Page created by Fred Acosta
Timber scorecard 2017:
sustainability progress
among buyers of timber
and wood products
© naturepl.com / Anup Shah / WWF
Cover photo
© WWF / Simon Rawles                                                                        At a glance:
Design                                                                                      WWF’s forest campaign
madenoise.com                                                                               Our campaign aims to:
June 2017                                                                                   •g
                                                                                              alvanise businesses and
                                                                                             governments to take action to
Timber scorecard 2017: sustainability progress                                               enable the transition to a market in
among buyers of timber and wood products                                                     sustainable forest goods by 2020.
This is WWF’s second timber scorecard. It measures                                          We’re calling on UK businesses to
and records the progress of companies towards                                               support our call to action by:
sustainable timber procurement – to help secure
a resilient future for global forests.                                                      •p
                                                                                              ledging to buy timber products
                                                                                             from sustainable sources by 2020;
We will produce a further scorecard in 2019 to
monitor further progress and present a clear                                                • c alling for the EU to close the
picture for the public of just which businesses                                               loopholes in its Timber Regulation;
are doing their part for a better future for forests,                                       • s upporting the transition to a 100%
people and nature.
                                                                                              sustainable timber market by 2020.
We offer support for UK companies, with tools
and guidance to help them improve their policy,
procurement and reporting, to ensure responsible                                            At a glance:
forest management and trade in the places they
source from.                                                                                WWF’s timber scorecard
                                                                                            During this scorecard process we:
At WWF, we want a world enriched by extensive,
resilient forest landscapes that benefit                                                    •a
                                                                                              ssessed 128 companies on their
biodiversity, people and climate. The business                                               progress towards sustainable timber;
community can play a vital role in ensuring forest
resources are well-managed.                                                                 • c aptured key sectors such as
                                                                                              construction, home builders, paper/
You can contact us about this work area by emailing                                           printing and publishing, general
gftn@wwf.org.uk                                                                               retailers and furniture retailers;
                                                                                            • r eached out to companies during
About WWF-UK
We want a world with a future where people and
                                                                                              January and March 2017 on their
wildlife can thrive. So we’re finding ways to help                                            performance during 2015 and 2016.
transform the future for the world’s wildlife, rivers,
forests and seas in areas we regard as particular                                           We reviewed each company and
priorities. We’re pushing for a reduction in carbon                                         assigned a tree index rating of
emissions that will avoid catastrophic climate                                              between 0 and 3 according to what
change. And we’re pressing for measures to help                                             is publicly available in terms of:
people live sustainably, within the means of our
one planet.
                                                                                            • t imber purchasing policy and
                                                                                              what it says;
Find out more about our forests work at
                                                                                              erformance statements, and what
                                                                                             they say;
About the consultant                                                                        • c laims made about responsible
Jon Grayson has supported WWF with a number of                                                sourcing of timber or similar,
scorecards since 2011, most notably around the soft                                           and what they say.
commodity space (oil palm and soy). Since 2006, his
work has included aspects of forestry finance and
supply chains.
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                5

contents                                                                                                                                                          EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
       EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................5                        WWF’s Timber Scorecard measures the biennial
                                                                                                                                                                  progress on sustainability made by buyers of timber
1	BACKGROUND: A VALUABLE COMMODITY.......................................................................... 6                                                    and wood products. It supports our campaign to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                  unsustainable timber from entering the UK market, with
2 TIMBER SCORECARD METHODOLOGY................................................................................. 10                                                the aim of a sustainable forest products market by 2020.

3 HOW THE COMPANIES SCORED...............................................................................................16                                                               To achieve this, we have called on many           • More than half of the 30 companies
                                                                                                                                                                                          UK businesses to pledge to buy timber                in the scorecard that scored zero
       Score definitions. ......................................................................................................................... 18                                    and wood products from sustainable                   were furniture retailers. There are
       Company performance. .............................................................................................................19                                               sources and make public their support                many ways these companies could
                                                                                                                                                                                          of our campaign to transition to a 100%              improve their performance and how
       Individual company results: company tables..................................................................19
                                                                                                                                                                                          sustainable UK market. To measure the                they communicate their sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                          progress companies are making towards                credentials to consumers.
4	ANALYSIS: AN OVERVIEW OF SECTOR PERFORMANCE............................................... 26                                                                                           this sustainable future, we reviewed 128
                                                                                                                                                                                          companies trading in the UK. This is our          •T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              he larger UK companies,
       Construction and timber. ........................................................................................................ 29                                               second such review, the first was published        multinationals and those that rely on
                                                                                                                                                                                          in 2015.                                           timber as an essential raw material are
       Home builders...............................................................................................................................30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             more likely to have robust policies and
       Paper, publishing, card, and paper hygiene companies.............................................31                                                                                The review focuses on each company’s               performance monitoring in place and
       General retailers.......................................................................................................................... 32                                     policy for sourcing sustainable timber,            score well. There is an important role
                                                                                                                                                                                          their claims on purchasing sustainably             for trade associations to support their
       Furniture retailers...................................................................................................................... 34
                                                                                                                                                                                          verifiable timber or wood products, and            members proactively at the smaller
       Musical instruments.................................................................................................................. 35                                           their performance measured against their           scale by offering technical assistance
       Overall.............................................................................................................................................. 36                           stated commitment. Our scorecard awards            and capacity building.
                                                                                                                                                                                          each company a score from ‘zero trees’,

5 TRADE ASSOCIATIONS. ..............................................................................................................40                                                    with no apparent progress on sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                          timber or wood products, to ‘three trees’,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           That said, 50% of all companies reviewed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           scored either three or two trees, which
                                                                                                                                                                                          awarded to companies that source more            demonstrates they are making good
6	CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................44                                          than 70% certified sustainable wood and          progress. These companies were generally
                                                                                                                                                                                          have policies and control systems in place.      a lot more responsive in responding to
7	Act now to improve your impact...............................................................................48                                                                         This scorecard shows that:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           our requests on the Timber Scorecard this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           year. Many are taking proactive steps to
       Recommendations for businesses. ...................................................................................... 50                                                           • 27% of companies reviewed – those            update their annual performance and are
       Recommendations for government and regulators......................................................51                                                                                  scoring ‘one tree’ – are still only taking   fully supporting our forest campaign.
                                                                                                                                                                                              limited action to guarantee that the
       Recommendations for consumers....................................................................................... 52                                                                                                             Among the companies that achieved top
                                                                                                                                                                                              timber or wood products they sell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           scores are: Carillion, Kimberly-Clark
                                                                                                                                                                                              are not contributing to deforestation
	APPENDIX: FURTHER INFORMATION................................................................................... 53                                                                          or illegal logging. They may have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Europe, Marks & Spencer, Penguin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Random House, Redrow and Travis
                                                                                                                                                                                              a policy, but they do not indicate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Perkins. A few companies that we included
                                                                                                                                                                                              progress against it, or at least not in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for the first time this year scored three
                                                                                                                                                                                              meaningful or context-based way.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           trees, including Bellway, Hachette UK, and
                                                                                                                                                                                           • 23% of companies reviewed – those            Bensons for Beds (Steinhoff).
                                                                                                                                                                                              scoring ‘zero trees’ – are entirely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Overall, many companies must transform
                                                                                                                                                                                              failing to disclose their policies and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           their approach if they are to stand any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           chance of securing a 100% sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Sectors such as construction,                UK market for timber and wood products
                                                                                                                                                                                              homebuilding, and printing/publishing        by 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                              are visibly ahead of other sectors.
                                                                                                                                                                                              They demonstrate a strong ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                                              commitment to sustainable sourcing
                                                                                                                                                                                              with year-on-year performance
© Greg Armfield / WWF-UK
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                8   TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                                       9

