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                                                E U RO P E A N U R O L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X

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Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL):
Development and Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-
reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi

Hrishikesh B. Joshi a,b,*, Hans Johnson c, Amelia Pietropaolo d, Aditya Raja a,b, Adrian D. Joyce e,
Bhaskar Somani d, Joe Philip c, Chandra Shekhar Biyani e, Tim Pickles a
    School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; b Department of Urology, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, UK; c University of Bristol
Medical School, Bristol, UK; d University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK; e Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, UK

Article info

Associate Editor: Malte Rieken                                                      Keywords:
                                                                                    urinary calculi
                                                                                    health related quality of life
                                                                                    patient reported outcome

                                                                                    growing interest in the use of PROMs in routine HRQoL
                                                      * Corresponding author. Department of Urology, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff
                                                      CF14 4XW, UK. Tel. +44 29 20745151.
                                                      E-mail address: hrishi.joshi@wales.nhs.uk (H.B. Joshi).

1.          Introduction                                                            monitoring and medical audits [12]. A PROM can improve
                                                                                    the evidence base as long as the measure is appropriate and
Urolithiasis is a common condition with the prevalence of                           in accordance with international standards [13]. American
2–3% among the general population and 50% of patients                               Urological Association guidelines state that treatment deci-
likely to form further stones within 5 yr [1]. The prevalence                       sions about urinary calculi should incorporate patient pre-
rates reported range from 7% to 13% in North America, 5–9%                          ferences that are influenced by the HRQoL impact [14].
in Europe, and 1–5% in Asia [2]. The disease resulted in 550                           Attempts have been made to measure the HRQoL of
000 emergency room visits in the USA in 2009 and more                               patients with urolithiasis. Generic measures have been used
than 30 800 hospital admissions in England in a year                                for this, but often fail to elaborate on the clinically relevant
[3,4]. Stone patients miss an average of 47.9 h of work                             domains [8]. In the recent past, PROMs specific to urolith-
per year, with additional hours lost due to ambulatory care                         iasis targeted at different subpopulations have been devel-
visits [5]. There are different options for managing urinary                        oped [15–17]. It is now recognised that modern psychomet-
calculi with expectant, medical, or interventional treat-                           ric methods based on Rasch measurement theory (RMT)
ments [6], which can be multistaged and carry different                             should be integral to the development of such measures
risks and success rates. Temporary interventions such as                            [18–20].
indwelling ureteric stents add to the patient burden [7]. Uro-                         Our hypothesis was that the subjective QoL impact of
lithiasis and its treatment(s) have an adverse effect on                            stone disease and interventions can be measured objec-
health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and can compromise                           tively using a valid and reliable PROM developed using
all areas of patient functioning [8–10].                                            modern methodology. Our aim was to develop a core PROM,
    A patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) is a report                           incorporating RMT, to evaluate the impact of the entire
on a patient’s health condition that comes directly from the                        spectrum of upper-tract urinary calculi in a uniform way
patient [11]. In addition to their use in randomised con-                           and facilitate cross-comparison of the HRQoL impact of
trolled trials to assess treatment effectiveness, there is                          urolithiasis and interventions.

2405-4569/© 2020 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
    Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
EUF-1034; No. of Pages 8

2                                         E U RO P E A N U RO L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X

2.        Patients and methods                                               2.3.     Rasch analysis

We followed international PROM guidelines for the devel-                     Phase 4 assessed different properties of the USIQoL such as
opment and validation of the Urinary Stones and Interven-                    item and person locations, item fit (fit residuals and x2
tion Quality of Life (USIQoL) measure that would also                        statistics), Person Separation Index (PSI), response catego-
conform to the COSMIN (Consensus-based Standards for                         ries, and local dependence (Table 1) [24]. Misfitting items
the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments) check-                      were removed in an iterative manner, with removal of a
list [20]. The multicentre developmental process comprised                   single item at a time, after which the analyses were run
five stages (ethical approval: 17/WA/0195, no. 138478,                       again.
217163). Adult patients with urolithiasis covering all index                    In phase 5, in addition to the analyses in phase 4, we
stone categories, representative of routine practice, were                   assessed: (1) differential item functioning (DIF) for the traits
invited to participate. The participants included patients                   age (four groups), sex, stone site (kidney/ureter), type of
with renal or ureteric stones with or without treatment(s).                  intervention, presence or absence of symptoms, and history
The key steps are outlined in Fig. 1.                                        of previous stones; (2) Smith’s test of unidimensionality
                                                                             [25]; and (3) the optimal scale structure and logit-based
2.1.      Development steps                                                  scoring.

