Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013

Page created by Amy Ayala
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Issued November 7, 2013                                 Powered by VigeoMedia

                          Trading places on the field
                          pages 4-7
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
A Letter from the Principal
        KM Students, Parents and Community,
          During the 2012-2013 school year, in
        partnership with VigeoMedia, Kettle Moraine High
        School launched a new structure of school
        publication: a digital magazine that not only shares
        the latest happenings at KM, but immerses interested students in all aspects of the
        work that goes into such a production. The feedback was tremendous, with people
        throughout our community having 24/7 access to this collection of school news,
        student spotlights and more.
          It is with great excitement that the first edition of the 2013-14 digital version
        of the KM Voice is here, and I am confident that this year’s editorial team and
        contributors will continue to grow and develop our digital magazine in our second
        year of production.
          Lastly, please encourage your friends, family, neighbors and relatives to Opt-In
        and select KM Voice to automatically receive our magazine electronically, helping
        our team’s goal of increasing the readership of those in our community.
          We look forward to great things happening at Kettle Moraine High School during
        the 2013-14 school year, and we are excited that the KM Voice will be there to share
        the memories with all of us.
           Go Lasers!

           Mr. Jeffrey A. Walters
           KMHS Principal

2 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Powered by VigeoMedia

                                                                    Many Kettle Moraine’s agents dressed
                      Contents                                      up during homecoming week to show
    Letter from the Principal 2                                     their school spirit.
                   Homecoming 4
The Night That Changed It All 8                                     New Faculty
                   New Faculty 10                                   This year Kettle Moraine High School
                                                                    welcomes thirteen new teachers.
                   Drama Club 16

                Student Senate 20                                   24
                                                                    Welcome to Night Vale
                Laser Robotics 22                                   A highly popular podcast, chronicles
                                                                    local events in the titular town.
       Welcome to Nightvale 24

                      KM Global 28                                  32
                           Aikido 30                                Recently, the district has made a
                                                                    push to make all of its spaces more
                       Ceramics 32
                                                                    collaborative and versatile.

             Product of                Copy Editor | Timm Boyle                   Kettle Moraine Editorial Team:
                                       Media Production Specialist | Brian Saxe   Jacob Cavaiani
                                       and John Weyer                             Christine Nyce
                                       Design | Michelle Klauke                   Jenna Mann
                                       Production | Michelle Klauke and
                                       John Weyer                                 Design and Production:
    VIGEOMEDIA                         Contact Us:
                                                                                  Jimmy Dunbar and John Krecioch

                                       Matt Serpe
Cover photo:                 
Powderpuff cheerleaders 2013-2014      262-656-6358
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Homecoming Timeline
    Monday: Ugly Sweater Day                                            Friday: Blue and Gold, Pep Rally,
      On Monday, hideousness was                                        Laser Lympics, Parade, Football Game
    everywhere for Ugly Sweater Day.                                      On Friday, blue and gold was everywhere
                                                                        as KM’s agents demonstrated their school
    Tuesday: Color Wars, Powderpuff,
                                                                        spirit. Each grade was well represented for
    Capture the Flag
                                                                        the Laser Lympics competition at the Pep
      On Tuesday, The Freshman agents                                   Rally. Between the marching band and the
    defeated the Sophomore agents in the                                club, class and community floats, Kettle
    new Capture the Flag showdown, and the                              Moraine’s best was showcased at the
    Senior Bond women were victorious in the                            Homecoming parade. Afterwards, the
    Powderpuff football game.                                           football team experienced a tough loss to
    Wednesday: Decade Day                                               Catholic Memorial in overtime, 14-21.
      On Wednesday, the second half of the                              Saturday: Dance
    20th century was well represented for                                  Kettle Moraine’s agents responded
    Decade Day as each grade battled for spirit                         well to changes at the dance: random
    points.                                                             breathalyzers, permission slips and
    Thursday: Fake an Injury Day                                        different ticket selling procedures. The
      On Thursday, much of the KM student                               dance, organized and planned by Student
    body arrived crippled and bruised for Fake                          Senate, was a huge success!
    an Injury Day.
      Many of Kettle Moraine’s agents dressed
    up during Homecoming Week to show
    their school spirit and to win spirit points
    for their respective grades. Overall, the
    Seniors won the competition, followed by
    the Freshmen, Juniors and Sophomores.

4 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
Imagine how it would feel                       two lovers stereotypically   quarter flipped end over end,
    if“Heads, we get married;                          standing on a bridge         gleaming in the night, my
    tails, we break up.”                               overlooking a murmuring      mind flashed back to how
      I looked down at her, her                        river. The moon watched us   this had all come to be.
    gray eyes staring back up at                       from overhead, a lone          “Hey Aaron, come on
    me. I had looked into those                        witness for what was about   over!’’
    eyes for hours and hours. To                       to happen.
                                                                                       I turned my head, narrowly
    a stranger, they were the eyes    Abby moved the quarter to                     avoiding a waiter carrying a
    of any ordinary girl.          her right hand, and rested it                    platter of appetizers. Across
      But not for me. I knew that on the crevice between her                        the dance floor stood my
    just beneath the surface,      thumb and pointer finger. She                    friend, Ross, looking proud in
    those eyes were burning with glanced up at me, trying to                        his new cadet’s uniform. The
    a passion and a desire, a love find some kind of answer in                      buttons shined as the roving
    so powerful nothing in the     my expression.                                   strobe lights whirled around
    world could come close to it.       “You know why we have                       the room, chatter buzzing
       “Aaron, did you hear me?’’ to do this,’’ she began. Her                      amid the swirling bodies.
                                     voice was strong despite the                      I weaved in and out of
       I snapped out of my trance, fact that both of our bodies
    my mind focusing on the                                                         the crowd, my strong body
                                     were incredibly tense. “If you                 brushing aside countless
    situation in front of me.        come back or not is entirely                   others after weeks of
       “Yes,’’ I replied, my voice a up to chance. It’s only fair to                grueling training. My own
    whisper. I looked down past      both of us if we make this                     cadets’ uniform caught the
    her eyes, past her face. My      decision by chance, too.’’                     eyes of many, and whenever
    gaze rested on the palm of          I merely gestured at the                    eye contact was made, there
    her left hand, where a shiny     coin, trying my best to                        was always some sense of
    silver quarter gleamed in        control the emotions that had                  gratitude. Whether it was a
    the moonlight. All around us begun to boil inside me.                           tip of the head or the
    were the sounds of insects                                                      slightest smile, these people
    and birds and the rush of           With a deep breath that
                                                                                    understood the sacrifice I
    moving water. We were alone had the slightest hint of a                         was willing to make.
    on this warm summer night, tremble, Abby flicked the coin
                                     into the air. As the shining
8 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
The Night That Changed It All
                                                                           by Andy Behling

