The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum

The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on
Insurability and
Resilience in a
Changing Climate
Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
This paper frequently refers to insurers. When doing so this is intended to mean the
insurance industry including reinsurers, insurers and distributors or brokers.

This paper relies heavily on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
for data and charts, drawn from SR15 and AR5 working papers.
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on                                                     3
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Global warming is underway, yet there are a wide range                 During our research we have been struck by the precarious
of potential outcomes relating to the timing and extent of             situation, with the world currently on a path towards ‘too little,
future warming. Furthermore, there are potentially huge                too late’. On the other hand, we are encouraged that the Paris
consequences under scenarios at the upper end of the range.            target is technically achievable as recently set out by the IPCC,
Conversely, to achieve the Paris targets and restrict the extent       IEA, EDC and others. It will, however, require a determined
of warming will require a massive and prolonged transition             and wide-ranging set of transition policies and programmes
effort, unprecedented in scale and duration, which may be              (sustained at several times the pace of current transition
orderly or disorderly.                                                 activity).

Therefore, climate change is a risk of an unusually broad and          We have approached the topic as risk managers, so we give
rich nature, and many regard it as the greatest risk currently         due attention to the downside risks as well as the central
facing humanity. Although it has been recognised as a key              projections gathered from existing research and publications.
emerging risk for some time, the CRO Forum decided now                 We consider assumptions and mitigation plans with a critical
was a good time to focus on it, given its increasing urgency,          eye, bearing in mind the context and any empirical evidence of
complexity, wide range of scenarios and the pervasiveness of           their relevance and effectiveness. At times we have not shied
its impacts.                                                           away from expressing our opinion.

The intention of this position paper is to provide insurance           I would like to thank our external reviewers, Professor Joanna
sector CROs and their colleagues, and wider stakeholders,              Haigh, Professor Peter Höppe, Dr Maryam Golnaghi of the
with a clear understanding of what climate change implies              Geneva Association and Professor Sonia Seneviratne, for
for the insurance industry, both from an underwriting and              giving up their time and for their insightful comments. Any
investment perspective, and to equip them to challenge their           errors are ours, not theirs.
businesses and clients in their responses to climate change.
                                                                       And I would like to express my gratitude and respect for my
Existing research on climate change is broad and extensive.            colleagues on this CRO Forum working group, from Allianz,
This paper does not aim to replicate this research, but to             AXA, Generali, Hannover Re, Munich Re, NN Group, Prudential,
navigate the main issues, and provide a clear and up-to-date           Swiss Re, SCOR, Uniqa and Zurich Insurance Group, for their
view of the climate change challenge, centred on the potential         energy, insight and active participation in the production of this
impacts on the insurance sector. This covers implications for:         paper, and in particular to Luke Watts from RSA for organising
                                                                       and facilitating the entire project and for careful editing. It is the
yy underwriting of climate change related risks (and the               collaborative efforts of all that result in what we hope you will
   important question of insurability);                                find a balanced and thought-provoking summary of the climate
yy investment activities; and                                          change issues facing insurance.
yy reporting and disclosure.

The paper also considers the social role of the insurance
                                                                       William McDonnell
industry and its responsibility to support the wider societal          Group Chief Risk Officer, RSA Insurance
effort to transition to a lower carbon world, and to influence
civic and infrastructure planning decisions now to help avoid          January 2019
an insurability gap in the decades ahead.
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
Table of Contents
    Foreword                                                                       3

    Executive Summary                                                              6

    Introduction                                                                   8
    1.1   The globe is warming                                                     8
    1.2   Current assumptions on climate change                                    9
    1.3   Key physical tipping points                                             11
    1.4   Transition risk                                                         13
    1.5   Economic implications                                                   14

    Climate Change Scenarios                                                      16
    2.1   Under 2°C scenario (Paris targets met – steep transition)               18
    2.2   +3°C scenario (More severe physical impacts)                            22
    2.3   +5°C scenario (Physically devastating)                                  23

    Implications for Insurers and their Customers                                 24
    3.1   Insurability                                                            24
    3.2   P&C underwriting                                                        27
    3.3   Life underwriting                                                       31
    3.4   Investment implications and stranded assets                             33
    3.5   Transition risk and socio-economic factors                              34

    Insurance Industry Responses                                                  36
    4.1   Resilience, mitigation and adaptation                                   36
    4.2   Supporting societal change – a social role for the insurance industry   38
    4.3   Tackling climate risks through investments                              39

    Climate Related Financial Disclosures                                         41
    5.1   Towards better climate disclosure                                       41
    5.2   Accountability and measurement                                          42
    5.3   Challenges and ways ahead                                               43

    Conclusion                                                                    45

    Concentration pathways and scenario definitions
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
               on (1.5-2°C) to limit dangerous physical                                5     To hit the Paris targets will require a long, profound
  effects ofand Resilience
             climate changein ais Changing   Climateto meet.
                                   vital but tough                                           transition. This means major changes to energy, industry,
  Research indicates that 3-4°C warming is most likely.                                      freight, heating etc, sustained and extended to deliver
  There is a risk of >5°C which would be catastrophic.                                       large new emissions cuts every year, decelerating fast
                                                                                             throughout 2020 to 2070.
  Probability of                       50%
  warming                                                                                    Rate of acceleration of CO₂ emissions over time
  by 2100 (°C)               RCP4.5

                                                                                                                WWI                                               RCP8.5

                        5%                                                                     0

                                                                                                                                         Iran,                    RCP2.6

                                                                                                                     Great          oil crisis
                                                            5%                                                  Depression                       Financial                  Huge
                   1%                                                                                                                                                    effort to
                                                                                                            Data from IPCC                                           fast enough

  0		       1           2            3            4            5           6 °C                      1850           1900            1950              2000         2050          2100
 * See page 48 for a description of RCP

  Warming by 2100
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on                                                      6                                                     Executive Summary
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Executive summary
Despite growing concern, 2018 again set new records in global           Research suggests probable warming of 1-6°C above pre-
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon                    industrial levels by the end of the century, depending on the
budget (i.e. the maximum cumulative emissions) consistent               success of mitigating actions. Such increases may not sound
with the
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on                                                      7   Executive Summary
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

design and carry out the difficult steps. Society must work
together globally with each of us taking responsibility for our
emissions footprint and with policies to prevent ‘free-riding’.

