Page created by Ross Walsh
                     The official journal of the Pensions
                     and Lifetime Savings Association

                     Issue 3 2020


                            THE CHILDREN’S
                            SOCIETY PENSIONS
                            SUPERFUNDS IN
                            PENSIONS TAX RELIEF:
                            GOLDEN GOOSE OR
                            SITTING DUCK?
 The purpose of Pension Insurance Corporation plc (“PIC”) is to
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 Clients of PIC include FTSE 100 companies,                                                                                ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT
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Pension Insurance Corporation plc is registered in England and Wales under registration number 05706720.
It is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority (FRN 454345). Its registered office is at Cornhill, London EC3V 3ND.
Contents        C


      04                        06                        09                           08
                                                                              PENSIONS STEWARDSHIP
                                                                                       TAX RELIEF

       13                                                  16
    TERRY RITCHIE                                    RETIREMENT SAVINGS
  TRUSTEE TRAINING                                    TIME FOR A RETHINK

       18                       22
                                                20 10                       PLSA Team:
                                                                            Maggie Williams, Editor
    A LIFELONG GOAL            SUPERFUNDS                                   Tel: 07876 823 716
                                                                            Twitter: @mrsmaggiew
                                                                            Edward Bogira
                                                                            Tel: +44 (0)20 7601 1733

       27                        31                       34
                                                                            arc-cs ltd
   MEET THE MEMBER       THE PENSIONS REGULATOR        CEO NETWORK          Adrian Messina
                                                                            Tel: +44 (0)20 7601 1722
                                COVID-19                                    Claire Simmons
                                                                            Tel: +44 (0)20 7601 1735
                                                                            Email: Claire Simmons

                                                                            ISSN 2398-7626

      36                        38                        45
                                                          40                © Pensions and Lifetime Savings
                                                                            Association 2020. All rights reserved.
                                                                            Published by the Pensions and Lifetime
                                                                            Savings Association, a company registered
                                                       TIME FOR A MORE      in England and Wales. Company number
                                                     INCLUSIVEIN PENSIONS
                                                               INDUSTRY     1130269.
                                TECHNOLOGY                                  24 Chiswell Street London EC1Y 4TY
                                                                            The views expressed in this publication are
                                                                            not necessarily the views of the Pensions
                                                                            and Lifetime Savings Association.

                                                                                Viewpoint Issue 3 2020               3
C   CEO’s Viewpoint

CEO’S Viewpoint
It’s a time of great change but the PLSA is working hard to meet the challenges, says Julian Mund

AUTUMN IS ALWAYS A TIME OF CHANGE                   The theme of this year’s conference is how the
                                                    pensions sector can prepare, invest and provide
– AND NEVER MORE SO THAN THIS                       for the future, as the economy and our society
YEAR. BACK TO SCHOOL FOR MANY,                      go through the most dramatic transformation in
BACK TO THE OFFICE (OR NOT) FOR                     living memory. I’m looking forward to sharing
                                                    with you some fascinating new research on the
SOME, ANOTHER STEP FURTHER INTO                     evolution of workplace pensions in my
WHAT CONTINUES TO BE THE UNKNOWN                    keynote address.
FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF COVID-19. I                 The world-class programme will cover
HOPE YOU, YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY                   everything from investing for good, which
                                                    continues to be an important theme, to Pension
HAVE ALL STAYED SAFE AND WELL THIS                  Freedoms five years on. The global pandemic
SUMMER.                                             has shone a light on the challenge of providing
2020 has been an exceptionally difficult year       financial wellbeing for savers and this will be
for society, business and the pensions industry     another key focus at conference. We’ll also
alike. We have all faced new challenges and         reveal new data and insight from the award-
been forced to find new ways of working.            winning Retirement Living Standards.
Communications with savers worried about            You can read a taster on these and other
their future retirement, investment strategies      conference sessions in this edition of Viewpoint.
dealing with market shock, governance and
administration carried out remotely and with        PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE WAY
a reduced workforce: these are just a few of the    ORGANISATIONS WORK
issues reported by PLSA members.                    Covid-19 has brought a digital revolution front
                                                    and centre. We’re really excited to be embracing
The PLSA has been extremely busy speaking to
                                                    digital – a direction we believe the pensions
our members, over video conference this year
                                                    sector was taking anyway as shown by the
rather than in person. While concerns remain
                                                    launch of our brand new Tech Conference
regarding interest rates and the employer
                                                    later this year.
covenant, it’s reassuring to hear that schemes
have generally coped very well with the impact      Technology has enabled us to continue doing
of Covid-19.                                        what we do best – bring people together. The
                                                    remainder of our conferences this year will
One aspect that has stood out is members’
                                                    be online, as will the first part of our trustee
resilience and determination to continue
                                                    training, which you can read more about in
delivering the best possible outcomes for
                                                    this issue.
their schemes and pension savers.
                                                    Here at the PLSA we’re continuing to work from
JOIN US ONLINE FOR THE BIGGEST                      home, but we’re considering ways to capitalise
EVENT IN PENSIONS                                   on the benefits experienced during the world’s
In July we announced that our events for the        biggest and most successful home working
rest of 2020 will be online, digital experiences,   experiment.
and that we aren’t planning to return to live
events as we knew them until at least 2022.         Across many sectors, like ours, there has been
                                                    a huge emphasis placed on the wellbeing and
This October the PLSA Annual Conference takes       support of staff. The ability for employees to
place online – the biggest pensions event in the    work from home and personalise their daily
UK. It will run over five shorter days instead      routine can only be good from the perspective
of the usual three, and will include all the        of diversity and inclusion.
networking opportunities you’ve come to expect,
only this year with a digital twist. Learn about    For the rest of this year there continues to be
our networking tools and how the exhibition         much uncertainty, many unknowns. I hope
will work on the digital platform in our Digital    you enjoy this issue of Viewpoint and Annual
Conference Centre.                                  Conference. But most importantly, stay safe.

