Testing the House Money & Break Even Effects on Blackjack Players in Las Vegas

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Testing the House Money & Break Even Effects on Blackjack
                      Players in Las Vegas
                                        May 12, 2008

                                       Zhihao Zhang

                                 Department of Economics
                                   Stanford University
                                   Stanford, CA 94305

                             Advisor: Professor Kenneth Shotts


        Building on prospect theory, Thaler and Johnson (1990) observe two effects that
govern decision-making under risk. The first effect is that in the presence of prior gains,
individuals exhibit increased risk-seeking behaviour. They call this the “house money effect.”
The second effect is that in the presence of prior losses, individuals favour scenarios that
offer them the possibility of returning to their original level of wealth. They call this the
“break even effect.”
        Their findings, however, were based on hypothetical surveys and small-scale
laboratory experiments that lack the realism of decision-making in the real world. In this
paper, I determine whether the house money and break even effects apply in a real-world
context by observing blackjack players in various Las Vegas casinos and analysing the
amount they bet when faced with prior gains and losses. Based on my observations, I find
that both a house money effect and break even effect exist. The break even effect, however, is
less economically significant and this can be attributed to limitations in my data.

Keywords: risky decision, gamble, multi-stage lottery, decision making under uncertainty

I would like to thank my thesis advisor Professor Kenneth Shotts for his invaluable assistance
and guidance. Our discussions were among the highlights of my academic career. Special
thanks must also go to Professor Geoffrey Rothwell for getting me and keeping me on the
right track through the Economic Honors Program, and his continued advice throughout the
course of my thesis. I am extremely grateful to Stanford Undergraduate Research Programs
(URP) for their grant which helped fund part of my research. Finally, I must thank Professor
Nick Bloom, Dr. Hilton Obenzinger, and Jonathan Meer for their generous help.
Zhihao Zhang 1

1.     Introduction

       Economists have traditionally used expected utility theory to explain how individuals

make decisions under risk. Findings from experimental studies, however, have been

inconsistent with expected utility theory. This has resulted in alternative theories that take

into account behavioural tendencies. One such theory is prospect theory. Thaler and Johnson

(1990) build on prospect theory by studying how individuals make decisions based on prior

gains and losses. Using hypothetical surveys and small-scale laboratory experiments, they

find that in the presence of prior gains, individuals exhibit increased risk-seeking behaviour.

They call this the “house money effect.” They also find that in the presence of prior losses,

individuals favour scenarios that offer them the possibility of returning to their original level

of wealth. They call this the “break even effect.”

       A casino is the perfect place to study these effects since individuals are constantly

taking risks in situations where they have experienced prior gains and losses. I choose to

study blackjack because it is a popular game and one where it is easy to monitor a player’s

bets. In blackjack, players receive two cards after making their bet. They can take as many

additional cards as they wish as long as they do not exceed a points total of 21, in which case

they immediately lose. After the player acts, the dealer must follow a fixed set of rules in

deciding whether to take additional cards. The dealer loses if his points total exceeds 21. The

aim of the game is to have a higher points total than the dealer without exceeding 21. Players

receive a bonus payoff of 1.5 times their original bet if they are dealt a blackjack – first two

cards are an Ace and a 10 value card (Ten, Jack, Queen, or King).

       In this paper, 71 randomly chosen blackjack players in various Las Vegas casinos

were observed. The amount they bet and the outcome of each hand they played was recorded

from the time they sat down at a table and bought in for chips till they left the table. With this

data, I analyse the amount individuals bet when experiencing prior gains and losses of
Zhihao Zhang 2

different magnitudes, and test for house money and break even effects. If the house money

effect were to hold, individuals would increase the amount of risk they are taking by betting

proportionally more as they win more. If the break even effect were to hold, individuals

would increase their chances of returning to their original level of chips by betting

proportionally more as they lose more.

       In the sections that follow, I begin with a literature review of casino related studies

and contrasting theories that model decision-making under risk. This is followed by the

methodology section where I evaluate the use of casino observations against traditional

laboratory experiments, describe my models and hypotheses, and state my assumptions.

Finally, I provide my findings, run robustness checks, and in the conclusion, discuss the

implications and limitations of these findings.
Zhihao Zhang 3

2.     Literature Review

2.1    Decision-making under risk

       Economists have developed several models to explain how individuals make

decisions under risk. Expected utility theory was formulated by Bernoulli (1738). He

proposed that when thinking about how individuals value a risky proposition, instead of

looking at its expected monetary value, its expected utility should be considered:

       Expected Utility = ∑p(S)U(S) for all states

       p(S) = probability of state

       U(S) = utility of state where utility is a function of an individual’s final wealth

       Bernoulli also introduced the idea of a concave utility-of-wealth function with

diminishing marginal utility by noting that “there is no doubt that a gain of one thousand

ducats is more significant to a pauper than to a rich man though both gain the same amount.”

(Bernoulli 1954, p. 24) This established the concept of risk aversion in expected utility theory

that would be built on by Arrow (1971) and Pratt (1964), but challenged by Rabin (2000).

       Bernoulli’s (1738) model, however, was simply descriptive. It was von Neumann and

Morgenstern (1944) who proved the rationality of expected utility maximisation through a

series of axioms that Savage (1954) later expanded upon. Friedman and Savage (1948)

extended expected utility theory using a gambling-type problem by explaining why the

purchase of insurance (risk-averse behaviour) and lottery tickets (risk-seeking behaviour) by

the same individual was not contradictory. They proposed that when individuals buy lottery

tickets, they are willing to accept a small loss because they place a high value on the chance

of achieving a major increase in personal wealth. To model this behaviour, they proposed a

utility-of-wealth function with a concave segment below a certain level of wealth followed by

a convex segment, and another concave segment at higher levels of wealth:
Zhihao Zhang 4

                                          Figure 1


                                     Markowitz (1952, p. 151)

       Buying lottery tickets is thus rational since increases in wealth that are large enough

to elevate a consumer into a new socio-economic class yield increasing marginal utility.

