The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit

Page created by Dennis Mcdaniel
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit

The European event
fostering innovation in
the healthy ageing sector

                                          28 & 29
                                          Nice, France
                                          4th edition

        @AgeingFit | AgeingFit Event
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
                                   WE ARE THE LINK

                                                                                                                         Thank you for joining us and welcome to Nice for the 4th edition of AgeingFit, the first European
                                                                                                                         event dedicated to innovation in the healthy ageing sector.

                                                                                                                         Since its creation in 2017, AgeingFit gathers over 550 attendees from more than 25 countries
                                                                                                                         representing healthy ageing companies, retirement and care homes, hospitals, healthcare
                                                                                                                         system payers, research institutes, associations, clusters as well as investors.

                                                                                                                         The AgeingFit 2020 conference programme is designed to address the main issues of the
                                                                                                                         healthy ageing sector and the senior care market. You can find a detailed agenda in the
                                                                                                                         following pages. This year, you will be able to meet care homes in a dedicated meeting
                                                                                                                         area. We also invite you to spend time in the exhibition area to exchange with key players of
                                                                                                                         the sector, and listen to the pitch sessions to discover the latest innovations dedicated to
                                                                                                                         improving the everyday lives of ageing people.

                                                                                                                         We wish you a fruitful and enjoyable event, full of meetings and partnerships, and we hope to
                                                                                                                         see you next year in Lille on January 26th & 27th, 2021 for the 5th edition of AgeingFit, for even
                                                                                                                         more meetings, deals and discoveries of innovations in the healthy ageing sector!

                                                                                                                                         Sébastien Podevyn              Émilie Royere                   Étienne Vervaecke
                                                                                                                                         General Manager                General Manager                 General Manager
                                                                                                                                         FRANCE SILVER ÉCO              Eurobiomed                      Eurasanté & Clubster NHL

    AÉSIO is the merger of the mutual companies ADRÉA,
    APRÉVA and EOVI MCD with the aim of forging an
    even stronger link between our members and us.
           Groupe AÉSIO, Union Mutualiste de Groupe soumise aux dispositions du Livre I du code de la Mutualité
           Immatriculée sous le n° 821 965 241 - Siège social : 25 place de la Madeleine - 75008 PARIS - Enregistrée à
           l’ORIAS en tant que mandataire d’assurance sous le n°16006968. Informations disponibles sur
           Crédit photo Alexis Raimbault. Document non contractuel à caractère publicitaire. Ref : 20-023-3              Institutional Partners:

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
     AGEINGFIT                      AgeingFit is the first European event
                                    entirely dedicated to innovation in
                                                                                    Organisers.............................................................................. 6
     AT A GLANCE                    the healthy ageing sector, gathering
                                    all actors in the innovation cycle from         Steering Committee................................................................. 8
                                    research to market, along with the key          Sponsors................................................................................ 11
                                    players in regulation and evaluation with
                                    the objectives to identify tomorrow’s           AGENDA................................................................................ 12
                                    market needs and to promote today’s
                                    innovative products and services for the
                                                                                    HOSTED EVENTS AGENDA.................................................... 14
                                    senior care market.
                                                                                    One-to-one meetings................................................................ 17
                                                                                    Meet the care homes............................................................... 18

                                                                                    INNOVATION PITCHES                                                                       20

                                                                                    Plenary session....................................................................... 23
                                                                                    Track 1: The European senior care market challenges................ 24
                                                                                    Track 2: Connected healthy ageing........................................... 26
                            AGEINGFIT 2020                                          Track 3: Innovative prevention through nutrition for healthy ageing. 28
                                                                                    Track 4: Innovation in long-term care institutions........................ 30
                            KEY FIGURES                                             Track 5: Innovation for ageing well at home............................... 32

                                                                                    HOSTED EVENTS
                                                                                    VivaLab conference - Carsat Sud-Est..........................................34
                                                                                    Challenge for a Nice Life.......................................................... 35
                                                                                    Aésio Conference.................................................................... 36
      550    PARTICIPANTS
                             25+    COUNTRIES
                                    REPRESENTED        75     SPEAKERS
                                                                                    IGAM Congress....................................................................... 37

                                                                                    Exhibitor list & Floor plan.......................................................... 38
      50   EXHIBITORS
                             16   INNOVATION
                                  PITCHES           1,500+             ONE-TO-ONE
                                                                       MEETINGS     Exhibitor descriptions............................................................... 40

                                                                                    Sponsors................................................................................ 49
44                                                                                  Partners.................................................................................. 50   5
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
    EURASANTÉ | @Eurasante
    Eurasanté is a technology transfer tool, an incubator, an accelerator and a cluster
    manager in the Health field in Northern France. Eurasanté assists French and
    foreign companies, entrepreneurs, scientists and clinicians with their innovation
    and development projects. The region includes over 1,000 healthcare companies
    with 30,800 employees in this sector. Eurasanté also organises four international
    healthcare-related partnering events that aim to increase and improve interaction
    between academia and industry: BioFIT (Life Sciences), MedFIT (MedTech,
    Diagnostic, Digital Health), NutrEvent (Food, Feed, Nutrition, Health) and AgeingFit
    (Healthy Ageing).

                                                                                           Welcome to | @Francesilvereco
    FRANCE SILVER ÉCO was set up in 2009, as an initiative of the Ministry of the
    Economy with the support of the Ministry of Health. The association brings
    together all stakeholders in the healthy ageing sector, both private and public.
                                                                                           The South Region and the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis are attractive
    Its missions: to promote and lead the Silver economy sector, to develop
                                                                                           for the Silver Economy and Health. They boost strong expertise in
    collaboration between public and private actors in the Silver Economy community
                                                                                           technologies (software, IoT...), structuring projects, pilot care institutes.
    at both national and international levels, to engage in lobbying, to help the French
                                                                                           The senior population comes to Provence in search of products and
    territories in organising their own strategy regarding the Silver economy and to
                                                                                           services related to healthy ageing (leisure, housing...) and the area is
    develop an Observatory of the sector.
                                                                                           also a great tourist attraction. Over recent years, regional initiatives
                                                                                           have been launched in order to identify and gather the various players
    EUROBIOMED | @PoleEurobiomed                                                   with the aim of anticipating the expected growth of this new economy.
    Founded in 2009, Eurobiomed tops European rankings in all stages of innovation:
    Education, basic, translational and clinical research, technological innovation        Today, the South Region is a key player in the Silver Economy, with a rich,
    centres, start-ups and industrial success stories. Together, the 280 Eurobiomed        diverse and innovative ecosystem that contributes to the development
    members are a driving force in regional development and offers solutions for           and expansion of a sector, benefiting from a significant senior population
    businesses and research organisations in the health sector to help them innovate,      and a mild, sunny climate.
    finance, develop and achieve their strategic and business objectives.

    CLUBSTER NHL | @ClubsterNSL
    Clubster NHL is the only competitiveness cluster where the challenges of ageing
    and longevity are at the heart of its strategy. It federates a network of 350
    members committed to innovation in health and nutrition.