2.1.1.   Phases 1–3                                                          2.4.     Traditional analysis (internal consistency and validity)
The work in phases 1–3, with patient interviews involving
many stakeholders, produced a working conceptual frame-                      In phase 4, interitem and corrected item-total correlations
work and an initial long draft of the questionnaire                          were calculated. Correlations between scales (EuroQoL EQ-
[8,21]. After pretesting, the revised draft was administered                 5D-5 L instrument, Short-Form-12 questionnaire, Hospital
in field test 1.                                                             Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Work Productivity and
                                                                             Activity Impairment Questionnaire [expected 0.3–0.5])
2.1.2.   Phase 4: field test 1                                               were assessed for criterion validity [26–29].
Field test 1 was undertaken to construct USIQoL scales and                      In phase 5, in addition to the analyses for phase 4, we
perform a preliminary psychometric evaluation in a large                     conducted tests of reliability (test-retest, patients with
sample to select the most appropriate items.                                 stable disease completing the USIQoL twice, 24–72 h apart)
                                                                             and validity (convergent) including both within- and
2.1.3.   Phase 5: field test 2                                               between-scale testing and responsiveness to change (sub-
Field test 2 was undertaken to comprehensively evaluate                      group completing the USIQoL before and after interven-
the shortened version generated from phase 4 to produce                      tional treatments at an interval of 4–16 wk).
the final draft. Patients also completed existing generic
questionnaires and those with an indwelling stent com-                       3.       Results
pleted the Ureteric Stent Symptoms Questionnaire (USSQ)
[22].                                                                        3.1.     Item generation

2.2.      Sample size considerations and statistical analysis                A total of 62/77 invited patients (mean age 51 yr) and
                                                                             30 family members participated in phases 1 and 2, gener-
The rule-of-thumb sample size recommendations for tradi-                     ating 106 themes and 10 broad headings. These were
tional analysis (10 subjects/item of the largest subscale                    mapped to a conceptual framework, with removal of dupli-
[18 items in the long draft; n = 180]) and Rasch analysis                    cations to create item sets [8,21]. A five-point rating scale
(n = 200 minimum and 400/500 maximum for four/five                           (ranging from “not at all” to “a lot”) was selected for the
class intervals) were followed for all assessments during                    initial draft (Fig. 1).
phases 4 and 5.
    A combination of traditional and RMT assessments was                     3.2.     Pretesting
conducted using a sophisticated mathematical measure-
ment model [23]. SPSS 25 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,                   Forty patients evaluated USIQoL, with minor changes to the
USA) was used to perform traditional (eg, Spearman corre-                    items providing preliminary evidence of its face content
lations) analysis. Rasch analysis (polytomous extended                       validity and clinical suitability. A review by clinicians con-
response category, partial credit model) was performed                       firmed its completeness. The revised versions, with 60 items
using RUMM 2030 software.                                                    including treatment items, were drafted for the first field
                                                                             test. This evaluated pain using different formats (frequency
                                                                             of mild to unbearable pain, intensity of worst, day-to-day as
                                                                             well as average pain; 10 items), physical and social health
                                                                             including sex life (18 items), psychological health (six

    Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
    Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
Table 1 –
Glossary of   EUF-1034; No. of Pages 8
                                                             E U R O P E A N U R O L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X                                               3
Generic patient-reported outcome measures

