Page created by Bonnie Ingram


                             Indaver has always been     Indaver is rising to this challenge. It is constantly   standards and rules that apply to each of our
                             keenly aware that it        creating value from the commercial and local            employees. This company code forms the basis for our
                             plays an important role     authority waste it treats by recovering high-grade      sustainable business practices.
                             for both its customers      raw materials and sustainable energy from it.
                             in particular but also      As a waste management company, it is thus playing a     Building on its knowhow, Indaver aims to develop new
                             for society in general.     key role in achieving a circular economy.               service delivery models to continue to lead the field in
                             We have always been                                                                 sustainable waste management. We wish to respond
                             committed to treating       With these activities, Indaver is subscribing to        quickly to the needs of both our customers and the
                             waste in a sustainable      the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the             society. Indaver wants to be a safe and good employer
                             and safe manner. With       development goals set out to preserve our world         that attracts, develops, and retains talent. The health
                             the transition to a         as a livable planet.                                    and safety of our staff, our local communities and of
                             circular economy, Indaver                                                           all those who are either directly or indirectly involved
                             is now expected to make     These development goals also reflect our core values:   in our activities is an absolute priority.
a more particular and significant contribution to its    the safety of everyone involved; striving to minimise
development.                                             the impact of our activities on the environment         Indaver has been in the waste market for over
                                                         by applying the highest safety and environmental        25 years. In that time it has proven that a company
In order for our planet to be both clean and safe,       standards; focusing on our process, product,            can make striving for sustainability its core business
our entire way of life, including production and         service quality and results; striving for structural    and still achieve good financial results. It will continue
consumption practices must be sustainable, now           state-of-the-art environmental performance and          to remain faithful to its pursuit of sustainability.
and in the future. Of utmost importance is the           for continuous improvement. These values are
preservation of raw materials for the use of future      incorporated in our company code, which delineates
generations. We must limit their use and recover as      our mission, our primary values, our responsibilities
many of these raw materials as possible.                 to and expectations of our stakeholders, and the        Paul De Bruycker, CEO

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                2
TABLE OF                     POLICY
CONTENTS                     With its expertise and close collaboration with businesses and public authorities,
                             Indaver is an ideal partner in working towards a circular economy.                                         p. 4

                             Indaver continually invests in the development and the safety of its people who
                             envision and implement the innovative solutions for its customers and for society.                       p. 20

                             In its activities Indaver does its utmost to keep our planet livable by recovering
                             as many materials as possible and limiting our impact on the environment.                                p. 33

                             Indaver has proven that a company can make striving for sustainability its
                             core business and still achieve good financial results.                                                  p. 63

                             To help achieve a circular economy Indaver works together with partners
                             in its own sector and across other sectors.                                                              p. 69

                                                                                                          (To go directly to a section, please
                                                                                                             click on a page number above )

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                       3
With its expertise and close
collaboration with businesses
and public authorities,
Indaver is an ideal partner
in working towards a circular
POLICY        |   PEOPLE         |   PLANET     |   PROSPERITY            |   PARTNERSHIPS

              OUR VISION

Our production and consumption practices                 In a circular economy, the key priority is to protect      materials in the cycle. Indaver encourages industrial
                                                         and secure the materials chains. It is thus imperative     symbiosis, in which raw materials are recovered from
have reached their limit. The supply of raw
                                                         that these chains are not polluted or contaminated         one company’s waste to be used in another company’s
materials is being exhausted.                            by undesirable or hazardous components. Therefore          manufacturing processes. Indaver continually invests
In 2015, the European Union presented                    safe sinks are needed as safe storage places for           in the technological innovation needed to (continue
its action plan for the circular economy:                undesirable substances. If not recyclable, Indaver         to) close loops.
to close the materials chain through more                destroys or isolates these harmful elements of
                                                         residual waste in its high-tech plants.                    With its expertise and close collaboration with a
sustainable production and consumption,
                                                                                                                    large number of businesses and public authorities,
recycling and re-use.                                    Sustainability in the circular economy also means          Indaver is an ideal partner to help with the creation of
                                                         maximising recycling by recovering high-grade              a sustainable circular economy. Indaver’s customers
                                                         materials, so that the quality and safety of products is   range from industrial multinationals to local and
Reviewing our approach to waste will help us to live     not compromised. The current mechanical recycling          regional government bodies. We strive to find a
in a way that is sustainable. Whereas waste was          techniques will therefore need to be supplemented          sustainable and balanced total solution for every
considered to be a problem, it is now an opportunity,    with chemical and thermal recycling techniques. Such       customer.
a source of raw materials.                               innovative recycling techniques will break materials
                                                         down to their basic building blocks which will then        Indaver has its own clear and established view of
Our vision of a circular economy is clear. The           be used to create new high-quality products using          the circular economy. Indaver’s contribution to the
circular economy has to focus on both sustainability     primary raw materials.                                     circular economy can be sustainable only if three
(maximising recycling and minimising risks) and value                                                               pillars are in balance: technology (the technology
creation (financial and qualitative objectives).         Indaver’s core activity is the management and              needed to treat waste safely and recover raw
As a waste management company, Indaver wants to          treatment of waste from local authorities and              materials), economy (guaranteeing added value and
play a key role in achieving a circular economy.         companies in specialist plants. The organisation has a     affordability), and quality (high-grade materials, a
As a leading company in the field of sustainable waste   policy of treating waste as a valuable resource and is     pure materials chain and safe processing).
management it continues to create added value for all    already recovering components from the waste down
of its customers and for society.                        to a molecular level and re-using them as new raw

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                 5
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                                                                                                                     Managing hazardous waste involves risks.

                                                                                                                     Understanding those risks and controlling
                                                circular potential                                                   them is Indaver’s core business. With
                                                       high                                                          intelligent waste management systems and
                                                circular potential
                                                                                                                     a strong base of our own and third party

           waste                                                                                                     advanced treatment installations, we offer
                                                                     ENABLER                                         traceability and reliability.

                                                                                                                     We recover energy and materials from
                                                                                                                     waste, but only if there is no risk for
                                                                                residue                              people, environment or society.

                                                                                                                     This way, Indaver acts as enabler and
                                                                                                                     gatekeeper of the circular economy.
                                                                                                                     Our knowledge and expertise in terms of
                                                                                                       safe sink     waste, technology, legislation and market
                                                                                                                     provide a solid basis for sustainable waste
                             recovered materials & energy

                                                                                                                     „ Watch the video here

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                         6
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                                                 In 2015, after a quick and efficient search,
                                                 Indaver gained a new sole shareholder: the port
                                                 and logistics firm Katoen Natie.

