TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association

Page created by William Williamson
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association
The Voice of Interpreters and Translators
July/August 2018
    Volume XLVII
       Number 4

                                                       with th ed
                                                     ATA59 is issue:
                                                       Prelim rence
                                                        Progra ry

                   SCAMS RELOADED

                          A Publication of the American Translators Association
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association
■■   If you attended our 2006 conference in         American Translators Association
                                                     New Orleans, this location will be one              225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
                                                     step better—on “the French Quarter                    Alexandria, VA 22314 USA
                                                     side” of Canal Street, so that you can                  Tel: +1.703.683.6100
                                                     walk right out the door and into the                    Fax: +1.703.683.6122
                                                     heart of the action.
                                                ■■   New Orleans truly has something                       Website:
     FROM THE PRESIDENT                              for everyone, regardless of your
     CORINNE MCKAY                                   definition of fun. Many people limit                        Editorial Board                            their impression of New Orleans to                         Geoff Koby (chair)
     Twitter handle: @corinnemckay                   the bars on Bourbon Street. (And                             Lois Feuerle
                                                     they’re definitely there if bars are                        Corinne McKay
                                                     your thing!) But—as someone who

Looking Ahead
                                                                                                                  Mary McKee
                                                     is more into good food and jazz than
                                                                                                                  Ted Wozniak
                                                     late-night partying—I really enjoyed

to ATA59                                             exploring the historic district on foot,
                                                     people-watching in Jackson Square,
                                                                                                         Publisher/Executive Director
                                                                                                               Walter Bacak, CAE

                                                     and capping it all off with beignets
       y the time you read this,                                                                     
       registration will be open for ATA’s           and café au lait at Café Beignet (Ted, a
       59th Annual Conference, to be                 New Orleans local, promised me that it                           Editor
                                                     would be “better than Café du Monde,”
held October 24–27 in New Orleans—                                                                                 Jeff Sanfacon
                                                     and he was right!).
definitely one of the best conference                                                                  
destinations in the United States!                 At each ATA conference, about a third
   In January of this year, President-Elect     of our attendees are there for the first                           Advertising
and Conference Organizer Ted Wozniak,           time, and about a third have attended               
Professional Development Manager                five or more ATA conferences. We’re                      Tel: +1.703.683.6100, ext. 3007
Adrian Aleckna, Executive Director Walter       committed to offering a wide range of                          Fax: +1.703.683.6122
“Mooch” Bacak, and I visited our host           opportunities, from our Buddies Welcome
hotel, the New Orleans Marriott, to get a       Newbies program to our Advanced Skills                       Design & Production
feel for what we’ll be experiencing during      and Training Day sessions. No matter                           Blue House Design
the conference. Here are a few highlights:      where you fall on the spectrum, don’t                
                                                forget to book your hotel room soon
■■   Adrian described the Marriott as “a        before the room block fills up, and start        The ATA Chronicle (ISSN 1078-6457) is published
     meeting planner’s dream.” We’ll have a     planning your networking time to make              six times per year by the American Translators
     full ballroom with sit-down tables for     the most of your investment in this “face           Association, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590,
     breakfast, then you’ll walk just a few     time” (real face time, not the iPhone
                                                                                                  Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. Periodicals postage
     steps across the hall for the Opening      version!) with your colleagues from
                                                                                                     paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional
     Session and Annual Meeting of All          around the world. We expect attendees
     Members. The hotel atmosphere is                                                               mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address
                                                from throughout the U.S. and over 50
     bright, upbeat, and inviting, and the      countries, and we need you there too!               changes to The ATA Chronicle, 225 Reinekers
     session rooms are well situated and easy   Thank you for being an ATA member, and               Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA.
     to find.                                   I hope to see you soon in New Orleans!               The American Translators Association (ATA)
                                                                                                     was established in 1959 as a not-for-profit
                                                                                                   professional society to foster and support the
                                                                                                    professional development of translators and
     INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION DAY—                                                               interpreters and to promote the translation and
     START PLANNING NOW                                                                         interpreting professions. The subscription rate for
                                                                                                a member is $28 (included in the dues payment).
     ATA will be celebrating International                                                      The U.S. subscription rate for a nonmember is $65.
     Translation Day on Friday, September                                                           Subscribers in Canada and Mexico add $25;
     28. (The official ITD is actually Sunday,                                                         all other non-U.S. subscribers add $45.
                                                                                                    Single copies are available for $7 per issue.
     September 30.) This is a great opportunity to
     spotlight the important work of translators,                                                   ©2018 American Translators Association
     interpreters, and others in the language
                                                                                                              Reprint Permission
     services industry. Help spread the word. For more information and                             Requests for permission to reprint articles
     ideas on promoting ITD, please see                                  should be sent to the editor of The ATA Chronicle

2     The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                           
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association
CONTENTS                                                                        July/August 2018
                                                                                Volume XLVII
                                                                                Number 4

  FEATURES                                                                                              21
                                                                                                        Going Once, Going Twice,
                                                                                                        Sold! Is Your Translation
11                                                                                                      Business Sellable?
Volunteering: Making Your                                                                               “Is my translation business
Investment of Time Worthwhile                                                                           sellable?” Whether or not you
It’s a “What’s in it for me?” world,                                                                    have plans to sell your business
so why do people volunteer?                                                                             in the near future, this question
And more importantly, where do                                                                          is very important and relevant,
they find the time? Read on to                                                                          and not just to those on the
learn how to select and manage                                                                          verge of retirement.
volunteer activities. You’ll also
find out how choosing the right
volunteer opportunity can be a                                                                          24
good thing for your career.
                                                                                                        Translating Diagnostic Imaging
                                                                                                        Translating diagnostic imaging

13                                                                                                      reports can be a challenging
                                                                                                        but rewarding aspect of
Translation Scams Reloaded                                                                              medical translation for which
Taking steps to safeguard                                                                               the translator must master the
your identity and minimize the                                                                          technical basics of the diagnostic
risk from scammers is not as                                                                            imaging modality, the report
difficult as it sounds, but it                                                                          structure, and the specialized
takes diligence.
                                                 13                                                     source and target vocabulary.