EQ-5D-3L: EuroQol 5-dimension, 3-level questionnaire. Descriptive system
for health-related quality of life states in adults; a preference-based measure
also used for economic appraisals to calculate quality-adjusted life years
SF-12: Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form-12 questionnaire. A 12-item
self-reported outcome measure assessing the impact of health on an
individual’s everyday life. Also used for preference-based utility (economic)
Disease- and intervention-specific patient-reported outcome measures
USIQoL: Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life questionnaire.
Quality-of-life measure specific for urinary stone (upper tract) disease and
WISQoL: Wisconsin Stone Quality of Life questionnaire. Quality-of-life
measure specific for kidney stone disease.
USSQ: Ureteral Stent Symptoms Questionnaire. Intervention-specific
measure to assess the impact of ureteral stents on quality of life.
HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Instrument used to measure
anxiety and depression in a general medical population of patients.
WPAI: Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Scale. Instrument used to
measure impairments in work.
Rasch measurement analysis terminology
(item = question, trait = patient/disease characteristics)
Logit range: For information on the scale to the sample target, a measure of
the match between the range of HRQoL (domains) measured with the
USIQoL and the range of HRQoL in the patient sample.
Targeting and Person Separation Index (PSI): Used to measure the reliability
of a scale. A questionnaire is perfectly targeted if the mean of the person is
the same as the mean of the items on the shared metric. PSI represents the
extent to which items distinguish between distinct levels of disease-specific
Item fit: The x2 statistic is used to confirm that the central property of item
invariance (the hierarchical ordering of the items) does not vary across the
trait measured. Fit residuals are used to assess differences between the
observed and expected data for each person and item.                           Fig. 1 – Steps in the development (phases 1–2) and evaluation (phases 3–5) of Urinary Stones
Ordered thresholds: Consistent use of the scale that corresponds to evidenceand Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL).
that the response categories represent increasing levels of the construct      HRQoL = health-related quality of life; EAU = European Association of Urology; BAUS = British
                                                                               Association of Urological Surgeons; AUA = American Urological Association; PROM = patient-
being measured (the correct ordering of the response categories is reflected
                                                                               reported outcome measure.
in successive thresholds).                                                     a
                                                                                 Construct definition: PROM development underpinned by the theory (conceptual base) and
Residual correlation: The extent to which each item is independent of the
others (helps to remove redundant questions).

                                                            items), work                         generic measures, range 0.3–0.8), demonstrating satisfac-
              performance (eight items), and travel/holiday issues (three                        tory early item level validity.
              items). Fourteen items addressed additional problems                                  Using an iterative approach, misfitting and redundant
              including treatments and help from health care providers                           items were removed to generate the revised versions for
              and family members, and one item on global health.                                 stone disease and interventions (20 and 24 items, respec-
                                                                                                 tively). These included five scales for pain, social health (five
              3.3.      Field test 1: item reduction and scale development                       items each), physical health, psychological health (four
                                                                                                 items each), and work (two items), with four treatment
              During the first field test, 212/250 patients completed the                        items ready for field test 2.
              questionnaires (Table 2). We evaluated psychometric prop-
              erties, considering this to be a single scale, and seven                           3.4.     Field test 2
              subscale formats.
                  Rasch analysis demonstrated important features of USI-                         In total, 369/390 patients participated in phase 5 (409 obser-
              QoL, including limitations, requiring modifications. All                           vations, 61 patients completed >1 [pre- and post-treat-
              scales indicated good to excellent reliability (PSI 0.62–                          ment] questionnaires), with 24/30 patients completing
              0.89; Table 3). However, for almost all scales, more than                          the test-retest study (Table 2).
              60% of the items had disordered thresholds (difficulty dis-
              tinguishing between responses “quite a bit” and “very                              3.4.1.   Rasch analysis
              much”) necessitating a change from five to four or two                             Rasch analysis demonstrated that most of the items in the
              response categories. Each scale had items with significant                         scales mapped out continua of increasing bother (Table 3).
              fit residuals (12–60%), and residual correlations (50–90%),                        The scales located items in a clinically sensible order with a
              indicating item redundancy.                                                        good sample match. Deviations from model expectations
                  Traditional analysis showed that USIQoL is a reliable and                      were marginal.Items excluded were pain (life interference,
              valid measure of the impact of stones on different domains.                        average and mild pain), social (sex, social life, and holiday),
              Reliability was excellent (total scale, a = 0.9, subscales, a =                    psychological (worry about kidney failing), and treatment
              0.6–0.9). The corrected item total (0.3–0.8) and interitem                         (diet and device). The two treatment items (medication,
              (0.4–0.9) correlations were satisfactory. Preliminary analy-                       water intake) were combined with the social scale. This
              ses of criterion validity were as expected (correlations with                      transformed the USIQoL into a final 15-item measure.

                Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
                Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
EUF-1034; No. of Pages 8

4                                                    E U RO P E A N U RO L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X

    Table 2 – Participant characteristics.

    Characteristic                                                                                         Field test 1                                Field test 2
                                                                                                           (n = 212/250)                               (n = 345/360)

    Mean/median age (yr)                                                                                   52.5/52                                     53.8/56
    Age range (yr)                                                                                         19–89                                       18–90
    Age group, n (%)
    16–40 yr                                                                                               64 (30)                                     98 (29)
    41–64 yr                                                                                               92 (43)                                     166 (48)
    65–80 yr                                                                                               50 (24)                                     74 (21)
    >80 yr                                                                                                 6 (3)                                       7 (2)
    Sex, n (%)
    Male                                                                                                   135 (64)                                    241 (69)
    Female                                                                                                 77 (36)                                     103 (31)
    Not recorded                                                                                                                                       1
    Bothersome pain, n (%)
    Yes                                                                                                    127 (65)                                    204 (60)
    No                                                                                                     73 (35)                                     138 (40)
    Not recorded                                                                                           12                                          3
    Site of stone, n (%)
    Kidney                                                                                                 147 (68)                                    225 (63)
    Ureter                                                                                                 62 (32)                                     115 (35)
    Not recorded                                                                                           3                                           5
    Previous stones, n (%)
    Yes                                                                                                    116 (56)                                    176 (52)
    No                                                                                                     84 (44)                                     162 (48)
    Not recorded                                                                                           12                                          7
    Paid employment (n)
    Yes                                                                                                    125                                         230
    No                                                                                                     81                                          115
    Not recorded                                                                                           6
    Current treatment(s), n (%)
    Medical (metabolic disorder)                                                                           13 (6)                                      28 (8.1)
    Shockwave lithotripsy                                                                                  73 (34.4)                                   122 (35.3)
    Surgical interventions (eg, URS/PCNL)                                                                  37 (18.3)                                   79 (22.8)
    Observation ( short-term medical treatment, eg, tamsulosin, analgesics)                               88 (41.3)                                   117 (33.8)
    Stent in situ                                                                                          16 (7.5)                                    33 (9.6)

    URS = ureteroscopy; PCNL = percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
     Test-retest data not included.

    Table 3 – Psychometric testing results from the Rasch analysis for field test 1 and field test 2.
                                                 a                      a                        b                                                                          d
    USIQoL scale                 Items (mean)          Persons (mean)       PSI Fit statistics                                      Disordered Residual correlation             U

                                 Locations FR          Locations FR             Items with FR outside 2.5 SD (n)Items with x2thresholds cItems with r score range > +0.3 (n)
                                 (logit range)         (logit range)                                             p > 0.001 (n)

    Field test 1 (n = 212)
    Total (59 items)             0.0           0.08 0.27              0.450.8814                                       10           55            56                            N
    Pain (10 items)              0.0           0.94 0.36              0.690.844                                        2            6             7                             N
    Physical + social (18 items) 0.0           0.46 0.08              0.600.894                                        2            16            12                            N
    Psychological (6 items)      0.0           0.88 0.34              0.980.891                                        1            0             3                             N
    Work (8 items)               0.0           0.85 1.10              0.620.817                                        5            8             6                             N
    Travel (3 items)             0.0           0.87 0.66              0.500.620                                        2            3             2                             N
    Field test 2 (n = 345 with 409 observations)
    Pain and Physical Health (6)0.00           0.880.08               0.610.720 ( 2.0 to +1.3)                         0            0             0 ( 0.3 to+0.07)              Y
    Psychosocial Health (7)      0.00          0.580.31               0.550.700 ( 1.0 to +0.3)                         0            0             0 ( 0.4 to +0.06)             Y
    Work (2)                     0.00          1.14 2.58              1.050.830 ( 1.3 to 0.9)                          0            0             0 ( 0.98)                     Y