   As I scanned across the         “I’m Aaron,’’ I said quickly,          The coin hit the bridge with
crowd attempting to find         holding out my hand.                   a single sharp ring, clear as
Ross, I made eye contact           She reached out her own,             a bell. Abby and I never took
with a pair of grey eyes. I      and I cupped it lightly in             our eyes off of each other.
didn’t remember stopping.        mine.                                    And finally, simultaneously,
All I remembered was the                                                we both let out a single gasp
single desire in my mind           “Abby.’’
                                                                        and fell into each others’
to look into those eyes. I         The coin whirled through             arms.
changed direction, moving        the air, flipping end over
towards the mysterious           end above us. Time seemed                 That’s the thing about
figure, our gazes never          to have slowed to a crawl              flipping a coin.
breaking.                        as Abby and I stood there                  For that brief second when
   We met at the center of the   watching our final fate.               it’s in the air, you realize what
dance floor. She was wearing       The coin reached its peak,           it is you truly want.
a stunning white dress that      and slowly began to plummet
barely touched the floor. Her    back to the stone surface of
long brunette hair was           the bridge. As it crossed my
elaborately braided down         face, I met Abby’s eyes. Our
her right shoulder, and on       gazes held, unable to break
her face was the most            eye contact.
dazzling smile I had ever
seen. It lighted up the room
more than any disco ball or
                                     “You know why we have to do this,’’
colored lamp, and there was             she began. Her voice was strong
such a sense of purity in it.            despite the fact that both of our
  “Hi,’’ she said shyly, her         bodies were incredibly tense. “If you
smile never wavering.                  come back or not is entirely up to
  “Hey,’’ I replied, my own        chance. It’s only fair to both of us if we
smile forming. She was so             make this decision by chance, too.’’
beautiful. I couldn’t take my
eyes off of her.

                                                       Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 9
Trading places on the field pages 4-7 - Issued November 7, 2013
This year, Kettle Moraine   English                               exciting in Mrs. Fleming’s
    High School welcomes thir-        Mrs. Fleming earned                life? She’s pregnant with her
    teen new teachers, two new     her bachelor’s degree at              first child!
    counselors, one new secre-     Gustavus Adolphus College                Ms. Sweet majored in
    tary and one new supervisor!   in St. Peter, Minn., where            English Education with a
                                   she majored in Business and           broadfield Language Arts
                                   Management, and double-               (drama, theatre and journal-
                                   minored in English and                ism) from UW-Stevens Point.
                                   Communications. After an              This year, she is teaching
                                   11-year career as a                   English 9, Honors English 9
                                   pharmaceutical sales rep,             and Creative Writing I. She
                                   she went back to school to            enjoys connecting with
                                   get her master’s in Education         her students and helping
                                   from Alverno College. She is          literature come alive for
       Mr. Langenecker studied     still finishing the program,
    at Cardinal Stritch College                                          them. Currently she is
                                   but she is licensed. This year,       teaching Shakespeare, which
    (now University), where        she is teaching Honors
    he majored in Fine Arts.                                             is scary for many. She com-
                                   English 9, three sections of          bats that by incorporating fun
    He specialized in paint-       Honors English 10 and
    ing, sculpture, drawing and                                          activities to relate the text to
                                   Creative Writing I. She               everyday life. Did you know
    photography. Before coming enjoys the interaction and
    to Kettle Moraine, he taught                                         that Ms. Sweet studied in
                                   relationships with students           London for five months? She
    in the Elmbrook and New        and seeing them get excited
    Berlin school districts. This                                        met one of the greatest Brit-
                                   about what they are reading           ish actors of all time, Sir Ian
    year, he is teaching Photo     or writing. She is co-advising
    Tech, Sculpture and Drawing Academic Decathlon with Ms.              McKellen, while living there.
    from Life. Before teaching, he Kornowski. Mrs. Fleming’s             Counseling
    was a fulltime artist work-    hobbies are reading, walk-              Mr. Galván attended
    ing for theaters such as First ing her dog, spending time            National Louis University. He
    Stage. He will be involved in  with her husband and family,          majored in Education and
    KM’s upcoming musicals and swimming, and writing music               Art with a focus in Spanish
    plays.                         and singing. Something                and English, completing this

