WELCOME TO OUR PLACE IN 2020 - Tirau Primary School

Page created by Herbert Burke
WELCOME TO OUR PLACE IN 2020 - Tirau Primary School
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Tirau Primary to what is going to be another exciting year for our school. We
continue to grow and look forward to having you as part of our wider school community.
At Tirau Primary, we want everyone to achieve at their very best and our mission statement is
                           “Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.”
     In 2020 we will be launching our new vision “Growing Successful Learners Together’ and
           making this live across our school. This fits in beautifully with our whakatauki
    Ka tū tahi tatou kit e kohikohi i te mātauranga hei orange tinana, hei orange wairua kia tū
                                           tangata ai tatou
                 We gather to learn, to nourish to flourish. Here we stand together.
We think it is important that every child can read and write for success. We also strongly
emphasise the learning of mathematics. Our classrooms provide rich, vibrant learning
environments and our teaching staff have a genuine passion for teaching and learning.
All staff are involved in a wide range of new professional development opportunities based
around writing and Oral Language and the use of this as a basis for learning. We have worked to
create our school values that encompass thoughts from our students, parents and staff.
L – Life-long Learning
E – Excellence
A – Actively Involved
R – Respect
N – Nurture
S – Success
We have developed our Tirau LEARNer Competencies and the PRIDE Programme that is
undertaken by our Year 4, 5 & 6 students is a voluntary programme that fits with our values.
Students at Tirau are encouraged to be physically active through our extensive outdoor education
programmes and also through other optional sports activities. We look forward each year to
combining with the Putaruru Schools cluster for district events such as swimming and athletics
sports. Students in the school are also heavily involved in soccer, netball, rugby, cricket and touch
The school maintains its rural character in a number of ways. As part of this we annually hold a
well supported Agriculture Day and students, prize winning lambs, calves and kids are invited to
participate in the Group Day.
Our school is fortunate to have a very supportive PTA which assists the school in a variety of ways.
In 2020 our PTA will be raising funds to support our LEARNerS in a variety of ways be providing
extra resources for the school.
Tirau Primary strategically works to develop confident, connected, life long learners and future
thinkers. We aim to work in partnership with the community to ensure the success of all our
We value our close relationship between home and school. So please feel free to come in and
discuss your child’s progress with us at anytime. We welcome classroom helpers and Reading
Tutors if you would like to help in any way let us know.

Kind Regards
Siobhan Patterson (Principal)
WELCOME TO OUR PLACE IN 2020 - Tirau Primary School
Chairperson:      Alan Watkins
Nev Brewster
Gaby Bond
Vicki-Ann Brown
Rose Nelis
Veronica Maree
Siobhan Patterson (Principal)
Denise Mathers (Staff Rep)
Freda Leonard (Secretary)

The Board of Trustees would like to welcome all children and staff back to school this year. We
would especially like to welcome the new entrants and their families who have recently
arrived in our neighbourhood. We also extend a warm welcome to new staff members who
may join our team during the year.
We, as a Board, offer our full support to our principal Siobhan Patterson and the management
team, Mrs Denise Mathers as Deputy Principal and Mrs Megan Smith as Junior Team Leader.
We have entrusted them with the responsibility of managing the day-to-day operations of the
school. We also invite all children, their families and staff to join the Board in offering their
support to the management team.
Policies adopted by the Board of Trustees are available at our school office for your perusal.
The Board of Trustee meetings are usually held on a Tuesday at 7.00pm in the Learning Centre.
Dates for these will be published in our fortnightly newsletters. Parents and the public are
welcome to attend.
We look forward to working and socialising with you all this year and wish you and, in
particular, the children of the school, the very best for 2020.

Alan Watkins (Chairperson)
WELCOME TO OUR PLACE IN 2020 - Tirau Primary School
It is anticipated that every student at Tirau School will have the opportunity to achieve to his / her
potential according to the guidelines of the National Education Goals, National Administration
Guidelines, the New Zealand Curriculum and the associated curriculum statements. Particular
attention will be given to achievement in reading, written language and mathematics.
As guided by the New Zealand Curriculum, most students will be expected to be working in each
essential learning area at:
Level One: Year 1-2
Level Two: Year 3-4
Level Three: Year 5-6

Our curriculum usually incorporates an aspect of inquiry learning and it is linked to our theme for
the year. Each term has focus, which will be linked to one or more of the key areas of Social
Science, Science, Technology and Health.

