Page created by Gilbert Graham
A crucial field with the ability to impact heavily on social
and environmental welfare. We look at how the world
responds to this demand, focusing on the UK market and
in particular Greater Manchester. This report identifies
key drivers shaping the industry, big market players and
notable investment activity.
Waste Management                                                                                                       February 2020

Executive Summary                                                                             04

The Current Market                                                                            05

What Drives the Waste Management Industry?                                                    06

Valuing Waste Management Companies                                                            09

Key Market Players                                                                            10

Mergers and Acquisitions                                                                      13

What Have We Done in the Industry                                                             14

Waste Management Services                                                                     15

Political Landscape                                                                           17

Illegal Waste Trafficking                                                                     18

The Future of Waste Management                                                                19

Bibliography                                                                                  21

                                     Author                                                        Sedulo Group
                                     Hannah Anderton
                                                                                                   62-66 Deansgate
                                     Design                                                        M3 2EN
                                     Neil McAdam
                                     The information enclosed within this report has been          St Paul’s House
                                     prepared by desktop research into a number of                 Park Square
                                     areas and by reference to other published research
                                     documents. Any reader must satisfy themselves as to the       LS1 2ND
                                     accuracy of the information contained herein. This report
                                     must not be relied upon as statements of representation
                                     of fact and Sedulo Group Limited, its partners and            London
                                     employees shall not be responsible for any error,             Office 208,
                                     omission or misstatement.
                                                                                                   Coppergate House,
                                     Neither the staff of Sedulo Group Limited nor any of          10 Whites Row,
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Waste Management       February 2020

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Waste Management                                                                                             February 2020

Executive Summary

Waste is defined as unwanted               forthcoming generations. Around 45.4      industry is categorised based on the
                                           million tonnes of waste are dumped        type of waste (municipal, industrial
materials that require                     in UK landfills annually, a rate that     and hazardous), the type of service:
discarding and therefore the               landfills simply cannot efficiently       collection         (transport/storage/
waste management industry is               accommodate. In 2017, UK waste            sorting) or disposal (landfill/recycling/
                                           management company Biffa advised          composting/anaerobic digestion) and
responsible for providing the              that landfill space would run out         the region. The vast variety of services
means by which that can be                 within ten years and so alternative       within waste management provide
done.                                      routes for the afterlife of waste must    for the needs of different industries.
                                           be employed. Although potentially         Pages 15 to 16 cover an overview of
                                           disastrous for society, this can be       the array of different areas within
Waste can be considered somewhat
                                           good news for the waste management        the waste management market.
a social construct; around the globe,
                                           industry as innovation becomes            The services allow for consumers to
there are various opinions as to
                                           necessary     and      forward-thinking   benefit from waste at both ends of
what constitutes as waste and what
                                           businesses can capitalise on their        the supply chain. Households and
doesn’t, and different communities
                                           imperativeness.                           businesses benefit from having their
are disproportionately affected by
                                                                                     rubbish collected and disposed and
the problem of waste. People based
                                           The full process of waste management      they can benefit again through buying
around waste sites often contend
                                           activities     include      collection,   products,     compost,     construction
with above average pollution and
                                           transportation, waste treatment and       material, and being provided with
environmental risks, which in turn
                                           disposal. The waste management            energy – all sourced from waste.
can cause adverse effects on health.
Waste management organisations
are an important solution in order to
prevent social inequality and ensure
that sustainable methods for dealing
with refuse are in place.

Up until the 1980s, in the UK,
municipal waste management was
a nationalised industry, meaning the
government was responsible for the
control and ownership of the market.
Successive Conservative and New
Labour governments facilitated the
contracting out and privatisation of
waste management, engendering a
new market, that has developed and
expanded to that which exists today.
The industry has gone through a
process of dismantling, with various
companies providing a different
step in the supply chain, to vertically
reintegrating through mergers and

At the current rate, UK landfill sites
are due to be full by 2022. This limited
capacity has potentially disastrous
consequences for the near future and

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Waste Management                                                                                     February 2020

