Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14 - PULS

Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14 - PULS
Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II
Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                                   Wintersemester 2021/22
Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14 - PULS


                Abkürzungsverzeichnis                                                                                                 4

                ANG_MA_009 - Vertiefungsmodul Sprachausbildung                                                                        5
                 91964 U - Academic Essay Writing                                                                                     5
                 91965 U - Translation German-English                                                                                 5
                 92183 S - Writing Linguistic Papers                                                                                  5

                ANG_MA_010 - Fachwissenschaftliches Vertiefungsmodul (Sek I)                                                          6
                 90945 S - Hamlet & Early Modern Subjectivity                                                                         6
                 90948 S - Theory in Context: Gayatri C. Spivak                                                                       6
                 90952 S - Imagining the City                                                                                         6
                 90959 S - Native American Studies                                                                                    7
                 90961 S - Biocultures                                                                                                7
                 90963 S - Cultures, Politics and Poetics of Time                                                                     8
                 90966 S - Nuclear Cultures                                                                                           9
                 90968 S - Experimental Histories                                                                                     9
                 90969 S - Imagining Australia                                                                                       10
                 90970 S - Extinction in the Anthropocene                                                                            10
                 90972 B - Theatre of the Oppressed - Community and Education                                                        10
                 90973 S - Black British Queer Plays - A History                                                                     11
                 90991 S - Caribbean Critique – The Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Literature                                     11
                 91949 S - Pseudonyms                                                                                                12
                 91951 S - Cultural conceptualizations in varieties of English and beyond                                            12
                 91952 S - English in South East Asia                                                                                12
                 91953 S - Cognitive Sociolinguistic approaches to English in Southern Africa                                        13
                 91954 S - Beyond the lesson plan: Understanding classroom interaction                                               13
                 91955 S - English Historical Morphosyntax                                                                           13
                 91958 S - Assessing Interactional Competence                                                                        14
                 91959 B - Field Trip to Ghana                                                                                       15
                 91960 B - Potsdam Winter School in Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Focus on South Africa                                15
                 91974 S - Learning by doing: English as a Lingua Franca and intercultural competence in an online simulation game   16
                 92207 B - Language, Gesture and Culture                                                                             17

                ANG_MA_011 - Vertiefungsmodul Fachdidaktik in der Sekundarstufe I und II                                             18
                 90943 S - Interaction in the EFL Classroom                                                                          18
                 90981 S - Teaching speaking in the digital age                                                                      18
                 90982 S - Critical Pedagogy and Materials Development                                                               19
                 90984 S - Making a Change: Introducing Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacy into EFL classrooms                  20
                 90985 S - Teaching Literature and Culture                                                                           20
                 90986 S - Educating global citizens: education for sustainable development in the EFL classroom                     20
                 90987 S - Teaching and Assessing Speaking Skills                                                                    21
                 92184 S - Teaching and Assessing Writing                                                                            21

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Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14 - PULS

                ANG_MA_012 - Vertiefungsmodul Linguistik (Sek II)                                                                    22
                 91949 S - Pseudonyms                                                                                                22
                 91951 S - Cultural conceptualizations in varieties of English and beyond                                            22
                 91952 S - English in South East Asia                                                                                22
                 91953 S - Cognitive Sociolinguistic approaches to English in Southern Africa                                        23
                 91954 S - Beyond the lesson plan: Understanding classroom interaction                                               23
                 91955 S - English Historical Morphosyntax                                                                           23
                 91958 S - Assessing Interactional Competence                                                                        24
                 91959 B - Field Trip to Ghana                                                                                       26
                 91960 B - Potsdam Winter School in Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Focus on South Africa                                26
                 91974 S - Learning by doing: English as a Lingua Franca and intercultural competence in an online simulation game   27
                 92207 B - Language, Gesture and Culture                                                                             28

                ANG_MA_013 - Vertiefungsmodul Literatur-/Kulturwissenschaft (Sek II)                                                 29
                 90945 S - Hamlet & Early Modern Subjectivity                                                                        29
                 90948 S - Theory in Context: Gayatri C. Spivak                                                                      29
                 90952 S - Imagining the City                                                                                        30
                 90959 S - Native American Studies                                                                                   30
                 90961 S - Biocultures                                                                                               30
                 90963 S - Cultures, Politics and Poetics of Time                                                                    31
                 90966 S - Nuclear Cultures                                                                                          32
                 90968 S - Experimental Histories                                                                                    32
                 90969 S - Imagining Australia                                                                                       33
                 90970 S - Extinction in the Anthropocene                                                                            33
                 90972 B - Theatre of the Oppressed - Community and Education                                                        33
                 90973 S - Black British Queer Plays - A History                                                                     34
                 90991 S - Caribbean Critique – The Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Literature                                     34
                 91411 SU - Jews and Judaism in the US, 1918-2018                                                                    35

                Glossar                                                                                                              36