Role of insurers
Insurers have a unique role in the global effort to mitigate and
adapt to climate change, as both providers of risk protection
and as major investors managing c.$30 trillion of assets. In line
with our primary functions, insurers will continue to work with
customers, industry and governments to:

yy Protect customers from the impact of physical perils.
yy Provide risk management advice, and support mitigation,
   resilience and adaptation solutions.
yy Maintain insurability, sustaining the real economy by
   planning ahead with governments, industry and society.
yy Remain resilient, to continue supporting our customers.
yy Provide long-term investment, including existing efforts to
   support greener technologies and transition activities.
yy Support understanding of the financial and strategic risks of
   climate change through research and disclosure.

Insurability and resilience
Insurers can help fortify society’s resilience to climate change
by continuing to invest in hazard models, promoting their use
and advising on building codes and resilient engineering. This
is urgent now to minimise a future insurability gap.

Such is the scale of the threat, however, that insurability and
affordability are likely to become an increasing concern:

yy As hazard modelling becomes ever more precise,
   certain local peak risks may exceed capacity or become
   unaffordable to insure. Certain coastal or forest-fringe
   properties in USA are already on the edge of insurability.
yy Governments can overcome some of the issues through
   pooling mechanisms that share the peak risk across a wider
   pool of participants; however, unless these are designed
   very carefully, they can make the problem worse by
   incentivising unsustainable development.
yy However, in the more extreme warming scenario of >5°C,
   severe damage and disruption could become so frequent
   later in the century that many risks may be uninsurable, with
   a profound impact on the economy and on society.

Ultimately the key to resilience for society, and also insurers,
is to limit future warming by reducing emissions and adapting.
Transition risk needs to be taken now to avoid physical risk in
the future. The insurance sector is playing its part in current
plans and is working on many fronts to do what it can to help
the world achieve the vital goal of keeping warming to
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on                                                      8                                                     Introduction
    Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

           The globe is warming                     of more extreme events, but also in
                                                    helping others take action to reduce
                                                    emissions or to adapt to climate effects.
                                                                                                Climate change is not some
                                                                                                far off problem; it is happening
                                                                                                here, it is happening now.
                                                                                                Barack Obama, former US President

                                                                                                   snow-pack outside the polar regions.
                                                                                                yy Global mean sea-level has risen by
                                                                                                   0.19m between 1901 and 2010.
    Introduction                                    Transitioning at the pace required will     yy 50% of coral reef area has sustained
    The science behind global warming and           require concerted effort from all in           major bleaching damage.
    the role of greenhouse gases is clear and       society.
    generally accepted. While the physical                                                      However, this is just the start. There
    effects of warming and climate change           The signs of climate change are already     are many potential repercussions. For
    can be modelled, the full extent of             apparent. Examples include:                 example, on the food chain even at 2°C
    impacts on living conditions or societies       yy New records for extreme weather          warming, IPCC tells us the associated
    are complex to predict. However,                   (downpour, windstorm, drought,           acidification will destroy vital marine
    enough is known to state that a failure to         heatwave, wildfire) and more frequent    ecosystems. The gravest for humanity,
    act now has significant implications for           events, as predicted by climate          in the higher warming scenarios, may
    the citizens of today and generations of           models.                                  lead to widespread loss of livelihood
    tomorrow.                                       yy The extent and thickness of the Arctic   and food shortages as repeated extreme
                                                       polar ice-cap shrinking during the       water and heat stresses progressively
    Insurance has a key role to play not only          summer months.                           impact farm production. Repeated
    in protecting society from the impacts          yy The rapid shrinkage of glaciers and      extreme events may also strain

    Figure 1 Global temperature change relative to 1850-1900 (°C)              Figure 2 Range of °C increase for each RCP

Warming reached c.1°C above 1850-1900 in 2017 and is on course
for 1.5°C around 2040.
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on                                                      9                                                         Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

and damage infrastructure. It is not
unreasonable to assume such effects
                                               1.2 Current assumptions
will be accompanied by socio-political         on climate change
upheaval, migration and conflict.                                                             We appear to be embarked on
                                               With recent experience of extreme
                                                                                              a massive experiment where
                                               weather conditions, climate change
Physical and transition risks                                                                 the consequences are hard to
                                               discussion has grown more prominent.
Before reaching these extremes, people
                                               Within the scientific community there          predict and the effects may be
and organisations will face the physical                                                      irreversible.
                                               exists very clear evidence as presented
risks of increasingly abnormal weather
                                               through the work of the IPCC, the              Professor Lord Nicholas Stern,
(heatwaves, droughts, flooding, wildfires,
                                               international body for assessing the           Chair of the Grantham Institute, LSE
shifting storm patterns) and growing risk
                                               science related to climate change.
of coastal flooding. Zones of vulnerability
will grow, affecting property values and
                                               2018 has been a year with several
making investment harder. Outbreaks
                                               extreme weather events. In the summer          Alongside CO₂, increasing emissions
of human and agricultural diseases and
                                               there was a global heatwave in the             of other greenhouse gases (GHGs)
epidemics are likely to increase.
                                               northern hemisphere, associated with           arise from changes in land use from
                                               deaths in Japan and Canada and fires           deforestation and agriculture, primarily
As physical impacts become more
                                               in California, Canada, Sweden, Spain           methane (CH4) but also nitrous oxide
obvious and disasters more common,
                                               and Greece. In the autumn of 2017 there        (N₂O). Methane emissions are also rising
public opinion may shift, and with
                                               were US tropical cyclones with unusually       due to leakage or releases from the oil
it liability risks may grow for those
                                               intense rainfall. As noted by IPCC, the        and gas industry.
considered responsible.
                                               attribution of individual extreme weather
                                               events to warming is difficult. Recent         Scientists have observed various
Insurability concerns will also grow.
                                               and ongoing research is focusing on            ongoing changes in the climate system,
For insurers to exist there must be an
                                               attribution science and how climate            which intensify global warming:
insurance need at an affordable price.
                                               change affects the likelihood of extreme       yy Temperature data of the combined
Seeking to maintain insurability, where
                                               weather events occurring.                         land and ocean surface already
possible, to support adaptation and to
build increased resilience will not only be                                                      shows a rise of over 1°C compared
                                               The IPCC provides policymakers with               with the ‘pre-industrial’ average from
vital for society but also to the long-term
                                               regular assessments of the scientific             1850 to 1900, with a greater rise on
role for insurance within society.
                                               basis of climate change, its impacts and          land than over the ocean. There is
This may become an issue of public
                                               future risks, and options for adaptation          already evidence that certain extreme
policy, where the question will be how far
                                               and mitigation. The key takeaways from            events (e.g. heatwaves, drought)
to spread or nationalise the risks so that
                                               its last full assessment report, AR5, in          are more frequent, linked to climate
insurance protection remains available
                                               2014 were:                                        change.
to individuals and organisations. Linked
                                               yy Human influence on the climate              yy The atmospheric water cycle is
with this is the need for long-term
                                                   system is clear.                              intensifying, with greater downpours
planning and adaptation.
                                               yy The more we disrupt our climate, the           and evaporation. Higher temperatures
                                                   more we risk severe, pervasive and            raise the saturation point of air
As increasing efforts are made to
                                                   irreversible impacts.                         (by c.7% per °C) and accelerate
mitigate emissions, these give rise to
                                               yy Any additional CO₂ emissions lead              evaporation (by c.10% per °C). Also,
transition risks. The carbon budget to
                                                   to increased global warming with the          as atmospheric layers warm and
The heat is on Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper - The CRO Forum
The heat is on                                                    10                                                       Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