6                                                                                                                                                                          7
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
Download the «Inova Event» app
                 STEERING COMMITTEE                                                                                 to receive your agenda updates
                                                                                                             Organise your agenda | Request and manage mee�ngs | Mobile messaging

    INDUSTRY                           ACADEMIA                      CLUSTERS, ASSOCIATIONS,
                                                                          CARE HOMES

      Filippo Cavallo
      Assistant Professor                Eric Boulanger
      The Bio Robotics Institute         Professor in Ageing                  Christine Asbury
      CEO                                Biology and Geriatrics               Chief Executive
      CoRobotics                         University of Lille                  WCS Care

                                         François Puisieux
      Jean-François Delage               Deputy Head of the                   Karina Marcus
      VP Innovation & Research           Gerontology Unit                     Science Officer
      McCain                             Lille University Hospital            COST Association

                                         Astrid Stuckelberger
      Laurent Levasseur                  President                            Anne-Sophie Parent
      CEO                                Geneva International                 Director
      Bluelinea                          Network on Ageing                    Age Platform Europe

      Lise Pape                                                               Sébastien Podevyn
      CEO                              INVESTORS                              General Manager
      Walk With Path               & HEALTH INSURERS                          France Silver Éco

                                                                                                                             Running out of battery?
      Antonio Remartinez
      Strategic Consultant               Ingrid Rayez                         Emilie Royere
      Health and Social                  Director, Venture                    General Manager
      Sectors                            LBO France                           Eurobiomed

                                          Charlotte Krieg
      Jesús Valero Congil                 Innovation, Prevention             Jan Sikkema
      Health Unit Director                and Services Manager               Business Development Director
      Tecnalia                            Eovi Mcd                           Healthy Ageing Campus

      Joris Wiersinga                                                         Etienne Vervaecke
      Founder & CEO                                                           General Manager
      SilverFit                                                               Eurasanté & Clubster NHL
                                                                                                                 Come to the partnering desk to borrow a powerbank!
8                                                                                                                                                                                   9
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
                                                                                                    PLATINUM SPONSOR

                                                                     The AÉSIO group, leader in the health insurance solutions, is established in 2016 across
                                                                     the union of Adréa, Apréva and Eovi Mcd. Thanks to the mobilization of teams and the
                                                                     complementarity of networks, Aésio currently protects 3 million people, including 40,000
                                                                     The Group has one ambition which supporting its members at every stage of their life, by
                                                                     offering them comprehensive insurance and service solutions that meet their needs today
                                                                     while anticipating those to come.
                                                                     These solutions are designed with all the partners on a cooperative basis, as close as possible
                                                                     to the people needs, to allow them to live in better health and, beyond that, to live better.
                                                                     The creation of the mutual benefit insurance company, Aésio also provides greater financial
                                                                     solidity, giving mutual health insurers the margins for their development and transformation.
                                                                     This structure must also result in renewed capacities with the aim of meeting in particular the
                                                                     challenges of access for all to quality care, aging and the chronicisation of diseases.

                                                                                                      BRONZE SPONSOR

     Pioneering nutritional solutions                      
     for patients and healthy agers,                                 Founded in 1993 in Kraków, established in France since 2006, Comarch is an editor, integrator,
                                                                     and host of IT solutions, and has 6,500 employees worldwide. Comarch Healthcare offers
     helping them to live longer and                                 telemedicine solutions: remote monitoring, teleconsultation, EHR, HIS and also hosting (HDS).
     healthier lives                                                 280 European medical entities use these solutions and in Poland, a private hospital with 100
                                                                     doctors is integrated with Comarch campus to develop tomorrow’s healthcare solutions.
         Dedicated Medical and Healthy Ageing
         Nutrition business unit
         Formulation, nutrition, sales, supply                                                  CONTRIBUTING SPONSOR
         chain, and marketing expertise
         Unmatched ingredients, made with care
         Pioneering nutritional solutions                  
                                                                     Fonterra is a global dairy nutrition company owned by 10,000 farmers.
                                                                     We’re a world leading dairy exporter – shaping the industry in quality and innovation. We share
     Contact us on our website so an NZMP expert can get in touch!   the goodness of dairy nutrition with the world through our brands, farming and processing
10                                                    operations across four continents.                                                                11
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
AGENDA                                                                                                                         AGENDA
                                                 DAY ONE | Tuesday, January 28th                                                                                   DAY TWO | Wednesday, January 29th

                                        Conferences                                      Side activities   Networking                                               Conferences                                     Side activities   Networking
 8.30 am                                                                                                                8.30 am
 9.00 am                              NAME BADGE PICKUP & WELCOME COFFEE                                                9.00 am                                                     WELCOME COFFEE

                    CALLIOPE ROOM                          URANIE ROOM                                                                     CALLIOPE ROOM                               URANIE ROOM                  INNOV’AREA
              Inside look at wearables and             To what extent are local                                                     Building new smart homes or                 How to develop a precision-
 9.00 am     data: Which potential to tackle          authorities across Europe                                         9.00 am      focusing on retrofit: How to             based approach to nutrition and
                                                                                                                        10.00 am
 10.15 am   the loss of physical, cognitive or       the key scale to enable the                                                     design and deliver housing                 nutrient intakes considering
             psychosocial autonomy of an            independent living of older                                                     older people want and need?               the diversity of the older adults’
                   ageing population?                      adults at home?                                                                                                              population?
                                                                                         EXHIBITION AREA                                                                                                            EXHIBITION AREA
 10.15 am                                                                                                               10.00 am
 11.00 am                          NET WORKING BREAK                                        Meet the
                                                                                                                        10.45 am                              NET WORKING BREAK                                        Meet the
                                                                                           care homes                                                                                                                 care homes

                                                            CALLIOPE ROOM                                                                    CALLIOPE ROOM                              URANIE ROOM
                                                                                                                                     From bench to bedside: How
 11.00 am
                                                    PLENARY SESSION                                                     10.45 am
                                                                                                                        11.45 am
                                                                                                                                    to go from a European funded
                                                                                                                                                                               Which innovations to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                and manage care workers
 12.30 pm                 How can healthcare innovations be faster scaled across Europe                                             research project to the market
                                                                                                                                                                                   occupational risks?
                                             in the Silver Economy?                                                                    in the senior care sector?

                                                                                                                                             CALLIOPE ROOM                              URANIE ROOM
                                                                                                                                   Technology and collaborative working       Which innovative food services
 12.30 pm                                                                                                               11.45 am
 2.00 pm                                             LUNCH                                                              12.45 pm
                                                                                                                                     between hospitals and care homes:
                                                                                                                                                                                and distribution channels to
                                                                                                                                       Which opportunities to enable
                                                                                                                                   enhanced clinical interventions for care   cater for older adults’ nutritional
                   CALLIOPE ROOM                           URANIE ROOM                                                                       home residents?                           needs at home?
 2.00 pm     How to better mobilise public         How are care homes evolving                                                                                                                                                         meetings
                                                                                                                        12.45 pm
 3.00 pm      and private investment for            and innovating to provide                                           2.00 pm                                                  LUNCH
             healthy ageing innovation at            long-term care at home?
                   European scale?                                                                                                                               CALLIOPE ROOM                                      INNOV’AREA
                                                                                                                        2.00 pm
                   CALLIOPE ROOM                           URANIE ROOM                                                  3.00 pm
                 How are the growth and                                                                                            Digitally-enabled prevention: How are we moving to proactive care                   Pitches
                                                     Cognitive decline: Which
 3.00 pm     consolidation of long-term care                                                                                               models and delaying the onset of older adults’ frailty?
 4.00 pm
                                                     strategies to enhance the                             One-to-one
            providers in Europe leveraging the                                                                          3.00 pm
                                                   adoption of a healthy ageing                             meetings
             construction of an international                                                                           3.30 pm
                                                   diet as a preventive strategy?
                   senior care market?
                                                                                                                        3.30 pm
                                                                                         EXHIBITION AREA                4.00 pm                                        NET WORKING BREAK
 4.00 pm
 4.30 pm                           NET WORKING BREAK                                        Meet the
                                                                                           care homes                                                             CALLIOPE ROOM                                     INNOV’AREA
                                                                                                                        4.00 pm
                                       CALLIOPE ROOM                                      INNOV’AREA                    4.30 pm    Looking ahead to senior care market access strategy and regulatory                   Award
                                                                                                                                      constraints: How to ensure their early integration in the R&D
 4.30 pm      How is digital health transforming the relationships between                 Innovation                   4.30 pm                         projects’ development?
 6.00 pm     patients and residents, health professionals and informal carers?               Pitches                    5.00 pm

                                                                                                                                                Track 1: The European senior care market challenges
                                                                                                                                                Track 2: Connected healthy ageing
 6.30 pm                                                  VINTAGE PARTY                                                                         Track 3: Innovative prevention through nutrition for healthy ageing
                                                                                                                                                Track 4: Innovation in long-term care institutions
                                                                                                                                                Track 5: Innovation for ageing well at home
 12               AgeingFit conferences are in English with simultaneous translation into French.                                            AgeingFit conferences are in English with simultaneous translation into French.                       13
The European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector - JANUARY 28 & 29 2020 - AgeingFit
                                                                                     DAY 2
                                         DAY 1
                                  Tuesday, January 28th
                                                                                   January 29th