 A VALUABLE COMMODITY                                                                                                    IMPACTS OF UNSUSTAINABLE
                                                                                                                         FOREST MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                         Sustainably managed forests can help to
                                                                                                                                                                             TIMBER AND THE CARBON CYCLE
                                                                                                                                                                             Timber can contribute significantly to
                                                                                                                                                                             tackling climate change thanks to the
                                                                                                                         reduce carbon dioxide levels and support            carbon sink effect of the forests, the carbon
 The world’s forests perform many critical functions both globally                                                       forest-dependent communities, as well               storage of the timber and when timber is
 and locally. They are fundamental to regulating the Earth’s climate,                                                    as protecting vital biodiversity and other          used instead of carbon intensive materials.
 preserving rich levels of biodiversity and providing prosperity for                                                     ecosystem services. But the advantages              Using wood from sustainably managed
                                                                                                                         offered by timber and wood products can be          forests reduces carbon dioxide emissions,
 many local communities.                                                                                                                                                     as the carbon dioxide stored by the forest
                                                                                                                         undermined where forests are managed in
                                                                                                                         an unsustainable way that has detrimental           and in the timber product outweighs
                        Today many of the world’s natural forests      If companies source all their timber and          social and environmental impacts:                   any carbon dioxide created during the
                        have been lost. The majority of losses         wood products from well-managed forests,                                                              production of the product. Each tonne
                        have occurred over the last 100 years.         they can be confident that they are working       • O ver-harvesting of forest resources             of timber used instead of other building
                        Although there are a variety of reasons        towards this widely shared zero net                  reduces the value of forests and the goods       materials – such as steel or concrete –
                        for the continued destruction of natural       deforestation goal and not contributing to           and services they provide, jeopardises           saves around a tonne of carbon dioxide.
                        forests, illegal logging poses a significant   deforestation or unsustainable harvesting            people’s livelihoods, and threatens the
                                                                                                                            long-term availability of a wide range of        Carbon, and especially CO2 emissions,
                        threat to global forest resources. It          – and the negative impacts these have on
                                                                                                                            products that we use daily in our homes          are recognised as a key factor in climate
                        contributes to deforestation, causes loss      people, nature and climate.
                                                                                                                            and businesses.                                  change. In the UK, 40% of all carbon
                        of biodiversity and erodes the rule of
                                                                                                                                                                             emissions come from buildings, split evenly
                        law. It undermines responsible forest          UK Timber supply and demand                       • Deforestation and unsustainable forestry         between domestic and commercial.
                        management, encourages corruption and                                                               practices fuel climate change by depleting
                                                                       Higher demand for renewable materials,
                        tax evasion, and reduces the income of                                                              carbon stores and releasing carbon               Industry drivers such as corporate social
                                                                       whether driven by technology, legislation,
                        producer countries. Cheap imports of                                                                dioxide into the atmosphere.                     responsibility, brand management and
                                                                       policy or personal choice, leads to greater
                        illegal products also distort market pricing                                                                                                         ethical trade are now an integral part of
                                                                       use of timber-based products. There is a
                        and investment prospects. And they have                                                          • Irresponsible forest operations may              the way we construct buildings in the UK.
                                                                       strong and vibrant forest industry in the
                        social implications, threatening the jobs                                                           violate people’s rights around labour            Timber-based construction products are
                                                                       UK, but it cannot supply the domestic
                        and livelihoods of people who depend on                                                             issues, land ownership and access,               ideally placed to deliver on such aims.
                                                                       demand for timber and forest products.
                        forests for their survival.                                                                         including the rights of indigenous               Timber can be sourced responsibly; it is a
                                                                       The UK is the third-largest importer of              peoples – some 60 million of whom                flexible and adaptable material that can be
                        At WWF, we believe that if companies                                                               live in forests1.
                                                                       forest products in the world. It is important                                                         used efficiently; and at the end of its life
                        practise sound forest management and
                                                                       for UK companies that import timber                                                                   it can be reused, recycled or the energy
                        responsible wood sourcing, it is possible to                                                     • I ndiscriminate timber harvesting can
                                                                       and wood products to know where these                                                                 within it recovered.
                        supply the world’s timber needs as well as                                                         have a significant impact on biodiversity
                                                                       come from.
                        maintaining biodiversity.                                                                          – over half the world’s terrestrial
                                                                       The majority of softwood timber material            biodiversity is dependent on forests.
     forestry has       2020 TARGET: ZERO NET DEFORESTATION            is imported from Scandinavia, eastern
                        AND FOREST DEGRADATION, AND OUR
                                                                                                                         • I llegal logging deprives developing
      a key role in                                                    Europe and Russia. The vast majority of
                                                                                                                           countries of an important source of
                        FOREST CAMPAIGN                                hardwood timber and timber products
   maintaining the                                                     originate in south-east Asia and parts of
                                                                                                                           revenue and future income.

  planet's natural
                        We advocate zero net deforestation and         central and western Africa, with significant      •W
                                                                                                                           ater cycles that are disrupted as a result
                        forest degradation (or ZNDD) globally
                                                                       quantities of temperate hardwood                   of deforestation can lead to localised
                        by 2020. This means no net forest loss         imported from the US and Russia.                   flooding and droughts.
                        through deforestation and no net decline in
                        forest quality through degradation, while
                        allowing for some limited and carefully
                        controlled clearing for agriculture and
                        settlements across the developing world.
                        We believe that the projected demand for
                        food, fuel and fibre can be met without
                        further net forest loss by improving forest
                        stewardship and making land use more
                        productive. As part of this, we are running
                        a forest campaign that is encouraging UK
                        businesses to shift 100% of their trade
                        in timber and timber products to legal,
                        sustainable sources by 2020.

                                                                                                                                                              N http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/2015/05/what-role-do-indigenous-people-and-forests-
© Brent Stirton / Getty Images / WWF-UK
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                            12   TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                               13

                                                                                                      The scorecard seeks to assess what has            While we did our best to contact the
                                                                                                      been purchased across a company’s entire          companies to ensure that they were aware

