Transient Simulations With a Large Penetration of Converter-Interfaced Generation

Page created by Todd Saunders
Transient Simulations With a Large Penetration of Converter-Interfaced Generation
By Rodrigo Henriquez-Auba, Jose Daniel Lara,
     Duncan S. Callaway, and Clayton Barrows

                                                                   With a Large
                                                                   of Converter-

     Scientific computing challenges and opportunities.

                    URRENT TRENDS IN ENERGY SYSTEMS                generation, which reduces system inertia. It results in

                    point to renewable energy sources (RESs)       higher rates of change of frequency, a lower-frequency
                    and battery energy storage systems             nadir following disturbances, and complex interactions
                    (BESSs) becoming prevalent in power sys-       between the dynamics of power electronics converters and
                    tem operations. As of writing this article,    other power systems components.
     the United States has more than 37 GW of utility-scale           Over many decades, the power system community has
     solar capacity and an additional 112 GW under develop-        developed standards to model and study synchronous
     ment. With the rapidly declining capital costs of many of     machines and controls. These standards include IEEE 1110
     these technologies, we can expect significant deploy-         and IEEE 421, which provide guidelines about the model-
     ments in the coming years.                                    ing practices required to adequately assess system stabili-
        The change in the primary energy supply mix isn’t the      ty and performance. But the introduction of RESs and
     only large-scale shift happening in power systems. Inte-      BESSs render the study of these relationships more chal-
     grating massive numbers of generators interfaced through      lenging because many of the assumptions upon which
     power electronics is also updating our basic understanding    existing standards are based may no longer be valid (see
     of system stability and control. One such example of an       Milano et al. 2018 and Markovic et al. 2021).
     advancement is the displacement of traditional rotating          Due to the complexity and scale of power system
                                                                   analysis, researchers rely on computational tools and
                                                                   simulations to explore and understand the new phe-
     Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2021.3070939
     Date of current version: 8 June 2021                          nomena that might emerge in the future systems

72   I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2021                                          2325-5897/21©2021IEEE
characterized by widespread RESs and BESSs. In 2021,                       Scientific Computing Practices
the U.S. National Academy of Sciences recognized the                       There is no single definition of scientific computing as
importance of understanding how the grid of the                            the field has evolved from purely computational issues
future will behave and how operators and policy mak-                       to the general use of computers and software to answer
ers can ensure its continued reliability. The capacity to                  scientific questions. However, all scientific computing
do this rests on improving the simulation capabilities                     definitions share the objective of enabling 1) the repro-
necessary to build and test the integration of new                         ducibility of the experiments and 2) the mechanisms
devices and components.                                                    used to verify the validity of the conclusions derived.
   Fortunately, the array of software tools available for                  Lara et al. 2020 provides a detailed discussion of these
researchers to conduct large-scale studies has also                        definitions for power system operational studies. Fig-
grown significantly. Progress in numerical solver algo-                    ure 1 summarizes the three steps required to perform a
rithms, model-order-reduction techniques, automatic                        simulation experiment, which follow best practices in
differentiation (AD), and symbolic and numerical com-                      scientific computing: data, computational modeling, and
putation, among other areas, are advances essential to                     results subprocesses.
the development of the new analysis techniques                                In practical terms, achieving reproducibility and valida-
demanded by the realities of a modernizing grid. The                       tion requires that two major components, the environ-
power systems field is ripe with current and future                        ment and the experimental workflow, are considered.
opportunities to exploit these techniques for novel mod-                     xxEnvironment: The environment comprises the hard-
eling and control methods. However, critical obstacles                         ware components and the configuration of all the
remain and among these, researchers must develop the                           software used to implement a computational experi-
capacity to surmount the dramatic increases in model-                          ment. The environment may include elements such
ing complexity.                                                                as cloud services, third-party software, file manage-
   This article focuses on the importance of scientific                        ment scripts, and external tests.
computing principles and showcases the modern                                xxWorkflow: The workflow is the full process of data
software developments that enable large-scale power                            intake, computation, and results. The development
system studies. We stress that computer-aided simu-                            and careful documentation of a workflow is a require-
lation research has to be replicable, the results must                         ment for validation and reproducibility.
be validated, and systems should be scalable such                             In this respect, open source tools provide the required
that they are of realistic proportions and make a sig-                     capabilities to facilitate scientific computing for power
nificant contribution to our understanding. We dis-                        systems research. Despite challenges, several open
cuss how the Julia programming language can be                             source efforts have grown to be successful in the com-
used to tackle these challenges and outline the ways                       munity and reduce the barriers to entry for those seek-
that The Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning                       ing to perform high-quality research and reliable
(SIIP) ( initia-                   analysis. MATPOWER ( is a MAT-
tive at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory                           LAB-based tool that is widely used to perform steady-
(NREL) is capturing these opportunities in power sys-                      state analyses such as power flow, continuation
tems analyses.                                                             power flow, and optimal power flow. OpenDSS (https://

                                                         Test Set                                    Simulation
                                                            1                                         Output 1
      Experimental           Select Trial               Test Set                                     Simulation                for the
         Data                   Data                       2                                          Output 2
                                                                            Decision                                            Trial
                                                             .                                            .
                                                             .               Model                        .
                                                             .                 +                          .
                                                        Test Set            Emulator                 Simulation
                                                           n                                          Output n

                   Data Process                                  Computing Process                   Results and Reporting Process

Figure 1. The computing steps required for conducting a single trial in a simulation experiment. These steps follow the best practices in scien-
tific computing to achieve reproducibility and validation: data, computational modeling, and results subprocesses. (Adapted from Lara et al.
2020; used with permission.)