4       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Open source and free to use, the Cost Transparency
Initiative (CTI) templates are designed to help
pension schemes understand and compare the cost
of investment management.These templates and
tools are free to download from

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F   Feature

                   Rachel Pine looks forward to a flagship
                   event with a big difference…

WHEN OUR INDUSTRY LAST GATHERED,              There were plenty of top-of-mind issues to     future from a wide variety of perspectives.
AT INVESTMENT CONFERENCE 2020 IN              discuss at Annual Conference 2020 before       With speakers including legendary political
                                              Covid ever reached our shores – the Pension    broadcaster and publisher Andrew Neil on
                                              Schemes Bill, the proposed DB funding code,    our ‘New, new normal’ – the government,
ANY IDEA THAT IT WAS TO BE THE LAST           the pensions dashboards and an increasing      Brexit and the American election; Money
TIME A LARGE EVENT COULD BE CONVENED          focus on climate, the environment and asset    Saving Expert Martin Lewis, who’ll talk
FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. OVER              stewardship for schemes. If anything, the      to us about his views on how the British
THE COURSE OF THE CONFERENCE AND              unfolding news over these past months          public view their pension savings; and
THE DAYS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING, THE           has solidified the inextricable relationship   David Olusoga, the noted historian and
CORONAVIRUS MOVED FROM DISTANT                between the economy, society and pensions      broadcaster, discussing what history can tell
                                              – every single industry and employer has       us about our potential future and the deeper
                                              been impacted, and therefore every pension     meaning behind the recent focus on societal
UK’S LOCKDOWN FOLLOWING JUST                  scheme and fund. With many policy issues       inclusion; our programme looks to engage,
DAYS LATER.                                   to cover, investment strategies to examine     enlighten and inform the bigger picture.
                                              and ideas to share, at the heart of the AC20
And while there is no single industry that                                                   Guy Opperman, the Minister for Pensions,
                                              programme is the irrefutable fact that
has been unchanged by the pandemic, the                                                      addresses the conference live on Wednesday
                                              the UK’s pensions industry has much to
pensions sector – encompassing every single                                                  morning, giving us the latest on his priorities
                                              contribute to provide a safe and just future
employer in the nation and nearly every                                                      and the Pension Schemes Bill, and we’ll
                                              for our society.
working-age adult – is certainly central                                                     discuss the results of our ‘Facing the Future’
to the economic issues of the day, and will   What you’ll see over the five days of the      survey – research work in which many of you
remain so in the coming months and years      conference is our continued commitment to      participated – with him. Charles Counsell,
as we move toward recovery.                   questioning, examining and picturing that      chief executive of The Pensions Regulator, is

6       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Feature   F

on hand to talk about what TPR has in store
for schemes, for superfunds and for overall
Over the days of the conference we will be
presenting information on a raft of topics,
including new ways to increase saver
engagement, our latest thinking on DC
decumulation, an update on the Retirement
Living Standards, battling pension scams
(featuring Stephen Timms MP, chair of the
Work & Pensions Committee), new solutions
to the not-small issue of small pots, and
a presentation on our own Investing For          RETIREMENT LIVING STANDARDS: ONE YEAR ON,
Good work, which gets under the bonnet of
schemes’ thinking about climate change, and      TWO AWARDS
climate-positive investing. We have a debate     We’re delighted that the PLSA’s Retirement Living Standards campaign,
on pensions tax relief where you’ll be able to   launched at our Annual Conference 2019, has won two industry awards
share your views, too, and let us know which     this year:
side of this contentious issue you’re on.
Our leap into digital started off slowly,
                                                 Headlinemoney Awards 2020: Thought Leadership Initiative of the Year
gathering momentum as we fully redesigned
Annual Conference into a five-day online
event brimming with ways for attendees to
engage with content, speakers and sponsors.      Pensions and Investment Provider Awards (PIPA) 2020: Innovation of
We remain committed to providing up-to-          the Year
the-minute content on our industry to all of
our fund and business members, at a time         “Entries to the category demonstrated that the pensions industry is
when disaggregation rules the day.               catching up with the rest of financial services in its commitment to
                                                 customer services and embrace of technology,” said PIPA. It described
                                                 Retirement Living Standards as “A cross-industry effort…the standards
                                                 translate desires and expectations about quality of life in retirement into
                                                 a financial cost, helping savers to set achievable targets.”

Throughout the conference we invite you          “WHEN WE SET ABOUT LAUNCHING OUR RETIREMENT
to get involved – take polls, play the digital
game that’s part of the exhibition, chat with    LIVING STANDARDS WE WANTED IT TO RESONATE WITH
our session ‘whips’ in the chatbox that runs     BOTH THE INDUSTRY AND SAVERS, AND THROUGH
alongside every session, visit the sponsors in
the networking channels and keep letting us      A WELL-MANAGED AND PRECISE PR CAMPAIGN WE
know your thoughts about the issues of the       MANAGED TO GET THE TONE OF THE MESSAGE JUST
day, and how this new way of meeting feels
to you.                                          RIGHT. I’D LIKE TO CONGRATULATE EACH AND EVERY ONE
While we hope to be able to meet again in        OF THE TEAM WHO MADE THIS LAUNCH A HUGE SUCCESS
person in the very near future, the positives
of the digital conference are difficult
                                                 AND THANK THEM ALL FOR THEIR TIRELESS EFFORTS
to ignore. We’ve broken our record of            AND SLEEPLESS NIGHTS.”
participating schemes this year, with 283
schemes registering, up from our previous        Julian Mund, CEO, PLSA
record of 226, a 25% increase in the number
of schemes attending. We have 472 people
attending who’ve not attended for at least
the past three years and we are excited to
welcome them back. The carbon footprint
of the conference, without the travel,
accommodation and shipping of stands,
is much lower and this is an important             MORE INFORMATION:
consideration. It is likely that we will
continue to include a digital element to many
of our conferences in the future.        
See you on the other side!

                                                                                                       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020       7
F    Feature

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You can find more information about Standard Life Aberdeen plc’s strategic partnership with Phoenix at
Standard Life Assurance Limited is registered in Scotland (SC286833) at Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH.
Standard Life Assurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
         8        Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
GEN3174_A4    1020         © 2020 Standard Life Aberdeen, reproduced under licence. All rights reserved.
Article      A

    POLICY IN                                                                  Luisa Ciavucco runs down some of

