Transmissions - International Council on Clean Transportation

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Transmissions - International Council on Clean Transportation

Authors: Aaron Isenstadt and John German (ICCT); Mark Burd and Ed Greif (Dana Corporation)
Date: 29 August 2016
Keywords: Passenger vehicles, advanced technologies, fuel-efficiency, technology innovation, transmission, CVT,
DCT, automatics

Introduction                                    four to five years ago.2 The ICCT is col-               in the rule and how they impact
                                                laborating with automotive suppliers on                 cost and benefits;
In 2012, the U.S. Environmental
                                                a series of working papers evaluating
Protection Agency (EPA) and the                                                                      • Customer-acceptance issues,
                                                technology progress and new develop-
Department of Transportation’s National                                                                such as real-world fuel economy,
                                                ments in engines, transmissions, vehicle
Highway Traffic Safety Administration                                                                  performance, drivability, reliability,
                                                body design and lightweighting, and
(NHTSA) finalized a joint rule estab-                                                                  and safety.
                                                other measures that have occurred
lishing new greenhouse gas and fuel
                                                since then. Each paper will evaluate:              This paper provides an analysis of
economy standards for vehicles.1 The
                                                                                                   transmission technology development
standards apply to new passenger cars                • How the current rate of progress            and trends. It is a joint collaboration
and light-duty trucks, model years 2012                (costs, benefits, and market pen-           between ICCT, BorgWarner, Dana, the
through 2025. A mid-term review of the                 etration) compares to projections           ITB Group, and FEV. The paper relies
standards will be conducted in 2017.                   in the rule;                                on data from publicly available sources
Assuming the fleet mix remains                       • Recent technology develop-                  and data and information from the par-
unchanged, the standards require                       ments that were not considered              ticipating automotive suppliers.
these vehicles to meet an estimated
                                                Table 1. Transmission technology compared to EPA/NHTSA 2017-2025 rulemaking.
combined average fuel economy of                Rapid improvements in continuously variable transmissions and conventional
34.1 miles per gallon (mpg) in model            automatics have compensated for slower than projected growth in the use of dual-
year 2016, and 49.1 mpg in model                clutch automated manual transmissions.
year 2025. The standards require an
                                                                 Behind RM
average improvement in fuel economy
                                                                On schedule
of about 4.1 percent per year.                                                               Manufacturing       Efficiency         Market
                                                                Ahead of RM                      cost             benefits        penetration
The technology assessments
                                                    Dual-clutch transmissions
conducted by the agencies to inform
the 2017–2025 rule were conducted
                                                    Conventional Automatics

                                                    Continuously variable transmissions

                                                2     U.S. EPA & NHTSA. Joint Technical Support
                                                      Document: Final Rulemaking for 2017-2025     BACKGROUND
                                                      Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas
                                                      Emission Standards and Corporate Average     As recently as 2007, 4- and 5-speed
                                                      Fuel Economy Standards. Aug. 2012. Web.      a u to m a t i c t ra n s m i ss i o n s ( ATs)
1   US. EPA & NHTSA. EPA/NHTSA Final                  June 2016.
    Rulemaking to Establish 2017 and Later            climate/regs-light-duty.htm#2017-2025 U.S.
                                                                                                   dominated the vehicle market (>75%
    Model Years Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse         NHTSA. Corporate Average Fuel Economy        share). Lock-up torque converters had
    Gas Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel          for MY 2017-MY 2025 Passenger Cars and       been widely used for over 20 years, but
    Economy Standards. Oct. 2012. Web. Jun.           Light Trucks: Final Regulatory Impact
    2016.          Analysis. Aug 2012. Accessed June 2016.
                                                                                                   otherwise transmission efficiency had
    regs-light-duty.htm#2017-2025                       not improved significantly for decades.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Keith Martin from BorgWarner Transmission Systems, Sean Osborne and Joel Kopinsky from the ITB Group and Greg
Kolwich and Kiran Govindswamy from FEV for their input and reviews.

© INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION, 2016                                                                    WWW.THEICCT.ORG
Transmissions - International Council on Clean Transportation

These pre-2007 4- and 5-speed ATs               transmission, and offers the potential       thus maximizes engine efficiency. The
were significantly less efficient than          for smooth/quick shifts without              efficient engine operation can more
manual transmissions, due to losses             torque interruption. One issue with          than offset the inefficiencies of the
in the torque converter and in the              the DCT is launch performance, as            continuously variable transmission,
hydraulic systems inside the transmis-          the vehicle must start moving while          especially during low-speed urban
sion. Since 2007, advances in torque            engaging a single clutch. Some manu-         operation, and so produce overall
converter lockup and hydraulics                 facturers use a wet hydraulic clutch to      fuel consumption reductions. CVTs
have improved so much that modern               solve this problem, although the need        were introduced in small volumes in
automatics have significantly reduced           for continuous lubrication from the          the United States in 1989. However,
the gap in efficiency—in some areas             hydraulic system reduces efficiency          the early designs suffered from belt
eliminating it entirely.                        somewhat. By contrast, dry DCTs use          limitations, which, in addition to high
                                                an accumulator and high-pressure             friction losses, restricted torque to
A major breakthrough in transmis-               hydraulics, which are used to shut off       such an extent that the transmission
sion design was the development                 the hydraulic system.                        could only be used on smaller cars.
of the Lepelletier gear set system.                                                          Recent improvements in CVT controls
This system enables additional gear             The other major transmission type            and system design have reduced
combinations without increasing the             is the continuously variable trans-          losses and expanded the torque
number of clutches and gearsets.                mission (CVT). Conventionally, this          capacity and ratio coverage, making
Six-speed Lepelletier automatics are            design uses a belt or chain to connect       the CVT another strong transmission
usually slightly cheaper to manufac-            two pairs of concentric cones, with          competitor even for larger vehicles.
turer than 4-speed ATs,3 and much               infinitely variable ratios between
cheaper than previously-designed                the maximum and minimum points.
                                                                                             Technology history
6-speed ATs. The additional number              The efficiency of the transmission is
of gear ratios and increased ratio              reduced by friction losses related to        According to the EPA fuel economy
spans improves efficiency and perfor-           clamping forces on the belt/chain (as        trends report,4 manufacturers have
mance by:                                       well as high-pressure hydraulics), but       been rapidly increasing the number of
                                                the system allows the engine to always       transmission gear ratios. Automatic
    • enabling the engine to operate            run at optimal speed/load points and         transmissions (AT) considered by
      in more efficient regions of the                                                       EPA in this report were divided into
      speed/load curve;
    • allowing more torque multipli-                                     4-5 speed
      cation for vehicle launch, for                                                                           6 speed
      better performance and engine
    • allowing lower engine rpm in top
      gear, for better efficiency and less
      engine noise.                             40%

Another important development in
the last ten years is the dual-clutch
transmission (DCT). Introduced in
the European Union in 2003 on the               20%
Volkswagen DQ250, a DCT is essen-                                                                                             8+ speed
tially a manual (layshaft) transmis-            10%                               CVT non-hybrid
sion with the odd-numbered gears                                                                    7 speed
on one shaft and the even-numbered               0%
gears on a second shaft. Each shaft                   2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
has its own clutch, and the gear on
one shaft is disengaged at the same             Figure 1. Historic market share of transmissions by number of ratios. (Source: U.S. EPA.
time the gear on the other shaft is             Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy
engaged (see Figure 4). This design             Trends: 1975 Through 2015. Dec 2015.)
approaches the efficiency of a manual
                                                                                             4   US. EPA. Light-Duty Automotive
3    FEV. 2030 Passenger Car and Light                                                           Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and
     Commercial Vehicle Powertrain Technology                                                    Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2015.
     Analysis. Report commissioned by ICCT.                                                      Dec 2015.
     Forthcoming.                                                                                fetrends-complete.htm

2    INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                              WORKING PAPER 2016-17
Transmissions - International Council on Clean Transportation

Table 2. U.S. market penetration trends (cars and light trucks).
(Source: U.S. EPA. Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2015.)