The Current Market

The global waste management       Economically, it makes sense to invest in   materials.
                                  sustainable waste management. When
market is projected to reach      not managed correctly, waste can            In the Greater Manchester area in
$530 billion by 2025. The         have severe health and environmental        particular, there are around 200 active
market has had to keep            effects; the cost of which outweighs the    waste management businesses. This
                                  cost of competent waste management          contribution to the economy creates
up with the development           systems. Overall the markets’ drivers       employment for nearly 4000 people
and influence of increasing       outweigh its restrictions.                  and generates approximately £650m
environmental awareness,                                                      of sales. According to Eunomia,
                                  Former resource management minister         businesses in Greater Manchester
a rise in population sizes,       Dan Rogerson identified export of our       produce 1.8 million tonnes of
industrialisation and             materials and knowledge on services         commercial and industrial waste per
urbanisation. Latest figures      as an area for potential growth for         year, an estimated 367.5k tonnes of
                                  the industry within emerging markets.       which are non-recyclable, however,
show, the UK waste industry       Domestically, the UK sector is not          45% of which can be simply recycled.
generates an estimated            large enough to process all of the          Providing services to businesses to
£9billion annual turnover.        materials that get recovered through        manage these different waste types
                                  recycling. In addition to this, industry    and developing new services to take
Although the waste                growth is slow in LEDCs due to lack         advantage of materials with potential
management market has             of awareness for the necessity of           further use are identified as growth
been slow to regain the same      comprehensive waste management              areas for waste management SMEs in
                                  and thus less investment occurs in          the area.
level of energy it expressed      waste management companies. In
before the 2008 recession, the    low income countries, over 90% of           Because businesses in the waste
industry has still managed to     waste is disposed of in unregulated         management industry are often
                                  dumps or incineration, creating serious     heavily reliant on assets, it can be
maintain its growth at a better   health, safety and environmental            a challenge for them to expand
rate than the general UK          consequences. However, emerging             organically.    However,       through
economy.                          economies in APAC and LAMEA                 acquiring additional facilities, waste
                                  are increasing their utility of these       management businesses have been
                                  systems. Investing in markets in other      able to consolidate and expand their
                                  countries would create a mutually           reach. Furthermore, foreign investors
                                  beneficial environment of improving         have increased their appetite for
                                  their operation ability whilst allowing     acquiring UK businesses to form
                                  for more efficient use of recovered         multinational operations.

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Waste Management                                                                                                February 2020

What Drives The Waste
Management Industry?
                                           The waste management industry is fundamentally essential,
                                           and everyone around the globe relies on its proper functioning.
                                           In 2016 people around the world produced waste equivalent
                                           to 0.74 KG per person per day. Based on a current global
                                           population estimation of 7.8 billion people, that totals a
                                           whopping 5,772,000,000kg a day.
                                           However, there are undoubtedly trends        to shape the architecture for waste
                                           and factors that drive up the activity       management, as companies in the
                                           within the industry. Businesses are          industry adapt in order to provide the
                                           making more effort with the three Rs         services to meet the objectives arising
                                           of waste management: reduce, reuse,          from commercial waste behaviours.
                                           recycle. This endeavour has helped

According      to    UK    government      disposed of at licensed landfill sites.      European domination of the market
Department for Environment, Food &         The fees are charged based on                share. In addition to waste tracking
Rural Affairs (Defra) 2019 UK statistics   the weight of the rubbish and the            (as mentioned on page 19), the UK
on waste, the recycling rate of waste      category of waste. Meaning that inert        government have issued their support
from households rose to 45.7% in 2017.     or inactive waste (that which isn’t          towards helping businesses capitalise
However, the UK needs to do more           chemically or biologically reactive i.e.     on methods that prevent waste going
to achieve the EU target of 50% for        decomposable) is at a much lower             to landfill – in the pursuit towards the
2020. As of 2018, Wales was the only       rate than biodegradable or hazardous         zero-waste economy. Despite its name
UK nation to meet the target with a        waste. Each year landfill tax rates have     this economy would actually provide
recycling rate of 64%. As EU Derivative    risen and as of April 2020, the lower        more growth for the industry rather
recycling targets are only likely to       rate will be £3 per tonne, whereas           than eradicate it, by emphasising the
rise, businesses need to be able to        the standard rate will be at £94.15 per      value of resources and increasing
accommodate for them.                      tonne.                                       capacity for transforming waste into
                                                                                        useful products.
The EU has also targeted a reduction in    Regulations such as these drive
biodegradable municipal waste (BMW)        innovation in the waste management
sent to landfill and wants to improve      industry, as well as influencing mergers
the recovery rate for non-hazardous        and acquisitions as business owners
construction and demolition waste.         are inclined to take a more holistic
The UK generates approximately             approach to managing waste. More
27.7 million tonnes of commercial          often companies are partnering to
and industrial (C&I) waste and in 2016     cover more services over a wider
generated a total waste amount of          geographical space.
222.9 million tonnes – with England        Government        initiatives   alongside
responsible for 85% of the UK total.       the    adoption        of    sophisticated
Landfill tax applies to all waste          technology are due to induce a