                                                                               the recent releases from the PLSA

CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES AREN’T                       DATA STANDARDS: CALL FOR INPUT –            out in their Statement of Investment
STOPPING US FROM DELIVERING A BUSY                 PLSA RESPONSE                               Principles.
POLICY AGENDA AND ACHIEVING THE BEST               The Pensions Dashboard Programme has
                                                                                               DC DECUMULATION CALL FOR EVIDENCE
OUTCOMES WE CAN FOR OUR MEMBERS. TO                made significant progress and its work
KEEP YOU UP-TO-DATE WITH WHAT WE’VE                on data standards illustrates this. It is   This set out a new framework to support
                                                   essential that appropriate data standards   savers and schemes in the member
                                                   are released as soon as possible to         journey towards retirement. Key
KEY RECENT POLICY DOCUMENTS:                       allow pension schemes sufficient            areas of focus included the statutory
                                                   time to prepare the data they hold for      obligation, scheme impact, product
   PLSA RESPONSE TO THE TREASURY                   onboarding.                                 mix, the default, signposting, the role
   SELECT COMMITTEE CALL FOR EVIDENCE:                                                         of IGCs and member communications
   TAX AFTER CORONAVIRUS                           PLSA RESPONSE TO THE DWP CALL FOR           and engagement. Look out for our
   Questions were asked about the level            EVIDENCE: REVIEW OF THE DEFAULT             recommendations soon.
   of taxation the economy can bear and            FUND CHARGE CAP AND STANDARDISED
   long-term pressures for the tax base, as        COST DISCLOSURE                             ENGAGING THE ENGAGERS: A PRACTICAL
   well as the role of tax reliefs in rebuilding
                                                   The PLSA supports the current charge        TOOLKIT FOR SCHEMES TO ACHIEVE
   the economy. We believe it’s essential
                                                   cap but does not believe it should be       EFFECTIVE STEWARDSHIP THROUGH
   that government continues to provide
                                                   reduced. Including transaction costs as     THEIR MANAGERS
   support and incentives to help people                                                       Our joint guidance with the Investor
                                                   a component of the charge cap would
   save enough for retirement.                                                                 Forum supports schemes in holding
                                                   act as a barrier to enabling schemes
                                                   to act in members’ best interests and       their asset managers to account on
   PROTECTING PENSION SAVERS CALL FOR              would limit investment options. We also     engagement and stewardship issues. In
   EVIDENCE: PLSA RESPONSE                         discuss in this submission the proposed     this toolkit, we’ve included suggestions
   The PLSA shares the Work and Pensions           limitations on the flat fee structure and   for schemes to ask their managers,
   Select Committee’s desire to stamp out          cost transparency.                          and provided a broader framework for
   pension scams. In this response, we                                                         assessing stewardship and engagement
   discuss measures taken by regulators,           JOINT TREASURY/UKSA CONSULTATION:           approaches.
   industry and government to tackle               REFORM TO RETAIL PRICES INDEX (RPI)
   pension scams. We define types of               METHODOLOGY: PLSA RESPONSE                  GMP EQUALISATION MADE SIMPLE
   pension scam and mis-selling, and set                                                       This guide, sponsored by Equiniti,
                                                   The joint consultation from the
   out recommendations for combatting                                                          covers the history, the methods and the
                                                   government and UKSA sought views on
   scams and protecting savers.                                                                roadmap for the future to help trustees
                                                   the alignment of RPI to CPIH, including
                                                   among other things, the issue of timing.    prepare for and begin their GMP
   DB FUNDING CODE – PLSA RESPONSE                 We understand that RPI is a flawed          equalisation project, a complex and
   Our response to TPR’s first consultation        measure of inflation and support plans to   long-term undertaking with significant
   on its DB funding code of practice              develop a more robust measure.              implications for many DB schemes.
   supports the principles and believes
   its aims and objectives to be practical,        PLSA IMPLEMENTATION STATEMENT
   with the two compliance routes – ‘Fast-         GUIDANCE FOR TRUSTEES                       To find out more about any of the
   track’ and ‘Bespoke’ – able to help
                                                   Our guidance and vote reporting             topics above, visit our website at
   smaller schemes achieve compliance
                                                   templates provide practical support
   as efficiently as possible. How the code
                                                   for trustees of both DB and DC/hybrid       and-Research-Document-
   can be adequately applied in Fast-
                                                   schemes around the production of their      library#/by-title and keep up to
   track is complex and requires further
                                                   new Implementation Statements, where        date with PolicyWatch.
                                                   trustees must disclose how they have
                                                   followed the objectives and policies set

                                                                                                         Viewpoint Issue 3 2020           9
A   Article

                    With a hole in the nation’s finances, Nigel Peaple, director of policy and research,
                    PLSA, warns against cutting imaginary ‘costs’ and finding illusory ‘savings’

THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC HAS OPENED                more likely than not that the employers          In 2016, the PLSA undertook a research
UP A SUBSTANTIAL HOLE IN THE BUDGET                involved might make up some or all of the        project that examined the likelihood that
AS THE GOVERNMENT HAS PROVIDED VITAL               resulting fall in take-home pay for the senior   current workers would have a pension
SUPPORT FOR BUSINESSES, PUBLIC SERVICES            nurses, doctors and headteachers affected,       equivalent to the pension targets identified
AND INDIVIDUALS. THERE HAS BEEN MUCH               especially if we’re still battling COVID-19.     by the 2006 Pensions Commission.
SPECULATION IN RECENT WEEKS ABOUT HOW              Obviously, any additional funding would
                                                                                                    Using the Commission’s targets, the PLSA’s
                                                   have to come from the public purse.
THIS WILL BE PAID FOR, AND PENSIONS TAX                                                             research found that just over 50% of the
RELIEF IS REPORTEDLY UNDER REVIEW BY               Around 20% of the sum is tax not levied on       working population, or 13.6 million people,
CHANCELLOR RISHI SUNAK.                            employers who are making up the pension          were at high risk of failing to meet their
                                                   deficits in traditional final salary schemes.    target replacement rate. Moreover, it is
Speaking from a pensions perspective, we’d
                                                   These contributions are generally used to        the middle-aged savers of Generation X,
prefer that government find some other way
                                                   make sure pension promises, to former and        today aged around 40 to 55, and the young
to find the funds. But if the government does
                                                   current employees for work done in the past,     millennials, aged around 25 to 39, who are
choose to raise them from pensions, we’d like
                                                   are honoured. Amending this part of the          most likely not to be saving enough.
to emphasise that the amounts available are
                                                   regime would simply add a tax on business
less than often quoted and the consequences                                                         So the government should think very
                                                   and make the pensions of millions of people
less appealing.                                                                                     carefully before reducing the amount of
                                                   less secure.
                                                                                                    support it provides for pension saving.
Under the current rules, which are designed
                                                   The remainder goes to the minority of people
to incentivise people to lock money away for                                                        However, if the government is determined
                                                   in the private sector that are contributing to
their retirement, most savers pay no income                                                         to alter pensions tax relief, then we’d urge
                                                   a final salary pension and the many millions
tax on any earnings they contribute towards                                                         them to ensure that any change is primarily
                                                   of others, nearly all in the private sector,
a pension. However, apart from a 25% tax-                                                           designed to help people save enough for
                                                   who have a money purchase or defined
free lump sum, they do pay income tax when                                                          retirement. Ideally, any change would also be
                                                   contribution pension. We estimate the
they come to draw it. So the figures quoted                                                         simple to adopt and administer, and should
                                                   total savings to government available from
are not all that they seem.                                                                         be sustainable over the long term. Everyone
                                                   this part of pension saving is under half of
                                                                                                    knows that the current system is not perfect,
It’s often said that pensions tax relief “costs”   the £40 billion so often quoted – and, of
                                                                                                    so the pensions sector is open to considering
the government about £40 billion a year. The       course, the government would not want to
                                                                                                    how it can be improved. But let’s keep
implication is that if the government changed      remove all support from people saving for
                                                                                                    our eyes on the prize: everyone having an
the rules on pensions tax relief, they could       retirement. So the total “savings” for the
                                                                                                    adequate income in retirement.
save a significant proportion of this sum of       public purse will be far, far lower.
money. The reality is far from this.
                                                   Reducing fiscal support might be a
About 40% of the amount is allocated to            reasonable approach if people in the UK
public sector pension schemes so, if the           were already saving enough for retirement.
government did reduce fiscal support, it’s         However, this is not the case.
                                                                                                       This piece originally appeared in
                                                                                                       Understanding Pensions, a special
                                                                                                       report produced by Raconteur in
                                                                                                       association with the Sunday Times,
   THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD THINK                                                                         on 27 September 2020.

VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE REDUCING THE                                                                     https://www.raconteur.
AMOUNT OF SUPPORT IT PROVIDES FOR                                                                      pensions-2020/

10       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Feature     F

                                    VIA WEBINARS AND THOUGHT LEADERSHIP ARTICLES,
                                    OUR PARTNERS FOCUS ON THE HOT TOPICS OF THE DAY
                                    TO BRING YOU UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION AND SHINE A
                                    SPOTLIGHT ON ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT
                                    YOU IN YOUR ROLE.

 Bloomberg focuses on technology               Phoenix runs through investment
& data solutions for portfolio oversight               only platforms

  Caceis drills down into data and            Russell Investments investigates
       custody governance                          fiduciary management

 Equiniti explores GMP equalisation             UBP navigates impact investing


GRIDSERVE focuses on sustainable            World Gold Council discusses the role
     energy infrastructure                    of gold in a pension fund portfolio

       For our full webinar schedule please visit
                                                                     Viewpoint Issue 3 2020       11

4 & 5 November 2020

                                                                        100% OF
                                                               DELEGATES WOULD
Our trustee training programme helps new                         RECOMMEND THE
trustees and people interested in becoming a trustee               COURSES TO A
to understand their role and responsibilities and the                COLLEAGUE
challenges they’ll face.

   • Pension trustee duties, responsibilities and powers
   • How trustees protect themselves against legal challenge
   • Types of advisers and advice
   • How workplace pension schemes are financed
     and how they value their assets and liabilities
   • Investment strategies
   • Accountability and communication
   • Good pension scheme governance

Find out more:
Interview       I

                   Terry Ritchie introduces a new virtual approach to training
                   at the PLSA and beyond as he explains to Maggie Williams

Q                                                 Q                                               Q
TRUSTEE TRAINING?                                 TRUSTEES NEED TO LEARN ABOUT?                   INTRODUCED THIS YEAR FOR
                                                                                                  PROFESSIONAL TRUSTEES – SHOULD
A                                                 A                                               MEMBER-NOMINATED TRUSTEES ALSO BE
We’ve all had to change our mindset over          Most core subjects – such as the role of the    REQUIRED TO HAVE A QUALIFICATION?
the last few months as a result of the
pandemic. Face-to-face training still isn’t
                                                  trustee, legal considerations, actuarial,
                                                  governance, and understanding the annual        A
practical or desirable at the moment, and         report and accounts – remain the same as        The Trustee Knowledge and Understanding
the PLSA has been developing its trustee          ever.                                           programme from the Regulator is very
training so that it can be delivered virtually.                                                   user-friendly, and provides a lot of sensible
                                                  However, there will be new and updated
                                                                                                  guidance. That is augmented with CPD
In the longer term, when work and travel          directives from The Pensions Regulator
                                                                                                  requirements which trustees should be
practices have stabilised, learners could         (TPR) linked to many of these areas. For
                                                                                                  addressing as part of their role.
have a choice between face-to-face and            example, the need to publish DB schemes’
virtual methods, as both have different           Statement of Investment Principles online       Beyond that, a qualification might be a
advantages. Face-to-face training brings          is new this year, as well as the requirement    step too far for many member-nominated
benefits such as enabling presenters to           to produce an Implementation Statement          trustees, especially as the demands of
observe delegates’ body language and gauge        for both DB and DC schemes. The content         the role are becoming ever-greater and
their level of understanding. Tasks that          of the SIP is also changing, to include         TPR more vigilant. Pensions are always
require collaborative working in a group,         information on how schemes are addressing       complicated, but with the overlay of the
such as case studies, can also be delivered       ESG issues and stewardship. Investment          pandemic and other factors, there is already
more easily in person. And, of course, you        strategies are also coming under the            so much for trustees to consider and learn
won’t have a problem with your wi-fi signal       microscope, with changes to the Defined         as part of their role.
dropping out!                                     Benefit Funding Code on the horizon.
However, virtual training can offer greater       Another key issue for DB trustees is the
flexibility – there’s minimal travelling          employer covenant. Even seemingly strong
time, and training can be delivered more          covenants could be severely tested by the
cost-effectively. It also means that we can       effects of Covid-19 and ongoing uncertainty
deliver information in bite-sized chunks.         over Brexit. I have focused a lot on the
Rather than packing everything into a             covenant recently in my own trustee work,           Trusteeship – part 1:
single day course, we can divide up the           and we’re likely to see more emphasis from
                                                                                                      the theory is available as an
materials and have, for example, a session        TPR on making sure trustees review the
on legal requirements and actuarial work,         strength of the covenant regularly.                 online course in 2020.
then cover governance, investment matters,                                                            7-8 October 2020
                                                  One key message that is applicable for all
and annual reports and accounts on
                                                  trustees is to make sure that they remain up        4-5 November 2020
another day.
                                                  to date with the latest requirements from
Delegates also have more control over             TPR. Both new and experienced trustees              Our follow-on courses, part 2: the
accessing training at a time that suits           need to make sure they stay on top of these,        practice and part 3: the expert will
them. As technology develops and we get           and we’ll always include a session in our           return in 2021
more comfortable with it, we’ll be able to        training to recap on recent changes. All
replicate even more parts of the face-to-face     trustees should also make sure they keep  
experience online.                                their continuous professional development           Events-and-training/Trustee-
                                                  (CPD) up to date, reflect on whether their          Training/
                                                  knowledge is sufficiently current, and ask
                                                  themselves if there’s any additional training
                                                  they need from their advisers.