16                                                                                                      ADVERTISING DIRECTORY
                                                                                                        28 University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Translation and Interpreting in                                                                  
Mexico: Uncharted Territory,                                                                            29 Surrey Translation Bureau
Rich Waters                                                                                      
The Italia Morayta Foundation,
InterpretAmerica, and the
Association of Public Service                                                                              COLUMNS
and Community Interpreters and
Translators recently published                                                                          2     From the President
the results of a groundbreaking
                                                                                                        4     From the President-elect
initiative, the 2017 Survey on
Translation and Interpretation in                                                                       5     Letters to the Editor
Mexico—featuring 100 pages of                                                                           5     ATA Social Media
detailed information compiled
                                                                                                        6     From the Executive Director
from more than 1,000 translators
and interpreters across Mexico.                                                                         7     Outreach Report—UN
                                                                                                        9     Outreach Report—ACES
                                                                                                        19    New Certified Members
                                                                                                        27    Business Practices
                                                                                                        29    Certification Forum
Looking for Member News
and Humor and Translation?                                                                              30    Resource Review
These columns are found in the
Chronicle-Online edition:!

with ATA

TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association
review process to provide you with           Android and iOS devices, and the online
                                                 training in almost every facet of our        version works in all browsers.
                                                 profession. In addition to the regular       The Food! Nor should you pass up on the
                                                 sessions by your peers, 15 distinguished     after-hours opportunities! This is “Nawlins
                                                 speakers have been invited to impart         ya’ll” and we know how to let the good
                                                 their expertise and perspectives to you.     times roll! If you can’t find a delicious
                                                 As we’ve learned from past conference        meal in New Orleans, you can’t find your
    FROM THE PRESIDENT-ELECT                     surveys, 91% of attendees report gaining a   nose in the dark. According to The New
                                                 new skill by attending the conference.       Orleans Menu (, there
    TED R. WOZNIAK                           Networking, Networking, and More             are about 150 restaurants in the French
                                                 Networking: While education and              Quarter alone. Add in the Central Business
                                                 training are great and are alone worth       District, the Bywater, Marigny, and the
                                                 the registration fee, I know many of you     Garden District—all easily reached by taxi

NOLA-Bound:                                      attend the conference to get more work
                                                 and expand your client base. Previous
                                                                                              or ridesharing services—and you have
                                                                                              another 200 dining options from which to

                                                 conference surveys show that 98% of          choose. And that’s just the areas quickly
                                                 conference attendees made new contacts       reached from the conference hotel.
                                                 at the conference. To help you get more

A       TA59 is less than four months
        away so it’s not too soon to start
        making plans to come to The
Big Easy for four days of top-notch
professional development training,
                                                 work, the Job Fair has been extended to
                                                 two nights to allow more time to connect
                                                 with representatives from language
                                                 services companies. You can also network
                                                                                              NOT SURE?
                                                                                              Still on the fence about whether or not
                                                                                              to attend? Then visit the conference
                                                                                              website (
                                                 and gain valuable business knowledge at
numerous networking opportunities, and           the ever-popular Brainstorm Networking       to see what past attendees have to say
the chance to catch up with old friends          session and Business Practices Happy         about the value of attendance and get
and make new ones. (And let’s not forget         Hour, as well as make new contacts at        more details about the networking and
the beignets, étouffée, jambalaya, and a         the Welcome Celebration and in the           education opportunities that await you in
cornucopia of other foods from around            Exhibit Hall. Seasoned attendees can also    New Orleans. If you still aren’t sure the
the world that will be yours to enjoy only       help newcomers by participating in the       conference is worth the investment, check
a short walk from the conference hotel!)         Buddies Welcome Newbies program.             out for
Conference registration is open, so reserve                                                   even more “Reasons to attend.”
your hotel room now at the very attractive                                                       So, make your plans to attend ATA59
New Orleans Marriott. Remember, if you
                                                 Previous conference surveys                  and come meet me in NOLA. My
make your reservations at the conference         show that 98% of conference                  investments in attending ATA conferences
hotel by October 22, you could be one of                                                      have been paid back many times over. I’m
five lucky attendees selected at random          attendees made new contacts at               sure yours will be as well!
to win one free night at the hotel! Need
a little more incentive before making a
                                                 the conference.
                                                                                                MORE INFORMATION ON ATA59
decision? Here’s just a small preview of
what’s in store for you at ATA59!                                                               ATA 59th Annual Conference Website
Advanced Training: Advanced Skills and           Connect with Attendees Before,
Training (AST) Day takes place Wednesday,        During, and After the Conference:              ATA59 Advanced Skills and Training Day
October 24. This “conference-before-the-         There’s an app for that! Once the    
conference” will offer intensive three-hour      conference app is available, make sure         ATA59 Networking Opportunities
training sessions on interpreting, technology,   you download it and complete your    
neural machine translation, productivity         profile, including uploading your résumé.
boosters, and, again this year, preparation                                                     AT59 Registration Information
                                                 Not only will this put you in contact with
workshops for the Spanish>English and            about 1,600 attendees, but also with 
English>Spanish certification exams. (There      representatives from language services         New Orleans Marriott Reservations
will be two exam sittings at the conference      companies. In addition, you can only 
for those who are ready.)                        provide feedback on the sessions you
                                                                                                New Orleans Menu
Over 170 Educational Sessions: As                attend using the app. Your feedback is
always, ATA’s Annual Conference will be          vital and is used every year during the
chock full of educational and networking         session selection process for the upcoming     New Orleans Official Guide
opportunities. Over 170 sessions have            conference, so please submit your session
been selected through a rigorous peer-           reviews. The mobile app works on

4    The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                             
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association

             28,000                                         13,200                                          3,900
                 FACEBOOK FANS                             TWITTER FOLLOWERS                              LINKEDIN MEMBERS

