Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall

Page created by Brent Howell
Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Treatments and Activities

                  2020 / 2021

In light of the current situation regarding Coronavirus, please be aware the current menu
    has been temporarily reduced including Decléor treatments to help streamline our
 offering. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date treatment offering, or call our
                          Treatments Advice Line on 01664 433043
Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
           Your inclusive treatments explained                              1
           Hands and Feet                                                  2
           Expert Nails                                                     3
           Body Massage                                                  4-7
           Face and Eyes                                                8-10
           Top to Toe                                                      11
           Wellness                                                    12-15
           Scrubs, Floats, Detox and Wraps                             16-17
           Male Zone                                                  18-19
           Mums-to-be                                                 20-21
           The Beauty Express and Hair Studio                             22
           Fitness at Ragdale                                             23
           Important Information                                          24

     How to use this booklet
 Ragdale Hall's Treatment experts continue to bring you the most innovative and up-to-date
menu of treatments anywhere. We offer a wide range of new, exclusive, holistic and traditional
   spa therapies which have been devised either in association with our partner skincare
companies or by our very own in-house experts. We strive to work with the best practitioners
   and skincare companies in the industry including Clarins, Decleor, Elemis and Spa Find.

   Within this booklet, you will find your inclusive treatments explained, followed by a full
   selection of treatments and activities to enhance the enjoyment of your stay. These are
       divided into sections for easy reference and sub divided by results and effects.

 Please see our website ( for special offers, seasonal recommendations
and new treatments. If at any time you need help and advice, please call our Treatments Advice
Line: 01664 433043 between 9.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday and between 9.00am and
       5.00pm Saturday and Sunday. Alternatively, email

              You can also advise us of your requirements via our website
 ( by clicking 'Add Treatment' by your chosen treatment
                             and completing the on-line form.
Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Your inclusive treatments explained
Listed below are descriptions of the treatments that may be within your inclusive package. If a treatment is not listed,
it may be a new addition, limited edition or listed elsewhere in the brochure.
Full Body Massage - 50 mins                               Wake Up Eye Treatment - 40 mins
A Swedish-style massage using medium pressure movements   A customised treatment suitable for all, designed to
promotes a relaxing or detoxifying effect through improvedcombat the signs of ageing and reduce fatigue around
                                                          the eyes. This treatment includes a cleanse, a
circulation and lymphatic drainage. Areas covered are legs,
arms, back, neck and shoulders.                           specialist eye contour massage, gentle facial massage
                                                          and a relaxing scalp massage. To complete the
Body Massage - 40 mins                                    treatment, an application of eye cream and daily
A Swedish-style massage using medium pressure designed to moisturiser leave your eyes sparkling and your skin
release tension in the legs, arms and back.               brighter and refreshed.
                                                                  Body Treatments
Calming Back and Scalp Massage - 40 mins                          Blissful Face & Back Therapy - 50 mins
A gentle but effective massage using Swedish-style                This treatment commences with a Swedish-style
movements to melt away muscle tension in the back, neck           massage using medium pressure to the back, neck and
and scalp. A luxurious coconut butter is used to hydrate,         shoulder, melting away any stresses or muscle
nourish and condition your hair and scalp.                        tension. To complete this treatment, a cleanse and
                                                                  tone to the face, neck and décolleté is followed by a
Soothing Back Massage - 25 mins                                   short, but relaxing, facial massage and moisturise.
A Swedish-style massage using medium pressure designed to
release tension from the muscles of the back and neck.            Nourishing Milk Ritual - 40 mins
                                                                  This is a nourishing a re-hydrating body treatment,
Exfoliation                                                       with great anti-ageing properties that leave the skin
Lavender & Tea Tree Exfoliation - 30 mins
                                                                  moisturised and supple. Encompassing a back massage
A full body exfoliation followed by an application of body
                                                                  using Elemis eastern techniques.
lotion to nourish the skin.
                                                                  Tension Release Scalp Therapy - 25 mins
Relax & Re-hydrate Body Treatment - 50 mins
                                                                  A relaxaing scalp massage relieves tension over the
A combination of two treatments that exfoliates, cleanses
                                                                  head and neck.
and nourishes the full body which concludes with a back,
neck and shoulder massage for added relaxation.
                                                                  Moisturising Lavender Body Treatment - 40 mins
Facials                                                           This treatment is a re-energising thirst quencher for
The inclusive facials are available using the Clarins, Decleor,   the skin. Your body is invigorated using a body brush
Elemis, Spa Find and Jennifer Young ranges. Please indicate       to eliminate dead skin cells leaving the skin silky
your preference when booking.                                     smooth. A luxurious creme is applied with flowing
                                                                  movements to enhance the healing, hydrating and
Men's Soothe & Splash Facial - 50 mins                            anti-ageing powers of sweet almond, coco butter and
A treatment that will cleanse, tone and exfoliate the skin        lavender and tea tree. Your feet will be massaged
followed by a relaxing massage, mask and moisturise using         whilst the products absorb into the skin for maximum
specific men's products. Whilst the mask takes effect, a          results.
relaxing hand and arm massage is conducted.                       Hands and Feet
                                                                  Conditioning Hand Treatment - 25 mins
Ragdale Prescription Facial - 40 mins                             A conditioning treatment utilising OPI's specialist
Cleanses, tones and exfoliates the skin allowing for a short      care products to restore or maintain hands and nails.
but relaxing massage and an application of a prescription         This treatment includes nail filing, cuticle work and a
mask.                                                             hand massage. but does not include nail paint.

Pure Radiance Facial - 50 mins                                    Conditioning Foot Treatment - 25 minutes
A full facial that promotes relaxation and skin benefit.          A conditioning treatment utilising OPI's specialist
Although this treatment is not as in-depth or powerful as the     care products. The toe nails are cut or filed to the
exclusive range, it offers a quality facial experience,           required length, the cuticles are conditioned and the
cleansing, exfoliating, massaging and applying a prescriptive     feet are massaged. Please note this treatment does
mask. Whilst the mask takes effect, a relaxing hand and arm       not treat severe calluses or hard skin and does not
massage is conducted.                                             include nail paint.                                       1
Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Hands and Feet
These treatments are designed to hydrate and nourish hard-working hands and feet. We hold enormous tension in
our extremities and the massage elements of these nurturing treatments will help alleviate tension and melt away

Relaxing hand and foot therapies do not include nail polishing. If you wish to finish the look by adding polish, we would
recommend booking an additional nail paint.

