Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary

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Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary

       “Be still, and know that I am God!”
                                                         (Psalm 46:10)

                      Vacation Bible School 2018
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
2 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                             WELCOME TO HOLY NAME OF MARY
STAFFED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE                                              THE PARISH
            Fr. Peadar Cronin, SS.CC.                                           724 E. Bonita Avenue • San Dimas, CA. 91773
            Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC.                                   Phone (909) 599-1243
            Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC.
            Fr. Donal McCarthy, SS.CC                                                              Fax (909) 599-4230
            Fr. Bill Moore, SS.CC.                                              Office Hours
            Fr. John Roche, SS.CC.
            Fr. Jeremy Sabugo, SS.CC.                                           Sunday…………...9:00 am—2:30 pm
DEACONS                                                                         Monday-Friday ….9:00 am—7:00 pm
Al Austin .................... x.178                         Saturday…………9:00 am—12:00 pm
Marv Estey ..............
Jose Guadamuz....... x.110
Mario Lopez .......... x.110
Amante Pulido ... x.172
                                                                                WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE
STAFF                                                                           Saturday at 5:00 Pm, and 1st Saturday at 8:30 am.
Pastor............................. Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC.                    Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:30 pm (español) & 5:00 pm ....................................... x. 114
Associate Pastor ......... Fr. Jeremy Sabugo, SS.CC. ................................. x. 118                 DAILY MASS SCHEDULE
Secretary .......................................... Giselle Smith              Monday-Friday 8:30 am (English) .................................... x. 110
Director of Administration .....................Pat Joyce                       SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ........................................... x. 112            Saturday at 3:30 pm (English)
Director of Pastoral Ministry .......Charlie Martinez .................................... x. 140               ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT
Director of Music ......................... Trevor Thomson ..................................... x. 135               First Friday until 6:00 pm
Bereavement & Marriage .................. Brenda Luna .................................... x. 137                EARLY MORNING ADORATION
Staff Accountant ............................ Salah Bahouth                     Weekday Mornings 6:00 am—8:30 am ...................................... x. 198               (Sign-up sheet in the narthex of the church)
Administrative Assistant ................. Michele Cote ................................... x. 199                LITURGY OF THE HOURS
Volunteer Coordinator ...................... Lani Galvan ......................................... x. 111             Monday-Saturday after Adoration Exposition
Communications Coordinator ...... Gabby Pedrego ................................... x. 136                  MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL
Catechetical Programs Coord. ....... Melanie Bailey                             Domingo 12:30 pm y Cada Miercoles a las 6:30 pm .................................. x. 232
Youth & Confirmation Coord. ....... Candice Brown                               El Primer Miercoles hay Misa y la Uncion de los Enfermos. .................................. x. 234                 el Segundo Miercoles hay un Servicio de comunion.
Rel. ED. Admin. Assistant ......... Erika Montenegro                            El tercer miercoleS hay misa y confesiones. ........................................ x. 280             El Cuarto miercoles hay Servicio de Comunion
Youth Min. Admin. Assistant ......... Jamie Alarcon                             el Quinto miercoles hay servicio de comunion ...................................... x. 220
Receptionist ...................................... Maria Triska ........................... x. 110
Marriage Annulments ..... MaryAnn Brewer-Nolan
............................................................... (626)484-1355
St. Vincent de Paul Society..........................x. 138                                  Gathered with Mary
Holy Name of Mary School
                                                                                        as one family in the Eucharist,
124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773
Principal...................................... Debbie Marquez                        We are called to live the love of Jesus. ............................... x. 226                                          Holy Name of Mary Mission Statement
                      Phone: (909) 542-0449
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
FROM THE PASTOR                                                                       August 5, 2018           3

