TOURISM VISION 2020 2016-17 Progress Summary - A summary of activities taken across the sector during 2016-17, delivering - Tourism NT

TOURISM VISION 2020 2016-17 Progress Summary - A summary of activities taken across the sector during 2016-17, delivering - Tourism NT
2016-17 Progress Summary

   A summary of activities
   taken across the sector
  during 2016-17, delivering
positive growth and on-track
progress toward the Tourism
     Vision 2020 goals.
TOURISM VISION 2020 2016-17 Progress Summary - A summary of activities taken across the sector during 2016-17, delivering - Tourism NT
2016-17 Progress Summary

‘Grow the NT visitor economy to $2.2 billion by
2020 as measured by overnight expenditure.’

                                                                       Actions are summarised under each of the four strategic     Contributors to this report include:
                                                                       requirements outlined in Tourism Vision 2020:
                                                                                                                                   ■■Northern Territory Government e.g. Department
                                                                        GROW VALUE                                                   of Tourism and Culture; Department of Trade,
                                                                                                                                     Business and Innovation.
                                                                        ADDRESS SUPPLY CONSTRAINTS
                                                                                                                                   ■■Australian Government e.g. Tourism Australia;
                                                                        IMPROVE THE VISITOR EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                     Parks Australia.
                                                                        IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                                                   ■■Regional Tourism Organisations: Tourism Top End;
                                                                                                                                     Tourism Central Australia.
                                                                       The 2016-17 Progress Summary records the key                ■■Northern Territory tourism industry e.g. NT Airports;
                                                                       activities undertaken during the 2016-17 financial year       accommodation establishments; touring providers;
                                                                       which contributed towards the whole-of-sector tourism         other tourism businesses.
                                                                       strategy, Tourism Vision 2020: Northern Territory’s
Disclaimer                                                                                                                         ■■Industry groups e.g. Australian Hotels Association.
                                                                       Strategy for Growth (released in September 2013).
We have taken due care and attention in ensuring information
contained in this document was true and correct at the time of
                                                                       This report is not an audit across the NT Government
publication however, changes in circumstances after the time           and the tourism industry; rather it is a summary of key
of publication may impact upon its accuracy. We do not warrant         activities which contributed towards reaching the tourism
that it is correct, complete or suitable for the purposes for which    sector’s goal.
it is intended to be used. We disclaim all liability associated with
the use of this information. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island
viewers should be aware that this material may contain images
or names of deceased persons.

        2017 results compared to 2012

Demand             Key indicators

                                                                                  ON TRACK TO
                                                                                                                                     SHORTER STAY:                                           SPENDING MORE:
                        $2.49B                                                                                                                                                                    AVERAGE TRIP SPEND IS

                                                                                                                                     AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY IS

                                                                                  TARGET OF
                                                                                                                                        7 NIGHTS                                                    $1,298
                            +49%                                                                                                       -0.8 NIGHTS                                                       +$1.80
                         FROM 2011-12
                                                                                      $2.2B                                                   SINCE 2011-12                                             FROM 2011-12


                        AIRLINE                                                   9,089
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1.44B
                        SEATS                                                     ESTIMATED
                                                                                                                                      IMPROVED ACCESS
                        [INBOUND]                                                 ROOMS                                                     SEALED                                                   PASSENGERS

                            +19%                                                       +770                                           THE MEREENIE                                                        +5.6%
                           ON 2011-12                                                SINCE 2012                                                                                                            ON 2011-12

Tourism Vision 2020


                      IMPROVE      2020 TARGET       IMPROVE
                      VISITOR      $2.2 BILLION      BUSINESS

Click your way throughout the document.

                                                                                                                      This is an interactive PDF. Jump to the required
                                                                                                                      information by using the weblinks or buttons.
 2016-17 Progress Summary

GROW VALUE                               ADDRESS SUPPLY                        IMPROVE VISITOR                         IMPROVE BUSINESS
                                         CONTRAINTS                            EXPERIENCE                              SUSTAINABILITY

1    Increase the desirability of the
     Northern Territory as a travel
destination, inspiring more people
                                        1     Ensure a supply of commercial
                                              accommodation to both
                                        support and induce the growth in
                                                                              1    Ensure visitor services across
                                                                                   the Territory are provided in a
                                                                              coordinated manner reflective of
                                                                                                                      1   Adopt a partnership approach
                                                                                                                          between industry and
                                                                                                                      Government to grow the visitor
to visit, stay longer and spend more.   visitor demand.                       current and emerging consumer           economy.

2   Work with Tourism Australia
    and gateway destinations
to maximise our investment in
                                        2     Support the growth of
                                              sustainable aviation services
                                        to the Territory.                     2   Build the experience base of
                                                                                  our destination to meet visitor
                                                                                                                      2    Build a vibrant, sustainable
                                                                                                                           and profitable industry to
                                                                                                                      deliver on the NT brand promise.
identified priority international                                             expectations and drive growth.
markets, with a focus on growing
the NT’s share of high growth           3    Ensure visitor needs for
                                             access are considered in
                                        transport planning, including for     3    Develop new experiences
                                                                                   within the national parks
                                        roads, public transport and cruise    estate (NT Government and Parks

3   Grow the visitor economy by
    focusing on niche market and
                                        ship facilities.                      Australia) that reflects the needs of
                                                                              the visitor economy.
product segments with the greatest
propensity to travel.                   4   Deliver a viable and efficient
                                            workforce that meets industry
                                        demand and supports a globally        4     Grow the visitor economy by
                                                                                    building on the NT’s reputation

4     Increase NT brand and
      product presence across
digital channels, creating desire
                                        competitive tourism sector.           of the delivery of quality authentic
                                                                              aboriginal cultural experiences.

for the destination and connecting
consumers with experiences they
want to purchase in real time.

5     Develop a long-term
      comprehensive strategic
approach to major events,
festivals and regional events that
leverages the NT brand, activates
infrastructure, energises local
communities and drives visitation
and yield.

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1          2          3          4         5            ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                            IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                           IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