CREATED BY RAGDALE                                               EXCLUSIVE TO RAGDALE
Restorative Hand, Foot & Scalp Therapy                           Moisture Melt Hand Treatment
50 mins - £64                                                    25 mins - £38
This top-to-toe treatment is a luxurious and pampering           This is the ultimate anti-ageing nourishing hand, nail
treatment that focuses on the feet, hands and scalp.             and cuticle treatment, which begins with a gentle
While your hands and feet are cocooned in warm paraffin          exfoliation and therapeutic massage. Your hands are
wax booties and mitts, lay back and enjoy a therapeutic          then enveloped in warm paraffin, naturally infused
scalp massage with a gentle body stretch.                        with vital vitamins to smooth and soften leaving your
                                                                 hands glowing with vitality.
 Holistic Sole Sensation                                         Moisture Melt Foot Treatment
45 mins - £58                                                    25 mins - £38
The perfect antidote for tired, aching, heavy legs and feet.     A luxurious pampering and softening treatment for
The treatment begins with a foot cleanse, followed by the        dry, tired and hard-working feet. You will enjoy an
placement of warm comforting stones on the tummy, in             intense exfoliation followed by a therapeutic massage.
the hands and between the toes. The energising power of          A warm paraffin bootie will cocoon the feet to soothe
hot basalt stones and cold marble stones, combined with          aching muscles and joints - the perfect antidote for the
the therapist's hands, massage away muscle tension,              most neglected feet.
improve circulation, flush away toxins and reduce
inflammation. Your legs and feet will feel refreshed, light      Alternatively, a version of this treatment can be added
and re-energised.                                                onto a hand or foot treatment for an additional 15
                                                                 mins - £24
ELEMIS Sole Delight Foot Treatment                               Footlogix - Hard Skin Removal
50 mins - £59                                                    25 mins - £36
Your feet are gently cleansed with warm lime mitts.              A fast and effective foot care treatment using the
Soothing Musclease Active Body Concentrate is applied            iconic Footlogix products. Massively reducing the
in a dual motion with Instant Refreshing Gel, with the           appearance of callouses, cracked heels and dry, rough
application of hot stones to massage the soles of your feet      skin. Instantly transforming your feet.
and teasing out between your toes. This is followed by a
luxurious foot bath and pedicure. A conditioning foot
mask will then be applied to your feet and you will be
treated to a scalp massage. This treatment is guaranteed
to leave you walking on cloud nine.

Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Expert Nails

*Luxury Manicure                                              Classic Pedicure
50 mins - £56                                                 40 mins - £41
The ultimate in pampering! Replenish and revitalise your      The perfect way to restore moisture, refresh and
hands with a luxurious manicure. This treatment is            energise those tired feet. This therapy
designed to restore elasticity and plump and smooth dry       helps to maintain the skin of the feet and cuticles,
skin. You will receive cuticle work to exfoliate and          exfoliating, moisturising
remove any dead skin around your nail plate, a luxury         and conditioning to renew and revitalise. After a foot
mask is applied to deeply nourish your hands. Essential       massage, your treatment
oils are locked in with a rich moisturiser used in a hand     will be completed with your chosen nail lacquer.
and arm massage. Complete the manicure with your
chosen nail lacquer.                                          Please note if you wish to have a French Manicure,
                                                              you should book the Luxury Manicure. French-style
*Luxury Pedicure                                              polish is not available in the Classic treatment.
50 mins - £56
Paradise for your hard-working feet! Formulated with          Gelcolor
nature's most soothing and effective botanical                Up to 40 mins - £39
ingredients, this treatment will renew and restore feet to    GelColor uses long lasting colour pigments to give a
silky smoothness. It includes cuticle work, an exfoliation,   fantastic depth of colour and a high gloss finish.
an ultra-hydrating clay mask and a relaxing foot and leg      GelColor is very gentle and has a perfecting effect on
massage. The perfect way to restore moisture, refresh         the appearance of the nails. After a file and cuticle
and energise those tired feet. Complete the pedicure with     tidy, GelColor is applied to your natural nail like polish
your chosen nail lacquer.                                     and cured under LED light giving long lasting colour
                                                              and shine.
*French style polish must be booked in advance of your
Luxury Manicure or Luxury Pedicure treatment.                 Alternatively, Gelcolor can be added to any Classic or
                                                              Luxury Manicure or Luxury Pedicure.
 Classic Manicure                                             15 mins - £22
40 mins - £41
Replenish your skin with essential moisture with this         If you already have Gelcolor on your nails please advise
soothing hand treatment. This therapy helps to maintain       us on booking. We will then ensure additional time is
the skin on the hands and cuticles, exfoliating,              added to your treatment. NB: Polish removal is £23.
moisturising and conditioning to renew and revitalise.        Regrettably we are unable to remove any brand of gel
After a hand massage, your treatment will be completed        polish other than O.P.I
with your chosen nail lacquer.
                                                              To ensure maximum benefit from your hand and foot
                                                              treatments, please remove prior to treatments.

                                                              Treatments Advice Line
                                                                   01664 433043
Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Body Massage
 Our choice of body massages has been designed so that there really is something for everyone, whether you need to
 target a specific problem or are just looking for a bit of relaxation, you will find the perfect treatment for you - options
 include wellbeing/heat assisted, tension release, stone therapies, wellbeing/organic or deep tissue/remedial work.

Stone Therapies                                               Well-Being/Organic
These treatments will work deep into the muscles              Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage
and as a result may cause some soreness or                    90 mins - £107
discomfort during or after the treatment and in some          Pre booking is essential
cases may leave a temporary mark or bruise.                   This rhythmic and nurturing massage works gently, yet
                                                              deeply into the muscles with continuous flowing strokes
Thermal Stone Massage                                         promoting total relaxation. The therapist uses forearms to
60 mins - £76                                                 massage, giving a sense of gentle waves over the body.
Originally inspired by the Native Americans, this stone       Energy blockages are released to balance physical and
massage is a totally rebalancing treatment for the            emotional well-being. There is no set routine or movement
mind and body. The healing powers of warm volcanic            and no two sessions are alike..
basalt stones and cold marble stones, combined with
the therapist's hands give a deeply relaxing massage
creating sensations of comfort and warmth to the              Well-Being/Heat Assisted
entire body including the face, to smooth away muscle         CREATED BY RAGDALE
tension and everyday stresses.                                MOT Wellness Massage
                                                              75 mins - £95
Spirit of La Stone Massage                                    Pre-booking is essential
90 mins - £102                                                A full body wellness MOT experience to relax the mind
Pre-booking is essential                                      whilst easing tension from the body. Your treatment will
This treatment is the ultimate La Stone experience at         be tailor-made by choosing your own Chakra balancing
Ragdale Hall. The healing powers of the warm volcanic         aromatherapy oil and crystals. A combination of massage,
basalt stones use heat to release muscle tension,             rhythmic acupressure, gentle stretches to the body and
cocooning the body in warmth, whilst cold marble              scalp will simply melt away muscle tension encouraging
stones flush away unwanted toxins and reduce                  the flow of energies around the body. Your deep tissue
inflammation. The stones are placed on key energy             back massage incorporates the use of hot stones creating
points and are used to massage along with the                 sensations of warmth, well-being and total relaxation.
therapist's hands. Healing powers of Reiki promote
deep relaxation creating sensations of comfort and
calm whilst chakras are balanced to restore harmony.
All your everyday stresses and strains are melted
away leaving you feeling in total tranquility, yet
surprisingly refreshed and re-energised.

