Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008

Page created by Rosa Ford
Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
Te Atatu South Cluster
School Travel Plan 2008

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
Waitakere School
Travel Plan
Prepared by:
Deb King, Auckland Transport School Travel Coordinator
November, 2011

Thank you to the following students for artwork for the travel plan:
Front Cover:            Carys Chambers
Back Cover:              Oliver Farley-Wilson

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
Waitakere School
       School Travel Plan - Table of Contents
1.   Introduction _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
     1.1       Why have a School Travel Plan? _____________________________________________________________________________ 4
     1.2       TravelWise Programme Goals _______________________________________________________________________________ 4
     1.3       Benefits of School Travel Plans_______________________________________________________________________________ 5
2.   Travel Plan Process _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7
     2.1       Defining Travel Patterns ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8
     2.2       Engagement and Consultation _______________________________________________________________________________ 9
     2.3       Travel Plan Development __________________________________________________________________________________ 10
3.   Travel Plan Strategies ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 11
4.   Education, Encouragement, Enforcement _____________________________________________________________________________ 12
5.   Engineering Action Plan ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 14
6.   Monitoring and Evaluation __________________________________________________________________________________________ 16
7.   Travel Plan Commitment ______________________________________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
1.             Introduction

1.1 Why have a School Travel Plan?
In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of New Zealand children being driven to and from school. Trips to school make up
around a third of all morning peak trips in the Auckland region and just over half of these trips are made by car. As well as causing congestion, car
trips to school cause problems for the schools themselves. Traffic and parking issues, local air pollution, the risks to child pedestrians and cyclists,
and the decline in children’s health and fitness are pressing concerns for schools, parents and communities.

School Travel Planning is a process for working with schools to discover ways to achieve the TravelWise vision of making school journeys active,
social, safe and sustainable.

A School Travel Plan sets out a package of measures that will positively influence student and families’ decisions on how they travel to and from
school and in doing so reduce the use of private motor vehicles.

1.2 TravelWise Programme Goals
The long term goal of the Auckland region’s TravelWise programme is to reduce car trips to school across the region by 9 per cent over a 10-year
period by increasing the use of active, social, safe and sustainable travel choices including walking, cycling, school buses, and public transport. For
our school this translates to aiming for a 4 per cent drop in the proportion of our pupils coming to school by private car over the next eight terms. We
will work towards this goal by making it easier and safer for students to walk, cycle or bus to school; promote a ride sharing scheme, educate students
about road safety and sustainable transport issues, and by actively encouraging and promoting travel modes other than the car.

The School Travel Plan is backed by a partnership involving the school community, the Auckland Transport and Auckland Council. Other agencies
such as New Zealand Police, Sport Waitakere, also have a key role to play in contributing towards the travel plan objectives.

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
1.3 Benefits of School Travel Plans
A number of benefits flow from reducing school-related car journeys and promoting active and sustainable transport including
                     reducing chaos at the school gate
                     giving a greater sense of road safety and personal safety for pupils and parents
                     increasing pupils’ independence and road sense
                     increasing the health and fitness of pupils
                     improving air quality
                     saving energy and parents, the cost of petrol
                     reducing local traffic and thereby creating a safer, more pleasant environment for
                      everyone to enjoy
                     reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the school’s carbon footprint.

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
Nathan Templeton age 8

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
2. Travel Plan Process
Waitakere School joined the TravelWise programme in February, 2011. The diagram to the right outlines the
process that Waitakere School has been working through to develop this School Travel Plan. The programme
involves ongoing action planning and monitoring following a model of continuous improvement to achieve and
maintain a change in school travel behaviour.

The TravelWise process is linked with an awards scheme comprising three achievement levels: Bronze, Silver
and Gold. Schools may gain awards (certificates, recognition and a financial support package) for making
consistent progress in developing and implementing their School Travel Plans.

By developing and agreeing to implement this School Travel Plan Waitakere School has accomplished the
TravelWise Bronze Award and is working towards achieving a Silver Award during 2012.

                                                                            By Katrina Rm10

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
2.1 Defining Travel Patterns
Baseline surveys of school students, parents and staff were undertaken in March, 2011. The surveys included questions about actual and preferred
modes of transport, reasons why various modes are used or not, and about safety issues associated with the journey to and from school.
The safety issues were examined by Auckland Transport traffic engineers and investigations carried out to see how the areas of concern could be
improved. A summary is included later along with the road crash stat’s.

The graphs below compare students actual and preferred travel modes. Further detail of the survey findings are available from Auckland Transport or
the school’s TravelWise Lead Teacher.

