Video Stream Challenges Movie Industry- an Empirical Study with a User Focus - ssrg-journals

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies (SSRG-IJEMS) – Volume 7 Issue 5 – May 2020

     Video Stream Challenges Movie Industry—
       an Empirical Study with a User Focus
                       Chiang-nan Chao#1, Yingchuan Wang2, Frankie Changli Wang3

                 #Professor of Management, Tobin College of Business, St. John’s University, USA
                                    Vice President, BNP Paribas, Hong Kong
                            Executive Director at People Insurance Company of China

Abstract                                                    2020 temporarily shut down most of the movie theaters
         Video stream challenges movie industry,            around the world. The new coronavirus pandemic is
especially during the outbreak of coronavirus around        deepening a digital divide, amplifying gains for
the globe in 2020, as movie theaters, opera houses, and     businesses that cater to customers online, while
other entertainment gathering are closed.Video stream       businesses reliant on more traditional models fight for
possesses convincing advantages over other ways of          survival (Torry, 2020).A few movie theaters in my
seeing movies. Thanks to global technology                  neighborhood have substantially reduced the number
advancement, consumers are able to watch high               seats and converted the old fashion seats to recliner
definition movies at home or on the go. This study          seats due to the decrease in movie goers.
focuses on consumers’ preferences between video                       This emerging phenomenon of video stream
streaming and other ways of seeing movies. The results      depends heavily on the technology advancement in
indicate that consumers are shifting from going to the      computers, networking, and most of all the speed and
movie theaters, watch movie on demand, or movie             capacity of the internet. The global monthly video
rental to video stream, while home entertainment            internet traffic in 2019 reached105 exabyte per month,
industry continues to improve both in technology and        an amazing 83 folds of the video traffic volume in 2008,
customer service. The consumers favor video stream          about an equivalent of about 300 million DVDs
with the availability of WIFI, and 5Gis on the horizon.     crossing the network each month (Cisco VNI, 2014,
                                                            2018, 2020).
Keywords: Video stream, movie stream,Watch movie                      What impacts of this shift will have on
on demand, Movie rental.                                    businesses and consumers are of great interests. This
                                                            study aims to explore only some of the impacts of the
                     I. Introduction                        emerging video stream in home entertainment industry
          The competition for viewers in the movie          from the consumer point of views.
industry takes many different forms. Traditional movie
theaters, with high quality pictures on large screens and                   II. Review of Literature
high quality sound effects, need the patrons to show up              Video consumption and distribution has
physically; physical movie rental stores of cassettes and   witnessed a double digit growth in the past few years,
DVDs are the things of the past. The worldwide market       converting and preparing this content for the digital
for DVD and BD-DVD Player is expected to grow at a          realm was largely a 'black art' until recently, when
CAGR of roughly -29.2% over the next five years, will       several enterprise-grade solutions came onto the market.
reach $80 million in 2024, from $630 million in 2019        The trends of on-demand viewing and high-definition
(Market Watch, 2020). Video stream via high speed           video are generating very rapid growth in cable video
internet connections, which is emerging as a new way        and IPTV traffic transported over IP in metropolitan
for the movie goers, enables consumers watch movies         areas (Cisco, 2018, 2020). Figures 1 presents the
without going to movie theaters, nor going to rental        monthly internet video traffic trend between 2017 and
stores, nor waiting for DVD disks (including Blue Ray       2022.
DVD) to show up in the mail boxes, nor returning these
disks to rental stores (Wingfield, 2010; Stone, 2010).
While these video websites, which provide the
convenience for the customers to watch high quality
movies on TVs or on electric gadgets (the most popular
ones are the smartphones), witness a tremendous
growth.The outbreak of coronavirus around the globe in

