Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs in southwestern Sweden

Page created by Ross Cortez
Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 595-604, 2007
© IAVS; Opulus Press Uppsala.
                     - Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs -                     595

                  Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions
              on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs in southwestern Sweden

                                     Gunnarsson, Urban1* & Flodin, Lars-Åke2
           1Department   of Plant Ecology, EBC, Uppsala University, Villavägen 14, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden;
                            2County Administration Board of Halland, 301 86 Halmstad, Sweden;

                      *Corresponding author; Fax +46 18553419; E-mail

Abstract                                                            Introduction
Question: Is ombrotrophic bog vegetation in an oceanic re-
gion of southwestern Sweden changing in the same direction               One of the major challenges in vegetation monitoring
over a five year period (1999 - 2004) as northwest European          is to disentangle short-term vegetation fluctuations from
bogs in the last 50 years, i.e. towards drier and more eutrophic
                                                                    long-term vegetation succession (Økland & Eilertsen
Location: The province of Halland, southwestern Sweden.             1996; Økland et al. 2004). Probably the only way to dis-
Methods: Changes in species composition were monitored in           tinguish the nature of the vegetation change is to follow
750 permanently marked plots in 25 ombrotrophic bogs from           the vegetation over a long time period in permanent plots
1999 to 2004. Changes in species occurrences and richness           (Austin 1981). Fluctuations in the vegetation depend on
were analysed and a multivariate statistical method (DCA)           short term (annual) variation in the local climate and/or
was used to analyse vegetation changes.                             other external factors. Meanwhile, persistent trends in
Results: The species composition changed towards wetter             vegetation depend on long-lasting directional changes
rather than drier conditions, which is unlike the general pattern   in the climate and/or in other external or internal factors.
of vegetation change on bogs in northwestern Europe. Species
                                                                    One way to differentiate long- versus short-term trends
typical of wetter site conditions including most Sphagnum
species increased in abundance on the bogs until 2004. The          is to analyse the persistence of species between years
total number of species per plot increased, mostly due to the       (Økland 1994, 1995; Nordbakken 2000). Changes in
increased species richness of Sphagnum species. Nitrogen-           highly dynamic species may be considered as natural
demanding (eutrophic) species increased in occurrence.              fluctuations, meanwhile changes in highly persistent spe-
Conclusions: Ombrotrophic bog vegetation in an oceanic re-          cies may be considered as part of directional vegetation
gion in Sweden became wetter and was resilient to short-term        trends. A complementary strategy is to monitor climatic
climatic shifts, after three years of below normal precipitation    conditions so that changes caused by climatic conditions
followed by several years with normal precipitation levels.         can be distinguished from other deterministic trends in
Shifts towards more nitrogen demanding species were rapid
                                                                    the vegetation. Ultimately, the identification of short-term
in this region where the deposition levels have been high for
several decades.                                                    fluctuations versus long-term trends may be important
                                                                    to develop cost effective conservation regimes for the
                                                                    long-term management of ecosystems.
Keywords: Eutrophication; Monitoring; Species richness;
                                                                         During the last century, several models of succes-
Sphagnum; Vascular plant; Vegetation change.                        sion for ombrotrophic bogs have been proposed, but
                                                                    these models generally do not consider the dynamics of
                                                                    particular species or vegetation types due to shorter term
Nomenclature: Karlsson (1997) for vascular plants; Söder-           climatic variations. One of the most influential models
ström & Hedenäs (1998) for bryophytes; Moberg et al. (1995)         has been the classic hydrosere of bog succession in which
for lichens.                                                        open bogs stage would eventually be replaced with a
                                                                    forest stage. This hydrosere model have been criticised
                                                                    by several authors who argued that open ombrotrophic
                                                                    bogs could be an alternate climax stage (Walker 1970;
                                                                    Klinger et al. 1990; Klinger 1996). When looking at
                                                                    stratigraphical studies on open peatlands of northwestern
                                                                    Europe, it is clear that many of these peatlands have been
                                                                    covered with trees during warm and dry periods (e.g.
                                                                    Lundqvist 1955; Godwin 1975). A change to colder and
                                                                    wetter climate has later turned these ecosystems back to
596                                           Gunnarsson, U. & Flodin, L.-Å.