In addition, Tirau School will seek to enable all students:
    • To develop a love of learning and a strong foundation for life long learning. This includes an
       ability to inquire thoroughly, problem solve meaningfully, work independently, make
       choices and cope with change.
    • To prepare for their next educational level and
       achieve at their highest academic standard
    • To demonstrate confidence, enthusiasm and a
       positive sense of self esteem
    • To be able to appreciate, value and celebrate
       differences among people
    • To work with ease in the ever changing world
       of information technology
    • To develop a sense of belonging and self
       worth, irrespective of ability, disability or
       ethnic background
    • To foster imagination and creativity
    • To take responsibility for their own learning and
       understand their learning style
    • To develop and flourish within a positive and community linked environment
    • To experience learning through the key competencies, core values and principles of the

Our 2020 School Charter will be available in the office area of the school and on the school
website from the beginning of March. Feel free to come and view it and ask any questions.
WELCOME TO OUR PLACE IN 2020 - Tirau Primary School
                          Growing Successful Learners Together

   Ka tū tahi tatou kit e kohikohi i te mātauranga hei orange tinana, hei orange wairua kia tū
                                          tangata ai tatou
               We gather to learn, to nourish to flourish. Here we stand together.

At Tirau Primary we believe whatever is worth doing is worth doing well to develop LEARNerS
ready to take on the world. We do this through:

   • Delivering individualized learning programmes, based upon students learning needs and
   • Developing and nurturing students to become committed, connected, life long learners;
   • Recognising individual success as the best of one’s ability;
   • Encouraging children to be independent learners with self worth and self-esteem;
   • Providing programmes which deliver the National Curriculum, emphasizing Literacy and
     Numeracy; through National Standards.
   • Having a commitment to academic excellence;
   • Providing a stimulating learning environment, using a problem solving approach;
   • Providing opportunities for initiative, independence and leadership;
   • Having a commitment to the needs of students whatever their abilities by means of a wide
     range of programmes, approaches and support;
   • Providing an extensive and stimulating range of academic, sporting, social, cultural and
     artistic experiences together with education outside of the classroom;
   • Developing pupils with cultural empathy and understanding
   • Having ICT equipment and programs to give our students and staff the relevant skills to
     access information and facilitate curriculum delivery;

We have 5 key values that are part of our everyday vocabulary at Tirau Primary School with all the
values and key concepts covered as part of our teaching and learning within the classroom.
        TIRAU LEARNerS means:
        L – Life-long Learning
        E – Excellence
        A – Actively Involved
        R – Respect
        N – Nurture
        S – Success
WELCOME TO OUR PLACE IN 2020 - Tirau Primary School

Our school website – www.tirau.school.nz contains a lot of useful information that can be of use
to you. We use the Skool Loop app which can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google
Play. Once installed please select Tirau Primary.

TERM 1    Monday 3rd February            -                Thursday 9th April
TERM 2    Tuesday 28 April               -                Friday 3rd July
TERM 3    Monday 20 July                 -                Friday 25th September
TERM 4    Monday 12 October              -                Wednesday 16th December
TEACHER ONLY DAY            Friday 27 March
TEACHER ONLY DAY           Friday 12th June

WAITANGI DAY                    6 February
TEACHER ONLY DAY                Friday 27th March
GOOD FRIDAY                     19th April
EASTER MONDAY                   22nd April
EASTER TUESDAY                  23rd April
ANZAC DAY                       25th April
QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY                3rd June
LABOUR DAY                      28th October

PRINCIPAL                       Siobhan Patterson
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL                Denise Mathers
JUNIOR TEAM LEADER              Megan Smith
TEACHERS                        Georgia Robertson
                                Denise Thompson
                                Margaret Tiddy
                                Laura Wallace
PART TIME TEACHERS              Rebekah Bardoul
                                Tania Edmeades
EXECUTIVE OFFICER               Freda Leonard
TEACHER AIDES                   Tanya Putt
                                Kelly Fisher
                                Bobbie Basalaj
                                Rebecca Van Warmerdam
CARETAKER:                      David King
CLEANER:                        Cleantastic Cleaners
The School Office is staffed from 8.30am – 3.15pm daily
69 Main Road
Phone: 07 883 1653         Fax: 07 883 1269
TIRAU 3410
E-Mail:                     office@tirau.school.nz
Website:                    www.tirau.school.nz
8:50 am – School day begins – Teaching Block 1
11:00 am – 11:40 – Morning Tea, children are supervised eating for the first 10 minutes
11:40 am – Teaching Block 2 – (each class will have a fitness/snack break of approximately 10
minutes during this teaching block.)
1:20 – 2:00pm – Lunch – children are supervised eating for the first 10 minutes.
2:00 pm – Teaching Block 3 begins
3:00 pm – School day ends

