VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...

VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...

                                         EDITION 15

  INTERSTATE                             Women in

  DEPLOYMENTS                               events
Celebrating Wear Orange Wednesday 2021    Victoria
VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...
Highlights from the winter edition
                                                                                                          What’s happening
     Driver Reviver Easter launch                                                                pg. 08
                                                                                                          across our regions:

                                                                                                          10	CENTRAL                         Brand new home for

                                                                                                          12 EAST
                                                                                                                                              Chelsea Unit.

                                                                                                                                              Moe Unit celebrates 50 years

                                                                                                          14 MID WEST
                                                                                                                                              as founders of Driver Reviver.

                                                                                                                                              Climbing to new heights
                                                                                                                                              with Mid West Technical

                                                                                                                                              Rescue Team!

                                                                                                             NORTH EAST
                                                                                                                                              Units without borders:
    Pride March                                                                                                                               Working as one with
                                                                                                                                              NSW SES.
                                                 pg. 09
                                                                                                              NORTH WEST
                                                                                                                                              North West Regional

                                                                                                          20	SOUTH WEST
                                                                                                                                              Headquarters Unit profile.

                                                                                                                                              Exercise Arbalest.
                                                                  Take the 15 to Float                      THANK YOU TO
                                                                                                            OF OUR MEMBER
                                                                                                                          S WHO
                                                                                                                                                            WINTER 2021

                                                                                                            HAVE SUP
                                                                                                          Front    Cover:
                                                                                                                    PORTED RECENT
                                                                                                            INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS
                                                                                   pg. 29
                                                                                                          Members deployed
                                                                                                           Creating safer
                                                                                                                            communities –
                                                                                                                                            Together                                                     EDITION 15

                                                                                                          to Western Australia

                                                                   Interested in contributing?                                                           VICSES SUPPOR
                                                                   Submit your article here:                                                             INTERSTATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Women in

                                                                                                                                                        Celebrating Wear                                   held
                                                                                                                                                                           Orange Wedne                  across
                                                                                                                                                                                          sday 2021

                                                                 Authorised and published                             This magazine is printed on ecoStar 100% recycled,
                                                                 by Victoria State Emergency                          an environmentally responsible paper made carbon
                                                                 Service, 168 Sturt Street,                           neutral. It has been independently certified by the Forest
                                                                 Southbank, Victoria. © State                         Stewardship Council ® (FSC ®). ecoStar is manufactured from
The Victoria State Emergency Service respectfully acknowledges
                                                                 of Victoria, Victoria State                          100% post consumer recycled paper in a Process Chlorine
the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters. We pay our
                                                                 Emergency Service, June 2021.                        Free environment under the ISO 14001 environmental
respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
                                                                                                                      management system.
VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...

Welcome to the second edition of
Community Matters for 2021.

We’re almost halfway through 2021         Back home, our volunteers have been
and I’d like to acknowledge the           busy. Since the start of 2021, VICSES
resilience of all Victorians as we        has responded to over 9,000 requests
continue to face the challenges of the    for assistance, with over half of these
coronavirus pandemic.                     for fallen trees.                            Hello everyone, and welcome to
                                          Requests for assistance also
As we brace for the winter conditions
ahead, I have no doubt our VICSES         included almost 1,000 call-outs              the winter edition of Community
volunteers will continue to be out
there supporting communities
                                          for building damage, over 750 for
                                          flood, approximately 1,200 requests
                                                                                       Matters, our second for 2021.
across the state.                         to support our other emergency
                                          service agencies, and over 530 road          Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for your participation in this
Following the onset of La Niña-                                                        year’s Wear Orange Wednesday event on the 19th of May. Our
                                          crash rescues.
generated weather patterns, Victorians                                                 volunteers are the backbone of VICSES, and have contributed
experienced an intense icy blast at       It was great to see this effort celebrated   significantly over the past 12 months to the safety of communities
the start of autumn, following a wetter   across Victoria on Wear Orange               across Victoria, and interstate. You can read more about our Wear
than usual summer.                        Wednesday in May. Victorians were            Orange Wednesday celebrations on page 6.
                                          encouraged to dress in orange, an
In March, New South Wales                                                              In March and April, our members were deployed interstate to
                                          iconic part of the VICSES identity, and it
experienced one of the biggest                                                         assist the response to severe flooding in New South Wales,
                                          was amazing to see so many displays of
flooding in events in over five decades                                                as well as to support in the aftermath of Cyclone Seroja in
                                          support across social media.
and in their time of need, VICSES                                                      Western Australia. Our volunteers and staff were deployed
was there to support our friends          It’s vital that we continue to support       across a range of liaison, incident management and operational
across the border.                        our volunteers in carrying out their         roles, providing crucial emergency support for our emergency
                                          selfless work by ensuring they               colleagues and communities interstate. Thank you all for your
VICSES deployed 24 members to
                                          have the equipment needed to                 incredible dedication.
New South Wales to provide additional
                                          keep Victorians safe during major
incident management support and                                                        In May we also took part in the annual Midsumma Pride March,
                                          weather emergencies.
coordinate crucial requests.                                                           in support of the LGBTIQA+ community. Although attendance
                                          Earlier this year, we announced the          was limited due to COVID-19, we had an overwhelming response
On the opposite side of the country,
                                          latest round of Volunteer Emergency          to those wanting to participate and celebrate the diversity of our
residents in Western Australia braced
                                          Services Equipment Program (VESEP)           members and the community. We are an inclusive organisation,
for Cyclone Seroja, which ravaged
                                          grants, which includes more than             and it’s a great opportunity for our members to represent us
parts of the state.
                                          $2.35 million for VICSES units.              at this event.
By the end of May 2021, there had
                                          We also unveiled the new $7 million          Last year, we invited volunteers and staff to participate in
been three deployments of VICSES
                                          site for the VICSES Chelsea Unit with        workshops as part of a new VICSES Gender Champions group.
personnel as part of a Victorian
                                          a six-bay drive-through motor room,          Since its establishment, the group has continued to meet to build
taskforce supporting the relief effort,
                                          and additional storage for boats             ideas and improved opportunities for our Gender Equality Action
made up of 63 volunteers and eight
                                          and equipment. It will also enable           Plan and new Gender Equality Act. I look forward to sharing more
staff members.
                                          volunteers to assist in a wider area,        information with you soon on our continued commitment to
I’m proud of our VICSES volunteers        taking in two-thirds of the Kingston         improving gender equality and inclusion for all of our members.
who didn’t hesitate to help our           local government area, including part
neighbours – I know they’re incredibly    of Port Phillip Bay.                         Finally, as we work towards a more gender balanced service, in
grateful for the unwavering support.                                                   April I was able to attend this year’s Women in Rescue event at
                                          I’d like to thank every one of our           Sunbury Unit. First founded by the unit in 2018, this year’s event
                                          VICSES volunteers, who continually           was bigger than ever, with units across Victoria hosting their
                                          rise to the challenge to support             very own workshops to provide female members with a safe
                                          communities around Victoria and              and supportive environment to learn new skills and encourage
                                          across Australia.                            leadership. You can read more on page 7.
                                          Danny Pearson MP                             I hope you enjoy this edition of Community Matters, and stay safe.
                                          Acting Minister for Police
                                          and Emergency Services                       Kind regards,

                                                                                       Stephen Griffin
                                                                                       CEO Victoria State Emergency Service
VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...

