The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health

Page created by Leslie Larson
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2020), 79, 76–87                                                  doi:10.1017/S0029665119000636
                                        © The Authors 2019 First published online 26 April 2019
                                                  The Nutrition Society Winter Meeting was held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London on 4–5 December 2018

                                                 Conference on ‘Optimal diet and lifestyle strategies for the management of
                                                                          cardio-metabolic risk’
                                                                     Symposium 4: Lifestyle factors

                                            The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management
                                                                      and metabolic health

                                                    Iain Templeman, Javier T. Gonzalez , Dylan Thompson and James A. Betts*
                                                                            Department for Health, University of Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                                              Obesity remains a major public health concern and intermittent fasting is a popular strategy
                                                              for weight loss, which may present independent health benefits. However, the number of diet
                                                              books advising how fasting can be incorporated into our daily lives is several orders of mag-
                                                              nitude greater than the number of trials examining whether fasting should be encouraged at
                                                              all. This review will consider the state of current understanding regarding various forms of
                                                              intermittent fasting (e.g. 5:2, time-restricted feeding and alternate-day fasting). The efficacy
                                                              of these temporally defined approaches appears broadly equivalent to that of standard daily
                                                              energy restriction, although many of these models of intermittent fasting do not involve fed-
                                                              fasted cycles every other 24 h sleep–wake cycle and/or permit some limited energy intake
                                                              outside of prescribed feeding times. Accordingly, the intervention period therefore may
                                                              not regularly alternate, may not span all or even most of any given day, and may not
                                                              even involve absolute fasting. This is important because potentially advantageous physio-
                                                              logical mechanisms may only be initiated if a post-absorptive state is sustained by uninter-
                                                              rupted fasting for a more prolonged duration than applied in many trials. Indeed, promising
                                                              effects on fat mass and insulin sensitivity have been reported when fasting duration is rou-
                                                              tinely extended beyond sixteen consecutive hours. Further progress will require such models
                                                              to be tested with appropriate controls to isolate whether any possible health effects of inter-
                                                              mittent fasting are primarily attributable to regularly protracted post-absorptive periods, or
                                                              simply to the net negative energy balance indirectly elicited by any form of dietary

                                                                         Eating pattern: Circadian rhythms: Time-restricted feeding: Weight loss

                                        Obesity is a prevalent health concern throughout the                    energy intake and/or increasing expenditure, which can
                                        world(1,2), which arises due to chronic positive energy                 improve health outcomes(18,19). However, these impro-
                                        balance(3–5). Any energy surplus is stored primarily in                 vements are hampered by compensatory changes in appe-
                                        the form of TAG within adipocytes, thus leading to adi-                 tite and energy use(4,20–22), as well as poor adherence(23,24),
                                        pose tissue expansion(6,7) predominantly as a result of                 resulting in poor long-term success rates(4,25,26).
                                        adipocyte hypertrophy(8). If sustained over time, this                     Strategies that exploit nutrient timing as a means of
                                        hypertrophic expansion can lead to adipocyte dysfunc-                   achieving weight loss and/or improving metabolic health
                                        tion, hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia, ectopic lipid                    have been the subject of considerable public interest in
                                        deposition, chronic low-grade systemic inflammation                      recent years(27). Intermittent fasting is an umbrella term
                                        and insulin resistance(9–15), thereby fostering comorbid-               that may be used to describe these approaches, which
                                        ities such as type 2 diabetes and CVD(16,17). To remedy                 involve a complete or partial restriction of energy within
                                        this metabolic dysfunction, interventions often seek to                 defined temporal windows on a recurrent basis(27,28).
                                        redress the underlying energy imbalance by reducing                     Thus far, the therapeutic potential of intermittent fasting

                                        *Corresponding author: James A. Betts, email

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The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health                                   77

