Two communities, one highway and the fight for clean air: the role of political history in shaping community engagement and environmental health ...

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Two communities, one highway and the fight for clean air: the role of political history in shaping community engagement and environmental health ...
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health  (2020) 20:1690

 RESEARCH ARTICLE                                                                                                                                  Open Access

Two communities, one highway and the
fight for clean air: the role of political
history in shaping community engagement
and environmental health research
Linda Sprague Martinez1* , Noelle Dimitri2 , Sharon Ron3, Neelakshi Hudda4 , Wig Zamore5, Lydia Lowe6,
Ben Echevarria7, John L. Durant4 , Doug Brugge8 and Ellin Reisner5

  Background: This paper explores strategies to engage community stakeholders in efforts to address the effects of
  traffic-related air pollution (TRAP). Communities of color and low-income communities are disproportionately
  impacted by environmental threats including emissions generated by major roadways.
  Methods: Qualitative instrumental case study design was employed to examine how community-level factors in two
  Massachusetts communities, the City of Somerville and Boston’s Chinatown neighborhood, influence the translation of
  research into practice to address TRAP exposure. Guided by the Interactive Systems Framework (ISF), we drew on three
  data sources: key informant interviews, observations and document reviews. Thematic analysis was used.
  Results: Findings indicate political history plays a significant role in shaping community action. In Somerville,
  community organizers worked with city and state officials, and embraced community development strategies to
  engage residents. In contrast, Chinatown community activists focused on immediate resident concerns including
  housing and resident displacement resulting in more opposition to local municipal leadership.
  Conclusions: The ISF was helpful in informing the team’s thinking related to systems and structures needed to
  translate research to practice. However, although municipal stakeholders are increasingly sympathetic to and aware of
  the health impacts of TRAP, there was not a local legislative or regulatory precedent on how to move some of the
  proposed TRAP-related policies into practice. As such, we found that pairing the ISF with a community organizing
  framework may serve as a useful approach for examining the dynamic relationship between science, community
  engagement and environmental research translation. Social workers and public health professionals can advance TRAP
  exposure mitigation by exploring the political and social context of communities and working to bridge research and
  community action.
  Keywords: Traffic related air pollution (TRAP); research and action, Community based participatory research, Public
  health action

* Correspondence:
 Macro Department, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA
02215, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Two communities, one highway and the fight for clean air: the role of political history in shaping community engagement and environmental health ...
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                    Page 2 of 16

Background                                                     other highways. As noted in Table 1, both communities
In the United States (US) and abroad, communities of           are disproportionately impacted by transportation and
color and low-income communities are disproportion-            air pollution. Their ranking on environmental indicators
ately impacted by environmental threats including noise        including particulate matter (PM) smaller than 2.5 μm,
and emissions generated by major roadways [1–3].               Ozone, diesel PM and traffic proximity and volume
Pollution sources including manufacturing facilities, en-      (daily traffic count/distance to road) for both communi-
ergy plants, highways, airports, and toxic waste sites are     ties are similar. Both communities rank higher than 90th
frequently situated in communities of color and low-           percentile in traffic proximity and volume, i.e., these
income areas [1, 3–5]. Unfortunately, environmental            communities have higher exposure to traffic proximity
policies are often not enforced at these polluted sites        than where 90% of the US population lives. Both com-
and resident complaints are inadequately addressed [1].        munities also have the same percent of people over 65
Resident action at the community level can be an effect-       and under 5 years in age.
ive mechanism for catalyzing change, particularly when            The Chinatown District has a higher percent minority
efforts are informed by data [2]. As an approach,              and low-income population overall, however, it should
community-based participatory research (CBPR) com-             be noted that the segment of Somerville along the high-
bines inquiry and collective action and has gained popu-       way is home to a higher percent of people of color and
larity as a strategy for elevating health-related priorities   low-income households that the city overall as shown in
in marginalized communities [6–8].                             Fig. 2. Figure 2 shows the percentile ranking of the block
  CBPR emerged on the health research scene nearly             groups in the two communities compared to all block
two decades ago and is seen as an effective approach to        groups in US for two demographic indicators (percent of
tackling inequities in health [9, 10]. CBPR is specifically    population that is considered minority, percent of popu-
designed to generate research that can inform policy and       lation considered low-minority) and an environmental
practice and catalyze change through the active engage-        indicator (proximity to traffic).
ment of community members in local decision-making                As a first step in this work we set out to explore how
processes [11–13]. In the context of environmental             each of these two communities were defining and en-
health research CBPR was catalyzed in part by funding          gaging stakeholders in an effort to better understand
support from the National Institute of Environmental           how each community would translate knowledge into
Health and Science (NIEHS) [14]. Moreover, because it          practice. Both communities were included in an effort to
emerged in the context of health equity work, CBPR is          understand differences in their approaches to research
specifically intended to drive changes to promote health       translation and the ways in which they were or were not
equity and justice [13]. Moving from research to com-          successful. As such, this paper specifically explores the
munity action necessitates broad community engage-             research question: what are the approaches to commu-
ment to shift public will. This is particularly true in the    nity engagement employed by organizations in Somer-
case of advancing environmental justice, which often in-       ville and Chinatown in efforts to mitigate the effects of
volves policy change and modifications to the built en-        TRAP? What emerged was a story about the role of pol-
vironment, as well as shifts in both public and private        itical history in present day efforts related to community
sector practice. Communities are complex adaptive sys-         engagement in public health promotion and policy advo-
tems [15], and successful strategies to advance health,        cacy, as well as the importance of leveraging existing ad-
such as policy and practices to reduce inequities in           vocacy efforts and infrastructure. We provide a brief
pollution exposure, likely vary across and within com-         background on the Community Assessment of Freeway
munities [16]. This variability poses challenges for docu-     Exposure and Health (CAFEH) partnership, a multi-
menting and replicating best practices [16].                   university and multi-community consortium that studies
  This paper explores strategies to engage community           a broad range of TRAP-related issues, and our guiding
stakeholders in efforts to address a wide-spread environ-      model, the Interactive Systems Framework (ISF) [20],
mental justice concern: the effects of traffic-related air     followed by a detailed description of the research meth-
pollution (TRAP). TRAP is defined as the complex mix-          odology, and a discussion of the study results. Findings
ture of gaseous and particulate pollutants present in tail-    contribute to the literature by expanding our under-
pipe and non-tailpipe emissions from vehicles.                 standing of how community-level factors influence the
  The City of Somerville and the Boston, MA,                   dynamic relationship between science, action and policy
Chinatown neighborhood (Somerville and Chinatown               practice in communities and municipalities.
hereafter), just 3.5 miles apart, are two very different
communities (see map Fig. 1).                                  The CAFEH partnership
  Nonetheless, both share a history of marginalization         Between 1956 and 1963 the Massachusetts Department
and exposure to TRAP from Interstate-93 (I-93) and             of Transportation (DOT) began construction on the first
Two communities, one highway and the fight for clean air: the role of political history in shaping community engagement and environmental health ...
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 Fig. 1 Map of Somerville and Chinatown. Layers for the map were obtained from and map was generated using ArcMap10.5