                                                                                                   IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / J UNE 2 0 2 1   73                                                                               money for license acquisition. This
     Tool.aspx) is used for multiple distri-
                                                                       The environment                           common practice reduces the capac-
     bution systems analysis. In the field                             comprises the                             ity for innovation in the power sys-
     of transient simulations, the MAT-                                                                          tems field for researchers who must,
     LAB-based Power System Analysis                                   hardware                                  rather than use industrial tools,
     Toolbox (PSAT) (http://faraday1                                                                             reimplement these well-established provides elec-
                                                                       components and the                        models, develop their own data sets,
     tromechanical simulations with                                    configuration of all                      and handle the integration libraries.
     multiple models. More recently, the                                                                         This reality translates to the fact that
     Python-based tool ANDES (https://                                 the software used to                      scientific reproducibility is often has                                                                              either not achieved or limited to
     become available for power system
                                                                       implement a                               “code sharing.”
     simulation. It uses a hybrid symbol-                              computational                                 Simulation reproducibility requires
     ic-numeric framework for numeri-                                                                            the separation of models and algo-
     cal analysis.                                                     experiment.                               rithms when developing modeling
        However, there is a high setup                                                                           libraries. Figure 2 depicts the software
     cost associated with developing                                                                             stack of a dynamic modeling applica-
     dynamic simulation applications                                                                             tion as follows:
     that can run large-scale experiments. For this rea-                                       Modeling layer: This layer contains all of the code repre-
     son, researchers resort to using industrial tools once                                    sentations of the system behavior in differential and/or
     their systems of interest grow larger than hundreds of                                    algebraic equations; for instance, charging and dis-
     buses. However, these proprietary models and algo-                                        charging capacitors or proportional–integral–derivative
     rithms are not openly available; this means that both                                     (PID) controllers.
     using them and replicating the results obtained by                                        Integration algorithms: The libraries that implement
     other researchers who use them require large sums of                                      an integration scheme and are used to obtain the

                            Integration                                                                                  (BDF)
                                                                   (Euler, RK)
                             Algorithm                                                         Explicit
                              Libraries                                                       Multistep
                              Algebra                                            LAPACK

     Figure 2. A description of the common software layers in a scientific research software program. A modeling layer is shown with the code repre-
     sentation of the equations and algorithms used to solve the models, along with the numerical linear algebra libraries utilized to perform the cal-
     culations. RK: Runge–Kutta; AB2: Adams–Bashforth-2; BDF: backward differentiation formula.

74   I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2021
numerical solution of the mod-             From an analytical                        the singular perturbation theory pop-
    els’ differential equations. For                                                     ularized in the 1980s. The seminal
    instance, Euler, backwards differ-         perspective, RMS                          papers showed that a simplified
    entiation formulas, and Runge-                                                       model is still a valid representation of
    Kutta, among others.                       and EMT modeling                          certain system dynamics under the
  xxLinear algebra libraries: In this          approaches are                            premise of time scale separation.
    layer, low-level algorithms are                                                          Traditionally, time-domain simu-
    used to perform numerical lin-             similar: They both                        lations assume that the fundamental
    ear algebra calculations for sys-                                                    frequency of the system dominates
    tem solutions, a lower–upper (LU)          use differential-                         current and voltage waveforms. As a
    decomposition, or eigenvalue               algebraic equations                       result, the network can be simplified
    calculations.                                                                        to a voltage and current phasor rep-
   Novel research needs improve-               to represent system                       resentation, known as the root mean
ments at all levels of the software                                                      square (RMS) or quasi-static phasor
stack; however, progress requires that
                                               dynamics.                                 modeling approach. Additionally,
the computational experiments be                                                         synchronous generator stator fluxes
replicated under many conditions.                                                        relationships reduce to algebraic
Free and open source-validated models that provide a              equations, further simplifying RMS modeling ap­­
benchmark for the development of algorithms are a criti-          proaches. However, this representation cannot capture
cal step that is not currently available. Stable and reliable     some of the converters’ high-frequency dynamics. Fig-
implementations of integration algorithms usually require         ure 3 displays the dependency between frequency phe-
tremendous development efforts and limit the scope of             nomena and modeling requirements to capture the
the models to small systems.                                      system’s behavior.
   More tools are emerging to address each of these mod-              In power systems dominated by synchronous
eling needs, thanks to the advent of code-sharing reposi-         machines, the source of dynamics is physical phenomena
tories, broad access to software development tools, and           with a behavior described by physics laws. These include,
the popularity of open source programming languages               for instance, magnetic fluxes, electromechanics, mechani-
like R, Julia, and Python. However, without a deliberate          cal control reaction times, or thermodynamic processes.
effort to develop a platform that can be reused by many           Moreover, the control logic is commonly tuned to the
researchers, we risk limiting the
scope and scale of power system
research or duplicating efforts. In
                                                                        How to model?
this context, the Julia program-
                                                                    Phasor representation
ming language offers a host of                                         or full waveform?
unique features that significantly                                                      Electromechanical
                                                  Lightning Propagation
reduce the effort to implement sci-                                                        Phenomena
entific computing practices to sim-                         Switching Surges
ulate low-inertia power systems.                        Inverter-Based Controls
Before discussing Julia, we first                                                                      Thermodynamic
                                                                      Stator Transients and              Phenomena
highlight some key challenges of                                  Subsynchronous Resonance
low-inertia systems.
                                                                                   Rotor-Angle Dynamics