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                  Veranstaltungsarten                  N.N.   Noch keine Angaben
                                                       n.V.   Nach Vereinbarung
                  AG         Arbeitsgruppe             LP     Leistungspunkte
                  B          Blockveranstaltung        SWS    Semesterwochenstunden
                  BL         Blockseminar
                                                              Belegung über PULS
                  DF         diverse Formen
                  EX         Exkursion                 PL     Prüfungsleistung
                  FP         Forschungspraktikum
                  FS         Forschungsseminar         PNL    Prüfungsnebenleistung
                  FU         Fortgeschrittenenübung
                                                       SL     Studienleistung
                  GK         Grundkurs
                  KL         Kolloquium                 L     sonstige Leistungserfassung
                  KU         Kurs
                  LK         Lektürekurs
                  OS         Oberseminar
                  P          Projektseminar
                  PJ         Projekt
                  PR         Praktikum
                  PS         Proseminar
                  PU         Praktische Übung
                  RE         Repetitorium
                  RV         Ringvorlesung
                  S          Seminar
                  S1         Seminar/Praktikum
                  S2         Seminar/Projekt
                  S3         Schulpraktische Studien
                  S4         Schulpraktische Übungen
                  SK         Seminar/Kolloquium
                  SU         Seminar/Übung
                  TU         Tutorium
                  U          Übung
                  UN         Unterricht
                  V          Vorlesung
                  VP         Vorlesung/Praktikum
                  VS         Vorlesung/Seminar
                  VU         Vorlesung/Übung
                  WS         Workshop


                  wöch.      wöchentlich
                  14t.       14-täglich
                  Einzel     Einzeltermin
                  Block      Block
                  BlockSa    Block (inkl. Sa)
                  BlockSaSo Block (inkl. Sa,So)


Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14


                ANG_MA_009 - Vertiefungsmodul Sprachausbildung

                     91964 U - Academic Essay Writing
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             U        Mi       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.              27.10.2021    Dr. Anke Bartels
                3             U        Mo       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.              25.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                4             U        Di       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.              26.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                5             U        Fr       08:00 - 10:00      wöch.              29.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                6             U        Fr       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.              29.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                7             U        Di       14:00 - 16:00      wöch.              26.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                Kommentar                       http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35397
                Für weitere Informationen zum Kommentar, zur Literatur und zum Leistungsnachweis klicken Sie bitte oben auf den Link
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                PL   262512 - Schriftlicher Ausdruck (Academic Writing) (benotet)

                     91965 U - Translation German-English
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             SU       Do       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.              28.10.2021    Dr. Anke Bartels
                2             U        Di       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.              26.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                3             U        Fr       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.              29.10.2021    Robert Segrott
                Kommentar                       http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35402
                Für weitere Informationen zum Kommentar, zur Literatur und zum Leistungsnachweis klicken Sie bitte oben auf den Link
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262511 - Übersetzung (unbenotet)

                     92183 S - Writing Linguistic Papers
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Fr       10:00 - 12:00      Einzel        Online.Veranstalt      05.11.2021    Anna Magdalena Finzel
                1             S        Fr       12:00 - 16:00      Einzel        Online.Veranstalt      05.11.2021    Anna Magdalena Finzel
                1             S        Fr       10:00 - 16:00      Einzel        Online.Veranstalt      12.11.2021    Anna Magdalena Finzel
                1             S        Fr       10:00 - 16:00      Einzel        Online.Veranstalt      11.02.2022    Anna Magdalena Finzel
                comment                         http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35250
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                In this course students will improve their skills in writing linguistic research papers. Focus is put on several aspects such
                as the design of research projects, argument structure, writing style and formal criteria. The course is designed as a block
                seminar with two all-day meetings at the beginning and one all-day meeting towards the end of term. Further assignments
                will be provided via Moodle throughout the term. The number of participants is limited to 20 students. Please note that LinK
                students should register for the parallel course of the same name.
                will be provided

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                short linguistic paper (2,000 words)
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
                PL   262512 - Schriftlicher Ausdruck (Academic Writing) (benotet)

                ANG_MA_010 - Fachwissenschaftliches Vertiefungsmodul (Sek I)

                     90945 S - Hamlet & Early Modern Subjectivity
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S         Fr        08:00 - 10:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       29.10.2021    Dr. Stephan Mussil
                comment                           http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=34679
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                will be announced at the beginning of term
                3 credits for successful participation
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90948 S - Theory in Context: Gayatri C. Spivak
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S         Di        12:00 - 14:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       26.10.2021    Harald Pittel
                comment                           http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=34918
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                This seminar explores the intellectual outlook and oeuvre of philosopher, translator and feminist critic Gayatri Chakravorty
                Spivak. Departing from her most widely known essay "Can the subaltern speak?", a key text of postcolonial studies, we will
                aim for a more qualified understanding of Spivaks crucial works and relevant concepts. Besides considering the relations
                between theory and practice, Spivaks positions will be discussed in context, which is to say, with a side look at relevant literary
                and theoretical contacts such as Jacques Derrida, Sigmund Freud, Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray and others. A special focus will
                be on Spivaks widely discussed concept of planetarity with regard to world literature and environmentalism.
                Morris, Rosalind C. (ed.) Can the Subaltern Speak? Reflections on the History of an Idea. New York: Columbia University
                Press, 2010. Spivak, Gayatri C. Death of a Discipline. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.
                Active participation and three contributions to forum discussions in the course of the semester for 3 CP.
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90952 S - Imagining the City
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi        12:00 - 14:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       27.10.2021    Dr. Andrea Kinsky-Ehritt
                comment                           http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=34938

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14


                The course will explore processes of urbanisation in Britain via representations of London in fiction, poetry, paintings, etc.
                Thus, it will be an excursion through British history from the 18th century right to the present. The discussions will focus
                on an investigation of the aesthetics of these texts as well as their complex cultural, social etc. contexts in order to grasp a
                historicised concept of (urban) life/transitions. Depending on the number of participants, the course will offer ample room for
                creative presentations.

