Page created by Lance Holland
THE                                                                                           IN THIS ISSUE:

                                                                                                 New staff members -
                                                                                                  pgs. 4 and 5
                                                                                                 Homecoming 2020 -
                                                                                                  pgs. 7-15
                                                                                                 Cross country - pg. 16
                                                                                                 Volleyball - pg. 17
                                                                                                 Football - pg. 18

     Volume 82, Issue 1		                  Colome High School - Box 367, Colome, SD                          October 1, 2020

Students celebrate Homecoming 2020
by Ashlyn Hoffine and
  Clarissa Ringing Shield
  The 2020 Colome Homecoming was
Sept. 8 through Sept. 11. Labor Day
was on Monday, so the festivities did
not begin until Tuesday.
    The exciting week started on Tues-
day, Sept. 8, with Time Travel Tues-
day, where students and staff dressed
up as their favorite decade. That eve-
ning the Colome Cowgirls volleyball
team played the Lyman Raiders in
three matches and came out with a win
for their homecoming game.
      Students dressed up on Wacky
Wednesday by wearing their class
colors and hats and by bringing food
to class. Seniors wore black, juniors
dressed up in yellow, sophomores
sported red, and freshmen wore blue.
Also, eighth graders were in pink, sev-
enth graders in purple, sixth graders in
orange, and staff in white.
     For Theatrical Thursday students
dressed up as their favorite movie/TV
show characters. Some of the choices
included the Chipmunks, Minions, and
                                            Above are the 2020 Cowgirl Saydee Heath and Cowboy Michael Supik. They were crowned Thurs-
characters from Grey’s Anatomy.             day night during coronation at the football field.
     Coronation started at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday evening at the football field.     Petersek, and Michael Supik. The MC            and Sully Shippy. The freshmen who
Alumni were not able to share memo-         was Nathaniel Hansen. The junior hon-          handed out programs were Jordyn Har-
ries with everyone due to COVID-19,         or guards were Kasie Leighton, Maya            ter, Bromley Heath, Maura Luedke,
but classes were announced and alum-        Vandenbark, Katie Welker, Elizabeth            and Emma Vandenbark.
ni stood to be recognized. The candi-       Yeaman, AJ Davis, Caden Munroe,                  Luke Bolton, senior class president,
dates included Lanie Bolton, Saydee         Brayden Seegers, and Riley Ship-               passed down the traditional spurs to
Heath, Baylie Hoffine, Arista Kaiser,       py. The sophomore ushers were Kash             Brayden Seegers, the junior class pres-
Luke Bolton, Allan McKenzie, Linkyn         Heath, Libbie Petersek, Jordyn Ring,                 continued on page 7
Lariat                                October 1, 2020                                            Page 2

Question of the Month                                                            by Ashlyn Hoffine and Riley Shippy

What is the most interesting thing about you?

Aleah Musser, seventh grader, re-       Eighth grader Camryn Seegers “ I          Klayton Heath, freshman, said,
plied, “The most interesting thing      have traveled a lot in my life. I have    “The most interesting thing about
about me is my passion for music        gotten to see a lot of things other       me is I love to talk.”
and sports.”                            kids my age have not.”

Sophomore Billy Looking Cloud           Junior Dustin Sell said, “I can sleep Senior Nathaniel Hansen said, “My
said, “I can hoop better than the av-   in any position.”                     hair is actually red; it’s not dyed.”
erage bear.”