        GROW VALUE                                                                                                                                                               TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                           PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    1           Increase the desirability of the Northern Territory as a travel destination,
                inspiring more people to visit, stay longer and spend more.
                                                                                                          ■■Developed a strategic partnership with the
                                                        ■■Launched the ‘Summer Well Spent’                  Australian Institute of Company Directors
                                                                                                                                                          ■■Continued to incorporate an ‘always
                                                          campaign which was in market from                 (AICD) via the NT branch and exhibited
                                                                                                                                                            on’ marketing approach across digital
                                                          December 2016 to January 2017 to                  at its annual governance summit, to
                                                                                                                                                            advertising and owned social media
                                                          showcase what is on offer in the Territory        influence members to consider hosting
                                                                                                                                                            accounts and via a press office to ensure
                                                          over the traditional east coast summer            their own organisation’s business events
                                                                                                                                                            owned communities are constantly
                                                          holiday season. Aimed at young families,          in the NT.
                                                                                                                                                            engaged and to keep a continual presence
        ■■Ran over 80 combined national and
                                                          the campaign was also supported by              ■■Continued to leverage the Melbourne             for the NT in national media including as a
          international marketing campaigns with
                                                          travel deals from and Webjet           Football Club sponsorship through               preferred business events destination.
          32 domestic cooperative campaigns and
                                                          to encourage them to make the most of             at game signage and activation, VIP
          eight domestic brand campaigns. A highly                                                                                                        ■■Continued to position the NT as a
                                                          the low season specials.                          experiences, access to players for content
          targeted digital media campaign promoted                                                                                                          desirable destination for domestic school
                                                        ■■Implemented three large ‘Do the NT’               and ‘money can’t buy’ experiences,
          32 NT events from March to June 2017                                                                                                              excursions. A familiarisation program
                                                          awareness marketing campaigns using               integrated media placements and
          and consisted of targeted digital and                                                                                                             with 10 teachers (including 15 operators)
                                                          television, outdoor and digital media and         database sharing.
          social media advertising including video                                                                                                          resulted in three quotes to-date for
          with links back to relevant NT event            incorporated a trade partner sale fare          ■■Released a research report on the China         itineraries for 2018. 55 schools were
          content on The           to drive conversion to visitation which           Free Independent Traveller (FIT) segment,       assisted by the school excursion support
          campaign aimed to increase conversion           included the ‘Stop Guessing, Start Doing’         seeking to identify ways to encourage           program, up 22% compared to the
          of NT travel intenders into visitors within     television commercial.                            Chinese FIT to disperse beyond the              previous year.
          12 months and to deliver highly relevant      ■■Increased the desirability of the NT through:     major gateways and into the NT, quantify
                                                                                                                                                          ■■The NT Convention Bureau undertook
          content to the NT’s target consumer.                                                              drivers, barriers and travel behaviours.
                                                          »» A content partnership with Fairfax                                                             a strategic review to identify ‘business
        ■■Implemented a millennial marketing                 on brand awareness – outdoor,                ■■Partnered with Flow Mountain Biking to          event market prioritisation and distribution
          campaign and an events campaign                    programmatic display and video.                show off the cycling opportunities in the       opportunities’ for the NT business events
          targeting NT intenders, to increase the                                                           Red Centre by supporting the Easter             sector to refocus in-market and destination
          ‘cool’ factor of the NT amongst millennials     »» Cooperative campaign with Virgin               in the Alice mountain bike event, video         activities on sectors presenting the most
          and to migrate NT intenders to bookers by          Australia, Voyages, Wotif and Jetstar          production and distribution to Flow’s           opportunities for local industry to convert.
          using events to create a sense of urgency          Asia to promote tactical airfares              audience. A niche website was also
                                                                                                                                                          ■■Launched the ninth phase of the brand
          to visit now.                                      (Singapore – Darwin) via digital and           developed and released during the year.
                                                                                                                                                            campaign ‘It’s About Time… Do the
                                                             print advertising.
        ■■Hosted a social media influencer mega                                                           ■■Facilitated three agent familiarisation         NT’, which gives consumers a sense
          meet, with 19 social media influencers          »» Cooperative campaigns with Holidays            tours for international student recruitment     of urgency to book an NT holiday
          from around Australia creating and                 of Australia and Intrepid promoting            agents to increase full fee paying              and promotes regional dispersal by
          sharing content about the NT.                      East Arnhem Land.                              international students choosing Darwin.         highlighting each of the regions.

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1           2         3          4         5            ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                            IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                          IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

        GROW VALUE                                                                                                                                                              TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                          PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    2                Work with Tourism Australia and gateway destinations to maximise our investment
                     in identified priority international markets, with a focus on growing the NT’s share
                     of high growth markets.
        ■■Launched a year-long luxury marketing
          campaign jointly with Virtuoso, Tourism
                                                        ■■Partnered with Tourism Australia/Business       ■■Invested $6.2 million in the western
          Australia, Destination NSW, South
                                                          Events Australia for the Greater China            markets with a continued focus on
          Australian Tourism Commission, Tourism                                                                                                           visitors) and a consumer marketing
                                                          Business Events Showcase in Chengdu               regional dispersal to the NT as part of
          and Events Queensland, Tourism Western                                                                                                           campaign FTI Touristik and Globetrotter
                                                          in April to increase awareness of the NT          broader Tourism Australia campaigns
          Australia and Tourism Tasmaniain the USA                                                                                                         (Outdoor Specialist).
                                                          as a unique incentive destination and             in collaboration with State Tourism
          and Canada. The campaign had a strong
                                                          co-hosted eight corporate and incentive           Organisations (STOs) in South Australia,     ■■Tourism Australia launched ‘Best of Fishing’
          focus on trade engagement and training,
                                                          business events planners and one media            Victoria and Queensland.                       with five NT operators: Dhipirri Barra
          and targeted the consortia’s top travel
                                                          representative on a familiarisation program                                                      Lodge, Tiwi Island Adventures and Melville
          advisors to drive conversion of bookings                                                        ■■Partnered with Tourism Australia on
                                                          to Darwin in June.                                                                               Island Lodge, Groote Eylandt Sports
          and yield to Australia.                                                                           its $2.5 million global Working Holiday
                                                                                                                                                           Fishing, Cobourg Peninsula fishing safaris
                                                        ■■Provided more onshore and offshore                Maker campaign and a further twenty-two
        ■■‘Re-targeted’ consumers on digital                                                                                                               and Helifish.
                                                          business-to-business platforms for NT             cooperative marketing campaigns and thirty
          platforms who have booked to Australia or
                                                          industry to develop direct relationships with     travel trade events throughout UK/Europe     ■■Launched a marketing campaign targeted
          South East Asia but not the NT with the key
                                                          buyers with key onshore events including:         and the Americas                               at youth in Australia (aged 25 to 34) and
          messaging being: ‘add on the NT to your
                                                          Inbound NT (thirty-five NT operators and                                                         international backpackers currently residing
          Australian holiday; If you haven’t done the                                                     ■■Continued strategic partnerships with
                                                          over thirty key Inbound Tour Operators                                                           in Australia (aged 18 to 29), who were
          Outback you’re not done with Australia’ and                                                       South Australia Tourism Commission,
                                                          (ITOs) attended), Corroboree East in                                                             provided messages enticing them to travel
          ‘add on Australia to your South East Asia                                                         Visit Victoria, Tourism Events Queensland
                                                          Perth (thirteen NT operators) and the                                                            to the NT communicated via social media,
          Holiday from $XXX.’                                                                               and Tourism Tropical North Queensland
                                                          Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) (13 NT                                                         online and via a partnership with Spotify.
                                                                                                            to compliment the Australia proposition
        ■■Attended International Consultants for          operators).
                                                                                                            to international consumers through           ■■Developed a Memorandum of
          Education and Fairs (ICEF) Cairns, a trade
                                                        ■■Led international sales missions including        cooperative marketing campaigns, joint         Understanding (MoU) with South Australia
          show for youth travel and international
                                                          Adventure NT Greater China (thirteen NT           trade training, media familiarisations         Tourism Commission (SATC) and
          education and also commenced a
                                                          operators), North America Marketplace in          and PR and digital initiatives. Examples       commenced working together to develop
          process to expand the current domestic
                                                          Pasadena California (nine operators and           included a cooperative honeymoon               road signs to mark the start and end of the
          school group action plan to incorporate
                                                          over seventy key buyers) and the world’s          campaign in France with Australieà la          Explorers Way. As a result of this MoU,
          international education groups.
                                                          leading travel trade show International           Carte, an “Oceans To Outback” campaign         practical outcomes have been delivered
        ■■Provided $200,000 in grant funding for          Tourismus Börse (ITB) in Berlin, at which         in the UK with Trailfinders and Singapore      such as the partnership developed between
          projects that improve on the ground             14 Territory tourism operators exhibited in       Airlines, Joint Australia stand at FESBO       the Regional Tourism Operators (RTOs)
          services for Chinese travellers and             a dedicated NT section of Tourism                 (Switzerland’s largest holiday fair with       in the NT and SA, with a joint marketing
          industry readiness.                             Australia’s stand.                                over 650 exhibitors and more than 60,000       campaign totalling over $65,000 executed.

