WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators

Page created by Wanda Mcbride
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
APRIL 2019

                        WESLEY CLOVER
                        QUARTERLY UPDATE

L-SPARK Enters
the World of

Echosec Intends to
Make the Darknet
a Little Less Dark
Looking Backward and
Forward at the Latest
Investment Trends                                ❯
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
Moving Fast
      Table of                             in a Changing
      Contents                             Environment
                                           Welcome to another issue of Q. The first
                                           Quarter of 2019 is already behind us,
                                           amazingly, and the business activities for
                                           me and the companies I am involved with
 2      Message from the Chairman          continue at a rapid pace. In this issue, we
                                           take a look back at last year as well as ahead      importance in the pending next generation
 3      L-Spark
                                           to the year well underway.                          of mobile networks and the Internet of
 4      Alacrity Global                                                                        Things (IoT) that will leverage them.
 5      Tutela                             As you will read, investment activity in
                                           most parts of the world continues to climb.         These recent moves and others bode well
 5      Echosec
                                           Innovation races forward. Opportunities for         for the companies involved with L-SPARK.
 6      Martello                           investment and growth keep increasing. In           Similarly, as the healthcare sector currently
 6      Celtic Manor Resort                step with this, competition is getting more         ranks as the second-most attractive industry
                                           intense. And geo-political developments             for US VC investments (read the article
 7      Solink
                                           are serving to stir the business pots more          inside), we expect good things for start-
 8      Segmentify                         than usual. Investors are taking closer looks       ups such as our own Cliniconex. And the
 9      ProntoForms                        at where they put their funds, and biasing          valuable intellectual property developed
 9      ICC Wales                          much of their activity toward later-stage           by all the portfolio companies provides a
                                           start-ups seeking larger financing to be            potential starting point for further innovation
 11     Editorial: The Latest Venture      concentrated on market expansion efforts.           and partnering relationships for the new
        Capital Activities and Trends                                                          companies being formed under the Alacrity
 12     Alacrité France                    This is the environment the Technology              global start-up program in places including
                                           portfolio is operating in for 2019 and beyond.      France, Turkey, India, Mexico and beyond.
 13     English Ninjas
                                           I feel good, however, about the steps the
 14     Cliniconex                         companies are taking. For example, Artificial       The Wesley Clover companies in the Real
 15     InitLive                           Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology         Estate portfolio continue to attract and
                                           disrupting so many industries. Portfolio            retain tenants and guests, and grow business
 15     ThinkRF
                                           companies such as Tutela, Solink and many           accordingly. In the UK, the grand opening of
 16     Wesley Clover Parks                others are embedding these capabilities into        the impressive new International Convention
 18     AirVM                              their product offerings now to ensure they          Centre Wales is getting ever closer, and
                                           remain leaders in their markets.                    everything appears to be lining up nicely for
 19     Benbria
                                                                                               a successful launch.
 21     Enjovia                            Wesley Clover SaaS Accelerator L-SPARK has
 23     Mitel                              recently embraced an additional business            So things are going well. I hope you enjoy
 24     Company Index                      model, wherein they are partnering to               reading the details in this issue of Q as much
                                           build individual ‘Corporate’ Accelerators as        as I enjoy sharing them. Thank you for your
                                           well. The first of these has a heavy focus on       interest in Wesley Clover and the businesses I
 Q is a quarterly publication of Wesley    Autonomous Vehicles and the development             am involved in around the globe.
 Clover, highlighting some of the latest
 accomplishments from the wide range       of a new ecosystem of start-ups addressing
 of businesses in our portfolio. Visit     the emerging space. The second new                  Kind Regards,
 wesleyclover.com for more information.    Accelerator has a focus on security and its         Terry Matthews, Chairman

❮ 2                                                                                         WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
L-SPARK, the leading SaaS Accelerator in                                                        BlackBerry/L-SPARK Corporate Accelerator.
Canada, has been busy developing new                                                            This partnership is focused on creating
partnerships to build upon their legacy of                                                      innovative new solutions that leverage the
helping innovative companies spring onto                                                        Blackberry QNX software platform. Among
the Canadian and global technology stage.                                                       the applications, BlackBerry QNX is the most
And the scope for the next start-ups they are                                                   successful platform for building secure
working with is impressive.                                                                     software solutions in the connected and
                                                                                                autonomous vehicle market. Under the new
Before we look forward, let’s look at some                                                      partnership, BlackBerry will help start-ups
of the recent accomplishments. The port-                                                        research and develop product prototypes
folio of companies who have passed              event continues to grow each year, and plan-    in not just autonomous vehicle applications,
through L-SPARK programs, plus the four in      ning for the 2019 show is well underway.        but also in the areas of robotics, device secu-
the current program, has now reached 47.                                                        rity, sensor fusion (e.g. LiDAR, radar, cameras
Just under half of those companies have         Sticking with events, January saw the team      and GPS), functional safety, analytics and
now accomplished the primary mandate            conduct SaaS Showcase Toronto once again,       medical devices.
of the program, which is to secure external     bringing the current cohort and other invited
funding. A total of $30.1M of new invest-       companies to the key Toronto investment         This represents a shift in Accelerator mis-
ment has been raised to date. This time one     and start-up scene. Attendance exceeded         sion, emphasizing first products over rev-
year ago, that number was $16.8M, which         expectations and several of the companies       enue and sales, but it is an approach both
means almost half the new total was raised      who presented continue to have follow-on        partners want given the early state of these
during the last 12 months. This suggests the    discussions with those important audiences.     application markets. L-SPARK and BlackBerry
investment community is paying ever closer                                                      announced the first seven companies to
attention.                                      That event was replicated in Ottawa, with       join the new six-month Accelerator program
                                                the biggest showcase to-date. More than         recently. The first cohort includes portfolio
To ensure the start-ups are well supported,     500 guests came out to support the family of    company Martello, cybersecurity firm Bluink
L-SPARK struck new partnerships with both       start-ups, and expectations remain high for     and automotive software developer Evolved
Stripe and Intercom late in 2018, and also      some attractive outcomes from the pitches.      Vehicles Environments, plus four other com-
strengthened existing relationships with                                                        panies from across Canada. The hard work is
Microsoft, Amazon, Google and others.           So what next? We can guess how transfor-        already underway.
These partners and the value-added services     mative the emerging autonomous vehicles
they provide are key to better enabling the     industry will be. We can sense the import-      Another program L-SPARK is committed to
start-ups for success.                          ance of next generation wireless networks       for 2019 is turning their Female Founders and
                                                and IoT devices. We know how critical cyber-    Funders event into an annual occurrence.
While a couple months have passed already,      security will be in these developments. In      This year, they are looking to partner with
it is worth noting the 2018 version of the      addition to the ongoing SaaS Accelerator,       others in the Ottawa ecosystem to make it
flagship L-SPARK industry event, SAAS           L-SPARK has recently established key new        more inclusive and robust. 2018 was a strong
NORTH, attracted more than 1,200 delegates      partnerships that enable the team to partici-   year for L-SPARK and for the Canadian tech
to Ottawa to hear from industry experts,        pate actively in these emerging industries.     and start-up ecosystem. And there are plenty
network with some of the fastest growing                                                        of reasons for even more optimism as 2019
SaaS companies, and learn how to scale their    The first of the new relationships to be        rolls on. l-spark.com 
businesses in a globally competitive way. The   unveiled publicly is the launch of the