 8.30 am                                                                           WELCOME
 9.00 am                              WELCOME COFFEE
               SALLE ERATO                                                        SALLE ERATO

 9.00 am

 10.15 am
                                                                                  IGAM congress
             VivaLab conference

 10.15 am
 11.00 am                         NET WORKING BREAK
                                                                                10.15 am -10.45 am
                                                                                  COFFEE BREAK
11.00 am
12.30 pm
                                                                                  IGAM congress

12.30 pm
2.00 pm                              Lunch LUNCH
                                                                                12.45 pm -2.00 pm
                                                                                                            WELCOME DRINKS
                                       SALLE ERATO
                                                                                  IGAM congress
 2.00 pm                               Challenge for a                                                    JANUARY         FROM
 4.00 pm                             Nice Life, the health
                                                                                3.30 pm - 4.00 pm             28 TH       6.30 PM
                                   innovation contest led                         COFFEE BREAK
                                   by the City of Nice and
 4.00 pm                            the European City of     NETWORKING
                                                                                                                BOSTON BAR
                                     Health Innovation.                           IGAM congress      11 Place de l’Ile de Beauté, 06300 Nice
 4.30 pm                                                      SALLE URANIE
 5.00 pm
                                                             Aésio Conference
 5.00 pm
 6.00 pm

 6.30 pm                            VINTAGE PARTY
14                                                                                                                                             15
                                                            The partnering platform is the most efficient way to identify and connect with
                                                            potential business, research and financial partners.

                 WIN A PASS                                                      48H
                                                                                                       TO MEET YOUR FUTURE PROJECT
                                                                                                       PARTNERS, OBTAIN FUNDING
                                                                                                       AND ACCELERATE INNOVATION
                  FOR NEXT YEAR’S EDITION

                                                               IDENTIFY                         INITIATE                MEET                 DEVELOP
                                                            today’s innovative               discussions with      the most qualified     new collaborations
                                                            products, services              potential partners,      players in the        and partnerships
                                                             and collaboration             investors or clients      healthy ageing
                                                               opportunities                                             sector

                                3 STEPS TO
                                                                                            WHO WILL YOU MEET?
                             Follow us on Twitter
                                 @AgeingFit                                                                                             INVESTORS
                                                            HEALTHY AGEING
                                    2.                      COMPANIES                                             5%
                        Take a nice picture with the        (nutrition, medical devices,                                                 RESEARCH
                                                            ICT, assistive technologies,                               10%               INSTITUTES
                      2021 AgeingFit Save The Date          service providers...)

                                       3.                                                                                  10%           HEALTHCARE
                      Post it on Twitter with the hashtag                                  40  %                                         SYSTEM PAYERS
                                                                                                                             10%        ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                                        AND CLUSTERS

     The winner will be announced                                RETIREMENT                                  25%
     on January 30th, 2020 on Twitter                            AND CARE
     and will be contacted by                                    HOMES,
     the AgeingFit team.                                         HOSPITALS
16                                                                                                                                                              17
MEET THE                                                         YOU ARE
                                                                                                                     REPRESENTING A CARE HOME
                                                 CARE HOMES                                                           Come and meet the providers of innovative solutions in different
                                                                                                                      areas to gain insight on innovations of the sector, identify
                                                                                                                      solutions to meet your needs, and share your unmet needs to
                                                                                                                      the companies and service providers to jointly develop adapted

      Tuesday, January 28th
      10.15 am – 11.00 am
      4.00 pm – 4:30 pm                                                                                                                                            YOU ARE A PROVIDER
      Wednesday, January 29th
                                                                                                                                                              OF INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS
      10.00 am – 10.45 am                                                                                                    Come and meet retirement and care homes. Present them your solutions, imagine
                                                                                                                             with them the innovations of EUTERPE
                                                                                                                                                            tomorrow by better understanding the unmet needs
       Lunch & coffee              Partnering booths         Coffee break area                                                                     CONFERENCE         ROOM
                                                                                                                             of professional and patients/residents, and eventually receive feedback on your
       break area
                                                                                                                             existing solutions.
                                   Partnering desk &         Lunch area
                                   Internet terminals
                                   Press area

                               A1     A2    A3          A4    A5    A6         A7 A8             A9        A10 A11


                                                                                                                     B4 B4   B4 B4
                                                                          B2   B2 B2       ia1
                                                                                                              ia10   /1 /2   /3 /4
                                                                          /1   /2 /3                           ia9              B4
                                                             B1                   B2
                                                                                                                       B4       /5                         B7
                                          MEET THE
                                                                           B2     /4       ia3 ia4 ia5 ia6 ia7 ia8              B4
                                                                                                                                         C5 C6
                              C1         CARE HOMES

                                                                                           ERATO                       URANIE                               CALLIOPE
                                                                          D6 CONFERENCE ROOM CONFERENCE ROOM                                          CONFERENCE ROOM

                                    D1          D2 D3    D4 D5
                                                                                   MEET THE CARE HOMES

                              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

                                           SPEAKER ROOM                                                                                                                 HOME CARE
                                                                                       PHYSIOTHERAPY          MEDICAL CARE             E-HEALTH       NUTRITION      SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                                                       REHABILITATION          EQUIPMENT             INNOVATION         FOOD           CAREGIVERS
                                                                                                                                                     SUPPLEMENT       ASSOCIATIONS
18                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
DAY 2 | 9.00 am - 10.00 am | Innov’Area

                                             PITCH SESSIONS                                                                               DIGITAL SOLUTIONS
                                                                                                      I-PROGNOSIS CONSORTIUM
                                                                                                      A personalized Game Suite for Parkinson’s Disease targeting intelligent early detection and
     The AgeingFit pitch sessions offer the opportunity to detect the most innovative and promising
     projects in the healthy ageing sector. All these projects aim at improving the everyday
     lives of ageing people and preventing age-related disorders.                                     MEDCLINIK
                                                                                                      MedClinik creates mobile and digital solutions to connect patients to their health, treatment,
                                                                                                      healthcare providers and journey.

                    THE MOST INNOVATIVE PROJECT                                                       KIPLIN
                    WILL BE AWARDED ON WEDNESDAY,                                                     Kiplin uses the levers of gamification and collective strength to deliver engaging PA
                    JANUARY 29TH AT 4.00 PM WITHIN THE INNOV’AREA                                     connected programs.

                                                                                                                                     FALL DETECTION / ALARMS
                     DAY 1 | 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm | Innov’Area                                           MORPHEE+
                                                                                                      MORPHEE+ is a radar device which prevents and detects falls in real time without any worn
                                            PREVENTION                                                sensors.
     Lumeen is a mobile meditation tool that allows care professionals to organise immersive                             DAY 2 | 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm | Innov’Area
     workshop to appease, stimulate and improve the well-being of elders.