Computational Challenges                                                                   Governor and Load
of Low-Inertia Systems                                                                     Frequency Control
The dynamic analysis of power sys-                                                              Voltage Control
tems resorts to mainly two compu-                                                                 Boiler Dynamics
tational numerical methods: 1)
time-domain simulations and)                       Wave                 Electromagnetic
small-signal stability analysis. For               Phenomena
many decades, there has been a
focus on reducing time-domain               10–7         10–5          10–3         10–1           101           103          105
simulations’ computational com-                                                    Time (s)
plexity through model order re­­
ductions. Some of the modeling           Figure 3. The time scales used for power systems’ dynamic behavior. Current power systems
                                         have dynamic behaviors dominated by physical laws. New inverter dynamics introduces new
practices and analytical assump-         dynamics from logical components and poses new challenges in model complexity for time-domain
tions currently in use derive from       simulations. (Adapted from Hatziargyriou et al. 2020).

                                                                                          IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / J UNE 2 0 2 1   75
respective time scale of the relevant process, creating a                                  computational requirements. In RMS models, the maxi-
     “natural” separation among the time processes.                                             mum time step is ~1–10 ms. Simultaneously, EMT time
        On the other hand, inverter-based generation is domi-                                   step usually is about ~1–50 μs. As a result, RMS simula-
     nated by dynamics induced by logic and controls, such as                                   tions are typical when modeling large, interconnected
     a phase-locked loop (PLL), voltage and current controllers,                                areas like continental Europe or the Eastern Interconnec-
     and power controllers. In the control block diagram of the                                 tion in the United States. They are typically used to study
     virtual synchronous machine (VSM) inverter model pre-                                      the transient response of different disturbances and
     sented in Figure 4, the only states defined by physical phe-                               require significant simplifications. On the other hand,
     nomena are the six resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) filter                                EMT simulations have a smaller scope. They are common-
     states. As a result, the inverter dynamics can span a wide                                 ly used to analyze a single device’s dynamic behavior
     range of time scales and interact with existing controls or                                against infinite buses.
     physical components.                                                                           The difference in modeling complexity also means that
        These two dynamic behavior sources can interact                                         the RMS and EMT simulations’ solution methods differ in
     unexpectedly, and the guidance of time scale separation                                    important ways. The commercial tools for RMS modeling
     may not apply. Hence, when studying the massive integra-                                   typically implement Adams–Bashforth-2 and use explicit
     tion of converter-interfaced sources, it is impossible to                                  formulation through mass matrix representations. On
     know a priori if and at which time scales the interactions                                 the other hand, EMT software tools use the trapezoidal
     may occur and requiring dynamic simulations that cap-                                      rule and directly model the electromagnetic differential
     ture fast electromagnetic phenomena, such as electro-                                      equations (also known as the Dommel method) in the solu-
     magnetic transients (EMT), on a large scale introduces                                     tion process.
     computational challenges.                                                                      In large systems with detailed models, the calculation
        From an analytical perspective, RMS and EMT model-                                      of Jacobian matrices and eigenvalues can require signifi-
     ing approaches are similar: They both use differential-                                    cant computational effort. There are multiple opportuni-
     algebraic equations (DAEs) to represent system dynamics.                                   ties available from the recent advances in AD thanks to
     The dynamic models used in the power industry tend to                                      the machine learning community that obtain exact Jaco-
     be stiff because they represent phenomena at multiple                                      bians in this area. Exact Jacobians have myriad uses in
     rates. Depending on the model’s time constants, the                                        dynamic modeling, from algorithmic design to parame-
     required integrator time steps can impose substantial                                      ter evaluation.