Staff members, who actively rove around the school, supervise students in the playground during
breaks. We also will have year 5 & 6 peer mediators who help to support the students with minor
problems and conflicts.
We all use a problem solving approach that help repair the relationship and allows the children to
decide on the consequences with the support of an adult or trained mediator.
The questions we ask are:
            ö What was happening?
            ö What were you thinking about at the time?
            ö Who was affected by what was happening? In what way were they affected?
            ö What do you need to do to make things right?
            ö What needs to happen to make sure that this doesn’t happen again?
            ö What can I do to help?

Illness or Unexpected Absence
If your child is ill please either submit an absence form through the school website –
www.tirau.school.nz or ring the school office to inform us of the reason for absence.
Expected Absence
If you know your child is going to be absent due to an appointment, family holiday or other reason
please let your child’s teacher and the school office know. You can do this by sending an email,
note or ringing.
At Tirau Primary all of our school students wear a compulsory uniform everyday. Plain black
shorts/longs/skirts can be worn with this uniform as well as a plain black thermal long sleeved
top under the polo shirt for winter times. We will also allow a plain black cardigan or polarfleece
for the warmer times of year. Please do not allow your child to wear colourful or branded
clothing as part of their uniform. We recommend that all items are clearly named to avoid

Cost of Items available from our school office- (all prices are GST Inclusive)
Short Sleeve Sports Shirt - $36               Polar Fleece Tops - $46
Polo Shirts (cotton blend) - $36              Hats - $5.00

Lost property is collected by the senior students and returned to the owners if they are named.

In 2020 we are reviewing our Friday afternoon assemblies and looking at different ways to
showcase our learning for our school community. We will continue to present our class, learner
and Ruru awards but this will be done at our values assembly held at 9:00 am each Monday.
Parents and family members are welcome to join us for this. We will send further information out
in Term 1 about opportunities for learning showcases.

Bus Lists are established for children regularly travelling on the buses but we need to know if
there is any occasion when your child will not be on the bus. If there is a special occasion, please
write or phone the office and the bus list will be altered accordingly.
If for any other reason you pick your child up after school, YOU MUST sign them off or leave a note
on the bus list or inform the duty teacher.
NB Children are not allowed to sign themselves off the bus list – this must be done only by a
parent or staff member.

Every year each family will need to sign a Code of Conduct to ensure they are aware of the
expectations of students whilst travelling on the bus, which includes wearing a bus vest at all
times. The students will be issued with a free bus vest at the beginning of the school year. If your
child misplaces their bus vest during the year there will be a $10 charge and they will be issued
with a new vest. We will be checking that all children have bus vests each day. They will have one
warning if they don’t have a vest, if they don’t have a bus vest on a second occasion in a week a
letter will be sent home.

If your child travels to school by bus in the mornings they are supervised in the our before school
care programme
Students who travel by bus after school report to our After School Carer and then are supervised
as they play in the Learning Centre until a bell rings at 3:30, they then line up outside the senior
classrooms. All children are ticked off the bus list and then taken up to wait for the bus in the bus
shelters. The buses normally depart from school by 3:40.
In 2020 we have opted into the school donation scheme so we will not be charging for school trips
or be charging a consumables fee for the year.

Members of the school community who come in and use the school grounds after school during
the week and during the weekends do so at their own risk. There is no supervision officially
provided and we expect parents to accept responsibility for their own children. Please be aware of
who they are coming with and what they are doing. The BOT may withdraw this privilege from
people who decline to cooperate.
PLEASE NOTE Driving vehicles into the school grounds over the asphalt courts is discouraged. If
you need to bring a vehicle in, please use Highway 27 entrance.

In accordance with the SmokeFree Environment Act 1990 the grounds and buildings of Tirau
Primary School are smoke free and we ask that all visitors to our learning spaces respect this.

