Page created by Joe May

               MAY 2021
                                             EUROPE AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
                                             On 21 April 2021, the European Commission finally released the
                                             long-awaited proposal for a Regulation on AI (AI Act), a
                                             cornerstone of its AI package. With the AI Act, the EU is
                                             confirming its role and ambition as a pioneer in the regulation of
                                             tech. We consider what this means for businesses, and also offer
                                             perspectives from around the world.
    At a glance
    Key takeaways of the                     The AI Act is the first of its kind, setting out harmonised rules for
    proposed AI Act                          AI systems in the EU. It attempts to strike a difficult balance
    • The first-ever harmonised legal        between two key objectives: promoting innovation and
      framework on AI                        harnessing the benefits of AI, on the one hand; and addressing
    • Far-reaching rules with an ambition    key risks and fears AI gives rise to, on the other. In so doing,
      to set global standards
                                             it seeks to address some of the main concerns levelled at a
    • A risk-based approach around four      general, horizontal framework, favouring a risk-based approach
      risk categories
                                             and taking account of specific sectoral issues.
    • A ban on particularly
      harmful practices creating             Whilst largely focusing on high-risk AI        of European rules in the tech sector, and
      unacceptable risks                     systems, it also bans some particularly        the effects will be felt for years to come.
                                             harmful practices, and provides specific
    • A set of essential requirements and
      obligations for high-risk AI, with a
                                             requirements for other systems deemed          What is AI?
                                             to present more limited risks but
      special focus on data and data sets                                                   There is no universally accepted definition
                                             nonetheless requiring increased
                                                                                            of AI.
    • Specific transparency rules for        transparency. It also encourages
      specific AI systems                    voluntary compliance, beyond
                                                                                            Like the European Commission's White
                                             high-risk AI.
    • Specific mechanisms to address                                                        Paper on AI, the AI Act recognises the
      sectoral concerns                                                                     need for a 'future-proof' definition: one
                                             It provides for strong governance
                                                                                            that strikes the right balance between
    • Fines of up to 6% of total global      and enforcement mechanisms,
                                                                                            flexibility, to be able to account for the
      annual turnover                        including the creation of a European
                                                                                            ever-accelerating pace of technological
                                             Artificial Intelligence Board and
    • A possible entry into force in the                                                    progress, and a definition that is
                                             significant sanctions.
      second half of 2022, with full                                                        sufficiently precise to provide the
      application at the earliest in the                                                    necessary legal certainty. Beyond, it aims
                                             At this stage, it is only a proposal and
      second half of 2024                                                                   to keep the definition 'technology neutral',
                                             there is a long road ahead. Yet the AI Act
                                                                                            and it focuses not on AI as such, but on
    • A new public consultation to           represents a revolution in the field of AI,
                                                                                            AI systems.
      stay involved                          and a landmark in defining a harmonised
                                             regulatory framework for the EU with the
    • One key milestone in a wider AI and                                                   The AI Act contains a quite simple – and
                                             potential for setting global standards.
      digital strategy for Europe                                                           pretty broad – definition of an AI system
                                                                                            (or artificial intelligence system), focusing
                                             The AI Act is a critical part of a wider and
    Perspectives from around                                                                on software and the approaches and
                                             very ambitious strategy in Europe on AI,
                                                                                            techniques used to develop that software.
    the world                                and on tech more generally. Proposals for
                                                                                            It also contains a mechanism for the
    • United Kingdom                         further legislation are expected in the
                                                                                            Commission to update the list in light of
                                             months to come, and other key texts in
    • United States                                                                         market and technological developments.
                                             the tech space are already being
    • Asia Pacific                           discussed in the Parliament and Council.
                                                                                            More specifically, an AI system is defined
                                             They include the proposals for a Digital
                                                                                            as "software that is developed with one
                                             Markets Act and a Digital Services Act as
                                                                                            or more of the techniques and
                                             well as for a Data Governance Act.
                                                                                            approaches listed in Annex I and can, for
                                             All are game-changers. And when viewed
                                                                                            a given set of human-defined objectives,
                                             together, this is the biggest shake-up ever

generate outputs such as content,               Covering the entire AI
predictions, recommendations, or
                                                value chain
decisions influencing the environments
they interact with". The list of techniques     Although the focus is on the provider and
and approaches includes machine-                the user of the AI system, there are
learning approaches, logic and                  obligations for parties involved across the              This proposed EU AI
knowledge-based approaches as well as           entire AI value chain, from providers,                   regulation is a world first,
                                                manufacturers and authorised
statistical approaches.
                                                representatives to importers and
                                                                                                         and is likely to be a game-
As those who saw the previous leaked            distributors through to users – and                      changer. Global
draft of the Regulation may note, the           relevant third parties.                                  organisations will be
definition has been scaled back. Notably,
                                                                                                         concerned about the
there is no longer any reference to             Most are defined. This is the case for the
automation within the definition itself.        provider – the person that develops or
                                                                                                         worldwide reach of
                                                has developed an AI system with a view                   these rules.
GDPR-style extraterritorial                     to placing it on the market or putting it
scope?                                          into service under its own name or
                                                trademark. It is also the case of the
The rules set out in the AI Act are not
                                                authorised representative, importer,
limited to EU-based operators. Far from
                                                distributor and user. Regarding users, use
it. Purportedly to ensure effective
                                                in the course of a personal non-                         —DESSI SAVOVA
protection of citizens in the EU, the new
                                                professional activity is expressly excluded.              Partner, Commercial & Tech
rules have far-reaching effects, and would
basically apply where an AI system is
                                                On the other hand, the notion of third
placed on the EU market, or its use
                                                party does not appear to have been
affects people located in the EU.
                                                defined, leaving this open to
                                                interpretation. Nevertheless, the recitals
More specifically, the AI Act applies to:
                                                shed some light on this notion. It would
                                                for instance seem aimed at covering third
• Providers placing or putting AI systems
                                                parties involved in the sale and supply of
  into service on the EU market,
                                                software or pre-trained models and data,
  regardless of where they are
                                                and network services providers.
• Users of AI systems located in the            The AI Act includes specific measures,
  EU; and                                       and relaxes certain requirements, for
                                                'small-scale providers' and start-ups.
• Non-EU providers and users of AI
  systems, where the output produced
  by the AI system is used in the EU.           Categories of AI systems