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1           2          3          4          5           ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                         IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                           IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

        GROW VALUE                                                                                                                                                            TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                        PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    3                Grow the visitor economy by focusing on niche market and product segments
                     with the greatest propensity to travel.

        ■■Implemented the Million Dollar Fish (MDF)
          Season 2 competition and campaign
          with increased awareness of the Top                                                           ■■Conducted a health-focussed business
          End during the low season. Sporting                                                             event familiarisation in Darwin to
          personality Matt Hayden and well-known                                                          showcase the unique health projects,
          fisho and TV personality Al McGlashan                                                           facilities and people supporting health
                                                         ■■Hosted and celebrated the 20th
          were engaged as ambassadors to promote                                                          delivery in the NT, and to encourage
                                                           anniversary of the V8 supercars
          MDF Season 2 across television, radio and                                                       business event planners to consider
                                                           in Darwin.
          online. Via the public relations activation                                                     integrating local content into their
          ‘Better Luck in the NT’, a social media call   ■■Marked the 300th heritage listed site for      programs including technical tours,
          out saw Lee Carseldine (the runner up            the Territory, the Ross Smith Memorial,        local health experts as speakers
                                                                                                                                                        ■■Promoted the 75th Anniversary of the
          from Australian Survivor Season 3) visit         which will be upgraded for the 100 year        and to highlight the potential flow-on
                                                                                                                                                          Bombing of Darwin in February 2017
          the Top End for a fishing experience             commemoration of this record-breaking          benefits including knowledge exchange,
                                                                                                                                                          and implemented a campaign to increase
          which was shared across his social               flight in 2019.                                investment and wider industry exposure.
                                                                                                                                                          the awareness of Darwin and the Top
           media channels.
                                                         ■■Ran the second ‘Backpack the Outback’        ■■Participated in international luxury            End as a significant destination for
        ■■Progressed the $1.3 million Mountain Bike        roadshow for NT operators in the youth/        trade show, Luxperience in Sydney,              military heritage experiences. Historian
          Master Plan, and created a multi-part            adventure/backpacker sector, targeting         representing wilderness lodges and              and author Peter Fitzsimmons was the
          video ‘Ride the Red Centre’, highlighting        agents in backpacker hubs along the east       small group tourism operators to luxury         ambassador for this activity leading to
          Alice Springs as NT’s world class MTB            coast – Melbourne, Sydney, Byron Bay           specialist travel providers from key            five national interviews.
          tracks, raising the profile of Alice Springs     and Cairns.                                    international markets. Two familiarisations
                                                                                                                                                        ■■Continued to evolve the brand
          as Australia’s mountain bike mecca and                                                          were held before the event.
                                                         ■■Representation at the Australian Cruise                                                        for NT Business Events ‘Think
          increasing attendance at major mountain
                                                           Association Conference in Sydney and         ■■Invested $271,517 to preserve 16                UnconveNTionally’ with a focus on
          bike events in Alice Springs.
                                                           the Cruise Lines International Association     heritage places in the Territory, including     separate messaging and tone of voice for
        ■■Continued promoting birding across the           (CLIA) Australasia conference in Sydney        completing the restoration works at the         Darwin, Alice Springs and Uluru, which
          Territory and delivered a new Darwin             to build awareness of Darwin as a cruise       Old Catholic Church in Alice Springs and        has been pushed out through trade and
          birding trail brochure.                          destination.                                   conservation work at Hermannsburg.              NTBC channels throughout the year.

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1        2       3       4       5   ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                       IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                             IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

        GROW VALUE                                                                                                                                         TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                     PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    4            Increase NT brand and product presence across digital channels, creating desire
                 for the destination and connecting consumers with experiences they want to
                 purchase in real time.

                                     ■■Launched the humorous campaign “Get
                                       Out of the State You’re In”, to generate
                                       a cheeky and humorous (larrikin) twist
                                                                                  ■■Targeted the family drive market with an
                                       to existing brand messaging for the NT
                                                                                    integrated print, digital and social media
                                       among domestic consumers to achieve
                                                                                    campaign using both advertising and
                                       buzz and cut through with NT locals and
                                                                                    editorial, built around a drive holiday taken
                                       industry by encouraging the community to                                                     ■■Increased marketing effectiveness
                                                                                    by former Australian cricketer, Matthew
                                       share through word of mouth and social                                                         and coordination through building a
                                                                                    Hayden and his family to the NT. The
                                       media channels. The campaign included                                                          destination widget for Darwin, Alice
                                                                                    campaign included deals and offers from
                                       four humorous videos for our competitor                                                        Springs and Uluru as a plug and play
                                                                                    thirteen partners, including campervan
                                       states on why people need to get out of                                                        in conference websites to be used as a
                                                                                    and car hire, caravan park operators,
                                       the state they’re in and come to the NT.                                                       delegate boosting tool.
                                                                                    automobile associations and regional
                                     ■■Launched the new website                     tourism organisations.                          ■■Developed an advanced filtering and
                             , a 100% mobile                                                            search module for
                                                                                  ■■Launched the Territory’s first cooperative
                                       responsive site with advanced search                                                           that allows users to easily find operator
                                                                                    marketing campaign with Malaysia
                                       functions and greater product focus,                                                           product and information specific to
                                                                                    Airlines in India utilising digital (Facebook
                                       resulting in 1.3 million sessions and                                                          their needs.
                                                                                    Carousel Ads, Google Display Network,
                                       965,000 unique users. The site is also
                                                                                    Skyscanner, Exponential and partner             ■■Launched street view of Uluru in June
                                       available in French, German, Italian,
                                                                                    own-assets, radio (Mirchi 98.3) and a             to much fanfare. Using Google Street
                                       Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin).
                                                                                    tactical promo fare (INR 45 000)) to              View Trekker, elements of culture have
                                     ■■Continued the live NT travel guidebook       drive awareness and stimulate visitation          been captured by interactive 360 videos
                                       on, one of China’s leading      of the Red Centre to the Indian market,           featuring Creation Time stories told in
                                       digital travel platforms with current        particularly in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad,         Anangu language, accompanied by
                                       downloads at 37,977.                         Chennai and Bangalore.                            music from local Elders.