Clarins Hot Stone Massage
60 mins (50 mins hands-on therapy) - £82
A uniquely personalised hot stone massage that gently
releases tension, soothes aching muscles, eliminates
toxins, rebalances energy levels and calms mind and
body. The therapist uses her hands in harmony with
nine smooth, individually shaped, heat releasing
marble and slate stones. The stones are an extension
of the hands to rebalance the body's energy flow and
relax muscles. The effect is intensified by relaxing
aromatic essential oils.

Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Body Massage (cont.)
Tension Release                                           Tension Release Scalp Therapy
ELEMIS Mineral Body Bliss
                                                          25 mins - £42
60 mins - £78
                                                          A relaxing scalp massage using some pressure point work
A powerful restorative treatment to stimulate every
                                                          to relieve tension over the scalp.
cell in the body, helping alleviate muscular pain and
remove toxins. This minerally-charged, full body
                                                          CREATED BY RAGDALE
massage offers skin conditioning benefits, metabolic
                                                          Equilibrium Massage
balancing and energising wellness. The perfect
                                                          40 mins - £58
treatment when the body is highly stressed, running
                                                          This treatment commences with specialised massage
on low energy or fatigued.
                                                          movements over the back, neck and shoulders, then
                                                          progresses into the scalp. Concluding with your neck,
 ELEMIS Life Elixir Mindful Massage
                                                          forehead and scalp, releasing any trapped tension.
90 mins - £105
Tune into you with this deeply relaxing massage
                                                          Please note that this is a firm back massage, incorporating
tailored entirely to your needs. Whether you seek to
                                                          strong pressure point movements to the scalp.
feel soothed, focused, grounded, uplifted or relaxed,
there’s a LIFE ELIXIRS blend for you. This massage
                                                          Soothing Back Massage
leaves the body and mind feeling fully rejuvenated.
                                                          25 mins - £42
Your skin is anointed with the hydrating Japanese
                                                          Relaxing Swedish-style massage concentrating on the
Camellia oil with the Life Elixir Essence blend of your
                                                          tension areas.
choice. This is combined with a bespoke massage for
the body, face and scalp to balance your body and
                                                           Decleor Bamboo Massage
mind. Skin is left exquisitely moisturised, intensely
                                                          60 mins - £76
supple and deliciously scented.
                                                          Relieve your daily stresses and tiredness with this deep
                                                          tissue massage using natural bamboo and deep pressures
Decleor Aromatherapy Massage
                                                          to accentuate the massge effects and instantly relieve
85 mins - £92
                                                          muscle tensions. The massage with Cica, Rosemary and
A heavenly aromatherapy massage for the ultimate
                                                          Niaouli Essential Oils will help to stimulate blood
relaxing experience.
                                                          circulation and help your skin heal itself naturally.
Everyday stresses and strains simply disappear with
our heavenly full body aromatherapy massage.
Incredibly flowing Swedish, Shiatsu and aroma
pressure massage techniques are combined with the
soothing sensation of a 100% natural aromatic balm to
deeply relax and melt away tension for renewed

Full Body Massage
50 mins - £73
A Swedish-style massage using medium pressure
movements promotes a relaxing or detoxifying effect
through improved circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Areas covered are legs, arms, back, neck and

                                                              Treatments Advice Line
                                                                   01664 433043
Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Body Massage (cont.)
Deep Tissue Work/Remedial
The treatments described in this category will work       *Thai Massage
deep into the muscles and as a result may cause some      70 mins - £85
soreness or discomfort during or after the treatment,     Pre-booking is essential
and in some cases may leave a temporary mark or           This treatment combines the therapeutic benefits of
bruise.                                                   acupressure massage with yoga based movements to
                                                          mobilise each joint and stretch every muscle of the
ELEMIS Deep Tissue Massage                                body. Thai massage is therefore ideal for de-stressing
60 mins - £82                                             and re-energising the body, improving flexibility,
Deep rhymic pressure massage.                             calming the mind and promoting a state of total
Alleviate stress, ease aching muscles and feel revived    wellbeing.
with this powerful, customised massage. Dynamic
blends of essential oils are used to target your          Please note this treatment takes place on a mat on the
individual needs and reduce specific stress and muscle    floor through loose fitting clothing.
                                                          55 mins - £70
                                                          Pre-booking is essential
*Tropical Island Massage
                                                          Shiatsu is a traditional hands-on Japenese healing
105 mins - £119
                                                          therapy. It can help in a wide range of conditions -
Pre-booking is essential
                                                          from specific injuries to more general symptoms of
This unique all-over massage uses powerful
                                                          poor health. Our highly experienced Shiatsu
Indonesian and healing Hawaiian techniques to
                                                          Practitioner will consider your state of health, the
channel energies through intuitive movement.
                                                          symptoms you are experiencing and depending on
Sweeping, acupressure and stretching movements
                                                          your constitution and general energy levels, will use a
ease tension and release toxins. Reiki is performed to
                                                          variety of techniques to improve your energy flow.
promote deep relaxation, enhancing inner peace and
                                                          Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing experience and would be
kick starting the body's ability to heal itself.
                                                          recommended as a one off to relieve a symptom or
                                                          help prevent stress blockages.
*S.O.S Remedial Massage
                                                          Please note this therapy takes place on a mat on the floor
70 mins - £83
                                                          through loose fitting clothing.
This results-driven treatment has been designed by
one of Ragdale's experienced male practitioners to
I                                                         *Balinese Massage
target stiffness, aches and injuries that occur through
                                                          90 mins - £108
occupational, recreational or sporting activities.
                                                          Pre-booking essential
Firstly, a consultation is performed to consider your
                                                          This powerful massage, originating from Indonesia, is
state of health and the symptoms you are
                                                          the perfect choice if you are looking for long, strong,
experiencing. Our specialist practitioner will then
                                                          firm movements to boost poor circulation, release
 create a personal treatment plan and perform a
                                                          toxins and improve energy levels. Balinese massage is
variety of remedial massage and manipulation
                                                          intuitively devised by your therapist to suit your
techniques. Specific advice to take home will be given
                                                          individual needs and therefore no two treatments are
to individuals having trouble with problematic areas.

                                                          Please note to administer remedial therapy for injuries, a
    Treatments Advice Line                                medical practitioner must have first made a diagnosis of

         01664 433043
                                                          that injury.

                                                          *These treatments are conducted by specialist
                                                          practitioners and are subject to availability and
                                                          therefore not available on all days of the week.

Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Face and Eyes
 Our range of face and eye treatments include options for anti-ageing, resurfacing, all skins and immediate results.
 Many of the treatments will be specially tailored to your needs by your therapist.