10 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
New Faculty
                                                                    By: Jacob Cavaiani

work in three years. Later,       here because there are fewer          students through their chal-
he attended UW-Madison,           counselors with the same              lenges in high school. Did
where he earned his master’s      amount of students to work            you know that Ms. McKonly
degree in Multicultural           with. He says that the fast           ran a marathon? Besides
Studies in just one year.         pace is helping him to grow           spending time with her dog,
Following that, he accepted       professionally again. Outside         running is one of her hobbies
a Counseling position at          of school, he enjoys being            outside of school.
Highland Park High School in      outdoors by playing disc golf.
Illinois, the high school from    At any given time, he car-    Math
which he graduated. How-          ries 40 discs in his car! Mr.     Ms. Wardecke went to
ever, he had to obtain another    Galván is the counselor for   Kimberly High School near
master’s degree – this one        students with last names A    Appleton, where she was
in counseling. He worked in       through Ha.                   the valedictorian of her
the counseling department                                       graduating class. For college,
                                     Ms. McKonly received       she majored in Math and
fulltime, studied fulltime and    her undergraduate degree
coached fulltime. After six                                     Secondary Education with an
                                  from UW-Lacrosse in Sociol- emphasis in Math from
years, Mr. Galván returned        ogy. She minored in inter-
to Madison, where he pur-                                       UW-Milwaukee. She also
                                  personal Communication.       minored in Computer
sued a Ph.D. in Curriculum        She acquired her master’s
and Instruction and Literacy.                                   Science. Last year, she taught
                                  in Educational Psychology     at Veritas High School in
During that time, Mr. Galván      with an emphasis in school
taught teacher education                                        Milwaukee. This year, she is
                                  counseling at UW-Milwaukee. teaching Algebra 2, Geom-
courses to future teachers.       She has counseled at school etry and all of the Computer
He was also an advisor to         in Kenosha and Virginia. She Science classes. She enjoys
the university in its diversity   was a counselor at Mukwo-
programs, completing it in                                      being in the classroom with
                                  nago for the past five years. students everyday. Her favor-
2006. Following that, he was      During the day she is busy
a counselor at Verona High                                      ite moments of teaching are
                                  meeting with students,        when someone finally gets it
School and Madison West           teachers and administrators. or gets really excited about
High School. Now he is at         Mrs. McKonly gets excited
Kettle Moraine! Mr. Galván                                      it. She is a social person and
                                  about the talents students    loves being around other
feels that he is challenged       have. She enjoys helping
                                                      Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 11
people. Teaching is a way for                      Did you know that Mrs. Wolf         school, he enjoys fishing and
    her to pursue her passions                         is working towards her black        playing golf.
    and teach people something                         belt in Taekwondo? Outside
    that she loves. She is the as-                     of school, she enjoys read-         Science
    sistant coach for the WNKM                         ing, running and Taekwondo.
    boys and girls swim teams.
    During the summer, she                             Physical Education / Health
    spends time at her cottage in                         Mr. Yarbrough majored in
    northern Wisconsin, tubing,                        Exercise and Sports Sci-
    wakeboarding and skiing.                           ence at UW-Lacrosse. He
    She also loves “normal” hob-                                           completed
    bies: reading and hanging out                                          his Health
    with her family and friends.                                           certification      Ms. Basthemer majored
    She is also involved with her                                          at Carroll      in Broadfield Science and
    church.                                                                College.        Secondary Education from
                                                                           Teaching        UW- Superior. She has taught
       Mrs. Wolf earned her                                                since 2004,     at Ripon High School for one
    degree in Teaching and Me-                         he has worked in the Brook-         year, Tomah High School for
    chanical Engineering from                          field, Menomonee Falls and          one year and Saint Francis
    UW-Milwaukee. Prior to                             Waukesha school districts.          High School for two years.
    Kettle Moraine, she taught at                      This year, he is teaching           This year, she is teaching
    Mukwonago High School for                          Sophomore Physical Edu-             five sections of Physics. She
    five years and Nathan Hale                         cation and Health. He likes         enjoys the “aha” moments,
    High School for five years.                        seeing students grow and de-        when the students finally
    This year, she is teaching                         velop over the course of high       understand something and
    Project Lead The Way Digital                       school years. Mr. Yarbrough         see it click. Ms. Basthemer
    Electronics, Pre-Calculus and                      was a college national cham-        loves seeing everyone every-
    Honors Algebra 2. She loves                        pion and six-time All-Amer-         day. She says that she would
    math and having fun with her                       ican in the 400-meter dash.         get bored sitting behind a
    students. She is the STEM                          He is currently coaching            desk all day. In college, she
    (Science, Technology, Engi-                        football and will be coaching       played on the golf team and
    neering and Mathematics)                           track in the spring. Outside of     was a member of the dance
    coordinator for the district.
12 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
New Faculty
                                                                   By: Jacob Cavaiani