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Waste Management                                                                                              February 2020

An increase in
population and
Urbanisation around the world has
increased due to the densifying
populations. This is set to drive the
demand, especially in APAC countries.
The World Bank has said that the
amount of municipal solid waste
(MSW) is increasing at an even faster
rate than urbanisation. They provide
capital investments in order to improve
waste sorting and treatment facilities
and since 2000 they have contributed
more than $4.7billion to over 340 solid
waste management programmes.

                                          Increase in waste
                                          According to Ends waste and                 The highest waste per capita usually
                                          bioenergy, UK landfill sites will be full   occurs on islands, which is likely to be
                                          by 2022. As expected, as the number         caused by tourism.
                                          of people increase, so does the amount
                                          of waste. In 2016 the global generation     China makes up for 70% of the APAC
                                          of MSW was 2.01 billion tonnes and          regions waste figures, which were
                                          according to The World Bank, this will      recorded in 2013 as 270 million tonnes
                                          reach an expected 3.4 billion tonnes        per year. The East APAC region
                                          by 2050. High income countries, which       produces 23% of the world’s waste
                                          make up 16% of the world’s population,      even though it only accounts for 16%
                                          generate 34% of the worlds waste.           of the global population.

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Waste Management                                                                                             February 2020

                                          Over a third of waste in high-income       are expected to increase to 2.6billion
                                          countries    is  recovered    through      tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2050.
                                          recycling and composting programmes,
                                          however as environmental awareness         Plastic waste makes up 90% of
                                          increases around the globe, gaps are       ocean debris, and in 2016, the world
                                          being created for renewable waste          generated 242 million tonnes of plastic
                                          management systems.                        waste. That’s the equivalent of 2,400
                                                                                     Olympic stadiums of plastic bottles.
                                          According to the World Bank’s What         According to Forbes, scientists have
                                          a Waste 2.0 report, 33% of the             further predicted that by 2050, if
                                          world’s waste is not managed in an         pollution continues at the current rate,
                                          environmentally safe way. Without          there will be more plastic in the ocean
                                          progression in the industry, emissions     than there are fish.

Uncollected waste
and dumping
Dumping and untreated waste has           to come at a cost of £600m to the
increased which directly and indirectly   UK economy each year. Environment
affects public health by leading to       Minister Rebecca Pow said that “waste
infectious disease, driving the demand    crime causes economic, environmental
for waste management. Ultimately          and social harm in every community it
a lack of good health has negative        blights”. In addition to this, improving
effects on economies, and a strong        waste management will aid cities’
waste management market enables a         resilience in natural disasters, such as
domino effect of positivity.              flooding, as infrastructure will be in
                                          place to respond to anticipated risks.
Illegal waste dumping is estimated

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Waste Management                                                                                      January 2020

Valuing Waste Management
There has been a significant       Desireable
amount of M&A activity in the
sector in recent years, the        o Focus on sustainability – as a popular trend among both consumers and
largest portion of which falling     legislators, compliance with environmentally friendly operations increases the
in the recycling subsector.          desirability of a waste management business.
Determining M&A valuations         o Updated Assets – such as a modern fleet of trucks or new machinery in a plant.
in the waste management
industry varies on a case          o Recycling capacity – preventing landfill space being used up makes for a more
                                     sustainable company with greater long-term capabilities. This also reduces the
by case basis. As with all           outgoing costs that are synonymous with landfill tax fees.
businesses, establishing their
worth hinges upon both             o Clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set for the business based on
                                     industry standards. These are often targeted based on:
qualitative and quantitative                 · % of waste sent to landfill
factors. However, when                       · % of waste materials recovered to be recycled or reused
identifying a company within                 · Number of routes acquired
                                             · Length of contracts
the waste management
industry as a consumer or for      o Strong waste forecasting – action plans in place to deal with identified waste
investment or an acquisition,        arisings and waste costs.
there are a few elements
worth considering that
indicate how good a waste          Valuation Process
management company is.
                                   When using a comparable transaction        period.
                                   analysis, i.e. comparing a company to
                                   similar businesses which have been         Typically, the valuation of waste
                                   acquired, there is scope to justify a      management companies has been
                                   value based on the amount other            reaching around 8 to 12 times EBITDA.
                                   companies have been bought for.            Arguably, a higher multiple of EBITDA
                                                                              can be rationalised if a waste company
                                   Most commonly in M&A transactions          has been through a recent period of
                                   within the waste management industry,      revenue growth or consistent long-
                                   EBITDA is seen as the best figure with     term success. In some niche areas
                                   which to begin a valuation. This is due    companies have been valued up to 14
                                   to its representativeness of cash flow –   times EBITDA.
                                   usually over the most recent 12-month