     REHABED                                                                                                                              ASSISTIVE DEVICES
     RehaBed is a solution for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of back pain and spine    BOROBO
     disorders.                                                                                       BOROBO designs a new generation of consumer and professional robots to carry loads for
     WISIFY - TECH SOLUTIONS                                                                          ageing people.
     Wisify’s assists professionals to analyse data related to nutrition and strength assessment,     TEIACARE
     improving quality of life and decreasing the risk of injuries.                                   Ancelia is a contactless, AI-powered solution, supporting nursing home caregivers in
                                                                                                      improving the quality of assistance to their residents.
                             SOCIAL AND MANAGERIAL INNOVATION
                                                                                                      TRUE ANGLE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES
     LES AILES DES ANGES                                                                              The Mobili-T is a unique system that aids people suffering from a swallowing disorder.
     LES AILES DES ANGES offers a service at home to replace family caregivers at night.
     OURWAY                                                                                           MoveUP develops a medical device for treating patients after a knee or hip replacement.
     The OurWay app is an age-friendly solution to mobility issues, improve social cohesion and
     and prevent loneliness.
                                                                                                                                           JURY MEMBERS
                                                                                                      Christine Asbury     Romain Ganneau               Claire Kamoun           Charlotte Krieg
     The Famileo app transforms digital messages into a physical newspaper for grandparents.          Chief Executive      Head of Social               Corporate Innovation    Innovation, Prevention
                                                                                                      WCS Care             Initiatives department       Manager                 and Services
     SPINOVA                                                                                                               AG2R LA MONDIALE             ORPEA Group             Eovi Mcd
     A managerial innovation with a constructivist approach to project management supported by
                                                                                                      Laurent Levasseur    Valérie Michel-Pellegrino    Lise Pape               Ingrid Rayez
     cognitive control.                                                                               CEO                  Evaluation Centre Director   CEO                     Director, Venture
20                                                                                                    Bluelinea            Medialis                     Walk With Path          LBO France               21
CONFERENCE PROGRAMME                                                                                                              PLENARY SESSION
      Steered by an international Committee representing the diversity of the Silver Economy,           January 28th | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM
      the AgeingFit conference programme is designed to address the main issues of the
      healthy ageing and senior care sectors. The roundtable discussions will foster exchanges       How can healthcare innovations be faster scaled across Europe in
      between the market’s stakeholders: from start-ups to larger companies, long-term care          the Silver Economy?
      providers and hospitals, healthcare system payers and regulatory authorities, research
                                                                                                     Adapting to the demanding healthcare systems and needs of the ageing population in Europe
      institutes, associations as well as investors.
                                                                                                     involves the development of innovative solutions and large-scale implementation of the most
                                                                                                     successful practices. The market yet remains fragmented as the pathway to growth and
      The 2020 programme is organised around 5 tracks addressing the innovation challenges
                                                                                                     internationalisation may be hindered by financing requirements, regulatory constraints and
      of the fast-paced longevity economy and markets.
                                                                                                     market barriers. How to accelerate the delivery of technological and social innovations for
                                                                                                     healthy ageing across Europe? Which assessment and standardisation tools support the
                                                                                                     scaling-up? How to encourage industry players collaboration and facilitation of appropriate
                TRACK 1                 The European senior care market challenges                   partnerships?

                                                                                                     The plenary session aims to explore the key barriers and success factors for scaling-up
                TRACK 2                 Connected healthy ageing
                                                                                                     innovative healthcare solutions. The panel of experts will provide comprehensive strategies
                                                                                                     to better advance innovation for active and healthy ageing at European level.
                TRACK 3                 Innovative prevention through nutrition for healthy ageing

                TRACK 4                 Innovation in long-term care institutions                                MODERATOR
                                                                                                                 Brian O’Connor
                                                                                                                 Chair                                      Charles Bark                  Claire Kamoun
                                                                                                                 European Connected                         CEO                           Corporate Innovation Manager
                TRACK 5                 Innovation for ageing well at home                                       Health Alliance                            HiNounou                      ORPEA Group

        AgeingFit conferences are in English with simultaneous translation into French.
                                                                                                                           Donna Henderson
                                                                                                                           Head of International Engagement,               Erik Joosten
                                                                                                                           TEC & Digital Healthcare Innovation             CEO
                                                                                                                           NHS National Services Scotland                  Arion Group

22                                                                                                                                                                                                               23
TRACK 1                                        January 29th | 10:45 am - 11:45 am | CALLIOPE ROOM

                                                                                                                         From bench to bedside: How to go from a European funded research project to the
                            The European senior care market challenges                                                   market in the senior care sector?
                                                                                                                         The EU has been working on establishing a strong framework for the definition and development
                                                                                                                         of the Silver Economy in Europe. Several EU-funded initiatives have been launched to stimulate
                                                                                                                         the market and support innovation projects. How to boost the implementation of these
                                                                                                                         EU-funded projects? How to ensure they are integrated into commercially viable product,
                                                                                                                         start-ups or services? Our panel of experts will discuss the do’s & don’ts for innovative
         January 28th | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM
                                                                                                                         solutions to further progress from niche products, to overcome market uncertainties and to
     How to better mobilise public and private investment for healthy ageing innovation                                  establish strong business models.
     at European scale?

     The growing awareness on the needs and opportunities brought by an extended lifespan                                                              MODERATOR
     raises the challenge of financing the deployment and development of innovative solutions.                                                         Stela Shiroka                                 Irina Kalderon Libal
                                                                                                                                                       Research Manager                              Policy Officer
     While the main investment sources in innovation for healthy ageing depend on the public                                                           Interspread                                   European Commission
     sector, how can governments stimulate private players to finance innovative projects? What
     investments are being made today in Europe and what types of investors are involved? Which
     funding instruments create new synergies between public and private investors and leverage                                        Martin Kampel                      Ricardo Moura                                 Tapani Piha
     the funds’ destination and impact?                                                                                                Co-founder                         CEO                                           Special Adviser, Health
                                                                                                                                       Cogvis                             Wisify Tech Solutions                         FIPRA Finland

                              MODERATOR                                                                                     January 29th | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM
                              Penny Dash                                 Alexandre Grutman
                              Senior Partner                             Founder                                         Looking ahead to senior care market access strategy and regulatory constraints:
                              McKinsey & Company                         Triaviva
                                                                                                                         How to ensure their early integration in the R&D projects’ development?
                                                                                                                         Alongside IP strategies, having a clear regulatory strategy is crucial to avoid failure to
                                                                                                                         approval. Clearly defining the final product regulatory framework and target markets is not
                Matias Ignacio de la Calle              Xavier Loosveldt                     Romain Tribalat
                Research Development Manager            Associate Director                   Social innovation officer   to be overlooked. Therefore, it is key to integrate these parameters from the development
                University of Bologna                   Ekkio Capital                        AG2R LA MONDIALE
                                                                                                                         phase. What are the pitfalls to be anticipated at the early stage of R&D?

                                                                                                                                                   MODERATOR                                      Gabriel Aguiar Noury
                                                                                                                                                   Sofia Moreno Perez                             Research Fellow in
                                                                                                                                                   Consultant                                     Human Robot Interaction
                                                                                                                                                   VALDE Consultores                              University of Plymouth

                                                                                                                                    Christian Böhler
                                                                                                                                    Researcher                                    Béatrice Durruty                    Joseph Pucek
                                                                                                                                    The European Centre for Social                Project Manager                     Programme Coordinator
                                                                                                                                    Welfare Policy & Research                     ICT4SILVER                          AgeTech Accelerator

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            25
TRACK 2                                   January 28th | 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM

                                                                                                                        How is digital health transforming the relationships between patients and residents,
                                                                    Connected healthy ageing                            health professionals and informal carers?

                                                                                                                        Relying on information technologies, digital health has the potential to deliver engaging,
                                                                                                                        personalised, and improved care solutions, and can support an increasing number of
                                                                                                                        caregivers. What are the consequences for the players involved? To what extent are digital
                                                                                                                        solutions adding value to care delivery? How are informal carers and older adults adopting
         January 28th | 9:00 am - 10:15 am | CALLIOPE ROOM                                                              the technology? Is the generated data bringing new levels of accountability for caregivers
                                                                                                                        and clinicians?
     Inside look at wearables and data: What potential to tackle the loss of physical,
     cognitive or psychosocial autonomy of an ageing population?

