Udny Green Primary school Standards & Quality Report 2017-2018 & School Improvement Planning 2018-2019

Page created by Russell Harmon
Udny Green Primary school Standards & Quality Report 2017-2018 & School Improvement Planning 2018-2019
Udny Green Primary school
 Standards & Quality Report
School Improvement Planning
Udny Green Primary school Standards & Quality Report 2017-2018 & School Improvement Planning 2018-2019
School Forward

We are pleased to present both our Standards and Quality Report for Session 2017–
2018 and our School Improvement plan for the current session 2018 -2019. This
report forms part of our quality improvement framework and provides important
information regarding our schools progress to date and identifies our next steps in
school improvement.
Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement is at the heart of our practice in Udny Green
school. We continue to develop our practice in making robust use of evidence as a
basis for judgements regarding the impact of our work on our learners.
How are we doing?
How do we know?
What are we going to do now?
Looking inwards to analyse our work
Looking outwards to find out more about what is working well for others locally and
Looking forwards to gauge what continuous improvement might look like in the
longer term
At Udny Green we continue to be committed to working closely with our community
and all other stakeholders that support the education we provide. Together we are
working hard to ensure all our pupils get the best possible start in life and are
enabled and encouraged to maximize their potential.
We realise that within education things never stand still or stay the same. We
continue to strive to meet the changes and challenges. Through this document we
hope that you will get a sense of our developments, successes and areas for further

Mrs Wendy Gibson
Head Teacher
The School and its context
Our school vision
Growing Ourselves as Lifelong learners Daily
At Udny Green we provide a happy, caring, achieving and inclusive environment that
ensures our children reach their full potential. We are GOLD.

Understanding discovery nurture you   Growth mindset responsibility effort enjoyment nature

What do we aim to achieve for our children/pupils
We aim to work as a T.E.A.M
Together- Working cooperatively developing our knowledge and skills of how to work
effectively as part of a team.
Everyone- Pupils, parents, staff and the wider community are actively involved in the
life and work of the school.
Achieves- motivated to accomplish and achieve the goals we set ourselves.
More- always striving to go above and beyond in everything we do.
Our work is underpinned by our Curriculum Rationale which is created and inspired
by our unique setting and designed to encourage-
Growing Ourselves as Lifelong learners Daily
Our school is located in rural Aberdeenshire in the small village of Udny Green
adjacent to a traditional village green. Our location is a beautiful and peaceful setting
and within our school grounds we have a pond, small orchard, bug hotel, plastic
bottle greenhouse, small forest and a large playing field with fun, innovative play
equipment. We are a 6 green flag Eco status school, bird friendly and are regularly
awarded gold through the Formartine Beginning to Blossom competition.
Our location informs our progression of learning contexts, bundling of experiences
and outcomes and our learning, teaching and assessment approaches.
Impact of our developments
In this section we will outline the Targets we set last session and identify the progress we
have made during session 2017-2018
 Priority 1 –
 Self-evaluation, Staff development- leadership opportunities and DATA confidence

 Progress            •   All staff are engaged in self-evaluation through effectively
                         evaluating their planning and teaching.
                     •   A few parents are engaged in the self-evaluation of school
                     •   All children were involved in school improvement planning
                         with a child friendly school improvement plan/ display which
                         includes an action plan which the children created.
                     •   All children are profiling their learning.
                     •   One member of staff has been accepted to complete the
                         SCEL into headship course. This same member of staff has
                         led the RRS application, school show, world book day and
                         gymnastic after school club.
                     •   Attainment meetings with all staff where there is professional
                         dialogue based on teacher judgement and data.
                     •   ASL planning and assessment implemented.
 Impact              •   All staff are now identifying next steps that will improve their
                         teaching and in turn providing enriched learning opportunities
                         for all children.
                     •   Most children have an understanding of school improvement
                         planning, what our school improvement plan is and what we
                         are doing to achieve it.
                     •   Profiling has resulted in all children reflecting on their
                         learning and identifying next steps. All staff are scaffolding
                         these reflections ensuring most children can identify the
                         knowledge and skills that they have used and need to
                     •   Having another member of staff take the lead on varying
                         aspects and the drive to progress allows distribution of
                         leadership and empowers staff to go above and beyond.
                     •   Attainment meetings and ASL planning and assessment has
                         allowed next steps for all children to be identified and
                         tracked. This has had an impact on attainment across all
                         areas of the curriculum particularly literacy- , numeracy.
 Next steps          •   Continue to have children and parents actively involved in the
                         school improvement plan and have child friendly version.
                     •   Continue to implement effective profiling.
                     •   Continue to ensure attainment meetings have direct impact
                         on the children learning and next steps.
                     •   Continue to ensure self-evaluation of planning and teaching.
                     •   Planning collaboratively next session will ensure even better
                         self-evaluation and progression across stages.
Priority 2 –
Planning, tracking and monitoring and family learning.