                                                                                                                 Viewpoint Issue 3 2020          13
A   Article

                     THREE WAYS TO IMPROVE
                     COST TRANSPARENCY
                     Samuel Condry, Policy Lead: Standards, has a trio of tips for trustees

     BE PREPARED TO CHALLENGE                    made with the wider context of value for          the PLSA runs on behalf of the pensions
                                                 money (VFM) firmly in mind. And when it           industry, alongside its partner organisations
     PRIORITIES                                  comes to VFM, things are heating up.              the Investment Association (IA) and the
As we’ve moved through the intervening                                                             Local Government Pension Scheme Advisory
                                                 The FCA has an open consultation on               Board (SAB).
months since the start of lockdown, many
                                                 proposals to strengthen IGCs’ obligations
people’s priorities have naturally focused on
                                                 to assess the ongoing VFM of workplace            The CTI framework is an industry standard
funding and investment risks – as well as
                                                 pensions (CP20/9 ‘Driving value for money         for institutional investment cost data –
juggling the myriad tasks needed to provide
                                                 in pensions’). The proposals include a three-     developed by industry, for industry. The
an uninterrupted service to pensions savers.     pronged approach to VFM assessments,              framework consists of several templates and
In such a turbulent environment, it has been     incorporating charges and costs, investment       tools which enable asset owners to view all
all too easy to lose sight of some of the more   performance, and services provided                their costs and charges in a consistent and
‘hidden’ priorities. Investment costs can        (including member communications).                comparable way. These are all free to use and,
often be overlooked at the best of times –       While the FCA is unlikely to become overly        if you’re a trustee or IGC member, you can
yet Covid has provided a real opportunity        prescriptive in this space, it’s apparent         use this information to get a full and detailed
for schemes to reassess their priorities         that IGCs will need to examine the moving         understanding of your investment costs.
and to find unturned stones to peer under.       parts of investment performance and costs
                                                                                                   Gaining such a detailed view of investment
Investment costs are certainly worth a closer    together, and to some level of detail.
                                                                                                   costs will allow you to make meaningful
look, as poor investment performance means       Similarly, pensions trustees are likely to have   comparisons across investment mandates
their basis points-impact can be magnified       equivalent new obligations imposed on them,       and across your different managers
just now.                                        with The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and the         (including where in-house and external
As dividend payments and other investment        Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)            managers are employed); facilitating
returns are expected to be squeezed further      making it clear that they will be bringing        changes or other recommendations where
over the coming months, some of the most         forward proposals. At time of writing, the        appropriate.
progressive pension funds have already been      DWP has just published a consultation
                                                                                                   The CTI framework has the benefit of
finding significant monetary savings through     paper which details new requirements for
                                                                                                   compatibility, as it has been designed to be
renewed scrutiny of investment costs, as well    small scheme trustees (schemes with less
                                                                                                   easily harmonised with other regulatory
as helping to exert downward pressure on         than £100 million in total assets) to assess
                                                                                                   or reporting requirements, such as ILPA
fees, renegotiating where appropriate.           key elements of value, including investment
                                                                                                   or MiFID II. The framework has also been
                                                 performance and charges. This is no
If you’re a trustee, or a member of an                                                             incorporated into the services provided by
                                                 bloodless process – trustees must proactively
independent governance committee (IGC),                                                            the leading information providers (utilities)
                                                 identify and recommend whether it might
this autumn will be a key time to ensure                                                           in the marketplace, as well as the LGPS
                                                 be in scheme members’ interests to move
you keep investment costs on the meeting                                                           Transparency Code.
                                                 to a larger scheme (or an authorised master
agenda. You should challenge your advisers       trust), which provides better value.              Whichever approach you take to scrutinise
and investment managers to justify any                                                             investment costs, it’s vital to have open
priorities, and be prepared to push back if         DIG OUT THOSE DETAILS                          conversations with your investment
you feel costs and charges might have been                                                         managers and advisers about your
                                                 A thorough assessment of investment costs
unduly relegated or dropped off the agenda.                                                        requirements – help them to help you and
                                                 and charges can be onerous, especially
While the focus for pensions remains long-       when time and resources are stretched             make sure cost transparency is kept high on
term, the link between how individuals           by competing priorities. Collecting the           the agenda.
manage their money today, and how they           necessary data can be time-consuming at
build up savings for the future, is becoming     best, even before you begin to wrestle with
ever stronger – and ever more important to       data quality and comparisons. Yet it’s just
members.                                         those areas of detail – such as incidental
                                                 costs, administration costs, or governance-          Further information about the CTI
     ALWAYS CONSIDER THE                         related costs – which can really add up to           framework is available on the website:
     WIDER CONTEXT                               impact on the net return on investment     
                                                 performance.                                         Research-Investment-Cost-
However, too great a focus on simply cutting
back costs comes with its own risks. Any         This is where I want to plug the Cost
assessment of investment costs should be         Transparency Initiative (CTI), which

14       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Integrated thinking.
Better outcomes.
Our multi-disciplinary team advises on all
types of covenant and funding solutions.

Join Travers Smith Head of Pensions Daniel Gerring
and Lincoln Pensions Managing Director Matthew
Harrison at a joint Trustee Learning Zone session on
Assessing Employer Covenant in Uncertain Times.

Location:      The PLSA Digital Annual Conference
Date:          Tuesday 13 October
Time:          11.15am

Visit for
further details and registration.