The third limb ensures a very broad                                   Unacceptable risk
                                                                      Prohibited practices
scope for the new rules and is likely to be
a source of questions.
                                                                           High risk
                                                                           Specific requirements
There would also be the need for                                           and obligations
providers outside the EU to designate an
authorised representative in the EU, when                                        Limited risk
                                                                                 Specific transparency
an importer cannot be identified.                                                requirements

The new rules would in principle apply to
public authorities, agencies and bodies,                                               Minimal risk
                                                                                       No specific
including Union institutions, agencies and                                             requirements

bodies subject to specific rules, including
different fines. However, there is a specific
exclusion for public authorities in third       The European Commission's risk-based
countries or international organisations        approach is structured around four
using AI systems in the framework of            categories of AI systems. Three of the
international agreements for law                four are regulated under the AI Act.
enforcement and judicial co-operation.

                                                                                                                                    CLIFFORD CHANCE   3
                                                                                                              THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                                              AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
The fourth, dubbed 'minimal risk' and         The central notion of
                                            which would include such things as
                                                                                          high-risk AI
                                            AI-enabled video games or spam filters,
                                            is apparently not. According to the           The main focus is on this category of AI
                                            European Commission, this category            systems, the second from the top in the
                                            would in fact cover the great majority of     risk pyramid. The AI Act expressly
                                            AI systems.                                   identifies the types of AI systems that are
                                                                                          considered high-risk.
                                            That said, the AI Act generally also
                                            encourages the voluntary application of       The first category comprises AI systems
                                            its rules to AI systems other than            to be used as safety components of
                                            high-risk systems.                            some (or that themselves are) products
                                                                                          covered by Old Approach Sectoral
                                                                                          Legislation or NLF Sectoral Legislation
                                            A ban on unacceptable AI                      (for instance, in the aviation, automotive
                                            practices?                                    or healthcare sectors) identified in the AI
                                            As part of its risk-based approach, the AI    Act, where such products (or the AI
                                            Act prohibits certain practices as a matter   system itself if it is the product) are
                                            of principle, or authorises them subject to   subject to a third-party conformity
                                            specific conditions. These are practices      assessment under that legislation.
                                            deemed to create unacceptable risks,
                                            contravening core Union values.               The second category relates to 'stand-
                                            They include:                                 alone' AI systems. For example, it
                                                                                          includes AI systems intended to be
                                            • Manipulative AI practices:                  used for:
                                              AI systems deploying subliminal
                                              techniques that are beyond a person's       • 'Real-time' and 'post' remote biometric
                                              consciousness or exploiting                   identification of natural persons (e.g.,
                                              vulnerabilities of a specific group of        facial recognition). More generally, and
                                              persons, in each case to materially           given the risks, remote biometric
                                              distort a person's behaviour in a             identification systems are subject to
                                              manner likely to cause physical or            specific and stricter requirements;
                                              psychological harm;
                                                                                          • Determining access to education or
                                            • Social scoring by public authorities          assessing students in educational and
                                              in certain circumstances where it leads       vocational training institutions;
                                              to detrimental or unfavourable
                                                                                          • Recruitment or selection purposes,
                                              treatment; or
                                                                                            e.g., for filtering applications or
                                            • The use of 'real-time' remote                 evaluating candidates, or for making
                                              biometric identification systems in           decisions in terms of promotion or
                                              publicly accessible spaces for law            termination of work relationships. This
                                              enforcement, except in circumstances          is a topic that is also relevant for
                                              tied to specific use cases (such as the       companies that are active in the 'gig'
                                              targeted search for potential victims         economy. There is an ongoing debate
                                              including missing children and the            about the role and impact of
                                              prevention of terrorist attacks) and          technology towards employees
                                              subject to specific conditions. Notably,      compared with its effects on self-
                                              each individual use would require a           employed people and people providing
                                              prior authorisation.                          services through platforms;

                                            There are questions on the effectiveness      • Evaluating eligibility to, granting,
                                            of these restrictions, given their limited      reducing, revoking or reclaiming public
                                            nature and applicable conditions                assistance benefits and services;
                                            and exceptions.
                                                                                          • Evaluating natural persons'
                                                                                            creditworthiness or establishing their
                                            These provisions also need to be
                                                                                            credit score.
                                            considered in light of other legislation,
                                            including the GDPR and its provisions on      It also includes AI systems intended to be
                                            automated processing / profiling.             used as safety components for the