Progress          •   All staff involved in creating and implementing new planning
                      formats using the Aberdeenshire frameworks and Education
                      Scotland benchmarks.
                  •   Planning in all areas has involved ensuring there is a clear
                      progression from p1 to p7.
                  •   All staff beginning to become familiar with the revised
                      tracking and monitoring system.
                  •   There has been little work done regarding family learning this
Impact            •    All staff now using the planning formats and tracking and
                      monitoring to evaluate their teaching and inform next steps
                      for learners.
                  •   All staff now consistently thinking about progression rather
                      than doing things in isolation.

Next steps        •   Continued focus on planning, monitoring and tracking
                  •   Now look at family learning and how to effectively implement

Priority 3 –
Promoting Diversity and Rights respecting school ethos

Progress          •   No working group or diversity plan was implemented.
                  •   Some work was done to establish a rights respecting action
                      plan. However we will not be applying for the award until next
Impact                N/A
Next steps        •   As part of a member of staff into headship course, she will
                      put into action a plan to implement fully rights respecting
                      school and apply for the award and alongside this create a
                      diversity plan.
2. How good is our leadership and approach to improvement?

Relevant NIF priority: All
Relevant NIF driver(s): School leadership, Teacher professionalism, School improvement
Level of quality for core QI: 4

All stakeholders have a shared understanding of the vision values and aims at Udny Green School. There are clear
tools for consulting with all on school improvement. Leadership roles are undertaken by both staff and pupils. There
is a clear drive for school improvement and team work/sense of collective responsibility is evident across the school.
The strategic direction of the school is based on a sound analysis of data and other feedback.

1.3 Key strengths:
    •    Staff are actively involved in improvement planning & school development work. Staff regularly
        audit the school to inform next steps for improvement. All staff members are involved in the
        evaluation of progress and the identification of future priorities.
    •   All collegiate activities are based upon working towards the outcomes on the school’s
        improvement plan and provide a focus for regular reflection and discussion on progress made.
    •   Staff understand the value of self-evaluation and improvement planning. A culture which
        promotes a need for a shared vision for change and improvement which is meaningful and
        relevant to the context of the school within our community has been established.
    •   “Pastoral & Attainment Meetings” give teaching staff an opportunity to discuss improvements/next
    •   A range of approaches are used to gather views and ideas in order to further improve the school.
        (Computer based questionnaires, carousel discussions, team meetings, individual meetings)
    •   Weekly planning formats encourage regular self-evaluation.
    •   Peer monitoring is encouraged and timetabled to further improve quality teaching and learning.
        Most class teachers are very reflective practitioners.
    •   Regular CLPD opportunities are offered to staff. Staff are actively involved in CLPD activities
        linked to improvement planning.
    •   Pupils, parents and staff are consulted and actively involved in evaluating the school. (Examples
        include – electronic questionnaires, pupil/parent voice, written feedback forms.)
    •   All stakeholders are encouraged to share their views and influence school improvement.
    •   Staff engage in moderation exercises with cluster schools in order to share practice and
        developed a shared understanding of progression in Literacy and numeracy.
Identified priorities for improvement:
    •   Monitor our tracking of wider achievement and the impact it is having on individual learners. Link
        to Skills for Life project and DYW work which is currently being evaluated.
    •   Continue to upskill staff on interrogation of assessment results to inform planning of targeted
        support/pace & challenge.
    •   Self-evaluation and learning visits to be developed further both in school and with neighbouring
        school focusing on moderation
    •   Practitioners have systematic opportunities to review and refresh their pedagogical practice
        looking inwards, outwards and forwards.
    •   Implement a robust quality assurance calendar for next session to ensure monitoring of teaching
        practise, planning and jotter sampling.
    •   More opportunities for peer monitoring of classroom practise and collaborative working/ planning.
3. How good is the quality of care and education we offer?