F   Feature

                   Lizzy Holliday, Head of DC, Master Trusts and Lifetime Saving
                   at the PLSA, assesses current issues and attitudes

THE PENSION FREEDOMS GAVE SAVERS                fluctuations, and potential diminished           savers from poor outcomes. But the current
GREATER CHOICE ABOUT HOW TO ACCESS              decision-making capabilities needed to           system also presents a variety of operational,
THEIR RETIREMENT SAVINGS.                       manage their retirement income.                  litigation, and other risks for schemes, which
                                                                                                 results in many choosing to provide minimal
Prior to the reforms, 90% of pension pots       In the five years since the introduction of
                                                                                                 support (signposting savers to Pension Wise
moved into annuities in the decumulation        the pension freedoms, several attempts to
                                                                                                 and providing pre-retirement ‘wake up’
phase. By June 2018 FCA reported that twice     improve savers’ knowledge, understanding
                                                                                                 packs). Among these risks is how schemes
as many pots were moving into drawdown          and level of engagement have had limited
                                                                                                 navigate the line between guidance and
than annuities, with 2019 figures suggesting    success, and there’s clearly room for
the downward trend in annuity sales             improvement in the ‘at-retirement’ processes
has continued. The total value of flexible      to better serve savers.                          THE PLSA’S DECUMULATION PROPOSAL
withdrawals has risen steadily, and now                                                          The PLSA has, over the last few weeks, been
                                                According to research by the PLSA, nearly
exceeds £35 billion.                                                                             getting input from the industry, consumer
                                                three-quarters (71%) of savers in defined
But a significant body of evidence shows        contribution (DC) funds want support             groups and other stakeholders on its
the confusing range of options and risks is     when deciding how to access their pension,       new proposal to help improve retirement
potentially leading to poor decision-making     including some wanting to be guided by their     outcomes.
that’s affecting the adequacy of people’s       pension scheme to a ready-made retirement
                                                income option.                                   At the heart of the proposal is a call to
retirement living standards.
                                                                                                 establish a new regulatory regime that will
What’s more, the new array of choices shift     Pension schemes want to support savers           require pension schemes to support their
a number of risks onto the individual in        more effectively by improving the help they      members when making decisions about
retirement: the possibility of running out of   get when they’re thinking about drawing          how to access their pensions – including by
money, ongoing exposure to stock market         their pension and setting a path that protects   offering or ‘signposting’ to products. The

16       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Feature       F

                                                                                                provides a crucial function in their decision-
                                                                                                Advisers know their clients and can make
                                                                                                the bewildering range of choices they face
                                                                                                comprehensible. Our solution doesn’t rely
                                                                                                on members taking advice, but it encourages
                                                                                                members to seek out further guidance and
                                                                                                advice, not just at the start of their retirement
                                                                                                journey, but also in the planning phase and,
                                                                                                increasingly, during a management phase in
                                                                                                Many of our pension scheme members tell
                                                                                                us that finding ways to introduce or provide
                                                                                                access to professional financial advice on
                                                                                                behalf of their members demonstrates that
                                                                                                they are best in class, particularly so that they
                                                                                                can take a holistic view across the multiple
     IN THE FIVE YEARS SINCE                                                                    pots they may hold across different schemes,

  THE INTRODUCTION OF THE                                                                       or different kinds of benefits (e.g. DB).

                                                                                                Retirement processes should work for all
                                                                                                – those who arrive at their decumulation

  ATTEMPTS TO IMPROVE SAVERS’                                                                   options with little knowledge, or who do not
                                                                                                engage, as well as those who are confident
  KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING                                                                      and have detailed plans. Together, pension

  AND LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT                                                                       schemes and advice have central roles to
                                                                                                play to help people achieve better incomes in
  HAVE HAD LIMITED SUCCESS                                                                      retirement.

                                                                                                    PLSA DC DECUMULATION CALL
                                                                                                    FOR EVIDENCE CLOSES
                                                                                                    The PLSA DC Decumulation Call for
                                                                                                    Evidence closed on 4 September. It
                                                                                                    set out a new framework to support
                                                                                                    savers and schemes in the member
                                                                                                    journey towards retirement.
                                                                                                    During the Call for Evidence period
                                                                                                    we had some great discussions
                                                                                                    with highly engaged participants –
                                                                                                    including seven roundtables (one
  proposed framework would entail minimum        obligations to provide guidance and
                                                                                                    of which was a consumer-focused
  standards for member engagement and            ‘signposting’ to retirement income products
                                                                                                    session), covering more than 50
  communications, products and scheme            might impact their operations. It also
                                                                                                    individuals representing more than
  governance in relation to decumulation.        examines how greater choice has exacerbated
                                                                                                    40 organisations. We have also
  These standards would help protect savers by   some risks to savers – of making poor
                                                                                                    received over 20 considered written
  maintaining the quality of a scheme’s offer    decisions, of outliving their savings, of
  and providing a safety net to protect savers   investments not meeting expectations.
  against the worst consequences of inaction.                                                       Key areas of focus have included the
                                                 THE ROLE OF ADVICE
                                                                                                    statutory obligation, scheme impact,
  The proposed framework is designed to          One recurring theme we’ve been hearing             product mix, the default, signposting,
  support all savers, and protect people who     during our consultation has been about             the role of IGCs, and member
  don’t engage with or fully understand the      the important role of professional financial       communications and engagement.
  choices they face when they move towards       advice in securing adequate retirement
  semi- or full retirement.                      incomes.                                           We’re very grateful for all the
  The PLSA’s call for evidence paper places                                                         views you’ve shared with us and
                                                 Our proposal to enable, encourage and              contributions made during this time.
  this proposal in the context of the ongoing
                                                 support pension schemes to signpost certain
  evolution of the broader pensions landscape:                                                      We intend to refine our proposals
                                                 pathways or develop retirement products is
  the growth of DC saving and master trusts,                                                        over the course of the next few
                                                 not intended to diminish the vital part an
  the future consolidation of funds and the                                                         weeks and publish our final
                                                 adviser can play in helping savers with at-
  impending delivery of pensions dashboards.                                                        recommendations at the PLSA’s
                                                 retirement decisions.
  It considers schemes’ responses to the                                                            virtual Annual Conference.
  pension freedoms, the development of           Schemes can only provide so much support
  solutions, and how proposed future             to their members. For many savers, advice

                                                                                                               Viewpoint Issue 3 2020            17
F   Feature

FOR TODAY                                                                                                                       £
                    How can the pensions industry help people with their
                    broader financial wellbeing? Maggie Williams reports