     An increasing diversity of wearables can be adapted for the older population and can be                                             MODERATOR
                                                                                                                                         Liz Mestheneos                                                Tim Andrews
     helpful in the early detection, monitoring and management of medical conditions. However,                                           Administrative Board and Founding Member                       COO and Commercial Director
     less is known about the effective use of wearables among elderly populations. This roundtable                                       50+Hellas                                                     Orcha

     discussion aims to provide an overview of available technologies and solutions: What are their
     current use and actions? What are their current results and potential benefits both for patients
     and organisations? Which applications for the collected data?                                                                      Claire Champeix                          Andrew Cowen                               Ole Underland
                                                                                                                                        Policy Officer                           Founder and CEO                            CEO
                                                                                                                                        Eurocarers                               The Future Care                            Incita

                            MODERATOR                                                                                       January 29th | 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM
                            Ilona Buchem                                         Iñaki Bartolome
                            Professor for Media and Communication                CEO                                    Digitally-enabled prevention: How are we moving to proactive care models and
                            Beuth University Berlin                              Ideable Solutions
                                                                                                                        delaying the onset of older adults’ frailty?
                                                                                                                        Frailty is mostly associated with an increased vulnerability of older adults such as a decrease
                 Renaud David                                                              Madeleine Starr              in physical activity, low energy, unintentional weight loss and loss of grip strength. However,
                 Psychiatrist                               Diana Hodgins                  Director of Business
                 Nice University Hospital                   Technical Director             Development and Innovation   frailty is not an inevitable consequence of ageing and can be prevented and managed to foster
                 Memory Center                              Gaitsmart                      Carers UK                    a longer and healthier life. What role are digital solutions playing in the early identification and
                                                                                                                        assessment of frailty core features? How can they enable preventive measures to be applied
                                                                                                                        in time? What are the opportunities for improved and personalised geriatric interventions?

                                                                                                                                                                            Albert Alonso
                                                                                                                                    MODERATOR                               Senior Researcher,
                                                                                                                                    Diane Whitehouse                        Directorate of Research
                                                                                                                                    Principal eHealth Policy                and Innovation                            Ciriak Azefack
                                                                                                                                    Consultant                              Hospital Clínic                           Researcher
                                                                                                                                    EHTEL                                   de Barcelona                              Ecole des Mines

                                                                                                                                    Francesco Barbabella
                                                                                                                                    Research Fellow                         Alpana Mair
                                                                                                                                    Italian National Institute              Head of Effective                          Alain Monteux
                                                                                                                                    of Health and Science                   Prescribing and Therapeutics               President
                                                                                                                                    on Ageing (INRCA)                       Scottish Government                        Tunstall – Vitaris

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          27
                                                                                                        January 29th | 9:00 am - 10:00 am | URANIE ROOM

                                                                                                     How to develop a precision-based approach to nutrition and nutrient intakes
       Innovative prevention through nutrition for healthy ageing                                    considering the diversity of the older adults’ population?

                                                                                                     Personalised nutrition relies on individual differences in response to various nutrients
                                                                                                     depending on the age, lifestyle activities, genotype and epigenome. This precision-based
                                                                                                     approach is expected to reduce disease risk, especially for people with long-term conditions,
                                                                                                     and could be a sustainable way to improve the quality of ageing life by giving fine-tuned
       January 28th | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | URANIE ROOM                                                dietary recommendations. How to integrate existing health conditions, personal monitoring
                                                                                                     and tailored coaching to leverage the outcomes of healthy nutrition patterns?
     Cognitive decline: Which strategies would enhance the adoption of a healthy ageing
     diet as a preventive strategy?

     A growing number of researches have shown that a lower intake of some nutrients and                                         MODERATOR
     proteins is associated with higher risk of cognitive decline or dementia, stressing the                                     Per Simonsson                                    Benoît Bentouhami
                                                                                                                                 Project Coordinator                              Managing Director
     importance of both healthy dietary patterns and the benefits of an adapted nutrition. How                                   IncluSilver                                      Orexial
     are we acting on this scientific information to promote healthy brain ageing? How to identify
     population groups which do not have adequate nutrition for cognitive decline prevention?
                                                                                                             Bernard Corfe
     Which specific products and nutrition programmes could support older adults at risk?                    Senior Lecturer in Oncology,
                                                                                                             Principal Investigator in                           Sergio Polakof                         Lotta Törner
                                                                                                             Molecular Gastroenterology                          Researcher                             CEO
                                                                                                             University of Sheffield                             INRA                                   Livsmedelsakademin

                         MODERATOR                              Patrick Kamphuis
                         Lucie Geurts                           Global Senior Medical                  January 29th | 11:45 am - 12:45 pm | URANIE ROOM
                         Scientific Project Manager             & Scientific Affairs
                         ILSI Europe                            Nutricia                             Which innovative food services and distribution channels to cater for older adults’
                                                                                                     nutritional needs at home?
                         Anne-Marie Minihane
                         Professor of Nutrigenetics,            Joost Wesseling                      A majority of older adults at risk of malnutrition are living at home dealing with the challenges
                         Department of Nutrition                Campaign & Operations
                         & Preventive Medicine                                                       of accessing and preparing healthy and adapted food. Therefore there is a need to provide
                         University of East Anglia              Optimal Nutritional Care for All     the correct mix of services to allow older adults to maintain their independence and health
                                                                                                     from home delivered meal program infrastructure, delivery mechanisms. Is the current offer
                                                                                                     broad enough to meet the needs of older adults at home? What are the innovative services
                                                                                                     in Europe to learn from?

                                                                                                                                  MODERATOR                                         Esmee Doets
                                                                                                                                  Claire Nuttall                                    Project Leader & Researcher
                                                                                                                                  Founder                                           Waningen University and
                                                                                                                                  The Brand Incubator                               Research

                                                                                                                                  Sue Hawkins
                                                                                                                                  Malnutrition Programme
                                                                                                                                  Manager                                           Sophie Tuzemen
                                                                                                                                  Dorset HealthCare University                      Project Leader
                                                                                                                                  NHS Foundation Trust                              Silver Fourchette
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                           29
TRACK 4                                January 28th | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM

                                                                                                                    How are the growth and consolidation of long-term care providers in Europe
                                         Innovation in long-term care institutions                                  leveraging the construction of an international senior care market?
                                                                                                                    Regulatory restrictions, operating and technical constraints are driving the global consolidation
                                                                                                                    in the care sector in favour of the most efficient and innovative players. Limited by their
                                                                                                                    growth in the domestic market, major long-term care providers have started exporting their
                                                                                                                    models and expertise. How are they internationalising their purchase of innovations? To what
         January 28th | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | URANIE ROOM                                                             extent can working globally with providers contribute to the development and strengthening
                                                                                                                    of a European Silver Economy market?
     How are care homes evolving and innovating to provide long-term care at home?

     Older adults benefiting from home care is on an upward trend in Europe and likely to continue
     since the related costs are lower than residential care. Besides, innovative solutions and                                             MODERATOR                               Jose Carlos Escamilla
                                                                                                                                            Antonio Remartinez                       VP Sales
     wider services are emerging, renewing the options for older Europeans preferring to be                                                 Strategic Consultant                    & Business Development
                                                                                                                                            Health and Social Sectors
     cared for in their own home. Hence, long-term care institutions have been rethinking their                                                                                     Neat Group

     caring approach towards domiciliary care and development of home-based services. To what
     extent is this trend tackling the difficulties of building physical structures? Who are the older
     adults affected by this “at-home” offer and what is the scope of the associated services?                                               Stéfane Hédont-Hartmann                 Thomas Klack
                                                                                                                                             Quality and Care Manager                Managing Partner
     What is the added value of care homes and which best practices should we draw upon?                                                                                             AXCIT Capital Partners

                                                                                                                        January 29th | 11:45 am - 12:45 pm | CALLIOPE ROOM
                                  Christine Asbury                   Nina Hynninen
                                                                                                                    Technology and collaborative working between hospitals and care homes:
                                  CEO                                Vice-president                                 Opportunities to enable enhanced clinical interventions for care home residents?
                                  WCS Care                           Finnish Nurses Association
                                                                                                                    Long-term care institutions rely on primary health care to access medical care and specialist
                                                                                                                    services. Records of inappropriate and unplanned hospital admissions as well as the
                                                     Nadejda Todorovska                                             recognition of unmet health needs have highlighted the necessity to improve the exchange
             Lorenzo Radice                          Head of Social Welfare and                   David Williams
             Chief Innovation Officer                Operational Activities Division              CEO               of information between care homes and hospitals. To what extent is data management
             Fondazione Sacra Famiglia               Bulgarian Red Cross                          St Monica Trust
                                                                                                                    facilitating cooperation and effective decision-making to deliver enhanced care to residents?
                                                                                                                    This session aims to evaluate the different interoperable approaches and identify barriers and
                                                                                                                    facilitators to integrated working.