Is There a Future in Freelance Translation?      may feel comfortable now with looking           getting a feel for the room, and having
Let’s Talk About It! | Christelle Maginot        down our noses at “mere post-editing,” but      materials and access to the technician
Thanks for the very thorough discussion          I think that it will become the bulk of our     is always helpful, in my 10 years of
of this subject of vital importance to the       work fairly soon, and we need to get used       professional experience I’ve come to find
profession. I would only add a few thoughts.     to it. We need to make it clear to the public   that we don’t always get those things most
   In my opinion, all the factors mentioned      that good translation in the 21st century has   of the time.
in the article will have the inevitable effect   become not just a process monopolized               My technical experience with RSI has
of drastically reducing the demand for           by humans, but a partnership between            been good thus far, but looking toward
good human translators in countries with         machine translation and the people who          the future, I’ll certainly miss traveling
higher costs of living. When I started out       know how to work with it.                       to different locations (sometimes exotic
(in the typewriter/snail-mail era), there           The nature of the translation industry       ones). Having to commute an hour to get
was no machine translation, so everything        has changed so much since I entered it          into a booth set up in a windowless room
required humans. Also, it seems to me,           that I have no idea how I would counsel         is very different from traveling from, for
many translation customers in those days         someone who is thinking about it as a           example, the U.S. to the Netherlands or
were generally better informed about             career today. All I could say is that they      New Zealand. I can see how some of the
what translation involves and what good          should consider very carefully whether it       conferences I’ve worked internationally will
translations look like than the large number     would make any sense for them to start in       move very quickly to adopt RSI technology,
of people who are looking for something          on it except as a hobby.                        but I also know there are some clients who
quick and easy these days, and have no           Jon Johanning | Philadelphia, PA                will not be doing that in the next five years.
problem settling for whatever Google                                                                 So, for now, I’ll cherish every trip to an
Translate gives them.                            Remote Simultaneous Interpreting:               assignment location just a little bit more,
   Therefore, a large percentage of the          The Upside and Downside | Silvana Chaves        knowing that tomorrow, instead of getting
“exploding world-wide demand for                 After nearly 10 years of doing voluntary        to see the Tasman Sea for the first time,
translation” we always hear about (I             simultaneous interpreting at my local           I’ll likely be staring at the rails of the New
have no idea how large, but it must be a         church, my first “paid job” as an               York subway as I “travel” to do my work.
considerable fraction) is perfectly happy        interpreter was at a conference for the             Cheers to all those among us who have
with “good enough” translations. What            global leaders of my church with over           been part of the days when one could
supplied a good deal of demand for               25,000 attendees. As you can imagine,           really get excited about “going into work!”
translators’ services when there was no          the venue (Orlando Convention Center            Everton Morais | Tuckahoe, NY
machine translation is now completely            in Florida) was gargantuan. In the main                                 Continued on page 19
unavailable to us. Smartphone apps have          hall, our booths were set up behind the
put the old-fashioned phrasebooks out of
business, and this is only the beginning
                                                 stage in the main hall. We had two large
                                                 LCD screens, one featuring the visual aids
                                                                                                 TOP TWEETS
of the trend. Most of the estimates of the       being used and the other one a camera
demand for translation and the size of the       showing the main speaker.                             Mom explains why her child
market that we see are probably not to be           The organizers showed me how to                    will be multilingual | Los
trusted, at least if we’re thinking about good   operate the console and wished me the           Angeles Times:
professional careers.                            best of luck. My booth partner was more
   Even highly skilled and experienced           experienced, which gave me some level
                                                                                                 JUNE 20 / @ATANET
translators will increasingly have to change     of comfort. We performed our tasks for
their work methods from the traditional          the next 10 days and everything went                  Egyptian linguist Hussein
“me and my typewriter/PC, and a few              pretty smoothly.
                                                                                                       Mahmoud: “‘Translation is
dictionaries to thumb through” to one               In my opinion, there’s little difference
in which they routinely work in close            between remote simultaneous interpreting        the best medium for dialogue
collaboration with machine translation           (RSI) today and what my first experience        between civilizations”:
systems (which, however much we want             in a booth felt like. Although I agree that
to deny it, are getting more effective). We      meeting with the speaker(s) beforehand,         JUNE 19 / @ATANET                                                                                                American Translators Association   5
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association
                                                7    $$$: The conference is a great way
                                                     to connect with future clients and
                                               business partners or learn about new            ALLIANT: ATA’S PROFESSIONAL
                                               technology to help you work smarter.            LIABILITY INSURANCE BROKER
    FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                They all add up to money in your pocket.
                                                                                               Alliant is the broker for ATA-sponsored
                                               For some great testimonials about
                                               profiting from attending the conference,        professional liability insurance. The
                                               please check out the conference website         underwriter is Lloyd’s of London.

10 Reasons to                                   8     Earn: For ATA-certified translators,
                                                      earn up to 10 continuing education
                                                                                               Why choose the ATA-sponsored
                                                                                               professional liability insurance?
Attend ATA59                                   points for attending the conference. You can
                                               earn more by attending AST workshops.
                                                                                               The policy is specific to the translation
                                                                                               and interpreting professions. This is not

A    TA’s 59th Annual Conference               And, interpreters can earn credits as well.
                                               ATA is once again working with various          a one-size-fits-all plan, but a plan that is
     registration is open! Join 1,600
     of your peers in New Orleans,             state and national organizations to recognize   specific to the work you do.
October 24–27, 2018. Here are 10               ATA education sessions.
reasons why you should attend.                                                                 What does the ATA-sponsored

    1 Inspiration: Learn from the best. See     9   Fun: Seeing old friends, making new
                                                    ones, Welcome Celebration, Zumba,          professional liability insurance cover?
      how others further along in their        Closing Dance, New Orleans. ‘Nuf said.
careers got to where they are. Get                                                             ■■   Broad definition of translation/
reenergized about your love of language
and the drive to step up your work.            10      Investing in Yourself: You have to
                                                       spend money to make money. Help
                                                                                                    interpreting services: Covers nearly
                                                                                                    all activities relevant to a translator
                                               yourself by becoming better at what you
    2 Education: 16 masterclass Advance
      Skills and Training (AST) Day
                                               do. It will pay off in the long run.                 or interpreter, including editing,
                                                                                                    publishing, and proofreading.
workshops. 174 top-of-the-line sessions
from experts across the globe. ATA’s Annual     +     Plus one bonus, No Fear. If you
                                                      have never been to an ATA Annual
Conference is the premier educational                                                          ■■   Coverage for contingent bodily injury
                                               Conference, don’t worry about not
event for translators and interpreters.        knowing anyone. Lots of folks are in your            and/or property damage: Covers
                                                                                                    errors in providing translation/
    3 Jobs: Connect with agencies and          shoes. The vibe at the conference is really
      companies that are hiring. This year,    an open, friendly community. First-timers            interpreting services that result in
we’ve added a second night of the              are warmly welcomed with veteran
                                                                                                    bodily injury and/or property damage.
successful Job Fair. Plus, promote yourself    conference goers leading the way.
on the conference app where you can post                                                            These types of claims are typically
                                                 For more information on the
your résumé and where potential clients        conference, please check out the                     excluded by generic professional
will see it before and after the conference    preliminary program and the conference               liability policies.
as well.                                       website:
                                                                                                    Coverage for cyber liability, including
    4Exhibits: 70-plus exhibits featuring      Register today! See you in New Orleans.         ■■

     the leading tool providers, university                                                         HIPAA and HITECH breaches: Covers
programs, language companies, and more.                                                             breaches related to the provision of
                                                 CHOOSE TO STAY AT THE ATA59
    5Division Events: Divisions are a
     “home” within ATA for many.                 CONFERENCE HOTEL—BOOK NOW!
                                                                                                    professional services in violation or
                                                                                                    breach of the HIPAA and HITECH Acts.
Connect with other division members at           The New Orleans Marriott is open
the Welcome Celebration. Attend division         for ATA59 reservations. Remember,             Visit for additional
annual meetings. Look for division social
                                                 reservations made before Monday,              information.
events and dinners outside the conference.
                                                 October 22, will be automatically entered

    6 Networking: Buddies Welcome
      Newbies, group breakfasts, Brainstorm
                                                 into the Stay and Win Drawing. Learn
                                                 more and make your reservation today at
                                                                                               Questions? Contact Alliant at

Networking, AST workshops, the Exhibit                                                         +1-703-547-5777 or
Hall, and even the hotel elevator—the                                                
networking opportunities abound.