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                  3 ❯
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
The Latest Round-Up From Alacrity Global
 The Alacrity Global team provided the following data as a summary
 of the scale and progress of the Wesley Clover start-up fund initiative
 to date — an evolving program with a global reach.

                                                                                                                            Investments Under

                      Canada                                                                                                  Cumulative 2018
                                                  France Austria
                                                                                                                              Active Start-Ups
       Active Funds

       Funds Recently Launched
       Funds Under Consideration

       Funds Seeking Additional LP’s                                                                                           Start-Ups with

                       Start-Ups Seeking Investment
          Cliniconex  English Ninjas  Segmentify  Twentify                                                                             * Estimated

                           Corporate 16%                                                                                  Turkey 20%

                                                                                 Series A 4%                                           L-Spark 6%
                                       Other 6%
                                                       Pre-Seed 46%                                                                       UK 2%
      Wesley Clover 26%
                                                                            Pre-Series A 12%

         Private 15%             Government 37%
                                                                      Seed 38%                                           Canada 72%

               Investment Composition                         Investment Stage                                      Revenue Composition

❮ 4                                                                                                    WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
TUTELA BUILDS MORE                                performance, optimize and maintain cus-            replayed in key industry media, including a
                                                  tomer services, and ensure their investment        piece in FierceWireless.
MOMENTUM IN 2019                                  and upgrade strategies continue to align
The latest Quarter continued the rapid            with their market and customer needs.              Groundwork laid at the end of 2018 is sup-
growth for portfolio member Tutela, the                                                              porting the ambitious strategy Tutela has
mobile device experience measurement              As a way to keep network benchmarking              embarked on for 2019, including plans to
company. The team secured a number                front-and-center for its target customers,         launch services in Asia, the Middle East and
of large new business deals, including a          Tutela recently introduced a primary new           Oceania, as well as to continue growth in
global agreement with Telefonica that will        metric, called Consistent Quality. Rather than     markets across Europe, North and South
see Tutela SaaS used as the standard for          measuring ‘potential’ network speed, this          America. Just in the last month, Tutela has
customer experience measurement across            new metric helps quantify the actual levels        launched successful marketing campaigns
the global Telefonica operations. Tutela also     and quality of service that users experience.      in the Nordic region and in South-East
deepened their partnership with Millicom          This data gives operators an accurate and          Asia, securing initial customer trials in both
(operating under the TIGO brand) with an          balanced understanding of that customer            regions. On the product development side of
agreement to extend the initial, successful       experience, and help guide decisions around        the business, the company recently launched
deployment of the software in the region to       everything from marketing to competitive           an updated SDK (software development kit)
a full roll-out that will encompass seven Latin   positioning to support to infrastructure           that will now collect metrics on mobile video
American countries.                               upgrade policies.                                  quality as well as voice connectivity.

Tutela user experience data, currently            The Consistent Quality feature was released        Exceeding the growth Tutela achieved in
sourced from more than 250 million devices        along with the successful Tutela 2018 US           2018 will not be easy, but with additional
worldwide, provides the most comprehen-           Mobile LTE Network Quality Report, which           global resources and a growing industry rep-
sive picture of mobile end-user connectivity.     marks the next step in the content market-         utation, the company is confident they have
Network operators use this information to         ing strategy the company has embraced.             what it takes to do just that. tutela.com 
benchmark and monitor their infrastructure        This report gained added reach by being

ECHOSEC SHINES LIGHT                              also used to protect online dissidents from        similar to that of Google. It operates without
ON THE DARKNET                                    political reprisal, facilitate news leaks or
                                                  whistle-blowing, and circumvent govern-
                                                                                                     the need for the existing Tor Darknet browser.

This past Quarter, the team at Echosec            ment imposed network censorship.                   Beacon is the most recent addition to an
added a major new offering to their SaaS                                                             Echosec portfolio focused evermore on the
portfolio. In addition to the existing loca-      The Darknet is architected to listen to and        Enterprise customer. And this strategic shift
tion-based social media data aggregation          receive information from the open Internet,        has resulted in an impressive 340% growth
and intelligence platform, the company            and enable the exchange of messages and            in company revenues over the past year. To
launched ‘Beacon’, a proprietary new search       other content, but to do so anonymously.           keep this momentum going, the team is busy
tool that enables users to navigate the           The computer servers connected to the              with a full conference schedule over the next
Darknet quickly and easily.                       Darknet don’t appear on any network lists          Quarter, exhibiting at RSA San Francisco, pre-
                                                  and don’t respond to detection techniques          senting at the ESRI Canada Security Summit
Darknet is an umbrella term used to describe      such as pinging or other inquiries. As a result,   in Ottawa in May, and exhibiting at the NRF
the encrypted portions of the Internet not        they remain ‘hidden’ or ‘dark’, and the content    Protect conference in Anaheim in June.
open to public view, as well as hidden net-       they contain cannot be indexed or searched         Offering a dynamic, online data intelligence
works whose architecture is superimposed          in any of the established ways.                    engine with the ability to surface key data
on top of the Internet. It is considered by                                                          from social media posts, blogs, news feeds
many to be part of the Deep Web, and is           For legitimate enterprises, this can repre-        and now the Deep Web and Darknet, the
often associated with illicit online activities   sent an area of online exposure and threat.        Echosec message is definitely making waves.
such as hosting unsavory or illegal informa-      Echosec has designed Beacon as a pow-              We expect to share more strong results
tion, facilitating the sale of restricted goods   erful tool to investigate and mitigate such        going forward. echosec.net 
such as arms trading, or hosting illegal mar-     threats. Beacon is an extension to the exist-
ketplaces such as the infamous Silk Road          ing Echosec platform, and is a fully indexed
online drug bazaar. On the other hand, it is      Darknet search engine with a user interface

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                      5 ❯
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
 Ottawa-based Martello closed 2018 ready
 for continued growth after debuting on the
 TSX Venture Exchange, acquiring IT Analytics
 software provider Savision and bolstering
 the company leadership team before year
 end. The mission remains set on bringing
 clarity and control to complex digital envi-
 ronments, with products that monitor, man-
 age and help optimize IT infrastructure.