open bogs. Such patterns show that climate may drive a          with drying up, reduced Sphagnum-cover was observed
variety of stable stages to occur over time and in regions      in southeast Norway (Nordbakken 2001) and in southern
with different climate and local environmental conditions       Sweden (Malmer & Wallén 1999); in both these areas,
(Glaser & Janssens 1986; Davis & Wilkinson 2004).               non-peat-producing vegetation types increased in cover.
Establishment of species typical of drier conditions (e.g.,     In mid-Sweden, no decrease in Sphagnum-cover was
trees and dwarf shrubs) might occur during exceptionally        observed, but the tree cover increased (Gunnarsson et
dry years, but little is known about for how long they          al. 2000). All three processes influencing the vegetation
might persist if the conditions become wetter again.            change including eutrophication, acidification and drying
    Three recent vegetation trends have been observed           up, are closely interrelated and their exact causes are thus
in field studies in ombrotrophic bogs in western Europe          difficult to disentangle.
including changes associated with eutrophication, acidifi-           In this study, we investigated vegetation changes
cation and drying. In the eutrophication process, nitrogen      during a five year period (1999-2004) on bogs in the
demanding species increase their abundances often dis-          province of Halland, southwestern Sweden. The objec-
placing slower growing species with higher nitrogen use         tives were to describe patterns of change in vegetation
efficiency (Hogg et al. 1995; Risager 1997; Heijmans et          and in species richness during the period, with particular
al. 2001; Gunnarsson et al. 2002; Tomassen et al. 2003).        emphasis on detecting local differences in the changes
In response to eutrophication, the nitrogen limited species     within the region. We tested if the species composition
e.g. Betula pubescens, Calluna vulgaris, Eriophorum             was changing towards wetter or drier conditions. Based
angustifolium, Molinia caerulea, Pinus sylvestris and           on the knowledge of past vegetation changes in the re-
Sphagnum fallax, increase in abundance (Hogg et al.             gion, we expected that the vegetation would have changed
1995; Risager 1997; Nordbakken 2001; Gunnarsson et              towards drier, more tree-covered and more nitrogen-rich
al. 2002; Tomassen et al. 2003; Limpens et al. 2003),           conditions. Lastly, we discussed if the observed changes
while species adapted to low nitrogen levels decrease,          were short-term fluctuations or if these changes repre-
e.g. Drosera species, Scheuchzeria palustris, Sphagnum          sented a directional trend.
balticum and S. tenellum (Risager 1997; Gunnarsson et
al. 2002; Wiedermann et al. 2007). All ombrotrophic
bogs are by nature acidic, thus only marginal effects           Material and Methods
of acidification have been observed in ombrotrophic
ecosystems (Hogg et al. 1995; Gunnarsson et al. 2000,           The regional climate and the selection of sites
2002). The drying process is associated with increased
tree dominance along with associated shade-tolerant                 The province of Halland has the most oceanic cli-
dwarf-shrub and bryophyte vegetation (Nordbakken 2001;          mate in Sweden, with an average annual precipitation
Gunnarsson et al. 2002). In response to drying, an increased    of 1051 mm, as measured during the period 1961-1990
tree cover has been observed at several sites over north        at the weather station Torup (56º57' N, 13º04' E, 150
Europe and North America (Risager 1997; Gunnarsson              m a.s.l.) and a mean annual temperature 6.1 ºC (July
& Rydin 1998; Frankl & Schmeidl 2000; Gunnarsson et             mean 16.2 ºC and January mean 1.0 ºC; Anon. 2004).
al. 2002; Linderholm & Leine 2004; Freléchoux et al.            The highest amounts of precipitation in Halland occur
2004; Lachance et al. 2005) including Pinus sylvestris and      east of the escarpments about 20 to 30 km east from the
Betula pubescens in southwestern Sweden. A potential            coast and it is in this area where most bogs are situated.
ecological driver related to the drying of these wetlands       The oceanic climate is reflected in the vegetation of the
is the drainage of the local region (Linderholm & Leine         bogs in that many species that in other parts of the country
2004).                                                          grow only in fens, grow on ombrotrophic bogs in this
    Both eutrophication and drying up were observed on          region, e.g. Erica tetralix, Eriophorum angustifolium,
the bog Åkhultmyren in southern Sweden, which was               Myrica gale, Narthecium ossifragum and Sphagnum
studied to monitor changes between 1956 and 1997. The           papillosum (Malmer 1962). The high precipitation in
environment in 1997 was probably drier, more nitrogen           Halland is accompanied by large amounts of nitrogen and
rich and more shade-tolerant than in 1956 as indicated          sulphur, with wet deposition of > 9 kg.ha–1.yr–1 and > 5
by the vegetation. Tall plant species increased and short       kg.ha–1.yr–1, respectively. The wet deposition is among
plant species decreased in abundance over that time             the highest measured in Scandinavia (Lövblad et al. 1994)
interval (Gunnarsson et al. 2002). On ombrotrophic              and the total deposition (including dry deposition and
bogs in Denmark, drying was observed, so that hum-              nitrogen fixation) exceeds the long-term critical load
mock vegetation (dwarf shrubs and hummock mosses)               for ombrotrophic bog ecosystems (Grennfelt & Törnelöf
increased in areal cover and at the same time the Sphag-        1992).
num-cover decreased (Risager 1998). Also in association             We investigated 25 randomly selected ombrotrophic
- Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs -                           597

bogs among the 86 highest ranked (the most valuable,
Class I objects) bogs according to the national survey
of Swedish wetlands (the Wetland Inventory of Sweden;
VMI) in the province of Halland (Forslund & Rundlöf
1984). Of the investigated bogs, 18 were classified as
plateau formed bogs, 3 were flat to weakly raised bogs
and 4 were domed bogs (Forslund & Rundlöf 1984; Table
1). The bogs in the study were situated in the eastern,
high altitude parts of the province (Fig. 1). For each bog,
the area and the degree of man-made hydrologic influ-
ence was recorded during the VMI-inventory (Forslund
& Rundlöf 1984). The man-made hydrologic influence
was graded along a 0-4 scale, with: 0 = no influence; 3 =
weak local influence and 4 = strong local influence (Anon.
1983). Bogs with grade 1 or 2 were not encountered.