management and operation of certain               The AI Act allows providers to process
critical infrastructure, i.e. road traffic        'special categories of data' as referred
and the supply of water, gas, heating             to in the GDPR and other related EU
and electricity.                                  legislation. This refers to particularly
                                                  sensitive data such as personal data
High-risk AI: Looking                             revealing racial or ethnic origin, political
                                                  opinions, religious or philosophical
to the future
                                                  beliefs, or trade union membership, and
To be able to address future                      genetic data or data concerning health.
developments, there is a procedure to             And its processing is generally
update the list of high-risk AI systems.          prohibited except in very limited
                                                  circumstances. Here, the processing is
The first key condition to be able to add         authorised to the extent strictly
an AI system to the existing list is that it      necessary for bias monitoring,
comes within one of the eight areas that          detection and correction, and is subject
are expressly identified. The second is           to appropriate safeguards.
that it represents a risk of harm to health
and safety or adverse impact on                   Interestingly, the data and data
fundamental rights that is equivalent to or       governance requirements themselves
greater than the risk posed by the                do not appear to include an explicit
systems that are already listed. The text         requirement that the data sets not
proceeds to identify criteria to be               incorporate biases, or to actually
taken into consideration by the                   correct biases. The position differs from
European Commission.                              what was envisaged in the previous
                                                  (leaked) draft. It notably contained a
Specific rules for                                requirement for high quality data sets to
                                                  ensure that the AI system "does not
high-risk AI                                      incorporate any intentional or
Specific requirements apply to high-risk          unintentional biases, which may
AI systems:                                       become the source of discriminatory
• Risk management system: a risk                  impacts prohibited by Union and
                                                  Member State law once the high-risk            For the first time, the
  management system must be
  established and maintained, and it              AI system is used according to its             proposed EU AI rules
  must consist of a process requiring             intended purpose".                             explicitly require human
  regular, systematic updating. Key steps       • Documentary requirements and                   oversight for high-risk AI
  would include identification and analysis       record-keeping: this notably covers            systems. That will require
  of risks and adoption of suitable risk          the technical documentation to be
  management measures. In                                                                        companies working with
                                                  established, maintained and updated,
  implementing the risk management                logging capabilities and traceability.         high-risk AI to implement
  system, specific consideration must             On logging capabilities, additional            appropriate measures to
  be given to the potential impact                requirements are included for                  ensure that people prevent
  on children.                                    systems intended to be used for
                                                                                                 or minimise potential risks.
• Data and data governance: these                 biometric identification.
                                                                                                 Organisations will have to
  aspects appear key and have received          • Transparency and provision of
  special treatment, being subject to the         information to users: high-risk AI
                                                                                                 provide for a 'kill switch'
  highest level of fines. Requirements are        systems must be accompanied by                 to instantly interrupt
  included on the training of models with         instructions for use, containing               high-risk AI.
  data and data sets, including to ensure         "concise, complete, correct and clear
  the quality of data sets and address            information that is relevant, accessible
  possible biases. The data sets must be          and comprehensible". The information
  relevant, representative, free of errors        must include the capabilities and
  and complete. One question here is to           limitations of performance of the AI
  what extent it is feasible, in practice, to     system, changes that have been                 —THOMAS VOLAND
  have fully error-free data sets.                pre-determined, expected lifetime,              Partner, Corporate

                                                                                                                            CLIFFORD CHANCE   5
                                                                                                      THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                                      AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
and necessary maintenance and care           Dedicated guidance to facilitate providers'
                                              measures. The information is all the         compliance with the obligations to report
                                              more important as users have a duty          serious incidents or malfunctioning is to
                                              to use the system in accordance with         be issued within 12 months following the
                                              the instructions.                            entry into force of the AI Act.
                                            • Human oversight: the regulation
                                                                                           Other 'operators'
                                              proposes explicit human oversight. As
                                                                                           Specific obligations are set out for other
                                              a starting point, high-risk AI systems
                                                                                           operators and actors, including importers
                                              must be designed and developed in a
                                                                                           and distributors. For their part, users for
                                              manner enabling effective human
                                                                                           instance must use the AI system in
                                              oversight. Two main types of measures
                                                                                           accordance with the instructions. In
                                              are identified: those 'by design', in that
                                                                                           addition, if the user controls the 'input
                                              they are built into the systems; and
                                                                                           data', it must ensure that data is relevant
                                              those that are identified by the provider
                                                                                           in view of the intended purpose.
                                              and suitable for implementation by the
                                              user. Measures are aimed at enabling
                                                                                           Allocation of roles and
                                              the person exercising the oversight to
                                                                                           responsibilities – flow-down
                                              for instance, and as appropriate,
                                              monitor the system's operation,              Beyond defining specific obligations for
                                              interpret its output and intervene or        each category of actor, the AI Act clarifies
                                              even interrupt its operation. There are      in what circumstances the manufacturer
                                              specific measures for AI systems to be       of the product takes responsibility for
                                              used for biometric identification.           compliance of the AI system, when an
                                                                                           authorised representative must be
                                            • Accuracy, robustness and cyber               appointed by the provider and when
                                              security: requirements include               other actors of the AI value chain,
                                              resilience to errors, faults or              including third parties, are to be
                                              inconsistencies and to attempts by           considered as provider. This is the case,
                                              unauthorised third parties to alter use      for instance, where they put a high-risk AI
                                              or performance by exploiting system          system on the EU market under their
                                              vulnerabilities. Provisions are included     name, or where they modify the intended
                                              to address the specific issues of bias       purpose or make a substantial
                                              and 'feedback loops', as well as             modification. This means that white-
                                              'data poisoning'.                            labelling arrangements and any bespoke
                                                                                           'off the shelf' systems will need to be
                                            Specific obligations for                       carefully assessed and monitored.
                                            operators of high-risk AI
                                                                                           The AI Act also seeks to ensure that
                                            and other related parties                      actors throughout the chain take
                                            The provider                                   responsibility. For instance, the importer
                                            First and foremost, the AI Act sets out        is required to ensure the appropriate
                                            obligations for the provider. They include     conformity assessment has been carried
                                            responsibility for ensuring that the high-     out by the provider and the appropriate
                                            risk AI system complies with the               technical documentation has been drawn
                                            requirements above and undergoes the           up. The distributor must ensure that the
                                            relevant conformity assessment                 provider and the importer have complied
                                            procedure, drawing up the EU declaration       with applicable obligations. The importer
                                            of conformity and affixing the CE marking.     and the distributor are required to not
                                            The provider is also responsible for having    place a high-risk AI system on the market
                                            a post-market monitoring system in             where they consider that it does not
                                            place, and for taking necessary corrective     comply with certain requirements. Both
                                            actions and informing relevant authorities     must also ensure that while a high-risk AI
                                            in the event of non-compliance.                system is under their responsibility,
                                                                                           storage or transport conditions do not