Relevant NIF priority: All
Relevant NIF driver(s): Teacher professionalism, School leadership, Parental engagement,
Assessment of children’s progress
Level of quality for core QI: 4

The ethos of Udny Green School is positive and respectful of all. Almost all pupils engage well with learning
experiences and there is evidence of appropriate pace and challenge for all. The quality of teaching is good. The
school continues to develop the use of IT to support learning appropriately. Staff are beginning to plan collegiately
and they use assessment information in order to track progress and identify next steps in learning.

2.3 Key strengths:
    •   Almost all learners are motivated and eager to engage in their learning.
    •   There are positive, respectful relationship in evidence across all areas of the school
    •   The everyday language used across the school links clearly to a rights respecting ethos.
    •   The school is continuing to work on sharing the purpose of learning with pupils and the majority of
        pupils know what to do in order to be successful. This is especially evident in writing tasks.
    •   All staff plan appropriately in order to meet needs and the Aberdeenshire frameworks and
        Education Scotland Benchmarks are used to plan effectively.
    •   All pupils contribute to the wider life of the school and its community. Their views are continually
        sought and acted upon.
    •   Learning and teaching in all classes is underpinned by the school’s vision, values and aims.
    •   Consultation is ongoing with pupils, parents and staff in order to improve current profiles.
    •   Technology is used across the school in all classes on a daily basis to enhance learning
    •   Ongoing formative assessment is evident in all classes.
    •   Aberdeenshire Frameworks/Benchmarks are being used to support Assessment opportunities.
    •   There are opportunities for some pupils to make choices in how and when they carry out their
    •   Participation in Rights Respecting Schools and Eco Schools and as well as a range of global
        citizenship focussed activities ensures that pupils are developing the skill for life learning and work
Identified priorities for improvement:
   • Develop our moderation practices both in school and with schools within the cluster in
       order to further develop a shared understanding of standards
   • Develop the use of technology in supporting effective learning and teaching
   • Increase pupil confidence in discussing their learning/identification of next steps
   • Develop a more consistent approach to feedback across the school.
   • Develop the use of Digital technology to effectively to support learning.
   • Develop the use of one note for on-line profiling for p5-7.
   • Ensure questioning and higher order skills are promoted and from observations this is
       evident in practice
   • Continue our participation in Rights Respecting school and apply for our first award.
4. How good are we at improving outcomes for all our learners?

Relevant NIF priority: All

Relevant NIF driver(s): Assessment of children’s progress, School improvement, Performance
Level of quality for core QI: 5

Staff at Udny Green School have a good knowledge of learners, their families and the local community. The
school strives to ensure all are treated with respect and there are clear procedures in place to support pupils.
Pupils have access to universal supports and there is a clear staged procedure in place with regard to targeted