  The Lariat is published by the desktop publishing class at Colome High School. Readers may
  submit letters to the editor, but the Lariat staff reserves the right to accept of reject letters.
  Writers/Page Designers: Devan Dougherty, Ashlyn Hoffine, Landi Krumpus, Caden Munroe,
  Libbie Petersek, Jordyn Ring, Clarissa Ringing Shield, Riley Shippy; Advisor: Mrs. Rohde
Lariat                                 October 1, 2020                                              Page 3
Senior Spotlight
Name: Rhet Harold                                            Name: Clarissa Jade
Bertram                                                      Ringing Shield
Birthday: April 25, 2002                                     Birthday: January 7, 2002
Birthplace: Gregory, SD                                      Birthplace: Winner, SD
Family: Gene Bertram,                                        Family: Mom-Tam-
Korey Bertram, Beau                                          my, Dad-Troy, Broth-
Bertram                                                      ers-Brock,Calvin, Chase,
Favorite childhood                                           Taitin, Sisters-Courtney,
memory: Riding in the                                        Toree, Madison
tractor                                                      Favorite childhood
Growing up I wanted to                                       memory: When Saydee
be a farmer.                                                 and I swam in a tank (we
All-time favorite movie: The Simpsons Movie                  were young)
I stay home to watch: The Simpsons                           Growing up I wanted to be a cosmetologist.
Favorite sports team: Minnesota Vikings                      All-time favorite movie: Lion King
Favorite band and/or musician: Eminem                        I stay home to watch: Arrow,Vampire Diaries
Hobbies: Lifting at the Hall                                 Favorite sports team: Minnesota Twins, Minnesota Vikings
Three things that can always be found in my refrigera-       Favorite band and/or musician: Taylor Swift, Juice Wrld,
tor: Milk, eggs, and cheese                                  For King + Country
If I have any warning, my last meal will be ribeye           Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, being with family, and
steak.                                                       swimming
Pet peeve: When people interrupt                             Three things that can always be found in my refrigerator:
People would be surprised to know I have a Mountain          Mashed potatoes, pickles, and fruit
Dew collection.                                              If I have any warning, my last meal will be chicken,
I wish I could stop buying things just because they are      mashed potatoes, and corn.
Limited Edition.                                             Pet peeve: When people chew with their mouths open all
I’m better than most at dunking a basketball.                the time, when people use “K” instead of “Ok”
I regret nothing.                                            People would be surprised to know: I’m shy when I first
I’m proud that I live in America.                            meet you, but after I get to know you, I am outgoing.
Best time of my life: Going to Keystone over 4th of July     I wish I could stop procrastinating.
Worst time of my life: Every time I see the flag burned      I’m better than most at having long hair, giving advice,
I hope I never have to have a son that’s a Liberal.          distracting people.
I’ve never been able to cross my eyes.                       I could be better at singing and overcoming my fears
I’d like to have a dollar for every time I say a bad word.   I’m proud that I’ve grown so much in my life.
When nobody’s looking, I mostly day dream.                   Best time of my life: Becoming a follower of Christ
If I could travel in time, I would visit 1776 to see the     Worst time of my life: When my uncle passed away
birth of America.                                            I hope I never have to bury my child.
If I won the lottery, I would buy Hostess so I can have      I’ve never been able to do the splits.
free Twinkies.                                               I’d like to have a dollar for every time I breathe.
A great evening to me is watching The Ranch and eating       Worst idea I ever had: Chopping my hair off
steak.                                                       When nobody’s looking, I try to sing + dance.
Best thing about school: Seeing friends and playing sports   Most embarrassing moment: When I shot a basket at the
Hardest thing about school: The homework                     wrong hoop
Future goal: To not be broke                                 If I could travel in time, I would visit when my parents
Best thing about living in Colome: It is nice and small      were young.
If I could change something about Colome, I would have       If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house, save lots, and
the Flying “D” stay open longer.                             travel.
The one thing that really makes me angry: People who         A great evening to me is: Hanging out with with my family
kneel during the National Anthem                             and friends.
Lariat                                  October 1, 2020                                            Page 4