   happening in succession. In turn, this         ice mass loss contributes to a rise in       clouds can release locally is growing
   could exacerbate extreme events like           sea levels and may have an impact            at much faster rates at or above 10%
   wildfires, as was the case in 2017             on global ocean circulation. There           per °C warming. Evaporation is rising
   in California. An exceptionally wet            is some evidence that the Atlantic           at a similar rate. As a consequence,
   season led to growth of vegetation             circulation system that includes the         both flooding and large scale
   that dried out in the following drought        Gulf Stream has slowed by c.30%              droughts are likely to be dominant
   creating perfect conditions for                since the late 1950s.                        loss factors; and due to increasing
   wildfires. The Western US wildfire          yy The effect of Arctic ice loss on mid-        temperatures and dryness, wildfires
   area has doubled due to these                  latitude weather has also become             are likely to become more common in
   effects.                                       a very active area of research, in           many regions of the world.
yy A large part of the rising CO₂                 particular into the slowdown and          yy There is less certainty about the
   emissions into the atmosphere is               meandering of the jet stream which           impact on windstorms, but direct
   absorbed by the ocean. However this            may contribute to more prolonged             physical consequences on large scale
   results in rising acidity levels. Ocean        weather anomalies in economically            extra-tropical/tropical cyclones or
   surface water pH is approaching                productive regions including Canada,         winter storms seem less imminent.
   the threshold when many marine                 Northern USA and Europe.                     In fact the frequency in some areas
   organisms at the base of the food           yy Between 1901 and 2010, global mean           could even become smaller. While the
   web struggle to form calcium-                  sea-level rose by 0.19m, rising at a         overall frequency of cyclones might
   based shells or skeletons, and coral           faster rate since 1993. This makes a         not be significantly impacted, their
   begins to dissolve. A compounding              sea-level rise of up to 1m this century      potential maximum intensity is likely
   stress is the decrease of oxygen               seem plausible.                              to increase (NOAA 2018) and storm
   levels, particularly in coastal waters,                                                     paths may extend into higher latitudes
   observed since 1960 that is probably        Climate models make additional                  than before. Due to the increased
   due to warming combined with                predictions of physical risk impacts            moisture it is also possible that
   fertiliser run-off.                         relevant for insurers:                          cyclones could survive longer over
yy The Greenland and Antarctic ice             yy Although average rainfall at a large         land than currently and carry greater
   sheets are more sensitive to warming           scale increases at only c.2% per °C          amounts of rain.
   than previously thought. The rate of           warming, the total water amount that
The heat is on                                                       11                                                       Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Tipping points are so dangerous because if you pass them, the climate is out of humanity’s control:
if an ice-sheet disintegrates and starts to slide into the ocean, there’s nothing we can do about that.
Dr James Hansen, Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions Program, Earth Institute, Columbia University

                                                point could trigger abrupt, non-linear        yy Greenland sea-ice loss, linked to
1.3 Key physical tipping                        responses (e.g. Amazon rainforest                weather anomalies in North America
points                                          changing to savanna or seasonally dry            and Europe with potential to change
                                                forest), others would lead to a more             thermohaline circulation linked to the
In the climate system, most of the
                                                gradual response (e.g. large-scale loss of       gulf stream
feedback mechanisms are of a gradual
                                                permafrost). There can be lags but also       yy Ice sheet dynamics (Greenland and
nature while tipping points arise where a
                                                acceleration after passing a tipping point       West-Antarctica), raising sea levels
critical observable threshold is crossed
                                                (e.g. ice sheet dynamics for Greenland           over the long-term and potentially
indicating a change in state and that a
                                                or the Antarctica).                              slowing down Atlantic thermohaline
specific point in the warming process
has been crossed. In some cases
                                                Sample physical tipping points                yy Permafrost thawing, releasing
tipping points trigger further warming
                                                Examples of physical tipping points and          CO₂ (under aerobic conditions)
or an acceleration, such as permafrost
                                                their potential implications are as follows      and/or methane (under anaerobic
thawing. Therefore, monitoring tipping
                                                (Steffen, 2018 & WWF, 2009):                     conditions). Note that IPCC have ‘high
points is key to tracking climate risks
                                                yy Reduction of northern hemisphere              confidence’ permafrost will thaw and
and major step-changes.
                                                   spring snow cover, decreases the              release carbon but ‘low confidence’ in
                                                   albedo effect and amplifies regional          how much will be emitted how soon
Some feedback mechanisms are
                                                   warming, as is already seen in higher      yy El Niño – Southern Oscillation
reversible (e.g. sea ice with warmer and
                                                   latitudes                                     (ENSO) increasing and changing
cooler temperatures) on relatively short
                                                yy Arctic sea-ice loss, linked to                in amplitude, changing patterns of
timeframes (50-100 years) whereas
                                                   potential changes in thermohaline             hurricanes, precipitation and drought
others are irreversible (e.g. carbon
                                                   circulation (gulf stream and jet stream    yy Collapsing marine ecosystems and
loss due to permafrost thawing). While
                                                   included) and rising sea levels               dissolving coral reefs, impacting
in some cases, passing a tipping
                                                                                                 fishing, biodiversity and coastal
                                                                                                 protection from storms or storm
                                                                                              yy Dying Boreal Forests and Amazon
                                                                                                 Rainforest due to heat stress,
                                                                                                 reducing rainfall and wildfire, thereby
                                                                                                 reducing CO₂ uptake
                                                                                              yy Reduced West African Monsoon,
                                                                                                 increased risk of drought and a
                                                                                                 greening of the Sahel
                                                                                              yy Interference in Indian Summer
                                                                                                 Monsoon, increasing drought
                                                                                              yy Prolonged S.W. North American
                                                                                                 droughts, leading to desertification,
                                                                                                 as is already being experienced