portion of I-93, which runs 24 miles north from Medford               mitigation practices. The results of this work were used
to the New Hampshire border [21]. The section of I-93                 by the partnership to inform solution-oriented research
that runs south from Medford through Somerville and                   and community action [24].
Boston was completed in 1973 [22]. At the time, both                    Over the course of the CAFEH partnership leadership
Somerville and Chinatown were both home to large pop-                 has shifted between community and academic stake-
ulations of new immigrant, low income and working-                    holders as has the level of engagement. Early on re-
class residents. Over the course of planning and con-                 searchers led the effort with guidance from community
struction, state officials and planners were met with op-             members, but more recently as the scientific knowledge
position from activists and organizers who mobilized                  developed by CAFEH (and other research groups) has ma-
large-scale protests in response to community concerns                tured, community leaders have taken a leadership role in
about the adverse effects of the highways on resident                 translation of study findings into action through develop-
health and well-being [23]. Protests were successful in               ing protective interventions at both the community and
stopping some highway construction, but not I-93, and                 individual level. These shifts have also led to increased dis-
although there were mitigations promised to Somerville                ciplinary diversity among the team including a greater role
for the highway, they never materialized [22, 23].                    for social scientists, architects and urban planners, among
  In 2006, 33 years after the construction of I-93, local             a team that was initially made up primarily of environ-
resident organizers who had been actively contesting the              mental engineering and public health researchers.
highway and examining its health impacts on Somerville                  Within the original project, US Environmental Protec-
residents, initiated a partnership with university re-                tion Agency (EPA) funding provided early critical sup-
searchers, launching a research and action agenda                     plemental support to two of the lead graduate students.
focused on TRAP [24]. CAFEH emerged from this part-                   Once the partnership was established, the team also de-
nership in 2008 and continues today. The resulting body               veloped and submitted proposals for additional research
of research focuses on near-highway pollution and                     that led to funding from US Housing and Urban
health in communities bordered – and some cases di-                   Development and the National Heart Lung and Blood
vided – by I-93, including Somerville and Chinatown.                  Institute [2, 25]. These grants allowed team members to
The community research partnership began with fund-                   pursue research complementary to their environmental
ing from NIEHS with the aim of evaluating the relation-               epidemiology work including testing interventions such
ship between TRAP exposure and health, increasing the                 as air filtration aimed at reducing exposure and health
knowledge base to inform policy and the development of                risk [26].
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health          (2020) 20:1690                                                        Page 4 of 16

Table 1 Percentile ranking for Somerville and Chinatown area compared to all block groups in USA for environmental justice
indexes, environmental indicators, and demographic indicators from EPA’s EJSCREEN tool ( [17]
                                                                                        Somerville                        Chinatown
Environmental Justice (EJ) Indexes
  EJ Index for Particulate Matter (PM 2.5)                                              52                                78
  EJ Index for Ozone                                                                    51                                81
  EJ Index for NATA* Diesel PM                                                          36                                93
  EJ Index for NATA* Air Toxics Cancer Risk                                             50                                83
  EJ Index for NATA* Respiratory Hazard Index                                           49                                84
  EJ Index for Traffic Proximity and Volume                                             80                                99
Environmental Indicators
  Particulate Matter (PM)                                                               13                                14
  Ozone                                                                                 26                                25
  NATA* Diesel PM                                                                       80-90th                           95-100th
  NATA* Air Toxics Cancer Risk
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health     (2020) 20:1690                                                                       Page 5 of 16

 Fig. 2 Percentile rankings for block groups in Somerville, MA & Boston, Chinatown compared to block groups in US for two demographic
 indicators (percent of population considered minority and percent of population considered low-income) [18] and an environmental indicator
 (proximity to traffic) [19]. data was obtained from US EPA’s EJSCREEN (

Control and Prevention in 2008 to help bridge connec-                     System and, (3) the Prevention Delivery System [28]. To-
tions between science and practice with the goal of im-                   gether these components are designed to create the condi-
proving evidenced-based interventions [28, 29]. The ISF                   tions for translating new innovation into practice.
includes three components: (1) the Prevention Synthesis                   Community stakeholders are critical to each component
and Translation System (2) the Prevention Support                         of this framework [30, 31].
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                   Page 6 of 16