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1           2         3         4            5          ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                          IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                            IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

        GROW VALUE                                                                                                                                                              TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                          PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    5                Develop a long-term comprehensive strategic approach to major events, festivals
                     and regional events that leverages the NT Brand, activates infrastructure,
                      energises local communities and drives visitation and yield

                                                                                                        ■■Negotiated a future for motorsport
                                                                                                          events in the NT securing the Red
                                                                                                          CentreNATS for another six years and             »» Annual Indigenous round AFL in
                                                                                                          the Darwin Triple Crown V8 Supercars                Alice Springs (Melbourne vs Gold
                                                        ■■Continued to drive growth in the business       event until 2030.                                   Coast Suns).
                                                          events sector by providing exposure to the
                                                                                                        ■■Partnered with Alice Springs Convention          »» Imparja Cup, Australia’s national
                                                          national conference and incentive market
                                                                                                          Centre to host business events planners             Indigenous cricket carnival.
                                                          through the ConveNTions Walkabout
                                                                                                          on a familiarisation program aligned with
                                                          2016 held in Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney
        ■■Invested in world-class sporting                                                                Parrtjima to showcase the capability of          »» Rugby 7’s tournament, focussing the
                                                          and Melbourne.                                                                                      attention of the international rugby
          infrastructure to encourage attraction                                                          Alice Springs to host a major event and
          of major events, such as the $16.7            ■■Funded the two Regional Tourism                 the potential opportunity for planners to           community on the NT, with $120,000
          million Tennis Centre in Darwin and             Organisations (RTOs) and the two                align the hosting of their future business          contributed from the NT Government.
          secured $18 million from NT Government          visitor information centres to provide          events with Parrtjima.                           »» International Hockey game - Australian
          and Australian Government for the               information to travellers about the region
                                                                                                        ■■Hosted several national sporting events,            kookaburras versing Pakistan at
          construction of a new netball stadium at        and the next NT destination being                                                                   Marrara’s Hockey centre.
                                                                                                          placing the Territory in the limelight for a
          the Marrara sporting precinct.                  travelled to. The two RTOs are also
                                                                                                          destination to host major events, drawing
                                                          funded to deliver intra-territory marketing                                                      »» Australian Masters Athletics
        ■■Developed and released the Regional                                                             fans to the NT. Events included:
                                                          as well as specific projects such as the                                                            Championships in June.
          Tourism Investment Attraction Strategy
                                                          Digital Leap Support program.                   »» Parramatta ‘Territory Eels’ vs North
          and Implementation Plan for Katherine                                                                                                          ■■Provided funding for the Big Buoy Water
                                                                                                             Queensland Cowboys (in Darwin) and
          with Austrade and Tourism Australia.          ■■Continued to implement Vibrant NT, an                                                            Park at the Darwin Waterfront, a 35 metres
                                                                                                             the Gold Coast Titans (in Alice Springs).
          The strategy is a collaborative effort with     arts and culture policy which provides                                                           by 30 metres giant inflatable structure
          Katherine Town Council and the Katherine        visions, principles and priorities for the      »» National netball game with ANL NT             with jumping pillows, climbing platforms,
          Regional Development Committee.                 arts and cultural sector in the NT.                Storms vs Victorian Fury.                     runways and modular structures.

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GROW VALUE               1              2            3            4          IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                         IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

    ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                                                                                                                  TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                         PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   1     Ensure a supply of commercial accommodation to both support and
         induce the growth in visitor demand

                                                                          ■■The number of short-term accommodation
                                                                            rooms available in Darwin and Alice
                                                                            Springs increased from 6,209 rooms in
                                                                            the 2015-16 to 6,510 rooms available
                                                                            in the 2016-17 year, an increase of 301
                                                                            rooms. Industry developments included:
                                                                            »» Mercure Darwin Airport Inn
                                                                            »» Quality Hotel Darwin Airport
                                                                            »» Opening of serviced apartments
                                                                               at 85 Mitchell Street
                                                                                                                        ■■Industry continued to progress
                                                                          ■■Promoted tourism infrastructure
                                                                                                                          infrastructure projects funded under the
                                                                            investment opportunities domestically
                             ■■Continued negotiations with the                                                            previous NT Government’s $10 million
                                                                            and internationally via relevant channels
                               Landbridge Group for development of                                                        grant funding programs, including:
                                                                            available through partners such as
                               a luxury hotel at the Darwin Waterfront,
                                                                            InvestNT, Austrade and Tourism Australia.     »» Establishing a base camp adjacent
                               expected to open in 2020. Architectural
                                                                                                                             to West MacDonnell National Park to
                               concepts were released to business         ■■Secured Australian Government funding
                                                                                                                             extend trekking options in the region
                               communities at the Darwin Convention         to deliver tourism demand-driver
                                                                                                                             for the short stay market. Costs include
                               Centre reception on 10 February 2017         infrastructure projects in the NT, with
                                                                                                                             site research, permits, site construction
                               and Landbridge opened a project              projects including a hostel redevelopment
                                                                                                                             and fit out, with canvas tents, solar,
                               office in Darwin’s CBD. The hotel will       at Manbiyarra (Border Store, Kakadu),
                                                                                                                             composting toilets, sleeping pods, trail
                               be an economic enabler for Darwin by         new infrastructure for groups and
                                                                                                                             access and shade.
                               generating jobs, increasing visitation       aboriginal experiences at the Mercure
                               numbers, and will strengthen Darwin’s        Resort in Alice Springs and caravan park      »» $100,000 to Kaltukatjara Community
                               position in the lucrative business           extensions to Kings Canyon Resort with           Council to upgrade the campground
                               events market.                               14 new en-suite powered sites added.             at Docker River.

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GROW VALUE                                                     1               2             3             4             IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                             IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY

    ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                                                                                                                                                                  TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                         PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   2               Support the growth of sustainable aviation services to the Territory.