supports                                                   WA deployment:
                                                           Cyclone Seroja
interstate                                                 Alongside deployments to NSW (page 5),

deployments                                                VICSES provided crucial support to WA to assist
                                                           in responding to the significant damage caused
                                                           by Cyclone Seroja.
By Jessie Schleibs, Operations Business Coordinator, VHO

                                                                     rom 12 to 27           A range of VICSES vehicles and
                                                                     April, a total of 71   equipment were also sent to WA
Over the past 18-months, our members have made                       VICSES members         to support operations on-board
significant contributions across a range of major          were deployed to WA,             a Royal Australian Airforce C17A
                                                           encompassing 63 volunteers       Globemaster aircraft, including:
emergency events. From the 2019-20 bushfire                and 8 staff members.
                                                                                            • 2 Medium Rescue Trucks.
season, COVID-19 and local severe weather, this            Roles undertaken during this     • 3 Rescue Support 4x4s.
year VICSES volunteers and staff have also played          period included:
                                                                                            • Safe Working at Heights
an integral role in supporting our colleagues and          • Jurisdictional                   System kits.
communities interstate.                                      Liaison Officers.              • First Aid kits.
                                                           • Level 3 Accredited             • A variety of additional
                                                             Logistics Officer.               consumables and tools,
Here’s a snapshot of our recent deployments to                                                including chainsaws.
                                                           • Divisional Commander.
New South Wales (NSW) and Western Australia                • Taskforce Leaders.             • Communication caches,
(WA), and the incredible dedication of our people.         • Crew Members.                    including mobile phones,
                                                                                              satellite phones, antennae
                                                                                              and associated chargers
                                                                                              and equipment.

VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...
NSW deployment:
                                                                                              During March, VICSES was
                                                                                              part of a wider multi-agency
                                                                                              interstate deployment to
                                                                                              support NSW in response to
Utilising these vehicles and equipment, a         challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic
variety of tasks were undertaken by VICSES        has placed on interstate travel, which
                                                                                              major wide-spread flooding.
crews, such as:                                   thankfully did not deter personnel from     The flooding was described
                                                  volunteering their time to help."
• Temporary repair of damaged buildings.                                                      as a one-in-70-year event, and
• Tree operations.                                                                            was declared a natural disaster
• Damage assessment and reconnaissance.                                          MANY         by the NSW government.

• Community welfare checks.
• Logistics and logistical support duties.                                                                 etween 21 and 29 March,

The hard work of our members was
                                                  Once again,                                              VICSES deployed a total
                                                                                                           of 28 members (volunteers
recognised by the affected communities,           thank you for                               and staff) from across the state to the
as well as those who responded as
                                                  your continuous
                                                                                              following NSW locations:
part of our emergency services sector,
                                                  support and for
including a special message from                                                              •   Coffs Harbour.       • Newcastle.
WA Fire and emergency Services                                                                •   Bankstown.           • Sydney.
Commissioner Darren Klemm:                        assisting with the                          •   Metford.             • Wollongong.

“I would like to take this opportunity to         emergency response                          •   Taree.
acknowledge and personally thank all of the
VICSES volunteers and staff, for the invaluable   to the impacted                             Our members undertook a variety of key

                                                  communities across
assistance provided to the WA Department                                                      positions, including Incident Management
of Fire and Emergency Services during the                                                     Team roles in operational centres,
response efforts following the impact of          the Mid-West and                            Divisional Command roles alongside
                                                                                              our Forest Fire Management Victoria
                                                  Wheatbelt regions
Tropical Cyclone Seroja on 11 April 2021.
                                                                                              colleagues, and as part of a Jurisdictional

                                                  of WA in their time
The damage caused by the cyclone impacted                                                     Liaison team that was deployed to work
multiple communities across a 133,430km2                                                      alongside our partner SES agencies from
area. The distances involved and remoteness       of need.”                                   across Australia.
of many of these towns meant that multiple
task forces were required to be deployed to                                                   On 26 March, the Australian Prime
get help to these communities as quickly as                                                   Minister Scott Morrison toured one of the
possible. The widespread loss of power and        A huge thank you to everyone involved in    emergency operation centres to thank
telecommunications added to the challenges        these deployments, and your contributions   local and interstate SES volunteers for all of
of the response operation.                        in ensuring the safety of communities       their efforts in responding to the event.
                                                  across Australia.                           Volunteers and staff members from
The assistance provided by VICSES was
invaluable in enabling us to reach the affected   You can read more information about         NSW SES spoke very highly of VICSES’
communities, and provide an emergency             those deployed from our regions on pages    contribution and support during the
response in the immediate aftermath of the        14, 17 and 21. n                            operations, with particular praise for
cyclone impact. I also acknowledge the                                                        those members who provided support in
                                                                                              Incident Control Centre’s and to the Public
                                                                                              Information team. n                              05
VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...

Wear Orange
Wednesday 2021
By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate Communications Officer, VHO              fter an incredibly busy    weather presenter Jane Bunn, the
                                                                      period with significant    Hawthorn and Geelong Football

On Wednesday 19 May, we                                               flood and storm events,
                                                           deployments, COVID-19 and much
                                                                                                 Clubs, and many more, which were
                                                                                                 shared on social media.
came together to celebrate Wear                            more, this year’s celebrations
                                                           were a fantastic opportunity          URBNSURF jumped on board to

Orange Wednesday (WOW Day)                                 for the community to show             give back to our volunteers, with
                                                                                                 special discounts available for our
                                                           their appreciation for our local
– a national day of thanks for our                         heroes in orange.                     volunteers to take a break surfing at
                                                                                                 their surf park in Tullamarine.
amazing volunteers.                                        Ahead of the Wednesday, a
                                                                                                 Our Principle Community Partner
                                                           media opportunity to promote
                                                           this year’s WOW Day event             AAMI once again supported
                                                           was held on Saturday 15 May at        our WOW Day Pet Competition
                                                           AAMI Park. Speakers at the event      to find the best dressed pet in
                                                           included Penny Callaghan, the         orange, with 5 x $100 Bunnings
                                                           mother of Will Callaghan, who         vouchers for our volunteer
                                                           expressed her gratitude for our       winners. You can check this year’s
                                                           100+ VICSES volunteers each day,      winners on the Hub.
                                                           who were involved in supporting       Finally, as an impressive display
                                                           the successful search of her          to close-out our celebrations,
                                                           son on Mount Disappointment           locations across Victoria including
                                                           back in June 2020.                    AAMI Park, the Melbourne Star, the
                                                           Communities across Victoria           Bolte Bridge, town halls, and other
                                                           celebrated WOW Day on 19 May          great regional locations, were lit
                                                           by dressing in orange, hosting        up in orange to acknowledge the
                                                           orange-themed events with their       fantastic work of our volunteers.
                                                           colleagues, friends and family, and   Thank you to all of our volunteers
                                                           sharing special messages of thanks.   for your ongoing contributions
                                                           We also received video messages       and dedication, and to everyone
                                                           from actors, TV personalities and     who helped us in celebrating
                                                           sports stars, including Aussie        WOW Day 2021! n
                                                           actor Shane Jacobson, Channel 7

VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...
in Rescue
By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate Communications Officer, VHO