 Fig. 3 From Research to Action

  CAFEH, through community partnership, has gener-             interviews, observations, documents and audiovisual re-
ated substantial evidence for association between TRAP         sources [38].
and poor health [32–34], specifically, the ultrafine             The study draws on three data sources: key informant
particle component of TRAP. Ultrafine particles are            interviews (n = 15), ongoing analysis of weekly meeting
smaller than 0.1 μm in diameter (for comparison, the           minutes and direct observation of research and commu-
thickness of human hair is ~ 70 μm), and as a result they      nity meetings (n = 10). A summer of data collection
can penetrate deep into the body where they can be             methods can be seen in Table 2. All protocols were
translocated to various organs. Patton et al. measured         reviewed by the Boston University Charles River Campus
spatial and temporal differences in traffic-related air pol-   Institutional Review Board, protocol #4434X. Interviews
lution in these neighborhoods and reported ultrafine           were transcribed verbatim and reviewed by the research
particle number concentrations of 30,000 (IQR: 49,000)         team for accuracy.
and 26,000 (IQR: 26,000) particles/cm3 in near-highway
neighborhood in Somerville and Chinatown, respectively         Key informant interviews
[35]. CAFEH research showed that long-term exposures           Initial interviews with project steering committee mem-
to ultrafine particles were associated with biomarkers of      bers in April to May 2017 and follow-up interviews in
cardiovascular disease risk, specifically in Chinatown and     December 2018 with key partners and a subset of com-
Somerville [32]. This work was among the first to show         mittee members in Somerville and Chinatown focused
health associations with exposure to ultrafine particles       on community process. The study was announced at a
and was based on painstaking efforts to measure near-          project meeting and interviews were scheduled by email
roadway gradients of pollution, develop mathematical           at a time and location convenient to participants. At the
models to predict exposure, and then assign individual-        time of the interview a script outlining the procedures
ized exposures to residents in the near highway commu-         (available as a supplementary file), elements of consent
nities [32, 35–37]. Guided by the IFS, we now seek to          were reviewed and participant questions about the study
inform policy and practice in an effort to mitigate TRAP       were addressed. A semi-structured interview guide ex-
exposure. To inform our work, we first sought to               ploring participants’ roles on the project; participation
advance our understanding of how community-level               and leadership; perceptions of decision-making, inclu-
factors influence the translation of research into practice    sion and engagement; and expectations and goals was
to address TRAP exposure.                                      used. In addition, community context, outreach and en-
                                                               gagement strategies, as well as strategies for community
Methods                                                        action related to TRAP were examined. Finally, percep-
A qualitative instrumental case study design was               tions of community-level factors influencing research
employed. Instrumental design involves selecting a par-        translation and potential challenges and levers were
ticular case in order to understand specific issues or         queried. Interviews were recorded and transcribed.
challenges [38, 39]. This approach is widely used in so-       Transcripts and recordings were then reviewed to verify
cial science research and focuses on the study of a case       their accuracy. Participants were contacted for follow-up
in a real-life, present-day setting [38, 39]. Data include     on an on-going basis over the course of the study.
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Table 2 Data collection summary                                      developed codes using NVivo by labeling and naming se-
Data Collection Methods                 n               Time Point   lected text. Third, the researchers sorted codes into pos-
Key Informant interviews                15              Baseline     sible themes and explored relationships between themes
Observations                            10              Ongoing
                                                                     and codes across levels [40]. Fourth, the researchers fur-
                                                                     ther reviewed and refined the themes to ensure the data
Reports                                 2               Baseline
                                                                     within each theme was both cohesive and distinct [40,
Meeting summary log                     1               Ongoing      41]. Fifth, the researchers identified the larger story
                                                                     within the data in collaboration with participants [40],
Further, additional interviews were conducted with two               and elicited feedback from members of the steering
Somerville activists who led opposition to the highway               committee. In the final phase of analysis, the researchers
in the 1960’s.                                                       selected illustrative quotes to produce a succinct, cogent
                                                                     story of the data within and across the identified themes
Observations                                                         from the three sources of data [40].
Observations were conducted from April 2017–December
2019. The overall goal of the observations was to examine
dynamics and participation at meetings and public forums             Results
associated with the project. Observations were planned in            A total of 15 key informant interviews were conducted
collaboration with the project steering committee. Mem-              with project partners and community stakeholders and
bers of the steering committee introduced the researchers            10 community meetings focused on TRAP were ob-
at community meetings and events and explained the                   served. Interview participants included academic re-
goals of the study. Permission was requested to record               searchers and staff (4), community leaders (5), planners
meetings, when feasible, depending on participants’ com-             (3), residents (3). Meetings included community plan-
fort with being recorded, the size of the event and the              ning meetings, informational sessions and planning
acoustics of the meeting space. At large forums additional           charrettes. In both communities initial planning meet-
note takers were present and introduced to the group.                ings were informational and or explored community
Comprehensive notes were taken during and at the cul-                health related priorities with an emphasis TRAP. Later
mination of each observation. Observation notes were                 meetings in Somerville focused on sound walls as a
typed and then analyzed thematically.                                strategy to mitigate TRAP, meanwhile in Chinatown the
                                                                     focus was on buildings and then incorporating TRAP in
Document review                                                      the Chinatown Master Plan.
Project documents included health lens analysis protocols,             Although Somerville and Chinatown fought steadfastly
charrette processes, weekly meeting plans and agendas,               against the construction of I-93, both lost parts of their
and committee meeting minutes. The researchers engaged               communities to make room for the highways, and were
in continuous data collection and analysis, and provided             then left to address the adverse health effects of TRAP.
feedback to the steering committee periodically.                     As one participant observed,