                            2004       2005        2006       2007     2008      2009       2010       2011       2012        2013         2014     2015*
 4–5 speed                   95.7%     93.3%       86.9%       76.6%   70.7%     63.4%         48.1%   32.9%      26.3%        18.2%       10.0%      6.1%
 6 speed                        3%          4.1%    8.8%       14.4%    19.4%    24.5%         38.1%   52.3%      56.3%       60.1%        58.4%     57.2%
 7 speed                      0.2%         0.2%     1.4%        1.5%     1.8%      2.5%        2.7%     3.1%        2.8%       2.8%         3.3%      2.7%
 8+ speed                     —            —        —          0.2%     0.2%       0.1%        0.2%     1.7%        2.6%        4.1%        9.5%     13.2%
 CVT non-hybrid               0.7%          1.3%    1.4%        5.1%     5.5%      7.3%        7.2%     8.0%        9.2%       11.8%       16.6%     18.2%
 CVT hybrid                   0.4%          1.0%    1.5%        2.1%     2.4%      2.1%        3.8%     2.0%        2.7%       2.9%         2.3%      2.5%
 Manual                       6.8%         6.2%     6.5%        5.6%     5.2%      4.8%        3.8%     3.2%        3.6%       3.5%         2.8%      3.6%
 AT w/ lockup                91.8%         91.5%   90.6%       87.1%   86.8%     85.6%         84.1%   86.5%      83.4%       80.4%        76.7%     74.0%
 AT w/o lockup                0.3%          0.1%   0.0%        0.0%     0.2%       0.2%         1.2%    0.3%         1.1%       1.4%        1.6%      1.7%

* 2015 values are preliminary estimates.

two groups: ATs with lockup torque                  report.) Assuming it is correct that                adoption of CVTs in conventional
converter (lockup bypasses the torque               all 6+ speed ATs without lockup                     powertrains (i.e., non-hybrids).
converter under certain conditions                  referenced in the trends report are
to improve fuel economy) and ATs                    DCTs, then DCTs are about ~2% of the                Manual transmissions (5+ gears)
without lockup. Chrysler introduced                 transmission market in 2015.                        have remained between 3% and
the first lockup torque converter in                                                                    4 % o f t h e m a r ke t s i n c e 2 0 1 0.
the 1980s. By 2000, all automatics                  CVTs have seen a huge increase in                   Although the number of gear ratios
had lockup capabilities. Thus, dual                 market share in the last three years: an            has increased in both manuals and
clutch transmissions (DCT) are likely               estimated 22.6% of new, non-hybrid                  automatics, the rate of increase is
the main example of automatic                       cars and 11.8% of non-hybrid trucks                 higher for automatics.
transmission technology without                     were equipped with a CVT in 2015,
lockup reported in the trends report.               about twice the market share in 2012.
                                                                                                        Historical estimates of costs
Unfortunately, EPA does not (yet)                   The share of planetary gear systems
                                                                                                        and benefits
track DCT production, so the data                   used in Toyota and Ford hybrid
gathered for the trends report did not              vehicles, commonly referred to as                   The National Academy of Sciences
separate DCT into a distinct category.              electric CVTs (e-CVTs), has remained                (NAS) 2002 report5 estimated that
(EPA acknowledges that data incon-                  relatively constant between 2% and                  a 5-speed AT would see a 2%–3%
sistencies for DCTs represent an area               3% since 2007. Thus, all of the growth              fuel consumption reduction over a
of future improvement in the trends                 in CVTs is attributable to increased                4-speed AT at a cost of $70–$154.

Table 3. Historical estimates of transmission technology costs and benefits as compared to the 2017-2025 rulemaking.

                                             NAS 2002                    NHTSA 2008–2011                EPA/NHTSA 2017–2025
                                   BENEFIT              COST           BENEFIT            COST          BENEFIT              COST           Relative to
 5-speed AT                            2%–3%            $70–$154          2%–3%         $73–$160        1.1%–$1.6%                  $70      4-speed AT
 6-speed AT                            1%–$2%        $140–280            1%–$2%,          $146–291     0.7%–$0.8%                  ($81)     5-speed AT
 8-speed AT                            —                  —              1%–$2%            —           4.8%–$5.7%                   $47      6-speed AT
 Aggressive Shift Logic                    1%–3%          $0–$70          1%–3%            $0–$70       5.1%–7.0%                   $22            No ASL
 DCT                                   3%–5%         $70–$280             3%–5%         $73–$291       5.7%–12.6%           ($176)–$28       4-speed AT
 CVT                                   4%–8%        $140–$350            4%–8%       $146–$364          6.0%–8.7%              —             4-speed AT
 Adv CVT                               0%–2%        $350–$840            0%–2%          $364–874            —                  —                     CVT

NB: The agencies assumed that an 8-speed AT would only be applied to a 6-speed AT vehicle with towing requirement, all other vehicles transition
from 6-speed DCT to 8-speed DCT. DCT effectiveness and cost estimates include both wet- and dry-clutch.

                                                                                                        5     Transportation Research Board and
                                                                                                              National Research Council. Effectiveness
                                                                                                              and Impact of Corporate Average Fuel
                                                                                                              Economy (CAFE) Standards. Washington,
                                                                                                              DC: The National Academies Press, 2002.

WORKING PAPER 2016-17                                                                    INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                      3

More speeds continue the trend of                 would be additional benefits from              EPA/NHTSA 2017–2025
greater efficiency: a 6-speed AT                  switching to a 7-speed or 8-speed AT.          PROJECTIONS: MARKET
will give 1%–2% fuel consumption                                                                 PENETRATION, COSTS,
benefit over a 5-speed AT. Since                  The rapid increase in computational            AND BENEFITS
this transmission was estimated to                power in onboard computers and the
                                                  development of the Lepelletier gear            In the agencies’ analyses, aggressive
cost an additional $140–$280 and
                                                  set has led to levels of transmission          shift logic (ASL) and early torque
would require complex controls, NAS
                                                  technology adoption well beyond                co nve r te r l o c k u p ( E TC L ) we re
2002 predicted 6-speed ATs in 2015
                                                  what was expected in 2002 and in               combined in the models with
to be limited to luxury/performance
                                                  the 2008–2011 NHTSA rulemaking.                automatic transmissions (“improved
vehicles. As shown in Figure 1, today
                                                  For the 2017–2025 rulemaking, the              automatic transmission control”—
6-speed ATs occupy more than
                                                  agencies estimated that dual-clutch            I ATC ) . T h e l o g i c b e h i n d t h a t
50% of the market, and 7-speed+
                                                  automated manual transmissions                 decision was that their addition
automatics and non-hybrid CVTs take
                                                  (DCTs/AMTs) and conventional ATs               requires only minor physical modi-
up the next two largest shares.
                                                  with more gears and aggressive shift           fications and calibration software.
CVTs were estimated to have 4%–8%                 logic (ASL) would both be relatively           DCTs use clutches instead of torque
fuel consumption reduction (relative to           inexpensive: an 8-speed AT with ASL            converters, and are thus considered
a 4-speed AT) at a cost of $140–$350              would cost only $58 more than a                automated manual transmissions.
in NAS 2002, but would be limited                 conventional 4-speed AT for a 11%              As such, only ASL is applied to DCTs
by consumer acceptance issues and                 or more reduction in fuel consump-             in the agencies’ models.
production cost. Advanced CVTs, with              tion. DCTs would be even cheaper
                                                                                                 The agencies used two levels of
toroidal friction elements or cone-and-           and more efficient than comparable
                                                                                                 ASL. Level 1, essentially downspeed-
ring, were estimated to have 0%–2%                ATs. EPA/NHTSA also considered
                                                                                                 ing, involves earlier upshift (i.e.,
benefit over a conventional (belt) CVT,           consumer acceptance issues for
                                                                                                 at l owe r r p m d u r i n g a cce l e ra -
at a cost of $350–$480; these are able            DCTs and CVTs. CVT driveability
                                                                                                 tion). Level 2 (“shift optimization”)
to handle higher torques, essentially             issues were expected to continue
                                                                                                 requires constant monitoring of all
opening up heavier vehicle classes to             to plague consumers, while the
                                                                                                 gear options and selecting the gear
CVT implementation.                               agencies assumed that better control
                                                                                                 that puts the engine in the most
                                                  algorithms would mostly eliminate
For its 2008–2011 rulemaking, 6                                                                  efficient operating zone. Level 2
                                                  DCT consumer acceptance issues
NHTSA largely accepted the NAS                                                                   ASL is expected to come with driver
                                                  and DCTs would replace CVTs and
2002 report estimates without                                                                    acceptability dilemmas—including
                                                  most ATs by 2025.7
change, although NHTSA found there                                                               shift busyness—despite the progress
                                                                                                 that is being made in making shifting
                                                                                                 smoother and less noticeable (e.g.,