Actual travel modes                                                                Preferred travel modes

                              Other   Walking &
                                       WSB                                                                 Other
                               2%                 Cycle &                                                   4%
                                         8%                                                                               Walking & WSB
                                                    2%                                                                         17%

                                                      All Public
                                                                                                                                    Cycle &
                                                                                        All Car                                     Scooter
                                                                                         38%                                         21%

                 All Car
                  74%                                                                                        All Public

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
The factors that would influence the highest number of parents to allow their children to walk or cycle more are:
   1. There are too many dangerous roads between home & school (42%)
   2. The distance between school and home is too great (58%)
   3. They lived closer (64%)
   4. There were more footpaths (41%)

There are existing Walking School Buses on McEntee Rd that meets others from Northfield Rd and the Anzac Valley Rd routes. The school bus was
reduced to one from two buses in 2009 even though there was high usage; passenger numbers are greater in the afternoons. And as there is one
road leading away from Bethells and Wairere Rds that pass the school, parents often use the time of work to coincide with when school begins.

2.2 Engagement and Consultation
Each class in the school took part in an activity where they learned about the meaning and importance of sustainable transport, identified what they
liked about walking, what would make walking to school easier, and identified local pedestrian safety issues on a large map.

                                                                                                                    Planning for Real activity, term 2, 2011

Te Atatu South Cluster School Travel Plan 2008
2.3 Travel Plan Development
The baseline survey findings and consultation outcomes were analysed and discussed and this Travel Plan developed by the school’s TravelWise
Working Group involving the following school representatives and supporting agencies as listed below.

                         Name                                  Role                        Organisation

                         Heather Atkinson                      Principal
                         Karen Windross                        AP                          Waitakere School
                         Liz Bowen                             TravelWise Lead Teacher

                         Stephen Bishop & Ryan Jackson         Working Group Member        Board of Trustees
                         Dean Furminger                        PEO                         NZ Police
                         Jo Hinton                             WSB Coordinator             Parent
                         Deb King                              School Travel Coordinator   Auckland Transport

Creating a second entrance as a new drop zone is a suggestion that Auckland
Transport will investigate, this will require the whole school community’s
involvement, along with support from Auckland Council. This would mean to
develop a footpath that leads from the school to Anzac Valley Rd, it is intended
for those families who live on the Waitakere Rd side so they would not need to
park on Bethells Rd / main entrance. It is early days but it is hoped there will be a
couple of Working Bees organised during summer to prepare for planting in April.
Drawings of a footpath on school grounds will depend on several things, and is
an option the school are seriously considering.

                                                                 By Ella Armitage

3. Travel Plan Strategies
The strategies used to achieve the TravelWise goals of making school journeys active, social, safe and sustainable are listed below and specific
actions included in subsequent sections.

The types of actions that are proposed include:

      Engineering a safer road environment around the school neighbourhood

      Educating children, parents and local residents about road safety and alternative modes of transport

      Encouraging sustainable and safe travel to and from school

      Enforcing appropriate road safety behaviour, especially around the school entrance.

Keen cyclists heading to bike Anzac Valley Rd              On the school bus

                                                                        Bethells Rd entrance

4. Education, Encouragement, Enforcement
 This section of the travel plan is the ongoing aspect of the TravelWise programme and will be updated annually. The table below shows how the
 school has been working towards the TravelWise Bronze Award during 2011. They will continue to develop their travel plan, aiming to have a student
 group who will support the lead teacher to implement and encourage more students to become TravelWise from term 1, 2012.

YEAR 2011                                 Term 1                               Term 2                             Term 3                               Term 4
                               st                            nd
TravelWise Team               1 – with principal – signed up 2    Cont. email/ph support
Meeting Dates                 – met with staff re. baselines      2x Working group mtg’s, and mtg     Planning mtg with BikeWest          Engineering mtg – late Nov
                              3rd – Discussed Overview 4/4        with engineer – 9/6                                                     Launch planning with Deb 1/11
                              4 – Discussed travel report         Catch up with Liz – 1/7
EDUCATION                     PEO patrol training                 Planning For Real (P4R) – 17th &    TW Art competition for the covers   BikeWest cycle training – Oct 26
 Road Safety                                                     18th May                            of the travel plan                  & 28
 Sustainable Transport
ENCOURAGEMENT                 TW Week – March 21-25               Fancy Feet / Wheels Day                                                 TravelWise poster competition
 Whole school                                                                                                                            Wheels & Fancy Feet @ launch
 Class based                 WSB cards & reg. promo
Sustainable Transport         Meet up with WSBs/analysis                                              WSB – Milo Morning & special        WSB celebrations & promotions
Options eg WSB                Promote existing routes                                                 assembly
ENFORCEMENT                   Parking enforcement officers -
                              whenever required throughout the
                              Request enforcement of 40km                                                                                 Reward parents for doing the
                              zone                                                                                                        right thing – Spot prizes
COMMUNICATIONS and            Baseline Survey – 62% response      Includes consultation, travel                                           Children can write an article in the
CMTY INVOLVEMENT              rate                                report, Engineer’s report, travel                                       TravelWise newsletter
                              Put up display to show results &    plan, working group mtg’s on                                            10th Nov Launch – Polkadots,
                              to promote carpooling, have         website & in newsletters                                                PEO, Denise Yates attending
                              reports available @ reception
MONITORING /REPORTING /       Baseline Survey – Feb 21-25                                                                                 Lead Teacher & Student Group ½
Professional Development      Lead Teacher’s Workshop – 16/3                                                                              day workshop – 30/11
                                                                                                                                          End of year report, Overview &
                                                                                                                                          Checklist to be completed