Location of plots for vegetation and tree recording
                                                                Fig. 1. Map of the surveyed ombrotrophic bogs in Halland,
    On open parts of the study bogs, we placed selec-           south-western Sweden. See Table 1 for site names and further
tively one 50 m long transect and we recorded trees in          information about the bogs.
three circular 100-m2 plots. The transects and the tree
plots were permanently marked and placed so they could
easily be relocated. Along each transect, 30 vegetation         Species with broad niches could not be classified along
plots (0.5 m × 0.5 m) were randomly placed and scored           this gradient.
for presence of all species in subplots on a scale from 0
(absent from all subplots) to 4 (present in all four sub-
plots). The subplots were the four quadrants (0.25 m ×
0.25 m) of the plot. A total of 750 vegetation plots were       Table 1. Ombrotrophic bog characteristics including bog type,
sampled on the 25 bogs. In the tree plots, we counted all       size and hydrologic influence category (data from Forslund &
established trees taller than 0.2 m. In 1999, we did not        Rundlöf 1984). The man-made hydrologic influence is graded
sample tree plots on the sites at Yamossen, Storemosse          as: 0, no influence; 3, weak local influence and 4, strong local
Kba and Lyngmosse. Tree density was calculated as               influence (Anon. 1983).
number of established trees per ha. The field investiga-         Bog                      Bog                     Area   Hydrologic
tions were performed between August and September               (Nr, name)               type                    (ha)    influence
both in 1999 and 2004.
                                                                1. Oxhult                Plateau                  33        4
                                                                2. Killeberg             Flat to weakly raised   68         3
Investigated taxa                                               3. Bastamossen           Plateau                 193        3
                                                                4. Getamossen            Domed                   157        3
                                                                5. Asperamsmossen        Plateau                 562        4
    All vascular plant species, Sphagnum-species, mosses        6. Risömossen            Plateau                 485        3
and lichens were identified directly in the field (a few          7. Skameltamossen        Plateau                 386        3
specimens were collected for later identification under          8. Store Jönsmosse       Plateau                 121        3
                                                                9. Snokamossen           Plateau                 256        4
a dissecting microscope). Small liverworts of the genera        10. Ivåsabäcken          Plateau                  27        3
Cephalozia, Cephaloziella and Cladipodiella often grow          11. Västra Davidsmosse   Plateau                 127        3
intermingled with Sphagnum-shoots and can sometimes             12. Östra Davidsmosse    Plateau                 191        3
                                                                13. Skärkeån             Plateau                  37        3
be overlooked. We identified the larger Cephalozia con-          14. Storemosse           Domed                   297        3
nivens and C. macrostachya at the species level, while          15. Klintamossen         Plateau                  90        3
other taxa (including C. lotliesbergi and C. lunulifolia)       16. Flymossen            Plateau                  53        4
                                                                17. Ugnshult             Plateau                  34        3
were treated as a group (Cephalozia spp.). The small            18. Sutaremossen         Domed                    46        3
species of the genus Cephaloziella were not recorded.           19. Tjuvömosse           Flat to weakly raised   70         3
The lichens were merged into two genera Cladonia spp.           20. Björnåsen            Plateau                  35        0
                                                                21. Tjärnemossen         Plateau                  19        0
and Cladina spp. Species were grouped according to              22. Fläskabackarna       Flat to weakly raised   64         3
their main habitat type along a wetness gradient (forests,      23. Yamossen             Plateau                  49        3
hummocks, lawns or carpets) according to the species            24. Storemosse Kba.      Plateau                  81        3
                                                                25. Lyngmosse            Domed                    93        3
descriptions in Albinsson (1997) and Rydin et al. (1999).
598                                          Gunnarsson, U. & Flodin, L.-Å.