Figure 3 Map of potential tipping points, colour-coded by global estimated mean
temperature threshold, with arrows showing potential interaction cascades based on
expert elicitation. NB: although the East Antarctic Ice Sheet risk is proposed at >5°C,
some sectors may be vulnerable at lower temperatures (Steffen 2018).
The heat is on                                                      12                                               Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

    Methane hydrates
    not all about CO2                                                    By emitting just a little bit of methane,
                                                                         mankind is greatly accelerating the rate of
    Methane hydrate (or ‘clathrate’) consists of methane                 climatic change.
    embedded in a crystal structure of water, with the water
    molecules completely surrounding the methane. In
                                                                         Steve Hamburg, Environmental Defence Fund Chief
    appearance it resembles wax or solid fuel tablets.

    The methane is present in a highly compressed form. Under
    normal conditions, 1m³ of gas hydrate is equivalent to
    164m³ of gas and 0.8m³ of water. Gas hydrate forms in cold
    water under pressure in sea-bed or lake-bed sediments. It
    is unstable at room temperature and the methane escapes.
    There are moves to try to extract the methane for use as a

    The environmental effects could be significant if methane
    is released during extraction, which given the technical
    complexities is possible. Methane is a greenhouse gas and
    about 60 times more dangerous than CO₂ per unit mass
    but it doesn’t linger as long in the atmosphere. In 100 years
    following emission, methane has a warming effect 30 times
    greater than CO₂.

    Over 60% of methane emissions are man-made through
    natural gas and petroleum industries, agriculture and human
    waste. Any increase in or appearance of new emission
    sources has significant ramifications.

    Figure 4 Geographical distribution of methane hydrate deposits (World Ocean Review, 2017)
The heat is on                                                                  13                                                              Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

                                                        The IPCC carbon budget for
The heat is on                                                                  14                                                                      Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

                                                       the current trajectory towards 3.7°C is                  New or more nuanced economic
1.5 Economic implications                              calculated as $550 trillion.3                            principles will be necessary to achieve
Climate change directly and indirectly                                                                          the sustainable global economy
impacts economic outcomes, such as                     Implications from transition risks                       required. We do not believe we can rely
agricultural output, critical economic                 The benefit from acting now to minimise                  heavily on negative emissions as a ‘silver
resources, manufacturing, energy                       warming is to avoid the much greater                     bullet’, as outlined overleaf, and would
production, transport and other services,              cost that global warming brings in the                   caution against a human tendency
as well as wider human welfare. These                  long-term, as well as potentially saving                 towards optimism over realism.
factors are likely to hamper economic                  lives and avoiding major hardship for
development and contribute to inequality               many. However, that introduces risks                     One important economic question is
and poverty. Thus they are also likely                 associated with transition, although of a                how to design economic policies that
to reduce ability to afford insurance,                 lower order of magnitude than physical                   are effective, and why actions successful
especially in developing countries, and                risks.                                                   at reducing emission from individual
negatively affect insurance penetration,                                                                        sources have not yet slowed emissions
to the detriment and lost opportunities                One such implication is an economic                      growth on an aggregate global scale.
for both customers and insurers.                       drag on countries that are major fossil                  ‘Balloon-squeezing’, as this may be
                                                       fuel extractors or major carbon emitters.                termed, is a complex matter. Counter-
Implications from physical risks                       However, there are also material                         intuitively, efficiency gains appear to
Moreover, recent research shows that                   opportunities for jobs and growth in                     help drive growth and keep energy costs
the damage from higher warming                         many sectors as sustained investments                    low, fuelling increasing consumption
scenarios will impact global GDP this                  are made into the low-carbon economy.                    and therefore increasing emissions. This
century. Simply based on the observable                                                                         demonstrates the complexities ahead.
data, global GDP could be 25-40%                       Rapid shift to a low-carbon
lower by 2100 in a >3°C scenario vs                    economy is vital                                         Any policy actions need to be
baseline.                                              The impacts of climate change have                       appropriately calibrated and
                                                       major economic repercussions. To date                    communicated. Without this, it could
However, when the risk associated with                 the overriding goal driving economic                     trigger a feeling of inequality or a sense
the compounding effects of large scale                 policy has been ongoing growth, which                    of unfairness, leading to social unrest,
tipping points are included the NPV                    fuels consumption. But there is a                        nationalism/protectionism, climate
of damage rises eight fold. This being                 feedback loop where that consumption,                    litigation or even conflict.
evaluated using a stochastic model                     still based largely on fossil fuel, drives
containing a realistic range of policy                 further climate change.
decisions. The ultimate damage on

	Some economic models show much more modest impacts from climate change, including those of 2018 Nobel laureate, William Nordhaus. Such results appear to

  be at odds with the IPCC and climate science, for reasons analysed by Nicholas Stern (Stern, 2013) and others. We have given more weight where these models
  have been adapted to take a broader view of risk such as allowing for damage from tipping points, extreme events and socio-political consequences of food crises,
  migration and conflict.
The heat is on                                                                  15                                                                Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

    Negative emissions - “no silver bullet” (EASAC, 2018)
    To meet the Paris targets, most IPCC scenarios4 require                          •	Other complex factors arise: e.g. in the case of Bio-
    not only major emissions cuts but also large-scale negative                         Energy CCS (BECCS) it is vulnerable to policy change,
    emissions, i.e. active removal of CO₂ from the atmosphere.                          increasing water and energy costs, ecological risks, and
    Several technologies are proposed, which are mostly                                 the side-effects of warming, such as wildfires. Growing
    immature and face major drawbacks and challenges. The                               forest faces some of the same sustainability risks.
    most cited are storage of CO₂ either from burning biomass
    for energy or captured directly from the air using chemical                      There is also significant risk associated with moral hazard,
    absorption machines.                                                             where the illusion of an easy way out clouds the urgency of
                                                                                     emissions cuts.
    To assume massive negative emissions is problematic as
    each technology has a drawback or limitation, although                           The European Academies’ Science Advisory Council
    through continued research some may be overcome.                                 published a report in 2018 which concludes negative
                                                                                     emissions are not a credible option in the near term. “There
    •	The scale is vast, so requires huge capital investment,                       are serious questions over whether any (separately or
       high running costs and competition with agriculture                           cumulatively) have the potential to deliver carbon removals
       for land (except for direct air capture). This comes                          at the gigatonne scale and rate of deployment envisaged
       potentially when land value is at an increasing premium                       as necessary in IPCC scenarios.” They conclude that the
       as climate change impacts food production and water                           first priorities should be to:
       security.                                                                     • reduce emissions;
    •	The technology proposed is immature (apart from                               • slow rapid deforestation; and
       growing forest), so investment risk will be high until                        • develop CCS to be relevant and economically viable.
       designs are refined and lifetime performance and costs
       are understood.                                                               The 2018 Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering
                                                                                     joint report reached a similar conclusion.

