of
certain varieties.
                                                                                                                                                                               In 2019, Garnier introduced Garnier BIO, a new range
GREEN TRANSFORMATION                                                                                                                                                           of certified organic skincare inspired by herbalist ex-
All transformation processes with low environ-                                                                                                                                 pertise. This certification guarantees that products are
mental impact allow us to obtain new raw mate-                                                                                                                                 formulated with a minimum of 95% ingredients of na-
rials that can be used in our formulas. These in-                                                                                                                              tural origin.
                                                                                                                                                                               We selected the powerful plants for each skin type
clude green chemistry, biotechnology and green
                                                                                                                                                                               and formulated them in 10 efficient and indulgent or-
extraction.                                                                                                                                                                    ganic products (skincare and cleansers), except for
Through green chemistry, we can synthesise per-                                                                                                                                Konjac sponge, which is not certified organic.
formance ingredients by using renewable, plant-                                                                                                                                All our star ingredients are organically produced and
based raw materials, with minimal impact on the                                                                                                                                most of them (such as lavandin, argan oil or aloe vera)
                                                                                                                                                                               are ethically traded with respect for biodiversity and
environment, while reducing waste. `                                                                                                                                           ensuring producers a fair wage.

                                                                                                                                                                           *as per OECD 301 or equivalent tests

                                                    24                                                                                                                    25
eco-designed formulas                                                                                                         eco-designed formulas