Table 4. Rulemaking projected market share, costs, and benefits of considered transmission technologies

                                                                           2025 Direct           Fuel consumption
                                           2021           2025          Manufacturing Cost           reduction             Relative to
 Aggressive shift logic                     —               —                    $22                 5.1%–7.0%               no tech
 Early torque converter lockup              —               —                    $20                0.4%–0.5%                no tech
 High efficiency gearbox                  44%             95%                    $163               4.3%–5.7%                no tech
 6-speed AT                                 7%             0%                    -$11                1.7%–2.3%             4-speed AT
 8-speed AT                               30%             35%                    $47                4.8%–5.7%              6-speed AT
 6-speed DCT                               12%             0%         -$176 (dry), -$124 (wet)       5.7%–8.1%             4-speed AT
 8-speed DCT                              42%             56%          -$24 (dry), $28 (wet)       9.7%–12.6%*             4-speed AT
 6-speed MT                                 5%             4%                    $173               2.0%–2.5%              5-speed MT
 CVT                                        —               —                     —               6.0%–8.7%**              4-speed AT

* 8-speed DCT shows a 3.9%–4.7% improvement over 6-speed DCT, and costs $153 more.
**CVT benefit was calculated in EPA’s Lumped Parameter Model,7 and is not in the rulemaking.

                                                  7   “Lumped Parameter Model (LPM) for Light-
6   U.S. NHTSA. Light Truck Fuel Economy              Duty Vehicles.” EPA OTAQ: Transportation
    Standard Rulemaking, MY 2008–2011. March          and Climate. Feb 23, 2016. Accessed June
    2006. Web. June 2016. http://www.nhtsa.           2016.
    gov/fuel-economy                                  lpm.htm

4   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                   WORKING PAPER 2016-17

through more available gears). The         much so that they project 6-speed                  today some wet-clutch DCTs have
agencies assumed that suppliers can        ATs will be virtually eliminated by                mostly overcome this problem with
minimize these issues by MY 2017,          2025 (although 6-speed MTs are                     on-demand hydraulic systems). It was
and they noted that if the problems        projected to maintain a 4% market                  also assumed that, because there is
persist, effectiveness may be lower        share in 2025).                                    no torque converter, DCTs would
and costs may be higher. The Level                                                            likely be paired with engines with
2 ASL fuel consumption reduction is        The effectiveness of a 6-speed AT is               high low-speed torque or with trans-
relative to a transmission without any     relative to a 4-speed AT, and incorpo-             missions that have shorter gear ratios
previously implemented ASL. Level 2        rates a 7% improvement in gearbox                  to match the torque multiplication of
ASL is expected to improve efficiency      efficiency that would accompany a                  a torque converter.
over Level 1 by 4%–5%, at virtually no     switch to 6-speed AT. An 8-speed AT
additional cost.                           was applied after 6-speed AT only to               Despite improvements in automatic
                                           vehicles with towing requirements                  transmission and dual-clutch trans-
Locking the torque converter in            (minivans, midsize and large trucks).              mission efficiency, the agencies
ATs (and CVTs) eliminates slip to          The reported effectiveness of an                   consider manual transmissions to
improve fuel economy. However,             8-speed is relative to a 6-speed.                  exhibit the most efficient energy
at lower vehicle speeds, torsional         Relative to a 4-speed AT, an 8-speed               transfer due to low internal gear
energy is harder to dampen, and it         AT shows 6.5 %– 7.8% reduction in                  losses, minimal hydraulics, and
can create shaking or shuddering           fuel consumption.                                  actuation energy input from the
as it passes through the vehicle.                                                             driver. Of course, the driver may not
Thus, early torque converter lockup        The incremental direct manufac-                    select the optimum gear for best fuel
(ETCL) and partial lockup require          turing cost (DMC) for 8-speed ATs                  economy, so on the official test cycles
upgraded materials to withstand            from 6-speed is $47. Note that the                 advanced automatic transmissions
higher loads. For the rulemaking,          agencies predict a net savings of $11              usually provide better fuel economy.
“early lockup” is considered to occur      in switching from the older 4-speed
at lower speeds than conventional          design to a 6-speed Lepelletier AT.                More gear ratios (usually overdrive
lockup strategies. As before, driver       Thus, switching from a 4-speed to an               gears) permit the engine to operate
acceptability (driveability, noise,        8-speed AT results in a DMC of $36.                in the optimum efficiency range more
vibration and harshness) is key to                                                            often. However, proper stepping of
                                           Vehicles with no towing requirement
successful implementation.                                                                    the ratios is important to driver sat-
                                           were modeled as having an 8-speed
                                                                                              isfaction and acceptability. For the
Reduction of mechanical friction           DCT after a 6-speed DCT. The
                                                                                              2017–2025 rulemaking, the agencies
drives the improvements in gearbox         effectiveness of 8-speed DCTs
                                                                                              assumed the number of gear ratios
efficiency. A number of strategies are     over 4-speed ATs is 9.7%–12.6%,
                                                                                              increases from 5 to 6 in manual trans-
available for reducing gearbox friction,   and 5.7%–8.1% for 6-speed DCTs
                                                                                              missions. For reference, 6-speed and
and all are generally applicable to        over 4-speed ATs. Note that in the
                                                                                              5-speed manuals (MT) are estimated
any type of transmission. The fuel         2011 Ricardo study cited in the
                                                                                              to occupy 2.78% and 0.76% of the
consumption reduction of a high            rulemaking, the effectiveness values
                                                                                              market, respectively, in 2015.
efficiency gearbox (HEG) compared          include high efficiency gearbox.
to a baseline AT is 4.3%–5.7% (lower       Independent of other improvements                  Lastly, neither agency felt that CVTs
bound due to 4WD trucks with an            in transmission, DCTs were estimated               would be competitive within the
unimproved rear axle).                     to have 4%–6% improvement over                     2017–2025 timeframe. Nevertheless,
                                           ATs with same number of gear ratios.               t h e L u m p e d P a ra m e t e r M o d e l
Increased numbers of gears also            The agencies further split DCTs into               (LPM, EPA’s model for effectiveness
increase the transmission friction,        wet-clutch and dry-clutch versions.                of various vehicle technologies)
costs, and weight. Thus, increasing        Wet-clutch DCTs have higher torque                 estimated CVT effectiveness as
the number of gears may see dimin-         capacity since the clutches are                    6.0%–8.7%, relative to a 4-speed AT.
ishing returns. Furthermore, as            cooled and hydraulically actuated.
is common for many transmission            Wet clutches are also useful in                    Figure 2 combines the historical
technologies, increased shifting can       vehicles with low-torque engines,                  market share from the FE Trends
lead to consumer acceptance issues         where cooling is required to allow                 Report with projected market shares
(perceived shift busyness) as well as      the clutch to be slipped over a                    of various transmissions from the
additional losses (due to shifting).       longer period of time. The agencies                EPA/NHTSA 2017–2025 rulemaking
The agencies expect 8-speed ATs to         assumed that the hydraulic pump                    for 2021 and 2025 (identified by the
be readily available beginning in MY       leads to reduced efficiency compared               dotted lines). As indicated by the
2017 and widespread by MY 2025, so         t o d r y - c l u t c h D C Ts ( a l t h o u g h   yellow region in the lower left of