My dear sisters and brothers

As you read the following reflections I hope you may       I’ve learned…That the Lord didn’t do it all in one day.
come away with an enlightened and enlarged perspec-        What makes me think I can?
tive on life. These all affect us on a daily basis. They   I’ve learned…That to ignore the facts does not change
were written by Andy Rooney a man who had a gift of        the facts.
saying so much with so few words.                          I’ve learned…That when you plan to get even with
                                                           someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt
I’ve learned…That the best classroom in the world is at    you.
the feet of an elderly person.                             I’ve learned…That love, not time, heals all wounds.
I’ve learned…That when you’re in love, it shows.           I’ve learned…That the easiest way for me to grow as a
I’ve learned…That just one person saying to me, “You’ve    person is to surround myself with people smarter than I
made my day!” makes my day.                                am.
I’ve learned…That having a child fall asleep in your       I’ve learned…That everyone you meet deserves to be
arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.    greeted with a smile.
I’ve learned…That being kind is more important than        I’ve learned…That there’s nothing sweeter than sleeping
being right.                                               with your babies and feeling their breath on your
I’ve learned…That you should never say no to a gift        cheeks.
from a child.                                              I’ve learned…That no one is perfect until you fall in love
I’ve learned…That I can always pray for someone when       with him or her.
I don’t have the strength to help him in some other way.   I’ve learned…That life is tough, but I’m tougher.
I’ve learned…That sometimes all a person needs is a        I’ve learned…That opportunities are never lost; someone
hand to hold and a heart to understand.                    will take the ones you miss.
I’ve learned…That simple walks with my father around       I’ve learned…That when you harbor bitterness, happi-
the block on summer nights when I was a child did won-     ness will dock elsewhere.
ders for me as an adult.                                   I’ve learned…. That I can’t choose how I feel, but I can
I’ve learned…That we should be glad God doesn’t give       choose what I do about it.
us everything we ask for.
I’ve learned…That it’s those small daily happenings that
make life so spectacular.                                With a larger perspective of the life we are living and
I’ve learned…That under everyone’s hard shell is some- my love,
one who wants to be appreciated and loved.               Fr. Rich, SS.CC.
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary

Baby Adrian James Castanda,
John Allen, Vivian Allen, Mary      SATURDAY, AUGUST 4TH
Mckeon, Mike Mckeon, Raymond
Gonzalez, Irma Guzman, Marian       8:30 AM    D    Int. Glen and Margie Le Master, Int. Jesus ozeda
Weishedel, Carolyn Gilman, Jim
Gilman, Dyani Davis, Carmelita                      Manuel veloso, anita platania, Salvatore vasta,
McKeehan, Robert Coppack,           5:00 pm    C    joseph marquez, rizalino conception, dale Thomas
Glenda Stone, Margaret Perry,                       Farley
Jose Luis Tapia, Onesima Miclat,
Guencho Reza, Maria Recio,          SUNDAY, AUGUST 5TH
Maria Matilde Jimenez, Manny
Realyvasquez, Bernard “Bernie”      8:00 Am    D    Int. people of the parish
Jones, Nadine Rubalcaba
Sanchez, Rodezno Family, Henry                      Pete kuzmickas , int. diana Saldana, int. tina montoua,
Mamacho, Toni Mejia, Dan            10:00 Am   D    int. Christina lee, Miguel megron, int. dennis paragas,
Oriente, Mark Gonzalez, Joanne                      ben paragas, bill cummins, Francisco muno,z, Oscar
Liscomb-Wade, Rosa Maria                            gonzales
                                                    Aureliano y carmen nava, int. Yolanda Larios, int. mary
Prayer is the best gift of love     12:30 pm   CP   Valencia, int familia betancourtm Lupita Gonzalez
you can give anyone you love.                       Shahab, Anthony ruelas
          - St. Teresa of Kolkata                   Nieves lizard, Julia & Emmanuel ballo, int. knight
                                    5:00 pm    D    family, jim Rasmussen, james Cronin, zenaida oupiano,
                                                    Rodolfo petisme, int. Jack cook

                                    MONDAY, AUGUST 6TH
IN MEMORIAM                                         Robert Krause, SHawnetter Garber, Int. Connie Carter,
                                    8:30 Am    WM   angelita perry, int. Margaret perry, int. Mabelle de
     Elaine Corby                                  leon, int. rose Figueroa
     Hermelinda Salem
     Margaret Madrid               TUESDAY, AUGUST 7TH
     Camille McGath                                Int. taylorbishop, Nadine rubalcaba sanchez, int. Ray-
                                    8:30 am    WM   mond Gonzalez, helen-monica jabara, Sonia orr, Ange-
                                                    lina Gonzalez, int. greg espinoza