                                                                                                                                                  IMPROVING TRANSPARENCY
                                                  To help save water and reduce CO2 emissions,                                                     THE FIRST PRODUCT ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                  Garnier also commits to developing formulas
                                                  that require no rinsing or can be rinsed off ra-
                                                                                                                                                          AND SOCIAL LABELLING
                                                  pidly. For instance, Garnier launched in 2012 its
                                                  first Ultra Doux dry shampoo, in 2014 its Micel-
                                                  lar water (a no-rinse formula to remove make-up
RESPECTING THE ENVIRONMENT                        and clean the skin) and in 2019 the first fast-rinse
Our laboratories have conducted lifecycle as- Ultra Doux Milk Mask. We will increasingly pro-                                     Garnier is committed to                                       In recent years, more
sessments to measure the environmental im- pose alternative innovations to reduce the use of                                      communicating transparently                                   than 9,000 beauty
pacts of our products for many years. These water during product use.                                                             and helping consumers understand                              products have been
studies highlight that one of the principal envi-                                                                                 the social and environmental                                  throughout          their
ronmental impacts of formulas is water, in parti-                                                                                 impacts of its products, thanks to                            life cycle, using the
cular the water discharged by consumers when                                                                                      a unique new Product                                          L’Oréal Group’s Sus-
rinsing off the products.                                                                                                         environmental impact labelling.                               tainable Product Opti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                misation Tool (SPOT).
Our teams focus on improving the environmen-                             a robust "eco-conception" tool                                                                                         This includes ingre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                dient sourcing, pac-
tal profile of Garnier’s products by improving the                                                                                Garnier pioneered transparency in 2017 when,
biodegradability of its formulas, i.e. their ability                 To help create more sustainable product formulas, Gar-       for the first time, it listed the origin of its in-           kaging and product
                                                                     nier uses the L’Oréal Group’s Sustainable Production                                                                       manufacturing, as well
to be naturally broken down by micro-organisms                       Optimisation Tool to measure the environmental and
                                                                                                                                  gredients on product labelling. Building on this
in the environment. Garnier is also working to re-                                                                                initiative, the Garnier brand was chosen by the               as the impact during
                                                                     social impacts of a product throughout its life cycle. Our
duce its water footprint and lower its products’                     laboratories use the tool to assess a product’s potential    L'Oréal Group to reveal the product environ-                  product use and re-
impact on the aquatic environment.                                   biodegradability and water footprint when developing         mental impact labelling. This action is part of               cycling. From 2020,
                                                                     new formulas. This helps to ensure the development of
                                                                                                                                  the Group's commitments to help consumers                     starting with Garnier
                                                                     formulas with optimal safety, high performance and an                                                                      haircare products in
For example, since 2013, Garnier has conti-                          improved social and environmental profile.                   to make sustainable consumption choices. The
nuously improved the biodegradability of its                                                                                      new labelling will provide full and transparent               France, this informa-
haircare products that require rinsing. In 2019,                                                                                  information on the environmental and social                   tion will be available
our new haircare products were at least 86%                                                                                       impacts of its products.                                      to consumers, through a clear, comparative
biodegradable, with an average of 97% biode-                                                                                                                                                    scoring system. Based on its overall impact va-
gradability.                                                                                                                      Developed in close partnership with inde-                     lue, every product is classified in comparison
                                                                                                                                  pendent scientists and experts, this impact as-               to other products in the same category, on a
                                                                                                                                  sessment methodolgy is unique in the beauty                   scale from A to E, where A is the most favou-
                                                                                                                                  industry. It is aligned with both the European                rable profile for the planet.
                                                                                                                                  Product Environmental Footprint standards and
                                                                                                                                  the planetary boundaries, the climate and envi- Importantly, with water and carbon footprints re-
                                                                                                                                  ronmental conditions that must be maintained presenting beauty products’ key impacts, we will
                                                      did you know?                                                               in order for humanity to thrive in the future.  display both the overall environmental score and
                                                                                                                                                                                  the water and carbon scores (A, B, ...). There will
Most of the ingredients used in our formulas eventually reach    In particular, we are evaluating our suncare formulas using                                                      also be more details about manufacturing condi-
domestic wastewater. To help conserve the quality of water       an aquatic testing platform, through which we are testing
systems, we are evaluating the environmental footprint of        seven representative species of fresh water and marine life to                                                   tions and packaging impact, and the social infor-
our formulas, with a special focus on water.                     assess their exo-toxicity as broadly as possible.                                                                mation will cover compliance with fundamental
                                                                                                                                                                                  UN labour rights principles and whether suppliers
In recent times, the media has raised concerns about the im-     This has included three tests in fresh water (on micro-crusta-                                                   have supported underprivileged communities.
pact of suncare products on coral reefs. For this reason, we     ceans, micro-algae and fish eggs), and four tests in salt wa-
are going beyond regulatory requirements by testing our in-      ter (on bacteria, micro-algae, sea urchin larvae and cultured
gredients and formulas voluntarily in both salt and fresh wa-    corals).                                                                                                                       Looking ahead, we plan to roll this out to more
ter conditions to guarantee that our formulas are not harmful                                                                                                                                   and more products, as we continue to expand
                                                                                                                                   In 2017, Garnier innovated by including the origin of
to the world’s water systems.                                                                                                                                                                   our efforts to help consumers adopt more sus-
                                                                                                                                   ingredients on product packaging labelling.
                                                                                                                                                                                                tainable lifestyles.

                                                                26                                                                                                                         27
sustainable factories
                              in 2019                                 in 2019                                     by 2025
                                                                                                         100% OF OUR
                         WE DECREASED                              WE REDUCED
              WATER CONSUMPTION                          THE CO2 EMISSIONS
                    AT OUR INDUSTRIAL SITES BY               OF OUR INDUSTRIAL SITES BY                 INDUSTRIAL SITES
                            45%                                      72%                                    WILL BE
                         compared to 2005                        compared to 2005                  CARBON NEUTRAL
                              0.38 litres                       38,596 tonnes eq. CO2                  AND WILL USE ONLY
                        per finished product
                                                                     34%                                   ENERGY
                                                             OF OUR INDUSTRIAL SITES ARE
                                                             CARBON NEUTRAL