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 Figure 1: Monthly internet video traffic trend vs. total              watch four screens at the same time. It's also the only
             IP traffic, in exabytes/month                             item on the Netflix that offers a 4K viewing option.
   500                                                                 Amazon Prime Video, which starts at $12.99 a month,
                                                                       has been Netflix's main rival until nearly every major
      0                                                                content provider made the plunge into streaming. In
                                                                       addition, some new comers have joined the competition,
            2017        2018   2019      2020     2021     2022
                                                                       Disney offers Disney+ came to market in November
Source:            Cisco            VNI,            2018.              2019, with its wide-ranging Disney content (including               Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars franchises) for $6.99 per
ce-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/white-paper-                   month or a combined Disney+, ESPN, and Hulu
c11-741490.html                                                        subscription price of $12.99.This is competitive with
         The top five providers for video stream                       Netflix's three plans, which range from $8.99 to $15.99
include Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, HBO, and Sling TV.                      per month. Apple TV+ was also launched in November
Netflix tops the viewership as it counts for 158 million,              2019 at an introductory $4.99 monthly rate.
and has about 44 percent of market share.Figure 2                      (, 2020).
shows the viewership among the big video stream                                  With numerous online video platforms on the
providers in 2019 in the U.S.                                          market, choosing a solution has become more difficult.
                                                                       Some offerings focus on content management and
  Figure 2. Viewership among the major video stream                    monetization, while others are geared towards enabling
                providers, 2019, in mil.                               syndication and interactive advertising campaigns. For
    180.0                                                              an entire industry that defines itself based on the word
    160.0                                                              "quality", which can be 4K, or even 8K.
    140.0                                                                        This study intends to examine a limited
    120.0                                                              number of the users’ preferences, hopefully to provide
    100.0                                                              some managerial insights for home entertainment
                                                                       industry: what consumers prefer and how they make
                                                                       video stream decisions with a focus on the core issues
                                                                       of price and promotion, quality and delivery.
     20.0                                                                                     III. Method
      0.0                                                                       With the focal questions in mind, this research
              Netflix     Amazon      Hulu      HBO      Sling TV      studied the consumers’ preferences with regards to how
                                                                       they stream movies. A survey was developed to
Source: Statista, 2019.   investigate the consumer preferences on products and
provider/                                                              their quality, price and promotion, deliveries, together
          While the traditional movie rental giants,                   with other features available using either movie stream.
Blockbuster, Movie Gallery, and Hollywood were able                    The following variables were based on literature
to generate billions of dollars in revenues in the past,               reviews.
they vanished. Netflix has 158 million streaming                       A. Variable Selection
customers, as it lets its customer to pay only $7.99-9.99                       The following variable selections affect how
a month to watch unlimited movies.                                     and where consumers make their purchase
          Netflix provides its consumers with three                    decisions.These are incorporated into a survey
primary monthly pricing plans, as follows: Basic, $8.99                questionnaire.
per month (up from $7.99 in 2018). Netflix's basic plan                     1. Easy to obtain movies
doesn't provide high definition viewing and its                             2. Offers lower price
programs can only be watched on one screen at a time.                       3. Easy to watch
Standard, $12.99 per month (up from $10.99 in 2018).                        4. High quality pictures
The Netflix standard offers HD videos and allows for                        5. Easy on the go
two simultaneous viewings. Premium, $15.99 per                              6. High sound quality
month (up from $13.99 in 2018). Netflix has formed                          7. Easily share with friends
partnerships with wireless companies and cable                              8. Do not need to buy special gadgets
companies, which would seem to be competitors. For                          9. Free for delivery
example, T-Mobile gives Netflix subscriptions to some                       10. Work on a variety of formats
of its customers for no extra cost while Comcast gives                      11. Are copyright protected
its customers a convenient way to buy a Netflix
subscription. The top tier offering includes the ability to