                                       has been largely overshadowed by direct manipulation of           and utilisation of endogenous lipid reservoirs. However,
                                       the principal components of the energy balance equa-              the imbalance between the daily fasting window and
                                       tion(29). However, advances in the understanding of cir-          the daily feeding window remains largely unperturbed.
                                       cadian rhythms suggest that this could be a particularly          Comparatively, the omission of meals is typically neces-
                                       effective approach for tackling obesity and the accom-            sitated by intermittent fasting and eliminates a subset
                                       panying dysfunction(30,31), in addition to arguably               of these postprandial excursions, thereby providing
                                       being more acceptable in practice than conventional               greater equilibrium between fasting and feeding oppor-
                                       alternatives(32–36). To explore this notion, this review          tunities and a better platform for achieving energy
                                       will consider the literature on meal timing and intermit-         balance.
                                       tent fasting as it relates to metabolic health.                      Further to this, the routine extension of fasting periods
                                                                                                         has been associated with metabolic benefits which are
                                                                                                         independent of net energy balance(27,28,47), constituting
                                                               Meal timing                               a secondary therapeutic dimension to these strategies.
                                                                                                         Specifically, Anton et al.(28) argue that the depletion of
                                       In Western cultures, consuming three or more meals                hepatic glycogen reserves and the ensuing transition
                                       daily is generally accepted as a societal norm(37,38).            towards metabolism of endogenous, lipid-derived sub-
                                       However, this typically results in an anabolic state pre-         strates (i.e. NEFA, glycerol, ketone bodies) prompt a ser-
                                       dominating each day(39,40). The postprandial metabolic            ies of adaptive processes conducive to improved health
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                       response to a mixed-macronutrient meal in metabolically           outcomes, including improvements in body composition
                                       healthy participants is characterised by a peak in gly-           and insulin sensitivity. Considering that this transition
                                       caemia within the first hour followed by a steady return           does not take place in most instances until the uninter-
                                       to fasted glycaemia over the ensuing 2 h(41,42). This is          rupted fasting duration proceeds beyond 12–14 h(28,48),
                                       paralleled by an accompanying peak in insulin secretion           these adaptive processes are not often invoked by the
                                       within the first hour followed by a decrease over the next         conventional meal patterns described earlier.
                                       4 h(42). Conversely, plasma TAG concentrations rise                  Based on the afore-mentioned reasoning, it is conceiv-
                                       steadily to a peak after 3–5 h and generally remain 50 %          able that intermittent fasting may constitute an effica-
                                       higher than baseline even after 6 h(41). When a subse-            cious strategy for tackling obesity and the metabolic
                                       quent meal is ingested approximately 5 h after the first           disorders associated with excess adiposity. To date, how-
                                       (as is common in Western diets), glucose peaks at a simi-         ever, studies exploring these facets of intermittent fasting
                                       lar time after feeding, albeit an attenuated absolute             are scarce and inconsistent.
                                       peak(43). However, glucose then takes slightly longer to
                                       return to baseline as the day progresses, a pattern that
                                       is largely mirrored by insulin concentrations(44). Plasma                                    Eating frequency
                                       TAG on the other hand does not peak until shortly
                                       after the second meal is ingested; it then falls rapidly          Perhaps the most widely researched dimension of nutri-
                                       due to the insulinaemic response to the second meal,              ent timing within the context of obesity in human sub-
                                       before peaking again about 5 h after the second meal(44).         jects is eating frequency. Early work by Fabry et al.(49)
                                          These responses suggest that, even with just two meals         deployed a cross-sectional approach to explore the
                                       daily, plasma TAG is elevated continuously for 12 h,              relationship between intake frequency and metabolic
                                       with this pattern then propagated when further extended           health. Interestingly, in a cohort of 440 men, higher
                                       to include a third meal. This is well-demonstrated by             eating frequency broadly corresponded to a healthier
                                       Ruge et al.(45), who examined the 24 h circulating profiles        profile of BMI, cholesterol concentrations and fasting
                                       of glucose, TAG and insulin in response to three succes-          glucose. Contrary to this, using data from the National
                                       sive meals at 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00 hours. Within this           Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Murakami
                                       model, TAG remained elevated until 02.00 hours, along             and Livingstone(50) observed that those eating on more
                                       with insulin and glucose concentrations. Similarly,               than four occasions daily were approximately 50 %
                                       McQuaid et al.(46) showed that TAG extraction by adipose          more likely to be overweight or obese by BMI relative
                                       tissue in response to three meals daily is elevated for over      to those eating on less than three occasions daily. Such
                                       16 h. The net effect of this is that the majority of each 24 h    discrepancies are a consistent theme throughout these
                                       day is spent in a postprandial and lipogenic state, which is      cross-sectional studies; a recent systematic review by
                                       conducive to fat accretion(39,40). By extension, this pro-        Canuto et al.(51) analysed data from thirty-one such stud-
                                       vides fewer opportunities for net lipolysis and the predom-       ies containing a collective sample of over 130 000 partici-
                                       inance of lipid-derived substrates in energy metabolism,          pants. Of these thirty-one studies, fourteen established an
                                       thereby favouring positive fat balance.                           inverse association, ten showed no association and seven
                                          Ultimately, this results in a scenario wherein those           revealed a positive association, which the authors ascribe
                                       adhering to conventional dietary meal timing patterns             to the spectrum of approaches employed.
                                       are attempting to achieve energy balance using a feeding             Upon shifting to prospective methodologies, the pat-
                                       schedule that is inherently biased towards fat accretion.         tern appears to be largely the same; two recent systematic
                                       Conventional diet and exercise interventions aim to               reviews conclude that the majority of studies reveal no
                                       reduce the amplitude of postprandial excursions in                association between eating frequency and subsequent
                                       order to provide more opportunities for the liberation            obesity(52,53). The review of Raynor et al.(52) makes a