New staff members in Colome
Name: Mr. Christensen                                         Name: Carly Sparks
Job assignment at Co-                                         Job Assignment at Co-
lome School: PreK-12                                          lome High School: Mid-
Principal/Special Educa-                                      dle School/High School
tion Director                                                 Science
Family:         Samantha                                      Family: 2 younger sis-
Christensen (wife) and                                        ters
Desirae       Christensen                                     Where did you grow
(daughter)                                                    up: Armour, SD
Where did you grow                                            Education: BS in Biol-
up? Do you have any                                           ogy with a specialization
favorite       childhood                                      in Secondary Ed from
memories? Arlington,                                          South Dakota State
South Dakota. My favor-                                       Do you have any favor-
ite childhood memory is                                       ite childhood memo-
playing outside with my                                       ries: Watching HS sports
neighbors. We played a                                        and family gatherings
lot of basketball.                                            Hobbies: Spending time
Education: BA K-12 Special Education, MS in Education-        with family/friends, kayaking, fishing, and playing bean
al Administration. I am currently working on my I.D.S. in     bags
School Administration.                                        What is an enjoyable evening to you? Relaxing at home.
Hobbies: Woodworking, hunting, coaching basketball and        Goals for this year: Teach hands-on skills to students to
football, watching movies, and working out.                   use in the future and help them to be prepared for college
What is an enjoyable evening to you? Spending quality         Any information about yourself that you would like to
time with my family                                           share: I have 32 cousins on my mom’s side of my family
Goals for this year: Establish relationships with staff and   that I love to get together with.

                                           Family: Gene, Beau, and Rhet
                                           Where did you grow up? Do you
                                           have any favorite childhood mem-
                                           ories? Rawlins, Wyoming, and I
                                           enjoyed spending time at my grand-
                                           parents’ house.
                                           Education: I have a bachelors in
                                           Early Childhood
                                           Previous Employment: Working
                                           at the fabulous Colome School with
                                           the fabulous students and staff
                                           Hobbies: Scrapbooking
                                           What is an enjoyable evening to
                                           you? Watching my boys play foot-
                                           ball or binge watching Grey’s Anat-     Name: Wes Yeary
                                           omy                                     Job Assignment at Colome High
  Name: Korey Bertram                      Goals for this year: Teach my kin-      School: Tech Coordinator and on-
  Job Assignment at Colome School:         dergarten kids to read and keep         line supervisor
  Kindergarten teacher                     them healthy
Lariat                                     October 1, 2020                                                Page 5

New staff at Colome

Name: Samantha Christensen                  Name: Sonya Nelson                          Name: Shelby Burket
Job assignment at Colome High               Job assignment at Colome School:            Job assignment at Colome School:
School: HS ELA, 8th Reading, and            5th Grade                                   Early Elementary Special Education
Env. Science                                Family: Kent - husband; Britt, Bren-        teacher
Family: 1 daughter - Desirae Chris-         den, Kaylen, Taylor, and Emme -             Family: Mark Burket and Karen
tensen, Husband - Dustin Christensen        children; Lindsey, Tysen, Carson, and       Lang - parents; Ty, Kylie, Reece, Rylan,
Where did you grow up? Do you               Alisha - grandchildren                      Jynelle, and TayShen - Siblings
have any favorite childhood memo-           Where did you grow up? Do you have          Where did you grow up? Do you have
ries? I grew up on my family’s ranch        any favorite childhood memories: I          any favorite childhood memories: I
45 miles north of Wall, SD. I have over     grew up in Sperman, Texas, and my           grew up in Platte, SD. I loved spending
20 first cousins, and my favorite mem-      favorite childhood memories are of the      my summers at the river growing up!
ories are of time spent with them.          weekends spent at my grandparents’          Education: I went to DWU for 3 years
Education: I graduated from Wall            farm and feedlot.                           for Elementary Education. I then
High School in 2009 and then from           Education: I graduated from Oklo-           attended SDSU for Early Childhood
Black Hills State University in 2013.       homa Panhandle State University in          Education. I just started my masters in
Previous employment: I have taught          December 2000 with a Bachelor of            special education.
at Lovell High School in Lovell, WY,        Science in Elementary Education.            Previous employment: I taught at
and at Edgemont Middle School in            Previous employment: I am actually          Platte-Geddes Elementary School.
Edgemont, SD.                               not new to Colome Consolidated; I am        Hobbies: Baking, going on walks,
Hobbies: I love any activity that in-       just new to this campus. I have taught      spending time at the river.
volves horses: rodeo, team roping, bar-     in Wood for the last 5 years.               What is an enjoyable evening to you:
rel racing, and trail riding. I also sew    Hobbies: Camping, fishing, and riding       Spending time outside
and garden.                                 ATVs.                                       Goals for this year: Helping as many
What is an enjoyable evening to you?        What is an enjoyable evening to you:        kiddos be succesful learners as I can!
An enjoyable evening for me is time         Relaxing and watching a funny movie         Any other information about your-
spent with family outside                   with my family                              self that you would like to share: I
Goals for this year: My main goals for      Goals for this year: I want my stu-         am excited to have a great school year
this year are: 1. Get to know the stu-      dents to leave my class at the end of the   and to become a part of the Colome
dents and their life goals. 2. Provide an   year feeling like they were successful at   community!
education that helps them reach those       accomplishing something.
Lariat                                      October 1, 2020   Page 6