                                                                   ■■Opened the new Catalina premium
                                                                     passenger lounge at Darwin International
                                                                     Airport, which created ten new, ongoing
                                                                     jobs. This project supports existing
                                                                     international carriers and also assists to
                                                                     attract new carriers that require business                                                         ■■Continued to work with airline partners
                                                                     class and higher yielding passengers by                                                              to increase air traffic to the NT such as
                                                                     providing a lounge on departure.                                                                     improving access from the east coast of
                                                                                                                                                                          Australia to Central Australia (responding
                                                                   ■■The NT Government continued working
                                                                                                                                                                          to low capacity), improving access from
                                                                     cooperatively with NT Airports on business
                                                                                                                      ■■Continued working with a range of airlines        Melbourne to Darwin (responding to high
                                                                     case, route development and forecasting
                                                                                                                        to secure direct flights from China to            airfares and demand) and improving
                                                                     for key priority markets. This has included
                                                                                                                        Darwin, with three trips to China and/            aviation links from Perth into the Territory
                                                                     meetings with airlines internationally and
                                                                                                                        or Hong Kong undertaken in 2016-17                (responding to changes in the operating
                                                                     in Sydney, with a priority being to secure
                                                                                                                        cooperatively by the NT Government and            environment due to arrival of 787-9 aircraft
     Average weekly seat capacity (inbound)                          a new direct aviation link between Darwin
                                                                                                                        NT Airports to talk to airlines.                  and new route from London to Perth from
     % change*                                                       and China, and to sustain and grow
                                                                                                                                                                          March 2018).
                                                                     existing services.                               ■■Continued to develop relationships with
     Darwin Airport -                            +0.9%
                                                                                                                        aviation partners through successful            ■■During the year, Malaysia Airlines
     domestic + regional                   23,822 seats            ■■Continued to implement the NT Aviation
                                                                                                                        cooperative marketing campaigns with              announced its withdrawal from the market
                                               per week              Industry and Services Strategy 2020,
                                                                                                                        SilkAir/Singapore Airlines, Philippine            and subsequently ceased services on the
     Alice Springs Airport                      +2.34%               which provides the foundation to support
                                                                                                                        Airlines, Jetstar Asia, Indonesia Air Asia,       28 July 2017. This was the fourth time
                                            8,943 seats              the sustainability and growth of the
                                                                                                                        Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Virgin Australia,      Malaysia Airlines has served Darwin and
                                               per week              Territory’s aviation sector, with a particular
                                                                                                                        Tigerair and Jetstar Airways to improve           withdrawn over its many years of service.
                                                                     focus on developing Central Australia. For
     Ayers Rock Airport                          +9.08%                                                                 the sustainability of services to the             NT Airports, Government and industry will
                                                                     example, the Asia Pacific Aircraft Storage
                                             4,817 seats                                                                Territory. This included the initial planning     remain focused on working with airlines
                                                                     facility which has been established in Alice
                                               per week                                                                 for increased capacity by Virgin Australia        with the desire of again connecting Darwin
                                                                     Springs is the first outside the USA and is
     Darwin Airport -                            +5.85%                                                                 on the services between Adelaide-Alice            with Kuala Lumpur over the years ahead.
                                                                     occupying a site within the Alice Springs
     international                           4,907 seats                                                                Springs-Darwin from September 2017.
                                                                     airport complex which has sufficient area                                                          ■■Focused on a stronger collaborative
                                               per week              for potential future expansion, with Alice       ■■Participated in Tourism Australia led             partnership with NT Airports and other
    *Year ending June 2017 compared to year ending June 2016         having the dry arid environment suited for         trade activity including the Kuala Lumpur         partners in developing opportunities for
    Source: IATA Airport IS                                          aircraft preservation and storage.                 Roadshow and ATE Product Forum.                   the period ahead.

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    ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                                                                                                                                                   TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                          PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    3            Ensure visitor needs for access are considered in transport planning,
                 including for roads, public transport and cruise ship facilities.

                                                                                                          ■■Continued implementing the NT Cruise
                                                                                                            Sector Activation Plan 2015-2020 and
                                                        ■■Completed the ‘Inner (Mereenie) Loop’
                                                                                                            attracted a home port cruise operator,
    ■■Submitted bids for road infrastructure              of the Red Centre Way, an investment of
                                                                                                            the L’Austral (owned by French cruise line   ■■Continued to improve walking amenities
      priorities for 2017-18 to support tourism           $25.5 million to seal the 43 kilometre dirt
                                                                                                            Compagnie du Ponant), who offered five         including the CBD stair connection and
      experiences across the NT with high                 road delivering a better experience for
                                                                                                            departures from Darwin to Kimberley Coast      establishing a new disability accessible
      priority areas including:                           travellers in the West MacDonnell Ranges.
                                                                                                            return, and one to Indonesia in late 2016,     walkway along Anchorage Court.
                                                          The new route was launched in April 2017.
      »» Improving access to Gunlom Falls                                                                   with a capacity of 264 passengers hosted
                                                                                                                                                         ■■Increased capacity to Stokes Hill Wharf’s
         ensuring year-round access to the              ■■Facilitated signage, live music and               by 140 crew.
                                                                                                                                                           car park by increasing the number of
         southern end.                                    activations for the arrival of large cruise
                                                                                                          ■■Rezoned land at Big 4 Katherine Low level      car parking from 88 to 150 spaces while
                                                          ships, including Ovation of the Seas, which
      »» Sealing the access road to                                                                         Caravan Park from Agriculture to Tourism       creating large coach access to ensure
                                                          carried 4,185 passengers and 1,612 crew.
         Ellery Creek Big Hole.                                                                             Commercial, increasing its potential for       visitors can continue enjoy this iconic
                                                          A special welcoming ceremony was held
                                                                                                            the tourism market growth and generating       tourist and dining attraction.
      »» Upgrading the Jim Jim Falls Road to              and included the NT flag flying over the
                                                                                                            economic benefits.
         improve access to key sites in Kakadu            ship via a sky jumper, traditional maritime                                                    ■■Built a temporary overflow car park at
         National Park.                                   water canon salute, a display of reptiles and   ■■Deployed an autonomous vehicle known           the Darwin Waterfront to accommodate
                                                          baby crocodiles in Smith Street Mall and          as the ‘Driverless Bus’ as a transport         approximately 200 additional cars during
    ■■Advocated road priorities to enable tourism
                                                          pop-up arts and craft stalls at Civic Park.       solution for visitors within the Darwin        large events such as New Year’s Eve.
      growth and progressed projects already
                                                                                                            Waterfront Precinct.
      underway including the 2WD access                 ■■Consulted and collaborated with local                                                          ■■Constructed a new 50 metre pontoon
      along the Litchfield Loop including sealing         councils across the Territory to improve        ■■Extended the shaded walkway on the             facility which doubles capacity for harbour
      northern access into Litchfield National            visitor signage along the Explorers Way,          Darwin Waterfront’s sea wall completing        tourism operators at Stokes Hill Wharf
      Park and the Alice Springs Flood Mitigation         in line with new technological advances           the connection from the Cruise Ship            responding to industry concerns about
      including Sadadeen Connector Road.                  in wayfinding.                                    Terminal to the Darwin Convention Centre.      constrained capacity.

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    ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                                                                                                                                                     TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                            PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   4             Deliver a viable and efficient workforce that meets industry demand
                 and supports a globally competitive tourism sector.