                                                                                                      business footprint, not just whether a            the review process was under way, there
                                                                                                      supplier has a chain of custody certificate for   were a few cases where the communications
                                                                                                      part of it.                                       were not passed on internally to the person
                                                                                                                                                        responsible and companies were not able
                                                                                                      How we assessed the companies                     to respond in time for the review. There
                                                                                                                                                        were also cases where we dealt directly with
Why do a scorecard?                              What the scorecard measures                          We notified companies of their inclusion
                                                                                                                                                        companies that confirmed they would send
                                                                                                      in January 2017 and did an initial review
This Timber Scorecard rates a wide               Our Timber Scorecard reviews and                                                                       information, but failed to do so.
                                                                                                      in February. In early March, companies
selection of UK retailers, manufacturers and     rates how companies demonstrate their
                                                                                                      were sent a copy of their draft score and
traders that buy timber and wood products.       overall commitment to sustainable timber
                                                                                                      were invited to respond with additional           Our scoring system
                                                 procurement, and how this commitment to
This is our second Timber Scorecard,                                                                  information to complete the review process,       We awarded companies a numerical score
                                                 action and performance has evolved since
and we hope it helps to continue the                                                                  highlighting any information that had been        for each aspect of their policy, reporting
                                                 2015. By ‘sustainable’ we mean timber and
momentum among companies towards                                                                      overlooked that points to their policies          and performance. Each company was then
                                                 wood products that have been verified as
procuring responsible timber. It also charts                                                          and practices, with a four-week window            assigned a ‘tree rating’ of between 0 and 3,
                                                 coming from forests which are managed in
progress for some companies against their                                                             for responses. We used contact details we         according to what is publicly available in
                                                 an environmentally responsible, socially
performance in our previous scorecard.                                                                had for specific individuals, or called each      terms of:
                                                 beneficial and economically viable manner,
                                                                                                      business to ascertain this where we didn’t.       • timber purchasing policy and what it says
                                                 and that meet legal requirements.
Selecting the companies                                                                               As a last resort we wrote to chief executives
                                                                                                                                                        • performance statements, and what they say
                                                  Our review process looked for:                      for some companies about the scorecard,
We identified 128 companies that depend                                                               where we felt we did not have reliable email      • claims about responsible sourcing of
significantly on wood in the products             • The existence, availability and quality
                                                                                                      contact information. We sent reminders               timber or similar, and what they say.
they use or sell, or that are brands whose           of the content of a business’s policy on
                                                                                                      throughout the period, and used a certified
sustainability actions should extend to              timber and wood product sourcing;                                                                  We recognise and support voluntary
                                                                                                      email tracking service to help confirm the
these products. They represent a wide             • Statements on having a system in place           mail delivery and mailbox receipt of emails       certification schemes, in particular FSC,
cross-section of UK companies – from                 to trace the timber and wood products            sent to reach the company contacts.               so companies that reported on sourcing
construction companies to high street                used/bought to ensure legality and                                                                 materials with a high FSC proportion
retailers; from publishers to musical                sustainability.                                  Once we had received any incoming                 overall scored highly. Low scores were
instrument manufacturers. They also vary                                                              information, we assigned a final score            given to companies that failed to publicly
                                                  • Statements on a commitment to comply
in size from medium-sized companies to                                                                and communicated this individually                share specific policies or procedures on
                                                     with the EU Timber Regulation.
UK majors and multinationals.                                                                         to companies.                                     sustainable sourcing, or relevant policies
                                                  • A current statement or claim of a                                                                  that clearly encompassed the issue in lieu of
In total, 98 companies (77%) also featured           company’s performance in timber                  We did our utmost to be consistent in             a specific sourcing policy.
in our 2015 scorecard. This allows us                and wood product sourcing vis-a-vis              how we approached company searches,

                                                                                                                                                        Disclosure and confidentiality –
to shine a spotlight on the actions these            responsible, ethical, sustainable or             to assess the availability and accessibility
companies have taken. We have extended                                                                of information on policies, sourcing,
                                                                                                                                                        how we scored differently in 2017
                                                     verified purchasing or procurement
the list of retailers to include 22 additional       undertaken by their business. This would         monitoring and performance. We reviewed
furniture retailers, following our ‘Are              typically be verified confirmation of            both retail and corporate websites and            In contrast with our 2015 Timber Scorecard,
you sitting comfortably?’ report on the              the volume of certified timber or wood           carried out browser searches based on             in the 2017 scorecard we did not plan
furniture sector in October 2016. We’ve              products that have been purchased in the         keyword information. We reviewed annual           to undertake a review that would allow
added the home builders sector, with                 most recent complete year (2015).                reports, sustainability and corporate social      companies a period in which to first share
five further companies. Finally, we’ve                                                                responsibility reports.                           undisclosed information, and then make it
                                                  • A current statement on sourcing
added three more companies from the                                                                                                                     public in time for review. So we did not award
                                                     performance, comparable to, or using the         Where a company was part of a larger group,
paper, printing and publishing sector.                                                                                                                  intermediary scores, or * scores, for materials
                                                     same criteria as used for participants of        we tried to obtain information on group
We decided to omit the majority of the                                                                                                                  shared confidentially with WWF, for example
                                                     WWF’s Global Forest & Trade Network              policies that applied. For multinationals, we
smaller companies that were reviewed but                                                                                                                suggesting that a 1 tree * would have been a
                                                     (GFTN), such as the percentage of timber/        were particularly looking for performance
not publicly rated in the 2015 scorecard                                                                                                                2 trees score if undisclosed information had
                                                     wood products purchased which are:               that applied to the UK market.
to focus on major brands and add new                                                                                                                    been made publicly available.
companies in other sectors.                       - recycled material
                                                                                                      In this scorecard review, we have not
                                                  - FSC certified (with full chain of custody)                                                          On this occasion, given that the majority of
                                                                                                      awarded points where information was
                                                  - PEFC or other credible certification                                                               the companies reviewed had been through a
                                                                                                      not published on the company website. We
                                                     scheme (with full chain of custody)                                                                previous timber scorecard engagement, we
                                                                                                      have also taken a stricter approach with
                                                                                                                                                        decided to focus on rating full transparency
                                                  - legal and traceable                               companies where there has been no visible
                                                                                                                                                        and public disclosure. Transparency in
                                                  - a mix of any of the above.                        reporting since 2014 or where the reader is
                                                                                                                                                        supply chains and sourcing and clear, public
                                                  • Confirmation of what proportion of               left in doubt over the actual performance.
                                                                                                                                                        reporting are important steps in developing
                                                     the company’s total supply chain use of                                                            and demonstrating sustainability.
                                                     timber and wood products was certified
                                                     and/or recycled.
© Edwin Giesbers / naturepl.com

We also only considered very recent and
current information, so we only took into
account verified performance information
for 2014 or later (for complete years and
with an indication that this covers the total
or what proportion of purchases made, and
only current policies and communications).

It is possible that some companies may be
performing well in sourcing sustainable
timber and wood products, but failing
to share this information publicly. But
because this scorecard only focuses on
information that is publicly available, their
score potentially reflects this.

A note on the EU Timber Regulation
As part of our review we checked whether
companies had a public statement of
compliance with the EU Timber Regulation
(EUTR). The EUTR only considers the
legality of the timber, rather than wider
sustainability risks that are assessed as
part of a responsible timber sourcing
policy, so a statement of EUTR compliance
is not a substitute for a robust policy.
Companies that trade in products which
fall outside of the scope of the EUTR
are not legally obliged to carry out due
diligence to ensure their products are
legally sourced.

The regulation seeks to eliminate illegal
timber from the European market and
requires compliance for certain timber
products. However, not all products
are within scope. For example, while
some furniture items are covered by the
regulation, others are not; and printed
materials including books are currently
omitted. Musical instruments are also
not covered. These loopholes allow illegal
sources to continue to make it unchecked
on to the market.