Anti-Ageing                                                    Anti-Ageing/Results Driven
Decleor Age Defying Facial
80 mins - £100                                                 ELEMIS Bespoke BIOTEC Facial
Decleor's most intensive facial combines collagen-             60 mins - £83
boosting aromatherapy skincare with the Facial Pilates         This customised facial turbo charges the skin using a
massage, created to deliver a natural lift to the face. The    combination of high potency actives with ELEMIS' unique
facial begins with a back diagnostic massage to help you       Skin Lift Touch and BIOTEC technology to target specific
completely unwind and release the mind. After a deep           needs. Your beauty expert will look, listen and tune into
cleansing and three stages of facial massage, your             your skin, using insight and expertise to prescribe the
therapist will perform lifting techniques using our            best combination of BIOTEC technologies for your skin
outstanding Energy Youth Concentrate Mask. This will           concerns.
plump and smooth the appearance of lines and wrinkles,
whilst softening and increasing the tone, leaving the skin     ELEMIS Ultimate BIOTEC Facial
glowing with rosy youthfulness.                                90 mins - £110
                                                               This luxurious facial is the ultimate 'red carpet' treatment
                                                               combining all five BIOTEC technologies to achieve
ELEMIS Pro-Collagen Age Defy Facial                            immediate and lasting results. Wrinkles are targeted with
75 mins - £100                                                 microcurrent pulses followed by a ground-breaking blend
Anti-wrinkle facial with proven results.                       of massage and sculpting galvanic technology to improve
This exceptional anti-wrinkle facial has been                  skin tone. The ultrasonic peel and light therapy deliver a
independently tested with phenomenal results. Clinically       smooth, energised and glowing complexion, whilst the
proven* after just one treatment, this facial reduces the      oxygen infusion encourages cellular repair for total skin
number of wrinkles and improves skin firmness.                 lift and rejuvenation.
Specialised lifting massage techniques are combined with
professional strength anti-ageing formulations for
maximum treatment effect. Leaving a firmer, uplifted,
more youthful looking appearance.
*Independent Clinical Trials.

Natural Lift Facial Massage
55 mins - £69
Pre-booking is essential
A massage focused on the face, scalp, neck and shoulders
using the most effective acupressure and lymphatic
drainage techniques. The unique massage is designed to
remove toxins., improve the energy flow, release
puffiness and help with both sinus congestion and
headaches. Balancing these energy channels releases
expression lines and wrinkles resulting in a fresh, more
youthful appearance glowing with radiance.

Treatments and Activities Information 2020 / 2021 - Ragdale Hall
Face and Eyes (cont.)
Anti-Ageing/Results Driven (cont.)
                                                              Crystal Healing Facial
                                                              60 mins - £76
                                                              The treatment begins with a spinal layout using warm
The Miracle Facial
                                                              basalt stones whilst crystals are placed on the body
50 mins - £67
                                                              focusing on key energy channels to balance the chakras.
This relaxing facial treatment uses the Clarisonic
                                                              The healing powers of the warm basalt stones and warm
Brush Cleanse to deeply cleanse and exfoliate
                                                              rose quarts wands smooth away everyday stress and
leaving a softer, smoother, cleaner skin. A
                                                              tension promoting a sense of wellbeing. A crystal
luxurious anti-ageing gold and plant collagen mask
                                                              necklace is placed on the decollate to open the heart
is then applied to the face to help improve
                                                              chakras, encouraging positive energy to flow through the
elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and
                                                              body. The treatment concludes by awakening your inner
wrinkles whilst your shoulders and scalp are
                                                              beauty using cold clear quartz crystals leaving you feeling
massaged to ease away stresses and tension.
                                                              refreshed and energised.
Natural lifting techniques are used to massage the
face and neck to help release expression lines and
wrinkles whilst drawing away any puffiness                    Decleor Ultimate Glow Prescriptive Facial
achieving a noticeably fresh and more youthful                70 mins - £80
appearance to the skin.                                       An award-winning vitamin facial to leave your skin visibly
                                                              This multi-award winning facial is power-packed with
All Skin/Results Driven
                                                              vitamins and anti-oxidants. Stress simply melts away
Clarins Signature Facials                                     thanks to five deeply relaxing massage techniques and a
75 mins - £96                                                 powerful aromatherapy elixir selected to treat your skin's
Clarins Signature Facial treatments are high                  needs. Our deliciously warm 100% natural mask softly
performance, results-driven facials. This treatment           cocoons skin, providing the perfect environment for it to
innovation delivers exceptional, visible and                  flourish. Skin is left deep cleansed, perfectly replenished
 immediate rejuvenating results and as well as                and glowing with vitality.
 focusing on relaxation and wellbeing, restores the
skin as if you have had a full night's sleep.
Your treatment will be personalised to you and your           Resurfacing
skin's needs using a blend of Clarins PRO formula
products.                                                     ELEMIS Dynamic Resurfacing Facial
                                                              55 mins - £85
CHOOSE FROM:                                                  Peel away the years for smoother, more radiant skin.
                                                              This anti-ageing facial is clinically proven* to visibly
•The Lifting Replenisher                                      resurface and increase skin smoothness after just one
•The Power Firmer                                             treatment and targets blemishes, uneven skin tone,
•The Radiance Reviver                                         superficial scarring and fine lines. The pioneering
•The Moisture Quencher                                        precision treatment uses layers of enzymes for powerful
•The Skin Smoother                                            exfoliation and renewal. A new start for smoother,
                                                              younger-looking skin.
Clarins Deluxe Signature Facials
90 mins - £105                                                *Independent Clinical Trials.
For the ultimate Clarins experience why not upgrade
from the Clarins' Signature Facials to the Clarins Deluxe
Signature Facials where you willl also receive either a 20-
minute deeply Soothing Back Massage or a 20-minute
Relaxing Scalp and Foot Massage.

Face and Eyes (cont.)
Eyes, Lip and Chin
Decleor Vital Eye Lift                                          Lash Perfect
40 mins - £50                                                   55 mins - £65 Half set
Anti-ageing and visibly plumping for a smoother eye zone.       85 mins - £97 Full set
Delicately nurturing the most sensitive and delicate part       Lash Perfect lashes are a perfect eyelash extension for
of the face, this specialised treatment is fatigue-fighting,    daily wear or an active lifestyle; they are waterproof,
moisture quenching and wrinkle soothing. Decleor's              durable and comfortable to wear. Lashes are individually
unique toning eye technique stimulates micro-circulation,       applied giving you a fuller, thicker and natural look. The
anti-ageing eye mask also decongests and de-puffs.              lashes fall out gradually, and eventually over time you will
Leaves even contact lens wearers, hay fever sufferers and       be back to your normal lashes.
smokers with a dramatically brighter, younger looking
eye zone. This treatment also includes Decleor's Back           *A patch test must be performed 48 hours before these
Diagnostic Massage                                              treatments. If required, this can be sent out in advance of
                                                                your visit.
Eyebrow Threading
up to 20 mins - £21
The therapist uses pure, thin, twisted cotton thread which
is rolled over ares of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at
the follicle level. Unlike using tweezers, where single hairs
are pulled out on at a time, threading can remove an
entire row of hair, resulting in a straighter line.

Lip and Chin Threading
up to 15 mins - £21
The hair is removed at the root of the hair follicle using
pure, thin twisted cotton, which is rolled over the upper
lip and chin area instantly removing any unwanted hair
leaving the area smooth to the touch.