 The acquisition of Savision in November
 2018 brought added IT and network per-
 formance management capabilities to the
 portfolio. Savision software allows users        selected recently to participate in the new        Sullivan with a Price and Value Leadership
 to visualize IT management data such as          BlackBerry/L-SPARK Accelerator Program.            Award for NPM (Network Performance
 performance metrics, outage details and          BlackBerry/QNX is now teaming with                 Management). The IEEE presented Martello
 other incident information. The acquisition      Martello to research and develop high per-         with the Outstanding Information &
 also added key European sales resources to       formance services to support the Internet of       Communications Technology Company
 the company, and enabled former Savision         Things (IoT), including the rapidly emerging       (ICT) Recognition Award. And the company
 CEO Stefanie Richheimer to join the Martello     world of autonomous vehicles.                      also accepted two awards from the Best
 leadership team as Chief Revenue Officer.                                                           Ottawa Business Awards (BOBs) for “Deals of
                                                  These developments are adding to a list            the Year: Private Equity” and “Best Business”.
 As the product offerings continue to expand,     that is providing the company with very
 so does the ability to solve complex net-        positive industry recognition. Martello            A strong run of recent success indeed,
 work issues, such as those associated with       was the first Ottawa-headquartered tech-           and we look forward to more to come.
 the Internet of Things (IoT). To that point,     nology company to go public since 2015.            martellotech.com 
 Martello was one of six Canadian companies       The technology was recognized by Frost &

 CELTIC MANOR RESORT                              including The Belfry (Silver Award winner)
                                                  and Chewton Glen (Bronze Award winner),
                                                                                                     to be named Best UK Hotel once again. What
                                                                                                     is most pleasing about this award is that it
 WINS BEST UK HOTEL                               to retain the coveted top recognition.             is voted for by the industry professionals
                                                                                                     who are our conference and events clients.
 AWARD, AGAIN                                     More than 1,300 guests attended the Awards         It is reassuring to know we are regarded for
                                                  gala dinner, held at the Battersea Evolution       exceeding their expectations. This award is
 The Celtic Manor Resort has once again           and hosted by TV presenter Gethin Jones.           thanks to our entire Resort team who work
 been named the Best Hotel in the UK at the       Highlights of the evening included a special       hard to make such achievements possible.”
 prestigious Meetings and Incentive Travel        welcome from Only Boys Aloud, and a
 Awards gala in London. The five-star venue       celebration of Wales that included singer          Mr. Edwards continued, “It was a fantastic
 in South Wales regained the Gold Award and       Sian Evans belting out the hit track, Louder.      way to cap the night we formally announced
 has now been voted the Best Hotel eight                                                             to the UK meetings industry the ICC Wales as
 times in the last nine years! Confirming its     In receiving the Award, Celtic Manor Resort        a new venue and Wales as a destination for
 position as the leading destination for events   Chief Executive Ian Edwards said: “This has        business events. All the industry movers and
 in the UK, the resort held off strong com-       been another amazing year of business              shakers were in attendance.”
 petition from five other shortlisted venues,     growth at Celtic Manor and we are delighted

❮ 6                                                                                               WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
The International Convention Centre Wales
will include a 4,000 square metre pillar-free
main hall, a 1,500-seated auditorium, 12 flex-
ible meeting rooms, a double-height glass
atrium and a 2,500 square metre outdoor
plaza. The Celtic Manor Resort complements
the new venue with its existing four hotels,
10 executive Hunter Lodges, three champi-
onship golf courses, seven restaurants, luxury
spas and team-building adventure activities.

The combined facilities are located at
Junction 24 of the M4 motorway, just two
hours by road or rail from London. They cre-
ate a unique environment for holding con-
ferences and events.  celtic-manor.com

Solink Secures $16.3M to                         accelerate its current growth path and meet     Solink is capitalizing on the inherent yet
                                                 increasing demand for its technology.           untapped value of several existing business
Grow Business Intelligence                                                                       systems. By synchronizing and adding intel-
Platform                                         Also participating in the oversubscribed        ligence to the terabytes of data captured by
                                                 round were existing investors Generation        Point-of-Sale (POS) and video surveillance
Portfolio company Solink continues to            Ventures, ScaleUp Ventures and BDC IT           systems, raw data is transformed into a tool
evolve their disruptive SaaS platform, inte-     Venture fund. The new money will be used        for business insight and action. Clients now
grating client surveillance and transaction      to grow the development and sales teams as      use Solink technology for daily inventory
data into a single user-friendly dashboard       well as the customer support organization.      auditing, health and safety monitoring, sus-
that combines detailed images and infor-                                                         picious transaction, shoplifting and other
mation from key business activities, includ-     In commenting on the new investment, Jon        loss-prevention investigations, and more.
ing monetary, customer service, health and       Shulkin, a partner at Valor Equity Partners
safety and other engagements.                    said, “We are excited to be partnering with     The Solink platform allows managers to
                                                 Solink. We began our relationship with the      spend less time scrolling through video
And market demand continues to grow.             company as customers through a portfo-          footage to find what they need. It highlights
Brick-and-mortar businesses of all types         lio company of ours, and immediately saw        specific incidents that require attention, and
today are evolving. They must, in order to       value in the Solink platform. The team com-     gives users the whole picture in a single click
meet customer expectations that are higher       mitment to innovation and customer expe-        of a mouse. It enables managers to increase
than ever, and fight competition from            rience is a big part of what compelled us to    efficiencies and reduce losses.
on-line alternatives that are only increasing.   invest in the company. Solink has a vision to
Part of this evolution includes embracing        revolutionize the value and use of security     “We love hearing that our product helped
newer, more powerful, more flexible busi-        cameras in businesses. We are a fan of that.”   business owners get more time with their
ness tools that are easy to use and provide a                                                    kids, or helped a manager solve a policy
clear return on the investment.                  Solink CEO Mike Matta knows that secur-         or security issue in just a few clicks,” Matta
                                                 ing this funding will allow the company to      shared. “Business intelligence, when used
This describes the Solink customer value         grow in exciting new ways. He stated, “This     properly, is powerful. But when we integrate
proposition accurately. And this January,        new round of funding will enable us to scale    video as a layer of information, we disrupt
that successful value proposition attracted a    the company and continue cementing our          the traditional concept of BI. We add truth
significant new investment in the company.       position as a leader for B2B video and data     and context that can’t be repudiated.”
Chicago-based Valor Equity Partners led a        intelligence. We have a focus on helping
new financing round that resulted in $16.3M      customers grow their businesses, and it is      This is a combination that sounds like a
of Series A funding to enable Solink to          working out well.”                              great investment to us … solink.com 