Data analysis                                                  Results

    To test for differences in species occurrences be-         Floristic changes
tween 1999 and 2004 on the bogs, we used Wilcoxonʼs
signed rank test for paired observations (procedure                Overall, 63 taxa were observed in the study bogs,
NPAR1WAY in SAS, Anon. 2004), with the difference              among them 19 vascular plants, 11 Sphagnum species,
in number of subplots per bog (transect) as a response         15 mosses, 16 liverworts and 2 lichens (Table 2). Three
variable. Bogs with absences of a species during both          occasional species were only found in 1999 (Dicranella
years were excluded from these analyses. Uncommon              cerviculata, Drosera anglica/intermedia and Splachnum
species, with less than 10 subplot occurrences at both         ampullaceum). Significant increase in occurrence was
inventories were omitted from the analysis. Changes in         observed for ten taxa over the 5-year interval including
species richness were measured as the change in number         Cephalozia spp., Drosera rotundifolia, Erica tetralix,
of recorded species per plot and the significance of the        Eriophorum vaginatum, Myrica gale, Odontoschisma
changes were tested for each bog and for all bogs together     sphagni, Sphagnum austinii, S. fallax, S. magellanicum
with Wilcoxonʼs signed rank test for paired observations.      and S. rubellum; five taxa decreased: Barbilophozia at-
To detect overall changes in species composition in all        tenuate, Empetrum nigrum, Lophozia silvicola, Pinus
bogs, a DCA ordination analysis (Hill & Gauch 1980)            sylvestris and Rubus chamaemorus. Vascular plant
was performed using the program CANOCO, version 4.5            species showed big changes in mean abundance. Tree
(ter Braak & Šmilauer 2002). Species that were known           species were mostly represented by small seedlings, with
to be highly dynamic (e.g., Drosera rotundifolia, Rubus        high recruitment and mortality rates. Sphagnum species
chamaemorus, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris; Nord-           increased in frequency, except S. papillosum and S.
bakken 2000) were not included in the DCA analysis.            tenellum. Other mosses did not change much, but some
Vegetation plots with less than five species were omitted       liverworts had high turnover rates.
from the ordination analysis, because they contain little
information, their relation to other plots is weak and         Changes in tree occurrence
thus they tend to behave like outliers. Median frequency
down-weighing of rare species was used in the ordina-              The total density of established trees recorded in the
tion (Eilertsen et al. 1990; Økland 1990). To interpret the    tree plots on the bogs did not change significantly (Table
ordination axes we used Spearmanʼs rank correlations           3). In contrast to the observed increase of Picea abies in
between species scores and (1) Ellenbergʼs species indi-       the vegetation plots, which mainly refers to smaller-sized
cator values for light, moisture and pH (Hill et al. 1999),    seedlings, the density of established P. abies decreased
with Albinssonʼs (1997) corrections for the region, and        significantly in the tree plots (Table 3). The density of
(2) classification of species according to their positions      Pinus sylvestris decreased significantly in the vegetation
along the poor - rich gradient and the peat productivity       plots (Table 2), meanwhile no significant change was
gradient according to Økland (1989). Ellenbergʼs indi-         observed for P. sylvestris in the tree plots (Table 3).
cator values are empirical values developed for central
European plants. The values are ordered from low (1) to        Species richness changes
high (9), where the value of 1 is given to species growing
in low light, moisture or pH and the value 9 for species           The mean species richness per 0.5 m × 0.5 m plot
growing in high light, moisture and pH conditions (cf.         increased when looking at all bogs with a mean change
Ellenberg et al. 1991; Hill et al. 1999). In order to test     of 0.3 species per plot, from 10.5 species in 1999 to 10.8
if there were significant changes along the ordination          species in 2004 (Table 4). The increase was mainly due
axes, we used Wilcoxonʼs signed rank test for paired           to the mean increase of Sphagnum species per plot (Table
observations.                                                  4). Two bogs had decreased species richness over this
                                                               time interval (Snokamossen and Björnåsen, Table 4),
                                                               while five bogs showed a significant increase in species
                                                               richness (Table 4). Sphagnum species increased in all
                                                               bogs except for Snokamossen, while the other species
                                                               groups experienced more sporadic changes in species
                                                               richness (Table 4). The pattern of change in species rich-
                                                               ness could neither be attributed to local differentiation
                                                               within Halland nor to bog type or degree of hydrological
                                                               disturbance (Table 1).
- Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs -                                      599

Vegetation changes                                                         Table 2. Relative frequencies (%) of species (total number of subplots
                                                                           relative to the total number of subplots investigated each year) in the
                                                                           25 investigated ombrotrophic bogs of Halland and the change (%) in
    Species typical of wetter habitat types, lawns and
                                                                           species frequencies 1999-2004. Significance of the change in species
carpets increased in occurrence (Fig. 2), while species                    frequencies was tested with Wilcoxonʼs signed rank test for paired
typical of forests and hummocks had more divergent                         observations. n.p. = statistical test not performed; n.s. = not significant
patterns of change (Fig. 2). Thus, the wetter habitat types                (P ≥ 0.05); * = P < 0.05; ** = P < 0.01; *** = P < 0.001.
changed more than others over the 5 year period, based                     Species                            Freq.      Freq.       Freq.     P-
on median changes of species occurrences (Kruskal                                                             1999       2004       change    value