                The online format will combine synchronous Zoom sessions that simulate the face-to-face seminar situation with
                asynchronous weeks for individually scheduled preparation/work time in group work.


                Daniel Defoe, Journal of the Plague Year 1665 (1722); William Wordsworth, ”Composed Upon Westminster Bridge,
                September 3, 1802.” Lyrical Ballads , vol. 2 (1807); Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop (1840/41); Robert Stevenson,
                The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (1886); Arthur Symons, "London Nights"; Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
                (1925)/”Kew Gardens”; Geoff Nicholson, Bleeding London (1997); Monica Ali, Brick Lane (2002)

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90959 S - Native American Studies
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Fr        12:00 - 14:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       29.10.2021    Prof. Dr. Nicole Waller
                1             S        Fr        12:00 - 14:00      wöch.               03.12.2021    Prof. Dr. Nicole Waller
                1             S        Fr        12:00 - 14:00      wöch.               04.02.2022    Prof. Dr. Nicole Waller
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35227
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                This course seeks to provide an introduction to a small number of topics from the vast field of Native American Studies. Under
                the larger rubric of decolonization, we will focus on issues of Indigenous education, sovereignty and treatying, and stewardship
                and Indigenous positions on climate change in North America. The department seeks to return to in-presence teaching for the
                winter semester. However, whether this class can be taught in presence depends on room capacities, safety regulations, and
                the development of the pandemic. More information will follow as soon as possible.
                Short Paper
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90961 S - Biocultures
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        14:00 - 16:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       26.10.2021    Frederike Offizier
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35239

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                In this theory-oriented class we will explore the “biocultural turn” in Literary and Cultural Studies which emphasizes the
                intersections of biology and culture. This perspective includes a closer exploration of the relation between art and science, or
                the humanities and natural sciences. Both fields have long tended to stand in opposition regarding their explanatory attempts.
                However, scholars have increasingly shown that both biology and culture can often not be fully understood in isolation
                (“Biocultures Manifesto”). Turning to biocultural processes, embodiment, illness, disability, ageing, and biotechnology we
                will examine how biologically defined processes are material and cultural at the same time. Furthermore, we will focus on a
                critique of biologization and biomedicalization. These perspectives are crucial for the understanding of the core categories of
                Cultural Studies, namely the construction of identity narratives, as well as national and cultural belonging. Although of global
                interest, our main focus will be on the United States. The department seeks to return to in-presence teaching for the winter
                semester. However, whether this class can be taught in presence depends on room capacities, safety regulations, and the
                development of the pandemic. More information will follow as soon as possible.
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90963 S - Cultures, Politics and Poetics of Time
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi       16:00 - 18:00       wöch.               27.10.2021     Prof. Dr. Dirk Wiemann
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35241

                While time may at first glance appear to be nothing but a natural given, it has in fact a long history as one of the most
                enigmatic and complex subjects of philosophical speculation, scientific scrutiny, and artistic representation but also political
                struggle. Time itself, in short, is far from timeless: it is rather culturally and historically specific as a construct and as an
                experiential category.

                In our seminar we will concentrate on the aesthetics and politics of time in one particular historical moment of Western
                culture, namely modernism (ca. 1871-1945) – a period that is marked by exceptionally innovative experiments in the arts, in
                politics, and in philosophy, but that is also heavily tied in with the heyday of European colonialism, and with the emergence
                of fascism. Time, as we will see in our readings of classic modernist writings by Conrad, Woolf, Joyce and others, is crucially
                involved in all these developments.


                * Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

                * Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway

                * Walter Benjamin, "Theses on the Philosophy of History"

                * T.S. Eliot, "Four Quartets"

                additional material will be made available on moodle


                3 CPs for:

                * regular attendance and active participation;

                * response paper (1500 words) to be submitted by February 28.

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14


                It is intended to hold this seminar on site on a weekly basis under G3/G2 conditions. Whether or not this will be possible is,
                however, contingent on the dynamics of the pandemic and the concomitant regulations and restrictions. Updates and further
                information will be made available here as soon as possible.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90966 S - Nuclear Cultures
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mi        10:00 - 12:00     wöch.               27.10.2021    Prof. Dr. Anja Schwarz
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35244

                Similar to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide, microplastics and heavy metals, the increase of radioactive nuclei in
                our planet’s geology have recently been suggested as possible markers of the Anthropocene. Cultural imaginations have of
                course been concerned with the nuclear much longer than that: as geopolitical threat (e.g. nuclear weapons), as disaster (e.g.
                Chernobyl), or as contamination of livelihoods (e.g. nuclear testing).