    PSI = person separation index (measures the reliability of the scale; 0.7 is adequate); FR = fit residual; SD = standard deviation.
      Logit range: for information on the scale to the sample target, the match between the range of HRQoL measured with the USIQoL and the range of HRQoL in the
    patient sample.
      Item fit measured in terms of (1) fit residual (expected to lie between a mean of 0 and 2.5 SD) and (b) x2 statistic (should be less than the Bonferroni-corrected
    significance level).
      Disordered thresholds: response categories not working as intended (measured using item response curves and threshold maps).
      Residual correlation: the extent to which each item is independent of the others (should be
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                                             E U R O P E A N U R O L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X                                          5

3.4.2.   Revised scaling                                                         3.4.3.   DIF and unidimensionality
Items had superior fits when the five-scale structure was                        We evaluated all 15 questions and three scales against
changed to a three-scale form, combining pain and physical                       different patient subpopulations (Supplementary Table 1).
health domains (PPH; six items), psychological and social                        This confirmed good performance across traits. All three
health domains (PSH; seven items), and the work domain                           scales were unidimensional.
(two items). Fig. 2 demonstrates satisfactory item-threshold
distribution maps for the subscales.                                             3.4.4.   Traditional analysis
                                                                                 Traditional analysis confirmed that all three USIQoL scales
                                                                                 are reliable and valid measures for assessment of important

Fig. 2 – Person-item threshold distribution map for (A) Pain and Physical Health Scale (grouping set to interval length of 0.20, making 55 groups), (B)
Psychosocial Health Scale (grouping set to interval length of 0.20, making 45 groups), and (C) work (grouping set to interval length of 0.20, making
70 groups).
SD = standard deviation.

 Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
 Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
EUF-1034; No. of Pages 8

6                                                E U RO P E A N U RO L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X

domains across patient groups. Corrected item-total and                               4.       Discussion
interitem correlations supported the hypothesis that items
within scales measured a common underlying construct                                  The recurrent nature of urolithiasis and ensuing interven-
with good reliability. Test-retest correlations were excellent                        tions can result in a cumulative negative HRQoL impact. The
(0.81–0.92), indicating good scale stability (Table 4).                               impact can be assessed using PROMs, but this involves
   Criterion validity was tested extensively and hypothe-                             measurement challenges. Generic measures fail to capture
sised correlations between scores for USIQoL scales and                               this impact comprehensively. Hence, urolithiasis-specific
existing generic and domain-specific measures were con-                               PROMs have recently been developed. The Wisconsin Stone
sistent. We showed that there was very good correlation                               Quality of Life (WISQoL, 28 items) was the first measure
with the relevant domains between the USIQoL and USSQ                                 developed to assess the impact of stable urolithiasis and
scales. The USIQoL was responsive to change, as shown by a                            medical therapies [15–17]. It has undergone linguistic vali-
significant positive effect for all scale scores after                                dations, with wide applications in different studies.
intervention.                                                                            It is well recognised that measures that comply with
                                                                                      modern psychometric methods based on item response
3.4.5.     Final USIQoL measure and scoring                                           theory (RMT) are of higher quality [20]. In this respect,
The final USIQoL (three scales and 15 items; Supplementary                            the development of recent PROMs had a focus on specific
Table 2) is intended for self-administration, whereby                                 subgroups and involved only traditional methods. These do
patients rate the amount of bother attributed on a 4-point                            not cover key criteria in the COSMIN guidelines (content
scale (1 = not at all, 2 = a little, 3 = quite a bit, and 4 = a lot).                 development, sample size, use of RMT, unidimensionality).
The disease and intervention versions are similar and differ                             The new USIQoL is the first PROM to capture the HRQoL
only in the title time frame (since your “current stone                               impact of urolithiasis (acute and chronic) and interventions.
problems” or “current or most recent stone treatment”)                                It was developed using a combination of classical and RMT
to make the versions psychometrically valid. Scale scores                             approaches, with very few such measures in urology. In the
are generated by summing items and transferring to a 0–                               Rasch model, the probability of a specified response (right/
100 (logit) scale, with high scores indicating greater patient                        wrong answer) is modelled as a function of person and item
bother.                                                                               parameters. This is a unique mathematical modelling
                                                                                      approach based on a latent trait for which item values

    Table 4 – Summary of traditional psychometric analysis: field test 2.