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Waste Management                                                                                         February 2020

Key Market Players
According to Catalyst Corporate Finance, the fastest 50 growing
waste and resource management companies in the UK
generated average revenues of £22m in 2017. Their growth rate
is measured based on turnover, and the average growth rates
of new contenders on the list was 18% CAGR.

The combined annual turnover of the        the key growth strategies of forming
fastest growing in 2017 was £1.068bn,      partnerships, launching new products
with the top ten generating 32% of         and acquiring other businesses.
the total. Businesses have maintained      The following companies have been
their top performance through              identified as key market players, with
investment and expansion. This             a snapshot of their recent investment
includes investing in vehicles, disposal   activity in the industry.
capacity and technology alongside

Revenues from leading waste management services working in the United Kingdom
(UK) in 2017/2018
(In million GBP)

                                                                                    Release date
                                                                                    September 2018

                                                                                    United Kingdom

                                                                                    Survey time period

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Waste Management                                                                       February 2020

                        In 2017, they spent around £44m on      expected to generate revenues
                        acquiring 5 businesses enabling a       of approximately £40m per year.
                        consolidation of different services.    This expansion will improve the
                        The company’s investment into           waste management giant’s already
                        expansion has continued, most           impressive recycling commitments.
                        recently with the opening of a          Already 85% of UK milk bottles
                        new £27.5m plastic recycling plant      contain Biffa recycled plastics.
                        in County Durham. It’s said to
                        be the most modern of its kind,         The company are aiming to
                        with capacity to handle 57,000          continue their trend of growth,
                        tonnes of PET plastic per year          with a view to creating an extra
                        (1.3bn plastic bottles). The site is    850,000 jobs by 2050.

                                                                  Veolia have recently become
                                                                  the first company to partner
                                                                  with the Food Waste Reduction
                                                                  Map, the journey to reducing
                                                                  food waste by 50%.

                                                                  The company are leading
                                                                  the way when it comes to
                                                                  environmentally friendly
                                                                  innovation. They collaborated
                                                                  with Tetra Pak in Nov 2018 to
                                                                  recycle drinks cartons in the EU.
                                                                  Their aim is to utilise the below
                                                                  process to ensure that 100% of
                                                                  carton packages constituents
                                                                  are recycled by 2025. In the
                                                                  UK, the companies net assets
                                                                  are worth over £808m and with
                                                                  investment in innovative plants
                                                                  this value is set to increase.

                        Suez UK Environment Ltd have            Their services will also cover
                        recently won a contract worth over      mechanical treatment, household
                        £1bn to manage waste for Greater        recycling and thermal and material
                        Manchester. They will deal with         recovery, with an aim to redirect
                        around 1.1million tonnes of municipal   96% of Manchester’s waste from
                        waste across 9 of the county’s          landfill to recycling.

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Waste Management                                                                                                 February 2020

                                            Greater Manchester based                       into a new product using image
                                            Kenny Waste have successfully                  recognition in order to automate
                                            specialised in their area for over             the labour-intensive steps within
                                            30 years- now turning over                     the recycling process.
     Willshees waste & recycling
     went through a period of high
                                                                                           They hope to improve waste
     growth in 2017, with a CAGR
                                            They have been striving for                    management UK wide by
     or 34%.
                                            innovation in the recycling                    increasing accuracy, reliability
                                            subsector by investing in research             and traceability in the sector.
     The company has continued
     to expand through investment
     in hard assets- with a fleet
     now encompassing over 40
     vehicles. These comprise of
     data tracking technology
     which enables reporting from
     the point of collection.

                                         The below list of businesses have been identified by Sedulo
                                         as some of the industry Ones to Watch. These are waste
                                         management companies based in Greater Manchester as well
                                         as in the wider North Region.