team. Follow her on Twitter!    coach. Mr. J. Bestor attended          certification. A few years
@kmphysics.                     Marian University, where he            later, he earned his master’s
   Ms. Jewell majored in        double majored in Education            degree in Educational Lead-
Secondary Education at          and Broadfield Social Stud-            ership from Cardinal Stritch
UW-Madison. She went to         ies. This year, he is teaching         University. Prior to Kettle
Pewaukee High School. She       Modern World History, U.S.             Moraine, he taught at an
student taught at Middleton     History and Current Events.            alternative facility, Lad Lake,
High School. This year, she     He is also an assistant boys           for 11 years and at Hamilton
is teaching Biology-Ecology     basketball coach under the             High School for two years.
and Molecular Biology. She      direction of his older brother,        This year, he is teaching at
likes building relationships    head coach Mr. Brad Bestor.            the Alternative School in the
with her students and shar-     Mr. J Bestor knew that he              morning, and he is a support
ing her passion of Science      wanted to be a teacher since           teacher in two biology class-
through teaching. Ms. Jewell    eighth grade. Did you know             es in the afternoon at KMHS.
loves doing puzzles. Some-      that he taught for one year at         Mr. Jones’ passion is helping
times her dining room table     the Fond du Lac County Cor-            students become success-
becomes a puzzle table! She     rectional Facility? Outside of         ful. Mr. Jones’ hobbies are
describes herself as a sucker   school, he enjoys traveling,           hunting, fishing, ice fishing
for Netflix. Right now she is   listening to music and being           and other outdoor activities.
going through the Science       active.                                Did you know that Mr. Jones
documentaries. In her spare                                            plays a variety of musical in-
                               SWD                                     struments? The list includes
time, she enjoys spending         Mr. Jones attended Palmy-
time with her family and                                               guitar, trumpet, baritone,
                               ra-Eagle High School. That is           bass guitar, harmonica and
puppies.                       the same school Mr. Walters             accordion.
Social Studies                 attended, and Mr. Jones was
                                                                          Mrs. Wilde also attended
  Mr. Justin Bestor comes to one grade under him. After                Palmyra-Eagle High School.
Kettle Moraine from Mishicot high school, Mr. Jones stud-              She received her undergradu-
High School, where he was      ied at UW-Whitewater, where
                               he majored in Geography. He             ate degree from UW-White-
a Social Studies teacher, the                                          water. Her master’s degree
varsity basketball coach and then returned to Whitewater               from Marian University is in
the assistant varsity baseball to get his Special Education            Educational Leadership. Prior
                                                     Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 13
New Faculty
                                                                                   By: Jacob Cavaiani

    to Kettle Moraine, she taught                     stitute taught in Sheboygan     one of the secretaries at the
    at Bradley Tech High School                       for a semester and taught       front window. She enjoys
    for 17 years and Nathan Hale                      at Watertown High School        being around high school
    High School for one year.                         for 18 years. She likes the     students. Outside of school,
    This year, she is supporting                      change so far. She teaches      Ms. Jones enjoys watch-
    students in Composition I,                        seventh grade Spanish at the    ing sports in general, and
    American Literature and                           middle school in the morn-      she also likes to watch the
    Government. Mrs. Wilde                            ing and Spanish 3 at the        Packers play, and her sons
    enjoys the relationships with                     high school in the afternoon.   wrestle.
    students and parents. Did                         Señora Allen’s sons go to          Mr. Pfeiffer attended
    you know that Mrs. Wilde                          the middle school, and she      Arrowhead High School. He
    went skydiving once? Out-                         enjoys being with them          went to Gustavus Adolphus
    side of school, she is kept                       there. Teaching is a fun and    College, majoring in Physical
    busy by her sons’ activities.                     rewarding job that she says     Education and Health. Prior
    She also enjoys scrapbook-                        keeps her young. Did you        to Kettle Moraine, he taught
    ing.                                              know that Señora Allen was      in Evansville, Wis., for one
                                                      an exchange student in high     year, Sussex Hamilton
    World Language                                    school, living in Spain for
       Señora Allen attended                                                          High School for four years,
                                                      the summer in between her       Waukesha Public Schools
    Carroll College (now Univer-                      junior and senior years? She
    sity), where she majored in                                                       for 14 years and Sheboygan
                                                      had such an amazing experi-     South High School for 15
    Spanish and International                         ence that she went back to
    Relations. After that, she                                                        years. Then he retired. This
                                                      study at the University of      year, he is the head football
    went back to school to get                        Madrid. Outside of school,
    her Secondary Education                                                           coach, a supervisor and the
                                                      she enjoys running her kids     strength training coordina-
    Certification. She also has                       around, cooking and baking.
    her master’s in Educational                                                       tor. He enjoys being around
    Leadership and Curriculum                         Support Staff                   kids and molding them to
    and Instruction from Cardi-                          Ms. Jones comes to Ket-      become good community
    nal Stritch University. Prior                     tle Moraine from Nebraska,      adults. Mr. Pfeiffer loves to
    to coming to Kettle Moraine,                      where she was a secretary       golf. He has a boxer named
    Señora Allen long-term sub-                       at a middle school. She is      Boomer and two children
                                                                                      who are in medical school.
14 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Students, Faculty, Coaches, Families and Fans...
It’s your turn.

                              Are you a student with an
                               interest in photography?
                             Are you a camera-wielding
                               parent who wants to see
                                   your son or daughter
                                appear in the next issue
                                      of The KM Voice?

                                        Submit photos to
                                   along with their date,
                                 location and the names
                                    of all students in the
                               picture, and look to see if
                            your photo finds its way into
                             the next month’s KM Voice!

                                                  POWERED BY
                                     Product of

rama Geeks
Photo credit to Terry Kaldhusdal
       Article by Christine Nyce
Last month, four junior     21, the curtain went up on            Anton Chekhov’s The
and senior students took      the One Act Play Festival, a          Proposal and The Bear, and
on the challenge of direct-   result of the hard work of            Titus Muzi directed The
ing their own one-act play.   dozens of students working            Other Room by Ariadne
Over the course of just       both on stage and behind              Blayde.
two months, they chose a      the scenes.                             Next up for Drama Club is
script, held auditions and      Megan Harris and Haley              the fall play, a 1960s in-
ran countless rehearsals in   Bohman directed Drama                 spired take on Oscar Wilde’s
order to be ready for open-   Geeks by Bradley Hayward,             An Ideal Husband, which
ing night. On Sept. 20 and    Christine Nyce directed               runs Nov. 15-17.