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                                        particularly strong case, given that these authors only          feeding restrictions, nominally categorised as: the 5:2
                                        included human studies in which food was provided or             diet, modified alternate-day fasting, time-restricted feed-
                                        intake monitored in a laboratory setting. However, of            ing and complete alternate-day fasting(27). Irrespective
                                        the studies covered in these reviews, most evaluated the         of the rationale for each, such approaches have been sub-
                                        impact of increased meal frequency on metabolic health,          ject to growing popularity in recent years, yet experimen-
                                        wherein three meals daily is used as the reference for           tal data to support their application are comparatively
                                        lower frequency. Therefore, upon framing these studies           sparse(27,36). Bluntly, the number of diet books advising
                                        within the context of the 24 h metabolite profiles dis-           how intermittent fasting can be incorporated into our
                                        cussed previously, the lack of a consensus is perhaps            daily lives is several orders of magnitude greater than
                                        not surprising. In fact, only one of the studies reported        the number of scientific papers examining whether inter-
                                        is likely to have resulted in the predominance of a fasting      mittent fasting should be encouraged at all(27).
                                        state over the course of 24 h(54).
                                            Specifically, the study of Stote et al.(54) explored the
                                        impact of reducing meal frequency to one meal daily                                          The 5:2 diet
                                        under conditions of energy balance. Briefly, fifteen               Amongst the most coveted forms of intermittent fasting
                                        normal-weight participants completed two 8-week inter-           is the 5:2 diet, wherein severe energy restriction is
                                        vention periods in a randomised crossover design with            imposed on 2 d/week with ad libitum consumption on
                                        an 11-week washout interval. In one treatment, all energy        the remaining five. The study of Carter et al.(58) rando-
 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                        was consumed in a single meal between 17.00 and 21.00            mised sixty-three adults with overweight or obesity and
                                        hours, whilst the other treatment separated the same             type 2 diabetes to 12 weeks of either daily energy restric-
                                        foods into a conventional breakfast, lunch and dinner for-       tion or a 5:2 approach. The 5:2 group reduced their
                                        mat. To facilitate compliance, the dinner in both condi-         intake to 1674–2510 kJ (400–600 kcal) for two non-
                                        tions was consumed under supervision and all foods               consecutive days per week and followed their habitual
                                        were provided. The diets were matched for both energy            diet on the remaining five, whilst the daily restriction
                                        and macronutrient content and targeted weight mainten-           group simply reduced their intake to 5021–6485 kJ
                                        ance, with daily adjustment of prescribed intake based           (1200–1550 kcal) every day. Although the extent to
                                        on body weight measurements, which were then mirrored            which prescriptions were achieved was not reported,
                                        in the opposing trial. No differences in body mass, body         main effects of time but not group were seen for reduc-
                                        composition or health markers were apparent at the outset        tions in body mass, fat mass and fat-free mass, as well
                                        of each treatment and no differences in energy intake,           as improvements in glycated Hb concentration and the
                                        macronutrient balance or physical activity were noted            use of diabetic medications. Similar conclusions were
                                        between the two conditions. Despite these null findings,          also drawn by two recent studies which compared this
                                        body mass and fat mass (as assessed by bioelectrical             5:2 approach (i.e. 1674–2510 kJ (400–600 kcal) on two
                                        impedance) were reduced by 1·4 and 2·1 kg, respectively,         non-consecutive days per week) against daily energy
                                        following the one meal daily condition but not the three         restriction over 6 months(59,60).
                                        meals daily condition. However, the reduction in adiposity          This pattern of results indicates a broad equivalency
                                        was not accompanied by improvements in lipid profile or           between the metabolic impacts of the 5:2 diet and daily
                                        glycaemia(55). This is consistent with the prior suggestion      energy restriction, arguing against any special properties
                                        that extending the daily fasting period may result in            of the fasting element per se. However, this is not a con-
                                        increased utilisation of lipid-derived substrates in energy      sistent finding throughout the literature. Upon compar-
                                        metabolism and favourable effects on fat balance(28).            ing the 5:2 approach (requiring two consecutive days of
                                            The afore-mentioned interpretation suggests that, in         75 % energy restriction per week) against daily energy
                                        much the same way as a protracted daily feeding window           restriction (requiring 25 % energy restriction every day)
                                        may be conducive to an energy surplus, prolonged fast-           over 6 months, Harvie et al.(61) observed differential
                                        ing on a routine basis could be an effective strategy to         changes in fasting insulin and fasting indices of insulin
                                        counter fat accretion. However, what is particularly             resistance. Despite similar reductions in body mass and
                                        interesting here is that this observation was made under         fat mass, the modest reductions in fasting insulin and
                                        carefully matched conditions. Whilst this does not               insulin resistance seen in both groups were more pro-
                                        exclude any possibility of some amalgamation of                  nounced with the 5:2 method. Although this may
                                        undetectable changes in the various components of                reflect a more potent influence of using two consecutive
                                        energy balance(56), it is also plausible that the protracted     days of severe energy restriction (as opposed to non-
                                        fasting period is exerting impacts on energy metabolism          consecutive), there were also greater reductions in energy
                                        that are independent of net energy balance(28,57). The cur-      and carbohydrate intake in this group, which complicate
                                        rent literature on intermittent fasting provides a useful        the interpretation.
                                        platform for exploring this notion further.                         Using a similar approach, Antoni et al.(62) sought to
                                                                                                         compare the effects of intermittent energy restriction
                                                                                                         (implemented using the 5:2 approach) against daily
                                                           Intermittent fasting                          energy restriction when matched for net energy balance
                                                                                                         and thus weight losses, in order to minimise the con-
                                        The umbrella term intermittent fasting refers to a series        founding influence of such factors on metabolic health.
                                        of therapeutic interventions which target temporal               Furthermore, this study featured dynamic indices of

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The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health                                   79