Two international players                                        With its new sole shareholder Indaver can continue on its      Stable shareholder
Indaver and Katoen Natie both have their roots in Flanders       course of international growth. Both Indaver and Katoen        Indaver would like to use its expertise to develop new
and have become international players with total solutions       Natie aspire to added value for the customer by applying       service provision models and thus continue to lead the field
tailored to their customers. Under the wings of Katoen           knowledge and expertise throughout the whole chain.            in sustainable waste management. It would also like to be
Natie Indaver will be able to further its international growth   Indaver is therefore seeking meaningful synergies with         able to respond better – and even faster – to the needs of
and remain a leader in sustainable waste management for          Katoen Natie in order to better serve its customers.           its customers and of society. The network and experience of
governments and businesses.                                                                                                     an industrial and stable shareholder such as Katoen Natie
                                                                 International expansion                                        will support it in this.
Goodbye to DELTA                                                 Katoen Natie operates worldwide in 33 countries.
Under the wings of DELTA Indaver became a market leader          It combines engineering, technology and port activities
for the thermal treatment of industrial and hazardous            to offer tailored solutions to the worldwide chemical
waste. Its position in the field of thermal treatment of         and automotive industry and the consumer products,
household and similar commercial waste and the treatment         electronics and retail sectors. A number of those
of biowaste was strengthened. For Indaver, DELTA was the         countries still have a way to go towards sustainable waste
right partner at the right time.                                 management. Indaver can utilise Katoen Natie’s contacts in
                                                                 those countries, so its expertise can be deployed worldwide.
Meaningful synergies                                             Indaver is a strong brand in the waste sector and under
The waste market is rapidly evolving and developing.             Katoen Natie it will retain that individuality.
The trend towards a circular economy has only just begun,
                                                                                                                                                                    A solid company
presenting a great opportunity for businesses like Indaver.                                                                                                         with a focus on

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                 7
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Indaver is a values-driven company. All actions of the company and
its employees must reflect these values. They clearly indicate what
we consider important.

                                                 Values-driven behaviour                                       Demonstrating concern for people, safety
                                                 Integrity and social responsibility are essential for doing   and the environment: we operate in a way that is
                                                 business in a complex world. Indaver aims to be transparent   safe, socially responsible and sustainable, with our
                                                 about its ambitions and about how it fulfils them. This       activities having minimal impact on our surroundings.
                                                 means all of the parties involved know what they can expect
                                                 from Indaver and what we expect of them.                      Building relationships based on mutual trust:
                                                                                                               with mutual trust as the basis, personal reliability
                                                                                                               and integrity are the conditions for an enduring
                                                                                                               relationship with each of our stakeholders.
                                                     ■ We always employ the best available
                                                                                                               Ensuring transparency in communications
                                                         technology, in order to minimise the
                                                                                                               and actions: “We do what we say and we say what
                                                         impact on people and the environment                  we do.” This is our formula for an enduring bond of
                                                         and maximise recovery of materials and                trust with all our stakeholders.
                                                                                                               Concentrating on achieving results: we are
                                                     ■ We monitor the safety of our employees
                                                                                                               result-oriented and cost-effective in everything we
                                                         and the environment.                                  do. We strive to achieve an optimal balance for our
                                                     ■ We work professionally and                              customers between added value and cost.

                                                         transparently and comply with
                                                                                                               Continuously improving: we continuously
                                                         standards and legislation.                            evaluate, check and optimise our service provision,
                                                                                                               operations and processes.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                             8
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      Company code: values-driven behaviour                                                                      Cooperation between the regions:
                                                                                                                 Cooperation Agreement
      Integrity and social responsibility are essential for doing business in a complex
      world. A business cannot grow without an enduring bond of trust with all its                               Indaver is an international organisation                As a result of this growth the
      stakeholders. Indaver aims to be transparent about its ambitions and about                                 with subsidiaries and participating                     organisation has become more
      how it fulfils them. This means all of the parties involved know what they can                             interests in various European countries.                complex. Clear agreements are
      expect from Indaver and what we expect of them.                                                            ‘Think global, act local’ is the way in                 required which apply at all times and
                                                                                                                 which Indaver believes it can grow                      everywhere and which ensure uniform
                                                                                                                 further. ‘Thinking global’ refers to                    operating procedures. That is why the
                                                           The company code sets out our                         the vision and the business strategy,                   Cooperation Agreement exists.
                                                           mission, our most important values,                   supported by the right values and
                                                           our responsibilities to stakeholders                  policy lines. ‘Acting local’ refers to the              This document sets out how Indaver
                                                           and the standards and rules that                      service provision concerning waste                      works as an organisation, with a
                                                           apply to every Indaver employee. So it                management for our customers and                        similar operational functioning and
          Indaver Company Code                             demonstrates what we stand for and                    local stakeholders.                                     service provision across the various
                                                           how we set ourselves apart.                                                                                   regions, which guarantee that
                Mission, core values and code of conduct
                        for sustainable business
                                                                                                                                                                         Indaver always has its most important
                                                           „ To read more about                                                                                         business processes firmly in hand.
                                                              Indaver's Company Code,                                                OBAL · ACT                          The commitments in the Cooperation


                                                              please click here                                                                                          Agreement are therefore applicable

                                                                                                                           T HI

                                                                                                                                                                         to all the regions. Thanks to this
                                                                                                                                                                         Cooperation Agreement Indaver


                                                                                                                            O                                            approaches its stakeholders always and

                                                                                                                              P   ER                     E
                                                                                                                                            IO N A G R                   everywhere in the same way, always
                                                                                                                                                                         propagating its values consistently.

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                                           10 CODES OF GOOD PRACTICE
                                           1    Act according to the correct interpretation of the EU definition of waste.

                                           2    Treat waste in dedicated and compliant facilities.

                                           3    Don’t dilute waste, it’s no solution.

                                           4    Guarantee quality, segregate waste at source.

Indaver uses its ‘10 Codes of Good
                                           5    Organics: destroy if hazardous; recover energy and material if possible.
Practice’ as a reference when choosing
the most suitable treatment method and     6    Ensure that no hazardous components enter the food or product chain.
when approving third parties’ facilities
and logistics services. Indaver expects    7    Be transparent in the way you treat waste, ensure full traceability.

its employees, suppliers, partners and
                                           8    Treat waste in state-of-the-art facilities using best available technology.
subcontractors to adhere to these Codes
in every action, operation, decision or         Treat waste in compliant and sustainable recovery: no sham recovery.
                                           9    Focus on sustainable waste management.
                                           10   Comply fully with transboundary shipment of waste: no tool for eco-dumping.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                  10
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Our Role
                                                                    Producers                           Consumers
Indaver has a clear strategy: to run specialised                         of waste                       of energy and materials
facilities and to manage intelligent waste
management systems focusing on sustainable
material and energy management. It works
with waste producers, be it directly (industry)
or through public institutions (municipal waste)
                                                              Full Service Provider in Sustainable Waste Management
and offers its sustainable waste management
                                                                                                      Treatment:            Production of
services as a full service provider.               On-site             Transport           Pre-     Neutralisation or         Energy &
                                                   Services            & Transfer       Treatment    Minimisation             Materials