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B. Hypotheses                                               sampling since these respondents tend to browse on the
          The hypotheses for this research are to find if   websites and stream movies, and seeing movies in
there are significant differences between movie stream      traditional ways. The respondents were asked to
and seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie theaters,    evaluate the selected variables using a five point Likert
DVD, etc). The hypotheses for this study state:             scale, with 5=strongly somewhat prefer, 4=prefer,
H1 There is no significant difference in obtaining          3=neutral, 2=somewhat not prefer, and 1=least prefer.
      movies between movie stream and seeing movie in                 When two samples are involved and the values
      traditional ways (in movie theaters, DVD, etc).       for each sample are collected from the same individuals
H2 There is no significant difference in attractive         (that is, each individual gives two values, one for each
      prices between movie stream and seeing movie in       of the two categories), or the samples come from
      traditional ways (in movie theaters, DVD, etc).       matched pairs of individuals, the Wilcoxon Signed-
H3 There is no significant difference in easiness of        Rank Test can be used to test hypotheses. This test is a
      watching movies between movie stream and              non-parametric statistical hypothesis test used when
      seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie            comparing two related samples, matched samples, or
      theaters, DVD, etc).                                  repeated measurements on a single sample to assess
H4 There is no significant difference in high               whether their population mean ranks differ (i.e. it is a
      definition movies between movie stream and            paired difference test). It can be used as an alternative
      seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie            to the paired Student's t-test, t-test for matched pairs, or
      theaters, DVD, etc).                                  the t-test for dependent samples when the population
H5 There is no significant difference in easiness for       cannot be assumed to be normally distributed. The
      watch movies on the go between movie stream           Wilcoxon test assumes:
      and seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie        1. Data are paired and come from the same
      theaters, DVD, etc).                                       population;
H6 There is no significant difference in high sound         2. Each pair is chosen randomly and independent; and
      quality between movie stream and seeing movie in      3. The data are measured on an interval scale (ordinal
      traditional ways (in movie theaters, DVD, etc).            is not sufficient because differences are recorded),
H7 There is no significant difference in easiness for            but need not be normal.
      sharing movies with others between movie stream                 The nulls should be rejected if the significance
      and seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie        level is less than or equal to five percent in these
      theaters, DVD, etc).                                  criteria, in another word, five percent of the paired
H8 There is no significant difference in requirements       sample the Wilcoxon test two-tailed probability level
      for buying additional special gadgets or              signifies the preferences for movie stream vs traditional
      instruments between movie stream and seeing           ways of seeing movies(Conover, 1980; Davis and
      movie in traditional ways (in movie theaters, DVD,    Cosenza, Hamburg, 1977; 1985; SPSSX, 2002;
      etc).                                                 Wikipedia).
H9 There is no significant difference in easiness and
      not cost for movie delivery between movie stream                            IV. Results
      and seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie                 612 consumers were distributed, with 272
      theaters, DVD, etc).                                  completed and usable responses for analysis that
H10 There is no significant difference in movie formats     represents 44.4 percent of the total surveyed.
      that can be played on any instrument between          A. Backgrounds of the Respondents
      movie stream and seeing movie in traditional                   Table 1 presents the general information of the
      ways (in movie theaters, DVD, etc).                   respondents.
H11 There is no significant difference in concerning of            Table 1. Backgrounds of the Respondents
      movie copyrights between movie stream and                Variables                                       %
      seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie               Your age
                                                               55                                               0.3
streaming and Seeing movie in traditional ways (in             Your gender
                                                               Male                                             55.8
movie theaters, DVD, etc).                                     female                                           44.2
                                                               Your family annual income
C. Survey and Tests of Hypotheses                              $75k                                            33.9
university in the northeast of the US for a convenient         Your highest education