       Expected utility theory is not without critics. Allais (1953) introduced the idea that

psychological values play a large role in decision-making under risk and produced

experimental findings that were inconsistent with predictions of expected utility theory in

what is known as the Allais Paradox. This spurred different models to describe decision-

making under risk such as Chew’s (1983) weighted utility model and Quiggins’ (1982) rank-

dependent expected utility model.

       While Arrow (1971) proved that individuals who maximise expected utility are

arbitrarily close to risk neutral when stakes are arbitrarily small, Rabin (2000) took this one

step further by claiming that risk aversion does not hold for moderate stakes gambles either.

He proved that turning down a moderate stakes gamble implies that the marginal utility of

money is diminishing so quickly that it would result in the rejection of a bet with

preposterously large winnings when the same diminishing rate of marginal utility is applied.

Instead, Rabin and Thaler (2001) explained modes-scale risk aversion using the

psychological effects of loss aversion and narrow framing. Loss aversion is the tendency to

feel the pain of a loss more acutely than the pleasure of an equal-sized gain (Kahneman and
Zhihao Zhang 5

Tversky, 1979). Narrow framing is the observation by Kahneman and Lovallo (1993) that

individuals tend to isolate risky choices instead of thinking about them in a broader context.

This behaviour stems from mental accounting, which is the nature by which individuals keep

track of and evaluate their financial transactions (Thaler, 1990).

       Kahneman and Tversky (1979) conducted experiments which found that individuals

exhibit risk aversion when given choices that involve sure gains and are risk-seeking when

given choices that involve sure losses. They also found that individuals behave inconsistently

depending on how a choice is framed and attributed this to the tendency to discard common

components shared by all potential prospects. Both these behavioural tendencies run contrary

to expected utility theory. In response, they developed an alternate model called prospect

theory, which assigns value to gains and losses rather than final assets, and uses decision

weights instead of probabilities.

       Prospect theory describes two phases in the decision-making process: an initial

editing phase and a final evaluation phase. In the editing phase, several cognitive operations

are used to reformulate and simplify outcomes and their associated probabilities. One such

operation codes final outcomes as gains and losses with respect to a reference point. In the

evaluation phase, the decision maker evaluates each of the edited prospects by calculating its

expected value based on a value function and decision weights, and chooses the prospect with

the highest value. Decision weights reflect the individual’s perceived probabilities (not the

actual probabilities) of the outcomes and are generally lower than actual probabilities, except

for low probability outcomes which tend to be over-weighted. The value function reflects the

subjective value of an outcome (measured in terms of relative gains and losses) and is

concave for gains, convex for losses and incorporates loss aversion by being steeper for

losses than gains:
Zhihao Zhang 6

                                           Figure 2

                                   Kahneman and Tversky (1979, p. 279)

       Thaler and Johnson (1990) built on prospect theory by noting Kahneman and

Tversky’s admission that “a person who has not made peace with his losses is likely to accept

gambles that would be unacceptable to him otherwise.” (Kahneman and Tversky 1979, p. 286)

They focused on the impact of prior outcomes and proposed new editing rules that modelled

how individuals frame multi-stage lotteries. One such rule is the quasi-hedonic editing rule

which proposes that individuals faced with a two stage lottery become less risk-averse after a

gain in the first stage because a potential second stage loss is perceived as being offset by the

first stage gain. When there is a loss in the first stage, however, individuals become more

risk-averse because they internalise the first stage loss immediately. The exception is when

the second stage lottery offers the opportunity to break even, in which case possible

cancellation effects result in risk-seeking behaviour.

       To test these editing rules, Thaler and Johnson (1990) conducted surveys where

individuals were given hypothetical situations of decision-making in the presence of prior

gains and losses. They also designed multi-stage real money experiments where participants

were faced with the prospect of winning and losing money. Their results supported a house

money effect, where in the presence of prior gains, increased risk-seeking behaviour is
Zhihao Zhang 7

observed, and a break even effect, where in the presence of prior losses, individuals favour

scenarios which offer them the possibility of returning to a break even level. To get compliant

participants, however, they had to reduce the stakes and minimise the chances that

participants faced losing gambles.

       Building on their findings, the house money effect was tested in various settings.

Keasey and Moon (1996) conducted a hypothetical survey regarding capital expenditure

decisions, Clark (2002) designed a small stakes public good experiment, and Weber and

Zuchel (2005) conducted surveys based on portfolio choice and betting games. Findings were

mixed. Just like Thaler and Johnson’s (1990) experiments, they were laboratory based and

failed to capture actual decision makers in a real-world context. I believe that better tests can

be conducted in casinos where individuals are constantly making decisions under risk for

non-trivial sums of money.

2.2    Casino related studies

       Given the prevalence of gambling-type problems in economics, it is somewhat

surprising that very few studies have been conducted in casinos with actual casino games. In

an experiment conducted by Lichtenstein and Slovic (1973) in the Four Queen’s Casino in

Las Vegas, they replicated a previously run laboratory experiment that did not involve an

actual casino game. Furthermore, when participants were asked to buy in for 250 chips of a

common denomination, of the 53 participants observed, 32 chose 5c chips, 18 chose 10c

chips and 3 chose 25c chips. No participants opted for $1 or $5 chips – the smallest chip

domination in casinos. The study clearly did not capture decision makers in a real-world


       Most studies involving casino games have not been conducted in casinos. Dixon and

Schreiber (2002) used computer simulated video poker to test how winning and losing impact

the speed of decision-making, speed of play and perceptions of performance. Weatherly,
Zhihao Zhang 8

Sauter, and King (2004) used computer simulated slot machines to test the ‘big win’

hypothesis 1 . In both computer simulated experiments, the stakes were minimal. In the video

poker simulation, even though a $50 certificate was awarded to the participant with the

highest score, no actual money was at stake. In the slot machine simulation, participants

started with 100 credits worth $0.10 each for a total value of $10, and the ‘big win’ jackpot

was a mere 16 credits ($1.60). While these results provide a good indicator of gambling

behaviour, replicating the true gambling experience is clearly not possible if the stakes are

insignificant or nonexistent.