                                                                                                                                             MODERATOR                               Kathleen Aller
                                                                                                                                             Myriam Martin                           Director of Market Strategy,
                                                                                                                                             Head of Project Management              Healthcare
                                                                                                                                             TIC BioMed                              InterSystems

                                                                                                                                             Fran Draper
                                                                                                                                             Engagement Lead & Senior
                                                                                                                                             Project Manager for the                 Zdenek Gütter
                                                                                                                                             Connecting Care Partnership             European Projects
                                                                                                                                             NHS South, Central and West             University Hospital Olomouc

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                      31
TRACK 5                           January 29th | 9:00 am - 10:00 am | CALLIOPE ROOM

                                                                                                         Building new smart homes or focusing on retrofit: How to design and deliver housing
                                               Innovation for ageing well at home                        older people want and need?

                                                                                                         Though a majority of older adults want to remain at home, the homes themselves are
                                                                                                         often inadequate to continue living with safety and independence. While there is a growing
                                                                                                         awareness that new housing should meet and adapt lifetime home standards, most of the
                                                                                                         homes that will exist in 2050 have already been built. Therefore, improving and adapting
                                                                                                         existing homes should heavily be considered to enable ageing in place. Which innovations are
        January 28th | 9:00 am - 10:15 am | URANIE ROOM
                                                                                                         required in both technology and delivery models to meet the needs of older adults at home
     To what extent are local authorities across Europe the key to enable the independent                and their carers? To what extent are the inhabitants included in identifying best practices and
     living of older adults at home?                                                                     in challenging the planning and design?
     Although most countries have developed a vision on home care at national level, many local
     authorities have considerable responsibility and discretion for designing home-care systems in
     their areas. This can allow them to adapt to their geographical and demographic specificities                                     MODERATOR
     and enable easier integration between care providers. Through feedback and discussions                                            Ad Van Berlo                                Fabiano Compagnucci
                                                                                                                                       CEO                                         Project Development
     from different countries, this session will review the best practices to care for older adults at                                 Smart Homes                                 Homes4Life
     home and how scalable are these initiatives.

                                                                                                                    Gaël Guilloux                          Hervé Meunier                          Caroline Mouminoux
                                                                                                                    President & Co-founder                 Managing Director                      Silver Economy Market Director
                                                                                                                    Les Bolders                            Filien Ecoute ADMR                     Groupe LEGRAND
                             Rafael Maestre Ferriz
                             Electronics and Home                    Esther Davidsen
                             Automation Director                     CEO
                             Cetem                                   Guiden65
                                                                                                             January 29th | 10:45 am - 11:45 am | URANIE ROOM

                                                                                                         Which innovations to prevent and manage care workers occupational risks?

                             Pentti Ittkonen                         Antonio Maritati                    Health and social care professionals at home or in long-term care facilities are the cornerstone
                             Senior Advisor                          National Coordinator
                                                                     ProMIS programme
                                                                                                         to providing quality care to older adults. Hence, managing the personal safety and health
                                                                                                         risks for care workers remains a substantial challenge as they may work in a decentralised
                                                                                                         environment or facing chronic overtime and physical strain. How to ensure that health and
                                                                                                         social care workers have the knowledge and tools to protect themselves and to ease their
                                                                                                         work conditions? What are the good practices and innovations that could be transferred?

                                                                                                                               Jackie Marshall-Cyrus                                    Gabriela Florescu
                                                                                                                               Director & Innovation Expert                             Senior Research Scientist
                                                                                                                               Ageing & Independent Living                              National Institute for Research and
                                                                                                                               Jackie Marshall-Cyrus & Associates                       Development in Informatics

                                                                                                                      Marissa Lepape
                                                                                                                      Occupational Health                           Guido Magrin                         Peter Nicholson
                                                                                                                      and Safety Professional                       CEO & Co-Founder                     Co-founder
                                                                                                                      Carsat Aquitaine                              TeiaCare                             To Know Me

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                            33
     VIVALAB - CARSAT SUD-EST CONFERENCE                                                                       CHALLENGE FOR A NICE LIFE
     JANUARY 28 | 9.00 AM - 10.15 AM | ERATO ROOM
                                                                                                               JANUARY 28TH | 2.00 PM - 5.00 PM | ERATO ROOM

                                VivaLab conference*                                                     Challenge for a Nice Life, the health innovation contest led by the City of Nice and
              Speakers: Benjamin Leroux - Valérie Merlin - Lionel Lamothe                               the European City of Health Innovation.*

        Convinced that the development of the Silver Economy requires, on the field of prevention, a    The City of Nice has launched the Challenge for a Nice Life, a contest to promote innovative
        coordination of actors, skills and financial responses, the Cnav proposed to pension funds to   health solutions, facilitating collaborations between solution providers on the one hand
        federate and create a pole with other partners to support and develop new ways to promote       (start-ups, associations, laboratories) and sponsors on the other hand (companies, foundations).
        a healthy ageing in an autonomous way.**                                                        The former will benefit from the sponsorship of the latter in the development of their project, by a
                                                                                                        financial and/or technological support for one year. This contest is structured around challenges,
        **More information about the VivaLab - Carsat Sud-Est conference in the French AgeingFit        meeting the priorities of the territory in the field of health.
                                                                                                        As part of the AgeingFit event, Eurasanté and the City of Nice join forces to organise the final stage
                                                                                                        of the Challenge for a Nice Life: the restitution event on Tuesday afternoon, January 28th.

                                                                                                        This closing sequence will complete an unprecedented work cycle between sponsors and
                                                                                                        winners, during which each pair will be able to present the fruit of their collaboration in an original,
                                                                                                        entertaining and interactive way. On this occasion, it will also be an opportunity to present the
                                                                                                        prospects for the development and deployment of these innovative solutions in the region, and to
                                                                                                        answer questions from the public on the expected benefits for the citizen.

                                                                                                        This event, which is aimed at citizens, representatives of the local ecosystem and health
                                                                                                        professionals, will feature the following solutions: ExactCure and its Digital Twin | Manureva Respite
                                                                                                        | Cottos Medical and its Cycléo Mob solution | The CoBTeK laboratory and its Mood Up application
                                                                                                        | The fragility platform of the Nice University Hospital is developing a simple and effective « fragility
                                                                                                        test » | The « Sourire à la Vie » association

                                                                                                        This report will conclude an unprecedented work cycle, but will be repeated as part of the launch
                                                                                                        of the 2nd edition of the Challenge for a Nice Life, which will be held in 2020.

34    *The conference is held in French.                                                                *The conference is held in French.                                                                          35

     AÉSIO CONFERENCE                                                                               IGAM CONGRESS
     JANUARY 28 | 4.30 PM - 6.00 PM | URANIE ROOM
                   TH                                                                               JANUARY 29TH | 8.30 AM - 5.00 PM | ERATO ROOM

                                                                                                                                                                 In partnership with:

                          Reinforced home support system (DARD):
                            Mutual Health Insurers experiments*
                                                                                                        « What’s new in geriatrics and gerontology? And future challenges...»*
        Guillaume Gardin                                                                                The Institute of Gerontology of the Alpes Maritimes (IGAM) aims to facilitate discussions
        Research and Development Innovation Director, Eovi Mcd Health and Services, Aésio group         between players involved in gerontology and geriatrics in order to work on health,
                                                                                                        biological, social, psychological, ethical, legal and economic aspects. The actions
        Frédéric Raynaud                                                                                it intends to develop are research, training, evaluation, education, information and
        Deputy Director, French Mutual Health Insurance Loire - Haute-Loire - Puy-de-Dôme SSAM,         teaching activities, as well as all the actions aimed at responding to the multifactorial
        Eovi Mcd Health and Services, Aésio group                                                       and etiological aspects of ageing. As part of its missions, the IGAM organises during
                                                                                                        AgeingFit a congress held exclusively in French dedicated to the progress of medical
        Guénaëlle Haumesser                                                                             care and the prevention of age-related disorders, as well as innovation dedicated to the
        Deputy Director, Department of Care, Autonomy and Patient pathway, National French Mutual
                                                                                                        older population.**
        Insurance Federation