                Our course analyses how the nuclear, in its different configurations, is imagined, understood and negotiated through cultural
                texts. These include scholarly treatises, governmental campaigns, film, visual art, and a range of narrative forms. Throughout
                the course, we will work with insights from the environmental humanities, postcolonial studies and science and technology
                studies with the aim of developing a sound understanding of concepts such as risk, deep time, sacrifice zones, waste and


                Testat: mini-essay (800 Worte)

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90968 S - Experimental Histories
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        08:00 - 10:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       26.10.2021    Prof. Dr. Katrina
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35272
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Experimental Histories have sought to transform how and what we understand as history. Not in an effort to undermine the
                power of the past but to question whether it is past and how we might know it anew. Traditional histories have often excluded
                particular populations of people but also particular modes of representation. This seminar will consider alternative modes of
                presenting the past (art, film, re-enactments, poetry,) that have arisen through new critical thinking such as post-colonialism,
                queer theory, new materialism, fictocriticism and genealogy among others. A range of these experimental histories will be
                studied and students will be asked to respond in critical and creative ways to the examples. Students will also be asked to
                create alternative or expanded archives from which they will produce their own short form experimental histories. Dozent:
                Katrina Schlunke
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90969 S - Imagining Australia
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Do       08:00 - 10:00      wöch.          Online.Veranstalt      28.10.2021     Prof. Dr. Katrina
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35273
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                This subject asks how Australia has come to be understood as it is through the way it was imagined as an Indigenous
                creation and homeland, as a site of British colonisation and as a modern multicultural nation. These sometimes conflicting and
                sometimes complementary ideas will be explored through cultural productions including literature, film and the visual arts. The
                temporal and spatial assumptions about Australia will be examined through the idea that Australia is both an imagined and
                material entity. How it is represented and understood by its diverse populations will be analysed using theories of time, space,
                Indigenous sovereignty and subjectivity. Students will be encouraged to create new and relevant imaginings of ‘Australia’ from
                their various locations. This seminar will be taught by DAAD guest professor Katrina Schlunke (University of Tasmania).
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90970 S - Extinction in the Anthropocene
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi       08:00 - 10:00      wöch.          Online.Veranstalt      27.10.2021     Prof. Dr. Katrina
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35274
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                In dwelling on extinction, this subject joins van Dooren and Rose in their insistence that “in our time of anthropogenic mass
                extinction, dwelling with extinction—taking it seriously, not rushing to overcome it—may actually be the more important political
                and ethical work. The reality is that there is no avoiding the necessity of the difficult cultural work of reflection and mourning.
                Students will engage with how cultural texts (such as literature, film, art) grapple with the ethical and political questions raised
                by extinction in the Anthropocene. Students will also follow the lives of particular extinct or endangered animals and their
                remains in museums (where possible) or through the visual and textual archive of their loss. By reconnecting these cultural
                texts and animal remains with the racial, environmental and popular discourses that continue to organise human action,
                this subject will reach out to new sites arising from our extended archive including Indigenous knowledges and oft-ignored
                more-than-human entanglements. In this way the subject offers an understanding of the Anthropocene as being caught up
                with colonisation and its ongoing productions. In working with what remains, the understanding of how extinction actually
                occurs and why it continues is extended. This seminar will be taught by DAAD guest professor Katrina Schlunke (University of
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90972 B - Theatre of the Oppressed - Community and Education
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             B         Mo       16:00 - 18:00      Einzel         Online.Veranstalt      08.11.2021     Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                         Adetokunbo Mojisola
                1             B         Fr       16:00 - 18:00      Einzel              21.01.2022     Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                         Adetokunbo Mojisola