    Comparison of Negative Emissions Technologies
                                        Maturity          Scale for 12Gt/yr C0₂ removal             Challenges

                                        High              60% global arable land. Difficult on      Huge land use. Water needs. Vulnerable to
                                                          degraded land                             logging, pests, fire, drought. Offset by reduced
                                                                                                    albedo, GHG emissions.

                     Manage             Medium            N/a. Possibly 2Gt/yr for 10-20            Reach early saturation. Vulnerable to release from
                     land for CO₂                         years                                     higher soil carbon respiration in warming climate.

                     BECCS              Low               20-350% of global arable land             High cost. Huge land use, fertiliser. CO₂ ‘leakage’
                     (bio-energy +                                                                  at various stages. Needs ‘off the shelf’ CCS. Up to
                     CCS)                                                                           50% less efficient than fossil fuel energy + CCS.

                     Direct Air         Low               Scalable subject to site availability     Expensive. High energy and water needs. 1-10x
                     Capture                              and cost                                  more costly than point-source CCS of flue gas.

                     Chemical           Speculative       3-10 billion tons/yr of powdered          Speculative. Major mining and logistics
                     weathering                           rock                                      challenges. High costs. Ecological impacts.

                     Ocean iron         Speculative       N/a. Max 3Gt/year                         Huge ecological risks for small CO₂ removal
                     fertilisation                                                                  potential.

        Among the AR5 models, 87% of sub-2°C scenarios include material negative emissions, and 100% of those that achieve 1.5°C.
The heat is on                                                      16                                          Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

2                        Climate Change
The use of models and scenarios
is essential to understand future
implications. Climate change progresses
                                                pathway (RCP2.6), limiting global
                                                warming to
The heat is on                                                                                  17                                                                 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Selected scenarios                                                 yy The first corresponds to global                                 The relative scale between the scenarios
The paper will focus on three broad                                   warming of under +2°C, or ‘Paris                                of some of the major human impacts is
scenarios, based on temperature                                       Targets Met – Steep Transition’                                 illustrated in Figure 7 below:
increase by 2100 relative to 1850-1900                             yy The second assumes that global
baseline and linked to the IPCC’s four                                warming exceeds +3°C or ‘More
RCPs. These are described in more                                     Severe Physical Impacts’
detail in this chapter and are as follows.                         yy The third corresponds to global
These are not forecasts but represent a                               warming reaching +5.2°C or
reasonable synthesis of the science to                                ‘Devastating Physical Impacts’.
provide guiding ‘pathways’.

Figure 7 Avoiding the impacts of dangerous climate change

                                                                                                              SELECTED GLOBAL CLIMATE IMPACTS IN 21004

With sustained effort up to and beyond 2030, the Paris pledges
will limit the severity of key impacts on people and society.

The scenarios used are:
1. No mitigation: RCP8.5
2. Emissions capped at INDC level: INDC pledgesto 2030 and no backtracking
3. Strong further action to meet 2°C target: INDC pledges to 2030, with further large reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to meet 2°C by 2100
4. Relative to a scenario with no climate change
The temperatures displayed here represent median values for each scenario. Water stress and cropland availability will also be affected by land use decisions e.g. concerning biofuels.
The heat is on                                                     18                                             Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

                                               Physical risks                                    regions, as well as in Eastern Asia
2.1 Under 2°C scenario                         Physical risks arise within the scenario,         (including China and Japan) and in
(Paris targets met - steep transition)         which could lead to increased flooding,           Eastern North America. At a European
This scenario can be associated with           droughts, and severe convective storms.           level, recent research models indicate
the IPCC’s RCP2.6 that have following          According to IPCC SR15:                           that flood damage could increase in
features or assumptions.                       yy Heatwaves are likely to increase,              today’s money from an average of €5
yy In policy terms, it is closest to the          particularly in mid-latitudes on               billion a year for 1976-2005 to €12
   Paris Agreement to contain warming             land, with the increase in peak                billion in a +2°C world.
   to “well under 2°C” with the aim of            temperatures being 2-3 times                yy Tropical cyclones may be fewer
   achieving 1.5°C.                               higher than global average increase.           overall, but the most powerful
yy Based on a rapid stabilisation and             The strongest change is found in               category 4-5 storms may be 16%
   eventual reduction in the level of             Central and Eastern North America,             more frequent.
   GHG’s in the atmosphere after 2050.            Central and Southern Europe,                yy Heavy rainfall associated with tropical
yy Median expected temperature                    the Mediterranean, Western and                 cyclones is likely to increase by 10-
   increase by 2100 of 1.6°C, with                Central Asia, and Southern Africa.             15% (already seen with Hurricane
   a range of 1.0-2.8°C allowing for              These regions all have a strong                Harvey).
   climate system uncertainties.                  soil-moisture-temperature coupling          yy Coastal flooding is likely to cost
yy Increase in sea level rise of 0.45m,           leading to increased dryness.                  0.3-5.0% of global GDP annually by
   with a range between 0.3m and 0.8m.         yy Climate change has substantially               2100 with today’s level of coastal
                                                  increased the probability of drought           protection.
‘Tipping points’ that become likely by            years in the Mediterranean (already
2°C warming include:                                                                          yy The Arctic Ocean is likely to be
                                                  seen) and in Southern Africa.                  ice-free at least one summer in ten,
yy A profound impact on marine life and
                                               yy Warming trends are likely to be partly         opening it up for greater commercial
   fisheries from rising ocean acidity,
                                                  offset in NW Europe by further 11%             use.
   making it hard to form calcium-based
                                                  slowing of the Gulf Stream.
   shells or skeletons; total collapse of
   reef-building coral; very high risk to      yy Increased warming and drying are            The effects on the global economy
   bivalves (mussels, clams, oysters etc.)        already linked to an almost doubling        are likely to be significant. Some low
   and to fundamental food web species            of the Western US wildfire area.            lying and coastal communities would
   such as pteropods.                          yy Extreme downpours and fluvial               be impacted and require adaptation
yy The Greenland ice-cap enters gradual           flooding may increase in many areas.        measures, particularly in developing
   terminal decline (raising sea-level by         Robust increases in precipitation           nations, but widespread economic
   7m, over several centuries).                   extremes can already be observed            dislocation from physical impacts may
                                                  in mid-latitudes of the Northern            be avoided. Nevertheless, a 13% net
                                                  Hemisphere. Hotspots for heavier            reduction in global GDP is forecast vs a
                                                  downpours include high-latitude             no-increase scenario.