                                                                         Year previous         Latest
                                                                              revenue        revenue                   Latest
Company                     Division                                           (£000)         (£000)        Location Accounts
Kenny Waste                 Commercial and C&D waste                              21,110       24,561    Manchester       Mar-19
JWS                         Skip hire, Commercial waste & recycling              16,784        16,479         Salford     Oct-18
Willshees                   Skip hire, Commercial waste & recycling              14,284        15,875 Staffordshire       Mar-19
Gaskells Waste Service Ltd Diverse Waste Management                              17,014        17,904     Liverpool       Mar-19
A1 Services                 Muck away, vehicle hire, C&I waste management                                     Bolton
Cumbria Waste Group         Diverse across the NW                                15,265        19,905         Carlisle    Mar-19
                            Diverse including WEEE and total waste
Recycling Lives             management                                           42,804       66,096         Preston      Sep-18
J Dickinson & Sons          Skip Hire, Recycling, Waste Management                                            Bolton
Mick George                 C&D and recycling                                    131,363      158,301    Huntingdon       May-18
B&M                         Total Waste management solutions                     35,012        38,343     The Wirral      Jun-18
Wheeldon Brothers           Skip hire, SRF processor                             10,899         11,689          Bury          Jul-18
LSS Waste                   Skip hire, recycling                                  12,182        15,121         Leeds      Mar-19

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Waste Management                                                                      February 2020

Mergers and Acquisitions

                                 JBT were acquired by global recycling giants Remondis in
                                 November 2016.

                                 Pandagreen, Ireland based Waste management business
                                 acquired Widnes based WSR Recycling.

                                 SAR Recycling, a battery recycling specialist with a customer
                                 base across the UK and Ireland has been acquired by Enva,
                                 resource recovery specialist.

                                 Shanks merged with Van Gansewinkel for £479 million. Renewi
                                 PLC is the new entity under which they are operating.

                                 Chesterfield based One Stop
                                 Managed Waste offer waste handling
                                 equipment, waste collection, service
                                 and repair, WEEE recycling, revenue
                                 from waste.

                                 AWS is a West Midlands based
B&M waste services acquired      company. Following the acquisition of
                                 its trade waste division, the company
One Stop Managed Waste,          can now focus on its core functions of
AWS Recycling’s trade waste      RoRo and skip collections.
division and more recently Ian
Wilcox Recycling.
                                 The Ian Wilcox deal strengthens
                                 B&M’s reach across the west
B&M are based out of the         Midlands. The company can now offer         Ian Wilcox
Wirral and are known for         carbon neutral waste management              Recycling
                                 whilst expanding their services to
being a family run company       handle a wider range of discarded
with a strong customer and       materials.
CSR focus.

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Waste Management                                                                                            February 2020

What Have We Done In The

WasteSure is a national waste           development       of    their  industry-
management firm that is based out       first waste management software
of Bury, Greater Manchester. The        platform. This partnership supported
company offers a range of services      company decision-makers to advance
including waste logistics, storage,     their technology while meeting the
segregation and handling specialist     requirements of the R&D legislation. This
and hazardous waste. They achieved      helped to facilitate the development of
£2m turnover inside just one year of    their sophisticated software platform,
trading.                                which is capable of tracking, analysing,
                                        and evaluating various critical metrics
Sedulo funding solutions helped MD,     associated with the respective waste
Mark Dunne, to pitch and fundraise to   disposal options. This software further
start WasteSure as his own business.    expands the capacity for autonomous
WasteSure also has access to a range    collaboration amongst disparate third-
of other services helping to nurture    party systems. What is more, these
the business in order to continue and   advancements have the capacity to
develop its success.                    positively contribute to wider, industry    For a number of years, Sedulo have
                                        and economic waste reduction goals          worked with ROYDON. The Swinton,
Sedulo Innovation partnered with        including the reduction of carbon           Greater Manchester, based group
WasteSure    and     supported the      outputs, and the reliance placed upon       consist of multiple trading companies
successful realisation of its R&D       landfill resources.                         which specialise in plastics recycling. A
Tax Relief claim following the                                                      couple of years ago, Sedulo Corporate
                                                                                    Finance facilitated a management
                                                                                    buyout (MBO) for the company.