        For blackjack, previous work has focused on surveys and observations of playing

behaviour. In an attempt to study whether individuals behave rationally in a non-laboratory or

classroom setting with no experimental intervention, Keren and Wagenaar (1985)

administered surveys to blackjack players and observed their play in a Dutch casino. They

compared their actions to basic strategy 2 and found that gamblers do not play optimally if

their sole objective is to maximise expected value. They concluded that blackjack players’

decision-making processes contain a rational element based on intuitive statistics and a non-

rational element based on misperceptions and incorrect beliefs. With this in mind, Keren,

Wagenaar and Pleit-Kuiper (1984) conducted surveys on 77 experienced blackjack players

and used principal component analysis to analyse their behaviour. They found that even

though subjects generally agree that a high expected return is important, they greatly diverge

in risk attitudes and beliefs about how luck and skill influence the outcome. These

divergences were thought to explain why gamblers differ from one another and do not always

play optimally.

        In one of the more ambitious projects to date, Bennis (2004) documented the playing

strategies and beliefs of blackjack players, and examined how the decision-making process in
  Big wins that occur early in the gambling process create mistaken expectations of winning and encourage
individuals to continue gambling even after suffering losses.
  An optimal blackjack strategy that maximises the player’s expected return in every possible scenario.
Zhihao Zhang 9

gambling is influenced by factors such as experience, beliefs, and the socio-cultural context

of gambling decisions. Commenting that prior research conducted in a real-world

environment was lacking, Bennis argued that individuals behave differently in the real world

as opposed to laboratory or classroom settings where “novice decision makers engaged in

artificial or inconsequential tasks” (Bennis, 2004, p. 8). After spending more than one and a

half years as a blackjack dealer and player, and conducting approximately two hundred

interviews with gambling specialists and gamblers, he found that the socio-cultural context is

crucial to understanding gamblers’ decision-making processes.

       After reviewing the literature, I find that much of the theory that incorporates

psychological tendencies in explaining how individuals behave under risk has primarily been

tested through experimental surveys and laboratory experiments. I propose that a casino

would be a better place to test these theories because it captures actual decision makers in a

real-world context. By observing blackjack players in Las Vegas casinos and using their

behaviour to test Thaler and Johnson’s (1990) house money effect and break even effect, I

hope to contribute towards the literature of decision-making under risk that has developed

from prospect theory.
Zhihao Zhang 10

3.     Methodology

       Since blackjack requires players to make a bet before seeing their cards, and

increasing or decreasing the amount bet can be viewed as varying the level of risk taken, I

was able to test the house money and break even effects in a real-world context by

unobtrusively observing 71 blackjack players and determining whether the amount they bet is

dependent on prior gains and losses. Additional details about my data collection process can

be found in Appendix I.

       Before delving into my model and stating my assumptions, I will first evaluate the

strengths and weaknesses of casino observations against standard laboratory experiments.

3.1    Evaluating Casino Observations against Laboratory Experiments

       There are several advantages to observing individuals in casinos as opposed to

conducting laboratory experiments. Firstly, casinos capture individuals in a habitual

environment. Unlike a laboratory, where the set up is contrived and participants may

consciously or subconsciously attempt to decipher the intent behind the experiment and give

the right answer, the individuals in my study did not know that they were being observed.

This guarantees that their behaviour models real life as closely as possible.

       Furthermore, a problem with laboratory experiments is that the participant pool is

usually limited by factors such as geographical location and level of remuneration. In

gambling-type experiments, this can result in novices – individuals with little experience and

knowledge of gambling – being put in unfamiliar situations and asked to make quick

determinations of how they would behave. This can result in inconsistent behaviour due to

inexperience. Casinos, on the other hand, capture individuals from various backgrounds who

usually have some gambling experience. They are likely to have a good understanding of the

game they are playing, leaving less ambiguity about whether they actually comprehend the

gamble being offered.
Zhihao Zhang 11

       Unlike laboratory experiments where getting compliant participants usually involves

limitations on the level of stakes, as witnessed in studies conducted by Thaler and Johnson

(1990), Lichtenstein and Slovic (1973), Dixon and Schreiber (2002) and Weatherly, Sauter,

and King (2004), casinos allow decision makers to be studied in a real-world context with

significant stakes on the line. While there is the option of conducting studies in less wealthy

subject populations such as third world countries, this might be less effective in dealing with

gambling-type problems where the ideal stakes are on one hand non-trivial, but on the other

hand not overly large. It is a difficult medium to achieve and ideal stakes clearly differs from

person to person. The advantage of casinos is that they offer varying levels of stakes. In Las

Vegas, blackjack stakes range from $3 minimums in smaller casinos to $25,000 maximums

in high-end casinos, and in between there are many $5, $10, $15, $25, $100 and $200

minimum bet tables. One would imagine that there is some self selection and individuals

typically choose to play at a table where the stakes are sufficiently non-trivial in that they

give them some excitement, but are not excessively high and over their heads.

       At the same time, there are disadvantages to observing individuals in casinos. Firstly,

there is a much greater chance that their decision-making could be affected by external

factors which are unobservable. Casinos offer complimentary drinks to all gamblers and

several of the individuals whom I observed consumed alcoholic beverages while at the table.

It is impossible to know how much alcohol they had consumed prior to arriving and to what

extent the alcohol was affecting their behaviour. This problem would be absent in a

laboratory setting. In casinos, betting behaviour can also be influenced by other people at the

table such as the dealer, a spouse, or other gamblers. A controlled laboratory setting has the

ability to remove all these factors, or add them if the experimenter so chooses.

       A disadvantage of casinos specific to my study is that it is likely that the individuals

observed had gambled recently and won or lost an indeterminate amount of money at another
Zhihao Zhang 12

table or casino. I was unable to collect any data on these prior wins or losses which could be

affecting their behaviour. In a laboratory setting, it is much less likely that participants would

have experienced recent gambling wins or losses and even if they had, they probably would

not take them into consideration when participating in the experiment.

         One final advantage of a laboratory is that it is possible to control the cards that the

player receives and to a certain extent, the outcome of the hands 3 . In my study, I had

substantially more observations of individuals who were winning since those who lost all

their chips would leave the table and my observations of them ceased. With greater control

over outcomes in a laboratory, it is possible to better control the number of hands that each

individual plays. Different situations can also be created to see how people react to them.