WORKING PAPER 2016-17                                                         INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION            5

the figure, 4 speed transmissions                                  100%
(both manual and automatic) have                                                                                      other
                                                                   90%                                        CVT
been virtually phased out by 2015.                                                                                                      eCVT
Similarly, 5-speed transmissions                                   80% 5-speed              7-speed
(red) are losing market share and                                         manual           automatic                                                8-speed+
                                                                   70%                                                                                DCT
are estimated to taper off to zero

                                                    Market Share
by 2021. Future projections are for                                60%
                                                                                5-speed              6-speed
8-speed+ATs and, especially, DCTs                                              automatic            automatic
to dominate the market, with CVTs
tapering off to zero by 2021.                                      40%
                                                                                                                       manual                       8-speed+
                                                                   30%                                                                              automatic
CURRENT PRODUCTION COSTS                                                      4-speed
AND BENEFITS ESTIMATES                                                       automatic
Since the rulemaking was written                                    10%
in 2012, numerous developments                                      0%
h ave o cc u r re d i n C V Ts , D C Ts ,                             2004   2006   2008     2010      2012    2014   2016      2018     2020     2022    2024 2025
a n d c o nve n t i o n a l a u t o m a t i c s .                                                             Model Year
Several of these developments
are described below.                                 Figure 2. Market share of various transmissions by speed (color) and type (shade).
                                                     CVT = continuously variable transmission for non-hybrid cars and trucks. eCVT =
CVT                                                  hybrid vehicle continuously variable transmission. DCT = dual clutch transmission.
                                                     (Source: US. EPA. Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and
The typical CVT utilizes a belt                      Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2015. Dec 2015.)
sandwiched between pairs of cones:
essentially two variable-diameter
pulleys (Figure 3). Historically, torque
limitations hindered the adoption of
CVTs in all but the smallest vehicles.                               HIGH GEAR
But improvements in belt design have
dramatically increased the torque
capabilities of CVTs up to 450Nm.8
CVTs captured an estimated 18% of                                                            DRIVEN PULLEY
the entire market in 2015 and sales
include compact cars (1.0L to 1.8L)
all the way through large passenger
vehicles (>2.5L) 9 including the                        DRIVE PULLEY                                                                            ELEMENT
Nissan Murano—a midsize crossover
                                                                                                                                                     RING BUNDLE/
SUV with a 3.5L engine.                                                                                                                                  PACK

As an example of the improve-
ments, Jatco produces a CVT for                                                            LOW GEAR
small cars that has an increased
gear spread, which enhances launch
and acceleration. It couples a small

                                                     Figure 3. Typical belt-driven CVT configuration (left), and typical belt design (right).11
8   “Pushbelt (Working Principle).” Bosch
    Transmission Technology B.V. Accessed
    June 2016.                  “sub-transmission” to the CVT. This                         the efficiency benefits from reduced
    transmission_technology/en/html/5869.            “sub-transmission” is an auxiliary                          weight and the increased gear
    htm “Bosch Pushbelt – Efficiency on the
                                                     gearbox. Complexity is increased,                           spread, internal friction is reduced
    Road.” Bosch Mobility Solutions. Video
    accessed June 2016.         but the overall size is reduced by                          by 30%.10
    com/watch?v=bwKKGdU0fjU                          10% and weight by 13%. In addition to
9   As but one example of several CVT
    suppliers, Jatco offers CVTs suitable
    for a range of vehicle sizes. “Product                                                                       10 “Jatco CVT7.” Jatco Product Information.
    Information.” Jatco. Accessed June 2016.                                                                                                                                      cvt/cvt7.html. Accessed June 2016.

6   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                      WORKING PAPER 2016-17

DCT11                                                CLUTCHES 1 & 2                                            6TH
                                                                          REVERSE                                                     5TH
As shown in Figure 4, a DCT includes
two clutches, one for each concentric
input shaft (orange, purple). The two
output shafts (countershafts, hidden)
each have a number of gears (blue-
gray) that can spin freely around their
respective output shaft. Gear selectors
(smooth gray) axially slide on the
output shafts to select a specific gear
and connect it to its output shaft,
thereby driving the output shaft. Only                         OUTER SHAFT
one clutch is engaged at a time, so
that only one of the countershafts
drives the final output (largest gray               INNER SHAFT
gear). However, the gear selectors can
preselect gears in order to shift faster
without any torque interruption. That                                                                          3RD     GEAR
                                                                                         2ND                         SELECTOR
is, while one clutch and gear selector
are engaged in a particular gear, a                Figure 4. Typical DCT layout and operation.
second gear selector on the non-driv-
ing countershaft (corresponding to                 conventional 5-speed AT). The torque          DCT packaging is a concern,
the un-clutched input shaft) engages               converter improves launch behavior            especially as the number of gears
the next gear. The shift occurs when               and acceleration through torque               increases. Odd-number-geared DCTs
the first engaged clutch disengages                multiplication, but additional costs,         may be easier to produce (due to
and the previously disengaged clutch               complexity, length, and reduced               the necessity of a reverse gear).
engages. Basic animations of DCT                   efficiency come with it. However, the         Several 7-speed DCTs are already on
operation are widely available.12                  cost of the clutches for a DCT can            the market, and their market share
                                                   be high, thus the torque converter            is expected to grow. For example,
Since DCTs represent a class of                    does not make the transmission sig-           Hyundai now includes a 7-speed
automated manual transmissions,                    nificantly more expensive.                    dry-clutch DCT option for all its
they typically do not use a torque                                                               Sonata, Elantra, and Tuscon models.16
converter, as with conventional                    Today, wet-clutch DCTs approach
automatics. This elimination leads to              the efficiency of dry clutches due to         In a report commissioned by the
launch issues. One option to solve this            the expanded use of an on-demand              ICCT, currently in final draft form, 17
problem is to simply include a torque              hydraulic pump.15 DCTs have also seen         FEV estimated the incremental cost
converter.13 Honda uses one between                improvements in clutches and trans-           of a 10-speed wet-clutch DCT trans-
the engine and an 8-speed DCT on the               mission fluids, mainly by optimized           mission over a 7-speed or 8-speed
baseline 2015 2.4-L Acura TLX.14 The               friction materials and clutch pressure        conventional automatic would be
DCT+torque converter combination                   control. These developments allow             $156. Based on the total costs listed
is designed to improve the launch of               micro-slip of the clutches, which             in the report, the incremental cost
the DCT, and achieves a 7.4% decrease              permits reduced system pressure and           of a 10-speed wet-clutch DCT over
in fuel consumption (compared to a                 lower fuel consumption.                       a 7-speed dry-clutch DCT is around
                                                                                                 $110. Thus, FEV’s estimated incremen-
                                                   Wet-clutch DCTs are also useful               tal cost of a dry-clutch DCT over a
11 U.S. Patent 5167587 & U.S. Patent 7846049       for cooling the clutch in conditions          comparable automatic transmission is
12 Thomas Schwenke. “Dual-Clutch                   where the clutch is slipped longer            approximately $46. This cost increase
   Transmission / Double-Clutch Gearbox            for low-drag torque. Under these
   (Animation).” YouTube. May 7, 2014. https://                                                  is higher than that estimated for the            conditions, dry-clutch DCTs would             2025 rulemaking, which was actually
   Accessed June 2016.                             simply burn out.                              a cost reduction of $8–$165 for
13 Robinette, D., Skrzycke, T., “A Dual Clutch
   Torque Converter for Dual Input Shaft
   Transmissions,” SAE Int. J. Engines, April 8,   15 Matthew Beecham. “Q&A with BorgWarner:     16 Fuel Economy. U.S. EPA OTAQ. http://www.
   2013. doi:10.4271/2013-01-0232                     Dual clutch transmissions.” Just Auto Accessed June 2016.
14 Dan Carney. “Honda’s new 8-speed DCT               News & Analysis. Jan. 22, 2013. http://    17 FEV. 2030 Passenger Car and Light
   uses a torque converter.” Automotive           Commercial Vehicle Powertrain Technology
   Engineering. Aug. 6, 2014. http://articles.        transmissions_id130903.aspx. Accessed         Analysis. Draft: Sept. 2015. Forthcoming Accessed June 2016.                June 2016.                                    report for ICCT.