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                1             B        Sa       10:00 - 18:00     Einzel           22.01.2022   Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                Adetokunbo Mojisola
                1             B        So       10:00 - 18:00     Einzel           23.01.2022   Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                Adetokunbo Mojisola
                1             B        Fr       16:00 - 18:00     Einzel           28.01.2022   Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                Adetokunbo Mojisola
                1             B        Sa       10:00 - 18:00     Einzel           29.01.2022   Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                Adetokunbo Mojisola
                1             B        So       10:00 - 18:00     Einzel           30.01.2022   Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                Adetokunbo Mojisola
                comment                         http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35279
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90973 S - Black British Queer Plays - A History
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus     Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di       10:00 - 12:00     wöch.           26.10.2021   Dr. phil. Susanne
                                                                                                                Adetokunbo Mojisola
                comment                         http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35281
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     90991 S - Caribbean Critique – The Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Literature
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus     Veranstaltungsort   1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1             S        Fr       10:00 - 12:00     wöch.        Online.Veranstalt   29.10.2021   Moses Alexander März
                comment                         http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35436
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262611 - Literaturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262612 - Literaturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)
               PNL   262613 - Kulturwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262614 - Kulturwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                       91949 S - Pseudonyms
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                N.N.           N.N.     N.N.     N.N.               N.N.          N.N.                    N.N.          N.N.
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35122
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                In this seminar we will study pseudonyms, which have been defined as names that differ from a person’s original orthonym
                and that are assumed for a particular purpose, such as the voluntary condition of being other. From the perspectives of
                (cognitive) sociolinguistics and forensic pragmatics, and following a corpus-linguistic approach, we will analyse the ability of
                pseudonyms to create various identities in diverse social, linguistic and legal contexts. Please note: Currently, this course
                is expected to take place offline and in a synchronous mode on campus Neues Palais. However, the teaching form may be
                changed in accordance with the latest Covid regulations.
                Group research and academic (poster) presentations
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL     262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL     262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                       91951 S - Cultural conceptualizations in varieties of English and beyond
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1              S        Mo       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.               25.10.2021    Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35124
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                In the first part of this seminar, students will be acquainted with the theoretical and methodological concept of “cultural
                conceptualization,” in the framework of Cultural Linguistics. On that basis, students will then apply this concept to the analysis
                of culturally salient issues in varieties of English and possibly other languages of their choice.
                Will be provided at the beginning of the seminar.
                A research project and presentation in class.
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL     262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL     262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                       91952 S - English in South East Asia
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1              S        Di       14:00 - 16:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       26.10.2021    Denisa Latic
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35126
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL     262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                PL    262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                      91953 S - Cognitive Sociolinguistic approaches to English in Southern Africa
                Gruppe          Art     Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1               S       Mi        14:00 - 16:00      wöch.          Online.Veranstalt       27.10.2021     Dr. Arne Peters
                comment                           http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35127
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                This seminar will explore cognitive sociolinguistic dimensions of the use of English in multilingual Southern Africa. The main
                focus will be on culture-specific usages of English (e.g. through contextualisation and nativisation)in the Republic of South
                Africa (i.e. in Black South African English, Afrikaans English, Cape Flats English and South African Indian English). However,
                varieties of English in Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini will also feature in the course. Please note: Currently, this
                course is expected to take place offline and in a synchronous mode on campus Neues Palais. However, the teaching form
                may be changed in accordance with the latest Covid regulations.
                Group work and academic poster presentation
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL    262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                      91954 S - Beyond the lesson plan: Understanding classroom interaction
                Gruppe          Art     Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1               S       Mo        16:00 - 18:00      wöch.               25.10.2021     Taiane Malabarba
                comment                           http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35128
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Written essay
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL    262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                      91955 S - English Historical Morphosyntax
                Gruppe          Art     Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1               S       Mo        14:00 - 16:00      wöch.               25.10.2021     apl. Prof. Dr. Ilse Wischer
                comment                           http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35129
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                In this course we will study some of the most important morpho-syntactic changes in the history of the English language. The
                discussion will focus on changes in the marking of syntactic relations, i.e. the change from synthetic to analytic structures, the
                loss of grammatical gender, the development of verb inflection, e.g. the origin of 3rd person singular -s, the rearrangement
                of strong and weak verbs, the development of analytical verb constructions, etc. The theoretical framework will be based on
                structuralistic-functionalistic principles and on the theory of grammaticalization. Sociolinguistic factors will also be included. In
                addition to reading and discussing the relevant literature, we will carry out some empirical analyses on the basis of texts from
                Old-, Middle- and Early Modern English. Therefore a basic knowledge of Old-and Middle English might be advantageous.
                A bibliography and relevant texts will be made available at the beginning of the term.
                MT LinK + MT KoVaMe + ML Testat: regular active participation + oral presentation MT FSL + ML Prüfung: oral exam: 30 min

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     91958 S - Assessing Interactional Competence
                Gruppe        Art       Tag      Zeit                Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi       10:00 - 12:00       wöch.              27.10.2021     Susanne Reinhardt
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35132

                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and

                When teaching a foreign language at school, teachers are tasked with enabling their students to develop, and refine,
                communicative competence. According to the TEFL Rahmenlehrplan for Berlin and Brandenburg, high school graduates
                are expected to be able to communicate successfully and appropriately with (native) speakers of the foreign language in
                question (Rahmenlehrplan für den Unterricht in der gymnasialen Oberstufe im Land Brandenburg 2018: 23). Since spoken
                interaction counts for a majority of communicative encounters students may have to face, comprehensive speaking skills
                constitute one of the core skills to be taught (and assessed) in the language-learning classroom. Often, these are equated
                with grammatical proficiency, a versatile vocabulary and native-like pronunciation. However, it is notable that even when
                (still) struggling with syntax or pronunciation, or with only a limited vocabulary at their disposal, language learners manage
                to communicate successfully. Inversely, even when entirely well-formed (and accurately pronounced), students utterances
                may still be interactionally problematic. Fittingly, the Rahmenlehrplan posits that instruction should focus on both linguistic
                and interactional competence. High school graduates should, for instance, be taught how to use appropriate verbal and
                non-verbal resources to deal with everyday interactional issues such as opening or closing a conversation, or dealing with
                misunderstandings and understanding trouble (ibid.)

                This class is specifically tailored to teacher students and will introduce you to the notion of interactional competence. Against
                the background of basic concepts, methods and findings of Conversation Analysis (CA), we will discuss interactional skills and
                how they could (and, perhaps, why they should) be included into the assessment of pupils’ speaking skills.