Our next scorecard
Sustainability is a journey: the only way to
assess how far companies have travelled on
that journey is by continuing to measure
and review performance. To encourage
companies to improve their scores, we
will repeat this research in 2019. It is well
overdue that poor performers step up and
take urgent, targeted action to demonstrate
they are taking responsibility for their
footprint on forests.
© Kate Holt / WWF-UK
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                          18   TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                           19

Score definitions                                                                                                   Company performance
As in our previous Timber Scorecard, we apply a tree index rating                                                   The overall response rate was considered good – 73 companies
using the following definitions, which gives an indication of a                                                     (57%) of the 128 companies we contacted replied to our
company’s performance:                                                                                              correspondence with a range of additional supporting information.
                                                                                                                    Among non-respondents, 14 had previously scored 3 trees, so
                        3 trees                                                                                     perhaps felt no need to provide additional responses to the process.
                        These companies are performing well against the requests WWF makes to
                                                                                                                    However, at the 0 trees end, there were also 19 non-respondents.
                        businesses regarding the purchasing of timber and wood products. Most have public
                        commitments specifically indicating that they give priority to using FSC
                        and recycled timber and wood products, and put this in context with the role and            Of the 128 companies, 25 (20%) improved        for global forests. Sadly, 30 (23%) scored
    PERFORMING WELL     requirements of the EUTR. They have set up policies and control systems. They               their score during the review                  0 – and 15 of these had also scored 0
                        report openly and accurately about their performance against their policy commitment,       process, taking into consideration new         in the 2015 scorecard – showing they
                        and have a good understanding of the source of all their timber and wood products. They     published materials.                           have kept their heads in the sand over their
                        are sourcing over 70% certified material, with high proportions of FSC and                                                                 responsibilities in this area.
                        recycled timber and wood products. These companies are well along the journey to            The 2017 scorecard review paints a split
                        complete the transition to 100% sustainable timber and wood products by 2020.               picture – exactly half the companies           As a sector, retailers (both general retailers
                        They are showing their competitors that it is possible to act responsibly when it comes     (64) scored either 2 or 3 trees, which is      and furniture retailers) make up the
                        to forest trade.                                                                            good news and shows these brands and           lion’s share (53%) of companies reviewed,
                                                                                                                    sectors are taking action to move to more      followed by print and publishing (25%),
                        2 trees                                                                                     sustainable supply chains for their timber     construction and timber combined (12%)
                                                                                                                    products. But the other half are lagging       and home builders (5%).
                        Companies in this category have made a start on the journey to sustainable timber and
                                                                                                                    behind on the pressing need to take action
                        wood products – and in some cases they have made good progress. These companies
                        have made commitments to sourcing FSC, PEFC or recycled products and have

                                                                                                                    Individual company results:
                        established control mechanisms over their use of timber and wood products. They report
     GOOD PROGRESS      openly and accurately about their performance against their policy commitment.
                        They are sourcing 20-60% material from a mix of certified and recycled sources.

                        1 tree
                        These companies are only just starting to address the sustainability of their timber
                        and wood products. Some have the bare bones of policies and systems in place but
                                                                                                                    company tables
                        they have yet to put in the work needed to transform their businesses. They have limited    Companies in the following tables are          These ratings are a snapshot in time and
                        publicly available information on their actual purchasing practices or the proportion       presented alphabetically based on their        we strongly recommend that readers
                        of certified or recycled timber and wood products being sourced. Given that FSC and         final tree score. As we do not have access     should visit company websites to check for
      JUST STARTING     recycled material and other certified timber and wood products are readily available in     to, or have not reviewed, detailed data sets   more of recent information, performance
                        the market, we urge these companies to engage much more actively with the issue than        in this exercise, we cannot rank companies     disclosure and accessibility.
                        they have to date – and quickly.                                                            according to performance within each
                                                                                                                    tree level. We have highlighted which
                        0 trees                                                                                     companies appeared in the first Timber
                        These companies have not yet shown real progress on sustainable timber and                  Scorecard in 2015 and how they have
                        wood products. They have communicated little if any useful information as to                improved their score.
                        their purchasing policies, and the proportion of certified or recycled product purchased
                        or the source of their timber products. These companies urgently need to change their
                        timber and wood product sourcing and reporting practices if they are going to keep up

                        with their competitors and become responsible corporate citizens. There is no excuse
                        for inaction.
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                    20   TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                     21

                                    40 Companies that scored 3 trees                                                                                              24 Companies that scored 2 trees
                                    These ‘3 tree’ companies are the top performers, according to their publicly available                                        The companies scoring 2 trees are continuing to make progress on the journey to
                                    information. They can be characterised by the clarity and simplicity with which                                               sustainable timber and wood products. They have made commitments to sourcing FSC,
                                    they report their timber and wood product purchasing and performance.                                                         PEFC or recycled products and have established control mechanisms over their use of
                                    Most of them declare the proportion of certified timber they purchased, with a strong                                         timber and wood products. They are likely to be sourcing between 20% and 60% of their
                                    preference or purchasing performance for FSC, and most indicate how this performance                                          material from a mix of certified and recycled sources, and will have begun to report on
                                    has changed and progressed in recent years following the review in 2015.                                                      quantities and the source of their timber products.

                                    Company                                    Category                         responded                                         Company                                  Category                            responded
 Companies that maintained          B&Q UK (Kingfisher)                        Retailer                                        Companies that maintained          Argos (Sainsbury's)                      Retailer                                ✱
 their 3 trees position from 2015   Boots UK Ltd                               Retailer                                        their 2 trees position from 2015   ASDA                                     Retailer                                ✱
                                    Brooks Timber                              Timber                               ✱                                             Cambridge University Press               Paper, printing and publishing          ✱
                                    Carillion                                  Construction                         ✱                                             Crest Nicholson                          Construction
                                    Danzer                                     Timber                               ✱                                             IKEA                                     Furniture                               ✱
                                    Immediate Media                            Paper, printing and publishing       ✱                                             John Lewis                               Retailer                                ✱
                                    Sainsbury’s                                Retailer                                                                           McDonald’s                               Restaurants                             ✱
                                    James Latham                               Timber                                                                             Network Rail                             Infrastructure                          ✱
                                    Kimberly-Clark                             Paper hygiene                        ✱                                             Pearson                                  Paper, printing and publishing          ✱
                                    Kingfisher                                 Retailer                                                                           Pureprint Group                          Paper, printing and publishing
                                    Lend Lease                                 Construction                                                                       Tesco                                    Retailer                                ✱
                                    Mace Group                                 Construction                         ✱                                             Timber Link International                Timber                                  ✱
                                    Marks & Spencer                            Retailer                             ✱          Companies that improved            Bauer Media                              Paper, printing and publishing
                                    Mondi                                      Paper, printing and publishing                  their score to 2 trees             Forest Enterprise, Forestry Commission   Timber                                  ✱
                                    Office Depot UK                            Furniture                            ✱                                             Harveys Furniture (Steinhoff)            Furniture                               ✱
                                    Penguin Random House                       Paper, printing and publishing       ✱          Companies rated for first          Barratt Development                      Home Builders                           ✱
                                    Redrow                                     Home Builders                        ✱          time and gained 2 trees            Berkeley Group                           Home Builders                           ✱
                                    Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK      Timber                                                                             Bramblecrest                             Furniture                               ✱
                                    SCA Hygiene                                Paper hygiene                        ✱                                             Nobia UK (incl. Magnet)                  Furniture                               ✱
                                    Sofidel                                    Paper hygiene                                                                      Time Inc.                                Paper, printing and publishing
                                    Steinbeis Papier                           Paper, printing and publishing       ✱          Companies that slipped back        BSW Timber Group                         Timber
                                    Tetra Pak                                  Paper, printing and publishing       ✱          from 3 trees in 2015               Hallmark Cards                           Paper, printing and publishing          ✱
                                    The Co-operative                           Retailer                                                                           Macmillan Publishers                     Paper, printing and publishing          ✱
                                    The Solid Wood Flooring Company            Timber                               ✱                                             Williams Lea                             Paper, printing and publishing          ✱
                                    Travis Perkins PLC (incl. Wickes)          Construction                         ✱
                                    Waitrose                                   Retailer                             ✱
                                    Willmott Dixon                             Construction
                                    Morrisons                                  Retailer
 Companies that improved            Antalis                                    Paper, printing and publishing       ✱
 their score to 3 trees             Balfour Beatty                             Construction
                                    HarperCollins                              Paper, printing and publishing       ✱
                                    Haymarket Media Group                      Paper, printing and publishing
                                    IG Design Group plc (prev. International   Paper, printing and publishing       ✱
                                    Greetings plc)
                                    SKY                                        Media                                ✱
                                    UK Greetings                               Paper, printing and publishing       ✱
                                    WH Smith                                   Retailer                             ✱
 Companies rated for first time     Bellway                                    Home Builders                        ✱
 and gained 3 trees                 Bensons for Beds (Steinhoff)               Furniture                            ✱
                                    Hachette UK                                Paper, printing and publishing       ✱
                                    Homebase (Bunnings UK)                     Furniture                            ✱
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                       22   TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                          23