3.2      Basic Variables

               Variable        Description
               betsize         Amount bet (betting units)
               netgain         Net money won prior to player placing bet (betting units)

               up              1 if netgain > 0
               down            1 if netgain < 0
               middle          1 if 31st-60th hand played
               late            1 if > 60th hand played

         Note: I define a betting unit as the mode of all bets that an individual makes. 4 For

example, if an individual with a betting unit of $25 bets $100 and has won $400, betsize = 4

and netgain = 16. The reason for measuring true betsize and true netgain in betting units is

that a prior gain of $200 to a person betting $10 a hand should be treated differently than a

prior gain of $200 to a person betting $200 a hand. Normalising betsize prevents a few large

bettors from driving any of the effects.
  In blackjack, it is not possible to completely control the outcome of hands since the outcome is dependent on
player decisions. This could be solved in a laboratory by using a pre-programmed computer simulation.
  Using the mode bet might seem arbitrary, and so other definitions of a betting unit, such as median bet and 10th
percentile bet, are tested in the robustness section.
Zhihao Zhang 13

3.3    Simple Model

Model 1

       betsize = α + β1 * up * |netgain| + β2 * down * |netgain| + ε

       In this model, β1 captures the increase in amount bet (in betting units) when prior

gains increase by one betting unit. This represents the house money effect. β2 captures the

increase in amount bet (in betting units) when prior losses increase by one betting unit. This

represents the break even effect.

       Based on the house money and break even effects, I expect β1 and β2 to be positive

since this implies that people are betting proportionally more as they win more and

proportionally more as they lose more. I also expect β1 and β2 to be less than 1. If β1 is greater

than 1, this implies that individuals want to risk more than their prior gains. If β2 is greater

than 1, this implies that they want to risk more than required to break even. It would run

contrary to the house money and break even effects.

       Furthermore, when an individual is winning, the maximum amount they can bet is

equal to the sum of how much they have won and how much they initially started with. When

losing, the amount they can bet is limited by the amount of money they have left and other

bankroll constraints. Therefore, I expect β1 to be greater than β2.

       Even though normalising bets controls for bettors who are playing at different stakes,

there could be other factors which affect the betting patterns of individuals as alluded to by

Keren, Wagenaar and Pleit-Kuiper (1984) and Bennis (2004). To account for this, I also run

the regression while controlling for individual fixed effects. With a suitable sample size and

range of observations per individual, controlling for individual fixed effects should not affect

the signs or significance of my previous findings.
Zhihao Zhang 14

3.4    Advanced Models

Model 2

       A possible omitted variable in my simple model is the amount of time an individual

spends at the table. I thus add two dummy variables, middle and late, as indicators for the

number of hands played:

       betsize = α + β1 * up * |netgain| + β2 * down * |netgain| + β3 * middle + β4 * late + ε

       β1 and β2 capture the house money effect and break even effect respectively. β3

captures the increase in amount bet when individuals are playing their 31st - 60th hand

compared to their 1st – 30th hand. β4 captures the increase in amount bet when individuals are

playing any hand greater than their 60th hand compared to their 1st – 30th hand.

       I expect β3 and β4 to be positive, since there are several possible explanations why

individuals bet more the longer they are at a table. They might be consuming free cocktails

and find themselves under the influence of alcohol. They might be growing increasingly

desensitised to chip values and need to bet more to get the same amount of excitement as they

previously did. It is also possible that, after sitting down for a while and becoming more

comfortable at the table, they are influenced by other gamblers and feel a need to loosen up

and bet more. Given this logic, I would expect β4 to be greater than β3.

       In addition, since it would seem that individuals are more likely to have won or lost

larger amounts the longer they are at a table, i.e. middle and late are positively correlated

with up*|netgain| and down*|netgain|, the inclusion of middle and late will result in β1 and β2

being smaller compared to Model 1.

Model 3

       To test if an increase in amount bet the longer a person is at the table depends on

whether the individual is winning or losing money or is independent of prior outcomes, I

interact the late variable with gains and losses:
Zhihao Zhang 15

       betsize = α + β1 * up * |netgain| + β2 * down * |netgain| + β3 * late + β4 * up *

       |netgain| * late + β5 * down * |netgain| * late + ε

       Again, β1 and β2 capture the house money effect and break even effect respectively. β3

captures the increase in amount bet when individuals have played more than 60 hands and

netgain is 0. β4 captures the increase in amount bet when individuals have played more than

60 hands and netgain is positive. β5 captures the increase in amount bet when individuals

have played more than 60 hands and netgain is negative.

       In this model, if individuals are betting more solely because they are at a table for a

long time, then only β3 will be positive (out of β3, β4 and β5). I do not expect this to be the

case. Instead, I predict that β4 will be positive, since individuals who are winning after more

than 60 hands are more likely to have won a large amount of money, be desensitised to chip

values, and have the chips for bigger bets. If they are losing after 60 hands, while they could

be more desperate to get back to a break even level, they are more likely to have fewer chips

to bet and so β5 will be smaller than β4, but still positive. Using the same logic as in Model 2,

β1 and β2 should be smaller compared to Model 1.

3.5    Assumptions

       I make the following assumptions:

       1. Each time a person buys in for chips at a new table, they mentally account for it as

a new session, and isolate wins and losses of that session from any prior outcomes. This

assumption is grounded in Kahneman and Lovallo’s (1993) narrow framing where

individuals tend to evaluate gambles in isolation. In this case, the session, which starts when

they first join a table and buy in for chips and ends when they leave the table, is mentally

accounted for as a new session. They do not take into account any previous wins or losses

that might have occurred at other tables or in other casinos.
Zhihao Zhang 16

        2. My values for betsize are continuous. At first glance, betsize might seem to be

discrete, since the amount that individuals can bet is determined by the denomination of chips

in their possession, and casinos only have a set variety of chip denominations. The

individuals I observed mainly had $1, $5, $25 and $100 chips, with $1 chips typically only

coming into their possession when they bet an amount that ended in 5 ($15, $25, $45 etc.),

and were paid 1.5 times their bet after receiving a blackjack. 5 However, when normalising

bets by dividing an individual’s true betsize by their betting unit, I was able to obtain

reasonably continuous values for betsize.