                Together with the concurrent TEFL class (see below) this seminar is coordinated with, we will work towards achieving the
                following learning outcome :

                Students are able to
                1) assess the speaking skills of learners of English in an oral exam and
                2) develop teaching and learning materials for the development of these aspects

                - identifying features of spoken against written language;
                - investigating basic interactional skills (turn-taking, action accomplishment, repair) exhibited by the learners with basic CA
                terminology, concepts, methods and findings in the linguistics course, and
                - identifying characteristics of communicative and competence-oriented speaking tasks;
                - discussing the principles of task design, task support and providing feedback;
                - analyzing task demands of the test task, as well as the support provided by it;
                - identifying characteristics of communicative and competence-oriented speaking tasks;
                - evaluating and adapting speaking tasks and materials in course books, and practicing designing tasks themselves;
                - developing an assessment grid with a focus on content and interactional competence;
                - providing a well-argued overall assessment and evaluation of the learners’ speaking skills;
                - providing (formative) feedback tailored to the speakers’ performances, and
                - reflecting on basic implications for teaching and the TEFL classroom in the TEFL course,

                so that they later can access these skills at their future workplace.


                We strongly recommend teacher students to attend this course in parallel with the TEFL course "Teaching and assessing
                speaking skills" (Ceren Kocaman), since both classes will pursue a shared learning outcome. FSL and KoVaMe students are
                welcome to just attend this one.


                Readings (e.g.) Chapelle, Carol A. (Ed.) (2013). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. Couper-
                Kuhlen,Elizabeth & Selting, Margret (2018). Interactional Linguistics: Studying Langauge in Social Interaction. Cambridge:
                Cambridge University Press. Heritage, John (1984). Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Hoey, Elliott

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                M. & Kendrick, Kobin H. (2018). Conversation Analysis. In: de Groot, Annette M.B. & Hagoort, P. (Eds). Research Methods in
                Psycholinguistics and the Neurology of Language: A Practical Guide. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 151-173. Schegloff, Emanuel
                A. (2007). Sequence organization in interaction: a primer in conversation analysis I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
                Sidnell, Jack & Stivers, Tanya (Eds.) (2013). The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Malden: Blackwell. Sidnell, Jack (2010).
                Conversation Analysis: An Introduction. Malden: Wiley Blackwell.


                MA-LA: Written Exam (90')

                FSL, KoVaMe: Presentation + Elaborating Essay


                First, please take note that this course is taught in parallel with, and pursues a shared learning outcome with, the TEFL
                course "Teaching and Assessing speaking skills" (Ceren Kocaman). Teacher students will make most use of the courses if
                they attend both. FSL and KoVaMe students are welcome to just attend this first one.

                Information regarding Covid-19 : This course, should the situation permit, will be offered in person. As right now, it is likely
                that GGG documentation will be mandatory for participation in on-site classes (in accordance with § 23 Abs. 2 UmgV ), so it is
                recommended that, if you are not fully vaccinated yet, to try and arrange for appointments as soon as possible. Furthermore,
                participant numbers and/or whether you will be able to attend on-site sessions on a weekly basis may be restricted by room
                capacity limitations; I will contact you with further information on this at the beginning of term.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     91959 B - Field Trip to Ghana
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             B        N.N.      N.N.               Block         N.N.                    N.N.          Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35133
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                This field trip may serve, on the one hand, as a linguistics seminar for graduate students in the teacher training and linguistics
                programs. On the other hand, all other students – especially those in the Anglophone Modernities program – are invited as
                Will be provided.
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     91960 B - Potsdam Winter School in Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Focus on South Africa
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             B        N.N.      09:00 - 16:00      BlockSa       Online.Veranstalt       18.11.2021    Dr. Arne Peters
                1             B        Do        09:00 - 16:00      Einzel        Online.Veranstalt       02.12.2021    Dr. Arne Peters
                1             B        Fr        09:00 - 16:00      Einzel        Online.Veranstalt       03.12.2021    Dr. Arne Peters
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35147

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                The "Potsdam Winter School in Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Focus on South Africa" brings together experienced researchers
                and passionate Master students from South Africa and Germany in order to explore cognitive and sociolinguistic aspects of
                language use, cultural conceptualisation and linguistic awareness in multilingual South Africa. In a multiple-workshop format
                that comprises theoretical input and practical application, participants will encounter a range of ((cognitive)socio)linguistic
                methods and theories that are employed in exploring the cultural embeddedness of language use in South Africa. Based on
                this input as well as on their previous knowledge of corpus linguistic, sociolinguistic, cognitive, etc. theories and methods,
                participants will be asked to present a research poster on any cognitive sociolinguistic phenomenon in the South African
                context on the last day of the workshop. Please note that this winter school will take place online. Due to its format, the
                number of participants is limited to 15 students.
                for an overview: Peters, A. (2020) "Cultural conceptualisations of WITCHCRAFT and TRADITIONAL HEALING in Black
                South African English herbalist classifieds", in: F. Sharifian & M. Sadeghpour (eds.) Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes,
                333-359. Singapore: Springer. Peters, A. & Coetzee-Van Rooy, S. (2020). "Exploring the interplay of language and body
                in South African youth". Cognitive Linguistics 31(4), 579-608. Polzenhagen, F. (2007) "Cultural Conceptualisations in West
                African English: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach". Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Wolf, H.-G. and F. Polzenhagen (2009)
                "World Englishes: A Cognitive Sociolinguistic Approach". Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
                (1) Regular and active participation, and (2) group research project and academic poster presentation.
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     91974 S - Learning by doing: English as a Lingua Franca and intercultural competence in an online simulation
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        16:00 - 18:00     wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       26.10.2021    Milene Mendes de
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35486

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14


                Note: This extra course offering is part of the research project ‘Digital Communities and Online Intercultural Competence’
                headed by Dr. Milene Mendes de Oliveira and funded by the German-Ministry of Education and Research. Interactions
                happening throughout the course, and especially the game sessions, will be recorded for research purposes. A term of
                informed consent, which ensures compliance with ethical and data-protection measures for research data, will be given to
                participants. Moreover, technical conditions for participating in the course involve stable internet connection, a microphone,
                and a camera as well as the willingness to sign up for a few (free) online tools, such as conceptboard and Trello.