On Saturday 17 April, VICSES units
across the state hosted their very own
Women in Rescue events, providing an                                     and train in a safe and supportive
opportunity for the women of their unit                                  environment together.
                                                                                                                 Our female first
to get hands-on with equipment, build                                    “Women in Rescue started
                                                                         because we wanted to show that          responders at
on rescue skills, and have fun!                                          women are part of all of it, and
                                                                         can use some pretty heavy duty
                                                                                                                 VICSES are

           ounded by Sunbury Unit   Across participating units, key
                                                                         tools,” said Angela.                    incredible, and
           in 2018, the event was   activities on the day included       “Our women in orange are                attend highly
           established with the     road crash rescue training,          capable, resourceful, and highly
aim to promote the following four   casualty handling, domestic          skilled, and contribute to the          complex and
key priorities:                     rescue, and more.                    safety of our community equally
                                                                         alongside our male colleagues.”
• Building women’s
  confidence in all roles
                                    In addition, Sunbury Unit hosted
                                    Gisborne Unit Deputy Controller Di   Torquay Unit Controller Rachel
  associated with a rescue.         Dale as guest speaker on the day,    Vella also spoke about the
• Increasing familiarity with       whose passionate and motivational    importance of the initiative, hosting   vehicles – but that isn’t true. We
  rescue tools through more         talk about the contributions of      the unit's own Women in Rescue          have a growing contingent of
  ‘hands on tools’ time.            women within the emergency           event on the day with special guest     women in South West Region who
                                    services sector was streamed via     attendee, Emergency Management          tackle a whole range of hand-on,
• Providing a positive,
                                    Webex for all members.               Commissioner Andrew Crisp (read         life-saving duties and requests for
  welcoming and challenging
                                                                         more on page 21).                       assistance," said Rachel.
  learning environment.             Sunbury Unit volunteer Angela
• Expanding leadership              Lane has been a key organiser of     “A lot of people assume that it’s       Thank you to everyone that was
  capacity and networking           the event since its beginnings,      only our male members who use           involved in making this year’s
  opportunities of women in         recognising the need for more        heavy-duty tools, drive VICSES          Women in Rescue event the biggest
  emergency services.               opportunities for women to learn     trucks, and cut people out of           yet – see you next year! n

VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...

Driver Reviver
Easter launch
By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate Communications Officer, VHO

In March we officially launched our Driver
Reviver program ahead of the Easter long                                                  VICSES
weekend, encouraging drivers to stop,                                                     SUPPORT AFL
revive, and arrive alive at their destination.                                            SEASON LAUNCH

             eld in Southbank, key           Victoria Deputy Commissioner Gavin
             speakers for this ministerial   Freeman, Country Fire Authority
             event included VICSES           Deputy Chief Officer Garry Cook, and
Chief Officer Operations Tim Wiebusch,       representatives from our Principle
Acting Minister for Police and               Community Partner AAMI.
Emergency Services Danny Pearson,
Minister for Roads and Safety Ben            With easing COVID-19 restrictions, over
Carroll, and Victoria Police Deputy          20 VICSES Driver Reviver sites were
Commissioner Libby Murphy.                   activated across the state for the Easter   By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate
                                             long weekend, providing free coffee,        Communications Officer, VHO

VICES Pakenham Unit volunteer Andre          tea and snacks to motorists, to help
Ackaoui also spoke to media, sharing         prevent driver fatigue on our roads. The               n March 17, VICSES was privileged to be
the story of his own involvement in a        campaign also coincided with a new                     involved in the launch of the 2021 AFL season
serious road incident that was attended      Driver Reviver video for social media,                 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
to by VICSES, and the importance             which is available for all units on the     Essendon Unit volunteer Sandy Faoro sounded the
of initiatives like Driver Reviver to        Hub under My State > Media and              ‘The First Siren’ at the MCG, alongside 11 other stadiums
support road safety.                         Communications > Video Library.             across Australia ahead of the seasons’ first game.
Volunteers organised through Sunbury         Thank you to all of our volunteers          Sandy has volunteered with VICSES for 39 years,
Unit attended the day, hosting a road        who gave up their time over the long        and described the last 12-18 months as the most
crash rescue demonstration for the           weekend to support our Driver Reviver       challenging of her time as part of the emergency services.
media and those in attendance.               sites, and the safety of our communities.   This opportunity was a great way to acknowledge
Other attendees that supported               You can read more about Andre’s             the hard work of Sandy, and all of our volunteers
the launch included Fire Rescue              story on page 10. n                         during this time. n

VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...
Photo: Vladimir Dayrit

                                                                                                       Wrap-up: 2021
Pride March                                                                                            Victoria Police
                                                                                                       and Emergency
2021                      By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate
                          Communications Officer, VHO                                                  Service Games
                                                                                                       By Gerry Sheridan, Operations Officer
On Sunday 23 May, our members came together                                                            Capability Improvement, VHO

once again to participate as part of the annual                                                                    he 2021 Victoria Police and
Midsumma Pride March!                                                                                              Emergency Service Games were
                                                                                                                   held from 17 to 21 March in the

                                                                                                       regional city of Geelong. The short format over
            stablished in 1996,                                                                        five days was to celebrate the 40th anniversary
            the Midsumma Pride                                                                         since the games inception. After what has
            March is an annual                                                                         been a difficult year with COVID-19 and busy
celebration of the lesbian,                                                                            operational periods, it was great to have all of
gay, bisexual, transgender,                                                                            our emergency services together to participate.
queer and intersex community,                                                                          As the 2020 games were cancelled due to the
embracing diversity and                                                                                pandemic environment, this year’s event was
uniting thousands every year in                                                                        even more special for everyone involved!
solidarity towards equality.
                                                                                                       VICSES put the call-out for members to
VICSES is a long-time                                                                                  participate and we were not disappointed, with
supporter and participant of                                                                           this year’s team having our largest contingency
the Pride March, as an event                                                                           in over five years! In total, we had 107 VICSES
that reflects the diversity within                                                                     members participate, with 226 individual
the communities we serve,                                                                              entries across all of the sports on offer. 107 was
and our own organisation.            "Pride March demonstrates       of this fantastic event," said    our lucky number, with 107 medals also won
                                     tolerance and support for all   VICSES Chief Executive            across the event, including 60 gold, 31 silver,
Although this year’s march
                                     community members, and          Officer Stephen Griffin, who      and 16 bronze. A number of members won a
looked a little different due
                                     highlights the importance of    also participated alongside       bag full of medals; however a standout was
to COVID-19, our members
                                     eliminating discrimination,     members on the day.               Maroondah Unit member Rainer Langhoff, who
proudly rallied alongside
                                     bullying and harassment.                                          brought home a whopping 13 medals!
our emergency service                                                Thank you to everyone that
colleagues in support of the         I'm incredibly proud of
                                                                     supported this fantastic event.   This year we also saw the introduction of our
LGBTIQA+ community.                  our members who have
                                                                     Together, we are VICSES! n        new sporting apparel, which was well received
                                     attended today in support
                                                                                                       and worn with pride across the athletics track,
                                                                                                       cross fit gym, squash court, surfing, indoor
                                                                                                       rowing, and dodgeball events to mention a few.
                                     Are you a VICSES member                                           We now turn our preparations to the
                                     and identify as part of the                                       Australasian Police and Emergency Service
                                                                                                       Games, which will take place in New Zealand
                                     LGBTIQA+ community?                                               in March 2022.