                                   34 Companies that scored 1 tree                                                                                                  30 Companies that scored 0 trees
                                   These companies are potentially only just starting to address timber                                                             These companies show little or no progress on sustainable timber and wood
                                   sustainability. There is an absence of performance information being publicly                                                    products. They communicate very little (if any) information about their purchasing
                                   shared (or at least in a way that would enable meaningful appraisal of their business                                            policies, quantities purchased or the source of their timber products. For companies
                                   performance). It is likely that though some have the bare bones of policies and systems in                                       whose score has fallen since 2015, this is due to a lack of visible public information to
                                   place, none are yet using an appropriate level of certified or recycled timber. Information                                      reference, and a lack of response.
                                   is often scarce and they lack disclosures on their actual purchasing performance.

                                    Company                                  Category                              responded                                         Company                                  Category                               responded
 Companies that maintained          Bloomsbury Publishing                    Paper, printing and publishing                       Companies that maintained          A. Share & Sons Ltd (SCS)                Furniture
 their 1 tree position from 2015    Debenhams                                Retailer                                             their 0 tree position from 2015    Brissi London                            Furniture
                                    Early Learning Centre (Mothercare)       Retailer                                                                                Cath Kidston                             Retailer                                    ✱
                                    Feather & Black                          Furniture                                 ✱                                             Dreams                                   Furniture
                                    Furniture Village                        Furniture                                                                               Fender Musical Instruments GBI           Musical instruments
                                    House of Fraser                          Retailer                                  ✱                                             Foyles                                   Paper, printing and publishing
                                    Laura Ashley                             Retailer                                  ✱                                             Harrods                                  Retailer
                                    Matalan                                  Retailer                                  ✱                                             Hearst                                   Paper, printing and publishing              ✱
                                    Next                                     Retailer                                  ✱                                             Liberty                                  Retailer
                                    The White Company                        Retailer                                                                                Oxford University Press                  Paper, printing and publishing
                                    Yamaha                                   Musical instruments                       ✱                                             Roset                                    Furniture                                   ✱
 Companies that improved            Clinton Cards                            Paper, printing and publishing                                                          Tanglewood Guitars                       Musical instruments
 their score to 1 tree              Finnish Fibreboard                       Timber                                    ✱                                             The Entertainer                          Retailer
                                    Hamleys                                  Retailer                                                                                The Sofa Workshop                        Furniture                                   ✱
                                    Jansen International                     Furniture                                                                               Waterstones                              Paper, printing and publishing              ✱
                                    Muji                                     Paper, printing and publishing            ✱          Companies rated for first time     Blackwell's                              Paper, printing and publishing              ✱
                                    Oak Furniture Land                       Furniture                                 ✱          and gained 0 trees                 Harvey Nichols                           Furniture                                   ✱
                                    Paperchase                               Paper, printing and publishing            ✱                                             Hilliers Garden Centres                  Furniture
                                    Sportswift (Card Factory)                Paper, printing and publishing            ✱                                             made.com                                 Furniture                                   ✱
                                    The Great British Card Company           Paper, printing and publishing                                                          Mole Country Stores                      Furniture                                   ✱
 Companies rated for                Bovis Homes                              Home Builders                                                                           Multiyork Furniture                      Furniture
 first time and gained 1 tree       DFS                                      Furniture                                                                               Nest.co.uk                               Furniture
                                    Dobbies                                  Furniture                                                                               Selfridges & Co                          Furniture                                   ✱
                                    Gardman                                  Furniture                                                                               Sharps                                   Furniture
                                    Klondyke & Strikes                       Furniture                                                                               The Kitchen Depot                        Furniture
                                    Notcutts                                 Furniture                                                                               Wren Kitchens                            Furniture
                                    Persimmon                                Home Builders                                                                           Wyevale Garden Centres                   Furniture
                                    Ryman                                    Furniture                                 ✱          Companies that slipped back        Heals                                    Retailer                                    ✱
                                    Staples                                  Furniture                                 ✱          from a higher tree rating          Simon & Schuster                         Paper, printing and publishing
 Companies that slipped             Dunelm Group                             Furniture                                 ✱                                             Toys R Us                                Retailer
 back from a higher tree            Guardian                                 Paper, printing and publishing
 rating in 2015
                                    Skanska                                  Construction                              ✱
                                    Warren Evans                             Furniture
                                    Woodscape                                Furniture                                 ✱
© Edward Parker / WWF
                        TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                             25

                        Figure 1: Number of companies that achieved each category, and change in status


                                  3 trees

                                  2 trees

                                  1 tree

                                  0 trees
© © Adam Oswell / WWF-Greater Mekong
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                 28    TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                              29

An overview of                                                                                                                                       Construction and timber                      BSW perhaps deserves a better ranking:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  it dropped back from a 3 tree rating in
                                                                                                                                                     We have provided a snapshot of both the

sector performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2015. Its timber directory and group
                                                                                                                                                     construction and timber processing sectors   policy states it sources all logs from
                                                                                                                                                     together as these are predominantly          FSC-certified sources, but we could
                                                                                                                                                     business to business organisations           not find a clear annual statement of
                                                                                                                                                     supporting the UK construction industry.     performance to corroborate this claim,
                                                                                                                                                     We include construction companies such       highlighting the importance of clear
The chart below shows the breakdown of all 128 companies                                                                                             as Balfour Beatty, Carillion – and the       public communications. Similarly, Forest
reviewed by sector, with their corresponding tree score.                                                                                             timber suppliers that source timber to       Enterprise, Forestry Commission
                                                                                                                                                     these markets such as Danzer, James          could distil some of its many extensive
                                                                                                                                                     Latham and Saint-Gobain and builders         reports into a more accessible format for
• The construction sector leads on             Approximately 20% of companies                                                                       merchants like Travis Perkins.
   overall performance with all but one of      reviewed in each of these sectors have no                                                                                                         the public to interpret. Communications
   its constituent companies being awarded      score, which should be concerning given                                                              No new companies were added into             need to be precise and, should a business
   3 trees.                                     these are all household brand names.                                                                 the scorecard this year and only minor       be asked by another stakeholder, verifiable.