Our Influence
As a full service provider with the ability to
manage a portfolio of waste, Indaver can
also advise its customers on Best Practical
Environmental Option (BPEO) such as; the
best solution for each waste stream given its
characteristics and the possible environmental
impact, options for recovery, available
                                                               As a full service provider, we have direct control over
technology for treatment, logistics, cost of
                                                              the entire process including; efficiency of handling and
packaging, transport and treatment.
                                                              treatment, quality of materials recovered and quantity
                                                                                 of energy generated.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                       11
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STRATEGY                                                                                                    Indaver Group Strategy

                                                                                      Core Business
                                                                                                                   To run specialised facilities and to manage intelligent waste management systems
                                                                                                                               focusing on sustainable material and energy management.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Organic Waste
Indaver operates specialist facilities and
effectively manages intelligent waste                                                  Target waste            Industrial and hazardous waste

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Household waste
management systems, with the emphasis on                                                                                                                         Comparable
                                                                                                                                                               industrial waste
sustainable management of materials and energy.
                                                                                                                     Large-scale industry                      Collectors                                 Authorities
                                                                                      Target customer                Chemical, lifesciences,        Small and medium-size enterprises,                  Public authorities,
                                                                                                                          metallurgy                  non-industry, private citizens                        provinces
We can provide our customers – businesses,
                                                                                      Business model              Total Waste Management                                                            Public waste PartnershipS
governments and collectors – with a total solution                                                                         (TWM)
                                                                                                                                                                Product Sales

for their industrial and hazardous waste, and                                                                 Focus on Belgium, the Netherlands,
                                                                                                             Germany, Ireland and other European
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Focus on Belgium, Germany,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ireland, the Netherlands, the UK
                                                                                      Target country           countries where target customers                  Worldwide                        and other countries where we
household and biowaste.                                                                                                   are present                                                                    have a foothold

Two separate markets                            customers – chemistry, life sciences and                    cost-effective packages. Public waste                               waste thanks to a broad range of in-house
For industrial and hazardous waste Indaver      metallurgy – have a strong presence.                        PartnershipS (PwPS) provide an appropriate                          facilities supplemented by third-party
is a market leader in north-western Europe                                                                  and flexible response to the needs of                               treatment capabilities.
with its Total Waste Management concept.        For household and similar commercial                        municipal authorities and intermunicipal
Large industrial companies prefer to give       waste we have deep roots in Belgium.                        partnerships.                                                       Customers can count on the right services,
their business to pan-European service          In Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and                                                                                        the best price; efficient project monitoring
providers. For that reason Indaver is           the UK we are developing our position. Our                  Innovative service concepts                                         and sustainable and effective waste
systematically expanding its treatment          objective, in the first instance, is to stand               We offer our customers qualitative,                                 treatment. We guarantee full transparency
capacity and commercial activities in Europe,   firm and to continue to do so in countries                  sustainable and cost-effective solutions for                        and traceability. If they wish, customers can
through organic growth and targeted             where we already operate. In this way, we                   their waste management. They choose the                             have a complete, worry-free service in which
acquisitions. We are concentrating our          can make optimum use of our own facilities,                 approach that best suits their needs. We                            we strive for the lowest possible Total Cost
operations in countries where our core          and continue offering our customers                         offer a flexible package for every type of                          of Ownership.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                         12
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  Trading                                                       Belgium                          The Netherlands                    Germany               Ireland/UK             Others
million tonnes
                                                               million tonnes
                                                                                                      million tonnes
                                                                                                                                    million tonnes
                                                                                                                                                          million tonnes
                                                                                                                                                                                million tonnes

                  Total volume of
                  waste managed                           In-house treatment

                 5,033,461                                Transfer

                         tonnes      In-house
   0.3                                 3.4
                                    million tonnes
                                                     Belgium Antwerpen, Doel, Grimbergen,
million tonnes                                       Kallo, Mechelen, Nivelles, Waregem, Willebroek

                                                     The Netherlands Alphen aan den Rijn,
                                                     Bergschenhoek, Dordrecht, Goes, Hoek, IJmuiden,
                                                     Koegorspolder, Moerdijk, Nieuwdorp, Rijpwetering,
                                                     Rotterdam-Europoort, ’s-Gravenpolder, Sluiskil,
                                                     Voorschoten, Well

                                                     Ireland Cork, Dublin, Dun Laoghaire, Meath
                                                     United Kingdom Essex, Teesside
                                                     Germany Biebesheim, Billigheim,
                                                     Frankfurt, Hamburg, Kassel, Stuttgart, Wetzlar

                                                     Portugal Abrantes, Lisboa
                                                     Spain Tarragona
                                                     Italy Origgio
Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                       13
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Sustainable and cost-effective customised waste treatment solutions

The chemical, pharmaceutical and medical industries have      We supply our services via our ‘Total Waste Management’        situation and Indaver’s knowledge platform. Mutual trust
to contend with complex, often hazardous waste streams        model, providing our customers with a worry-free               is the basis for this; personal trustworthiness and integrity
that require very careful and thorough treatment. That is a   customised solution. We are able to assist the customer        are the requirements.
speciality that tends not to be part of our customers’ core   from the moment of production right through to recovery
business. Indaver is a strong international player whose      and/or treatment, including all the organisation, handling,    Indaver will continue to invest in its treatment capabilities
work area spans the whole of Europe. We have set up a         administration and reporting. We have our own facilities,      and e-systems, and will continue to encourage innovation
partnership for large-scale industry that makes your waste    but also work with other parties where necessary. Because      to enable the management of ever more complex waste
management our concern.                                       Indaver operates throughout the whole of Europe, it can        streams.
                                                              always offer the best solution according to its motto:
We have a comprehensive knowledge of materials and            maximum safety for people and environment, maximum             We strive for the perfect balance between achieving
production techniques, especially for critical, sensitive     recovery of energy and materials and best possible TCO         maximum recovery of energy and materials, whilst avoiding
and complex waste streams from the chemical and               (Total Cost of Ownership).                                     risks and offering the best price. We manage safety, health
pharmaceutical industries.                                                                                                   and environment and ensure reliability and efficiency to
                                                              Indaver creates sustainable, long-term relationships,          achieve optimum performance.
We monitor developments in the waste market, particularly     because it is convinced that this delivers the best results.   We continuously adapt to the dynamic market of industrial
in terms of legislation, technology, sustainability and       Where Indaver and customer teams work well together,           waste and the changing requirements of the chemical and
innovation.                                                   the best connection is found between the specific customer     life sciences industry.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                               14
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Indaver is an important and reliable partner for public authorities for a sustainable and cost-effective
waste policy. Public waste PartnershipS (PwPS) provide a high-quality, cost-effective and flexible
response to the needs of municipal authorities and intermunicipal partnerships.