                                     Search for the VICSES Pride                                       Well done to all of our participating members,
                                     Network on Facebook                                               and thank you for representing VICSES! n

VICSES SUPPORTS INTERSTATE DEPLOYMENTS - Women in Rescue events held across Victoria - Victoria ...
                                            Brand new
                                                                                                                “Chelsea Unit is one of
                                                                                                                VICSES’ longest serving
                                                                                                                units, and it’s important

                                            home for                                                            that volunteers have the
                                                                                                                space and resources they

                                            Chelsea Unit
                                                                                                                need to effectively respond
                                                                                                                to incidents and support
                                                                                                                Victoria Police and other
                                                                                                                emergency services,” he said
                                                                                                                in a statement.
                                            By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate
1 January – 31 March                        Communications Officer, VHO
                                                                                                                This statement was also
                                                                                                                mirrored by Parliamentary
                                            As one of our organisations longest running                         Secretary for Police
                                            units, Chelsea Unit will soon be moving into                        and Emergency
                                                                                                                Services, Paul Edbrooke.
                                            brand new local headquarters, thanks to a
                                                                                                                “We’re continually looking
                                            large government investment.
                                                                                                                at ways we can better

1,976                                       E
                                                                                                                support our current and
                                                      stablished in 1953,      requests for assistance          future volunteers – ensuring
                                                      Chelsea Unit             in the last financial year,      they receive the training and
                                                      currently operates       including response for floods,   facilities they need to do
                                            out of Bonbeach Reserve with       fallen trees, damage to          their job,” he said.
                                            around 58 active volunteers.       property, search-and-rescue
Volunteers                                  Chelsea Unit will soon
                                                                               operations, and more.            Construction on the new
                                                                                                                facilities at Chelsea Heights

                                            benefit from a $7 million          Acting Minister for Police and   begins this winter, and is
                                            investment from the Victorian      Emergency Services Danny         scheduled for completion by
                                            government, which will             Pearson says the funding         the end of December, 2021. n
                                            allow the unit to move to          comes at a good time.
                                            a converted warehouse
                                            at 13 Ashley Park Drive,
Requests for assistance                     Chelsea Heights.

                                            The new facility will boast a
                                            six-bay drive-through
              15%                Building   motor room, additional
                                            storage for boats and
                                            equipment, as well as recently

 50     %                  13%    Support
                                    other   upgraded infrastructure. It will
                                 agencies   also enable volunteers to assist
 Tree down
                                            in a wider area, taking in two
                           10%    Rescue    thirds of the Kingston local
                                            government area, including
                  10   %
             2%                             part of Port Phillip Bay.

                                            The new build follows a very
              Other                         busy period at the unit, with
                                            members responding to 325


Pakenham Unit
member shares story
of road crash rescue
By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate Communications Officer, VHO

To help promote our Driver Reviver campaign and                             Although finally being freed          “Sometimes being the responder
                                                                            of the vehicle, Andre suffered        is hard and you’re faced with some
road safety over this year’s Easter long weekend,                           significant injuries, and was in a    challenging scenes, but being
VICSES Pakenham Unit member Andre Ackaoui                                   coma for nine days.                   in the collision yourself is not
                                                                                                                  something I’d want anyone to go
shared his story of how his fellow VICSES volunteers                        Thankfully, Andre survived            through,” said Andre.
                                                                            the ordeal and is on the way
saved his life after a serious road collision.
                                                                            to recovery, all thanks to the        “I’ve been very lucky and am

                                                                            assistance from his fellow VICSES     making a good recovery, but I
          ndre Ackaoui has          In August 2020, Andre was
                                                                            volunteers and emergency              want to urge everyone out there
          volunteered with          involved in a serious road collision
                                                                            service responders.                   to take care driving on our roads.
          VICSES Pakenham           while driving his truck on the Hume
                                                                                                                  If you see a Driver Reviver site on
Unit for the past 10 years, since   Freeway in Wallan. For the first        Reflecting on the trauma of the       your journey, make sure you drop
he was 17-years-old. During this    time, Andre found himself as the        incident, Andre spoke to media        in and say hello and thanks to our
time Andre has responded to         casualty of a road crash rescue - not   at the launch of the Driver Reviver   VICSES volunteers.”
many requests for assistance,       the first responder.                    campaign to encourage the
including over 100 road                                                     community to stay safe over the       Thank you to Andre for sharing his
crash rescues alongside his         VICSES Craigieburn Unit and local
                                                                            Easter long weekend by pulling        story, and we wish Andre all the
highly-trained unit members.        Country Fire Authority members
                                                                            over at a VICSES volunteer-run        best on his road to recovery. n
                                    swiftly responded to the incident,
                                                                            Driver Reviver location to stop,
                                    involving a complex three-
                                                                            rest, and refresh.
                                    hour extraction.

Government House emergency services mural
                                                                                                                             ‘thank-you’ mural has
                                                                                                                             been showcased at
By Gabi Barkmeyer, Corporate Communications Officer, VHO                                                                     Government House
                                                                                                                  in honour of our Victorian
                                                                                                                  emergency service personnel,
                                                                                                                  including VICSES.

                                                                                                                  The mural was commissioned by
                                                                                                                  the Governor of Victoria Linda
                                                                                                                  Dessau AC, and created by artist
                                                                                                                  Heesco Khosnaran to encapsulate
                                                                                                                  the gratitude felt by so many
                                                                                                                  Victorians for those working in our
                                                                                                                  emergency services.

                                                                                                                  From the devastating 2019-20
                                                                                                                  bushfires, COVID-19 and recent
                                                                                                                  severe flooding, the mural is a
                                                                                                                  true reflection of the dedication
                                                                                                                  of our sector across the state
                                                                                                                  in keeping our communities
                                                                                                                  safe. Thank YOU! n

Gippsland enhances
                                             Road Crash Rescue and
                                             Rescue Boat Skills
                                             By Merryn Henderson, Community Resilience Coordinator, East Region


1 January – 31 March

                                             The VICSES Gippsland Training team                                    quick and efficient responses
                                                                                                                   to incidents. Regular on-water
                                             coordinated and facilitated their annual multi-                       time is crucial in maintaining
                                             agency Road Crash Rescue (RCR) and Rescue                             and enhancing their boating
                                                                                                                   skills, ensuring a high-level
                                             Boat Workshops over the past few months.

                                                                                                                   readiness is maintained all

                                                                                                                   year around. VICSES Rescue
                                                         he VICSES Sale          “In essence we want to            Boat Coxswain/Crewpersons
                                                         Unit hosted the         ensure the training is            have advanced knowledge
                                                         Road Rescue             consistent across the state,      and skills to enable them
Volunteers                                   Workshop on Saturday 17 and
                                             Sunday 18 of April. All 18 RCR
                                                                                 so the skills and knowledge
                                                                                 are being conveyed the
                                                                                                                   to confidently lead a boat
                                                                                                                   and crew during rescue

                                             units had representatives in        same,” said Gerry.                boat operations.
                                             attendance, as well as Victoria
                                             Police, Ambulance Victoria,         Topics covered in both theory     Various scenarios were held
                                             Fire Rescue Victoria and            and hands on scenarios            including search and rescue,
                                             Gerry Sheridan from our State       included command and              emergency drills, navigation,
                                             Operations team.                    control, medical and patient      and depth checking
Requests for assistance                                                          considerations, alternative       of river levels.
                                             These RCR workshops are             tool techniques, battery tools,
                                             held to ensure our members          ramming options, and new          Non- boating members also
                                             have the latest up-to-date          RCR hydraulic tool use and        attended with the regions
                                  Building   information in relation to safe     application. The day ended        Field Operations Vehicle to
                        8%        damage     and effective road rescue skills,   with a multi -car motor vehicle   set up an Incident Control
                                                                                                                   Point for communications