• For the musical instrument                   The lack of visible concern over key                                                                 adjustments have been noted, which is        The construction and timber industry is
   companies we did review, a lag on overall    sustainability issues could be damaging                                                              more a reflection of the maturity of the     well supported by active trade associations.
   performance is still suggested, with the     in the long term, given their influence                                                              industry and its increased and improved      For example, Brookes Bros, Danzer,
   highest performer only scoring 1 tree.       on consumption.                                                                                      engagement on the agenda for sustainable     Finnish Fibreboard, James Latham
                                                 f the 30 companies in the scorecard                                                                forest trade. The companies that scored      and The Solid Wood Flooring
• The paper, printing and publishing                                                                                                                least well are UK operations of overseas
   sectors and general retailers (both          with no score, more than half (16)                                                                                                                Company are all members of the Timber
                                                were furniture retailers. There is                                                                   companies, where the lack of disclosures     Trade Federation, which is one of the
   consumer-facing sectors with many                                                                                                                 is more an indication of how they disclose
   recognisable household brands) show          an opportunity for these companies to                                                                                                             most active associations encouraging
                                                improve and be better at communicating                                                               information on their UK websites.            and supporting the trade on sustainable
   an even spread of performance. In both
   cases more than a third of companies         their sustainability credentials. This is a                                                                                                       sourcing, and asking for transparency
                                                                                                                                                     Only a handful of the companies surveyed
   reviewed in each sector are providing        sector that WWF has only recently tried                                                                                                           on due diligence for timber as part of its
                                                                                                                                                     provided an update to their policy
   peer-leadership scoring 3 trees, and         to engage – with training, a report, and                                                                                                          membership requirements.
                                                                                                                                                     statements in line with their strategic
   over 50% scoring 2 trees and above.          ongoing contact with brands.
                                                                                                                                                     plans and targets. Brookes Bros, for
                                                                                                                                                     example, gave a year-on-year narrative
                                                                                                                                                     alongside its annual performance tables.
Figure 2: Summary of the performance within 11 different sectors
                                                                                                                                                     This all helps in providing transparency

Sector scores
                                                                                                                                                     to the sourcing of timber products and
                                                                                                         Number of                                   demonstrating the company is actively
                                                                                                         companies that                              managing its supply chain.

                                                                                                                                   KEY               Construction                                 timber
                                                                                                                                   ▲ Improved         Score Company                     Change     Score Company                         Change
                                                                                                                                   ▼ Slipped                 Balfour Beatty               ▲                Brooks Timber                   ■
                                                                                                                                   ■ No change               Carillion                    ■                Danzer                          ■

                                                                                                                                   1st First score           Lend Lease                   ■                James Latham                    ■
                                                                                                                                                             Mace Group                   ■                Saint-Gobain Building           ■
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Distribution UK
                                                                                                                                                             Travis Perkins PLC           ■
                                                                                                                                                             (Incl. Wickes)                                The Solid Wood Flooring         ■
                                                                                                                                                             Willmott Dixon               ■
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BSW Timber Group                ▼
                                                                                                                                                             Crest Nicholson              ■
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Forest Enterprise, Forestry     ▲
                                                                                                                                                             Skanska                      ▼
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Timber Link International       ■
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Finnish Fibreboard              ▲

                                                                                                         Overall response
                                                                                                         rate and as a %

The side bar showing the number of companies that responded indicates the level of responses and engagement we had
with companies in each sector during the review process. This represents correspondence with companies in the sector,
not necessarily the return or addition of new information.
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                                               30   TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                             31

                         Home builders                                            Most of the top scoring companies                                              Paper, publishing, card,                        publishers to promote better data on the

                         This year we added further home builder
                                                                                  communicate their policy to their
                                                                                  suppliers and regularly review their timber
                                                                                                                                                                 and paper hygiene companies                     legality and sustainability of paper sources.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The scheme could be improved if it were
                         businesses to the timber scorecard, which                procurement policy. Promoting responsible                                      For this sector we reviewed a diverse group     tied more into tangible commitments by
                         enables us to review them more clearly as a              forest management is a core part of                                            of paper manufacturers and suppliers,           member companies to progressively move
                         separate sector.                                         their strategy and they publish annual                                         card companies, book publishers and             to better papers.
                                                                                  sustainability performance data and KPIs                                       bookshops. Over 60% of companies
                         Redrow and Crest Nicholson, which                                                                                                                                                       Publishers’ commitments to progressive
                                                                                  across all aspects of their operations. For                                    scored either 3 or 2 trees. Three further
                         both featured under the construction                                                                                                                                                    paper purchasing are a way of reinforcing
                                                                                  example, Redrow openly communicates                                            companies have been added to the list,
                         sector in the 2015 scorecard, are reviewed                                                                                                                                              to retailers and printers that these issues
                                                                                  its purchasing actions having actively                                         which include Hachette UK, whose
                         here alongside five other known operators                                                                                                                                               are important and are being addressed.
                                                                                  participated in the GFTN programme since                                       brands were previously assessed, but now
                         which include Bellway, Barratt,                                                                                                                                                         Maybe surprisingly, the booksellers and
                                                                                  2003. It is perhaps the most transparent                                       achieved a first score of 3 trees as a group.
                         Berkeley Group, Bovis Homes                                                                                                                                                             bookstores like Foyles, Waterstones
                                                                                  when it comes to publishing its forest                                         Antalis, HarperCollins, Haymarket
                         and Persimmon.                                                                                                                                                                          and Blackwell are still lagging behind,
                                                                                  product purchasing performance year                                            Media Group and IG Design Group
                         Performance across the sector, according                 on year, reporting both volume and                                             all appear to have stepped up on their          with no visible public commitments to
                         to their public reporting on timber, is                  proportions, with clear alignment with                                         commitment to responsible sourcing in           ensure the books or other stationery and
                         strong. Bellway and Redrow lead on                       WWF-UK GFTN categories.                                                        this review. Companies in this sector           paper items they sell are manufactured
                         overall performance in the 'three trees'                                                                                                generally have a high proportion of timber      from sustainably sourced materials. This
                         category. Bovis Homes and Persimmon                      But some published performance metrics                                         fibre in their supply chain, which often        is likely to be because of sourcing from
                         have the most opportunity to improve                     could be better explained to the public.                                       limits the influence a company can have         other brands. However, given their clear
                         their disclosures to ensure it is clear what             For example, Barratt publishes its                                             on paper sourcing and production, due to        dependence on forests as a resource for
                         percentage of timber for the homes they                  annual timber sourcing performance                                             co-production.                                  their business, they should be actively
                         build and use on their site developments                 as 100%, based on PEFC and FSC                                                                                                 looking to confirm the brand commitments
                                                                                  ‘Group Agreements’ with suppliers                                              A third of all companies reviewed in this       for the products they source and sell, to
                         is responsibly sourced, to improve their
                                                                                  which themselves hold chain of custody                                         sector have improved their score from the       ensure sustainability long term and to
                         performance and market parity on
                                                                                  certificates – but this does not in itself                                     2015 review. Five improved to a '3 trees'       ensure their customers are supporting
                         sustainability compared to peers before
                                                                                  guarantee that the actual timber supplied                                      rating. Among these, HarperCollins              forests too.
                         our third review in 2019.
                                                                                  is certified. There is a risk that some                                        shows a higher percentage of FSC certified
                                                                                  companies are being overly simplistic with                                     paper in use and states that it now reviews,    The greeting card manufacturers have