Flexibility, free choice and trust                    Three types of service provision                         Continuity and sustainability
Flexibility, free choice and trust: this principle    n Treatment of household waste: for example              Continuity and guaranteed sustainable treatment of waste are
determines our service provision and ensures that       waste-to-energy, composting, preliminary               essential for public administrations. Indaver has its own facilities for
public administrations and their citizens are well-     treatment of biomass, sorting plastic, paper and       treatment of municipal waste. High-quality recycling and recovery
served.                                                 cardboard, treatment of hazardous household            of energy are central to its operations. In addition, Indaver can be a
                                                        waste.                                                 partner in the construction and development of new infrastructure
n Flexibility: public administrations choose          n Organisation of waste management systems:              such as recycling facilities or waste-to-energy plants.
  what to outsource to Indaver. We advise them,         for example management of waste services for
  based on our technical, administrative, legal and     local administrations, collection and transport,       International expertise applied locally
  commercial expertise.                                 operation of transfer stations, talking to outlets     Every public administration approaches its waste policy in its
n Free policy choice: they determine what is the        for recyclable materials or residues, and support      own way. In the process, they often join forces with neighbouring
  best solution for them, we advise them on the         for waste prevention campaigns.                        municipalities. Indaver has the necessary expertise to work with
  most appropriate services and technologies.         n Management of infrastructure: for example              such complex partnerships. Our local people are on hand to be of
n Trust: open, prompt and accurate communication        management or full operation, optimisation of          service to public administrations and can call on Indaver’s centrally
  is crucial.                                           capacity, formulas for co-ownership, joint projects.   managed know-how and expertise.

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Indaver’s integrated and uniform management systems ensure the safety,
reliability and traceability of its processes. The application of these systems
must be regularly checked. These audits are conducted for Indaver in-house
as well as externally.

Internal audits                                          External audits                                                   Audits by customers
One of Indaver’s core values is ‘continuous              Government audits                                                 Customers regularly make use of the opportunity Indaver offers
improvement’. Internal audits help Indaver to            In all regions Indaver is controlled by public authorities        to carry out (onsite) audits themselves. These audits are either
continuously improve its business processes.             that grant licences or supervise the correct compliance           part of the acceptance procedure for Indaver as a waste treatment
The auditors come from all departments, to ensure        with such licences.                                               company (pre-contractual audits) or of an interim supplier
a balanced approach. They have expertise, technical                                                                        evaluation (post-contractual audits).
knowledge and analytical skills.                         SEVESO audits
                                                         Due to the quantity of hazardous waste that is                    Audits by certification agencies
There are two different methods for internal audits:     stored and treated, some Indaver sites (Hamburg,                  With the certification of Indaver’s management systems, an
n Compliance audits: the internal audit programme        Biebesheim, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Antwerp, Hoek and               independent and accredited certification body formally confirms
   for quality, safety and the environment assesses      Dublin Port) are subject to the SEVESO Directive,                 that Indaver is operating correctly. Depending on the region,
   whether Indaver’s operations are being carried        a European Directive on the management of risks                   Indaver holds ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 certificates and
   out in accordance with codes of good practice,        associated with the storage and handling of hazardous             specific regional certificates.
   operational procedures, legislation and the various   waste. The Directive aims to prevent serious                         „ Please see the following page for an overview of all certificates
   accreditations and licences.                          accidents and minimise their impact on people and
n Risk-based audits: these audits identify and           the environment. The preventive measures and                      In order to obtain a certificate, Indaver must demonstrate in a
   quantify risks in the processes, and test the         the inspection and maintenance programmes on a                    vetting process (certification audit) that it complies with these
   efficiency and effectiveness of the management        SEVESO site are audited periodically by the competent             internationally recognised standards. The certificates are valid for
   systems.                                              authorities.                                                      three years. During annual follow-up audits the main aspects of
                                                                                                                           the standards are verified on a sampling basis. Once the period of
                                                                                                                           validity of the certificate has expired a full recertification audit will

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 Country         Certificate holder                                               Certificate        Since             Country        Certificate holder                                       Certificate      Since
 Belgium         Indaver nv (Antwerpen, Doel, Kallo, Willebroek,                  ISO 9001/14001     1991/ 1997        Ireland / UK   Indaver Ireland Ltd (Dun Laoghaire, Dublin Port, Cork,   ISO 9001/14001   1994/ 2000
                 Grimbergen, Mechelen, TWM sites)                                                                                     Meath, Killmallock, Newcastle West, Mungret,
                                                                                  OHSAS 18001        2011                                                                                      OHSAS 18001      2002
                                                                                                                                      TWM activities, UK sites)
                 SVEX nv (Doel)                                                   ISO 9001/14001     2008              Gemany         AVG mbH                                                  ISO 9001         1994

                                                                                  OHSAS 18001        2011                                                                                      ISO 14001        1997

 The             Indaver Nederland B.V.                                           ISO 9001/14001     1995 / 1997                                                                               OHSAS 18001      2003
 Netherlands     (Indaver Recycling B.V., Indaver Waste to Energy B.V.,                                                                                                                        EN 50001         2010
                 Indaver Afvalberging B.V., Indaver Groencompost B.V.,            OHSAS 18001        2012
                                                                                                                                                                                               EFB              1997
                 Indaver Compost B.V., Indaver Impex B.V., Indaver ARP B.V.,      CO2-bewust         2014
                 Indaver Gevaarlijk Afval B.V., Indaver Bio Energie B.V.,                                                             HIM GmbH (Biebesheim)                                    ISO 14001        2001
                 Zeeuwse Reinigingsdienst B.V.)
                                                                                                                                                                                               EFB              1997
                 Indaver Gevaarlijk Afval B.V.                                    SQAS-certificaat   2011                             Panse Wetzlar Entsorgung GmbH (Wetzlar)                  ISO 9001         2008

                 Indaver Compost B.V. (Alphen aan den Rijn,                       Keurcompost        2014                             Chemisch-Physikalische Behandlung Frankfurt              EFB              1997
                 Europoort, Nieuwdorp)
                                                                                                                                      Chemisch-Physikalische Behandlung Kassel                 EFB              1997
                 Indaver Groencompost B.V. (Moerdijk,
                 Rijpwetering, Voorschoten)                                                                                           Chemisch-Physikalische Behandlung Stuttgart              EFB              1997