Week of August 5, 2018:
                                                      Ciriaca Tesoro, Marciano bacus, del hook, mary
Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15/Ps 78:3-4,   8:30 am   S     jabara, ray Hernandez jr, int. Claudia tice,
23-24, 25, 54 [24b]/Eph 4:17, 20-24/
Jn 6:24-35
Monday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9TH
5-6, 9 [1a, 9a]/2 Pt 1:16-19/Mk 9:2-
10                                                    Maria Isabel Aviles, Clifford Viernes, veronica
Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Ps 8:30 AM    S     jabara, Richard butros,
102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23 [17]/
Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14          FRIDAY, AUGUST 10TH
Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7/Jer 31:10, 11-
12ab, 13 [cf. 10d]/Mt 15:21-28
Thursday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:12-13,   8:30 AM   S     Peter marquez, joseph jabara
14-15, 18-19 [12a]/Mt 16:13-23
Friday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-6,          NEXT WEEKEND: 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
7-8, 9 [5]/Jn 12:24-26
Saturday: Hb 1:12--2:4/Ps 9:8-9, 10-                   PRIEST MASS SCHEDULE: 5:00 PM—S,
11, 12-13 [11b]/Mt 17:14-20               SUN. 8:00 AM—S, 10:00 AM—C, 12:30 PM—D, 5:00 PM—D,
                                        PRESIDER KEY* C=peadar Cronin D=Rich Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis
                                       WM=Bill Moore R=John Roche S=Jeremy Sabugo CP=Comboni Priest
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP, TIME AND TALENT                                                   August 5, 2018            5
PLANNED GIVING                                                                   NATIONAL NEEDS
None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself. For if we live, we    COMBINED COLLECTION
live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we        This weekend, August 4 & 5, a
live or die, we are the Lord's. - Romans 14: 7-8                                  Special Collection will be taken up
                                                                                  for the National Needs Combined
Consider one of the greatest acts of stewardship an individual can make by Collection. This collection benefits
establishing an estate plan. Everyone should have an estate plan compris- Black and Indian Missions, The
ing of either a will or a trust. A will is a legal document that allows you to    Catholic University of America,
control how your assets are distributed after your lifetime. Without a will,      The Catholic Communications Cam-
the probate court will decide who acquires your assets upon your death.           paign and Catholic Home Missions
 Typically, the court will divide your assets between your surviving spouse       Appeal. Envelopes are located at
and children, or your blood relatives. The court will not provide for any         the ends of every pew. You may
charitable intentions you may have.                                               deposit your envelope in the regular
                                                                                  collection during Mass or in the
A trust allows you to control how your assets are distributed both during         parish office during the week.
and after your lifetime. Establishing a trust requires that you transfer own- We continue to be grateful for you
ership or title of your assets to the name of your trust. Since the trust owns generosity.
the assets, there is nothing for the courts to control when you die. This is
beneficial since, unlike a will, you avoid all the costs, delays and publicity of
the probate process. However, depending on its complexity, a trust can be SUMMERTIME
more expensive to create than a will.                                             “Summertime and the living is
                                                                                  easy.” That’s what the favorite old
Most importantly, an estate plan allows you to determine how and to whom song says. The living may be easy,
the gifts God has bestowed on you will be distributed when you can no but often the giving is not. Summer
longer serve as your own steward. For detailed questions on wills or trusts, collections often drop significantly in
contact an estate planning attorney.                                              our parish because of vacation trav-
                                                                                  el, sports schedules and other activi-
If you are planning on giving to a charity, please consider Holy Name of ties that cause parishioners to attend
Mary as part of your estate plan. For more information, please contact Pat Mass in other parishes. If you would
Joyce, Director of Administration, Holy Name of Mary Parish 909-599- like to make your giving easy and
1243 x 112 or                                                  consistent this summer, please consid-
                                                                                  er our electronic giving option. Cur-
BULLETIN ADVERTISING                                                              rently over 300 parish families are
                                                                                  using this simple and secure way to
If you are interested in learning more about placing an ad in our bulletin,
                                                                                  make and track their parish giv-
please contact Travis Lawmaster at 909.235.4855, or by email at
                                                                                  ing. If you would like to learn more, Placing an ad in our bulletin raises visibility for your
business in the community, and functions as a charitable donation to the par- please contact Michele Cote 909-
                                                                                  599-1243 x 199 or Pat Joyce 909-
ish also, which helps us tremendously. We thank all of our current and fu-
                                                                                  599-1243 x 112 or check out our
ture advertisers for their support, and encourage our parish members to
                                                                                  website at
patronize their businesses.”