                                                 Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 19
Student Senate

     I stand by as a peer is kicked. I stand by as a peer is choked. I stand by as a peer is told his very
   existence on this planet is worth no more than a feeling of loss and pain. I stand by as he laughs,
   laughs at his own disgrace. I stand by as he takes every hook – another to the face. I stand by and
   watch as his stomach knots and his head bows in shame.
     His mother and father weep, press their faces into arms. Knowing their arms will never be enough
   to mend and hold that little boy they once knew so well. I stand by as my peer becomes “nothing”; a
      Tears formed in the eyes of not only myself, but of those around me on Monday night, Oct. 7,
   in the Oconomowoc Arts Center as we watched several young kids walk through a life of sorrow.
   Though a triumphant story, Lee Hirsch did an exemplary job of expressing a disheartening point of
   view on bullying that many will never otherwise witness than in his documentary, “BULLY”.
     Every scene is like looking through the open eyes of a disrupted and broken soul. There is an
   emptiness about each student in the film that calls you to act with every passing minute. A big point
   that was made is that you are not alone. You have the ability to rise above what holds you back and
   change your perspective completely.
      A father in the film, whose son had committed suicide a short time before the film was compiled,
   was shown speaking with youth everywhere, introducing truth that “...whether you are the bully
   or the victim, you are loved.” And who really is the victim or bully in a situation where everyone is
   fighting for the upper hand?
     We all know that doing the right thing is hardly the easiest. Fitting in doesn’t have to feel like
   changing yourself; it should be a right of acceptance. Hirsch has taught thousands of people that
   everybody has a place in this world, and everyone is worth something.
    On behalf of everyone in Student Senate, be kind, and never forget that you are worth more than
   words will ever describe.
   Emily Merian
   Class of 2014
                                                                             “...whether you are
                                                                         the bully or the victim,
                                                                                  you are loved.”

20 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
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Office Furniture − Southpor t Rigging  − Collectors
                               Cultivating academic Edge     Consulting
                                                      excellence,         LLC − Something Different − Mobile
One Cottman Transmissions − C&M T ireand     personalofdevelopment
                                          − Honda        Kenosha − Car Spa Kenosha − SDR Total Auto &

Transmission − Boucher Ford − Hair By Mar ty − Beach Rays LLC − Cornerstone Academy Child Care

− SPS Dental − The Lint Kettle
                         Trap         − Athletic Republic − Maplecrest 8/29/2012
                               Moraine ID Card_FRONT.indd 1
                                                                        Country        Club − East Side Tennis Club
                                                                                 11:27:50 AM

                                    *To learn more click to see the demo
− West Side Tennis Club − Brat Stop − Breakwater Bar & Grill − Char’s cafe − Cold Stone Creamery

− El Sarape − La Hacienda − Fuell Cafe − Hot Rod Dogs − Miraz Restaurant & Pancake House − Sal’s

Pizzeria − Southpor t Pantry − DeRango’s Restaurant & Lounge − Slice of New York − Mac’s Deli − Bull
                   Interested Businesses/Sponsors:
& Bear − Trolley Dogs − Frank’s Diner − Twisted Cuisine − Lou Perrine’s − Truesdell Mini Mar t − UPS
            Contact Matt Serpe at or 262-656-6358

                             Ask your school for an Xchange card today!

                                            Product of

The Laser
                                                                                Robotics Team
                                                                                                  By: Mahi Gokuli
       With a total of around 11.3 million                               Team uses all sorts of skill sets. The club
    unemployed people in the U.S. as of right                            is self-managed, meaning it must make
    now, most people wouldn’t label today’s                              money through silent auctions, fundraising,
    exasperated labor force as “fulfilled” or                            sponsorships and self-advertisement. Team
    even “stable.” But that turns out to be the                          members are also responsible for design-
    only way to describe the demand for one                              ing, programming and building during the
    class of workers who underwent a 40                                  six weeks given, as well as executing many
    percent employment increase in the last                              other projects during the rest of the year.
    year. Who exactly are these people who                               The club meets once a week on Tuesdays
    are benefitting during the global economic                           until early January, when it will be given
    crisis? They aren’t people at all – they’re                          the objective for the 2014 FIRST Robotics
    robots.                                                              Competition.
      On the other hand, every robot in use                                 Being a part of the Laser Robotics team
    creates on average three to five job oppor-                          is a very useful and informative experi-
    tunities. Since 2011, more than 6 million                            ence for people with all sorts of interests.
    jobs have been created because of these                              As high school students and the upcom-
    untiring workers. So saying, the Kettle                              ing labor force of tomorrow, we should
    Moraine Laser Robotics team is a fantastic                           acknowledge that involvement in the FRC
    way to introduce yourself to this recent and                         is as close to real-life engineering experi-
    rapidly growing field of robotics.                                   ence as anyone can get. Apart from being a
        The Laser Robotics team, FRC team                                boatload of fun, it is an invaluable opportu-
    2077, is currently in its seventh year                               nity for anyone interested. Come on down
    competing at the FIRST Robotics Compe-                               and give the Laser Robotics Club a try!
    tition, also known as FRC. This national
    competition is a mix of excitement and                               Works Cited
    competition coupled with hard work – as                                  “Employment Situation Summary.” U.S. Bureau of
    well as rules, limited resources, teamwork                           Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 6 Sept.
    and time limits.                                                     2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. . Lydon, Billy. “IFR Press Release.”
      Though it may seem like a club strictly                   International Federation of Robotics, n.d. Web.
                                                                         21 Oct. 2013. .

22 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Students, Faculty, Coaches, Families and Fans...
It’s your turn.