         Three States: [θoc , ωoc , qoc ]                                                                                         rt          It
           p∗                                                                  iodq                                  ioabc                              Grid
           q∗             Outer                                                       vodq                           voabc
          w∗                                                                                                                   RLC Filter
                          Loop                                                                dq
                                                                                             icnv                              Six States:
                                           ωpll                                                                                 ri
                                                                                                                              [icnv , iori, vori ]
                                                        Four States:
                                                        [vpll , εpll, θpll]

                                                                PLL                                                                                cf

                    ~         ωoc                                                                                            rf
                          Virtual                            Inner                              v                m
                        Impedance                           Control                                  PWM
                                                             Loop                                                             abc

                                                           Six States:
                                                         [ξ dq, γ dq, φ dq ]           vdc
                                                           ic      ic    ic

     Figure 4. A block diagram of a commonly used 19-state grid-supporting inverter for simulation experiments. This architecture features the
     main components of inverter models: the outer control that uses a VSM model, the PLL, the inner controls, and the filter. PWM: pulsewidth

76   I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2021
Calculating the system eigenvalues for multiple operat-         A comprehensive package manager that enables
ing conditions and parameter values is standard practice           reproducibility among researchers by setting up the
to study power systems’ stability. Fast and exact Jacobian         exact package and binary versions. Integrating “Arti-
matrix calculations and sparse linear algebra are two              facts” into the package manager, Julia can include
basic capabilities that will improve low-inertia studies.          information that is not related to Julia packages,
   The new demand for larger scales and more details in            which includes platform-specific binaries or data sets.
modeling require changing how we approach developing               This enables researchers to pack all of the experiment
simulation experiments. To do this, we need innovative             requirements in a reproducible environment that can
approaches to obtain reliable system assessments using             be executed in multiple platforms. This mechanism is
better computational tools. The power system sector                also used to provide reproducible binary dependencies
needs to accelerate the adoption of the recent improve-            for packages built with BinaryBuilder.jl.
ments in algorithms and hardware. To this end, adopting            Julia is a flexible language that has the convenience of
scientific computing practices is critical to reducing             scripting languages without the performance penalty.
development and deployment barriers.                               As a JIT-compiled language, Julia can be as fast as C or
                                                                   C++ but without the learning curve (see Bezanzon et
The Julia Programming Language                                     al. 2017). Multiple dispatch is crucial to the effective-
Choosing a programming language to develop a simula-               ness of Julia as a programming language for scientific
tion tool can seem like a marginally relevant decision;            software. Associating methods with generic functions
however, this choice can have significant impacts on               rather than the type they on which they operate is a
reproducibility and scalability. Scripted programming lan-         highly effective strategy for code reuse and extension.
guages usually do not implement high-performance code              This capability promotes the implementation of
natively. High-performance applications require low-level          generic interfaces for custom models without requir-
compiled languages to handle large-scale computations.             ing changes to the source code.
For instance, there are many distinct implementations of           Julia has s suite of packages for scientific machine
NumPy for linear algebra in Python with identical pro-             learning with multiple differential equation solvers,
gramming interfaces. The same applies to many other                DifferentialEquations.jl (see Rackauckas and Nie
large-scale numerical libraries, like LSODE (Livermore             2017), and automated model discovery (DiffEqFlux.jl).
Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations), SUNDIALS              DifferentialEquations.jl offers more than 30 different
(suite of nonlinear and differential/algebraic equation            numerical solvers for ordinary differential equation/
solvers), or PETSc (portable, extensible toolkit for scientific    DAE systems, including both explicit (via mass
computation). These well-established high-performance              matrices) and implicit representation. Some solvers,
numerical libraries are hard to extend. Usually, they have         including classic algorithms and novel ones from
dependencies on other compiled libraries, like BLAS,               recent research, can outperform the “standard” C/For-
LAPACK, or SuiteSparse, as shown in Figure 2, which add            tran methods. In addition, it provides a wrapper for
further complexity.                                                those C/Fortran methods, allowing for the use of
    Julia is a dynamically typed programming language              them when necessary. In a nutshell, DifferentialEqua-
developed by Bezanson et al. 2017, intended to bridge the          tions.jl enables solving differential equations using
gap between scripting languages like Python or MATLAB              different algorithms (from even other packages or
and high-performance languages like C++ or Fortran. Julia          languages) by providing a common interface. Effec-
uses a low-level, virtual machine-based just-in-time (JIT)         tively, it allows exchanging the algorithm layer with a
compiler and incorporates some essential features from             single line of code. This feature provides benchmark-
the beginning of its design, such as excellent support for         ing and testing different solution methods according
parallelism and GPU programming, and features a practi-            to the specific problem.
cal, functional programming orientation. Julia can gener-          Small-signal stability analyses such as eigenvalue
ate the same assembly code as C or C++ with the                    location, root locus, or Bode plots rely on computing the
convenience of scripted languages.                                 Jacobian of the nonlinear DAE system. Usually, deriva-
    Besides the language’s computational capabilities,             tives are computed via a finite differences approach,
the Julia environment itself provides several features             which is inefficient due to the high number of evalua-
that facilitate the development of large-scale dynamic             tions of the system function, and only approximates its
models following scientific computing practices. Impor-            result due to the usage of the finite small value of step
tantly, it addresses the shortcomings of other scripted            h. AD is a method used to compute the exact deriva-
languages, such as dependency handling. These capa-                tives given only the function itself. ForwardDiff.jl and
bilities make Julia an excellent match to tackle scientific        ReverseDiff.jl are the most common established pack-
computing challenges in the power systems communi-                 ages utilized to perform AD to compute derivatives in
ty. The following are a few critical examples of Julia’s           Julia. Both of these methods generally outperform non-
good environment.                                                  AD algorithms in both speed and accuracy.