 66     %                          Support   techniques and options. The         accident with a bus and mass
                                     other   training team, which consists       patient scenario.                 and local command.
                            10%   agencies
 Tree down                                   of both staff and volunteer                                            “These sessions will ensure
                                             instructors, bring learnings        Earlier in the year, a Rescue
                        10%        Rescue                                        Boat Workshop was held on         that our volunteer members
                                             in from both the State RCR                                            across Gippsland are upskilled
                                             Workshop and any trends from        27 February at Blue Rock Lake,
                       4%                                                                                          with the latest training
                     2%                      the Road Rescue Capability          upstream of the Tanjil River.
                                                                                                                   and information to better
                                             Assessments, ensuring               VICSES deckhands,                 protect our communities
             Other     Flood                 that our members have the           crewpersons and coxswains         when they need us,” said
                                             opportunity to improve and          spend many hours on the           Anthony Matters, Gippsland
                                             enhance their skills.               water during the year to enable   Regional Trainer. n
visit Leongatha
and Orbost Units
By Jane Fontana, Community Resilience Coordinator, East Region

In late March, Leongatha and Orbost Units had the                                                    appreciation from the Commissioner for the
                                                                                                     important work they do.
pleasure of separate visits from important dignitaries.                                              In the same month, Governor-General David

                                                                                                     Hurley and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley
           ictorian Emergency Management          their community. Andrew commented that our         travelled to East Gippsland Shire to meet
           Commissioner Andrew Crisp paid         VICSES volunteers are the ‘swiss army knife’ of    with local volunteers, including Orbost Unit.
           a visit to Leongatha Unit on 31        the emergency services; both in our capacity to    Both guests were struck by the volunteers’
March to attend their unit social night. Andrew   respond to such a range of operations, and in      experiences and contributions – particularly over
spent time getting to know the members and        the quality of the service that we provide. The    the last 18-months – and their commitment to
thanked them for the work that they put into      members appreciated the personal thanks and        the safety of their community. n

Moe Unit celebrates 50 years as founders
of Driver Reviver By Jane Fontana, Community Resilience Coordinator, East Region
                                                                                                     The following year, Steve suggested they
                                                                                                     set up stopovers to encourage people to
                                                                                                     stop and take a break on their journey. They
                                                                                                     asked suppliers for donations of coffee, tea
                                                                                                     and other supplies, growing the initiative into
                                                                                                     ‘Operation Coffee Break’.

                                                                                                     "From its humble beginnings and the support
                                                                                                     of some magnificent members of Moe Unit,
                                                                                                     the initiative set its roots and became a national
                                                                                                     campaign, with Driver Reviver rest stops all over
                                                                                                     the country," said Steve.

                                                                                                     “From its humble beginnings and the support
                                                  safety program. Moe Unit volunteer Steve
              oe Unit are celebrating 50 years                                                       of some magnificent members of Moe Unit, the
                                                  Wandmaker, son of the units first Controller
              of dedicated service to the                                                            initiative set its’ roots and became a national
                                                  Herb Wandmaker, first came up with the idea for
              community this year, from humble                                                       event, with other states starting up Driver Reviver
                                                  the initiative in the early 1980s.
beginnings in 1971 as the Moe Civil Defence.                                                         stops all over the country,” said Steve.
                                                  Out of frustration over the carnage on highways
In the past 12 months, Moe Unit has responded                                                        Today, alongside celebrating their 50-year
                                                  across Gippsland, Steve hatched the idea to line
to over 200 requests for assistance, including                                                       anniversary, Moe Unit has also recently become
                                                  the Princes Highway from Melbourne to East
call-outs for trees down, building damage,                                                           fully road crash rescue accredited, enhancing
                                                  Gippsland with VICSES volunteers over holiday
flooding, storms, land search and rescue, and                                                        their contributions to road safety even more.
                                                  weekends. Decked out in orange overalls and
various other emergencies.
                                                  holding signs and flashing orange lights, the      “Our volunteers have worked very hard to
In addition, Moe Unit is also where the Driver    initiative made motorists more aware of the        undertake all the required technical training for
Reviver program started its humble beginnings,    dangers while travelling on our roads, and was     this to happen, and we are very proud of them,”
before becoming a nationally recognised road      a great success.                                   said Moe Unit Controller Brad Henry. n
Ballarat Unit
                                                                                                                                   overwhelmed with requests

                                                                                                                                   for assistance, and turned
                                                                                                                                   to other states for assistance
                                                                                                                                   via the Australian Federal

                                                                                                                                   Government arrangements
                                                                                                                                   under AUSDISPLAN.

                                                                                                                                   The request called for crews
                                                            By Gavin Kelly, Regional Officer Emergency Management,                 with Safe Working at Heights
                1 January – 31 March                        Mid West Region                                                        and chainsaw skills. Ballarat
                                                                                                                                   Unit promptly organised
                                                            Over the past months, volunteers and staff                             four very experienced
                                                            from Mid West Region have offered their                                members for deployment from
                                                                                                                                   13 to 17 April.
                                                            skills and support via recent deployments
                                                                                                                                   The crew, including unit
                                                            to New South Wales (NSW) and Western                                   members Chris Bluett, Ben
                                                            Australia (WA).

                                                                                                                                   Lynch, Trent Oldaker and
                                                                                                                                   Wizz Rennie, first travelled

                                                                   n March, VICSES              difference to communities          by commercial flight to Perth
                                                                   members were                 during their time of need.         where they stayed overnight.
                                                                   deployed to NSW to           The deployment was a great         The following morning they
                                                            support the response to the         opportunity for me to utilise      flew to Geraldton via a RAAF
                Volunteers                                  state’s severe flooding. The        and strengthen my Divisional       C130 (Hercules) aircraft, to be
                                                                                                                                   deployed with WA SES crews

                                                            wide-spread and heavy rainfall      Commander skills,” said
                                                            caused significant damage           Cameron, reflecting on             to work in the response phase.
                                                            to housing and infrastructure,      his deployment.                    Due to the affected area
                                                            with the NSW SES responding                                            not usually being at risk of
                                                            to over 12,000 requests for         “It was an absolute pleasure to
                                                                                                work with the NSW SES Port         cyclones, the construction
                                                            assistance during this time.                                           of buildings was not rated
                Requests for assistance                                                         Macquarie Unit. They have an
                                                                                                                                   to cyclone standards,
                                                            Mid West members were               amazing group of volunteers
                                                            deployed alongside other            who maintained a positive          resulting in the almost
                                                            VICSES volunteers and               ‘can-do’ attitude throughout       complete destruction of a
                                                 Building   staff from across the state,        the event, and provided me         number of houses.
                                                 damage     including myself (Gavin Kelly)      with fantastic support as we       The crew worked 12-hour
                                                            and Ballarat Unit Deputy            worked together to resupply        days to support the recovery
                52%                     18   %    Support
                                                    other   Controller Cameron Maher.           their community with food          efforts, retiring in the evenings
                                                 agencies                                       and medication.”                   to their accommodation of
                Tree down                                   While I assisted the Northern
                                                            Zone Incident Control Centre        The following month in April,      army stretchers at the local
 215 52%                                8%
                                                  Rescue                                                                           basketball centre.
mage: 49                                                    (ICC) at Metford as a night shift   VICSES were once again
                                  8%                        Planning Officer, Cameron           asked to assist interstate, with   Overall, Ballarat Unit
her agencies:
                                                            was deployed as a Divisional        deployments to WA to provide       showcased an incredible
                                                            Commander in the Port               support for the aftermath          effort across both
%                       Other         Flood
                                                            Macquarie area.                     of Cyclone Seroja. WA SES          deployments. Thank you for
%                                                                                               and the state’s emergency          your hard work! n
                                                            “It’s always fulfilling to know     services sector were
                14                                          you’re able to make a real
Climbing to new heights                                            Centre and the Country Fire
                                                                   Authority (CFA).
with Mid West Technical                                            “We are lucky to have 12 high
Rescue Team!                                                       angle accredited responders
                                                                   across VICSES and CFA in
By Clare Mintern, Flood Project Support, Mid West Region           the Natimuk and Horsham
                                                                   area. However, if we have less
With almost 50 years’ experience rock                              than six members available
climbing around the world, Horsham Unit                            for a rescue, we heavily rely
                                                                   on surrounding units that
                                                                                                      Hepburn search
Officer and Technical Rescue Instructor Kieran                     have high angle accredited         at Daylesford
Loughran plays a significant role as part of the                   responders from Stawell,
                                                                   Ararat, Hamilton, Ballarat and     By Gavin Kelly, Regional Officer
Mid West Technical Rescue Team, responding                         Warrnambool,” said Kieran.         Emergency Management,
to many dangerous rescues at daring heights.                                                          Mid West Region