WORKING PAPER 2016-17                                                              INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION            7

wet-clutch and dry-clutch DCTs over              Table 5. Comparison of estimated costs from rulemaking and suppliers. Source: EPA/
their conventional AT counterparts.              NHTSA 2017-2025 rulemaking, FEV 2015, and FEV/EPA 201322

FEV estimated the incremental cost                                                                                    Cost Estimates
of a dual wet-clutch alone over a dual                   TECHNOLOGY                      BASELINE                 RULEMAKING           FEV
dry-clutch would be $44, which is                 6-speed dry-clutch DCT                6-speed AT             -$127 to $26 (NAS)       —
essentially on par with the estimated             7-speed dry-clutch DCT              7-/8-speed AT                              —      $46
cost in the rulemaking of $52. Note               10-speed wet DCT                      8-speed AT                               —     $156
that FEV estimated a 10-speed DCT
                                                  8-speed wet-clutch DCT         6-speed wet-clutch DCT                       $153     $161*
would cost only $66 more than a
                                                  10-speed wet-clutch DCT        7-speed wet-clutch DCT                          —      $66
7-speed DCT. This is because FEV
                                                  Wet-clutch (DCT)                   Dry-clutch (DCT)                          $52      $44
assumed 10 gear steps would be
realized by applying an advanced                  8-speed AT                            6-speed AT                             $47     $54*
connection scheme of gear wheels                  6-speed MT                            5-speed MT                             $173     $40
and synchronization units, a concept             *Costs extracted from FEV/EPA 2013 report on advanced 8-speed transmissions and reduced by
different from typical DCT layouts that            manufacturer learning trends as applied in the final rulemaking.
tries to solve some of the packaging
issues of 7-speed+ DCTs (albeit only             gearsets are also nested to save                The 9-speed ZF automatic consumes
for front-wheel drive vehicles).18               space, leading to smaller and lighter           16% less fuel than a 6 speed automatic
                                                 transmissions for the same number               at the same driving speed. One
Upgrading a 6-speed manual to a                  of gears compared to DCTs. Thus, the            innovation is that this 9-speed uses
7-speed dry-clutch DCT decreased                 number of gear ratios in conventional           interlocking, splined dog clutches
fuel consumption by 4.1%–7.9% on                 automatics is increasing rapidly, up to         (rather than friction clutches) to
the smaller vehicle classes modeled              10 in the upcoming Lexus application            achieve faster and more efficient
by FEV. Unfortunately, the addition              and Ford/GM transmission, enabling              torque transfer.23 Splined dog clutches
of advanced stop/start functions                 both higher performance and lower               have lower spin losses on clutches
and weight reduction to all other                fuel consumption than the 8-speed               that are not engaged.
DCT modeling prevents a separate                 automatic transmissions modeled in
assessment of the efficiency benefit             the rulemaking.20 And, due to some              Ongoing research on better friction
of DCT over conventional automatics.             consumer dissatisfaction issues with            m a te r i a l s h a s i m p rove d c l u tc h
                                                 some of the initial DCTs sold in the            performance and reduced friction
Conventional Automatics                          market (discussed more below),                  losses, 24 leading to decreased fuel
                                                 many OEMs are focusing on improved              consumption.25 The groove patterns
Conventional automatic transmissions                                                             and material in the clutch friction
                                                 automatic transmissions.2122
have also been undergoing incremen-                                                              plates are engineered to reduce
tal improvements. Unlike conventional                                                            drag, which, in addition to improving
DCTs, which must add gears for                   20 Sean Szymkowski. “General Motors             fuel economy, provides seamless
each expansion, the Lepelletier gear                will introduct 10-speed automatic on
                                                                                                 shifts for better performance and
                                                    eight vehicles by 2018.” GM Authority.
set design allows easier expansion                                                               delivers durability that improves the
                                                    Mar. 16, 2016.
of the number of gear ratios. For                   blog/2016/03/general-motors-will-            life of the transmission.
example, a 9-speed automatic made                   introduce-10-speed-automatic-on-eight-
                                                    vehicles-by-2018/. Accessed June 2016.
by ZF Friedrichshafen AG (and used
                                                 21 David Sedgwick. “Once-promising dual-
by Chrysler, Jaguar Land Rover and                  clutch transmissions lose favor in U.S.”
Honda) uses 4 simple planetary                      Automotive News. Dec 7, 2015. http://        23 “9-speed Automatic Transmission.”
                                                        ZF Technology for Cars: Automatic
gearsets and 6 shift elements.19 The
                                                    OEM06/312079988/once-promising-dual-            Transmission.
                                                    clutch-transmissions-lose-favor-in-u.s.         en_de/products/product_range/cars/
18 Govindswamy, K., Hellenbroich, G. and            Accessed June 2016.                             cars_9_speed_automatic_transmission.
   Ruschhaupt, J., “7-XDCT: Compact and          22 U.S. NHTSA. Corporate Average Fuel              shtml. Accessed June 2016.
   Cost-Efficient Dual Clutch Transmission          Economy for MY 2017-MY 2025 Passenger        24 Merkel, H. “Development Trends of Friction
   for Small and Mid-Size Vehicles,” SAE Int.       Cars and Light Trucks: Final Regulatory         Products”. BorgWarner Transmission
   J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 6(2):2013,        Impact Analysis.. Aug 2012. Accessed June       Systems. CTI Symposium. December 2013.
   doi: 10.4271/2013-01-1271. “10-Speed Dual        2016.     25 “BorgWarner Delivers Advanced
   Clutch Transmission.” FEV North America,         FEV. 2030 Passenger Car and Light               Technologies For New GM 8-Speed
   Inc.          Commercial Vehicle Powertrain Technology        Transmission.” PR Newswire. Sep 21,
   cBBRY7qhg. Video accessed June 2016.             Analysis. Draft: Sept. 2015. Forthcoming        2015.
19 Dan Carney. “Honda’s new 8-speed DCT             report for ICCT. U.S. EPA. Light-Duty           releases/borgwarner-delivers-advanced-
   uses a torque converter.” Automotive             Vehicle Technology Cost Analysis, Advanced      technologies-for-new-gm-8-speed-
   Engineering. Aug. 6, 2014. http://articles.      8-Speed Transmissions: Revised Final            transmission-300145826.html. Accessed Accessed June 2016.              Report. FEV. April 2013. EPA-420-R-13-007.      June 2016.