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   high school                                           13.8         least prefer                                           16.4
   college                                               75.3         somewhat not prefer                                    17.3
   graduate                                              10.9         neutral                                                39.3
   Your present marital status                                        somewhat prefer                                        19.4
   married                                               24.3         most prefer                                             7.6
   single                                                75.7      How do you prefer watching high definition movies
Source: original.                                                                                                           %
                                                                      least prefer                                            9.1
B. Movie Experience                                                   somewhat not prefer                                    15.5
         Table 2 below presents the respondents’                      neutral                                                33.6
                                                                      somewhat prefer                                        26.3
pattern of seeing movie. The study indicates that nearly              most prefer                                            15.5
all respondents have access to for their movie watching.           How do you prefer watching streamed movies on
                                                                   gadget screen less than 7 inches, i.e. smartphones
      Table 2. The respondents’ movie experience.                     least prefer                                           17.0
    Have you ever stream a movie?                       %             somewhat not prefer                                    21.9
      Yes                                               89.2          neutral                                                44.2
      No                                                10.8          somewhat prefer                                        12.6
    Do you have any special gadget(s) that let you                    most prefer                                             4.4
    watch movie, i.e. phone, tablets, etc.?                        How do you prefer watching streamed movies on
       Yes                                              45.0       gadget screen more than 10 inches?
       No                                               55.0          least prefer                                            5.6
    How many times do you go to movie theater                         somewhat not prefer                                     7.6
    monthly?                                                          Neutral                                                37.1
       0                                                 7.3          somewhat prefer                                        33.9
       1                                                45.0          most prefer                                            15.8
       2                                                30.7
       3                                                 9.4    C. Results of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and
       >=3                                               7.6    Significance
    How many movies do you watch on TV, PC, tablets,
    phones, or others?
                                                                         Table 4 presents the paired samples t-Test
       0                                                 1.5    results with paired mean differences, standard
       1                                                38.0    deviations, t values, degrees of freedoms, the
       2                                                26.0    significance levels.
       3                                                12.3    Table 4. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Significance
       >=3                                              22.2                                                                 Sig.
                                                                                                        Mean                 (2-
      Table 3. The respondents’ movie preferences.                            Variables                  diff.      Z      tailed)
    How do you prefer seeing movie in movie theaters?   %          1. Easy to obtain movies              65.5    -4.666     0.000
       least prefer                                      6.1       2. Offers lower price                103.1    -7.384     0.000
                                                                   3. Easy to watch                     -46.8    -3.238     0.001
       somewhat not prefer                               8.2
                                                                   4. High quality pictures             -17.3    -1.408     0.159
       neutral                                          40.6
                                                                   5. Easy on the go                    120.1    -7.955     0.000
       somewhat prefer                                  31.3
                                                                   6. High sound quality                -37.7    -2.463     0.014
       most prefer                                      13.7
                                                                   7. Easily share with friends          57.2    -3.991     0.000
    How do you prefer watching on-demand movies
                                                        %          8. Do not need to buy special
    provided from cable or fios on TV, and/or others?
                                                                   gadgets                              43.8     -3.083    0.002
       least prefer                                      4.4
                                                                   9. Free for delivery                 66.2     -4.475    0.000
       somewhat not prefer                               5.8
                                                                   10. Work on a variety of
       neutral                                          36.3
                                                                   formats                                74.7    -5.713     0.000
       somewhat prefer                                  38.3
                                                                   11. Are copyright protected           -14.5    -1.267     0.205
       most prefer                                      15.2
                                                                  Source: original. Variables in bold   indicate significance levels ≤
    How do you prefer watching purchased DVD or
                                                        %         5%.
    Blu-ray disks on TV?
       least prefer                                      5.3             The Wilcoxon Test results reject nine of the
       somewhat not prefer                              10.8    null hypotheses; therefore, the study concludes that
       Neutral                                          32.2    there are statistically significant differences from the
       somewhat prefer                                  31.3    consumers’ viewpoints between between movie stream
       most prefer                                      20.5
                                                                and seeing movie in traditional ways (in movie theaters,
    How do you prefer watching movie on rental basis?   %
       least prefer                                      8.2    DVD, etc), when the significance levels are less than 5%
       somewhat not prefer                              10.8    in the ten out of the total eleven variables. These
       neutral                                          39.8    variables are: 1. Easy to obtain movies, 2. Offers lower
       somewhat prefer                                  32.7    price, 3. Easy to watch, 5. Easy on the go, 6. High
       most prefer                                       8.5    sound quality, 7. Easily share with friends, 8. Do not
    How do you prefer watching low definition movies