                                                                                    The MBO saw founders depart from
                                                                                    the business, enabling management
                                                                                    shareholders to take full ownership
                                                                                    of Roydon. Sedulo Corporate Finance
                                                                                    Partner, Benn Longshaw, said that after
                                                                                    acting as the company’s accountant
                                                                                    for a number of years, “ Being then able
                                                                                    to facilitate a transaction that sees the
                                                                                    founding shareholders rewarded for
                                                                                    their hard work over the years, and the
                                                                                    existing management able to benefit
                                                                                    further from future performance is a
                                                                                    fantastic result.”

14    www.sedulo.co.uk
Waste Management                                                                                               February 2020

Waste Management Services
Waste to product
Waste to product one of the              o Nappy roofing – even though it sounds gruesome, disposed nappies and
                                           sanitary products are used to create roofing tiles. Specialist plants separate
most exciting and innovative               the polymers from the organic waste which are then used to make fibre-based
areas within the waste                     construction materials.
management industry. There
                                         o Football Shirts – in 2013 Brazil debuted their new kits made from an average
is a huge range of products                of 13 recycled bottles.
created from material that was
previously no longer of use.             o Eco-Bricks. These are an amazing use of plastics which can’t be recycled. They
                                           are made by filling plastic bottles with clean un-recyclable plastics, usually
Some of the most fascinating               cellophane bags until the bottles are full. These are used in several communities
products include:                          especially in developing countries in order to build staircases, tables, chairs
                                           and more. Because the plastic inside the bricks can’t break down, it makes it
                                           an ideal building material.

                                         o Bottle Bricks – this is a slightly different waste to product journey, as it involves
                                           designing consumer products in a way that they can be used as a construction
                                           material after use. This initiative was introduced by the owner of Heineken
                                           in the 60s. After visiting a developing community with a lack of shelter, he
                                           designed a brick-shaped, interlocking bottle that could be used to build.

Energy from                              o Plasphalt – used in road resurfacing, plasphalt is made up of plastic waste
                                           instead of the usual sand and gravel in asphalt.
The Energy from Waste (EfW) process
usually uses combustion in order to
directly generate energy in the form
                                                                                      Muck away
of heat or electricity, or by enabling
the production of combustible fuels.                                                  Covers the removal of inert waste, that
This process helps to avoid the                                                       which isn’t biologically or chemically
CO2 emissions released from fossil-
fuel based energy generation and
                                         Clinical waste                               reactive such as concrete, usually from
                                                                                      a building site clearance project, which
eradicates the potential of methane                                                   is then sent to an inert tipping site. The
emissions as associated with landfill.   There is currently a gap in the market for   service can also cater to contaminated
                                         sufficient clinical waste management,        inert waste such as material containing
Due to their complexity, cost-wise       as it is reported that there is a lack of    asbestos. Muck away service providers
– EfW plants are an expensive            incineration capacity in the UK. Due to      can face high tax rates, especially for
construction. Plants can gain an extra   the high-risk nature of clinical waste,      loads of hazardous waste. However,
fee for charging for the waste they      regulations are meticulous and higher        there is money to be made in the
accept, this combined with the sale      temperature incineration is required         industry through franchising – a
of their energy production enables       to deal with infectious and hazardous        powerful strategy with proven success
an economical business. The global       materials.                                   in companies such as Mick George,
EfW market is expected to be worth                                                    currently turning over above £158.3m.
$35.5 billion by 2024, with thermal
technology dominating the market.
Europe’s EfW is projected to surpass
$2.5bn by 2024.

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Waste Management                                                                                            February 2020