                                                                   “We regularly undertake

                                                                   multi-agency high angle                       ate afternoon on Monday 12 April,
              ieran’s passion     rescues, either located at the   training with our local high                  a middle-aged male went missing
              for rock climbing   Grampians or Mount Arapiles.     angle operators to maintain                   from where he was staying in
              first began when                                     our skills and continue to build   Daylesford. The following morning, Victoria
he was 17, and has since          Locations like Mount Arapiles                                       Police requested the assistance of VICSES
                                  are renowned for having          relationships with CFA.”
travelled across the globe to                                                                         Hepburn Unit to assist in an initial search for
locations including Europe,       climbs that cater to a very      Kieran is constantly trying to     the missing person. There was no success
America and New Zealand           broad range of skills levels.    recruit new members with           on the Tuesday, and the search continued
to pursue his passion. One        But when climbers push           high angle accreditation.          until the Friday, when resources were
of the reasons Kieran and his     themselves beyond their          More members would go a            significantly increased.
family first decided to move to   capability, they can sometimes   long way towards taking the
Natimuk in Mid West Region        find themselves in trouble.      pressure off their small group     The search was led by Hepburn Unit
was to be closer to Mount                                          of high angle operators, and       Deputy Controller Emily Pullen, as the
                                  Last February, Kieran was                                           VICSES Commander and Liaison Officer
Arapiles and the Grampians to     involved with a rescue at        would enable them to rely less
continue rock climbing.                                            on surrounding units that are      for all of the VICSES members involved.
                                  Mount Arapiles, where a
                                  person fell and was suspended    located a long distance from       As the Operations Officer for Mid West,
Kieran was first inspired to                                       Mount Arapiles, reducing
get involved with VICSES          60 metres off the ground                                            I was deployed to the scene to assist
                                  with serious injuries. The       response time for casualties       with command functions alongside Mid
when he saw a series of bad                                        with critical injuries.
accidents in the 80’s and         rescue also involved assisting                                      West Regional Duty Officer Marisha
90’s, which resulted in several   three other climbers off the     Looking ahead, Kieran is also      Patton. Volunteers were deployed from
fatalities. As a member of the    mountain, which Kieran and       hopeful that one day a joint       across three regions to support the
Horsham Unit since 2008,          the attending crew were able     VICSES and CFA building            event, including:
Kieran has undertaken more        to successfully achieve.         can be built at Natimuk to         • Mid West Region: Hepburn, Ballarat,
than 50 rescues. While also       Outside of VICSES, Kieran’s      accommodate more space               Bacchus Marsh and Regional
responding to road crash          steep angle rescue skills are    and better facilities, enabling      Support Units.
rescues, more than 75% of         renowned across Victoria         continued support in high-
                                                                                                      • South West Region: Bannockburn,
the rescue jobs that Kieran       within the Victoria Police       angle rescue into the future for
                                                                                                        Torquay, and South Barwon Units.
is involved in are high angle     Rescue Coordination              the local community. n
                                                                                                      • North West Region: Gisborne,
                                                                                                        Woodend, Bendigo, Maryborough,
                                                                                                        and Regional Support Units.

                                                                                                      Members searched a wide area of the
                                                                                                      township via doorknocks, as well as
                                                                                                      handing out of flyers in the main streets
                                                                                                      of Daylesford. Members also searched
                                                                                                      adjacent bushland, as well as deploying the
                                                                                                      Hepburn Unit inflatable rescue boat onto
                                                                                                      the local lake.

                                                                                                      Unfortunately, despite all best efforts
                                                                                                      from everyone involved, the missing
                                                                                                      person was not found. Although an
                                                                                                      unfortunate outcome, Victoria Police
                                                                                                      was most generous in their praise for all
                                                                                                      of our volunteers' efforts throughout the
                                                                                                      three-day search. Thank you to all of our
                                                                                                      involved members. n                       15
NORTH                                          UNITS WITHOUT BORDERS:
        EAST                                          Working as one
                                                      with NSW SES
        1 January – 31 March                          By Justin Greatorex, NSW SES Tocumwal Commander,
                                                      and Wendy Tucknott, Cobram Unit Controller, North East Region

                                                              n February, VICSES       As a border community            • John Stave, outgoing
 t                                                            Cobram Unit and New      with NSW, the towns are            Cobram Unit Controller,
 s: 702                                                       South Wales (NSW)        separated by the Murray            for outstanding leadership,
0 September                                           SES Tocumwal Unit came           River on what the locals           dedication, and
                                                      together for a special dinner    call the ‘Toc Bends’ on the        commitment to his role.
or assistance: 327

                                                      and presentation night,          Goulburn Valley Highway – an
n: 209 64%                                            hosted to thank members and      approximate 4km of winding       • Carrie Hawke, Treasurer
                                                                                                                          and Finance Officer,
damage: 4 1%                                          their families for their huge    bends and heavy bushland.
                                                                                                                          for dedication and
                                                      effort during an exceedingly     During flooding the towns
 ther agencies: 52                                    difficult year.                  can become cut off, as flood       commitment to her role.

