Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program

Page created by Karen Rojas
Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
Travel Planner   2017 upcoming trips
                 2018 full program
Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
2   S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y   |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
What will you learn?
Mysteries revealed on the slopes of the Andes.
Evolutionary biology explained by Stanford students in
the Galápagos Islands. Insider access to world-famous
museums and ancient sites. Journey to famous and
forgotten corners of the globe with Stanford Travel/
Study and soak up the education that comes with the
adventure, traveling with learned faculty leaders and
listening to savvy local guides!

Where will your next classroom be? Our last planner
brought you all the journeys this year has to offer plus
a peek at 2018. Now’s the time to explore the rest of
this year’s trips and look ahead to everything next year
has in store!

         S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y   |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   3
Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
50 years of extraordinary
              In 2018, Stanford Travel/Study will celebrate
              50 years of innovative programming.
              With a long tradition of charting new territory,
              Stanford Travel/Study paves the way for
              Stanford alumni, friends and family to explore
              new corners of the world.

                                                                                                                                                                              © Joel Simon

             1968                                             1974                                             1978                                         1992                             1992

             The Stanford Alumni                              Pioneering director, Peter                       Stanford Travel/Study brings                 Stanford charters the            At a time when tourist visas
             Association offers its first                     Voll, ’65, grows the program                     one of the first groups of                   nuclear-powered Sovetskiy        do not exist there, Stanford
             Summer Alumni College,                           from three annual trips to                       Western travelers to the                     Soyuz to reach the North         travelers form the first
             a river cruise on the Rhine.                     more than 60.                                    People’s Republic of China.                  Pole. Stanford travelers trek    American tour group to
             At the “helm” was Rixford                                                                                                                      to the northernmost reaches      visit Saudi Arabia.
             Snyder, ’30, MA ’34, PhD                                                                                                                       of the Arctic, where only a
             ’40, who served as the                                                                                                                         tiny cadre of scientists and
             inaugural director.                                                                                                                            adventurers had gone before.

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Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
1993                          2003                          2005                                            2009                                            2019

Through his Generosity in     Liz Walker, ’89, becomes      Travel/Study veteran Brett                      In commemoration of the                         Stanford Travel/Study will
Action campaign, director     the new director and          Thompson, ’83, returns as                       200th anniversary of Charles                    bring a group of intrepid
Duncan Beardsley, ’59,        connects travelers with       director and continues the                      Darwin’s birth and the 150th                    travelers to the South
ushers in a new wave of       Stanford’s international      quest for new destinations.                     anniversary of On the Origin                    Pole, journeying from the
travelers focused on giving   alumni—including Peru’s                                                       of Species, Stanford travelers                  89th parallel to the earth’s
back to local communities.    president Alejandro Toledo,                                                   retrace Darwin’s expedition                     southernmost point.
                              MA ’72, MA ’74, PhD ’93.                                                      aboard the HMS Beagle on a
                                                                                                            27-day journey by private jet.

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Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
Chart your course.                                             EUROP E AND T URKE Y
                                                                        Alsace Hike SEP ’17                                          Food and Wine of Spain* OCT ’17                 Rhine River Family Adventure JUL ’18
                                                                        Around Sicily OCT ’18                                        Germany and the Reformation SEP ’17             Sailing the Western
                                                                        Burgundy and the Loire Valley MAY ’18                        Great War Centenary OCT ’18                        Mediterranean* OCT ’17
                                                                        Camino de Santiago Walk JUN ’18                              Greenland to Iceland JUN ’18                    Scandinavia JUL ’18
                                                                        Catalunya Food and Wine APR ’18                              Iceland Family Adventure JUL ’18                Southwest England Walk* AUG ’17
                                                                        Cinque Terre Hike APR ’18                                    Iceland: Fire and Ice SEP ’17                   Spain and Portugal by Sea MAY ’18
                                                                        Copenhagen to London AUG ’18                                 New Year’s Eve in Vienna DEC ’17                Tuscany Family Adventure JUN ’18
                                                                        Cruising the Danube JUL ’18                                  Opera in the Lands of                           Tuscany Seminar OCT ’18
                                                                        Dutch Waterways APR ’18                                         Mozart and Wagner MAY ’18                    Tuscany, Umbria and Rome MAY ’18
                                                                        European Rivers OCT ’17                                      Path to Rome Walk MAY ’18                       Wales, England and Scotland
                                                                        Focus: Berlin APR ’18                                        Provence Seminar OCT ’17                            by Rail JUL ’18
                                                                        Focus: Milan MAR ’18                                         Provence Walk OCT ’18                           Wild and Ancient Britain MAY ’18

               TH E M ID D L E E A S T
               AND EGYPT
               Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia AUG ’17
               Georgia MAY ’18
               Israel: Past and Present APR ’18
               Nile FEB ’18

                                                                                                          AS IA AND T HE F AR E AS T
                                                                                                          Along the Mekong OCT ’17                              Kashmir and Punjab SEP ’17
                                                                                                          Along the Mekong OCT ’18                              Mongolia JUL ’18
                                                                                                          Bangkok to Bali FEB ’18                               Silk Road AUG ’18
                      A FRIC A                                                                            Bhutan SEP ’18                                        Southeast Asia Family Adventure DEC ’18
                      Kingdom of Morocco MAR ’18                                                          Everest Base Camp Trek OCT ’17                        Unseen Japan* NOV ’17
                      Seychelles and Madagascar OCT ’18                                                   Five “Stans” SEP ’18                                  Unseen Japan NOV ’18
                      Southern Africa aboard Rovos Rail JUL ’18                                           Himalayan Kingdoms OCT ’17                            Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia DEC ’17
                      Tanzania Family Adventure DEC ’17                                                   Java and Bali JUN ’18
                      Tanzania Field Seminar SEP ’17
                      Tanzania Safari JUN ’18
                                                                                              * Trips indicated with an asterisk are not included in this issue due to their wait-list status. Visit our website for more information.

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Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
                                                                                                                                           Alaska Family Adventure JUL ’17
                                                                                                                                           Alaska’s Inside Passage JUN ’18
                                                                                                                                           Canadian Heli-Hiking JUL ’18
                                                                                                                                           Canadian Maritimes SEP ’17
                                                                                                                                           Civil Rights Route JUN ’18
                                                                                                                                           Columbia and Snake Rivers SEP ’18
                                                                                                                                           Great Lakes JUL ’18
                                                                                                                                           Great Northwest Passage AUG ’18
                                                                                                                                           Mississippi River MAY ’18
                                                                                                                                           Polar Bear Expedition NOV ’18
M EXIC O , C E N TR A L A M ER I C A                                                                                                       Railways of New England SEP ’18
                                                                                                                                           Utah’s National Parks JUN ’18
Costa Rica Family Seminar AUG ’17
Cuba by Sea MAR ’18
Cuba Family Seminar DEC ’17

                                                                                                                                                        Did you know?
Havana Arts MAR ’18

                                                                                                                                                         Whichever journey you choose, your
                                    S O U T H A M E RIC A AND                                                                                            Stanford Travel/Study experience will
                                    T H E G A L Á P AGOS IS L AND S                                                                                      include:
                                    Amazing Argentina OCT ’18                                                                                                   lectures by renowned Stanford
                                    Amazon and Machu Picchu* SEP ’17                                                                                       		 faculty and scholars
                                    Amazon and Machu Picchu SEP ’18                                                                                             luxury accommodations and
                                    Colombia APR ’18
                                                                                                                                                                exclusive, insider access and
                                    Galápagos Expedition JUL ’18
                                                                                                                                                           		 after-hours tours
                                    Galápagos Family Adventure JUN ’18                                                                                          like-minded travelers and savvy
                                    Galápagos Field Seminar SEP ’18                                                                                        		 local guides
                                    Peru Family Seminar JUN ’18                                                                                                 attentive, experienced Stanford
                                                                                                                                                           		 tour managers
                                                                                                                                                                airport transfers, gratuities and
                                                                                                                                                           		 all the extras
      T H E SO UTH P A C I F I C ,
      NE W ZE ALA ND                                                                                                                                     You needn’t be a Stanford alum
                                                                                                                                                         to travel with us—and we offer trips
      Kingdom of Tonga AUG ’18
                                                                                                                                                         to suit any age. Costs listed are
      New Zealand JAN ’18
                                                                                                                                                         per person, based on double
      Papua New Guinea OCT ’17                                                                                                                           occupancy. For answers to
      Tahiti to Easter Island NOV ’17                                                                                                                    frequently asked questions, visit:
      Western Australia by Air MAY ’18                For a listing of trips by                                                                
                                                      date, go to page 39.