6       The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                          
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association

ATA at “Protect Translators and Interpreters,
Protect the World”: A Roundtable at the United Nations
O      n April 10, 2018, the Permanent
       Mission of the Republic of Belarus
       to the United Nations hosted
“Protect Translators and Interpreters,
Protect the World” at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York City. The
purpose of this roundtable discussion
was to address the need for greater legal
and physical protection for translators
and interpreters in situations of armed
conflict and post-conflict peace-building.
The event was organized in cooperation
with a language coalition comprised of
Red T, a nonprofit advocacy organization,
and five major international language
associations (Critical Link International,
International Association of Conference
Interpreters, International Association of
Professional Translators and Interpreters,
International Federation of Translators,
and World Association of Sign Language
Interpreters). Red T is dedicated to the        (From left): Maya Hess, founder and chief executive officer of Red T, and Lucy Gunderson
protection of translators and interpreters      ■■   Maya Hess, founder and chief executive           translators and interpreters in situations
in conflict zones and other adversarial              officer of Red T.                                of armed conflict and in the situation of
settings. Led by a team of volunteers,                                                                post-conflict peace-building.”2
                                                ■■   Linda Fitchett, chair of the Conflict
Red T advocates worldwide on behalf of                                                                   Minister Dapkiunas also spearheaded
                                                     Zone Interpreter Project of the
linguists at risk, raises awareness of the                                                            UN Resolution 71/288, which
                                                     International Association of Conference
dangers they face, and promotes their                                                                 recognizes the contribution of language
                                                     Interpreters (AIIC).
safety.1 The organization invited ATA to                                                              professionals to the maintenance of
send a representative to this event, and I      ■■   Kevin Quirk, president of the                    peace and security and the promotion
was honored to be chosen to attend.                  International Federation of
                                                                                                      of human rights as they assist militaries
                                                     Translators (FIT).
                                                                                                      and humanitarian organizations, ensure
WORKING TOWARD RECOGNITION                      ■■   Betsy Fisher, policy director of the             due process, and facilitate international
                                                     International Refugee Assistance
AND PROTECTION                                                                                        negotiations.3 Incidentally, Minister
                                                     Project (IRAP).                                  Dapkiunas and Ambassador Rybakov
In addition to discussing steps for
mitigating risks and vulnerabilities, the       ■■   Heidi Cazes, who represented the                 both trained as interpreters in Minsk
panel also focused on what can be done               International Association of Professional        before entering the diplomatic service,
to help translators and interpreters in              Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI).            which is why the #ProtectLinguists issue
conflict zones gain the international                                                                 is so close to their hearts.
                                                ■■   Bill Moody of the World Association of
recognition and protection they deserve.                                                                 The speakers touched on different
                                                     Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI).
The impressive list of speakers on the                                                                aspects of the problem of linguists in
                                                ■■   Sara de Jong, a political scientist from The     high-risk settings, specifically in Iraq
program included:
                                                     Open University in the United Kingdom.           and Afghanistan. Maya Hess pointed
■■   Ambassador Valentin Rybakov, the                                                                 out that linguists in armed conflict and
                                                   This roundtable grew out of then-
     permanent representative of the Republic                                                         post-conflict peace-building settings may
                                                Ambassador Dapkiunas’ statement
     of Belarus to the UN.                                                                            not only be indirect victims by virtue of
                                                at the UN Security Council on May
■■   Minister Andrei Dapkiunas, the             25, 2017, in which he urged member                    their proximity to warfare, but also direct
     immediate past permanent representative    states “to initiate the elaboration                   victims as a function of the translator-
     of the Republic of Belarus to the UN and   of an international instrument that                   traitor mentality. She emphasized that
     the current deputy foreign minister.       would enhance the legal protection of                 despite this double exposure, linguists in                                                                                                      American Translators Association   7
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association

conflict zones lack the specific protection    The speakers touched on different                maintaining accurate records. Hess sought
under international law that is extended to                                                     greater professionalism on the part of
journalists and medical personnel.             aspects of the problem of linguists              conflict zone linguists and their employers
   Linda Fitchett went on to explain that                                                       through improved training by, for example,
the problem becomes even more acute
                                               in high-risk settings, specifically              consulting the international coalition’s
after forces withdraw from these countries     in Iraq and Afghanistan.                         Civilian Translators/Interpreters and Users
and insurgents have free rein to hunt                                                           of Their Services, which is available on the
these “collaborators” down. She cited case                                                      websites of Red T, AIIC, and FIT.6
histories and casualty statistics, including                                                       Finally, Ravi Batri, a lawyer in the
the nine-year-old nephew of an interpreter                                                      audience, challenged everyone in the room
                                               linguists are separated from the states
in Afghanistan who was executed because                                                         to take their efforts even further. While
                                               for which they are working indirectly
his uncle worked for the U.S. military,4                                                        maintaining that the relocation of linguists
                                               by several degrees, making it even more
as well as instances where the Taliban cut                                                      and their families is part of the cost of war,
                                               difficult for them to obtain protection and
out the tongues of interpreters prior to                                                        he argued that translators and interpreters
                                               resettlement assistance from these states.
beheading them.                                                                                 should not be compared to journalists,
                                                  Finally, Sara de Jong shared some of her
   Betsy Fisher, whose organization                                                             and that they are entitled to complete
                                               research findings, among them the fact
represents refugees at all stages of the                                                        protection and diplomatic inviolability.
                                               that there is no international coordinated
resettlement process, expanded on the                                                              Participants came away from this
                                               resettlement program or harmonization
dangers for linguists in combat situations,                                                     roundtable energized by new ideas and
                                               among states that are involved in one
adding that they are not provided with                                                          convinced of their moral imperative to
                                               collective mission. The challenges
body armor or safety equipment, and                                                             help these linguists.
                                               linguists face in relation to their protection
that there is no internationally recognized    and resettlement can cause tensions to
symbol like that of the Red Cross or the                                                           (Special thanks to Maya Hess for reviewing
                                               arise between people’s sense of belonging        a draft of this article.)
Red Crescent that would identify them          to a country, societal recognition of that
as non-combatants (which is the basic          belonging, and legal status and access to        NOTES
idea behind the Red T symbol). Fisher          social rights.5                                  1
                                                                                                    To learn more about Red-T, visit
also spoke about how linguists and their          Aside from the official panelists,      
families are frequently denied resettlement    participants also heard from Marcus
visas for arbitrary reasons and sometimes
                                                                                                    “General Assembly Adopts Texts on
                                               Grotian, a German soldier who was on                 Professional Translation, Multilingualism,
spend years fighting to find safety in         active duty in Afghanistan. Grotian chairs           Participation by Observers in United
another country.                               the Patenschaftsnetzwerk Afghanische                 Nations Oceans Conference” (May 24,
   Kevin Quirk addressed the murky area        Ortskräfte, an organization that supports            2017),
of contract linguists working for private      Afghan staff that resettled in Germany.          3
                                                                                                    UN Resolution 71/28,
companies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Unlike linguists who work directly for the
military or a government agency, contract      WHAT CAN BE DONE TO IMPROVE                      4
                                                                                                    David Williams, David, and Larisa Brown.
                                               THE SITUATION?                                       “Murdered by the Taliban Aged 9 because
                                               A discussion ensued on how to legally                His Uncle was an Interpreter for British
                                               enshrine states’ obligations with respect            Army,” The Daily Mail (August 21, 2015),
                                               to basic protections for linguists. Hess
                                               noted that while the nature of any such          5
                                                                                                    Jong, Sara de. “Afghan Interpreters:
                                               legal text remains undecided at this time,           Belonging on the Battlefield, Exclusion from
                                               it could take the form of an international           the Nation?” OpenDemocracyUK (May 12,
                                               measure, along the lines of the resolutions          2018),
                                               adopted for journalists or an amendment          6
                                                                                                    Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian
                                               to the Geneva Conventions. The panelists             Translators/Interpreters and Users of Their
                                               agreed that they have a long road ahead              Services,
                                               in the UN because member states
                                               that use linguists recruited from local                             Lucy Gunderson is an
                                               communities may be hesitant to back such                            ATA-certified Russian>English
                                               mechanisms. However, there are concrete                             translator specializing in
                                               steps that could be taken on the ground                             human rights, legal
                                               in the meantime. For instance, Fisher                               documents, and academic
                                               encouraged member states to take a more                             translation. She is also chair
(From left): Sara de Jong, Minister Andrei     active role by providing on-base housing,        of ATA’s Divisions Committee and a former
Dapkiunas, Linda Fitchett, Maya Hess, and      respecting the right of linguists to remain      administrator of the Slavic Languages Division.
Kevin Quirk                                    anonymous, assisting with relocation, and        Contact:

8   The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                                   
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association

Talking Language to “Word People” at the ACES:
Society for Editing
I  t’s always great fun to meet fellow
   “word people” and discuss language. I
   had the pleasure of doing so recently in
Chicago, when I presented a 60-minute
session at the ACES: Society for Editing
(formerly known as the American Copy
Editors Society) annual conference in
April. ACES is an organization for editing
professionals in various industries, as
well as educators and students.1 Similar
to ATA, its members are word-loving,
friendly, and collaborative. So, I was
delighted when my proposal to present
“What to Know Before You Send Your
Copy for Translation” was accepted.
While I only recently became a member
of ACES, I found that I was not the only
translation/interpreting professional at the
conference. During my time in Chicago,
I met with two other ATA members who
also belong to ACES and who found the
conference to be a good investment in
their professional development.                target language. I promoted ATA’s Directory     with a translation team, such as active
   While I had the advantage of speaking       of Translators and Interpreters several times   versus passive voice, the use of gender
to an audience of professionals who            throughout the session, and those present       and pronouns, and formal versus
understand and appreciate the power of         were grateful for the resource.                 informal language use. I mentioned the
carefully placed punctuation and selecting        Next, I discussed important ways             many advantages of collaborating with
the proper term for a given text, I was also   a translation team can support one              the translation team throughout the
surprised to find that this audience had its   another in gaining insight about the            translation process, as good translators ask
own set of questions about what we do and      target language. I covered such topics          questions to produce the best product. I
how we do it. There were about 35 people       as the ability to discuss nuances in the        drove these types of messages home by
in attendance during my session—editors        source text and how they will translate         sharing callouts like this one on my slides:
and copywriters, team leads from mid-          to the target language, how to define
                                                                                                 “It is better to answer questions
size companies who frequently work with        the purpose or goal of the copy to be
                                                                                                 during the process itself than to have
translators and localizers, and even some      translated, and how to determine the ideal
                                                                                                 your copy become lost in translation.”
senior editors from large corporations.        readership. I mentioned that all these
There were even some students who              factors can and do affect such aspects as          As it turned out, these callouts were a
approached me afterward to discuss their       word choice, the level or technical nature      great idea, as the conference organizers
interest in ATA and in potentially pursuing    of language used, and sentence structure.       had assigned a hashtag to each session.
a career in translation. All in all, the       I also briefly discussed the importance of      The hashtag used for my session was
diversity of attendees impressed me and        creating a style guide with the translation     #ACESTranslation. I thought this
reminded me of the diversity within our        team’s assistance. I found the article          was a very clever way for everyone to
own organization.                              by ATA member Carolyn Yohn in the               follow along with the sessions they
   My presentation was about how to find       January/February 2018 issue of The ATA          were interested in learning more about,
and work with professional translators         Chronicle, “Copyediting for Stand-Out           especially those unable to attend.
and editors who specialize in the specific     Style in Any Translation” to be a helpful          Attendees also posed some thought-
area(s) in which copywriters and editors       resource for this audience and shared it        provoking questions after my presentation.
produce content. I began by talking to         with them.2 They were very pleased to           One that stood out concerned the use of
attendees about what it takes to create        receive this information as well.               machine translation (MT) and its potential
a great translation and how to find               I went on to examine other factors to        capabilities in assisting copywriters and
professional translators and editors in the    consider discussing with when working           editors in their work. I mentioned the                                                                                             American Translators Association   9
TRANSLATION SCAMS RELOADED - THE ATA - American Translators Association