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need to buy special gadgets, 9. Free for delivery, and        movie stream more feasible, as the capability of
10. Work on a variety of formats                              Internet will be expanded and the computers and
         No statistically significant difference is found     networks will be greatly enhanced, the time required for
in two variables:4. High quality pictures and 11. Are         streaming a high definition movie will be greatly
copyright protected.                                          reduced. However, this may take some years.
         The test results also indicate that in seven out               Second, the sample size is small and the
of eleven variables with the respondents’ higher              representation of respondents is narrow, cautions must
preference, as the mean differences are positive: 1.          be made when one tries to generalize the outcome of
Easy to obtain movies, 2. Offers lower price, 5. Easy         the research. The consumers from other segments,
on the go, 7. Easily share with friends, 8. Do not need       rather than college students may present different views
to buy special gadgets, 9. Free for delivery, and 10.         about obtaining movie in different ways.
Work on a variety of formats. While four out of eleven                  Third, although the key issues of product,
variables, the respondents give higher mean values: 3.        price, promotions, and delivery discussed, they mainly
Easy to watch, 4. High quality pictures, 6. High sound        focus on the limited number of big players in the
quality, and 11. Are copyright protected                      market place, i.e. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Google’s
                                                              YouTube, and Apple, many small players are left out,
 V. Managerial Implications and Recommendations               i.e. iFun, Tudou, etc, not to speak of numerous small
                                                              and emerged movie stream providers in the emerging
          Movie stream presents tremendous growth and         markets.
can result in substantial reduction in delivery and                     Despite these limitations, as investigators, we
handling costs, enable the providers to better control the    believe this study may throw some lights for more in
movie      products.      Meanwhile,       online     video   depth and broader future studies.
advertisement spending has increased from $10.9
million in 2007 to a predicted $1.5 billion in 2012, for a                            VI. References
compound annual growth rate of 167.8% (Marketing
charts, 2012). Movie industry needs to take advantage         [1]  Cisco          VNI,           2014,         2018,          2020.
of this growth and prepare for its own future growth.    
Intel recently announced that it will join others, such as         741490.html)
Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc. and many          [2] Clark, D. (2013). Intel to Launch Web TV Service This Year,
movie studios, to offer a selection of live and on-                the Wall Street Journal, February 12.
demand TV programming (Clark, 2013). This will                [3] Conover, W. J. (1980). Practical Nonparametric Statistics, 2nd
make the movie and TV streaming better compete with                ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 213-337 & 344-384.
other ways of viewing movies, ultimately, consumers           [4] Davis, D., & Cosenza, R. M. (1985). Business Research for
will be benefited.                                                 Decision Making, Boston, Kent Publishing Company.
          As the authors are working on this research,        [5] Gladstone, A. & Schwartzel, E. (2020). AMC Entertainment
                                                                   Lenders Hire Lawyers for Restructuring Talks, the Wall Street
the world’s largest movie-theater chain, AMC, said a               Journal, April 1, 2020
few days ago it was closing all its theaters—more than        [6] Hamburg, M. Statistical Analysis for Decision Making, 2nd ed.,
1,000 around the world—for up to 12 weeks in                       Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., New York, 1977, pp. 219538.
response to the spread of the coronavirus. But with the       [7]
U.S. surpassing 200,000 confirmed coronavirus cases,               mounts-and-netflix-does-fine.aspx
the closure is likely to last longer, according to industry   [8] Marketing                        charts,                    2012.
analysts (Gladstone& Schwartzel, 2020). To survive                 advertising-to-soar-reach-15b-in-2012-5058/kelsey-group-local-
from this outbreak of coronavirus, the movie industry              video-ad-revenue-forecast-us-2007-2012jpg/
needs to do some strategic shift. First, the industry may     [9] Market Watch, 2020,
consider to offer the new releases via internet, i.e.              release/dvd-and-bd-dvd-player-market-2020-global-industry-
Disney’s Mulan, etc.; second, the industry may consider            brief-analysis-by-top-countries-data-market-size-defination-
offer the viewers movies on demand; third, the industry            trends-by-forecast-2024-2020-03-13
may consider to team up with certain movie stream             [10] SPSSX, (2002). Advanced Statistics, 7.5. Chicago, IL: SPSS Inc.
providers and enable the subscribers stream these             [11] Stone, B. (2010). Wal-Mart Adds Its Clout to Movie Streaming,
movies. This is very challenge as far as movie industry            NY Times, February 23.
survivability is concerned.                                   [12] Torry, H. (2020) Coronavirus Pandemic Widens Divide
                                                                   Between Online, Traditional Businesses, the Wall Street Journal,
                                                                   April 1, 2020
A. Limitations and Future Research
         This research, as it surveyed only a small           [13] Wikipedia,
sample, mostly college students, it has several               [14] Wingfield, N. (2010). Coming Attraction: Netflix on the iPad,
limitations. First, technology advancement will enable             the Wall Street Journal, April 1.

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