                                                                                                               occupations predominantly coming
                                                                                                               from the hospitality and tourism,             »» Holding seminars on “Preparing your
                                                          ■■Continued to influence Commonwealth
                                                                                                               automotive, education and correctional           Business to Sponsor a non-resident
                                                           immigration policy as it relates to the
                                                                                                               services sectors.                                Worker” during October Business
                                                           tourism and hospitality sector on behalf of
                                                                                                                                                                Month in Alice Springs and Darwin
                                                           NT employers, businesses and industry            »» Held business and skilled migration
                                                                                                                                                                including numerous one-on-one
                                                           associations through numerous                       seminars/ events in the Philippines,
    ■■Progressed discussions about the iconic                                                                                                                   meetings with businesses in Alice
                                                           submissions written and verbal and                  Vietnam, Singapore, Timor Leste,
      National Indigenous Art Gallery with the                                                                                                                  Springs and Tennant Creek.
                                                           participation in summits and roundtables.           China, India and Sri Lanka.
      Steering Committee holding its first
                                                           A key focus for the year was the Territory’s                                                      »» Presenting at the 2017 AHA NT
      meeting in April 2017. The project will                                                               »» Commenced scoping to upgrade the
                                                           opposition to the introduction of the                                                                Employment Conference.
      provide a world class facility for aboriginal                                                            Territory Worker Database (TWD) which
                                                           ‘backpacker tax’, where we partnered with
      people to showcase their art and culture,                                                                enables jobseekers to upload their CVs        »» Delivering hospitality and commercial
                                                           industry to support tourism policy which
      and provide a drawcard for tourists to visit                                                             and for NT based employers and                   cookery courses to international
                                                           supports growth in the NT.
      the Red Centre.                                                                                          recruitment agents who register to               students by NT education providers.
                                                          ■■Continued implementing the NT Worker               access a pool of skilled workers.
    ■■Provided two placements for aboriginal                                                                                                               ■■Advocated on behalf of NT businesses
                                                           Attraction Program, which consists of               Improvements will include the ability for
      Territorians within the tourism division of                                                                                                            against the announcement made by the
                                                           interstate and international marketing              candidates to identify themselves as
      the Department of Tourism and Culture                                                                                                                  Australian Government regarding
                                                           activities designed to promote the NT as a          WHM; the ability for employers /
      and industry to improve trainees’                                                                                                                      significant reforms to tighten the Skilled
                                                           place to work, live, study invest,                  recruiters to set up alerts for selected
      knowledge of commercial tourism and                                                                                                                    Migration Program to better meet
                                                                                                               occupations and enhancements to
      government operations. The program aims             ■■Continued the Team NT approach                                                                   Australia’s genuine skill needs and regional
                                                                                                               user and reporting capabilities.
      to increase aboriginal employment in the             partnering with peak industry associations,                                                       requirements.
      tourism industry.                                    education providers and other NT               ■■Invested in the future of the arts by
                                                                                                                                                           ■■Continued to support tour operators and
                                                           government agencies. The following               committing a $50 million investment to an
    ■■Delivered a custom training program in                                                                                                                 any other businesses involved in tourism
                                                           activities were undertaken:                      art gallery and $20 million to an Indigenous
      June in collaboration with Charles Darwin                                                                                                              by building business capacity and skills,
                                                                                                            Culture Centre in Alice Springs.
      University for 40 Mandarin-speaking tour              »» Dedicated ‘Live and Work in the NT’                                                           building digital marketing capability through
      guides to fast-track their Kakadu                        seminars were delivered in Hobart,         ■■Updated the tourism and hospitality sector       the Business Growth Program and
      Knowledge for Tour Guides accreditation                  Adelaide and Perth and focussed on           on migration information and workforce           assisting with physical appearance and
      by running a “live” version of the online                a limited number of skilled occupations      options through tailored information             suitability of premises through advice from
      training module in the park.                             that are in high demand with the target      sessions including:                              Business Growth Program.

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    IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                          TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                  PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   1     Ensure visitor services across the Territory are provided in a coordinated
         manner reflective of current and emerging consumer behaviour.

                           ■■Continued to increase marketing                                                                    ■■Improved the quality and longevity of NT
                             effectiveness and coordination through the       ■■Boosted awareness and use of Tourism              heritage tourism sites by repairing and
                             Australian Tourism Data Warehouse                  NT’s official hashtag, #NTaustralia via a         upgrading several attractions including
                             (ATDW) product management system, with             two week mega meet, which saw 19 high             Darwin’s Brown’s Mart, Qantas Hangar and
                             an increase in distribution up from 31             profile social media influencers travel           Lyons’ Cottage in Darwin. Repairs were
                             websites to 42 domestic and international          throughout the NT with content posted daily       also made to Blyth Homestead and
                             websites, as well as 200 Northern Territory        on their social media accounts, 200 posts         Bamboo Ck mine in Litchfield National Park,
                             heritage locations being listed to the ATDW.       in total. #NTaustralia was also promoted via      Bullita Homestead in Judbarra / Gregory
                                                                                the Instagram competition #snaptheNT              National Park), and Owen Springs
                           ■■Installed full colour window decals featuring
                                                                                photo competition which reached over              Historical Reserve.
                             alluring tourism experiences in commercial
                                                                                266,000 people.
                             properties throughout Alice Springs and                                                            ■■Continued rolling out the free tourism Wi-Fi
                             Darwin CBDs to improve the look and feel         ■■Secured $775,000 under the Australian             project to 26 hotspots connecting over
                             of vacant spaces. As part of the ongoing           Government’s Tourism Demand-Driver                233,000 users. The WiFi hotspots included
                             CBD revitalisation projects, seven locations       Infrastructure Program for projects that          dedicated NT landing pages.
                             were selected in Darwin and four in Alice          provide broad supply-side benefits in the
                                                                                                                                ■■Initial discussions have begun with airlines
                             Springs. The vibrant images highlight              NT. Projects included:
                                                                                                                                  to explore how Uluru in particular (being the
                             regional attractions and experiences in
                                                                                »» $100,000 towards delivering a Chinese          most visited destination in the NT for
                             either the Top End or Central Australia as
                                                                                   services project at the Hilton Darwin.         international visitors) could be better
                             well as the hashtag #NTaustralia increasing
                                                                                                                                  connected via Darwin for markets from Asia.
                             social media exposure.                             »» Delivering a tourism business mentoring
                                                                                                                                  This strategic opportunity will reduce the
                                                                                   program in East Arnhem Land.
                           ■■Conducted an initial pre-feasibility study for                                                       Territory’s reliance on points of arrival
                             a major water park development in Darwin.          »» $100,000 construction of two large             interstate, contribute to greater visitor spend
                             As part of the 2017 Budget, $500,000 was              enclosures for exotic cats on exhibition       in the Territory and allow for creative
                             committed to further advance this concept.            at Crocodylus Park.                            packaging including Alice Springs.

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    IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                         TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                 PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   2         Build the experience base of our destination to meet visitor expectations
             and drive growth.

                             ■■Industry and the NT Government
                               combined to invest over $24 million via
                               the Tourism Infrastructure Development                                                           ■■Upgraded infrastructure in various
                               Fund grant program to help tourism                                                                 national parks in the Territory to ensure
                                                                                 »» The Adelaide 4WD and Adventure
                               businesses accelerate infrastructure                                                               visitor expectations are met and to drive
                                                                                    Show and Boat and Fishing Show.
                               developments with 184 projects funded                                                              growth. Upgrades included:
                               in total, examples of which include:              »» The Brisbane 4x4 Outdoors Show
                                                                                                                                  »» Installing five new campgrounds at
                                                                                    and Fishing and Boating Expo.
                               »» Developing a cultural meeting place                                                                Nitmiluk National Park along the
                                  near the entry to Nitmiluk National Park.      »» NT Muster (Sydney, Melbourne                     Jatbula Trail.
                                                                                    and Brisbane).
                               »» A range of projects with Outback Spirit in                                                      »» Developing a seasonal campground,
                                  support of its new ‘12 Day Arnhem Land         »» NT Round Up.                                     day-use area, and walking tracks at
                                  Wilderness Adventure’.                                                                             Jasper Gorge, Judbarra National Park.
                                                                               ■■Improved tourism information at
                             ■■The ‘Jumping Croc’ virtual experience             destination gateways in partnership              »» Installing a new toilet, viewing platform
                               at Darwin International Airport                   with the tourism industry through an                and picnic area at Tolmer Falls.
                               delivered nearly 250,000 interactions             enhancement program which focused on
                                                                                                                                ■■Invested $330,000 (in collaboration with
                               and shareable photos. Two additional              airports. An immersive slideshow display
                                                                                                                                  Federal Government) to create a full
                               jumping animals are currently being               was installed in the new international
                                                                                                                                  display of Albert Borella VC in recognition
                               scoped including a ‘Jumping Barra’ in             arrivals tunnel at Darwin airport and
                                                                                                                                  of being the only NT recipient of the
                               the theme of Million Dollar Fish and a            a new wall mural highlighting Tennant
                                                                                                                                  Victoria Cross for his gallantry in 1918.
                               ‘Jumping Roo’ to be installed at the Alice        Creek and the Barkly region was
                                                                                                                                  The display is in permanent housing at
                               Springs Airport.                                  installed at Tennant Creek Airport to
                                                                                                                                  Battery Hill Mining and Visitors Centre in
                                                                                 encourage regional dispersal.
                             ■■Participated in and supported tourism                                                              Tennant Creek and includes the medal,
                               businesses to attend key market                 ■■Continued to develop innovative                  display information about his WWI story
                               conferences to showcase their products            partnerships with Music NT by                    as well as interactive activities such as
                               and services, and raise the NT’s profile          sponsoring the 2017 NT Song of the Year          a fun-gun which shoots rubber bands
                               as a destination. Conferences included:           Awards, celebrating NT songwriters.              when loaded.