                                                                                    IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / J UNE 2 0 2 1   77
PowerSystems.jl and PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl                                         Figure 5 shows the implementation of the DynamicIn-
     The aforementioned features and capabilities are used                                jection data containers in PowerSystems.jl. Each device is
     extensively as part of the SIIP initiative to provide tools                          composed of the corresponding dynamic components
     that implement the scientific computing workflow in Fig-                             that define the model. As a result, it is possible to flexibly
     ure 1. PowerSystems.jl provides a consistent and high-per-                           define dynamic data models and methods according to
     formance data model and modular modeling platform for                                the analysis requirements. DynamicInjection compo-
     power systems across multiple time scales. Along with the                            nents use a parametric-type pattern to materialize the
     data containers, PowerSystems.jl furnishes parsing capa-                             full specification of the dynamic injection model with
     bilities from commonly used text-based data files (MAT-                              parameters. This design enables a modular implementa-
     POWER, *.raw, and *.dyr). Once the system is loaded, users                           tion of the mathematical model for each dynamic com-
     can make modifications, add custom models, and serial-                               ponent separately.
     ize to disk. The serialization/deserialization of custom                                The modeling is implemented in PowerSimulationsDy-
     data sets is one of the key enablers of the Julia ecosystem                          namics.jl (PSID) and uses PowerSystems.jl data structures
     that supports scientific computing practices for power                               to define power system dynamic devices and their corre-
     systems modeling.                                                                    sponding components. The modeling layer is designed to
         For developers, PowerSystems.jl provides a generic,                              mix and match different component models with a small
     reusable, and customizable data model agnostic to the                                number of script modifications. The flexibility of model
     implementation details of the mathematical models and                                specification enables precise control when specifying the
     is applicable to multiple software strategies. It also pro-                          complexity of each power system device.
     vides extension capabilities by design that make it easier                              Julia’s multiple dispatch lies at the core of PSID power
     to integrate into other initiatives.                                                 as a scientific scripting and computing library for dynamic

                                                                                     Converter                                     Machine
                                                                                    OuterControl                                     Shaft
                                                                                    InnerControl                                     AVR
                                                                                     DCSource                                     TurbineGov
                                                                                 FrequencyEstimator                                  PSS
                                                         DynamicInverter                                       DynamicGenerator

                                                    get_name                                                  get_name
                                                    get_ω_ref                                                 get_states
                                                    get_ext                                                   get_n_states
                                                    get_states                                                get_w_ref
                                                    get_n_states                                              get_machine
                                                    get_converter                                             get_shaft
                                                    get_outer_control                                         get_avr
                                                    get_inner_control                                         get_prime_mover
                                                    get_dc_source                                             get_pss
                                                    get_freq_estimator                                        get_ext
                                                    get_filter                                                get_internal
                                                    get_P_ref                                                 get_V_ref
                                                    get_V_ref                                                 get_P_ref


     Figure 5. The dynamic data structures for DynamicInverter and DynamicGenerator in PowerSystems.jl. Each subtype is composed of the corre-
     sponding dynamic components that define the model. As a result, it is possible to flexibly define dynamic data models and methods according
     to the analysis requirements. AVR: automatic voltage regulator; PSS: power system stabilizer.

78   I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2021
models. It uses the compiler to de­­            DynamicInjection                          Example Case A: Machine, Inverter,
termine which method to call based                                                        and Network Model Interactions
solely on the types of the argument             components use a                         As discussed previously, exploring the
passed into a generic function. This                                                     interactions among inverter models
enables code reuse and the imple-               parametric-type                          and other dynamics in the system is
mentation of g eneric interfaces                pattern to                               one of the critical tasks in the devel-
for custom models without re­­                                                           opment of the analytical techniques
quiring modifications to the main               materialize the full                     used to study modern power systems.
source code.                                                                             One of the capabilities of PSID mixing
    The flexibility in PSID originates
                                                specification of the                     and matching different levels of
from the use of polymorphism and                dynamic injection                        model complexities to study how they
encapsulation in the device model’s                                                      can change the conclusions.
definition, which enables treating              model with                                  This example simulation presents
objects of different types similarly if                                                  the time-domain simulation of an
they provide common interfaces.
                                                parameters.                              inverter and compares the results using
Generators and inverters are defined                                                     three different generator models and
as a composition of components, as                                                       two distinct network models in a three-
shown in Figure 5; the functionalities of the component           bus system. The simulations use a 19-state grid-supporting
instances determine the device model providing a flat             VSM inverter with average pulsewidth modulation dynam-
interface to the complex object. This design enables the          ics. The control block diagram of the inverter is shown in Fig-
interoperability of components within a generic device            ure 4. The example code is available in the SIIP Examples
definition. As a result, it is possible to implement custom       repository (
component models and interface them with other exist-             and in PSID’s documentation.
ing models using minimal effort.                                      Figure 7 depicts the evolution of the generator’s voltage
    Figure 6 presents the dependencies between PSID               magnitude at bus 2 after a circuit trip connecting the invert-
and the DifferentialEquations.jl libraries. The archi-            er and the infinite bus at t = 1 s. PSID enables the explora-
tecture of PSID is such that the power system models              tion of several assumptions in the study of the dynamics of
are all self-contained and return the model func-                 the system.
tion evaluations. The Jacobian is calculated through a              xx  In the “Static lines” network model, the relationship
common interface with ForwardDiff.jl, enabling the                      between the voltage and current phasors is algebraic
use of any solver available in Julia through Differen-
tialEquations.jl or any other following the common
interface specification.
    PSID provides mechanisms that handle commonly
required routines when developing dynamic modeling                                         Data Structures
libraries, such as the following.
  xx The robust, systemwide initialization of the model: Find-                  PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl
     ing valid initial conditions is notoriously tricky in                              Models and Methods                 x
     large-scale nonlinear dynamic models. PSID uses rou-
                                                                                                     f (x )
     tines based on the dynamic model structure to pro-
     vide reliable initial points.
  xx The addition of perturbation through callbacks: Classical-
                                                                                       Common Interface
     ly, the study of perturbations in dynamic systems
     requires a series of steps to obtain valid system condi-                                        f (x ), J (x )
     tions postperturbation. PSID implements perturbation
     through callbacks, allowing the solver’s algorithm to
                                                                                        Differential Equations
     perform the reinitialization in a compatible fashion.                                      Solver
  xx Small-signal analysis: Performing small-signal analysis
     requires providing the Jacobian matrix or estimating
     through numerical methods. PSID uses ForwardDiff.jl                                 ForwardDiff.jl
     to calculate the exact Jacobians of the models and                                 Small-Signal Analysis
     enables small-signal analysis at no additional devel-
     opment cost.
PSID exploits the Julia programming language and its eco-         Figure 6. The architecture of PSID is such that the power system
                                                                  models are all self-contained and return the model’s function evalua-
system to facilitate the computational exploration of             tions. The Jacobian is calculated through DifferentialEquations.jl’s
power systems with converter-interfaced generation.               common interface, enabling the use of any solver available in Julia.