Figure 8 Changes in annual daily maximum temperature relative to        Figure 9 Changes in extreme precipitation (Rx 5day) at 2°C
1981–2010 at 2°C warming (Betts, 2018)                                  GMST warming (IPCC SR15, 2018)
The heat is on                                                            19                                              Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

 Transition risks                                   Figure 10 Annual change in CO₂ emissions over time
 To achieve the Paris targets, rapid action
 is vital to transform the world economy:
 over $1 trillion investment p.a. is needed
 (according to IPCC SR15) in order to

 transition to a low-carbon economy. This                              WWI                                            RCP8.5
 is comparable to aggregate global defence
 budgets (c.2% of GDP).

 The unprecedented scale and duration
 compared with history can be appreciated             0
 from Figure 10 on the right.
                                                                                                Iran,                 RCP2.6

 In RCP2.6 (the IPCC representative                                                        oil crisis
 pathway to
The heat is on                                                    20                                            Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

 The potential actions, as per the 2017 UN                Figure 11 Annual global total greenhouse gas emissions (GtCO₂e)
 Emissions Gap Report, only account for around
 half the emissions reductions needed by 2030 to
 meet the Paris targets.

 The speed and scale of reductions needed is
 visualised in Figures 11 and 12.

 To close the gap, a range of tougher mitigation
 actions is set out in IPCC SR15 Chapter 4.
 Recently a similar list was set out in detail in the
 2018 New Climate Economics report, including:
 yy Decarbonise electricity: growth of renewables,
    mothball coal and gas generators
 yy Decarbonise cars and heavy transport:
    electric buses, trucks, trains, ships
 yy Reduce air travel, promote car sharing or use
    of public transport
 yy Food: reduce waste at all stages promote
    concepts like ‘farm to table’, ‘eat local’, or
    vegan alternatives
 yy Heating: insulate buildings better and replace
    oil and gas boilers with renewable/electric
 yy Local / national planning for denser, car-less
    urban living
 yy Construction and industry: move to circular
    economy, re-use of materials, greener inputs
 yy Incentives including significant carbon pricing

 Figure 12 Total emission reduction basic potentials compared to the current policy scenario in 2030
The heat is on                                                21                                      Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

                                                       Figure 13 IPCC SR15 summary for policymakers

    Carbon capture & storage is the                    Breakdown of contributions to global net CO₂ emissions in
    only hope for mankind.                             four illustrative model pathways

    Sir David King, Chief Scientist to UK

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key
    technology but is developing far more slowly
    than expected. One example of an active
    project is Climeworks in Switzerland that have
    created a direct air capture system.

    The main technical problems so far have been
    how to store the captured gas and the costs
    involved. In the case of reforestation and
    afforestation land use issues also arise.

    In the absence of sound economics or
    incentives several CCS projects have been
    shelved, however the technology exists.
    Therefore, capturing carbon is a political and
    economic challenge not a technological one.

    Most current projects capture CO₂ from
    natural gas fields rather than in flue gas from
    power plants. CCS is expensive to retrofit to
    existing plants, and ‘cannibalises’ up to 20%
    of output energy. Flue gas is typically c.10%
    CO₂. More efficient designs are proposed
    with CCS designed into new plants. Some
    burn fuel in pure oxygen, which improves
    efficiency and reduces the volume of flue-gas
    by around 75%. Once the water content is
    condensed out, it is mainly CO₂ which can be
    compressed and stored.

    The scale of CCS required by 2050 to hit the
    Paris climate targets is equivalent to burying
    the total volume of liquid (oil, gas and water)
    handled today by the entire global oil industry.
    Total oil industry infrastructure is estimated
    at $30 trillion, so the order of magnitude of
    investment needed could be c.$1 trillion each
    year for the next 30 years. This is to install
    equipment for carbon capture, compression,
    pipelines to storage sites and underground

    Alternatively, without CCS, countries with
    the highest emissions would need to cut
    them to zero within around 30 years, which is
The heat is on                                                     22                                            Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