                There are only 10 vacancies in this course. Fully online course with synchronous and asynchronous activities (an
                international collaboration between the University of Potsdam and Oulu University, Finland)

                Part 1: Introductory sessions and tasks

                Asynchronous tasks from October 26 to November 2 on Moodle

                Synchronous sessions:

                October 26 (Tuesday): 10-12

                October 28 (Thursday): 10-12

                November 2 (Tuesday): 10-12

                Part 2: Game sessions (synchronous sessions with Oulu students)

                November 4 (Thursday): 11-13 (German time)

                November 11 (Thursday): 11-13 (German time)

                November 18 (Thursday): 11-13 (German time)

                November 25 (Thursday): 11-13 (German time)

                December 2 (Thursday): 11-13 (German time)

                Final report
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                     92207 B - Language, Gesture and Culture
                Gruppe         Art     Tag       Zeit              Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1              B       N.N.      14:00 - 20:00     Block              18.10.2021     N.N.
                Kommentar                        http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35510
                Für weitere Informationen zum Kommentar, zur Literatur und zum Leistungsnachweis klicken Sie bitte oben auf den Link
                Dozentin: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schröder (schroederulrike@gmx.com) This course provides an introduction to basic concepts,
                pioneering as well as recent works on the relationship between cognition, gesture, language and cultural practice. We will
                draw our attention to four main lines of research that could be found in the field of gesture studies as approaches broaching
                the issue of cultural matters: (a) studies related to quotable and conventionalized gestures (b) studies about iconic gestures
                that are interconnected to the semantic structure of a particular language (c) studies on culturally sedimented gestures
                and styles and (d) studies on whole-body gestures related to cultural models. The course brings together approaches from
                cognitive linguistics, anthropological linguistics, ethnography and multimodal conversation analysis.
                References BROOKES, H. 2014. Gestures in South Africa. In MÜLLER, C. et al. (eds.) Body – language – communication.
                An international handbook on multimodality in human interaction. Volume 2. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, p. 1147–
                1153. BROWN, A. 2008. Gesture viewpoint in Japanese and English. Cross-linguistic interactions between two languages in
                one speaker. Gesture 8(2), p. 256–276. CHUI, K. 2012. Cross-linguistic comparison of representations of motion in language
                and gesture. Gesture 12(1), p. 40–61. CREIDER, C. A. 1977. Towards a description of East African gestures. Sign Language
                Studies 14(1), 1–20. EFRON, D. 1941. Gesture and environment. A tentative study of some of the spatio-temporal and

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                “linguistic” aspects of the gestural behavior of eastern Jews and southern Italians in New York City, living under similar as well
                as different environmental conditions. New York: King’s Crown Press. GRAZIANO, M. GULLBERG, M. 2018. When speech
                stops, gesture stops: Evidence from crosslinguistic and developmental comparisons. Frontiers in Psychology 9(17). GU, Y.
                ZHENG, Y. SWERTS, M. 2019. Which is in front of Chinese people, past or future? The effect of language and culture on
                temporal gestures and spatial conceptions of time. Cognitive Science 43, p. 1–32. HALL, K. GOLDSTEIN, D. M. Ingram, M.
                B. 2016. The hands of Donald Trump. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6 (2), p. 71–100. KENDON, A. 1995. Gestures
                as illocutionary and discourse structure markers in Southern Italian conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 23, p. 247–279.
                KENDON, A. 2004. Gesture. Visible action as utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. MCNEILL, D. 1992.
                Hand and mind: What gestures reveal about thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. MEYER, C. 2017. The cultural
                organization of intercorporeality. In MEYER, C. STREECK, J. JORDAN, J. S. (eds.). Intercorporeality: Emerging socialities in
                interaction. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 143–471. NÚÑEZ, R. SWEETSER, E. 2006. With the future behind them:
                Convergent evidence from Aymara language and gesture in crosslinguistic comparison of spatial construals of time. Cognitive
                Science 30, p. 401–450. ÖZYÜREK, A. et al. 2008. Development of cross-linguistic variation in speech and gesture: Motion
                events in English and Turkish. Developmental Psychology 44(4), p. 1040–1054. SCHRÖDER, U. STREECK, J. forthcoming.
                Jeitinho in words and gestures: Cultural concept, movement, and way of life. Intercultural Pragmatics.
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262615 - Sprachwissenschaft (Testat) (unbenotet)
                PL   262616 - Sprachwissenschaft (Modulprüfung) (benotet)

                ANG_MA_011 - Vertiefungsmodul Fachdidaktik in der Sekundarstufe I und II

                     90943 S - Interaction in the EFL Classroom
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        10:00 - 12:00      wöch.               26.10.2021    Prof. Dr. Jana Roos
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=34662

                All language learning takes place in interaction. In the classroom, learners must interact with one another and with their

                In this seminar, we will explore different aspects of learner-learner and learner-teacher interaction in order to understand the
                challenges that second language interaction presents and the opportunities for language learning that it offers.