Map for the New Entrant Flyer

5. Engineering Action Plan

       Project                    Rationale                           Responsibility                               Update
                         Highlight the existence of                                    Project under investigation by the Road Safety team.
Threshold/Gateway        the school on Bethells                      Road Safety,      Additional gateway treatments are also proposed on Anzac
treatment on Bethells    Road and encourage low            2012      Auckland          Valley Road and Waitakere Road. All proposals are under
Road                     vehicle speeds in the                       Transport         investigation. Projects will be installed based on consultation
                         vicinity of the school                                        outcome and funding availability.
                                                                                       The school has suggested the proposed drop off zone be
Install new drop off     Reduce congestion outside                   Road Safety,      installed outside the back entrance of the school, on Anzac
zone on Anzac Valley     the main school entrance          2012      Auckland          Valley Road. Road Safety will investigate the feasibility of
Road                     on Bethells Road                            Transport         installing a drop off zone at this new location. Project will be
                                                                                       constructed based on funding availability.
                                                                                       Pedestrian refuge island cannot be installed at this location
Pedestrian crossing                                                                    due to inadequate space for vehicles to turn into and out of
                         To provide a safe crossing
facility on Anzac                                                    Road Safety,      Anzac Valley Road. Road Safety is investigating alternative
                         point for pedestrians and
Valley Road, at the                                        2012      Auckland          options to highlight pedestrians crossing the intersection of
                         highlight pedestrians
intersection of                                                      Transport         Anzac Valley Road and Bethells Road. Project will be
                         crossing at this intersection
Bethells Road                                                                          installed based on consultation outcome and funding
                                                                                       Widening of footpath may be required in order to install
Install new pedestrian   To protect pedestrians                      Road Safety,
                                                                                       pedestrian guard rail. Therefore, feasibility of extending
guardrail on             using the footpath on             2012      Auckland
                                                                                       pedestrian guardrail is currently under investigation. Project
Waitakere Road           Waitakere Road                              Transport
                                                                                       will be constructed based on funding availability.

Road Safety has carried out observations, traffic volume and
                                                                             pedestrian counts, on Township Road. The installation of a
Install new pedestrian   To provide a crossing                Road Safety,   crossing facility on Township Road, north of the McEntee
crossing facility on     facility for the walking      2011   Auckland       Road intersection is not feasible at this point in time.
Township Road            school bus                           Transport      Road Safety will investigate installing signage to highlight the
                                                                             locations where the Walking School Bus currently cross
                                                                             Township Road.
                         To provide footpath outside
                                                                             Having investigated the site and existing road condition, the
                         property number 25
                                                                             cost involved in installing the proposed footpath is excessive
                         Bethells Road, up to
Installation of                                                              and beyond the scope of this school travel plan program.
                         Wairere Road intersection,           Auckland
footpath on Bethells                                   N/A                   The request for a footpath on Bethells Road will be forwarded
                         in order to provide an area          Transport
Road                                                                         to the Footpath Maintenance team of Auckland Transport for
                         where parents/guardians
                                                                             investigation and prioritisation within their footpath program
                         can park and pick up/drop
                                                                             and funding availability.
                         off their children.

                                                                             Having investigated the site and existing road condition, the
Installation of kerb                                                         cost involved in installing kerb and channel is excessive and
                         To improve drainage and
and channel, and seal                                         Auckland       beyond the scope of this school travel plan program.
                         access from parked            N/A
the edge of Bethells                                          Transport      This request will be forwarded to the Maintenance team of
Road                                                                         Auckland Transport for investigation and prioritisation within
                                                                             their program and funding availability.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation
The School’s TravelWise Lead Teacher is responsible for keeping records and reporting on a regular basis (and via end of year report) to the
appointed Auckland Transport School Travel Coordinator; to show evidence of curriculum based activities, road safety training, TravelWise events and
promotion of sustainable transport choices taking place at the school, and their effectiveness.

The TravelWise goal of reducing car trips to school, increasing the use of sustainable travel modes and road safety practices will be evaluated by
Auckland Transport by requesting that the school undertakes an annual rollcall survey on the anniversary of the baseline survey; and by using the
Awards Assessment and Checklist criteria, which will be agreed at the end of the school year. A move up to the TravelWise Gold Award level of
recognition and support will be achieved when the school reaches a 4% or more reduction in car trips to school, as well as the above mentioned

Auckland Transport also carries out regular external evaluations of the TravelWise programme, involving selected schools participating in a more in-
depth evaluation/case study exercise. It is possible that Waitakere School may be invited to participate in this process in the future.

By Jaden Hill & Gabriel Moselen

By Hannah Ness Rm 5
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