    Test criterion                              USIQoL scales

                                                PPH (6 items)                PSH (revised 7-item scale; n = 156)                  Work performance (2 items)

    Cronbach’s a                               0.82                          0.75                                                 0.94
    Interitem correlation range                0.29–0.56                     0.11–0.59                                            0.89
    Item total correlation range               0.51–0.62                     0.0.35–0.58                                          NA
    Test-retest (n = 24)                       0.91                          0.83                                                 0.80
    Construct validity (correlation coefficient)
    EQ-5D-3 L (n = 346)
    Utility-total                                0.41                          0.36                                               0.02
    Pain/discomfort                            0.49                          0.39                                                 0.12
    Mobility                                   0.26                          0.24                                                   0.11
    Usual activities                           0.40                          0.42                                                 0.02
    Anxiety/depression                         0.28                          0.51                                                 0.12
    EQ-5D-Thermometer                            0.39                          0.45                                               0.01
    Physical health (PCS, n = 296)               0.53                          0.54                                                 0.00
    Mental health (MCS, n = 302)                 0.37                          0.46                                                 0.15
    WPAI (n = 67)                              0.46                          0.62                                                 0.7
    Anxiety (n = 166)                          0.47                          0.52                                                 0.08
    Depression (n = 163)                       0.54                          0.52                                                   0.00
    Pain (n = 14)                              0.71                          0.30                                                 NA
    Urinary symptoms (n = 14)                  0. 84                         0.56                                                 NA
    General health (n = 14)                    0.62                          0.87                                                 NA
    PPTS effect size (n = 57) a                0.6                           0.123                                                0.35

    PPH = Pain and Physical Health; PSH = Psychosocial Health; EQ-5D-3L: EuroQol 5-dimension, 3-level questionnaire; SF-12 = Medical Outcomes Study short-
    form questionnaire; PCS = physical component summary; MCS = mental component summary; WPAI = Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Scale; HADS
    = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; USSQ = Ureteral Stent Symptoms Questionnaire; PPTS = pre–post-treatment scale; NA = not applicable.
      We assessed the responsiveness of USIQoL by calculating effect sizes in a comparison of pre-intervention and post-intervention scale scores. We expected these
    to be positive, confirming a post-treatment improvement leading to reduced bother, but did not hypothesise a magnitude given the relatively smaller sample and
    the first application of the scales.

    Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
    Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
EUF-1034; No. of Pages 8

                                        E U R O P E A N U R O L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X                                 7