FINANCIAL WELLBEING HAS BEEN A QUIET              their financial health daily, and only 19%       term savings, so that different approaches
REVOLUTION IN WORKPLACE SAVINGS AND               of respondents said they never worry about       to financial wellbeing don’t play off against
                                                  money. The research also showed that one of      each other.”
                                                  the greatest causes of concern is how to fund
IT MIGHT LOOK LIKE A MARKETING BUZZ-              retirement. According to Close Brothers,         “The first thing we can do to help with
PHRASE TO ENCOURAGE EMPLOYEES TO                  31% of respondents cited this as their biggest   financial wellbeing is to be an exceptional
SAVE MORE INTO THEIR PENSION, BUT                 money worry.                                     pensions industry, continuing to innovate
UNDERNEATH IT REPRESENTS A MUCH                                                                    and providing good quality pensions at the
                                                  Pensions have an obvious role to play in         lowest cost,” says Will Sandbrook, Executive
                                                  making sure savers are on track for a healthy    Director, Nest Insight.
VIEW OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY,                 financial future. But should the pensions
INCLUDING RETIREMENT SAVINGS.                     industry have a wider remit when it comes to     However, Sandbrook believes schemes can
                                                  financial wellbeing?                             help to create an integrated way of saving
According to the Money and Pensions
                                                                                                   that takes account of both short-term
Service, financial wellbeing is “feeling secure
                                                  “I think it depends who you’re talking           accessible savings and long-term retirement
and in control. It is knowing that you can pay
                                                  to,” says Brian Henderson, Director of           pots: Nest has been carrying out a ‘sidecar
the bills today, can deal with the unexpected,
                                                  Consulting at Mercer. “For example, the          savings’ trial to explore this principle.
and are on track for a healthy financial
                                                  trustees of an in-house pension scheme
future.”                                                                                            “As fiduciaries of people’s longer-term
                                                  have a fiduciary duty to provide pensions
                                                                                                   financial wellbeing, [pension schemes]
However, studies have shown that for many         and to focus on their scheme. But if you’re
                                                                                                   should make sure individuals are in a good
there is a lot of work to do to achieve that      looking at bundled pension provision, then
                                                                                                   position in the short term. In the US, where
goal. Recent research from Close Brothers,        I think there’s more of an obligation to look
                                                                                                   there has been more of a focus on short-
Changing Trends in Financial Wellbeing,           at the wider picture. You have to think about
                                                                                                   term emergency savings, the pensions
showed that 21% of employees worry about          an integrated approach to short- and long-
                                                                                                   industry has been front and centre. Pension

18       Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Feature      F

                                                            THE BEST WAY
                                                         TO BE FINANCIALLY
          £                                              WELL FOR THE
                                                         LONG TERM IS TO
                                                         BE WELL IN THE
                                                         SHORT TERM
schemes have good payroll integration and     a ‘jam jar’ for their future,” says Rimmer.       contributions where affordability is a real
communications, and that can be helpful       “We can apply that same idea to short-term        issue, until they can get back on their feet.”
when working with employers to set up         savings as well, so that there’s a jar for
                                                                                                He adds: “People’s finances tend to be so
initiatives like sidecar savings.”            emergencies, for example.”
                                                                                                fragmented. A further opportunity is to

                                              Rimmer also says that using techniques            help employees to see all their financial
                                              such as sidecar savings can help to create a      information, simply presented, in one place
                                              balance between immediate financial needs,        – and to provide them with accessible help
                                              and building up retirement adequacy. “The         and support.”
                                              theory is that savers might have zero money
                                              in their sidecar pot at retirement. That’s        Henderson says that this ‘helicopter view’
                                              positive if it means they haven’t built up debt   of an individual’s finances can be hugely
                                              that they still need to pay off after             beneficial. “Sometimes it’s not about
                                              they retire.”                                     big steps such as an increase in pension
OF EMPLOYEES WORRY ABOUT                                                                        contributions. It’s also the small details, such
                                              However, the ongoing effect of the Covid-19       as helping people to save money day to day,
THEIR FINANCIAL HEALTH DAILY,                 pandemic could mean some tough financial          which all add up.”
AND ONLY 19% OF RESPONDENTS                   decisions for individuals as redundancies,
SAID THEY NEVER WORRY                         cuts in working hours and pay reductions          Rimmer adds that building good financial
ABOUT MONEY.                                  bite. “Before Covid-19, managing day-to-          habits, such as budgeting, is another key
                                              day bills and unexpected costs was already        aspect of financial wellbeing. “When you’re
                                              a challenge for many,” says Ruston Smith,         used to creating a budget and knowing what
                                              non-executive chair of the Tesco Pension          you can afford and what to cut back on, it
                                              Scheme and former chair of the PLSA. “With        gives you a better idea of what you’ll need to
Could pensions lose out if people become
                                              increased unemployment, reduced pay               spend when you give up work to retire.”
more focused on building up short-term
savings? In principle, Craig Rimmer, Policy   and difficulties through lockdown I expect        “The best way to be financially well for the
Lead, Master Trusts at the PLSA doesn’t       family households will struggle even more –       long term is to be well in the short term,”
think so. “Auto-enrolment has been such       perhaps forcing a choice between managing         concludes Sandbrook.
a success because it has enabled people to    today and saving for tomorrow.”
                                                                                                While the focus for pensions remains long-
save more easily for retirement. And, while   Smith suggests that there are ways that
                                                                                                term, the link between how individuals
inertia might have played a part early on,    schemes, providers and government could
                                                                                                manage their money today, and how they
most people know where their money is         help: “We could consider giving people
                                                                                                build up savings for the future, is becoming
going and choose not to stop it going into    alternatives to simply opting out by allowing
                                                                                                ever stronger – and ever more important to
their pension. It’s helped them to create     them to save less or suspend – not stop –
A    Article

         How ESG can help build
         resilience in Buy and Maintain
         credit strategies
         Responsible investment has always been about the long term.
         Equity investors want to know a company isn’t vulnerable to global shifts
         around environmental or social issues and fixed income investors, looking
         to more distant horizons and might need to ensure a business can be part
         of a resilient strategy for the next 20 years.