jeopardise its compliance. Users likewise      allow market surveillance authorities to
have monitoring obligations and a duty to      authorise, on a temporary basis and
inform the provider or distributor when        subject to conditions, the placing on the
they have reasons to consider that use in      market or putting into service of specific
accordance with the instructions may           high-risk AI systems "for exceptional
result in the AI system presenting certain     reasons of public security or the
risks or when they identify a serious          protection of life and health of persons,
incident or malfunctioning.                    environmental protection and the
                                               protection of key industrial and
Key questions will also arise regarding the    infrastructural assets".
contractual framing of the parties'
respective roles and responsibilities,         The registration of
including related warranties, liability and
                                               high-risk AI systems
indemnities. The scope and effect of
these provisions may also depend on            The AI Act provides for the creation of an
specific rules that may be developed           EU database for 'stand-alone' high-risk AI
regarding the liability regime for (certain)   systems (in principle, not those covered
AI systems.                                    by certain specific sectoral legislation
                                               referred to in the AI Act).
Conformity assessments                         Providers of those high-risk AI systems
for high-risk AI                               would be required to register them in the
A key requirement for high-risk AI             database with a pre-defined list of
systems is that they be subject to a           information, e.g.: identification of the
conformity assessment prior to placing on      provider and of the AI system, description
the market or putting into service.            of the intended purpose of the AI system,
                                               copy of the certificate issued by the
As a general rule, and putting aside high-     relevant notified body (if applicable), copy
risk AI systems to which the NLF Sectoral      of the declaration of conformity and
Legislation applies or those put on the        electronic instructions for use. The
market or into service by credit               information in the database would be
institutions and to which specific             publicly accessible, and the Commission
regulations apply (see below), the AI Act      would be the controller of the database.
appears to favour conformity
assessments carried out by the provider        Specific transparency for
under its own responsibility. A notable
                                               'limited risk' AI
exception relates to the conformity
assessment of AI systems intended to be        Certain AI systems are subject to specific
used for the remote biometric                  transparency obligations.
identification of natural persons, where
specific rules apply.                          One key ethical concern often raised in
                                               relation to AI is the need to ensure that
The conformity assessment procedures           people are aware when interacting with
include specific provisions regarding the      an AI system. Each of the 2019 Ethics
need to carry out new assessments each         Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, the 2020
time the high-risk AI system is                Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial
substantially modified. One specificity, in    Intelligence (ALTAI) for self-assessment
the context of AI, relates to systems that     and the European Parliament's 2020
continue to learn. On this, it seems that      resolution on a framework for ethical
changes to the high-risk AI system and         aspects of AI touches on this question.
its performance that have been pre-            The AI Act follows suit. It requires
determined by the provider at the time         providers to ensure that systems are
of the initial conformity assessment would     designed and developed in such a
in principle not be considered as              manner that individuals are informed
substantial modifications.                     when they are interacting with an AI
                                               system (e.g., a chatbot), unless this
There are specific derogations from the        is obvious.
conformity assessment procedure. They