                                                            66% OF OUR ENERGY IS

                            TOWARDS CARBON NEUTRAL
                                INDUSTRIAL SITES

                                                                               Thanks to these efforts, Garnier has continuously re-
                                                                               duced its total carbon emissions (Scopes 1 and 2),
                                                                               and by 2019, had lowered our carbon footprint by
              With a goal for all our industrial sites                         72%, in absolute terms, compared to 2005.
              to be carbon neutral by 2025,
              Garnier is setting ambitious objectives.                         TOMORROW, CARBON NEUTRAL INDUSTRIAL
                                                                               SITES USING ONLY RENEWABLE ENERGY
                                                                               To make the industrial sites reach carbon neutrality,
                                                                               we harness the technologies that are best suited to
              TODAY, A SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION OF CO2 EMIS-                      each site, such as biomethanisation, solar panels,
              SIONS                                                            biomass and wind energy…
              Garnier is firmly committed to making the best qua-              We are now ready to commit to 100% carbon neutral
              lity products at our 22 factories, while reducing our            Garnier industrial sites by 2025, through the use of
              impact on the environment.                                       100% renewable energy.
              For many years, every plant worldwide, from Jakarta              This is an important step to reduce our products'
              to Mexico, has worked on lowering carbon emissions               environmental footprint during the manufacturing
              by increasing energy efficiency through better buil-
                                                               buil            phase and preparation of customer orders.
              ding design and insulation, as well as using energy
              efficient technologies for industrial processes and
              finally sourcing more renewable energy locally.
                                                                                                      did you know?
                                                                               WHAT DOES SCOPE 1/2/3 MEAN?
                                                                               Scope 1: direct emissions from sources owned or controlled
                                                                               by the entity.
                              waste reduction                                  Scope 2: indirect emissions in connection with the consump-
                                                                               tion of purchased electricity, heat or steam necessary used
                                                                               by the entity;
               At Garnier, we prioritise avoiding industrial waste. For
                                                                               Scope 3: other indirect emissions related to the supply chain
               instance, our plant in Karlsruhe, which produces our
                                                                               (‘‘upstream’’ emissions) and the use of products and services
               Garnier BIO skincare range, reuses cardboards for
                                                                               during their life cycle (‘downstream’ emissions).
               packaging components to ship to its distribution cen-
               ters, helping to save 220 tonnes of waste annually.

sustainable factories                                                                                                      sustainable factories