                                       metabolic control, building upon the prior studies which          where twelve obese participants completed 8 weeks of
                                       only featured fasted measures. Briefly, twenty-seven par-          modified alternate-day fasting. Reported adherence to
                                       ticipants with overweight or obesity were randomised to           the fasting protocol remained high throughout, with
                                       undertake either an intermittent or a continuous energy           energy intake averaging 26 % of habitual(32,35).
                                       restriction diet. The 5:2 condition restricted participants       Comparatively, intake on feeding days reached 95 % of
                                       to 2636 kJ (630 kcal)/d for two consecutive days each             the habitual level, resulting in a 37 % net energy restric-
                                       week, with a self-selected euenergetic diet on the remain-        tion on average. This led to body mass losses of 5·6 kg,
                                       ing five. Comparatively, the continuous restriction imple-         5·4 kg of which was accounted for by decreases in fat
                                       mented a self-selected diet intended to reduce energy             mass(32). Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and TAG
                                       intake by 2510 kJ (600 kcal)/d. As opposed to returning           were also reduced by at least 20 %, effects which were
                                       to the laboratory after a fixed period, participants were          associated with improvements in adipokine profile(63).
                                       reassessed upon achieving a 5 % weight loss. Despite lar-         Subsequent work by the same group neatly demonstrates
                                       ger reductions in energy intake in the intermittent condi-        that these outcomes are similar when applied to cohorts
                                       tion, the design meant that changes in body mass were             of adults who are overweight(64), when meal timing on
                                       similar between groups. Body composition and fasting              the fasting day is varied(65), and that concurrent macro-
                                       biochemical outcomes were also similarly affected by the          nutrient manipulation does not exert additive effects(66).
                                       two diets, showing good agreement with previous studies.             Collectively, these data suggest that modified alternate-
                                       However, the intermittent diet resulted in significant             day fasting may be a viable means of improving cardio-
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                       reductions in postprandial TAG concentrations relative            metabolic health in adults who are overweight or obese.
                                       to daily energy restriction, whilst postprandial C-peptide        However, without a comparative daily energy restriction
                                       concentration also showed a tendency for greater reduc-           group, it is difficult to isolate any independent effects of
                                       tions in the intermittent feeding group. The authors con-         the fasting periods from the effects of energy restriction
                                       cluded that this highlights a potential superiority of            and/or associated weight loss. This was addressed
                                       intermittent relative to continuous energy restriction.           recently by a comparison of the two methods under iso-
                                          Based on the afore-mentioned studies of the 5:2                energetic conditions relative to a no intervention control
                                       approach to intermittent fasting, it seems that the manner        group(67,68). Briefly, sixty-nine adults with obesity were
                                       in which the fast is applied is a key determinant of the          randomised to undertake 6 months of modified alternate-
                                       impacts on metabolic health. When the fast is undertaken          day fasting or daily energy restriction. The alternate-day
                                       on consecutive days, there is an apparent superiority rela-       fasting diet restricted participants to a single meal con-
                                       tive to daily energy restriction(61,62), whilst applying the      taining 25 % of their measured energy requirements
                                       fast on non-consecutive days results in broadly equivalent        between 12.00 and 14.00 hours during fasting periods,
                                       effects(58–60). Upon considering this in terms of the result-     but prescribed 125 % of energy requirements on feeding
                                       ant uninterrupted fasting duration, this would appear to          days. Conversely, the daily energy restriction diet pre-
                                       fit with the proposition of Anton et al.(28), as fasting on        scribed a 25 % reduction in energy intake every day,
                                       consecutive days is more likely to result in an uninter-          resulting in an equivalent reduction in energy intake of
                                       rupted fast of over 12–14 h when compared with fasting            25 % in both groups. Macronutrient balance was pre-
                                       on non-consecutive days. However, as these interventions          served in both instances and the attained energy restric-
                                       do not confine the permitted intake during fasting to a            tion was 21 and 24 % for alternate-day fasting and
                                       specific time window (e.g. 1674–2510 kJ (400–600 kcal)             daily energy restriction, respectively. The observed
                                       consumed between 12.00 and 14.00 hours on fasting                 body mass loss of 6·8 % was also similar between the
                                       days), this makes it difficult to establish the exact duration     two groups, a pattern driven by changes in both fat
                                       of absolute fasting achieved.                                     mass and lean mass. Fasted markers of metabolic health
                                                                                                         were also largely unaffected by either intervention,
                                                                                                         including lipid profile, inflammatory markers, adipo-
                                                     Modified alternate-day fasting                       kines, glucose concentration and insulin resistance(67,68).
                                       The majority of human studies which examine intermit-             Furthermore, few differences emerged during an ensuing
                                       tent fasting have centred upon a strategy referred to as          6-month weight maintenance period in which the feeding
                                       modified alternate-day fasting(27). It differs from the 5:2        patterns were maintained but the prescriptions modified
                                       diet in two key regards: the severe restriction is applied        to fulfil energy requirements (i.e. no energy deficit).
                                       during alternating days (nominally 24 h, although prac-              This once again indicates that intermittent fasting and
                                       tically more varied to accommodate sleep); and any per-           daily energy restriction exert similar effects on most
                                       mitted energy during fasting is provided in a single meal         health outcomes, as concluded previously for the 5:2
                                       (thereby ensuring a tangible extension of the typical over-       approach. However, during the modified alternate-day
                                       night fast). Much of the work undertaken in this field ori-        fasting intervention, participants consistently over-
                                       ginates from pioneering experiments by Varady et al., in          consumed on fasting days and under-consumed on fed
                                       which participants were required to alternate between 24          days, in what the authors describe as de facto energy
                                       h periods of fasting and ad libitum feeding, with a single        restriction(67). Consequently, over the duration of the
                                       2510–3347 kJ (600–800 kcal) meal permitted between                study, the difference in reported energy intake between
                                       12.00 and 14.00 hours on non-feeding days.                        feeding and fasting days was
80                                                     I. Templeman et al.