                                                                                                                    CLIFFORD CHANCE   7
                                                                                              THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                              AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
The AI Act also imposes additional             under that legislation. Accordingly, whilst
                                             information obligations on users. This is      the AI Act would be of very limited direct
                                             the case in relation to 'deep fake'            application, it would make its way into the
                                             content, where users must reveal that the      Old Approach Sectoral Legislation.
                                             content has been artificially generated /
                                             manipulated. Likewise, where natural           Avoiding additional burden for
                                             persons are exposed to emotion                 other AI systems?
                                             recognition or biometric categorisation        The AI Act addresses questions of
                                             systems, they must be informed of the          interplay with other listed sectoral
                                             operation of the system.                       legislation, i.e. 'Union-harmonised
                                                                                            legislation based on the New Legislative
                                             There are exceptions however, in               Framework' (NLF Sectoral Legislation).
                                             particular for certain AI systems              This covers, amongst other things,
                                             authorised by law for the purposes             medical devices, toys, lifts and radio
                                             of crime detection, prevention                 equipment, as well as machinery for
                                             and/or prosecution.                            which a Proposal for a Regulation was
                                                                                            also announced on 21 April 2021.
                                             An excluded, limited or                        For instance, and to avoid duplications
    The interplay with                                                                      and additional burden, the conformity
                                             partial application to
    other regimes                                                                           assessment procedure required under
                                             certain AI systems                             that specific sectoral legislation would in
    • Sectoral issues: The AI Act seeks
      to address certain specific sectoral   No application to military-purpose             principle be followed. The key
      issues and concerns, including in      systems                                        requirements for high-risk AI under the AI
      light of existing legislation.         The AI Act does not apply to AI systems        Act would apply and be part of the
                                             that are developed or used exclusively for     assessment, and certain other conformity
    • Interplay with other laws more
                                             military purposes.                             assessment aspects under the AI Act
      generally: The AI Act needs to be
                                                                                            would also apply. Likewise, a single set of
      considered in conjunction with other   A very limited application to certain          technical documentation would be drawn
      laws. It cannot be perceived in        types of AI systems                            up, containing the information set out in
      isolation. For example, the AI Act
                                             Importantly, the AI Act seeks to address       the AI Act and the information required
      recognises that classifying and
                                             the question of the interplay with existing    under the specific sectoral legislation.
      regulating an AI system as high-risk
                                             sectoral legislation.
      does not mean that it is necessarily
                                                                                            In addition, there are specificities
      lawful under other EU law or
                                             For some AI systems, the AI Act would          throughout the AI Act regarding
      national law. That means, for
                                             be of very limited application, at least       requirements for credit / financial
      instance, that compliance with
                                             direct application. This is the case of        institutions in light of existing legislation,
      rules like the GDPR will need to
                                             high-risk AI systems that are safety           e.g., in relation to conformity
      continue and be interpreted
                                             components of (or that themselves are)         assessments, monitoring and the
      alongside these rules.
                                             products or systems covered by specific        notification of serious incidents. This will
                                             listed sectoral legislation in the fields of   not be relevant for all financial institutions,
                                             civil aviation, motor vehicles, two- or        but those that are within scope will begin
                                             three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles,         considering the interplay between their
                                             agricultural and forestry vehicles, rail       CRD IV governance frameworks and the
                                             systems and marine equipment (referred         AI Act, particularly as this is an area that
                                             to in this note as Old Approach Sectoral       such firms will want to ensure makes its
                                             Legislation). More specifically, only the      way into the final versions of the
                                             provisions of the AI Act related to its        Regulation. Whether these proposed
                                             evaluation and review process (Article 84)     limited derogations survive to the final
                                             are said to apply. There is uncertainty on     proposal – and the extent of them –
                                             what exactly this means.                       remains to be seen. However, this will be
                                                                                            an area for relevant firms to monitor and
                                             On the other hand, through other               consider how their existing CRD
                                             provisions the AI Act expressly amends         compliance efforts will synchronise with
                                             the Old Approach Sectoral Legislation, to      the scope and requirements of the
                                             ensure that key requirements for high-risk     new rules.
                                             AI systems set out in the AI Act shall be
                                             "taken into account" when adopting
                                             relevant delegated or implementing acts
                                             (or other relevant measures / documents)

Specific time frame for certain                Also, the AI Act enables the processing,
large-scale IT systems                         for the purposes of developing and
There are specific provisions regarding        testing AI systems in the sandboxes, of
the application of the AI Act to AI systems    personal data collected for other
that are components of certain large-          processes. However, there are conditions
scale IT systems in the area of freedom,       attached. Moreover, this is said to be          This is not the end game.
security and justice (e.g., Schengen           without prejudice to EU or national             For anyone wanting to
Information System, Visa Information           legislation that excludes processing for        influence Europe's direction
System, Eurodac). In principle, the AI Act     purposes other than those explicitly set
                                               out in that legislation. It is uncertain, for
                                                                                               of travel on AI, the hard work
would not apply to those systems where
placed on the market or put into service       instance, how exactly the option under          starts now. The European
before the date that falls 12 months after     the AI Act relates to and interacts with the    Parliament and Member
the date of full application of the AI Act.    restrictions in the GDPR on purpose             States will spend the next 18
However, there are exceptions.                 limitation.
                                                                                               months to two years
                                               Post-market monitoring,                         debating the proposal. They
Governance – the creation
                                               sharing of information on                       could make significant
of a European Artificial
                                               incidents and market                            changes before they finally
Intelligence Board
                                               surveillance                                    adopt the new Regulation.
The harmonised implementation of the AI
Act would be ensured at the EU level by        The AI Act contains detailed provisions to
a newly established European Artificial        address the post-market environment.
Intelligence Board. This would be              Providers of high-risk AI systems are,
comprised of the national supervisory          for example, required to have a post-
authorities and the European Data              market monitoring system, itself based          —GAIL ORTON
Protection Supervisor, and be chaired by       on a post-market monitoring plan. The            Head of EU Public Policy
the Commission. It would notably provide       Commission is expected to adopt an
advice and assistance to the                   implementing act to detail what that plan
Commission, including issuing opinions         is to look like.
and recommendations on technical
specifications and issues of                   Providers of high-risk AI systems must
standardisation and the preparation of         report serious incidents and malfunctions
guidance documents.                            to competent market surveillance
                                               authorities against aggressive timelines –
The AI Act also details the role and           and no more than 15 days from having
powers of different national authorities,      become aware of them. Here too,
including national competent                   additional guidance is to be developed
authorities, notifying authorities, national   by the Commission, and issued within
supervisory authorities and market             12 months of the entry into force of
surveillance authorities.                      the Regulation.

Sandboxes                                      Provisions on enforcement and market
Proposed measures in support of                surveillance also include specific
innovation include regulatory sandboxes,       procedures where a Member State
under the direct supervision of competent      determines that, although an AI system is
authorities, to facilitate the development,    compliant with applicable requirements, it
testing and validation of AI systems.          poses a risk in terms of health and safety,
Modalities and conditions of operation are     protection of fundamental rights or other
to be set out in implementing acts. There      public interest protection.
are specific measures aimed at helping
small-scale providers and start-ups,
including giving them priority access if
they satisfy eligibility conditions.