                                                                                                                                                    WATERLOOP FACTORIES
                                                                                                                                 Garnier is following a clear road map to significantly reduce its industrial water consumption
                                                                                                                                          and is re-thinking water use across its sites. At our 3 “Waterloop” factories,
                                                                                                                                   100% of industrial water use, for cleaning and cooling, for example, is covered by on-site
                                                                                                                                 retreated, recycled and reused water. So we no longer need fresh water for these processes.
                                                                                                                                       Becoming a “Waterloop factory” means firstly reducing water use and optimising
                                                                                                                                        all manufacturing equipment and processes that use water (it excludes the water
  THE FACTORY IN MONTREAL IS CARBON NEUTRAL                                                                                          in our products). Our teams then develop innovative ways to recycle and reuse water,
  IN 2019.
  As part of its efforts to shift to renewable energy, our
                                                                                                                                          with the support of sophisticated water treatment systems, in order to obtain
  Montreal plant uses only biogas for steam and heat                                                                                     high quality water. All our plants are different, and require tailor-made solutions
  generation, produced in a biodigester fed by food                                                                                                            to generate substantial water savings.
  waste and treated sewage. The biogas project was ini-
  tiated by the Canadian government and is led by the
  city of Saint-Hyacinthe.
                                                                                                                               Experts at our plants in Settimo (Italy), Vor-
                                                                                                                               sino (Russia), Libramont (Belgium) have all
                                                                                                                               taken concrete steps to decrease their water
                                                                                                                               At our Settimo factory for example, where we make
                                                                    THE SETTIMO FACTORY IN ITALY PRODUCES OUR                  our FRUCTIS products, our teams have been wor-
                                                                    FRUCTIS HAIR CARE RANGE. THE PLANT ACHIEVED                king for years to continuously optimise the cleaning
                                                                    CARBON NEUTRALITY IN 2015 THANKS TO ITS IN-
                                                                                                                               systems of their industrial equipment, to reduce
                                                                    NOVATIVE ENERGY MIX.
                                                                    It is 45% heated by biogas, with the remainder coming
                                                                                                                               cleaning water consumption. To go a step further,
                                                                    from the town’s district heating network, to which the     they developed an ambitious and innovative on-site
                                                                    plant is connected. Two thirds of its electricity needs    wastewater treatment :
                                                                    are met by a biomass power station, with the remain-       • Firstly, a high performance filtration system,
                                                                    der derived from 14,000 photovoltaic solar panels.             known as “ultrafiltration”, separates the solids
                                                                                                                                   from the water at an early stage: 85% to 90%
                                                                                                                                   of all impurities are removed. The concentrates
                                                                                                                                   of this treatment are then treated by “eva-
                                                                                                                                   poconcentration”, to recover additional water
                                                                                                                                   for recycling.
                                                                                                                               • Then biological treatment further purifies the
                                                                                                                               • And finally, a “reverse osmosis” system filters
                                                     did you know?                                                                 and purifies the water, leaving it 100% clean and
                                                                                                                                   ready to be reused in manufacturing processes
WHAT DOES CARBON NEUTRAL MEAN?                                  WHAT IS A GREENHOUSE GAS?                                          such as cleaning and cooling.
An industrial site is carbon neutral when there is no Green     A GHG or GreenHouse Gas is a gas that actively participates
House Gases emissions on Scope 1 and 2 (except emis-            to the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere.                    By treating and reusing high quality water in an inter-        three “Waterloop factories” saved all together
sions linked to gas used for catering, the fuel oil used for    The primary greenhouse gases in atmosphere are water           nal loop, we are able to reduce our water consump-             more than 8,230,000 litres of water in 2019 com-
sprinkler tests or maintenance, cooling gas leaks if they       vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous
                                                                                                                               tion and the factory’s environmental impact. A fac-            pared to 2018, and inspired many other factories
are lower than 150 tonnes CO2eq/year).                          oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3 ).
                                                                Human activities since the beginning of the Industrial Revo-   tory reaches the “Waterloop factory” status when its           worldwide.
                                                                lution (around 1750) have produced a 45% increase in the       entire water needs for manufacturing processes such            We are learning from every new water-saving ini-
                                                                Carbon dioxide in Earth atmosphere.                            as cleaning and cooling are produced through this in-          tiative, and plan to build on our water optimisation
                                                                At current emission rates, temperatures could increase by      ternal loop.                                                   projects by completely reimagining our water cy-
                                                                2°C by 2040-2050, which is considered by science as the        Thanks to these developments and innova-                       cles, in order to reduce our impact on natural water
                                                                upper limit to avoid "dangerous" levels for humanity.          tions, together with our teams' dedication, our                ressources as much as possible.

Source: Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change

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sustainable sourcing
                                    in 2019                                                        by 2025
                              WE EMPOWERED                                                 WE WIIL EMPOWER

                  670 COMMUNITIES                                              800 COMMUNITIES
                      WORLDWIDE as part of our                                     WORLDWIDE as part of our
                  SOLIDARITY SOURCING PROGRAMME                                SOLIDARITY SOURCING PROGRAMME
                       applied to our ingredients

                      TOWARDS MORE INCLUSIVENESS

                 Garnier has been committed to sustainable sourcing and Solidarity Sourcing programme
                          since 2008 and aims to continue sourcing more renewable ingredients
                             through programmes designed to create a positive social impact.