                                        those who lost more or less than 5 % body mass, those              breakfast did result in improved insulinaemic responses
                                        closest to the prescribed intake targets showed larger             during an oral glucose tolerance test relative to the fast-
                                        decreases in body mass despite consuming more energy               ing condition. However, this test was aligned for circa-
                                        overall(69). Unfortunately, the mechanisms underpinning            dian cycle rather than feeding cycle, so the observed
                                        this are unclear. The observation could reflect increased           finding could simply reflect better alignment with antici-
                                        use of lipid-derived substrates or lower levels of adaptive        pated events in the breakfast condition.
                                        thermogenesis with intermittent methods, or perhaps it                Other studies have applied time-restricted feeding
                                        simply reflects poorer dietary reporting by those with              under euenergetic conditions, much like the study of
                                        lower adherence.                                                   Stote et al.(54). Focusing on energy metabolism, Moro
                                           Nonetheless, data emerging from studies of modified              et al.(75) randomised thirty-four men to 8 weeks of time-
                                        alternate-day fasting do not allude to a superiority rela-         restricted feeding or a control diet. Diets were matched
                                        tive to daily energy restriction. Although, the use of             for energy and macronutrient content and aimed to pro-
                                        single-arm trials and poor adherence to fasting prescrip-          vide 100 % of energy requirements across three meals in
                                        tions leave this question open to further study.                   both conditions. In the control condition, meals were
                                                                                                           consumed at 08.00, 13.00 and 20.00 hours, whilst in the
                                                                                                           experimental condition, meals were consumed at 13.00,
                                                          Time-restricted feeding                          16.00 and 20.00 hours to give a 16 h fast. The time-
                                        Ironically, the adherence issues that appear common to             restricted approach resulted in reductions in fat mass
 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                        modified alternate-day approaches may lie in the impos-             relative to controls, which were partnered by decreases
                                        ition of a severe restriction as opposed to a complete fast,       in RER, indicating a shift towards fat oxidation.
                                        which in being an absolute (albeit more severe) could in           Interestingly, however, despite accompanying reductions
                                        fact facilitate compliance(32,33,36). Drawing from this            in leptin and hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid signalling,
                                        premise, time-restricted feeding is another method of              resting energy expenditure was maintained. This rein-
                                        intermittent fasting which has emerged recently(27) and            forces the notion that nutrient timing impacts upon nutri-
                                        requires no knowledge of food composition or restraint             ent metabolism, whilst also highlighting that this appears
                                        at eating occasions, only awareness of the time at                 to occur to a greater degree with a 16 h fast relative to a
                                        which eating occasions are permitted at all. This                  12 h fast. Considering this in light of the typical post-
                                        approach aims to restrict food intake to a temporal win-           prandial nutrient profile discussed previously, the
                                        dow (typically ≤10 h) within the waking phase, thereby             increase in fasting duration may provide more opportun-
                                        reducing feeding opportunities and extending the over-             ities for the metabolism of substrates derived from
                                        night fast to at least 14 h daily(70).                             endogenous lipids. This again points to the possibility
                                           Work in our laboratory explored the impact of extend-           that routine extension of the fasting period beyond 12–
                                        ing the overnight fast on energy balance and nutrient              14 h may be key to these benefits, which was not neces-
                                        metabolism, thereby providing several insights regarding           sarily achieved by the 5:2 or modified alternate-day
                                        the effects of such strategies(71–74). Initially, thirty-three     methods discussed earlier. The pivotal question is
                                        adults who were of healthy weight were randomised to               whether these improvements are enhanced with even
                                        6 weeks of either consuming breakfast, defined as at                longer durations of complete fasting.
                                        least 2929 kJ (700 kcal) before 11.00 hours daily (with               More prolonged and complete fasting was recently
                                        half consumed within 2 h of waking), or extended                   examined by Sutton et al.(70), who hypothesised that cir-
                                        morning fasting up until 12.00 hours(73). Interestingly,           cadian rhythms in energy metabolism would potentiate
                                        improvements in anthropometric parameters and fasting              the effects of time-restricted feeding when eating times
                                        health markers were not meaningfully different between             are confined to earlier stages of the waking phase.
                                        interventions. In agreement, a panel of hormones impli-            Using a repeated-measures crossover design, they com-
                                        cated in the regulation of energy balance showed little            pared the effect of consuming all daily energy within a
                                        change following the two interventions, although specific           6 h window and a 12 h window over 5 weeks in men
                                        measures of adipose tissue insulin sensitivity suggested an        with pre-diabetes. The diets were prescribed based on
                                        improvement in the breakfast group only(71).                       energy requirements to maintain energy balance and
                                           These largely null findings relative to prior research           were also matched for energy and macronutrient content.
                                        could be explained by the free-living approach used to             Compliance to the two conditions was high and the
                                        study compensatory changes in components of energy                 extended fasting period was accompanied by reductions
                                        balance. The fasting group consumed less energy than               in fasting insulin, peak insulin and insulin resistance dur-
                                        the breakfast group when averaged throughout each                  ing an oral glucose tolerance test. However, it appears
                                        24 h period, but this was compensated for by lower phys-           the magnitude and persistence of any treatment effects
                                        ical activity thermogenesis. Upon applying this protocol           may have required a longer wash-out interval between
                                        to a cohort of adults with obesity(72), extended fasting           repeated treatments, as the impacts on insulinaemia
                                        resulted in a slightly greater compensatory increase in            were seemingly affected by baseline differences arising
                                        energy intake following fasting (although still not                from a trial order effect. Combined with the fact that
                                        adequate to offset the energy consumed or omitted at               the fasting duration preceding post-intervention measure-
                                        breakfast), whilst daily fasting was again causally related        ments was not standardised across trials, further investi-
                                        to lower physical activity energy expenditure in the               gations are warranted to verify these intriguing
                                        morning. Interestingly, in this cohort with obesity                possibilities.