                                                                                                        **More information about the IGAM congress in the French AgeingFit programme.

36      *The conference is held in French.                                                              *The conference is held in French.                                                          37
                  Partnering booths                        Coffee break area                                                                                                CONFERENCE ROOM
                  Partnering desk &                         Lunch area
                  Internet terminals
                  Press area

              A1        A2        A3                A4        A5        A6            A7 A8                 A9        A10 A11

                                                                                                                                 B4 B4     B4 B4
                                                                                                      ia1                ia10    /1 /2     /3 /4
                                                                                B2   B2 B2                  INNOV’AREA                                           B5
                                                                                /1   /2 /3

                                                                                                      ia2                 ia9                  B4
                                                                                        B2                                                     /5                                         B7

                                                             B1                  B2     /4            ia3 ia4 ia5 ia6 ia7 ia8
                                                                                                                                     B4        B4           C5 C6
                            MEET THE                                                                                                           /6
           C1              CARE HOMES

                                                                                                      ERATO                          URANIE                                                CALLIOPE
                                                                                 D6 CONFERENCE ROOM CONFERENCE ROOM                                                                CONFERENCE ROOM

                     D1              D2 D3              D4 D5
                                                                                             MEET THE CARE HOMES

            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

                              SPEAKER ROOM                                                                                                                                                                   HOME CARE
                                                                                             PHYSIOTHERAPY               MEDICAL CARE                 E-HEALTH                    NUTRITION               SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                                                             REHABILITATION               EQUIPMENT                 INNOVATION                      FOOD                    CAREGIVERS
                                                                                                                                                                                 SUPPLEMENT                ASSOCIATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FLOOR PLAN

           AAL PROGRAMME .................................................... A6                                                LILLE NORTHERN FRANCE BIOCLUSTER
           AÉSIO GROUP ............................................................ B1                                            BIO INCUBATOR EURASANTÉ ............................ B7
                                                                                                                                  CLUBSTER NHL ....................................................... B7
           AG2R LA MONDIALE – MED4AGE LAUREATES                                                                                   EURASANTÉ ............................................................ B7
            AG2R LA MONDIALE ............................................ B2
            EZYGAIN ................................................................. B2/1                                      MOVENDO TECHNOLOGY .....................................                             D1
            FASTEESH ................................................................ B2/2                                      NICE COTE D’AZUR ...................................................                 B5
            LUMEEN ................................................................... B2/3                                     REGION SUD ..............................................................            C5
            TED ORTHOPEDICS ............................................... B2/4                                                REHABED BY DEMKO-UK LIMITED ..........................                               C1
                                                                                                                                SENIORS AUTONOMIE ............................................                       A2
           AGETECH ACCELERATOR .........................................                         D3                             SILVERECO.ORG / ON-MEDIO ..............................                              A5
           BEHRING WATER .......................................................                 A1                             STENDO .......................................................................       D6
           CARSAT SUD-EST........................................................                C6                             UNAIDE ........................................................................      A7
           CEA TECH ....................................................................         C2
           CLINITEX ......................................................................       A3                             INNOV’AREA
           COMARCH HEALTHCARE ........................................                           A4                             I-PROGNOSIS CONSORTIUM ...............................                               ia1
           DIGIREHAB ..................................................................          D2                             KIPLIN ...........................................................................   ia2
           FAMILEO ......................................................................        D4                             LES AILES DES ANGES ..............................................                   ia3
           FRANCE SILVER ÉCO ................................................                    D5                             MEDCLINIK .................................................................          ia4
                                                                                                                                MORPHEE+ .................................................................           ia5
           HEALTHTECH IN SOUTH OF FRANCE                                                                                        MOVEUP ......................................................................        ia6
            B2BOT ......................................................................         B4/6                           OURWAY......................................................................         ia7
            BOROBO .................................................................             B4/3                           SPINOVA .....................................................................        ia8
            EUROBIOMED ........................................................                  B4                             TEIACARE ....................................................................        ia9
            EXACTCURE .............................................................              B4/5                           TRUE ANGLE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES .............                                        ia10
            LA VALÉRIANE .........................................................               B4/1
            SOLADIS ..................................................................           B4/4
            ZT CONCEPT ...........................................................               B4/2

           HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE ..............................                               A11
           IESTS .............................................................................   A9
           I-MEDS HEALTHCARE ................................................                    A10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EXHIBITOR LIST

           IQUALIT ........................................................................      A8
EXHIBITORS                                                                                               EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                             BIO INCUBATOR EURASANTÉ               STAND B7       CEA TECH                              STAND C2
     AAL PROGRAMME                         STAND A6       AGETECH ACCELERATOR                 STAND D3                                                   Approved by the French Ministry of Higher            As the only public research organization in
                                                                                                             Education and Research, the Eurasanté health         the Derwent top 100 global innovators (2018-
     The Active Assisted Living (AAL) is a European       The AgeTech Accelerator programme provides         cluster has accompanied healthcare project           19), CEA develops, protects and transfers
     funding programme that aims to create better         businesses with introductions they need to         developers from all backgrounds and at every         innovative solutions within traditional industries
     quality of life for older people and to strengthen   validate and test their idea and develop their     stage of their project to foster the creation        to the most advanced «high-tech» sectors. As
     industrial opportunities in the field of healthy     customer base beyond their national markets.       of innovative companies in Lille and Northern        a technological driving force of tomorrow’s
     ageing technology and innovation.                    With a focus on businesses with products           France for over twenty years. The Eurasanté          medicine, it brings its breakthrough
     AAL does this by funding projects that work          and services aimed at healthy ageing the           Bio Incubator supports various innovative            technologies to healthcare players for a
     towards creating market-ready products               programme operates across France, the              biology, health or nutrition projects, resulting     precise, preventive, predictive, participatory
     and services for older people. Each project          UK, Netherlands and Belgium contributing to        from public and private research.                    and personalised practice, guaranteeing
     consists of SMEs, research bodies and end-           and benefiting from an extensive network of        Acting as a real driver of innovation, the Bio       respect for the patient and a source of
     user organizations.                                  contacts in both the private and public sector     Incubator team works together with project           economic development.
     For more info:                     and among the investor community.                  initiators and entrepreneurs to help them at
                                                                                                             every stage of their project. All our experts
                                                                                                             come from life sciences and health research          CLINITEX 		                           STAND A3
     AÉSIO GROUP 		                        STAND B1       B2BOT 			                         STAND B4/6       The Eurasante Bio Incubator is ranked among                                                                     the top 20 best European incubators fostering        Founded in 1980 by Thierry PICK, the
                                                                                                             pharm/biotech startup development.                   CLINITEX company specializes in the
     The AÉSIO group, leader in the health insurance      B2bot is a start-up specialized in artificial                                                           cleanliness of premises for professional
     solutions, is established in 2016 across the         vision and connected objects for people.           BOROBO                             STAND B4/3        use. The growth was dazzling and CLINITEX
     union of Adréa, Apréva and Eovi Mcd. They            “Our vocation is to bring accessible and                                         developed in the North, the West, and the
     chose to unite their strengths to improve the        usable technology for the daily autonomy of                                                             South of France. Its managerial originality
     social protection and the well-being of their        253 million blind and visually impaired people                                                          makes it one of the national references of
                                                                                                             The BOROBO company, created at the end of
     members so that they can live better. Thanks         around the world“.                                                                                      «Liberated Management». At the cutting edge
                                                                                                             2018, is revolutionizing the transport of loads
     to a committed team and complementarity              View Assist, is an unique and intuitive solution                                                        of technical innovations, CLINITEX CLINITEX
                                                                                                             for seniors and people with reduced mobility
     networks, Aésio currently protects 3 million         co-developed with blind and visually impaired                                                           meets the needs of its customers and puts all
                                                                                                             with an all-terrain carrier-tracking robot. The Ln
     people, including 40,000 companies.                  organization. It is based on a smartphone                                                               of its expertise acquired over almost 40 years
                                                                                                             robot can carry loads up to 35kg at home, at
     Visit Aésio’s website:                  application using connected glasses and                                                                 at their service.
                                                                                                             the office, on the road, in a garden but also
                                                          AI technology to bring a relevant audio-
                                                                                                             on stairs with simple voice commands. He can
                                                          description of the visual environment.
                                                                                                             also navigate alone to points of interest that he
                                                                                                             knows (all-terrain locomotion technology is the      CLUBSTER NHL                          STAND B7
                                                                                                             subject of 3 invention patents).           
     AG2R LA MONDIALE                      STAND B2       BEHRING WATER 		                    STAND A1                                                                                                         Clubster NHL – Nutrition, Health, Longevity –
                                                                                                             CARSAT SUD-EST                        STAND C6       is a French competitiveness cluster federating
     We provide a comprehensive range of                  We supply secured water fountains for                                     350 members in the Nutrition, biotechnology
     insurance solutions for all policyholders,           healthcare institutions. Our secure water                                                               and health sectors. We foster collaboration
     regardless of their profile: working or retired;     fountains are connected to the mains water                                                              between academia, private companies (start-
                                                                                                             The remit of Carsat Sud-Est, which is laid down
     employee or freelancer; start-up or SME              network and offer 100% pure and safe water,                                                             up, SMEs and large companies), clinicians and
                                                                                                             by law, contributes to the social protection
     director; business or professional sector.           free of Pyo and bacteria, thus meeting ARS                                                              final users. Our aim is to help our members
                                                                                                             of the population of the PACA and Corsica
     At the core of our values and businesses lies our    Q2.8 requirements. Thanks to our fountains,                                                             to design, develop and finance their innovative
                                                                                                             regions. 4 major objectives:
     social commitment, the Group’s raison d’être,        enjoy unlimited fresh and sparkling water all                                                           products and processes. The activity
                                                                                                             - Manage your career
     which pivots around the three mainstays of           year !                                                                                                  encompasses the ONE HEALTH concept,
                                                                                                             -.Calculate your retirement and pay your
     sustainable development: Economic efficiency,                                                                                                                close relation between human, animal and
     Social equality, Environmental sustainability.                                                                                                               plant health.
                                                                                                             - Occupational hazard insurance
                                                                                                             - Accompanying policyholders weakened by a
40                                                                                                           health problem or loss of autonomy                                                                        41
EXHIBITORS                                                                                             EXHIBITORS
   COMARCH HEALTHCARE                  STAND A4       EUROBIOMED 		                        STAND B4       FAMILEO                             STAND D4       HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE STAND A11                                                                             