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                   7 ❯
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
Global Growth
 Continues for
 Turkish Company
 A member company of the Alacrity Turkey
 start-up fund, Segmentify has developed
 technology to deliver personalized, rele-
 vant suggestions and recommendations to
 ecommerce customers through multiple
 marketing channels including personalized
 push notifications and emails. The purpose is
 to enable client businesses to increase online
 sales, customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

 The company continues to evolve its
 machine-learning-based SaaS platform and
 increase its market penetration. By the end
 of last Quarter, Segmentify increased its cus-
 tomer base by 10% and covered 16 countries
 including large markets in Germany and the
 UK. This customer growth yielded an increase
 of 25% in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR
 — a key SaaS industry metric).

 Proving the ability to meet the scale and
 ROI demands of global brands, Segmentify
 “onsite personalization widgets” were used
 to improve 13.32 billion online shopping
 experiences and helped generate £412 mil-
 lion in targeted sales for clients in 2018.
                                                   The Segmentify platform lets clients choose         provided the highest ROI compared to other
 Ergin Eroğlu, CEO of Segmentify, com-             from 10 preset customer outreach scenarios          tactics, and in some examples, added a 4%
 mented on these results, saying, “With our        (e.g., Abandoned Cart Reminders,. Order             uplift to client online revenues. Of course,
 new products, we provide clients with an          Follow-Up notes, etc.) and then tailor each         like all digital tactics, they must be deployed
 omni-channel personalization platform that        message from there. As noted above, Push            strategically to yield such results. And to help
 allows them to build individual but unified       Notifications — messages that pop up on             achieve this, the Segmentify platform offers
 relationships with their customers on mul-        mobile devices automatically — are another          both personalized and segmented Push
 tiple marketing channels. Email campaigns         key feature of the platform. These messages         Notification features, including 10 different
 are still a strong tactic, and they are a great   are simple to create, can be sent at any time,      self-triggering ‘scenarios’ for use (custom-
 way to keep in touch with customers and           and customers don’t have to be in a specific        izable campaign variables such as defined
 remind them about their favourite products.       application or even using their devices to          send-times, frequency caps, campaign life-
 However, now that everyone is doing that,         receive them.                                       cycles and more).
 leading brands are looking for ways to dif-
 ferentiate their marketing programs. And our      These      characteristics  caused     Push         More information about this growing
 ecommerce personalization capabilities are        Notifications to rank in the Top 5 for mar-         company and its platform can be found
 among the best new tools.”                        keting channel effectiveness in 2018. They          on the website. segmentify.com 

❮ 8                                                                                                 WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
ProntoForms Corporation, the leader
in smart mobile forms, signed a multi-
year agreement this Quarter to deploy its
Enterprise-tier solution with another Global
Fortune 500 company. The contract has a
total value of approximately $900,000 USD,
and is evidence of the inroads the company
is making into the enterprise SaaS sector.

The software platform will be used by this
customer to improve the quality of medical
device inspection and maintenance services
in hospitals and clinics around the world. The     A simple and agile platform that allows
                                                  ——                                             Alvaro Pombo, CEO and founder of
software will help improve the “in service”        ongoing development of apps and               ProntoForms commented that, “Enterprise
levels of the medical devices, improve the         extended use cases to meet business           companies look for fast time-to-market solu-
consistency and reliability of the field tech-     growth and evolution.                         tions. They want to build business focused,
nicians’ work, and by extension will increase      A platform that supports unique work
                                                  ——                                             easy-to-use apps that will accelerate their
the overall quality of the healthcare provided.    and compliance requirements in more           field automation initiatives. Our platform
                                                   than 100 countries.                           continues to demonstrate strengths in these
Features of the software that enabled the          Contextual workflows to enable techni-
                                                  ——                                             areas and that is key to our continued growth
company to win this contract included:             cians to work through complex tasks.          strategy.” prontoforms.com 
——An agile no-/low-code platform with              Workflows to share field data with man-
  automated governance to help ensure              agement, partners and suppliers outside
  compliance with IT policies.                     their core systems.

ICC WALES EMBRACING                               order to drive commercial engagement. But      with successful events. The answers formed
                                                  are the Centres themselves doing all they      a playbook with which to operate the new
NEW TECHNOLOGIES                                  can to maximize the value delivered in these   facility, and drove a commitment by the
TO MAXIMIZE                                       guest experiences and engagements?             team to become recognized as ‘best-in-class’
                                                                                                 in functions and services that included:
GUEST EXPERIENCE                                  The state-of-the-art International Conven-
AND OPERATIONAL                                   tion Centre Wales (ICCW) is working hard to     Pre-event booking services
                                                  ensure it does deliver that value. The venue    Parking optimization
EFFECTIVENESS                                     is being built/finished with conference         Transportation logistics management
                                                  technology at its core, embedding new           Delegate count monitoring
                                                  event-related features and applications into    Queue length monitoring
                                                  the infrastructure from the start.              Wait time management
Convention Centres are in the business                                                            Lecture/presentation timing
of marrying appealing events and guest            During the facility design phase, ICCW          management
speakers with volumes of attendees and            management consulted with conference            VIP concierge services
commanding not-trivial prices for the             organizers around the world to identify         Security services
opportunity to take in the show or present a      and understand the most important Key           Overall guest ‘journey’ tracking, and more
company brand to the assembled crowds in          Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated                                                