8   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                    WORKING PAPER 2016-17

Leakage from hydraulic pumps and
valves is also a major source of trans-
mission energy loss. Consequently,
there is a concerted effort among
suppliers and OEMs to improve
hydraulics (especially in combination
with start-stop).26

DEVELOPMENT                                                      rp1 > rp2                        rp1 = rp2                           rp1 < rp2
                                                               Underdrive                               1:1                         Overdrive
                                                     Figure 5: Cross section diagram showing planetary ball tilt angle determining drive ratio.
DCTs may be ideally suited for hybrid
and electric vehicle applications (as
in the VW Jetta Hybrid and the 2017
Hyundai Ioniq). The electric motor can
provide assist during launch, eliminat-
ing the starting clutch and allowing
simpler clutches and lower cooling
requirements. 27 Several companies
co n t i n u e to m a ke i n c re m e n t a l
improvements in DCTs.28

VariGlide planetary variator29
Va r i G l i d e p l a n e t a r y v a r i a t o r
technology is a compact traction drive
                                                     Figure 6: The VariGlide planetary variator employs elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication
that employs rotating planets that can
                                                     (EHL) to transfer torque. The components and ball cam clamping features in the ring
be tilted on their axes to smoothly                  are shown on the right.
and continuously vary the drive ratio.
As shown in figure 5, by changing                    changes, and therefore the speed                         This mechanism of torque transfer is
the angle of tilt of each planet’s axis              ratio may be continuously varied as                      also known as elasto-hydrodyamic
of rotation, the contact radii ratio                 the transmission is shifted through the                  lubrication (EHL). 30 At the traction
                                                     ratio range.                                             contact there are losses that include
26 Reduced system pressure, electrohydraulic                                                                  slip, side-slip and spin. Variable
   pumps (Getrag), variable mechanical               It is similar to a dual-ring planetary gear              clamping force is provided by simple
   pumps (ZF), bi-pressure pumps (GM, Aisin/
                                                     set, but the planets in the VariGlide                    mechanical ball cams, which enable
   Toyota), and low leak solenoid valves are
   some of the many approaches to reducing           planetary variator are spherical rollers                 the correct amount of clamping force
   transmission leakage.                             (standard bearing technology), which                     for the given load without the need
27 Matthew Beecham. “Q&A with BorgWarner:
                                                     transfer load through traction rather                    for active control.
   Dual clutch transmissions.” Just Auto
   News & Analysis. Jan. 22, 2013. http://           than gear teeth. The carrier allows the          planets to rotate about their tilting                    While the production capability has
   transmissions_id130903.aspx. Accessed                                                                      yet to be proven, the design has a
   June 2016.
                                                     axes and find their equilibrium. The
                                                     input and output power are delivered                     number of potential benefits over
28 Ernest DeVincent. “GETRAG DCT New
   Modular Platform: From 100Nm to                   on the same centerline (as opposed to                    belt CVTs. It uses roller bearings
   500Nm.” Getrag. Presentation given at
                                                     spur gears), and like a planetary gear,                  instead of a belt to transmit loads,
   7th International CTI Symposium May
                                                     the drive can be used to power-split                     which should be more durable. These
   2013, Detroit.
   media/products/powershift/7dct300/                or power-sum.                                            bearings also eliminate the need for
   Presentation_7DCT300.pdf “Efficient                                                                        a high-pressure pump, which con-
   Transmissions.” Getrag Transmission
                                                     As a traction drive, it transmits                        tributes to some of the benefits over
   Technology. 2016.
   en/technology/transmission_technology/            forces between the rolling surfaces
   pleasure_and_consumption/efficiency_                                                                       30 Fern Thomassy. An Engineering Approach
                                                     ( b e t we e n r i n g a n d p l a n e t b a l l
   and_dynamics_1.html                                                                                           to Simulating Traction EHL. CVT-Hybrid
29 This is a relatively new concept that operates    contacts) through resistance to                             International Conference Mecc/Maastricht/
   differently than current production CVTs.         shearing of a thin film of traction fluid.                  The Netherlands, Nov. 17–19, 2010.

WORKING PAPER 2016-17                                                                   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                   9

belt CVTs.31 The planetary CVT can
                                                  12%                         11.61%
handle higher torque than belt CVTs                                                                               FTP   NEDC            WLTC
and the same design can be used in                                   10.56%
both FWD and RWD applications.                    10%

The VariGlide has some similarities                          7.83%                                                              7.98%
to the (virtually extinct) toroidal/
ro l l e r C V T, i n t h at b o t h u s e a      6%                                              5.85%                 5.91%
traction fluid, rather than friction, to
transmit torque. 32 Used by Nissan
                                                  4%                                                      3.32%
(“Extroid CVT”) in the 1990s on                                                           3.19%
several passenger cars and currently
produced by Torotrak 33 for use on
heavy duty vehicles, toroidal CVTs
have largely stalled in development               0%
                                                                     City                       Highway                    Combined
for light-duty vehicles. The VariGlide
has some of the same potential issues             Figure 7. Fuel economy comparison with 6-speed AT
tied to the need for traction fluid,
such as spin losses and traction fluid            electrification, transmissions are also          CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE ISSUES
durability. According to Dana, traction           upgrading to handle these changes.
                                                                                                   Consumer acceptance issues must be
fluids have shown significant improve-            Not only are hydraulic systems
                                                                                                   considered for any new or improving
ments in both durability (resistance              changing to adapt to more engine
                                                                                                   vehicle technology. Transmissions, in
to degradation) and overall traction              starting and stopping (discussed
                                                                                                   particular, suffer from these issues,
coefficient. They continue to work                above), auxiliary pumps are also
                                                                                                   since they directly affect how the
with their OEM partners to jointly                being developed. For example, FEV
                                                                                                   engine sounds and how the vehicle
develop specifications that will                  sees an integrated electric motor as
                                                                                                   feels. DCTs and CVTs generally
ultimately meet the expected “fill                an option on their 7-speed+ DCTs.36
                                                                                                   have much more pronounced issues
for life” expectations. 34 The core                                                                than improved automatics. But
technology has also been subjected                Manual transmissions                             automatics also have some issues,
to 70,000 hours of durability testing,            Manual transmissions, too, may use               primarily gear “hunting” when the
which shows robustness against slip-              electric clutches for reducing fuel              number of gears increases.
induced damage.35                                 consumption and increased comfort.
                                                  A system by Schaeffler can reduce                The transmissions with more gear
Electrification                                   fuel consumption by 3.1% (idling the             ratios and wider gear spread have
                                                  engine when coasting in the highest              major positives in addition to better
As manufacturers roll out increasing
                                                  gear) to 8.2% (stopping the engine               fuel economy: lower gears improve
numbers of vehicles equipped with
                                                  when coasting) at a direct manufac-              vehicle launch, a lower ratio for the
start-stop (shutting of the engine
                                                  turing cost of $112. This system enables         top gear provides quieter operation
instead of idling while stopped or
                                                  coasting start-stop for manual trans-            on the highway, and more gears
coasting) and further levels of
                                                  misions; idling the engine or stopping           can better maintain both lower rpm
                                                  it entirely depending on the degree              for better fuel economy and higher
31 “VariGlide ® CVT Efficiency.” Dana Holding     of savings.37                                    rpm for faster acceleration. These
   Corporation. June 21, 2016. https://www.                                                        advantages have contributed to the                                                             rapid adoption of more gear ratios in Video accessed June 2016.
                                                                                                   recent years.
32 “Extroid CVT.” Nissan’s CVT Technologies.
   pdf. Accessed June 2016.                                                                        DCTs and CVTs have the potential for
33 “Torotrak.” Torotrak Group Products. http://                                                    even better efficiency than ATs, but            36 “10-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission.” FEV      some early models of DCTs and CVTs
   products/torotraktransmissions/. Accessed         North America, Inc.
   June 2016.
                                                                                                   have been criticized for poor shift
                                                     com/watch?v=p_cBBRY7qhg. Video
34 Written comment received from Dana on             accessed June 2016.                           quality and a different “feel,” respec-
   June 29, 2016.                                 37 Luca Ciferri. “Schaeffler touts fuel-         tively, from what customers expect.
35 Dana claims over 70,000 hours of                  savings e-clutch for manual gearboxes.”
   component durability testing for the              Automotive News. June 6, 2016. http://        DCTs are losing favor with some
   VariGlide. “VariGlide ® CVT Testing.” Dana
   Holding Corporation. June 21, 2016. https://      OEM10/306069990/schaeffler-touts-fuel-        manufacturers, largely due to abrupt             saving--e-clutch-for-manual-gearboxes.        shifting and lurching on many initial Video accessed June 2016.        Accessed June 2016.