Changes made around school by Jordyn Ring
  There were many changes in the school
over the summer. When the students re-
turned to CHS, the halls had been empty for
five months due to the pandemic.
  Around the school students should have
noticed the new hand sanitizer dispensers
in every classroom and in the halls. These
were installed due to Covid-19. Students
are encouraged to use the sanitizer and to
wash their hands to prevent the spread of
   There were many new upgrades in the
lunch room. The tile in the MPR, kitchen,
and bathrooms was removed by a com-
pany from Sioux Falls. New flooring was
installed by Hauf Floorcovering. Also in
the kitchen, there are a new oven and new
countertops that look very nice.
                                                                 Above: The new
   Due to Covid there have been changes                          greenhouse is lo-
during the lunch hour. The cooks give the                        cated west of the
kids their milk either in cartons or in a glass                  shop building.
                                                                 Left: Jordyn Ring
everyday, and water is already poured and                        points to the new
ready for the student. There is no more sal-                     stove in the kitch-
                                                                 en. This is just
ad bar out, and all of the condiments are                        one of the up-
prepackaged. The school has taken precau-                        grades completed
tions to keep everyone safe.                                     in the kitchen this
  Over the summer a group of kids gathered                       Below:       Landi
and helped Ms. Manderfeld give the shop                          Krumpus       uses
floor a new coat of paint for the upcoming                       the hand sanitizer
                                                                 dispenser in the
school year. Also, there is a new green-                         high school office.
house that was built where the CTE trailer                       A dispenser was
                                                                 installed in every
used to be. Funding for this project was pro-                    classroom before
vided by a Perkins grant.                                        school     started.
  Several new Promethean boards were in-                         Students are en-
                                                                 couraged to use
stalled in classroms to help the teachers. All                   the     dispensers
of the teahers have been preparing students                      to prevent the
for online schooling again if needed. Stu-                       spread of diseas-
dents are using Google Classroom almost
everyday in class.
  You may have noticed the new benches
around the playground for the kids and staff
to sit on.
  Another addition to the school is a floor
covering in the gym. This will be used for
events when people will be on the wood
floor for a purpose other than sporting
events. The cover will protect the floor from
chips and scratches.
Lariat                                     October 1, 2020                                Page 7

Homecoming 2020
continued from Page 1
ident, who promised to continue the traditions at CHS.
Then MC Nathaniel Hansen announced the 2020 Cow-
boy and Cowgirl: Saydee Heath and Michael Supik.
   After coronation wrapped up with pictures of the
royalty, the student body attended the burning of the
“C” at the baseball field. The team captains of the vol-
leyball and football teams gave their speeches along
with the coaches.
  Friday morning started off in the gym with Cowboy
Olympics. The students wore green to support their
school colors. NHS sponsored the Cowboy Olym-
pics with the help of their adivsor, Mrs. Renee Bolie.
Games for the event included a relay race with various
challenges, a race to eat Oreos without using hands,        Above: The cheerleaders
                                                            show their support for the
Cheeto toss on heads covered in shaving cream, egg          Cowboys and Cowgirls in the
toss, pool noodle challenge, obstacle course after spin-    parade. From left are Maura
                                                            Luedke, Morgan Gill, Tianna
ning around a bat, and the football toss. The final event   Larson, and Lilly Nelson.
was the traditional tug-o-war. The senior class won the     Right: Sophie Hofeldt and
spirit rope and the boots.                                  Toree Ringing Shield are
                                                            dressed as Kiss fans for
  When the Cowboy Olympics finished, students had           Time Travel Tuesday.
time to put the final touches on their floats for the pa-   Below: Cheering for the
rade which began at 1:00. The parade marshal for the        Cowboys at the football
                                                            game are Maya Vandenbark,
2020 Colome parade was Bobbi Viedt. For the K-2             Kasie Leighton, Elizabeth
division, the kindergarten won. In the 3-5 and Wood         Yeaman, Makayla Shippy,
                                                            Arista Kaiser, Katie Welker,
division, the third graders won. For the 6-8, the 8th       Toree Ringing Shield, Sophie
graders took first place. For the 9-12, the juniors won.    Hofeldt, Libbie Petersek,
The business winner was the Winner Area Chamber of          Baylie Hoffine, Lanie Bolton,
                                                            Saydee Heath, Clarissa
Congress.                                                   Ringing Shield, Jordyn Ring,
  During the football game the Cowboys put up a fight       Devan Dougherty, Aspyn
against Irene-Wakonda Eagles and came out with a            McKenzie, Ashlyn Hoffine,
                                                            and Landi Krumpus.
30-0 win.
Lariat   October 1, 2020         Page 8