Data analysis                                                          … both of these communities were influenced by the
Two types of data analysis were employed, holistic ana-                building and development of I-93 and the Mass Pike.
lysis of the whole case, and embedded analysis of specific             Chinatown, half of it was destroyed; Somerville, they
parts of the case [38]. A chronology of events was exam-               fought against the highway and it was built against
ined in addition to key themes to assess the complexity                their wishes. So, in both communities … boundaries
of the case [38], two members of the research team inde-               … were largely defined by the construction of the
pendently coded the interview transcripts and developed                highways. It goes way back. It is very deep.
a codebook. Each data source was coded inductively, fo-
cusing on the data itself without preconceived categories               Yet, despite their shared past, the present-day ap-
[40, 41]. The researchers also reviewed and analyzed                 proaches to public health activism in Somerville and
community meeting minutes and notes from direct ob-                  Chinatown are quite different. Our findings highlight the
servation of community meetings.                                     role of contextual factors, namely politics and power, in
  First, the researchers read each interview transcript              influencing public health action related to TRAP. Two
multiple times to immerse themselves in the data, to                 illustrative case studies are presented. Community con-
search for meaningful patterns [40], and to reflect on               text is followed by a discussion of local activism and pol-
their questions and reactions to the codes [42]. The                 itical power. We then situate each of the communities in
researchers discussed the initial analysis to ensure                 context describing their relationship to I-93 as well as
consistency in their analytic approach [43]. Second, they            strategies for community change and resident
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                   Page 8 of 16

engagement past and present, culminating with plans for       4931 Somerville public school students, 53 languages
public health action to mitigate TRAP.                        are spoken [22]. Further, the CAFEH work has been
                                                              situated primarily in East Somerville neighborhoods,
Somerville                                                    which are closest to I-93 and are substantially more
Somerville is a densely populated city located 2 miles        diverse than the city as a whole. In the neighbor-
northwest of Boston with a population of over 79,000          hoods near I-93, half of the residents are people of
living in 4.1 mile2 [44]. This work has focused on east       color, compared to the city average of 3 in 10 resi-
Somerville which lies adjacent to the highway, and not        dents of color [22]. Of note, some new immigrant
the western and northern segments of the city. These          populations, such as Brazilians, are less visible in the
different areas have different demographics that are          census as they don’t fit squarely in US racial and eth-
quite different. A greater proportion of residents in the     nic categories [49]. One participant described the di-
near-highway neighborhoods are people of color and            verse immigrant communities in Somerville:
foreign-born than the city overall [45]. According to the
census, 70% of the population identifies as White, 10%          … in Somerville [language demographics] are almost
identifies as Hispanic or Latino, 10% Asian, 7% Black or        equal Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Haitian Creole,
African American, less than 1% American Indian/Alaska           and there are an awful lot of others here. When
Natives and 3% identify as other race [46]. Among               people have to move out of town they don’t like it,
Somerville residents, 24.8% (19.8 k people) were born           and many people come back and spend their days or
outside the US as of 2017 [44].                                 weekends here.
   Somerville is described as a racially and ethnically di-
verse community; more specifically, as being home to            Rising housing prices associated with redevelopment
large numbers of new immigrants. This theme emerged           and gentrification have priced many lower income
in key informant interviews as well as in meeting mi-         people out of the Somerville housing market. However,
nutes as planners talked about the importance of en-          even though they may not be living in the community
gaging non-English speakers and immigrants. The               they return for social activities as well as for church,
extensive diversity in Somerville is not apparent at first    markets, health services and civic associations [47, 49].
glance. Outsiders might characterize Somerville as a pro-
gressive upper middle-class white community. This runs        Activism and political power in Somerville
in stark contrast to the community’s working-class roots,     In conversations with community partners about the
which at the time of economic down turn in the mid-to-        present research and action study, they indicate
late 1900s, earned it the nickname “Slumerville”, when        Somerville has a long history of community activism
the community was struck by high unemployment rates,          among residents. Participants noted City residents have
disinvestment and political corruption [47].                  worked to protect land use and to limit development ex-
   At the turn of the century Somerville was an epicenter     pansion in Assembly Square and other neighborhoods:
of the new immigrant working class. Ostrander [47] de-
scribes Somerville in the late 1800s as a city run by           … a number of us first started thinking about … par-
Yankee Aristocrats on the backs of Irish bricklayers. In        ticipating in how the city evolves, particularly areas
the early 1920’s the Irish gained political power in            with large-scale developments about 20 years ago. Ini-
Somerville and new immigrants from French Canada,               tially, we worked in parallel with city government. We
Italy, Portugal and Greece took their place at the bottom       focused a lot at Assembly Square because it is as big
of the economic ladder [47]. According to participants,         as downtown Boston from North to South station and
blue collar workers still comprise approximately 33% of         it was largely underutilized after the manufacturing
the population today:                                           businesses left post WWII. We had citywide meetings,
                                                                large charrettes, … we were working in parallel
  … I characterize the population in thirds. I would            with city government … the larger developers …
  say one of the thirds is the old blue-collar commu-           upper hand … After that we got in a series of
  nity, which still lives here. One third is the young ed-      pretty large lawsuits that we largely wrote our-
  ucated, but not at this point wealthy, population             selves against the four biggest law firms in Boston
  and then the third is the immigrant population.               in real estate and environmental litigation. It took
                                                                five years, in the meantime we had written zoning
  A closer look at the public schools of Somerville             and lots of other things. … we ended up winning
today reveals a robust immigrant community with                 three fully prosecuted lawsuits in three different
48.2% of the school children speaking a language                court venues on three different principles of law,
other than English [48]. Among the population of                which took a number of years to play out.
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                    Page 9 of 16