     10   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                WORKING PAPER 2016-17

DCT applications. For example, the                    S o m e m a n u fa c t u re r s — p r i m a r i l y   with high-pressure pumps and friction,
first DCT used on the Ford Focus                      N i s s a n , H o n d a , To y o t a , a n d          offering net efficiency improvements.
was criticized for abrupt shifts, shift               Subaru—are avoiding the calibra-                      The CVT is an inherently lower cost
“busyness,” and poor launch.38 Poor                   tion challenges and perceived shift                   design and suppliers have managed
calibration and gear ratio selection                  “busyness” associated with many                       to keep costs low enough so that
likely explain much of these early                    DCTs by switching to CVTs. However,                   CVT sales are increasing rapidly.
challenges facing DCTs. Indeed, there                 CVTs also come with their share of                    Continued incremental development
are examples of DCTs that have been                   criticism. CVTs have been derided for                 will further reduce losses and cost.
widely praised, e.g. the 2015 VW                      the exact opposite behavior as DCTs.
Golf, 39 which suggests that part of                  With no “shifting,” CVTs can appear                   There is no doubt that CVTs suffer
the problem is not the hardware but                   as constantly revving (or constantly                  greater losses than DCTs and con-
software controls that are not yet                    not revving), with engine speed                       ventional ATs. Their eventual cost and
sophisticated enough. However, it                     seemingly uncorrelated to accel-                      market share, especially compared
may not be possible to remove all of                  erator pedal input, as consumers are                  to DCTs, depends on the degree to
the shift shock with dry-clutch DCTs,                 accustomed to. Again, calibration is                  which these losses are minimized and
as the high temperature variations                    partly at fault for this issue, but this              the rate of improvement in DCTs (cost
make it difficult to control clutch                   effect may simply take a bit of getting               and consumer acceptance).
engagement. And even wet-clutch                       used to. For example, Consumer
                                                                                                            New “planetary” CVTs,42 which use
DCTs may never launch like a con-                     Reports recently praised the CVT
                                                                                                            traction fluid, show promise, although
ve n t i o n a l h yd ra u l i c a u t o m a t i c    used in the 2016 Honda Accord. This
                                                                                                            they have yet to be introduced at
transmission, as they are, fundamen-                  evaluation suggests, again, that the
                                                                                                            a commercial scale. Their relatively
tally, manual transmissions shifted                   primary problem is not the hardware,
                                                                                                            simple design, compared to belt-
automatically. DCTs are popular in                    but software controls. New shifting
                                                                                                            driven CVTs, could also mean they
Europe, as manual transmissions have                  logic attempts to recreate some of
                                                                                                            are, overall, less expensive to manu-
a high market share in Europe and                     the shifting experience of driving
                                                                                                            facture. However, as with all traction-
customers are used to the launch                      an automatic on a CVT. 41 Indeed,
                                                                                                            drive transmissions, at the traction
quality of a manual transmission,                     improved drivability acceptance of
                                                                                                            contact there are losses that include
but this familiarity is not the case in               CVTs is reflected in the doubling of
                                                                                                            slip, side-slip and spin. Improvements
the United States. Manufacturers are                  market share since 2012 to over 1 in
                                                                                                            are being made to traction fluid
testing different options based on                    10 trucks and 1 in 5 cars (Figure 1 and
                                                                                                            durability and assuring “fill for life” is
their expertise: those with manual                    Table 2).
                                                                                                            a prerequisite for market acceptance.
transmission experience (primarily
European-based manufacturers) are
                                                      DISCUSSION                                            DCT
implementing DCTs, with or without
torque converters. Other improve-                     CVT                                                   DCTs have not taken off in the United
ments are also coming to DCTs,                                                                              States as forecast due to consumer
such as electro-mechanical clutch                     After years of slow development,                      acceptance issues and difficulty in
actuation (rather than hydraulic).40                  many of the solutions to problems                     packaging. 43 Furthermore, due to
                                                      associated with CVTs have reached
                                                                                                            temperature constraints, it may not
                                                      a point where CVTs are now a real
38 David Sedgwick. “Once-promising dual-                                                                    be possible to solve the consumer
   clutch transmissions lose favor in U.S.”           alternative to traditional automatics.
                                                                                                            acceptance issues with dry-clutch
   Automotive News. Dec 7, 2015. http://              Increased hydraulic pressure and                                                                       DCTs. Wet-clutch DCTs are becoming
                                                      improved belts vastly expanded the
   OEM06/312079988/once-promising-dual-                                                                     m o re e f f i c i e n t t h a n p re d i c te d ,
   clutch-transmissions-lose-favor-in-u-s.            torque range of CVTs. The engine
                                                                                                            approaching the efficiency of some
   Accessed June 2016.                                efficiency benefits possible with CVTs
39 Mark Rechtin. “Volkswagen Golf, Ford
                                                                                                            dry-clutch DCTs, and they benefit
                                                      finally offsets the losses associated
   F-150 win car, truck of the year awards.”                                                                from reduced temperature issues
   Consumer Reports. Jan 12, 2015. http://                                                                  compared to dry-clutch DCTs. Better                       41 Lindsay Chappell. “Nissan tweaks CVTs
   news/2015/01/volkswagen-golf-ford-f-                  to be less CVT-like.” Automotive News.
   150-win-car-truck-of-the-year-awards-                 July 13, 2014.
   detroit-nactoy/index.htm. Accessed June               article/20140713/OEM03/307149936/
   2016. VW Golf Consumer Reports’ Road                  nissan-tweaks-cvts-to-be-less-cvt-like.            42 McIndoe, G., VanSelous, J., Liu, T., and
   Test. Consumer Reports. http://www.                   Accessed June 2016. Keith Griffin. “Why               David, J., “Efficiency Analysis of Multi-Mode              do today’s transmissions have so many                 Passenger Car Transmission Concepts
   road-test.htm                                         gears?” U.S. News & World Report. July 16,            Featuring a VariGlide® CVT,” SAE Technical
40 Liu, F., Chen, L., Yao, J., Zhang, J. et al., “A      2015. http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.               Paper 2016-01-1108, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-
   New Clutch Actuation System for Dry DCT,”             com/cars-trucks/best-cars-blog/2015/07/               01-1108.
   SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1118, 2015,               Why_do_Todays_Transmissions_Have_so_               43 According to BorgWarner, packaging issues
   doi:10.4271/2015-01-1118.                             Many_Gears/. Accessed June 2016.                      are mainly due to the DCTs increased girth.