        Volunteers                                    Located just across the
                                                                                       water rises over the bends of
                                                                                                                        • The Cobram Unit, for
%                                                     border, what makes these
                                                                                       the main road.
                                                                                                                          outstanding volunteer

9 15%                                                 two units unique is that         Due to COVID-19 and border         service by all members to
%                                                     that the volunteers both         restrictions, previously there     the community during an
                                                      train and respond under          had not been a chance for          exceedingly difficult year.
                                                      VICSES and NSW SES.              the unit members to come
                                                                                       together to acknowledge the      It was great to finally be
        Requests for assistance                       A Memorandum of
                                                      Understanding between
                                                                                       hard work of their volunteers.   able to celebrate together,
                                                                                       On the presentation night,       and both units look forward
                                                      Victoria and NSW allows us       awards were presented to         to continuing to work as
                                                      to work 40km across borders      several members, including:      one to support their local
                     10%                   Building   during normal business and                                        communities. n
                                           damage     operations. Both Cobram

         61    %             11%        Support       Unit and Tocumwal Unit
                                          other       operate from Tocumwal in
         Tree down                                    NSW, as Cobram Unit does
                              11%           Rescue    not have a local headquarters
                            5  %                      in Victoria. However, there is
                           2%                         some VICSES equipment in
                                                      storage sheds in Cobram for
                                                      rapid response to road crash
                                                      rescue and priority responses,
                                                      located 18km from NSW
                                                      SES Tocumwal Unit.

the aftermath
of Cyclone
By Lisa Wise, Deputy Controller Wodonga Unit,
North East Region

Wodonga Unit Controller Cameron
O'Brien and I first flew out from Albury
in a small four-seater plane, landing in
Essendon and then onto Tullamarine,
where we boarded a commercial
flight to Perth.

           rom the moment we          every day. Base Camp Manager
           met up with our fellow     Lynton Jackson slept on site each
           Task Force members         night and was available to us at
at Tullamarine, you could feel        any time, constantly checking on
the energy and buzz of our            our welfare. We even had a barista
orange family keen to get on          on-site from 5:50am – I never
with supporting those affected        wanted to leave!
by Cyclone Seroja in Western
Australia (WA).                       Northampton – what an incredibly
                                      resilient community. Our team
We were met in Perth by some          spent time undertaking rapid         Have boots, will fly!
friendly WA SES members who           impact assessments, so we got
                                                                           By Liz Frazer, Community Resilience Coordinator,
took us to our motel for the          to speak with the community
                                                                           North East Region

evening, and transported us           about the cyclone and how it
very early the next morning to        had affected them. Each home                       ver the past        • Deployments to Western
the Pearce RAAF Base, where           that we visited had some sort of                   months our            Australia to support the
we hopped on board a C130             damage, but the residents were                     members have          impacts of Cyclone Seroja.
Hercules aircraft. Seat belts         so positive about the clean-up and   taken to the skies, being         • A light-plane leap-
were essential to stop you from       repairs, continuously supporting     passengers across multiple          frog from Lilydale, to
sliding around!                       each other. They had a community     aircraft for important training     Wangaratta, and then on
                                      centre with donations piled up,      opportunities, requests for
Landing in Geraldton, we spent                                                                                 to Bombala in NSW.
                                      and a number of fellas making        assistance and interstate
most of the day waiting for the       deliveries to those people in                                          • Police aircraft transport to
                                                                           deployments, including:
arrival of our equipment on a         need. All of the community                                               Bendoc for a search and
Globemaster aircraft. Wow, was        members I spoke with were            • Storm impact assessments          rescue in April.
that a huge plane - our trucks        amazed that we had come from           in February via helicopter.
looked like matchbox cars in                                                                                 These are just some of the
                                      Victoria to help out.                • Deployments to New
comparison! Five of our members                                                                              great opportunities and
                                                                             South Wales (NSW)
were selected to drive the VICSES     I had a very rewarding time on                                         experiences that our North
                                                                             to undertake Incident
vehicles off the aircraft, and they   my deployment, knowing that                                            East members have a recently
                                                                             Management Team
couldn’t wipe the smiles off their    I made such a difference to the                                        been involved in, with many
                                                                             roles to support
faces for days.                       community. I feel very lucky to                                        more to come! n
                                                                             severe flooding.
                                      be part of such a great group of
Base camp was basic to begin          Victorians, and the Australia-wide
with, but the facilities improved     emergency services sector. n
WEST                                                                                                                    Photo: Bendigo Advertiser

                                          A Very Good Friday
                                          By Karen Dunstan, Community Resilience Coordinator, North West Region
1 January
  Jan – 31 May
           – 31 March
                                          This year’s Neighbour Day celebrations were extra
                                          special for the Heathcote Unit, with a mother
                                          dropping by the unit's open afternoon event to thank
                                          them for saving her son’s life.

608                                       S
                                                    haryn Walker’s            involved after the rescue.      It’s not every day that you
                                                    son, Jake, was in a       This rescue in particular had   have happy endings from
                                                    serious car accident      stayed in the minds of those    serious incidents like road
                                          last year, and she wanted to        unit members who had            crash rescues, and Heathcote
                                          let them know that he was           responded, with volunteer       Unit will be forever grateful
Volunteers                                finally being discharged from       Sandra Koole describing         to know the positive
                                          hospital following a seven-         having shivers up and down      outcome of one of their more

                                          month stay. Members were            her spine when Jake’s mum       memorable rescues. n
                                          able to easily recall the rescue,   Sharyn was thanking them.
                                          as it had been a long and
                                          complex event.

                                          Hearing this news, the unit
Request for
Requests forassistance
             assistance                   hatched a plan to make
                                          Jake’s welcome home even
                                          more special by organising a
                 9%            Building   Guard of Honour for him. On
                                          Good Friday, the welcoming
                       11%      Support   committee included Jake’s
 52     %
 Tree down
                               agencies   family, friends, Heathcote
                                          Unit members, and plenty of
                                                                                   North West Regional
                                          orange balloons!
                         16%    Rescue
                                          Although on average our
             2% 10
                                          VICSES volunteers respond                Unit profile
                                          to around 1,300 road crash
                                          rescues across the state                 By Andrew Stockwell, North West Regional
         Other        Flood               every year, it’s rare to hear            Headquarters Unit Controller, and Karen
                                          about what happens to those              Dunstan, Community Resilience Coordinator,
                                                                                   North West Region

Rochester Project
video series
By Karen Dunstan, Community Resilience Coordinator,
North West Region

VICSES North West Region and Rochester
Unit have supported the development of
a series of videos, commissioned by the
North Central Catchment Management
Authority (CMA) and Campaspe Shire
Council for the Resilient Rochester Project.

            he video series was                Due to COVID-19, planned community
            designed to accompany              engagement activities for the project
            existing materials that            were cancelled. However, the video
were delivered to Rochester residents          series was able to assist in telling the
and businesses to help them better             story of the project and generate
understand their flood risk. Some              interest in locals to find out more about
local faces appear in the series, which        the resources they received.
premiered on the Campaspe Shire
Council Facebook page.                         The project celebrates the community
                                               of Rochester and the benefits of living
The series has something for everyone,         somewhere so beautiful, while also
with short clips that highlight key ideas      acknowledging the risk of flood. It
about planning for emergencies at              highlights that being aware of the
a personal and business level, flood           risk and knowing what to do can
history, what locals love about living         greatly reduce the consequences – to
in 'Rochy', along with some longer             individuals, families and businesses. n
videos that outline the project.

                   ith the easing           Community Engagement                    • Bendigo Unit at Anzac Day           transfers for volunteers who were
                   of restrictions,         Facilitators," said Andrew.               services.                           deployed to Western Australia.
                   the North West                                                   • Gisborne Unit at Open Gardens       Members have also supported
                                            "The North West Regional
Regional Headquarters Unit has                                                        in Mount Macedon.                   regional training, including
                                            Headquarters Unit will be reaching
been relishing the opportunity to                                                                                         communication support at a
                                            out to other regional units
once again get out and about. New                                                   And that’s just April!                Rescue Boat Crewperson course in
                                            throughout the year to organise
Unit Controller Andrew Stockwell                                                                                          Swan Hill, and trainers for First Aid.
                                            joint training, and to develop new      Members have been sifting and
says that the unit members are
                                            ways to help better support them."      sorting through the region’s
excited to help support the region                                                                                                         On behalf of the
and local units.                            Recent activity includes support to:    recruitment and community                              region, we’d
                                                                                    education trailers to bring            MANY            like to thank
"We have members who                        • Hepburn Shire Unit to assist          them up to speed for use at           THANKS           the unit for their
possess a broad range of skills,              with an urban search for a            community events.                                      ongoing valuable
from specialising in utilising                missing person.
                                                                                    The unit has also been instrumental                    contributions! n
the Field Operations Vehicle                • Marong Unit at the joint VICSES
and Incident Management                       Driver Reviver and TAC Pause          in supporting the region with
tools, to OIMS operators and                  Stops over the Labour Day and         logistics relating to deployments,
                                              Easter long weekends.                 including door-to-door airport
                                        in Rescue
SOUTH                                   By Melanie Gill, Community
                                        Resilience Coordinator,
                                        South West Region

WEST                                    On Saturday 17 April, the Torquay Unit
                                        hosted their own Women in Rescue event,
                                        one of several across the state.