       KEY               home builders                                            their statements and need to improve their                                     fibre tests and approves all material           improved as a group this year, with both IG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Design Group (previously International
                                                                                  reporting especially for the general public.                                   excluding high risk fibres and sources.
       ▲ Improved            Score Company                           Change                                                                                      Together with Penguin Random House              Greetings) and UK Greetings scoring
       ▼ Slipped                     Bellway                            1st       Some of the companies reviewed did not                                         and Hachette, it is also one of the few that    3 trees. The latter is the largest direct to
                                                                                  appear to have substantially updated                                           has a clear target to print 100% of its books   retail greeting card publisher in the UK.
                                                                                                                                          See table
       ■ No change                                                      ■
                                                                                  their policies or performance reporting.                                       on FSC-certified materials by 2020. It was      Hallmark Cards slipped back: long-
                                     Barratt Development                1st
       1st First score
                                     Berkeley Group                     1st
                                                                                  Crest Nicholson is one such company: it                 overleaf               also one of the first major trade publishers    term technical problems with its website
                                                                                  retained the same position in the scorecard                                    to take its operations carbon neutral. Even     appeared to hamper its ability to provide
                                     Crest Nicholson                    ■         from 2015. Crest Nicholson still has the                                       in an age where publishers are doing more       any public information in the review period.
                                     Bovis Homes                        1st       clearest example of a sustainable timber                                       and more online, print is still a crucial       Both Clinton Cards and The Great
                                     Persimmon                          1st       procurement policy of all those reviewed                                       part of the industry. So, for publishers,       British Card Company scored 1 tree.
                                                                                  in home builders sector, and a model                                           climate change and its impact on forests
                                                                                  policy to follow. But putting it into practice                                                                                 Among newspapers, the Guardian states
                                                                                                                                                                 is hugely significant.
                                                                                  is important, and by 2019 companies                                                                                            a commitment to embed sustainability into
                                                                                  in all sectors need to be increasing the                                       It is encouraging to see one of the worst       its day to day activities, with the majority
                                                                                  percentage of the certified timber in their                                    performers in 2015, Clinton Cards,              of newsprint sourced from recycled fibre.
                                                                                  supply chain.                                                                  has upped its game by sharing policy            However, the lack of public disclosures and
                                                                                                                                                                 information, moving to a 1 tree rating.         statements meant we were not able to score
                                                                                  Non-respondents such as Bovis Homes                                                                                            it on its performance.
                                                                                  have a reasonable sourcing policy where                                        Among the publishers, Oxford
                                                                                  it states it requires timber supplies to                                       University Press, Simon & Schuster              A small number of the previously good
                                                                                  be FSC or PEFC – but we were not able                                          and Hearst all failed to register a score.      performers such as Williams Lea and
                                                                                  to confirm its performance to award a                                          While some like Hearst told us it has a         Macmillan Publishers have slipped
                                                                                  better score. Transparency over year-on-                                       commitment to buy paper from sustainable        back. Macmillan Publishers did not
                                                                                  year performance is essential to monitor                                       sources, it does not publish its policy or      appear to have updated its policy or
                                                                                  performance on hitting 2020 targets.                                           performance.                                    performance figures since 2015.

                                                                                                                                                                 Some publishers have a history of working       We have separately reviewed three paper
                                                                                                                                                                 together on responsible paper purchasing.       hygiene companies. Kimberly-Clark
                                                                                                                                                                 The Publishers’ database for Responsible        fibre procurement policy remains one of
                                                                                                                                                                 Environmental Paper Sourcing (PREPS)            the most progressive in the tissue industry.
                             2015 UK greenhouse gas emissions: final figures - statistical summary https://www.gov.uk/government/up-
                                                                                                                                                                 was set up as a joint initiative between
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                         32    TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                       33

       KEY               paper hygiene                               General retailers                                     KEY               retailer                                Toy manufacturers supply ranges of
                                                                                                                                                                                     wooden toys, so it is disappointing to see
       ▲ Improved         Score Company                   Change     Performance among general retailers has               ▲ Improved         Score Company                 Change   both The Entertainer and Toys R Us
       ▼ Slipped
                                                                     been static, with very little change among            ▼ Slipped                                                 without any clear policies on sustainable
                                Kimberly-Clark              ■                                                                                       B&Q UK (Kingfisher)       ■
                                                                     the top performers since 2015. There was                                                                        sourcing – compared with major retailers
       ■ No change              SCA Hygiene                 ■                                                              ■ No change              Boots UK Ltd              ■
                                                                     no change in the scores of 22 (81%) of the                                                                      like Tesco which has a very clear policy
       1st First score          Sofidel                     ■        27 companies. Half (48%) of the companies             1st First score          Sainsbury’s               ■
                                                                                                                                                                                     statement on own-branded toys. Toys R
                                                                     scored 2 trees or above. The top performers                                    Kingfisher                ■
                                                                                                                                                                                     Us states it has a responsible sourcing
                                                                     include many big consumer brands such                                          Marks & Spencer           ■
                         paper, printing and publishing
                                                                                                                                                                                     philosophy, but fails to document what this
                                                                     as supermarkets like M&S, Sainsbury’s,                                         The Co-operative          ■      is to its customers.
                                                                     Co-op, Morrisons and Waitrose and
                          Score Company                   Change     consumer-facing DIY stores such as B&Q.
                                                                                                                                                    Waitrose                  ■
                                                                                                                                                                                     Some of these companies are champions
                                Antalis                     ▲                                                                                       WH Smith                  ▲
                                                                     These companies are all reporting sourcing                                                                      on wider sustainability issues. When global
                                Hachette UK                 1st      more than 80%.                                                                 Morrisons                 ■      forest issues became prominent in the
                                HarperCollins               ▲                                                                                       Argos (Sainsbury's)       ■      media due to illegal and unsustainably
                                                                     WH Smith has improved its performance                                                                           logged timber making it onto the UK
                                Haymarket Media             ▲                                                                                       ASDA                      ■
                                                                     and disclosure on its own-brand product                                                                         market, B&Q among others worked closely
                                                                                                                                                    John Lewis                ■
                                                                     lines. Many companies look at the                                                                               with WWF and other environmental
                                IG Design Group PLC         ▲                                                                                       Tesco                     ■
                                (prev. International                 sustainability of their own brand product                                                                       organisations to help develop what would
                                Greetings PLC)                       lines as these are the ones they have direct                                   Debenhams                 ■
                                                                                                                                                                                     become the FSC, and has transformed its
                                Immediate Media             ■        control over, and report on these, but also                                    Early Learning Centre     ■      timber supply chain since.
                                                                     offer familiar brands in parallel to provide                                   (Mothercare)
                                Mondi                       ■
                                                                     consumer choice. A grey area remains here:                                     Hamleys                   ▲      Many of the retailers are members of
                                Penguin Random House        ■
                                                                     who should take ultimate responsibility for                                    House of Fraser           ■      the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF),
                                Steinbeis Papier            ■        the sustainability performance of a branded                                                                     committing them to achieving zero net
                                                                                                                                                    Laura Ashley              ■
                                Tetra Pak                   ■        product, sold by a well-known retailer?                                                                         deforestation in their supply chains by
                                                                                                                                                    Matalan                   ■
                                UK Greetings                ▲        Retailers may feel they lack the necessary                                                                      2020. CGF members have resolved to work
                                                                     leverage to influence other major brands                                       Next                      ■      towards excluding deforestation from
                                Bauer Media                 ▲
                                                                     that they stock – but to what extent should                                    The White Company         ■      their supply chains, although to date this
                                Cambridge University        ■
                                Press                                they be actively seeking to influence (and                                     Cath Kidston              ■      commitment has not led to comprehensive
                                                                     assess) the sustainability performance of                                      Harrods                   ■      performance reporting across the board.
                                Hallmark Cards              ▼
                                                                     branded products being sold through their
                                Macmillan Publishers        ▼                                                                                       Heals                     ▼      Leading retailers recognise their pivotal role
                                                                     businesses? This highlights an area to focus
                                Pearson                     ■        on in our next scorecard – the procurement                                     Liberty                   ■      in the supply chain. Own brands make up
                                Pureprint Group             ■        of third-party products.                                                       The Entertainer           ■      a major part of products they sell, offering
                                                            1   st                                                                                  Toys R Us                 ▼      them the ability to influence directly the
                                Time Inc.
                                                                     The four companies that scored 2 trees                                                                          way these are sourced and manufactured.
                                Williams Lea                ▼
                                                                     continue to show steady progress. These                                                                         They also interact with millions of their
                                Bloomsbury Publishing       ■        include well-known brands such as Argos                                                                         consumers daily so they know what
                                Clinton Cards               ▲        (now part of Sainsbury’s), ASDA, John                                                                           their customers want and can help them
                                Guardian                    ▼        Lewis and Tesco.                                                                                                make more informed choices over the
                                Muji                        ▲                                                                                                                        sustainability of the products they buy.
                                                                     The six companies that are lagging behind
                                Paperchase                  ▲        in the sector had no visible sustainable
                                Sportswift (Card            ▲        sourcing policies and need to start taking
                                Factory)                             quick action on sourcing responsibly –
                                The Great British Card      ▲        these include the London retail stores
                                Company                              Harrods, Heal’s and Liberty. Cath
                                Blackwell's                 1st      Kidston told us it has policies for its
                                Foyles                      ■        suppliers but it has no web page or public
                                Hearst                      ■        compliance statement.
                                Oxford University Press     ■
                                Simon & Schuster            ▼
                                Waterstones                 ■
TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                             34    TIMBER SCORECARD 2017                                                                                               35