                                                             H partnership. Leveraging these relationships has
  … STEP [the Somerville Transportation Equity Part-         benefited the team, as the participation of political
  nership, a grassroots coalition] … went to every           leaders has continued across public health action
  meeting [Green Line planning meeting] … and put            planning meetings in Somerville.
  1500 people in three meetings … the state didn’t
  want to do the Green Line, they wanted to substitute       Interstate-93, TRAP and public health action
  entirely non-Somerville projects even though the           In Somerville, 1950 marked the beginning of neighbor-
  Green Line was the single largest environmental            hoods being leveled to make way for the “inner belt” of
  mitigation project for our violations of the Clean Air     the expressway, this included the “Brickbottom” and
  Act and the state of limitation plan which is how          States Avenue Neighborhoods [47]. Expansion of I-93
  surface transportation relates in federal regulations      was a public works project that impacted Somerville into
  to the Clean Air Act. So, following that kind of           the 1970s and residents actively protested. One inform-
  massive unity of citizens [referring to residents at       ant reflected on the political context of resident activism
  Green Line meetings] and elected officials and             during this time:
  others, the state relented and decided to go ahead
  with the Green Line.                                         During the period when (a key informant) and her
                                                               crew were trying to fight I-93, Somerville had incred-
   These are two examples of resident activism in Somer-       ibly corrupt politics. Everybody was on the take.
ville. The CAFEH partnership itself was the result of          They had very little influence because of what was
years of resident action through the work of the Mystic        going on at the political level. … that was what
View Taskforce, which catalyzed Somerville Transporta-         really screwed things up, decisions were made that
tion Equity Partnership. As described by partners, Mys-        didn’t make any sense. There was as much activism
tic View Taskforce contested through litigation as             in Somerville [about corruption] as there was about
Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership actively          fighting the inner belt.
organized residents, using both capacity building and so-
cial action. In their interviews, Somerville partners talk      According to Ostrander (2013), “the city administration
about organizing and working with city officials and         is moving away from this private patronage to a ‘good gov-
state representatives as opposed to working against          ernment’ approach” (pg. 38) in an effort to create distance
government.                                                  from the corrupt government system of years past [47].
                                                                Residents have been fighting I-93 in Somerville for
  When a developer came in and wanted to build a ren-        many decades. Another key informant, a lifelong resi-
  tal building next to my Stop and Shop and we fought        dent of the East Somerville States Avenue neighborhood
  to make that condos, and it is going to be condos … it     commonly referred to as “the nunnery” given its proxim-
  hasn’t been passed yet, it is under consideration. That    ity to a nearby convent, described the different initiatives
  is one thing we have been working on with the city for     residents took on, including marching in the streets with
  a long time, but the city is undergoing a zoning re-       banners, canvassing door-to-door and in the case of her
  vamp so it is part of that whole process.                  brother-in-law, literally laying down in the mouth of a
  Ostrander (2013) argues residents in Somerville are
able to actively engage in political activity through          We lost half of our neighborhood on Wisconsin Ave,
“voluntary associations” (p. 38) because of the absence        people moved out because they didn’t want to deal
of a strong elite business class or “urban regime”             with all the construction going on and didn’t want
[47]. This leaves space for the active involvement of          to wait until their house was gone.
residents to influence local decision-making [47]. We
also saw this quite clearly in Somerville efforts to en-
gage local leadership in discussions around public             We requested I-93 go underground, we were against
health action related to TRAP. Early Somerville meet-          the elevation. We formed the East Somerville Com-
ings included strong participation from local elected          mittee Action group, the first active group in the city;
officials and state representatives. During these early        we were civically involved for a long time, and then
meetings, political figures spoke about the impact of          expanded, this included mostly neighbors, commu-
TRAP and the importance of the research partner-               nity members. We were protesting, the group stood
ship. This participation was largely the result of             where the excavation was going to happen. We can-
relationships between community stakeholders and               vased door to door, except it was too late, the road
political officials that pre-dated the work of the CAFE        was planned and construction began.
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                    Page 10 of 16

   This history of highway expansion continues to impact       with local immigrant serving organizations and
the Somerville community in significant ways. Somer-           English language classes, community partners sought
ville is the only municipality in Massachusetts that has       to engage internal stakeholders and build community
over 200,000 vehicle miles traveled per day per square         capacity. These sessions provided background infor-
mile and the only one with 15,000 diesel trains per year       mation on TRAP and offered a venue for residents
per square mile. A major commuting corridor to Boston,         to share their ideas and make recommendations,
I-93 and two arterials (Routes 28 and 38), together carry      informing the planning process. One partner shared
250,000 vehicles per day through Somerville [50]. These        how the Health Lens Analysis process informs the
pass-through commuters come from outlying municipal-           charrette approach:
ities on their way to Boston and Cambridge. While over
25% of Somerville households have no cars and over               … at the resident level, this is where we are excited
50% of residents use public transit or bike or walk to           about the Health Lens Analysis [it] is a way to have
work, residents are subjected to high volumes of traffic         the ultrafine in the conversation, and kind of nesting
and diesel rail pollution because of the seven diesel com-       that within communities’ concerns related to par-
muter rail lines traveling through the city, along with          ticular projects that may either increase people’s ex-
heavy highway traffic and the location of the Massachu-          posure to ultrafines or generate more ultrafine
setts Bay Transportation Authority Commuter Rail                 particulates. So, having conversations that blend
Maintenance facility [50].                                       what community priorities are especially health de-
   In 2006 the residents approached researchers to study         terminants and how something like ultrafines play
the health effects of I-93 [51]. The goals of the Somerville     into that conversation and using that as a way to
partnership with respect to research and action were two-        have a community lead or at worst community in-
fold, to increase awareness and to decrease exposure. One        formed response to dealing with the issue.
participant shared their vision for this partnership:
                                                                 These conversations gave participants an opportunity
  I would like to be able to say that we come up with          to discuss the most effective targets and identify goals
  some real solutions to reduce people’s’ exposure.            for each target. External targets include municipal lead-
  Technical solutions that are beneficial to people in         ership and policy makers who have the ability to influ-
  new housing and old housing. So very concretely              ence local policy and transportation and highway
  those are what I would like to see happen. On a              planning.
  community level in terms of people’s understanding,
  being able to engage in a way that people learn that           … helping on the formation of policy pieces whether
  one it is an issue they need to be concerned about,            it be guidance or regulation on how understanding
  but two, that they may have some wherewithal to                of the ultrafine exposure plays into development it-
  address these kinds of issues so that it is transferable       self or transportation related decisions or really any
  to other things that people are concerned about. So,           land use decisions. Part of it is also bringing it into
  building capacity to address needed change, would              broader conversations that when people are looking
  be something that I would like to see.                         at existing conditions or talking about alternatives
                                                                 or actions, making sure that is a part of a conversa-
  Stakeholders identified both internal and external tar-        tion as part of the [Project Partnership Name] piece
gets for public health action. Staples (2016) defines tar-       itself.
gets as individuals or institutions that action groups
activate or influence to bring about change [52]. External
targets have the decision-making power to help the               … while I do think that there is kind of a way to in-
action group realize its goals, and as internal targets, the     fluence up to the state I think most of our focus is
community members themselves are engaged in the                  kind of our regional scale and going down. Part of it
initiative [51].                                                 is both kind of municipal leadership, including those
  Somerville stakeholders are using community de-                who are elected, and municipal staff, like planners,
velopment strategies to engage internal targets.                 people in community development, people in the en-
These have included information sessions and out-                gineering or public works side of municipality. So,
reach events. Similar to the community engaged                   building awareness but also an actionable awareness
planning process, embedded in the health lens ana-               around air quality exposure, particularly ultrafine
lysis, the charrette process provides residents with             as part of that conversation. So what ways they can
data and engages them in discourse, which can build              alter their work or change what they consider when
community awareness [53]. Through partnerships                   they look at plans of attack to make change.
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                    Page 11 of 16