*HD Brows
up to 40 mins - £40
HD Brows is a unique high-precision procedure which
beautifully sculpts your eyebrows into their perfect
shape, enhancing your facial features. The treatment
involves a combination of techniques including tinting,
waxing and threading to define the natural beauty of your
eyebrows giving them high definition.

*Eyelash Tint
up to 20 mins - £27
Eyelash tinting is the most effective alternative to
wearing mascara. It darkens and enhances the
appearance of your lashes.

*Eyebrow Tint
up to 10 mins - £21
Eyebrow tinting is a simple way to add definition to your
brows.                                                               Treatments Advice Line
Please note these treatments may be taken together;
*Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint
                                                                          01664 433043
up to 25 mins - £34
Top to Toe
For the ultimate spa experience, you must try one of our all-in-one therapies. These therapies are designed to totally
pamper and relax your whole body from the very top of your scalp to the end of your big toe.

Clarins Well-being Beauty Sleep                               EXCLUSIVE TO RAGDALE
75 mins- £81                                                  ELEMIS Signature Absolute Spa Ritual
Feeling stressed, exhausted, lack of sleep? This head-to-     115 mins - £127
toe deeply relaxing massage focusing on key energy            Indulge in the ultimate face and body ritual for top-to-toe
zones. With unique sensorial experience, tension-             relaxation tailored just for you. Your pampering begins
relieving massage movements and plant-powered                 with a choice of a deeply relaxing body massage, whether
products, this treatment promotes a feeling of infinite       you seek to feel grounded, focused, uplifted or relaxed.
well-being for the body and mind, leaving your skin           Your skin will be glowing with radiance with a choice of an
looking radiant and soothed. After the treatment you will     ELEMIS expert facial.
look and feel rested, stress levels will be reduced and
sleep quality will improve. This calming journey for the      Choose from:
skin, mind and senses will induce a state of total            Deep Tissue - a deep rhythmic pressure massage which
relaxation.                                                   alleviates stress and eases aching muscles.

EXCLUSIVE TO RAGDALE                                           Mindful Massage - using the NEW Life Elixirs blended for
Decleor Lift and Glow Face and Body Experience                you this massage is deeply relaxing, re-balancing and will
155 mins - £185                                               leave you feeling rejuvenated.
Discover the ultimate anti-ageing total face and body
treatment. This top-to-toe treatment starts with a full       Choose from:
body exfoliation using Decleor's iconic orange and apricot    Peptide 24/7 Skin Sync Facial - combining powerful
natural fruit seeds. Followed by a relaxing full body         botanicals with advanced massage techniques to improve
aromatherapy massage using Decleor's expertly infused         circulation and revive skin, leaving it plump, refreshed
aroma-blend oils to ensure you are feeling relaxed and        and glowing with health.
stress-free and your skin feels firmed too. This treatment
is completed with Decleor's best-selling Pilates facial       Superfood Pro-Radiance Facial - a vegan friendly
which will leave you feeling lifted and firmed.               nutrient rich, boost that packs stressed, dull skin with
                                                              powerfully energising and detoxifying actives.
Spa Find Luxury Mineral Mud Infusion
115 mins - £127
Inspired by the healing, therapeutic powers of the ocean,
this luxurious treatment envelopes your face, scalp and
body in a lavish infusion of pure mineral mud, salt and
oils. To add to this true spa treat, you will receive a
unique deeply relaxing full body massage and facial
designed to calm a restless mind. Whilst you are
cocooned in soothing warm black mud, a face mask is
applied, and a hypnotic scalp massage is performed with a
hydrating mud to nourish your hair and scalp. The
treatment is completed with an application of body lotion
to give deep and long-lasting hydration.
                                                                  Treatments Advice Line
                                                                       01664 433043

 We are proud to work with a wealth of practitioners to bring you some exciting natural and holistic therapies from
 around the world. These treatments are conducted by specialist practitioners and are subject to availability and
 therefore not available on all days of the week. Pre-booking is therefore essential.

Reflexology                                                      Body Balancing
up to 70 mins - £81                                              55 mins - £73
A complementary therapy which naturally balances the             This treatment commences with breathing exercises,
whole body. By using compression massage to the reflex           followed by a gentle massage to the feet, hands, shoulders
areas of the feet, or hands if the feet are damaged, tension     and scalp. Reiki and a cleansing of the aura completes this
is released, circulation is improved and general feeling of      treatment. A great recharge for your whole system and a
wellbeing is achieved.                                           very popular choice for those wishing to unwind from the
                                                                 tension held in the head and arms.
Hopi Ear Candles
50 mins - £71                                                    CREATED BY RAGDALE
This treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers with          Angel Card Reading
excess wax in the ears, sinusitis or general blocked sinuses.    Up to 45 mins - £57
The ear candles are hollow and when lit gently palpate the       Angel cards can give gentle guidance to the different areas
ear drum. The treatment is completely painless and under         of your life and can be used as an aid to positive decision
the skilled practitioner's hands, actually very relaxing. This   making. In this treatment seven cards are chosen and their
therapy is also helpful for headaches, migraines, head           meanings explained.
colds, catarrh, glue ear and hay fever.
                                                                 CREATED BY RAGDALE
CREATED BY RAGDALE                                               Chakra Guidance
Hopi Heaven                                                      55 mins - £66
60 mins - £76                                                    This unique treatment combines Angel Card Reading and
Designed by our experienced male holistic practitioner           Chakra Silks to restore balance and harmony to the mind,
combining the therapeutic benefits of Hopi ear candles           body and soul. Each Angel Card chosen will give gentle
with hot and cold stones and facial trigger point massage.       guidance and may be used as an aid to positive decision
Firstly, Hopi ear candles are used to help the decongestion      making. The guided meditation that follows, allows for
and discomfort of compacted ear wax and blocked sinuses.         Reiki energy to flow as coloured silks are placed on each of
To further enhance the treatment, hot and cold stones are        the chakras, starting at the head and gradually working
massaged over the neck, shoulders, face and scalp to boost       down to the feet. This gentle, yet powerful treatment can
circulation and improve detoxification. To complete the          help ease tension and anxiety, leaving you feeling
treatment, you will receive a soothing massage,                  grounded, re balanced and relaxed.
incorporating facial trigger points, to ease sinus congestion
and leave you feeling relaxed and able to breathe more           Please note this is not a colour image consultation, therefore
easily.                                                          will not advise on colours which will compliment skin tone or
                                                                 wardrobe choices.
Heavenly Holistic Facial                                         Access Bars
40 mins - £52                                                    40 mins - £50
 A wonderful way to relax and promote a sense of                 A unique therapy where your therapist gently touches
wellbeing. This anti-ageing holistic facial uses the             thirty-two points on your head. These points, known as
healing powers of Jade stone rollers to eliminate toxins,        Bars, store electromagnetic components of all the
improve circulation and reduce puffiness. Using Daoyin           thoughts, stress, and locked up energy in your mind and
Tao techniques and energy healing massage,                       body. They relate to all areas of your life such as creativity,
 working on the key meridians and focusing on massage to         awareness, hopes and dreams, joy, sadness and many more.
 the face, neck and shoulders leaving you feeling uplifted       The Access Bars technique allows the charge on these
and glowing.                                                     areas to be released. The benefits of this treatment can be
                                                                 life changing as stress, worry and mind chatter is reduced,
                                                                 aches, pains and stiffness is eliminated,
                                                                 energy levels are increased, and sleep is improved.
Wellness (cont.)
55 mins - £71                                                 We have joined together with Jennifer Young to offer you
Reiki is a Japenese word representing Universal Life          a selection of effective and comforting treatments which
Energy (Rei = universal, Ki = life force energy). This        are perfect for anyone suffering with sensitive skin or
treatment generates a deep sense of inner peace kick-         those who are living with or beyond cancer. The products
starting the body's own natural self healing process. A       used are 100% natural and organic and designed to
Reiki treatment is a hands-on treatment; the person           soothe and moisturise your dry, itchy, sore and sensitive
receiving Reiki lies fully clothed while the practitioner's   skin.
hands rest gently over various areas of the body for a few
minutes at a time in each position. It is a safe and re-      Jennifer Young Gently Calming Facial
assuring treatment - stress is released and there is a        50 mins - £70
feeling of deep relaxation.                                   A blissfully relaxing facial, beautifully designed and
                                                              individually adapted to bring harmony to the most
                                                              sensitive of skins. Soothing massage techniques help you
CREATED BY RAGDALE                                            drift off into a world of peace and tranquility, leaving your
Sensory Journey                                               skin replenished and glowing with radiance. Your
65 mins - £75                                                 specialist therapist can also extend the facial into the
This sensory experience uses a combination of crystal         scalp making the experience even more indulgent.
therapy, Reiki, therapeutic Koshi chimes and inhalation.
As the chakras, mind and body are balanced, you will drift    Jennifer Young Comforting Body Massage
off to a place of tranquility through touch, smell and the    50 mins - £73
harmonising sounds of the chimes. The combination of          A uniquely bespoke massage carefully adapted to suit
the healing touch of Reiki and yogic breathing will guide     each individual's needs. Using 100% natural and organic
you into a deep state of relaxation creating a sense of       oils, this treatment is ideal for sensitive skins. The gentle
inner peace which reduces stress for ultimate                 touch of the therapist's hands brings harmony, promotes
mindfulness. The treatment concludes with a choice of         well-being and melts stress leaving you feeling deeply
herbal tea.                                                   relaxed. Your specialist therapist may extend the
                                                              massage through into the scalp ensuring that your top-to-
                                                              toe experience is one of pure indulgence.