              1. How we promote sustainable sourcing                         > the growing and harvesting of crops must
                                                                             contribute to improving producers’ livelihoods
                                                                             and respect traditional knowledge of biodiversity,
                                                                             in line with the principles of the Nagoya Protocol;
              To strengthen our sustainable sourcing efforts, we             growing and harvesting practices preserve biodi-
              continued to implement a sustainable sourcing                  versity, particularly forests;
              policy for plant-based raw materials, designed in              > sustainable, low-carbon agricultural practices
              2017 with the expertise and advisory services of the           are put in place;
              NGO Rainforest Alliance.                             •         having this entire process verified by an inde-
                                                                             pendent third party, in order to measure the po-
              The approach is based on four principles:                      sitive impact of the programmes on the respec-
              • guaranteeing the traceability of raw materials,              tive sectors.
                 which means knowing the origin of the plant and
                 the country in which it was produced;
              • assessing the social and environmental stakes
                                                                          2. Sustainable and fair trade: our
                 potentially linked to their production and focus         Solidarity Sourcing programme
                 sustainable sourcing actions accordingly;
              • When potential stakes are identified, ve-
                 rifying that the following pillars are respected:
                 > labour conditions must be decent and safe, in          The Solidarity Sourcing programme, established in
                 line with human rights and the principles pres-          2010, gives people who are typically excluded from
                 cribed by the International Labour Organization,         the job market access to work and a sustainable in-
                 across the whole supply chain;                           come. For our star ingredients, with the support of
                 > equal opportunities and zero discrimination            NGOs, Garnier and our suppliers are committed to
                 between producers are verified, and women’s              implementing fair trade practices across the supply
                 empowerment is encouraged;                               chain. We seek to support and empower smallhol-
                                                                          ders (including farmers and workers) to help them
                                                                          improve their revenues and livelihoods. This pro-
                                                                          gramme is active across all the regions where Gar-

                                                                          nier operates and provides training to improve their
                                                                          skills in agriculture or in some cases, to facilitate ac-
                                                                          cess to health services or welfare protection mecha-
               A community is a social group whose members live           nisms. In 2019, it enabled 670 communities facing
               together or share common interests and goods.              social or financial challenges to gain access to or re-
                                                                          tain a job and a fair income.

sustainable sourcing                                                                                                 sustainable sourcing