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                 9 ❯
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - L-SPARK Enters the World of Corporate Accelerators
Consider for example the movement in and           the use of software from InitLive. The SaaS
 out of the facility of guests, exhibitors, staff   platform and mobile device app lets event
 and others. Visitors to large venues are often     managers plan, prepare and execute their
 left asking “Why are the lines so long?” or        business, community and other events more
 “Didn’t they plan for crowds of this size?”,       easily and successfully. Features inherent in
 or similar but less-polite questions. Such         the tool help organisers register the volun-
 situations are not always easy to tolerate at      teers they need for an event, schedule and
 important or costly events.                        manage the shifts for these resources, alert
                                                    individuals or groups digitally (over their
 Technologies such as that available from           smartphone) to any changes, issues or emer-
 Solink help address these issues. A network        gencies, and report after the event on overall
 of artificial intelligence and 3D cameras are      performance for future planning.
 being installed at the ICCW to constantly
 monitor the flow of delegates through the          Increasingly, delegates today look for event
 facility. It begins at the taxi drop-off and       information pertaining to registration,             to any issues, and feeds into active public
 pick-up area, where the spaces and vehicle         content agendas and other proceedings               relations and news generation strategies.
 flow will be managed carefully, and it includes    through their smartphones. Conferences              Technology from Eyesover and Echosec
 the registration areas where lines and crowds      now create bespoke mobile applications              leverage publicly accessible social media
 will be monitored to reduce wait times. The        to manage this customer engagement and              and online data feeds to monitor and under-
 system recognizes and even ‘anticipates’ high      exchange of information. Evidence shows             stand guest trends and opinions in real-time.
 traffic situations based on aggregated data,       that the importance of these apps contin-           Armed with this data, artificial intelligence
 and keeps human operators informed and             ues to grow. However, one shortcoming is            analyses a venue to compile reports of posi-
 prepared to react. Higher rates of people          the limited ability to connect guests to live       tive and negative impacts, event influencers
 movement trigger predefined responses              (human) support services to address individ-        and common opinions. Understanding
 such as real-time messaging on facility sign-      ual questions, concerns or requirements. This       how the event logistics, content, schedules
 age, as well as alerts to staff mobile devices     is particularly important with higher-end           and other characteristics are being received
 to adjust resource allocation.                     offerings such as VIP Concierge Services.           by guests allows organisers to react in the
                                                                                                        moment as well as adjust future plans.
 The Solink technology is being augmented           Talkative provides software that the ICCW           For example, being able to address any
 with that from portfolio company Teldio.           will promote from the start as an essential         less-than-desirable situations before any
 Heat map features from Teldio provide vis-         add-on utility for all conference apps. The         guest opinions go viral adds a level of mes-
 ual representations of people movement             real-time web-chat functionality is embed-          sage management and control not other-
 at given locations, identifying pinch-points       ded into the app in seconds and enables live        wise available.
 for example, and enabling more effective           communication between conference dele-
 pre-event planning as well as real-time            gates and a team of specialists so that que-        The ICCW is investing in technologies such
 adjustments of layouts, displays and other         ries are responded to and resolved as quickly       as these and others to help ensure the KPIs
 infrastructure. Specific assets or whole areas     as possible. App users are offered a choice as      identified earlier remain at a best-in-class
 of the facility can be identified digitally        to how they wish to communicate. In a noisy         level. These are investments in making the
 as ‘secure’ or restricted, and Teldio track-       venue, text-chat may be a quick and appro-          event ‘journey’ a positive one for guests, and
 ing beacon technology will alert staff to          priate method, but other times video chat,          the events themselves as successful as pos-
 unauthorised approaches to these areas. The        perhaps to translate signage or help with           sible for the organisers and staff who bring
 Teldio software integrates into existing infra-    ongoing travel, may be more useful. And it is       them to the facility. The doors will be open-
 structure and provides efficient communica-        all centralised within the original conference      ing soon. We look forward to reporting on
 tion between organisers and staff who are          app to keep things simple.                          the results. iccwales.com 
 connected using wireless radios as well as
 those using SMS or other instant messaging.        Monitoring and analysing real-time guest            This article was from a blog by Paul Bailey,
                                                    sentiment during a conference itself gener-         Marketing and Design Director, Wesley
 Staff and volunteer management at the              ates unique and very valuable feedback for          Clover Innovation Centre, UK.
 Centre are also being enhanced through             event organisers. It enables rapid response

❮ 10                                                                                                 WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
The Latest Venture Capital                                               pull-back in Q4 of 2018, but at nearly $52B in investments, it was
                                                                         still the third-strongest quarterly result. In keeping with the trend
Activities and Trends                                                    identified above, the total number of deals during that quarter also
                                                                         declined, by more than 700 from the peak two quarters earlier.
As this is the first issue of Q for calendar 2019, we thought it
would make sense to provide an update on the latest invest-
ment activities being reported around the world. Combining a
number of sources, we offer the following picture.

The Global View
       PWC and CB Insights released their MoneyTree Report earlier
this year, and according to their research, VC-backed companies
raised more than $207B USD in 2018, a 21% increase from the total
of $171B raised in 2017. The total number of deals completed was
14,247 — an increase of 10% from 2017.
       Much of the near-record total was driven by an increase in
deals valued at more than $100M, with 382 such deals closing versus      More of the US Story
266 in 2017. Not surprisingly, nearly half these mega-deals took place          Digging deeper into the 2018 results in the US, the trend to
in the US.                                                               fewer, bigger deals was reflected in a decline in seed-stage activity
                                                                         for the fourth year in a row. And over the last five years, the ratio of
                                                                         early- to later-stage investing has shifted from roughly a 60-40 split
                                                                         to 50-50. Using 2018 results, that represents almost $10B of enabling
                                                                         capital that moved from start-ups to more established companies.
                                                                                In terms of where in the US the deal-making was being done,
                                                                         again it is not surprising to find the state of California leading the
                                                                         way. New York (state) and Massachusetts traded spots in second and
                                                                         third place depending on whether the measurement was number of
                                                                         deals done or amount of funds invested. But these activities were also
                                                                         taking place in many more locales as well, confirming that clusters of
                                                                         innovation are growing around the country.

      There, a total of 184 $100M+ deals closed last year, which was
more than a 50% increase from 2017. Overall, US start-ups secured
nearly $99.5B in funding, a 30% year-over-year increase and the
highest total since the dot-com craze set the current record of $119B
in 2000. However, the 5,536 total deals was the lowest number
since 2013. The result is that more money was placed into fewer US
companies but apparently at higher valuations, reflecting an investor
appetite there for fewer but larger deals.
      In Asia, the story was somewhat opposite. Total funding
increased by a modest 11% for the year, to just under $81B. However,
the total number of deals surged 42% to more than 5050. And in
Europe, the results were a little less dramatic. Deal activity there            That said, the San Francisco/Silicon Valley area once again far
slipped, but only slightly, from 2,871 in 2017 to 2,745 last year.       outstripped any other in the country in investment activity for the
However the total funding climbed 17% from $18B to $21B.                 year. In terms of deals done, the 380 deals may have been only 31% of
      Looking at global trends over the last two years, overall fund-    the 1211 total for the country. But in terms of funds invested, the total
ing has climbed quarter-over quarter. One exception was a small          in the fourth quarter of 2018 alone was almost equal to the rest of the

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                  11 ❯
country combined, at about $12B out of $25.0B for
 the US as a whole. A key take-away — if you want
 to raise more money on a deal, it still pays to chase
 it in Silicon Valley.