                In addition to active participation, students will be required to design a task-based presentation for one seminar session.

                Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich dieses Seminar an Studierende des Lehramts Primarstufe richtet.

                Geplant ist, das Seminar sowohl online als auch anteilig in Präsenz durchzuführen.

                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   262412 - Diagnose, Messung und Förderung sprachlicher Kompetenzen (unbenotet)

                     90981 S - Teaching speaking in the digital age
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mi        14:00 - 16:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt       27.10.2021    Magdalena Piltz
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35322

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14


                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and

                Course description:

                Technological developments of the last thirty years have strongly influenced our everyday lives, including the way we think
                and communicate. What are the possible implications of these changes for the EFL classroom, and how do they affect the
                way we teach speaking skills? What are the advantages of digital media, and how can we use them in a meaningful way
                to promote speaking skills among EFL learners? How has the institutional context been addressing the consequences of
                digitalisation through languages policies and curricula? Finally, what are the challenges that both teachers and their students
                need to face when using new media in the classroom? In order to answer these questions, we will explore some aspects
                of media pedagogy and take a look at the research carried out within the framework of TEFL. We will examine innovative
                teaching designs, which meaningfully integrate modern technologies to promote speaking skills. We will develop and evaluate
                our own digital media-assisted teaching scenarios to promote speaking skills. Finally, we will address the institutional context
                and recent educational debates, which bring to light not only the advantages and opportunities, but also the risks and
                difficulties of integrating digital media into the 21st-century education.

                Organisation : synchronous & asynchronous teaching units

                This course will take place using a mix of synchronous elements (interactive Zoom sessions during our regular weekly time
                slot on Thursdays) and asynchronous elements (reading assignments, time-flexible self-study sessions, assignments via


                teaching proposal & active participation

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    262711 - Texte, Medien und Lernmaterial im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe I und II (unbenotet)

                      90982 S - Critical Pedagogy and Materials Development
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mi       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt      27.10.2021    Ceren Kocaman
                comment                         http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35323

                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and

                Language teaching materials play a central role in the classroom as tools to promote skills, literacies, and competences.
                However, they are also cultural and curriculum artefacts (Gray, 2013), meaning they are reflections of the curriculum as well
                as certain values, carrying with them traces of power relations and worldviews. Through a critical look on classroom materials,
                and by extension, classroom practices, language teachers can see what identities, power relations, and stereotypes are
                perpetuated, made invisible, or transformed.

                In this seminar, participants will explore how materials can be used to promote diversity, inclusivity and equality in the
                language classroom. The seminar will touch upon what critical pedagogy is, how it relates to language teaching and the
                local teaching context, and the intersection between materials, classroom practices, teacher identity, and critical pedagogy.
                Participants will have the opportunity to analyze, evaluate, adapt, and develop materials within this framework.

                Please note that participants will be asked to follow multiple deadlines throughout the semester to submit the reflection paper
                required to pass this course.

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Master of Education - Englisch Sekundarstufe II - Prüfungsversion Wintersemester 2013/14

                Reflection paper
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    262711 - Texte, Medien und Lernmaterial im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe I und II (unbenotet)

                      90984 S - Making a Change: Introducing Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacy into EFL classrooms
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mo        16:00 - 18:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt      25.10.2021     Irene Heidt
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35325

                This seminar introduces prospective English language teachers to the theoretical and pedagogical frameworks of critical
                pedagogy and literacy to enable them 1) to reflect on today’s role and responsibility of language teachers, 2) to recognize
                the intersection of language teaching and issues of discrimination in terms of race, social class, religion or gender and 3)
                to critically analyze textbook materials and classroom practices to see how particular worldviews, identities, and voices
                are represented, silenced or omitted. These insights will be of importance for the virtual exchange with students from the
                University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. The virtual exchange with students from the U.S. will take place on four dates
                within our seminar time (4:15 – 5:45 pm):

                24.1.2022, 31.1. 2022, 07.02.2022, 14.02.2022.

                Please note : Participation in the virtual exchange with UNC, Charlotte students is obligatory for the successful participation in
                this course.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    262712 - Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Mehrsprachigkeit (unbenotet)

                      90985 S - Teaching Literature and Culture
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        10:00 - 12:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt      26.10.2021     Prof. Dr. Britta Freitag-
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35326
                Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and
                Teaching Proposal
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    262712 - Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Mehrsprachigkeit (unbenotet)

                      90986 S - Educating global citizens: education for sustainable development in the EFL classroom
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        14:00 - 16:00      wöch.         Online.Veranstalt      26.10.2021     Prof. Dr. Britta Freitag-
                comment                          http://www.uni-potsdam.de/lv/index.php?idv=35327

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