   Founded in 1993 in Kraków, established in          EUROBIOMED is the catalyst of the health            Famileo is the link between the residents, their   Home Instead Senior Care is the world’s
   France since 2006, Comarch is an editor,           sector in Southern France. EUROBIOMED               family and your team.                              leading provider of in-home care services for
   integrator, and host of IT solutions, and          leads territorial initiatives, provides resources   The      platform    allows   residences     to    seniors, with more than 1,200 independently
   has 6,500 employees worldwide. Comarch             and offers solutions for businesses and             communicate with families about the everyday       owned and operated offices providing over 70
   Healthcare offers telemedicine solutions:          research organizations. EUROBIOMED helps            life in the residence and to edit a newsletter     million hours of care per year. Local offices
   remote monitoring, teleconsultation, EHR, HIS      them to innovate, finance, develop and achieve      in 15’.                                            employ approximately 90,000 CAREGivers
   and also hosting (HDS). 280 European medical       their strategic and business objectives to          The family app transforms digital messages         worldwide; they are highly trained to provide
   entities use these solutions and in Poland, a      ultimately improve life through innovations in      into a newspaper to help strengthening the         compassionate and reliable care services to
   private hospital with 100 doctors is integrated    health. EUROBIOMED tops European rankings           bond between your residents & their loved          help keep seniors safe and independent at
   with Comarch campus to develop tomorrow’s          in all stages of innovation. Together, the + 390    ones.                                              home. We will be launching our award-winning
   healthcare solutions.                              EUROBIOMED members are a driving force                                                                 and innovative model in France in 2020.
                                                      in regional development (with 290 projects,
                                                      representing +1 billion Euros).

                                                                                                          FASTEESH                          STAND B2/2       IESTS                                STAND A9
   DIGIREHAB 		                        STAND D2       EXACTCURE                          STAND B4/5                                                  
                                                                                                          FasTeesH is a French startup that has              Institute of Higher Education specializing in
   DigiRehab reduces the need for home care           ExactCure develops a software solution to           developed a technology capable of effectively      Social Intervention training (young children’s
   Physical exercise increases elderly’s ability to   reduce the impact of inaccurate medications.        brushing teeth in 10 seconds. Our HesY product     educator, specialized, social service assistant
   master everyday life and can reduce the need       Our Digital Twin simulates the efficacy             is a medical device, specially designed for        ...) from State Diploma Level 5 (CAP equivalent)
   for home-care. DigiRehab is a tablet-based         and interactions of medicines in the body           care and accommodation facilities caring for       to Level 1
   solution that tests elderly’s physical ability     of a patient based on her/his personal              people in a situation of dependency. Poor oral     (bac + 5), by various access routes;
   and provides a tailored exercise program,          characteristics. We help the patients and the       hygiene has serious repercussions on overall       • Professional certifications labeled by the
   supported by an algorithm. The exercises           healthcare professionals to avoid under-doses,      health. Our Hesy toothbrush co-developed with      professional branch of the
   are performed twice a week in citizens’ own        overdoses and drug-drug interactions.               over 150 caregivers makes this task a breeze.      medico-social sector;
   homes, assisted by the caregiver. After 12                                                                                                                • Continuing training activities, inter and intra-
   weeks of exercise the average citizen’s need                                                                                                              establishment.
   for home care decreases with 45 minutes per

   EURASANTÉ                           STAND B7       EZYGAIN                            STAND B2/1       FRANCE SILVER ÉCO                   STAND D5       I-MEDS HEALTHCARE                   STAND A10                                                                     

   Eurasanté is a development agency dedicated        EzyGain has developed ema®, a connected             FRANCE SILVER ÉCO is the French organization       i-DONEATM, CARE FOR PATIENTS, REASSURANCE
   to tech transfer and business development          device for rehabilitation of walking abilities      for the stakeholders of the Silver economy         FOR THEIR FAMILIES
   in life sciences sector in Northern France         adapted to fragile patients (elderly, people with   sector. Our objective is to bring together         i-DoneaTM (patent-pending) is an extension of
   region. Our experienced project managers           neurodegenerative diseases ...). 100 hundred        the actors of the sector and to promote the        drug delivery circuit from the pharmacy to the
   help researchers, startups and companies           devices have been installed in rehabilitation       national ecosystem. Our missions: to facilitate
                                                                                                                                                             home. i-DoneaTM is an intelligent medication
   with their development projects. To do so,         centers and retirement homes since January          economic development linked to innovation in
   Eurasante provides many services such as           2018 and in 2020, a new device will be              the sector, to inform public purchasers about      dispenser, connected 24/24 and designed to
   real estate, fundraising, recruitment and          released, adapted to home-use.                      innovative practices, to strengthen the Silver     accurately and unfailingly administer the vital
   business development. It also promotes the                                                             economy in the national territories and to         medications people require every day.
   Eurasante Bio-business Park, which already                                                             take the French strategy and the know-how of       i-DoneaTM is a comprehensive solution, making
   hosts 8 hospitals, 4 universities, 8 specialised                                                       experts up to an international level.              life easier and safe for patients, their families
   schools and more than 170 companies. It                                                                                                                   and carers.
   benefits from an exceptional location at the
42 heart of Europe.                                                                                                                                                                                               43
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