                 Indaver Bio Energie B.V., Indaver Groencompost B.V. (Moerdijk,   NTA 8080           2010                                                                                      ISO 14001        2012
                 Rijpwetering, Voorschoten, Nieuwdorp, Bergschenhoek)                                                                 Sonderabfalldeponie Billigheim                           EFB              1997

                 Indaver Compost B.V. (Alphen aan den Rijn)                       NTA 8080           2014                             Gareg Umwelt Logistik GmbH (Hamburg)                     EFB              1997

                 Indaver Impex B.V.                                               VCA petrochemie    1994              Portugal       Abrantes                                                 ISO 14001        2015
                                                                                                                       Italy          Indaver Italia (Origgio)                                 EMAS             2008
                 Indaver Nederland B.V., on site TWM services                     VCA petrochemie    2014
                 (Sabic Innovative Plastics B.V., Bergen op Zoom,                                                                                                                              ISO 1001         2007
                 Dupont Dordrecht, MSD Oss, ICL-IP Terneuzen)
                                                                                                                                                                                               ISO 9001         2014

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                                               17
POLICY         |    PEOPLE          |   PLANET      |    PROSPERITY   |   PARTNERSHIPS


Indaver aims to operate the processes at its sites and facilities at their optimum while continuously
improving them. It has integrated and standardised systems that monitor quality, the environment
and safety and guarantee the reliability and traceability of its processes.

                                                              Green and black belts
These systems:                                                The team leader follows the LSS training and becomes
n establish Indaver’s sustainable approach                    a green belt, who is partly freed up to concentrate on
   in the organisation                                        structural improvements and who also teaches the LSS
n guarantee that the business is run efficiently              approach to his or her team. The black belts are the experts
n increase the confidence of its stakeholders                 in LSS in terms of large-scale process improvement.                            Define
n prepare it for further growth and more                      They also train and coach the green belts.
   complex services.
                                                              Lean Six Sigma in the regions
                                                              In 2015, project teams in the various regions                                 Lean             Measure
Lean Six Sigma drives improvement processes
                                                                                                                                         Six Sigma
                                                              pushed through improvements with this approach.
at Indaver                                                    Indaver Belgium set up 22 projects. In total,                  Control
Indaver is always strongly focused on improvement; this
is one of its core values. In Lean Six Sigma (LSS) it has
                                                              12 projects follow the ‘lean’ improvement project
                                                              method geared towards removing wastage in processes,                           at
an instrument that allows it to approach projects more
systematically and to pro-actively raise the quality of its
                                                              the other 10 follow the ‘six sigma’ improvement project
                                                              method that focuses on a consistent quality of output from                 INDAVER
operations.                                                   processes.
                                                              In Ireland, under the guidance of a new black belt manager,
To Measure is to Know                                         the approach to projects will be reassessed in line with
The projects relate to reoccurring problems, projects that    Indaver's core values of achieving results and continuous
are important for the organisation and increase customer      improvement. In 2015, 13 new projects were launched,                Improve
satisfaction. They rely on practical research, measurements   with more than 30 projects live throughout the course of
and experiments, to give them a solid foundation.             the year.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                        18



     EcoVadis evaluates the commitment to corporate
     social responsibility of businesses worldwide under
     assignment to purchasing departments. You could say
     it is regarded as a Standard & Poor’s® for CSR.

     In April 2016 Indaver was awarded the        Thanks to our effective reporting and
     EcoVadis Gold ranking with the mention       our mentality of ensuring transparency
     ‘Advanced Engagement’. We hereby             in communications and actions we
     retained our score from 2014. Indaver        score very highly on themes such as
     now belongs to the top 7 % of suppliers      environmental impact and employment
     to have been assessed by EcoVadis in the     practices/human rights. We score slightly
     category of waste management.                lower in the area of fair commercial
                                                  practices and sustainable purchasing.
     During the most recent assessments
     we provided EcoVadis with extra              We are committed to fair trade, but we
     information on environment (for              have not documented this sufficiently
     example biodiversity), labour and human      in procedures and reporting. We have
     rights (for example anti-discrimination,     already developed these themes further
     structured employment relationships and      in our updated company code and in the
     employment conditions) and sustainable       future we will take this one step further in
     purchasing (for example suppliers’ code of   concrete actions.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                19
Indaver continually invests
in the development and the
safety of its people who
envision and implement the
innovative solutions for its
customers and for society.
POLICY        |   PEOPLE         |   PLANET   |   PROSPERITY          |   PARTNERSHIPS

              OUR VISION

Indaver is working towards increasingly        Indaver wants to be a safe and good employer that       and experience. We provide a learning environment
                                               attracts, develops, and retains talent.                 so that our employees can enhance their skills
innovative and ever safer solutions for
                                               The health and safety of our employees, and that        through training, on-the-job experience, coaching and
complex and sometimes hazardous waste          of everyone who is involved in our activities either    feedback. We encourage formal and informal brain-
streams. But no matter how good Indaver’s      directly or indirectly, is an absolute priority. By     storming sessions to search for better solutions.
treatment installations and management         highlighting the importance of health and safety, we    We have an Indaver leadership programme that
systems are, ultimately it is its staff who    inspire our staff to behave in a safe and responsible   both fosters aspiring leaders and gives those in
                                               manner. We provide our staff with the necessary         management positions direction on how they can get
make the difference. Indaver can only lead
                                               safety training and health check-ups. We supply the     the best out of their people.
the way in sustainable waste management        required protective equipment and we ensure that
by continually investing in the people who     each plant is a safe and fit working environment.       Indaver must be innovative to keep up with the
envision and implement the innovative                                                                  constant changes in a field as complex as waste
                                               As a knowledge organisation, Indaver creates            management. We encourage internal knowledge-
solutions for its customers and for society.
                                               a climate in which employees are given every            sharing through national and international platforms
                                               opportunity to develop and share their expertise        and International Operational Centers of Excellence,
                                                                                                       where information on the latest developments is

                                                                                                       We strive to create the right culture to retain,
                                                                                                       motivate and challenge our staff for the long term.
                                                                                                       Fast-changing conditions require versatile employees
                                                                                                       who can adapt, who can fill a range of roles, and
                                                                                                       who are resilient enough to deal with continuous
                                                                                                       change. We support our people to ensure they remain
                                                                                                       motivated and creative so that the knowledge they
                                                                                                       have acquired will stay within the organisation.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                21
POLICY         |       PEOPLE          |   PLANET          |     PROSPERITY            |   PARTNERSHIPS

SAFETY                                                                                                   Safety index                                                                  2013 - 2015
                                                                                                                                12-month rolling average (incl. contractors)





For Indaver, health and safey at work comes over and above                                                4.5
everything else. We need to have safe facilities, up-to-date                                              4.0

training and correct procedures. But above all we need                                                    3.5

an open and critical culture in which every employee is                                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                                                                                                          2013                        2014                         2015
encouraged to suggest improvements and to challenge each
other about safe and unsafe behaviour.                                                                              Total Indaver Group (incl. contractors)
                                                                                                                    Group target

