WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization

WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization
February 2018 | n° 85 | www.wcoomd.org

WCO news

  A secure business environment
  for economic development

      World Customs Organization
WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization
WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization
WCO news N° 85 February 2018


04     Flash Info
06     Dossier                                      21                                                                          Australia and New
48     Panorama                                     A method for measuring                                                      Zealand test new border
                                                    trade facilitation                                                          clearance process for mail
58     Point Of View

62     Events

                                                    30                                                                           36
                                                    Combating                                                                    Air passenger controls
                                                    overvaluation in Malawi                                                      in Brazil

  DOSSIER: A SECURE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT                                                           PANORAMA                                              EVENTS

07      The WCO Secretary General shares his thoughts                                            48        France returns                              62        Fourth Global
        on the theme for 2018                                                                              Egyptian antiquities                                  Canine Forum spurs
                                                                                                                                                                 lively discussions
10      National experience: China’s AEO Programme /                                             48        Jordan adopts
        India’s National Committee on Trade Facilitation / Peru                                            renewable energy                            63        Round-up of the
        and Chile’s first joint integrated border control centres                                          solutions                                             2017 Technology &
                                                                                                                                                                 Innovation Forum
18      Performance measurement: Revisiting the                                                  50        Customs systems
        “Trading Across Borders” category of the Doing                                                     interconnectivity in
        Business index / Developing a method for measuring                                                 the SACU region
        the quality of trade facilitation
                                                                                                 54        A journey on the
24      E-commerce: UPU postal-rail project / Australia-                                                   “SMIPRP train” in
        New Zealand new border clearance process for mail                                                  Japan
30      Data analysis: Malawi’s efforts to combat IFFs /                                         56        Monitoring
        Identifying irregularities in Peru /                                                               Customs
        Processing international travellers in Brazil                                                      modernization in
                                                                                                           West and Central
40      Partnership: Taking Customs and air cargo
        industry modernization forward
44      Security and development: Supporting
        borderland economies and addressing wealth

Editor-in-Chief                       Advertising                           Editorial note                                                    Copyright © World Customs Organization
Grant Busby                                                                 WCO News is distributed free of charge in English                 All rights reserved. Requests and enquiries concerning
                                                                            and in French to Customs administrations, international           translation, reproduction and adaptation rights should be
Writer / Editor                                                             organizations, non-governmental organizations, the                addressed to copyright@wcoomd.org.
Laure Tempier                         Bernard Bessis                        business community and other interested readers. Opinions
                                      bernard.bessis@bb-communication.com   expressed in WCO News are those of the contributors and           Acknowledgements: The Editorial Team wishes to express its
Editorial Assistant                                                         do not necessarily reflect the official views of the World        sincere thanks to all who contributed to this publication.
Sylvie Degryse                        Publisher                             Customs Organization. Contributions in English or
                                      World Customs Organization            French are welcome but should be submitted no later than          Illustrations: Our thanks also extend to all who provided
Online subscriptions                  Rue du Marché, 30                     15 April 2018 for consideration. The WCO reserves the right       photos, logos and drawings to illustrate this issue.
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news-magazine/subscriptions.aspx      Belgium                               conformity with the magazine’s editorial policy and style.        Photo cover: © Xu Yu / XINHUA
                                                                            The WCO Communications Service is available to answer
                                      Tel.: +32 (0)2 209 94 41              all requests for subscriptions, submission of contributions,      Design: www.inextremis.be - mp5744
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                                      communication@wcoomd.org              communication@wcoomd.org.

WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization

    Save the date!

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    WCO Conference on Illicit
    Financial Flows and Trade
    23 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

    THE CONFERENCE IS being organized by
    the WCO at its Headquarters, bringing
    together Members of the WCO and
    other relevant stakeholders to share
    their experiences and to discuss how
    they can cooperate and work in tandem
    to counter illicit financial flows (IFFs)
    and trade mis-invoicing.

    The morning session will focus on the
    assessment of both phenomena and on
    methods of detection, with a particular
    focus on unit price analysis and mirror
    data analysis, while the afternoon
    session will be devoted to presentations
    by Customs administrations on their
    practical experiences in dealing with
    IFFs and trade mis-invoicing.
                                                                                             Par ticipants w i l l look at lessons
    Potent ia l a reas for i nter-agenc y       2018 WCO IT Conference &                     learnt from the latest pilot projects
    collaboration among intergovernmental       Exhibition                                   and initiatives deploying advanced
    organizations, such as the WCO, the         “Building a reliable digital                 technologies, including data analytics,
    Financial Action Task Force (FATF),         landscape to boost cross-border              artificial intelligence, and machine
    t he Orga n i s at ion for E conom ic       trade”                                       learning. They will also focus on the
    Co-operation and Development (OECD)         6-8 June 2018, Lima, Peru                    following questions: How can blockchain
    and the G20, will also be explored.                                                      technology increase trust between the
                                                THE WCO THEME for 2018 calls on the          private sector and governments? What
    Financial support for the Conference is     Organization’s membership to explore         kinds of clouds do we know about and
    being provided by the Korea Customs         how Customs can contribute to better         how much security do they provide?
    Service.                                    securing the business environment and,       What is the Internet of Everything and
                                                in so doing, boost economic prosperity.      how can it support both the private
    More information                            This premier WCO IT event aims to            sector and governments? How can
    www.wcoomd.org/en/events.aspx               explore how information technologies         international standards such as the
                                                can support such a process by enhancing      WCO Data Model help?
                                                the capacity of Customs administrations
                                                to identify high-risk goods, and how         More information
                                                border management may appear in the          www.wcoomd.org/en/events.aspx
      Latest accessions                         future.
      to WCO instruments                        There are various technologies – some
                                                emerging and some already well-
      Revised Kyoto Convention                  established – that authorities can benefit
                                                from in performing their tasks. However,
                                                there are uncertainties regarding their
      Republic of the Congo                     capabilities and limitations in the border
      Date of accession: 14 December 2017       management environment, and anxieties
      113th Contracting Party                   around potential data security and
                                                protection issues. Cyber-attacks today
      More information                          are more frequent and more extensive,
      communication@wcoomd.org                  with hackers becoming increasingly
                                                skillful at intruding into IT systems.
WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization
WCO news N° 85 February 2018