                                                                  July 28th & 29th, 2018
                                                                     Weekly             Fiscal         YTD vs. Last
                                                                                     Year-to-date          Year

                                             Offertory at            $27,197                            +$20,643
                                                Masses                                                   +13.55%
   Thank you for your generosity to          Online Giving            $4,612
     Holy Name of Mary Parish              Total Offertory           $31,809         $172,993.46
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary

                                      THE JOURNEY
                                      The journey through grief is never easy. Families and friends affected by a
                                      sudden violent death is especially traumatic. There is never “getting over it”
                                      however you can learn to live with what has happened and in time the in-
                                      tense pain subsides and some semblance of everyday life unfolds. Under-
SOLEMNITY OF THE                      standing and expressing these feelings helps survivors, and over time with
                                      the support of others, come to help and reconcile their loss.
BLESSED VIRGIN MARY                   Our parish is pleased to be offering a 10 week program for those impact-
                                      ed by violent death through an accident, suicide, homicide, drunk driving or
VIGIL MASS:                           domestic violence. Our country experiences over 50,000 violent deaths
Tuesday, August 14th at 7:00 pm       annually, and from that there could be an additional ten to fifteen people
                                      connected to the victim who are significantly impacted by this loss.
Wednesday, August 15th at 8:30 pm This unique program uses the healing art of restorative retelling in a safe
(English Mass)                    and Christ centered environment. The Journey is being run by trained facili-
                                  tators Brenda Luna and Diana Saldana. Applicants must be interviewed
Wednesday, August 15th at 6:30 pm before beginning the program to ensure readiness and commitment for this
           (Spanish Mass)         10 week program. Our program begins on Wednesday, August 22nd
                                  ending on Wednesday, October 24th, held each Wednesday from 6:00 to
                                  8:00 here in our parish office. Please email Brenda Luna at
                         or call 909-593-2218 ext. 137 to find out more
                                  about this program. We will be offering this program again later in 2018.

                                      PRAYER AND LIFE WORKSHOP
                                      Would you like to have a more meaningful prayer life? Come join a special
                                      class for learning how to pray. By seeking God in prayer, you will find your
                                      life changing for the better. The prayer and Life Workshop consist of 15
                    Follow            weekly sessions that provide a carefully structured school for learning the
                                      art of prayer. You will learn and practice different ways to pray and you
                    Fr. Rich          will become very familiar with the Bible because you will use it every day
                   on twitter!        for 15 weeks during your private time for prayer and meditation. Come to
                                      see for yourself what it’s all about. The sessions will begin Monday August
                                      13th, at Holy Name of Mary 724 E Bonita Ave. San Dimas. The class will
                                      begin at 7:00 pm in room 203.
                                      For registration or information please call Fred at 626 485 6499 or
                                      Cris at 626 485 0590.
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
FUNDRAISERS AND DRIVES                                                              August 5, 2018             7
                                                                              COFFEE & DONUTS
                                                                              Hosted By: Spanish
                                                                              Adult Confirmation

                                                                              Adult Confirmation is for those 18
                                                                              years or over who have been
                                                                              baptized and received First
                                                                              Eucharist but have not received the
                                                                              Sacrament of Confirmation.
                                                                              Program runs from January through
Last Sunday, the Knights of Columbus hosted their traditional pancake         Every week a different ministry hosts
breakfast fundraiser in the Pavilion where almost 200 meals were served.      Coffee & Donuts Fellowship. Come meet
                                                                              them as you enjoy a delicious donut &
The proceeds raised by these and other fundraisers throughout the year by     coffee.
the Knights of Columbus help support the many ministries at Holy Name of
Mary and the local community. Some of the groups that benefit include The
Boy Scouts, St. Vincent de Paul, the Winter Shelter, HNM Family Festival,
HNM Book Ministry, San Dimas, H.E.R.O.E.S., Vacation Bible School, Bonita's
Children, along with many many others. Last year, the Knights of Columbus
donated over $11,000 in support of ministries and local charities.

Any male parishioner
interested in wanting to
join the Knights to serve
and support the parish
can feel free to contact
Grand Knight Marty
Gallegos at
626-589-1711 or

Has God placed a desire to serve in your heart?
Do you have a passion for sharing your faith with others?
HNM’s Faith Formation Office is looking for you!