                                                                                                                          CLIFFORD CHANCE   9
                                                                                                    THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                                    AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
Sanctions – GDPR or                             The road ahead – the
                                           antitrust-like fines                            beginning of the process
                                           Very significant fines are contemplated to      It is early days for the AI Act and there is
                                           ensure effective implementation.                a long road ahead before it becomes EU
                                                                                           law. The AI Act will now be passed to the
                                           For the most serious non-compliances,           European Parliament and Council of the
                                           administrative fines can reach the higher       EU for adoption under the ordinary
                                           of EUR 30,000,000 and 6% of total               legislative process (formerly known as
                                           global annual turnover. This applies to         'co-decision'). Both the Parliament and
                                           prohibited AI practices, as well as to any      Member States must jointly agree the final
                                           non-compliance with the data and data           wording of the legislation before it can be
                                           governance requirements for high-risk           formally adopted. Interestingly, the
                                           AI systems.                                     European Commission has launched
                                                                                           another public consultation, this time on
                                           For non-compliance of the AI system with        the AI Act. The feedback received will be
                                           any other requirement or obligation,            shared with the European Parliament and
                                           administrative fines of up to the higher of     Council so that it can be taken into
                                           EUR 20,000,000 and 4% of total global           account in the legislative process. The AI
                                           annual turnover apply. Specific fines apply     Act was opened for feedback for a
                                           to the supply of incorrect, incomplete or       minimum of eight weeks from 26 April
                                           misleading information to relevant bodies/      2021, with the deadline for submissions
                                           authorities following a request (up to EUR      set at 5 July 2021 (at the date of this
                                           10,000,000 or 2% of total global annual         note). Dates may further change.
                                           turnover, whichever is the higher).
                                                                                           This provides yet another opportunity for
                                           Member States are responsible for laying        interested parties to have their say and
                                           down the rules on penalties, including          contribute to the legislative debate.
                                           administrative fines, and for ensuring they
                                           are implemented. Penalties must be              The timing of the legislative process is
                                           effective, proportionate and dissuasive.        difficult to predict but the earliest we
                                           With respect to a Member State's public         could expect a final text to be agreed and
                                           authorities and bodies, that Member             adopted by the Parliament and Council is
                                           State would determine to what extent            18-24 months from now (end of 2022 or
                                           administrative fines could apply.               first half of 2023), with a further period of
                                           Administrative fines would be imposed by        24 months before it would become fully
The proposed AI Act marks                  national courts or other bodies in the          applicable. The decision to propose a
a turning-point in the                     relevant Member State, as applicable,           Regulation rather than a Directive means
regulation of AI. And it's only            depending on its legal system.                  the new rules will be directly applicable
the start. It is one crucial                                                               and avoids the additional time that would
                                           Different fines and different rules apply for   have been required for national
part within a wider                        Union institutions, agencies and bodies,        implementation.
framework being assessed                   and the European Data Protection
and designed in Europe for                 Supervisor is empowered to                      In any event, it would be a while before
the regulation of AI, and tech             impose those fines.                             these new rules kick in.

more generally.                            The AI Act generally does not, on the           We should also assume that the proposal
                                           other hand, deal with the question of           will undergo substantial changes as part
                                           damages and indemnification.                    of the legislative process. The regulation
                                                                                           of AI is a controversial and thorny
                                                                                           question, with complex issues to be
                                                                                           managed and conflicting interests to be
—ALEXANDER KENNEDY                                                                         balanced. Concerns and criticism are
 Counsel, Commercial & Tech                                                                already being voiced, whether as regards

shortfalls and loopholes in terms of           A wider regulatory                             The four policy
addressing risks and protecting
                                               framework expected for AI                      objectives of the
fundamental rights, or in terms of
                                               Any discussion of AI involves key
the restrictions, burden and cost                                                             Co-ordinated Plan on
for businesses.                                questions around safety and liability, and
                                               whether the existing regulatory framework      Artificial Intelligence
The Parliament has already undertaken          can address the new challenges and risks       2021 Review
significant work on the issues, having         created by AI. The AI Act has not              • Enabling the development and
adopted a number of documents on AI            resolved all of these questions.                 uptake of AI in the EU: includes
including on a framework for ethical                                                            key initiatives around data sharing
aspects, a civil liability regime for AI and   The review of the Co-ordinated Plan on           and computing infrastructure
intellectual property rights for the           AI, the second pillar of the Commission's
                                               AI package announced on 21 April 2021,         • AI excellence, "from the lab to
development of AI. However, several of
                                               provides very useful insight on what can         the market": includes funding
those aspects would in principle be
                                               be expected. In addition to the AI Act, the      networks of excellence centres,
addressed through separate legal
                                               European Commission will be proposing:           setting up the European Partnership
instruments to come, rather than through
                                                                                                on AI, Data and Robotics, and
the AI Act itself.
                                               • In 2021 and beyond, necessary                  consolidating the European AI-on-
                                                 revisions of existing sectoral safety          demand platform
A phased application                             legislation. This has already started with   • AI for good: Ensuring that "AI
The new rules would generally apply from         the Proposal for a Regulation on               works for people and is a force
24 months after entry into force of the          machinery products. Other examples             for good in society": includes
AI Act.                                          include the General Product Safety             initiatives to foster talent and
                                                 Directive, with the Commission                 develop skills, and a policy
By exception, some provisions would              apparently intending to adopt a                framework to ensure trust in AI
begin to apply earlier. This is the case of      proposal for its revision during               systems. Beyond legislative
those on notifying authorities and notified      Q2 2021.                                       proposals, action areas include the
bodies, as well as on the European
                                               • In 2022, measures to adapt the liability       promotion of the Assessment List
Artificial Intelligence Board and national
                                                 framework to the specific challenges of        for trustworthy AI (ALTAI)
competent authorities. They would apply
from three months following entry into           new technologies and AI (other               • Strategic leadership in 'high-
force. The point here is that the                available information refers to Q4 2021        impact sectors': the focus is on
infrastructure regarding governance and          – Q1 2022). This may include revising          seven sectoral action areas, i.e. (i)
the conformity assessment system should          the Product Liability Directive, as well       climate and the environment, (ii)
be operational before the date of full           as a legislative proposal regarding the        health, (iii) robotics, (iv) the public
application. The provisions on penalties         liability regime for certain AI systems.       sector, (v) law enforcement,
would start to apply from 12 months            Likewise, the AI Act does not address            migration and asylum, (vi) mobility,
following entry into force of the AI Act.      other key aspects related to AI, for             and (vii) sustainable agriculture.
The rationale is to enable the Member          instance specific challenges in terms of
States to define the applicable rules,         intellectual property rights. The need to
notify the Commission and ensure they          ensure that the IP framework is fit for the
are properly and effectively implemented       digital age and address any changes
by the time the AI Act applies in full.        deemed necessary to the existing legal
                                               framework, is something that is picked up
Also, the AI Act addresses the important       by the IP Action Plan announced by the
question of AI systems put on the market       European Commission at the end of
or into service before the AI Act starts       2020. Naturally, the impact of the use of
applying in full. Putting aside the specific   AI is a key part of that discussion.
case of large-scale IT systems in the
fields of freedom, security and justice
mentioned above, the AI Act would apply
only in case of significant changes in
design or intended purpose from the date
of full application of the AI Act.