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International Conference
“Respect for IP – Growing from
the Tip of Africa”
23-25 October 2018, Sandton,
South Africa

T H IS CON F E R E NCE IS b ei ng joi nt ly
organized by the Companies and
Intellectual Property Commission of
South Africa (CIPC), INTERPOL, the
WCO, the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) and the World
Trade Organization (WTO) to foster
a dialogue on building respect for            WCO to launch an e-learning portal
intellectual property (IP).
                                              for the private sector
It aims to strengthen international
cooperation and build greater IP
awareness while coming up with                ON 1 MAY 2018, the WCO will launch the      It is now making specific courses
strategies for better IP enforcement          “WCO Academy,” an online platform           available to private sector professionals,
in the region. Among the many topics          where representatives from the private      which have been suitably adjusted to
to be discussed at the Conference will        sector will be able to access e-learning    meet their needs.
be the question of how to destroy             courses, webinars, books and news.
IP-infringing seized goods and                                                            Aimed at building the Customs skills
WIPO will present a report on the             The WCO has already developed 23            of trade professionals as well as further
environmentally safe destruction of           Customs-focused e-learning courses          enhancing their work performance,
counterfeit goods.                            covering more than 500 hours of             the WCO Academy will be the ideal
                                              e-training on major international           platform for the private sector to gain
More information                              instruments, topics and concepts that       in-depth knowledge and specialized
www.wipo.int                                  contribute to enhancing the work of         information from the WCO.
                                              Customs officers from across the globe,
                                              directly at their work place.               More information
                                                                                          Tel. +32 2 209 9392

  WCO to place a spotlight on “disruptive
  technologies” in April 2018
  A WHOLE DAY will be devoted to “disruptive technologies” at        Group gathers representatives from Customs, the private
  the meeting of the WCO’s Permanent Technical Committee             sector, international organizations and academia, with a
  (PTC) that is scheduled to take place from 16 to 20 April          mandate to carry out exploratory work and research on
  2018. Delegates will discuss, in detail, the potential benefits,   disruptive technologies.
  risks and impact of technologies such as blockchain, artificial
  intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, the Internet      This is the first time that a whole day is being dedicated to
  of Things, robotics and biometrics, on the work of Customs.        this topic by the PTC, and discussions promise to be intense.

  Moreover, they will examine a Study Report compiling               Mark the date in your calendar!
  all relevant work already done on these topics under the
  auspices of the WCO Virtual Working Group on the Future            More information
  of Customs. Created in 2015 following intense discussions          www.wcoomd.org
  by the PTC on the future of Customs, the Virtual Working

WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization

     Dossier: A secure business
     environment for economic

WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization
© Xu Yu / XINHUA
                                                      WCO news N° 85 February 2018

                   A few words about
                   the theme of the
                   By Kunio Mikuriya,
                   SECRETARY GENERAL, WCO

                   EACH YEAR, THE WCO Secretariat chooses a theme that is relevant
                   to the international Customs community. The slogan chosen
                   for 2018 is “A secure business environment for economic
                   development.” Under this banner, Members of the WCO are
                   encouraged to look at how they can create an environment for
                   businesses that will foster their participation in cross-border
                   trade, and, ultimately, how they can best serve their people and
                   empower their entrepreneurs.

                   Not only is it important for governments to support specific
                   interventions for businesses to flourish, it is equally important
                   to look at the external environment in which businesses operate.
                   By “secure,” we mean an environment that is enabling, safe, fair
                   and sustainable, all wrapped into one. Such an environment
                   will help businesses, especially micro, small and medium-sized
                   enterprises (MSMEs), to expand their activities, create incentives
                   for them to participate more fully in international trade, and
                   encourage them to innovate, generate employment and invest
                   in human resources, thereby boosting economic growth and
                   raising living standards.

                   Following my introduction, it would be opportune for me, at
                   this juncture, to develop further the idea of a secure business
                   environment, especially its key elements: “enabling,” “safe,” and
                   “fair and sustainable.”

                   Evidence-based research, recognized internationally, clearly
                   shows that Customs can contribute to making the business
                   environment more “enabling,” or in other words, more stable and
                   predictable by, for example, streamlining procedures, tackling
                   corruption, enhancing integrity, and facilitating the cross-border
                   movement of goods, conveyances and people in general.

WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization

    Ensuring safety is also critical. Legitimate   This year’s theme also echoes the              Several articles touch on how to manage
    businesses require a secure supply             cu r rent Customs focus on t rade              the growth in international mail due, in
    chain to prosper, but some threats             facilitation, created by the entry into        particular, to the exponential growth in
    come from within the trade itself, such        force of the World Trade Organization’s        e-commerce transactions. The Universal
    as the shipment of illicit goods that          Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).            Postal Union introduces the work done
    could endanger peoples’ health, safety         In this edition of the magazine, India         to speed up the clearance of postal items
    and security. Combating cross-border           Customs explains how it handled one            being transported by rail between China
    crime, including the illicit funding of        of the TFA’s provisions, namely the            and Europe, while Australia and New
    international terrorism through trade          establishment of a National Committee          Zealand Customs explain how they
    activities, is our responsibility, and one     on Trade Facilitation (NCTF), and how          try to leverage the use of mail data for
    that Customs takes seriously in its efforts    it has structured its NCTF, all guided         risk assessment, targeting and border
    to ensure a “safe” environment.                by a vision to transform India’s trade         clearance purposes, and what they would
                                                   ecosystem by reducing the time and             need to do to redesign their operational
    Last, but not least, Customs must strive       cost of doing business.                        processes in their international mail
    to build an environment that is “fair                                                         facilities to integrate the use of mail data.
    and sustainable.” The importation of           Inter-agency cooperation, both at
    illegal goods, such as goods that infringe     the international and national levels,         On this very topic, I would like to remind
    intellectual property rights (IPR), or         to ensure mutual understanding and             readers that the WCO is currently
    legal goods which, for example, are            coordinated actions, is, of course,            developing a “Framework of Standards
    smuggled into a country to avoid the           key to facilitating trade. Peru and            on Cross-Border E-Commerce,” which
    payment of duty or whose value has             Chile recently opened their first joint        should be ready in the coming months
    been misreported, can do immense               integrated border control centres,             for adoption by the WCO Council in
    harm to a country’s economy. It is not         and Peru Customs k ind ly agreed               June 2018. This new WCO tool is aimed
    only a question of financial losses for        to explain how the centres work to             at assisting Customs in developing
    both legitimate traders and governments,       facilitate the movement of people,             strategic and operational e-commerce
    such activities can also affect governance,    baggage and motor vehicles, which              frameworks. It will be equally useful for
    the economy, development and human             is a good example of the practical             those who are seeking to enhance existing
    security across the globe.                     i m p l e m e nt a t i o n o f t h e WC O ’s   frameworks in order to effectively meet the
                                                   coord i nated border ma nagement               requirements of new and evolving business
    To take our annual theme forward, for the      (CBM) concept.                                 models. The Framework of Standards
    dossier of this edition, we invited various                                                   will be supported by an implementation
    people to share information on initiatives     The question of how to measure our             strategy and an action plan, as well as a
    and related projects that contribute           performance is also addressed in the           robust capacity building mechanism to
    to creating a secure environment for           magazine. Procomex, an a lliance               ensure its harmonized and expeditious
    businesses. The idea is, as always, to         of Brazilian companies and private             implementation.
    highlight any challenges faced, to             sector organizations which support
    showcase those projects that will inspire      Customs modernization, explains                Data analysis is another topic of great
    others, and, of course, to communicate         why it decided to replicate the survey         importance to the WCO. Two articles in
    best practices.                                used by the World Bank to evaluate             this dossier deal with the collection and
                                                   the performance of the country when            analysis of data to fight fraud. Malawi
    The dossier starts with an article by          it comes to the ease of trading across         Customs highlights its efforts to combat
    China Customs on a pan-governmental            borders, and what the exercise revealed.       illicit financial f lows out of Malawi
    initiative called the AEO Joint Incentive      In another article, researchers Andrew         through the undervaluation of exports
    programme under which Chinese                  Grainger and Duncan R. Shaw suggest            and the overvaluation of imports, while
    authorized economic operators will be          a method for measuring the quality of          Customs researchers explain how they
    entitled to enjoy as many as 49 facilitation   trade facilitation, as it is the quality       have been leveraging data analysis to
    measures provided by Customs and other         of implementation that will deliver            identify irregularities at the border
    government departments in China.               economic benefits.                             between Peru and Ecuador.
WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization
WCO news N° 85 February 2018

An example of the use of data mining           sub-Saharan Africa since 2000 and             The WCO is currently
tools and technologies is provided by          anthropological research conducted in
Brazil Customs. The administration             seven border areas that can be considered     developing a “Framework
explains how it managed to achieve             as “fragile,” the article argues that the     of Standards on Cross-
vital leaps in efficiencies when it came       development of a strategy focusing on
to the processing of international             borderlands should also look at how to        Border E-Commerce,”
travellers through the use, firstly, of        support cross-border trade activities.        which will be supported by
a risk assessment system that enables
advanced passenger information (API)           T h is la st a r t icle a nd t he ot hers     an implementation strategy
and passenger name records (PNR) to            remind us that building a secure              and an action plan, as
be processed, and the use, secondly, of a      business environment is an ambitious
passenger facial recognition system.           project, and that even with the best          well as a robust capacity
                                               intentions, we can sometimes easily           building mechanism to
Engaging with sta keholders,                   fail to understand all the subtleties of
including the implementation of open           how this complex reality works. But           ensure its harmonized
communication, effective collaboration         through the sharing of knowledge and          and expeditious
and meaningful consultation, with the          information, supported by in-depth
goal of promoting compliance as well as        research and good communication,              implementation.
effective and efficient implementation         we can hopefully achieve our aim:
of change, is another policy advocated         a secure business environment for
by the WCO. To illustrate this aspect,         economic development.
the dossier includes an article by the
Secretary General of TIACA, who                In wrapping up, I would like to sincerely
explains how similar the concerns and          thank all the contributors to this dossier,
objectives of the air cargo industry and       as well as all the other contributors to
Customs administrations are, and how           the magazine who took the time to share
important it is not to operate in isolation.   with us their experiences on various
                                               Customs and trade related issues. It has
The dossier ends with an article which         been our pleasure to produce another
questions the way we link security and         edition of the WCO’s magazine, and we
development. Inspired by experience            trust that you will enjoy reading all the
gained in field studies undertaken in          insightful articles.
WCO news - A secure business environment for economic development - World Customs Organization

     Chinese Customs officers check the operations of an AEO company in Guangdong

     China’s AEO Joint Incentive
     By CHEN Jianping,                            and Reform Commission (NDRC)                  to companies requiring intellectual
                                                  and the Council for the Promotion of          property protection related services,
                                                  International Trade (CCPIT), as well as       such as patent application, trademark
     IN OCTOBER 2016, a pan-governmental          agencies in charge of taxation, finance,      registration and litigation rights
     initiative called the AEO Joint Incentive    environmental protection, market              protection);
     (AJI) Programme was launched in China.       supervision and banking supervision.
     Under the new scheme, companies which                                                    • Category 4 - “Simplified Procedure”
     have met pre-determined standards            Facilitation measures                         (comprises measures reducing the
     under the existing AEO programme and         The AJI Programme comprises 49                number of documents required
     have been certified by China Customs         facilitation measures, which can be           by participating agencies to the
     as “Advanced Certified Enterprises”          divided into six major categories:            minimum);
     (ACE) will be entitled to enjoy as many
     as 49 facilitation measures provided by      • Category 1 - “Green Lane” (includes       • Categor y 5 - “Major Reference
     China Customs and other government             measures for expedited licensing,           Benchmark ” (includes measures
     departments. At present, there are about       registration, and release of goods: for     aimed at ensuring that the accredited
     3,000 ACEs, accounting for about 33.1%         example, the tax authority has set up       AEO status of a company is taken
     of national import and export volumes          a green channel for AEOs to expedite        into account when inspected by other
     in China.                                      formalities such as duty declaration);      participating AJI agencies);

     The AJI Programme involves some 40           • Categor y 2 - “Less Inspection”           • Category 6 - “Pilot Reform Project”
     government departments. These include          (includes provisions to carry out fewer     (includes measures giving priority
     border agencies such as Customs,               inspections at ports);                      rights to AJI companies to participate
     quarantine, civil aviation and port                                                        in pilot projects implemented by
     authorities, and non-border agencies         • Category 3 - “Priority Treatment”           Customs and other government
     such as the National Development               (includes measures giving priority          departments).
© China Customs