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The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health                                   81

                                          Based on all the afore-mentioned findings, the evi-             measures crossover study. This compared the effects of 2
                                       dence does point to an effect of extended fasting intervals       weeks of a standard weight maintenance diet against 2
                                       on fat mass independent of energy balance, particularly           weeks of an intermittent fasting diet, using the same fast-
                                       when the fasting interval is extended to at least 16 h, as        ing protocol as Halberg et al.(47). In this instance, a more
                                       shown by Stote et al.(54) and Moro et al.(75). In both            prescriptive approach was adopted to the feeding cycles,
                                       cases, this produced significant reductions in fat mass            with liquid meals used to bolster intake and adjustment
                                       relative to a routine 12 h fast, which implicates extended        of prescriptions in the event of meaningful weight change.
                                       fasting beyond 12 h as a key factor. However, the import-         Accordingly, body mass and composition were unaltered,
                                       ance of such changes for metabolic health is less clear           yet there were no significant changes in glucose, lipid or
                                       due to a series of confounding influences.                         protein kinetics in the basal state, or during a two-stage
                                                                                                         euglycaemic–hyperinsulinaemic clamp. In actuality, the
                                                                                                         only difference was a slight decrease in resting energy
                                                     Complete alternate-day fasting                      expenditure following the intermittent fasting arm.
                                       Thus far, the intermittent fasting strategies discussed typ-         Contrary to the studies of Halberg et al.(47) and Stote
                                       ically permit the consumption of energy within each 24 h          et al.(54), the afore-mentioned findings suggest that recur-
                                       cycle to some degree, meaning that the fasting interval is        rent extension of the fasting period exerts no influence on
                                       only extended by a few hours(76). This is primarily to            energy or nutrient metabolism, aside from a possible
                                       facilitate adherence(32,34) but it also replenishes hepatic       decline in resting energy use. Whilst there are some dis-
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                       glycogen stores and reduces the utilisation of lipid-             crepancies in terms of the approach to feeding cycles
                                       derived substrates (i.e. ketone bodies), which may mask           and assessment of nutrient metabolism under dynamic
                                       several proposed benefits of intermittent fasting(28).             conditions, attributing to such factors would suggest
                                       Furthermore, this disruption is profoundly asymmetric,            the effect is unlikely to be clinically meaningful.
                                       in that even a short feeding occasion immediately sup-            However, work by Heilbronn et al. provides interesting
                                       presses lipolysis and ketogenesis, which then do not              insights that could explain such stark contrasts between
                                       return for a number of hours(41,42). It is worthy of note         ostensibly similar approaches(34,78). Their study applied
                                       at this juncture that the inclusion of physical activity or       an intermittent fasting intervention to a cohort of sixteen
                                       exercise during the fasted period may serve to accelerate         adults who were not obese which involved fasting from
                                       the restoration of these pathways to some degree,                 midnight to midnight on alternating days for 3 weeks,
                                       although the concurrent application of intermittent fast-         with fasting periods only permitting energy-free drinks
                                       ing alongside exercise interventions is beyond the scope          and sugar-free gum (fed periods were ad libitum).
                                       of this review. Nonetheless, the 20 h fasting interval            Assessments of body composition, a mixed-meal test
                                       used by Stote et al.(54) is likely to have led to a greater       and muscle biopsies were carried out at baseline and
                                       reliance on these lipid-derived substrates over the course        follow-up, with an additional set of measurements col-
                                       of 24 h, which may explain the reduction in fat mass des-         lected after a 36 h fast to explore the physiological impact
                                       pite euenergetic intake.                                          of individual fasting periods on energy metabolism.
                                          Building upon this premise, Halberg et al.(47) applied a          Although energy intake was not reported, the interven-
                                       20 h fast on alternate days from 22.00 to 18.00 hours,            tion reduced body mass by 2·5 %, approximately
                                       representing an integration of the strategies employed            two-thirds of which was accounted for by reduced fat
                                       by Stote et al.(54) and Varady et al.(32). Fasting prohibited     mass. However, the majority of fasting parameters,
                                       all intake with the exception of water, whilst during the         including plasma glucose concentration, RMR, substrate
                                       intervening feeding periods, participants were told to            oxidation and muscle GLUT4 content showed no not-
                                       double their habitual intake to maintain body mass.               able change(34,78). Key exceptions were sex-specific
                                       Although dietary intake was not monitored, blood sam-             alterations in cholesterol profile, with women experien-
                                       ples collected in a subset of fasting periods confirmed            cing an increase in HDL-cholesterol concentration and
                                       compliance with the fasting protocol, with corresponding          men exhibiting reductions in fasting TAG. Values col-
                                       changes in systemic concentrations of glucose, NEFA,              lected after 36 h of fasting confirmed increased fatty
                                       glycerol, adiponectin and leptin. Although both body              acid oxidation, raising the question of why the routine
                                       mass and fat mass were unchanged, the glucose infusion            up-regulation of fat metabolism combined with body
                                       rate during a euglycaemic–hyperinsulinaemic clamp                 mass losses resulted in no consistent changes in metabolic
                                       increased in the final 30 min of the sampling period, sug-         health. However, this pattern of sexual dimorphism con-
                                       gesting enhanced insulin sensitivity following complete           tinued into postprandial outcomes, with increases in glu-
                                       alternate-day fasting. Accordingly, this was accompanied          cose area under curve for females and reductions in
                                       by more rapid suppression of adipose tissue lipolysis dur-        insulin area under curve for males(78).
                                       ing the insulin infusion. While the lack of an effect on             It might then be suggested that males and females
                                       body mass and fat mass relative to prior studies may              respond differently to complete alternate-day fasting.
                                       reflect the disparity in cumulative fasting time, the authors      However, there were a number of baseline differences
                                       were nonetheless able to conclude that this approach to           between men and women in that study which should be
                                       intermittent fasting can improve metabolic health even            considered in this interpretation, with men exhibiting
                                       in the absence of detectable changes in body mass.                higher glucose, insulin and TAG concentrations in the
                                          Employing a similar approach, Soeters et al.(77)               fasted state(34). Upon contextualising this in the physiology
                                       recruited eight males of healthy weight to a repeated-            of insulin resistance(9–14), it seems plausible that the

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82                                                     I. Templeman et al.