                                                             S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y   |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |    A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   7
Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
               the planet in
               your style...
               ACTIVE ADVENTURES
               For travelers who are looking to add an                                Alaska Family                                                          Costa Rica
               active twist to their next vacation, whether
               it’s heli-hiking, mountain trekking, snorkel-
                                                                                      Adventure                                                              Family Seminar
                                                                                      J U LY 2 9 T O AU G U ST 6 , 2 0 1 7 ( 9 D AYS)                        AUGUST 11 TO 20, 2017 (10 DAYS)
               ing, kayaking, gorilla tracking or countryside
               walks, trips that offer a superb outdoor                               Glaciers, whales and bears, oh my! Explore                             Hands-on in the natural world. With faculty leader
               experience alongside the comfort and                                   Alaska’s Inside Passage amid some of the most                          Barton “Buzz” Thompson, ’73, MBA ’76, JD ’76,
               luxury that are our hallmarks.                                         spectacular scenery in North America accompanied                       get up close to Costa Rica’s amazing biodiversity—
                                                                                      by earth systems science professor Rob Jackson                         whether while whitewater rafting the Pacuare River,
               CLASSIC JOURNEYS                                                       and a staff of expert naturalists. Aboard the nimble                   mountain biking near Arenal Volcano or zip-lining
               For travelers who long to recapture the                                62-passenger Sea Lion expedition ship, we wend                         through the cloud forest treetops.
               romantic, golden age of travel as they
                                                                                      our way through protected waters among tiny,                           Learn from the locals. Hike through the rain
               journey to exciting destinations in the lap of
                                                                                      spruce-carpeted islands and along the main coast.                      forest with a Costa Rican biologist, ornithologist
               luxury aboard intimate cruise ships, vintage
                                                                                      Meet the locals. Watch for brown and black bears,                      and ecologist and meet with scientists working
               railcars, charming riverboats and private
                                                                                      bald eagles, orcas, sea lions and more as we                           in Costa Rica’s growing aeronautics industry.
                                                                                      cruise the tranquil waters. Gather on deck to watch                    Perk up! Start the day with a cup of Costa Rican
               EXPLORATIONS BY LAND                                                   humpback whales get their fill of krill in the waters                  coffee, and learn how the beans, considered to be
               For travelers who love to immerse them-                                of Frederick Sound, a prime feeding area.                              among the best in the world, go from crop to cup.
               selves in the cultures, traditions, sights,                            Natural wonders. Spend an entire glorious day                          Empty nest. Reconnect the family on this program
               sounds and flavors of both urban and rural                             exploring the coves, fjords, tidewater glaciers and                    designed specifically for grandparents and parents
               landscapes as they explore one or more                                 majestic mountains of Glacier Bay National Park.                       with grandchildren or children who have graduated
               countries on their journey through colorful,                           C O S T : from $7,995 adults; $7,495 kids (ages 8–18)                  high school.
               storied and exotic lands.                                                                                                                     C O S T : $5,995

               FAMILY ADVENTURES
               For families looking to experience new                                                                                             CANADA                                    NICARAGUA
               countries and cultures with their children                                                                                                                                                          Sea
               or grandchildren who, as Young Explorers,                                              GLACIER BAY                              BRITISH                Liberia
                                                                                                     NATIONAL PARK                            COLUMBIA                Airport     Lake
               have the added fun of educational projects                                                                                 Tracy
                                                                                                                                                                                 Arenal ARENAL VOLCANO

                                                                                                          Icy Straits                                                                   NATIONAL PARK
               and hands-on activities led by Stanford                                                                                    Arm                       Guanacaste

               Sierra Camp-trained counselors.                                                                                                                                       Monteverde
                                                                                              c O

                                                                                                                                           Frederick Sound

                                                                                                                                                                                                     San José

                                                                                                                                ALASKA       Petersburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                  C OSTA R ICA
                                                                                                                           U NITED S TATES                          Pacific Ocean

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Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
Azerbaijan, Georgia                                                                                 Iceland: Fire and Ice                                                                Kashmir and
and Armenia                                                                                         SEPT EM BER 1 T O 8 , 2 0 1 7 ( 8 D AYS)
                                                                                                    Settle in. Unpack only once on this Icelandic
A U G U S T 29 TO SE PTEMBER 12, 2017 ( 15 D A YS )                                                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 6 TO 22, 2017 (17 DAYS)
                                                                                                    adventure, thanks to our six-white-night stay in
Journey of discovery. Explore three of Europe’s                                                     Reykjavík, the world’s northernmost capital.                                         Far pavilions. With professor Greg Watkins, ’85,
oldest inhabited places with history and political                                                  Around the fabled Golden Circle. Alongside                                           PhD ’03, journey to the remote Kashmiri kingdom
science professor David Holloway. Meet repre-                                                       assistant professor Kate Maher—an expert in                                          of Ladakh to see Buddhist monasteries, ancient
sentatives of local NGOs, journalists, entrepreneurs,                                               geothermal energy—stop at Thingvellir National                                       palaces and spectacular scenery.
students and religious leaders along the way.                                                       Park, Gulfoss (waterfall) and Strokkur (geyser) on                                   Corner the market. Explore the bazaar in Leh,
A magic carpet ride. Join a curator-led tour of the                                                 this acclaimed route that offers us a steady stream                                  once on the Asian Silk Route, where ethnic groups
new, spectacular Azerbaijan State Carpet Museum                                                     of dramatic and stunning geological highlights.                                      from all over Ladakh still come to trade, buy and
in Baku and meet with the museum director.                                                          Heart of ice. Take a guided tour deep inside                                         sell jewelry, carved yak-horn items and produce.
Eat, drink and be merry. Experience an authentic                                                    Langjökull (glacier) via a carved-out tunnel to view                                 Footsteps of the Dalai Lama. In Dharamsala,
supra, or “Georgian Table,” a joyous amalgam                                                        the brightly illuminated blue ice of an ice cave.                                    center of the Tibetan Government in Exile, visit
of delicious food, hearty drinking rituals, endless                                                 If you can’t stand the heat… Sample local                                            the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives to see
toasts and traditional polyphonic singing.                                                          specialties such as “hot springs bread,” baked in                                    manuscripts smuggled out of Tibet during the
Churchill’s brandy. Tour and taste at the factory                                                   the ground for 24 hours using geothermal heat!                                       Dalai Lama’s escape.
of the Yerevan Brandy Company, where the quality                                                    Take a dip. Soak in the relaxing therapeutic waters                                  Sikh central. Visit the Punjab city of Chandigarh,
so impressed Winston Churchill that he allegedly                                                    of the world-famous Blue Lagoon, a mineral-rich                                      renowned for its architecture and urban design, and
placed an order of 400 bottles annually.                                                            geothermal spa set amid fields of black lava.                                        Amritsar, home to adherents of the Sikh religion’s
C O S T : $9,195                                                                                    C O S T : $6,695                                                                     magnificent Golden Temple.
                                                                                                                                                                                         C O S T : $10,995

                               Ca                                                                                                                                                                                                       Alchi
                                    uc                                                                                                                                                                                    Indus River        Leh
         Ananuri                         as        RUSSIA                                                                         Langjökull
                       Tserovani              us                                                          Borgarfjördur                                        I CE LAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          JAMMU AND
     Gori                                          M                                  Caspian                                                                                                                                                            CHINA
                      Mtskheta                         ou                                                                                                                                                                  KASHMIR
            Tbilisi                Signagi                  nt                             Sea                         THINGVELLIR                                                               I NDIA
                                                                 ai                                                     NATIONAL           Gullfoss
    GEORGIA                    KAKHETI Sheki
                                                                      ns                                                  PARK                                                                                            Dharamsala Palampur
                                                                                                      Hvalfjördur                   Strokkur
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Amritsar    HIMACHAL          TIBET
       ARMENIA                                                                 Shamakhi                                       Hveragerdi           ICELAND                                                                           PRADESH
                                                                                                              Blue                                                                                                          PUNJAB
                 Yerevan                 AZERBAIJAN                                                          Lagoon
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PAKISTAN                Chandigarh
  Echmiadzin         Geghard                                                                 Baku
                   Garni                                              Gobustan Rock Art
    Khor Virap                                                        Cultural Landscape                   Atlantic           Seljalandsfoss            Sólheimajökull
                                                                                                             Ocean                             Skógar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I N D I A

                                                                                                           S T A N F O R D    T R A V E L / S T U D Y      |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   9
Travel Planner 2017 upcoming trips 2018 full program
Germany and                                                                         Tanzania Field                                                               Alsace Hike
     the Reformation                                                                     Seminar                                                                      SEPTEMBER 8 TO 16, 2017 (9 DAYS)
                                                                                                                                                                      Mountain air. Join Pulitzer Prize-winning American
     S EPT EMBE R 7 TO 1 7, 2017 ( 11 D A YS )                                           SEPT EM B ER 7 T O 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 ( 1 7 D AY S)
                                                                                                                                                                      historian David Kennedy, ’63, and hike expert
     Lutherland. Mark the 500th anniversary of the                                       Back to the classroom. Attend a three-day work-                              Peter Watson on this robust hike through the
     Protestant Reformation with religious studies profes-                               shop on the Stanford campus with Professor Bill                              beautiful Vosges Mountains in northeastern France,
     sor Barbara Pitkin on a journey that explores the                                   Durham, ’71, and Dr. Susan Charnley, MA ’89,                                 a region that’s seen more than its share of political
     schism in Catholic Europe and its vast effects on                                   PhD ’94, before heading to Africa.                                           storms, winds of change, war and bloodshed.
     theology, science, art, politics and culture.                                       Compare notes. Unlike any other Travel/Study trip,                           Remember the fallen. In today’s serene Alsatian
     Get the word out. Visit the Gutenberg Museum in                                     on a Field Seminar we travel alongside Stanford                              countryside, we can still trace past conflicts, from
     Mainz that displays two original Gutenberg bibles                                   sophomores, learning from their presentations and                            the medieval château of Haut-Koenigsbourg we
     and a replica of Gutenberg’s famous press.                                          sharing tales of the Farm.                                                   visit, restored in the early 1900s by German Emper-
     Musical pipe dreams. Tour Leipzig’s Bach House                                      Where we come from. Visit Olduvai Gorge, the                                 or Wilhelm II, to battlefield sites and trench remnants
     and Halle’s Handel House, and attend organ church                                   paleoanthropological site where discoveries helped                           we pass that remain from France and Germany’s
     concerts in Weimar and Eisenach.                                                    further the understanding of human evolution.                                wars of the 19th and 20th centuries.
     Sacrilegious sketch. View the paintings and                                         Spotting the “Big Five.” Search for the top five of                          Celebrate the peace! As we hike from village to
     portraits of Lucas Cranachs the Elder and Younger                                   Africa’s most iconic mammals—lion, leopard, rhino,                           village, trekking up mountain trails and past endless
     in Weimar and Wittenberg, where panels of the                                       elephant and Cape Buffalo—from open-air safari                               rows of grapevines, picnic on the fresh, local food
     Younger’s Last Supper depict leading Protestant                                     vehicles on daily game drives with expert guides.                            and wines of the Alsatian region and enjoy hearty
     reformers, including Martin Luther, in place of                                     Jump and shout! Visit a Maasai boma to witness                               French country cuisine in the evenings.
     traditional biblical figures.                                                       daily life and learn about age-old tribal traditions.
                                                                                                                                                                      C O S T : $6,695
     C O S T : $6,995                                                                    C O S T : $8,295