The management teams can show their              minor injuries. There was a single accident            preventing them. The Indaver safety results       When incidents occur, Indaver reacts
involvement by personally seeking out staff      with serious injury caused by a collision              shown relate to its own staff, and regular        immediately. Half-way through 2015 several
on site and speaking to them about safety;       with a forklift truck. Trips, slips and injuries       subcontractors.                                   injury incidents occurred at various sites in a
Indaver wants to break through ingrained         accounted for more than half of all reported                                                             short time-frame. This prompted the safety
habits and guarantee health and safety at        injury incidents.                                      In 2015, Indaver posted a personnel safety        board to circulate an additional general
each of its sites.                                                                                      score that was significantly better than the      safety alert and closely monitor safety
                                                 The safety campaign, running at all sites and          average for companies in the waste sector.        procedures and actions at each site.
Safety figures                                   which includes safety posters, draws specific          Indaver uses the experiences with unsafe
In 2015 the safety trend, based on the yearly    attention to non-process related safety                situations and the lessons it has learned from
average for the number of lost time incidents    themes. Indaver believes it is important to            these in poster campaigns and toolboxes.
and the safety index, further improved on        register all incidents, even those with minor          It also runs specific campaigns such as; a
the figures of 2014. The majority of incidents   consequences. This provides an insight into            winter safty awareness campaign focused on
with lost work time at Indaver sites involved    unsafe situations, giving a better chance of           being mindful of wet and slippery surfaces.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                             22
POLICY      |    PEOPLE          |   PLANET          |     PROSPERITY         |   PARTNERSHIPS


  LTIR                                                                      2013 - 2015          Number of accidents with lost                 treatment sector is 25.8. With a frequency
                                                                                                  work time                                     rate of 8.9, the Indaver Group scored
                                                                                                  The frequency rate records the number         significantly higher than the average in the
                       LTIR – 12-month rolling average (incl. contractors)
                                                                                                  of accidents with time off work sustained     waste sector (25.8) and the average for all
 20.00                                                                                            by personnel (more than 1 calendar day).      Belgian companies together (FR = 17.05).
 18.00                                                                                            Indaver reports this data by region and as
 16.00                                                                                            a total for the group. In 2015 the Indaver    Actual severity
                                                                                                  Group noted 28 accidents (22 of their own     Actual severity provides an indication
                                                                                                  personnel and 6 subcontractors), compared     of the number of days of unfitness for
                                                                                                  with 37 in 2014 (34 of their own personnel    work affecting employees. We can also
                                                                                                  and 3 subcontractors). The frequency rate     compare the Indaver Group against Belgian
                                                                                                  was 8.9 in 2015, an improvement on the        statistics.
                                                                                                  11.8 rate in 2014.
  4.00                                                                                                                                          The 2015 actual severity for the Indaver
  2.00                                                                                            The severity is the number of days lost       Group was 0.20. According to the most
  0.00                                                                                            compared to the number of incidents. The      recent data (2014) the current severity in
         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                   2013                        2014                        2015                   severity of 0.20 in 2015 was at the same      the waste treatment sector is 0.86. With
                                                                                                  level as in 2014.                             actual severity at 0.20 we therefore score
             Total Indaver Group (incl. contractors)                                                                                            as well as the chemical sector (NACE 20,
             Chemistry sector                                                                     Comparison with the sector                    AS = 0.24) and significantly better than the
             Waste sector                                                                         There is no clear-cut publication of safety   national average for all Belgian companies
                                                                                                  figures for the waste and chemical sectors    as a whole (AS = 0.44).
                                                                                                  internationally (or in Europe). In Belgium
LTIR (Lost Time Incident Rate) shows the frequency rate                                           figures are available for the waste sector    Both scores show that in the Indaver Group
of the number of lost time accidents.                                                             and the chemical industry, which can be       not only are there significantly fewer
                                                                                                  compared with Indaver’s results. According    accidents than in the Belgian waste sector,
                                                                                                  to the most recent data published by          but those that do occur also generally lead
                                                                                                  the Belgian federal government (2014)         to fewer days off work than the average for
                                                                                                  the average frequency rate in the waste       the waste sector.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                23
POLICY                                                                                                      |    PEOPLE          |    PLANET      |   PROSPERITY          |    PARTNERSHIPS


Attention to safety issues, via the international safety                                                                             sites. Therefore there are additional local actions targeted
campaign and through the personal involvement of the                                                                                 at specific safety aspects. In 2015 Indaver continued its
management teams, strengthens the group-wide safety                                                                                  group-wide safety campaign. It continued to hammer home
culture. This certainly has contributed to the falling trend in                                                                      recurring safety issues, but in 2015 it also placed particular
safety incidents. Nevertheless we have also established that                                                                         emphasis on challenging each other on the importance of
this improvement is not being made proportionally at all                                                                             working safely.

   Safety during logistic TWM operations further tightened
   In order to guarantee Industrial Waste                                                           The leaflet is being distributed to all
   Services (IWS)The
                     10 commandments          that        the and unloading
                                                     of loading                                     our partners.
                                                                                                             Alarm!With this initiative we

                                                                                                                                                                                       Version 01/1601
   external logistics
                 1  Waitpartners
                          for permission   fromobserve
                                                 the customer.        the                           are assuringWhat to ourselves
                                                                                                                           do in the event of    that      all(fire
                                                                                                                                                    an alarm       drivers
                                                                                                                                                                       or gas):                                                                                                                                              Indaver investing in adjusting
   same high standards
                 2               with
                    Check that the            regard
                                     load corresponds           to
                                                         to the task.
                                                                                                                • Stop all work immediately
                                                                                                    appointed• Stop forall phone
                                                                                                                            a TWM   calls      transport job                                                                                                                                                                 plate for blind spot mirrors
                                                                                                                • Park at the side of the road and switch off all
   safety and quality
                    Checkas your our       own
                                 own and the           drivers,
                                               customer’s  materials beforehand for damage.         have read and            signed
                                                                                                                   engines and   vehicles the leaflet. By
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Indaver is also investing in the safety of
                                                                                                                • Walk straight to the specified assembly point

                                                                                                                                                                                       © INDAVER - responsible distributor: Indaver IWS, Ketenislaan 1, Haven 1548, BE- Kallo
                    In the event of damage you are temporarily allowed to take photographs.
   Indaver has prepared            a leaflet with clear
                    Only put in clean containers, that do not contain waste residue from a
                                                                                                    highlighting• Waithow
                                                                                                                        for furtherimportant
                                                                                                                                     instructions from staffit is to wear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             third parties. An example of this is the
                 4  previous load.
   safety guidelines. So in all countries                                                           Personal WhatProtective
                                                                                                                       to do in the event   Equipment
                                                                                                                                                 of an incident or(PPE),
                                                                                                                                                                       accident: to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             specially designed adjusting plate for blind