                                                        Girls Swimming

                                                                                                                                                                                    Content in The Voice
                                                                                                                           In Focus

                                                                                                                                                                              comes from members of the
                                          Back to back Appearan
                                      the Sta te Ch am pio nship Game

                                                                                                                                                                            community, JUST LIKE YOU.
                                                                                                                                                        Student Life

                                                in                                                                                                                                 for more information.
                         Model UN takes part
   Girls Swimming
                       codnferen  ces at UW-Parkside
   Swim sq ua              made wave
        On November 8th and 9th,                                                                        JV and Varsity,” said senio
                                                                                                                                     r Bri-
                                     Kettleine/MoraineInHigh  addiScho
                                                                     tion tool swimming well,                                        recently
                             from                                                                       ana Horozewski, who has

                                                                                                                                                                                          Submitting your
      The coopstud     ve Kettl    e Mora
                                                            nizat   ion
                                                                     went of to impressive                                                ersity
                                  in team
                            ted’ swim       Mod   el  Orga
                                                       the  team                                                         ouri State Univ
   Waukesha parti     h girls                                                                     ity, signed at Miss
                                                         erenthscetoathelp out the commun                                           the col-
   concluded Ame          essfu
                 a succ        State      on, ) conf
                                       s (OAS
                                  l seas               leng
                                                                              tions  for the Kettl e    to swim competitively at
                                                              cting    dona
                                                                   . Head-                                                             shed a
   sending four     athle  tes
                       ersit y of
                                            onsin - Park
                                    the state
                                to Wisc                                                           ts     legiate level. “We accompli
                Univ                                           ine Food      Panta ry at All Sain

                                                                                                                                                                                  achievements and news
                ship  mee   t.   ed   State   s, Ecua   Mora
                                                        dor,   and    St. Luci               also        lot.”
   cham    pion ing the Unit                                       ,The girls
                                           Monica McGill,shirt    BenChurShav
                                                                                                            Horozewski and Christi Bere
       Briana Horo     zewsns
                 delegatio          Meagan
                              ki, were                  sold Othe      s to raise money for the
                                          s,  and
                                              resp ectiv   ely.         r                   an orga- were the squad’s captains this year.
    Horozewski,      Dani
                 and Jenn   elle
                              a    Kudi
                                 Gree   ne,             LeRoy Butle : dation,
                                                                          r  Foun
                                                                                                                                      inco  ming
                                 com espete   d in        Morion
                                                 Kettlenizat    ainehelpwere
                                                                           ing women with breast The team had quite            a few
                       esenertativ       from

                                                                                                                                                                                      for consideration in
    North’s KatiereprBreg                                                                                                             is likely to
    the 200 med     ley nrelay
                            Drew. Horo    Spenkicer Jast
                                    es, zews             cancrow,
                                                               er. As Augi   e lt of this charity
                                                                         a resu                           freshmen, so its success
                 Jillia                                                                                                              e
    also advanced                100    brea  st-
                        in the, Greta Kaufman,fund         Char   lie r, theer,
                                                               raise    Park   girls had the oppor- continue in years to com
                  Kauf the 200 individual
    stroke as well     as                   en Piefer,tunitCarr   to Schu
                                                                y ie           and talk with Butler,
                                                                       meet ltz,
                  Alec Piefer,now    Laurholds                              Packer Hall of Famer,

                                                                                                                                                                                         The Voice Digital
     medley, in which she      Varr   ick.   Five  of  the  reprnesen
                                                         a Gree        Bayta-
                  and    Ben         s com    pete  d
     the school record. KudiKettl                         himself. Charter                                         won two honorable
                               in tyle,
                          are frees       e Mor      r- ’s Global
                                              loweaine                                   Ben Shavery-(11th grade)
     in the 200 tives
                   and 500
                                                             “We had a lot of funment
                                                                                               everat the UW - Parkside conference
                     scho ol.
                            ol  reco   rd  in  the
     ing her own                                                this year and       did a good job                              really great
                                               in the one                                       eenfor all involved. “It was a
                                                                                                                                                                                        Magazine is easy.
      latter, while Breg    er advanced    Shaver rece      ived an hono        r-        betwess
                       Notably, Benoke.                   of breaking and   the barriersucc                                            ed a
      100 fly and 100 breaststr
                    able mention for best spee
                                                           ch content             an
                                                                                 experienc           e and our new members learn
                                                                                                             an avid Model UN
                    hono  rable men       for best
                                 l: THE
                                                Magazine I Issued  in the
                                                             gateNovem           lot,” said Greta Kaufman,
                                                                       ber 21, 2012
    24 Kettle Moraine High Schoo
                                         e. All  three  head     dele gates participant.
                    General Committe
                                                        two resolu-                                               cipating in
                    worked together to coauthor                                      Kettle Moraine will be parti
                                                    passed in the                                  ces throughout the year.
                     tions, both of which were                                    mor  e conf eren
                                                         erence was a
                     General Committee. The conf

                                                                                                                                        13 ) Alec
                                                                                                                            (left toine
                                                                                                            l: THEBack   Digital Magaz
                                                                                 I Kettle Moraine High Schoo
                                                      Issued November 21, 2012                                    Piefer, Augie Kaufman,
                                                                                                                  Lauren Piefer, Carrie Schu
                                                                                                                  Spencer Jastrow, Monica
                                                                                                                  McGill. Front row Charlie
                                                                                                                  Parker, Ben Shaver, Jenn
                                                                                                                   Greene, Greta Kaufman.
                                                                                                                                     Drew   es and
                                                                                                                   Ben Varrick.