                                                                                              Victoria                                                                                                                   Obernai



                                                                                                                                          Serengeti Plain

                                                      Halle                                                           Seronera                                                   Frankfurt
            GERMANY                                                                                                                        NGORONGORO


                                                                                                                                           CONSERVATION                                                             Itterswiller

                                                              Leipzig                                                                                     Mount           FRANCE

                                                                                                                                           AREA AND


                                                                                                                                           HIGHLANDS    Kilimanjaro

                                             Erfurt Weimar



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    R i ve r

                                                                                                                                                                                                Vo s


                                                                                                                                                   Arusha NATIONAL

                                                                                                                          Ngorongoro                                                                            Saint-Hippolyte

                                                                                                     Arusha                 Crater                                                                         Ribeauvillé

                                                                                                                       LAKE MANYARA
                  Frankfurt                                                                        T ANZANIA           NATIONAL PARK             TARANGIRE                              Kaysersberg
                                                                       CZECH                             Dar es                                  NATIONAL
          Mainz                                                       REPUBLIC                           Salaam                                    PARK                                                                            GERMANY
                                                                                                                       TANZANIA                                                Col du Linge                   Colmar

10   S T A N F O R D    T R A V E L / S T U D Y   |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3    |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Canadian Maritimes                                                                   Himalayan                                                                                      Everest Base
SE PT EMBE R 18 TO 30, 2017 ( 13 D A YS )
A sailor’s life for me. With faculty leader Scott
                                                                                     Kingdoms                                                                                       Camp Trek
                                                                                     O C T O B ER 1 T O 1 6 , 2 0 1 7 ( 1 6 D AY S)                                                 O CT O B E R 1 T O 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 ( 2 1 D A Y S )
Pearson, explore the picturesque waterways of the
                                                                                     Rooftop of the world. Explore the Potala, former                                               A view from nearly the top. Join geophysicist
U.S. Northeast, the Canadian Maritime Provinces
                                                                                     palace of the Dalai Lamas, and join the procession                                             Simon Klemperer on this 15-day trek—it’s one
and the St. Lawrence River from our private
                                                                                     of pilgrims at Lhasa’s holy Jokhang Temple, home                                               of the most rewarding journeys on earth.
balconies aboard the intimate Pearl Mist.
                                                                                     to Tibet’s most revered image.                                                                 Peak experiences! Reach the trek’s maximum
A fine collection. View the impressive artworks
                                                                                     Enlightenment. Learn how environmental change                                                  altitude at the summit of Kala Patthar (18,300').
housed at the Portland Museum of Art that include
                                                                                     affects the biodiversity of mammals in high-altitude                                           An even greater high is stopping in at Everest Base
paintings by such American masters as Winslow
                                                                                     regions from Elizabeth Hadly, professor of biology                                             Camp (17,688') where climbing expeditions prepare
Homer, Andrew Wyeth and Frederic Edwin Church.
                                                                                     and of geological and environmental sciences.                                                  for their summit attempts.
Carriage rides for all. Travel back in time in Acadia
                                                                                     Ain’t no mountain high enough. Take a flight-                                                  Steeped in local flavor. Sleep in simple tea houses
National Park during a private carriage ride on the
                                                                                     seeing tour through the Himalayas, passing within a                                            each night and hear about local Sherpa culture as
motor vehicle-free paths created by philanthropist
                                                                                     mile of the southern face of Mt. Everest—one of the                                            we make our way from village to village.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
                                                                                     most spectacular plane rides one could ever take!                                              The particulars. Our itinerary is designed for grad-
The world is my oyster. Take a culinary walking
                                                                                     Ciffhanger. Hike to Taktsang Palphug Monastery,                                                ual acclimatization so we take our time hiking each
tour of Charlottetown’s historic downtown, and
                                                                                     also known as Tiger’s Nest. This red-trimmed white                                             day. Yaks do the heavy lifting, letting us focus on
meet with a Nobel Laureate climatologist at the
                                                                                     temple clinging to the edge of a 10,000-foot-high                                              taking in spectacular views of some of the world’s
University of Prince Edward Island.
                                                                                     cliff is a place so sacred that all Bhutanese try to                                           highest and most dramatic mountains.
C O S T : from $10,695
                                                                                     visit it at least once in their lifetimes.                                                     C O S T : $9,495

                                                                                     C O S T : $13,695

                       Baie-Comeau                                                                                                                                                                                                Everest
    CANADA                                                                                        Beijing                       CHINA                     Lhasa                                                                   Base Camp            CHINA
                                       Riv         Percé      Les Îles-de-                        C H I NA                                                                                                      Kala Patthar
                                   nce                       la-Madeleine                                                                                     Tsedang                                                                    Mt. Everest
                 Saguenay         e                                                                                                                                                                                              Gorak
                                                                                                                       TIBET                                                                                       Lobuche

                   Fjord                                                                                                                                                                                                         Shep

     QUÉBEC                                                PRINCE EDWARD                               H                                y     a       s
                                                                                                             i    m    a    l    a

                                            NEW                ISLAND                                                                                                                                               Pheriche
                    City                 BRUNSWICK          Charlottetown                                                                                                                                       Pangboche
                                                                                                                                             Punakha                                                                                                   CHINA
                              MAINE                                                        Kathmandu                                                                                                                    Deboche          N EPAL

                                                       NOVA Pictou
                                                      SCOTIA                                                                     Paro             B H U TA N                                         Namche Bazaar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          N EPAL
                                                                                                                                            Thimphu                                                           ndu
        UNITED                                                                                                                                                                                            hma

                            Bar Harbor         Lunenburg                                                                                                                                                            Phakding                  Kathmandu
                                                           Halifax                              NEPAL                                                                                                Ka t
        S TATES                                                                                                                                                                              f ro

                                                                          nt                                                                                                                                                               INDIA
     NEW                    Portland                                  a                                                                                                                                 a t h ma n d u
     YORK                                                       Atl                            INDIA
                                                                                                                                            from Bangkok                                         to K                    Lukla

                                                                                            S T A N F O R D      T R A V E L / S T U D Y          |       6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   11
European Rivers                                                                                            Papua New                                                                  Along the Mekong
     O CT O BE R 12 TO 2 6, 2017 ( 15 D A YS )
     A scenic journey. Cruise across Central Europe
                                                                                                                Guinea                                                                     O CT O B E R 1 7 T O NO V E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 7
                                                                                                                                                                                           (16 DAYS)
                                                                                                                O C T O B ER 1 3 T O 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 ( 1 5 D AY S)
     on the Danube, Main and Rhine Rivers and transit                                                                                                                                      A river runs through it. Cruise down the Mekong
     the Main-Danube Canal aboard the intimate and                                                              Quadruple the learning. Travel aboard the Coral                            River with Martha Crenshaw, senior fellow at
     elegant Royal Crown.                                                                                       Discoverer in the company of four Stanford faculty                         Stanford’s Center for International Security and
     The Golden City. Be dazzled by six centuries of                                                            leaders: professors Pamela Matson and Peter                                Cooperation, and learn how vital this 2,700-mile-
     exquisitely preserved architecture in fairy tale-like                                                      Vitousek, experts in the field of environment and                          long river is to the people living along its shores.
     Prague. In the company of faculty leader favorite,                                                         sustainability; James Sheehan, ’58, a professor                            Pak’ it all in! During our time in the charming and
     Bob Hamrdla, ’59, MA ’64, spend two full days                                                              of history; and Joel Simon, ’74, ’75, MS ’77, a                            idyllic village of Luang Prabang, cruise up the Me-
     exploring this fascinating and historic capital city.                                                      photographer and marine biologist.                                         kong River and visit the Pak Ou cave—a limestone
     Musical mélange. Attend memorable musical                                                                  Up close and personal. Snorkel or dive in one                              cave that houses thousands of Buddha images.
     events during our voyage, including performances in                                                        of the world’s richest and most diverse coral reef                         Ancient and modern capitals. Explore the ancient
     a historic residence by the Bamberg String Quartet                                                         systems and cruise the stunning Tufi Fjords.                               capital, and now archaeological site, of Angkor,
     and a children’s choir in Würzburg, plus a baroque                                                         Bien there, done that. Travel up the mighty Sepik                          which flourished for five centuries under the power-
     organ concert near Miltenberg.                                                                             River to Bien, a small, colorful village populated by                      ful Khmer kingdom. Comparatively, experience the
     Mountains higher. Ascend the Bernese Alps via                                                              some of the greatest primitive artists in the world.                       bustle of modern Hanoi and marvel at its blend of
     Interlaken’s famous cog railway that goes to the foot                                                      Two terrific add-ons. Pre-trip, travel to the Dain-                        contemporary and ancient architecture.
     of the Eiger North Wall then on through the moun-                                                          tree Rain Forest and the Great Barrier Reef, or                            Touch of class. Our ship, the Aqua Mekong, is the
     tain, and enjoy breathtaking views of the glacier                                                          post-trip, stay at the Ambua Lodge in Papua New                            ideal cruising vessel for our river journey.
     world of the Jungfraujoch.                                                                                 Guinea’s highlands.                                                        C O S T : $12,595
     C O S T : from $7,995                                                                                      C O S T : from $12,995