        3. The relationship between betsize and netgain is linear and an OLS model suitably

approximates the house money and break even effects even though I am dealing with

censored data (betsize is always positive).

        4. The individuals I observed were not card counters. 6 Card counters do not take into

account prior gains or losses when betting. Instead, they vary their bets based on the

composition of the deck. This would introduce random shocks into my data. I tried to

eliminate the presence of card counters in my observations by counting cards myself and

discarding a player’s observations if I believed they were counting cards. This happened on

two occasions.

        5. The individuals I observed had some idea of how much they were winning or

losing. For individuals who arranged their chips in neat stacks and counted them periodically,

I could be reasonably sure that they knew how much they had won or lost. For others, it was

harder to ascertain, but I believe that gamblers generally keep track of how they are faring.

 A player gets dealt a blackjack approximately once every 21 hands.
 In blackjack, the casino has an edge in the long run due to the rules of the game. In any given situation,
however, the casino’s edge is based on the composition of the deck that has yet to be dealt. Card counters take
advantage of this by varying their bets based on the composition of the deck – systematically increasing their
bets when there are more 10 value cards and Aces left in the deck.
Zhihao Zhang 17

4.              Descriptive Statistics

                  Figure 3: Scatter plot of betsize against netgain with fitted lowess line

                  -50                                   0                                         50
                                                                     Lowess defined using bandwidth 0.8

                A preliminary look at my raw data in the form of a scatter plot of betsize against

netgain with a fitted lowess line shows a positive correlation between betsize and netgain

when netgain is positive. This indicates that individuals are betting more in the presence of

prior gains and supports the house money effect. When netgain is negative, the negative

correlation is slight and individuals do not seem to be betting more as they lose more to

increase their chances of returning to their break even point. While there is some evidence of

a break even effect, it is less conclusive.
Zhihao Zhang 18

                             Table 1: Basic Variables Summary Statistics
        Variable              Description            Obs.   Mean                Min.    Max.

        betsize      Amount bet (betting units7 )    3675   1.433    1.142      0.25    15.8
                       Net money won prior to
        netgain                                      3675   2.823    9.654      -52.8   51.5
                      placing bet (betting units)
           up               1 if netgain > 0         3675   0.587    0.492       0       1

         down               1 if netgain < 0         3675   0.358    0.479       0       1
        middle        1 if 31st – 60th hand played   3675   0.274    0.446       0       1
          late          1 if > 60th hand played      3675   0.212    0.409       0       1

           Note: 59% of the observations are of individuals who were winning (mean of up =

0.59). While this may seem counterintuitive since the casino has an edge in blackjack and one

would think that I should have more observations of people who are losing, I observe more

winners because individuals who were losing had shorter sessions. They often left the table

when they ran out of money, needed a break or wanted to “change up” their luck.

    Mode of bets that individual made.
Zhihao Zhang 19

                      Table 2: Interaction Terms Summary Statistics (Conditional)
          Variable                 Description       Obs.   Mean                  Min.   Max.

                                 Amount ahead
       up * |netgain|                                2157   7.559    8.833       0.033   51.5
                               (given netgain > 0)
                                 Amount behind
     down * |netgain|                                1314   4.514    6.382       0.067   52.8
                               (given netgain < 0)
                                 Amount ahead
    up * |netgain| * late                            484    12.38    12.05       0.033   51.5
                                given > 60th hand
                                 Amount behind
  down * |netgain| * late                            281    7.308    11.57        0.2    52.8
                                given > 60th hand

        Summary statistics of the interaction terms conditional on the interaction terms being

positive are shown in Table 2.

        The summary statistic of ( up * |netgain| ) indicates that there are 2157 observations

when a player is winning, with a mean win of 7.6 betting units. The maximum win is 51.5

betting units.

        The summary statistic of ( down * |netgain| ) indicates that are 1314 observations

when a player is losing, with a mean loss of 4.5 betting units. The maximum loss is 52.8

betting units.

        The summary statistic of ( up * |netgain| * late ) indicates that there are 484

observations when a player is winning after playing more than 60 hands, with a mean win of

12.4 betting units.

        The summary statistic of ( down * |netgain| * late ) indicates that there are 281

observations when a player is losing after playing more than 60 hands, with a mean loss of

7.3 betting units.
Zhihao Zhang 20

        A further breakdown of the 2157 observations where ( up * |netgain| > 0 )

                Table 3: Distribution of |netgain| when ( up * |netgain| ) > 0
  |netgain|       0-5      5-10    10-15    15-20      20-25   25-30   30-35     35-40   40-55

Observations      1195     478      176       95        78      59       23       24      29

 Percentage       55%      22%      8%       4%         4%      3%      1%        1%      1%

      A further breakdown of the 1314 observations where ( down * |netgain| > 0 )

               Table 4: Distribution of |netgain| when ( down * |netgain| ) > 0
  |netgain|       0-5      5-10    10-15    15-20      20-25   25-30   30-35     35-40   40-55

Observations      989      203       68       27        3       3        1        6       14

 Percentage       75%      15%      5%       2%        0.2%    0.2%    0.1%      0.5%     1%

       Even though the magnitude of the largest win and loss is approximately equal, Tables

3 and 4 indicate that there is a much wider range of observations when individuals are

winning. When winning, 55% of wins are less than or equal to 5 betting units and 10% are

greater than 20 betting units. In comparison, 75% of losses are less than or equal to 5 betting

units and only 2% are greater than 20 betting units.

       A further analysis of the data shows that one individual accounts for 8% of total

losing observations and is responsible for all 23 observations of losses greater than 26.5

betting units. In comparison, seven individuals are responsible for the 126 observations of

gains greater than 26.5 betting units. This suggests that one individual may be driving the

break even effect. I will acknowledge this in the robustness checks section.
Zhihao Zhang 21

5.     Findings

       OLS regressions on the three models yield the following results:

5.1    Model 1 Results

       betsize = α + β1 * up * |netgain| + β2 * down * |netgain| + ε

       As shown in Table 6 column 1, both β1 and β2 are positive and statistically significant.