Wallisʼ H = 7.95, P < 0.05, df = 3).                                       Vascular plants
                                                                           Andromeda polifolia                 36.7       33.1       -10        n.s.
    The first DCA axis explained 9 % of the total variation                 Betula pubescens                    1.93       1.47       -24        n.s.
in the species data (eigenvalue = 0.23, gradient length =                  Calluna vulgaris                    68.0       71.3       +5         n.s.
                                                                           Drosera anglica/intermedia         0.033         0         -         n.p.
3.2). Axis 1 is interpreted as a combined open mire - forest               Drosera rotundifolia                8.20       14.4       +76         **
gradient and a hummock - hollow gradient, where open                       Empetrum nigrum                     34.3       30.6       -11         *
                                                                           Erica tetralix                      70.5       73.2       +4         ***
hollow species were located in the left part of the ordina-                Eriophorum angustifolium           0.433      0.667       +53        n.s.
tion diagram (Fig. 3b) and forest species were located in                  Eriophorum vaginatum                86.6       88.3       +2          *
                                                                           Myrica gale                         13.8       15.3       +11         **
the right part. The idea that Axis 1 is related to a vegeta-               Picea abies                         1.20       1.80       +50        n.s.
tion gradient was supported by the significant negative                     Pinus sylvestris                    7.00       3.13       -55        ***
                                                                           Rhynchospora alba                   2.17       3.40       +57        n.s.
correlations between axis 1 and Ellenbergʼs values for                     Rubus chamaemorus                   26.0       20.9       -20         *
                                                                           Trichophorum caespitosum            5.07       6.00       +18        n.s.
light and moisture (rSpearman = –0.75, P < 0.001 and rSpear-               Vaccinium myrtillus                0.733       0.87       +18        n.s.
man = -0.64, P < 0.001, respectively). Axis 2 explained                    V. oxycoccus                        70.0       71.9       +3         n.s.
                                                                           V. uliginosum                      0.367      0.400       +9         n.s.
an additional 7 % of the total variation (eigenvalue =                     V. vitis-idaea                      0.90       10.1       +19        n.s.
0.16, gradient length = 2.5) and was positively correlated                 Sphagnum species
with the peat-productivity gradient (rSpearman = 0.86, P <                 Sphagnum austinii                   2.60       3.40       +30         *
                                                                           S. balticum                         0.87       1.03       +19        n.s.
0.001) and with the poor - rich gradient (rSpearman = 0.52,                S. capillifolium                   0.300      0.367       +22        n.s.
P < 0.001). High peat producing species were found in                      S. cuspidatum                       3.13       3.30       +5         n.s.
                                                                           S. fallax                           1.37       2.43       +78         *
the upper half of the graph (e.g. S. balticum, S. cuspi-                   S. fuscum                           2.27       2.67       +17        n.s.
datum, S. fuscum, S. papillosum and S. rubellum) low                       S. magellanicum                     45.0       51.7       +12        ***
                                                                           S. papillosum                       1.90       1.80        -4        n.s.
peat producing species were situated in the lower half                     S. rubellum                         36.3       44.1       +22        ***
of the diagram (e.g. S. tenellum, Cladopodiella fluitans                    S. tenellum                         10.1       10.0        -1        n.s.
and the lichen species).                                                   Mosses
                                                                           Aulacomnium palustre                1.80       2.00       +11        n.s.
    Neither bogs from different parts of Halland, nor the                  Campylopus introflexus              0.033      0.033         0        n.p.
different bog types could be separated in the ordination                   Ceratodon purpureus                0.067      0.033       -50        n.p.
                                                                           Dicranella cerviculata             0.030        0           -        n.p.
diagram (Fig. 3a, Table 1). When testing if the vege-                      Dicranum bergeri                   0.900      0.567       -37        n.s.
tation plots in the ombrotrophic bogs moved along the                      D. polysetum                       0.200      0.067       -67        n.p.
                                                                           D. scoparium                        3.03       3.23        +7        n.s.
ordination axes, we found a significant decrease (on                        Hypnum jutlandicum                  18.0       18.0       -0.1       n.s.
average 0.056 SD units) along DCA axis 1 (Wilcoxonʼs S                     Leucobryum glaucum                  4.50       4.70        +5        n.s.
                                                                           Pleurozium schreberi                13.2       14.2        +8        n.s.
= – 45661, n = 743, P < 0.001), but no significant change                   Pohlia nutans                      0.067      0.100       +50        n.p.
along DCA axis 2 (Wilcoxonʼs S = 5389, n = 743, P =                        Polytrichastrum formosum           0.100      0.033       -67        n.p.
                                                                           Polytrichum strictum                2.60       2.50        -5        n.s.
0.35). In the ordination space (Fig. 3a), most centroids                   Racomitrium lanuginosum            0.567      0.633       +12        n.s.
                                                                           Splachnum ampullaceum              0.030        0           -        n.p.

                                                                           Barbilophozia attenuata            0.600      0.200        -67        **
Table 3. Median density of established trees taller than 0.2 m             Bazzania trilobata                 0.030      0.030         0        n.p.
                                                                           Calypogeia integristipul           0.100      0.067        -33       n.p.
(per ha) found in the tree plots on the investigated ombrotrophic          C. neesiana                         1.60       2.33       +46        n.s.
bogs in 1999 versus 2004 (n = 22; first and third quartiles in              C. sphagnicola                      4.30       4.63        +9        n.s.
parentheses) and the percent change of the median number.                  Cephalozia connivens                5.83       5.30         -9       n.s.
                                                                           C. macrostachya                    0.200      0.333       +67        n.s.
Differences in tree occurrences were tested with Wilcoxonʼs                Calypogeia spp.                     10.0       13.5       +35         *
signed rank test for paired observations on the change for                 Cladopodiella fluitans               2.10       4.07       +94        n.s.
                                                                           Gymnocolea inflata                   0.53       0.70       +31        n.s.
each bog.                                                                  Kurzia pauciflora                    1.00       1.60       +60        n.s.
                                                                           Lophozia silvicola                  2.80       1.50        -48        **
Species                  1999                     2004        % change     Mylia anomala                       1.60       1.40        -13       n.s.
                                                                           Odontoschisma denudatum            0.233      0.067        -71       n.p.
Betula pubescens 615 (300, 930)            533 (467, 733)       -13 n.s.   O. sphagni                          57.9       65.0       +12        ***
Picea abies        270 (30, 500)            100 (0, 267)         -62 *     Ptilidium ciliare                  0.033      0.067       +100       n.p.
Pinus sylvestris 1950 (1270, 2770)        2067 (1300, 2867)       6 n.s.
Total trees      2915 (2140, 3540)        2717 (2033, 3533)      -7 n.s.   Lichens
                                                                           Cladonia spp.                       11.1       12.2       +11        n.s.
n.s. = not significant (P ≥ 0.05); * = P < 0.05.                            Cladina spp.                        18.8       19.0       +1         n.s.
600                                                         Gunnarsson, U. & Flodin, L.-Å.