 Where the Investments are Going
         In terms of the industry sectors that attracted
 the most funding in 2018, again the US is a good
 indicator of global trends. There, the dominant sec-
 tor was the ‘Internet’, with a total 540 deals (more
 than three times the closest sector) and more than
 $9.0B dollars invested in the fourth quarter alone
 (more than twice the next sector).
         Hopefully for the benefit of us all, Healthcare
 companies were the next-most attractive for invest-
 ment, securing $4.0B dollars across 162 deals. Mobile
 and telecom app companies were not far behind
 at $3.5B over 150 deals, followed by non-Internet/
 non-Mobile software companies ($3.0B on 111 deals). It was a big           those investors interested in funding less deals with larger amounts
 drop off from there, where Consumer Product and Services compa-            of money, to be focused on business expansion activity.
 nies were able to close only 51 deals.                                            The state of California was particularly active in the funding of
         In terms of specific technologies, annual funding for Artificial   AI. 53 deals and just under $2.0B in investment took place there in just
 Intelligence (AI) initiatives, which cross over industry sectors, has      the fourth quarter of the year. Massachusetts was a distant second
 risen steadily over the years. And while the number of investments         during that period, with only 13 deals and roughly $250.0M invested,
 in 2018 dropped noticeably (down to 466 from 533), the amount of           and the drop off continued to Texas which rounded out the Top Five
 funds committed jumped the most, at 72% to $9.3B. This suggests            states with just 3 deals and $10.0M in financing. It is clear a growing
 companies in the space are maturing their products and attracting          ecosystem for AI companies continues to form in California.
                                                                                                                             continued on page 22

 ALACRITÉ FRANCE                                   addressed currently. The customer needs
                                                   behind each of the solutions were brought
                                                                                                      their stores more rapidly. Automating these
                                                                                                      procedures and generating the insight the
 LAUNCHES FIRST                                    forward by Wesley Clover International             solution provides helps clients improve their
 TWO START-UPS                                     and Mitel Networks (both key stakeholders
                                                   in Alacrité France), as part of the Alacrity
                                                                                                      bottom line. The insight comes from con-
                                                                                                      necting existing customer video-surveillance
                                                   company building model.                            systems together with ‘point of sale’ (POS)
 Alacrité (France) is located in LILLE, a com-                                                        terminals and other network-connected
 mercial and industrial city 200 kilometers                                                           business systems to provide video/data
 North of Paris. During the Quarter, the fund                                                         records of specific business events.
 housed four project teams (teams working
 on their first business/product ideas) as well                                                       The ReactEvent platform is based on intel-
 as two newly-incorporated start-ups.                                                                 lectual property sourced from Solink, an
                                                                                                      affiliate of the Wesley Clover ecosystem.
 Called ReactEvent and Diskyver, the two                                                              Solink provided the IP to kick start the pro-
 new companies have been incubated in the                                                             ject and enable a complimentary solution
 Alacrité program over the past year. Both are                                                        to what they already offer. A Memorandum
 now staffed and financed for the next critical    ReactEvent has created a new video-based           of Understanding (MoU) is in place between
 steps in their journeys toward business           business intelligence platform for brick-and-      both parties, and the two are working on
 success, and each is bringing an original         mortar businesses that helps owners and            even greater technical and business colla­
 solution to a market opportunity that is not      managers identify and react to events in           boration moving forward.

❮ 12                                                                                               WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
manufacturers were being attacked by crim-       In the case of each of these new companies,
                                                  inal elements in scams that according to the     they have taken steps to ensure their solu-
                                                  Communications Fraud Control Association         tions will be relevant across as broad a range
                                                  (CFCA) were resulting in worldwide financial     of customers as possible. But like all good
                                                  losses amounting to $29.2 Billion!               start-ups, they are resisting any temptation
                                                                                                   to try and be ‘all things to all people’. They
Diskyver, on the other hand, is developing        It was evident that telecommunications           are keeping distractions to a minimum, and
cybersecurity solutions for enterprise tele-      cybersecurity solutions on the same level        taking small, calculated steps to build their
phone systems. This is a traditional market       as those available to the IT sector were         new businesses. Again, exactly as the Alacrity
space, but is one where customers intro-          required, and that the need was not being        model and program encourages.
duce risk when evolving their systems to          addressed by existing cybersecurity firms. In
newer IP and cloud technologies. The mar-         response, Diskyver has now applied artificial    We look forward to reporting about
ket need was identified and further defined       intelligence (AI) and machine learning to the    more of their growth in future issues of Q.
by Mitel France shortly after the Alacrité        design of a software platform that provides      alacrite.fr 
fund was formed a year ago. They were             this protection in real-time. The new platform
observing first-hand how new IPBX (digi-          will be available shortly.
tal office telephone) installations from all

ENGLISH NINJAS                                                                                     or Android Google Play Store. They then
                                                                                                   register with the system and subscribe to
PROVIDES A SOLUTION                                                                                the monthly service package they want
TO A GLOBAL DEMAND                                                                                 (selecting topics, frequency, etc.). Payment
                                                                                                   is done by credit card and charged every
                                                                                                   month until the customer cancels.
English Ninjas, one of the Turkey-based
Alacrity companies, has created an online                                                          A disruptive new approach to a traditional
portal and mobile application for acquiring                                                        service industry. And the results are impres-
one-on-one English-language teaching ser-                                                          sive. Students received more than 8250 hours
vices. Customers speak with and learn from                                                         of live training last Quarter, an increase of
trained tutors at any time, from anywhere. It                                                      43% from the previous period. Revenues
is an innovative approach to the English-as-                                                       for the company increased by 20% over the
a-second-language education market, using                                                          same timeframe. Most of that revenue is
a model similar to that now deployed world-                                                        currently being generated from students in
wide in another industry by UBER.                                                                  Turkey, Brazil, South Korea, Japan and Saudi
                                                                                                   Arabia, but as these demographics and the
English Ninjas does not operate any schools                                                        system architecture prove, there are no limits
or other teaching facilities. It does not                                                          to where the services can be delivered and
employ dozens of teachers. Instead the            based on their own interests, professions or     consumed. The team is also about to launch
software they have built manages the inter-       objectives. They select the tutor(s) they want   a variant of the platform for teaching English
actions between students of all ages and          to work with — one or many. They even            to children.
proficiencies around the globe who wish           choose the mutually agreeable schedule
to improve their English speaking skills, and     they wish to follow — 7/24/365. Tutors and       Look for further updates on this exciting
similarly dispersed English-speaking tutors.      students are both evaluated automatically        new company, and see for yourself online
The mobile- and web-based app offers              after each session to ensure the learning        at englishninjas.com. 
video or voice-only engagement between            objectives are met and the teaching quality
student and tutor, and the curriculums and        is maintained at the highest levels.
testing sessions that are aligned to the indi-
vidual pace of each student. Students select      Customers (students) download the English
the topics they wish to use for their learning,   Ninjas application from the Apple App Store

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                  13 ❯
Cliniconex Growth
 Continuing in 2019
 Cliniconex is on a mission to improve patient
 engagement across the healthcare industry.
 In 2018 the company added more than 1,300
 medical professionals and senior care provid-
 ers to its user community, bringing the total to
 more than 4,500. Cliniconex SaaS technology
 now helps trigger more than 550,000 patient
 engagements each month, reducing patient
 no-shows, improving patient and resident sat-
 isfaction, lowering clinic operating costs and
 returning valuable time to care providers.