                                                              Jennifer Young Indulgent Journey
                                                              75 mins - £87
                                                              This top-to-toe experience includes a gentle full body
                                                              massage and deeply relaxing facial which can be extended
                                                              through to the scalp; beautifully designed for sensitive
                                                              skin. Your specialist therapist uses 100% natural and
                                                              organic products which will leave you feeling blissfully
                                                              relaxed and glowing with radiance.

                                                                   Treatments Advice Line
                                                                        01664 433043

Wellness (cont.)
Heli Goode graduated as a medical doctor in her native,        Acupuncture
Estonia, specialising in ear, nose and throat surgery.         50 mins - £87
Following on from this, Heli took an interest in               Your treatment will start with a consultation to check
complementary medicine and has studied Naturopathy,            your general state of health. Fine needles are then
Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. She is            inserted in 12 to 15 points around the body to stimulate
also an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist.                   or suppress the flow of 'Chi'. Acupuncture aims to restore
                                                               the balance of Chi energy - a state of equilibrium when
Heli is a member of the National Hypnotherapy Society,         Yin and Yang are in harmony. Most people find
Society of Homeopaths and Chinese Medicine Institute           acupuncture a pleasant and deeply relaxing experience.
and Register.                                                  When the needles are inserted you may feel a slight
                                                               tingling sensation, this indicated that the treatment is
Hypnotherapy                                                   beginning to have some effect. Acupuncture may relieve
50 mins - £89                                                  pain and is recommended for stress relief, immune
Hypnotherapy approaches and activates the                      system strengthening and overall well-being.
subconscious mind in order to help resolve deep-rooted
long-term issues, such as worries, anxieties, stress,          Cosmetic Acupuncture
negative mind-set, traditional fears and phobias, lack of      50 mins - £87
confidence, self esteem and self-worth. Hynotherapy can        Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural alternative to
be useful before exams, tests and important job                cosmetic surgery. Based on traditional principles of
interview. Helping to overcome performance anxieties           Chinese medicine, this treatment helps to increase
such as writers cramps or public speaking. Modern              collagen production which in turn refines lines and
Hypnotherapy in combination with other therapies is            wrinkles, lifts, firms and tones the contours of the face
widely accepted by medics for the treatment of                 and neck. The treatment begins with a thorough
addictions, insomnia, eating disorders and many more.          consultation, followed by the application of fine
Heli is a very experienced Hypnotherapist, who is willing      acupuncture needles to the areas of concern. You will
to listen to your personnel problems and aim to achieve        also enjoy a very relaxing drainage massage involving the
solutions, leaving you with better coping mechanisms and       ancient art of acupressure and cupping to eliminate
a positive mind set.                                           toxins, relieve stress, stimulate blood circulation whilst
                                                               restoring the skin's natural tone and revealing a youthful
Mind Band Weight Reduction                                     radiant glow.
55 mins - £108
Mind band weight reduction is a form of Hypnotherapy           Please note:
session aiming at better weight management, healthy            One treatment will have a noticeable effect, but for longer
eating habits and encouragement of overall physical            lasting results a course of treatments would always be
activities which are all important parts in the process of     recommended.
long term reliable and successful weight loss. This            As all skin concerns are unique, this treatment may be
treatment involves Hypnotherapy, nutritional advice and        adapted slightly to meet the specific needs of the
life-style counselling which would be suitable for anyone      individual.
who struggles with any weight issues. The unique
combination of person-centred weight management,
specific eating advise with powerful Hypnotic
suggestions will leave you with a positive attitude and a
willingness to lose those extra pounds.