                                                                                                                         CLIFFORD CHANCE 11
                                                                                                   THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                                   AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
                                           THE WORLD
                                           As with other EU initiatives, the proposal may have knock-on
Implementing AI governance
                                           effects in other jurisdictions that are considering how to design
and compliance should be a
                                           and implement their own regulatory regimes for AI. In any
priority for all Boards. The
                                           event, the AI Act will be closely followed by governments,
proposed EU AI Act shows
                                           policymakers and regulatory bodies globally. And non-EU
that global corporates need
                                           companies will also need to consider what authorities in their
to keep pace with both
                                           jurisdictions have to say about AI.
legislative change and
sectoral legislation. The
                                           The UK                                       The US
reputational and financial                 Although the UK's position on AI             The Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
consequences of failing to                 matters post-Brexit is still evolving, the   the general consumer protection
do so are material.                        UK has clearly indicated that it aims to     regulator in the US, has asserted that it
                                           be a world leader in AI. The UK has          would be closely monitoring companies'
                                           retained the GDPR, one of the only           use of AI. In particular, the Commission
                                           regulations around the world that deals      has highlighted concern over AI
                                           directly with automated decision-            intended to be used for or that has the
                                           making, and therefore AI, in domestic        effect of discriminating against a
—KATE SCOTT                                law. In May 2020, the UK's data              protected class, such as by race or
 Partner, Litigation &                     protection regulator, the ICO, released      gender. To this end, the FTC has set out
 Dispute Resolution                        detailed guidance on explaining              guidance for businesses to adopt when
                                           decisions made with AI. This provides        deploying AI functions, including
                                           important clarity for businesses on how      principles embodied in the AI Act such
                                           to meet the requirements set out in the      as transparency and monitoring. US
                                           UK GDPR. The UK House of Lords has           banking regulators are also seeking
                                           also warned that a solely self-regulatory    comment on the use of AI by financial
                                           approach, based on organisations             institutions, suggesting further guidance
                                           producing their own ethical AI codes of      may be forthcoming.
                                           conduct, risks a lack of uniformity and
The US is approaching AI as                enforceability. In March 2021, the UK        APAC
                                           Department for Digital, Culture, Media
they have other technology,                and Sport announced its Ten Tech
                                                                                        Generally, and with the exception of
emphasising transparency                                                                the PRC, APAC jurisdictions have
                                           Priorities. The priorities include helping
                                                                                        explored AI initiatives and provided
and explainability, as well as             to set the rules of engagement for AI
                                                                                        high-level guidance but there has yet to
outputs. We can expect US                  use and leading the global debate on AI
                                                                                        be an enforcement regime in place
                                           and governance. They have been
regulators to continue to                  released in advance of the UK's National
                                                                                        or underway.
bring enforcement actions in               AI Strategy, which will be finalised in
                                                                                        The PRC
this area.                                 2021 and will bring together the policy
                                                                                        Within APAC, the PRC is leading to look
                                           and regulatory recommendations made
                                                                                        into AI regulations, releasing the long-
                                           to the UK government on how to ensure
                                                                                        term action plan 'New Generation
                                           safe and resilient development of AI. In
                                                                                        Artificial Intelligence Development Plan'
                                           the meantime, we expect the UK to
                                                                                        in 2017 with specific goals in the
                                           continue working closely with
                                                                                        regulatory regime of AI up to 2030,
—MEGAN GORDON                              competition, privacy, financial services
                                                                                        alongside the existing legal framework
 Partner, Litigation &                     and other sector regulators to produce
                                                                                        such as the Cybersecurity Law which
 Dispute Resolution                        meaningful guidance for companies
                                                                                        governs the use and processing of
                                           working with AI, and to see continued
                                                                                        personal information. The AI Act will
                                           enforcement relying on existing legal
                                                                                        certainly provide helpful referential value
                                           requirements and ethical expectations.
                                                                                        for China to fine-tune its goals and
                                           The UK, EU and other global AI players
                                                                                        milestones in terms of its AI
                                           will also need to align and find areas
                                                                                        regulatory regime.
                                           of harmony in order to further
                                           boost innovation.