We are in need of dedicated and caring adult volunteers who’d love to
help our elementary, middle school, and/or high school children!

To volunteer with grades Age 3—Grade 5
please contact Melanie ( 909-599-1243 ext.232

To volunteer with grades 6 -grade 12 please contact Candice
909-599-1243 ext.234

Whoever serves me must follow me, and
where I am, there also will my friend be.
The Father will honor whoever serves me
(John 12:26).
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
8 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                             MINISTRY EVENT NEWS
Thursday, August 23 from 6 – 9 pm
in Faith Formation Rooms 204-205
RSVP to Melanie at

Plans are underway for this year’s
Veterans Day Mass on Saturday
November 10th. While we remember
and honor all veterans, this year we
would like to give special recognition
to those of you who have served in
the Middle-East conflicts; Desert
Shield, Desert Storm, Operation
Enduring Freedom, etc. We would
like to include your stories in the
program for the Mass.

Please contact Joe Martinez at
909-418-4386 or
                                         For more information:
FILIPINO MINISTRY                        Candice Brown (909)599-1243 Ext. 234 or
The Filipino Community of Holy Name
of Mary will hold a meeting on Mon-
day, August 13th at 7:00PM in Room
202. The community will be discuss-
ing their upcoming events for the fis-
cal year including the Simba Gabi
Mass and Santo Nino Celebration.
Please join us and assist with the
planning of new ideas and communi-
ty building.

                                                TICKETS ON SALE AFTER WEEKDAY MORNING 8:30 AM MASS.
                                                 FOR MORE INFO. CALL DN. AMANTE IN THE PARISH OFFICE
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
MINISTRY NEWS                                                                August 5, 2018          9

                           Caring Through Cancer …
                           Gather with us and Fr. Bill in this sacred time and sacred space as we
                           listen and share our journeys of caring through cancer as one faith-filled

                           Join us on Monday, August 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the Hall for All
                           for an evening in prayer and fellowship, sharing our journey through
                           cancer and with those who care for us.

                           Hosted by our Healthcare and Wellness Ministry.

                           If you have any questions or need any information, please call
                           Lani at 909.599.1243, ext. 111 or email
                           or Dn. Amante or Christina at 909.599.1243, ext. 172 or email

                              Get a ride to cancer treatment!
                             Call to find a ride near you 1-800-227-2345

Lyft Begins Offering Free Rides to Cancer Patients in Los Angeles Area in conjunction with the
American Cancer Society’s Road To Recovery program.

                             Or … Volunteer to be a driver in your area!

Every day thousands of cancer patients need a ride to treatment, but some may not have a way to get
there. The American Cancer Society Road To Recovery program provides transportation to and from
treatment for people with cancer who do not have a ride or are unable to drive themselves.

How does the program work?

Depending on your individual needs and what’s available in your area, we will:
 Coordinate a ride with an American Cancer Society volunteer driver
 Coordinate a ride with a local organization that has partnered with us to provide transportation
Refer you to a local resource you can contact for help

Am I eligible?

Patients must be traveling to a cancer-related medical appointment. Other eligibility requirements may
apply. For example, a caregiver may need to accompany a patient who cannot walk without help, or is
under age 18. Contact us to find out what is available in your area, and what the specific requirements