                                               desertification of the Mediterranean          increasing maintenance costs given their
2.2 +3°C scenario                              region. There is a growing risk at            critical dependency.
(More severe physical impacts)                 this point of accelerating warming,
This scenario corresponds to both              as a result of feedback effects from          Diseases currently typical of tropical and
IPCC’s RCP 4.5 and RCP 6, as lower             the release of natural carbon stores,         equatorial areas may spread towards
and higher bounds, and is close to             either growing soil emissions or CO₂          more temperate latitudes, requiring
the AVOID2, UK government funded               and methane release from thawing              renewed research efforts and resulting
research.                                      permafrost. Passing this important            in further strain to the national health
yy It is marked by a stabilized flow           ‘tipping point’ would have numerous           systems. Agricultural diseases and pests
   of net emissions of GHGs into the           consequences with direct impact on            may also migrate.
   atmosphere, resulting in a steady           infrastructure in Alaska, Canada or
   growth in GHG concentration levels.         Russia, plus landslides and rock fall in      More severe physical impacts on
yy Median expected temperature                 mountainous regions.                          investment performance may arise
   increase by 2100 of 3.0, with a range                                                     compared with the 2°C scenario.
   of 1.5-5.8°C allowing for climate           Extreme weather events (downpour,             Emerging market assets (sovereign
   system uncertainties.                       flood, windstorm, heatwave, drought,          and corporate debt) are likely to be
yy Sea level rise, with a range between        wildfire etc.) would lead to higher           hardest hit. However, developed
   0.4m and 0.9m.                              expenses tied to either the cost of           economies will not escape unscathed.
                                               damage and disruption, the reduction          The disruption to global trade and
It is roughly in line with current             in value of exposed property, or the          supply chains from climate change
aspirations when considering country           need to harden defences to reduce             could erode corporate profits and
commitments to act, and appears                vulnerability to the events. Drought,         physical damage from weather effects
increasingly as a base case. With it           heat stress and other weather extremes        could weigh on economic performance.
comes more severe physical damage              could degrade agricultural production         Public spending to restore and harden
and disruption than in the Low scenario.       in many regions. Some production              damaged infrastructure or to provide
This scenario is broadly similar to the        may move together with its associated         capital through pooling techniques
IEA WEO New Policies Scenario, at least        infrastructure. As well as price inflation,   could be a drag on government finances
until 2040, which assumes achieving and        this could lead to food shortages with        further restricting capacity for mitigation/
extending the latest policies as laid out      economic and political consequences           adaptation projects.
in the Paris Agreement.                        arising from increased unrest, migration
                                               and conflict.                                 Transition risks
Physical risks                                                                               Whilst the Physical Risks are greater
The physical risks are the same as             Sea level rise could lead to the eventual     the transition risks are reduced,
for the 2°C scenario but with greater          abandonment of low-lying coastal              although not avoided entirely. Some
severity. For example, heatwaves could         cities and economic regions. The              assets would still be stranded from the
affect around three times as many              most vulnerable include the Nile delta,       need to reduce emission and some
people and farms as in the 2°C scenario,       Mekong delta, Bangladesh, parts of            carbon capture may be necessary.
and flooding around twice as many.             Florida as well as the well-known plight      However, the major economic impact
The 2°C tipping points become even             of certain small island states. For regions   of substantially reducing consumption
more likely, and in addition above 3°C         that can afford it, an alternative would      would not be as prominent. There will
a number of models predict the loss of         be significantly increased costs in           be some need to invest in adaptation
the Amazon rainforest (hotter and drier,       adaptation (e.g. building dykes, barriers     and there is likely to be some social
not resilient to wildfires) and increasing     and drainage solutions), with ever            and political upheaval.
The heat is on                                                     23                                           Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

                                               Physical risks                                Social and political upheaval will be
2.3 +5°C scenario                              In this scenario, the physical risks listed   significant, as the global populations
(Physically devastating)                       previously become more extreme, and           jostle for the shrinking habitable and
This scenario may be linked to IPCC’s          natural protection and buffering e.g. by      productive lands. In this scenario,
RCP 8.5 and it is in line with current         forests and wetlands will have been lost.     the consequences for investment
trends continuing. The scenario is close       In several regions, peak heatwaves are        performance are secondary to the
to the upper AVOID2 estimates.                 projected to be 10°C higher than current      potential collapse of sectors of the
yy Continuous growth in GHG emissions          extremes.                                     global economy and, conceivably,
   throughout the century, accelerating                                                      doubts over the ability of society to
   further and then decelerating               It is estimated that 60% of global            continue functioning.
   somewhat later in the century (see          cropland may be degraded as soil
   figure 10 above).                           moisture falls dramatically in many           Transition risks
yy Median expected temperature                 key regions (see figure 14), heat stress      Transition risk is largely avoided in
   increase by 2100 of 4.5°C, with             reduces yields from crops, and weather        this scenario in the medium term
   a range of 2.8-7.8°C allowing for           damage causes cumulative destruction.         and investment will be focused on
   climate system uncertainties.               Widespread food and water shortages           adapting to the changing planet.
yy Sea level rise of a range between           are likely (implied by many models),          However, when the full effects of
   0.5m and 1.7m.                              together with massive displacement            extreme climate change become
                                               of populations as large areas become          obvious, stranding of assets may
The scenario is uncomfortably plausible,       uninhabitable due to flooding or drought.     occur for the following reasons:
especially if the greatest contributors                                                      yy Society may create a backlash
to GHG emission fail to respect their          The potential for reaching possible              against carbon emitting businesses
targets and no economic transformation         tipping points and runaway feedback              resulting in assets being stranded
were to occur. The current lack of clear       effects would dramatically increase.             even if too late to avoid the worst
climate policy continues to hamper             Sea-level rise could accelerate to over 2        physical risks.
the implementation of actions against          metres due to melting from destabilising      yy In the longer term, human progress
climate change. It is important to factor      areas of Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps           becomes unpredictable as the
in the role of ‘growth’ from growing           or the occurrence of other tipping               extremes of physical and social
populations, increasing consumption            points. Eventual sea-level rise after            impacts play through.
and increasing transportation/travel,          many centuries may be 70 metres,              yy Stranded assets and disrupted
which could all increase emissions             transforming coast-lines and many land-          business models would still arise in
despite significant efforts to reduce          masses.                                          this scenario. As society struggles
them, continuing the ‘balloon squeezing’                                                        to adapt to climate change some
effect seen in recent decades.                                                                  areas, particularly those close
                                                                                                to the equator, may be largely
                                                                                                abandoned as environments
                                                                                                become inhospitable.

Figure 14 Annual near-surface soil moisture change 2081-2100 (IPCC AR5, 2014)
The heat is on                                                    24                           Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

3                        Implications for
                                                                                            Our sector will struggle to
                                                                                            reduce this protection gap if our
                                                                                            response is limited to avoiding,

                         Insurers and
                                                                                            rather than managing, society’s
                                                                                            exposure to climate risk
                                                                                            Maurice Tulloch, Chairman of Global

                         their Customers
                                                                                            General Insurance at Aviva and
                                                                                            previous Chair of ClimateWise