                                        metabolic state of male participants at baseline may stand         is the confinement of energy restriction to a specified tem-
                                        to benefit more from the routine extension of fasting (not-         poral window, be that 16 h each day(75), every other
                                        withstanding the possibility of statistical regression). In        day(32,34) or just 2 d per week(61,62). Across these various
                                        these individuals, the shift toward fat oxidation seen in          models, intermittent fasting can elicit reductions in body
                                        response to prolonged fasting could help to clear lipid inter-     mass and improvements in metabolic health, effects
                                        mediaries from non-adipose tissues, thereby enhancing              which appear broadly comparable to standard daily
                                        insulin sensitivity. This is supported by the reported             energy restriction(82). However, because the therapeutic
                                        increase in carnitine palmitoltransferase-1 protein content        potential of these temporal strategies may lie in routinely
                                        in muscle tissue after the intervention(78,79).                    extending catabolic periods, thereby increasing reliance
                                           Extending this premise to the studies of Halberg et al.(47)     on lipid-derived substrates(28), the similar efficacy in rela-
                                        and Soeters et al.(77), the average body fat percentage of         tion to standard approaches could instead reflect a failure
                                        their cohorts was 20·1 and 14·8 %, respectively. This may          to meaningfully extend the post-absorptive period. The
                                        therefore support the notion that those with lower levels          5:2 diet and modified alternate-day fasting rarely omit
                                        of adiposity may not benefit from such interventions.               more than one meal in sequence and therefore this tran-
                                        Consequently, it is imperative to consider the seemingly           sition to lipid-derived substrates may scarcely be
                                        distinct responses seen between leaner and more over-              made(58–60,67,68). Conversely, if applying approaches
                                        weight cohorts when interpreting the results of similar stud-      that extend the fasting interval towards 20 h and beyond
                                        ies. This is not only because the potential for weight loss        (e.g. consecutive fasting days in the 5:2 diet or time-
 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                        and health gain may vary, but also because the presenta-           restricted feeding), this transition to lipid-derived sub-
                                        tion as lean or obese at baseline may be symptomatic of            strates is likely to be made more frequently, perhaps
                                        a predisposition towards various compensatory adjust-              explaining the proposed superiority of these
                                        ments that predict responsiveness to treatment(5,72–74,80).        approaches(54,61,62,75). Unfortunately, whilst the latter
                                           Furthering this line of enquiry, Catenacci et al.(81)           studies of complete alternate-day fasting offer amongst
                                        undertook a randomised controlled trial of complete                the longest uninterrupted fasting periods, the true effects
                                        alternate-day fasting in a sample of adults with obesity.          of this are difficult to isolate due to metabolically diverse
                                        Briefly, twenty-six participants were randomised to                 samples and the use of single-arm trials. Consequently,
                                        undertake 8 weeks of either daily energy restriction               there remains an urgent need for well-designed,
                                        (requiring a reduction in energy intake of 1674 kJ                 randomised-controlled trials of this commonly adopted
                                        (400 kcal)/d) or a complete alternate-day fast. The inter-         approach.
                                        mittent fasting condition imposed a fast on every other
                                        day and provided a diet to meet estimated daily energy
                                        requirements during feeding periods, with a series of                                     Future directions
                                        837 kJ (200 kcal) optional food modules to permit ad
                                        libitum intake. All foods were provided and diets were             Identifying more effective strategies for managing obesity
                                        matched for macronutrient balance rather than energy               and associated metabolic disorders remains a public
                                        intake. Consequently, energy intake across the interven-           health challenge and intermittent fasting may represent
                                        tion was lower with the intermittent fasting approach,             a potent tool. However, research to support this is scarce
                                        averaging 53 % of weight maintenance requirements                  and a number of important facets have been overlooked.
                                        compared with 72 % for daily energy restriction. This              Further research is therefore warranted to establish
                                        was accompanied by a trend for greater reductions in               whether intermittent fasting is simply an alternative
                                        body mass with intermittent fasting relative to energy             means of achieving energy restriction(76), or a dietary
                                        restriction, with 8·8 and 6·2 % reductions seen in the             strategy which offers a favourable method for maintain-
                                        respective conditions. Despite this, fat mass and lean             ing/improving metabolic health.
                                        mass decreased to a similar degree in both groups, a pat-
                                        tern mirrored by improvements in fasted lipid profile.
                                        Only intermittent fasting produced improvements in                                       Body composition
                                        fasted glucose concentration from baseline to follow-up,           Whilst much investigation has been devoted to the effects
                                        yet responses to a dynamic test of insulin sensitivity were        intermittent fasting exerts on fat balance, routinely
                                        unaltered. Conversely, RMR was reduced by daily                    extending catabolic periods also carries implications for
                                        energy restriction only, following correction for body             fat-free mass. Anton et al.(28) argue that the increased
                                        composition changes, with a trend for a between-group              reliance on lipid-derived substrates during prolonged
                                        difference. However, between-group comparisons were                fasting serves to minimise deteriorations in muscle mass
                                        compromised by baseline differences, with those in the             and function, although this does not negate these dete-
                                        daily energy restriction group presenting with higher              riorations all together. Mechanistically, net protein bal-
                                        body mass and fasting insulin concentrations on average.           ance is a product of constant interactions between
                                                                                                           protein synthesis and breakdown(83). Following an over-
                                                                                                           night fast (approximately 8–12 h), there is an increase in
                                                                 Summary                                   amino acid efflux from muscle tissue(84), suggesting a
                                                                                                           shift in favour of net muscle protein breakdown(85–87).
                                        Intermittent fasting clearly encompasses a broad spec-             Whilst there are limited data to support an exaggeration
                                        trum of dietary interventions. The defining characteristic          of this catabolic state when the fasting duration is

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The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health                                   83