3.1 Key strengths:

    •   Everyone in our learning community is treated fairly and with respect and we place importance
        on fostering positive, open & supportive working relationships based on trust.
    •   The School has an ASN audit of need which is used in regular tracking discussions with staff.
        Where staff identify learners who require support the school responds quickly accessing
        available resources to support.
    •   Throughout session 2017- 2018 a whole school understanding has been developed around
        GIRFEC including a shared understanding of SHANARI Indicators.
    •   All staff have completed annual update of Child protection training and GIRFEC principles
        ensuring a clear protocol is in place in order to meet individual needs.
    •   The school actively utilise opportunities to promote diversity and engage in global citizenship
        through curriculum and whole school activities including charity work led by pupils.
    •   The school’s HWB programme promotes our inclusive ethos.
    •   The Aberdeenshire Dyslexia friendly toolkit has been used to support pupils across the school.
    •   Staff are vigilant and are prompt to raise concerns around pupil achievement and well being.
    •   Effective transition arrangements are in place for pupils. Enhanced provision is available and
        planned for pupils in relation to individual needs.
    •   Importance of early identification of needs given priority, with PSA time being weighted
    •   Planning is differentiated to meet individual needs. SFL and PSA time is targeted appropriately
        and links to the Schools ASN Audit.
    •  Parents feel well-informed about pupil progress and events in school, and are happy
       with the accessibility of teachers and the HT.
Identified priorities for improvement:
   • Further develop approaches to measure fully the impact of targeted interventions over
       time for our learners, particularly our PSA support.
   • Continue to build capacity as a team to best meet the needs of pupils with increased
       levels of need.
   • Continue to target use of PEF appropriately in order to ensure pupil need is met.
   • Develop the use of pupil friendly IEPS with pupils, parents, class teacher, SFL teacher
       and HT being involved in the process.
Evaluation of QI 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

Level of quality for core QI: 4

Sources of evidence/ evaluation activities undertaken:
As per QA calendar
TMR system

Key strengths:

   •   Attainment in literacy and numeracy for all learners is central to the work of our school and
       features in annual improvement priorities.
   •   Rigorous tracking and monitoring of attainment highlights that most children at Udny Green
       School attain or exceed expected levels for literacy and numeracy
   •   Attainment is compared against local and national averages.
   •   Attainment data from standardised assessments demonstrates that there is a very good
       match between this and teacher’s professional judgements.
   •   Appropriate supports are put in place based on attainment conversations. Expertise is
       sought from ASN/partner agencies to select appropriate interventions
   •   Overall our learners are successful, show confidence, are responsible and contribute fully
       to the life of our school. Their opinions are sought and acted upon allowing them
       ownership of initiatives and their school community.
   •   Pupil participation in their wider community is successful through partnership with a variety
       of different links including castle garden where we regular work with the gardener to
       maintain and develop our vegetable plot, the local church and minister who visits regularly
       with not only a pastoral remit but helps the children learn about their local community and
       history, Lady Williams who ensures the children have continued access to the Castle
       garden plot but who also teaches the children about the history of their local area.
   •   Wider achievement is celebrated and shared within individual classes and at whole school
   •   Staff understand the need for equity within our learning and achievement. We strive to
       ensure barriers to learning, including poverty, are removed to allow learners to succeed
       and achieve.

Identified priorities for improvement:

   •   Continue to track attainment, including attainment over time to pick up trends,
       evaluate and use for identifying improvement priorities.
   •   Staff development time to be used to familiarise themselves with SNSA information
       and use as appropriate
   •   Continue to develop moderation opportunities across the school and cluster to
       ensure shared expectations to bring greater consistency in teacher professional
   •   Continue to embed the use of Aberdeenshire and Education Scotland’s
       benchmarks to continue to make increasingly confident professional judgements.
   •   Ensure attainment data is discussed and analysed at tracking/planning discussions
       as per QA calendar.
PEF 2018-2019
Identified gap   Listening and talking attainment data shows18/48 children are
                 requiring support in this area. A number of children attend speech
                 and language and many other children have poor communication
                 and socialising skills. A few children in the school would suffer
                 from anxiety also. The wellbeing web audit showed 9/48 children
                 didn’t feel very safe and 12/48 children didn’t feel included.

                 Maths at early and second level has improved, hopefully with
                 continued intervention at first level this will hopefully improve also.
                 Early- 3/4 75% achieved or above and Second 14/22 71%
                 achieved or above.

                 Dyslexia resources/ interventions will also continue as set out in
                 the last years PEF plan.