                                                                                                                • Report all accidents, near misses or dangerous situations
                 5  Do not create an obstacle with your vehicle or container.
   where Indaver works with logistics                                                               respect the traffic rules on customer sites,
                                                                                                                •  Have  every  injury, however   minor, treated  by a first-aider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             spot mirrors at Indaver Gevaarlijk Afval
                    Load or unload tankers only when the equipment has been securely                            • Check where the nearest emergency showers
   partners at sites belonging
                    attached                     tocustomer
                               by the customer (the    Total   operates the equipment).             to know what            to do in alarm situations,
                                                                                                                   and eye-wash stations are
                                                                                                                • In the event of contact with products, rinse                                                                                                                                                               (IGA) in Hoek, the Netherlands which was
                    Do not load more than the maximum authorised weight and do not                                 immediately and for a long time with plenty of water
   Waste Management
                 7               customers
                    take any container                       the
                                         with you that has been        same
                                                                  loaded too high or is overfull.   and to adhere            toofthea traffic10    instructions                  for                                                                                                                                         set up in 2015. A truck’s blind spot is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I’m up for that!
                                                                                                                • In the event               accident, always fill out
                                                                                                                   the collision form
   arrangements8 andAlwaysstandards                   apply.
                             seal up containers. Preferably use cargoBynets.                        loading and unloading, we are tightening                                                                                                                                                                                 known hazard for truck drivers and the
   informing our9 partners             andof over
                    Do not work at a height
                    fall prevention equipment.
                                                      2 m without thethem
                                                                       compulsory                   safety atI the       customer site. If, despite this,
                                                                                                                have read all of this leaflet:                                                                                                                                                                               cause of many road traffic accidents.
   aware of possible     risks and arrangements,
                10 Do not work or climb on top of the container or lorry.
                                                                                                    the driver     is confronted with a situation
                                                                                                               (date and signature):
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR DRIVERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             At IGA, drivers can now check the position
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WORKING FOR INDAVER
   we are looking after the safety of our                                                           where he      doesn’t
                                                                                                              Indaver,   leading theknow  field in what
                                                                                                                                                   sustainable towastedo,management
                                                                                                                                                                               or                                                                                                                                            of their mirrors and if necessary adjust
   customers, the drivers, and the Indaver                                                          if there is a problem, then he can call a                                                                                                                                                                                them before they go back on the road.
   operators in charge of the day-to-day                                                            central telephone number where Indaver                                                                                                                                                                                   Indaver is thereby also doing its bit for
   waste management at the customer site.                                                           logistics experts are on hand to assist the                                                                                                                                                                              safety beyond its own gates.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  24
POLICY          |    PEOPLE           |   PLANET      |   PROSPERITY             |   PARTNERSHIPS


Safety was also a priority in the regions in
2015. The success of the group-wide safety
campaign and the efforts of each Regional
Management Team are having a positive

                                                   Learning from accidents
                                                   After every accident Indaver conducts a detailed                  The group-wide safety campaign, first launched in 2013,
                                                   investigation into its cause. After that we set objectives and    was reformatted in 2015 and consisted of:
        Prevention                                 work out preventive actions to improve results and avoid          n A video message from the CEO about personnel safety.
        The Business Support and Safety            accidents.
        departments have developed a new                                                                             n Planned safety talks by IMT members; visits to
        system of reporting incidents and          The receipt and treatment of many of the waste types at             employees in their daily work environment to show that
                                                   Indaver requires manual logistics handling; our installations       safety remains a top priority at all levels.
        updating follow-up actions. Indaver thus
        hopes to create a common system for all    have to be maintained. Yet many of the injury incidents           n A series of posters that focused on specific themes and
                                                   noted appear to have minor causes.                                  the role of interaction between colleagues.
        regions. This system was introduced in
        the Netherlands in 2014 and in Ireland                                                                         The themes were chosen based on an evaluation of
                                                   From the analysis of accidents and unsafe situations in 2015        the safety figures and principal causes from 2014.
        and Belgium in 2015. Germany will follow
                                                   we have learned that more than half of the total of 28 noted        Themes: the reporting of hazards, trips and falls, hand
        in 2016. The database is a welcome         injury incidents with absenteeism were the result of trips/         injuries, traffic management, working at heights/fall
        resource for evaluating and sharing        slips (10) and hand injury/trapped fingers (8). Together they       hazard, and contact with chemical products.
        findings on prevention.                    account for 85 % of the number of absent days as a result of
                                                   injury. Also, lack of attention on stairs and not being mindful
                                                   when exiting vehicles are recurring safety issues.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                     25
POLICY          |   PEOPLE              |   PLANET   |   PROSPERITY   |   PARTNERSHIPS


New work permit software                                       Processing of electronic invoices
In March 2015 the Antwerp and Doel sites in Belgium made       The aim of this project in Belgium is to reduce
the switch to a new work permit software system.               administration and save paper and ink by processing
                                                               all incoming invoices electronically. The preparatory
The main advantages of the new software are: a more            phase has been running since 2012 with the system
detailed description of the operational start-up post site     being extensively tested in 2015.
works, a more user-friendly form with pre-defined fields
and direct links to our intranet and the option to create      The new process will involve paper invoices being
individual search lists.                                       scanned and digitised. The invoice data is deciphered
                                                               and checked by software. If everything is correct,
Users can also choose between low, high and ultra-high risk    the invoice data is sent directly through to SAP
permits and there is an integrated last minute risk analysis   where it is entered automatically. Invoices which
(LMRA) for subcontractors/maintenance staff on the site.       suppliers submit in electronic form will be processed
Incident reports have also been integrated into this package   automatically in a similar way.
to provide a more comprehensive account.
                                                               This provides suppliers with a quicker, more flexible
                                                               system. Indaver is seeing significant amounts of
                                                               manual work automated and can monitor the flow
                                                               much more easily.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                         26
POLICY        |   PEOPLE    |   PLANET     |   PROSPERITY             |   PARTNERSHIPS