                                                                                                                             Sepik River        Garove Island       Rabaul                                                            Hanoi
        BELGIUM                               GERMANY                                                                                                                                                                    Luang                 Ha Long
                           Miltenberg            Würzburg                                                                 Ambua Lodge Madang           Tuam Island                                     BURMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Prabang                Bay
                                                                                      Prague                                             Lababia
                                            Main River                                                                                                                                                                                  V IETNAM
                                                     Bamberg                                                                    P APUA Island         Fly Island                                                         L AOS
                       Rüdesheim                                                         CZECH                                                                   Trobriand Islands
                                                                                                                                  N EW Sanananda                                                                                  M
                             Speyer                               Nuremberg             REPUBLIC

                                          Heidelberg                                                                           G UINEA           Buna

                                                                                                                                                                        Fergusson Island                          THAILAND


                                                                              Regensburg                                                                            Dobu Island
                                                                                                                                            Port Fjords


                   Strasbourg                                     R iv


                                                                                                                                          Moresby            Alotau

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ic Ocean
                                                              e                                                                                                                                                  PREK TOAL CORE

                                                       n                                                                                                                                                          BIRD RESERVE

         FRANCE                                   Da

                                                                                                                                                Coral                                                  Andaman                    Siem
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sea                      Reap
                         Basel                                                         AUSTRIA                                                    Sea                      South                                                        Moat Khla
                                         Zurich                                                                                                                                                                  Tonle Sap Lake         Chhnok Tru
                                                                                                                                                                          Pacific                                      C AMBODIA         Kampong Chhnang
                                    S WITZERLAND                                                                                   DAINTREE
                                                                                                                                   NATIONAL                                Ocean                   ce   n                  Phnom Penh Koh Chen
                                                                                                                                     PARK                                                             a                                       Ho Chi Minh City
                                                              ITALY                                                                                                                                                            Tan Chau
                                                                                                                                              Cairns                                                                                Sa Dec Cai Be

12   S T A N F O R D    T R A V E L / S T U D Y                    |          6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Provence Seminar                                               Tahiti to Easter                                                                          Tanzania Family
O CT O BE R 23 TO 3 0, 2017 ( 8 D A YS )
Come one, come all. Designed with solo
                                                               Island                                                                                    Adventure
                                                               N O VEM B ER 5 T O 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 ( 2 0 D AY S)                                            D E CE M B E R 1 9 T O 3 0 , 2 0 1 7 ( 1 2 D A Y S )
travelers in mind, this seminar offers all Stanford
                                                               A winter escape awaits. Sail amid a tropical                                              What’s your favorite animal? Check out
travelers, whether traveling independently or with
                                                               paradise replete with ocean breezes laden with the                                        elephants, giraffes, zebras, dik-diks, leopards
others, the opportunity to delight in the pleasures of
                                                               fragrance of island flowers, azure lagoons framed by                                      and more from our open-roofed safari vehicles
the south of France at autumn’s end.
                                                               palm-fanned beaches and warm smiles from friendly                                         while exploring Serengeti National Park.
Give ’em the Aix! Stroll the colorful streets of
                                                               island inhabitants.                                                                       A for-real reality show. Unplug and spend qual-
Aix-en-Provence, our home base for six wonderful                                                                                                         ity time together viewing amazing wildlife in the
                                                               A crash course on island ecology? Don’t mind
nights. This delightful and historic city is a treasure                                                                                                  Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti.
                                                               atoll! Learn from Professor Rob Dunbar and expert
trove of art, architecture, brasseries and bistros,                                                                                                      This is camping? Enjoy star-filled nights of luxury
                                                               naturalists as we explore islands, atolls, reefs and
open-air markets and thousands of fountains.                                                                                                             camping in the Serengeti—the stuff that lifelong
                                                               archipelagos—both on land and under the sea.
Make an impression. Trace the footsteps of                                                                                                               memories are made of.
                                                               Quench that thirst for adventure. Travel to remote
Cezanne and van Gogh alongside European                                                                                                                  Enlightening. Adults enjoy hearing lectures from
                                                               places few visit: set foot on rugged Pitcairn Island,
history professor Carolyn Lougee.                                                                                                                        Stanford faculty leader Tim Duane, ’82, MS ’83,
                                                               witness the amazing bird life of uninhabited Hender-
Giddyup! Visit a working ranch in the Camargue—                                                                                                          PhD ’89, and kids get a taste of school life in
                                                               son and Ducie Islands, and drop anchor at Easter
France’s cowboy country—and watch a traditional                                                                                                          Tanzania, meet their pen pals and hang out with
                                                               Island to gape at the massive, centuries-old moai.
Provençal bullfight during which young men try to                                                                                                        their Young Explorer Leaders. Listen to a Maasai
                                                               Resort cruising at its best. Enjoy an unparaleled
pluck a cloth from between the horns of the bull,                                                                                                        storyteller and play traditional Tanzanian games
                                                               travel experience cruising and relaxing in style
then vault safely over a wall inside the arena.                                                                                                          with our local guides.
                                                               aboard the all-suite Caledonian Sky.
C O S T : $8,995 (single accommodations)                                                                                                                 C O S T : $9,595 adults; $8,995 kids (ages 6–18)
                                                               C O S T : from $19,980

                                                                                       MARQUESAS                                                           Lake Victoria
                                                                            Hatiheu     ISLANDS                                                                                                               K ENYA


                                                                          Nuku Hiva

         Paris                                                                          Hiva Oa

    F R A NC E

                                                                                Tahauku    Fatu Hiva                                                                           SERENGETI

                                 Avignon                                                                             Pitcairns                                                 NATIONAL
                                ne               Roussillon                                                    Tahiti      Easter                                                 PARK               NGORONGORO          Mt.


                                                                         Rangiroa                                          Island                                                                    CONSERVATION    Kilimanjaro


                                     St. Rémy-de-Provence                                                                             Santiago                                                           AREA

                                                                                                                                                                                           Crater          Arusha ARUSHA

                        Arles                                        Pape’ete                      Puka Rua
                                                                                TUAMOTU                                                                                                                             NATIONAL

                                                                    Tahiti       ISLANDS
                                                                                                                                    to Santiago             Mt. Kilimanjaro
                                            Aix-en-Provence                                        Tenararo                                                                                      Lake               PARK
                                                                                                     Rikitea                                                                                    Manyara
                                                                                       Mangareva                 Ducie                                        T ANZANIA
                                                                         Pacific                                                Easter                                Dar es
                                                   Marseille             Ocean               PITCAIRN ISLANDS
                                                                                                                                Island                                Salaam                    TANZANIA
                 Mediterranean Sea

                                                                     S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y       |     6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |      A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   13
Let’s go!
                                      This issue marks the announcement of
                                      our full schedule for 2018. Final details are
                                      still in development, but that doesn’t mean
                                      there’s time for you to wait around. Trips
                                      have been known to sell out as soon
                                      as they are announced. Sign up now to
                                      reserve your space. If the brochure is not
                                      yet available, your deposit ($1,000 per per-
                                      son) is fully refundable until 10 days after
                                      we send it to you—typically nine months
                                      prior to departure. Come on, let’s go!

14   S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y   |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Cuba Family                                                                                        New Year’s Eve                                                                          Vietnam, Laos
Seminar                                                                                            in Vienna                                                                               and Cambodia
D E C E MBE R 2 6, 2017, TO JA NU A RY 2, 2018                                                     D EC EM BER 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 , T O J AN U AR Y 7 , 2 0 1 8                                 D E CE M B E R 2 9 , 2 0 1 7 , T O J A NU A R Y 1 7 , 2 0 1 8
( 8 D AYS)                                                                                         ( 1 1 D AYS)                                                                            (20 DAYS)
Empty nest. Kids flown the coop? Why not take                                                      Baroque, bubbly and an imperial ball. Attend                                            Tried and true. A Travel/Study favorite for more
a vacation together—and what more unique place                                                     Le Grand Bal at the exquisite Hofburg Palace in                                         than 20 years, our popular introduction to this trio of
is there to explore together as a family than Cuba?                                                Vienna and ring in 2018 while swirling around the                                       Southeast Asian countries includes a lecture series
This trip is specifically geared toward families with                                              gilded ballroom to the tune of Strauss waltzes.                                         from history professor Margo Horn, as well as meet-
children who have graduated high school.                                                           Architectural intrigue. View diverse building styles                                    ings with ambassadors and non-profit organizations.
Auld lang syne. On New Year’s Eve,1958, Cuban                                                      in the city of Graz and go behind the scenes at                                         A feast for the senses. In Hanoi, catch wafts of
dictator Fulgencio Batista fled Havana and a new                                                   landmarks such as the town’s famous 13th-century                                        lemongrass and barbecued pork and listen to the
chapter began in Cuba’s history. Explore Castro’s                                                  clock tower.                                                                            cacophony of traffic in the Old Quarter.
legacy with local historians and economists, and                                                   Mozart on my mind. Visit the birthplace and former                                      Good karma. Wake early to give alms, in the form
with Stanford faculty leader and former ambassador                                                 residence of Mozart in Salzburg and enjoy exclusive                                     of sticky rice, to the Buddhist monks—a tradition in
to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, MA ’94.                                                            entrée to the autograph vault to see some of his                                        Laos, where nearly all males spend at least some
Talk, look, listen. Opportunities abound to explore                                                signed manuscripts and letters.                                                         time in a monastery.
Havana’s rich and vibrant arts scene. Meet actors                                                  Beyond the gold gilt. Stanford professor Bert                                           Unleash that inner archaeologist. Spend two
from a children’s theater, watch as young circus                                                   Patenaude, MA ’79, PhD ’87, illuminates for us                                          full days exploring the jungle-covered temples of
performers practice their routines and have lunch                                                  the rich history of Austria as a political center and                                   Cambodia’s iconic Angkor, ancient capital of the
in an artist’s home.                                                                               cultural magnet in Central Europe.                                                      Khmer kingdom.
C O S T : approx. $7,295                                                                           C O S T : $9,995                                                                        C O S T : $9,795