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    IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                              TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                      PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

    3           Develop new experiences within the national parks estate (NT Government
                and Parks Australia) that reflects the needs of the visitor economy.

    ■■Released an EOI for campground and
                                                  ■■Drafted Visitor Experience Development        ■■Captured the first- ever official drone          ■■Constructed a bike path network
      kiosk management for Ormiston Gorge,
                                                    Plans for Nilmiluk National Park and Elsey      footage within Kakadu National Park, a             connecting the Alice Springs Desert Park
      Ellery Creek Bighole and Redbank Gorge
                                                    National Park.                                  project completed in conjunction with              and Flynn’s Grave to the town network,
      within the Tjoritja/West MacDonnell
                                                                                                    Parks Australia.                                   and new Boardwalk connecting Tuncks
      National Park. The selection process        ■■Rolled out stage one of wayfinding
                                                                                                                                                       Road and Stott Terrace, adjacent to Annie
      focussed on value-add services, above         signage in and around Alice Springs to        ■■Upgraded the interpretive signage for a
                                                                                                                                                       Meyers Hill and Olive Pink Botanic Garden.
      and beyond basic management                   assist visitors to readily navigate to key      number of major parks including Karlu
      requirements to enhance the visitor           destinations around town.                       Karlu/Devils Marbles Conservation                ■■Launched an interactive digital self-guided
      experience currently offered.                                                                 Reserve and Tjoritja / West MacDonnell             walk at George Brown Darwin Botanic
                                                  ■■Offered free ranger guided walks and
                                                                                                    National Park.                                     Gardens titled “Every Tree Tells a Story”,
    ■■Upgraded the Watarrka Visitor Information     talks across a variety of Territory parks
                                                                                                                                                       which links to the web via QR codes for
      Centre and launched the Watarrka National     and reserves, as part of the 2016 Territory   ■■Constructed an animal encounter facility at
                                                                                                                                                       stories on various species; introduced
      Park Tour Guide Safety Induction which        Parks Alive Program, which hosted 7701          Territory Wildlife Park improving options for
                                                                                                                                                       a new multi-level orienteering course;
      comprises learning material and an online     participants through 365 activities.            cruise ship day visitors, as well as a buffalo
                                                                                                                                                       facilitated guided walking tours through
      assessment to improve visitor safety                                                          exhibit and interpretive trail.
                                                  ■■Upgraded signage across Mary River                                                                 local company “Walk Darwin”; celebrated
      especially around the rim walk.
                                                    National Park to improve visitor experience   ■■Celebrated the 20th anniversary for Alice          the second annual Botanic Gardens
    ■■Continued negotiations on multiple lease      and safety. Including new orientation           Springs Desert Park in March, with the             Australia and New Zealand Open Day
      agreements with proponents, Traditional       signage at Rockhole, updated signage            open day celebrations attracting over              and hosted the ‘Italian Festival’.
      Owners and Land Councils to facilitate        at all other visitor nodes and placing the      3,500 people.
                                                                                                                                                     ■■Developed and conducted the Kakadu
      new and/or upgraded private camping           crocodile interpretive signage at Shady
                                                                                                  ■■Implemented a community arts project at            Knowledge for Tour guides program, a
      areas for a number of operators.              Camp to engage and inform visitors
                                                                                                    the Territory Wildlife Park titled ‘Crochet        compulsory requirement for all tour guides
                                                    about crocodiles.
    ■■Developed a new exclusive use site for                                                        Coral Reef’, which provides a visual               working in Kakadu in order to be China
      RT Tours within Tjoritja/West MacDonnell    ■■Replaced the crocodile interpretive             interpretation of the effects of coral             Ready. The program was developed by
      National Park to improve the visitor          signage at Shady Camp in Mary River             bleaching. The project was run by over             Parks Australia in partnership with Charles
      experience for Mbantua Dinner and Lunch       National Park to engage and inform              170 volunteers from across the country             Darwin University (CDU), to meet the
      Tours in and around Simpsons Gap.             visitors about crocodiles.                      and received substantial media coverage.           needs of the visitor economy.

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    IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                      TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                              PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   4            Grow the visitor economy by building on the NTs reputation of the delivery
                of quality authentic Indigenous cultural experiences.

                                                                                                                                              ■■Released a research piece on national
                                                                                                                                                demand for cultural tourism in Australia
                                                                                                                                                to identify opportunities that allow the
                                                                                                                                                NT to raise the profile of its cultural
                                                                                                                                                offering for Australians and to attract
                                                                                                                                                more visitors. Results found that 85% of
                                                                                                                                                respondents believed the NT as being
                                                                                                                                                the best place to experience Aboriginal
                                                                                                                                                culture and 33% of the interstate
                                                                                                                                                population were interested in a cultural
                                              ■■ATAC commenced the development of            ■■Supported NT Major Events to promote
                                                                                                                                                experience when on holidays.
                                                case studies within the NT aboriginal          the Parrtjima – A Festival in Lights.
                                                tourism industry to assist with future         This included engaging TV host Lisa            ■■Provided funding to support 15 events
                                                aboriginal tourism development. The            Wilkinson to broadcast live from Alice           across the NT, including Barunga,
                                                Council has taken particular note              Springs and was attended by an                   Wide Open Spaces, Darwin Aboriginal
                                                of key issues affecting the further            estimated 15,000 people. The festival            Art Fair, Desert Harmony, Yirrkala
                                                development of aboriginal tourism              will continue over the next four years.          Yarrapay Music and Dance Festival and
    ■■The Aboriginal Tourism Advisory           businesses in the NT including skills                                                           the Beanie Festival through the event
                                                                                             ■■Nine international events were
      Council (ATAC) met on four occasions      development for the industry and                                                                marketing sponsorship grants for 2017.
                                                                                               attended by Aboriginal owned tourism
      throughout the year and included on       governance training and performance.
                                                                                               businesses including ATE 2017, ATEC            ■■Undertook a consultation process and,
      site meetings with aboriginal tourism
                                              ■■Provided $2.29 million for 45 aboriginal       Meeting Place 2016, Corroboree Asia              in May, delivered a draft Hermannsburg
      operators at Kakadu, Katherine,
                                                business projects through the Tourism          2016, Inbound NT 2016, Greater China             Visitor Experience Masterplan, which
      Yulara and Tiwi islands to enhance
                                                Infrastructure Development Fund.               Travel Mission 2017, ITB 2017, Australia         is with the Minister for Tourism and
      understanding of issues relevant
                                                Projects included:                             Marketplace 2017, Travel 2 Amazing               Culture for approval.
      to the development of sustainable
                                                                                               Aussie Adventure and Travel Managers
      and prosperous aboriginal tourism         »» Development of a cultural meeting place                                                    ■■Released a range of grants and
      businesses throughout the NT. The            in Nitmiluk National Park.                                                                   incentives to support business and
      Council welcomed three new members                                                     ■■In partnership with the Land                     not-for-profits to start,run,grow and
                                                »» Staff accommodation at Melville Lodge.
      who were appointed following an                                                          Development Corporation, advanced a              build our local workforce, including
      extensive Expression of Interest          »» Upgrade to the Glen Helen                   project seeking new tourism investment           increasing Aboriginal participation in
      process across the NT.                       Homestead Lodge.                            on the Tiwi Islands.                             the workforce and community projects.