                                       extended to 24 h, a recent study by Vendelbo et al.(88)           conclusions being drawn. There is therefore a definite
                                       showed that fasting for 72 h doubled the rate of amino            need to examine the cumulative impact of intermittent
                                       acid efflux from skeletal muscle when compared with a              fasting on the components of energy balance in a reliable
                                       10 h fast. Accordingly, it would be reasonable to antici-         and well-controlled manner, not least physical activity
                                       pate a greater decline in fat-free mass in response to inter-     thermogenesis.
                                       mittent fasting when compared with daily energy
                                       restriction.                                                                      Postprandial nutrient metabolism
                                          Contrary to this mechanistic perspective, however, a sys-
                                       tematic review of randomised-controlled trials by                 An opportunity arising from the pre-existing literature
                                       Varady(89) concluded that intermittent fasting may in fact        stems from the fact that the majority of studies have
                                       offer enhanced retention of fat-free mass when compared           focused on fasting measures of glucose, insulin and
                                       with daily energy restriction. A similar conclusion was           TAG, with very few studies employing dynamic tests.
                                       also drawn by a more recent review comparing intermit-            The relevance of this is well-illustrated by the impact of
                                       tent approaches with very-low energy dieting(90). Whilst          intermittent fasting on insulin; improvements in fasting
                                       the predominance of modified alternate-day fasting studies         insulin have been consistently shown in a number of stud-
                                       in the former review may help to explain this, it is worthy       ies as reviewed by Barnosky et al.(82). They also show
                                       of note that the complete alternate-day studies of both           that in a subset of these studies, fasting indices of insulin
                                       Halberg et al.(47) and Heilbronn et al.(34) were included.        resistance such as the homeostasis model generally
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

                                       If verified, enhanced retention of fat-free mass relative to       improve following a period of intermittent fasting.
                                       daily energy restriction would be a potent asset considering      However, it is important to note that while these fasting
                                       its association with RMR(91–93). Consequently, clarifying         indices are useful in easing experimental demands, there
                                       the effect of complete alternate-day fasting on fat-free          are several limitations. For instance, Borai et al.(97) sug-
                                       mass should be a central research priority.                       gest it is possible for a participant to be insulin resistant
                                                                                                         without demonstrating fasting hyperinsulinaemia.
                                                                                                            The same inconsistencies emerge when examining
                                                           Energy expenditure                            postprandial glycaemia, whilst postprandial lipaemia
                                       A key (but often overlooked) issue with conventional              has been largely ignored. On an acute basis, Antoni
                                       obesity management approaches is compensatory                     et al.(98) demonstrate that a day of 100 % energetic
                                       changes in other dimensions of energy balance, particu-           restriction results in enhanced suppression of postpran-
                                       larly decreased energy expenditure with daily energy              dial TAG and NEFA concentrations, relative to habitual
                                       restriction(21,22,94). It is not clear from the existing body     intake and partial energy restriction. Extending this to
                                       of intermittent fasting research whether such compensa-           the 5:2 approach, a similar pattern emerged for improve-
                                       tory changes may be invoked. Focusing initially on                ments in postprandial TAG concentrations with the
                                       RMR, both Heilbronn et al.(34) and Catenacci et al.(81)           intermittent condition relative to continuous restric-
                                       reported no detectable change in response to complete             tion(62). Such effects are also consistent with the
                                       alternate-day fasting, whilst Soeters et al.(77) suggest a        enhanced suppression of adipose tissue lipolysis reported
                                       decline in resting energy use of 247 kJ (59 kcal)/d.              by Halberg et al.(47). Given the importance of these out-
                                       Conversely, physical activity energy expenditure has              comes in the context of obesity and the associated
                                       not been thoroughly and objectively examined in                   comorbidities, closer examination is warranted.
                                       response to complete alternate-day fasting. Klempel
                                       et al.(35) observed no changes in daily step counts during                                 Comparative designs
                                       8 weeks of modified alternate-day fasting, despite clinic-         Despite being proposed as an alternative approach to
                                       ally meaningful weight losses, and ensuing studies                weight loss, few human trials to date have directly com-
                                       employing accelerometers have verified this out-                   pared complete alternate-day fasting against standard
                                       come(95,96). However, it should be noted that these stud-         daily energy restriction. Although it is generally reported
                                       ies all employed modified alternate-day fasting                    that the outcomes are similar, the broad spectrum of
                                       approaches, which can reasonably be expected to differ            cohorts and experimental protocols employed confounds
                                       in their effects on voluntary behaviour relative to com-          reliable comparisons against the pre-existing litera-
                                       plete alternate-day methods.                                      ture(89). The study of Catenacci et al.(81) is certainly an
                                          In the absence of objective measures of energy expend-         exception to this pattern, as they directly compared com-
                                       iture, Sutton et al.(70) argue that energy expenditure is not     plete alternate-day fasting and daily energy restriction;
                                       affected by temporal restrictions of energy intake based          however, the two conditions were not matched for the
                                       on the absence of significant differences in body mass             degree of energy restriction imposed. For this reason,
                                       in their euenergetic time-restricted feeding study.               reaching a consensus on the relative merits of intermit-
                                       However, Dhurandhar et al.(56) highlight that accurate            tent fasting is not possible without further studies with
                                       determination of energy balance necessitates measure-             appropriate controls.
                                       ment of all aspects of the equation. While it does then
                                       remain a distinct possibility that typical compensatory
                                       responses to an energy deficit are blunted when intermit-                               Fasting-dependent effects
                                       tent fasting, a lack of evidence about isolated dimensions        Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, is the possibility
                                       of energy expenditure currently prevents reliable                 that remaining in a post-absorptive state for prolonged

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