Food waste                                 The compost market bridging the
                                           gap between consumers and organic         Weee
Research by the United Nations Food        fertilisation and is therefore growing,
and Agriculture Organisation has           as people are looking for alternatives    WEEE covers the management
found that a third of food made for        to chemical fertilizers. In 2011, the     of Waste Electrical and electronic
human consumption is dumped each           UK composting market turned over          equipment.
year. Decomposing food is responsible      above £165m, and by 2024, the global
for a large portion of greenhouse gas      compost market is projected to reach      In 2019 240.5k tonnes of household
emissions, with the methane from           $9.2bn.                                   WEEE was collected from designated
vegetables having a warming potential
                                                                                     collection facilities and the total
25 times higher than carbon dioxide.       When undergone in the presence of         of household WEEE including that
                                           oxygen, the process of organic matter     returned under different regulations
Food waste management provides             breaking down is known as composting,     was just under 377k tonnes.
alternative routes for the destiny of      whereas when matter is decomposed
food, with the ability to turn waste       without air, it is known as anaerobic
into fertilizer, produce new materials,    digestion. The latter method produces
create cosmetics and generate energy.      biogas, a source of renewable fuel and
Unbelievably, pineapple and fish skins
are composed of fibres capable of
                                           fertiliser. Today, the global anaerobic
                                           digester market is valued at around
being reconstructed into leather and       $107m and it is expected to achieve a
egg shells can be used in rubber tire      worth of $150.5m by 2026.                 Recycling is the largest waste
strengthening. Over $780 billion is lost                                             management subsector and essentially
each year in by food going to waste                                                  reverts products back to their raw
– approximately the same amount                                                      material before constructing a new
of money it would take to feed the                                                   product. Items have the potential to be
estimated 8 million hungry people.                                                   down-cycled, i.e. made into a cheaper/
                                                                                     weaker but still useful product, or up-
                                                                                     cycled and made into something more
UK plastic exports to other countries have risen since China banned
imports this year                                                                    Chinas ban on importing recyclables
Tonnes                                                                               has driven the development of the
                                                                                     recycling sector in domestic markets.
                                                                                     The UK industry has previously been
                                                                                     investigated by the Environment
                                                                                     Agency as it was suspected that
                                                                                     recycling waste sent for export was
                                                                                     contaminated. In addition to this,
                                                                                     recycling has been left to infiltrate
                                                                                     waterways and shipments are being
                                                                                     rerouted to illegal destinations,
                                                                                     resulting in several agencies having
                                                                                     their licences revoked.

                                                                                     The export industry is worth over
                                                                                     £50m, and with high rates, people
                                                                                     are keen to pursue the market. In the
                                                                                     UK alone, the recycling industry was
                                                                                     worth £23.3bn in 2012 – the global
                                                                                     market has been projected to reach
                                                                                     $377bn by 2024.

Guardian graphic | Source: National Packaging Waste Database, Environment Agency

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Waste Management                                                                                                  February 2020

Political landscape
The Winter of Discontent in 1978/79            increasingly active and with free reign,   will maintain adherence to directives
was symbolised by the sights of piles          Merger and acquisition activity has        set by the EU. It has been suggested
of rubbish filling the streets of the          been able to flourish.                     that recycling sector might change
UK. Following years of inflation from                                                     to targeting materials based on their
successive governments, resulting in           By privatising the industry, the UK        value and environmental impact rather
public sector pay cuts, trade unions           government have made it more               than weight.
entered disputes with politicians and          difficult for themselves to enforce
influenced public sector strikes. British      regulations in line with environmental     On 30th January 2020, parliament
dustmen were one of the group of               policy objectives. This is due to a        introduced a new environment bill
workers with the capacity to have a            lack of centralised organisation and       which sets out a framework for
significant impact on British society,         co-ordination of services- making it       objectives in four key areas – air
so when they went on strike, mounds            harder to collaborate on large scale       quality, nature, resources and waste,
of household and commercial waste              operations. However, regulation and        and water – all areas with strong links
built up. Famously glamorous areas of          legislation, largely set at European       to the industry. Among the list of plans
London were unrecognisable in their            level, have undoubtedly shaped the         includes the establishment of deposit
landfill like state, and their generation of   industry, and centralised bodies such      return schemes, improvement of
discontent provoked an election in the         as CIWM (Chartered Institute for Waste     collection of materials from households
UK and thus the beginning of Margaret          Management) have made it easier            and businesses, further measures
Thatcher’s prime ministership.                 for waste management companies to          on waste crime, and effective law
                                               work towards unified goals.                enforcement against littering. These
As a consequence of this change,                                                          areas will be identified as paths for
municipal waste management became              As negotiations regarding the nature       growth in the waste management
denationalised and contracts began             of the relationship between Britain and    industry and further regulation to drive
being sold off to private companies.           the EU ensue following Brexit, there       the market.
Ever since the market has been                 is speculation around whether the UK

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Waste Management                                                                            February 2020

Illegal Waste Trafficking

                        Although there is a lot of legislation in place to ensure that
                        waste is dealt with safely, organised crime groups frequently
                        see the costs associated with the industry as an opportunity
                        to infiltrate the market. Disused factories have been used
                        to illegally store reactive waste including combustibles and
                        decomposable items, which have then been intentionally set

                        It is estimated that illegal profits from   to pollutants from burned waste and
                        each waste trafficking operation can        sources of water can also become
                        total between £400k and £500k. Not          contaminated, thus affecting the wider
                        only does this distract income away         population. In addition to this, leftover
                        from the market but also puts other         waste creates the problem of needing
                        victims at a loss. Owners of buildings      to be shifted to the correct facilities –
                        can be unaware of the activity occurring    the cost of solutions for which will be
                        inside them and face paying out for         billed to the local taxpayers or private
                        repairs. Local people face exposure         landowners.