Other key APAC jurisdictions                   dependent on existing regulations for
• Singapore: There is no centralised AI        specific institutions such as FI, or
  regulation (or even one being tabled).       existing legislation that may apply to
  Instead, there are several different         specific aspects of the use of
  issued guidelines dealing with AI            technology/data such as the Personal
                                                                                        The proposed AI Act may
  which, while not meant to be                 Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  prescriptive, are supposed to assist
                                                                                        provide a useful starting
                                             • Japan: There is currently a lack of
  organisations with implementing AI                                                    point for other jurisdictions
                                               thematic guidance on specific
  responsibly – the key guideline being        applications of AI in Japan, although    in deciding how best to
  the PDPC's Artificial Intelligence           there are high-level considerations      implement AI regulatory
  Governance Framework, followed by
  the MAS's FEAT (which shares
                                               relating to AI in its updated AML        regimes of their own. This
                                               guidelines (that AI output should be
  broadly the same principles).                                                         may be all the more relevant
                                               explainable and interpretable). AI
  Naturally, that means that there are no      regulation is largely undertaken via     for jurisdictions such as
  penalties specifically for misuse of AI      individual enforcement actions by the    Singapore, where the
  either – although there can be under
  other legislation such as the PDPA,
                                               FSA (Financial Services Agency)          current governance
                                               based on the existing regulatory
  provided they apply.                                                                  framework appears based
                                               framework against potential misuse
• Hong Kong: Similar to Singapore,             (e.g. suspension order against a         on similar core principles
  there are currently no laws/regulations      registered firm lending its name to      and approach: transparency,
  in Hong Kong that are specific to AI         non-registered firms developing          accuracy and the necessity
  (with the exception of measures              investment programmes).
                                                                                        for human oversight,
  adopted to ban certain AI products
  which may affect personal safety such
                                             • Australia: The ASIC (Australian          along with a
                                               Securities and Investments
  as self-driving AI). Local regulatory                                                 risk-sensitive approach.
                                               Commission) has rolled out a detailed
  bodies have released high-level              ASIC Regulatory Guide which
  guidance on AI and AI products,              provides guidance that aims to assist
  including the Hong Kong Monetary             industry with understanding ASIC's
  Authority's High-level Principles on AI,     approach to regulating digital advice,
  and the SFC's Guidelines on Online           requiring regulated entities to put in
  Distribution and Advisory Platforms.                                                  —IRIS MOK
                                               adequate resources and to have
  Any regulation of AI is largely                                                        Senior Associate, Litigation &
                                               appropriate monitoring and testing.
                                                                                         Dispute Resolution

                                                                                                                   CLIFFORD CHANCE 13
                                                                                             THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                             AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT

Dessislava Savova       Gail Orton              Alexander Kennedy        Herbert Swaniker        Thomas Voland            Sanne Blankestijn
Partner                 Head of EU Public       Counsel                  Lawyer                  Partner                  Associate
Paris                   Policy                  Paris                    London                  Dusseldorf               Amsterdam
T: +33 1 4405 5483      Paris/Brussels          T: +33 1 4405 5184       T: +44 207006 6215      T: +49 211 4355 5642     T: +31 20 711 9131
E: dessislava.savova@   T: +33 1 4405 2429      E: alexander.kennedy@    E: herbert.swaniker@    E: thomas.voland@        E: sanne.blankestijn@   E: gail.orton@   

Düsseldorf              Hong Kong                                        Singapore                                        UK

Claudia Milbradt        Brian Harley            Iris Mok                 Paul Landless           Xide Low                 Monica Freely
Partner                 Consultant              Senior Associate         Partner                 Senior Associate         Senior Associate
Düsseldorf              Hong Kong               Hong Kong                Singapore               Singapore                London
T: +49 211 4355 5962    T: +852 2826 2412       T: +852 2826 3585        T: +65 6410 2235        T: +65 6506 2783         T: +44 207006 2322
E: claudia.milbradt@    E: brian.harley@        E: Iris.Mok@             E: paul.landless@       E: xide.low@             E: monica.freely@

Arnav Joshi             Jonathan Kewley         Stephen Reese            Kate Scott              Leigh Smith              Phillip Souta
Senior Associate        Partner                 Partner                  Partner                 Senior Associate         Head of UK Public
London                  London                  London                   London                  London                   Policy
T: +44 207006 1303      T: +44 207006 3629      T: +44 207006 2810       T: +44 207006 4442      T: +44 207006 6235       London
E: arnav.joshi@         E: jonathan.kewley@     E: stephen.reese@        E: kate.scott@          E: leigh.smith@          T: +44 207006 1097    E: phillip.souta@

US                                                                                               Warsaw

Megan Gordon            Daniel Silver           Alex Sisto               Brian Yin               Anna Biała
Partner                 Partner                 Associate                Associate               Counsel
Washington DC           New York                New York                 New York                Warsaw
T: +1 202 912 5021      T: +1 212 878 4919      T: +1 212 878 4990       T: +1 212 878 4980      T: +48 22429 9692
E: megan.gordon@        E: daniel.silver@       E: alex.sisto@           E: brian.yin@           E: anna.biala@

                                                                                                                               CLIFFORD CHANCE 14
                                                                                                         THE FUTURE OF AI REGULATION IN EUROPE
                                                                                                                         AND ITS GLOBAL IMPACT
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