                         Furniture retailers                            Often the presence of wood is obvious, such                               Musical instruments                            It is disheartening to see that very little
                                                                        as in garden furniture, but it can be hidden                                                                             progress, if any, has been made since 2015.
                         The UK furniture industry is a                 behind other materials. Wherever the wood                                 Many musical instruments sold each             For both Fender Musical Instruments
                         major importer and user of timber,             may be found, the furniture industry has                                  year are made from rare timber. Thanks         GBI and Tanglewood Guitars we
                         whether directly as a raw material             a responsibility to ensure that it sources it                             to musicians’ bias for tropical woods –        were unable to locate any statements
                         for manufacturing, or indirectly in            legally and sustainably.                                                  particularly mahogany, rosewood and            supporting sustainable sourcing policies.
                         components or in finished products.                                                                                      ebony – for their tonal qualities, this is a   The Yamaha Corporation, which
                         Furniture retailers are the public face of     We added 22 further furniture companies                                   market in which the illegal timber trade       communicates that it prides itself on its
                         the furniture industry, wielding substantial   to the Timber Scorecard this year,                                        can potentially flourish if left unchecked.    commitment to work in partnership with
                         brand influence and purchasing power.          following our ‘Are you sitting comfortably?’                              The musical instrument industry has an         society and contribute to a sustainable
                                                                        report on the industry published in                                       especially high risk of sourcing endangered    environment, has a sustainable timber
                                                                        October 2016. The sector still includes well-                             or poached wood because of its reliance
       KEY               furniture                                      known companies such as IKEA, DFS,                                        on traditional exotic tone woods for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 procurement policy in place but it does
                                                                                                                                                                                                 not provide disclosures on performance.
                                                                        Furniture Village and Oak Furniture                                       instruments parts, such as guitar backs,
       ▲ Improved         Score Company                      Change                                                                                                                              Furthermore, musical instruments are not
                                                                        Land – but now we also have others such                                   sides and fret boards. We reviewed three       within the scope of the EUTR at present,
       ▼ Slipped                 Bensons for Beds              1st
                                                                        as stationers that sell office furniture as                               companies that are importing musical           leaving companies without obligations
       ■ No change                                                      well, such as Ryman.                                                      instruments into the UK.
                                 Homebase (Bunnings UK)        1st                                                                                                                               to carry out due diligence to ensure their
       1st First score                                                                                                                                                                           products are legally sourced.
                                 Office Depot UK               ■        Performance among the sector is lacklustre,
                                 Bramblecrest                  1st      with only seven companies scoring 2                    KEY                musical instruments                            For consumers, choosing instruments
                                                                        trees or higher. These include IKEA,
                                 Harveys Furniture             ▲
                                                                        Homebase, Bramblecrest, Nobia UK
                                                                                                                               ▲ Improved          Score Company                     Change      such as guitars that are certified as
                                 (Steinhoff)                                                                                                                                                     sourced from FSC certified timber is one
                                                                        (incl. Magnet), Office Depot and two of                ▼ Slipped                  Yamaha                        ■
                                 IKEA                          ■                                                                                                                                 way to guarantee that set standards of
                                                                        the Steinhoff subsidiaries, Bensons For                ■ No change                Fender Musical                ■        environmental and social sustainability
                                 Nobia UK (incl. Magnet)       ■                                                                                          Instruments GBI
                                                                        Beds and Harveys Furniture.                                                                                              are met, including that the wood used is
                                 DFS                           1st                                                             1
                                                                                                                                    First score
                                                                                                                                                          Tanglewood Guitars            ■        legally harvested.
                                 Dobbies                       1   st   The other 30 companies (representing 80%
                                 Dunelm Group                  ▼        of the sector) scored 1 tree or lower, with
                                                                        16 companies scoring zero. Many of these
                                 Feather & Black               ■
                                                                        companies had little or no information
                                 Furniture Village             ■
                                                                        on their website about the sustainability
                                 Gardman                       1st      of the timber or wood products they sold,
                                 Jansen International          ▲        and often statements were quite broad or
                                 Klondyke & Strikes            1st      generic. These were often lacking even
                                 Notcutts                      1st      the most basic reference to responsible
                                                                        sourcing on their website. Well-known
                                 Oak Furniture Land            ▲
                                                                        brands such as SCS, Dreams, Harvey
                                 Ryman                         1st
                                                                        Nichols, Multiyork Furniture, Sharps
                                 Staples                       1st      and Sofa Workshop are among these.
                                 Warren Evans                  ▼
                                                                        It is worth noting that some furniture
                                 Woodscape                     ▼
                                                                        (such as chairs) is currently exempt from
                                 A. Share & Sons Ltd (SCS)     ■        EUTR requirements; other items (such as
                                 Brissi London                 ■        tables) are not. It is surprising that such
                                 Dreams                        ■        well-known customer-facing companies
                                 Harvey Nichols                1st      completely fail to communicate the
                                 Hilliers Garden Centres       1st
                                                                        sustainability or source of their key
                                                                        raw material.
                                 made.com                      1st
                                 Mole Country Stores           1st      A number of companies such as Dunelm
                                 Multiyork Furniture           1st      and Wyevale Garden Centres were
                                 Nest.co.uk                    1st      either not in a position to respond or
                                                                        contacted us after the scorecard was
                                 Roset                         ■
                                                                        completed. We look forward to reviewing
                                 Selfridges & Co               1st
                                                                        their progress in 2019 as at present, on
                                 Sharps                        1st      the basis of their public information, it
                                 The Sofa Workshop             ■        appears more action is needed by them
                                 The Kitchen Depot             1st      on this agenda.
                                 Wren Kitchens                 1st
                                 Wyevale Garden Centres        1st
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