                     OUR KEY PROGRAMMES
                                          SINCE 2008                                                                                          SHEA BUTTER FROM BURKINA FASO
                                                                                                                                                                                    In Africa, they call it “the tree of a thousand virtues”.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Shea butter is rich in fatty acids, Vitamins A, D and E
                                                                                                                                                                                    and phytosterols that make it particularly moisturising,
                                                                                                                                                                                    soothing and protective. Known for its natural nutrient
         2008                                                                                                                                                                       properties, it is used for head-to-toe body care. Gar-
                                                                                                                                                                                    nier also uses shea olein in its formulas, which is a li-
                                                                                                                                                                                    quid form of shea butter with soothing benefits, easily
                                                                                                                                                                                    absorbed by the skin and ideal for calming irritations.
                  ARGAN OIL FROM MOROCCO                                                                                                                                            In Burkina Faso, where Garnier has sourced 100% of
                                                                                                                                                                                    its shea butter since 2014, the shea tree is considered
One of nature’s authentic treasures, “Green Gold”, as                                                                                                                               as a national treasure. It is referred to as "white gold
it’s called in Morocco, has been used for centuries by                                                                                                                              for women", since women harvest the shea nuts and
Berber women. It is bursting with essential fatty acids                                                                                                                             sell them after they have been boiled and sun-dried.
and Vitamin E, ideal ingredients for staving off the                                                                                                                                Since 2014, Garnier has supported the L’Oréal Group’s
effects of aging, while hydrating and nourishing the                                                                                                                                shea nut solidarity sourcing programme to help em-
skin. Used on hair, it smoothes, strengthens and adds                                                                                                                               power women, reduce energy poverty and lower de-
shine to the fibres.                                                                                                                                                                forestation. Our current sourcing programme helps
Garnier supplies its Argan oil through a network                                                                                                                                    deliver fair prices (with fair trade certification) and
gathering six cooperatives of more than 500 Ber-                                                                          GARNIER AND SHEA BUTTER,                                  incomes to women in a season when there is no other
ber women who collect argan nuts from the Argania                                                                                                                                   source of revenue, as well as pre-financing crops du-
                                                                                                                                KEY FIGURES
Spinosa forest in the Souss Valley, in South West of                                                                                                                                ring the period of the year when grain stores are emp-
Morocco. Through this sourcing programme, we gua-                                                                                                                                   ty. It also provides training and technical assistance
rantee fair wages and good working conditions, hel- FORESTS OF HIGH ECOLOGICAL VALUE
                                                                                                                                     MORE THAN                                      on best practices for harvesting. Importantly, it is de-
ping the women and their families to achieve greater Native to the foothills of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains,
economic independence.                                  argan trees act as a natural barrier against deser-
                                                                                                                             142 TONNES                                             signed to reduce deforestation, in a country where
                                                                                                                                                                                    105,000 hectares of forest are lost each year, largely
                                                                                                                          OF SHEA BUTTER AND OLEIN                                  due to demand for cooking fuel. More than 97% of
                                                        tification and their deep roots prevent soil erosion.              sourced by Garnier in 2019
                                                        Southern Morocco, the only area in the world where                                                                          families still lack access to electricity, and cook over
                                                        argan trees grow, has been designated a UNESCO                                                                              wood fires**. Helping them to gain cleaner, more ef-
                                                        Biosphere Reserve.
                                                                                                                          5,000 WOMEN                                               ficient cookstoves reduces the amount of wood they
                                                                                                                                                                                    need, lowers carbon emissions and reduces families'
                                                                                                                      BENEFITTED FROM OUR SOURCING                                  exposure to smoky fumes.

                                                                                                                                     MORE THAN

                                                                                                                     IMPROVED COOKSTOVED INSTALLED
                                                                                                                           in the past two years

                                                                                                                                     MORE THAN

                                                                                                                        5,000 TONNES*
                                                                                                                                  OF WOOD SAVED

                                                                                                                *figures for L'Oréal Group (not just Garnier)                                      Garnier Shea butter is certified Fair For life
                                                                                                                **Sources: /

                                                     34                                                                                                                        35
sustainable sourcing                                                                                                    sustainable sourcing