This supports the house money and break even effects. The magnitudes of the coefficients

suggest that while the house money effect (β1 = 0.08) is economically significant, the break

even effect (β2 = 0.02) is less so. These coefficients can be interpreted as follows: A person

with a betting unit of $10 increases the amount they bet by $8 when the amount they are

winning increases by $100, but only increases it by $2 when the amount they are losing

increases by $100.

       After controlling for individual fixed effects, β1 is still positive and significant but β2

is no longer statistically significant (Table 6 column 2). A possible explanation for the break

even effect losing statistical significance is that among individuals who experience losses,

there are few observations of individuals who have a large range of net losses. Most

individuals hover around small net losses. In addition, one individual accounts for all 23

losses greater than 26.5 betting units.

5.2    Model 2 Results

       betsize = α + β1 * up * |netgain| + β2 * down * |netgain| + β3 * middle + β4 * late + ε

       As hypothesised, β1 and β2 are smaller than in Model 1 (Table 6 column 3). The

reduction, however, is slight and β1 and β2 are still positive and significant, which is in line

with the house money and break even effects. When individual fixed effects are controlled for

(Table 6 column 4), β4 is significant and large (0.305). This supports the notion that the

longer a person is at a table (as defined by a session that lasts for more than 60 hands), the
Zhihao Zhang 22

more they bet. This is not so for β3 which might suggest that the 31st – 60th hand is not a good

measure of a milestone length at the table.

5.3    Model 3 Results

       betsize = α + β1 * up * |netgain| + β2 * down * |netgain| + β3 * late + β4 * up *

       |netgain| * late + β5 * down * |netgain| * late + ε

       Without controlling for individual fixed effects, β3 and β5 are not significant (Table 6

column 5). This suggests that the number of hands played does not affect the amount bet by

someone who is even or is losing money. β4 is positive and significant (0.031). Combined

with the findings on β3 and β5, this suggests that when winning, individuals who play more

than 60 hands increase their amount bet by 0.031 of a betting unit for a one betting unit

increase in winning, compared to if they play 60 or fewer hands. When summed with β1, this

suggests that when winning, individuals who play more than 60 hands increase their amount

bet by 0.088 of a betting unit for a one betting unit increase in winning. While the estimator

for β2 is very similar to Models 1 and 2, β1 is smaller in magnitude but still positive and

significant. This indicates that the house money effect still applies to individuals who are

playing 60 or fewer hands. Controlling for individual fixed effects yields similar results

(Table 6 column 6).
Zhihao Zhang 23

6.     Robustness Checks

       As mentioned in the descriptive statistics section, one individual accounts for 8% of

total losing observations and is responsible for all 23 observations of losses greater than 26.5

betting units. He appears to be an outlier. To determine whether he is driving the break even

effect, I drop all 113 observations of his play and re-run the regressions in Models 1, 2 and 3

(Table 7). β2 remains positive and significant, and actually increases in magnitude, lending

support to the break even effect.

       At first glance, there appears to be selection bias because there are significantly more

observations when people are winning. This should not substantially affect estimates of the

house money and break even effects because my models essentially estimates the two effects

separately by looking at them conditional on an individual winning or losing. But if there is a

fundamental difference between people who are winning and people who are losing, the

house money effect that I find would only apply to “winners” and the break even effect to

“losers.” One such difference could be skill level. Blackjack, however, is a game of chance

and card counters aside, the difference in the expected returns of a great player and an

average player is marginal. Over a single session, the main factor driving outcomes is not

skill, but cards received – an aspect that is completely random. There is very little

fundamental difference between individuals who are winning and losing. Bias in this form is

not a problem.

       There could, however, be a fundamental difference between individuals who play

fewer hands and individuals who play more hands. Given that the casino has an edge in

blackjack, I am likely to have fewer observations of individuals who bet larger amounts when

winning and losing, since they are more likely to lose all their chips and leave the table. It is

also possible that risk-seeking individuals buy in for smaller amounts (in terms of betting

units), and are thus more likely to lose all their chips. Following this same line of thought, I
Zhihao Zhang 24

will have more observations of individuals who bet the same amount regardless of how much

they are winning or losing, and conservative people who buy in for larger amounts (in terms

of betting units). This results in a form of selection bias that could lead to the underestimation

of the house money and break even effects, since individuals who exhibit this behaviour have

fewer observations and are under-represented in my data compared to individuals who bet

conservatively and play numerous hands.

       To account for the fact that certain types of individuals play more hands than others, a

regression is run where observations are weighted by the number of hands an individual plays.

As shown in Table 8 column 1, β1 and β2 remain identical in sign and significance, and

similar in magnitude to my previous regressions. Another regression is run where the data is

restricted such that only the first 30 hands are included (i.e. middle = 0 and late = 0). If an

individual plays less than 30 hands, all their hands are included. By focusing only on the first

30 hands, this gives equal weighting to all individuals while allowing enough hands to gain

some variation in netgain. For this restricted regression, β1 and β2 are 0.098 and 0.041

respectively without controlling for individual fixed effects and β1 is 0.088 when controlling

for fixed effects (Table 8 columns 2 and 3). The estimators are statistically and economically

significant, and lend strong support for the house money effect and break even effect.

       To deal with the arbitrary use of 30 and 60 hands as cut-off points for the middle and

late variables, I replace the middle and late variables with a more general proxy for time

spent at the table. I choose two variables – ln(hands) and (hands)0.5 where hands is how many

hands an individual has played when making their bet. The reason for using such functional

forms is the belief that the relationship between betsize and hands is a concave function. This

would seem reasonable since there is an upper limit to how much someone can bet no matter

how many hands they have played. The results are almost identical to the regressions using

the middle and late variables (Table 9).
Zhihao Zhang 25

       Another concern is that the outcome of the previous hand could affect betsize if

gamblers are superstitious or follow betting systems that encourage people to press their bets

when winning. My estimates for the house money and break even effects will only be biased,

however, if the outcome of the previous hand is correlated with netgain. The outcome of the

previous hand should be largely uncorrelated with netgain but to account for this, I create a

dummy variable called win_previous_hand and include it in the original regressions.

win_previous_hand takes on a value of 1 if the previous hand resulted in a win and a value of

0 if it resulted in a tie or push or was the first hand played. As shown in Table 10, β1 and β2

are similar to the original regressions. The coefficients of win_previous_hand in the various

regressions indicate that winning the previous hand results in individuals increasing the

amount they bet by around 0.25 betting units. It is both statistically and economically

significant and supports the notion that gamblers tend to press their bets when they have won

the previous hand.