                                                                                                                 WCO news N° 85 February 2018

                  Social Credit System                         of supervision and saves administrative
                                                                                                            All the authorities conduct
                  The AJI Programme is an important            resources. If an enterprise is found to
                  part of the Chinese government’s             have engaged in illegal or dishonest         dynamic supervision
                  Social Credit System that is planned to      activities, or not to have respected its
                  be launched in 2020, and which aims          security and compliance obligations,
                                                                                                            and monitoring of AEOs
                  at rating and ranking the behaviour          the information is immediately sent to       to ensure that supply
                  of citizens and legal persons (which         China Customs, which will suspend or
                  includes every company or other entity)      revoke the AEO status of the enterprise.
                                                                                                            chain security rules are
                  in China as part of a wider vision to                                                     respected. Inspection
                  build a secure, compliant and credible       The Social Credit System allows for close
                  society.                                     collaboration between agencies. The
                                                                                                            results are shared, which
                                                               AJI Programme removes many of the            decreases the duplication
                  China’s State Council has established        administrative barriers which previously
                  an inter-departmental joint conference       existed among China’s government
                                                                                                            of supervision and saves
                  mechanism to carry out research on           departments, thereby creating a more         administrative resources.
                  crucial issues in constructing the           unified approach.
                  Social Credit System, and to organize
                                                                                                            If an enterprise is found
                  joint certification and monitoring           Border authorities’ control is more          to have engaged in illegal
                  programmes such as the AJI Programme.        harmonized. Based on the mutual
                  The mechanism includes almost all            recognition of different security and
                                                                                                            or dishonest activities, or
                  government departments. It is under          compliance programmes, such as               not to have respected its
                  this umbrella that the 40 government         mutual recognition of credit certificates,
                  departments collectively designed the        the AJI Programme ref lects mutual
                                                                                                            security and compliance
                  AJI Programme, specifying its main           trust among border authorities, and          obligations, the information
                  features and the benefits to be provided     enables the different programmes and
                  to participants.                             control measures to be coordinated,
                                                                                                            is immediately sent to
                                                               thereby making border clearance more         China Customs, which will
                  Information-sharing and exchange             streamlined and efficient.
                  At the heart of the Social Credit
                                                                                                            suspend or revoke the AEO
                  System lies massive data collection          Increased attractiveness                     status of the enterprise.
                  on company activities by government          As the AJI Programme is rather new, it
                  a genc ie s a nd aut hor i z e d r at i ng   is still being perfected. But companies
                  entities. China Customs exchanges            are already getting benefits. For example,
                  and shares information on AEOs               some have reduced transaction operating
                  with other government departments            times and saved trading costs. The
                  by connecting its AEO management             overall time for export tax rebates in the
                  system to a national platform for credit     tax department has decreased from 15
                  information-sharing established by the       days to five days, which cuts about 70%
                  State Council as part of the System.         of the time for a tax refund. Moreover,
                  China Customs sends real-time data           because of enhanced credit ratings, an
                  on about 3,000 AEOs a day on average.        AEO’s proportion of direct financing
                  Other government departments also            based on the line of credit from banks
                  share and exchange information on            increased from 60% in 2015 to 90% in
                  the platform, and this contributes to        2017.
                  the elimination of credit information
                  silos, while making supervision more         As more benefits are offered to Advanced
                  intelligent and efficient.                   Certified Enterprises, more and more
                                                               companies are applying for AEO
                  Dynamic regulatory mechanism                 certification and strengthening their
                  All the authorities conduct dynamic          security standards and compliance
                  supervision and monitoring of AEOs to        management.
                  ensure that supply chain security rules
                  are respected. Inspection results are        More information
                  shared, which decreases the duplication      chenjianping@customs.gov.cn


     India pursues a broader trade
     facilitation agenda
     By Hardeep Batra,                                                                        Agreement reads: “Each Member shall
     ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER, WCO CELL, CENTRAL                                               establish and/or maintain a national
                                                                                              committee on trade facilitation or
                                                                                              designate an existing mechanism to
     Countries have to establish a National Committee on                                      facilitate both domestic coordination and
                                                                                              implementation of the provisions of this
     Trade Facilitation (NCTF) in terms of their commitment                                   Agreement.”
     to implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement                                         Some countries had already gone ahead
                                                                                              and established such committees or similar
     (TFA) that was concluded by the members of the World                                     ones, often with mandates going beyond the
                                                                                              requirements of the TFA, prior to ratifying
     Trade Organization (WTO). In this article, India                                         the Agreement. But others still had to
                                                                                              establish one. India is one such country,
     explains its NCTF implementation journey and how                                         establishing its NCTF on 11 August 2016,
                                                                                              soon after ratifying the TFA.
     it has structured its NCTF, all guided by its vision to
                                                                                              India committed to applying portions
     transform India’s trade ecosystem by reducing the time                                   of the TFA from the date it took effect,
                                                                                              reporting these provisions under
     and cost of doing business.                                                              “Category A,” and has listed a number of
                                                                                              provisions under “Category B,” meaning
     THE TFA CAME into force on 22 February       its provisions deals with the creation in   that it will implement them after a
     2017 after having been ratified by two-      each WTO member country of a NCTF.          transitional period following the entry
     thirds of the WTO’s membership. One of       More precisely, Article 23.2 of the TFA     into force of the TFA. But the country
© Lensnmatter
                                                                                                                        WCO news N° 85 February 2018