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    IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY                                                                                                                                              TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                                           PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   1        Adopt a partnership approach between industry and
            Government to grow the visitor economy.

                                                       »» Digital Coaching – personal coaching
                                                          with a digital expert catering to your
                                                          specific digital needs available at
                                                          the business site delivered through
                                                          Tourism Top End and Tourism Central                                                           ■■Continued financial partnership between
                                                                                                     ■■Facilitated the second formal NT Business
                                                          Australia.                                                                                      Toga, retailers and the Darwin Waterfront
                                                                                                       Events Ambassador meeting in February in
                                                                                                                                                          Corporation to deliver year-round program
                                                       »» Subsidised membership with Tourism           Alice Springs to discuss the opportunities
                                                                                                                                                          of events and activations within the
                                                          Tribe - an online community portal           Ambassadors present through their
                                                                                                                                                          Waterfront precinct.
                                                          connecting operators, industry and           professional networks and connections
                                                          digital experts in a supported online        and, the tools they require to influence         ■■Established a Wave Lagoon Annual Pass
                                                          learning environment.                        a stronger consideration of the NT for             and Darwin Waterfront Membership,
    ■■Contributed $1.967 million to support                                                            business events.                                   creating a loyalty program for visitors to
                                                     ■■Advocated NT tourism interests through
      Visitor Information Centres (VIC) and the                                                                                                           frequent the Wave Lagoon and over 30
                                                       formal submissions and presentations to       ■■A new Board of Commissioners of Tourism
      Regional Tourism Organisations (RTO)                                                                                                                businesses within the Waterfront precinct.
                                                       Territory and the Australian governments        NT held an Induction meeting in February
      while also continuing to ensure industry
                                                       to influence policy development.                with its first official meeting held in March.   ■■Negotiated on how to establish the future
      is professionally supported and given
                                                                                                       Members were selected following an                 of Jabiru as a true service hub for Kakadu
      opportunities to showcase their products       ■■Continued involvement at trade shows
                                                                                                       Australian wide Expression of Interest             with ERA, the Northern Land Council,
      and services as well as represented at           and events, involving our tourism industry
                                                                                                       process conducted in late 2016.                    traditional owners (Mirrar), local community,
      Government forums.                               operators and boosting consumer
                                                                                                                                                          NT and the Australian Government.
                                                       awareness of the NT offering with high        ■■Promoted significant, large-scale
    ■■Launched the Digital Leap phase
                                                       quality displays and stands which resulted      investment opportunities available in the        ■■ Refreshed the website
      2 program in March 2017, with over
                                                       in Tourism NT winning the best stand at         NT to private sector targets via a range           to make connecting with the NTCB simpler
      $100,000 invested to build digital marketing
                                                       the Brisbane 4x4 Outdoors Show + Fishing        of channels to encourage investment                for event planners, along with improved
      capability across Industry. The Program
                                                       Boating Expo.                                   and development.                                   access and connection to industry partners.
      includes an online digital toolkit (tourist
      toolkit) with key NT centric content such      ■■Developed partnerships with media             ■■Carried out marketing industry roadshows         ■■Launched a dedicated extranet, linked
      as must do checklists, reference guides,         companies; Australian Traveller and Fairfax     in May in Darwin, Alice Springs and                to the NTCB CRM, to industry which
      factsheets (and more) available at               to develop and distribute native content        Katherine, ensuring industry are kept              incorporates an online bidding platform, as well as two coaching         across their networks, promoting the NT         up-to-date on upcoming activity over the           requests for familiarisation programs, site
      programs including:                              to their audiences.                             coming year.                                       inspections and public relations activity.

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GROW VALUE                   ADDRESS SUPPLY CONTRAINTS                            IMPROVE VISITOR EXPERIENCE                            1             2

    IMPROVE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY                                                                                                                      TOURISM VISION 2020
                                                                                                                                                   PROGRESS SUMMARY 2016 -17

   2         Build a vibrant, sustainable and profitable industry
             to deliver on the NT brand promise.

                                                                               ■■Continued to evolve digital platforms to
                                                                                 become more productive. For example the
                                                                                 roll out of CRM across the organisation,
                                                                                 as well as utilise the latest technology in
                              ■■Hosted the Qantas Australian Tourism             marketing i.e. centralised dashboard for all
                                                                                                                                ■■Refreshed the tourism Industry Update
                                Awards (QATA) in Darwin for the                  media buying established to connect media
                                                                                                                                  e-newsletter to have a greater focus on
                                first time. The QATA are the national            buy to website analytics, allowing for a
                                                                                                                                  events and “what’s on” allowing industry to
                                tourism industry’s premier awards event          global central view of all spend and results
                                                                                                                                  better prepare themselves for an expected
                                recognising excellence across                    by country, ad type and channel type.
                                                                                                                                  influx of visitors.
                                25 categories. The NT collected 2 Gold,
                                                                               ■■Continued to encourage operator
                                2 Silver and 3 Bronze awards including                                                          ■■Provided input on tourism priorities during
                                                                                 participation in industry accreditation
                                a Hall of Fame Gold for Voyages Ayers                                                             the Economic Summit process for the
                                                                                 schemes and award programs by running
                                Rock Resort for their 3rd consecutive win                                                         economic development framework and
                                                                                 industry workshops and providing business
                                in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander                                                      10-year infrastructure plan.
                                                                                 development advice to strengthen,
                                Tourism category.
                                                                                 enhance and promote the industry.              ■■Leveraged off the ‘star appeal’ of Matt
                              ■■The Tourism NT Board of Commissioners                                                             Wright at AIME 2017 where the NT
                                                                               ■■Continued to support the Territory Taste
                                met five times during the financial year                                                          Convention Bureau won the “Best
                                                                                 Festival which showcases Territory talent,
                                to direct and foster growth of Northern                                                           Innovative Stand” award.
                                                                                 putting a spotlight on local produce,
                                Territory tourism industry.
                                                                                 alongside the biggest names in food            ■■Publically recognised tourism businesses
                              ■■The Board of Commissioners hosted                including Masterchef Australia guest judge       for their industry contribution and
                                industry functions with operators in Darwin,     Anna Polyviou and The Living Room’s              achievements at the 30th Brolga Northern
                                Alice Springs and Katherine.                     Miguel Maestre.                                  Territory Tourism Awards.

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