       Lastly, the definition of a betting unit could affect the magnitudes of the house money

and break even effects. This is because the definition of a betting unit scales netgain and

betsize for different individuals in a different manner. I chose mode bet in an attempt to

reflect the psychology of gamblers who might view increased or decreased risk-taking

relative to their most common bet. This might not necessarily be true. In Tables 11 to 20, all

the regressions are re-run using alternate definitions of a betting unit. In Tables 11 to 15, a

betting unit is defined as the 10th percentile bet and in Tables 16 to 20, a betting unit is

defined as the median bet. The results are largely similar in sign and significance to the

previous regressions although there is some variation in magnitude of estimators because of

Zhihao Zhang 26

7.      Conclusion

        Many economists have attempted to model how individuals behave under risk.

Building on prospect theory, Thaler and Johnson (1990) propose that in the presence of a

prior gain, individuals exhibit increased risk-seeking behaviour (house money effect), and in

the presence of a prior loss, favour gambles that offer the possibility of returning to their

break even level (break even effect). I test these two effects by observing 71 people play

blackjack in various Las Vegas casinos. Using an OLS model with estimators that capture the

house money and break even effects, I determine whether individuals bet proportionally more

when winning more (house money effect), and proportionally more when losing more (break

even effect).

        My findings indicate that the house money effect is statistically and economically

significant. The break even effect is less conclusive due to limitations in my data. Economic

significance is only achieved when observations are restricted to reduce selection bias, which

occurs because individuals who try to get back to a break even level by betting larger

amounts are more likely to lose all their chips and have fewer observations than individuals

who continue to bet small amounts. Furthermore, when individual fixed effects are controlled

for, the break even effect loses statistical significance because of the lack of observations of

multiple individuals over a range of losses. Two other findings of note are that individuals bet

significantly more after winning the previous hand, and when winning, bet larger amounts the

more hands they have played. There could be a variety of explanations for these findings but

without interviewing players or collaborating with casinos, it would be difficult to pinpoint

these explanations since extensive table conditions data is necessary.

        I will now discuss the broader implications of my findings. While the wealth levels of

the individuals I observed were not known, it would be fair to assume that any bets they made,

and gains or losses they experienced, were small fractions of their total wealth. Expected
Zhihao Zhang 27

utility theory would predict risk neutrality and that the amount bet is largely independent of

prior gains or losses. My findings, however, support prospect theory and the idea that utility

is a function of net gains and losses relative to a reference point rather than final assets.

       Gambling experts often point to poor money management as the main reason why

people suffer gambling losses. They claim that people start betting more when they are ahead

and eventually lose all their winnings. When they are behind, they chase their losses by

betting even more. It appears that this perceived lack of money management can be traced

back to the house money and break even effects – rationalisable behaviour governing

decision-making under risk.

       From the casino’s perspective, the house money and break even effects are highly

beneficial. Casinos have an edge in all casino games and their expected win is simply a

function of the amount bet. The larger the amount bet, the more the casino is expected to win.

Since the house money and break even effects propose that players bet proportionally more

when they are both winning more and losing more, it is advantageous to the casino. In

addition, given that people who are winning bet more the longer they are at the table, casinos

should try to keep winning gamblers at the table for as long as possible – something I am

confident they already know.

       Finally, I will highlight the limitations of my study. One limitation is that I did not

have a wide range of observations from individuals who were losing money and one

individual accounted for all 23 observations of losses greater than 26.5 betting units. Given

my method of casino observations, it might be difficult to gather data that would support the

break even effect at an individual level because if it were to hold, one would expect to see

individuals with large losses betting large amounts with two likely outcomes. The first is that

they lose and leave the table because they are out of money. The second is that they win and

gets back to a break even level. In both cases, the number of observations where the player
Zhihao Zhang 28

has a net loss is limited, and unless an individual has deep enough pockets to sustain a wide

range of losses and chooses to stay at the same table, there would be insufficient observations.

       Another limitation of my data collection is that I did not account for tipping. I simply

looked at how much an individual bet and the outcome of the hand, and calculated how much

they had won or lost prior to making each bet. In blackjack, players occasionally tip the

dealer and cocktail waitresses. This affects the amount of money they have in front of them,

which in turn affects how much they bet since a player is typically not keeping track of wins

ands losses, net of tips. While total tips rarely added up to more than 1 betting unit, they

could have been recorded for greater accuracy.

       Lastly, without interviewing players or cooperating with casinos, I was unable to

gather any data on an individual’s wins or losses prior to sitting down at the table. While

narrow framing is assumed, it is hard to determine the extent to which it holds. It would be

interesting to see how players’ bets change as they move from table to table. Do they factor in

previous wins or losses into their bets at a new table in the same casino or do they believe

that this table change makes it an entirely new gamble?

       Much of the theory governing decision-making under risk has not been tested in a

real-world context. Observing individuals in a habitual environment offers many advantages

over laboratory experiments in capturing decision-making behaviour. Given that lotteries and

gambles form the basis of many experimental findings, casinos seem a logical place to

investigate decision-making in risky situations. If tapped properly, they can provide a great

avenue for further research.
Zhihao Zhang 29

Appendix I                 Data Collection Process

         I observed 71 people play 3675 hands of blackjack in various casinos on the Las

Vegas Strip. Table minimums included $5, $10, $15, $25, $50, $100 and $200, and the types

of blackjack included single deck, double deck, automatic shuffler and six deck. When I

noticed someone sit down at a blackjack table and exchange cash for chips, I would casually

walk over and stand behind the table - observing play from the individual’s first bet till they

left the table. In casinos, it is very common for people to watch others gamble. Apart from

being carded to make sure that I was not underage, I encountered no resistance from any

casino personnel. While carrying out my observations, I did not communicate with any of the

gamblers at the table and received no complaints. For each player, the amount bet and the

outcome of all hands played were recorded using the text messaging function of a cell phone.