In light of the Health and Safety legislation that was introduced a few years ago and we have the
following procedures for releasing students at the end of the day.
At 3:00 when the bell rings the children will be released as follows.
Bus Children and Children in After School Care will be collected by one of the After School staff
and taken to the learning centre.
Children who walk home or are escorted across the crossing will be released to leave the school
grounds in a timely manner.
All other children will remain in their classroom where they will be supervised by their class
teacher. They will then need to be collected by a parent or designated person directly from the
classroom. Please update the office about any changes to the after school arrangements for your
child as soon as possible
We ask that no children play in the playground at this time unless actively supervised by a parent
or guardian.
To ensure our records are up to date about the people designated to collect your child and also to
confirm how they get home from school each family must fill in the form and return to the school
office. It is very important that the school office is notified immediately if there is a change to the
arrangements for your child so that staff can be informed. We will not be allowing anyone other
than the designated person to collect a child. If a child has not been collected by 3:15 we will
contact families and the children will be placed into After School Care at the parent’s cost.
Before school children are supervised in classrooms from 8:30 and because there is no teacher
roaming on duty at this time as they are connecting with students and parents and getting ready
for the day we will not be allowing children onto the playground before school unless actively
supervised by their own parent or caregiver.
At times we do have children who live close to the school grounds returning after they have been
home, we ask that they refrain from being back on the school grounds before 3:20 and we
encourage parents to be onsite supervising as they are using the school grounds at their own risk,
as a school we cannot ensure their safety.
Parents and friends are always welcome here at school. The staff and children appreciate seeing
you all turn out to special events like sports days etc. and without your support it would be very
difficult to do many of the activities offered. We know we can count on your support and we truly
appreciate it. We also appreciate parent helpers in classrooms. In 2020 we want to formalise a
parent help programme. We will be looking for interested parents who we will then provide some
training in ways to support in the classroom then organising a time table for them to volunteer in
classes. Teachers enjoy having parents helping with reading and writing groups along with other
support jobs in the classroom. We also have parents who help around the school with projects
such as environmental group.
If you are interested in helping out in any way just come in and see us.

We are a passionate group of parents and grandparents giving back to our school community. We
run a number of fundraisers during the year, including sausage sizzles, a fun disco for the children,
raffles and our large community event, which is always a great night out.
We are an active and social group and would love to welcome new members. We try and make all
of our meetings and fundraising efforts fun for those involved.
Meetings are held twice a term and are advertised in the school newsletters. Even if you are
unable to make meetings, please let us know if you’d like to contribute to the PTA in some way as
we can add you into our contact list.
We’d also love to hear from you if you have ideas for fundraisers.
Contact: Chairperson: Lynda Tomalin
Email – lynda.tomalin@gmail.com

Please use the car park situated on SHW 27 for picking up and dropping off students. When
entering or leaving please take extra care and watch out for children. For safety reasons we do
not allow children who are waiting to be picked up after school to wait up on the footpath. If you
are collecting your children, please park in the car park and come to the front of the school to
collect them. Please do not park around the centre island as this affects traffic flow in the carpark.
We also ask that you encourage your children to not run across the carpark – we have had a
number of near misses. Please be considerate about not using the accessible parking space in the
senior area and the area next to the accessible parking space in the junior school as this makes it
difficult for the family using this space.

In recent years the school have continued to increase the
quality and quantity of books in our library.
There is a tremendous amount of work put in by some of our
staff. We insist that all children have a library bag to protect
the books from accidental damage. We also insist these books
be kept well away from young children who are keen on
scribbling and tearing. If books are accidentally damaged so as
to make them unsuitable for continued use, we would
appreciate a donation to cover its replacement.
This year we request that parents purchase their stationery online from Office Max at
myschool.co.nz All class stationery lists are loaded onto this site. A few New Entrant packs will be
kept at the office plus limited supplies of stationery if students require a replacement during the

During the year when children require replenishments, a note will be sent home specifying what
the item is and its cost. Please action the note quickly so the children’s work is not unduly

All schools are required to have an emergency procedure to follow in the event of a fire, storm,
earthquake or similar type of civil emergency. All schools are required to practise their emergency
drills at least once a term. We believe it is important that parents know the procedure the school
will follow in the event of an emergency.
Please note: If we have to evacuate our school grounds we will evacuate to the
                     Tirau Co-Operating Church Hall Main Road Tirau.

In the event of a FIRE the warning is given by the automatic bell system at which time there will be
an orderly evacuation from classrooms to an assembly point in the middle of the main sports field
where the roll is taken and all children and adults in the school are required to be accounted for.
Our normal evacuation procedure also covers checking all out-buildings.