limitations of MT and why it’s best to avoid             In addition to questions from attendees        networking lunches on the first full day
it when creating copy that is meant to                about my presentation, I also had several         of the conference. Attendees were able to
engage, persuade, convince, or inform. The            people come up to me afterward to ask             choose which networking lunch to attend
discussion was lively!                                about becoming a member of ATA. It                based on the field or industry in which
    One attendee, a senior editor from                was particularly nice to know that there          they work. One networking lunch, for
Apple, was quite skeptical at first about             are colleagues in related industries who          staff editors, was even added to the list of
some of the points I was making with                  see the value in being a part of our great        options a few days before the conference
regard to collaborating and working                   association. Throughout the weekend it            because the organizers realized there was
closely with a team of skilled human                  was clear to me that professional editors         enough interest to justify doing so. Extra
translators. She said, “I don’t see how this          and copywriters face many of the same             events like this one allowed attendees to
can work. We translate our materials into             challenges as translators and interpreters:       spend more time together, share ideas, and
over 20 languages!” But by the end of                 dealing with educating clients on the             even tap into a pool of potential partners
the session she was thanking me for the               importance of hiring a professional,              for future projects and client work.
insight and helpful information that she              taking time off to recharge and plan the             Overall, I found those present to be
was going to take back to her colleagues              future of our businesses, and continuing          very collaborative, diverse, and excited
at Apple. She now understood how vital                to take advantage of opportunities for            to share what they were learning with
it is to work closely with the translation            continuing education while balancing              other colleagues who were unable to
teams who handle their copy, and she had              a full workload from clients. I found             attend. Most of all, they were extremely
real questions about the processes used               so many parallels between the topics              interested in the work we do as translators
and the limits of MT in producing content             discussed at ACES and those we discuss            and interpreters. I highly recommend
in other languages for Apple. Perhaps                 among ourselves as translators and                attending if you get the chance! The
a comment made by one of the other                    interpreters that it struck me—we can             ACES 2019 conference is set to be held in
attendees is what truly made her question             really learn from these folks, and they           Providence, Rhode Island.
Apple’s practices. He said, “It’s often faster        can learn from us as well. To conclude
and less expensive to hire a professional             my presentation, I left attendees with this       NOTES
to translate than to rely on machine                  point, as I knew it would be something
                                                                                                            ACES: Society for Editing,
translation alone.” While we all know that                                                        
                                                      they could relate to as word people:
poorly translated material—whether the                                                                  2
                                                                                                            Yohn, Carolyn. “Copyediting for Stand-
                                                        “Just as there is no magic formula
result of relying solely on MT or unskilled                                                                 Out Style in Any Translation,” The ATA
                                                        to writing great copy, there is no                  Chronicle (January/February, 2018), 17,
humans(!)—can be a cost creator, it was
refreshing to see a professional in another             magic formula to creating a superb        
industry draw this conclusion himself and               translation. Both take time, expertise,         3
                                                                                                            Zampaulo, Madalena Sánchez. “What
share it with his colleagues.                           patience, and experience.”
                                                                                                            to Know Before You Send Your Copy
                                                         I encourage other ATA members to                   for Translation,” ACES Blog (March 12,
                                                      attend and present at events like this one            2018),
     THREE TIPS TO GET THE GIG                        on a regular basis. Not only was I able to        4
                                                                                                            Zampaulo, Madalena Sánchez. “Nine
     Want to spread the word about the value of       network with high-level professionals in              Ways to Stand Out in the Translation
     translation and interpreting to a group or       a parallel industry, but I was also asked             and Interpreting Industry,” The ATA
     organization? The following tips will help       to write a post for the ACES blog prior to            Chronicle (March/April, 2018), 8,
                                                      the conference based on the topic of my     
     you gain an edge in terms of getting people
     to ask you to speak at their event.              session.3 I was glad to do so, as it stirred up
                                                      additional interest in advance and prepared
     1. Research your target audience and             attendees for the topic of the presentation.                          Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo,
        decide how you can provide value to their        As I have mentioned in a previous                                  an ATA director, is the chief
        work and/or industry with your knowledge      Chronicle article, it can be truly beneficial                         executive officer of Accessible
        and expertise.                                                                                                      Translation Solutions, which
                                                      to look to other industries sometimes to
                                                                                                                            she founded in 2010. She
     2. Approach the organization either as a         help you see things more clearly in your
                                                                                                                            joined ATA’s Public Relations
        member or as an outsider who has a            own. Doing so can give you new ideas
                                                                                                        Committee in 2012 before becoming its chair in
        different perspective to share and make       and creative breakthroughs while growing          2014. She has also served as administrator for
        a pitch.                                      your network as a professional. I believe         ATA’s Medical Division (2011–2015). She has a
                                                      that this particular conference would be of       BA in Spanish from the University of Southern
     3. Review ATA’s Client Outreach Kit for more     great interest for translators of all levels.     Mississippi and an MA in Spanish from the
        tips and strategies on getting the gig,          While smaller than a typical ATA               University of Louisville. She is also a consultant
        preparing your presentation for your target   conference, the ACES event welcomed               for the University of Louisville Graduate Certificate
        audience, and more. You can find it here:     700 attendees from many areas of                  in Translation. You can read more of her articles           expertise. There were several extra events        on her blog at
                                                      available, such as a set of simultaneous          Contact:

10      The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                                        

                                                                                       given back—or perhaps paid it forward!
                                                                                       Another motivation for volunteering
                                                                                       is the simple existence of a need. We
                                                                                       often fill roles as volunteers because we
                                                                                       were either asked to do so or because
                                                                                       we saw a gap and were willing to fill
                                                                                       it. Sometimes we volunteer to gain
                                                                                       experience—perhaps to learn more
                                                                                       about an organization or community,
                                                                                       perhaps to help us master a task or
                                                                                       trade. At times we volunteer as a way
                                                                                       to expand our networks, since some of
                                                                                       the best community-building activities
                                                                                       come about when we serve side by side
                                                                                       as volunteers.

                                                                                       If you see volunteer service
                                                                                       as a hobby rather than a
                                                                                       necessary evil and choose your
                                                                                       commitments wisely, they can
                                                                                       be some of the most refreshing
                                                                                       aspects of your professional life.

Volunteering: Making Your                                                              KNOWING WHERE TO LOOK

Investment of Time Worthwhile                                                          Don’t know where to start? Within ATA
                                                                                       alone, there are many opportunities for
                                                                                       willing volunteers. It’s just a matter of
Can we, as freelance professionals, really reach a balance wherein paid                knowing where to look. The structure
                                                                                       of our organization is such that with
work, continuing education, and volunteering each play equitable roles,                all the moving parts and vital programs
all while maintaining a work-life balance?                                             that operate as branches of the parent
                                                                                       association, volunteers are at the core

V     olunteers are the cornerstones       general work within an organization         of nearly every committee, program,
      of nearly every nonprofit            like ATA or pro bono professional           and entity within ATA. Divisions and
      organization, and ATA is no          services offered to those in need. It       chapters, which offer a meaningful
exception. But what motivates a person     can also be done digitally or in person.    connection for local groups based on
to give their time for free? Can we, as    Volunteer work can involve a long-term      geographical region, subject matter,
freelance professionals, really reach a                                                or language family, often rely on
                                           commitment, like serving on a board
balance wherein paid work, continuing                                                  volunteers to coordinate events, publish
                                           of directors, or a single afternoon spent
education, and volunteering each play                                                  information, and share resources.
                                           at the local rescue mission. Most of us
equitable roles, all while maintaining a                                               The School Outreach and Mentoring
                                           volunteer without realizing it, such as
work-life balance? I say yes, and both                                                 Programs, which are aimed at ushering
                                           when we step up to chaperone a school       in the newest generation of translators
our careers and personal lives can be      field trip or lend a hand to someone in
more enriched for it.                                                                  and interpreters, are built on a volunteer
                                           need in our community.                      model where members are encouraged to
                                              The motivations for volunteering         connect with newcomers or students to
VOLUNTEERING COMES IN ALL                  come in all shapes and sizes. One           facilitate learning and the development
SHAPES AND SIZES                           incentive is the simple fact that           of our profession. The success of ATA’s
As a translator or interpreter,            volunteering can make us feel good          Annual Conference and its many
volunteering could manifest itself as      about ourselves. We feel that we’ve         related activities is dependent upon the                                                                                    American Translators Association   11