Fig. 2. Change in species subplot frequencies during the period 1999 through 2004, in ombrotrophic bogs of Halland, Sweden.
The species are sorted according to their main habitat type along a gradient from typical forest species, via hummock and lawn to
carpet species according to Albinsson (1997) and Rydin et al. (1999). Uncommon species with < 10 occurrences during both years
and species that did not differentiate along the gradient were not included in the analysis. Black bars indicate that species changed
significantly in frequency over the 5 year study period according to Table 2.

moved to the left, indicating a vegetation change towards                              Flymosse, and Fläskabackarna (Fig. 3a). The vegetation
wetter and more open site conditions. The centroids did                                shift along the ordination axes was neither correlated
not move or moved to the right for five bogs including                                  with the spatial distribution of the bogs in Halland nor
Bastamossen, Asperamsmossen, Östra Davidsmosse,                                        with their degree of hydrological disturbance.

Table 4. Species richness of various species types in 1999 versus 2004 and the change in richness, all measured as mean number
of species per plot. Species richness and richness change are given for the total number of species and for the number of vascular
plants, Sphagnum, mosses and liverworts separately. The changes in diversity were tested with Wilcoxonʼs signed rank test for paired
observations on the change for each plot.
                          Total # of species           # vascular plants          # Sphagnum species             # mosses                # liverworts
Bog (No, name)          1999    2004     Change      1999    2004 Change        1999   2004 Change        1999    2004 Change         1999   2004 Change

 1. Oxhult               9.0      9.3    0.3 n.s.    4.6     4.6       0        1.3    1.4    0.1 n.s.    0.6      0.8    0.2 n.s.    1.4    1.6    0.2 n.s.
 2. Killeberg           10.6     11.2    0.6 n.s.    5.6     5.5   – 0.1 n.s.   0.8    1.2     0.4**      0.5      0.6    0.1 n.s.    2.4    2.8    0.4 n.s.
 3. Bastamossen         10.3     11.6     1.3*       5.4     5.7    0.3 n.s.    0.9    1.1    0.2 n.s.    0.7      1.4     0.7**      2.1    2.2    0.1 n.s.
 4. Getamossen          10.4     10.5    0.1 n.s.    6.0     6.0       0        1.1    1.6     0.5*       1.3      1.3     0 n.s.     1.3    1.2   – 0.1 n.s.
 5. Asperamsmossen      11.0     11.5    0.5 n.s.    6.8     6.5    0.3 n.s.    1.5    1.9    0.4***      0.6      0.8    0.2 n.s.    1.6    1.7    0.1 n.s.
 6. Risömossen          10.4     10.7    0.3 n.s.    5.9     6.4     0.5*       0.9    0.9     0 n.s.     1.4      1.3   – 0.1 n.s.   1.8    1.8       0
 7. Skameltamossen      11.2     10.6   – 0.6 n.s.   5.7     5.5   – 0.2 n.s.   1.8    2.1     0.3*       0.4      0.4       0.       2.2    1.7    – 0.5**
 8. Store Jönsmosse     10.1     11.1     1.0*       5.1     5.2    0.1 n.s.    1.6    2.2     0.6**      1.6      1.6       0        1.5    1.7    0.2 n.s.
 9. Snokamossen          9.2      8.5    – 0.7*      6.4     6.1   – 0.3 n.s.   1.2    1.1   – 0.1 n.s.   0.6      0.4   – 0.2 n.s.   0.8    0.8       0
10. Ivåsabäcken         10.8     10.2   – 0.6 n.s.   5.3     5.3       0        1.8    1.9    0.1 n.s.    0.8      0.7   – 0.1 n.s.   1.6    1.7    0.1 n.s.
11. V. Davidsmosse      9.6      10.3    0.7 n.s.    6.0     6.3    0.3 n.s.    1.2    1.2       0        1.0      1.3    0.3 n.s.    1.2    1.2       0.
12. Ö Davidsmosse       10.0     11.9    1.9***      5.8     6.2    0.4 n.s.    2.0    2.5    0.5***      0.4      0.5    0.1 n.s.    1.5    2.1     0.6**
13. Skärkeån            11.4     11.0   – 0.4 n.s.   5.3     5.2   – 0.1 n.s.   1.6    1.6       0        0.8      0.4    – 0.4*      2.9    3.0    0.1 n.s.
14. Storemosse           9.6      9.8    0.2 n.s.    4.3     4.3       0        0.9    0.9       0        1.2      1.0   – 0.2 n.s.   2.0    2.2    0.2 n.s.
15. Klintamossen        10.9     11.6     0.7*       6.3     6.3       0        2.7    2.8    0.1 n.s.    0.3      0.1    0.2 n.s.    1.7    2.3    0.6***
16. Flymossen           10.9     11.5    0.6 n.s.    5.6     5.5   – 0.1 n.s.   1.5    1.6    0.1 n.s.    1.6      1.8    0.2 n.s.    1.5    1.8    0.3 n.s.
17. Ugnshult             9.5      9.9    0.4 n.s.    5.1     5.3    0.2 n.s.    1.8    1.6    0.2 n.s.    0.6      0.9    0.3 n.s.    1.4    1.5    0.1 n.s.
18. Sutaremossen        12.6     12.2   – 0.4 n.s.   6.8     6.6   – 0.2 n.s.   2.1    2.3    0.2 n.s.    0.8      1.0    0.1 n.s.    1.8    1.5    0.3 n.s.
19. Tjuvömosse          10.4     10.4       0        6.1     5.9   – 0.2 n.s.   2.1    2.3    0.2 n.s.    0.2      0.2       0        1.5    1.6    0.1 n.s.
20. Björnåsen           12.9     11.8    – 1.1*      6.6     5.8   – 0.8***     2.2    2.3    0.1 n.s.    1.2      1.2       0.       2.4    2.1   – 0.3 n.s.
21. Tjärnemossen        11.1     11.0   – 0.1 n.s.   5.9     5.9       0        2.4    2.5    0.1 n.s.    0.5      0.3   – 0.2 n.s.   1.7    2.1    0.4 n.s.
22. Fläskabackarna      11.1     11.7    0.6 n.s.    6.0     6.2    0.2 n.s.    2.5    2.6    0.1 n.s.    0.2      0.3    0.1 n.s.    1.8    1.8       0
23. Yamossen            10.2     10.8     0.6*       4.9     5.4     0.5**      1.4    1.8     0.4**      1.0      0.9   – 0.1 n.s.   1.8    1.8       0
24. Storemosse Kba.      9.2      9.6    0.4 n.s.    5.5     5.8    0.3 n.s.    0.9    1.1    0.2 n.s.    1.3      1.5    0.2 n.s.    0.8    0.8       0
25. Lyngmosse           11.1     10.8   – 0.3 n.s.   6.3     6.1   – 0.2 n.s.   1.7    2.0     0.3**      0.8      0.7   – 0.1 n.s.   1.5    1.6    0.1 n.s.
Total                   10.5     10.8    0.3 **      5.7     5.7      0 n.s.    1.6    1.8    0.2 ***     0.8      0.8      0 n.s.    1.7    1.8     0.1 n.s.
n.s. = not significant (P ≥ 0.05); * = P < 0.05; ** = P < 0.01; *** = P < 0.001.
- Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs -                       601