                 Professional learning opportunities - £
                 Supply cover to release staff to work collaboratively - £
                 Resources including:
                 Practical materials to support nurture space- £800
                 Online subscription to spelling programme for targeted pupils to
                 access - £200
                 Big maths online subscription- £650

Expected         Dyslexia support- children with dyslexic tendencies will be more
outcomes         engaged and coping better with all areas of the curriculum
                 particularly literacy.
                 Maths- improved whole school maths attainment results.
                 Nurture- improved scores in the wellbeing audits, improved whole
                 school listening and talking attainment results.
                 Regarding disadvantaged communities- all children at Udny
                 Green fall within 8,9 or 10 SIMD decile index. The children in
                 receipt of FSM particularly benefit from the dyslexia support put in
                 place and will benefit from the nurture space.

Impact       Use attainment tracking in maths and listening and talking to
Measurements measure impact on these areas.
             Use big maths online tracking to measure impact on all learners.
             Use Nessy tracking and track sfl testing to measure targeted
             Use HWB tracking from audits to measure impact.
Capacity for improvement

School staff are fully committed to the principle of continuous improvement. We wish
to provide the very best for every child in our care. In this task, we are increasingly
advised by performance data, such as pupil attainment data, so we can see clearly
‘what’ we need to improve.
We will continue to look inwards, outwards and forwards to prepare and equip our
young people for their future. We will continue to work in partnership with parents,
health professionals, and others to ‘get it right’ for every child.

Key priorities for session 18-19

Priority 1 – Raising Attainment and Achievement

Priority 2 – Creativity and employability

Priority 3 - Closing the attainment Gap – Effective data analysis to secure
school improvement.
Action planning

National Improvement Framework Priorities                     HGIOS
    • Improvement in attainment, particularly in              1.1Self-evaluation for self-improvement
         literacy and numeracy.                                1.2 Leadership for learning
    • Closing the attainment gap between the most              1.3 Leadership of change
         and least disadvantaged children.                     1.4 Leadership and management of staff/ practitioners
    • Improvement in children and young people’s health and   1.5 Management of resources to promote equity
         wellbeing.                                           2.1 Safeguarding and child protection
    • Improvement in employability skills and                 2.2 Curriculum
         sustained, positive destinations.                    2.3 Learning teaching and assessment
Key drivers of improvement                                     2.4 Personalised support
School leadership                                             2.5 Family learning
                                                              2.6 Transitions
Teacher professionalism                                        2.7 Partnerships
                                                              3.1 Improving/ ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion
Parental engagement                                           Specific to HGIOS 4
                                                              3.2 Raising attainment and achievement
Assessment of children’s progress                             3.3 Increasing creativity and employability

School improvement


Improvement Priority           Outcomes for learners                   Impact Measurement                        PEF
Raising attainment and         Children at Udny Green                  Evidence of impact:
achievement                    School will
HGIOS QIs                      In Literacy
1.3                                • Experience a more                 Critical analysis of attainment           Nessy
2.3                                    focussed and                    and achievement data.                     programme
3.2                                    streamlined approach                                                      purchased.
                                       to spelling and
                                       grammar using the
                                       active literacy
                                       programme, Nessy
                                       spelling programme,
                                       frameworks and
                                       Education Scotland
                                   • Ensure a robust and
                                       effective reading
                                       progression throughout
                                       the school.

                               Profile effectively:
                                  • Ensure regular learning            Continued identification of
                                       conversations with all          children requiring targeted
                                       children that are               support and interventions in
                                       reflected in their              place, measured and
                                       profiles.                       evaluated.
•   All children at all levels
                                   should be able to talk
                                   about their learning,
                                   identifying strengths
                                   and next steps.