In the event of a Lockdown being implemented at Tirau School there will be an intermittent
ringing of the bell for 40 seconds. The procedure is for all children/staff/visitors to go to the
nearest building lock themselves in and then get low and keep quiet. Please do not come down to
school if you hear of a Lockdown at school, as we are not allowed to open the door to anyone.
Also please do not ring the school, as we need to keep the lines open for communication with
emergency services. We will endeavour to update our Facebook page when it is practicable to do
so. At the conclusion of the Lockdown a roll will be taken to make sure everyone is accounted for.

In the event of a CIVIL DEFENCE emergency and the school having to be evacuated, the Civil
Defence Controller, in consultation with the Principal, will arrange for transportation of all of the
students to a safe area and parents will be notified by a special broadcast on the nearest
broadcasting radio station as to when and where the children can be collected.
Please listen to the radio and do not try to telephone the school as the telephone needs to be
kept free for emergency messages.
In the event of an emergency occurring, the staff of the school will care for the students until they
are collected by parents or a suitably known alternative. Any parents collecting students MUST
check in with the Deputy Principal or office, they will make note of which students have been
collected, and by whom.
In the event of an EARTHQUAKE no obvious alarm is required. It would be obvious to all. The
procedure we follow is that the students, on the command of DROP, will crawl under their desks
and hold on to their desk legs. At the conclusion of the earthquake, there will be an evacuation,
and the roll will be taken and all people accounted for.

Please advise the School Office if your child has ANY medical condition we need to know about so
that our emergency file can be kept up to date.
Any medication to be administered at school will be given only after a signed Medical Consent
form is received.
Any medication must be kept in the Medical Room cabinet (and have the original label on it
stating Patient’s name, Dr, dosage of medicine and expiry date). Our Executive Officer or Duty
Teacher will make arrangements for its administration.

As you know, the sun can cause lots of problems these days. Please ensure during the summer
months that your child has a wide brimmed hat or cap with a flap at the back available to wear
when outside the classroom.
We also ask that all children have their own bottle of SPF 15+ Broad Spectrum sunblock lotion that
complies with the Australian Standard, and that the children know how and when to apply it.
Sunblock is available at school as a back-up, but the school cannot provide for the needs of
everyone. Hats are available for purchase from the school office for $5.00.

Our Public Health Nurse visits the school regularly and she is always available and prepared to
discuss health matters with you.

The Dental van visits our school annually for assessment
of your child’s teeth. We will inform you when they are
scheduled to visit. If you urgently need to visit the
dental team outside of these visits please phone 0800
TALK TEETH (0800 825 583)

Subway is available to order for lunch on a Wednesday
This is in alignment with our schools Healthy Eating
Please order before 9:00 am at the school office.
 Your child needs to have $7.50 in a named envelope to place in the basket on the office desk.
        Subway lunch (ham and salad roll, biscuit, drink)         $7.50
At least twice each term a Scholastic Lucky Book Club Catalogue will be sent home with your child.
We are encouraging parents/caregiver to order online at scholastic.co.nz/LOOP or by downloading
the app.
Your books will be delivered to school and we will give them to your child to take home or we can
hold them at the office for you to collect if requested. We would prefer this way of ordering
instead of cash.
 If you do wish to send a cheque along with your child’s order please make it out to Scholastic New

Every year we have a number of school sporting events. The children who excel at our school
events may be selected to represent Tirau Primary School at Interschool events alongside other
Putaruru Schools
Term 1 –    Swimming Sports – usually early March
            Duathalon/Triathlon – usually late March
Term 2 -    Cross Country – every even year
Term 3 –    Winter Sports tournament Yrs 4-6
Term 4 -    Athletics

 There are a number of sporting codes that we enter teams into each season, the competitions
take place in the following terms.
Cricket       Term 1        Yrs 3-6
Touch         Term 4               all children              Friday after school
Netball       Term 2               Year 3 – 6 play in teams Friday after school
                            Years 1 – 4 can do the Future Ferns programme Friday after school
Football      Term 2               all children              Saturday Mornings
Basketball Term 2                  Year 5 & 6                Tuesday after school
Rugby is played through clubs – each season information is shared through our school newsletter
Hockey – this is offered in Matamata, please contact the school office if you would like to be part
of a team and we will see what we can do.

At times we may need to combine our sports teams with other local schools if we do not have the
numbers to make up a team. Each team will require a team coach and/or manager.