                                                                Chinatown’s city streets are among the most congested
  … the municipal side I think two ways we have come          in the city, as traffic gridlocks with commuters entering
  at is are one, especially in Somerville, working with       and exiting the highways to work in the downtown fi-
  the [Project Partnership Name] group on what a              nancial and commercial district. For decades, the neigh-
  zoning ordinance might look like if it was taking           borhood’s primary outdoor recreational space has been a
  these exposures into account. So that was looking at        basketball court between on and off ramps serving I-93
  zoning that might create a district where people            and I-90. Construction of new housing and a new school
  might fall into an area that could be impacted by           immediately next to the highway are ongoing. Unlike
  ultrafine particulates and maybe subjecting them to         some near highway neighborhoods where residents
  a couple of additional steps to assess whether or not       spend large parts of their days away from home, a ma-
  that exposure exists and if so how they would miti-         jority of adults and children (attending the local school
  gate it. So, doing that within a legislative piece.         which is also right next to I-90) are in Chinatown most
                                                              of the time on most days. Chinatown was also one of the
  In Somerville, the conversation related to TRAP and         original CAFEH study areas with high levels of TRAP,
public health action has centered on sound walls. Al-         including ultrafine particles [51].
though, sound walls cannot eliminate TRAP, they can
reduce exposure [54, 55]. Moreover, those most im-              You know, I think the [Project Partnership Name]
pacted by TRAP are also impacted by noise. Partners             project over the years it already has increased a lot
have leveraged their strong ties with local officials as        of people’s awareness of air pollution as an issue.
well as the broken promises of the state to propose             But I don’t know that people really, that other than
building sound walls near exposed neighborhoods. Their          thinking about it when you open your window, that
overall approach to resident engagement draws on a              there is really a lot that people have been able to do
long history of environmental health action. It has been        about it on an individual level.
top-down working through partnerships with local offi-
cials and state representatives to pressure transportation      In Chinatown, residents’ concerns about TRAP are sit-
leaders. They have employed a collaborative community         uated in the community’s larger concerns about the
development approach, which began with educating              health of the community, with initiatives focused on
leaders and now residents. They have broadened their          practical solutions to benefit individual community
campaign to ensure all segments of the community are          members. Chinatown organizing has been primarily fo-
engaged partnering with local immigrant serving organi-       cused on community development, specifically afford-
zations and hosting meetings in Portuguese, Haitian           able housing and resident displacement as a result of
Creole and Spanish.                                           gentrification. One key informant reflected on the com-
                                                              munity’s top priorities:
Boston’s Chinatown is a historic neighborhood in down-          I think the biggest challenge is that it [air pollution]
town Boston. I-93 construction through Chinatown was            is just not the top priority issue for the community.
completed in the late 1950s, demolishing homes and cut-         People are concerned about much more immediate
ting the historic Chinese Merchants Association building in     issues, like having a stable housing, jobs. But yeah, I
half. Massachusetts Turnpike construction then displaced        think that is probably the biggest difficulty.
hundreds more residents from 1962 to 1965, just prior to
the 1965 liberalization of immigration law, which led to a      These sentiments were echoed by another key inform-
major increase in the Chinese American population. Today,     ant who reiterated the interest Chinatown residents
I-93 and the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) together carry     share in seeing real changes that benefit the community.
300,000 vehicles per day through Chinatown [51].              Residents are more focused on immediate concerns as
   Chinatown has experienced successive phases of trans-      opposed to TRAP:
formation, first through urban renewal, which razed
hundreds of housing units for highway construction,             … there are a lot of more pressing changes that are
then through expansion of the Tufts University Medical          going on in … Chinatown. I think specifically about
School and Medical Center, and most recently with a             the threat of gentrification and displacement, and
massive influx of luxury and market rate high-rise              that a lot of these threats are very imminent, in that
development associated with Boston’s downtown                   people while interested in talking about maybe
revitalization. Each of these phases has brought in-            sound barriers and health disparities, might not be
creased traffic and development challenges to Boston’s          as interested in investing a lot of time to talk about
smallest and lowest-income neighborhood.                        a threat that feels a lot less on their doorstep.
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                   Page 12 of 16