The size of the bet was entered and followed by the relevant hand outcome code:

         . = wins 1 bet

         .. = wins 2 bets (and so on)

         , = loses 1 bet

         ,, = loses 2 bets (and so on)

         ’ = gain of 0 (push)

         ? = wins 1.5 bets (blackjack)

         s = loses 0.5 bets (surrender 8 )

         If insurance 9 was purchased, an ‘i’ was recorded and the outcome of the insurance bet

was entered first, followed by the outcome of the hand. If insurance was taken for less than

half the original bet, the insurance amount was recorded after the ‘i’.

  If surrender is allowed, the player may opt for it after the dealer has checked for a blackjack. If a player
chooses to surrender, they lose half their original bet and the hand is over.
  A player is given the option to purchase insurance (typically half the original bet but it can be taken for less)
when the dealer is showing an Ace. If the dealer has a blackjack, the player wins two times the insurance bet but
loses the hand (or pushes if the player also has a blackjack).
Zhihao Zhang 30

         If an individual played two separate hands during the same round, a ‘d’ was recorded

after the bet amount of one of the hands (assuming they were equal) and the overall outcome

was coded as a gain corresponding to that one hand bet. If the bets on each hand were not

equal, they were entered as two separate hands and a ‘j’ was recorded after the result of the

second hand. When analysing the data, the amount bet was computed as the sum of both bets.

         While carrying out my observations, I kept a running count of the deck to try and

identify card counters. 10 If I suspected that an individual was counting cards, I discarded all

observations of them. Finally, at the conclusion of each individual’s session and with the

observations still fresh in my mind, I looked over the raw data on my cell phone and

corrected any typos. Given the cell phone key pad and how its text messaging function

worked, these typos were usually very obvious.

   I used a Hi-Opt I count which assigns +1 to card values 3 through 6 and -1 to 10-value cards. A separate count
is kept for Aces.
Zhihao Zhang 31

                           Table 5: Summary Statistics

   Variable                  Description                Mean                  Min.    Max.

                            Amount bet
   betsize                                              1.433    1.142       0.25     15.8
                     (betting unit = mode bet)
                Net money won prior to placing bet
   netgain                                              2.823    9.654       -52.8    51.5
                     (betting unit = mode bet)
     up                   1 if netgain > 0              0.587    0.492         0       1
    down                  1 if netgain < 0              0.358    0.479         0       1

   middle           1 if 31st – 60th hand played        0.274    0.446         0       1
     late             1 if > 60th hand played           0.212    0.409         0       1
                  1 if player won previous hand         0.432    0.495         0       1
                            Amount bet
 betsize_10                                             1.632    1.203       0.25     15.8
                 (betting unit = 10th percentile bet)
                Net money won prior to placing bet
 netgain_10                                             3.134    10.28       -52.8    51.5
                 (betting unit = 10th percentile bet)
                            Amount bet
 betsize_med                                            1.168    0.642       0.25      8
                    (betting unit = median bet)
                Net money won prior to placing bet
netgain_med                                             1.766    6.211       -31.7    25.8
                    (betting unit = median bet)
                                                                            3675 observations
Zhihao Zhang 32

                              Table 6: OLS Regressions (betting unit = mode bet)

                                             Dependent Variable: betsize

Variable                      (1)              (2)          (3)              (4)         (5)        (6)
up * |netgain|                0.075***         0.057***     0.073***         0.051***    0.057***   0.033***
(house money effect)          (14.20)          (17.60)      (13.62)          (14.74)     (9.12)     (8.02)

down * |netgain|              0.018***          0.005       0.016***          -0.0006    0.017***   -0.007
(break even effect)           (4.88)            (1.07)      (4.10)            (0.12)     (2.67)     (0.80)

middle                                                      -0.097**          -0.049
                                                            (2.48)            (1.18)

late                                                        0.156***          0.305***   0.016      0.099*
                                                            (3.06)            (5.57)     (0.29)     (1.65)

up * |netgain| * late                                                                    0.031***   0.033***
                                                                                         (2.94)     (7.26)

down * |netgain| * late                                                                  -0.001     0.010
                                                                                         (0.17)     (1.11)

R2                            0.2451            0.2432      0.2509            0.2424     0.2605     0.2508

Individual Fixed Effects      NO                YES         NO                YES        NO         YES
No. of Observations           3675              3675        3675              3675       3675       3675

*** Significant at 1% level   ** Significant at 5% level    * Significant at 10% level
Zhihao Zhang 33

                     Table 7: OLS Regressions Dropping ‘Big Loser’ (betting unit = mode bet)

                                              Dependent Variable: betsize

Variable                       (1)              (2)          (3)              (4)         (5)        (6)
up * |netgain|                 0.075***         0.056***     0.074***         0.050***    0.057***   0.033***
(house money effect)           (14.03)          (17.32)      (13.43)          (14.26)     (9.12)     (7.94)

down * |netgain|               0.026***          0.0004      0.028***          0.003      0.019***   -0.005
(break even effect)            (4.26)            (0.05)      (4.33)            (0.35)     (2.79)     (0.52)

middle                                                       -0.100**          -0.032
                                                             (2.43)            (0.75)

late                                                         0.162***          0.320***   -0.018     0.120*
                                                             (3.13)            (5.73)     (0.27)     (1.84)

up * |netgain| * late                                                                     0.033***   0.033***
                                                                                          (2.98)     (6.98)

down * |netgain| * late                                                                   0.018      -0.008
                                                                                          (1.03)     (0.40)

R2                             0.2522            0.2492      0.2583            0.2473     0.2680     0.2569

Individual Fixed Effects       NO                YES         NO                YES        NO         YES
No. of Observations            3562              3562        3562              3562       3562       3562

*** Significant at 1% level    ** Significant at 5% level    * Significant at 10% level
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