WORKING PAPER 2016-17                                                                      INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                   11

control logic will also improve the               the small car segments, due to their                improvements to CVTs and ATs, DCTs
lurch and launch problems.44                      low cost.46                                         are unlikely to largely replace CVTs
                                                                                                      and ATs in the 2025 time frame, as
The need to add a wet clutch adds                 Changes since agency                                projected by EPA/NHTSA in the
$52 to the cost according to agency               evaluations were conducted                          2017-25 rulemaking. James Verrier,
estimates ($56 according to a recent              for 2017–2025 rulemaking                            CEO of BorgWarner, thinks the DCT
FEV analysis 45), and degrades fuel                                                                   future in the United States “will be
economy. The efficiency improve-                  It appears that manufacturers may
                                                                                                      primarily the wet DCT for higher
ments to the wet clutch reduce                    be sticking to the transmissions they
                                                                                                      torque applications,” such as diesels
the efficiency penalty, but at some               know best. Most vehicles in Europe
                                                                                                      and gasoline turbocharged engines.47
additional (un-quantified) cost.                  still use manual transmissions. DCTs,
F E V ’s re c e n t c o s t a s s e s s m e n t   which are simply manual transmis-
                                                                                                      Some, if not all, of the DCT shortfall
suggests that DCTs may be more                    sions shifted automatically, are
                                                                                                      will be replaced by improvements to
expensive than assumed by the                     widely used by European manufac-
                                                                                                      CVTs and conventional automatics.
agencies in the rulemaking, although              turers in the United States, and their
                                                                                                      Newer CVTs have reduced internal
still cheaper compared to conven-                 customers seem to be accepting
                                                                                                      friction, wider ratio spread, and
tional automatics.                                them. CVT transmissions are
                                                                                                      increased torque capacity. They will
                                                  extremely popular in Japan, as they
                                                                                                      likely be strong competitors to DCTs
                                                  excel in the low-speed congested
Conventional AT                                                                                       and conventional ATs through at
                                                  conditions that dominate driving in
                                                                                                      least 2025, especially for manufac-
Some OEMs (particularly in North                  Japan. Japanese manufacturers used
                                                                                                      turers with extensive CVT expertise.
America) are sticking to designs they             to use conventional automatics in
                                                                                                      Conventional automatics can add
have experience with and relying on               the United States, due to the higher
                                                                                                      additional gear ratios in a relatively
higher-speed ATs rather than DCTs                 performance and torque require-
                                                                                                      inexpensive manner and maintain a
and CVTs. Incremental improvements                ments and the better fuel economy
                                                                                                      compact size. Recent improvements
in these higher-speed automatics                  of conventional automatics on the
                                                                                                      are increasing efficiency, such as
have led to efficiencies roughly on               highway. However, as CVTs have
                                                                                                      improved clutch designs and the
par with what the agencies predicted.             improved to handle higher torque
                                                                                                      use of splined dog clutches, and ATs
However, 9- and 10-speed automatics               and expand the ratio spread for
                                                                                                      largely avoid consumer acceptance
have already been introduced in                   better highway fuel economy, the
                                                                                                      issues. They are likely to maintain a
the market, which have incremental                Japanese manufacturers have largely
                                                                                                      larger share of the market in 2025
efficiency improvements over the                  replaced conventional automatics
                                                                                                      than projected in the rulemaking.
8-speed transmission modeled for                  with CVTs in the United States. The
the rulemaking. In addition, friction             U.S. manufacturers are experimenting
c l u tc h e s c a n b e re p l a ce d w i t h    with both CVTs and DCTs, but early                  SUMMARY
mechanical clutches, as on the new ZF             customer acceptance issues appears                  In their technology analyses for the
9-speed transmission, although that               to be pushing them back onto their                  2025 rulemaking, EPA and NHTSA
requires faster on-board computers                traditional expertise with conven-                  projected that DCTs would overtake
to better calibrate shifting.                     tional automatics. Both manufactur-                 conventional automatics by 2021
                                                  ing history and consumer history with               and continue to increase market
Th e a g e n c i e s p ro j e c te d i n t h e    the feel of a torque converter favor
rulemaking that 8-speed ATs would                                                                     share through 2025. However, due
                                                  conventional automatics for the U.S.                to numerous consumer acceptance
completely replace 6-speed ATs                    manufacturers.
by 2025. However, BorgWarner                                                                          issues (which may be due primarily
believes it is likely that 6-speed ATs                                                                to calibration, rather than the actual
                                                  DCTs will certainly have a significant
will continue to be used for at least                                                                 hardware), their sales have not
                                                  share of the future transmission
                                                                                                      reached levels indicative of such a
                                                  market. However they will cost more
                                                                                                      transition. While some of the technical
                                                  than estimated in the rulemaking,
                                                                                                      challenges faced by DCTs are being
                                                  they may not be quite as efficient
                                                                                                      solved, the solutions will likely make
                                                  due to the need for a wet clutch or
44 Cho, D., Gupta, R., Dai, E., McCallum, J. et   a torque converter, and they will
   al., “Launch Performance Optimization of                                                           47 Richard Truett. “Ford gets the PowerShift
   GTDI-DCT Powertrain,” SAE Int. J.Engines       never shift quite like a conventional                  dual clutch transmission right, but is it too
   8(3):2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-1111.           hydraulic automatic. Combined with                     late?” Automotive News. January 5, 2016.
45 FEV. 2030 Passenger Car and Light                                                           
   Commercial Vehicle Powertrain Technology                                                              BLOG06/301059997/ford-gets-the-
   Analysis. Draft: Sept. 2015. Forthcoming       46 Personal communication from BorgWarner              powershift-dual-clutch-transmission-right-
   report for ICCT.                                  to ICCT, received on June 16, 2016, via email.      but-is-it. Accessed June 2016.

12   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                        WORKING PAPER 2016-17

them slightly more expensive and         share for higher speed automatics is             agencies did not explicitly predict
slightly less efficient than projected   strong, putting ATs on track to meet             the costs or benefits of CVTs in the
by the agencies. Although DCTs           projections, and possibly to help fill in        rulemaking, CVTs today appear to
remain an attractive option in terms     the gap left by lagging DCTs.                    be on track to match the benefit
of comparative cost-effectiveness                                                         estimates available in EPA’s lumped
and efficiency, they are unlikely to     When the rulemaking analyses were                parameter model and they cost less
match the penetration estimates in       conducted four to five years ago,                than conventional automatics.
the rulemaking.                          CVTs were not projected to be a com-
                                         petitive option by 2025. However,                Wh i l e t h e Va r i G l i d e ® P l a n e t a r y
Conventional automatics, in general,     ye a r s o f i n c re m e n t a l i m p rove -   Variator was not considered in the
are matching the predicted cost          ments have shown that CVTs can,                  overall assessments in this paper, if it
and likely exceeding the projected       and are, a good alternative trans-               proves successful it may offer another
benefit, due to the introduction of 9-   mission. Market share has grown                  bump in efficiency, reduced cost, and
and 10-speed transmissions and the       rapidly since 2012 and consumer                  improved durability.
increased efficiency of mechanical/      acceptance issues no longer seem
dog clutches. The growth in market       to be plaguing CVTs. Although the

WORKING PAPER 2016-17                                                     INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                  13
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