It can take several business days to coordinate your ride, so please call us at 1-800-227-2345
well in advance of your appointment date.
Vacation Bible School 2018 - "Be still, and know that I am God!" - Holy Name of Mary
MEDITACION DEL PADRE RICH                                                          August 5, 2018 11
Mis queridos hermanas y hermanos,                                                          Solemnidad de
                                                                                           la Asuncion de
Mientras lees las siguientes reflexiones espero que tu puedas salir con una                Maria
perspectiva ilustrada y ampliada de la vida. Todas ellas nos afectan a dia-
rio. Fueron escritos por Andy Rooney un hombre que tenía el don de decir                        MISA el
tanto con tan pocas palabras.                                                                   miercoles 15
                                                                                                de Agosto a
   He aprendido ..... Que el mejor salón de clase en el mundo está a los                        las 6:30 pm
   pies de un anciano.
   He aprendido ..... Que cuando estás enamorado, se nota.
   He aprendido ..... Que cuando una persona me dice: "Usted ha hecho         CLASES EN ESPAÑOL
   mi día!" me alegra el día.                                                 Si usted ha recibido el llamado a
   He aprendido ..... Que tener un niño durmiendo en tus brazos es uno        servir como Ministro Extraordinario
                                                                              de la Sagrada Comunión, esta es su
   de los sentimientos más pacíficos del mundo.                               oportunidad.
   He aprendido ..... Que ser bondadoso es más importante que tener la
   razón.                                                                     Se estarán impartiendo clases de
   He aprendido ..... Que nunca debes decir no a un regalo de un niño.        preparación a partir del lunes 13
   He aprendido ..... Que yo siempre puedo rezar por alguien cuando no        de Agosto, de 6:30 a 9:00 pm du-
                                                                              rante cuatro lunes consecutivos. La
   tengo la fuerza para ayudarlo de alguna otra manera.                       inscripción es gratuita pero es indis-
   He aprendido ..... Que a veces todo lo que necesita una persona es         pensable atender a todas las se-
   una mano para sostener y un corazón para entender.                         siones.
   He aprendido ..... Que las simples caminatas con mi padre alrededor
   de la manzana, en las noches de verano cuando yo era niño, hizo            Más información, comunicarse con
   maravillas para mí ya como adulto.                                         Elsie o Ernesto Escobar al número
                                                                              (909) 592-7532 (y dejar mensaje,
   He aprendido ..... Que debemos estar contentos que Dios no nos da          que será correspondido) o escribir
   todo lo que pedimos.                                                       a
   He aprendido . Que son esos pequeños sucesos cotidianos los que
   hacen la vida tan espectacular.
   He aprendido ..... Que debajo de la dura coraza de cada uno, hay
   alguien que quiere ser apreciado y amado.
   He aprendido ..…Que el Señor no lo hizo todo en un dia. Que me
   hace pensar que yo puedo?
   He aprendido ..... Que ignorar los hechos no los cambia
   He aprendido … Que cuando planeas vengarte de alguien, solo estás
   dejando que esa persona continúe haciendote daño
   .He aprendido…. Que el amor, no el tiempo, cura todas las heridas.
   He aprendido…. Que la forma más fácil para mí para crecer como
   persona es rodearme de gente más inteligente que yo.                       ¿SABÍA USTED?
   He aprendido … Que todos los que conoces merecen ser saludados       El Artículo 12 de los Obispos de la
   con una sonrisa.                                                     Conferencia Católica de los Estados
                                                                        Unidos Estatuto para la Protección de
   He aprendido … Que no hay nada más dulce que dormir con tus          Niños y Jóvenes llama para que todas
   bebés y sentir su aliento en tus mejillas.                           las diócesis mantengan “programas
   He aprendido … Que nadie es perfecto hasta que te enamoras de él     para un ambiente seguro.” A través
                                                                        de VIRTUS® programas de prevención
   o de ella.                                                           del abuso sexual de niños, la Ar-
   He aprendido ....Que la vida es dura, pero yo lo soy más.            quidiócesis continúa cumpliendo este
   He aprendido ....Que las oportunidades nunca se pierden, alguien     compromiso. Desde 2002, la Ar-
   tomará las que tú dejaste ir.                                        quidiócesis de Los Ángeles ha entrena-
                                                                        do a 329,000 adultos para proactiva-
   He aprendido . .Que cuando das refugio a la amargura, la felicidad   mente proteger a los niños y jóvenes
   se acomoda en otros lugares                                          contra el abuso sexual de niños, y ha
   He aprendido …Que no puedo elegir como me siento, pero puedo         capacitado a más de 1.4 millones ni-
                                                                        ños y jóvenes para protegerse ellos
   elegir lo que hago al respecto.                                      mismos contra el abuso sexual.
                                                                        Para más información,
Con una perspectiva más amplia de la vida que estamos viviendo y con mi visite
amor, Fr.Rich, SS.CC.
MONDAY                            August 6      TUESDAY                          August 7        WEDNESDAY                       august 8