                                                                       na                                                                                  CZECH REPUBLIC                                            CHINA
                       Gulf of
                                                                                   En                                                                                                                                                Hanoi       Ha Long Bay   South
                       Mexico                                                           tra              GERMANY                                                                                      BURMA                                                    China
                                                                                              da                                                                                                                         LAOS                                   Sea
    Hotel Nacional                                                                                                                                                                                              Luang Prabang
                                                                        Plaza de                                                                               Vienna
                                                            Museum of la Catedral                        Munich
                                                      el Prado

                                                            Cuban Art                                                                                                                                                               M
                                                                                                                                        AUSTRIA                                                                        Vientiane

                                                                                                                           Salzburg                                                                                                              Hue


                        Hotel Parque Central                                       Plaza de San

                                                                                     Francisco                                                                                                                        THAILAND


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ic Ocean
                                               Paseo d



                                                                              Plaza Vieja                                                                                                                             Bangkok            ANGKOR WAT
                CUBA                                                                                                                                                                          Ind                                       NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                                                                                Graz                                                ian Ocean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Siem Reap
     Viñales Valley                    H AVA N A                               to La Finca Vigía
                                                                                                           ITALY                                                                                                    C AMBODIA                Phnom Ho Chi Minh City

                                                                                                         S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y     |     6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |     A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y             15
New Zealand                                                                             Bangkok to Bali                                                                         Nile
     J A NU ARY 6 TO 1 9, 2018 ( 14 D A YS )                                                 FEBRU AR Y 1 T O 1 3 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 3 D AY S)                                            F E B R U A R Y 2 1 T O M A R CH 7 , 2 0 1 8
                                                                                                                                                                                     (15 DAYS)
     By air and rail. Flying aboard our private                                              A capital experience! Spend two nights in bustling
     Convair 580 jet-prop for four legs of our trip, we’ll                                   Bangkok, viewing its palaces and temples along the                                      Welcome back. With Travel/Study favorite, Profes-
     eliminate some long drives and have more time                                           Chao Phraya River and cruising to the Grand Palace                                      sor Ed Steidle, return to a stable, hospitable Egypt
     to view New Zealand’s amazing landscapes. Our                                           and reclining Buddha at Wat Po.                                                         and enjoy exclusive tours to historical and cultural
     faculty leader Jeffrey Koseff, MS ’78, PhD ’83, will                                    It’s the journey and the destination. Revel in                                          sites not open to the public, including two major
     provide us with insights into these natural wonders.                                    a bygone era as we travel through Thailand and                                          Cairo mosques, Ibn Tulun and Sultan Hassan.
     “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Be awed by the                                            Malaysia for three nights aboard the deluxe Eastern                                     Mummy’s boy. View artifacts retrieved from the
     sheer beauty of Milford Sound after flying in a light                                   & Oriental Express train with Professor Kathleen                                        tomb of King Tutankhamun as well as other ancient
     aircraft to take in panoramic, bird’s-eye views of the                                  Stephens, watching a world of sleepy villages, rice                                     treasures at Cairo’s Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.
     region’s alpine scenery and lush rain forests.                                          paddies and grazing water buffalo pass by.                                              Moon river. Take a seven-night cruise aboard the
     No whining for oenophiles! Sample New Zealand                                           Singapore swing. Look for the Chinese, Malay                                            luxurious 30-passenger Sun Boat III, visiting Luxor,
     wines throughout our trip, including at a wine-paired                                   and Indian influences that have helped shape this                                       Aswan and the great temples of Edfu and Kom
     dinner in the town of Blenheim, home to more than                                       dynamic city during our two-night stay here.                                            Ombo. Then fly to Abu Simbel, where the statues
     70 wineries and boutique breweries.                                                     Paradise found. Enjoy three relaxing nights at                                          of Pharaoh Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari sit in
     A pair of perfect program bookends. Enjoy an                                            our beautiful seaside resort in Bali. Explore caves                                     peaceful repose high above the Nile.
     optional pre-trip extension in Queenstown or an                                         bearing ancient inscriptions, and browse the famed                                      Walk like an Egyptian. Talk with Egyptians about
     optional post-trip excursion to the Bay of Islands.                                     Ubud market with its exotic displays of Balinese                                        how they perceive the huge changes that have
     C O S T : $10,495                                                                       crafts, spices and gifts.                                                               occurred in their country since the 2011 Revolution.
                                                                                             C O S T : from $9,995                                                                   C O S T : from approx. $14,495
                                                                                                                                                                                     SINGLE ACCOMMODATIONS: WAIT LIST ONLY

                                                   Bay of Islands                                                                                                                                       Mediterranean Sea                   Jerash
                                                                                                                      T HAILAND                               Pa                                                                                      Amman
                                                                                                                                                                   c                                                                                 Madaba
                                                                                                                  Bangkok            South                                                                                                Dead
                                        Auckland                                                                                                                                                                                           Sea
                                                                                                                                    China Sea                                                                      Giza
               Ta s m a n                                Rotorua                                                                                                                                                             Cairo                Petra
                                                                                                                                                PHILIPPINES                                                                          SINAI
                  Sea                                    NORTH ISLAND                                                                                                       O                                                      PENINSULA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          N i l e Ri
                                  NEW ZEALAND                                                                                                                                   an
                                      Blenheim     Wellington                                                             M A L AYS I A                                                                EGYPT                                               ARABIA
                                                                                                                             S INGAPORE



                            Greymouth              Marlborough Sounds


                Franz Josef Glacier                                                                                                                                                                                                       Luxor
                                           Christchurch                                                                     I   N   D    O      N   E    S     I        A


           Milford Sound                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kom Ombo


                   Queenstown       SOUTH                                                                                                                                                                                    Aswan UPPER

                                    ISLAND           Pacif
                                                             ic Ocean                                         e                              BALI                                                                                          NILE

                                                                                                                  a                                                                                                                 Lake
                                                                                                                      n                                                                                         Abu Simbel          Nasser

16   S T A N F O R D    T R A V E L / S T U D Y      |     6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Kingdom of                                                                   Focus: Milan                                                                                     Havana Arts
Morocco                                                                      M ARC H 2 3 T O 3 1 , 2 0 1 8 ( 9 D AYS)
                                                                             Renaissance woman. Explore such clas-
                                                                                                                                                                              M A R CH 2 3 T O 3 1 , 2 0 1 8 ( 9 D A Y S )
                                                                                                                                                                              Havana nocturne. Go beyond the ubiquitous
M A R C H 16 TO 2 9, 2018 ( 14 D A YS )
                                                                             sical sites as Santa Maria della Grazie, home to da                                              “Guantanamera,” attending musical performances
An exotic and historic land. With faculty leader                             Vinci’s Last Supper, with faculty leader Christine                                               and listening to Buena Vista Social Club-like melo-
extraordinaire Scott Pearson, discover the cultural,                         Junkerman, an expert in Italian Renaissance art.                                                 dies as they drift from every open window.
religious and geographical diversity of Morocco, as                          It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. Go behind the                                             Cuba libre. Visit ateliers, galleries and workshops,
we journey from Marrakesh, where snake charm-                                scenes at Milan’s legendary La Scala Opera House                                                 including a studio displaying photography, paintings
ers and magicians still ply their ancient arts, to the                       and enjoy an exclusive visit to the venue’s costume                                              and drawings that illustrate societal issues—a reflec-
capital city of Rabat.                                                       and set design studios, then enjoy a performance at                                              tion of Cuba’s long-standing tradition of freedom of
Treasures of the kingdom. Enjoy sunset over the                              the opera house that evening.                                                                    artistic expression.
spectacular Saharan dunes, overnight in carpeted                             A room with a view. Enjoy a private tour of a stately                                            Good fellas. Check out Havana’s modernist archi-
tents, wander through the well-preserved Roman                               500-year-old villa and its 18th-century gardens with                                             tecture that includes the former Havana Hilton and
ruins of Volubilis, and visit the fabled medinas of the                      the count whose family has owned the property for                                                the Riviera Hotel, once owned by major organized
old city of Fes, a UNESCO World Heritage site.                               generations.                                                                                     crime boss Meyer Lansky.
One world. Glimpse the unique Berber culture,                                Decadent domiciles. Visit both the home of Milan’s                                               History lessons. Get updated on Cuba-U.S.
learn about local Jewish and Muslim traditions, and                          most prestigious family of modern art collectors and                                             relations by Hoover Institute fellow Kori Schake,
meet with local scholars, artisans and merchants.                            the elegant 1930s Villa Necchi, the principal setting                                            who’s held State and Defense Department posts
By the sea. Explore the charming seaside town of                             for the visually stunning 2010 film, I Am Love, star-                                            and whose research focuses on the building of
Essaouira, a fortified city whose coastal waters teem                        ring Tilda Swinton.                                                                              cooperative solutions to security problems.
with the many blue boats of its fishermen.
                                                                             C O S T : approx. $6,995                                                                         C O S T : in development
C O S T : $7,995

                                                                                                           HangarBicocca                                                                                                                          Ca
                                           Salé Volubilis                                             Brera                                                                                                                                                 ld
                                                                  Fes                  Castello      Design                                                                                          Gulf of                                                   eE
                                       Rabat                                          Sforzesco      District                                                                                                                                                     nt
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mexico                                                          ra
                                             Bou                  IFRANE                                                              SWITZERLAND                                                                                                           a           d
                                                                                 Santa Maria
                                          Regreg                 NATIONAL        della Grazie     La Scala  Galleria Vittorio                                                     Hotel Nacional
                                                                   PARK                                                                                                                                                                                 Plaza de
                                           River                                                             Emanuele II                                                                                                                    Museum of la Catedral
      MOROCCO                                                                                                                                          Bergamo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      el Prado
                                                                                           Museum of the      Hotel Rosa        Castiglione Olona                                                                                           Cuban Art
                                                                    Midelt                Twentieth Century      Grand
                                    MOROCCO                                                                                                            Milan
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hotel Parque Central                                    Plaza de San
                                                                                                                                                 I TA LY                                                                                         Central          Francisco