  The community’s focus on the need for real, action-         has been a central part of community engagement as ev-
able change including increased access to green space in      idenced by a key informant:
the neighborhood, was echoed by a key informant:
                                                                And if you go back 60–70 years, those were commu-
  I would like to see us make some actual change that has       nity people’s homes and they were razed during
  an impact on the Chinese community members that we            urban renewal. And it was just after urban renewal
  work with. You know, so maybe making sure that one of         they gave the land to the highways, and then the
  the new affordable developments or at least a develop-        land they didn’t give to the highways, there was a
  ment with a significant amount of affordable housing          small amount of replacement housing built, and the
  has a good air filtration system, or making some changes      rest of it they gave to Tufts, I think actually most of
  to the Reggie Wong Park, that would be helpful.               it was to the Floating Hospital at that time. So that
                                                                kind of history is important for people to feel like
   Elderly residents, in contrast to younger working fam-       yeah oh we actually do have a right to that land, it
ilies, have been the most available and engaged group of        is not just that Tufts has a right to this land, we
Chinatown residents involved in these community initia-         don’t.
tives. One informant described the active role elders as-
sume in the community:
                                                              Activism and political power in Chinatown
  I mean I think that the sector of the community that is     Whereas Somerville is a small densely populated city
  probably easiest for us to reach out to and that we have    with its own government structure, Chinatown is one
  tended to rely on, are the elderly, because the elderly     of many distinct neighborhoods in the city of Boston.
  residents, most of them are living in subsidized housing    As such, gaining access to political power has looked
  of some type and they are the most active residents in      quite different. The neighborhood has been historic-
  the community because they have time on their hands,        ally marginalized, leading community leaders and ac-
  they are stable. … whenever you have a communal             tivists to cultivate a bottom-up, grass roots approach
  meeting it is always the elderly that you can really        to engaging residents and advocating for the commu-
  count on them to come out. And you know Chinatown           nity’s needs [56]. This advocacy has included both
  Resident Association it is mixture of generations but it    community development and social action approaches
  is predominantly those elderly. … we have pretty exten-     to community organizing [56]. The community has
  sive ties with the home base of active elderly residents,   engaged in a conflictual and contesting relationship
  and they are also the most active voters.                   with local government officials over time in order to
                                                              address residents’ needs. More often than not resi-
  In order to engage residents in CAFEH’s work ad-            dents have had to contest local power dynamics as a
dressing air pollution, it has been important for commu-      strategy for grassroots change. This long history of
nity leaders to situate the research in Chinatown’s           social action has contributed to outreach and engage-
history. One informant revisited the central role the         ment infrastructure that is highly effective due to
highway plays in the community’s history and experience       strong social capital and community cohesion, as was
of disempowerment:                                            described by key informants:

  I mean I guess we just talk about it in relationship          I mean I think the main community assets are it is a
  to Chinatown’s history. And you know, because I               fairly organized community, so we already have the
  think the presence of the two highways it is really a         resident association, we already have CPA [Chinese
  part of Chinatown’s history, always being the disem-          Progressive Association, a partner to many [Project
  powered community and having land taken from the              Partnership Name] studies]. And there are a few in-
  community and not being protected residents like              dividual tenant associations that we have ties with.
  other neighborhoods. I think we connect it to reinfor-
  cing and educating people about the history. And
  then which is connected, so we try to connect it to           I think the tactics that we use are pretty common,
  other issues, because in a lot of ways we have to             like we will use the Chinese media, we will print
  understand the history to feel like we have the right         flyers, every once and a while we will print a news-
  to stand up and fight for things….                            letter that we might distribute, we do events, like in
                                                                the summer we do Chinatown block party with a
  Helping Chinatown residents better understand and             few different organizations and kind of use that as
appreciate the history of the land in their neighborhood        an educational fair. And then you know workshops
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                Page 13 of 16

  in the different housing developments as well as           worked collaboratively alongside younger residents to
  community meetings we usually hold in the Quincy           identify solutions to these concerns. A number of
  school cafeteria. That is where the Residents Associ-      younger residents voiced appreciation for the oppor-
  ation holds its meetings and it is just a really com-      tunity to learn more about Chinatown’s history from
  mon meeting space. I don’t think there is anything         community elders.
  particularly creative about our strategies, I mean           From the perspective of community leaders, the
  sometimes not so much around [Project Partnership          charrette increased awareness of the air pollution is-
  Name] but around our Chinatown Stabilization               sues in relation to health and helped to link air pollu-
  campaign we have done some artistic things too.            tion issues with other community concerns related to
                                                             both health and development. In addition, it was re-
   Chinatown partners were highly effective in bringing      ported that the planning charrette was successful in
out diverse intergenerational groups of residents to early   gaining attention from the city, particularly Boston
community meetings and forums. Residents were ac-            Transportation Department, The Boston Planning and
tively engaged in discussions about TRAP during early        Development Agency /PLAN: Downtown, and Depart-
Health Lens Analysis meetings; however, housing and          ment of Neighborhood Development. The Boston
development, as well as safe streets for walkers, preserv-   Planning and Development Agency and Department
ing cultural resources, and quality open spaces emerged      of Neighborhood Development have sat in on all of
as pressing concerns in meetings in addition to TRAP.        the Master Planning Implementation Committee
                                                             meetings and have been generally supportive of the
Interstate-93, TRAP and public health action                 CAFEH-led Health Lens Analysis and community-led
Chinatown, today, remains a minoritized community            neighborhood plan update – providing data when re-
and although there is a strong political will and high       quested and looking for opportunities to align the
level of resident participation, structural oppression re-   community process with theirs.
mains.      Moreover,     historic    disinvestment   and      In sum, both the Somerville and Chinatown cases
marginalization coupled with the neighborhood’s central      speak to the importance of political history in shaping
location in the city, have left Chinatown primed for gen-    approaches to both community engagement overall and
trification and displacement. Early conversations about      public health action. Moreover, the highlight the value
the Health Lens Analysis were focused on thinking            of existing community partnership and advocacy infra-
about mitigating TRAP in the context of new develop-         structure in shaping the success of community research
ment. As community conversations progressed the dia-         partnerships. Both communities are organized quite dif-
logue shifted to a focus on the neighborhood Master          ferently in their approaches leveraged past advocacy
Planning process, and, more specifically, how efforts to     work to catalyze TRAP-related public health action.
mitigate TRAP might be built into the Master Plan and
the community’s overall strategies for the future. This      Discussion
approach gained considerable endorsement from                We found the ISF to be a helpful framework for or-
neighborhood residents as was evidenced by a commu-          ganizing assessing activities related to dissemination
nity planning charrette attended by 90 participants. Also,   activities associated with research translation. In order
notable was how truly bilingual (English-Cantonese) it       to support the needs of community partners, Preven-
was.                                                         tion Synthesis and Translation System, CAFEH con-
                                                             ducted community outreach through English language
  From being part of other translated meetings, this         classes, press releases, community forums, and neigh-
  one felt a more genuine presentation of materials in       borhood meetings. They also employed educational
  two languages – with the presentation being gener-         materials for local dissemination to stakeholders from
  ated in Cantonese and facilitators actively trying to      various community sectors including residents. Des-
  make space for non-English speaking residents in           pite the benefits of these initiatives, the absence of an
  small group conversations.                                 internal communications strategy for the dissemin-
                                                             ation plan was a limitation.
  Through a series of breakout groups, residents par-          A Health Lens Analysis was then conducted to help
ticipating in the charrette were encouraged to adopt a       the communities examine TRAP through a health
holistic view of health and visually mapped out how          lens. Materials developed were used in the context of
to address community concerns including the need             Health Lens Analysis meetings to engage stakeholders
for green space, improved pedestrian safety as well as       more broadly in TRAP related discussions. This
commercial and residential displacement. Intergenera-        process allowed community stakeholders and residents
tional collaboration was evident as older residents          to think and dialogue about TRAP in the context of
Sprague Martinez et al. BMC Public Health   (2020) 20:1690                                                                     Page 14 of 16