                                                    a blog for newcomers to the profession        always be good opportunities that you
     OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER                     or helping to register attendees at a local   need to pass up, and it’s okay to
     WITHIN ATA                                     networking event, it shows that this          say “no.”
                                                    industry means more to me than just
     ATA Annual Conference                                                                        2. Volunteering is great for balance
                                                    a job or making a living. These actions                                                                     on a résumé. There’s no shame in
                                                    demonstrate my commitment to
                                                    the career.                                   showcasing your volunteer activities on a
     ATA Chapters
                                                                                                  résumé or LinkedIn profile. You can even     The fact that I volunteer my time and         ask colleagues you’ve volunteered with to
     ATA Committees                                 energy sends a message that I’m no            be professional references if you feel they          stranger to hard work. The choice to
                                                                                                  have sufficient knowledge of your work
     committees.php                                 give of my time for free relates to others
                                                                                                  ethic and skill set.
                                                    that I don’t shy away from a challenge,
     ATA Divisions                                  even when there is no immediate               3. Doing slipshod volunteer work is   tangible benefit to me. For example, if I     counter-productive for everyone. If
     ATA Mentoring Program                          agree to head up a particularly complex       you give 100% to your paid work, then       or time-intensive initiative within a         give 150% to your volunteer work. Treat
                                                    committee, this is an opportunity to          these commitments as seriously as you
     ATA School Outreach Program                    demonstrate that I take on responsibility     would a paid job because they matter.                  eagerly and am willing to put my nose         You never know who may be watching
                                                    to the grindstone.                            your efforts.
willingness of volunteers to promote,                                                             4. Volunteer commitments can be fun.
host, welcome, organize, and support the            There will always be good                     Treating volunteering as drudgery will
event. Likewise, the many committees                                                              only make it more of a chore. If you
that function in line with ATA’s mission            opportunities that you need to                see volunteer service as a hobby rather
and vision are driven by volunteers. In a           pass up, and it’s okay to say “no.”           than a necessary evil and choose your
nutshell, ATA runs on volunteers!                                                                 commitments wisely, they can be some
                                                                                                  of the most refreshing aspects of your
WHAT VOLUNTEER COMMITMENTS                                                                        professional life.
DEMONSTRATE ABOUT US                                Volunteering within an organization
                                                                                                  5. Thank the volunteers in your life.
Once you’ve buckled down and begun                  like ATA conveys to others that I’m a
                                                                                                  There may not be a financial payoff, but
to serve as a volunteer in any capacity,            team player. Serving as a volunteer is
                                                                                                  the best compensation I can think of
it’s only logical to eventually circle              seldom a solo activity—it almost always
                                                    involves teamwork. I can learn and grow       in exchange for volunteer work is to be
back around to analyze your volunteer                                                             appreciated and respected by peers. So,
commitments and reevaluate your                     as an individual through the teams I
                                                    serve alongside. For example, a colleague     be sure to thank a volunteer!
decision to serve. It’s at this point that
we have to ask ourselves a question that            may join me to do a School Outreach             For additional ideas on how to
might sound a little self-serving on the            presentation or I could pair up with          manage and select volunteer activities,
surface, but that’s actually crucial to             another translator to edit my division’s      you can listen to a free ATA webinar I
ensuring continuity and reciprocity in              monthly newsletter. These opportunities       presented on the subject here:
the volunteer process: “What’s in it                to develop teamwork skills not only 
for me?”                                            shape us professionally, but also display
                                                                                                  Happy volunteering!
    To get to the bottom of how we                  our ability to collaborate and cooperate
can really benefit from volunteering,               with others.
I propose that we turn this question                                                                                Jamie Hartz is an ATA-certified
                                                       As you see, volunteering can be a
                                                                                                                    Spanish>English translator
upside down and ask ourselves this                  very constructive part of managing a
                                                                                                                    and transcriber. She has
instead: “What do my volunteer                      professional image, in addition to the
                                                                                                                    been freelancing since 2013,
commitments demonstrate about me?”                  many other benefits it offers. You may
                                                                                                                    specializing in legal and
Here are a few examples to consider as              find it helpful to keep in mind this final                      commercial translations. She
you seek to build the image you want to             food for thought as you seek to make the      received her MA in translation from Kent State
portray to your network:                            most of your volunteer commitments and        University in May 2015. She serves as secretary
My willingness to serve as a volunteer              serve our community:                          of her local ATA chapter, the Delaware Valley
says I care about my profession.                    1. Know how to say “no.” Setting              Translators Association, and has been a
When I dedicate my available time to                boundaries can be a challenge when we         member of the The Savvy Newcomer blog team
furthering the mission of translators and           see there’s a need, but there are only        since its inception in 2013. Contact:
interpreters, whether by contributing to            so many hours in the day! There will

12     The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                               

                                                                                                  FAKE CHECK SCAMS
                                                                                                  How It Works: These check scams
                                                                                                  proceed according to the following
                                                                                                  pattern. The scammer pretends to be a
                                                                                                  client in need of language services. The
                                                                                                  unsuspecting translator/interpreter sends
                                                                                                  a quote to the ostensive client, and the
                                                                                                  client accepts the terms. So far, so good,
                                                                                                  but then the trouble begins.
                                                                                                     The fake client sends a check in
                                                                                                  advance for an amount that is quite a
                                                                                                  bit larger than the quoted price. The
                                                                                                  fake client then contacts the translator/
                                                                                                  interpreter about the error, explaining
                                                                                                  that it would be too complicated to send
                                                                                                  another check for the correct amount
                                                                                                  and asks the person being scammed to
                                                                                                  wire the overpaid amount from the first
                                                                                                  check back to them. The unsuspecting
                                                                                                  translator/interpreter wires the extra
                                                                                                  money to the fake client and never hears
                                                                                                  from them again. Several weeks later, the
                                                                                                  check bounces. To add insult to injury,
                                                                                                  not only has the translator/interpreter lost
                                                                                                  the money he or she wired to the fake
                                                                                                  client, but they are also stuck with a bank
                                                                                                  fee for the bounced check.