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Paseo d
                                                            Ziz Valley


                                  Marrakesh     Boumalne Sijilmassa                                  MILAN                                                                          Havana

                                                                                                                                      E                                                                                                                       Plaza Vieja
      c O


                                    Aghmat       Dades                                                                                                                                        CUBA
              Essaouira                                                                                                                       Mediterranean

                                                                Erg Chebbi         Navigli                                                         Sea
                           MT. TOUBKAL                                             District                                                                                        Viñales Valley                      H AVA N A                               to La Finca Vigía
                          NATIONAL PARK Aït Benhaddou                                                            Prada

                                                                                   S T A N F O R D      T R A V E L / S T U D Y           |     6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |     A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y                            17
Cuba by Sea                                                                           Colombia                                                              Israel: Past
     M A R C H 2 4 TO APRIL 4, 2018 ( 12 D A YS )
     Our crucero Caribeño. Sail from Santiago
                                                                                           APR I L 6 T O 1 5 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 0 D AYS)
                                                                                           The gold standard. Visit museums in Bogota that
                                                                                                                                                                 and Present
                                                                                                                                                                 APRIL 6 TO 19, 2018 (14 DAYS)
     de Cuba, birthplace of the Cuban Revolution, to                                       represent works ranging from modern to classic
                                                                                                                                                                 Voices in the wilderness. Meet with Palestinians,
     Havana aboard the luxury yacht, Le Ponant.                                            and include the gold museum, Museo del Oro.
                                                                                                                                                                 Jewish settlers, local academics and journalists to
     Colonial gems. Call at the charming, frozen-in-time,                                  Something for everyone. Explore Medellin in its
                                                                                                                                                                 hear various, often opposing opinions about current
     colonial port town of Cienfuegos for a walking tour                                   many forms—a small rural village, a lush park, a
                                                                                                                                                                 events and the future of this hotly contested land.
     with local preservationists of historic landmarks and                                 gritty urban barrio and a trendy neighborhood—
                                                                                                                                                                 Amen to that. With political science professor
     visits with students and teachers of the arts.                                        and interact with its inhabitants in every location.
                                                                                                                                                                 Judith Goldstein, explore the importance of
     Hasta la victoria, siempre! Uncover the robust                                        See what the buzz is about. Delve into vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                 Jerusalem to the three Abrahamic monotheistic
     history of Cuba while discussing topics ranging from                                  Cartagena, the colonial jewel of the country that’s
                                                                                                                                                                 faiths and take time to observe their practices.
     sugar and revolutions to U.S.-Cuban relations with                                    been influenced by both Spanish and Caribbean
                                                                                                                                                                 The best medicine. Visit the Western Galilee
     Professor Héctor Hoyos.                                                               cultures, and it’s easy to see why artists, writers
                                                                                                                                                                 Hospital-Nahariya, whose diverse medical staff
     Religiosity. Delve into the belief systems of Santería                                and historians keep coming here for inspiration.
                                                                                                                                                                 serves not only local residents of all religious beliefs,
     and other Afro-Cuban religions with practitioners in                                  Architectural digest. Enjoy viewing the many
                                                                                                                                                                 but also refugees from the war in Syria.
     Trinidad, a World Heritage site.                                                      styles of architecture that sit side by side, from
                                                                                                                                                                 Etched in stone. Visit Roman-era archaeological
     Think green. Walking the white sand beaches at                                        colonial to Moorish to modern.
                                                                                                                                                                 sites, including Masada and Beit She’an.
     Punta Francés, part of a marine conservation area                                     A gentleman and a scholar. Learn from popular
                                                                                                                                                                 From the Gospel to graffiti. Visit Jaffa, where
     on Isla de la Juventud, learn about local efforts to                                  faculty leader, Ed Steidle, who has led travelers all
                                                                                                                                                                 some deeds of St. Peter the Apostle’s ostensibly
     preserve the fragile ecosystem of the island.                                         over the world for nearly 20 years.
                                                                                                                                                                 took place, and check out Tel Aviv’s hip street art.
     C O S T : from approx. $12,995                                                        C O S T : approx. $6,695
                                                                                                                                                                 C O S T : approx. $9,995

                                                                                                  Caribbean                                                                                                                  GOLAN
                                                                                                                                                                                               Nahariya Tzfat HEIGHTS       SYRIA
                                              Atlantic Ocean                                          Sea          Cartagena
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rosh Pinna

                             Havana                                                                                                                                                                                  Sea of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nazareth           Galilee
                                  Cienfuegos                                                        PANAMA



                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jordan River
                                                                                                                                                    VENEZUELA                                              She’an


                                                                     Holguin                                                                                                              Tel Aviv      WEST

                Isla de la                                                                                                                                                                              BANK

                Juventud                                                                                                                                                                        Ramallah                           JORDAN

                                                                                                                    Medellin                                                                   Jerusalem
                                                                        de Cuba                   Pacific                               COLOMBIA                                               Bethlehem
                 Caribbean Sea                                                                                                                                                                             Dead
                                                                                                   Ocean                                                                           GAZA                     Sea
                                                           JAMAICA                                                             Bogota                                                                Masada

18   S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y       |   6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Cinque Terre Hike                                                                          Catalunya Food                                                                          Focus: Berlin
APR I L 1 5 TO 2 3, 2018 ( 9 D A YS )
A hiker’s paradiso. Spend one splendid day after
                                                                                           and Wine                                                                                APRIL 25 TO MAY 4, 2018 (10 DAYS)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Life is a cabaret. Learn from faculty leader Bob
                                                                                           APRI L 1 8 T O 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 1 D AY S)
another hiking the trails that lace the seven-mile                                                                                                                                 Hamrdla, ’59, MA ’64, who designed this program,
                                                                                           Catalan culture and cuisine. Travel to popular and                                      about pre- and post-WWII, the hedonistic inter-War
stretch of the five quintessential Italian coastal
                                                                                           fiery Catalunya, or Catalonia, located in the north-                                    years of the Weimar Republic and modern-day
villages that give Cinque Terre its name.
                                                                                           eastern corner of Spain, and discover why Catalans                                      Berlin.
Riviera numero uno. Visit some of the world’s
                                                                                           pride themselves on their culture, their art, and                                       Museum spree! Explore Museum Island, set in the
most iconic seaside resorts as we explore the Italian
                                                                                           above all else, their food and wine.                                                    middle of the Spree River and home to five of the
Riviera, including Portofino and the abbey at San
                                                                                           God’s architect. Explore Barcelona and become                                           world’s top museums with collections that include
Fruttuoso with its famous underwater crucifix.
                                                                                           familiar with the art and architecture of Antoni Gaudi                                  Babylon’s Ishtar Gate and the bust of Nefertiti.
Cliff notes. Soak up the spectacular views of the
                                                                                           while visiting sites showcasing his work.                                               Bridge of spies. Take a day trip to Potsdam to visit
sea as we hike up mountain ridges and down to
                                                                                           Menus for the ages. Whether it’s traditional paella,                                    Sanssouci, former summer palace of Frederick the
colorful villages clinging to steep cliffs of this gor-
                                                                                           artisan cheese plates, French cassoulets or in-                                         Great; Cecilienhof, location of the Potsdam Confer-
geous region, and learn about its history and culture
                                                                                           novative tapas, count on exquisite meals that are                                       ence; and the Glienicke Bridge, site of various Cold
from Professor Debra Satz and hiking host Peter
                                                                                           accompanied by award-winning wines.                                                     War spy exchanges.
                                                                                           The complete learning package. Learn from fac-                                          The lives of others. Visit the Berlin Wall Memorial
Buon gusto! Enjoy al fresco lunches on the trail and
                                                                                           ulty leader, Professor Scott Pearson, and our wine                                      that runs one mile along the formerly walled border
the finest and freshest of fish in the evenings in this
                                                                                           expert, Jeremy Shaw, as we go on exclusive visits                                       between East and West Berlin and contains the last
land of Ligurian cuisine, where pesto, pine nuts and
                                                                                           to wineries and tasting rooms, where we converse                                        piece of the Wall, plus historical remnants showing
porcini mushrooms rule the day.
                                                                                           with wine makers and winery owners.                                                     the trauma that the Wall inflicted upon all Berliners.
C O S T : approx. $7,295
                                                                                           C O S T : approx. $7,895                                                                C O S T : approx. $6,295

      Genoa                                                                                                                  Carcassonne
                                                                                                                                                                                       BERLIN                             Berlin Wall      Prenzlauer
              Rapallo                                               Genoa                                                                                                                                                 Memorial
            Santa Margherita Ligure                                                                          FRANCE                                                                                                                           Berg
     San                                                                Pisa                                                                                                                                  Mitte
                             Li            I TA LY                                                                                                                                                                         Reichstag
  Fruttuoso                     gu                                       I TALY                                                                   Gulf of                                                   Federal
    Abbey Portofino Gulf of        ri                                                                                                                                                                     Chancellery              Museum
                    Tigullio          an                                                                                                              Lion                                                                          Island
                                           R                                                                                                                                         Charlottenberg      Tiergarten   Pariser
                                               iv                                                                                                                                                                                     Gendarmenmarkt
                                                    ie         PARCO NAZIONALE                                                                                                                                         Platz Hilton        Sp
                                                         ra                                                                                  Empordà                                                                          Hotel           re
                                                              DELLE CINQUE TERRE                             CATALUNYA                                                                                                                           eR
                                                                                                                             Girona                                                                                                                 ive
    Me                                              Levanto                                                                                                                                     Berlin                                                  r
         diterra ean Sea
                n                                                                   Pisa         S PA I N
                                      Monterosso al Mare            Vernazza                                                                                                                                                                      Treptower
                                                                                                                                           Mediter                                       GERMANY
                                                               Corniglia Manarola                              Penedes                               ranean Sea                                                                                      Park
                                                                                                                            Barcelona                                                                                      Tempelhof
                                                              Riomaggiore                          Priorat                                                                                                                                   Neukölln
                                                         Gulf of La Spezia