                                                                          Short-term shifts in vegetation composition can occur
                                                                      in ombrotrophic bogs in response to normal levels of
                                                                      precipitation following a drought. We observed increased
                                                                      relative frequencies of species typical for wetter condi-
                                                                      tions (carpets and lawns), most notably the Sphagnum
                                                                      species (Tables 2 and 4). We had expected a drying trend
                                                                      in the vegetation over the 5-year time interval based on
                                                                      previously reported vegetation changes on ombrotrophic
                                                                      bogs in a nearby region (Risager 1997; Gunnarsson et al.
                                                                      2002; Linderholm & Leine 2004) and in northwestern
                                                                      Europe in general (Gunnarsson & Rydin 1998; Frankl &
                                                                      Schmeidl 2000). On the other hand, this increase in wet
                                                                      species of bogs in southwestern Sweden coincided with
                                                                      an increased bryophyte abundance in Norwegian forests
                                                                      found during the same period (1996-2002; Økland et al.

                                                                      Changed climatic conditions?

                                                                          The driving force behind the observed vegetation
                                                                      development in our study bogs is likely the change in
                                                                      regional climate towards wetter conditions during the
                                                                      last five-year period. When looking at the amount of
                                                                      precipitation during the vegetation periods (May-Sep-
                                                                      tember) 1995-2004, it is clear that the years 1995 and
                                                                      1997 were dry, 1998, 1999 and 2004 were wet and 1996
                                                                      and 2000-2003 were near the 30-year average (Fig.
                                                                      4). We have no direct measurements of changes in the
                                                                      groundwater table on the bogs, however, measurements
                                                                      of the groundwater tables in wells in the area (Anon.
                                                                      2006), which we know are correlated to the groundwater
                                                                      table of bogs (Gunnarsson 1994), show that the growing
                                                                      seasons 1995 and 1997 had lower and 1996 had much
                                                                      lower groundwater table levels than normal, while the

Fig. 3. DCA ordination of the two first ordination axes (DCA
Axes 1 and 2) showing: (a) centroids of the plots from each bog
(numbered according to Table 1) and their movements in the
ordination space from 1999 (start of the line connected to the
circle) to 2004 (circle); (b) the species ordination. Abbreviations
for the species include the first letters of the genera and species
names, with full names given in Table 2. In order to improve
the readability of the graph, uncommon species are not shown
(i.e., species with < 10 occurrences during both years).

                                                                      Fig. 4. Precipitation (mm) during the growing season (May
                                                                      through September), 1995 through 2004 at the meteorological
                                                                      station Torup, Halland. The reference line shows the 30-year
                                                                      average during the vegetation periods 1961-1990 (data from
                                                                      SMHI 1995-2004).
602                                           Gunnarsson, U. & Flodin, L.-Å.