Translation Scams Reloaded                                                                           This scam exploits the fact that the
                                                                                                  payment processor (the payee’s bank)
                                                                                                  doesn’t verify the authenticity of the check
Scams are on the rise in online commerce. Learn about the three most                              at the time of deposit. In fact, it takes
common types of fraudulent schemes in the language industry, along with                           days to weeks for a check to arrive at the
                                                                                                  payer’s bank, where the check is finally
steps to protect against them.                                                                    cleared or rejected.

                                                                                                     This type of scam is most often
        erriam-Webster defines “scam” as        ■■   Nonpayment for services rendered,
        “an instance of the use of dishonest                                                      attempted by ordering translations of
                                                     possibly ordered under a false name and/
        methods to acquire something of                                                           random texts that are sometimes pulled off
                                                     or while impersonating a reputable client.
value.”1 Below you will find a summary                                                            the internet. However, interpreters could
of some of the dishonest methods that
                                                ■■   Impersonation of reputable translators       be similarly defrauded if the check is sent
are unfortunately on the rise in the                 by the scammer, also known as CV theft.      before the alleged interpreting assignment.
language industry and other sectors.               I’ll summarize each of these                   How to Spot It: Most of these fake
This is a continuation and an update of         schemes here along with tips on how               check scams are fairly easy to spot.
two previous articles that appeared in          to recognize them before getting                  Although the presence of any one of
the October 2014 edition of The ATA             defrauded. I’ll also cover new and                the following warning signs doesn’t
Chronicle2 and in the Spring 2017 edition       sophisticated variants of these old               necessarily mean that you are dealing
of Translorial,3 the journal of the Northern                                                      with a scammer, a combination of
                                                schemes and the steps you can take to
California Translators Association (the                                                           these would be a strong indication that
                                                protect against them.
latter co-authored with Peg Flynn).                                                               someone is trying to scam you:
                                                   Of course, there are many other devious
                                                schemes out there, including email                ■■   The email is sent from a free, quasi-
WHAT ARE THE MOST                               phishing attempts. For more information                anonymous account such as Yahoo
COMMON SCHEMES?                                 on what to watch out for, the Federal                  or Gmail.
The following schemes are the most              Bureau of Investigation and the National          ■■   The email is sent to you via blind
common in the language sector:                  Consumers League maintain extensive                    carbon copy without a personal
■■   Variants of the age-old Nigerian check     lists of the most common fraud schemes.                salutation or other details about the
     scam, tailored to the language industry.   (See sidebar on page 14.)                              alleged project. This indicates that the                                                                                                  American Translators Association   13

                                                                                                         Dishonest people who order
                                                                                                         translation or interpreting
     LANGUAGE SERVICES COMPANIES                                     services under a false name are
     Payment Practices                                   (This is another site to obtain information     hard to spot, especially if they                        about domain registrants and owners of IP
     (Fee-based, discount for ATA members)               addresses. Just like Domain Dossier, the same   impersonate reputable entities.
                                                         comments regarding GDPR apply.)
     ProZ Blue Board                              IP Location
     (Overview free, details for members only) 
                                                         (An IP address location service)
                                                                                                         sent from the domain “.net” instead of the
     Zahlungspraxis, Yahoo Group                                                                         correct “.com” domain.                   WHERE TO REPORT SCAMS                           How to Prevent It: When dealing with
     (Free, German-centric)                              Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet        new direct clients, I recommend asking
                                                         Crime Complaint Center                          for payment, or at least a portion of the
                                                                                    payment, in advance via a payment method
     Display Email Header                                National Consumers League                       where the liquidity of the payer is verified                                      at the time of the transaction. Payment
                                                                                                         processors such as Paypal or Stripe, bank
     Email Headers “Decoded”                             Federal Trade Commission                        transfers, money orders, or cashiers checks                                work well here. Language agencies or larger
     (If you copy/paste the entire header here, it                                                       corporations will generally not agree to pay
                                                         Translator Scammers Directory (For
     will reveal the entire email address chain from                                                     in advance. In these situations, due diligence
                                                         translator CV theft)
     sender to recipient. You can plug the originating                                                   using the online resources listed in the
     address into a whois service and an IP address                                                      sidebar on this page is recommended.
     location to get more information on the registrar   ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
     of the domain/IP address.)                          ATA Business Practices Listserv
                                                                  NONPAYMENT FOR SERVICES
     Domain Dossier                        ATA Business Practices Resource Page
                                                                                                         RENDERED SCAM
     (This site gives you information about the                                                          How It Works: The client simply gives
     registrants of domain names and IP addresses.                                                       a fake name and contact information or
                                                         ATA Members and Internet Scams                  impersonates a reputable person or entity.
     However, due to the new General Data Protection
                                                   This is similar to the scheme described in
     Regulation (GDPR), a lot of the information,
                                                                                                         the previous section on the latest twist on
     including names and addresses, are now
                                                                                                         the fake check scam. After delivery of the
     obfuscated. Nevertheless, sufficient contact
                                                                                                         translation or interpreting services, the
     information must be disclosed to report abuse.)
                                                                                                         client disappears without paying or sends
                                                                                                         a fake check. The fraudsters are usually
                                                                                                         the middlemen and sell the language
     email has been sent to a large number               The Latest Twist: Since people are              service to a real end-client. In this case,
     of people simultaneously.                           becoming increasingly aware of these            the translator/interpreter doesn’t lose any
                                                         types of fake check scams due to the            money, only time for services rendered.
■■   The email is written in really bad
                                                         aforementioned warning signs, some
     English, despite the fact that the sender                                                           How to Spot It: Dishonest people who
                                                         savvy scammers take extra steps to
     uses a (very generic) name indicative of a                                                          order translation or interpreting services
                                                         obfuscate their evil intentions. They
     native English speaker.                                                                             under a false name are hard to spot,
                                                         attempt to impersonate a reputable person
                                                                                                         especially if they impersonate reputable
■■   A signature and any other information               or entity by emulating the signature of
                                                                                                         entities. I recommend always doing
     that can identify the sender are missing.           that entity, complete with logo in the
                                                                                                         your research on new clients using the
                                                         email message, and sometimes even set
   Even if a potential client has no idea                                                                resources in the sidebar on this page.
                                                         up a fake web domain from which they
about the process to request language                    send the message. For example, I recently       The Latest Twist: Similar to the fake
services, they usually give you a means                  received a message that was allegedly           check scam, some fraudsters go the
to contact them other than their email                   from the editor of a reputable newspaper.       extra mile and establish a fake online
address. Real clients also know which                    However, upon closer inspection, it             presence, complete with website, logo,
language they need the text translated into.             turned out that the message had been            etc. A recently established website with

14      The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2018                                                                                   
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