                                               low-lying areas in flood-plains and on       consequence of being unable to rely as
3.1 Insurability                               coasts where agriculture, infrastructure     much on historical data to predict future
Insurability is a key topic in a warming       and trade is easier to develop and           events, it will be key to invest in research
world with a chance of some risks or           operate. Climate change, which is a          that fosters innovation in data analytics
regions becoming uninsurable where             global phenomenon, could have very           and forward-looking models that identify
premiums become unaffordable.                  different local consequences, and the        trends in frequency and severity of
Maintaining insurability could be              way governments address these issues         extremes.
challenged under the three different           will significantly influence the context
scenarios. Insurers’ intention is to           in which insurers operate and therefore      Affordability: In the context of changing
close the protection gap and good              insurability of the risks.                   climate, premiums may rise so high
progress has been made in recent years.                                                     as to be uneconomic or unaffordable
Schemes such as InsurResilience,               3.1.1 How is climate change                  for the customer. Increased risk may
initiated by G7, are designed to provide       challenging the insurability of              translate into higher premiums or more
climate risk insurance to poorer               risks?                                       restrictive terms and conditions, making
countries, supported by the Insurance          For a risk to be insurable, the insurer      an insurance product unattractive. A
Development Forum. However, this may           must be able to meet the following           single event that changes the perception
not be possible in the more extreme            conditions:                                  of a climate risk could disproportionately
scenarios, which is likely to be led           yy Identify and quantify the frequency /     affect premium levels. Where there is
more by affordability than insurers’ risk         severity of potential hazards and the     an inability to properly model and price
appetite.                                         resulting losses.                         the risk, this can also mean that insurers
                                               yy Satisfy itself that the risks are         decide to be more cautious, adding a
Numerous factors will determine what              unintended (no adverse selection) and     risk margin to the premium (Silver 2014)
is considered insurable so these must             unexpected (no moral hazard).             or withdrawing capacity. The customer
be understood in order to attempt              yy Demonstrate it can pay potential          may underestimate the level of risk and
to maintain continuation of cover in              losses while maintaining its solvency,    consider the price to be excessive,
extreme circumstances or for high-                partly by avoiding major risk             rendering the risk uninsurable.
risk areas. Government led pooling                accumulations.
mechanisms may be key to locking               yy Offer a price that is acceptable to all   Threat to coverage availability:
in insurance for the high-risk areas              stakeholders (insurers, reinsurers,       Mismatch of pricing expectations could
or looking at other innovative ways               policyholders, regulators).               prompt policymakers to limit the prices
of providing finance. However, the                                                          that can be charged to a level that is
insurance industry needs to be cautious        Climate change is challenging many of        not sustainably profitable for insurers.
not to insure the truly uninsurable as         these conditions:                            They may exercise caution and refuse
this could impact resilience limiting                                                       to underwrite risks in a given area.
the industry’s ability to support the          Global trends and local uncertainties:       Examples have already been seen
insurable.                                     The specific local impacts of current        of weather-related risks becoming
                                               global warming trends are still hard to      unaffordable or unavailable as follows.
Extreme weather risks have always been         quantify. In extreme cases, this could       yy 2002 German floods (€9bn cost to
challenging for insurers and represent an      challenge insurability as pricing depends       public funds): risk reassessment
accumulation risk that is a key driver of      on the assessment of risk. Existing             by insurers led to an increase in
capital. This is particularly true for flood   climate models have limitations when            premiums of up to 50%, and a
risk given that the majority of economic       it comes to assessing local trends (e.g.        reduction in areas where flood
development has historically been in           wildfire zones). Due to this and as a           insurance was offered of 10-20%.
The heat is on                                                       25                            Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

yy 2005 Hurricane Katrina (insured              In the moderate warming scenario (2°C),         or by resorting to self-insurance and
   loss >$100 billion): the availability of     the horizon of insurability may expand          mutualising risks.
   insurance fell following Katrina and         with the development of new industries
   other events in 2004-2005.                   with insurance needs (e.g. renewable            In a +5°C degree world, insurance
                                                energy, carbon capture and storage),            activity may remain in the regions where
Imperfect information: Exposure to              and new types of operations becoming            there continues to be economic activity.
natural hazards is public information,          viable (e.g. drilling, shipping in the Arctic   However, the intense warming and
but high-quality maps of changing               region). Insuring risks in some regions         destruction of ecosystems, infrastructure
perils, such as flash flood and wildfire,       more affected by climate change may             and agriculture in some regions means
do not exist as yet or are proprietary.         become difficult, and it will depend on         economic activity may be significantly
Additionally, some decision makers              the insurer’s willingness to accept higher      impaired.
(e.g. real estate companies and local           risks. Demand for insurance may grow
governments) continue knowingly to              in places as the increased uncertainty          3.1.3 Factors determining
develop uninsurable areas for short             demonstrates the value of insurance.            insurability
term profit. It can be considered as a          Regions most at threat are those already        In practice insurability is not a fixed
moral hazard, as they know homeowner            experiencing flooding, wildfires, and           concept. For each risk, the boundary
insurance remains available under               coastal surge threats. They are likely to       of insurability may not remain the same
certain national regimes.                       get worse and the size of the area at risk      forever and may vary from one company
                                                is likely to grow. Low lying and coastal        to another. Some insurance companies
Risks of accumulation: The current              areas are considered most at risk.              may decide not to insure a risk that
global diversification of risks may be                                                          could be insurable, based on economic,
threatened if climate change increases          Preventive and adaptive measures                strategic, reputational or ethical
the correlation between different               should be able to keep the overall risk         considerations.
physical risks. Accumulation could              at an affordable level for most perils in
also occur in highly exposed regions            developed insurance markets. In regions         The role of public administration is also
and across Lines of Business. Physical          with already high-risk levels, more risk        critical and insurers should maintain
risks of climate change will mostly have        participation of the insured might be           dialogue, as per the following, helping to
implications for property insurance, but        required, either through investment in          foster a culture of mitigation, adaptation
liability risks could also arise, if there is   higher protection standards or by higher        and resilience.
growth in related litigation actions.           risk retentions.
                                                                                                yy Governments’ risk management
Solvency: Climate change may gradually          The 3°C scenario creates real insurability         strategies can positively impact
change the risk profile for insurers            challenges and could therefore challenge           insurability, e.g. building codes,
and reinsurers, with stronger impacts           the sector. However, insurance will                land-use planning, flood-hazard zone
and accumulations. This has potential           continue to be an important product.               regulations.
solvency implications. Reinsurance              By actively monitoring developments             yy The development of a “governmental
is a key tool Property & Casualty               caused by climate change and managing              backstop” for insurance claims
(P&C) insurers use to manage their              their risk portfolio, insurers will be able        related to climate change impacts,
solvency. Currently, property insurance         to adapt to new conditions. Some types             similar to the US Terrorism Risk
policies renew annually; this frequency         of climate risks may become effectively            Insurance Act, is another option and
of repricing is fundamental to the              uninsurable in highly exposed regions.             can improve loss sharing between the
sustainability of the insurance market.         Property insurance may become                      private and public sector.
                                                increasingly unaffordable in flood-prone        yy For some climate risks, such as
3.1.2 Insurability under different              areas and some regions may only be                 flood, national governments can act
climate scenarios                               insurable with very high self-retentions           as “last resort” insurers. However,
The insurability challenges noted above         on customer side due to high frequency             this role could be challenged due to
will manifest differently for the various       of large loss events. Governments                  the growing uncertainty caused by
scenarios.                                      may get more involved, trying to find              climate change.
                                                solutions in the private insurance sector
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