                               • Children will experience
                                   opportunities to
                                   demonstrate and apply
                                   their learning within
                                   planned Holistic
Priority 2 – Creativity and Pupils will:                        Evidence of impact:
employability                  • Experience a cohesive
HGIOS QIs                          and up to date               Learning conversations with
3.3                                programme for STEM           children and their reflections
1.5                                learning and be able to      on their knowledge and skills
2.2                                relate the relevance of      development.
2.7                                their learning to their
                                   future, including the
                                   world of work.               Target setting by children
                               • Be able to articulate          related to their academic,
                                   what and how they are        emotional and social goals
                                   learning and how that
                                   learning relates to their
                                   future and the world of
                               • The children will              Children able to extend their
                                   continue their work          own learning by using prior
                                   with food- planting,         learning to be creative and
                                   cooking and creating.        innovative.
                                   Children’s learning will
                                   be challenged and built
                                   upon ensuring the 7
                                   principles of curriculum
                                   design are taken into
Priority 3 -                Data analysis
Closing the attainment         • Staff to familiarise           Pupil need is more
Gap                                themselves with new          appropriately supported.
2.4                                data from SNSA
3.1                                ensuring this is used to     Data is used effectively to
3.2                                support planning etc         target resources for impact
                               • Ensure TMR system is
                                   robust and allows for        Raised attainment for pupils.
effective analysis of
                         •   Continue attainment
                             meetings to ensure
                             effective next steps for
                             all children and
                             interventions needed
                             are identified.

Wider Achievements
Memories are made of this:
As a school we place a high value on pupil achievements and strive to create opportunities
for pupils to achieve and for us to recognise and celebrate achievements gained both
through school activities and other pursuits.
Pupils at our school are also aware of the needs and plights of others and Global Citizenship
reflects their caring attitude. Our school is not restricted to the four walls and a roof. Where
possible the school has extended their sense of community to incorporate and assist with
Global issues.
Charities supported by the school over the last session included:
Children In Need
Sports Relief
Friends of Anchor
Glasgow children’s hospital charity
Books abroad
This session we have had many different opportunities in order to promote the wider
Pupils have benefited from a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities including
cricket, gymnastics, football and drumming.
All of our children took part in Enterprise Activities-
Including the opportunity for Parents/ carers and extended friends in the community to
engage with the school showcasing learning and activities over the past year at an open
Baking for and serving at various community cafes over the past year.
Practising and performing two schools shows.
Cooking and serving a different breakfast each week which the whole school enjoy together.
Our pupils have been involved in improving our school through their help to create and
implement the schools new vision, values and aims and curriculum rationale.
Some of our primary 7 pupils took part in a Rotary Quiz with the Rotary Club. They
competed against a number of other schools in the area and did very well come 4th in the
first round.
This year also saw some of our usual activities taking place.
Our Primary 6/7 pupils took part in a residential week to the Compass Christian centre.
They all had a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Continued work on being an eco-school maintaining our eco school status by working
effortlessly on our school grounds, castle garden plot while learning about sustainability and
yet another entry into the ‘Formartine in bloom’ competition.

Wider Community Links
We have a strong link with the castle and castle grounds where we have a large plot to grow
vegetables. This link also ensures the children are continually learning about the history and
heritage of their local area.
The school also has a very strong link with the local church and minister, this also ensures
the children are continually learning about the history and heritage of their local area.
Our Parent council, pupils and staff got involved in our annual Christmas Fayre. The parent
council organise the superb fundraiser for the school which was well attended by all in the
Some of the children were candle bearers at the large charity event ‘Human Anchor of Light’
organised by ‘Eat on the green’ for friends of anchor. This event raised over £35,000.
Various members of the community help the children maintain the school grounds by helping
with planting and the up keep of the pond.
The children bake for and serve at a monthly community café. This is regularly attended by
members of the community, not just the parents.
In the last term of this session we held a ‘rhyme time’ for pre-school aged children. This was
very well attended and will continue into the next session.
The Udny community trust have provided grants for new outdoor play equipment and for a
literacy shed. This has been very popular with the children and the literacy shed will be
developed next session providing a space to encourage children to read and find enjoyment
in books.
We regularly provide articles to be published in the Pitmedden news letting the wider
community know what has been happening at Udny green.
The gymnastics club performed at the Udny Gala where the school grounds were also use to
help host this large community event.
You can also read