                                                                principles underpin the design of India’s    Agriculture, Home Affairs, Shipping,
                                                                NCTF structure:                              Health, the Chairman of the Central
                                                                                                             Board of Excise and Customs, the
                                                                •   Wide representation, as effective        Chairman of the Railway Board, and
                                                                    implementation of the TFA requires       the Director General of Foreign Trade.
                                                                    multiple stakeholders to come
                                                                    together, for example, to build          Pr ivate sec tor delegates i nclude
                                                                    and implement a national trade           representatives from major trade
                                                                    facilitation plan;                       associations such as the Confederation
                                                                                                             of Indian Industries, the Federation of
                                                                •   C oord i nat ion a mong va r iou s       Indian Chambers of Commerce and
                                                                    agencies to achieve these goals;         Industry, and the Federation of Indian
                                                                                                             Exporters Organization.
                                                                •   Flow of information for effective
                                                                    knowledge-sharing and smooth             The total membership of the NCTF
                                                                    inter-agency functioning;                stands at 22 and it can co-opt any
                                                                                                             government representatives on relevant
                                                                •   Decision-making authority that will      issues as it goes about its work monitoring
                                                                    enable the structure to facilitate the   TFA implementation progress, ensuring
                                                                    process;                                 actions are coordinated, and, when
                                                                                                             required, proposing corrective measures
                                                                •   Public and private “ownership,”          based on internal deliberations and
                                                                    which encourages sta keholder            feedback received through various
does not intend to limit itself to the                              buy-in.                                  outreach programmes.
implementation of the TFA. It is pursuing
a broader trade facilitation agenda that                        Three tier structure                         The technical provisions of the TFA – in
exceeds the TFA’s requirements.                                 Guided by its five working principles,       particular, Section I (Articles 1 to 12) –
                                                                India established an NCTF with a three       are substantially Customs-related, with
Working principles                                              tier structure consisting of the NCTF        98% of the provisions fully or partially to
While working on the NCTF constitution                          (tier 1), a Steering Committee (tier 2)      be implemented by Customs, placing it
and the definition of its terms of reference,                   and Working Groups (tier 3), to meet         at the centre of national implementation
India took into account the “three P”                           its needs and take its broader trade         efforts.
approach adopted by the WCO when                                facilitation agenda forward.
it comes to reform and modernization,                                                                        Consequently, Customs has a prominent
wherein political will, partnerships and                        National Committee on Trade                  role to play in the NCTF, where it can
people play a crucial role in the successful                    Facilitation                                 share its vast experience in interacting
working of an NCTF.                                             All stakeholders have a seat on the          with multiple government and business
                                                                NCTF. It is the policy making body that      stakeholders, including promoting
Partnership is of course central here. The                      ensures all projects adopted by the NCTF     coordinated border management (CBM),
cross sectoral nature of trade facilitation                     receive political support. The NCTF is       inter-agency cooperation, and Customs-
calls for close co-ordination between                           chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, the        business partnerships.
trade operators, service providers and                          Government’s most senior civil servant
government agencies including Customs.                          and the head of the civil service.           The Secretariat of the NCTF is housed at
Therefore, the composition of India’s                                                                        Indian Customs’ headquarters, and the
NCTF draws on the active participation                          Among government representatives are         National Committee is also responsible
of all these stakeholders, with successful                      the “Secretaries” (administrative heads)     for monitoring the work of the Steering
engagement among all of them being the                          of all key departments involved in trade     Committee (tier 2) and the activities of
fundamental approach. The following                             issues such as Revenue, Commerce,            the Working Groups (tier 3).

                                                                                    NCTF Structure

                                                             National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF) to be chaired
                                                                              by the Cabinet Secretary
     Steering Committee
     The Steering Committee is made
     up of a core group of 16 public and
     private representatives. Together, they                                       Steering Committee
     compile the action plan, monitor its
     implementation, and report the results
     to the NCTF to which they can turn                        Ad-hoc Working Groups to asssist with specific provisions
     to when seeking guidance. They also
     undertake gap analyses to assess the
     degree of compliance of concerned                                                                                       WG on
     departments and agencies with regard                                WG on Legislative          WG on Time
                                                   WG on Outreach                                                        Infrastructure
                                                                            Changes                Release Study
     to the implementation of each provision                                                                               Upgrading
     of the TFA.

     The Committee identifies the nature             goods. A TRS is being undertaken          The Action Plan lists 76 goals divided
     of change required for achieving full           for both import and export cargo          according to the timeframe associated
     compliance with the TFA, and keeps a            at all ports, air cargo complexes,        with their development (short term,
     watch on the estimated time required            inland container depots and land          medium term and long term), and
     to carry out the changes. It receives           Customs stations in a time-bound          identifies the lead agency responsible for
     periodic inputs from all concerned              manner, with a view to fixing well-       delivering each of those goals. Activities
     departments and agencies, deliberates           defined timelines for each involved       in the Plan have been mapped with TFA
     on them, and accordingly provides the           stakeholder.                              articles. Some refer to TFA articles that
     NCTF with recommendations.                                                                India notified under “Category A,”
                                                  4. T h e W o r k i n g G r o u p o n         i.e., provisions that India would have
     Working Groups                                  Infrastructure Upgrading, which           already implemented by the time the
     These small groups of experts from              looks at the needs pertaining to          TFA entered into force. The idea here
     relevant institutions work on a specific        i nf rast r uc t u re ex pa nsion a nd    was to improve existing procedures and
     trade facilitation measure or project. As       renewal at land borders, sea ports        mechanisms related to those “Category
     of now, four working groups have been           and airports, as well as the rail         A” standards.
     set up:                                         network. A first analysis of the
                                                     needs of major ports has already          India aims not only to meet the
     1. The Working Group on Outreach,               been done, and areas which require        requirements of the TFA, but also to
        which orga nizes sensitization               i m me d i ate ac t ion h ave b e en      become a global manufacturing hub by
        wor k s ho p s a nd i n for m at ion         identified.                               improving the ease of doing business.
        campaigns that target Customs                                                          Many of the goals listed in the Action
        officers at all levels as well as other   Two meetings of the NCTF and three           Plan go beyond the TFA provisions, and
        partner government agencies and           meetings of the Steering Committee have      are known as “TFA plus.” The idea is to
        various stakeholders in the supply        taken place so far. Policy directions were   bring down the overall cargo release
        chain. Some of its activities have        given, various initiatives were monitored    time for imports and exports as follows:
        been organized in collaboration with      and, most importantly, coordination
        international organizations like the      among all players in the supply chain        •    For imports – within three days for
        World Bank.                               was achieved.                                     sea cargo, within two days for air
                                                                                                    cargo and inland container depots,
     2. The Working Group on Legislative          Road map                                          and on the same day for land
        Changes, which conducts gap               The NCTF has drawn up a National                  Customs stations.
        analyses and develops concrete            Trade Facilitation Action Plan (2017-
        proposals for changes to primary          2020), which was released by India’s         •    For exports – within two days for sea
        legislation as well as to procedural      Hon. Minister of Finance on 20 July 2017.         cargo, and on the same day for air
        instructions. It has already done         It is a road map that aims to facilitate          cargo, inland container depots, and
        extensive work in identif y ing           trade by transforming the cross-                  land Customs stations.
        gaps in all relevant acts, rules and      border clearance ecosystem through
        procedures, and recommended               efficient, transparent, digital, and         Since infrastructure and technology
        appropriate changes.                      technology driven procedures, which are      are prime enablers for trade facilitation,
                                                  supported by state-of-the-art sea ports,     and more so in India, many activities
     3. The Working Group on Time Release         airports, rail, road and other logistics     listed in the Action Plan directly relate
        Study (TRS), which aims to identify       infrastructure. The Plan was conceived       to these fields. One of its objectives is to
        bottlenecks, take steps to reduce         after considering recommendations            develop a world class infrastructure at
        dwell times, and measure and              from the Working Groups as well as           ports, airports and dry ports as well as
        publish the average release time of       inputs from the private sector.              for roads. Ongoing projects include:
WCO news N° 85 February 2018