Please note one treatment will have a noticeable effect, but
for more permanent results, a repeat session may be
                                                                    Treatments Advice Line
required.                                                                01664 433043

Wellness (cont.)
Hypnotherapy-Reiki                                           CREATED BY RAGDALE
50 mins - £89                                                Mind Body Memory - Vitamin and Mineral Imbalance
Hypnotherapy-Reiki is a combination of two most              Testing
wonderfully relaxing therapies; hypnotic sleep and ever      50 mins - £87
popular Reiki. This treatment is deeply relaxing and         Do you need food supplements? Are you sure you are
calming for the mind and body, helping to release tension    taking the right ones? Do they clash with your
and anxiety on a deeper level. It will help you discover     medication?
hidden reasons and meanings of individual stress triggers    Supplements can be beneficial to you, but in some cases
and help you to release endorphins, the happy chemicals,     may clash with your general state or other medication
to stimulate your defence mechanisms to fight off illness    you may be taking. This can cause imbalances within the
as well as improving memory and lifting your mood. The       body which could increase the bodies stress and toxicity
ultimate de-stress therapy will leave you with a stronger    levels.
sense of subconscious inner calmness, confidence and         Using Applied Kinesology techniques combined with
reassurance. After one session you will be equipped with     principals from Chinese medicine and energy medicine
all the tools you need to withstand every day demands.       methods, widely used by healthcare professionals,
                                                             discover how vitamins and minerals are good, harmful or
Food Intolerance Test and Nutritional Consultation           indifferent for you.
up to 50 mins - £84                                          This unique treatment will identify vitamin and mineral
Millions of people suffer from food                          deficiencies or excesses, and focus on the right balance to
sensitivity/intolerance of some type. Many go from           help find the best nutritional support to suit your
doctor to doctor in an effort to solve the problem without   personal needs. Taking the right combination of nutrients
any success. Food intolerances usually manifest              will improve energy levels, strengthen the immune
themselves within 1-72 hours of eating. There is not a       system and nourish your body.
proven immune response in this type of reaction and it
can be very difficult to pinpoint exactly when intolerance   This test cannot replace proper medical check up or
to a certain food has begun. For many people the             examination. This treatment is conducted by a specialist
problems start with a headache or poor digestion,            practitioner and is subject to availability and therefore not
bloating, gas and pain. Slowly over the years, health        available on all days of the week.
problems become worse and new symptoms will follow.
These symptoms can fluctuate from day to day but
generally sufferers feel constantly tired and prone to
infections and skin complaints and may even suffer from
depression or mood swings. This simple, non-invasive,
painless applied kinesiology test with Heli Goode is a
valuable tool in helping you detect the possible causes of
your condition and so aim to improve your immune

This test cannot replace proper medical check up or

    Treatments Advice Line
         01664 433043                                                                                                        14
Scrubs, Floats, Detox and Wraps
If you need to smooth, soothe, hydrate or detox, these treatments are the ones for you. Some of the wraps can also be
customised especially for you and your needs.

Scrubs                                                           Detox Target Treatments
                                                                 Clarins Signature Body Treatments
ELEMIS Intensely Cleansing Salt Scrub
                                                                 75 mins - £85
Lime and Ginger or Frangipani
                                                                 This NEW updated and improved Signature Body
30 mins - £45
                                                                 treatment combines high-performing plant extracts with
The extraordinary cleansing power of salt goes to work
                                                                 the power of Clarins touch and skilful massage. A highly
releasing toxins in this body polishing treatment. The
                                                                 personalised, bespoke treatment that allows the
fragranced salt of choice will gently slough away dead
                                                                 therapist to create a targeted, made-to-measure
skin cells, encouraging the regeneration of new cells and
                                                                 experience just for you, with results you will both see and
perfectly prepping the skin. A body brush is used during
the treatment to help stimulate blood circulation and aid
exfoliation. It leaves a smooth and responsive canvas,
                                                                 CHOOSE FROM:
ready to absorb the deeply nourishing body oil. Delivers
velvety soft, invigorated skin.
                                                                 •The Contour Shaper
                                                                 This intensive treatment with sculpt and firm your
Decleor Orange and Apricot Fruit Seed Scrub
                                                                 silhouette, with over an hour of contouring massage to
50 mins - £62
                                                                 deeply drain and refine body contours. A thermo-
Massage and exfoliation combined in an exotic body
                                                                 activated body mask boosts circulation leaving areas of
treatment. Inspired by the magical island of Madagascar,
                                                                 stubborn and newly forming cellulite feeling firm, soft and
powdered fruit seeds of orange and apricot plus essential
                                                                 visibly smoother.
oils and spices are used to polish and perfect the skin
leaving it in supreme condition. A delightfully relaxing
                                                                 •The Moisture Quencher
massage with aromatherapy oils then allows your
                                                                 Using a blend of aromatic essential oils, this treatment
therapist to focus on any areas of tension and stress, re-
                                                                 includes over an hour of moisture-replenishing and
energising and restoring vitality for skin that is beautifully
                                                                 cocooning massage and a deeply hydrating body mask to
nourished and exceptionally soft all over.
                                                                 restore comfort to dry, dehydrated skin. Your body will
                                                                 feel soft, smooth and velvet to touch.
Spa Find Hot Salt Rock Reviver
45 mins - £56
A totally unique back of the body treatment where your           Spa Find De-Stress & Detox Mud Wrap
back and legs are massaged using Himalayan Hot Salt              55 mins - £74
Rocks. Warm black mud is applied to the back to brighten         The next best thing to gaining all the therapeutic benefits
and remineralize before a hydrating body lotion soothes          of bathing in the Dead Sea. After a full body exfoliation, a
and softens the skin. The Salt Rocks will then be gifted to      layer of gently warmed mineral-enriched Dead Sea Mud
you for use at home.                                             is applied to the skin. Whilst the Dead Sea Minerals work,
                                                                 to de-stress and detoxify the body, a scalp massage is
                                                                 performed to ease tension and clear your mind. This
                                                                 treatment concludes with an application of Spa Find
                                                                 Heavenly Hydration Body Lotion which leaves your body
                                                                 re-mineralised and your skin smooth and nourished.

Scrubs, Floats, Detox and Wraps (cont.)
*Dry Flotation Therapy
25 mins - £34
The flotation experience - float in your clothes - feels
weightless and warm, an ideal way to relax after a
strenuous day or to prepare you for the exercise to come.
To enhance the experience you will receive a relaxing
scalp massage.

Hydrating/Soothing Floats
*ELEMIS Mindful Flotation
55 mins - £73
This lusciously fragrant and intensely moisturising body
wrap will transport you to the Far East.The velvety
texture of the Monoi oil offers super hydration,
quenching a thirsty skin. The aromatic oil, or LIFE ELIXIRS
blend tailored to your needs, is applied using sweeping
strokes with maximum attention paid to any particularly
parched areas. You are cocooned in the dry flotation
giving the body a sense of weightlessness whilst you
enjoy a soothing facial and de-stressing scalp massage. An
emotionally grounding experience for skin that has never
felt silkier.

*Spa Find Tropical Coconut Flotation
50 mins - £59
Float away to a tropical paradise with this deeply
nourishing treatment. Your body is cleansed, polished and
cocooned is a delicious blend of coconut, lychee and
sweet almond oil before being immersed into the dry
floatation. You can simply close your eyes and drift away
into deep relaxation while your scalp is expertly
massaged using ancient Eastern techniques. Warm Shea
Body Butter will be smothered over your skin leaving it
perfectly polished and beautifully soft for long-lasting

*Please note there is a weight restriction of 17 stone on all
flotation therapies. These treatments may be unsuitable
during the last trimester of your pregnancy. Please contact
us for advice.

                                                                Treatments Advice Line
                                                                     01664 433043
Male Zone
We pride ourselves on having some of the best therapies available to all our guests, whilst most of them are suitable
for both men and women, there are some that are specifically aimed and designed to cater for male concerns.