community related health and development priorities.           Supplementary Information
At the same time, it was challenging it was challen-           Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
ging because many of the policy and programmatic
changes desired will require a long-term effort, and            Additional file 1. Baseline Interview Script was used to collect data
awareness raising conversations occurred without                from steering committee members and project partners.
clear pathways for individuals to take immediate pro-
tective steps. Nonetheless, the Health Lens Analysis
process and associated planning charrettes served as a         CAFEH: Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health;
Prevention Support System. Beyond capacity building            CBPR: Community Based Participatory Research; DOT: Department of
planning charrettes resulted in digestible community           Transportation; EPA: Environmental Protection Agency; ISF: Interactive
                                                               Systems Framework; MA: Massachusetts; NIEHS: National Institute of
reports and resources available to stakeholders for use        Environmental Health and Science; PM: Particulate Matter; TRAP: Traffic
in further public health action. Moreover, the team            Related Air Pollution; US: United States
was able to further develop its understanding of inter-
ventions and to hone targets and asks for outreach.            Acknowledgements
                                                               We thank the many people who contributed to this work, including faculty,
   We found the notion of the Prevention Delivery System
                                                               students, community partners and members, staff and volunteers.
did not fully align with our goals as they related to pub-
lic health action to inform policy practice. This is largely   Authors’ contributions
because our partners set out not to implement a specific       LSM: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original
program but to inform policies at the municipal and            Draft. ND: Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft. SR:
                                                               Conceptualization, Writing - Original Draft, Validation. NH: Conceptualization,
state level in an effort to transform practice. Although       Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization. WZ: Conceptualization, Writing -
municipal stakeholders are increasingly sympathetic to         Review & Editing, Validation. LL: Conceptualization, Writing - Review &
and aware of the health impacts of TRAP, there is not a        Editing, Validation. BE: Writing - Review & Editing. JLD: Writing –Review &
                                                               Editing, Visualization. DB: Conceptualization, Supervision, Project
local legislative or regulatory precedent on how to move       administration, Funding acquisition. ER: Supervision, Conceptualization,
some of the proposed TRAP-related policies into prac-          Project administration, Writing - Review & Editing, Validation. All authors
tice. As such, we found that pairing the ISF with a com-       have read and approved the manuscript.
munity organizing framework may serve as a useful
approach for examining the dynamic relationship be-            Funding
                                                               This study was funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health
tween science, action and policy practice moving for-          Sciences, Grant title: Near Highway Pollution: From Research to Action
ward. This will be critical in ensuring follow up to the       (R01ES026980) and Grant title: Home Air Filtration for Traffic Related Air
Health Lens Analysis process results in shifts in policy       Pollution (R01ES030289).
   This work is not without limitations. Although mul-         Availability of data and materials
                                                               A copy of the interview protocol has been provided. More information
tiple forms of data collection were employed including         about the CAFEH study and available data reports can be found at: https://
meeting observation, interviews and documents review,
the vast majority of baseline interviews were collected
with internal stakeholders (i.e., members of the CAFEH         Ethics approval and consent to participate
                                                               This research was reviewed by the Boston University Charles River Campus
research team). Moving forward, interviews with exter-         Institutional Review Board, Protocol number 4434X.
nal stakeholders in each community including residents
will be critical to understanding the extent to which re-      Consent for publication
search findings and the community action that followed         The study was determined to be exempt. Written consent was waived. A
have been translated to policy practice. The ISF was           consent script was reviewed with participant and documented by the
helpful in informing the team’s thinking related to sys-
tems and structures needed to translate research to
                                                               Competing interests
practice.                                                      Linda Sprague Martinez is a youth engagement consultant for Americas
                                                               Promise Alliance and an external evaluator for CCI Health and Wellness, Inc.
Conclusions                                                    All other authors have no disclosures.
The current study has important implications for public        Author details
health action. Public health practitioners need to be          1
                                                                Macro Department, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA
aware of the of the diverse sectors that comprise com-         02215, USA. 2Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA 02215,
                                                               USA. 3Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
munities as well as interests, priorities and politics both    4
                                                                Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University,
across and with factions of the community. Moving for-         Medford, MA 02155, USA. 5Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership,
ward, conducting power analyses in the community               Somerville, MA 02145, USA. 6The Chinatown Land Trust, Boston, MA 02111,
                                                               USA. 7The Welcome Project, Somerville, MA 02145, USA. 8Department of
using a community organizing framework would be                Public Health Sciences, University of Connecticut School of Medicine,
beneficial.                                                    Farmington, CT 06030, USA.
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