•    the development of a RFID system        •   the deployment of a direct port           India aims not only to meet
     by the Ministry of Shipping to enable       delivery (DPD) scheme that allows
     container tracking;                         i mpor ters/consig nees to ta ke          the requirements of the
                                                 delivery of containers directly from      TFA, but also to become
•    the installation of weighbridges and        port terminals and haul them to
     cranes at all ports;                        factories without first having to take    a global manufacturing
                                                 them to container freight stations.       hub by improving the ease
•    the construction of road networks
     a rou nd t he p or t s to re duc e      India’s vision is to transform the trade      of doing business. Many
     congestion;                             ecosystem by reducing the time and            of the goals listed in the
                                             cost of doing business. Traditionally,
•    the issuing of electronic delivery      government bodies in the country are          Action Plan go beyond the
     orders by shipping lines;               seen as regulators, but now the need          TFA provisions, and are
                                             at the moment is for them to act as
•    the setting up of laboratories at all   facilitators. Meaningful engagement           known as “TFA plus.”
     major ports;                            with the private sector, and a structured
                                             and comprehensive approach to trade
•    the improvement of rail networks        facilitation is being adopted to realize
     at important locations to enhance       India’s vision.
                                             More information

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     Integrated border control between
     Peru and Chile
     By Jesus Cordova Cruzada,                                                                                                    covering issues such as jurisdiction
                                                                                                                                  and competence, or the operational
                                                                                                                                  aspects that are necessary for the good
     After six years of intensive efforts, on 16 August 2017,                                                                     functioning of the Centres, not covered
                                                                                                                                  by other agreements or conventions in
     Peru and Chile opened their first joint integrated border                                                                    force between the two countries.

     control centres. This new system aims to facilitate the                                                                      In the six years that have elapsed since
                                                                                                                                  the framework agreement was signed,
     movement of people, baggage and motor vehicles, and                                                                          several bilateral coordination meetings
                                                                                                                                  have been held in order to examine legal
     is an example of the practical implementation of the                                                                         and technical issues as well as questions
                                                                                                                                  related to infrastructure and logistics,
     coordinated border management concept promoted by                                                                            with the aim of widening the scope of
                                                                                                                                  the competences of each authority in the
     the WCO and other international organizations such as                                                                        other country, and in order to carry out
                                                                                                                                  pilots and practical exercises, allowing
     the World Bank and the Inter-American Development                                                                            both parties to finalize the operational
                                                                                                                                  de t a i l s a nd g u a r a nte e ef fe c t ive
     Bank.                                                                                                                        coordination between all governmental
                                                                                                                                  agencies at the border, once the Centres
                                                                                                                                  become fully functional.
     ON 19 JA N UA RY 2011, a “Fra mework           of Peru” was signed. The Agreement
     Agreement for the Implementation of            sets the standards for the operation                                          The set-up of a Bilateral Coordination
     Integrated Control and Cooperation             of these Integrated Border Control                                            Committee (BCC) played a key role in
     Systems for the Facilitation of Movement       Centres (IBCC) at the border posts of                                         this respect. Mandated to be the supreme
     at Operational Border Crossings between        Santa Rosa in Peru and Chacalluta in                                          decision-making body and chaired by
     the Republic of Chile and the Republic         Chile, and includes legal provisions                                          the authorities present at the border

                                                                                       1        MIGRATION
                                                                                                                            2       VEHICLE
                                                                                                                                                                3       BAGGAGE

         INTEGRATED                                   TO BE PROVIDED                            CONTROL                             INSPECTION                          CONTROL

         BORDER                                                                   MIGRATION                                    CUSTOMS                     CUSTOMS/ANIMAL
                                                                                                                                                            & AGRICULTURE

         CONTROL                                                   1. Valid identity or travel document
                                                                   2. Passenger form
                                                                                                                         1. Passenger form

                                                                                                                         2. Proof of ownership,
                                                                                                                                                            1. Passenger form

                                                                                                                           registration certificate         2. Joint sworn
                                                   EXIT FROM       3. Andean migration card or e-tourist card                                                                         ENTRY INTO
                                                                                                                           (only by the owner or his/her    Customs/SAG declaration
                                                                     (if applicable)
                                                    PERU                                                                   representative)                                             CHILE
                                                                   4. Judicial, notarial or consular authorization for
                                                  Single stop at     minors under 18 travelling unaccompanied or         3. Notarized power
                                                  CHACALLUTA                                                             of attorney
                                                                     with one of the parents

         PERU                 CHILE
                                                                                  MIGRATION                                    CUSTOMS                     CUSTOMS/ANIMAL
                                                                                                                                                            & AGRICULTURE