                                                                                                 S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y    |      6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |     A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   19
Dutch Waterways                                                                                Georgia                                                                      Tuscany, Umbria
     A P R I L 28 TO MAY 7, 2018 ( 10 D A YS )
     Tulip-mania. Explore the world’s largest flower
                                                                                                    M AY 5 T O 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 0 D AYS)
                                                                                                    Tbilisi on my mind. Discover this ancient capital
                                                                                                                                                                                 and Rome
                                                                                                                                                                                 MAY 7 TO 18, 2018 (12 DAYS)
     auction in Aalsmeer and stroll through the Keuken-                                             city on an architecture tour and enjoy a special
                                                                                                    invitation to the Presidential Palace. Gain a deeper                         La bella vita. Slow down and enjoy the “good life”
     hof’s 88 acres of magnificent flowers at the peak
                                                                                                    understanding of the challenges of achieving                                 as we explore the scenic Italian countryside, savor
     of the blooming season.
                                                                                                    democracy in the Caucasus with faculty leader                                the local culture and sample the regional cuisine.
     The perfect size. We’ve chartered the new
                                                                                                    Stephen Krasner.                                                             Calling all kings and queens. Stay at a 13th-
     32-passenger barge, MS Magnifique II, to navigate
                                                                                                    Eat, drink and be merry. Experience an authentic                             century castello in the fortified village of Gargonza,
     the region’s scenic waterways, a marvelous laby-
                                                                                                    supra, or Georgian table, a joyous amalgam of deli-                          lovingly restored and beautifully updated by our
     rinth of locks and canals.
                                                                                                    cious food, hearty drinking rituals, endless toasts                          hosts, the Guicciardini family.
     Tilting at windmills. Delight in discovering histori-
                                                                                                    and traditional polyphonic singing.                                          Majesty of the Middle Ages. Stroll the narrow
     cal treasures in Gouda, Delft and The Hague; bike
                                                                                                    To your health. Get to know the surprising history                           streets in quintessential medieval towns such as
     through the lush countryside; and be awed by the
                                                                                                    of wine in the fertile valleys of the South Caucasus,                        Assisi, Gubbio and Spoleto, and look closely at
     iconic windmills of Kinderdijk.
                                                                                                    where the world’s first cultivated grapes for wine                           the venerable facades of their stunning landmark
     Museum junkies. In the company of dynamic duo
                                                                                                    were produced 8,000 years ago. Visit an organic                              buildings, little changed over the centuries.
     Wanda M. Corn and Joe Corn, who have intro-
                                                                                                    winery and join a tasting in the vineyard.                                   Out of the crowd. Enjoy an unharried, early-
     duced Stanford travelers to history and art muse-
                                                                                                    The best coast. Linger a while longer on an                                  morning visit to the Vatican and St. Peter’s
     ums all over the world, visit the works of Dutch and
                                                                                                    optional extension to Kutaisi, for a visit to the Gelati                     Basilica, before they open to the general public.
     Flemish masters whose art was inspired by the
                                                                                                    Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage site; and                                 Back to the future. Discuss contemporary politics
     countryside we’ve been traveling through.
                                                                                                    the resort town of Batumi on the Black Sea.                                  with our savvy faculty leader, Roberto D’Alimonte.
     C O S T : from approx. $9,195
                                                                                                    C O S T : approx. $6,995                                                     C O S T : approx. $8,695

                                                                                                                                                                    RUSSIA                 Florence
                                                Haarlem         Amsterdam

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Castello di

                                                                    THE                                                                                                                           Siena    Gargonza       Gubbio

                                                                                                                      Kutaisi                                     Kakheti
                                                                NETHERLANDS                                                          GEORGIA                       Wine                         Montepulciano            Assisi

                                                 Oude                                                                                                             Region                            Pienza       Bevagna Spello

                 tl                              Wetering

                                   Leiden                                                                                                     Gori                                                              Montefalco
             A                                                                                                                                                         Telavi
                                                                               THE                                                                                                                                Todi
                                                                         NETHERLANDS                                            Akhaltsikhe
                                                                                                                                                        Tbilisi                                       I TA LY          Spoleto
                 The Hague                                                                               Batumi                                                        Signagi
                                                                              Amsterdam                                            Vardzia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I TA LY
                           Delft                  Gouda
                                                                                                                                                     Dmanisi                                                                          Rome
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ty r r h e n i a n
                                               Kinderdijk                                                     TURKEY                                                                        Sea                    Rome
                                                                      BELGIUM                                                                   ARMENIA

20   S T A N F O R D        T R A V E L / S T U D Y         |     6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Path to Rome Walk                                                          Wild and                                                                                  Mississippi River
M A Y 8 T O 2 0, 2018 ( 13 D A YS )
All roads lead to Rome. Travel a portion of
                                                                           Ancient Britain                                                                           MAY 11 TO 21, 2018 (11 DAYS)
                                                                                                                                                                     Treasure in our own backyard. Rediscover a
                                                                           M AY 9 T O 2 4 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 6 D AYS)
the Via Francigena, the pilgrimage route that linked                                                                                                                 slice of our country’s history—richly exhibited
                                                                           Dramatic lands, rich histories. Cruise the narrow
Canterbury to Rome in the Middle Ages, following                                                                                                                     through the traditions of music, art and literature—
                                                                           channels of the Celtic, Irish and North Seas aboard
its route outside Rome through olive groves,                                                                                                                         while celebrating the longest and most storied of
                                                                           the Sea Adventurer, joining faculty leader Linda
vineyards and ancient cypress trees.                                                                                                                                 American waterways.
                                                                           Paulson in exploring sites that have been home to
Pilgrims’ progress. Descend from the hills of Rome                                                                                                                   Rollin’ down the river. Navigate the “Big Muddy”
                                                                           people for millennia, from Stone Age dwellers and
via Viale Angelico to arrive at St. Peter’s Basilica, the                                                                                                            in style aboard the Queen of the Mississippi
                                                                           Celtic tribes to Saxon invaders and Norman conquerors.
seat of Catholicism and home to a vast store of art                                                                                                                  sternwheeler.
                                                                           Larger than life. Visit Giant's Causeway that,
treasures, including the Sistine Chapel.                                                                                                                             Sips of Southern comfort. Find the soul of the
                                                                           according to legend, was laid by Irish giant, Fionn
Places less traveled. Discover the pleasures of                                                                                                                      South as we visit the antebellum mansions of
                                                                           mac Cumhaill (aka Finn MacCool), when challenged
nearby, lesser-known cities, such as Buonconvento,                                                                                                                   Natchez and St. Francisville, the colorful Cajun
                                                                           to duel a Scottish giant from across the sea.
Bolsena, Caprarola and San Lorenzo.                                                                                                                                  town of St. Martinsville and the music halls of the
                                                                           Solitary sanctuaries. Skellig Michael. Iona. St.
La mente, il corpo e l’anima. With professor of hu-                                                                                                                  French Quarter.
                                                                           Kilda. Fair Isle. Explore these remote islands where
manities Elaine Treharne as our faculty leader and                                                                                                                   Let freedom ring. The issues of civil rights and
                                                                           pilgrims sought security, serenity and the sacred,
Peter Watson as our guide we refresh our minds,                                                                                                                      racial equality continue to be definitive elements of
                                                                           and add an optional post-trip to the Faroe Islands.
bodies and souls during our walks. Stop to savor                                                                                                                     our country’s fabric. Gain a deeper appreciation
                                                                           For the birds. Observe huge colonies of puffins,
hearty agrarian cuisine and enjoy the peace and quiet                                                                                                                of this complex topic from history professor
                                                                           guillemots, kittiwakes, gannets and other seabird
that are hallmarks of these beautiful rural settings.                                                                                                                Jim Campbell, MA ’83, PhD ’89.
                                                                           species at the peak of the breeding season.
C O S T : approx. $9,995                                                                                                                                             C O S T : from approx. $9,795
                                                                           C O S T : from $10,980

                                                                                            Shetland Islands        to the Faroe Islands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Memphis      TENNESSEE
                                                                                               Fair Isle                  FAROE ISLANDS                                                 ARKANSAS
                     Siena                                                    Atlantic    Orkney Islands                         Gjogv
                                                             I TALY            Ocean
                                                                   Rome                Hebrides                           Saksun
               Montalcino       Val d'Orcia                                                            Aberdeen            Streymoy Eysturoy
                                                                                       Staffa                                                                                                             MISSISSIPPI
                                                                                                     SCOTLAND             Gásadalur
                                          I TA LY                                          Iona
                                                                                                                             Bour                                                                                               ALABAMA
                           Bolsena                                                                      Edinburgh
                                                                                            Portrush                       Vágar Tórshavn Nólsoy                                       LOUISIANA              Vicksburg
                  Lago di Bolsena           Lago di Vico                                                  U NITED
                                Viterbo      Caprarola                         IRELAND                   K INGDOM    North                                                TEXAS                        Natchez
                 RISERVA NATURALE              Civita Castellana                            I RELAND Isle of Man
                                                                                     Saltee Islands                    Sea
                    LAGO DI VICO                Calcata                                                     ENGLAND                                                                     St. Francisville
                                               Campagnano                             Dunmore East
                                                                               Skellig                       London                        GERMANY                                          Baton Rouge                               FLORIDA
     Ty r r h e n i a n        Cerveteri         PARCO REGIONALE DI VEIO                              WALES
                                                                               Islands                                                                                                            Oak Alley       New Orleans
           Sea                   Viale Angelico Rome                                                           Portsmouth
                                                                                                   Penzance                                                                                                                  G ulf of
                                                                              Isles of Scilly                                                                                                                                         Mexico