6:00 AM    Adoration               CHURCH       6:00 AM   Adoration                CHURCH        6:00 AM Adoration                 CHURCH
                                                8:30 AM   Daily Mass               CHURCH
                                                                                                 8:30 AM Daily Mass                CHURCH
8:30 AM    Daily Mass              CHURCH       9:00 AM   Rosary Group             Chapel
                                                          Amazing Greys                          9:00 AM Rosary Group              Chapel
9:00 AM    Rosary Group            Chapel       9:30 AM   Dancersize               HALL
                                                                                                 6:00 PM EDGE Night                HALL
10:00 AM Tito Paredes              CHURCH       10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group      Chapel                Spanish
                                                                                                 6:30 PM Communion Service         CHURCH
6:00 PM    Miracle Monday Rosary Chapel         10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry     FF 206
                                 Faculty                                                        7:00 PM Spanish choir Practice     CHURCH
                                                          Boundless Compassion
7:30 PM    AA Weekly Meeting     Room                                                                                              Damien
                                                1:00 PM   Book Circle               Damien Room
           Hispanic Council      Damien                                                         7:00 PM RCIA Weekly Meeting        Room
                                                6:00 PM   Lectores (Ensayo)         CHURCH
7:00 PM    Meeting               Room                                                                   Spanish Marriage
                                                                                                7:00 PM Ministry                   FF 204
                                                6:00 PM   Shield's Steering Meeting OLG
                                                                                                        Spanish Marriage
                                                          Forever Grateful
                                                                                                7:00 PM Ministry                   FF 205
                                                7:00 PM   Prayer Group              Chapel
                                                7:00 PM   Junta de lectores         OLG         7:00 PM Cresimiento                FF 206
                                                7:15 PM   Boy Scouts PLC Meeting FF 203          7:00 PM Centering Prayer        Workroom
                                                                                                         Maravillas Coordination
                                                7:15 PM   Shield Weekly Meeting    FF 204        7:15 PM Meeting                 FF 203
 THURSDAY                       august 9         FRIDAY                          august 10        SATURDAY                        august 11

6:00 AM Adoration                   CHURCH      6:00 AM Adoration                   CHURCH       6:00 AM   Adoration               CHURCH
                                                                                                           Retiro "Remar Mar
8:30 AM Daily Mass                  CHURCH      8:30 AM Daily Mass                  CHURCH       8:00 AM   Adentro"                HALL
                                                9:00 AM Rosary Group                Chapel       8:30 AM  Communion Service        CHURCH
9:00 AM Rosary Group                Chapel
                                                        Archdiocese Ministry                              Preschool Family
        Boy Scouts Weekly                       6:30 PM Formation Meetings          HALL
7:00 PM Meeting                     HALL                                                         10:00 AM Potluck                  Pavilion
                                                7:00 PM Reunion of Prayer Group     Chapel       10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry    FF 201
7:00 PM Choir Practice              CHURCH
        Boy Scouts                  Hall Room   7:00 PM Reunion of Prayer Group     FF 203-205   3:30 PM   Reconciliation          CHURCH
7:00 PM Parent Meeting              B                   Cursillo School
                                                7:00 PM of Leadership               FF 202       5:00 PM   Mass                    Chapel
7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry       OLG
                                                                                                 5:00 PM   Mass                    CHURCH

 SUNDAY                         August 12                             DID YOU KNOW? Ongoing Training
                                                                      Article 12 of the United States Catholic Conference of
8:00 AM   Mass                      CHURCH                            Bishops Charter for the Protection of Children and Young
10:00 AM Mass                       CHURCH
                                                                      People calls for all dioceses to maintain “safe environ-
                                                                      ment programs.” Through the VIRTUS® child sexual
12:30 PM Spanish Mass               CHURCH                            abuse prevention programs, the Archdiocese continues to
                                    Faculty                           fulfill this commitment. Since 2002, the Archdiocese of Los
3:00 PM   New Parent Orientation    Room                              Angeles has trained 329,000 adults to proactively pro-
3:00 PM   Life Teen Music Rehearsal CHURCH                            tect children and young people from child sexual abuse,
                                                                      and has empower more than 1.4 million children and
5:00 PM   Life Teen Mass            CHURCH                            young people to protect themselves from child sexual
                                                                      abuse. For more information, visit

                                                                      VISIT OUR WEBSITE
                                                                      For Holy Name of Mary’s Upcoming Events, Sacrament
                                                                      Information, Photo Albums, Previous Bulletins and more,
                                                                      please visit
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