                                                                                          IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / J UNE 2 0 2 1   79
via the admittance matrix. In the                                                             PSID implements                                Thus, PSID can run an RMS simula-
        “Dynamic lines” network model,                                                                                                           tion, using a fourth- or sixth-order
        the relationship is via differential                                                          perturbation through                       model with “Static lines,” or an EMT
        equations, commonly known as                                                                                                             simulation using the eighth-order
        dynamic phasors, which allow                                                                  callbacks, allowing                        model with “Dynamic lines.” It is also
        for the capture of electromag-                                                                the solver’s                               possible to combine the sixth-order
        netic dynamics.                                                                                                                          model (typically used in RMS) with a
        A fourth-order model is a simpli-
       xx                                                                                             algorithm to perform                       “Dynamic lines” model and study
        fied one with only transient elec-                                                                                                       such hybrid behavior, as depicted in
        tromotive forces (emfs). The
                                                                                                      the reinitialization                       Figure 7. As mentioned previously, this
        sixth-order model, commonly                                                                   in a compatible                            flexibility is one of the core features
        known as the GENROU model                                                                                                                provided in PSID.
        (round rotor generator), considers                                                            fashion.                                       A model with more detail, such as
        both the transient and subtran-                                                                                                          the eighth-order model case, has sig-
        sient emfs, but the stator fluxes                                                                                                        nificantly faster dynamics, as shown
        dynamics are approximated via                                                                                                            in Figure 7. The additional modeling
        algebraic representations. Finally, the eighth-order                                                                detail comes with an extra computational cost. Solving
        model, known as the Marconato model, considers both                                                                 this EMT model requires a time step of no larger than
        the transient and subtransient electromagnetic fields,                                                              500 μs. The other example RMS simulations require a time
        with dynamic stator flux representation through dif-                                                                step of only 20 ms. In addition, we analyze the response of
        ferential equations.                                                                                                the inverter under the four models presented. Figure 8
                                                                                                                                                    depicts the time series of the virtu-
                                                                                                                                                    al speed under the same perturba-
                                                                                           |V | Fourth-Order Gen: Static Lines                      tion. As observed, no significant
                                                                                           |V | Sixth-Order Gen: Static Lines                       differences can be observed in this
                                                                                           |V | Sixth-Order Gen: Dynamic Lines                      inverter state for the cases studied.
                                                                                           |V | Eighth-Order Gen: Dynamic Lines                     This limited example showcases
                                                                                                                                                    the challenges of making EMT sim-
                                                                                                                                                    ulations a requirement of power
                                                                                                                                                    systems in the presence of power
                                               Voltage Magnitude (p.u.)

                                                                                                                                                    electronics converters.
                                                                                                                                                        This simple case demonstrates
                                                                          1.0125                                                                    how different model assumptions
                                                                                                                                                    may change the simulation results.
                                                                            1.01                                                                    Figure 7 indicates that additional
                                                                                                                                                    details from the EMT model furnish
                                                                          1.0075                                                                    an understanding comparable to
                                                                                                                                                    that which is provided by simpler or
                                                                                  0.975    1        1.025     1.05      1.075     1.1               hybrid models. Although this is not
                                                                                                                                                    a general result, it highlights the
                                                                                                                                                    possible trade offs between the
                                                                                                                                                    result details and model complexity.
                    Voltage Magnitude (p.u.)