                                                                   1. Valid identity or travel document                  1. Passenger form                  1. Passenger form
                                                                   2. Passenger form                                     2. Proof of ownership,
                                                                                                                           registration certificate         2. Sworn cash or
                                                                   3. Andean migration card or e-tourist card
                                                   EXIT FROM                                                               (only by the owner or his/her      dutiable baggage        ENTRY INTO
                                                                      (if appropriate)                                                                        declaration
                                                    CHILE                                                                   representative)                                            PERU
                                                                   4. Minors under 18
                                                  Single stop at      a) family booklet or birth certificate             3. Notarized power of attorney
                                                  SANTA ROSA                                                               duly apostilled
                                                                      b) travel authorization unaccompanied
                                                                      or with one of the parents.
                                                                      Judicial, notarial or consular authorization

WCO news N° 85 February 2018

                                                                                                                                          © SUNAT
posts of Santa Rosa and Chacalluta,          At present, inspections only focus            facilitate flows at the border and promote
with the support of their respective         on private motor vehicles as well as          a secure, expedited and transparent
foreign affairs ministries, the BCC met      vehicles used for the transport of            commercial/business environment.
once a month alternately in Peru and in      passengers (cars and public service
Chile. The agreements reached during         buses for cross-border transport by           Other centres could be set up in the
the course of these meetings have            road). In 2017, some six million people       future. Peru Customs’ approach is to
legal status according to international      and more than a million cars crossed          use integrated border control as a tool to
law. This met hodolog y aimed to             the border. In the future, the integrated     streamline the flow of goods and people
create a cooperation and coordination        border control system between Peru            at all its border posts, and in this regard,
mechanism between Customs and the            and Chile will also process cargo – a         contact has been taken up with Bolivia,
migration agencies from both countries,      feasibility study is being carried out by     Ecuador and Brazil in order to discuss
ensuring that progress was made in the       both countries to this effect.                the implementation of this new mode of
shortest time possible.                                                                    operation with them as well.
Integrated border control                    The implementation of an integrated           Conclusion
Integrated border control is a type          border control system between Peru            The successful implementation of the
of control involving the migration           and Chile has reduced the crossing time       first IBCCs at the borders between
ser vices (Peru’s Superintendencia           for tourists and visitors at the border by    Chile and Peru is first and foremost the
Nacional de Migraciones and Chile’s          more than 50%, as they only need to stop      result of a political agreement between
Policía de Investigaciones or PDI),          once. The project has also facilitated the    the Presidents of both countries, whose
the Customs administrations (Peru’s          movement of vehicles and people in the        enlightened decision has benefited
Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas         region, contributing to trade facilitation,   travellers and passenger transportation
y de Administración Tributaria or            especially in the cities of Tacna in Peru     companies alike, but which will also
SUNAT and Chile’s Servicio Nacional          and Arica in Chile, and, more generally,      benefit cross-border traders in the
de Aduanas), and the animal and              to an increase in tourism between the         future.
agricultural health agencies (Peru’s         two countries.
SENASA and Chile’s SAG) of both                                                            It is also the result of an unprecedented
cou nt ries in t he f ra mework of a         Outstanding issues                            collaboration effort between the Peruvian
juxtaposed border post.                      Some issues are still pending, among          and Chilean Customs authorities. More
                                             w h ic h a re t h e i mpl e m e nt at ion     generally, it is a concrete example of the
These different bodies carry out joint       of a paperless env ironment a nd              commitment taken by Latin American
controls, in pairs, some of which            the dematerialization of required             Customs administrations in favour of
involve both countries, on a one-stop        documents. The ability to submit an           two of the WCO’s top priority areas,
border post basis. Users need only           electronic passenger list will need to be     namely the integration of borders and
stop once, at the centre in the territory    further explored. Technologies will have      trade facilitation.
they are entering. In other words, each      to be deployed for automated number
country carries out controls upon            plate recognition, for example, or for a      More information
entry into its territory following a joint   risk-based selection of motor vehicles for    jcordovac@sunat.gob.pe
control model between the competent          inspection, according to the WCO SAFE         www.sunat.gob.pe
authorities of both countries.               Framework of Standards, in order to

     Revisiting the “Trading Across Borders” category
     of the World Bank’s Doing Business index
     By John Edwin Mein,
     EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR OF THE PROCOMEX          Business index, promoted by the World         process of exporting or importing a
     ALLIANCE INSTITUTE, AND CURRENT CHAIR OF THE   Bank, is considered a reference on such       shipment of goods” (Doing Business
                                                    matters by policymakers and investors         2017).
                                                    from around the world.
     Procomex is an alliance                                                                      The import and export case studies use
                                                    The Doing Business project, which             different products as a reference. For
     of Brazilian companies                         has wide international credibility and        the evaluation of export procedures,
                                                    serves as a marker for governments to         Doing Business considers the product
     and private sector                             attract foreign investment and business       of greatest comparative advantage
                                                    opportunities, gauges 190 countries           in each country, and in the case of
     organizations which aims                       on 10 topics, each consisting of several      evaluating import procedures, a single
                                                    indicators. Under the “Trading Across         very common manufactured product,
     to support the Customs                         Borders” category, the indicator registers,   automotive parts, is used as a reference
                                                    among others, the time and costs              for all countries. The most frequent
     modernization process.                         associated with the logistics processes       modes of transport, as well as the port,
                                                    for exporting and importing goods.            airport, or land border used to trade
     In this article, Procomex                      The data on trading across borders is         those goods, and the most important
                                                    gathered by way of a questionnaire            trading partner for the products being
     explains why it decided to                     administered by trade service providers.      studied are identified for each country.
     replicate the survey used                      In the 2017 edition of the index, Brazil      The assumption is that a shipment
                                                    ranked 149 th in the “Trading Across          travels from a warehouse in the largest
     by the World Bank to                           Borders” category among the 190               “export business” city to a warehouse
                                                    countries surveyed. Despite efforts to        in the largest importing economy.
     evaluate the performance                       modernize its foreign trade, the country      In the Brazilian case, as in 10 other
                                                    has not managed to improve its ranking        economies, data is also collected on the
     of the country when it                         over the last few years. Was the world        second largest city of business. Thus, the
                                                    moving faster than Brazil or was the          samples from São Paulo (61%) and Rio
     comes to ease of trading                       information used on Brazil “noisy”?           de Janeiro (39%) are both evaluated and
                                                    To answer that question, Procomex             weighted.
     across borders, and what                       took up the challenge, in 2016, to
                                                    replicate the World Bank survey when          In the evaluation of Brazil’s import
     the exercise revealed.                         it comes to Brazil’s foreign trade, and       processes, the World Bank identified
                                                    then investigate whether the Bank was         Argentina as the economy from which
     WHAT MAKES AN economy internationally          measuring indicators correctly and if         the country imports the highest value
     competitive? There are a number                those responding to the questionnaire         (defined by the price multiplied by the
     of responses out there. The World              were the best positioned to do so,            quantity) of automotive parts. To assess
     Economic Forum, for example, defines           i.e., whether they had the practical          exports, the Bank identified soya beans,
     competitiveness as the institutions,           knowledge to provide the correct              classified within Chapter 12 of the
     policies and factors that determine            answers.                                      Harmonized System (HS) international
     a country’s level of productivity –                                                          goods nomenclature, as the product
     productivity which is supposed to              Doing Business methodology                    with the largest comparative advantage
     impact on the well-being of its people.        To evaluate the capacity of a country to      (defined by the highest export income),
                                                    process international trade operations        and China as the largest purchasing
     Competitiveness can be evaluated by            efficiently, Doing Business records           economy of the product.
     comparing how different countries              the time and cost associated with the
     handle identical processes, or put in          logistics process of exporting and            First exercise
     place measures that are seen as critical       importing goods. Since 2016, it has           Procomex first replicated the survey
     factors for companies to start operating       evaluated “the accumulated time and           in 2016. Actual traders that import or
     or to grow, the objective being to know        cost (excluding tariffs) associated with      export the products targeted in the
     what countries do best and how efficient       the three procedures – document               World Bank survey were asked to fill
     they are in comparison with one another.       compliance, border compliance and             in the questionnaire used by the Bank.
     In the trading environment, the Doing          domestic transport – within the total         Based on the responses, Procomex set
WCO news N° 85 February 2018