                                                                                                                                                                       ine 11                      POWERED BY
                                                                                                               I Kettle Moraine High Schoo
                                                                                                                                          l: THE VOICE Digital Magaz                  Product of
                                                                                    Issued November 21, 2012

As the Kettle Moraine                           zation under lane five of the     program, with its unflappable
    Voice is a paper dedicated to                      bowling alley.                    reporter and folksy com-
    covering events relevant to                           Okay, so Welcome to            mentary, and flipped it into
    our community and student                          Night Vale isn’t about a town     an entirely different realm
    life, we decided the only                          quite like Wales, Wis. Maybe      by setting it in a town where
    logical choice for our first                       something more along              conspiracy theories are both
    review of the year is a radio                      the lines of a town where         true and a part of normal life.
    program with a similar focus.                      Stephen King and M. Night         Take this news bulletin from
    Welcome to Night Vale,                             Shymalan serve as mayor           Episode One, for example:
    a highly popular podcast,                          and sheriff, respectively. This      “The city council announc-
    chronicles local events in the                     makes for deliciously dark        es the opening of a new dog
    titular town. The program                          humor and episodes that vary      park at the corner of Earl and
    covers bland local events                          in tone from apocalyptic to       Summerset near the Ralph’s.
    such as strange lights in the                      joyous, but are never predict-    They would like to remind
    sky over the Arby’s, vague                         able. Night Vale has taken the    everyone that dogs are not
    yet menacing government                            standard community radio          allowed in the dog park.
    agencies and the vast civili-                                                        People are not allowed in the
                                                                                         dog park. It is possible you
                                                                                         will see hooded figures in the
                                                                                         dog park. Do not approach
                                                                                         them. Do not approach the
                                                                                         dog park. The fence is electri-
                                                                                         fied and highly dangerous.
                                                                                         Try not to look at the dog
                                                                                         park, and especially do not
                                                                                         look for any period of time at
                                                                                         the hooded figures.”
                                                                                            It goes on in that same
                                                                                         style for the next 20 minutes,
                                                                                         and every single episode
                                                                                         following has kept the qual-

24 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Welcome to Night Vale
                                                                          by Christine Nyce

                                             drifted away. But            only window into the small
                                             not with Night               desert community.
                                             Vale. Let me tell               Unlike a book, we do not
                                             you, I am abso-              receive a smooth chronol-
                                             lutely hooked, and           ogy of events, but instead
                                             so is the podcast’s          are granted only sporadic
                                             devoted fan base.            updates on the major play-
                                             They have latched            ers. Night Vale posits, quite
                                             on, creating vol-            in contrast to our Instagram
                                             umes of stories              and Snapchat happy mentali-
                                             and artwork based            ty, that you don’t have to see,
                                             on characters they           let alone fully understand,
                                             will never even              what is going on in order to
                                             see.                         enjoy something. You need
                                                  That’s why I            only to check in, twice a
                                               think Night Vale is        month, and hear about the
                                               not only a really          horrors of street cleaning
                                               good podcast, but          day.
                                               something totally             Night Vale is so success-
                                               unlike media we            ful because it combines the
                                               are used to. It            familiar with the bizarre, the
ity high. Writers Joseph          commits wholeheartedly to
Fink and Jeffrey Cranor have                                              comfortable with the morbid,
                                  the idea that a complex, fas-           the fascinating with the un-
been holding strong for over      cinating world can exist, and
a year, constantly reinvent-                                              known and a small town with
                                  yet be mostly unknown to its            the constant threat of alien
ing and growing their lovely      audience. Unlike a television
little town. Previously, I have                                           invasion.
                                  program or movie, we will
struggled with really enjoy-      never see Carlos the scien-                Welcome to Night Vale can
ing and actually sticking with    tist, the giant glow cloud or           be found for free on iTunes
podcasts. I have listened to      the Apache Tracker, let alone           and new episodes are
an episode or two, and even-      Cecil, the reporter who nar-            released on the first and 15th
tually lost interest or simply    rates the program and is our            of every month.

                                                        Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 25


                              Cultivating academic excellence, citizenship,
                                       and personal development

                   Kettle Moraine ID Card_FRONT.indd 1                  8/29/2012 11:27:50 AM
How does SponsorZone Xchange work?
 Make purchases at any of the SponsorZone Xchange business locations.
 Show your Lasers SponsorZone Xchange card.
 A portion of your purchases will be given back to KMHS general needs fund.
 A larger portion will be given back to your favorite Lasers sport or club when you register your Lasers
  Xchange card and choose what “need” you would like to support at KMHS.

  If you generate $100 in sponsorship through the Xchange, $25.00 will be given back to KMHS general
  needs and $75 will directly support the club/program of your choice – like baseball, band, key club,
  soccer, drama etc.


Getting Star ted:
Contact for details
           Presenting your KMHS Xchange card at time of purchase provides
       sponsorship dollars directly back to KMHS and its programs. The indicated
          amounts reflect the por tion of the purchase that will be given back.

Business Name Address Giveback*

G-Brock’s Auto Repair                                          375 Ottawa Avenue, Dousman, WI (262) 431-4339        5%
Chandra Yoga and Wellness                                      543 AJ Allen Circle Suite A1, Wales (262) 719-6090   3%
Studio Amor                                                    104 W. Main St. # 104, Wales (262) 901-5100          2%
Black Canyon Coffee                                            300 E Summit Ave., Wales (262) 968-9388              3%
Mama D’s Coffee                                                104 W Main St., Wales (262) 337-3545                 2%
Marty’s Pizza                                                  2580 Sun Valley Dr., Delafield (262) 646-3327        3%
Schlotzsky’s Deli                                              1195 Summit Ave., Oconomowoc (262) 569-2867          5%
Creative Earthscapes Inc                                       PO Box 225, North Lake (262) 966-0272                5%
The Walk-In Closet                                             104 W. Main Street, #106, Wales (262) 901-5100       2%

                           *Businesses, Sponsorship giveback rates and amounts are subject to change.