1 January - 31 March                                olunteers from nine   presentation on command             said Deputy Chief Officer
                                                    units stretching      and control in the context of       Alistair Drayton.
                                                    from Warrnambool      VICSES rescue.
                                        to Pakenham convened                                                  Comments from attendees
                                        at the Torquay Unit Local         After this, it was time to get      included that it was great to
                                        Headquarters to network,          on the tools! Stations were         network and share techniques
                                        build on rescue skills, and       set up to reflect the wide          between units, as well as
                                        work together as a team.          range of rescue types that          being very beneficial to have
                                                                          VICSES members are involved         experienced women share

                                        Emergency Management
                                        Commissioner Andrew               in, including winching,             their knowledge. All were
                                        Crisp, VICSES Deputy Chief        casualty handling and               in agreeance that Women in
                                        Officer Alistair Drayton, and     road crash rescue.                  Rescue should certainly be an
                                        Operations Manager Chris                                              annual event in the south west!
                                                                          The day was a huge success,
                                        Longmore all attended and         with many valuable discussions      We would like to acknowledge
Volunteers                              viewed the skills on display.     throughout the day and              the efforts of all the volunteers
                                                                          lots of positive feedback           who helped plan the event

                                        After a brief introduction, the
                                        Commissioner addressed            from participants and               and ensure it ran smoothly.
                                        the group and praised the         special guests alike.               On behalf of the South West
                                        efforts of VICSES volunteers,                                         Region, we would also like
                                                                          “It’s brilliant to see our female   to give a huge shout out
                                        highlighting the many skills of   VICSES leaders continue to
                                        our members. South Barwon                                             to Torquay Unit Controller
Requests for assistance                 Unit Deputy Controller
                                                                          showcase their skills through       Rachel Vella, for all her work in
                                                                          the Women in Rescue event,”         organising, coordinating, and
                                        Caroline Taylor then ran a
                                                                                                              promoting the event. n
              8%             damage


 38       %            12%
 Tree down

                       18%    Rescue


     Other     Flood

Cyclone Seroja: South West
member deployments
By Ysabel Cronin-Guss, Community Resilience Coordinator,
South West Region

Our South West Region members are proving that
our emergency services really do ‘work as one’,
contributing to two taskforces as part of the second
deployment to Western Australia (WA) to support the
impacts of Cyclone Seroja.

           his deployment              drove a vehicle off the plane,       flying from Perth to Geraldton on       community members, despite his
           included Heywood            which was a true milestone of his    a Hercules aircraft, describing it a    own house being in shambles.
           Unit Deputy Controller      service with VICSES.                 a gob-smacking and a once in a          This act of selflessness truly
Adrian Hodgens, dual Heywood                                                lifetime opportunity.                   moved the team, and was a great
and Portland Unit Controller           Adrian was one of the newer                                                  demonstration of community spirit.
                                       VICSES members on the team.          When asked about the situation in
Charlie Debono, Warrnambool
                                       Being an ex-veteran himself, he      WA, Bruce commented that the            Adrian’s advice to any VICSES
Unit Controller Giorgio Palmeri,
                                       was proud to see VICSES working      community of Northampton were           member thinking about
and Hamilton Unit member Bruce
                                       in partnership with the Australian   resilient and tough – a testament to    putting their hand up for a
Farquharson. The team was
                                       Defence Force. He also enjoyed       those who were so badly affected        deployment is simple:
tasked mainly with completing
                                       the multi-agency approach and        by this natural disaster.
temporary roof repairs and clearing                                                                                 “If you’re available and can make it
trees and debris to assist the         working alongside other crews
                                                                            The team came back with many            work, do it. It’s a fantastic learning
community in rebuilding.               such as NSW SES. He noted
                                                                            stories, but there’s one that really    opportunity and allows you to
                                       that many were envious of our
                                                                            demonstrates the resilience of the      put the various skills we train
As many would be aware, five           VICSES vehicles!
                                                                            Northampton community from              into practise.”
VICSES vehicles also made the
                                       For Charlie, it was his first        a local resident. The roof of the
trip by air to provide vital support                                                                                We’d like to thank all of our
                                       deployment to WA. He noted that      resident’s property was severely
to communities on the ground.                                                                                       members that were deployed to
                                       the team from South West Region      damaged; however the team were
Vehicles were loaded on the                                                                                         WA, especially for their willingness
                                       “worked well together as a great     not able to get in contact with him
C-17A Globemaster aircraft at                                                                                       to drop everything at short notice
                                       crew, and had to quickly adapt to    to provide support. Later, the team
Melbourne Airport thanks to the                                                                                     to support our colleagues and
                                       the rules and regulations in WA as   discovered that this was because
Australian Defence Force. Giorgio                                                                                   communities on the other side of
                                       they differ to ours slightly”. One   the local was using his own earth-
was one of the members who                                                                                          the country #weworkasone. n
                                       of his highlights of the trip was    moving equipment to assist other

                                                                                          he LHQ was set up as       plans, local flood guides and
                                                                                          a Divisional Command       local knowledge.
                                                                                          Point utilising Central
                                                                              Regions’ Mobile Command                VICSES recognises the
                                                                              Vehicle and the South West Field       importance of emergency
                                                                              Operations Vehicle. Members            exercises and training
                                                                              had the opportunity to test the        opportunities, and is committed
                                                                              capabilities of these command          to continuing to explore
                                                                              vehicles and liaise with crews,        opportunities to do so. Simulating
                                                                              attending to mock requests for         incidents can be a great way to
                                                                              assistance in the local areas.         ensure readiness and currency of
                                                                                                                     skills, particularly in the event of

     Exercise Arbalest
                                                                              Snap Send Solve flood                  larger scale incidents.
                                                                              observations were also utilised
                                                                              on the day, with members               The exercise was a great success
     By Melanie Gill, Community Resilience Coordinator, VHO                                                          and beneficial to all in attendance.
                                                                              taking photographs that were
                                                                              then accessible at the Division        A post exercise learnings and
     On Saturday 20 March, 35 members from South                              Command Point. The exercise            observations report was also
     West and Central Regions joined forces at the                            provided a good opportunity            completed, ensuring that all
                                                                              to test flood emergency                learnings are carried forward
     Wyndham West Local Headquarters (LHQ) for                                                                       into exercises and operations
     ‘Exercise Arbalest’ - a flood and storm exercise.                                                               in the future. n

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