years 1998 and 1999 experienced a higher groundwater            Eutrophication
table level than normal. The years 2000-2003 had normal
groundwater table levels and in 2004 slightly higher than           Even during this relatively short investigation, we
normal (Anon. 2006). Thus the dry years 1995-1997               found signs of increased eutrophication. Species typical
might have had an effect on the vegetation during the           of fens or more nutrient-rich habitats (more eutrophic
first inventory, reducing the abundance of Sphagnum.             habitats) increased in occurrence, e.g. Sphagnum fallax,
The condition of the Sphagnum species recovered to a            Eriophorum angustifolium (not significantly), Myrica
more typical condition after precipitation levels became        gale and Erica tetralix. Increased occurrences of S. fallax
more normal.                                                    on ombrotrophic bogs have been observed in many parts
    During the period from 1990 through 2002, precipi-          of West and Central Europe, probably as a consequence
tation in Sweden has increased by 11 % compared to              of increased nitrogen deposition (Limpens et al. 2003).
the period 1901-1990, mainly because the winters have           Such strong increase as observed for S. fallax and other
become milder and warmer (Lindström & Alexanders-               nitrogen demanding species on bogs of southwestern
son 2004). Changed climatic condition may affect the            Sweden, during such a short period, should arouse at-
groundwater table dynamics of bogs and also have had            tention of the conservation agencies. This development
effects on the length of the growing season (Walther &          might have been the result of a long-term nitrogen depo-
Linderholm 2006). Bryophytes are especially affected            sition level far over the critical load for ombrotrophic
by growing season because they can be photosynthetic-           bogs (Grennfelt & Thörnelöf 1992).
ally active during periods without frost, i.e. early spring
and late autumn far outside of the growing period of            Fluctuations or directional change?
vascular plants. However, during the study period, these
changes were overridden by the effects of a few years                Some of the bog species are highly dynamic in small
with exceptionally dry weather. Nevertheless, climatic          plots (16 cm × 16 cm) e.g. Drosera species and Rubus
change will have an important long-term effect on the           chamaemorus, while other species have higher persist-
future ombrotrophic vegetation in the region.                   ence, including Eriophorum vaginatum, Erica tetralix,
    There might be a complementary explanation for              Trichophorum caespitosum, most Sphagnum species
the observed change in species composition in favour            and most liverworts (Nordbakken 2000). Changes in the
of vegetation that is associated with wetter conditions in      dynamic species (Drosera rotundifolia, Rubus chamae-
2004 rather than in 1999. The drainage systems (ditches)        morus and seedlings of Pinus sylvestris; Table 2) can
surrounding bogs have been the main factors responsible         mostly be considered as being caused by inter-annual
for the relatively high degree of hydrologic disturbances       population size variation, meanwhile the significant
on the bogs (Table 1). In the past, the drainage systems        changes in the highly persistent group (in this study
(ditches) have probably had an important effect by lower-       Eriophorum vaginatum, Myrica gale, Sphagnum austinii,
ing the groundwater table of the bogs and for increasing        S. fallax, S. magellanicum, S. rubellum, Cephalozia spp.
the drying process (Freléchoux et al. 2000; Gunnarsson          and Odontoschisma sphagni) are more likely to reflect
et al. 2002; Linderholm & Leine 2004). Most of the              directional changes in basic environmental conditions,
ditches in this area were created during the early 1900s,       i.e. site wetness and eutrophication status. As most spe-
some during the 1970s and the early 1980s (Hånell 1990)         cies that showed significant changes in frequency over
in order to enhance forest growth on the peatlands and          time in Halland belong to this highly persistent group, the
adjacent swamp-forests. In the mid-1980s, the digging           observed changes probably reflect a long-term vegeta-
of new ditches was prohibited and economic incentives           tion shift. This idea is further supported by the relatively
for the maintenance of ditches were reduced. However,           uniform pattern of vegetation change all over Halland.
now after several years without management, the ditches              Our results indicate that a series of dry years may
may have become filled in with vegetation and no longer          have prolonged effects on the vegetation composition.
operating as effective drainage systems. This in-filling         However, the vegetation responded to the normal pre-
will increase the water table and peat productivity of bogs     cipitation levels, which shows that bogs in this region
by creating wetter growth conditions. For most plants           are resilient to short-term climatic shifts. Further east
growing on an ombrotrophic bog, the level and dynamics          in Sweden, in areas with less precipitation but similar
of the groundwater table are essential (Rydin 1986; Økland      temperature regimes, resilience after short-term climatic
1990). If the filling in of drainage systems currently is one    shifts may be reduced. Reduced precipitation together
of the driving forces for the vegetation development on         with an increased evapotranspiration might be why we
ombrotrophic bog ecosystems in this region, the wetter          currently observe that open bogs become more tree cov-
bog vegetation may be developed in Sphagnum-dominated           ered in southeastern Sweden. Furthermore, it seems that
peatlands in southwestern Sweden.                               the shift between open treeless bogs and bogs with trees
- Vegetation shifts towards wetter site conditions on oceanic ombrotrophic bogs -                          603

is sensitive to climate change. Monitoring programmes                  Mountains, Switzerland. Ann. For. Sci. 61: 309-318.
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Acknowledgements. This project was supported by the county             Ecology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, SE.
administrative board of Halland (the regional monitoring pro-      Gunnarsson, U. & Rydin, H. 1998. Demography and recruit-
gramme) and by Formas (project Nr: 21.5/2003-0603). We                 ment of Scots pine on a raised bog in eastern Sweden and
thank Rune H. Økland, Beth A. Middleton and Ingvar Backéus             relationships to microhabitat differentiation. Wetlands
for comments on the manuscript and Charlotte Sweeney for               18: 133-141.
correcting the language.                                           Gunnarsson, U. & Rydin, H. 2000. Nitrogen fertilisation
                                                                       reduces Sphagnum production in bog communities. New
                                                                       Phytol. 147: 527-537.
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