                                                                                                                                                  Example Case B: A 14-Bus System
                                               1.0125                                                                                             An additional objective of PSID is to
                                                                                                                                                  facilitate the development of study
                                                                                                                                                  cases for low-inertia systems, similar
                                                                                                                                                  to traditional RMS benchmark sys-
                                                                                                                                                  tems. Example case B shows the
                                               1.0075                                                                                             well-known IEEE 14-bus system with
                                                                                                                                                  five generators. All of the results pre-
                                                                              0           10         20          30           40                  sented here are also available to the
                                                                                                  Time (s)                                        reader as Jupyter Notebooks in the
                                                                                                                                                  SIIP Examples repository.
     Figure 7. The generator bus voltage |V| in example case A using different machine and network mod-
     els. These results show how using different model complexity alters the dynamic response results. In                                             Using PSID, we model each gen-
     certain cases, the additional dynamics can induce instabilities not observed in simpler models.                                              erator with a sixth-order machine

80   I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2021
model: GENROU. Additionally, we use an IEEE AC1A auto-                                        After the system’s components are defined, all the
matic voltage regulator (AVR) system and a gas steam tur-                                 devices are automatically initialized based on the power
bine model turbine governor in the slack bus. The ability to                              flow results. If a feasible point exists, then the system is
quickly switch devices and models is another core feature of                              appropriately initialized and can be used for simulation.
PSID. In this example, we conduct two simulations: one with                               Using AD, PSID provides small-signal information for
synchronous machines only and a second case in which we                                   the operating point, such as eigenvalues, damping of
replace the generator located at bus 6 for an aggregated                                  each mode, and participation factors. In this example
model of a VSM grid-supporting inverter with 19 states, the                               simulation, we use an admittance matrix formulation
same model used in example case A. This example allows                                    for the network model representation.
us to explore the effects of substituting synchronous                                         Figure 9 presents a comparison of the eigenvalues (at
machines with converter-interfaced generation.                                            the operating point) for both systems with and without
                                                                                          the inverter, separated into “fast” and “slow” dynamics.
                                                                                          The states are assigned to eigenvalues via their participa-
                            1.004                                                         tion factors. This comparison is crucial for determining, in
                                                                                          each simulation, the fastest dynamics that could be
     Virtual Speed (p.u.)

                                                                                          approximated via an algebraic representation.
                            1.002                                                             As shown in Figure 9, the electromagnetic dynamics
                                                                                          of the RLC filter in the inverter are the fastest dynam-
                            1.001                                                         ics, and for this operating point could reasonably be
                                                                                          neglected in our study case because they are, effective-
                                                                                          ly, on different time scales.
                            0.999                                                             Similarly, the low-pass filter model used to measure
                                                                                          the bus voltage of the excitation systems could also be
                                    0            1              2            3
                                                                                          ignored and considered an ideal measurement. However,
                                                     Time (s)
                                                                                          based on this analysis, the inverter eigenvalue associated
                                        ωvsm Fourth-Order Case: Static Lines              with the virtual speed and the PLL dynamics are suffi-
                                        ωvsm Sixth-Order Case: Static Lines               ciently close to the AVR exciter time scale and should be
                                        ωvsm Sixth-Order Case: Dynamic Lines              considered in a time-domain simulation. These results
                                        ωvsm Eighth-Order Case: Dynamic Lines             highlight the complexity of defining modeling strategies
                                                                                          to study converter and system dynamics interactions.
                                                                                              We perform a time-domain simulation to explore the
Figure 8. The virtual speed ~ vsm using different machine and net-                        behavior of the system under a perturbation. Figure 10
work models for example case A. Continuing from the results in Fig-
ure 7, the machine’s and lines’ modeling assumptions do not affect                        depicts the rotor speed of the generator and the virtual
the evolution of inverter’s virtual speed.                                                speed of the inverter after an ideal trip of the line

                                                           AVR-Voltage         Virtual-
                 –2,500                   RLC Filter
                                                           Measurement         Speed                       Eigenvalues: AVR States and
                                         Eigenvalues                         Eigenvalue              5
                 –5,000                                    Eigenvalues                                     Inverter Voltage Controller
  lm (λ)

                                                                                          lm (λ)

                              0                                                                      0

                 –2,500                                                     PLL
                                                                        Eigenvalues                 –5               Eigenvalues: Generator
                                                                                                                     Damping Flux Linkages States
                                                                                                                     and Inverter Current Controller
                             –2,600       –2,000       –1,400        –800        –200                –60      –50     –40       –30      –20       –10        0
                                                       Re (λ)                                                                  Re (λ)
                                                         (a)                                                                    (b)

                                                                    Original 14-Bus Eigenvalues
                                                                    Generators and Inverter: 14-Bus Eigenvalues

Figure 9. The eigenvalues for machines based on example case B: a 14-bus system (blue circles) and a modified 14-bus system (red crosses).
(a) “Fast” dynamics and (b) “slow” dynamics. The inverter model introduces new fast dynamics that interact with the dynamics of synchronous
machines and cannot be neglected when performing dynamic simulations.