Information is sent out when we require registrations for sports and we organise the students into
teams. Costs for individual sports can vary these will be communicated through our fortnightly

In 2018 our PTA provided funding for new sports uniforms for football, basketball, and netball, we
also use these for touch.

We provide facilities for students to do banking. Please see the office for more detail.
The purpose of our complaints policy is to provide clear guidelines for the school community in raising and
resolving concerns and complaints.
We have procedures in place that we follow to ensure that complaints are handled appropriately. Our
procedures enable us to:
       •      maintain the best learning environment for our students
        •     resolve matters of concern early, if possible
        •     respond to feedback and concerns constructively
        •     deal with complaints fairly, effectively, and promptly
        •     take into account individual circumstances
        •     maintain confidentiality
        •     preserve school/community relationships and communication
        •     monitor and record complaints and concerns about student safety.
Most complaints can be resolved informally by discussions with the people concerned. See Guidelines for
Informal Complaints below. The school also has a procedure for making a formal complaint if informal
discussion doesn't resolve the issue.
For complaints concerning harassment, see Harassment. For allegations of theft or fraud, see Theft and Fraud
Prevention. School employees needing to make a protected disclosure, see Protected Disclosure.

Our primary goal is to create the best learning environment for the students of our school. We encourage
open communication and prefer that parents come to us to talk through a problem rather than discuss it in
the community.
These are recommended guidelines for parents making informal complaints.
       1.     Discuss the issue with the right person.
              •      If the matter is a general issue, discuss it with the person concerned or a member of the
              management team or the principal.
              •      If you have a complaint about a staff member, contact the person involved and discuss
              the matter. We ask that parents make this direct approach as soon as possible. Be prepared to
              make a time to discuss your complaint if the staff member is unable to talk with you straight
              away. Be open to listening to the other side of the story to avoid communication breakdowns.
       If you do not wish to approach the person concerned, contact a member of the management team or
       the principal to resolve the matter. The principal or management team member may communicate
       with the staff member concerned.
              •       If you have a complaint about one of our students, contact the student's class teacher
              or the principal to discuss the matter.
              •       If the matter concerns the principal and you have not first resolved it by discussion, or
              you feel uncomfortable directly approaching the principal, contact the chairperson of the board
              of trustees.
              •       If the matter concerns a board member, contact the chairperson of the board of
              trustees, or board member if it concerns the board chair.
       If you complain to a board member, you will be encouraged to resolve the issue with the guidelines
       above, and the board member will inform the principal and board chair.
       2.     Work towards a resolution.
              •     In most cases, constructive discussion will resolve the issue.
•      If you are unhappy with the outcome of your initial meeting, contact the principal, a
               member of the management team, or the board chair to discuss further resolution. They will
               consider and respond to the complaint as appropriate.
If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint.
If a staff member is the complainant (including complaints about colleagues), the same procedure must be
followed, commencing with an initial discussion with the people concerned to try to resolve matters.

If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint.
In the interests of fairness, any formal complaint or serious allegation must be made in writing and resolved in
a timely fashion. All parties should respect confidentiality.
Follow this process:

   Responsibility                    Action
   Complainant                       1.       Put your concerns in writing, either as a signed letter or an
                                                       email. Give as many details as possible, including
                                                       details of efforts that have been made to resolve the
                                                       issue. Include names and contact phone numbers.

                                     2.       Send the letter marked Confidential to the school principal or, if
                                                       the complaint is about the principal, to the chairperson
                                                       of the board of trustees. The contact details are
                                                       available from the school office.
   Principal                         3.       Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to
   (if complaint is about a staff                     the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the
             member)                                  staff member concerned.
                                              Inform the chairperson of the board of trustees.
   Board chair                       4.       Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing or by email to
   (if complaint is about the                         the complainant. Give a copy of the complaint to the
            principal)                                principal.

When a formal complaint is received, the school may choose to investigate it if it is deemed serious enough to
warrant it after considering the initial response from the person the complaint is about. Not all complaints
require an investigation but all written complaints should be disclosed to the staff concerned at the earliest
opportunity, and followed up with the complainant.
See Investigate a Formal Complaint.
Relevant collective employment agreement provisions for dealing with complaints and discipline must be
observed including allowing representation of staff at any meeting to discuss a written complaint.

All of our school policies and procedures are available on School Docs. We invite you to visit the site at
http://tirau.schooldocs.co.nz/ (note that there's no "www"!).
Our username is tirau and password PRIDE .
You can also read