A stable and well trained workforce                           Number of employees                 2015         Training (in hours)                       2015
Indaver is a knowledge driven organisation and focuses on
the retention of critical knowledge and the development of
its employees. Indaver believes that continuously investing                              Belgium
in its employees enhances the strength, flexibility and
performance of the company. The robust competition and                                   652                                              57,869
the globalisation in the waste market requires Indaver to                                                                                 training hours
act in an efficient and innovative manner to keep pace with                The Netherlands
the changing environment. To support this aim, we focus on                 285
cultivating an organisation where knowledge sharing and
people development are key.                                                      Germany
n Number of employees: 1,687 employees in the Indaver
  Group on 31 December 2015 which is 7 more than in                     Ireland/UK                                     compliance & safety
n Average staff turnover increased to 8.14 % (6.61 % in
                                                                        189                                             17,948
  2014) due in part to the improving economic situation                                                                technical skills
                                                                    Italy and Portugal
  and thus an increased demand on the labour market.
n The average absenteeism rates increased from 4.25 %               13                                                  22,389
  in 2014 to 5.14 % in 2015 mainly due to a number of                                                                  leadership/management
  long term illness cases in Belgium, Germany and the
n In 2015, Indaver invested 57,869 hours of training                                                                   other skills

                                                                 Total in Group: 1,687
  & development of our people. This is an average of
  34 hours per employee per year.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                    27
POLICY         |    PEOPLE          |   PLANET   |   PROSPERITY   |   PARTNERSHIPS


In line with Indaver’s mission statement, the HR approach aims for
the sustainable development of our organisation and people.

One of the most important factors in achieving this mission   Investing in sustainable employability
is demonstrating quality leadership.                          Indaver aims to have the right competencies available
Indaver Leadership is represented in ‘Leading by Triple C’:   at all times to shape the business strategy and future
Care, Coach, Connect. The concept of ‘Leading by Triple       international growth. This means that on the one hand we
C’ is incorporated in the Indaver competency model. By        have to monitor our ageing workforce, ensuring retention
adopting a common leadership approach, we strengthen          of knowledge. On the other hand we have to focus on
our team culture which is necessary to achieve our local      optimal and sustainable employability of our people to meet
and international strategies within our matrix structure.     the demand for longer professional careers. We apply a
It provides the opportunity to further develop the Indaver    pro-active approach, taking into account the diversity of
culture in all regions. In 2015 we continued to train and     the different age groups. We choose qualitative solutions
develop our leaders throughout our operational regions.       aimed at job mobility, learning and developing resulting in a
                                                              “learning and development approach”. This requires a joint
                                                              commitment between both the employee and company.
                                                              In 2014 we implemented a Group-wide strategy which was
                                                              translated into regional strategies which varied depending
                                                              on local context and legislation. In 2015 work continued
                                                              across the regions on this programme.

                                                                  lease see the next page for an overview
                                                                 of the 4 pillars of this strategy

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                    28
POLICY        |     PEOPLE          |   PLANET          |   PROSPERITY          |   PARTNERSHIPS


Health & Well-being:                        Balance in work & life:                            Competence &                                  Commitment & Engagement:
We make our employees aware of the          We clarify roles and responsibilities of our       Career Development:                           We support our employees in the Indaver
importance of their physical and mental     employees and the expected results. We             We offer our employees opportunities to       way ‘Care-Connect-Coach’. We respect
health, and encourage them to live a        ensure our people are well trained for the         continuously work on the development          and trust them. We clarify their personal
healthier lifestyle. We also offer health   job and support them where necessary.              of their competencies and skills through      contribution to the Indaver strategy and the
check-ups and relevant vaccinations.        We provide them with efficient and                 training & development, on-the-job-           team, and involve them in decision-making.
We urge our employees to pay attention to   effective tools to perform their duties.           experiences, coaching, feedback exercises     We give them the autonomy and authority
their physical and mental health, both      We expect our employees to take                    and potential assessments. We help them to    to act. We help them to develop and to deal
at home and at work.                        ownership, to take the initiative to improve       find their personal career anchors in each    with a changing environment.
In continuous dialogue with our employees   efficiency of work processes on the work           life stage and facilitate job mobility. We
we adapt working conditions and             floor.                                             expect our employees to take the initiative
circumstances in order to attain long-      We offer, where possible, flexible working         and to understand that they are in the
term employment. Together, we strive to     hours, working from home and part-time             driving seat of their competence and career
find a good balance to benefit both the     work opportunities. Through open and               development.
organisation and the employees.             honest dialogues, we can ensure that their
We monitor work places and identify the     situation provides personal benefit, benefit
necessary ergonomic resources for an        for the organisation and for their team.
optimal work performance.

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                            29
POLICY       |      PEOPLE            |   PLANET            |     PROSPERITY         |    PARTNERSHIPS

SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYABILITY                                                                                                              Average                               Average
                                                                                                                                         age                                 seniority

                                                                                                                             43.9 years                                11.6 years
                                                                                                                                      BE 42 years                           BE 11 years
                                                                                                                                      NL 47 years                           NL 12 years
All regions work on sustainable employability with
                                                                                                                                      DE 46 years                           DE 14 years
varying priorities.
                                                                                                                                 IE/UK 40 years                            IE/UK 6 years

Belgium                                                                                            The Netherlands
In 2015 a new learning management                 environment, allowing them to pursue other       In 2015, there was a clear focus on health         personnel with employment restrictions.
software program, entitled People Platform,       job mobility opportunities.                      and well-being. An expert in ergonomics was        They are specifically looking at suppliers and
was launched. The People Platform provides                                                         invited to check each and every working            social labour companies.
an overview of the educational background,        Trained onsite advisors were appointed to        place to suggest ergonomic improvements.           We strive to cooperate more closely with
job experiences, competencies and                 support and train employees in navigating        Workshops were also organised to advise            training centres to exchange knowledge.
knowledge of its employees. It records the        this new system.                                 staff on how to sleep better, quit smoking         An active trainee programme provides
required training for each specific role in the                                                    and eat healthier.                                 internships and graduation project
organisation which enables our employees to                                                        Indaver places high value on Social                opportunities. The presence of students
further develop their talents in a structured                                                      Responsibility. A multi-disciplinary team          encourages the company to think outside the
                                                                                                   is seeking to create appropriate work for          box and to be innovative.

  Belgium2015                                                                                       The Netherlands                                                                      2015

   ≥ 25 years                5%                                                                      ≥ 25 years               8.5 %
  20-24 years                7%                   ≥ 55 years              11 %                       20-24 years              10 %                     ≥ 55 years              25 %
  15-19 years                18 %                 45-54 years             32 %                       15-19 years             18.5 %                   45-54 years             38.5 %
  10-14 years                17 %                 35-44 years             30 %                       10-14 years              17 %                    35-44 years             23.5 %
    5-9 years                27 %                 25-34 years             23 %                         5-9 years             20.5 %                   25-34 years              12 %
    ≤ 5 years                26 %                 ≤ 24 years              4%                           ≤ 5 years             25.5 %                    ≤ 24 years              1%

                Average seniority pyramid                        Average age pyramid                               Average seniority pyramid                         Average age pyramid

Sustainability Report 2015                                                                                                                                                                       30
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