                                                                                                                    IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / J UNE 2 0 2 1   81
1.0005                                                                       1.0005

                            1.0002                                                                       1.0002
             Speed (p.u.)

                                                                                          Speed (p.u.)
                            0.9999                                                                       0.9999
                                                                   Generator-3-1: ω                                                       Generator-3-1: ω
                            0.9996                                 Generator-8-1: ω                      0.9996                           Generator-8-1: ω
                                                                   Generator-1-1: ω                                                       Generator-1-1: ω
                                                                   Generator-2-1: ω                                                       Generator-2-1: ω
                            0.9993                                                                       0.9993                           Inverter-6-1: ω
                                                                   Generator-6-1: ω

                                     0    1            2        3            4        5                           0   1          2         3         4         5
                                                        Time (s)                                                                  Time (s)
                                                          (a)                                                                       (b)

     Figure 10. The generators’ rotor speed and inverter’s virtual-speed time series for example case B after a perturbation. (a) A 14-bus system-
     only synchronous machine and (b) a modified 14-bus system. The virtual speed of the inverter is significantly faster than the rotor speed of
     synchronous machines, giving the system a faster frequency-recovery rate when compared with the original system.

     connecting buses 2 and 4. As expected, the dynamics                                         showcase the need to rethink the approaches when devel-
     observed in the inverter are faster, but the system manag-                                  oping models for power systems’ dynamic analysis.
     es to converge to a new stable operating point.
        This simplified generator substitution demonstrates that                                 For Further Reading
     exchanging generators for converters can significantly                                      J. D. Lara, J. T. Lee, D. S. Callaway, and B.-M. Hodge, “Computation-
                                                                                                 al experiment design for operations model simulation,” Electr.
     impact the dynamic mode interactions. It also shows that
                                                                                                 Power Syst. Res., vol. 189, p. 106,680, Dec. 2020. doi: 10.1016/
     there are opportunities available to simplify modeling                                      j.epsr.2020.106680.
     details to speed up simulations. However, these simplifica-                                      F. Milano, F. Dörfler, G. Hug, D. J. Hill, and G. Verbič, “Founda-
     tions may require sophisticated approaches to choose                                        tions and challenges of low-inertia systems,” in Proc. 2018 Power
     model complexity correctly.                                                                 Syst. Comput. Conf., pp. 1–25. doi: 10.23919/PSCC.2018.8450880.
                                                                                                      U. Markovic, O. Stanojev, P. Aristidou, E. Vrettos, D. S. Calla-
                                                                                                 way, and G. Hug, “Understanding small-signal stability of low-
     Conclusion                                                                                  inertia systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., p. 1, Feb. 2021.
     The increasing penetration of converter-interfaced gener-                                        N. Hatziargyriou et al., “Task force on stability definitions
     ation will undoubtedly lead to new challenges and oppor-                                    and characterization of dynamic behavior in systems with
     tunities in computational power system studies. In this                                     high penetration of power electronic interfaced technologies,”
                                                                                                 IEEE Power & Energy Society, Tech. Rep. PES-TR77, Apr. 2020.
     article, we reviewed the main computational challenges of
                                                                                                      J. Bezanson, A. Edelman, S. Karpinski, and V. B. Shah, “Julia:
     low-inertia systems, such as modeling complexity, the                                       A fresh approach to numerical computing,” SIAM Rev., vol. 59,
     interaction between synchronous machine controllers                                         no. 1, pp. 65–98, 2017. doi: 10.1137/141000671.
     and inverter controllers, and numerical time-step integra-                                       C. Rackauckas and Q. Nie, “DifferentialEquations.jl: A per-
     tion requirements. This article highlighted the importance                                  formant and feature-rich ecosystem for solving differential
                                                                                                 equations in Julia,” J. Open Res. Softw., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–10,
     of scientific computing principles to tackle these issues by
                                                                                                 2017. doi: 10.5334/jors.151.
     enabling the reproducibility and validity of such simula-                                        J. D. Lara, C. Barrows, D. Thom, D. Krishnamurthy, and D. S.
     tion experiments.                                                                           Callaway, “PowerSystems.jl: A power system data management
         We discussed how the Julia programming language                                         package for large scale modeling,” SoftwareX, to be published.
     is designed to make high-performance computing
     more accessible and provides reproducibility and scal-                                      Biographies
     ability tools. In particular, we presented PowerSystems.                                    Rodrigo Henriquez-Auba ( is
     jl and PSID, two Julia packages that tackle new chal-                                       with the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, Cali-
     lenges in dynamic modeling while retaining the flex-                                        fornia, 94720, USA.
     ibility to facilitate the implementation of scientific                                         Jose Daniel Lara ( is with the Uni-
     computing principles.                                                                       versity of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 94720, USA.
         Finally, we presented two simulation cases that                                            Duncan S. Callaway ( is with the
     focused on the use of these packages to investigate differ-                                 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California,
     ent models and their responses in various settings. We                                      94720, USA.
     used time-domain simulations and small-signal analysis                                         Clayton Barrows ( is with
     to study the assumptions in modeling and their con-                                         the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colora-
     verter-system interactions. The two simplified examples                                     do, 80401, USA. 

82   I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / J UN E 2021
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