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Waste Management                                                                                             February 2020

The Future Of Waste

Rubbish tracking
At the back end of 2019, the UK           will combat the exploitation of waste
government announced plans to             labelling by organised criminals who
invest £1m of grant funding into the      avoid paying landfill tax or illegally
waste-tracking tech industry. The         export it.
two companies that have secured
the investment are Anthesis, an           At Lyon train station in France,
environmental     consultancy     and     Blockchain technology is already being
Topolytics, a waste analytics company.    trialled in order to collate detailed
                                          information on quantities of waste,
The companies have been selected          who has collected it and in which ways
to develop prototypes of technology       it is being transported. According to
that digitally track waste in order to    The Conversation, in a one-month
advance the largely paper-based           pilot, this saved the station nearly
system that is currently in place to      €2,000 by improving the efficiency in
record the movements of household         waste management for five different
and commercial waste.                     types of rubbish.
                                          Blockchain can be used to extend the
The funding comes as part of an           accountability for waste to producers,
initiative to intercept waste crime       by storing all transactions in a block
including the illegal shipment of waste   from inception. If a product ends up
overseas. The technology is expected      being a piece of litter on a beach,
to use QR codes on mobile devices         ultimately governments will be able
to identify batches of rubbish or use     to identify each step along the trail of
apps and sensors on waste containers      responsibility.
and vehicles. Digital record keeping

                                                                                     On-street recycling
                                                                                     Currently, recycling at home is much
                                                                                     easier than in public, but this is set to

                                                                                     Already more fast food shops and
                                                                                     councils on some high streets are
                                                                                     providing recycling bins.
                                                                                     Edinburgh introduced high street
                                                                                     recycling for the first time in 2019,
                                                                                     catering for cans, plastic bottles and
                                                                                     coffee cups.

                                                                                     It’s likely that other cities will follow
                                                                                     suit making on-the-go recycling much
                                                                                     more accessible.

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                        Energy efficient
                        bin lorries
                        In January this year Cambridge city
                        councillors have announced they
                        are prepared to spend £375,000 on
                        an electric bin lorry with the aim of
                        accelerating their fight against climate
                        change and improving local air quality.

                        Although they are over double the
                        cost of their current lorries – It’s likely
                        that the change will also decrease
                        running costs, as currently, their fleet      Circular economy
                        of 50 wagons and 18 street sweepers
                        require £46,000 in fuel per month.
                                                                      The waste management industry can
                                                                      create the foundations upon which the
                        In a further attempt to lower
                                                                      journey towards a circular economy
                        emissions, councils have also begun
                                                                      can be reinforced. Essentially this is
                        an upcycling scheme, in order to
                                                                      an economy which reduces disposals
                        adapt and utilise end-of-life bin lorries.
                                                                      and normalises repeated utilisation of
                        Previously diesel-fuelled vehicles are
                                                                      resources- ensuring that pinnacle of a
                        being fitted with electric motors and
                                                                      product’s value is gleaned from it.
                        the scheme even enables lorries to
                        become self-sufficient, in the sense
                                                                      Leading the way for this progressive
                        that the electricity used to charge
                                                                      future, waste management CEOs have
                        their batteries can be generated from
                                                                      announced their support for improving
                        burning the waste that they collect.
                                                                      strategy. Step towards this includes
                                                                      eliminating non-recyclable packaging,
                        The scheme is worth £1.7m, provided
                                                                      investing in the building of around 200
                        by government public funding body
                                                                      new recycling plants in order to meet
                        Innovate UK. The refresh increases the
                                                                      targets and policy to lengthen the
                        lorries’ life span, which is usually only 7
                                                                      terms of contracts so that the industry
                        years long before being scrapped, by
                                                                      has a safety blanket against which to
                                                                      invest. According to politics home, the
                                                                      industry is prepared to invest £10m
                                                                      over the next ten years – creating
                                                                      thousands of jobs, saving millions of
                                                                      tonnes of emissions and generating a
                                                                      lot more energy.

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Waste Management                                                                           February 2020


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