                                                                                 S T A N F O R D   T R A V E L / S T U D Y        |    6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |     A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y   21
Spain and Portugal                                                                               Western Australia                                                                 Burgundy and the
     by Sea                                                                                           by Air                                                                            Loire Valley
     M AY 17 TO 2 9, 2018 ( 13 D A YS )                                                               M AY 1 7 T O 2 9 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 3 D AYS)                                           M A Y 2 0 T O J U NE 1 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 3 D A Y S )
     Sail away. Sail the coasts of Spain and Portugal                                                 Fly out west. Travel aboard our privately chartered                               A French time machine. Travel back in time with
     aboard the magnificent, three-masted Sea Cloud II                                                Dash 8-300 aircraft with Professor Ian Smith, MA                                  faculty leader Herant Katchadourian, visiting
     that brings back the elegance of a bygone era.                                                   ’70, PhD ’71, to explore Western Australia’s far-                                 artisans still using techniques from the Middle Ages,
     From flamenco to fado. With faculty leader Héctor                                                flung, lesser-known destinations—journeying from                                  family-run 200-year-old wine estates, and ancient
     Hoyos, professor of Latin American literature and                                                Perth to Darwin.                                                                  Romanesque abbeys and churches.
     culture, enjoy private dance and singing perfor-                                                 Parks and sharks. Fly to Ningaloo Marine Park,                                    Pouilly-Fuissé. Delight in the variety of tastings
     mances in Seville and Lisbon.                                                                    with the world’s largest aggregation of whale shark.                              available in this region, famed the world over for its
     Paella, port and pairings. Savor Andalusian                                                      Then take a boat cruise on Lake Argyle in search                                  wines, as well as for its traditional milling methods
     specialties in Granada, tapas lunches in Seville and                                             of crocodiles, and fly to Purnululu National Park for                             long associated with the area surrounding Dijon.
     Bilbao, and tastings at a historic port lodge in Porto.                                          a 4x4 drive that includes a short hike to the park’s                              Romanesque architecture. Stop and admire the
     Walk of ages. In Santiago de Compostela, termi-                                                  sandstone domes and Cathedral Gorge.                                              impressive Abbaye de Fontenay, one of the old-
     nus of Spain’s legendary 1,000-year-old pilgrimage                                               History lessons. Get an education on the history of                               est and most complete Cistercian abbeys, now a
     route, lunch in private at a top parador.                                                        the pearling industry and its modern-day processes                                UNESCO World Heritage site.
     A millennium apart. Stand in awe of Spain’s                                                      in Broome. Learn all about aboriginal culture at                                  Châteaux of the Loire Valley. Take a cruise along
     architectural masterpieces, from Granada’s 11th-                                                 the Mirima Aboriginal Community in the Kimberley                                  the scenic Loire River and view the region’s much-
     century, Moorish-style Alhambra to Ghery’s game-                                                 region and reflect on the bombings of Darwin by                                   loved châteaux, from Chenonceau and d’Amboise
     changing Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.                                                            the Japanese during World War II.                                                 to Chambord and Vaux-le-Vicomte.
     C O S T : from approx. $7,990                                                                    C O S T : approx. $13,495                                                         C O S T : approx. $10,395

                                                                        FRANCE                                            ean                      Darwin     Davidson's                                      Paris
                              La Coruña                                                                              Oc           THE
                                                           Bilbao                                               an             KIMBERLEY                                                                          Château de                       Paris
                             Santiago de                                                                                                                      Safari Lodge
                                                                                                                              Horizontal Falls Kununurra                                                       Vaux-le-Vicomte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              F R A NC E

             Illas Cíes      Compostela

                                                                                                                                                        Lake Argyle

                                                                                                                                                       PURNULULU                                                               Abbaye de
                                                                                                                                                       NATIONAL PARK                                            Auxerre
                             Porto                                                                                                                                                                                             Fontenay
         antic Ocean

                                                                                                                                           Ord River
                                                                                                          NINGALOO                                                                                                     Avallon
                       PORTUGAL                                                                            MARINE         Exmouth                                                        Tours    Amboise         Vézelay
                                              SPAIN                                                         PARK                                                                                                                      Dijon

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Château de       Château de Sully
                                                                                                                                                 AUSTRALIA                                       Chenonceau             Autun       Beaune




                                            Seville     Granada                                                                                                                             FRANCE
                                                                                 Sea                                                                                   from Sy
                                                                                                                                                                                 dney                               BURGUNDY Mâcon
                                    Cádiz             Málaga
                                                                                                                      Perth                                                                                                         Lyon

22   S T A N F O R D      T R A V E L / S T U D Y              |    6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |   A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y
Opera in the Lands                                                     Alaska’s Inside                                                                               Java and Bali
of Mozart & Wagner                                                     Passage                                                                                       J U NE 1 8 T O 2 9 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 2 D A Y S )
                                                                                                                                                                     Where art and culture are king. During
M AY 31 TO JUN E 13, 2018 ( 14 D A YS )                                J U N E 3 T O 1 2 , 2 0 1 8 ( 1 0 D AYS)
                                                                                                                                                                     our stay in Yogyakarta, a major cultural hub of Java,
Echoes of Wagner and Mozart. Join former gen-                          Front row, center. Aboard the MV Alaskan Dream,                                               join faculty leader Abbas Milani as we tour the
eral director of the Seattle Opera, Speight Jenkins,                   cruise with faculty leader Barton “Buzz” Thomp-                                               Sultan’s Palace and the Hindu Prambanan Temple
on a tour that takes us to some of Central Europe’s                    son, ’73, MBA ’76, JD ’76, to rain forest-                                                    Compounds, take a becak (cycle rickshaw) ride and
most famous opera houses and allows us to dis-                         carpeted mountainsides as seals cavort shipside.                                              attend a shadow puppet show.
cover the Germany of Weber and Wagner and the                          Water world. Sail far into Glacier Bay to witness                                             Big Buddha. At sunset, travel to nearby Borobudur
Austria of Mozart and Beethoven.                                       the “calving” of Margerie Glacier, have an up-close                                           for a specially arranged tour of the world’s largest
The meistersingers of… Vienna. Stroll through the                      whale encounter while paddling a coastline kayak                                              Buddhist temple after it’s been closed to the public.
city that has hosted and housed all the great singers                  and watch waterfalls plummet down the 4,000-foot                                              By special arrangement. Meet with Indonesian
and composers of the world and is a veritable mu-                      cliffs of narrow, glacially formed Tracy Arm Fjord.                                           Department of Culture members responsible for
seum in and of itself, filled with art galleries, historic             Fact totem. Walk along a forest path lined with                                               the preservation of temples and other antiquities;
buildings and royal palaces.                                           totem poles to a Haida longhouse, visit the only                                              dine with students attending a pesantren, or Islamic
A cornucopia of cultural gems. Travel by boat to                       indigenous Tsimshian village in the U.S. and meet                                             boarding school; and attend a panel discussion on
King Ludwig II of Bavaria’s castle near Munich, visit                  with a Tlingit (pronounced Kling’-kit) naturalist.                                            Islam at the University of Gadjah Mada.
Wagner’s Festival Theatre in Bayreuth, be dazzled                      Flukes and fur. Watch for breaching humpback                                                  Do the Monkey! Attend a performance in Bali of
by Europe’s largest collection of treasures housed in                  whales as our ship plies the waters of Frederick                                              the torch-lit Kecak (Monkey) Dance, during which
Dresden’s Green Vault and view the impressive art                      Sound, and keep an eye out for bears and deer                                                 80 performers create their own vocal percussion.
collections on Museum Island in Berlin.                                while traveling by skiff along a pristine shoreline.
                                                                                                                                                                     C O S T : approx. $7,995
C O S T : approx. $9,995                                               C O S T : from approx. $9,595

                                                                            Margerie Glacier                                                                                  M        A   L   A       Y    S    I       A
                                                                                                       Glacier Bay
                                                                                    GLACIER BAY
                                                                                   NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                                             Colt Island
                                                                                                                                                                                       S INGAPORE
                                                                                   Inian Islands                   Tracy Arm Fjord
                                                              POLAND                                                                                                                        South
                           Leipzig           Dresden                                                                              BRITISH                                                                                KALIMANTAN
            GERMANY                                                                                                             COLUMBIA                                                  China Sea
                                              Pillnitz                                                                  Frederick Sound
                                                                                                          Sitka                                                                SUMATRA

                                             CZECH REPUBLIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                   I       N         D       O   N   E      S   I   A

                                                                                                          S TATES

                                                         Vienna                                                                              MISTY                                                 JAVA
   FRANCE               Munich                                                               n                    Thorne Bay

                                        Salzburg                                                                      Kasaan                                                  ia                                Borobudur                BALI
                   Herrenchiemsee                                                                                                   Ketchikan NATIONAL                     d       n
                     New Palace                                                                                                            MONUMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                       O                   Yogyakarta
                                         AUSTRIA                                                                        Metlakatla                                                         cea

                                                                            S T A N F O R D      T R A V E L / S T U D Y        |      6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3   |    A L U M N I . S T A N F O R D . E D U / G O T O / T R A V E L S T U D Y              23
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