Body Massage                                                    Hands and Feet
Clarins Men’s Muscle Ease Body Massage                          Men’s Hand Maintenance Treatment
55 mins - £74                                                   40 mins - £41
Whether you have overdone it at the gym or work, this           This treatment is designed to shape the nails, care for
intensely therapeutic massage eases tense shoulders,            cuticles and soothe the skin with a relaxing massage. The
back knots and aches. Aromatic essential oils                   treatment is completed with a nail buff and shine.
supercharge the stress-relieving benefits, restoring your
sense of well-being.                                            Men’s Power Pedicure
                                                                40 mins - £41
 ELEMIS Life Elixir Mindful Massage                             Packed with botanical ingredients, this essential pedicure
90 mins - £105                                                  is a must-have treatment to keep your feet soft and
Tune into you with this deeply relaxing massage tailored        hydrated. Includes soak, scrub, cuticle care and massage,
entirely to your needs. Whether you seek to feel soothed,       completed with a nail buff to keep feet in tip-top
focused, grounded, uplifted or relaxed, there’s a LIFE          condition.
ELIXIRS blend for you. This massage leaves the body and
mind feeling fully rejuvenated. Your skin is anointed with      Please note that this treatment does no treat foot problems,
the hydrating Japanese Camellia oil with the Life Elixir        severe calluses or hard skin.
Essence blend of your choice. This is combined with a
bespoke massage for the body, face and scalp to balance
your body and mind. Skin is left exquisitely moisturised,
intensely supple and deliciously scented.                       Face
                                                                Clarins Men's Skin Blitz Facial
ELEMIS Deep Tissue Massage                                      55 mins - £76
60 mins - £82                                                   Fight fatigue with this super-relaxing, bespoke facial from
A deep, rhythmic, pressure massage.                             Clarins. It will leave your skin balanced, clear and smooth,
Alleviate stress, ease aching muscles and feel revived          fighting shaving bumps, irritation and congestion. You will
with this powerful, customised massage. Dynamic blends          be left feeling totally de-stressed after a soothing
of essential oils are used to target your individual needs      décolleté, neck, face and scalp massage.
and reduce specific stress and muscle tension.Lava Shell

*This treatment will work deep into the muscles and as a
result may cause some soreness or discomfort during or after
the treatment, and in some cases may leave a temporary
mark or bruise.

Male Zone (cont.)
Dry Flotation Therapy                                          CREATED BY RAGDALE
25 mins - £34                                                  Equilibrium Massage
The flotation experience - float in your clothes - feels       40 mins - £58
weightless and warm, an ideal way to relax after a             This treatment commences with specialised massage
strenuous day or to prepare you for the exercise to come.      movements over the back, neck and shoulders, then
To enhance the experience you will receive a relaxing          progresses into the scalp, concluding with your neck,
scalp massage.                                                 forehead and scalp releasing any trapped tension.

Please note there is a weight restriction of 17 stone on all   Please note that this is a firm back massage incorporating
flotation therapies.                                           strong pressure point movements to the scalp.

Reflexology                                                    Hopi Ear Candles
up to 70 mins - £81                                            50 mins - £71
A complementary therapy which naturally balances the
whole body by using compression massage to the reflex          This treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers with
areas of the feet, or hands if the feet are damaged,           excess wax in the ears, sinusitis or general blocked
tension is released, circulation is improved and general       sinuses. The ear candles are hollow and when lit gently
feeling of wellbeing is achieved.                              palpate the ear drum. The treatment is completely
                                                               painless and under the skilled practitioner’s hands,
                                                               actually very relaxing. This therapy is also helpful for
                                                               headaches, migraines, head colds, catarrh, glue ear and

                                                                      Treatments Advice Line
                                                                           01664 433043
Mums to Be
During this exciting phase in your life, we welcome the opportunity to pamper your face and body and to relieve the
stresses and strains from your mind.

The first trimester is where treatments may be limited so please contact us prior to booking treatments for extra help
and advice.
If you wish to keep your pregnancy a secret from those with whom you have come to Ragdale, please understand that
we advise you not to book any treatments relating to pregnancy.
If indicated on your health questionnaire that your pregnancy is secret, we will endeavour to uphold that, however as
there are many contra-indications during the first weeks of pregnancy and so many aspects that warrant discussions
with you, we cannot guarantee that your party will not overhear discussions or preparations for your treatments.
We are grateful for your understanding of our need to offer you the very highest levels of care during this crucial time.

Body                                                         Face and Body
CREATED BY RAGDALE                                           ELEMIS Peaceful Pregnancy Massage
Body Balancing                                               85 mins (60 mins hands-on therapy) - £100
55 mins - £73                                                (Suitable from the first weeks of pregnancy but most
(Suitable from 12 weeks)                                     beneficial from 18 weeks onwards)
This treatment commences with breathing exercises,           Combines tried and tested safe pregnancy massage
followed by a gentle massage to the feet, hands,             techniques, adapted to each stage of pregnancy.
shoulders and scalp. Reiki and a cleansing of the aura       Specialised positioning of our unique bean bag is used to
completes this treatment. A great re-charge for your         ensure the ultimate in comfort and relaxation. Relieves
whole system and a very popular choice for those wishing     tension in the upper back and alleviates swelling in the
to unwind from the tension held in the head and arms.        hands and feet. This treatment includes a light facial to
                                                             cleanse and moisturise with a gentle scalp massage.
                                                             ELEMIS Mindful Flotation
CREATED BY RAGDALE                                           55 mins - £73
The Miracle Facial                                           This lusciously fragrant, intensely moisturising body wrap
50 mins - £67                                                will transport you to the Far East. The velvety texture of
This relaxing facial treatment uses the Clarisonic Brush     the Monoi oil offer super hydration, quenching a thirsty
Cleanse to deeply cleanse and exfoliate leaving a softer,    skin. The aromatic oil is applied using sweeping strokes
smoother, cleaner skin. A luxurious anti-ageing gold and     with maximum attention paid to any particularly parched
plant collagen mask is then applied to the face to help      areas. You are cocooned in the dry flotation giving the
improve elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines      body a sense of weightlessness whilst you enjoy a
and wrinkles whilst your shoulders and scalp are massage     soothing facial and de-stressing scalp massage. An
to ease away stressed and tension. Natural lifting           emotionally grounding experience for skin that has never
techniques are used to massage the face and neck to help     felt silkier.
release expression lines and wrinkles, whilst drawing
away any puffiness achieving a noticeably fresh and more     Please note this treatment may be unsuitable during the last
youthful appearance to the skin.                             trimester of your pregnancy. Please contact us for advice.

Hopi Ear Candles
50 mins - £71
(Suitable from 12 weeks)
This treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers from
excess wax in the ears, sinusitis or generally blocked

                                                                 Treatments Advice Line
sinuses. The ear candles are hollow and when lit, gently
palpate the ear drum. The treatment is completely
painless and under the skilled practitioner’s hands,
actually very relaxing. This therapy is also helpful for              01664 433043
headaches, migraines, head colds, catarrh, glue ear and
You can also read