                                                      Family of
not earlier, every single day.   assignments are uploaded
                                                       Most people in Global have       online and have a due date
                                                       at least one class in the high   of midnight. KM Global
                                                       school that they have to go to   obviously has some kind of
                                                       everyday.                        global aspect associated with
                                                          Other classes that            it (thus the name).
                                                       students take through Global        This global perspective is
                                                       are taught in a different        worked into something we
                                                       format. Instead of having        have called seminar. Seminar
       As almost everyone knows                        French fifth period every day,   lasts two periods and is held
    by now, Kettle Moraine High                        a student may have it fifth      once a week. It is when all
    School is host to two very                         period on Mondays and            Global students are together
    unique charter schools: KM                         Fridays. We still have assign-   and learn about something
    Perform and KM Global.                             ments due on the other days,     going on in the country or the
    Both of these schools offer                        we just don’t meet in a          world. For example, we de-
    students a unique learning                         classroom setting all the        bated the healthcare system
    environment that is a change                       time. Instead, any other         in America, the government
    from the traditional high
    school. For students who are
    not in one of these schools,
    they may seem a little
    strange. As a student in one
    of those charter schools, KM
    Global, I think it is important
    to share a bit of information
    regarding the program.
       One of the biggest mis-
    conceptions about the Global
    is that we don’t ever have to
    come to school. Personally,
    I am at school at 7 a.m., if

28 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
KM Global
                                                                      By: Carrie Schultz

shutdown and the Syrian
conflict. We also get to talk
to people from all over the
world, including someone
from Egypt who was involved
in the protests.
  Probably the biggest
aspect of Global is the
research projects we do each
semester. They are not just
book reports or a shallow
overview of a topic. They
require hours upon hours of
research, planning, interview-
ing and field work.
   Last year, I did a project
that investigated the rela-
tionship between the brain,
music and emotions. I read
books and articles, used a lot   interviewing a lot of experts         mean it’s better or worse
of charts and diagrams, and      and travelers about their             than another school, though.
I conducted my own experi-       opinions and experiences on           Instead of offering a broad
ment that I wrote a 26-page      the topic. These projects are         range of different classes to
formal report on. This project   great ways to get a really            a large group of students,
taught me about cognitive        in-depth look at a topic,             Global offers learning with a
neuroscience and psychol-        sharpen research skills and           global perspective, a change
ogy, as well as scientific       meet professionals in the             in traditional learning, and a
research methods.                field.                                flexible, personalized
  This year, I’m examining          KM Global is definitely            curriculum.
why critical languages are so    different from an average
important to learn. I plan on    high school. That doesn’t
                                                     Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 29
                                                                                           By: Cara Schultz
       Have you ever wanted to be a Padawan                                 Leah Cason, a sophomore student who
    like in Star Wars? If you join Aikido, your                          attends after-school Aikido, says, “I really
    dream will come true.                                                like that Aikido does not focus on pushing
                                                                         down and hurting people. It is more uplift-
       Aikido is a Japanese martial art that                             ing and helps guide the person. Also, it’s
    focuses on harmonizing life’s energy. You                            like being a part of one big family.”
    can learn how to use a staff and a wooden
    sword, and to roll like a ninja! After school                           If you would like to join this amazing
    on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays                                   martial art and be a part of the Aikido fam-
    from 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. in Room 212, you                              ily, please contact Mr. Weber in Room 317
    will get the opportunity to exercise, re-
    lax from the stress of the day, meet new
    people and have fun.

30 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Follow The Voice on Facebook and Twitter!
  Keep up to date on each new edition of our Kett le Moraine High School : The Voice
       magazine and be the first to check out our upcoming publication releases.

Check back regularly to see if you or anyone you know is featured in one of our magazines.
I have been a student in                        work has changed vastly.        house students from three
    Kettle Moraine High School’s                       With the development of my      different schools (Perform,
    ceramics classes for the past                      work, I have also had the       Global and Traditional) dur-
    three years. I have engaged                        unique opportunity to see       ing all hours of the day. So,
    in classes from beginners                          the evolution of the ceramics   over the summer, the wall
    Ceramics I to the loosely                          space.                          between the ceramics room
    structured Ceramics III. Over    Recently, the district has                        and another classroom was
    the years, I have learned the made a push to make all of                           opened up to allow for more
    basics of ceramics, like what its spaces more collabora-                           light from the window and a
    makes up clay (crushed        tive and versatile. It is im-                        larger workspace. Two new
    granite) to what it means for portant that students are                            kilns and some much needed
    clay to be bone dry (the clay able work together and be                            storage space have also
    has no more moisture, but     original in open spaces. The                         dramatically enhanced the
    has yet to be fired).         new KM Ceramics space                                room.
       I have had the opportu-    reflects just that. With the                            It is definitely still a work in
    nity to interact with other   massive increase in students                         progress, but the beneficial
    students and try new tech-    enrolled in ceramics classes                         effects of this new environ-
    niques, and the chance to see (nearly 200), it was time for a                      ment can already be seen in
    my work develop a character change.                                                the teamwork and problem
    all its own. From pinch pots     The small, artificially lit                       solving found in every
    to massive wall pieces, my    room was just not suited to                          ceramics class.

32 Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine l Issued November 7, 2013
Breaking the Mold
                By: Greta Kaufman

  Issued November 7, 2013 l Kettle Moraine THE VOICE Digital Magazine 33
You can also read