 The end of 2018 was a very active period for the
 development team as they completed work on
 the first release of a new patient surveying and
 health promotion module called HQI (Health
 Quality Improvement). The software plugs into
 clinic Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems     Cliniconex expects to see greater growth from
 and generates automated post-appointment           this channel moving forward.
                                                                                                       Pilot customers are
 surveying to increase patient response rates                                                          very pleased with the
 and yield greater demographic insight.             Last November, the Cliniconex team                 results, experiencing
                                                    attended the PointClickCare SUMMIT2018             higher response
 Pilot customers are very pleased with the          in Nashville TN, marking the official entry for
 results, experiencing higher response rates        the company into the U.S. Long Term Care           rates to surveys that
 to surveys that enable them to better com-         industry. PointClickCare is the largest EHR        enable them to better
 ply with regional requirements for increased       vendor in North America, and thanks to the         comply with regional
 reporting on patient experiences. For example,     SaaS integration that now qualifies Cliniconex
 “Cliniconex has helped the Manitoulin Central      as a PointClickCare Marketplace vendor, this
                                                                                                       requirements for
 Family Health Team improve response rates          event brought together more than 2,000             increased reporting on
 for surveys by an estimated 85%,” said Lori        potential new customers. New features for          patient experiences.
 Oswald, Executive Director. “We are better         resident family engagement, such as outbreak
 equipped to measure patient satisfaction on        notification and care plan reminders, were well
 an on-going basis and able to build compre-        received, validating the need for such services.
 hensive quality improvement plans.”
                                                    The team returned from Nashville with close
 In Canada, Cliniconex distributes its SaaS         to 200 leads and has since been deploying
 through the largest EMR vendors — QHR              its software in several of these long term care
 Technologies (Loblaw) and TELUS Health. In         homes. This market segment is expected to
 2018, these partners delivered more than           yield much of the growth expected by the
 $1.6M in SaaS services to clinic operators who     company for 2019, with more than 1,600,000
 continue to be loyal customers, exhibiting         beds set as the deployment target.
 a monthly ‘churn’ or abandon rate of less
 than 0.5%. And with more sales enablement          We will keep watch as these new sources of
 sessions, customer symposiums and joint-           growth come together for Cliniconex
 marketing campaigns rolling out in 2019,           in 2019. cliniconex.com 

❮ 14                                                                                            WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
INITLIVE MOVING                                    volunteer management was a top-5 reason
                                                   to buy event management technology. The
UP-MARKET TO TARGET                                data reaffirmed that event staff will make or
LARGER CUSTOMERS                                   break the success of a given event, and there-
                                                   fore management of these key resources is
2018 was a pivotal year for InitLive, makers       paramount to that success. It also showed
of a SaaS platform and mobile device app for       that medium- to large-sized event produ-
managing business, community and other             cers represent more than 40% of the overall
events as well as the staff and volunteers         market, and a majority expect to spend more
required to organize and deliver those events      to acquire the tools and technologies they
successfully. The year marked the start for the    need to operate most effectively.
company of a “Bridge to Enterprise” strategy
that would transition the product, marketing       InitLive is moving aggressively to address
and business development focus for the firm        these needs and increase their own average
on to larger new customers. Customers that         value per customer accordingly. This change       Revenue per Account for 2018 coming in at
include single Event Producers who require         is not without challenge, of course. For          nearly double what it was the previous year.
more than 500 volunteers per internal or           example, larger customers have more com-
third-party event, and Multi-Event producers       plex workforce management needs, more             The company continues to innovate faster
who organize five or more events annually          extensive database and reporting needs,           than ever, and they must, as not surprisingly
and manage more than 2000 volunteers in            and greater feature capacity requirements.        they are encountering new competitors
total across those events. InitLive is complet-    They also expect an ‘enterprise’ approach to      in this up-market segment. But the team
ing this transition as the first Quarter of 2019   pricing and support. InitLive has now imple-      remains confident in their abilities to com-
comes to a close.                                  mented software and operational changes           pete and win, knowing their mobile-first,
                                                   to meet these needs, including a new licens-      event-day features are distinct differentia-
Supporting the strategy, in a study done           ing model with more scalable monthly fees         tors. An increasing number of new custom-
recently by Capterra, a popular Web service        based on event quantity and sizes. Returns        ers are proving this to be true. We will watch
that helps businesses find software solutions,     on these investments are validating the           as this community continues to grow.
43% of respondents suggested that staff/           strategic change already, with the Average        initlive.com 

THINKRF RELEASES                                   as GPS) functionality. This new platform
                                                   enables users to conduct advanced spec-
                                                                                                     Dr. Jasvinder Obhi, VP Product Management
                                                                                                     and Marketing at ThinkRF. “This is a significant
SPECTRUM ANALYZER                                  trum analysis in the burgeoning new market        step forward for customers focused on
WITH GPS INTEGRATION                               that includes moving vehicle (autonomous
                                                   or not) and other mobile applications.
                                                                                                     mobile situational awareness and other
                                                                                                     advanced analysis applications.”
Ottawa-based ThinkRF is the leader in soft-
ware-defined spectrum analysis for detect-         The built-in GPS capabilities add ongoing         ThinkRF also released the ThinkRF P120
ing, analyzing and monitoring complex              time and location data to the range of mea-       Vehicular Power Conditioner, to provide reg-
radio signals in the rapidly evolving wireless     surements taken and give users a full view of     ulated power to portable spectrum analysis
landscape. Built on patented technologies,         the dynamic spectrum environment, offer-          gear and protect against vehicular power
ThinkRF has a large ecosystem to provide RF        ing advanced geolocation techniques such          transients. These new products will help
(radio frequency) Application Developers,          as Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), Power       keep the company in a leadership position
RF Engineers and Monitoring Program                Difference of Arrival (PDOA) and Angle of         as the market opportunities continue to
Managers with unmatched, cost-effective            Arrival (AOA) to pinpoint the location of sig-    evolve. thinkrf.com 
insight for their wireless research, develop-      nals of interest in a range of new scenarios.
ment and deployment activities.
                                                   “The ThinkRF R5700 is the only analyzer
This Quarter, the company launched the             that combines the performance needed
ThinkRF R5700, a real-time spectrum ana-           to cover the 27 GHz frequency range with
lyzer with integrated Global Navigation            the portability and form-factor to be used
Satellite System (GNSS — also known                easily in a vehicle or in the field,” explained