                                                                                                                                                          CANDELLILA WAX FROM MEXICO

                                                                                                                       Candelilla wax has a high melting point and is used in
                                                                                                                       conditioners, notably in after-colour products, thanks
                                                                                                                       to its filmogenic properties. Garnier sources its Can-
                                                                                                                       delilla wax from Multiceras, a Mexican supplier based
                                                                                                                       in the heart of the Chihuahuan Desert, in northeastern           and agriculture, in order to build a sustainable supply
                                                               The objectives of the project are:                      Mexico.                                                          chain for this ingredient. This initiative benefitted more
                                                                                                                       Multiceras buys unrefined candelilla wax from approxi-           than 160 Candelilleros and their families in 2018 (18 be-
                                                               SUPPORTING CAPACITY BUILDING                            mately 1,200 “Candelilleros” (the local name given to            neficiaries from Garnier sourcing).
                                                               Farmers belong to farmers' associations that provi-     the rural producers who collect the plant and extract            Candelilla, under its botanical name Euphorbia cerifera,
                                                               de day-to-day technical assistance on good farming      the wax) in different regions of the Chihuahuan Desert,          is endemic to northern Mexico's deserts. To survive in
Soybean oil is widely used in Garnier haircare pro-                                                                    the habitat of the wild cactus plant, belonging to the           these adverse climatic conditions, the plant developed
                                                               practices. Gebana is actively involved with research
ducts for its antioxidant properties. In 2014, Garnier                                                                 euphorbia family, that secretes the natural wax.                 an ingenious strategy. It covers its long stick stems with
                                                               institutes to help farmers gain access to the latest    Stretching from the southwestern United States deep              a wax that helps to retain moisture: candelilla wax. It is
decided to source 100% of its soya oil from sustai-            knowledge on organic farming, notably in biotech-       into the central Mexican highlands, the Chihuahuan               this fatty white layer on the surface of the candelilla
nable sources from the supplier Gebana Brazil, lo-             nology and light mechanised equipment. Now, some        Desert is one of the largest and most biologically di-           stem that the Candelilleros are looking for when they
cated in Capanema, near the famous Iguaçu Falls                soy farmers display equivalent or higher yields than    verse deserts in the world, according to the World               manually harvest candelilla plants in the desert. They
sanctuary. In 2017, after a field visit to Capanema, we        farmers cultivating GMO crops.                          Wide Fund for Nature. The Chihuahuan Desert shelters             extract the wax throughout the year, following strict
partnered with Gebana to create a Solidarity Sour-                                                                     three Biosphere Reserves designated by UNESCO.                   traceability and sustainable practices outlined by the
cing project over three years.                                 IMPLEMENTING FAIRLY TRADED PRINCIPLES                   To protect this unique environment and improve the               Mexican Ley General de Desarrollo Florestal Susten-
The soybean oil delivered to Garnier is 100% GMO-              We support farmers through a three-year purcha-         Candelilleros’ livelihoods, a Solidarity Sourcing project        table. In particular, they leave 20% of the mature plant
free and comes from organic soybean fields in Brazil           sing agreement, with a fair and transparent pricing     was launched in 2016, in partnership with Multiceras             to help it regenerate, and they only collect wax from
and Paraguay. Our farmers practise family farming                                                                      and a local consultant specialised in rural development          plants that are at least four years old.
                                                               system (30% above conventional soybean prices)
with no chemical inputs and a low level of mechani-            with a premium (an additional 5%) distributed to lo-
sation, under a crop rotation system.
In total, 48 farmers in 2019 are benefitted from this
                                                               cal development funds. They are set to achieve Fair
                                                               for Life certification, awarded by Ecocert, in 2020.                                                                                                             2019
Solidarity Sourcing project (17 farmers directly im-
pacted by Garnier sourcing). The participating far-            FIGHTING DEFORESTATION WITH THE ROUN-
mers and their families now belong to two producer             DTABLE FOR RESPONSIBLE SOY (RTRS) CER-
groups: Associação dos produtores de soja orgânica
                                                                                                                                                                      ALOE VERA FROM MEXICO
do Oeste from the state of Parana, Brazil and Asso-
                                                                         In 2020 Gebana reached the RTRS Cer-                                                               As a booming trend ingredient in our formulas, it is
ciação dos produtores de soja orgânica do sul do
                                                                         tification for Brazil and Paraguay farmers                                                         important that we help to ensure it is grown sustai-
Paraguai from the Paraguayan state of Itapua.
                                                                         under the Standard for Responsible Soy                                                             nably. In 2019, Garnier created a Solidarity Sourcing
In Paraguay, soybean farm workers from the Mbya
                                                                         Production including certification for non-                                                        programme in partnership with PRONATURA, hel-
Guarani community will benefit from the local de-
                                                                         GMO soybean. This highlights all the ef-                                                           ping 23 families in the Campeche State to adopt or-
velopment fund put in place thanks to Fair For Life
                                                                         forts made by Gebana since 2014.                                                                   ganic farming practices, including efficient irrigation
certification.                                                                                                                                                              and initiatives to preserve biodiversity on the protec-
                                                                                                                                                                            ted reserves surrounding their farms.
                                                                                                                                                                            Women's empowerment is at the heart of the project,
                                                                                                                       Aloe Vera is known for its hydrating properties, and as women are in charge of each family's farming, ad-
                                                                                                                       used in our haircare and skincare products.          ministration, logistics and sales.

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