                           Top left: Saydee Heath, Bay-
                           lie Hoffine, and Lanie Bolton
                           dress in past decades.
                           Bottom left: Aspyn McKenzie
                           and Raylynn Dehning dressed
                           fom the 90s.
                           Top right: Riley Shippy, Landi
                           Krumpus, Jordyn Ring, Devan
                           Dougherty, and Libbie Pe-
                           tersek also dressed in past
                           Middle left: Emma Vanden-
                           bark sports a look from the
                           Bottom right: Katie Welker,
                           Maya Vandenbark, Makayka
                           Shippy, Elizabeth Yeaman,
                           Dusty Sell, and Brayden See-
                           gers wearing clothes from the
Lariat   October 1, 2020                                 Page 9

                       Top left: The freshmen wear blue for Class Color Day.
                       In the front are Crystal Songer, Shanna Connot, Emma
                       Vandenbark, Tianna Larson. In the middle are Bromley
                       Heath, Lilly Nelson, Kalene Preslicka, Shaleena Kings-
                       ley, and Jordyn Harter. In the back are Jordan Musser,
                       Klayton Heath, Maura Luedke, Joseph Laprath, and Jack
                       Top right: The sophomores wear red for Class Color Day.
                       In the front are Penelope Chasing Hawk, Ashlyn Hoffine,
                       Paige Paulson, Devan Dougherty, Jordyn Ring, Morgan
                       Gill. In the back are Sully Shippy, Silas Chasing Hawk,
                       Burner Schenefeld, Taitin Ringing Shield, Billy Looking
                       Cloud, Kash Heath, Landi Krumpus, Aidan Muller, Libbie
                       Petersek, Toree Ringing Shield, and Sophie Hofeldt. In the
                       middle are Baylie Hoffine, and Lanie Bolton dress up as
                       characters from Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday.
                       Middle right: Elizabeth Yeaman, Katie Welker, and
                       Makayla Shippy dress up as Simon, Alvin, and Theodore
                       from the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks.
                       Bottom: The senior class is wearing black for Class Color
                       Day. In the front are Luke Bolton, Clarissa Ringing Shield,
                       Nathaniel Hansen, Michael Supik, and Gavin Tucker. In
                       the middle row are Arista Kaiser, Makayla Shippy, Baylie
                       Hoffine, Lanie Bolton, and Saydee Heath. In the back are
                       Rhet Bertram, Casey Assman, Allan McKenzie, Linkyn
                       Petersek, Tate Luedke, and Isaac Beltman.
Lariat                                             October 1, 2020                      Page 10

Top left: The junior honor guards hold their swords up as Linkyn Petersek and Baylie
Hoffine walk through.
Top right: After the coronation ceremony, there was a burning of the “C” at the baseball
Middle left: Luke Bolton, senior class president, hands down the spurs to Brayden
Seegers, junior class president. The spurs represent the traditions at CHS.
Bottom right: Nathaniel Hansen, the MC at the coronation ceremony, calls the classes
of alumni to stand and be recognized.
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