                                                                raw data covering more       and resilience – and the
                                     puts environmental,        than 7,200 companies in      results are tangible,
                                     social and governance      100 countries to deliver     not aspirational.
                                     (ESG) factors at its       a simple score from           Exclusions based on
                                     heart. It’s not for show   0-10. This is the first      ESG quality have allowed
                                     – the integration of       hurdle. We will not buy      us to avoid exposure
                                     ESG decisively shapes      a bond from a company        to ratings downgrades
                                     allocations. We believe    that scores below a 2,       and bankruptcy and we
                                     this can help deliver      or which falls foul of       expect the effects of such
                                     long-term performance      baseline exclusions.         examples will be seen in
                                     enhancement for              An ESG score,              performance over time.
                                     institutional investors.   however, only reveals        We believe the impact
                                       The reason is simple.    its true value when          of ESG can be magnified
                                     Companies that can’t       combined with a full         as downgrades and
                                     adapt to new realities     qualitative assessment.      defaults emerge over the
                                     have never made for        It is, for example, hugely   years. We want to lend to
                                     great investments, and     important to track scores    companies that will be
         Lionel Pernias,             as the world responds      through time. Where we       thriving, and delivering
                                     to climate and social      see a company heading        cashflows, 15 years from
         AXA IM Head of Buy and      change, this is becoming   up or down the scale, the    now.
         Maintain, London            more important. So how     real investment driver is

                                     do we make sure our        knowing what lies behind
                or asset managers   strategies are prepared?
                seeking to build
                                                                the trajectory.
                                                                  Companies with an ESG
                                                                                                  The goal is
                such fixed          Scores and more             score above 2 still face       sustainability
         income strategies, it’s     ESG scores are a very
         all about culture. At      useful part of our
                                                                detailed scrutiny from       and resilience –
         AXA IM, we believe         process, but they are
                                                                our credit analysts who
                                                                take care to factor in ESG
                                                                                              and the results
         our Buy & Maintain         the starting point, not     risks, working closely       are tangible, not
         business benefits from     the destination. Our
         credit analysis that       proprietary system1 uses
                                                                with our equity analysts.     aspirational
                                                                The goal is sustainability

20        Viewpoint Issue 3 2020
Changing markets                       company, there is more                 imperative. One              highlights our thirst for
  This isn’t only about                value to be gained from                global name gained an        practical innovation. Our
strategic allocations,                 active engagement with                 allocation, not simply       own guidelines5 allowed
it’s also about staying                management. In 2019,                   because it issued a Green    for a €100m issue of
relevant in changing                   alongside intense activity             Bond, but because it         this new type of debt,
fixed income markets.                  in equity markets, we                  specifically earmarked       which allows carbon-
Our view is that asset                 engaged with close to                  funds for sales leasing      intensive companies to
managers who take ESG                  40 debt-only issuers2. A               on hybrids. This kind        finance decarbonisation
seriously have better                  nuanced understanding                  of verifiable data           projects. We are now
prospects for allocations              of a company’s ESG                     encourages us to invest.     leading industry efforts
when debt comes to                     progress allows us to                                               to ramp up this asset
market.                                build a strategy that                  Growing markets              class6. We also have more
  At AXA IM we have                    is sustainable from                      New markets have           than £2bn of exposure
seen more and more                     all angles.                            amplified the role of        to social housing where
evidence that allocations                Our pension fund                     responsible investment.      we selectively lend to
are affected by                        and insurance clients                  We have sought a leading Housing Associations
responsible investment                 need to see how we are                 role in the growth           with clear social
characteristics. Our                   addressing ESG concerns                of Green and Social3         development strategies.
experience is that banks               with companies and                     bonds – debt designed          When you take ESG
will allocate more to                  so we have enhanced                    to directly address ESG      seriously in fixed income,
what they see as real,                 reporting of milestones                issues, and which is         opportunities can
active, long-term money                and results. Clients can               often anchored in the UN emerge. As the market
– to asset managers who                receive a line-by-line                 Sustainable Development adapts to the realities
are “seen as green”. A                 report, with a timeline                Goals (SDGs).                of climate change and
reputation as a major                  of engagement steps and                  The SDGs give issuers a    other ESG challenges,
player in this space                   themes where we are                    useful way to pitch debt     we believe it pays for
can therefore offer a                  seeking improvement.                   to responsible investors.    asset managers to
hard-earned edge and                   Our team is always on                  But they do not remove       embed true responsible
influence the nature of                hand to give deeper                    the need for scrutiny – in   investment techniques
issuance. The market                   insights, and our twice-               fact, engagement can be      in their allocation
is also moving towards                 yearly Stewardship                     more intense to meet         process. Just as we seek
standardisation of how                 report gives details                   technical and disclosure     out companies that stay
ESG is reflected (most                 of every engagement                    requirements. It is crucial ahead of the curve, so
obviously in Green and                 we make.                               to avoid ‘greenwashing’,     asset managers have a
Social bonds) and those                  One example has been                 where companies pay lip duty to be at the leading
with strong systems have               to push oil companies                  service to targets, and as a edge as the investment
a potential advantage.                 to make ‘net-zero’                     proud active investor our industry evolves.
                                       commitments on                         focus is on tracking how     Footnotes
                                       emissions as we seek to                money is actually used.      1 AXA IM: Our Scoring Methodology
         Our                           protect the long-term                    Again, reputation          2 AXA IM 2019 Stewardship report
                                                                                                           3 Rise in Covid-19 bond issuance fans
   experience                          interests of clients by
                                       influencing the future of
                                                                              matters. AXA IM’s
                                                                              leadership in Green
                                                                                                             fears over ‘social washing’ Financial
                                                                                                             Times, 30 June, 2020
  is that banks                        the energy industry.                   bonds helps shape the
                                                                                                           4 AXA IM: Our Green Bond framework
                                                                                                           5 IPE, 12 June 2019: AXA IM calls for
  will allocate                          AXA IM lends to one                  sector. This includes          ‘transition bonds’ to help companies

 more… to asset
                                                                                                             go green
                                       oil major on the basis                 membership of the            6 ICMA Working Group on Climate
                                       of a 2050 net-zero                     Green Bonds Principles
                                                                                                             Transition Finance
                                       commitment. Deviation                  Executive Committee
 who are ‘seen                         from that path could                   where we have helped
   as green’                           prompt a refusal to
                                       participate in new
                                                                              provide industry
                                                                              guidelines to improve
                                       issuance. Among                        transparency.
Transparent                            carmakers, we favour                     Our role in the
 Once we secure an                     those trying to transition             development of
allocation from a                      ahead of the regulatory                Transition bonds

For Professional Clients only. Not to be relied upon by retail clients.
This communication is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell any investments, products or services and should not
be considered as a solicitation or as investment advice.
This communication is issued in the UK by AXA Investment Managers UK Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered in England and Wales No: 01431068. Registered Office: 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3YD (to 31/12/20); 22 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4BQ
(from 01/01/21). © AXA Investment Managers 2020.
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