                                                                                                                                      © Brandi Redd
out to analyse foreign trade processes
in detail, and identified a significant
nu mber of issues rega rd i ng t he
methodology, the questionnaire, and
the selection of sectors (products) and
trading partners made by the Bank.

It is worth mentioning that obtaining
the information was a challenge. Since
2004, Procomex has been working
with companies and private sector
organizations on the modernization of
Customs processes, making proposals
for changes in procedures to the
government that resulted in substantially
improving the “lead time” of Brazilian

Over the years, Procomex has built up
a network of companies with whom it
works closely and with whom it has built
a significant level of trust. However, many
of the companies that were approached
during the survey refused to respond
to the questionnaire, considering the
information commercially sensitive,
even though the confidentiality of the
data was assured. It took many calls
to convince them to participate in the
survey, and lots of time clarifying the
questions asked in order to obtain a
significant level of response.

Second exercise
In 2017, Procomex repeated the exercise       second-largest export product, namely       origin for goods of HS 87.08 (8% of
with two of its top professionals working     automobiles (HS 87) – an industrial         Brazilian imports). Another issue is that
part-time over three months. Instead of       product, instead of the country’s largest   relating to the means of transport used
focusing only on the products, sectors        export product, namely residues and         as a reference in the survey; the study
and regions selected by the World             waste from food industries (HS 23) – an     focused on the Port of Santos, although
Bank, Procomex decided to introduce           agricultural product. This choice alone     only 1% of imports of automotive parts
new ones which were considered more           improves Argentina’s position in the        from Argentina were made through this
meaningful in evaluating Brazil’s ease        ranking.                                    port. To obtain an accurate picture of
of doing business in the trade facilitation                                               the import process of automotive parts,
area. The survey methodology proposed         With respect to imports, although           the study should have focused on road
by the Bank was strictly followed, but        Argentina is used in the World Bank         transportation through the São Borja
with a new set of data.                       study as Brazil’s main country of origin    border with Argentina.
                                              for goods of HS 87.08, over the last few
For exports, the Procomex survey results      years, Germany has been the main            Countries of origin and means of
suggest that the choice of reference          exporter of automotive parts to Brazil,     transport used are two important factors
sectors (products) has a significant          representing about 11% of the parts         that should be taken into account when
impact on countries’ final scores. In         imported into Brazil and surpassing         trying to accurately calculate the time
the case of Argentina, for instance, the      by a considerable margin Argentina,         and costs associated with imports of
World Bank chose to use the country’s         which is the fifth largest economy of       automotive parts into Brazil. The choice

       of reference countries used in the             to the clarity of the questions presented   Moreover, directly asking importing
       analysis of imports is also important as       by the World Bank in its questionnaire.     and exporting companies to answer the
       they define the modalities, boundaries,                                                    survey, instead of surveying only trade
       a nd d i f ferent i ate d pr a c t ic e s of   Applying the same questionnaire             service providers, enabled Procomex
       Customs clearance, including required          on a global scale raises a number of        to get better information about the
       documentation. Moreover, depending             challenges, among them is the issue         operations, problems, times and costs
       on the means of transport and the              of language, and how to guarantee the       relating to Brazilian imports and
       place of entry, different border agencies      comparability of responses. Generic         exports. In fact, direct communication
       are involved and different controls are        questions, not specifically adapted         with companies leads to information of
       applied to a shipment. In all the tests        to the Brazilian reality, generated         a better quality.
       performed, the results obtained in this        ambiguous interpretations. Many survey
       study suggest that Brazil’s international      participants corrected their answers as     Based on the experience gained during
       position is underestimated in the World        soon as the questions were clarified.       both exercises, the Procomex Alliance
       Bank's calculations.                           Deciding when an activity began and         Institute would strongly recommend
                                                      ended is, for example, not very clear,      that Customs authorities identify an
       Other lessons learned                          and some respondents had doubts about       independent organization in their
       The answers obtained by Procomex               how to calculate the time spent on each     country, such as a university or a
       demonstrated that companies face               activity. What about calculating the time   research institute, and undertake a
       different realities, which are dependent       spent on performing activities that occur   similar study. Should they decide to do
       on their location, the most used border        simultaneously? The preparation of          so, they can count on the assistance of
       post, their commercial partner, and the        documentation and border procedures         the Institute.
       transacted product. Participants in the        are accounted for separately, although
       Procomex survey gave very different            they may occur simultaneously, thus         More information
       answers and the level of inconsistencies       increasing the total time used for the      http://www.procomex.org.br/relatorios_
       suggests that attention needs to be given      operation as a whole.                       procomex

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