are calibrated, and person abilities are measured on a                      and its wider application would need linguistic and cross-
shared continuum that accounts for the latent trait. This                   cultural validation. Its application with existing measures,
provides an internally valid measure that is independent of                 such as WISQoL, could help in capturing a broader picture.
the particular sample; the findings for the sample can be                   Further USIQoL application, including in daily practice, will
extrapolated to the population for measurement of clini-                    investigate scale sensitivity to develop clinically relevant
cally meaningful differences [30,31].                                       thresholds. There is scope for adaptations to undertake
   The final 15-item selection for USIQoL was based on                      economic appraisals and compare emergent treatments
appraisals of the analyses against clinical relevance and                   and service evaluations that would guide patient-centred
measurement criteria. The psychometric evaluation                           care.
showed that all three scales satisfy criteria for acceptability,
validity, and reliability. The logit scoring for each scale offers          5.        Conclusions
different scores that allow clearer identification of the
impact across different domains. This would help in future                  In conclusion, USIQoL is a new three-scale, 15-item, single-
comparative studies and sample size calculations.                           page self-report instrument that measures the HRQoL
   The results from traditional validity assessments alone                  impact of stone disease and interventions. It has been
suggested that the long draft of the USIQoL satisfied most of               developed using modern psychometric methods. It is fit
the criteria, until RMT demonstrated many targeting pro-                    for valid and reliable comparisons at the micro level
blems (disordered responses, item redundancies). This                       (patients) and meso level (treatment groups, institutions).
highlighted the value of RMT in conducting item-level                       We expect USIQoL to serve as a core PROM for studies
analyses that guide precise item selection and rectify pro-                 looking at and comparing the effectiveness of treatments,
blems with scales. Our analysis demonstrated that the five-                 observational strategies, and quality of care, as well as an
stage mixed-methods approach was important because of                       adjunct to medical audits. This PROM is expected to
the complex assessments involved.                                           improve the evidence base and help toward better patient
                                                                            communication and shared decision-making.
4.1.   Strengths and limitations                                                Author contributions: Hrishikesh B. Joshi had full access
                                                                            to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the
Many aspects important to different stakeholders were                       integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
considered for the conceptual framework and subsequent                          Study concept and design: Joshi.
steps. Apart from construction of the necessary items and                       Acquisition of data: Johnson, Pietropaolo, Raja, Joshi.
scales based on the key themes, we carefully evaluated                          Analysis and interpretation of data: Joshi, Raja, Pickles.
whether there was a need for separate instruments for                           Drafting of the manuscript: Joshi, Biyani, Somani, Philip,
renal and ureteric stones, as well as the disease and inter-                Pickles.
ventions. We also looked at the demonstrable applicability                      Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual
of the PROM and the uniformity of the performance across                    content: Joshi, Joyce, Biyani, Pickles.
the entire disease spectrum. Our work indicated that QoL in                     Statistical analysis: Joshi, Pickles.
relation to different sites, diseases, and treatments is inter-                 Obtaining funding: Joshi.
linked and separate measures can pose psychometric diffi-                       Administrative, technical, or material support: Biyani,
culties. The USIQoL development phases demonstrated that                    Joshi, Joyce, Pickles.
formulation of a single integrated PROM gave a better model                     Supervision: Joshi, Biyani, Somani, Philip.
of item fit and performed well across patient, disease, and                     Other: None.
intervention groups, making USIQoL an appropriate core                          Financial disclosures: Hrishikesh B. Joshi certifies that
instrument.                                                                 all conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests
   All three scales of the USIQoL demonstrated very good                    and relationships and affiliations relevant to the subject
performance with proven unidimensionality. It was                           matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (eg,
observed that pain, along with physical symptoms, which                     employment/affiliation, grants or funding, consultancies,
drive most of the clinical assessments, have more visible                   honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony,
impact. The domain of pain, which is the most complex to                    royalties, or patents filed, received, or pending), are the
assess, was tested extensively before finalising its appro-                 following: None.
priate format for inclusion. Similarly, issues regarding work                   Funding/Support and role of the sponsor: This work was
are important to all stakeholders. The psychosocial scale is                supported by funding from the Urology Foundation. The
likely to be a good indicator of issues not evaluated rou-                  sponsor played a role in the design and conduct of the study.
tinely and the longer-term impact of the condition, which                       Acknowledgments: We thank the Urology Foundation
could drive treatment choices. USIQoL captures all these                    for partial funding. We are grateful to Prof. K. Sarica, Dr. F.
dimensions well, with the results quantified using modern                   Sangueodolce (European Association of Urology), Mr. A.
psychometric techniques. USIQoL can also help in reliable                   Dickinson and BAUS Endourology Committee Members,
combined HRQoL evaluation for stent subgroups.                              Prof. M. Monga, and Dr. Sri Sivalingam (American Urological
   There are certain limitations of the study and future                    Association). We also thank Prof. S. Salek for help with the
work would help to address these. USIQoL was developed                      study design.
and validated in the English-speaking population of the UK

 Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
 Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
EUF-1034; No. of Pages 8

8                                            E U RO P E A N U RO L O GY F O C U S X X X ( 2 019 ) X X X– X X X

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    Please cite this article in press as: Joshi HB, et al. Urinary Stones and Intervention Quality of Life (USIQoL): Development and
    Validation of a New Core Universal Patient-reported Outcome Measure for Urinary Calculi. Eur Urol Focus (2021), https://doi.org/
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