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                                     15 ❯
Wesley Clover Parks
 Jumping From One
 Season to the Next
 Wesley Clover Parks is once again ramping
 up for a busy summer season of programs
 and events for the local community and
 visitors. Here are several highlights from
 the latest Quarter, and some hints at what
 is up next:

 CAMP                                             FARM                                                a formal plan is now in place to make the
 —— Key among the recent steps taken to           The Community Supported Pollination                 resulting donation to the chosen charity for
    improve the visitor experience at the         Project is returning to The Parks in 2019,          the event, the Ottawa Senators Foundation.
    Wesley Clover Parks Campground was            in continued partnership with Gees Bees
    the introduction of an online reservation     Honey Company. The Project allows people
    system. The 2018 season was the busiest       to buy a seasonal share in an active beehive,
    to date, and the new system is sure to        meet their bees at harvest time, and receive a
    prove its weight in gold once the 2019        12-month supply of the resulting honey. Last
    season begins in May.                         year shares in the hives sold out in record
                                                  time, and the same is anticipated again
 —— For example, seven new powered sites for      this season. While the beehives have been
    trailer camping have now been added,          covered with snow over the last Quarter,
    expanding the total available to 170 sites.   providing them with necessary insulation
    Bookings for all these sites are already      against the winter cold, things will no doubt
    ahead of previous years.                      be buzzing again soon …                             LEARN
                                                                                                      The Ottawa Forest and Nature School is
                                                  GATHER                                              building upon their licensed Nature-Based
                                                  The popular Magic of Lights holiday display         Early Learning Program for 2019. This pro-
                                                  wrapped up another successful run at The            gram offers preschoolers the opportunity to
                                                  Parks in January. Ticket sales increased more       spend two days per week in an immersive
                                                  than 10% from the previous season as a              forest experience, playing and learning in
                                                  record number of visitors took in the specta-       outdoor spaces based around their cabin in
                                                  cle, which is becoming a new family holiday         the Wesley Clover Parks Campground, and
                                                  tradition. The final math has been done, and        popularity is skyrocketing.

❮ 16                                                                                               WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
PLAY                                            RIDE
—— Kanata Nordic skiers have been grateful      —— The Ottawa Equestrian Tournaments            —— New for 2019, the Ian Millar School of
   for a lot of snowy weather over the last        return to Wesley Clover Parks for the 5th       Horsemanship will be introducing a
   Quarter, making full use of the more            year in 2019. More than 1,500 horses            horseback riding day camp tailored to
   than 18 kilometers of trails at The Parks.      competed in 2018, more than 20,000              pre-school children as well as one for
   The annual Pretzel Sprint Race and Snow         visitors attended, and more than                riders preparing to compete. These are
   Day events were very popular again,             $435,000 in prize money was awarded.            in addition to the popular beginner day
   encouraging visitors to try a variety of        The bar has been raised further this year       camps. More information can be found
   winter activities including classic and         with the addition of the CSI2 Ottawa            at wesleycloverparks.com. 
   skate skiing, snowshoeing, and even a           International I and the return of the CSI3
   laser-rifle biathlon station.                   Ottawa International II in July.

—— The West Ottawa Soccer Club is preparing     —— The Parks will offer a variety of Bronze-,
   quickly to take advantage of the sports         Silver-, Gold- and Platinum-level events
   fields at The Parks once again, with            in 2019, including regional “Trillium”
   plans in place to host the first games          hunter-jumper competitions, the Ottawa
   during the 3rd annual Wesley Clover Cup         Dressage Festival, and for the first time,
   Tournament and Showcase on April 13th           the Ontario Horse Trials Association
   and 14th, 2019.                                 Championships. Overall, nearly 4,000
                                                   horses are expected to visit the site.

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019                                                                                             17 ❯
AirVM Keeps Multi-Cloud Costs in Line
 AirVM has created a multi-cloud moneti-         six different providers to fully address needs        Big names in the industry, including Amazon
 zation platform called HyAlto that enables      that include data privacy and sovereignty,            Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google
 service providers and enterprises to deploy     compliance and security.                              Cloud Platform and VMware, are reaping
 cloud services in any of the leading environ-                                                         the benefits. But challenges remain, such
 ments from AWS, Microsoft, VMWare and           This can make for a lot of complexity. What           as ensuring enterprises, and the managed
 others. The days of enterprises relying on      makes the cloud so appealing — the ability            service providers (MSPs) that work as trusted
 premises-based servers to host applications     to access services and capacity on demand,            advisors between customers and cloud
 and data, managed by internal “IT guys,” are    conveniently and easily — can also give               providers, have the tools to monitor usage
 fading fast. Today, most organizations are      rise to cost and other concerns, for example          and track costs accurately.
 turning to cloud services (aka “Something”-     when there is a need to shift workloads and
 as-a-Service) to handle their evolving needs    data between different clouds.                        Multi-cloud enterprises need the visibility to
 for computing horsepower, application host-                                                           ensure their cloud usage is aligned and sized
 ing and data management.                        That said, multi-cloud is here to stay. Market        correctly for their business priorities, and that
                                                 research firm Gartner last summer forecast            they don’t pay for services or capacity they
 And we are no longer talking about just         large global growth for the sector through            don’t need or use. AirVM and the HyAlto
 one cloud. The market has evolved rapidly,      2018: 35.9 per cent for Infrastructure-               cloud monetization platform provide a sin-
 and the term “multi-cloud” now comes into       as-a-Service (IaaS) to US$40.8 billion, 22.2 per      gle dashboard through which to solve this
 play frequently. This means an organization     cent for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) to              challenge — one that is automated, cloud
 is using services from more than one cloud      US$73.6 billion, and 26 per cent for Platform-        agnostic and scalable. Visit the website for
 provider to deploy the best combination         as-a-Service (PaaS) to $15 billion. And               full insight. airvm.com 
 of services at the best price. On average,      double-digit gains are expected to continue
 enterprises with an established cloud strat-    through 2022.
 egy now use a combination of services from

❮ 18                                                                                                WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2019
You can also read